Colorado Python seminar in November

2006-09-14 Thread lutz
Just a reminder that the Fall 2006 Colorado Python seminar 
is now less than 2 months away.  Space is limited, so plan 
now to come join us for a week of in-depth Python training 
in the Colorado Rockies.  For details, please see the 
original announcement below.

Mark Lutz's Python Training Services is pleased to announce 
that our Fall 2006 public Colorado seminar is now open.  
This 5-day Python training event will be held November 6 
through November 10.

This year, our Fall seminar will be held at Historic Crag's 
Lodge, a resort in Estes Park, Colorado.  Estes Park is a 
mountain town 80 miles from Denver's airport, and gateway 
to Rocky Mountain National Park.

This in an all-inclusive event.  Come spend 5 days mastering
Python in the beautiful Colorado Rockies, and let us handle
the details of your visit.  We will be providing students 
with rooms at the resort, three full meals per day, a guided
sightseeing tour, shuttle service to and from the Denver
airport, and our new Snake Charmers T-shirt.

Besides the included amenities, the extended format of this
session will allow for in-depth coverage of class topics. 
Like all our public classes, this seminar will be taught by
best-selling Python author and trainer Mark Lutz, and is 
open to individual enrollments. 

For more details, please see our web page: 

--Python Training Services


Support the Python Software Foundation:

lxml 1.1 and 1.0.4 released

2006-09-14 Thread Stefan Behnel
Hi all,

I'm proud to announce the release of lxml 1.1, right after lxml 1.0.4.


lxml 1.1 is a major new release that introduces many new features compared to
the 1.0 series.

lxml 1.0.4 is a maintenance release for the stable 1.0 series.

For a quick introduction:

lxml is a Pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries. It provides
safe and convenient access to these libraries using the ElementTree API. It
extends the ElementTree API significantly to offer support for XPath, RelaxNG,
XML Schema, XSLT, C14N and much, much more.

Its goals are:

* Pythonic API.
* Documented.
* Use Python unicode strings in API.
* Safe (no segfaults).
* No manual memory management!
  (as opposed to the official libxml2 Python bindings)

The main improvements in the 1.1 series are:

* threading support
* XPath axis iteration
* iterparse() and iterwalk()
* configurable Element class lookup methods
* lxml.objectify - a data binding API on top of lxml.etree

The complete changelog is below.

lxml 1.1 has been tested in an alpha and beta version and received various bug
fixes before the final release. It is currently considered stable and ready
for production use, whereas the 1.0 series are considered rock-stable and may
still be the right thing to choose for more conservative environments.

Bug-fix releases and minor improvements to the 1.1 and 1.0 series will
continue to become available at need. That way, 1.1 will soon be considered as
stable as 1.0 to become its the main line successor.

Given the many helpful egg contributions we received for past releases, I hope
that 1.1 (and 1.0.4) will be as well supported in that regard to help in
further increasing our community.

Thanks to everyone who helped in getting 1.1 done, in getting bugs fixed and
helping others in using it.

Have fun,

*** Changes in 1.0.4:

1.0.4 (2006-09-09)
Features added

* List-like Element.extend() method

Bugs fixed

* Crash in tail handling in Element.replace()

*** Changes in 1.1:

1.1 (2006-09-13)

Features added

* Comments and processing instructions return '!-- coment --' and
  '?pi-target content?' for repr()

* Parsers are now the preferred (and default) place where element class lookup
  schemes should be registered.  Namespace lookup is no longer supported by

Bugs fixed

* filenames with local 8-bit encoding were not supported

* 1.1beta did not compile under Python 2.3

* ignore unknown 'pyval' attribute values in objectify

* objectify.ObjectifiedElement.addattr() failed to accept Elements and Lists

* objectify.ObjectPath.setattr() failed to accept Elements and Lists

1.1beta (2006-08-08)

Features added

* Support for Python 2.5 beta

* Unlock the GIL for deep copying documents and for XPath()

* New ``compact`` keyword argument for parsing read-only documents

* Support for parser options in iterparse()

* The ``namespace`` axis is supported in XPath and returns (prefix, URI)

* The XPath expression / now returns an empty list instead of raising an

* XML-Object API on top of lxml (lxml.objectify)

* Customizable Element class lookup:

  * different pre-implemented lookup mechanisms

  * support for externally provided lookup functions

* Support for processing instructions (ET-like, not compatible)

* Public C-level API for independent extension modules

Bugs fixed

* XPathSyntaxError now inherits from XPathError

* Threading race conditions in RelaxNG and XMLSchema

* Crash when mixing elements from XSLT results into other trees, concurrent
  XSLT is only allowed when the stylesheet was parsed in the main thread

* The EXSLT ``regexp:match`` function now works as defined (except for some
  differences in the regular expression syntax)

* Setting element.text to '' returned None on request, not the empty string

* ``iterparse()`` could crash on long XML files

* Creating documents no longer copies the parser for later URL resolving.  For
  performance reasons, only a reference is kept.  Resolver updates on the
  parser will now be reflected by documents that were parsed before the
  change.  Although this should rarely become visible, it is a behavioral
  change from 1.0.

1.1alpha (2006-06-27)

Features added

* Module level ``iterwalk()`` function as 'iterparse' for trees

* Module level ``iterparse()`` function similar to ElementTree (see
  documentation for differences)

* Element.nsmap property returns a mapping of all namespace prefixes known at
  the Element to their namespace URI

* Reentrant threading support in RelaxNG, XMLSchema and XSLT


Re: [IronPython] [ANN] IronPython Community Edition 1.0r1

2006-09-14 Thread M. David Peterson, do you have a blog I can point people to?
Either way, Thanks! This will make things TONS easier in regards to running IronPython on Mono. :)On 9/13/06, Sanghyeon Seo 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I am happy to announce IronPython Community Edition (IPCE for short)
1.0 revision 1, based on IronPython 1.0, to the world.Get it here:
Binary is built with Mono of this edition:1. You don't need to fight Mono with non-working line editing orwhite-on-white blind console on Linux or Mac. A fix for this issue
and fixed binary is already included.2. You don't need to edit makefile to build from the source on Mono.3. Various bugfixes are included: patches are available here: above.patch-ironpython-co-flagsThis patch fixes an issue that co_flags reports **-argument only
function to have *-argument as well.patch-ironpython-codedom-empty-returnThis patch fixes an issue that CodeDom generator doesn't handle emptyreturn statements.patch-ironpython-oldstyle-setattr
This patch fixes an issue that __setattr__ wasn't called for old-style classes.patch-ironpython-os-utimeThis patch fixes an issue that os.utime didn't set modified time andset access time wrong.
patch-ironpython-re-backslash-escapeThis patch fixes an issue that backslash escape \\ wasn't properlyhandled in regular _expression_.--Seo Sanghyeon___
users mailing listusers@lists.ironpython.com
-- /M:DM. David Peterson |


Re: Refactor a buffered class...

2006-09-14 Thread lh84777
thanks a lot to all, i help me to learn a lot !

(i finally use the generator trick, it is great...)

best regards.


Re: How do I converted a null (0) terminated string to a Python string?

2006-09-14 Thread John Machin

Michael top-posted [again]:

 John Machin wrote:
  Michael top-posted [corrected]:
   John Machin wrote:
Michael wrote:
 Hi All,

 I've received (via UDP) a null terminated string and need to convert 
 into a Python string. Can anyone tell me how this is done? If it 
 I know the number of characters in the string.

I think you mean NUL, not null.
What have you received it into, if it's not a Python string?
You probably need/want this:
if strg[-1] == \0:
strg = strg[:-1]
strg = strg.rstrip(\0) # requires Python 2.2.2 or later
It's possible you may be talking about a fixed length string which
contains useful_stuff + \0 + padding -- in that case you need
strg = strg.split(\0)[0] # grab upto (but not including) the first
NUL (if any)
If you're not sure what you've got, print repr(the_input_string)
   Thank you very much for your responses. To answer some of the
   questions... Yes, I am in Python receiving a C language 0 terminated
   string that was sent to my Python program in a UDP packet (which is how
   I know the count). Are your responses still correct given this
  My responses are correct. Your clarification indicates to me that you
  are going by what you are told, not by inspection of (several instances
  of) the packet contents, using repr(). It's up to you whether you want
  to be skeptical about the packet contents or not. I certainly wouldn't
  be throwing the last byte away without checking that it was in fact a

 Thanks for your reply. Just wondering... how are Python strings
 formatted? Evidently they're not 0 terminated.

A Python string is an object. The details of the internal storage may
vary between implementations. CPython  has 8-bit str objects and 16-bit
or 32-bit Unicode objects. In IronPython, (str is Unicode) is true, and
they are 16 bits. In any case the object knows its own length without
having to scan for a terminator. Thus, a string can contain NULs.

Having said all that, the CPython str implementation does have an
additional byte at the end; this is set to zero and is not counted in
the length. However you never see that and don't really need to know
unless you are writing an extension module in C -- it's handy to know
that you don't have to append a NUL if you want to call a C library



Re: sending emails using python

2006-09-14 Thread sridhar

Tim Williams wrote:
 On 07/09/06, Sybren Stuvel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  sridhar enlightened us with:
   iam having user account on an exchangeserver.
   with that can i send an email using python?
   if iam using the following code iam getting error
   Traceback (most recent call last):
   line 5, in ?
   server = smtplib.SMTP(hstmsg002,25)
 File C:\Python24\lib\, line 244, in __init__
   (code, msg) = self.connect(host, port)
 File C:\Python24\lib\, line 307, in connect
   (code, msg) = self.getreply()
 File C:\Python24\lib\, line 351, in getreply
   raise SMTPServerDisconnected(Connection unexpectedly closed)
   SMTPServerDisconnected: Connection unexpectedly closed
  Well that's useless. You could install a network sniffer
  ( and find out what's actually sent over the
  network connection, and where things go wrong.

 Have you verified that you are allowed to use SMTP on this server ?
 Can you send email via it using outlook express or a similar POP3/IMAP
 mail client?

yes , because iam having account on that server


Re: best small database?

