Re: Thread-safety in Pylons (Python?)

2009-03-05 Thread Peter Hansen

Kamil Gorlo wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 3:46 AM, Philip Jenvey wrote:

 Yeah, this site is a bit ambigous, e.g.
 Operations that replace other objects may invoke those other objects’
 __del__ method when their reference count reaches zero, and that can
 affect things. This is especially true for the mass updates to
 dictionaries and lists. When in doubt, use a mutex!
 But before that statement author said that following operations are atomic:
 D[x] = y
 where x,y are objects and D1 and D2 are dict. So how this could be true?

I believe the adjective atomic applies only to the affect on D or D1, 
in this case, and given the comment about __del__ I think it probably 
doesn't apply even to the .update() case (unless D2 has length 1).

 But even if we assume that getitem and setitem on dict are atomic (on
 'steady' value only? which means primitives?). How to solve problem
 which I am facing now:
 I want to start another thread T1 in my Pylons App (manually, not
 Paste#http worker) and have some global dict which all http workers
 will read. But T1 periodically will update this dictionary (in fact
 all he want to do is to swap this global dict with local dict which
 was prepared during his work). In this dict I will have Python
 primitives (other dicts too) and simple classes which act only as
 'structs'. Do I need lock?

If by swap you simply mean you will be rebinding the global name to a 
new dictionary, then the rebinding itself will certainly be atomic.  One 
the other hand, if the various worker threads access this global name 
more than once in a request (or session, or whatever) then you will 
certainly have problems as they would use the old dictionary for part of 
the request then use the new one.

If they simply grab a local reference to the global name (possibly 
storing it in their request object, or session, depending on what you 
need) when first needed, and thereafter access it only from there, I 
can't see how you'd have any problems (ignoring issues involving changes 
to various contained items, which might be shared if you haven't ensured 
they are not).

I think if you aren't sure yet what will work, post some pseudo-code 
showing what you would do if you were to ignore thread-safety issues.

Also note that use of the Queue module is a very common step to dealing 
with thread-safety issues, generally resulting in most or all potential 
problems just going away.  If that could work for you it's probably the 
best bet.

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
Engenuity Corporation

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Re: Deployment Question

2008-05-21 Thread Peter Hansen

Cliff Wells wrote:
 Anyway, I think we've gone way OT for long enough.  We can continue
 offlist if you like.

While it may be off-topic** I want to say I've found the background 
discussion from everyone involved (who are all more experienced and 
knowledgeable in this area than I am) to be very interesting and 
educational and valuable.

I'm running Pylons direct for a beta site, and behind lighttpd for 
some others, but this is one of the few threads in which I've read all 
the content lately, and I hope it isn't really considered so off-topic 
that you feel you have to stop.  And if you do, well, thanks for all the 
fish while it lasted, anyway.


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Re: Pudge Doc Working?

2007-08-31 Thread Peter Hansen

On 8/30/07, Aaron R [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In another message string it was mentioned that James was working on a
 replacement for Pudge?  Any info on this, i would potentially be
 interested in helping as I have a desire for documentation system.

We're very interested in this whole area too, as we have a number of
projects with inadequate documentation and want to automate the whole
extraction of docs from docstrings plus building HTML docs from text

I've looked a number of times and haven't found anything resembling a
fully functional system for this, and the few that come close look
like crap.

The best I've seen so far is the hodge-podge of stuff that's in the
sqlalchemy project, down in the doc/build folder.  As you can tell
from the online docs, it's pretty darn good looking, and the tool
works fine when run here on the sqlalchemy trunk, which is more than I
can say for other packages.  (Even pydoc, part of the stdlib, gives
errors here, and I have the same troubles with pudge that everyone
else seems to have.)

Someone suggested pydoctor (
recently, but it's got some of the same issues, with its major
advantage being that it appears to be under active development which
is more than can be said of most packages.  A disadvantage though is
that at least on first glance it appears to focus solely on docstrings
and not on standalone documentation.

I'm at the point I probably will start to build something home-grown
here, probably trying to model it on the sqlalchemy concepts (but
without the ties to Mako and Myghty that seem to be in there), and
probably using ReST instead of Markdown or something less official
in the Python community.

