[Scidvspc-users] 4.25 win64 beta

2024-05-28 Thread Steve A
Hi Guys,
Hopefully just a couple of weeks till a new release.

I made a funny change today though, that would be good to test on windows

The change relates to startup (which had a minor speed tweak) , and
restoring the tiled windows layout to the same size and position... So if
win 64 bit users could test this still works as before it'd be appreciated.


(Probably the easiest way to test it is by opening a few embedded windows
(such as windows->Book, windows->Comment, Tools->ScoreGraph, resizing the
main window a little larger, then "Options->Save Layout", quit app, then
relaunch and make sure the app reopens at the same size and format as when
it was closed.)

This is basically the new 4.25 version, with the change log included. So
feel free to test those features too.

Regards S. A.
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Browser window changes

2024-04-21 Thread Steve A
Sorry Mike for being vague. The Game Browser is a little game preview
widget/board. To see it, right click on any game in the gamelist (or tree
best games, or in an opening report) and select Browse.

S. A

On Sunday, April 21, 2024,  wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> Perhaps I am being a bit “dense”, but where  exactly is the “Load” button
> and/or where is it?
> I’ve searched through all the help texts but I am none the wiser.
> Kind regards
> Mike
> *From:* Steve A 
> *Sent:* Sunday, April 21, 2024 5:00 AM
> *To:* scidvspc-users 
> *Subject:* [Scidvspc-users] Browser window changes
> Hi Guys.
> Been a while since i coded much. New feature in subversion today is adding
> comments to the game browser window... Only non-scores and unbracketed
> comments are shown, the colours being defined by the pgn window colours. It
> required a little restructure, so testing would be appreciated.
> I was considering adding an engine evaluation to the same window... but ,
> hmm, have pretty much decided against it. An engine score without
> variations and ability to add scores isn't so useful imho.
> Also, ages ago i decided to *close* the browser window if "Load" is
> pressed, but realised there may be situations where this is not desirable,
> so have made holding ControlKey+Load load the game but *not* close the
> browser window.
> regards , S.A.
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Browser window changes

2024-04-20 Thread Steve A
Hi Guys.
Been a while since i coded much. New feature in subversion today is adding
comments to the game browser window... Only non-scores and unbracketed
comments are shown, the colours being defined by the pgn window colours. It
required a little restructure, so testing would be appreciated.

I was considering adding an engine evaluation to the same window... but ,
hmm, have pretty much decided against it. An engine score without
variations and ability to add scores isn't so useful imho.

Also, ages ago i decided to *close* the browser window if "Load" is
pressed, but realised there may be situations where this is not desirable,
so have made holding ControlKey+Load load the game but *not* close the
browser window.

regards , S.A.
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Name Editor pattern matching

2023-11-29 Thread Steve A
Ok... I've removed regex.h because of windows portability. We now use the
simpler (but just as dangerous) Tcl_StringMatch now.

In other news - the mask feature has had some minor tweaks. One may hide
those space-hogging "Markers", and mouseover tooltips (in the mask) may be

Cheers S.A.

Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Name Editor pattern matching

2023-11-25 Thread Steve A
Hi all,
Just a heads-up about a new feature in subversion.
The Name editor can now match names using unix regular expressions.
It's a big change compared to the simple "*" matches we had on a few Name
types previously.

*Note, this feature is quite powerful, so please use with caution.*
Probably anyone familiar with them has had first hand experience of

Testing/feedback would be good for those with subversion access going. Of
course it's not a noob feature, though simple unix regular expressions
aren't TOO hard imho. There's a little more info in the Name Editor help

Unix reg expressions are not really used anywhere else in the GUI ottomh,
but I've gone with them here because of their C++ platform portability...
(though currently untested on windows).

cheers, S.A.
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Questions about files permissions

2023-08-20 Thread Steve A
Hi Nicolas,
Thanks for your attention re packaging Scid vs PC. ;>

Unfortunately we do have some world writeable files and directories.
But briefly, you can/are welcome to chmod all to 664 and ship the package.
This will only make minor obscure-feature failures when run by users not in
the group of the user which installed it. Changing all the 666 to 664 in
the makefile would be a reasonable/maybe sufficient step.
If individuals send you bug reports regarding permissions, i will handle

In a bit more detail - the features which may fail or not work 100% *when
run by users not in the group* are the mate-in-N puzzles and book tuning.
And *possibly* the old and little used engine phalanx and Play Tacgame.

The problem is due to the number of features of the project, and these
small features never being made truly mutil-user friendly due to the
testing obligations and the fact most linux hobbyists systems are hardly
multiuser anyway.

I must add i'm not terribly authoritive about all this, and some others may
be able to add more.
regards, Steven

On Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 3:47 AM Nicolas Formichella 

> Hello,
> To introduce myself, I am a hobbyist Linux packager, especially for SUSE's
> openSUSE Tumbleweed[1][2]
> As such, I like to package as much software as possible to enrich the
> distribution, and so scid_vs_pc comes in
> I made a first package draft, but had some questions before I can continue
> the process of packaging
> — openSUSE has a strict security policy[2], and scid_vs_pc breaks it by
> having a lot of world-writeable files included
> ($SHAREDIR/bases/;$SHAREDIR/books;$SHAREDIR/engines/phalanx/eco.phalanx)
> I would like to know if those definitely need to be shipped as
> world-writeable, or if they can be switched to 664?
> Thanks in advance,
> [1]: https://opensuse.org
> [2]:
> https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Package_security_guidelines#audit_bugs
> ___
> Scidvspc-users mailing list
> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Scid vs PC 4.24

2023-04-25 Thread Steve A
The 4.24 release candidates are up, just click on the download, changes
Tabs here :

Cheers S.A.

On Tuesday, April 25, 2023, Ozkan Sezer  wrote:

> On 4/24/23, Ozkan Sezer  wrote:
> > On 4/24/23, Steve A  wrote:
> >> Hi Oz,
> >> I think it's ok to build 4.24 from Subversion if you get the chance.
> >> Thank-you
> >> S.
> >
> > Will do soon.
> Done: Uploaded windows x86 and x64 builds from svn r3366
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Scid vs PC 4.24

2023-04-14 Thread Steve A
Ok... I've added a nice little feature, and am getting ready to release

The feature is *Country* search in the Player finder. It is disabled by
default, as it does fairly crawl with open searches on big DBs (sorry for
not making it interruptible), but overall i'm happy enough with it.
(The other newish feature is the ability to have a universal background
colour of course. And this week i've hacked the ttk comboboxes so they
don't (obnoxiously) highlight the selected entry).

So, if any translation changes are at hand, or bug reports, please let me
know this week.

Cheers, S.A.
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Global bg colour option

2023-03-21 Thread Steve A
I've been making small improvements to the global background colour
patch/feature and I think it's finally acceptable enough to include.
It's still a bit ordinary, but i realise dark themed desktops are popular
with some people.
Liux looks ok. Here is a windows gui, if anyone would like to test it out.
NB - best to restart the app after enabling / disabling it.
Cheers, S.A
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Windows gui update

2023-01-28 Thread Steve A

I just looked at the changelog for the last year's commits, and there's
nothing too major.

So here is a windows gui update which people can use to see the minor new
features we do have.

Two things that won't work without a tkscid.cpp recompile is the gamelist
context-menu "Copy to clipbase", and some of the undo corner-cases
bugfixes. Otherwise the new features are in this scid.gui link.


(Oh yeah, non-english users should grab their new lang file from here
https://sourceforge.net/p/scidvspc/code/HEAD/tree/tcl/lang/ )

Below is a quick changes list. The main (cough) new features are the
clickable arrows in the small engine analysis boards, big toolbar icons,
and support for Graham's eboard drivers of course. Might be another year
before 4.24 is released ;>
Cheers, S.A.

Player Ratings graph now has a context menu and Button-1 binding.

Reinstate the Suggested Move feature.

FICS: enable use of zseal (opensource timeseal).

Some drawing improvements : Shift+Button now draws the last symbol from the
commenteditor (instead of always a full square). Change circle size. First
use/adaption of SCID's vaguely broken Chessbase arrow/squares support

Add a 'gameinfo' toolbar button.

Undo for clipbase copy and paste was kindof broken / leaky. And restructure

Gamelist 'Copy to filter' context-menu/feature. Extend copy-to-filter to
the best games. Hmmm

Add sanity checks for CC and CXX to configure.

Fix up the small engine board arrows for Xboard and multiPV.

Little colour theme change, and high DPI doco, from Aditya's wordpress blog

Make big toolbar icons a proper feature.

Support for Graham's (UCI engine) eboard drivers.

Some edit-> menus were missing undo points.

Add clickable arrows to the small analysis boards to add moves (prev these
arrows were broken).
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Automate SCID database to PGN export?

2023-01-27 Thread Steve A
 > I would like to build an automated process that grabs the latest
Caissabase files when they are released, turn them into PGN, and push the
updated games into my own personal database

Normally PGN is not the solution, but the problem.
In this example, you want a script for tcscid which

Open your_database
Open cassaibase
sc_search date LASTDATE
sc_filter copy cassaibase your_database

If you keep a copy of previous_cassabase around, you can also ascertain

Have a look in the scripts folder for examples.,
And the tkscid programmers reference Web page
for  help.

S. A

On Saturday, January 28, 2023, Nathan Loding  wrote:

> I was wondering if there was a way to script the conversion of the
> si4/etc. database(s) to PGN format? There is the CLI tool to convert PGN to
> SCID automatically, but I am looking to go the other way around. I dug
> through the source code, but I am not a Tcl or C++ programmer, and the C++
> methods are very tightly coupled to the Tcl interpreter; I don't even know
> where to begin
> As an example for what I'd like to do: I would like to build an automated
> process that grabs the latest Caissabase files when they are released, turn
> them into PGN, and push the updated games into my own personal database. I
> have some other use cases, including a demo for my day job, but all require
> hands-off automated processing (even if that processing takes some time),
> and can't interact with a GUI.
> Any thoughts on whether this is currently achievable, or something that
> could be achieved in the future? Thanks!
> --nathan
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] New eboard device support

2023-01-21 Thread Steve A
Hi Everyone,
There's some exciting news regarding Graham O'Neills eboard drivers. He's
recently released versions of them where they operate as UCI engines, and
using this, we've made some changes to ScidvsPC that enables good windows
and also linux support. Basically, this now enables (supported) eboard
games to be played/input in ScidvsPC, and also played against UCI engines
and online with fics.

The code is now in svn, and also here as a windows gui update which can
installed over the top of scid.gui in scidvspc-4.23

Obviously this is a niche feature but hopefully some people will find it
useful, and testing would be great. Below is the new help info.

cheers, Steven
Electronic Chessboards

Graham O'Neill has been releasing drivers for numerous electronic chess
for a while now. At Graham's Chess page


 you'll find lots of information, including Windows support for

DGT Pegasus
Novag Citrine
Novag USB
Square Off

 A subset of these are also supported in Linux.

Basically, one installs the UCI Engine version of the appropriate driver
from Graham's site and, by starting the driver using the Analysis Engines
option, your eboard can now be used to enter chess games, play online with
FICS, or against an UCI Engine.

 This is a new feature and hopefully it will mature as we go. A huge thanks
to Graham for his great eboard support and documentation. :)
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Using eboards to play computer engines.

2022-11-12 Thread Steve A
Hi Guys,
Just a quick heads up that there's a new way to use many eBoards with Scid
vs PC on Windows.

Here's Graham's document (Thanks G.)

Basically, half way down this page https://goneill.co.nz/chess.php you'll
find a bunch of setup exes for various eboards. Then you can setup your
board as an UCI engine and play an engine proper via Play->Computer
tournament. It's *probably desirable to throttle their strength in the
configuration window*. For example, Stockfish has "limit elo strength",
"Skill level" and "UCI Elo"
(though i'm not cluey *exactly* how these work).

It's a bit of a hack, but hopefully it'll be useful until we can find
someone keen enough to properly port Graham's drivers to ScidvsPC.
I'll add some inline doco to the project shortly.

regards Steve
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Lichess/Chessbase arrows and squares

2022-07-09 Thread Steve A
Subversion has support for Chessbase and Lichess arrows and squares
such as https://lichess.org/study/ZRtfG7rP and

I can't see they have more markups that we should support ?
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] FICS zseal

2022-07-01 Thread Steve A
Hi all, Just a quick note that i've updated subversion fics to be able to
use zseal.
I really don't know too much about it, except it's open source replacement
of timeseal and perhaps uses a newer protocol (version 2). Seems ok on
Linux and Mac (you'll have to compile your own zseal binary from the source
here, but it seems trivial.
). Currently it is untested on windows.

How's it go / any ideas ? FICS is pretty quiet nowadays... mostly computer
accounts :(
Regards Steven.
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] ScidvsPC 4.23 release schedule / windows 32bit beta

2022-03-28 Thread Steve A
Ok, the official 4.23 releases have been out for a while (though there's no
real changes from Ozkan's earlier betas), and yesterday i finally made a
mac x64 version too. Hopefully it runs ok on newer macOS.
cheers Steven

On Sat, Feb 5, 2022 at 8:40 PM Steve A  wrote:

> Ozkan has uploaded early 4.23 windows exes. :)
> They have the new version number and full (current) changelog.
> But we still won't post the proper packages for a few weeks yet.
> Cheers, S. A
> 32 bit version:
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/scidvspc/files/windows-beta/Scid%20vs%20PC-win32-4.23-r3278.exe/download
> 64 bit version:
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/scidvspc/files/windows-beta/Scid%20vs%20PC-win64-4.23-r3278.exe/download
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] ScidvsPC 4.23 release schedule / windows 32bit beta

2022-02-05 Thread Steve A
Ozkan has uploaded early 4.23 windows exes. :)
They have the new version number and full (current) changelog.
But we still won't post the proper packages for a few weeks yet.
Cheers, S. A

32 bit version:

64 bit version:
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] ScidvsPC 4.23 release schedule / windows 32bit beta

2022-02-04 Thread Steve A
Hi mailing list,
We're getting ready for a new release in a few weeks time :)
Here is a recent win32 snapshot in case anyone cares to test some new


Notably, we've removed Gregors fast mmap file open. I know on some systems
this made a lot of difference, but we have a new build system, and the mmap
is actually now *slower* on my  test win7 box. Hopefully there's not too
many systems having obnoxiously slow file opens with this new beta ??

Are there any outstanding translations / contributions ? Anyway, still 3
weeks to go.

cheers, Steven

*A few changes of interest :-*

New multiple games browse feature
Can move/reorder a single game directly from the gamelist context menu
Online tablebase update from Michael (old online bases had disappeared)
Time graph: when we are calulating movetimes from %clk, check for a
TimeControl tag and add it's increment to the movetimes
Allow for globbing/wildcard matches in the Name Editor date fields.
Give the comment editor some decent colours.!!
The player ratings graph can now optionally use the ELO history in the
spelling "ratings.ssp" file.
For new chess engines - playing UCI Game: Nodes do not have to be in 1000s
Tree mask/cache - change 'fill with base' to 'with filter', and move the
progress window from individual game.
Don't auto-focus text widget in comment editor as there may be timing
related side effects
New patches/treeviewFont.diff, which allows the gamelist font to be
configured (system Small font) - though probably won't inline this ???
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] play against maia

2021-11-30 Thread Steve A
Hmmm - probably that will get updated/changed sometime.

But for the moment just change the *1000 to *1 in this line in scid.gui or
  set ::sergame::fixednodes [expr [.configSerGameWin.ftime.nodesvalue


On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 7:43 AM Jarek Czekalski 

> Hello!
> I found a great chess engine, maia. It's goal is not to play best chess,
> bo to play as humans do. So I'm trying to put it into scid vs pc. There is
> a guide here .
> All goes well. I downloaded lc0, configured it as an engine. Put the gz
> file that makes it actually maia. But the problem is here:
> *go nodes 1*
> is the way I should configure the engine. However when I start playing
> against maia, I can only choose nodes 1x1000! And in engine logs it is
> confirmed as "go nodes 1000".
> So, how can we play with maia?
> Best Regards
> Jarek
> ___
> Scidvspc-users mailing list
> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] file open error "the save file operation failed to connect" ScidVsMac-64bit

2021-11-09 Thread Steve A
Thanks Francois. I have uploaded a new Wish-8.6.12 today which will
*hopefully* work with Monterey.

Unfortunately it seems to have nasty performance regressions, but this may
be because it is compiled and/or tested on Mojave.

Users can install it over the top of  the existing frameworks in
But I'm really not fussed about supporting any macOS after Mojave.


