Re: [racket-users] handin server error

2016-09-11 Thread Eli Barzilay
On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 11:52 AM, Spencer Florence  wrote:
> This is a little bit of a hack and weakens the handin server security

Your suggestion is pretty bad in that it's more significant than it
looks.  With it, you're allowing submission evaluation to read all files
on the handin server.  You should at least replace the "/" path with the
system path that has the required libraries.

   ((x=>x(x))(x=>x(x)))  Eli Barzilay:  Maze is Life!

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RE: [racket-users] Trouble with recursive lambda macros, using Y combinator

2016-09-11 Thread Jos Koot
After you have figured how to make recursive-lambda,
you may want to figure out how to produce two mutually recursive functions.
If, or rather I think 'when', you have more questions, don't hesitate to 
consult this list,
for I am sure the PLT team and many others agree with this advice.


From: Jos Koot [] 
Sent: lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2016 4:07
To: 'Vasily Rybakov'; 'Racket Users'
Cc: 'Jos Koot'
Subject: RE: [racket-users] Trouble with recursive lambda macros, using Y 

When using a macro, always think: "can I do the same without a macro?" 
You use the simple auto-applicator (lambda (x) (x x)). 
I suggest to use an applicative-order Y-combinator, such as: 
(define Y (λ (m) ((λ (f) (f f)) (λ (g) (m (λ (n) ((g g) n))) 
Now: ((Y (lambda (!) (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (! (sub1 n))) 4) -> 
There are many more ways to write an applicative-order Y-combinator. 
Now is the moment to think about a sugaring macro: 

#lang racket 
; Let Y work for functions of more than one argument: 
(define Y (λ (m) ((λ (f) (f f)) (λ (g) (m (λ args (apply (g g) args))) 
((Y (lambda (!) (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (! (sub1 n))) 4) 
; The sugar: 
 (recursive-lambda (name arg ...) body ...) 
 (Y (lambda (name) (lambda (arg ...) body ... 
((recursive-lambda (! n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (! (sub1 n) 4) 
; Or in tail recursive style 
; (I am not sure it is realy tail recursive under Y, 
;  but using debug I don't see a growing stack) 
((recursive-lambda (! n m) (if (zero? n) m (! (sub1 n) (* n m 4 1) 


-Original Message- 
From: [] On Behalf Of
Vasily Rybakov 
Sent: domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2016 5:54 
To: Racket Users 
Subject: [racket-users] Trouble with recursive lambda macros, using Y 


I'm learning Racket and I stumpbled into a couple of problems with macros. 

I tried to make macros that implements recursive lambda, but not the classic 
one (that uses letre), but the one that uses Y

So it should work like this: 

(recursion fact (n) 
(if (zero? n) 
(* n (fact (sub1 n) 

transforms into 

((lambda (x) (x x)) 
(lambda (fact) 
  (lambda (n) 
 (if (zero? n) 1 (* n ((fact fact) (sub1 n))) 

which produces recursive anonymous function to compute factorial. 

So I wrote this macros: 

(define-syntax recursion 
  (syntax-rules () 
[(_ label (args ...) body ...) 
 ((lambda (x) (x x)) 
  (lambda (label) 
(lambda (args ...) 
  (substitute-term label (label label) body) ...)))])) 

(substitute-term) macros is helper macros to substitute one piece of code with 
another, here its fist version: 

(define-syntax (substitute-term stx) 
  (syntax-case stx () 
[(_ term-from term-to body) 
 [(null? (syntax-e #'body)) #'(void)] 
 [(list? (syntax-e #'body)) #`#,(map (lambda (x) (append (syntax-e 
#'(substitute-term term-from term-to)) (if (list? x) x
(list x (syntax-e #'body))]

 [else (if (equal? (syntax-e #'body) (syntax-e #'term-from)) #'term-to 

>(substitute-term - + (- 1 2)) 

This works. But 

>(substitute-term and or (and #t #f)) 
or: bad syntax in: or 

Macro stepper shows that it expands into 

(or (substitute-term and or #t) (substitute-term and or #f)) 

And after this step is "bad syntax" error. I couldn't figure why is this and 
how to fix it. It raises "bad syntax" errors with all
special forms for some reason. Can somebody explain to me -- why? And how to 
fix it?

