Re: CSRe:Re: CS Testing

2004-07-31 Thread Ode Coyote

 So far as I know, the electron microscope has fallen out of favor for this
 This is the way I understand why:

Since an electron microscope requires a dry sample and ionic silver
oxidizes when dried you won't get a good count on metallic particles.  What
you will get is clumps and clusters of silver oxides that look like
particles but bear no relationship to what is being looked for.

 The Malvern Particle sizer works using the properties of light in
unaltered samples.
 Frank Key is the only person I've run across that seems to know what's
going on where single metals colloids and free ions are concerned.


At 06:27 PM 7/30/2004, you wrote:
As I said I would, I spent a couple hours on the phone today to labs that
can check silver. 

For 15 to 20 dollars they will check for PPM. The big expense comes when
checking particle size with an electron microscope. Do you make your silver
with low voltage DC or high voltage AC ?  When I was making it with lvdc I
used a Hanna  TDS meter. Now that I use only hvac it can't be used to test
for PPM. I plan to send it to one of the labs I spoke to today for PPM only. 

Bill Amos
Can anyone recommend a good place to send  samples of my CS to get the
true PPM, particle size, and whatever
other info is pertinent?  Thanks in advance!

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2004-07-31 Thread j rigby

Hi Garnet  folks,
Yes, it is just this type of statement that does make me so paranoid..
antibiotics - a miracle?


Himagain Backagain

At 11:59 PM 28/07/04, you wrote:

Although it has been used in people for over 30 years for injuries,
trauma, prevention of cancer, heart attacks and stroke, as well as
approved by the FDA for treatment of cystitis of the bladder, it is a
little known miracle drug. Dr Jacob calls it the Third Medical
Revolution of the 20th Century behind antibiotics and steroids.

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Re: CS Male cycles

2004-07-31 Thread j rigby

Hi Garnet  folks,
Actually the rest of the world ( vis: the non- Rockefeller controlled US 
then later UK Medical belief systems)  have known about such things for 

I would be fascinated to follow thru on that research of yours Garnet, I 
did a little of the cycles hypotheses in my research outside the body in 
Abnormal Psychology.

A basic and simple thing overlooked is the split existence of humans - part 
animal, part ...spirit?  (Imagining  thing anyway, thinking is quite rare)

Sorry baldies - it is - like grey hair - a warning to prospective breeding 
partners that you are out of it...  :-)
The TOTAL aim of all cosmetics is to recreate or even create - the physical 
signs of a healthy opposite sex most suitable for breeding.  Vis: Good 
shiny hair, good breath,  clear eyes, skin, etc.

Naturally occurring in females at 12-25 and males 15-30 in the wild.

THEN us hummins have the complicating factor of imagination: ours and 
theirs.  Both sexes WANT to believe the strangest things

The only hope is to pick healthy parents to start and then live a healthy 
hardworking outdoors life if you really want to be still in it at 50+ 
Oh, and one other vital thing ... find a mate.  Find that other 
resonating, harmonising other half.  The hardest part of all, but worth it 
in the end.


At 06:15 AM 29/07/04, you wrote:

BTW you guys have a 72 day cycle, not unlike the female cycle, just
longer. Amazing that something that has been known for over 30 years is
so little spoken of. I know of only a few men that will admit to cycle
related mood changes. Guess most don't know to even watch for such a
thing. I ran across the research and did my senior paper on male
contraceptives that utlized the hormone cycle, only thing was it was a
Catholic University and no one said a word! Not one question. Even the
prof who was a nun with a PhD physiologist was speechless. LOL I did not
plan it that way, it just interested me and as a non-practicing Catholic
the BC issue did not even enter my naive mind at the time.

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Re: CSMy startling allergy discovery

2004-07-31 Thread j rigby

Hi there Bob and folks,
Just what I've been saying here for years n' years:
MOST problems have their roots in food/diet.
I keep advising anyone who is sick to get a notebook and write down 
everything they eat and everything they do and where they go just for 3 
weeks  usually enough to come up with *their*  Corn - often 
something very unexpected - oranges, parsnip, . corn.  A very common 
one for sinus/allergy sufferers is the mix of detergent, hotwater and 
ammonia ( most heavy cleaners) or chlorine from Bleach can be a deadly 

Easiest and cheapest way to start on the way to normality(no distress).