On Tue, Nov 9, 2021 at 3:36 PM Francois Vogel 

> This is an issue introduced by Monterey.
> The Tcl core team has just released 8.6.12 that fixes this.
> Details:
> https://core.tcl-lang.org/tk/tktview?name=108ada5dc8
> Regards,
> Francois
> Le lun. 8 nov. 2021 à 22:06, Lorenzo Casadio via Scidvspc-users <
> scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net> a écrit :
>> Working properly if I open directly from recent files/trees, but if I try
>> to open from File->Open or File->Open Base as Tree, I get "the save file
>> operation failed to connect to the open and save panel service" Maybe I
>> got it after the Monterey upgrade.
>> Disk First Aid does not fix it. Recovery boot neither.
>> ___
>> Scidvspc-users mailing list
>> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
> ___
> Scidvspc-users mailing list
> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] New Mac 64 bit ScidvsPC

2021-09-29 Thread Steve A
Hi Guys,
I have put together a Mojave system, and built a new 64 bit app which seems
to address the awful engine lag we had previously.


Note, i have not added a new version to this... just overwritten the
previous app. It is actually a current subversion snapshot too, so make
sure to test out the gamelist reorder feature (CAREFULLY!, with backups).

I have *not* tested this on Catalina or later though, so pls let me know
how it goes. El Cap and early won't work i think.
Of course you will have to jump through hoops to just open the App because
Apple are so hostile to hobby programmers now :(
And the 32bit version is still the preferred app.

Cheers Steven
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Compiling ScidvsPC in Windows

2021-07-20 Thread Steve A
The makefile.vc just needs updating. It is not technical, just a little

Compare the makefile.conf from that period with one from  4.22 and add the
new targets to Makefile.vc

Perhaps there is more to it, but maybe not.
S. A

On Wednesday, July 21, 2021, Adam Johanson  wrote:

>I'm very interested in this, too. Ideally, if someone could record such
> a session and make it generally available, then future people who wish to
> play with the code would also benefit from it.
>- Adam
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2021, 11:54 AM  wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I wonder if there is any kind soul, who has recently compiled ScidvsPC
>> for Windows during the last (eg) six months, who would be willing to show
>> me the process steps, probably  by sending me your own instruction list or
>> aide memoire.
>> I am computer savvy but have no experience of compiling complex programs.
>> I do not expect anyone to spend a lot of time on this.
>> I use Windows 10 version 21H1 and have Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 and
>> TCL 8.5..
>> Kind regards
>> Mike Brown
>> ___
>> Scidvspc-users mailing list
>> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Feature Request: Change Game Order Manually

2021-07-03 Thread Steve A
Ok... the first draft only worked with up to 1024 games. The in-memory data
structures are a little dynamic and cryptic.
This patch works with the index file directly, and tests ok on Millbase
1.6million games. But it needs more testing of course.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2021 at 10:06 AM Steve A  wrote:

> Hmmm - no, it has bugs. I have a corrupted base somehow.
> S.A.
> On Sat, Jul 3, 2021 at 9:23 AM Steve A  wrote:
>> Ok, amazingly there's been two rainy days here :) and I have coded this
>> for anyone with a compiler and wanting to test it. Please unzip and apply
>> the attached patch to source code for 4.21 (or checkout subversion would be
>> much better, and then apply the patch) with something like
>>   patch --dry-run -p0 > then, if no mistakes,
>>   patch -p0 >   make clean install
>> There are now context menus to reorder single games in the gamelist. It
>> seems to work 100%, but *please backup databases*, and test it
>> thoroughly, as It is doing nasty bashing of totally essential data
>> structures and perhaps there are issues with other features i have not
>> seen. I'll probably apply it to subversion before too long.
>> Steve
>> On Sat, Jul 3, 2021 at 1:38 AM John Gray  wrote:
>>> Great! Yes, I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
>>> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com/> Secure Email.
>>> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
>>> On Friday, July 2nd, 2021 at 2:53 AM, Steve A 
>>> wrote:
>>> Ok John, i am coding this.
>>> It's a bit of new stuff for me, but i have the move game up/down working
>>> i think. It is all done inside the gamelist , as a context menu for a game.
>>> Moving a game to a specific game number , and even moving a sequential
>>> group of games should  be possible.
>>> I don't suppose you are using Linux so we can easily do some testing ?
>>> (Don't worry about CC-ing the mailing list more on this topic.)
>>> Cheers
>>> On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 6:51 AM John Gray  wrote:
>>>> Hi Steve, thanks for the response. To be clear, I don't really care if
>>>> this functionality exists in the gamelist window specifically. I just want
>>>> to be able to tell scid "move this specific game to a new position (number
>>>> xyz) in the order of the db." I'm happy to do this one game at a time,
>>>> don't care what window I have to use to do it, and would settle for a slow,
>>>> cumbersome process as long as it was faster and less error prone than what
>>>> I described before.
>>>> One thing that might do equally well would be if scid could just give
>>>> each game a pgn field called ("sort rank") and allow the user to run
>>>> something from the maintenance window to reassign the value of this field
>>>> to whatever each games *current* position in the DB is ("update sort
>>>> rank"). Don't worry about new functionality to change the order, but give
>>>> the user a quick way to auto-generate a field representing the current
>>>> order which the user could then modify and sort on. So the first game in
>>>> the DB gets the value "1" in this field etc. Then the user could manually
>>>> change game 97's sort rank to 84.5, sort on "sort rank" and the problem is
>>>> solved.
>>>> The user can even do this on his own right now to some extent. I can
>>>> use e.g. the "round" field to track the order I want things in. The
>>>> problems are: 1.) I might want "round" for something else so it would be
>>>> cleaner to have a field specifically for sorting 2.) I might not have the
>>>> sort order field on a set of problems I get from somewhere else. It would
>>>> be nice if scid could generate it 3.) the sort numbers will get messy over
>>>> time (pretty soon you will have something like 84.5739). If scid could
>>>> auto-assign each game's current ordinal rank to a dedicated pgn field (that
>>>> was included in the sort options, of course) it would really solve the
>>>> problem.
>>>> Thanks in any case.
>>>> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com/> Secure Email.
>>>> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
>>>> On Tuesday, June 29th, 2021 at 8:52 AM, Steve A 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > In Chess Assistant it is possible to jus

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Feature Request: Change Game Order Manually

2021-07-02 Thread Steve A
Hmmm - no, it has bugs. I have a corrupted base somehow.

On Sat, Jul 3, 2021 at 9:23 AM Steve A  wrote:

> Ok, amazingly there's been two rainy days here :) and I have coded this
> for anyone with a compiler and wanting to test it. Please unzip and apply
> the attached patch to source code for 4.21 (or checkout subversion would be
> much better, and then apply the patch) with something like
>   patch --dry-run -p0  then, if no mistakes,
>   patch -p0make clean install
> There are now context menus to reorder single games in the gamelist. It
> seems to work 100%, but *please backup databases*, and test it
> thoroughly, as It is doing nasty bashing of totally essential data
> structures and perhaps there are issues with other features i have not
> seen. I'll probably apply it to subversion before too long.
> Steve
> On Sat, Jul 3, 2021 at 1:38 AM John Gray  wrote:
>> Great! Yes, I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
>> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com/> Secure Email.
>> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
>> On Friday, July 2nd, 2021 at 2:53 AM, Steve A 
>> wrote:
>> Ok John, i am coding this.
>> It's a bit of new stuff for me, but i have the move game up/down working
>> i think. It is all done inside the gamelist , as a context menu for a game.
>> Moving a game to a specific game number , and even moving a sequential
>> group of games should  be possible.
>> I don't suppose you are using Linux so we can easily do some testing ?
>> (Don't worry about CC-ing the mailing list more on this topic.)
>> Cheers
>> On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 6:51 AM John Gray  wrote:
>>> Hi Steve, thanks for the response. To be clear, I don't really care if
>>> this functionality exists in the gamelist window specifically. I just want
>>> to be able to tell scid "move this specific game to a new position (number
>>> xyz) in the order of the db." I'm happy to do this one game at a time,
>>> don't care what window I have to use to do it, and would settle for a slow,
>>> cumbersome process as long as it was faster and less error prone than what
>>> I described before.
>>> One thing that might do equally well would be if scid could just give
>>> each game a pgn field called ("sort rank") and allow the user to run
>>> something from the maintenance window to reassign the value of this field
>>> to whatever each games *current* position in the DB is ("update sort
>>> rank"). Don't worry about new functionality to change the order, but give
>>> the user a quick way to auto-generate a field representing the current
>>> order which the user could then modify and sort on. So the first game in
>>> the DB gets the value "1" in this field etc. Then the user could manually
>>> change game 97's sort rank to 84.5, sort on "sort rank" and the problem is
>>> solved.
>>> The user can even do this on his own right now to some extent. I can use
>>> e.g. the "round" field to track the order I want things in. The problems
>>> are: 1.) I might want "round" for something else so it would be cleaner to
>>> have a field specifically for sorting 2.) I might not have the sort order
>>> field on a set of problems I get from somewhere else. It would be nice if
>>> scid could generate it 3.) the sort numbers will get messy over time
>>> (pretty soon you will have something like 84.5739). If scid could
>>> auto-assign each game's current ordinal rank to a dedicated pgn field (that
>>> was included in the sort options, of course) it would really solve the
>>> problem.
>>> Thanks in any case.
>>> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com/> Secure Email.
>>> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
>>> On Tuesday, June 29th, 2021 at 8:52 AM, Steve A 
>>> wrote:
>>> > In Chess Assistant it is possible to just highlight a game in the
>>> game list and use some keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Arrow maybe?)
>>> I mean, maybe this minimal implentation (to reverse two games order)
>>> could be done with minimal disruption of the DB backend, mostly inside the
>>> gamelist widget... But we would have to dual-mode the gamelist as it could
>>> not be done with a selective filter displayed.
>>> Ttk::treeview is such an ordinary, underpowered thing, and because we
>>> have to accommodate millions of games, we never populate it properly, only
>>> the view that we see, which makes many things nasty and complicated.
>>> S.
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Feature Request: Change Game Order Manually

2021-07-02 Thread Steve A
Ok, amazingly there's been two rainy days here :) and I have coded this for
anyone with a compiler and wanting to test it. Please unzip and apply the
attached patch to source code for 4.21 (or checkout subversion would be
much better, and then apply the patch) with something like
  patch --dry-run -p0  wrote:

> Great! Yes, I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com/> Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Friday, July 2nd, 2021 at 2:53 AM, Steve A 
> wrote:
> Ok John, i am coding this.
> It's a bit of new stuff for me, but i have the move game up/down working i
> think. It is all done inside the gamelist , as a context menu for a game.
> Moving a game to a specific game number , and even moving a sequential
> group of games should  be possible.
> I don't suppose you are using Linux so we can easily do some testing ?
> (Don't worry about CC-ing the mailing list more on this topic.)
> Cheers
> On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 6:51 AM John Gray  wrote:
>> Hi Steve, thanks for the response. To be clear, I don't really care if
>> this functionality exists in the gamelist window specifically. I just want
>> to be able to tell scid "move this specific game to a new position (number
>> xyz) in the order of the db." I'm happy to do this one game at a time,
>> don't care what window I have to use to do it, and would settle for a slow,
>> cumbersome process as long as it was faster and less error prone than what
>> I described before.
>> One thing that might do equally well would be if scid could just give
>> each game a pgn field called ("sort rank") and allow the user to run
>> something from the maintenance window to reassign the value of this field
>> to whatever each games *current* position in the DB is ("update sort
>> rank"). Don't worry about new functionality to change the order, but give
>> the user a quick way to auto-generate a field representing the current
>> order which the user could then modify and sort on. So the first game in
>> the DB gets the value "1" in this field etc. Then the user could manually
>> change game 97's sort rank to 84.5, sort on "sort rank" and the problem is
>> solved.
>> The user can even do this on his own right now to some extent. I can use
>> e.g. the "round" field to track the order I want things in. The problems
>> are: 1.) I might want "round" for something else so it would be cleaner to
>> have a field specifically for sorting 2.) I might not have the sort order
>> field on a set of problems I get from somewhere else. It would be nice if
>> scid could generate it 3.) the sort numbers will get messy over time
>> (pretty soon you will have something like 84.5739). If scid could
>> auto-assign each game's current ordinal rank to a dedicated pgn field (that
>> was included in the sort options, of course) it would really solve the
>> problem.
>> Thanks in any case.
>> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com/> Secure Email.
>> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
>> On Tuesday, June 29th, 2021 at 8:52 AM, Steve A 
>> wrote:
>> > In Chess Assistant it is possible to just highlight a game in the game
>> list and use some keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Arrow maybe?)
>> I mean, maybe this minimal implentation (to reverse two games order)
>> could be done with minimal disruption of the DB backend, mostly inside the
>> gamelist widget... But we would have to dual-mode the gamelist as it could
>> not be done with a selective filter displayed.
>> Ttk::treeview is such an ordinary, underpowered thing, and because we
>> have to accommodate millions of games, we never populate it properly, only
>> the view that we see, which makes many things nasty and complicated.
>> S.

Description: application/gzip
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Feature Request: Change Game Order Manually

2021-06-29 Thread Steve A
> In Chess Assistant it is possible to just highlight a game in the game
list and use some keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Arrow maybe?)

I mean, maybe this minimal implentation (to reverse two games order) could
be done with minimal disruption of the DB backend, mostly inside the
gamelist widget... But we would have to dual-mode the gamelist as it could
not be done with a selective filter displayed.

Ttk::treeview is such an ordinary, underpowered thing, and because we have
to accommodate millions of games, we never populate it properly, only the
view that we see, which makes many things nasty and complicated.

Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Feature Request: Change Game Order Manually

2021-06-29 Thread Steve A

> It would be nice to be able to change the order of the games in the
database manually. Obviously it is possible to sort the DB by some
criteria, but sometimes it would be helpful to manually rearrange the order
of games.

Yes, this is a very reasonable request. But problems i see are -

Shane designed Scids Database for speed and compactness, with very little
data constructs for handling order.
I am not super familiar with our DB backend data structures.
Our gamelist / filter / search / tree code is complicated already, and
would need to be overhauled.
Our database integrity and bug-free codebase should be well respected.
There exist implementation questions ? Do we write new file order to disk
after every game swap/rearrange ,
merely make order changes temporary, or run/increase the risk of system
fallover permanently breaking databases ?

So unless some C++ / DB guru has a few solid man-months or more to spare
:), I don't think this will ever be addressed.
Our clipbase *is* clunky, but may have to be sufficient. One plus i see is
that operations of the type you describe are generally done on small data
sets. Enabling them to be done on 6 million game databases may be not
worthwhile/feasible or desirable.

cheers Steven
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Scid vs PC 4.22

2021-06-11 Thread Steve A
Ok, the new release candidates / files are up at sourceforge.
It's not a big release... more a catch-up on more than a year's minor
Thanks to contributors :)

Changelog: Scid vs. PC 4.22

   - Show Stockfish Win/Draw/Loss (as White/Draw/Black) infos in
   information window.
   - Add an 'Extra Tags' field to the header search (eg 'Annotator').
   - Revamp colours and size of the Comment Editor.
   - New 'Highlight' colour option (affects crosstable, reports, pgn moves
   and name-editor).
   - Animate the Rook in Castling. (author Uwe - Nice).
   - Engine analysis: option to wrap long lines.
   - Engine annotation: option to disable adding an end-of-game variation.
   - Playing an opening against an UCI engine - openings can be imported
   from the ECO Window.
   - Improve the tree training feature by automatically enabling Trial mode.
   - Minor tweaks to the spacing in long comments in the PGN and Gameinfo
   - Export Games: add option to disable inserting newlines every 80 chars
   or so.
   - Serious game: When using book, leave a comment when book is exited /
   - Add an undo point at the start of every annotation game.
   - Add a Switcher menu item to show/hide the gamelist buttonbar.
   - Update Player Data (spelling) file.

   - Help and translation updates.
   - Book tuning tweaks.
   - Graph window tweaks.
   - ECO window tweaks.

   Bug Fixes
   - The Gamelist 'next moves' feature didn't work for transpositions at
   differing depths.
   - Remember arrow lengths/widths.
   - Batch stripping comments/vars could sometimes break the namebase.
   - Fix / enable hiding of 'Colored Squares and Arrows' on the main board.
   - Windows drag and drop typo/fix from Oz.
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] New Mac 64 bit version

2021-06-10 Thread Steve A
Hi, Everything seems to be going ok for 4.22 release. Should be out soon.

But i just had some inspiration to mess around with the 64 bit app and test
some old Tk Frameworks. Perhaps i'm hoping for too much, but does this
version launch and run on Big Slur ? It seems ok (quite great!) on my
Catalina test mac.

It is built with an old 8.6.4 64 bit tcl/tk.
If it doesn't, i'll revert to the previous (and more buggy subversion build
of Tcl/Tk)
Cheers, Steven
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Scid vs PC 4.22 translations

2021-06-02 Thread Steve A
Just a short notice we'll probably release scidvspc 4.22 this week or so -
after i update the changelogs and make the version bumps.
If anyone would like to update the "TODO"s in the language files, it'd be great.
Cheers, Steven

Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Opening Training feature(s)

2020-12-13 Thread Steve A
Here are two (windows) scid.guis. You can download them, then copy them
over the "scid.gui" in your windows32/windows64 installs.
NB - they may only work with english (not foreign languages)

The first is with Pascal's monster of an opening trainer.