Then I tried rewrite (substitute-term) macro: 

(define-syntax (substitute-term-2 stx) 
  (syntax-case stx () 
[(substitute-term term-from term-to body) 
 (datum->syntax stx (for-substitute-term (syntax->datum #'term-from) 
(syntax->datum #'term-to) (syntax->datum #'body)))]))

It uses helper function (define-for-syntax) which do all the work: 

(define-for-syntax (for-substitute-term term-from term-to expr) 
[(null? expr) (void)] 
[(list? expr) (map (lambda (x) (apply for-substitute-term (list term-from 
term-to x))) expr)] 
[else (if (equal? expr term-from) term-to expr)])) 

>(substitute-term-2 and or (and #t #f)) 

Hurray! But if I use it in my (recursion) macro: 

(define-syntax recursion-2 
  (syntax-rules () 
[(_ label (args ...) body ...) 
 ((lambda (x) (x x)) 
  (lambda (label) 
(lambda (args ...) 
  (substitute-term-2 label (label label) body) ...)))])) 

>((recursion-2 fact (n) 
(if (zero? n) 
(* n (fact (sub1 n) 5) 
n: unbound identifier in module 
  other binding...: in: n 

Although macro stepper shows that it expands into 

((lambda (x) (x x)) 
 (lambda (fact) 
   (lambda (n) 

RE: [racket-users] Trouble with recursive lambda macros, using Y combinator

2016-09-11 Thread Jos Koot
When using a macro, always think: "can I do the same without a macro?"
You use the simple auto-applicator (lambda (x) (x x)).
I suggest to use an applicative-order Y-combinator, such as:
(define Y (λ (m) ((λ (f) (f f)) (λ (g) (m (λ (n) ((g g) n)))
Now: ((Y (lambda (!) (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (! (sub1 n))) 4) -> 24
There are many more ways to write an applicative-order Y-combinator.
Now is the moment to think about a sugaring macro:

#lang racket
; Let Y work for functions of more than one argument:
(define Y (λ (m) ((λ (f) (f f)) (λ (g) (m (λ args (apply (g g) args)))
((Y (lambda (!) (lambda (n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (! (sub1 n))) 4)
; The sugar:
 (recursive-lambda (name arg ...) body ...)
 (Y (lambda (name) (lambda (arg ...) body ...
((recursive-lambda (! n) (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (! (sub1 n) 4)
; Or in tail recursive style
; (I am not sure it is realy tail recursive under Y,
;  but using debug I don't see a growing stack)
((recursive-lambda (! n m) (if (zero? n) m (! (sub1 n) (* n m 4 1)


-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Vasily Rybakov
Sent: domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2016 5:54
To: Racket Users
Subject: [racket-users] Trouble with recursive lambda macros, using Y combinator


I'm learning Racket and I stumpbled into a couple of problems with macros.

I tried to make macros that implements recursive lambda, but not the classic 
one (that uses letre), but the one that uses Y

So it should work like this:

(recursion fact (n)
(if (zero? n)
(* n (fact (sub1 n)

transforms into

((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (fact)
  (lambda (n)
 (if (zero? n) 1 (* n ((fact fact) (sub1 n)))

which produces recursive anonymous function to compute factorial.

So I wrote this macros:

(define-syntax recursion
  (syntax-rules ()
[(_ label (args ...) body ...)
 ((lambda (x) (x x))
  (lambda (label)
(lambda (args ...)
  (substitute-term label (label label) body) ...)))]))