2006-09-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Blair P. Houghton wrote:

 Mmmm, no.
 I'm saying that the change from Oracle 9 to Oracle 10 is like changing
 from ffs to fat32.

well, I'm quite sure that the people I know who's spending a lot of 
their time moving stuff from Oracle N to Oracle N+1 (and sometimes 
getting stuck, due to incompatibilities between SQL and SQL and a lack 
of infinite resources) would say you're completely and utterly nuts.



Re: sending emails using python

2006-09-14 Thread sridhar

Brendon Towle wrote:
 On Sep 7, 2006, at 3:50 AM, sridhar

  iam having user account on an exchangeserver.
  with that can i send an email using python?
  if iam using the following code iam getting error
  fromAddress = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
  toAddress = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
  msg = Subject: Hello\n\nThis is the body of the message.
  import smtplib
  server = smtplib.SMTP(hstmsg002,25)
  server.sendmail(fromAddress, toAddress, msg)
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  line 5, in ?
  server = smtplib.SMTP(hstmsg002,25)
File C:\Python24\lib\, line 244, in __init__
  (code, msg) = self.connect(host, port)
File C:\Python24\lib\, line 307, in connect
  (code, msg) = self.getreply()
File C:\Python24\lib\, line 351, in getreply
  raise SMTPServerDisconnected(Connection unexpectedly closed)
  SMTPServerDisconnected: Connection unexpectedly closed

 I saw a similar error when I was not following the server's
 authentication protocol -- either failing to authenticate when it
 wanted it, or authenticating when it didn't want it. Here's the code
 I use -- tested on both an Exchange server and on Comcast's SMTP
 servers. It assumes some globals (in all caps) which you need to set

 def emailGivenString(host=SMTP_HOST, fromAddr=FROM_ADDR,
   toAddr=TO_ADDR, subject='', body='', auth=False):
  server = smtplib.SMTP(host)
  if auth:
  server.login('username', 'password')
  outMessage = 'From: %s\rTo: %s\rSubject: %s\r%s' %
   (FROM_HEADER, TO_HEADER, subject, body)
  server.sendmail(fromAddr, toAddr, outMessage)

 If this doesn't work, I second the previous suggestion of talking to
 the server admin.


 Brendon Towle, Ph.D.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +1-412-362-1530
 Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
 if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by
 definition, not
 smart enough to debug it. - Brian W. Kernighan

well, this type of authentication might work.Because the same process
of sending mail with authentication worked when i used java mail
application so iam confident of the same thing works in python also.


Re: How do I converted a null (0) terminated string to a Python string?

2006-09-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Michael wrote:

 Thanks for your reply. Just wondering... how are Python strings
 formatted? Evidently they're not 0 terminated.

have you tried *printing* the thing you got via UDP?

to get a programmer-friendly representation of an arbitrary object, use

 print repr(obj)

(where obj is your string, in this case).



Re: When is it a pointer (aka reference) - when is it a copy?

2006-09-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

   References to lists, dictionaries, and class instances (which are,
 in a way, just an expanded dictionary) are mutable

careful: it's not the *reference* that's mutable, it's the object.

the *only* difference between mutable and immutable objects is that
the latter don't provide any methods that you could use to modify their 

plain assignment (name=) *never* modifies objects, and *never* copies 

this article

may be useful for those who haven't already seen it.



Re: stock quotes

2006-09-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Larry Bates wrote:

 If the HTML on the page(s) you want to process is clean and well formed it
 can be pretty easy.  Download elementree from:

and if it turns out to be messy, but you still want to use the same API, 



Re: Newbie - ? get IDLE going on cygwin

2006-09-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
David J. Braden wrote:

 Worked great. This exercise has also raised my comfort level with the 
 whole endeavor. To get rebaseall going, I was told to install the 
 *entire* cygwin package. Good time to paint a couple of rooms, clean the 
 gutters, ...

or get a more convenient distribution.



Re: Are Python's reserved words reserved in places they dont need to be?

2006-09-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Cliff Wells wrote:

 patch here:
 Did you happen to remember this post or is Google *really* your friend?

Have you taken The Oath? If not, I'm afraid I cannot tell you.



Re: Linear regression in 3 dimensions

2006-09-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Dave!


 Hi Bernhard,
 I am just starting to learn Python; could you plz tell me specifically
 the introduction(s) you have in mind?


Take a look at the documenation section on

Especially the old NumPy documentation (follow link to NumPy tutorial)
and the scipy tutorial (there's an 'old' version as pdf) were helpfull.

There is also a fee based e-book on NumPy which I should buy to support
the development, because the package is so great :-)

For matplotlib take a look at and
get the user's guide.

Enjoy! Bernhard


Re: [ANN] XPN 0.6.5 released

2006-09-14 Thread Franz Steinhaeusler
On Tue, 12 Sep 2006 20:15:58 GMT, Nemesis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

XPN (X Python Newsreader) is a multi-platform newsreader with Unicode
support. It is written with Python+GTK. It has features like
scoring/actions, X-Face and Face decoding, muting of quoted text,
newsrc import/export, find article and search in the body, spoiler
char/rot13, random taglines and configurable attribution lines.

Hello Nemesis,

that is a great program, thank you.

I will try to use it and also attempt to 
customize it, so that it works like forte agent.

ironicEven better would it be to have it in wxPython/ironic

Some little points:

There is no progress bar or other info, if I subscribe one list.
There is a little in the lower left corner, but if a lot of headers
and bodies are received, the program seems to hang.
I actually killed it, because I thought that hanging.

It would be nice, if I click on the groups pane another group, 
the messages appear immediatly, without needing to double click the

When composing messages, the tab size is 8. It would be nice to 
have the possibility to adjust this size.


Re: time-based point system

2006-09-14 Thread Peter Otten
Jay wrote:

 That function is absolutely no good for this situation.
 1. Take a small number.
 2. Put it in the function.
 f(5.4348809719085693) = 1/5.4348809719085693
 3. Get a large number???
 That number is even smaller.  I want a large one coming out.

Not satisfied with with the shrink-wrapped functions available at your local
math-mart? Make your own from only a few data points:

from __future__ import division
import bisect

def make_function(*points):
Finest built-to-order maths since Archimedes
points = sorted(points)
xvalues = [p[0] for p in points]

def f(x):
i = bisect.bisect(xvalues, x)
if i == 0:
i = 1
if i = len(xvalues):
i = len(xvalues) - 1
x0, y0 = points[i-1]
x1, y1 = points[i]
return (y1-y0)/(x1-x0)*(x-x0) + y0
return f

if __name__ == __main__:
f = make_function((0, 10), (1, 100), (2, 10), (3, 1))
for i in range(-1, 21):
x = i / 10
print x, --, f(x)



lxml Windows binaries

2006-09-14 Thread Jan Dries
I'm trying to find Windows binaries for lxml. The cheeseshop is supposed 
to have such binaries, but I can't find them.
Does anyone know where I might find such binaries?



Re: How to build extensions on Windows?

2006-09-14 Thread Fuzzyman

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Fuzzyman schrieb:
  More interestingly, someone reported on Python-dev recently a speed
  improvement of around 30% (from memory) by compiling with VC 8. I know
  the grumble (almost certainly correctly) about Microsoft's 'odd'
  interpretation of the C standards in VC 8, but it looks like there are
  major benefits to switching...

 You may or may not know that it is futile arguing about compiler
 switching for released versions of Python, i.e. 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5.
 Whether or not it might be a good idea: it can't be done, for
 compatibility with prior releases.

Of course, but Python development continues... Into the future..




Why not event-driven packages in other than the main thread?

2006-09-14 Thread Tor Erik

I've developed an application were I've used Tkinter for the GUI.
When I ran the GUI in another thread than the main, it kept locking
I experienced similar problems with Twisted.

Both of these tools are event-based, so I guess that is the root of the 

But could anyone tell me why running these in a thread other than the 
main one doesn't work?


Re: [ANN] IronPython Community Edition 1.0r1

2006-09-14 Thread Richard Jones
Sanghyeon Seo wrote:
 I am happy to announce IronPython Community Edition (IPCE for short)
 1.0 revision 1, based on IronPython 1.0, to the world.

Is there any word on ctypes for IronPython? The last I can find out on
the tubes is a promising message dated back in June:

All messages since then seem to refer just to that one post.



Re: How do I converted a null (0) terminated string to a Python string?

2006-09-14 Thread John Machin

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Michael wrote:

  Thanks for your reply. Just wondering... how are Python strings
  formatted? Evidently they're not 0 terminated.

 have you tried *printing* the thing you got via UDP?

 to get a programmer-friendly representation of an arbitrary object, use

  print repr(obj)

 (where obj is your string, in this case).

Probably not; there was no indication after the two messages where I
mentioned repr :-)


Re: Looking for the Perfect Editor

2006-09-14 Thread Wildemar Wildenburger
 Hi Stu und Willie,

Thats new. ;)

 I will be running it under (sigh) Windows.
So? Apart from Microsoft being evil and spying on you all the time, I 
find much satisfaction in the fact that Windows Just Works(tm). Linux on 
the other hand Just Barely Works(tm). Hello flamewar :).

 I don't yet know what jython is about, or for, but I'm up for trying
  jedit for python.
jython is an implementation of python in java (hence the name ;)). That 
means it's a python interpreter inside a java virtual machine (groan). 
It basically lets you write java apps in python syntax. It's currently 
at python 2.1 I believe.
jEdit is extensible though java, and with the jython plugin also through 

 Which plugins give me a good start for scientific stuff?
Er ... I don't know. What do you mean by 'scientific stuff'?
You might want to look at python packages such as scipy (?) or numpy 
(for numerical calculations) or whatever those are called. I think you 
can hook up python to Matlab, Scilab or Mathematica, but don't take my 
word for it. I don't use any of this, so I cannot really tell you more.
None of this is jEdit specific though. Can you clarify?

 I am not interested in Web/html apps.
Too bad, that's the future ;).

 And is there an IDE out there that lets us create GUI dialogs along the 
 lines of what MS provides with Excel and, I assume, VB?
Stani's Python Editor (SPE) and Boa Constructor, I think. I've tried SPE 
a few years back and liked it a lot.
If you only ever write python code you might want to forget about jEdit 
and use one of the two above. jEdit is dubbed 'Programmer's Text 
Editor', and as such provides a 'unified' framework for many languages 
(so you don't have to learn a new editor for every damn language you 
write in once in a blue moon). It is for that reason a /tad/ less 
specialized (though highly configurable). If you still want to use 
jEdit, there is wxGlade for wxPython out there and Glade (not wxGlade!) 
works for pyGTK, I believe.
Hope that helps you deciding.