I don't think this will ever get used / developed more though.

The second is basically just a tweak to the tree training feature that
enables trial mode when the tree training is enabled
and lets you wander back and forth in an opening ,  responding to user
moves, and hiding the tree moves
(though game moves *are* still visible if Adjust-Tree is selected and "Next
Moves" are shown in the gamelist).
It's probably the closest that we'll ever get to an opening trainer, so any
feedback about this is welcome.


cheers, S.A

On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 9:22 AM Steve A  wrote:

> OK, I think what I'll do is pad out the tree training feature with options
> for auto take backs and flagging games as completed. And "next game" and
> "retry" buttons in the tree window.
> S. A.
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Opening Training feature(s)

2020-12-06 Thread Steve A
OK, I think what I'll do is pad out the tree training feature with options
for auto take backs and flagging games as completed. And "next game" and
"retry" buttons in the tree window.
S. A.
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Opening Training feature(s)

2020-12-04 Thread Steve A
Hmmm - just looking back at the mailing list, there have been a few queries
over recent years about an Opening Training feature. Sam was very keen to
get a polished one going.

So - i *did* do a quick and dirty port of SCID's Play->Training->Openings
feature to ScidvsPC with the intention of looking at it... but find that
hasn't happened. :(
(Sorry, but i don't 'do' opening training myself) And now i'm just posting
the patch here in case anyone wants to test it out and give some feedback
on it.

Attached is the patch (against subversion, which includes a Help topic) and
a small DB with some shortened games and marked as of type "Openings for
White". It's Pascals code, and (naturally ;> ) seems a little
confusing/ugly to me.. but i haven't looked at it in any depth. Maybe it
could be made useful with some tweaks ?

So people are welcome to test it out if they are tech savvy enough to apply
the patch... but my hunch is this will just get added to the source code as
a patch for the indefinite future.

And i have to mention a few related things
1. The *Tree window already has a Training button/feature*, which is even
less polished, but also less complicated.
2. I have recently added the ability to "import" lines from the ECO window
into the Play->UCI Game feature's opening list. This is another (and
perhaps the most polished way- as the game handling logic is already in the
Play UCI Game feature) ) to play one's openings... but it is not purely an
'opening trainer'
And 3. Maybe someone could *share an existing opening database* , which
would suffice to test/use this feature better.

thanks, Steven

Description: application/compressed-tar
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Win32 Scid vs PC 960 / Fischer chess

2020-11-03 Thread Steve A
Ozkan made up a 32 bit Chess 960 program (thanks Oz).
I gave it a quick test and it seems fine. Please give it a test and if
there's no issues we'll try to put up a 64 bit version too.
PS - Minor changes since 4.21 :

Serious game: When using book, leave a comment when book is exited /
exhausted. todo: fix ::book::getMove

The new 'next moves' feature didn't work for transpositions at differing
depths (eg Millbase, Rahman v Carlsen 2008 Olympiad, 9. Bd3).

 Win/Draw/Loss infos (UCI_ShowWDL - new Stockfish feature). Author Michael

Add an undo point at the start of every annotation game.

Add a (switcher) menu item to show/hide the gamelist buttonbar.

Remember arrow lengths/widths (and a minor translation).

Batch stripping comments/vars could break the namebase. New namefile/flush
code and doco, for batch stripping comments/vars.

ECO window colours are no longer blue, and some typos.

Nasty hack to make the ECO browser 'Update' button work in a nice manner.

Import ECO button - extend the Play-UCI-Engine Opening Trainer to use any
line in the ECO Window
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Scid vs 960 is not loading default databases

2020-11-02 Thread Steve A
Ok, there is a Mac 960 32 bit version here. Seems to work for me but it
is not terribly feature complete.
Please note, it upgrades (renames) any si4 databases to .si960 - which are
then unable to be opened by the normal app.


Please don't ask for a 64 bit version.
64 bit Mac Tcl has never worked properly, and imho macOS Catalina and
beyond are similarly broken by Apple's dollar/iPhone obsession.


On Sat, Oct 31, 2020 at 1:27 AM Chris Lott  wrote:

> Thanks so much!
> I appreciate the time you put into maintaining and improving SCID.
> c
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 1:27 AM Steve A  wrote:
>> Ok Chris. That is the working 32 bit version. Good.
>> When i get the chance i'll make a 32 bit Chess960 version.
>> S.
>> On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 2:36 PM Chris Lott  wrote:
>>> I guess the 64-bit version (4.21). I downloaded it from:
>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/scidvspc/files/mac/ -- is there
>>> somewhere else I should be obtaining the unbroken version?
>>> c
>>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 7:56 PM Steve A  wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Are you using the 64bit (broken) or 32bit version ?
>>> > S.
>>> >
>>> > On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 12:31 PM Chris Lott 
>>> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> Any chance of an OSX build with 960 support? Every time I've compiled
>>> >> SCID vs PC/MAC myself it has not behaved well. And I fear I've forever
>>> >> hosed my TCL/TK or whatever libraries at this point when trying to get
>>> >> the XFCC functions working.
>>> >>
>>> >> Thanks in advance,
>>> >>
>>> >> c
>>> >>
>>> >> On Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 4:35 PM Okechukwu Iwu 
>>> wrote:
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Thanks for the quick response and action!
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Using the source for revision 3138 + chess 960 patch + Mr Cramer's
>>> TKText patch (applied in that order), the problem with auto-load on Scid vs
>>> 960 is now fixed!
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Another problem persisted, though. I noticed it after I sent the
>>> earlier email. The 960 patch may be breaking something in the UCI
>>> (polyglot?) code. Both Stockfish and Toga behave strangely (giving
>>> ridiculous evaluations, or just not giving an evaluation), while Phalanx
>>> behaves normally. For example, Toga claims an evaluation of ~ +5 in this
>>> position:
>>> >> >
>>> >> > rnbq1rk1/pp2nppp/4p3/2ppP3/3P2Q1/P1P5/2P2PPP/R1B1KBNR w KQ - 2 8
>>> >> >
>>> >> > From personal experience as Black, I know it can be a tough
>>> position, but not +5 :-) !
>>> >> >
>>> >> > I compiled regular Scid vs PC from r3138 source (using Gregor
>>> Cramer's TKText patch, but no chess 960 patch), and both Stockfish 12 and
>>> Toga behave normally.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > To allow them to coexist, Scid vs 960 is installed in
>>> /usr/local/{bin,share}/, while Scid vs PC lives in /usr/{bin,share}/ .
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Okey
>>> >> >
>>> >> > On 9/19/20 1:29 AM, Steve A wrote:
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > OK, this autoload bug is fixed in subversion patch. Cheers for the
>>> bug report.
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > OK.. But there are some installation "gotchas". The new gui is
>>> "scid-vs-960", but we don't have a new name for the new tkscid.. Which can
>>> cause errors, as the new binary and gui must be used together. I recommend
>>> removing the old tkscid and scid gui before doing a make clean and
>>> configure on the patched code.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Ill try to make a windows package sometime, as this is solid code,
>>> apart from our crappy installation.
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > S.
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > On Saturday, September 19, 2020, Okechukwu Iwu 
>>> wrote:
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> Hello, Steven A!
>>> >> >>
>>> >> >> I decided to try out

[Scidvspc-users] Strip comment / variation (s) bug.

2020-09-28 Thread Steve A
Just putting up a note - i handled a nasty bug today. Probably it's
not easy to hit, because the features involved - batch stripping of
comments and variations - are fairly destructive and not used
much/at-all on big databases, but on pgn files.

Symptom is, on some nasty "names" , batch stripping will leave the
namebase  / database broken, needing a command line fix with scidt -N.

Technically - the bug is caused by our (inherited) abuse of the pgn
parser to strip comments and variations. so, say a name like
"Kramnik,V" (- no space) will be changed (when reparsed) to "Kramnik,
V. *But* we weren't flushing the namebase file, so if you close the
base without doing a save/flush, the namebase would be broke.

Anyway, we now (in subversion) do a flush with each batch strip, so
the problem is "fixed", cough. Except that nasty names will still be
changed .- another example of which is having embedded quotes in the
name (eg [Event "It "Investbanka""])

I found this bug while writing the Strip notation(s) feature which
*doesn't* overload the parser, but is a bit of a hack at the moment :)
though we'll see how it goes.

cheers, S.A

Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] A New Set of Icons

2020-09-25 Thread Steve A
... but not too keen on the toolbar icons. They're just too confusing/similar.
And I'm not going to mess with the license either... sorry.
Apart from the hassle, i am not a fan of GPL 3.
cheers, S.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 5:01 AM Aditya Chincholi
> Hi Mike
> Glad to hear that you like the icons. They are actually Google’s Material 
> Design Icons. But currently there is a licensing issue with the icons. The 
> license under which they are available clashes with the existing license of 
> Scid vs PC. Hopefully that will get resolved in some time. Also, the icon 
> changing procedure is not fully complete yet. So it will take a decent amount 
> of time. Stay tuned.
> Yours sincerely
> Aditya Chincholi
> From: Mike Bock
> Sent: 23 September 2020 22:50
> To: scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net; Aditya Chincholi
> Subject: Re: [Scidvspc-users] A New Set of Icons
> I really like those icons, well done!!  How can I get those and apply to my 
> setup?
> Mike
> On Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 12:09:21 PM CDT, Aditya Chincholi 
>  wrote:
> Hey Steve and other devs
> I suppose it won’t be possible to upgrade everything to GPLv3 to make it 
> compatible with Apache 2.0. That’s a pity because I put in another bunch of 
> icons and it looks pretty good. I also added a decent bit of padding to some 
> of the elements. I think that’s needed for quite a few elements in Scid vs 
> PC. I am sharing a screenshot currently. Will share the diff files in a few 
> days. Hopefully, then we can work out how to include this as a patch.
> Yours sincerely
> Aditya Chincholi
> From: Steve A
> Sent: 22 September 2020 13:57
> To: Aditya Chincholi; scidvspc-users
> Subject: Re: [Scidvspc-users] A New Set of Icons
> Geez, they're very nice. Cheers.!
> But there may be a problem with the license, as we are under GPL 2.
> and here it states
> https://www.apache.org/licenses/GPL-compatibility.html
> > Despite our best efforts, the FSF has never considered the Apache License 
> > to be compatible with GPL version 2, citing the patent termination and 
> > indemnification
> I can probably include them as a patch... but maybe more work needs to
> be done u.e. the engine add-move and add-all-variations icons. (The
> engine window shares the V+ button from the main buttonbar).
> Re the alternative add-var icon. Hmmm... unsure about which is better.
> Regards, Steven
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 4:35 AM Aditya Chincholi
>  wrote:
> >
> > Hey Steve and other devs,
> >
> >
> >
> > I finally got around to do something about the icons. I didn’t have the 
> > setup for compiling it before. Instead of designing my own icons, I have 
> > taken icons from Google’s Material Design Icons (released under Apache 2.0 
> > license). They seem to working well. There are a few edges to polish, but 
> > it looks good. I am attaching the main.tcl and board.tcl files below. Try 
> > it out and let me know if you are fine with it. I have a few alternate 
> > icons in mind too. We could replace the ‘+’ icon by a split icon as well 
> > (also attached).
> >
> > Also does using the Apache 2.0 License sit well with the license SCID vs PC 
> > is under?
> >
> >
> >
> > Yours sincerely
> >
> > Aditya Chincholi
> >
> >
> >
> > From: Steve A
> > Sent: 19 August 2020 15:18
> > To: Aditya Chincholi
> > Subject: Re: [Scidvspc-users] A New Set of Icons
> >
> >
> >
> > Yeah.. they looked ok until i plugged them on.
> >
> > Hard to make icons without the ability to test them yourself.
> >
> > I'm not sure if i'll be able to test anymore. Its a tough job making
> >
> > nice icons.
> >
> > (Though obviously our existing icons arent great either).
> >
> > PS - i didnt convert them 32x32 from the svg, but resized the gifs
> >
> > using imagemagick,
> >
> > so maybe theyd be better converted from svg directly.
> >
> > And you are also missing the second trial button (It is different once 
> > pressed),
> >
> > and also the initial auto play icon (it is different once pressed too).
> >
> > Cheers.

Re: [Scidvspc-users] A New Set of Icons

2020-09-22 Thread Steve A
Geez, they're very nice. Cheers.!

But there may be a problem with the license, as we are under GPL 2.
and here it states
> Despite our best efforts, the FSF has never considered the Apache License to 
> be compatible with GPL version 2, citing the patent termination and 
> indemnification

I can probably include them as a patch... but maybe more work needs to
be done u.e. the engine add-move and add-all-variations icons. (The
engine window shares the V+ button from the main buttonbar).
Re the alternative add-var icon. Hmmm... unsure about which is better.

Regards, Steven

On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 4:35 AM Aditya Chincholi
> Hey Steve and other devs,
> I finally got around to do something about the icons. I didn’t have the setup 
> for compiling it before. Instead of designing my own icons, I have taken 
> icons from Google’s Material Design Icons (released under Apache 2.0 
> license). They seem to working well. There are a few edges to polish, but it 
> looks good. I am attaching the main.tcl and board.tcl files below. Try it out 
> and let me know if you are fine with it. I have a few alternate icons in mind 
> too. We could replace the ‘+’ icon by a split icon as well (also attached).
> Also does using the Apache 2.0 License sit well with the license SCID vs PC 
> is under?
> Yours sincerely
> Aditya Chincholi
> From: Steve A
> Sent: 19 August 2020 15:18
> To: Aditya Chincholi
> Subject: Re: [Scidvspc-users] A New Set of Icons
> Yeah.. they looked ok until i plugged them on.
> Hard to make icons without the ability to test them yourself.
> I'm not sure if i'll be able to test anymore. Its a tough job making
> nice icons.
> (Though obviously our existing icons arent great either).
> PS - i didnt convert them 32x32 from the svg, but resized the gifs
> using imagemagick,
> so maybe theyd be better converted from svg directly.
> And you are also missing the second trial button (It is different once 
> pressed),
> and also the initial auto play icon (it is different once pressed too).
> Cheers.
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 7:17 PM Aditya Chincholi
>  wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for trying them out. I can see why you are not very impressed. I'll 
> > try to fix those issues. As far as I can see, the issues are as follows:
> >
> > The flip board icon is absent. The other 'window' icons are also absent.
> > The colour scheme isn't very nice. Some diversity in those is needed to be 
> > able to distinguish options easily.
> > Some of the icons look faded.
> > The autoplay icon and trial mode icon details aren't actually visible. So 
> > that should be reworked.
> > The images should be 32x32 not 64x64.
> >
> > I'll try to get back to you after trying to solve these issues. If you have 
> > anything more you see missing in this list, please feel free to add. Thanks 
> > for the prompt response!
> >
> > Yours sincerely
> > Aditya Chincholi
> >
> > On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 12:55 PM Steve A  wrote:
> >>
> >> Ok... I gave them a go, (attached), but sorry - not super impressed :(
> >> Also, there are quite a few missing and the gifs must be 32x32, not 64.
> >> Thanks anyway, Steven
> >>
> >> On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 4:48 AM Aditya Chincholi
> >>  wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Hey Scid vs PC Devs!
> >> >
> >> > The icons used in the bar above the main board seemed pretty old and out 
> >> > of resolution. So I made a few icons to replace them. Since there 
> >> > doesn't seem to be any direct way to do this. I have attached them with 
> >> > this email. Since I read somewhere while changing the piece icons that 
> >> > Tk works best with GIFs, I have converted them to 64x64 GIF icons as 
> >> > well.
> >> >
> >> > Link to get them: https://github.com/adch99/scidvspc-icons
> >> >
> >> > I don't really know how to use SVN or how to integrate these into a Tk 
> >> > application. So could you please integrate them into the application? 
> >> > They are licensed under GPL2.
> >> >
> >> > If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
> >> >
> >> > Yours sincerely
> >> > Aditya Chincholi
> >> > ___
> >> > Scidvspc-users mailing list
> >> > Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> >> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users

Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Scid vs 960 is not loading default databases

2020-09-19 Thread Steve A
OK, this autoload bug is fixed in subversion patch. Cheers for the bug

OK.. But there are some installation "gotchas". The new gui is
"scid-vs-960", but we don't have a new name for the new tkscid.. Which can
cause errors, as the new binary and gui must be used together. I recommend
removing the old tkscid and scid gui before doing a make clean and
configure on the patched code.

Ill try to make a windows package sometime, as this is solid code, apart
from our crappy installation.