At 12:31 PM 30/07/04, you wrote:

I've finally nailed it down. It has taken 3 distinct and memorable attacks
and one instant of blinding realization, but I've got this thing hammered
down now: It is CORN!

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2004-07-31 Thread Garnet

Not a miracle, a medical revolution -- does not imply good or bad, just
big changes. And he was putting DMSO on par with two other classes of
chemicals that certainly do have far reaching effects. Like CS, there
are limits to efficacy of any substance, but when compared to the before
state of things it can seem 'miraculous' to those without the vision to
know how much the physical can be 're-created' or affected. It is life
as usual, because we do create and sometimes destroy. Polarity universe.
Love it or leave it. ;-)


On Sat, 2004-07-31 at 06:13, j rigby wrote:
 Hi Garnet  folks,
 Yes, it is just this type of statement that does make me so paranoid..
 antibiotics - a miracle?
 STEROIDS A Miracle?
 Himagain Backagain
 At 11:59 PM 28/07/04, you wrote:
 Although it has been used in people for over 30 years for injuries,
 trauma, prevention of cancer, heart attacks and stroke, as well as
 approved by the FDA for treatment of cystitis of the bladder, it is a
 little known miracle drug. Dr Jacob calls it the Third Medical
 Revolution of the 20th Century behind antibiotics and steroids.
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Re: CStooth brushing with soap

2004-07-31 Thread Nenah Sylver

- Original Message - 
From: Garnet
To: Silver List
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 10:03 PM
Subject: Re: CStooth brushing with soap

 I just ordered some tooth soap from a site that makes all kinds of
 natural soaps. They do use CS in some of their products and will custom
 formulate. The tooth soap was very reasonable. The soap factory. A tooth soap with CS in it might
 be a nice way to go.
 I first used tooth soap from another source, it was $20 for 4 oz, a 3
 month supply, very pricey.
 I do like the results and can use about half of what they say to get a
 good cleaning effect. My teeth stay much cleaner for longer without all
 the glycerin in toothpaste. The taste is almost undetectable to me. If I
 use less than the recommended amount I notice almost zero taste and I am
 pretty sensitive to tastes and smells. Soap taste is sensed on the back
 of the tongue so it is recommended not to brush the back of the tongue
 with the soap.

What soap did you order for your teeth?

By the way, I enjoy your posts tremendously.


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Re: CSMy startling allergy discovery

2004-07-31 Thread David Bearrow

At 08:56 AM 7/30/04, you wrote:

VERY interesting Daddy Bob. Allergies are a pet topic of mine, mostly
trying to get over them!

I cured my lifelong allergies by cleansing my liver once every 2 weeks for 
10 weeks.

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Re: CStooth brushing with soap

2004-07-31 Thread David Bearrow

At 08:11 AM 7/31/04, you wrote:

What soap did you order for your teeth?

I use Miracle II soap for brushing my teeth, washing my hair, put it in a 
foamer and shave with it, wash my body, wash my dishes with it, wash my 
clothes with it, clean my floors with it. In short I have replaced all the 
multitudinous chemicals and ointments I use to use with 1 soap and it works 

Warning - there is a brand called Masters Miracle soap that is manufactured 
by the same company but re-labeled and the price jacked way up (nearly 
tripled) to cover their multi level marketing scheme.

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2004-07-31 Thread Christine Carleton
It might be changing - see following report at
Scandals have eroded US public's confidence in drug industry
Jeanne Lenzer , New York
Only 13% of Americans believe that pharmaceutical companies are generally
honest and trustworthy, putting the industry on a par with tobacco, oil,
and managed care companies, a recent Harris Poll survey has found. Public
confidence in drug companies has plunged harder and faster than for any
other industry, the survey indicates .