Willie ;)

descriptor problems

2006-09-14 Thread Gary Stephenson
I want to define a class-level attribute that will be shared by all 
subclasses.  That is, I want this class, every subclass of this class, every 
instance of this class and every instance of every subclass to be able to 
read and write to the _same_ slot/variable.  But I can't figure out how to 
do it.

My attempts so far have led me to using a descriptor as follow, but it 
doesn't get me where I want to be:

class sharedClassVar(object):
def __init__(self,x=None):
print creating
self.value = x
def __get__(self,ob,cls):
print getting
return self.value
def __set__(self,ob,x):
print setting
self.value = x

class A( object ):
# install it like this I guess:
cls2 = sharedClassVar(5)

class B( A ):

print A.cls2  # so far so good
o = A()
o2 = B()
print o.cls2  # ok
print o2.cls2  # ok
o.cls2 = 2
print B.cls2  # perfect
print o2.cls2  # 
o2.cls2 = 3
print A.cls2  # 
print o.cls2  # 

# but I need to be able to update the value through the class
# how do I do it?
A.cls2 = 4 # whoops - we just overwrote the descriptor with an integer

A.cls2.__set__(None,4) # AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 


Re: lxml Windows binaries

2006-09-14 Thread Fuzzyman

Jan Dries wrote:
 I'm trying to find Windows binaries for lxml. The cheeseshop is supposed
 to have such binaries, but I can't find them.
 Does anyone know where I might find such binaries?

The lxml install docs point to the following link for Windows binaries

Which in turn points to :

The latest binaries on this page are from July.




Re: lxml Windows binaries

2006-09-14 Thread Jan Dries
Fuzzyman wrote:
 Jan Dries wrote:
 I'm trying to find Windows binaries for lxml. The cheeseshop is supposed
 to have such binaries, but I can't find them.
 Does anyone know where I might find such binaries?

 The lxml install docs point to the following link for Windows binaries
 Which in turn points to :

Yes, but these are binaries for libxml. I found those already. What I 
need now is a binary version of the python extension module lxml 
( The docs there refer to, but that page only has a binary 
egg for Linux.


Re: Are Python's reserved words reserved in places they dont need tobe?

2006-09-14 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 13 Sep 2006 07:45:02 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 This is just an idea of mine, nothing I expect python to adapt.
 But just suppose the language allowed for words in bold. A word
 in bold would be considered a reserved word, a word in non bold
 would be an identifier.


 Shrug, Different options are possible, in a file the keywords
 could just be prefixed with a Ctrl-K, and depending on the editor or its
 setting, this could be shown bold or blue or whatever. I don't care
 about the specifics at this point. I just wanted to make clear there
 is the option to make/show the distiction between identifiers and keywords
 more explicitly.

But surely all you are doing is changing the reserved word from (say)
return to \x0breturn. Once you do that, you can bet that people will
complain that they want to have identifiers in bold too, why can't they
create a name \x0breturn, and somebody will come up with an even more
complicated scheme for accommodating them... wash, rinse, repeat.

Steven D'Aprano 


Re: Looking for the Perfect Editor

2006-09-14 Thread gnewsg
What about IDLE? I really apreciate it but a big broblem is that it
doesn't support tabs: for every source you edit you have to open a new
IDLE window. :-\


Re: Why not event-driven packages in other than the main thread?

2006-09-14 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Tor Erik wrote:

 But could anyone tell me why running these in a thread other than
 the main one doesn't work?

Just for personal interest: Why would you want to run the GUI in
another thread? It's common to leave the GUI in the main thread and
let worker threads handle heavy time-consuming stuff.



BOFH excuse #170:

popper unable to process jumbo kernel


Re: descriptor problems

2006-09-14 Thread Peter Otten
Gary Stephenson wrote:

 I want to define a class-level attribute that will be shared by all
 subclasses.  That is, I want this class, every subclass of this class,
 every instance of this class and every instance of every subclass to be
 able to
 read and write to the _same_ slot/variable.  But I can't figure out how to
 do it.

class A:
class __metaclass__(type):
_shared = 42
def get_shared(self):
return self.__class__._shared
def set_shared(self, value):
print %r -- %r % (self._shared, value)
self.__class__._shared = value
shared = property(get_shared, set_shared)

def get_shared(self):
return self.__class__.shared
def set_shared(self, value):
self.__class__.shared = value
shared = property(get_shared, set_shared)

Does that what you want? 



Re: descriptor problems

2006-09-14 Thread Michele Simionato
Gary Stephenson wrote:
 # but I need to be able to update the value through the class
 # how do I do it?
 A.cls2 = 4 # whoops - we just overwrote the descriptor with an integer

 A.cls2.__set__(None,4) # AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute

You need to define the descriptor at the metaclass level too.

   Michele Simionato


Re: sending emails using python

2006-09-14 Thread Tim Williams
On 14 Sep 2006 00:11:05 -0700, sridhar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tim Williams wrote:
  Have you verified that you are allowed to use SMTP on this server ?
  Can you send email via it using outlook express or a similar POP3/IMAP
  mail client?

 yes , because iam having account on that server

Having an account on an Exchange server doesn't automatically mean you
have SMTP access to that server.Some exchange servers don't have
SMTP running at all, and others will not allow SMTP access from local
IP addresses - even with authentication.

Can you telnet to your Exchange server on port 25 and start an SMTP
conversation, using the EHLO or HELO, MAIL and RCPT commands, but
quitting before the DATA command?  If you can successfully specify a
recipient, then your script should work,  if not you will need your
script to work around the problem based on what you do or don't get
back from the server.

HTH :)

Re: Python blogging software

2006-09-14 Thread Cliff Wells
On Wed, 2006-09-13 at 19:28 +0200, Irmen de Jong wrote:
 Cliff Wells wrote:
  I'm currently using Frog, and it's decent, but lacks some fundamental
  features (tags for one).  Since Irmen is probably going to scrap it
  anyway, I'm kind of fishing about for something new.
 That is not really true. I won't scrap Frog. One of the reasons
 would be that I'm using it myself ;-)
 Perhaps you confused it with the possible scrapping of the Snakelets
 appserver it runs on? I'm thinking about rebuilding Frog on one
 of the more established servers such as Turbogears.
 But haven't had the time to start this.

Yes, I saw that and took it to mean you were scrapping Frog as well (of
course, if you scrap Snakelets, I suspect any new Frog would have
little in common with the existing one except perhaps the moniker).

BTW, I still like Frog (it's still near the top of the Python blog heap
IMO), I just needed some things it didn't have.



Re: Why not event-driven packages in other than the main thread?

2006-09-14 Thread Cliff Wells
On Thu, 2006-09-14 at 11:13 +0200, Tor Erik wrote:
 I've developed an application were I've used Tkinter for the GUI.
 When I ran the GUI in another thread than the main, it kept locking
 I experienced similar problems with Twisted.
 Both of these tools are event-based, so I guess that is the root of the 
 But could anyone tell me why running these in a thread other than the 
 main one doesn't work?

They probably use signals (Twisted I'm sure does) and it's documented
that signals don't work with threads:




Re: Why not event-driven packages in other than the main thread?

2006-09-14 Thread Cliff Wells
On Thu, 2006-09-14 at 03:22 -0700, Cliff Wells wrote:

 They probably use signals (Twisted I'm sure does) and it's documented
 that signals don't work with threads:

Er, specifically, they only work with the main thread.



Re: How can I get the function's caller?

2006-09-14 Thread David
Il Wed, 13 Sep 2006 07:34:45 +0100, Steve Holden ha scritto:

 What do you need this name for, just as a materr of interest? There are 
 ways of manipulating the stack frames, but they'll be slow and possibly 
I am writing a big (for me) program and it would be helpful to have a dummy
function like this:

def function_A_subfunction_B(self, )

that display a standard message like this:

Dummy: 'function_A_subfunction_B' in module 'module' is not defined yet


Re: How can I get the function's caller?

2006-09-14 Thread David
Il 13 Sep 2006 00:31:47 -0700, John Machin ha scritto:

 David wrote:
 Inside a function I need to get the function's caller's name. How can I get

 Check out the thread __LINE__ and __FILE__ functionality in Python?
 (messages posted 2006-0813).

I'll check thankyou! 
Traffic in this NG is so high that is difficult to stay uptodate.


Re: Why not event-driven packages in other than the main thread?

2006-09-14 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Tor Erik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've developed an application were I've used Tkinter for the GUI.
 When I ran the GUI in another thread than the main, it kept locking

That's because Tkinter is not thread safe AFAIK.

 I experienced similar problems with Twisted.

Neither Twisted is thread-aware. It uses thread for a couple of things
(twisted.row and address resolution). You can call stuff in a separate
thread with deferToThread or callInThread but avoid threads is best. 

 But could anyone tell me why running these in a thread other than the
 main one doesn't work?

Because neither Twisted nor Tkinter are meant to work with threads.

Lawrence -
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: Why not event-driven packages in other than the main thread?

2006-09-14 Thread Tor Erik
Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:
 Tor Erik wrote:
 But could anyone tell me why running these in a thread other than
 the main one doesn't work?
 Just for personal interest: Why would you want to run the GUI in
 another thread? It's common to leave the GUI in the main thread and
 let worker threads handle heavy time-consuming stuff.

If you have two event-based frameworks, both needing to run in the main 
thread, such as Tkinter and Twisted, you have a problem

Re: Why not event-driven packages in other than the main thread?

2006-09-14 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Tor Erik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you have two event-based frameworks, both needing to run in the main
 thread, such as Tkinter and Twisted, you have a problem

Twisted supports Tkinter:

It's better to use GUI with a real reactor available like GTK2 anyway...

Lawrence -
Nothing is more dangerous than an idea
if it's the only one you have - E. A. Chartier

Re: how are dictionary literals handled by the interpreter?