On Saturday, September 19, 2020, Okechukwu Iwu  wrote:

> Hello, Steven A!
> I decided to try out the Chess 960 patch, which built "Scid vs 960". I
> renamed my .s?4 files to .s?960, and can open them normally from the File
> menu. However, when I "Save Bases as Default", close the program and
> reopen, the default databases are not opened. The error message at the
> bottom of the startup window states:
> "Not loading default bases as file /Chess/huge not readble"
> (OK, the file path is "slightly" edited. And yes, the spelling typo is
> real :-) ).
> I'm running Linux. The database files all have read permission, so I am
> wondering if Scid vs 960 is still expecting the default database files to
> end in .s?4, rather than .s?960 ?
> I am sorry if this has already been addressed, but I could not find it in
> the mailing list archives.
> Thanks for all your work on Scid vs PC!
> Okey
> ___
> Scidvspc-users mailing list
> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] humble suggestions

2020-09-09 Thread Steve A
Thanks for the email. You have some interesting suggestions
though obviously i will not be doing many/any/all :)

One thing i did get inspired to write is a strip nag feature, which
can strip all
or specific nags for a game or range of games... hopefully in the next
month or two.

> ENGINE ANNOTATION: *** provide option (checkbox ?) to...
> - optionally annotate forced moves possibly using appropriate NAG
> symbol. An 'F' might suffice.

This sounds great, but I have a hunch is far from trivial.
Doing  *any* work to the annotation feature is a PITA actually.
It is a very complicated feature.

> - engine could 'remember' how many lines to display at all times, even
> at startup and after 'Annotate' feature has run. (99% of the time, I

This is already configurable per engine in the engine's UCI configure window
(Multiple variations)

> - not display '327/327' in engine-annotated games.

> - optionally also drop annotation [%draw ?,c6,red] into the pgn if
> there's a '?' NAG there.

Reasonable requests which i will look at.

> - allow left-clicking on a move in the engine window to add that move to
> the pgn.
> - Maybe allow right-clicking on a move in the engine window to add that
> variation to the pgn after checking for confirmation with user.

The current way to add a specific line is to highlight/copy the
variation with the mouse (and maybe type control-c for copy) then
edit->Paste Variation, which is more work, but more powerful.

> - If there's a 'Save', shouldn't there also be a 'Load'?

Main Menu->Search->Load Search File

> MASKS: **

Haha..  send me a decent maskfile to show me this feature is getting used,
then i will read the rest of your mask suggestion.

> COMMENT EDITOR WINDOW (graphical): **
> - have 2 colours: one for arrows, and one for the rest. Would be nice to
> be able to draw a yellow arrow over a red shaded square, for example.

Easy to do in the comment editor. Just change the color and add a new
mark. Press "Apply"

> - right mouse click for shading a square (slightly less laborious than
> present implementation, superb as it is).

It is too easy to right click the board in error. (especially playing fics/etc).
That is why there are no right-click bindings like this, or backspace
key bindings on the main board.

> - provide an extra column called 'Mins' (nice & short) or 'Duration'
> where can enter 63 or 63 mins for game duration. (Clearly, 'Length' is
> number of moves.)

hmmm... unfortunately, extending the gamelist in ways like this is not
possible due to implementation.

> - In the spirit of "Autoload Game", each base could have an additional
> flag which makes it autoflip the board whenever a new game is loaded so
> that whichever colour is to move plays towards the top, or vice versa.
> (For those tactics bases.)

Options->My Player Names


Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] A New Set of Icons

2020-08-19 Thread Steve A
Ok... I gave them a go, (attached), but sorry - not super impressed :(
Also, there are quite a few missing and the gifs must be 32x32, not 64.
Thanks anyway, Steven

On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 4:48 AM Aditya Chincholi
> Hey Scid vs PC Devs!
> The icons used in the bar above the main board seemed pretty old and out of 
> resolution. So I made a few icons to replace them. Since there doesn't seem 
> to be any direct way to do this. I have attached them with this email. Since 
> I read somewhere while changing the piece icons that Tk works best with GIFs, 
> I have converted them to 64x64 GIF icons as well.
> Link to get them: https://github.com/adch99/scidvspc-icons
> I don't really know how to use SVN or how to integrate these into a Tk 
> application. So could you please integrate them into the application? They 
> are licensed under GPL2.
> If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
> Yours sincerely
> Aditya Chincholi
> ___
> Scidvspc-users mailing list
> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Consistent use of Xresources

2020-04-09 Thread Steve A
I think you know more about those devilish xresource files than i do.
The only hints i have are:

Look for "option add *Text*background" (etc) in start.tcl

> The dark background is applied almost everywhere, but not, say, in the Game 
> List window

The gamelist is a treeview widget - one of the new "improved" ttk
widgets with a half-baked style mechanism of their own.
Look for the "::ttk::style configure Treeview" comands in gamelist.tcl

> Highlighted moves in the PGN pane are completely unreadable because it uses 
> the Xresources font color (white) but against a fixed background (light blue)

I have addressed this in subversion - there is a new feature to alter
this colour: options->colours>highlight


Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] ScidvsPC 4.21

2020-01-14 Thread Steve A
Thanks Ozkan for building some windows exes :)
The 4.21 release/candidates are now all up at Sourceforge.
regards, Steven

On Wed, Jan 1, 2020 at 1:07 PM Steve A  wrote:

> Hi, I've bumped the version number and added changelogs in subversion,
> getting ready for a new release.
> There's a few new translations if anyone would like to look for the TODOs
> in these files
>   https://sourceforge.net/p/scidvspc/code/HEAD/tree/tcl/lang/
> I'm pretty happy with the new EPD features, though they are mainly for the
> more niche users and probably need some decent testing.
> There will be a mostly-working macOS 64 bit version too. Here's the
> changelog,
> happy holidays. S.A.
> Gamelist (and Best Games) can now show 'Next Moves' instead of just the
> 'Opening Moves' if the tree is open and adjusting filter.
> Text foreground colour option for listboxes and text windows. (and remove
> the 'global' colour option which is too rough).
> Fics: allow moves made by examiners to be seen by other
> examiners/observers, and fix longstanding init fail.
> Mac: 64 bit macOS port. Poor performance but mostly working.
> Engines
> Allow multiple engine logs at once, which can be nicely updated in
> real-time (and bind 'space' to engine stop/start).
> Small engine boards now have an alternative display mode: Arrow shows best
> move.
> Free up right-click for windows 'copy text'. (Use middle click instead for
> toggling analysis modes).
> Can now always show 'Infos' via an option in the main Engine config widget.
> Low level support for alternative "GO" modes for UCI engines.
> (::uci::goCommand)
> Give transient engine popup buttons the same bindings as their originals.
> EPD Window
> New annotaion/analyze features (UCI only): Count best moves and
> (optionally) show/store results.  Allow selecting the engine.
> New 'find' entrybox searches EPD file for matching text.
> Basic EPD/FEN export feature.
> Menu rearranging, including enabling more translations, and changing
> menubuttons to standard menu widgets.
> Paste analysis now removes previous analysis opcodes.
> Bind space in listbox to start/stop engine.
> Minor
> Tree window - options to hide buttonbar, and always 'Adjust' filter.
> Display a board in the Player Report (if applicable).
> Full German help update from Christian.
> Improve Gamelist 'see' issues.
> Brazil-Portuguese language update from Gilberto de Almeida Peres.
> Opening Books - don't clobber existing game mainline with book import (was
> 'export'). Unneeded 'update -pgn' was slowing everything down too.
> Refresh score graph at end of fics game.
> Pressing End key twice always goes to game end.
> Show Tux in the comment editor, and update the gifs.
> Update chess 960 patch.
> New flip board button
> scidt reverse sort feature. Also - don't accept empty sort criteria, and
> accept 'si4' filenames.
> Don't ask to 'Save Game' if the game length is zero, and try to stop ECO
> window clobbering (any) game changes (New 'sc_game info halfmoves' command).
> Bugfixes
> PGN - Properly handle all level of var indentation.
> Windows: Fix extra text in the Player Info windows
> Fix Tree cache getting saved with app close
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Minor news / new trial icon ?

2019-12-13 Thread Steve A
There was a little chit-chat about ScidvsPC buttons over at Chess.com

I also made a couple of 'quit' dialogs into translations if anyone would
care to look at the TODOs in subversion language (tcl/lang) files for a new
release in a month or two.

Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] setting a motor analysis time

2019-11-15 Thread Steve A
In subversion, there is a primitive new uci feature.
In the Start up window console, type (for example)
  set ::uci::goCommand "go depth 20"
See Analysis Windows help (Advanced).

On Sat, Nov 16, 2019 at 7:43 AM Flavio Martin  wrote:

> Hello, in the engine analysis window you could enter the possibility of
> setting a motor analysis time (for example 0 infinite, 1 = a second, 2 =
> two sec., 3 = three sec. etc.)
> Thanks for your attention.
> Flavio M.
> ___
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Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] MacOS Catalina

2019-10-28 Thread Steve A
Just to be clear - the 64 bit ScidvsMac Catalina version i uploaded
links-to/uses an included 6month old 64 bit Tk Framework
i compiled. The current core-8.6-branch Framework still has uindesirable
bugs, though we are debugging this (while i am on holidays)
and if it's status improves, i wil probably update the Catalina version to
include the core-8.6-branch.


On Tue, Oct 29, 2019 at 4:13 AM Adrian Petrescu  wrote:

> On 10/28 08:11AM, Chris Lott wrote:
>> So if I am understanding correctly, regarding the TK frameworks etc: this
>> build works pretty well without doing anything special with TK, etc after
>> upgrading to Catalina?
> That’s right, I didn’t try out any of the custom Tcl/Tk builds Steve
> linked to; this was just the .dmg he provided on a stock Catalina.
> Cheers!
> – Adrian
> ___
> Scidvspc-users mailing list
> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
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Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] MacOS Catalina

2019-10-27 Thread Steve A
 Here is a 64 bit version that seems to mostly work fairly well (tk
revision 8140ebf0).

I actually havent tested it on Catalina, so it's quite possible that there
will still be nasty bugs in this dmg :(.
Apple's yearly major macOS overhauls are quite a joke imho, especially
considering their recent poor quality.

Please only send me major bug reports. File opening is slow.. the tree
window is super slow... button padding is not really working,
and the menubuttons are quite ordinary, but this is by far and away the
best 64 bit Wish version i have seen. It is over 6 months old, but seems to
include some major rendering fixes over 8.6.9, and predates some serious
(still unresolved) buggy changes.

Alternatively, some users may wish to replace the included Tk-8.6
Framework  with one more recent,
and send bug reports to the Tk core devs

Thanks to Francois Vogel for giving me the enthusiasm to look at this :).
Maybe he has an idea about speeding up the file I/O ?

Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] MacOS Catalina

2019-10-10 Thread Steve A
Just a quick note about the latest Mac OS. Sadly, it will be unable to run
Scid vs Mac as Catalina does not support the 32bit version of TCL.

I will probably make a 64 bit scidvsmac download , but 64 bit TCL is very
buggy and with no real prospect of being fixed satisfactorily. I don't
recommend using it, and won't be taking bug reports. I will update our
documentation shortly.

I am personally saddened by many recent macos/apple changes, and won't be
upgrading past Mojave myself.

Regards Steven
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Reversing sort order in scidt

2019-07-26 Thread Steve A
Ok, I have added a reverse sort feature to scidt (and other minor changes).
(use -R instead of -S).

But the issue is, reverse sort is a hack, and not available on invidual
as one might expect. The maintenance/sort feature needs a bit of coding to
reverse sort properly. If you/someone would like to code this for index.cpp
and the Sort GUI, chances are probably very good it'll get inlined.
Cheers, Steven

On Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 7:07 AM Adrian Petrescu  wrote:

> I am wondering if there is currently any way to *reverse* the default
> (ascending) sort order when using scidt on a database. In the Scid GUI,
> clicking on a column header the second time will do the trick, but there
> doesn't seem to be anything in the scidt.cpp code that would allow for
> that.
> If I am correct, and this isn't currently possible, would a patch that
> adds, say, a `-` prefix to any field that should be sorted in a
> descending order, rather than ascending, be accepted? Or is there some
> other better way to do this?
> Thanks!
>   -Adrian
> ___
> Scidvspc-users mailing list
> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
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Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Review game/"guess the move" mode?

2019-05-13 Thread Steve A
It's an interesting feature alright :)

But omg Pascal's UI is a mess. A heap of progressbars coming and going,
configuration widgets left permanently on-screen. No help item of course.(?)
Also, I do not care to make wholesale use of the themed ttk:: widgets

The problems i have are
* 5 seconds for a computer to evaluate a GM's moves !?
(See the attached screenshot, i played a move eval = 0, which was rejected,
the 'Game move's score' which i *guess* is Kramnik's move, is evaluated as
much worse -0.6...
but i think i must be mistaken somewhere here..)
* The interface is a just a total mess.
* It has a few hooks in other parts of scid... and do we need another new
feature ?

But you are welcome to have a go at porting the feature. If it works i'll
include it as a patch.
Maybe one day down the line i'll/you/someone-else will like it enough to
give it a decent help file
and some polish and we'll include it properly.

Cheers, Steven

On Mon, May 13, 2019 at 2:17 AM George Oliver via Scidvspc-users <
scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am a long-time user of Scid vs PC but just recently added "guess the
> move" to my chess training. I noticed Scid has this feature (in
> Play->Training->Review Game). Since I prefer Scid vs PC I'm wondering if it
> has a similar feature? If not, how feasible would it be to add it in,
> perhaps by using code from Scid? I'm not familiar with Scid vs PC's source
> code but I would be willing to have a go at it.
> I didn't see discussion of this in the list archive so any other insights
> are welcome.
> thanks, George
> ___
> Scidvspc-users mailing list
> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Scid vs PC 4.20

2019-04-16 Thread Steve A
Ok, Thanks again to Ozkan for rebuilding the windows packages today, and
those sending in translation updates. The source and mac builds have been
updated too.

There are only minor changes made in the last week or so. These are:
* fics/graph tweaks (right clicking the in-graph title shows a menu, auto
store fics times and update graph at game end)
* translation updates
* "Reset ECO and spellcheck files to defaults if they are missing" (which
may have been the cause of Carl's macOS bug report)
So using the new packages isn't too important. Sorry for the poor release
Cheers, Steven

On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 1:01 PM Steve A  wrote:

> I might make a version bump/ changelog / release shortly.
> as I'm quite happy with the new time graph now it has distinquishing
> bar-graph colours (attached), and there's quite a few minor changes
> and two serious (but hard to hit) fixes for crashes in the inbuilt pgn
> parser and engine.
> There are a few Todos in the translations, which can be found here if
> anyone can update them, thanks.
>   https://sourceforge.net/p/scidvspc/code/HEAD/tree/tcl/lang/
> Just click on your language then select "Download this file", then change
> the items marked "todo" in your text editor.
> Cheers, Steven
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] macOS Mojave installion issues.

2019-04-07 Thread Steve A
If you are running Mojave 10.14.3, you might have to wait for a fix.
Apple have made some major security changes, and *may* have broken their
new security feature in this point release as it works fine in Mojave
10.14.2. I may upgrade to 10.14.3 one day and examine it more closely.
The problem may be fixable in System security preferences. Or you may be
able to work around it by reinstalling the old 4.19  ScivdMac as the new
translocation security issue may only triggered by newly installed apps.

Sorry, but recent mac systems may not be supported from now on.
Apple have imho deprecated macOS (and their new macbooks , which are very
expensive and have serious design faults too) for profits and the iPhone,
and they make life too hard for casual devs like me.


On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 4:02 PM Carl Ashcroft 

> Hi Guys
> I downloaded the new SCID from the link but get the same errors
> This when I download SCID
> And this if I try to play a game
> Regards
> C
> Sent from my iPad
> > On 5 Apr 2019, at 21:34, Igor Sosa Mayor 
> wrote:
> >
> > Steve A  writes:
> >
> >> Ok, we have some Scid vs. PC-4.20 release candidates up at sourceforge
> >>  https://sourceforge.net/projects/scidvspc/files/
> >> and the changelog is below.
> >
> > wow, these are a lot of improvements! Thanks!
> >
> > --
> > :: Igor Sosa Mayor :: joseleopoldo1...@gmail.com ::
> > :: GnuPG: 0x1C1E2890   :: http://www.gnupg.org/  ::
> > :: jabberid: rogorido  ::::
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Scidvspc-users mailing list
> > Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Scid vs PC 4.20

2019-04-05 Thread Steve A
Ok, we have some Scid vs. PC-4.20 release candidates up at sourceforge
and the changelog is below.

But i just noticed now there is a glaring typo at the end of the 4.20
changelog, and i have also, tonight, ironed out the new fics time graph
feature too (fics will record move times, and the graph title can be
right-clicked), so *maybe* we will rebuild them with these new tweaks, but
only after a few days or more in order to give us some time to catch any
other new bugs.