(substitute-term) macros is helper macros to substitute one piece of code with 
another, here its fist version:

(define-syntax (substitute-term stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
[(_ term-from term-to body)
 [(null? (syntax-e #'body)) #'(void)]
 [(list? (syntax-e #'body)) #`#,(map (lambda (x) (append (syntax-e 
#'(substitute-term term-from term-to)) (if (list? x) x
(list x (syntax-e #'body))]
 [else (if (equal? (syntax-e #'body) (syntax-e #'term-from)) #'term-to 

>(substitute-term - + (- 1 2))

This works. But

>(substitute-term and or (and #t #f))
or: bad syntax in: or

Macro stepper shows that it expands into

(or (substitute-term and or #t) (substitute-term and or #f))

And after this step is "bad syntax" error. I couldn't figure why is this and 
how to fix it. It raises "bad syntax" errors with all
special forms for some reason. Can somebody explain to me -- why? And how to 
fix it?

Then I tried rewrite (substitute-term) macro:

(define-syntax (substitute-term-2 stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
[(substitute-term term-from term-to body)
 (datum->syntax stx (for-substitute-term (syntax->datum #'term-from) 
(syntax->datum #'term-to) (syntax->datum #'body)))]))

It uses helper function (define-for-syntax) which do all the work:

(define-for-syntax (for-substitute-term term-from term-to expr)
[(null? expr) (void)]
[(list? expr) (map (lambda (x) (apply for-substitute-term (list term-from 
term-to x))) expr)]
[else (if (equal? expr term-from) term-to expr)]))

>(substitute-term-2 and or (and #t #f))

Hurray! But if I use it in my (recursion) macro:

(define-syntax recursion-2
  (syntax-rules ()
[(_ label (args ...) body ...)
 ((lambda (x) (x x))
  (lambda (label)
(lambda (args ...)
  (substitute-term-2 label (label label) body) ...)))]))

>((recursion-2 fact (n)
(if (zero? n)
(* n (fact (sub1 n) 5)
n: unbound identifier in module
  other binding...: in: n

Although macro stepper shows that it expands into

((lambda (x) (x x))
 (lambda (fact)
   (lambda (n)
  (fact fact)
  (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (sub1 n

Which if entered in interaction area works as intended. I understand that 
binding for n is lost when I invoke (substitute-term-2)
macro on body. But I couldn't find in documentation -- why? And how to fix it?

I would be grateful, if somebody explained to me what's wrong with my first and 
my second attempts and how to fix them. Thanks!

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Re: [racket-users] Trouble with recursive lambda macros, using Y combinator

2016-09-11 Thread Gustavo Massaccesi
Just a comment about how to compare identifiers. In some cases, using
equal? and syntax-e gives the wrong result. It's better to use
free-identifier=? . For example, in this program we can use three
methods to compare identifiers (there are more!).

The program has two macros:

clasify-id: shows the result of three methods to compare identifiers.

show: it creates an unuseful temporal variable, and shows the value of
the "argument" and the value of the unuseful variable.

The problem is that that temporal variable is called temp, so it can
confuse the comparison methods because it has the same name that one
of the module level variables. But if free-identifier=? does a more
thoughtful comparison.

#lang racket

(define-syntax (clasify-id stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
[(_ x y)
(list (equal? #'x #'y)
  (equal? (syntax-e #'x) (syntax-e #'y))
  (free-identifier=? #'x #'y)))

(define-syntax (showln stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
[(_ var)
 #'(let ([temp (random)])
 (displayln (list temp var))
 (clasify-id temp var))]))

(define x 5)
(define temp 5)

(clasify-id x temp)  ;==> (#f #f #f)
(clasify-id x x) ;==> (#F #t #t) <-- the first is wrong
(showln x)   ;==> (#f #f #f)
(showln temp);==> (#f #T #f) <-- the seccond is wrong