2006-09-14 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
 I wrote up a quick little set of tests, I was acutally comparing ways
 of doing case behavior just to get some performance information.  Now
 two of my test cases had almost identical results which was not at all
 what I expected.  Ultimately I realized I don't really know how
 literals are treated within the interpreter.
 The two implementations I was looking at were:
 class caseFunction(object):
 def __init__(self):
 self.caseDict = {'a':retval = 'a',
 def doIt(self,a):
 return retval

Err...  Why would you want to exec anything here ? Remember that
Python's functions are objects too:

def funcA(*args, **kw):
  return funcA called with %s %s % (str(args), kw)

def funcB(*args, **kw):
  return funcB called with %s %s % (str(args), kw)

def funcC(*args, **kw):
  return funcC called with %s %s % (str(args), kw)

def defaultFunc(*args, **kw):
  return defaultFunc called with %s %s % (str(args), kw)

class SwitchFunc(object):
  def __init__(self, default, **kw):
self._default = default
self._switch = kw

  # makes the object callable.
  def __call__(self, case, *args, **kw):
func = self._switch.get(case, self._default)
return func(*args, **kw)

switch = SwitchFunc(defaultFunc, a=funcA, b=funcB, c=funcC)

for case in abcX:
  print switch(case, foo, q=42)

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Force sleep to ignore interrupts

2006-09-14 Thread andychambers2002
I've written a simple Timer class that allows you to extend it
and then implement onMinuteChange, onHourChange etc methods
which will be executed on each new minute/hour respectively.

It works as I want when used in the main application thread.
That is, when you hit Ctr + C, it stops running.  However, if
the class that subclasses it, also subclasses Thread, it breaks
in that hitting Ctrl + C interrupts the call to sleep which puts
the event loop out of sync with real time.

How can I force the sleep to stay asleep for a whole second?  The
source code is below.

from threading import Thread
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep

new_minute = lambda t: t.second == 0
new_hour = lambda t: t.minute == 0 and new_minute(t)
new_day = lambda t: t.hour == 0 and new_hour(t)
new_week = lambda t: t.weekday() == 0 and new_day(t)
new_month = lambda t: == 0 and new_day(t)

class Timer:

def run(self):
t =
diff = t.microsecond
delay = 1.00 - (0.01 * diff)
while True:
t =
if new_minute(t): self.onMinuteChange()
if new_hour(t): self.onHourChange()
if new_day(t): self.onDayChange()
if new_week(t): self.onWeekChange()
if new_month(t): self.onMonthChange()

def onSecondChange(self): pass
def onMinuteChange(self): pass
def onHourChange(self): pass
def onDayChange(self): pass
def onWeekChange(self): pass
def onMonthChange(self): pass
def onYearChange(self): pass

if __name__ == '__main__':
class TestTimer(Timer, Thread):
def onSecondChange(self):
print second elapse: %s %
def onMinuteChange(self):
print minute elapse : %s %
def onHourChange(self):
print hour elapse : %s %
t = TestTimer()


Re: Force sleep to ignore interrupts

2006-09-14 Thread Jeremy Sanders

 It works as I want when used in the main application thread.
 That is, when you hit Ctr + C, it stops running.  However, if
 the class that subclasses it, also subclasses Thread, it breaks
 in that hitting Ctrl + C interrupts the call to sleep which puts
 the event loop out of sync with real time.

Maybe you could install a signal handler to ignore ctrl+c, when required

import signal
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

Jeremy Sanders

Re: How can I get the function's caller?

2006-09-14 Thread Michele Simionato
David wrote:
 Il Wed, 13 Sep 2006 07:34:45 +0100, Steve Holden ha scritto:

  What do you need this name for, just as a materr of interest? There are
  ways of manipulating the stack frames, but they'll be slow and possibly
 I am writing a big (for me) program and it would be helpful to have a dummy
 function like this:

 def function_A_subfunction_B(self, )

 that display a standard message like this:

 Dummy: 'function_A_subfunction_B' in module 'module' is not defined yet


Check also the warnings module (it will give you also line number
information for free).

Michele Simionato


Re: Is it just me, or is Sqlite3 goofy?

2006-09-14 Thread Magnus Lycka
Paul Boddie wrote:
 Well, if the client is free not to bother signalling anything about
 erroneous value types, one has to wonder why there's so much of a

If you read it, I think you'll notice that the committee has
managed to produce a lot of text without spending too much
ink on error handling. I'm not completely up to date with
the latest standards, but last time I looked, a lot of things
that are essential parts of all serious implementations were
missing from the standards.

I'm pretty certain it would overwhelm the SQL standards committee
if they had to specify how error conditions are handled.

It would certainly be useful though. E.g. is PostgreSQL SQL
compliant in forcing a rollback as soon as an operation
fails. E.g. in Oracle, you can have a transaction with a
loop where you try to insert values, and fall back to updating
instead if you get a duplicate key on insert error. In PostgreSQL
you need to set a savepoint before the the insert and rollback
to that. Does the standard say whether this is kosher? I think

Re: lxml Windows binaries

2006-09-14 Thread olive 



Re: Looking for the Perfect Editor

2006-09-14 Thread Steve Holden
Wildemar Wildenburger wrote:
Hi Stu und Willie,
Which plugins give me a good start for scientific stuff?
 Er ... I don't know. What do you mean by 'scientific stuff'?

You know, stitching body parts together from different corpses and 
trying to animate them with lightning, inventing potions that completely 
cjange the personailty, that kind of thing. People have been doing it 
for hundreds of years ...

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: How can I get the function's caller?

2006-09-14 Thread Steve Holden
David wrote:
 Il Wed, 13 Sep 2006 07:34:45 +0100, Steve Holden ha scritto:
What do you need this name for, just as a materr of interest? There are 
ways of manipulating the stack frames, but they'll be slow and possibly 
 I am writing a big (for me) program and it would be helpful to have a dummy
 function like this:
 def function_A_subfunction_B(self, )
 that display a standard message like this:
 Dummy: 'function_A_subfunction_B' in module 'module' is not defined yet
One way would be to have dummy() raise an exception, which it catches. 
Then use the traceback information to provide the information you want.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Force sleep to ignore interrupts

2006-09-14 Thread andychambers2002
Jeremy Sanders wrote:


  It works as I want when used in the main application thread.
  That is, when you hit Ctr + C, it stops running.  However, if
  the class that subclasses it, also subclasses Thread, it breaks
  in that hitting Ctrl + C interrupts the call to sleep which puts
  the event loop out of sync with real time.

 Maybe you could install a signal handler to ignore ctrl+c, when required

 import signal
 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

That worked nicely.  Thanks



Re: How can I get the function's caller?

2006-09-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
David wrote:

 I am writing a big (for me) program and it would be helpful to have a dummy
 function like this:

 def function_A_subfunction_B(self, )

 that display a standard message like this:

 Dummy: 'function_A_subfunction_B' in module 'module' is not defined yet

that's spelled

def function_A_subfunction_B(self, )
raise NotImplementedError

in Python.



Re: stock quotes

2006-09-14 Thread Frederic Rentsch
Donlingerfelt wrote:
 I would like to download stock quotes from the web, store them, do
 calculations and sort the results.  However I am fairly new and don't have a
 clue how to parse the results of a web page download.   I can get to the
 site, but do not know how to request the certain data  need.  Does anyone
 know how to do this?  I would really appreciate it.  Thanks.



   Heres's example 8.4 from the SE manual:


  def get_current_stock_quotes (symbols):

  import urllib

  url = '' + '+'.join (symbols)

  htm_page = urllib.urlopen (url)

  import SE

  keep = '~[A-Z]+ [JFMAJSOND].+?%~==(10)  ~[A-Z]+ 

  Data_Extractor = SE.SE ('EAT ' + keep)

  Tag_Stripper = SE.SE ('~(.|\n)*?~=  se/ | ~\n[ 
\t\n]*~=(10) ~ +~= ')

  data = Data_Extractor (Tag_Stripper ( ()))

  htm_page.close ()

  return data

  print get_current_stock_quotes (('GE','IBM','AAPL', 'MSFT', 'AA', 

GE 3:17PM ET 33.15 0.30 0.90%

IBM 3:17PM ET 76.20 0.47 0.61%

AAPL 3:22PM ET 55.66 0.66 1.20%

MSFT 3:22PM ET 23.13 0.37 1.57%

AA 3:17PM ET 31.80 1.61 4.82%

MER 3:17PM ET 70.24 0.82 1.15%


If this meets your requirements you'll find SE here:




BIOS Changes (enable WOL)

2006-09-14 Thread Feiock, Dennis

I was wondering if it is possible to access the BIOS
settings on a system using Python. I would like to be able to write a script
that would enable WOL on a specified system. For the most part, it would be
Win32 systems, but could be just about any flavor of UNIX as well.

Thanks for any help that can be provided,

- DF


socket and threading ... bad file descriptor

2006-09-14 Thread hg

I have two classes, one listens and accepts connections, gets the
socket, reads the first byte from the opened socket then launches a
thread (threading) and gives it the socket identifier.

The first time the thread attempts to read from the given socket, raises a bad file descriptor in _dummy.

I tried using plain threads with the same problem.

Any clue ?



Re: When is it a pointer (aka reference) - when is it a copy?

2006-09-14 Thread Christophe
John Henry a écrit :
 Hi list,
 Just to make sure I understand this.
 Since there is no pointer type in Python, I like to know how I do
 For instance, if I do:
...some_huge_list is a huge list...
aref = some_huge_list
print some_huge_list[0]
 we know that the answere will be 0.  In this case, aref is really a
 But what if the right hand side is a simple variable (say an int)?  Can
 I reference it somehow?  Should I assume that:
aref = _any_type_other_than_simple_one
 be a reference, and not a copy?

That's easy. In Python, every variable is a depth one pointer. Every 
variable is of the type (PyObject*)

Of course, since numbers and strings are immutable, that pointer is 
useless to push back the modifications you've done.