There are also windows builds with Gregor's tktext included, but there may
still be the odd niggle with them. Feel free to use/test the tktext builds
and let me or Gregor know if you can find a *reproduceable* bug with them.

Thanks, Steven

Chaneglog 4.20 (Apr 7, 2019)

The Score Graph can now display move-times (using "%emt" and "%clk" pgn
Option to display a black rectangle for the "selected square" instead of a
coloured square (Options->Moves->ColorSelected)
Several translation updates including a complete German help file from
Christian Opitz
The Setup Board window now has a coordinate axis and a flip button
Computer Tournament - Don't enforce a ten-engine limit, have a new
statusbar to show progress and the winner, include Uwe Klimmek's carousel
EPD rewrite from Bonnie A. - Annotations are now compliant with the EPD
specification, Flips the board to side-to-move, other bug fixes
In Game Annotation, don't miss analysing last-move blunders
The ECO finder has a basic "Find Opening by Name" feature
A quick Piece Position Search implemented using CQL
Gameinfo window always shows a rehoned "Material Advantage" value
Board Options window can now display all custom piecesets in a gridded
manner, and also highlights the current piece style
FICs - Some changes to the button/font, and don't store adminBOT tells,
improve smoves command
Tree Mask - Add 'unfold' option to the Mask window, and fix up some
allignment/font issues
Update the Spelling file with Uwe's 2018 update
Pressing 'End' key moves to end-of-variation (if in var) instead of
Minor Book Window fixes - enable undo, remove the arrow buttons (use
wheelmouse instead), and properly name and document the 'Other Moves'

Analysis Engines: pressing keys 1 to 5 sets PV
Set undo point when marking squares
Remove Suggested Moves feature
Update Gregors tktext patch to current (2018-08-13)
Xboard protocol fixes: setboard should come after analyze, send 'nopost' to
xboard engines in comp mode, and acknowledge 'my move' in analysis, as
sometimes xboard engines (scidlet) dont send any other infos
Relocate a couple of colour option menus to their proper windows
(Crosstable and Score Graph)
In PGN import, handle the case when there are two comments for a single

 Bug Fixes
Fix serious built-in-engine and PGN-import errors
Tree - the greying of the tree moves (if the progressbar is hidden)
disabled the tree mask's move colouring
Disable gamelist flag/delete menus if read-only
Mate in N fix and hardening
Ignore Country names if they dont look right in the gamelist and database
Disable MS Windows screenshot feature (broken in Tk)

On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 5:19 PM Christian Opitz  wrote:

> Am 26.03.19 um 06:15 schrieb Steve A:
> > Could you please send tips.tcl also.
> > Cheers
> Done.
> Greetings
> Christian Opitz
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Time graph feature

2019-03-16 Thread Steve A
I played a friend (over the board) today who's on Chess.com, and looking at
their games,
I got inspired to add support for chess.com's %clkBut, since our graph
is fairly overloaded already (with %emt time / score / time-totals) i have
just recalculated the %clk values to %emt for the purpose of the graph.
I think it's ok ? Code is in subversion.

PS - there is also a over-by-one text buffer fix today.

On Sat, Jun 2, 2018 at 3:54 PM Steve A  wrote:

> I've done some more work on the new Time graph feature... Maybe it is
> finalized. There are a few compromises there, and currently only "%emt" is
> supported. I have made a little in-graph title to display the Graph type,
> and a short help topic update.
> Cheers.
> On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 12:25 PM, Steve A  wrote:
>> On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 12:02 PM, Steve A  wrote:
>>> I've committed a decent working version of the new time graph feature,
>>> and attached a screenshot. (Old time Scid contributor) Uwe Klimmek has
>>> written a similar feature for mainline Scid, which gave me inspiration to
>>> write a similar feature.
>>> The Score graph now has a few options.
>>> It can (optionally) show the %emt value bar graph,
>>> and the %emt time total.
>>> The time total line graph does not have a proper y-axis of it's own,
>>> instead it is just scaled to fit either of the bar graphs at the moment.
>>> Ideally, the time bar graph should be striped white/black bars, but
>>> havent looked at implementing this yet.
>>> I don't know much about these "%" pgn comments... and from Uwe's code,
>>> he has allowed for other (older?) styles, but i do not know if any others
>>> are very widely used. I have only seen %emt in chessbase PGNs and fics
>>> games.
>>> PS - you can get the time adjusted fics games afterwards, by using the
>>> "smoves+ seabeast -1" command (for eg).
>>> The combo line graphs use black and grey as the colours. Grey  (instead
>>> of White) is a bit easier to see maybe, but it wouldnt be hard to colorise
>>> them.
>>> I wrote it on OSX, and havent tested it on other platforms yet, but
>>> should be fine.
>>> cheers, Steven
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] New feature request: book window

2019-03-15 Thread Steve A
Haha - yeah, it looks great doesn't it. But I'm not sure his pdf document
was generated by ScidvsPC ?

Sorry, latex/pdf is a right pita, and i'm only accepting contributed
bug-fixes really at the moment.
We still have unfinished features from the last latex update (no comments
in variations i think), and i wasted a couple of hours on fixing a latex
eccentricity just last night, so your timing is very bad.

Feature request is something more in line with Scidb's goals, with it's
in-line PGN diagramatical capabilites, but Gregor needs a windows port-er.


On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 5:02 AM Robert Fargher  wrote:

> Hi folks,
>   Recently on the Reddit Chess sub-reddit, a user posted an image of how
> he has SCIDvsPC set up for his use .
> See attached image, from
> https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/azif5q/how_i_study_chess_with_scid_these_days_x_post/
>   I was immediately drawn to the small window overlying the PGN window in
> which a PDF book was displayed.  Holy smokes!  This is exactly how I'd like
> to use SCIDvsPC myself.
>   So I'm requesting that such a book window be a new utility added to
> SCIDvsPC.  He did it by scripting an overlying floating window.  I was
> wondering if either a book window, with the PDF and epub reading programs
> set as options, or a more general bash command window wherein a command
> such as "okular Why_I_Suck_At_Chess.pef" could be issued.
>  --
> Cheers,
> Rob
> ___
> Scidvspc-users mailing list
> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] - A curious behaviour

2019-03-15 Thread Steve A
Yes, i can reproduce this. We are doing things in a wrong order here...
'sc_game new' when current base is undefined.

Removing these two lines from file.tcl (or scid.gui) is the fix and should
be ok, but *requires testing*. It could possibly be leaving something
un-init. (The fix is also in subversion).

Cheers, S.A.

Index: tcl/file.tcl
--- tcl/file.tcl(revision 2945)
+++ tcl/file.tcl(working copy)
@@ -487,8 +487,6 @@

 # If closing current base - reset current game and switch to clipbase
 if { $current == $base } {
-  setTrialMode 0 0
-  sc_game new
   ::file::SwitchToBase clipbase
 } else {
   ::file::SwitchToBase $current

On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 8:09 PM Francois Paget 

> Good morning from France,
> There is something I do not understand… Is it a bug???
>1. You open Scid vs. PC (last version 4.19),
>2. You edit a game (Edit/Setup Board… then OK); the game is now
>visible in the clipbase),
>3. You open a database (example: File/open/KingBase2019.si4),
>4. You come back inside the clipbase,
>5. You search/current board inside the opened database (here
>KingBase2019): as result, you find (or not) some games, then…
>6. You close the opened database (here KingBase2019). I generally do
>this when I do not find the position inside the database.
>- The clipbase is now empty; you lost the position you entered in the
> If you directly start again the manipulation (from step 2 - without
> closing Scid vs PC), all is now OK: you keep the position in the clipboard
> after closing the DTB. This phenomenon occurs only ONE TIME when you open
> Scid vs PC… but for me, it is sometime annoying…
> Are you able to reproduce this phenomenon?  I am afraid you said not… but
> I try my luck anyway.
> Best regards and thanks,
> Francois,
> ___
> Scidvspc-users mailing list
> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Move to end of variation feature / Mac docker

2019-02-14 Thread Steve A
Hmmm - i tried binding Home to move-to-var start, but it doesn't feel right.
So i'll just commit the patch i sent. ('End' moves to var-end).
We always have 'z' to exit var... which is the move prior to the var start,
and more meaningful as move-forward draws the var arrows, reinforcing that
"we are in var".

Alan wrote
> Another nice feature would be to 'trim' variations perhaps with the
'Delete' key.

Hopefully it should already work that way. Delete key will delete to end of
game , or end of var, whichever.
Deleting individual variations is a little more complicated.
Without using the PGN window, you have to use edit->delete-variation.


On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 8:33 AM Henry M Rankin 

> I have been working on  analysis of the   Makaganov (sp) King’s Indian
> Defense indecently. The move to the end of the variation feature would make
> assessment of my analysis much easier.
> Buried in Snow in Michigan, USA
> Henry Rankin
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *Steve A 
> *Sent: *Wednesday, February 13, 2019 7:27 AM
> *To: *scidvspc-users 
> *Subject: *[Scidvspc-users] Move to end of variation feature / Mac docker
> Hi,
> I might make a small new feature... move to end of var (variation)
> and assigning it to the "End" key.
> So - if you're in a variation, pressing End will not move to game end, but
> var end.
> ..But i'm just not sure about how to assign the *buttons*.
> I'm pretty sure I might leave the blue End button (">>")  to always move
> to game end.
> Similarly, i might make the "Home" key move the the var start,
> but leave the '<<' button to move to game start.
> Of course, if you're outside of a variation, the Home/End key functions
> are unchanged.
> Attached is a simple "move to end of var" patch (the "move to start" is
> not implemented, but it's quote trivial). Any Ideas ?
> PS - I'm thinking of getting ScidvsPC 4.20 ready in the next few months.
> macOS is a pain though, as 32 bit will be discontinued after Mojave,
> and we will have to (sometime) make a portable 64 bit linux "Docker" image
> to run on macOS from then on. ... Any volunteers? Our previous Docker
> contributor is M.I.A.
> Cheers, Steven
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Move to end of variation feature / Mac docker

2019-02-13 Thread Steve A
I might make a small new feature... move to end of var (variation)
and assigning it to the "End" key.

So - if you're in a variation, pressing End will not move to game end, but
var end.

..But i'm just not sure about how to assign the *buttons*.
I'm pretty sure I might leave the blue End button (">>")  to always move to
game end.

Similarly, i might make the "Home" key move the the var start,
but leave the '<<' button to move to game start.
Of course, if you're outside of a variation, the Home/End key functions are

Attached is a simple "move to end of var" patch (the "move to start" is not
implemented, but it's quote trivial). Any Ideas ?

PS - I'm thinking of getting ScidvsPC 4.20 ready in the next few months.
macOS is a pain though, as 32 bit will be discontinued after Mojave,
and we will have to (sometime) make a portable 64 bit linux "Docker" image
to run on macOS from then on. ... Any volunteers? Our previous Docker
contributor is M.I.A.

Cheers, Steven
Index: src/tkscid.cpp
--- src/tkscid.cpp	(revision 2929)
+++ src/tkscid.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -10379,11 +10379,11 @@
 sc_move (ClientData cd, Tcl_Interp * ti, int argc, const char ** argv)
 static const char * options [] = {
-"add", "addSan", "addUCI", "back", "end", "forward",
+"add", "addSan", "addUCI", "back", "end", "endVar", "forward",
 "pgn", "ply", "start", NULL
 enum {
 int index = -1;
@@ -10413,6 +10413,15 @@
+errorT err = OK;
+do {
+err = db->game->MoveForward();
+} while (err == OK);
 return sc_move_forward (cd, ti, argc, argv);
Index: tcl/end.tcl
--- tcl/end.tcl	(revision 2928)
+++ tcl/end.tcl	(working copy)
@@ -1631,7 +1631,7 @@
   bind $w   ::move::Back
   bind $w   {::move::Forward 10}
   bind $w  ::move::Forward
-  bind $w::move::End
+  bind $w{::move::End 1}
   bind $w {::startAnalysisWin F2}
   bind $w {::startAnalysisWin F3}
   bind $w {::startAnalysisWin F4}
Index: tcl/move.tcl
--- tcl/move.tcl	(revision 2928)
+++ tcl/move.tcl	(working copy)
@@ -70,13 +70,17 @@
-proc ::move::End {} {
+proc ::move::End {{var 0}} {
   if {$::fics::playing == 2} {
   ::fics::writechan {forward 256} noecho
   set ::pause 1
-  sc_move end
+  if {$var} {
+sc_move endVar
+  } else {
+sc_move end
+  }
   if {[::move::drawVarArrows]} { ::move::showVarArrows }
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Computer Tournament and Spelling update

2018-12-28 Thread Steve A
Ok... I've included a few of Uwe's features/ideas in our Tournament window.
In subversion you'll see there is now a tournament statusbar, the ability
to use more than 12 engines,
and great Carousel game scheduling... maybe a few othe minor changes too.

Uwe has also updated his version. It can now autosave tournament progress
(in case of engine or operating system crash). It is available permanently
in the patches directory of svn/source

Happy holidays, Steven

On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 5:03 PM Steve A  wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Uwe Klimmek has been messing with the tournament feature,
> and has made some interesting changes. He sums them up:
>> - Improved layout
>> - Saving and loading tournaments
>> - A slipping system (Rutschsystem, carousel) for a better round  system.
>> Perhaps you know that from Arena.
>> - Automated adaptation of engine selection fields.
>> - Selection of the games to be played. This way you can also play a
>> tournament in parallel by starting 2x scidvspc.
>> - Saving the used time
>> - Interrupt and resume a tournament after a game.
> I also note he has added a handy status bar, made losing on time a lot
> harder, and removed my ugly "12 engine" limit.
> I'm not sure how much of the changes i will adopt (A couple of them at
> least, and maybe all) but users can try out his version by replacing
> comp.tcl in scid.gui with the attached version, or by recompiling with it.
> In the tournament, if you select "Save Move Time", you'll also have to
> make this 1 line change in tcl/tools/graphs.tcl (though this has been fixed
> in subversion).
> if {$type == "Score Combo" && [llength $scoreValues] < 5} {
>>   # Scale to emt yaxis , as no Scores
>>   # ... or we *could* use a "total time" scale if we recalculate
>> yticks, hlines
>>   set scale [expr $maxEmt / $maxLines]
>> } else {
>>   set scale [expr $max / $maxLines]
>> }
>> +*if { $maxLines <= 0 } { set scale 0 }*
>> set scaledWhiteValues {}
>> set scaledBlackValues {}
> Uwe has also been making some ttk (Themed Tk) changes to mainline Scid,
> and also updated Scid's Spelling  (with Player data and ratings) , Rating
> and Photo files.
> A new (derived) spelling.ssp is now in our subversion, or you can download
> his files from https://sourceforge.net/projects/scid/files/Player%20Data/
> Cheers, Steve
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Scid start fails

2018-12-15 Thread Steve A
Scid vs pc must be installed to run.
Run "sudo make install"

See "configure --help"
For instructions to install to different locations.
S. A.

On Sunday, December 16, 2018, Christian Opitz  wrote
> Hello,
> after uncompressing scidvspc-code-r2911.zip in a tmp-directory I ran in
> a terminal (Linux Mint 18.3 KDE Edition)
> ./configure && make
> with no mistakes (but some warnings were shown) and after that I started
> ./scid
> A welcome window appeared for a short time (1 or two seconds) and then
> my terminal shows:
>  Start of message 
> Error in startup script: bad menu entry index "CorrespondenceChess"
> while executing
> "$menu entryconfig $entry -label $menuLabel($lang,$tag)  -underline
> $menuUnder($lang,$tag)"
> (procedure "configMenuText" line 4)
> invoked from within
> "configMenuText .menu.play [tr $tag $oldLang] $tag $lang"
> (procedure "setLanguageMenus" line 7)
> invoked from within
> "setLanguageMenus $lang"
> (procedure "setLanguage" line 48)
> invoked from within
> "setLanguage E"
> invoked from within
> "if {[catch {
>   setLanguage $language
> }]} {
>   setLanguage E
> }"
> (file "./scid" line 173991)
> X Error of failed request:  RenderBadPicture (invalid Picture parameter)
>   Major opcode of failed request:  139 (RENDER)
>   Minor opcode of failed request:  7 (RenderFreePicture)
>   Picture id in failed request: 0x22
>   Serial number of failed request:  3341
>   Current serial number in output stream:  3418
>  End of message 
> I hope this message is helpful enough for finding a solution as I am not
> confident with Tcl/Tk.
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Christian Opitz
> ___
> Scidvspc-users mailing list
> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Global Background Color Option Bug?

2018-12-07 Thread Steve A
> When I start the program, Options -> Colors -> Background is set to
"No".  The background for all areas is black

This is the problem - probably your window manager is exporting colours to
non-gtk/non-kde apps,
and it can hopefully be changed somewhere in your desktop preferences.
Alternatively, try using a different window manager.