 From: j rigby Sat, 31 Jul 2004 21:13:38 +1000
 Yes, it is just this type of statement that does make me so paranoid..
 antibiotics - a miracle?
 STEROIDS A Miracle?
 Himagain Backagain

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Re: CSMarshalee's situation

2004-07-31 Thread mamapug

  Dear PJ, 
  I live in Napa, the town where everyone seems to go about with their noses in 
the air, after all, we grow WINE grapes! As if that really matters... :oP
  Here, a studio apartment rents for upwards of $1000 a month. I only get $627 
a month from SSI. Won`t work out.
  By the way, this home I`m in, which my folks bought for 27 thou back in 1971, 
is now worth upwards of Half a Million!! Silly, isn`t it??!!
   I prefer to be back in Utah, with my children, grandchildren, and friends, 
all of whom like me and want me back!! I`m still looking in the Provo paper 
online, something will come up.
   My sister is actually nicer since she realizes I WILL move rather than put 
up with her abuse. I was able to speak calmly with her a while ago, and told 
her how terribly her yelling hurts me, and that I have NEVER had abuse like 
that from anyone, not even my Ex husband!!
  I`m trying hard to keep on keeping on...
  Fortunately I have some good friends here, too, who have helped me. After the 
first attack, I spent 3 weeks with Cathie, during which time I went to the 
hospital with pneumonia for 2 days. I hadn`t had any CS during the attack 
period, and the normal flora in my lungs went wild...I was really sick.
  My chiropractor, who is also a kinesiologist , told me later that pneumonia 
is caused by either grief or anguish, and boy, had I had great anguish!!!
  Thanks everyone, for the kind words and support!

 I agree with the lady who said you need to get some help and good counsel. 
 We can't afford to lose you or not have you hitting on all 8, Marshalee!!   
Regardless of your sister's circumstances, you must remember that nothing, 
that's NOTHING, gives anyone abuse rights.  And your sister is taking advantage 
of your reluctance to leave her to abuse you.  Also, you can get a different 
roommate if your financial situation demands it.  But it just may be possible 
to get a small place of your own.  And yes, I do mean small.  Some small studio 
apts. do exist.  The owners will be glad to have someone of good character who 
is realistic in what she expects of the place.  You do have options.  They may 
not be all that desirable, but they will all be better than what you presently 
are enduring.   You can make a change for the better.  Frankly, your sister 
sounds like a very undisciplined person!!C'mon, Marshalee.  Do what needs 
to be done and be done with it.   Very best wishes,  pj

  Do you Yahoo!?
  New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!

Re: CSMarshalee's situation

2004-07-31 Thread mamapug

  Dear Hank, 
  My SSI in Utah would still be there, only it would be 60 bucks a month less.

  Sorry about getting the states wrong. Didn't you live in Utah before you 
moved in with your sister? If so I guess you know if your SSI is safe there.
  Yours Hank

Re: CSArticle on aspertame

2004-07-31 Thread mamapug

Thanks, Marshall,
I`m printing this off to give to my idiot, err, sister, to read. I doubt it
will convince her, though. After all, aspartame has already poisoned her,
and I suspect it is addictive.


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Re: CStooth brushing with soap

2004-07-31 Thread Garnet


Thanks, I am glad you enjoy my messages, such as they are. ;-)

They just call it toothsoap. It is not sold by weight, but by size, best
to call them I guess. That is what I did. It is really inexpensive as
the largest peice they sell is about $4. She said they try to make them
small enough that you will use it up in about 6 months or so, just in
order to keep people from having a bar around for too long. They are big
on fresh ingredients and don't want anything to go off. They buy their
materials in small batches in order to have fresh ingredients.

This morning I tried my Tom's Of Maine unscented soap that I keep for my
hands. Amazingingly it had no soap taste to me at all! It is probably
cheaper than their tooth soap.

I had heard of brushing with soap probably five years ago but I never
worked up the courage to try it. Guess those memories of threats to
wash out your mouth with soap that many of us heard as kids just left
a vague fear/avoidance memory. I put tooth soap at the end of the list
of things to check out and try. Finally got one of them rountoits!

The best news is that you can heal cavities and remineralize your teeth.
Avoiding glycerin tooth pastes is the first step, then making sure your
diet has adequate minerals and that you mouth is not too dry. People
with more saliva have fewer cavities since they rinse their teeth