You need a PyObject** ? Use a one element list instead and manipulate it 
like that : number_ref[0] = new_value
instead of that : number_ref = [new_value]


Limitate speed of a socket-based data transferring

2006-09-14 Thread billie
Hi all. I'm writing a TCP-based application that I will use to trasfer
binary files through the network. This piece of code represents how do
I get a file from a remote peer and save it on my local hard drive:

file_obj = open('downloaded.ext', 'wb')
while 1:
buf = sock.recv(2048)
if len(buf) == 0:

I would like to know how could be possible to limit the file transfer
speed (for example: don't write more than 50 Kb/sec).
Some ideas?

Best regards


Re: Looking for the Perfect Editor

2006-09-14 Thread Ant

Jay wrote:
 I, too, am a hardcore fan of jEdit.  It's nice to finally see some user
 support on this forum.  :-)

I quite often throw in jEdits name in these discussions. It's the most
powerful and extensible editor I know of outside of the emacs/vi world
(and far more accessible than those).


Re: best small database?

2006-09-14 Thread Magnus Lycka
David Isaac wrote:
 I have no experience with database applications.
 This database will likely hold only a few hundred items,
 including both textfiles and binary files.
 I would like a pure Python solution to the extent reasonable.

You haven't provided enough requirements for us
to make any intelligent suggestions. Perhaps you
might learn something from reading through my old
EuroPython presentation.

Relational databases with SQL syntax provides a convenient
way to store data with an appropriate structure. You can
always force a tool into handling things it wasn't designed
for, but SQL database work best when you have strict, well
defined structures, such as in accounting systems, booking
systems etc. It gives you a declarative query language,
transaction handling, typically multi user support and
varying degrees of scalability and high availability

For you, it's probably overkill, and if you have files
to start with, keeping them in the file system is the
natural thing to do. That means that you can use a lot
of standard tools to access, manipulate, backup and search
through them. Perhaps you rather need a search engine for
the file system?

Do you intend to store information concerning how these
files relate to each other? Perhaps it's better in that
case to just keep that relationship information in some
small database system, and to keep the actual files in
the file system.

Perhaps it's enough to keep an XML file with the structure,
and to use something like ElementTree to manipulate that
XML structure.

You gain a lot of power, robustness and flexibility by
using some kind of plain text format. Simple files play
well with configuration management systems, backup systems,
editors, standard search tools, etc. If you use XML, it's
also easier to transform your structural information to
some presentable layout through standard techniques such
as XSL.


Re: question about including something like sqlite in python

2006-09-14 Thread Magnus Lycka
John Salerno wrote:
 I was just thinking, since Python 3.0 is supposed to clean up a lot of 
 the unnecessary or redundant features of Python and make other things 
 more streamlined, does it seem to anyone that including SQLite goes 
 against this goal?

Not to me. I don't see the redundancy. The DB-API spec has been
around for years. I think it's great that one implementation comes
with Python.

 This is just me thinking out loud, mind you, but it seems like including 
  a database module (especially one that many people won't use in favor 
 of MySQL or PostgreSQL, etc.) is weighing down the standard library. I 
 suppose the sqlite module might still be removed in 3.0, but the 
 inclusion of it at all seems a little strange (and also sort of like an 
 endorsement for using it).

Sure, but primarily it's endorsement for using the the DB-API.

Including SQLite lowers the barrier for getting started in writing
applications in a domain where Python fits well. A domain where
Visual Basic and tools like FoxPro have dominated. Libraries such
as datetime and decimal also goes in the same direction. One could
argue that a simple to use GUI building tool is another requisite
in this domain, but maybe a web tool kit is more appropriaet these

In short I think it helps making Python into a VB-killer, or if
you prefer (yuk!) the new COBOL! ;^)

Re: Help me use my Dual Core CPU!

2006-09-14 Thread mystilleef
I use D-Bus (Python). I recommend it. I don't know how cross platform
it is. However, it supports message passing of most built-in (strings,
ints, lists, dictionaries etc) Python objects accross processes. You
can mimick clean Erlang-like concurrency with it. It is the future of
IPC on Desktop Unix. Given Python's crippled threading implementation,
it can play a role in making your Python applications scalable, with
regards to concurrency. I am recommending D-Bus because I have used it,
and I know it works. I didn't read this of a newsgroup or mailing list.

Simon Wittber wrote:
 I've just bought a new notebook, which has a dual core CPU.

 I write cross platform games in Python, and I'd really like to be able
 to use this second core (on my machine, and on user's machines) for any
 new games I might write.

 I know threads won't help (in CPython at least) so I'm investigating
 other types of concurrency which I might be able to use. I really like
 the PyLinda approach, however I need to be able to pass around all the
 simple python types, which PyLinda won't help me with. Also, PyLinda is
 more focused on distributing computing; I really only want to have 2
 processes cooperating (or 4, if I had 4 CPUs/cores etc).

 Is there any cross platform way to share python objects across
 processes? (I've found POSH, but it's old, and doesn't appear to be
 maintained). I could implement my own object space using shared memory,
 but from what I can see, this is not available on Win32.

 Are there any other concurrency options I've not discovered yet?


Re: How can I get the function's caller?

2006-09-14 Thread John Machin

David wrote:
 Il 13 Sep 2006 00:31:47 -0700, John Machin ha scritto:

  David wrote:
  Inside a function I need to get the function's caller's name. How can I get
  Check out the thread __LINE__ and __FILE__ functionality in Python?
  (messages posted 2006-0813).

 I'll check thankyou!
 Traffic in this NG is so high that is difficult to stay uptodate.

You don't need to. Google is your friend. Google caller name in this
NG; it's that simple :-)



Invitation: Kamaelia Open Space, Brussels, Sept 22 2006

2006-09-14 Thread Michael Sparks

I'd like to invite you to our first Kamaelia Open Space event.

Our theme is Making Software like Lego through intuitive useful

Perhaps you want to learn to use Kamaelia, or you're already using it,
or you're simply interested in code reuse or concurrency being actually
useful in everyday code rather than theory. If these match your interests,
please come along.


The day after Euro OSCON, and just before Bar Camp Brussels:
   * Friday 22nd September 2006 - 11am - 5pm

   * FOAM Offices, Brussels, Belgium
   * Koolmijnenkaai 30-34, 1080 Brussels, Belgium
   * (link showing location on multimap)


Kamaelia started as an applied research project, at BBC Research, and
has an underlying goal of making software systems easier to maintain
and create through the use of intuitive and safe concurrency, in the
form of components, whilst maintaining performance. It's being fleshed
out by creating systems useful in the real world.

This approach turns software into systems similar to a number of
systems people may be familiar with : Unix pipes (except non-linear
is practical), CSP, hardware (especially HDL's), Occam, K'nex and Lego.
Components send messages out via outboxes, receive messages on inbox,
have zero copy delivery and messages may be any python object including
a component.

Practical systems using Kamaelia developed to-date include time-shifting
digital TV and a variety of network systems, however components exist
simplifying the use of audio, video, pygame  Open GL.


The purpose of the event is similar to a python sprint. Our aims for this
event are to spread what we've learnt with the wider community - for the
simple reason we're finding it works for us, and hope it does for you too.
This includes - but not exclusively:

   * To assist people to get started using Kamaelia :-)

   * Help you copy or tailor our approach to your systems.
 (eg making our system or approach usable in twisted).

   * To investigate areas where we can flesh Kamaelia out 
 (eg we have a webserver than can run in a similar manner to
 seaside, how would you like that fleshed out)

   * We'd like to assist others using other languages take the lessons
 we've learnt and apply them in their preferred language.
 (especially Ruby and C++)

   * Help attendees integrate their projects with Kamaelia encouraging
 reuse between projects, bosting the system for everyone
 (eg integrate pygtk, wxwidgets, pyqt, or other projects you may
 use or contribute to, building on experience from integrating tk,
 pygame and open gl)

   * To share the work done by students during Google's Summer of Code

   * How to apply this to teaching children to create these systems
 effectively. (We've noticed that pre-university users of Kamaelia tend
 to achieve the most using it)

   * Use of Kamaelia for art and entertainment 

At the other extreme, we could also like to use the time to share
information (if people are interested) on how some of the practical
systems we use work since they are likely to be useful to others.
Two interesting areas:

   * Distributed whiteboarding including audio. This is served in an
 effectively peer to peer manner - extending this to include grid
 setup (and/or DHT search) would be useful. This is potentially
 interesting beyond simple whiteboarding since this really forms a
 simple distributed events backplane

   * Practical flexible timeshifting either entire channels, and
 multiplexes or based on programme names

Nascent areas perhaps of interest which are include in Kamaelia include
a handwriting recogniser (currently at stroke/letter recognition level),
graphical systems creation, and a basic open GL toolkit.


The above list of suggestions for discussion is just that, suggestions.
The specific agenda for the event will be decided on the day by those
who attend.

Since much of what's to be discussed will be new, this will be a cross
between a python sprint and open space in format.


Finally, many thanks to the very kind people at FOAM - for
hosting this event, it is very much appreciated.


If you're interested in coming, please email your interest either to me at:

Or to the kamaelia mailing list:

If you know someone who you think is interested in the theme, could
benefit from coming - for example someone interested in making practical
concurrency safer and easier to use in future - please don't hesitate
to forward this invitation to them.

Hope to see you there!

Michael Sparks, Senior Research Engineer, BBC Research, Technology Group
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Kamaelia Project Lead,

This message may contain personal views which are not the views of the BBC


Re: Limitate speed of a socket-based data transferring

2006-09-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
billie schrieb:
 Hi all. I'm writing a TCP-based application that I will use to trasfer
 binary files through the network. This piece of code represents how do
 I get a file from a remote peer and save it on my local hard drive:
 file_obj = open('downloaded.ext', 'wb')
 while 1:
 buf = sock.recv(2048)
 if len(buf) == 0:
 I would like to know how could be possible to limit the file transfer
 speed (for example: don't write more than 50 Kb/sec).
 Some ideas?

If you are on unix, use trickle. If you must limit it from within your 
own code, I can only assume that computing the transfer rate so far and 
introducing timeouts might help - but I never did such a thing, nor do I 
know what that means for example for the  network stack.

But maybe even then trickle may help you to get an idea, as it is a 
user-space program AFAIK. So they might have some information (at least 
the code... ) out there that could be of use.


Re: Are Python's reserved words reserved in places they dont need?tobe?