On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 1:33 PM Bennett Joseph 

> Greetings,
> I've just updated Scid VS. PC for the first time since the Global
> Background Color option was added.  My settings are default (removed
> .scidvspc directory) and the feature doesn't appear to work as I imagine
> it's supposed to.
> When I start the program, Options -> Colors -> Background is set to "No".
> The background for all areas is black, which isn't appealing [screenshot].
> When I set the background to a custom color, the background of the top
> menu, board area and status bar remain black, even when I restart the
> program.  Only the PGN dock and game information area get set to the custom
> color [screenshot].  I get the same result after I set Options -> Colors ->
> Background to "Some".  When I change Options -> Colors -> Background to
> "All" and restart then every area is changed to the custom color and no
> areas are left black.
> I attached two screenshots.  I compiled r2908 for 64-bit Linux, kernel
> 4.14.72 on Slackware.  TCL version is 8.6.9 and TK version is
> Bennett
> ___
> Scidvspc-users mailing list
> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Computer Tournament and Spelling update

2018-11-27 Thread Steve A
Hi Everyone,
Uwe Klimmek has been messing with the tournament feature,
and has made some interesting changes. He sums them up:

> - Improved layout
> - Saving and loading tournaments
> - A slipping system (Rutschsystem, carousel) for a better round  system.
> Perhaps you know that from Arena.
> - Automated adaptation of engine selection fields.
> - Selection of the games to be played. This way you can also play a
> tournament in parallel by starting 2x scidvspc.
> - Saving the used time
> - Interrupt and resume a tournament after a game.

I also note he has added a handy status bar, made losing on time a lot
harder, and removed my ugly "12 engine" limit.

I'm not sure how much of the changes i will adopt (A couple of them at
least, and maybe all) but users can try out his version by replacing
comp.tcl in scid.gui with the attached version, or by recompiling with it.
In the tournament, if you select "Save Move Time", you'll also have to make
this 1 line change in tcl/tools/graphs.tcl (though this has been fixed in

if {$type == "Score Combo" && [llength $scoreValues] < 5} {
>   # Scale to emt yaxis , as no Scores
>   # ... or we *could* use a "total time" scale if we recalculate
> yticks, hlines
>   set scale [expr $maxEmt / $maxLines]
> } else {
>   set scale [expr $max / $maxLines]
> }
> +*if { $maxLines <= 0 } { set scale 0 }*
> set scaledWhiteValues {}
> set scaledBlackValues {}

Uwe has also been making some ttk (Themed Tk) changes to mainline Scid, and
also updated Scid's Spelling  (with Player data and ratings) , Rating and
Photo files.

A new (derived) spelling.ssp is now in our subversion, or you can download
his files from https://sourceforge.net/projects/scid/files/Player%20Data/

Cheers, Steve
### Computer Tournament 
### comp.tcl: part of Scid.
### Copyright (C) 2010- Steven Atkinson
### Copyright (C) 2018  Uwe Klimmek

# Credit to Fulvio for a few lines of UCI code that enabled me
# to make this run nicely (without constantly reseting analysis),
# and gave me impetus for a decent control structure using
# semaphores/vwait instead of the often abused dig-deeper procedural flow 
# sometimes evident in tcl programs.
set comp(showscores) 1
set comp(showtimes) 1
set comp(showemt) 1
set comp(base) 4
set comp(playing) 0
set comp(endaftergame) 0
set comp(current) 1
set comp(lastgame) 2
set comp(games) {}
set comp(count) 2 ; # number of computer players
set comp(start) 0 ; # "Start at position" radiobutton
set comp(delta) 1; # 10 seconds is the time
set comp(permoveleeway) 1.75 ;# 175% is the max allowed
set comp(name) "Scid Engine Tournament"
set comp(carousel) 1
set comp(site) "SCID"
set comp(seconds) 180
set comp(timecontrol) pergame
set comp(minutes) 1
set comp(incr) 0
set comp(timeout) 0 ;# disabled by default
set comp(rounds) 2
set comp(showclock) 1
set comp(debug) 0 ; # print info to console
set comp(animate) 0
set comp(firstonly) 0
set comp(ponder) 0
set comp(usebook) 0
set comp(book) {}
set comp(players) {}
set comp(playernames) {}
set comp(statustext) ""

proc storeTimeComment { color } {
set sec [::gameclock::getSec $color]
set h [format "%d" [expr abs($sec) / 60 / 60] ]
set m [format "%02d" [expr (abs($sec) / 60) % 60] ]
set s [format "%02d" [expr abs($sec) % 60] ]
set time "$h:$m:$s"

#Replace %clk if present, otherwise prepend it
if {[regsub {\[%clk\s*.*?\]} [sc_pos getComment] "\[%clk $time\]" comment]} {
  sc_pos setComment "$comment"
} else {
  sc_pos setComment "\[%clk $time\]$comment"

proc storeEmtComment { h m s } {
set time "[format "%d" $h]:[format "%02d" $m]:[format "%02d" $s]"

#Replace %emt if present, otherwise prepend it
if {[regsub {\[%emt\s*.*?\]} [sc_pos getComment] "\[%emt $time\]" comment]} {
  sc_pos setComment "$comment"
} else {
  sc_pos setComment "\[%emt $time\]$comment"

### Non-transient options are set in start.tcl
proc calcGames {} {
global comp
if { $comp(firstonly)} {
	set comp(lastgame) [expr {($comp(count)-1) * $comp(rounds)}]
} else {
	set comp(lastgame) [expr {$comp(count) * ($comp(count)-1) * $comp(rounds) / 2}]

proc compInit { } {
  global analysis comp engines

  set w .comp

  if {[winfo exists $w]} {
raiseWin $w
  toplevel $w
  wm state $w withdrawn
  wm title $w "Configure Tournament"
  setWinLocation $w

  grid [ttk::labelframe $w.engines -text Engines] -row 0 -column 0 -rowspan 3 -sticky nswe -padx "0 10"
  grid [ttk::labelframe $w.tournament -text Tournament] -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nswe
  grid [ttk::labelframe

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Co-ordinates on setup board?

2018-11-09 Thread Steve A
Cheers Noel. In subversion I have added the requested coordinates (and both
coordinate axes if the main board shows both) and also a flip button, which
is more useful than those other three colour transformation buttons (which
i have made smaller). I think it all works.

On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 3:55 AM Noel Taylor  wrote:

> Steve thank you for all your work on this program. After 50 years I am
> re-infected  with chess. Your work on scidvspc is a major boost for me. If
> you are ever in Dallas TX look me up. I will buy you lunch.
> Thanx!
> On Thu, Nov 8, 2018, 5:42 AM Steve A 
>> Yeah - it needs some work i think. Cheers
>> On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 5:59 AM Robert Fargher  wrote:
>>> Is it possible to show the algebraic co-ordinates on the Edit/Setup
>>> Board screen?  This would be very useful and I can't see a way to do it.
>>> --
>>> Cheers,
>>> Rob Fargher
>>> ___
>>> Scidvspc-users mailing list
>>> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
>> ___
>> Scidvspc-users mailing list
>> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Co-ordinates on setup board?

2018-11-08 Thread Steve A
Yeah - it needs some work i think. Cheers

On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 5:59 AM Robert Fargher  wrote:

> Is it possible to show the algebraic co-ordinates on the Edit/Setup Board
> screen?  This would be very useful and I can't see a way to do it.
> --
> Cheers,
> Rob Fargher
> ___
> Scidvspc-users mailing list
> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] ScidvsPC Mac 64 bit / Mojave

2018-11-01 Thread Steve A
Hi, Just forwarding this email about MacOS ScidvsPC to the mailing list so
hopefully i don't get another hundred emails.
Thanks, S.A

- Forwarded Message -
*From:* Steven 
*To:* Martin Godwyn 
*Sent:* Friday, 2 November 2018, 6:40
*Subject:* Re: ScidvsMac 64 bit?

The 64 bit macOS version is *very* buggy, and will most likely never get
fixed due to it being a TCL issue.

If we get our act together, we will eventually release a 64 bit linux
version of ScidvsPC that will run on macOS


*From:* Martin Godwyn 
*To:* "stevena...@yahoo.com" 
*Sent:* Friday, 2 November 2018, 4:35
*Subject:* ScidvsMac 64 bit?


I was wondering whether ScidvsMac will ever be re-written for 64 bit. I
think my Mac told me that it is 32-bit and I believe that Mohave will be
the last OSX to support 32-bit.


Martin Godwyn
Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] Captured piece color

2018-10-21 Thread Steve A
Hmmm - I *think* i know what you mean - justa bar, not pieces, but i'm not
sure where we'd put it...or how.

BTW, one feature  (I often forget about, and i wrote it) that is remotely
related and not well used is -
Double-click the status bar, and an engine will start. Then right the click
the status-bar.
Engine score and first PV is now shown there.


On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 11:55 PM Alan Whiteman 

> Hey Steve,
> I know that no. 2 option best represents real-life games; but for
> 'material advantage', would it be better if instead of pieces you had a
> 'value' bar? To illustrate:
> +8  |===|
> Here we have captured a rook and a knight. Or two pawns:
> +2 |**===|
> (Though material advantage is irrelevant in view of the conditions over
> the board.)
> On 10/19/2018 04:48 AM, Steve A wrote:
> > I think this is ok.
> > There are three modes for the material sidebar.
> > Options->Game Info->Toggle Material
> > 1. Pieces are the color of the captor, representing material advantage.
> > 2. Showing all captured pieces, they are of the opponents colour.
> > 3. none show
> > S.A
> >
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 2:48 AM Noel Taylor  > <mailto:noelhtay...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> >
> > Why for how come are the captured pieces the color of the captor
> > rather than the captee?
> > ___
> > Scidvspc-users mailing list
> > Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> > <mailto:Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scidvspc-users
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Scidvspc-users mailing list
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Captured piece color

2018-10-19 Thread Steve A
I think this is ok.
There are three modes for the material sidebar.
Options->Game Info->Toggle Material
1. Pieces are the color of the captor, representing material advantage.
2. Showing all captured pieces, they are of the opponents colour.
3. none show

On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 2:48 AM Noel Taylor  wrote:

> Why for how come are the captured pieces the color of the captor rather
> than the captee?
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Export (HTML/JavaScript) Not Displaying Piece Icons

2018-09-14 Thread Steve A
The time delay is Options->Moves->Autoplay Time Delay
I'll add a note to the help page in my next help file commit.

It's one of Pascal's numerous *quick and dirty* features, and making these
as robust as they should be isn't worth the effort/is impossible. They
basically suffer from quite poor design and documentation.
- (Engine must be running first)
+ (Engine must be running first, game at end-position, time delay is the
same as for Autoplay)

On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 9:15 PM Joseph Polanik  wrote:

> Steve,
> Thanks for your reply.
> In tournament mode, one can set the time control; but, those settings
> are ignored in shoot-out mode. The engine takes a few seconds to make a
> move; and, of course, one may doubt the quality of analysis. The engine
> picks a different move when running in analysis mode until I click the
> 'Add Move' button.
> In Shootout mode, is there any way to make the engine respect its
> configuration options -- I'm thinking of the minimum time per move
> setting in particular?
> Thanks,
> Joe
> On 09/13/2018 04:21 AM, Steve A wrote:
> > It works good enough for me.
> > http://scidvspc.sourceforge.net/doc/Analysis.htm
> > Create new game - start engine, then press "Shoot out" button.
> >
> > But this feature *is* a little half-baked, and superceded by the
> > tournament feature.
> > S.A
> >
> > On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 5:24 AM Joseph Polanik  > <mailto:jpola...@nc.rr.com>> wrote:
> >
> > I migrated from ChessX to SCIDvsPC for its greater stability; but,
> > there
> > is one feature of ChessX that I miss, the ability to have a chess
> > engine
> > play against itself.
> >
> > My first attempt to do this in SCIDvsPC resulted in an error message
> > saying that this was unsupported. Is there something I missed?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Joe--
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Export (HTML/JavaScript) Not Displaying Piece Icons

2018-09-13 Thread Steve A
It works good enough for me.
Create new game - start engine, then press "Shoot out" button.

But this feature *is* a little half-baked, and superceded by the tournament

On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 5:24 AM Joseph Polanik  wrote:

> I migrated from ChessX to SCIDvsPC for its greater stability; but, there
> is one feature of ChessX that I miss, the ability to have a chess engine
> play against itself.
> My first attempt to do this in SCIDvsPC resulted in an error message
> saying that this was unsupported. Is there something I missed?
> Thanks,
> Joe
> --
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Not starting: bad cursor spec "#a8a19f" on Debian 9

2018-07-03 Thread Steve A
I installed wish 8.6.6 but cannot reproduce the problem.

This is all i can find.

If that doesnt help, i recommend uninstalling debian tcl/tk/tcl-dev/tk-dev
and installing wish 8.6.5 from source (which is quite easy).


On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 6:10 AM, Ivan Toman  wrote:

> Hello,
> I have issue running the program. First of all, I used Debian's official
> package scid successfully until it stopped working suddenly. After trying
> to debug I gave up and compiled scid vs pc version from source. However,
> using this build, result is the same.
> This is what I get instead of program start:
> ~ scid
> application-specific initialization failed: bad cursor spec "#a8a19f"
> Error in startup script: bad cursor spec "#a8a19f"
> (database entry for "-cursor" in widget ".")
> invoked from within
> "load /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtk8.6.so Tk"
> ("package ifneeded Tk 8.6.6" script)
> invoked from within
> "package require Tk  8.5"
> (file "/usr/local/bin/scid" line 19)
> I have no idea what could be problem. I tried to grep things to see where
> this comes from, but I didn't find anything relevant.
> Can you assist?
> Thank you
> Ivan Toman
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Time graph feature

2018-05-26 Thread Steve A
On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 12:02 PM, Steve A <stevena...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've committed a decent working version of the new time graph feature,
> and attached a screenshot. (Old time Scid contributor) Uwe Klimmek has
> written a similar feature for mainline Scid, which gave me inspiration to
> write a similar feature.
> The Score graph now has a few options.
> It can (optionally) show the %emt value bar graph,
> and the %emt time total.
> The time total line graph does not have a proper y-axis of it's own,
> instead it is just scaled to fit either of the bar graphs at the moment.
> Ideally, the time bar graph should be striped white/black bars, but havent
> looked at implementing this yet.
> I don't know much about these "%" pgn comments... and from Uwe's code, he
> has allowed for other (older?) styles, but i do not know if any others are
> very widely used. I have only seen %emt in chessbase PGNs and fics games.
> PS - you can get the time adjusted fics games afterwards, by using the
> "smoves+ seabeast -1" command (for eg).
> The combo line graphs use black and grey as the colours. Grey  (instead of
> White) is a bit easier to see maybe, but it wouldnt be hard to colorise
> them.
> I wrote it on OSX, and havent tested it on other platforms yet, but should
> be fine.
> cheers, Steven
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[Scidvspc-users] Time graph feature

2018-05-26 Thread Steve A
I've committed a decent working version of the new time graph feature,
and attached a screenshot. (Old time Scid contributor) Uwe Klimmek has
written a similar feature for mainline Scid, which gave me inspiration to
write a similar feature.

The Score graph now has a few options.
It can (optionally) show the %emt value bar graph,
and the %emt time total.
The time total line graph does not have a proper y-axis of it's own,
instead it is just scaled to fit either of the bar graphs at the moment.
Ideally, the time bar graph should be striped white/black bars, but havent
looked at implementing this yet.

I don't know much about these "%" pgn comments... and from Uwe's code, he
has allowed for other (older?) styles, but i do not know if any others are
very widely used. I have only seen %emt in chessbase PGNs and fics games.

PS - you can get the time adjusted fics games afterwards, by using the
"smoves+ seabeast -1" command (for eg).

The combo line graphs use black and grey as the colours. Grey  (instead of
White) is a bit easier to see maybe, but it wouldnt be hard to colorise

I wrote it on OSX, and havent tested it on other platforms yet, but should
be fine.

cheers, Steven
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Feature Request: Disable Selected Piece Highlighting

2018-05-23 Thread Steve A
I hope i haven't annoyed anyone, but i have nixed that feature altogether.
It was kindof rubbish, and just complicated our board event processing in
an ugly way.
I had to touch the Board Colour code/themes too, so more testing is

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 6:09 AM, Bennett Joseph <bennettajos...@gmail.com>

> Sorry, I meant to add that my system is 64-bit Linux.
> On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 1:05 PM, Bennett Joseph <bennettajos...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I think I've found a bug.  If Options -> Moves -> Color Selected Square
>> is disabled and Options -> Moves -> Show Suggested Moves is enabled, Scid
>> vs. PC freezes once I try to move a piece.  I'm on 64-bit using Tcl/Tk
>> 8.6.8.
>> Bennett
>> On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 6:38 AM, Bennett Joseph <bennettajos...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Thank you very much!  It seems to work, I'll continue to test it.
>>> Bennett
>>> On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 5:05 AM, Steve A <stevena...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > They pair nicely with a wood board pattern but I find any square
>>>>> highlighting aesthetically jarring on a realistic-looking set.
>>>> Ok. In subversion there is an option to disable this.
>>>> Options->Move->ColourSelectedSquare.
>>>> If this is disabled, a black rectangle is drawn instead (thickness the
>>>> same as LastMove rectangle).
>>>> Please test this out.
>>>> S.A.
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Feature Request: Disable Selected Piece Highlighting

2018-05-21 Thread Steve A
> > They pair nicely with a wood board pattern but I find any square
> highlighting aesthetically jarring on a realistic-looking set.