On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 12:26 PM, Vasily Rybakov  wrote:
> Hi, gustavo!
> Thanks for your answer, it was very helpful.
> So i rewrote my (substitute-term) macro like this:
> (define-syntax (substitute-term stx)
>   (syntax-case stx ()
> [(_ term-from term-to (body0 body ...))
>  #`#,(append (if (equal? (syntax-e #'body0) (syntax-e #'term-from))
>  (list #'term-to)
>  (list #'body0))
>  #'((substitute-term term-from term-to body) ...))]
> [(_ term-from term-to body)
>  (if (equal? (syntax-e #'body)
>  (syntax-e #'term-from))
>  #'term-to
>  #'body)]))
> The (syntax-e) parts is kept because (equal? #'body #'term-from) won't yield 
> #t.
> Now it works:
>>(substitute-term and or (and #t #f))
> #t
> After a little bit tinkering I returned to (case) form, so it can substitute 
> not only single terms, but whole expressions:
> (define-syntax (substitute-syntax stx)
>   (syntax-case stx ()
> [(_ term-from term-to body)
>  (cond
>[(equal? (syntax->datum #'body) (syntax->datum #'term-from)) #'term-to]
>[(list? (syntax->datum #'body)) #`#,(append (if (equal? (syntax->datum 
> (car (syntax-e #'body)))
> #'term-from))
>(list #'term-to)
>(list #`#,(car 
> (syntax-e #'body
>(map (lambda (x)
>   (append (syntax-e 
> #'(substitute-syntax term-from term-to))
>   (list x)))
> (cdr (syntax-e 
> #'body]
>  [else #'body])]))
>>(substitute-syntax (and #t #f) or ((and #t #f) #f #t))
> Expands into (or #t #f)
> #t
> And my final version of recursion looks like this:
> (define-syntax recursion
>   (syntax-rules ()
> [(_ (args ...) body ...)
>  ((lambda (x) (x x))
>   (lambda (generated-label)
> (lambda (args ...)
>   (substitute-syntax recursion (generated-label generated-label) 
> body) ...)))]
> [(_ label (args ...) body ...)
>  ((lambda (x) (x x))
>   (lambda (label)
> (lambda (args ...)
>   (substitute-syntax label (label label) body) ...)))]))
> So it can be used without label, if there are no nested recursions:
>>((recursion (n)
> (if (zero? n)
> 1
> (* n (recursion (sub1 n) 5)
> 5
> Now it works, as intended.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Racket Users" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
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Re: [racket-users] Re: Trouble with recursive lambda macros, using Y combinator

2016-09-11 Thread Jens Axel Søgaard
Hi Vasily,

For completeness sake, note that you can use let-syntax and
make the macro expander do the work of substitute-syntax.

(require (for-syntax syntax/parse))

(define-syntax (recursion stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
[(_recursion name (arg ...) expr)
 #'( (λ (x) (x x))
 (λ (name)
   (λ (arg ...)
 (let-syntax ([name (λ (stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
[(_name . more) #'((name name) . more)]
[other  #'other]))])

2016-09-11 17:33 GMT+02:00 Vasily Rybakov :

> Also thanks to Jens and Sam -- your examples is valuable, I learned from
> them (for example, how I can use (let) to bind variable that was defined
> before -- so it keeps previous binding in the definitions part of (let) but
> uses new binding in the body part of (let)).
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Racket Users" group.
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Jens Axel Søgaard

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[racket-users] Re: Trouble with recursive lambda macros, using Y combinator

2016-09-11 Thread Vasily Rybakov
Also thanks to Jens and Sam -- your examples is valuable, I learned from them 
(for example, how I can use (let) to bind variable that was defined before -- 
so it keeps previous binding in the definitions part of (let) but uses new 
binding in the body part of (let)).

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Re: [racket-users] Trouble with recursive lambda macros, using Y combinator

2016-09-11 Thread Vasily Rybakov
Hi, gustavo!

Thanks for your answer, it was very helpful.