2006-09-14 Thread Roberto Bonvallet
Delaney, Timothy (Tim) wrote:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 This is just an idea of mine, nothing I expect python to adapt.
 But just suppose the language allowed for words in bold. A word
 in bold would be considered a reserved word, a word in non bold
 would be an identifier.
 Exactly how am I supposed to use my text editor to make words bold? Is
 every text editor supposed to understand a python format for code?

That's easy:  bpass/b, breturn/b, ...
Hmm, that's too verbose, maybe it would be better to do it just by
appending a underscore to the word:  pass_, return_, ...

Roberto Bonvallet

Re: socket and threading ... bad file descriptor

2006-09-14 Thread hg
hg wrote:
 I have two classes, one listens and accepts connections, gets the
 socket, reads the first byte from the opened socket then launches a
 thread (threading) and gives it the socket identifier.
 The first time the thread attempts to read from the given socket, raises a bad file descriptor in _dummy.
 I tried using plain threads with the same problem.
 Any clue ?

Bug discovered, sorry

Outbound port on sockets

2006-09-14 Thread bmearns
Is it possible to specify which port to use as the outbound port on a
connection? I have the IP address and port number for the computer I'm
trying to connect to (not listening for), but it's expecting my
connection on a certain port.

Specifically, I'm trying to write an FTP host, and I'm trying to
implement the PORT command. From everything I've read, the client
supplies the IP address and port number for where I'm supposed to
connect to send it data (like a LISTing), and it's expecting me to
connect over port 20. If anyone is familiar with FTP and can tell me
whether this is true or not, whether I really need to go out on port
20, I'd appreciate it, as well.




2006-09-14 Thread km
Hi all,Is there any module to limit the memory usage of the python program ?regards,KM

Re: Looking for the Perfect Editor

2006-09-14 Thread Franz Steinhaeusler
On 7 Sep 2006 13:18:22 -0700, Omar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'd love the perfect editor that would be:

a) free

DrPython and spe; both written in Python and wxPython using SciTe's
control scintilla) and SciTE.

DrPython on: (Projectpage) (Homepage)

b) enable me to drag and drop code snippets from a sort of browser into
the code

DrPython Codemarks plugin.

c) can run programs right from within

DrPython = Program = Run (default F5)

d) can edit
DrPython, spe, SciTE.

  - Javascript
no definite support.

  - HTML
DrPython (the others, I don't know)

  - actionscript (since I'm also learning flash)

Sepy on Sourceforge (also written in Python with wxPython)

e) easy to learn

SciTE especially.



Re: memory

2006-09-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 Is there any module to limit the memory usage of the python program ?



Re: Why not event-driven packages in other than the main thread?

2006-09-14 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Thu, 14 Sep 2006 11:13:59 +0200, Tor Erik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've developed an application were I've used Tkinter for the GUI.
When I ran the GUI in another thread than the main, it kept locking
I experienced similar problems with Twisted.

Both of these tools are event-based, so I guess that is the root of the

But could anyone tell me why running these in a thread other than the
main one doesn't work?

I don't know about Tkinter, but Twisted can be run in a thread other than
the main thread.  Several projects make use of this feature extensively, so
while I wouldn't recommend it, it should certainly work.

Perhaps you did something wrong in setting it up, or perhaps you have found
a bug.  Can you post a minimal example to reproduce this to Twisted's bug


Re: When is it a pointer (aka reference) - when is it a copy?

2006-09-14 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
John Henry wrote:
 Hi list,
 Just to make sure I understand this.
 Since there is no pointer type in Python, I like to know how I do
 For instance, if I do:
...some_huge_list is a huge list...
aref = some_huge_list
print some_huge_list[0]
 we know that the answere will be 0.  In this case, aref is really a
 But what if the right hand side is a simple variable (say an int)?  Can
 I reference it somehow?  Should I assume that:
aref = _any_type_other_than_simple_one
 be a reference, and not a copy?

short answer : Python won't copy anything until explicitely asked to.

Longer answer:

First, there's nothing like simple type or var in Python. All that you
have are names and objects. The statement 'some_name = some_obj' binds
together 'some_name' and 'some_obj' - IOW, once this statement is
executed, 'some_name' refers to ('points to') 'some_obj' (think of it as
an equivalent of 'globals['some_name'] = some_obj', and you won't be far
from truth). This is how it works for all and any type.

What you really need to understand is that in Python, a 'variable' is
*only* a name. It's *not* the object itself.

Now we have mutable and immutable types. Immutable types are (mainly)
numerics, strings and tuples. As the qualificative implies, one cannot
change the state (ie value) of an object of immutable type. Also, note
that mutating (modifying the state of an object) and assignment (binding
a name to an object) are two very different things. Rebinding a name
just make it points to another object, it doesn't impact the object
previously bound to that name (not directly at least, cf memory management).

To come back to your code snippet:

# binds name some_huge_list to an empty list
some_huge_list = []

# mutate the list object bound to name 'some_huge_list'

# binds name aref to the list object
# already bound to name 'some_huge_list'
aref = some_huge_list

# you can verify that they are the same object:
assert aref is some_huge_list
# nb : in CPython, id(obj) returns the memory address of obj
# FWIW, identity test (obj1 is obj2) is the same as
# equality test on objects id (ie id(obj1) == id(obj2))
print id(aref)
print id(some_huge_list)

# mutate the list object bound to names 'aref' and 'some_huge_list'

# Now lets go a bit further and see what happens when we rebind
# some_huge_list:

some_huge_list = []

# does this impact aref ?
print aref
aref is some_huge_list

# well, obviously not.
# name 'aref' is still pointing to the same object:
print id(aref)
# but name 'some_huge_list' now points to another object:
print id(some_huge_list)

To answer your question : it works *exactly* the same way for immutable

a = 333
b = a
print b is a # True

b = 333
print b is a # False

The only difference here is that you can not alter the value of (IOW
mutate) an immutable object. So having a reference to it won't buy you
much... If you want to share an immutable object, you have to embed it
into a mutable container and share this container:

a = [333]
b = a
b[0] = 3330001
assert a is b
assert a[0] is b[0]
print a[0]

As a side note : when passing arguments to a function, the arguments
themselves are (references to) the original objects, but the names are
local to the function, so mutating an object passed as argument will
effectively impact the object (if it's mutable of course !-), but
rebinding the name inside the function won't change anything outside the
function :

def test(arg)
  # really mutates the object passed in
  arg[0] = 42
  print in test : arg is %s (%s) % (arg, id(arg))

  # only rebinds the local name 'arg'
  arg = []
  print in test : now arg is %s (%s) % (arg, id(arg))

def runtest():
  obj = [Life, universe and everything]
  print in runtest : obj is %s (%s) % (obj, id(obj))
  print calling test with obj:
  print in runtest: now obj is %s (%s) % (obj, id(obj))

Here again, if you want your function to alter the value of an immutable
object passed as argument, you have to embed it in a mutable container.
*But* this is usually useless - it's perfectly legal for a Python
function to return multiple values :

def multi(x):
  return x+1, x*2

y, z = multi(42)
print y : %s - z : %s % (y, z)

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Outbound port on sockets

2006-09-14 Thread Fredrik Lundh
bmearns wrote:

 Specifically, I'm trying to write an FTP host, and I'm trying to
 implement the PORT command. From everything I've read, the client
 supplies the IP address and port number for where I'm supposed to
 connect to send it data (like a LISTing), and it's expecting me to
 connect over port 20. If anyone is familiar with FTP and can tell me
 whether this is true or not, whether I really need to go out on port
 20, I'd appreciate it, as well.

PORT means that the client is asking the server to connect to the given
IP/port combination; see:

the port number used by the server for this connection is irrelevant.



Re: Looking for the Perfect Editor

2006-09-14 Thread limodou
On 9/14/06, Franz Steinhaeusler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 7 Sep 2006 13:18:22 -0700, Omar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'd love the perfect editor that would be:
 a) free

 DrPython and spe; both written in Python and wxPython using SciTe's
 control scintilla) and SciTE.

 DrPython on: (Projectpage) (Homepage)

 b) enable me to drag and drop code snippets from a sort of browser into
 the code

 DrPython Codemarks plugin.

 c) can run programs right from within

 DrPython = Program = Run (default F5)

 d) can edit
 DrPython, spe, SciTE.

   - Javascript
 no definite support.

   - HTML
 DrPython (the others, I don't know)

   - actionscript (since I'm also learning flash)

 Sepy on Sourceforge (also written in Python with wxPython)

 e) easy to learn

 SciTE especially.


These things UliPad also can do. And it also support html, javascript,
css, java, etc syntax highlight. UliPad also support Input Assistant,
even include custom calltips and auto-complete, and many features, you
can find in

It also has a directory browser, wizard, plugins-system, code snippets
manage. Just using it, you'll find out what it's.

I like python!
My Blog:
UliPad Site:
UliPad Maillist:

Re: Outbound port on sockets

2006-09-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
bmearns schrieb:
 Is it possible to specify which port to use as the outbound port on a
 connection? I have the IP address and port number for the computer I'm
 trying to connect to (not listening for), but it's expecting my
 connection on a certain port.
 Specifically, I'm trying to write an FTP host, and I'm trying to
 implement the PORT command. From everything I've read, the client
 supplies the IP address and port number for where I'm supposed to
 connect to send it data (like a LISTing), and it's expecting me to
 connect over port 20. If anyone is familiar with FTP and can tell me
 whether this is true or not, whether I really need to go out on port
 20, I'd appreciate it, as well.

AFAIK you neither can't do that nor need it. The PORT commands purpose 
is to tell where the server can connect to - but the client makes no 
assumptions over the source port of that connection. Let alone NAT and 
other things could come into your way.

If firewalls are a problem, use PASV.


Re: Outbound port on sockets

2006-09-14 Thread billie

bmearns wrote

 Is it possible to specify which port to use as the outbound port on a
 connection? I have the IP address and port number for the computer I'm
 trying to connect to (not listening for), but it's expecting my
 connection on a certain port.

 Specifically, I'm trying to write an FTP host, and I'm trying to
 implement the PORT command. From everything I've read, the client
 supplies the IP address and port number for where I'm supposed to
 connect to send it data (like a LISTing), and it's expecting me to
 connect over port 20. If anyone is familiar with FTP and can tell me
 whether this is true or not, whether I really need to go out on port
 20, I'd appreciate it, as well.