Ok. In subversion there is an option to disable this.
If this is disabled, a black rectangle is drawn instead (thickness the same
as LastMove rectangle).
Please test this out.
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[Scidvspc-users] New high def pieces

2018-04-21 Thread Steve A
Grant Goldenberg has made a heap of high definition chess pieces :)
I don't know if there are copyright restrictions on any of these
... but afaics most/all chess pieces are freely reproducible.
My favourites are 3DWoodHD.tcl  Chess-7HD.tcl  ChessPlainHD.tcl  LineHD.tcl
 MedievalHD.tcl  SmoothHD.tcl
Below is the link to the 50meg file, with a small README included.
See the "Board textures and pieces" help item for installation instructions.


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[Scidvspc-users] Quick position searches

2018-03-30 Thread Steve A
Sorry for the spam, but this feature may get ignored for a while unless i
mention it

In subversion, I've implemented quick CQL position searches using the
Shift+button-1 board marking feature. To use it, Mark the pieces on the
board you want to search for with Shift+MouseClick, then open the CQL
search window.
The pieces are now automatically inserted as search parameters.
Attached is a small screenshot to illustrate the idea.

Re the gamelist 'Country' field, i have enforced this idea.
Country sorts and gamelist fields are now only shown if
* the fourth last letter is a space.
* the third last letter is capitalized
But on unfortunately we are missing "USSR" now

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[Scidvspc-users] Gamelist 'Country' column

2018-03-27 Thread Steve A
Though it's not well documented, the gamelist column for 'Country' is
merely the last three letters of the game's 'Site' field.
This setup seems to be a defacto of sorts in PGN, though i'm not terribly
knowledgable about it.

Scid's Site Spellchecking tool does a reasonable job of adding these three
letters to the Site. eg
"Baku">> "Baku AZE" (505)
"Baltimore">> "Baltimore, MD USA" (1)
"Banja Luka">> "Banja Luka BIH" (18)
"Barcelona">> "Barcelona ESP" (83)
"Barcelona (Spain)">> "Barcelona ESP" (3)

Anyway, I have added this to doco ... but i'm wondering if we should
enforce this a little in the gamelist. A simple test i can think of , if
the 3rd last letter is not capitalized, don't display the country field.
Another option would be - if the fourth last letter is not a space.

Is 'Country' found/used anywhere else in ScidvsPC beside the gamelist. ?

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Re: [Scidvspc-users] enabling PGN figurines and default base (on scidvsmac)

2018-01-11 Thread Steve A
On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 10:50 AM, Chris Lott  wrote:
> 1.How can I enable PGN figurines? I can't seem to find the
> ScidChessBerin.ttf mentioned in the documentation.
> 1a. Tangentially related: what are the ScidChessStandard and
> ScidChessTraveller .ttf and .sfd files in "support files" for?

Install the font ScidChessStandard.ttf to enable chess figurines.

> 2. How can I set a default database on OSX with Scidvsmac? The docs
> mention command line flags, but I'm unclear how to do that on Mac.

I think i have a simple implementation in my head, and will make a "Default
Databses(s)" feature shortly. The crux is: we will only open default bases
if no command line args/options are given.

> thanks! ScidvsPC rocks!

cheers, S.A.
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Flag all games in DB as tactics

2017-12-31 Thread Steve A
Game flags are set in the maintenance window. Select "Tactics" from the
drop button, and then "Mark all games"

On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 4:12 AM, Chris Lott  wrote:

> How can I flag all games in a DB as tactics in order to use the "Find
> Best Move" feature using them?
> Select-all in the game window only selects visible games...marking
> 5000+ games would be rather tedious that way!
> TIA -c
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Unable to Move Columns in the Game List

2017-10-09 Thread Steve A
Ok, this interface isn't very clear - I will make the instructions clearer.

By using the "add" menu, the selected column is repositioned to the right
of the current column.
cheers, S.A.

On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 9:08 PM, Bennett Joseph 

> Greetings,
> May I please get assistance? I can't arrange columns in the Game List.
> The Game List help page says, "Right-clicking a Column Title allows one to
> reorder them..." When I right-click a column, I get a menu to add, remove,
> align left, align right, align center or reset, but not to move them. Was
> this ability changed recently?
> I'm using the latest SVN snapshot, revision 2759 in Linux.  My distro is
> Slackware-Current 14.2 64-bit and my Tcl/Tk version is 8.6.7.
> Thanks,
> Bennett
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] game flags in pgn output

2017-09-07 Thread Steve A
That sounds like a good feature... probably/hopefully doable without too
much effort. Email me if you want some pointers to the relevant code, or I
will code it myself sometime. Cheers

On Friday, September 8, 2017, Lionel  wrote:

> Well, I've been poking around for awhile trying to find a way to include
> game flags in a PGN export (hoping to find a custom tag in the output). It
> would be nice to be able to export the db, pipe the PGN thru sed,
> pgn-extract, etc, and import the result without losing the flags. Alas...
> am I missing something?
> --  Lionel
> P.S.  If this is a feature that is deemed worthy of including in scidvspc,
> I'll look into implementing it in spare time if it's not a nightmare with
> alot of potential undesirable side effects.  Issues???
> --
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Unsync 3-18

2017-08-06 Thread Steve A
Ok... Ozkan and i have uploaded 4.18.1 packages. Hopefully they are ok.
But if you don't  'browse' games from the Tree->Best-Games window, you can
probably give this point release a miss, as the pgn import fix is also
fairly minor. There is no changelog for it, just a note in the news
section. I have also put our read-me up at Sourceforge. It is not linked to
from any other page, but maybe useful for some people.
*  http://scidvspc.sourceforge.net/README.html
I'm pretty confident Arie's problem will also be fixed.

Something of note i haven't mentioned before is a project that Kayvan
Sylvan has been working on.
It is interesting, if somewhat complicated, technology that provides
cross-platform project bundles (including all linked libraries) allowing
projects to run sandboxed, and independant of operating systems.
His project page is at
*  https://github.com/ksylvan/scidvspc
and the main Docker page is at
*  https://docs.docker.com/ *
Anyone who wants the best performance from ScidvsPC on a Mac should look at
his project and perhaps email him.

cheers, Steven
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Unsync 3-18

2017-08-05 Thread Steve A
Ok... this definitely touches the release we are making in 4.18.1 shortly,
but i can't verify 100% that we have fixed your issue.
Pls try the new release when it is made.

On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 1:28 AM, Arie Oren <alefalef9...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Steve
> At first I thank you for the fantastic program, that I am working with for
> many years included V.317. But... I have a problem with the 3.18
> When I over from the PGN-Windows to the TREE-Windows and browse into a
> game via "Best Games" I cannot merge this game into the game from the PGN
> Windows receiving this message [Unable to merge the selected game: No
> matching position found] From this step it happens that I lose sync with
> the Chessboard window and / or PGN window and cannot continue working... I
> looks that the focus moves from PGN's file to Tree-Best Move file...It's
> never happened with the previous versions.
> My system is Windows 8.1 64 bit 8.GB RAM
> Working with Scid vs PC V.3.18 64 bit
> Docked windows
> Working with two DB files ["MyGames" and "Reference" with ~7 mega games
> with no problemes, including V.3.17
> Attached config with V.317 with V.318 and a screen picture
> Many applications parallel opened
> Thank you!
> --
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Databases, 4.18.1 point release

2017-08-03 Thread Steve A
Ok... thanks for that. I redownloaded Kingbase.

> It was very kind for Katar to share the link, but wouldn't it make more
sense to host the millbase file in either scidvspc's website or git
repository? That is, directly instead of pointing to a third party.

I have quite a few reasons not to host a big DB, but mostly - I don't have
the time or motivation to do updates
and handle feedback, but other people do :)
But of course, finding a good DB is a problem. Hmm - Kingbase cuts out
before 1990, so nothing historical.

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Re: [Scidvspc-users] New Best Games widget / 4.18 shortly

2017-07-06 Thread Steve A
Ok... there are some 4.18 release candidates up at the files page, though
no OS X yet.
Not a big Changelog, but it's been a while, and the new Best Games, Score
Graph feature and handy Gamelist reveal button deserve a release.
Please let me know if there are any issues.
Cheers, S.A.

PS - the Horizontal wheelmouse hack only works on linux.

4.18 (July 1, 2017)

New Best Games widget, similar to the Gamelist
Score Graph now highlights the current move
New annotation feature: Show missed/shorter mates
A little new Gamelist button to reveal hidden/squeezed buttons
The GameInfo Window has a right-click menu, and other minor menu
Basic support for horizontal scrolling (in gamelist, crosstable and
bestgames) for mousewheel buttons with horizontal capability.
Finnish translation, from Mika Kaakinen

Engines: if an engine shows a Mating line, show the whole line in
analysis window, disregarding Max-Ply variable
Don't show an error message when importing null PGN tags... too verbose
Fics: try to handle case when move is made after run out of time. (We
don't want to mark the game as out of sync)
Minor Translation, Mask and Fics tweaks
Hide Board resize buttons in docked mode if auto-resize is enabled
Revert Control-b binding to Book window
Focus the text box of Comment Editor when raised
Show a busy cursor when backing-up databases in the finder
Game Save: also use previous Round with the 'Use Previous'
Running Engine 1 in the statusbar needs special handling if using
docking, as it cannot be withdrawn properly and was confusing before
Show correct position in the pgn window after adding a new var/move
Show PGN scrollbar by default

 Bug Fixes
Redock Windows after they have been undocked then destroyed. Before,
such windows were remade undocked, and *without* menus
Keep comments when truncating game from start
Fix broken 'Copy' button in Engine's config window
Promoting variations didn't handle precomments

On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 7:27 PM, Michael Brown <mj69br...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> On the V+ point, I would just like to emphasise that there is no problem
> adding variations from the analysis window.
> My problem is with the manual insertion of a variation using V+ from the
> menu above the chessboard.
> Thanks – no need to reply.
> Regards
> Mike
> *From:* Steve A [mailto:stevena...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* 02 July 2017 09:25
> *To:* Michael Brown
> *Subject:* Re: [Scidvspc-users] New Best Games widget / 4.18 shortly
> Cheers Michael. I have made the spelling corrections you sent.
> I also spent quite some time improving the '+V' pgn visibility issue -
> though it is still ordinary, and too complilcated to fix properly at the
> moment.
> It should also be better when adding new variations from an analysis
> window.
> regards S.
> On Sun, Jul 2, 2017 at 3:09 AM, Michael Brown <mj69br...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Apart from item (1), these are spelling errors in the “Help” facility:
> (1)  When adding a new variation with +V from menu tabs above the
> chessboard, the PGN screen goes back up to the game information at the top
> (annoying!), whereas one would expect the screen to stay with () waiting
> for the new variation move.
> (2)  Spelling error – should be “Maintenance” not “Maintanance” in
> following section of Help->Database Maintenance:
> “Repair a Base In the rare case that a Scid Database is corrupted, one
> might try to repair it using Tools-->Maintanance-->Repair base.”
> (3)  Spelling error – should be “its” not “it’s” in Help->Analysis Window
> “Debugging Engine Crashes
>  If an engine fails to start, or crashes, one may examine it's log file”
> (4)  Spelling inconsistency (UK ‘colours’ has been used as standard) –
> Help->Colours (various color options)
> (5)  Spelling error (“standard” not “standadrd”) – Help->Computer
> Tournament “Permanent Thinking does not work with non-standadrd start
> positions.”
> (6)  Spelling errors (“I” not “i”, “through” not “though”) in Help->Scid
> Hints “While entering a game, I realise i have entered an incorrect move
> half-way though. Can I easily correct it?”
> (7)  Spelling error (“repertoire” not “repertoir” – Help->Tree Masks
> “similar to what is found in many repertoir books”.
> (8)  Spelling errors (“their” not “their”, “missed” not “missed”) –
> Help->Stoyko Exercise “When the user has finished entering thier best
> moves, click Done with position. The engine will append (any) misssed lines
> to t

Re: [Scidvspc-users] originating code base for the project?

2017-06-15 Thread Steve A
On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 7:21 AM, Lionel <haydoo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Steve,
> I've been tracking your project for some time and have been porting
features from the scid project and adding some features of my own, and I'm
wondering if you have a record of the scid commit from which you forked the
scidvspc project.

ScidvsPC's base is SCID-3.6.26, and full changelog can be found in the
source code, README.txt, also here

The files page https://sourceforge.net/projects/scidvspc/files/source/
has scid_vs_pc-
dated at 4th/june/2009

>From the SCID doc/ChangeLog file (still in ScidvsPC source code), 3.6.26
appears to be dated October 2009, so it is possible i used a slightly
earlier CVS version, but i can't recall. Perhaps that date is wrong too.
SCID's CVS commits were not documented/labeled.
Checking the scid_vs_pc-
tarball might clear it up, but i can't do that ATM.

The first SCID release with widespread ttk theme changes (which really
messed up the GUI imho) and made me fork was probably 3.6.27.
In any case, afterwards, i separately applied the Tree interrupt and si4
features, and definitely some other minor ones. I didn't use any VCS for a
long while, just using patches - which maybe i still have, but are no
longer on the files repo. CVS always struck me as very ordinary, but i
eventually found out about subversion.

> I ask because, as best as I can tell, you forked the project in 2010, and
yet I've come across code which was committed to the scid project as far
back as 2008 (and which is still in the latest revision of scid), but which
is nowhere to be found in your repository.  For example, some functions
which Pascal contributed in tcl/utils/validate.tcl which date back to 2008
and were never removed from the scid project but never existed in your

Cheers, Steven
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[Scidvspc-users] Unicode filename issues

2017-06-12 Thread Steve A
I received an error message from Sourceforge user Panos where he describes
not being able to open or create files inside his home directory on his
MS-Windows system.


I'm guessing the issue is related to having non-ascii unicode characters in
his user/home-directory name - which Scid has never been properly written
to handle, and indeed is done poorly by Tcl - but am not sure.

Does anyone have knowledge of this issue.

If unicode chars in the filename *is* the problem - we can add simple
checks in the GUI frontend to warn about such home directory names, but it
is not a good solution, and i can't really test/fix the issue myself.
Cheers, Steven
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Possible memory leak problem ?

2017-04-12 Thread Steve A
We had a nasty leak before, but it was fixed in scidvspc 4.17.

If you are already using this version, pease send me your options files so
I can test the same config/window layout.

Cheers, S.A

On Thursday, April 13, 2017, yoan liba  wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't find how to submit a bug so i post here.
> I have a problem to use scid vs Pc in fedora 25 (up to date).
> I use LxQT as a DE, so it's not a gnome 3 problem.
> The welcome popup indicate that scid vs Pc has found eveything he needs
> except endgame tablebase.
> Scid vs Pc use more and more memory until i don't have enough RAM to use
> my computer at all.
> I have try to see if it is a memory leak with valgrind but the result
> seems negative.
> I have no problem to compile scid vs Pc with a simple ./configure and a
> make
> I copy here the outputs of my terminal after two hours using scid when he
> analyse a game with stockfish or komodo.
> [yann@localhost scidvspc]$ valgrind ./scid
> ==1532== Memcheck, a memory error detector
> ==1532== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
> ==1532== Using Valgrind-3.12.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
> ==1532== Command: ./scid
> ==1532==
> [yann@localhost scidvspc]$
> [yann@localhost scidvspc]$ valgrind --tool=callgrind ./scid
> ==1872== Callgrind, a call-graph generating cache profiler
> ==1872== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Josef Weidendorfer et
> al.
> ==1872== Using Valgrind-3.12.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
> ==1872== Command: ./scid
> ==1872==
> ==1872== For interactive control, run 'callgrind_control -h'.
> The process who eat all my ram is called tkscid so it's not a chess engine.
> This behaviour happens if i compile directly scid vs Pc or if i use a rpm
> in the rpm sphere repository.
> Could you tell me what is the problem ?
> English is not my native language so don't hesitate to ask if you don't
> understand something  :)
> Thanks.
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Scid display options issues

2017-02-28 Thread Steve A
> This is about Scid vs PC (v.4.17) issues on my Win 7 desktop – the below is 
> working fine on my Win 10 laptop. I’ve tried reinstalling Scid but it makes 
> no difference.

All i can suggest is to make sure it is not being installed in "program files".