Of course, if there really _is_ something out there that others find
just works, please please point me to it.  (Aaron, you said after the
above that you got Pudge working.  Does it actually generate the kind
of output you want?)


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Re: 'c' variable between redirects

2007-08-24 Thread Peter Hansen

Evert Rol wrote:
 As mentioned, I'm using the g variable (removing the attribute when  
 not needed), not session. Which one would be better? Is g perhaps  
 tied to the application, ie if multiple users use it, they all use  
 the same g variable, but session is still (browser/ip-address) user- 
 dependent? Sorry, I'm still a newbie, so I'm not t0o clear on this.

You definitely don't want to use g, which is truly application-global.
That means separate threads see the same g, and certainly separate
requests even if they come from different users.

Sessions are tied to the user, which means (roughly) that regardless of
threads you'll get the correct information about the user.

Everything else you're doing sounds quite reasonable and clean and nice
for the user, so if you just switch to sessions you'll be quite
reasonable and clean and nice *and* safe. ;-)


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Re: implementing a scalable (to multiple processors and multiple servers) Pylons webapp

2007-08-24 Thread Peter Hansen

On 8/24/07, Pekka Jääskeläinen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Apache 2.2 has a mod_proxy_balancer. If performance is a concern, you
  should go with the CherryPy WSGI server.
  use = egg:PasteScript#cherrypy
  instead of
  use egg:Paste#httpserver

 This didn't work, I changed the line

 use = egg:Paste#http
 use egg:Paste#cherrypy

  Even though I just installed CherryPy, I got error:

Note it's egg:PasteScript in the above, not just egg:Paste.


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PrefixMiddleware breaks setup-app (was Re: PrefixMiddleware breaks nosetests)

2007-08-23 Thread Peter Hansen

I'm encountering the same problem, under slightly different conditions
that lead me to think this is a bug, possibly with

I'm using ==dev release of pastescript and pastedeploy.  I've got a
pair of .ini files much like Laurent, with the only difference between
them being the filter-with and matching [filter:proxy-prefix] section
in the one file.

When I run paster setup-app withprefix.ini I get the same error
message about section 'main' is not the application.  When I run the
withoutprefix.ini file, no such problem.

A quick step through getcontext() (using pdb) in suggests
to me that something is broken, but I'm lost in the code (new to paste
etc) and know it will take hours to understand enough to track this
down.  Roughly speaking, it looks like the code in getcontext() is
returning the filter_with_context instead of the regular app context,
and the caller way up in
paste.script.appinstall.SetupCommand.command() is bothered that the
returned context doesn't have a .distribution attribute and spits out
that error.

That much I can see, but since I don't even know what a context is

On Jul 11, 1:53 pm, Ian Bicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You need to point at the section that has your application
 configuration.  So if you configuration is in [app:foobar], you have to
 change to appconfig('...#foobar') in your test file (in
 tests/, I think).

I would think the way I'm running it, with paster setup-app, means I'm
not in control of what is being pointed at, but I certainly have an
[app:main] which *is* my application, thus I suspect buggishness.

By the way, this affects only setup-app for me.  I can run paster
serve just fine with the withprefix.ini file, so my workaround is to
do paster setup-app withoutprefix.ini, then paster serve


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Re: PrefixMiddleware breaks setup-app (was Re: PrefixMiddleware breaks nosetests)

2007-08-23 Thread Peter Hansen

Peter Hansen wrote:
 I'm encountering the same problem, under slightly different conditions

Uh, sorry for the lack of context there (side effect of posting through
the web where the other messages are obviously right there in the thread).

I was replying to a post by Ian in reply to a thread started by Laurent
on July 10, where Laurent showed a problem which gave this error message:

   File c:\python24\lib\site-packages\PasteScript-1.3.4-py2.4.egg\paste
\script\, line 448, in command
 raise BadCommand(
BadCommand: The section 'main' is not the application (probably a
filter).  You should add #section_name, where section_name is the
section that configures your application

I hope that clarifies for anyone who reads the group through email...


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