So i rewrote my (substitute-term) macro like this:

(define-syntax (substitute-term stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
[(_ term-from term-to (body0 body ...))
 #`#,(append (if (equal? (syntax-e #'body0) (syntax-e #'term-from))
 (list #'term-to)
 (list #'body0))
 #'((substitute-term term-from term-to body) ...))]
[(_ term-from term-to body)
 (if (equal? (syntax-e #'body)
 (syntax-e #'term-from))

The (syntax-e) parts is kept because (equal? #'body #'term-from) won't yield #t.

Now it works:
>(substitute-term and or (and #t #f))

After a little bit tinkering I returned to (case) form, so it can substitute 
not only single terms, but whole expressions:

(define-syntax (substitute-syntax stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
[(_ term-from term-to body)
   [(equal? (syntax->datum #'body) (syntax->datum #'term-from)) #'term-to]
   [(list? (syntax->datum #'body)) #`#,(append (if (equal? (syntax->datum 
(car (syntax-e #'body)))
   (list #'term-to)
   (list #`#,(car (syntax-e 
   (map (lambda (x)
  (append (syntax-e 
#'(substitute-syntax term-from term-to))
  (list x)))
(cdr (syntax-e 
 [else #'body])]))

>(substitute-syntax (and #t #f) or ((and #t #f) #f #t))
Expands into (or #t #f)

And my final version of recursion looks like this:
(define-syntax recursion
  (syntax-rules ()
[(_ (args ...) body ...)
 ((lambda (x) (x x))
  (lambda (generated-label)
(lambda (args ...)
  (substitute-syntax recursion (generated-label generated-label) body) 
[(_ label (args ...) body ...)
 ((lambda (x) (x x))
  (lambda (label)
(lambda (args ...)
  (substitute-syntax label (label label) body) ...)))]))

So it can be used without label, if there are no nested recursions:
>((recursion (n)
(if (zero? n)
(* n (recursion (sub1 n) 5)

Now it works, as intended.

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Re: [racket-users] Trouble with recursive lambda macros, using Y combinator

2016-09-11 Thread Sam Caldwell
I think the simplest solution to your problem would be to use the *full*
(for strict languages, I don't quite remember the name) Y-combinator rather
than just self-application, which is what you have right now. Then you can
just ditch `substitute-term` completely:

(define Y
  (lambda (f)
((lambda (g) (g g))
 (lambda (x) (f (lambda (y) ((x x) y)))

(define-syntax recursion
  (syntax-rules ()
[(_ label (args ...) body ...)
  (lambda (label)
(lambda (args ...)
  body ...)))]))


> (define fact
(recursion fact (n)
(if (zero? n)
(* n (fact (sub1 n))
> (fact 0)
> (fact 10)

- Sam Caldwell

On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 9:15 AM, Jens Axel Søgaard 