> Is there any way to change the colour of the comments font, or does it have 
> to be green?

Pgn_Window Menu->Colors->Comments


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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Deleting all filtered games from current database

2017-01-26 Thread Steve A
In the maintenance window, select Delete-Filter-Games.
Compacting database will then irrevocably remove all deleted games.

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 1:10 PM, Benoit St-Jean  wrote:

> I am a bit at loss as to how I can do a search with filters and delete all
> matching games from the current database.
> I noticed that doing CTRL-A (select ALL) from the Game List window only
> selects *visible* games 25 at a time.
> How can I delete ALL games matching my filter(s) from the current database?
> tia
> --
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[Scidvspc-users] Annotation update

2017-01-08 Thread Steve A
Not too much happening since last release.

There's a couple of contributions in progress;
one doing a Finnish translation,
and another doing an ICC adaptation of the Fics widget!
Hopefully they work out ok :)

But just recently i coded a couple of new features (in subversion).
The score graph now highlights the current move,
and has configurable colours (Option->Colours->ScoreGraph).

And this weekend i added a new Annotation feature.
It now adds all shorter/missed checkmates as variations.
It's not quite trivial, and there's some info in the help topic.
Maybe it's bug-free now, but if you find some, please send me the game/s
and your configuration files.

cheers, S.
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] SCID - alternative pieces and themes?

2016-11-25 Thread Steve A
Thanks for this. Your Paul_C piece set is quite nice.
I have replaced the old pauls_pieces.tgz with your files/versions.

Cheers, Steven

> Some remarks:
> Windows' custom pieces folder: Scid vs PC/bin/pieces
> Ken's includes a high detail Alpha piece set.
> The script in Paul's to make your own piece set from svg using Inkscape,
is a perl-script. On Windows you can use Strawberry Perl.
> Too big custom textures are cropped. Too smalls textures are repeated.
90x90 textures works nice on my 1920x1080 monitor. When I use 86x86
gradient textures, they are repeated when the chessboard is big, giving a
kind of 3D effect (see screenshot).
> I have made some updates to Paul's:
> The script is now Windows friendlier.
> I have added a third piece set variant, Paul_C.
> Files:
> Screenshot, Paul_C
> All Paul in one
> On 10.11.2016 10.48, lime...@mailup.net wrote:
> Hi SCID dev and users,
> First just want to say many thanks for SCID, it is really useful and has
just saved my backside, allowing me to make a 7.82 million game PGN
database and allowing me to generate, prune and delete duplicates in said
database in sci format. The whole process of merging, converting and
managing can be a bit involved, but it works.
> It’s not SCID’s fault that other, commercial chess software cannot handle
importing PGN databases of this size!
> I wanted to ask about alternative pieces and themes/colours. Is it
possible to get other piece sets (e.g. Alpha) for SCID or import your own?
And will we see more options for changing board colours in the future? It’s
important to have a look that you really like, as you spend so many hours
looking at it.
> Thanks, Ed
> ___
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> Scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2016-11-10 Thread Steve A
It's been a while since the visual studio makefile was updated, so it'd be
nice to do so :)

Attached is a first go, but it'll probably need more fixes, as none of the
current devs use visual studio.

Things that have changed include:
* tkdnd and universalchardet directories/dependancies are new
* we now need to include the flag -std=c++0x (or -std=c++11, which is
preferable) compiling tkscid.cpp (and which may be the cause of your
reported error)

cheers, Steven

On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 5:48 PM, Mail Delivery Subsystem <
mailer-dae...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
>  scidvspc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Technical details of permanent failure:
> Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server
> for the recipient domain lists.sourceforge.net by mx.sourceforge.net.
> [].
> The error that the other server returned was:
> 550 Blacklisted file extension detected
> - Original message -
> DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
> d=gmail.com; s=20120113;
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> id:subject:to;
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> b=ZQ1+Z90gzVxRSk0Kg5eYCmle8Lx9V1ghWM6shX7JNrg431HlLMyHQSowcJrdUIvR
> Ld
>  b1Laht160CZhEXHLYH4XyFt2O/DErIkLGT042ssv4opPDlHcYFXhPqqR
> j/Ss8inw/ug3
>  ppIedkM1edDsFMnXIRkaJXx8OLTzenFfpo/cYUUmfh8+592/lZcbTx+
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>  5ciWtH0sHFsxbhAKjXtRRKRHmBllgwCk2TuZZv77onkJU07EWXygdx3F861T
> 5jBfnG9u
>  7SWJm0PYxFfUpVdmTWrvvYs7q4OOAXUZO6Zh+T6f0+ef1AWCzFRje+
> abL2ABikoaVYnG
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> nu7SjUgvrRigGqLQDI+jFhuG
>  gTUXWQJzbbcdOdWcDw7O0dh7VGp96mOKDGWa1h0kbfxox4e4aDGrn9FyCFbI
> 997zh4/b
>  74r3GpGfgbdvkLjjv0nfhZdA7+Og8qsh6+JW6rIFpivVFAe2m/
> CZGVWlKSvE1vjLbZcu
>  c52Tw4bzgm1BMHarPYutPEP0oZarU0IduCdkT6mAaSVPtcIAQKV+
> yjXATtJw0TwgXAzg
>  H46YeDvqAJxoFO481lm5DOV87V0/TJLacshWeQi4CeA0rYpuKinVd0FnLC
> RW/VglpcUQ
>  ZRVA==
> X-Gm-Message-State: ABUngvef6pNJqokMeMzIa36jO0MrhQLdOO0HEFl+F/
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>  <CAKDNZpEdYNViTrTVRVoWx54d+03jpsbKBG9UPh9YgwYPoGq=0...@mail.gmail.com>
> From: Steve A <stevena...@gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2016 17:48:14 +1000
> Message-ID: 

[Scidvspc-users] 4.17 release

2016-10-28 Thread Steve A
Apologies for the late changes, but today (28th october) we've uploaded new
4.17 releases.

There was a bug in the new Engine move (PV) parsing regarding promotions -
which could crash the app. This code has been in subversion for a couple of
months now, so a little unlucky not to have seen it sooner, but it's always
nice to catch them whenever.

Windows users can just reinstall over their previous 4.17 installation (ie
don't uninstall first), to maintain all settings.

Thanks, Steven
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Scidvspc-users mailing list

Re: [Scidvspc-users] 4.17 release candidates

2016-10-23 Thread Steve A
> Love getting updates!  However HTML of Opening report gives error
> image).

Thanks Matthew.

Yes... that is a bug. We have fixed this in the newly uploaded windows
exes, and made a tweak to source too. The new player finder defaults were
inappropiate i think.
Please test the player finder also, as it uses some new, improved code (new
- for our old mingw cross compilers).
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[Scidvspc-users] 4.17 release candidates

2016-10-21 Thread Steve A
There are some release candidates up now... Hopefully they go ok :). Please
see the changelog below.
We have fixed a couple of real bugs, and have a few new features.
At the moment... OS X El Capitan (and hopefully all later versions) are the
only supported ones due to complicated build issues.

Cheers, S.

source -

win32 -

win64 -

mac -

Changelog for Scid vs. PC 4.17

   - Analysis/Engine window.
   - * Show checkmate/stalemate messages instead of sending 'no-move
   positions' to engine.
   - * In engine configuration window the 'Date' field of an engine is now
   its exe modification time (mtime).
   - * Speed enhancements for processing UCI engine moves (pv).

   Gregor's improvements to the player and tournament finders (which Shane
   never implemented properly).
   - * Previously - only the *first* 50 tournaments were used (eg) when
   looking for the 50 tournaments with most players.
   - * Compilers must now support c++0x / c++11.

   - Custom player photos (Place correctly named gifs in
   $HOME/.scidvspc/photos or bin/photos).
   - Resign button for playing UCI engines and Phalanx, analog clocks can
   now be hidden ('x' button in the white clock), and add the 'Skill Level' to
   the pgn header (eg - as used by Stockfish).
   - A patch to include Gregor's tk::text improvements.
   - New Chess 960 patch! Thanks to Britton Farrar, who now has a project
   at https://github.com/brittonf/scid-vs-variants.
   - New 'Under Promotion' search item in General Search.
   - Computer Tournament: when 'First engine plays others', flip board to
   show games from first engine's view.
   - Flip game browser if matches myPlayerNames.
   - Clipbase game limit is now 5,000,000, and game undo buffer is 20.
   - Chess Pieces: remove 12 piece-set limit, and adventurer and kingdom
   pieces. Reinstate old Merida1 as Merida3.
   - Row colour is now configurable for Player/Tourney/DB finders and
   Crosstable rows.

   - * Offers graph is updated in a better manner.
   - * Save game and add message disconnected while playing.
   - * Top three buttons are now configurable.
   - * Add a 'follow+' command, which automatically saves followed games.

   - Tweak Find Best Move feature, which now also recognizes non-standard
   - Game Save dialog: extend use of 'Use prev tags' to 'Use previous' (for
   Names, Site, Event, Elo, dates).
   - Switcher - replace readonly foreground color with a '(readonly)'
   message, and add a 'Confirm Copy' option menu.
   - Disable tree updates while annotating games and computer tournament.
   - Tree: Instead of having a 'stop' button, grey the tree text when
   updating (if progressBar is hidden).
   - Change a few shortcuts. control-b board colours. control-B setup
   board. control-G general search.
   - Control-TrialMode button, automatically adds a null move, and tweak
   the trial mode button pic.
   - Gregors namebase hardening.
   - PGN Import now converts any empty Name/Event/Site/Round tags to '?'
   (according to pgn standard, these should not be empty).
   - Minor fixes for Setup Board.
   - Allow Merging Games with non standard starts.
   - Bind pressing 'vv' keys to enter first variation.
   - Remove Crafty specific command 'mn', and it seems unsupported in
   Crafty 25.
   - In the tree window, when deselecting "Adjust Games", we now keep the
   current gamelist/filter.
   - Make hideNextMove non-persistent.
   - Right clicking 'Exit Var' button will exit all vars.

   Bug fixes
   - Fix a nasty memory leak (in PgnParser).
   - Fix name counts when using globbing in the name editor.
   - Fix Mate-in-N (Tactics) bug.
   - Some charsetconverter (internationalisation) fixes from Gregor.
   - Removed xdg-open for opening URLs which just doesnt work for me.
   - Tree info button (short display) was broke.
   - Bugfixes for compiling on some linux platforms (including Raspberry Pi
   - Some clock fixes. Digital clock was busted (counting up).
   CompTournament clocks are now digital only.
   - Stop tacgame/phalanx from failing to restart.
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] [PATCH] fix memory leak in pgn parser (wrt. character detector)

2016-10-04 Thread Steve A
Many thanks for that Ali. :)


On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 6:18 AM, Ali Polatel  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have spotted a memory leak in the pgn parser. This makes Scid pretty much
> unusuable for me after working on the tree window for a while.
> Below is the valgrind output of the incident:
> 138,880 bytes in 248 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 774 of 818
>at 0x4C2A0FC: operator new(unsigned long) (in
> /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
>by 0x44E57D: PgnParser::Reset(char const*) (in /usr/bin/tkscid)
>by 0x45358E: StoredLine::Init() (in /usr/bin/tkscid)
>by 0x453748: StoredLine::StoredLine(Position*) (in /usr/bin/tkscid)
>by 0x42D23C: sc_tree_search(void*, Tcl_Interp*, int, char const**) (in
> /usr/bin/tkscid)
>by 0x42EBEF: sc_tree(void*, Tcl_Interp*, int, char const**) (in
> /usr/bin/tkscid)
>by 0x50889B5: TclInvokeStringCommand (in /usr/lib/libtcl8.6.so)
>by 0x508D5F6: TclNRRunCallbacks (in /usr/lib/libtcl8.6.so)
>by 0x508F701: TclEvalEx (in /usr/lib/libtcl8.6.so)
>by 0x508FCB2: Tcl_EvalEx (in /usr/lib/libtcl8.6.so)
>by 0x543DFAD: Tk_BindEvent (in /usr/lib/libtk8.6.so)
>by 0x5441F5C: TkBindEventProc (in /usr/lib/libtk8.6.so)
> The problem is PgnParser::Reset() is be called from multiple
> different functions and during some cases CharConverter is
> already allocated. Overwriting the variable to NULL causes
> the previously allocated memory to leak.
> To reproduce open a giant scid database in the tree and browse the games
> for a while. In about half an hour scid running on a 4G RAM box eats all
> the memory and hits OOM.
> The change moves the initialisation of CharConverter and CharDetector to
> PgnParser::Init(). We do not need to set them to NULL in PgnParser::Reset()
> due to the fact that all callers also call CreateCharsetDetector() which
> takes
> care of the initialisation.
> I have been running Scid with this patch all day today and it seems to
> cause no regressions and the memory usage is OK.
> Signed-off-by: Ali Polatel 
> ---
>  src/pgnparse.cpp | 4 ++--
>  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/pgnparse.cpp b/src/pgnparse.cpp
> index bdfc4f9..a49e894 100644
> --- a/src/pgnparse.cpp
> +++ b/src/pgnparse.cpp
> @@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ void
>  PgnParser::Init ()
>  {
>  ErrorBuffer = new DString;
> +CharConverter = NULL;
> +CharDetector = NULL;
>  Reset();
>  }
> @@ -56,8 +58,6 @@ PgnParser::Reset()
>  ResultWarnings = true;
>  NewlinesToSpaces = true;
>  NumIgnoredTags = 0;
> -CharConverter = NULL;
> -CharDetector = NULL;
>  }
>  void
> --
> 2.10.0
> --
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> ___
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] patch for chess960!

2016-08-01 Thread Steve A
Hi, thanks for this. I,ll look at it shortly.
I guess you know We already have a half done 360 patch. Also, pls use the
same subject line for mailing list correspondence.

On Tuesday, August 2, 2016, Britton Farrar  wrote:

> Hey,
> I wrote a patch for chess960. It works pretty well I think. If importing
> pgn make sure that castling in the FEN string is like KQkq instead of the
> other ways ive seen it done.
> This code knows no difference between chess960 castling and regular chess
> castling, it is all chess960 castling. Since regular chess is just one
> position in chess960, it works for standard chess as well.
> For now, to castle in the gui, the king must capture a friendly rook. The
> move 2 spaces is not implemented anymore, even for regular chess. I tried
> several locations to do it, but failed mainly from laziness. I think the
> gui should substitute a friendly rook capture for a king moving 2 as early
> as possible before passing move to the c code. I kind of want to keep that
> out of there to keep it simple.
> FICS has not been touched nor has any tcl code
> The global encodeVariation func is now a member of Game. The encoding
> process needs current positions as it encodes kings so it knows what the
> king is actually trying to do, so importing large pgns is maybe slower now!
> Also, Position class now contains a pointer to the Game that owns it, so a
> position can know about the start position. Some position's Game * is NULL
> (like opening books, etc, i think).
> Let me know what you think!
> I would like to continue on. Maybe the FICS functionality could be
> improved. Maybe bughouse or crazyhouse. I do not know tcl/tk, although that
> may change.
> Im going to try to attach to this email a pgn of some fics chess960 games
> for to play with, import, etc
> Thanks,
> britton
Scidvspc-users mailing list

[Scidvspc-users] Immediate Threat, and GCC fix/update

2016-07-08 Thread Steve A
Ken Brown made a suggestion regarding showing Immediate Threats - to have
an Immediate Threat button in the analysis window.

Showing the immediate threat is a nice idea, but hard/non-trivial to
implement robustly as we already have so many features and arrows
happening. But i have made a modest hack.

Pressing Control-key+Trial-Mode-Button automatically adds a null move while
entering trial mode.
With an engine running, it makes it easier to see immediate threats. This
solution is robust, though not as nice as Ken's suggestion

Also, I have also uploaded a source snapshot as 4.16.1

This is due to the newest GCC having a feature change/bug affecting our
make process.

cheers, Steven
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Re: [Scidvspc-users] Various stuff

2016-06-11 Thread Steve A
For some reason , we did not have a bugs forum, but this is now at
I have made some changes to the Fics offers graph.. hopefully it is
more responsive, and bug free.
In the engine configuration window (Control-A), the Date field now
represents the Modified time (mtime) of the engine executable. The new
Date will be set when the engine configuration is run.
And there's a few shortcut changes in subversion.
I think the new shortcuts are more commonly used than the old ones.
Also, the book window has a toolbar icon, while board options does not.

Control-b is board options (previously book)
Control-B is setup board (previously Board search)
Control-G is general search (previously Control-H)


On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 4:52 PM, Steve A <stevena...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can we please have back a keyboard shortcut for setup board?
> Hmmm - it's hard to find a key for this. They're all used.
> Hopefully, I fixed up phalanx not restarting
> properly in the tacgame feature, and added resign buttons to tacgame
> and serious game (UCI).
> Playing stockfish, the Skill Level should also be shown (in the pgn
> header) if it has been set
> cheers, S.

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