This isn't correct.
If you send a PORT command you're telling server to establish a
connection with you, not the contrary. In this case, even if you are an
FTP client, you temporary ACCEPT an outbound connection from the FTP
The right format of a FTP PORT command is:

PORT x,x,x,x,y,z

...where x(s) represents your IP address in dotted form and (x * y) the
TCP port you bind.
For further informations you can check RFC959 or take a look at ftplib
in standard module library. Also in twisted you can find a lot of
useful code in the module protocols.ftp.


Re: Outbound port on sockets

2006-09-14 Thread billie
 The right format of a FTP PORT command is:

 PORT x,x,x,x,y,z

 ...where x(s) represents your IP address in dotted form and (x * y) the
 TCP port you bind.

Sorry, I wanted to say: (y * z)


Re: Looking for the Perfect Editor

2006-09-14 Thread Franz Steinhaeusler
On Thu, 14 Sep 2006 20:45:11 +0800, limodou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

These things UliPad also can do. And it also support html, javascript,
css, java, etc syntax highlight. UliPad also support Input Assistant,
even include custom calltips and auto-complete, and many features, you
can find in

It also has a directory browser, wizard, plugins-system, code snippets
manage. Just using it, you'll find out what it's.

Of course, I took only randomly three programs for easier comparing.

Re: Why not event-driven packages in other than the main thread?

2006-09-14 Thread Tor Erik
Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Sep 2006 11:13:59 +0200, Tor Erik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've developed an application were I've used Tkinter for the GUI.
 When I ran the GUI in another thread than the main, it kept locking
 I experienced similar problems with Twisted.

 Both of these tools are event-based, so I guess that is the root of the

 But could anyone tell me why running these in a thread other than the
 main one doesn't work?
 I don't know about Tkinter, but Twisted can be run in a thread other than
 the main thread.  Several projects make use of this feature extensively, so
 while I wouldn't recommend it, it should certainly work.
 Perhaps you did something wrong in setting it up, or perhaps you have found
 a bug.  Can you post a minimal example to reproduce this to Twisted's bug

Oh... I've re-coded that part of my app. now, so it doesn't contain any 
references to Twisted anymore. However, I was aiming to build a scalable 
HTTP server, and tried using Twisted for the task. Whenever I started 
the thing from the main thread (as a separate thread), nothing happened. 
That is, I received no exceptions, but the HTTP server was not 
running... When executing the HTTP server as a separate app., things 
worked perfectly.

Re: Outbound port on sockets

2006-09-14 Thread bmearns
Thanks for all the responses. I understood what the PORT command was
for, but I've been seeing alot of doc online that only mentions going
outbound on port 20 for data connections, so I thought maybe that was
my problem.

Sorry if this is the wrong spot to follow up on this not-so-much-python
matter. Does anyone know of an appropriate news group?
I'm trying to get through a router and Norton Internet security, using
my homebrewed python FTP server and Internet Explorer as my client
(I've also tried microsoft's FTP command line client). I'm able to go
back and forth on the command socket, no problem, but after the client
issues a PORT, I try to connect to it, and time out. I'm becoming
increasingly convinced that it's a firewall/router issue because if I
connect to my server as localhost, instead of my outside IP address, I
can connect fine.

I've tried disabling Internet security, but that doesn't help. I
suspect the problem is port forwarding from the router, but I don't
know what the port numbers will be, so how can I set up forwarding?

Any help is greatly appreciated. I've been banging my head against the
wall for hours.



Re: Outbound port on sockets

2006-09-14 Thread bmearns
Quick follow up, I'm able to connect to other external FTP sites behind
my firewall and router, no problem.


bmearns wrote:
 Thanks for all the responses. I understood what the PORT command was
 for, but I've been seeing alot of doc online that only mentions going
 outbound on port 20 for data connections, so I thought maybe that was
 my problem.

 Sorry if this is the wrong spot to follow up on this not-so-much-python
 matter. Does anyone know of an appropriate news group?
 I'm trying to get through a router and Norton Internet security, using
 my homebrewed python FTP server and Internet Explorer as my client
 (I've also tried microsoft's FTP command line client). I'm able to go
 back and forth on the command socket, no problem, but after the client
 issues a PORT, I try to connect to it, and time out. I'm becoming
 increasingly convinced that it's a firewall/router issue because if I
 connect to my server as localhost, instead of my outside IP address, I
 can connect fine.

 I've tried disabling Internet security, but that doesn't help. I
 suspect the problem is port forwarding from the router, but I don't
 know what the port numbers will be, so how can I set up forwarding?

 Any help is greatly appreciated. I've been banging my head against the
 wall for hours.


Re: Unit balancing

2006-09-14 Thread AbrahamLincolnIllinois
Thanks, all.  

We will investigate Unum.  



Re: Outbound port on sockets

2006-09-14 Thread Sergei Organov
bmearns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Quick follow up, I'm able to connect to other external FTP sites behind
 my firewall and router, no problem.

You've been told already to implement PASV command in your server (then
client will be able to use so called passive mode).

-- Sergei.


Re: Limitate speed of a socket-based data transferring

2006-09-14 Thread Tim Williams
On 14/09/06, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 billie schrieb:
  Hi all. I'm writing a TCP-based application that I will use to trasfer
  binary files through the network. This piece of code represents how do
  I get a file from a remote peer and save it on my local hard drive:
  file_obj = open('downloaded.ext', 'wb')
  while 1:
  buf = sock.recv(2048)
  if len(buf) == 0:
  I would like to know how could be possible to limit the file transfer
  speed (for example: don't write more than 50 Kb/sec).
  Some ideas?

 If you are on unix, use trickle. If you must limit it from within your
 own code, I can only assume that computing the transfer rate so far and
 introducing timeouts might help - but I never did such a thing, nor do I
 know what that means for example for the  network stack.

 But maybe even then trickle may help you to get an idea, as it is a
 user-space program AFAIK. So they might have some information (at least
 the code... ) out there that could be of use.

You could wrap  buf = sock.recv(xxx) in a data counter and sleep loop
so that you burst to no more than 50KB/s average.

Completely untestest and for illustration only :)

file_obj = open('downloaded.ext', 'wb')
interval = 1.0 #  seconds  eg. 0.5 or 2.0
# smaller the interval, the less bursty and smoother the throughput
max_speed = 51200   # 50k * 1024 =  bytes
data_count = 0   # keep track of the amount of data transferred
time_next = time.time() + interval
while 1:
   buf = sock.recv(512) # smaller chunks = smoother, more accurate
   if len(buf) == 0:
   data_count += len(buf)
   if data_count = max_speed * interval:
   data_count = 0
   sleep_for =  time_next - time.time()
   if sleep_for  0:
time_next = time.time() + interval

Re: xinclude and pathnames

2006-09-14 Thread Tim Arnold
Tim Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I'm using ElementTree to access some xml configuration files, and using 
 the module's xinclude capability. I've got lines like this in the parent 
 xml file (which lives in the same directory as the included xml file):

 When I started the project it was Unix-only; this worked fine. Now I have 
 users who want to use the system on Windows and of course that directory 
 path doesn't exist on Windows, but it is available on the network using a 
 name like \\ladida\current\en\xml\asdf\asdf_syntaxterms.xml

 if relative paths worked, I could imagine
 xi:include href=asdf_syntaxterms.xml / would work.
 Also,the file can be read via an http server.

 My question: is there a way to make xinclude work with relative paths or 
 perhaps urls?
 Any ideas welcome--to me it looks like I'll have to restructure this part 
 of the system since I've basically programmed myself into a corner.

Replying to my own post. With no replies I assume that means either (a) I 
didn't explain the problem very well, or (b) I really have programmed myself 
into a corner and there's no other way to happiness except to rethink the 

That is, is there really no way to share xinclude'd files between *nix and 
Windows platforms.

Anyone been down this road before?
--Tim Arnold


Re: Are Python's reserved words reserved in places they dont need to be?

2006-09-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 One place where I would use such a feature is in a unittest
 package.  I think being able to write self.assert or self.raise
 looks better than having to append an underscore.

Maybe that is a good argumment for Py.Test ;)


Re: Outbound port on sockets

2006-09-14 Thread bmearns
Passive mode is implemented, the client isn't trying to use it.
Besides, that doesn't really help me anyway, all it means is that I
have to resolve port forwarding for the server, instead of for the

I think what this basically comes down to is that either with PASV or
PORT, there's a relatively arbitrary port number being specified, and I
can't figure out how to get my router to forward it since I don't know
what it will be in advance, short of forwarding all the 64 thousand
some odd valid ports.

The thing that gets me is that I can connect to the other FTP servers,
and (according to the responses echoed by the command line FTP client),
they're using PORT, not PASV. So somehow, my client is specifying some
arbitrary port for the server to connect to, and that port is actually
being forwarded through my router.


Sergei Organov wrote:
 bmearns [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Quick follow up, I'm able to connect to other external FTP sites behind
  my firewall and router, no problem.

 You've been told already to implement PASV command in your server (then
 client will be able to use so called passive mode).
 -- Sergei.


Re: Looking for the Perfect Editor

2006-09-14 Thread Dick Moores
At 08:54 PM 9/13/2006, Jay wrote:
I, too, am a hardcore fan of jEdit.  It's nice to finally see some user
support on this forum.  :-)

I'm trying out jEdit and UliPad. I got UliPad going right away and 
I'm very pleased with it, but could I jump in here with a basic jEdit 
question? How do you run a script?

And one more. On the menus, the font is clear and large, but the 
equivalent key combinations are written so small they are very 
difficult for me to read. Is there a way to configure them to be 
slightly larger? (I'd ask on the jEdit support forum, but it doesn't 
seem to be very active.)


Dick Moores


Re: Outbound port on sockets

2006-09-14 Thread bmearns
It's actually 256*y + z
billie wrote:
  The right format of a FTP PORT command is:
  PORT x,x,x,x,y,z
  ...where x(s) represents your IP address in dotted form and (x * y) the
  TCP port you bind.
 Sorry, I wanted to say: (y * z)


Re: Outbound port on sockets

2006-09-14 Thread Steve Holden
billie wrote:
 The right format of a FTP PORT command is:
 PORT x,x,x,x,y,z
 where x(s) represents your IP address in dotted form and (x * y) the
 TCP port you bind.
That's actually x*256 + y - tou're makling a 16-bit unsigned integer 
from two bytes.