> Rather than use substitute-term you can bind name to do the right thing.
> For example:
> #lang racket
> (require (for-syntax syntax/parse))
> (define-syntax (recursion stx)
>   (syntax-parse stx
> [(_recursion name (arg ...) expr)
>  #'( (λ (x) (x x))
>  (λ (name)
>(λ (arg ...)
>  (let ([name (λ args (apply (name name) args))])
> ((recursion fact (n)
> (if (zero? n)
> 1
> (* n (fact (sub1 n)
>  5)
> 2016-09-11 5:54 GMT+02:00 Vasily Rybakov :
>> Hi!
>> I'm learning Racket and I stumpbled into a couple of problems with macros.
>> I tried to make macros that implements recursive lambda, but not the
>> classic one (that uses letre), but the one that uses Y combinator.
>> So it should work like this:
>> (recursion fact (n)
>> (if (zero? n)
>> 1
>> (* n (fact (sub1 n)
>> transforms into
>> ((lambda (x) (x x))
>> (lambda (fact)
>>   (lambda (n)
>>  (if (zero? n) 1 (* n ((fact fact) (sub1 n)))
>> which produces recursive anonymous function to compute factorial.
>> So I wrote this macros:
>> (define-syntax recursion
>>   (syntax-rules ()
>> [(_ label (args ...) body ...)
>>  ((lambda (x) (x x))
>>   (lambda (label)
>> (lambda (args ...)
>>   (substitute-term label (label label) body) ...)))]))
>> (substitute-term) macros is helper macros to substitute one piece of code
>> with another, here its fist version:
>> (define-syntax (substitute-term stx)
>>   (syntax-case stx ()
>> [(_ term-from term-to body)
>>  [(null? (syntax-e #'body)) #'(void)]
>>  [(list? (syntax-e #'body)) #`#,(map (lambda (x) (append
>> (syntax-e #'(substitute-term term-from term-to)) (if (list? x) x (list
>> x (syntax-e #'body))]
>>  [else (if (equal? (syntax-e #'body) (syntax-e #'term-from))
>> #'term-to #'body)])]))
>> >(substitute-term - + (- 1 2))
>> 3
>> This works. But
>> >(substitute-term and or (and #t #f))
>> or: bad syntax in: or
>> Macro stepper shows that it expands into
>> (or (substitute-term and or #t) (substitute-term and or #f))
>> And after this step is "bad syntax" error. I couldn't figure why is this
>> and how to fix it. It raises "bad syntax" errors with all special forms for
>> some reason. Can somebody explain to me -- why? And how to fix it?
>> Then I tried rewrite (substitute-term) macro:
>> (define-syntax (substitute-term-2 stx)
>>   (syntax-case stx ()
>> [(substitute-term term-from term-to body)
>>  (datum->syntax stx (for-substitute-term (syntax->datum #'term-from)
>> (syntax->datum #'term-to) (syntax->datum #'body)))]))
>> It uses helper function (define-for-syntax) which do all the work:
>> (define-for-syntax (for-substitute-term term-from term-to expr)
>>   (cond
>> [(null? expr) (void)]
>> [(list? expr) (map (lambda (x) (apply for-substitute-term (list
>> term-from term-to x))) expr)]
>> [else (if (equal? expr term-from) term-to expr)]))
>> >(substitute-term-2 and or (and #t #f))
>> #t
>> Hurray! But if I use it in my (recursion) macro:
>> (define-syntax recursion-2
>>   (syntax-rules ()
>> [(_ label (args ...) body ...)
>>  ((lambda (x) (x x))
>>   (lambda (label)
>> (lambda (args ...)
>>   (substitute-term-2 label (label label) body) ...)))]))
>> >((recursion-2 fact (n)
>> (if (zero? n)
>> 1
>> (* n (fact (sub1 n) 5)
>> n: unbound identifier in module
>>   context...:
>>   other binding...: in: n
>> Although macro stepper shows that it expands into
>> ((lambda (x) (x x))
>>  (lambda (fact)
>>(lambda (n)
>>  (substitute-term-2
>>   fact
>>   (fact fact)
>>   (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (sub1 n
>> Which if entered in interaction area works as intended. I understand that
>> binding for n is lost when I invoke (substitute-term-2) macro on body. But
>> I couldn't find in 

Re: [racket-users] Trouble with recursive lambda macros, using Y combinator

2016-09-11 Thread Jens Axel Søgaard
Rather than use substitute-term you can bind name to do the right thing.
For example:

#lang racket
(require (for-syntax syntax/parse))

(define-syntax (recursion stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
[(_recursion name (arg ...) expr)
 #'( (λ (x) (x x))
 (λ (name)
   (λ (arg ...)
 (let ([name (λ args (apply (name name) args))])

((recursion fact (n)
(if (zero? n)
(* n (fact (sub1 n)

2016-09-11 5:54 GMT+02:00 Vasily Rybakov :