On Sat, 2004-07-31 at 08:11, Nenah Sylver wrote:
 - Original Message - 
 From: Garnet
 To: Silver List
 Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 10:03 PM
 Subject: Re: CStooth brushing with soap
  I just ordered some tooth soap from a site that makes all kinds of
  natural soaps. They do use CS in some of their products and will custom
  formulate. The tooth soap was very reasonable. The soap factory. A tooth soap with CS in it might
  be a nice way to go.
  I first used tooth soap from another source, it was $20 for 4 oz, a 3
  month supply, very pricey.
  I do like the results and can use about half of what they say to get a
  good cleaning effect. My teeth stay much cleaner for longer without all
  the glycerin in toothpaste. The taste is almost undetectable to me. If I
  use less than the recommended amount I notice almost zero taste and I am
  pretty sensitive to tastes and smells. Soap taste is sensed on the back
  of the tongue so it is recommended not to brush the back of the tongue
  with the soap.
 What soap did you order for your teeth?
 By the way, I enjoy your posts tremendously.
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Re: CSMy startling allergy discovery

2004-07-31 Thread Garnet

This is one of those things on my list that I have long wanted to do
but just have not gotten serious about. Thanks for the reminder and the
endorsement. I know people who have said the exact same thing, only they
did the cleanse just once and their allergies were gone. Amazing.


On Sat, 2004-07-31 at 08:19, David Bearrow wrote:
 At 08:56 AM 7/30/04, you wrote:
 VERY interesting Daddy Bob. Allergies are a pet topic of mine, mostly
 trying to get over them!
 I cured my lifelong allergies by cleansing my liver once every 2 weeks for 
 10 weeks.
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Re: CSMarshalee's situation

2004-07-31 Thread Garnet
Any chance of sneaking some colloidal gold into her? It sure can help
stabilize mood swings and anxiety.


On Sat, 2004-07-31 at 11:38, mamapug wrote:
 Dear PJ, 
 I live in Napa, the town where everyone seems to go about with
 their noses in the air, after all, we grow WINE grapes! As if
 that really matters... :oP
 Here, a studio apartment rents for upwards of $1000 a month. I
 only get $627 a month from SSI. Won`t work out.
 By the way, this home I`m in, which my folks bought for 27
 thou back in 1971, is now worth upwards of Half a
 Million!! Silly, isn`t it??!!
  I prefer to be back in Utah, with my children, grandchildren,
 and friends, all of whom like me and want me back!! I`m still
 looking in the Provo paper online, something will come up.
  My sister is actually nicer since she realizes I WILL move
 rather than put up with her abuse. I was able to speak calmly
 with her a while ago, and told her how terribly her yelling
 hurts me, and that I have NEVER had abuse like that from
 anyone, not even my Ex husband!!
 I`m trying hard to keep on keeping on...
 Fortunately I have some good friends here, too, who have
 helped me. After the first attack, I spent 3 weeks with
 Cathie, during which time I went to the hospital with
 pneumonia for 2 days. I hadn`t had any CS during the attack
 period, and the normal flora in my lungs went wild...I was
 really sick.
 My chiropractor, who is also a kinesiologist , told me later
 that pneumonia is caused by either grief or anguish, and boy,
 had I had great anguish!!!
 Thanks everyone, for the kind words and support!
I agree with the lady who said you need to get some help
 and good counsel.  We can't afford to lose you or not have you
 hitting on all 8, Marshalee!!   Regardless of your sister's
 circumstances, you must remember that nothing, that's NOTHING,
 gives anyone abuse rights.  And your sister is taking
 advantage of your reluctance to leave her to abuse you.  Also,
 you can get a different roommate if your financial situation
 demands it.  But it just may be possible to get a small place
 of your own.  And yes, I do mean small.  Some small studio
 apts. do exist.  The owners will be glad to have someone of
 good character who is realistic in what she expects of the
 place.  You do have options.  They may not be all that
 desirable, but they will all be better than what you presently
 are enduring.   You can make a change for the better. 
 Frankly, your sister sounds like a very undisciplined
 person!!C'mon, Marshalee.  Do what needs to be done and be
 done with it.   Very best wishes,  pj
  Do you Yahoo!?
 New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - Send 10MB messages!

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Re: CSMarshalee's situation

2004-07-31 Thread Nina Whit
Colloidal gold may help mood, but it has been reported to also supress
the immune system.

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Re: CSMarshalee's situation

2004-07-31 Thread mamapug

 Any chance of sneaking some colloidal gold into her? It sure can help
 stabilize mood swings and anxiety.


I doubt it. She is not wanting to try anything, and I can`t sneak anything
into what she eats or drinks as she fixes everything herself.
I really don`t care any more if she dies. Sad, huh?