 For further informations you can check RFC959 or take a look at ftplib
 in standard module library. Also in twisted you can find a lot of
 useful code in the module protocols.ftp.
Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
Recent Ramblings


Re: Help me use my Dual Core CPU!

2006-09-14 Thread Wolfgang Keller
 Are there any other concurrency options I've not discovered yet?




Wolfgang Keller

My email-address is correct.
Do NOT remove .nospam to reply.


Re: How can I get the function's caller?

2006-09-14 Thread David
Il Thu, 14 Sep 2006 13:37:24 +0200, Fredrik Lundh ha scritto:

 in Python.

Thanks to all of you!


Re: Are Python's reserved words reserved in places they dont need tobe?

2006-09-14 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2006-09-14, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 13 Sep 2006 07:45:02 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:

 This is just an idea of mine, nothing I expect python to adapt.
 But just suppose the language allowed for words in bold. A word
 in bold would be considered a reserved word, a word in non bold
 would be an identifier.


 Shrug, Different options are possible, in a file the keywords
 could just be prefixed with a Ctrl-K, and depending on the editor or its
 setting, this could be shown bold or blue or whatever. I don't care
 about the specifics at this point. I just wanted to make clear there
 is the option to make/show the distiction between identifiers and keywords
 more explicitly.

 But surely all you are doing is changing the reserved word from (say)
 return to \x0breturn. Once you do that, you can bet that people will
 complain that they want to have identifiers in bold too, why can't they
 create a name \x0breturn, and somebody will come up with an even more
 complicated scheme for accommodating them... wash, rinse, repeat.

Do you really think this is a serious possibility? As far as I can see,
that \x0b that will be prepended to differentiate keywords from
identifiers is a technique called stropping, that has been used with
some algol languages. Have you any knowledge of people programming algol
who asked for the use of stropped identifiers?

I think I really would be amazed to find out there were such people,
but then I have been amazed before. So I really would like to know.

Antoon Pardon

Re: how are dictionary literals handled by the interpreter?

2006-09-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
  I wrote up a quick little set of tests, I was acutally comparing ways
  of doing case behavior just to get some performance information.  Now
  two of my test cases had almost identical results which was not at all
  what I expected.  Ultimately I realized I don't really know how
  literals are treated within the interpreter.
  The two implementations I was looking at were:
  class caseFunction(object):
  def __init__(self):
  self.caseDict = {'a':retval = 'a',
  def doIt(self,a):
  return retval

 Err...  Why would you want to exec anything here ? Remember that
 Python's functions are objects too:

Largely because it was immaterial to what I am asking about here, which
is dictionary literals.  I was also curious about how much overhead
exec had - even on simple statements, and it's about as bad as I would
have guessed.  Finally - it's a little quicker to write out the exec
dictionary than all of the functions ;)

 def funcA(*args, **kw):
   return funcA called with %s %s % (str(args), kw)

 def funcB(*args, **kw):
   return funcB called with %s %s % (str(args), kw)

 def funcC(*args, **kw):
   return funcC called with %s %s % (str(args), kw)

 def defaultFunc(*args, **kw):
   return defaultFunc called with %s %s % (str(args), kw)

 class SwitchFunc(object):
   def __init__(self, default, **kw):
 self._default = default
 self._switch = kw

   # makes the object callable.
   def __call__(self, case, *args, **kw):
 func = self._switch.get(case, self._default)
 return func(*args, **kw)

 switch = SwitchFunc(defaultFunc, a=funcA, b=funcB, c=funcC)

 for case in abcX:
   print switch(case, foo, q=42)

Now I'm not sure what the value of semi abstraction is here.  If we
are going to make the class semi generic, might as well have it use
exec, then the function determined by the switch statement could be
dynamically changed at runtime(and run like a pig).  Otherwise, we need
to have those functions implemented so what do we gain?  I was also
going to say, why not make the functions instance methods, but --
surprise surprise - when I timed it out, the lookup was ever so
slightly slower for the instance methods.  I had to do about 100,000
loops of it for the speed difference to be definitive, but oddly enough
lookup to the module function was faster than looking up an instance

 bruno desthuilliers
 python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
 p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])


Re: xinclude and pathnames

2006-09-14 Thread Rob Williscroft
Tim Arnold wrote in news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] in

 Tim Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I'm using ElementTree to access some xml configuration files, and
 using the module's xinclude capability. I've got lines like this in
 the parent xml file (which lives in the same directory as the
 included xml file): xi:include 

 When I started the project it was Unix-only; this worked fine. Now I
 have users who want to use the system on Windows and of course that
 directory path doesn't exist on Windows, but it is available on the
 network using a name like

 if relative paths worked, I could imagine
 xi:include href=asdf_syntaxterms.xml / would work.
 Also,the file can be read via an http server.

 My question: is there a way to make xinclude work with relative paths
 or perhaps urls?
 Any ideas welcome--to me it looks like I'll have to restructure this
 part of the system since I've basically programmed myself into a

According to the docs:

The default handler just sees the href value as a filename, so you
should be able to use a relative path if you os.chdir() to the working
directory before processing you xml file.

I just ran a 3 line sample to make sure os.chdir() works with network 
paths, which it did.


Re: Are Python's reserved words reserved in places they dont need to be?

2006-09-14 Thread Kay Schluehr

Carl Banks wrote:
 metaperl wrote:
  --  python -i
   class = algebra
File stdin, line 1
  class = algebra
  SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  Why isn' t the parser smart enough to see that class followed by an
  identifier is used for class definition but class followed by equals is
  a simple assignment?

 Hmm.  Someone called metaPERL is asking why Python doesn't have a
 more complicated grammar.  Why does this not surprise me?  :)

Yeah. But elimination of all keywords and replacement by punctuation is
clearly an alternative. One might just start with:

@class X(object):
@def __init__(self):
   @print an X

and move on to:

@% X(object):
@_ _init__(self):
an X

That's all still LL(1) parsable.


Re: How do I converted a null (0) terminated string to a Python string?

2006-09-14 Thread Michael

Since I'm new to Python, I'm having trouble understanding what this
means (see below). Would appreciate any help.

if strg[-1] == \0:
strg = strg[:-1]


John Machin wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
  Michael wrote:
   Thanks for your reply. Just wondering... how are Python strings
   formatted? Evidently they're not 0 terminated.
  have you tried *printing* the thing you got via UDP?
  to get a programmer-friendly representation of an arbitrary object, use
   print repr(obj)
  (where obj is your string, in this case).

 Probably not; there was no indication after the two messages where I
 mentioned repr :-)


Re: Tkinter on Python 2.4 on Mac OS X?

2006-09-14 Thread Ben Kovitz

Bill Williams wrote:
  Ben Kovitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ...I finally got the
  Hello World program at to
  work, but only under Python 2.3.
  Has anyone gotten Tkinter running with Python 2.4 on a Mac?
 The Hello World example works for me. You have to save as applet, though.

Thanks for the suggestion, Bill!  I would never have guessed that it
would make a difference if you make your script an applet (that seems
very strange).  Now, here's a stupid question: how do you save as an
applet?  I know IDLE can do that, but my 2.4 IDLE is failing
because...Tkinter isn't working with Python 2.4 (same spinning
beachball forever as Hello World).  If you know a quick way to do it,
that would be great, before I go digging into the source code of IDLE.

Maybe this is a better question for me to ask:  *How* did you get
Python 2.4 running with Tkinter on OS X?

Ben Kovitz


Re: How do I converted a null (0) terminated string to a Python string?

2006-09-14 Thread John Machin
Michael wrote:

 Since I'm new to Python, I'm having trouble understanding what this
 means (see below). Would appreciate any help.

 if strg[-1] == \0:

If the last (i.e index -1) byte in the string equals ASCII NUL:

 strg = strg[:-1]

then take a slice of the string from the start up to but not including
the last byte and assign that to strg

In other words, if the last byte of strg is NUL, throw it away.

The truly paranoid would code that as
if strg and strg[-1] etc etc
so that it wouldn't blow up if strg is empty -- strange things can
happen when you are reading other people's data :-)

Perhaps you should work through the tutorial; all the above concepts
are treated in this section:



Re: How do I converted a null (0) terminated string to a Python string?

2006-09-14 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

 In other words, if the last byte of strg is NUL, throw it away.
 The truly paranoid would code that as
 if strg and strg[-1] etc etc
 so that it wouldn't blow up if strg is empty -- strange things can
 happen when you are reading other people's data :-)

I would spell it:

if strg.endswith('\0'):
strg = strg[:-1]

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Python to JavaScript Compiler? Anyone written such a beast?

2006-09-14 Thread fijal

Helpfull link to JS specific docs in pypy:


Re: How do I converted a null (0) terminated string to a Python string?

2006-09-14 Thread Richard Brodie

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

 I would spell it:

 if strg.endswith('\0'):
strg = strg[:-1]

I would just go with: strg = strg.rstrip('\0')


Re: Outbound port on sockets

2006-09-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
bmearns schrieb:
 Passive mode is implemented, the client isn't trying to use it.
 Besides, that doesn't really help me anyway, all it means is that I
 have to resolve port forwarding for the server, instead of for the
 I think what this basically comes down to is that either with PASV or
 PORT, there's a relatively arbitrary port number being specified, and I
 can't figure out how to get my router to forward it since I don't know
 what it will be in advance, short of forwarding all the 64 thousand
 some odd valid ports.

But you can restrict the numbers of ports the server will use to a 
certain range! It's common for ftp to allow only for so many connections 
at the same time, so reserve a port-range of 20 or so for your server 
and configure the router to forward them.

 The thing that gets me is that I can connect to the other FTP servers,
 and (according to the responses echoed by the command line FTP client),
 they're using PORT, not PASV. So somehow, my client is specifying some
 arbitrary port for the server to connect to, and that port is actually
 being forwarded through my router.

No idea how that happens, but there are protocol aware fire walls.


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