> Hi!
> I'm learning Racket and I stumpbled into a couple of problems with macros.
> I tried to make macros that implements recursive lambda, but not the
> classic one (that uses letre), but the one that uses Y combinator.
> So it should work like this:
> (recursion fact (n)
> (if (zero? n)
> 1
> (* n (fact (sub1 n)
> transforms into
> ((lambda (x) (x x))
> (lambda (fact)
>   (lambda (n)
>  (if (zero? n) 1 (* n ((fact fact) (sub1 n)))
> which produces recursive anonymous function to compute factorial.
> So I wrote this macros:
> (define-syntax recursion
>   (syntax-rules ()
> [(_ label (args ...) body ...)
>  ((lambda (x) (x x))
>   (lambda (label)
> (lambda (args ...)
>   (substitute-term label (label label) body) ...)))]))
> (substitute-term) macros is helper macros to substitute one piece of code
> with another, here its fist version:
> (define-syntax (substitute-term stx)
>   (syntax-case stx ()
> [(_ term-from term-to body)
>  [(null? (syntax-e #'body)) #'(void)]
>  [(list? (syntax-e #'body)) #`#,(map (lambda (x) (append (syntax-e
> #'(substitute-term term-from term-to)) (if (list? x) x (list x
> (syntax-e #'body))]
>  [else (if (equal? (syntax-e #'body) (syntax-e #'term-from))
> #'term-to #'body)])]))
> >(substitute-term - + (- 1 2))
> 3
> This works. But
> >(substitute-term and or (and #t #f))
> or: bad syntax in: or
> Macro stepper shows that it expands into
> (or (substitute-term and or #t) (substitute-term and or #f))
> And after this step is "bad syntax" error. I couldn't figure why is this
> and how to fix it. It raises "bad syntax" errors with all special forms for
> some reason. Can somebody explain to me -- why? And how to fix it?
> Then I tried rewrite (substitute-term) macro:
> (define-syntax (substitute-term-2 stx)
>   (syntax-case stx ()
> [(substitute-term term-from term-to body)
>  (datum->syntax stx (for-substitute-term (syntax->datum #'term-from)
> (syntax->datum #'term-to) (syntax->datum #'body)))]))
> It uses helper function (define-for-syntax) which do all the work:
> (define-for-syntax (for-substitute-term term-from term-to expr)
>   (cond
> [(null? expr) (void)]
> [(list? expr) (map (lambda (x) (apply for-substitute-term (list
> term-from term-to x))) expr)]
> [else (if (equal? expr term-from) term-to expr)]))
> >(substitute-term-2 and or (and #t #f))
> #t
> Hurray! But if I use it in my (recursion) macro:
> (define-syntax recursion-2
>   (syntax-rules ()
> [(_ label (args ...) body ...)
>  ((lambda (x) (x x))
>   (lambda (label)
> (lambda (args ...)
>   (substitute-term-2 label (label label) body) ...)))]))
> >((recursion-2 fact (n)
> (if (zero? n)
> 1
> (* n (fact (sub1 n) 5)
> n: unbound identifier in module
>   context...:
>   other binding...: in: n
> Although macro stepper shows that it expands into
> ((lambda (x) (x x))
>  (lambda (fact)
>(lambda (n)
>  (substitute-term-2
>   fact
>   (fact fact)
>   (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (sub1 n
> Which if entered in interaction area works as intended. I understand that
> binding for n is lost when I invoke (substitute-term-2) macro on body. But
> I couldn't find in documentation -- why? And how to fix it?
> I would be grateful, if somebody explained to me what's wrong with my
> first and my second attempts and how to fix them. Thanks!
> --
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Jens Axel Søgaard

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Re: [racket-users] Trouble with recursive lambda macros, using Y combinator

2016-09-11 Thread Gustavo Massaccesi
In the first method, the problem is #%app
It's hidden by the default configuration of the macro stepper. Try
changing the configuration to show it.

The problem is that the expansion is:

(substitute-term and or (and #t #f))

---> first item is a macro, so apply it

((substitute-term and or and) (substitute-term and or #t)
(substitute-term and or #f))

--> first item is not a macro (it's only something that calls a
macro), so add #%app

(#%app (substitute-term and or and) (substitute-term and or #t)
(substitute-term and or #f))

--> first item is a especial form, so analyze the subexpressions

(#%app *(substitute-term and or and)* (substitute-term and or #t)
(substitute-term and or #f))

--> first item in the second subexpression is a macro, so apply it

(#%app or (substitute-term and or #t) (substitute-term and or #f))

--> no surprises in the other subexpressiosn, I'll skip the repetitive steps

(#%app or #t #f)

--> now everything is expanded, so #%app want's to call the function
that is the first argument, but it's a macro instead of a function.
--> error

To fix it, I think it's necessary that substitute-term does more work,
and tries to replace the first expression directly instead of using

(substitute-term and or (and #t #f))

---> first item is a macro, so apply it

(and (substitute-term and or #t) (substitute-term and or #f))

where in the first position, the or->and is replaced directly. I also
think this will be easier if you use syntax-case instead of case and


 The problem with the second method is in the line

 (datum->syntax stx (for-substitute-term (syntax->datum #'term-from)
(syntax->datum #'term-to) (syntax->datum #'body)))

This is unhygienic because in the substitution all the
marks/scopes/whatever are lost.

In this case, when #'body is n, the n is not a plain n, is an n that
has a scope that says that it's the argument of the function. When the
macro applies (syntax->datum #'body) then the result is the symbol 'n
without additional information, it's almost a like string of text.
Later when the macro calls (datum->syntax stx (...)) then the symbol
'n get the scopes from the syntax, that are probably the wrong scopes,
so the result is not the n that is the argument of the function but
another n, perhaps the toplevel n that should be defined in the

This explanation is very very very confusing. I'm confused. I'm not
even sure it's 100% accurate, but the general idea is right. Anyway,
the takeaway is "Don't do it". Or to be more precise, only
try this after studding carefully about the hygiene system.


On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 12:54 AM, Vasily Rybakov  wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm learning Racket and I stumpbled into a couple of problems with macros.
> I tried to make macros that implements recursive lambda, but not the classic 
> one (that uses letre), but the one that uses Y combinator.
> So it should work like this:
> (recursion fact (n)
> (if (zero? n)
> 1
> (* n (fact (sub1 n)
> transforms into
> ((lambda (x) (x x))
> (lambda (fact)
>   (lambda (n)
>  (if (zero? n) 1 (* n ((fact fact) (sub1 n)))
> which produces recursive anonymous function to compute factorial.
> So I wrote this macros:
> (define-syntax recursion
>   (syntax-rules ()
> [(_ label (args ...) body ...)
>  ((lambda (x) (x x))
>   (lambda (label)
> (lambda (args ...)
>   (substitute-term label (label label) body) ...)))]))
> (substitute-term) macros is helper macros to substitute one piece of code 
> with another, here its fist version:
> (define-syntax (substitute-term stx)
>   (syntax-case stx ()
> [(_ term-from term-to body)
>  [(null? (syntax-e #'body)) #'(void)]
>  [(list? (syntax-e #'body)) #`#,(map (lambda (x) (append (syntax-e 
> #'(substitute-term term-from term-to)) (if (list? x) x (list x (syntax-e 
> #'body))]
>  [else (if (equal? (syntax-e #'body) (syntax-e #'term-from)) 
> #'term-to #'body)])]))
>>(substitute-term - + (- 1 2))
> 3
> This works. But
>>(substitute-term and or (and #t #f))
> or: bad syntax in: or
> Macro stepper shows that it expands into
> (or (substitute-term and or #t) (substitute-term and or #f))
> And after this step is "bad syntax" error. I couldn't figure why is this and 
> how to fix it. It raises "bad syntax" errors with all special forms for some 
> reason. Can somebody explain to me -- why? And how to fix it?
> Then I tried rewrite (substitute-term) macro:
> (define-syntax (substitute-term-2 stx)
>   (syntax-case stx ()
> [(substitute-term term-from term-to body)
>  (datum->syntax stx (for-substitute-term (syntax->datum #'term-from) 
> (syntax->datum #'term-to) (syntax->datum #'body)))]))
> It uses helper function (define-for-syntax)