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Re: CSMarshalee's situation

2004-07-31 Thread Hank
Well that is better than losing it all. Do you make your own CS? It is so easy 
to make, if your not making it you should start.
Yours Hank
  - Original Message - 
  From: mamapug 
  Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 11:41 AM
  Subject: Re: CSMarshalee's situation

Dear Hank, 
My SSI in Utah would still be there, only it would be 60 bucks a month less.

Re: CSMarshalee's situation

2004-07-31 Thread Nenah Sylver

- Original Message - 
From: mamapug
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: CSMarshalee's situation

  Any chance of sneaking some colloidal gold into her? It sure can help
  stabilize mood swings and anxiety.

 I doubt it. She is not wanting to try anything, and I can`t sneak anything
 into what she eats or drinks as she fixes everything herself.
 I really don`t care any more if she dies. Sad, huh?

One of the most difficult lessons I have had to learn as a counselor (and a
human being) is to allow others to make choices that I don't agree with, even if
those choices (as I view them) kill the person prematurely. It doesn't feel good
to me to get caught up with martyrdom, poor me, blaming the other person,
villifying or denigrating the other person, etc. It doesn't help me evolve and
it doesn't help the other person either.

When someome is being self-destructive, all I can do is point out what I see,
explain what I think their options are, and then be totally okay with whatever
the person decides.

Otherwise, I'm attached to the person doing what I think they should be doing.
Attachment like that wears a person down and saps their strength. It doesn't
respect the other person's sovereignty. And it doesn't let you be free, either,
because you're always dependent on an outside source to feel good.

Hard lessons, but if you manage to learn them, boy does it make you free.


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CSRe:Re: CSMarshalee's situation

2004-07-31 Thread William Amos
Any details on your bout with Lyme Disease and using CS ?
I have a friend that has been fighting it for 15 years.

Doctors have been of no help and she has used CS.

Bill Amos

  Hank, I`m one of the oldies around here. 
  Been making CS since 1996, it is what cured my near terminal Lyme  Disease!!

  Well that is better than losing it all. Do you make your own CS? It is  so 
easy to make, if your not making it you should start.
  Yours Hank

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2004-07-31 Thread j rigby

Hi Garnet  folks,
No, my point here was simple:
Not too many things since the corruption of the idea of specific germs 
theory have had such devastatingly horrific effects on the masses.
Love it or leave it?  There must be a way out of this charnelhouse.  I 
really do hope! :-)

  Interestingly, as Quantum Theory grows up and catches up to the 
knowledge of the despised old world, it is having a more and more difficult 
I daydream that the old legends might just be true - that those who can 
become enlightened enough, can actually walk away from this 
nightmare.. wake up and go somewhere nice... and no, I don't mean 
Judeo/Christian/Islamic  heaven..  :-)

Himagain, not living in fear of those antibiotics anymore - but Steroids - 
corrupted stuff of life.

At 10:59 PM 31/07/04, you wrote:

Not a miracle, a medical revolution -- does not imply good or bad, just
big changes. And he was putting DMSO on par with two other classes of
chemicals that certainly do have far reaching effects. Like CS, there
are limits to efficacy of any substance, but when compared to the before
state of things it can seem 'miraculous' to those without the vision to
know how much the physical can be 're-created' or affected. It is life
as usual, because we do create and sometimes destroy. Polarity universe.
Love it or leave it. ;-)

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CSTooth brushing with soap

2004-07-31 Thread patriot2000

At 10:55 AM 7/31/2004, you wrote:
Warning - there is a brand called Masters Miracle soap that is 
manufactured by the same company but re-labeled and the price jacked way 
up (nearly tripled) to cover their multi level marketing scheme.

I have been using it for quite a while now, and family members don't 
complain of itchy skin when using it to shower/bathe and wash clothes.  But 
I believe I probably am paying the premium MLM price, and would like to 
know how to find the kind that is not MASTERS Miracle -- just Miracle 
II.Can you supply it?

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Re: CSRe: aspartame news

2004-07-31 Thread mamapug
Dear Tel,
She read it
Then she went and made herself some Koolaid, with sugar to start!!!
Monday we`ll go buy some Stevia, if we can find some.
She has also decided not to try to drive to Idaho alone, from Northern
There may be hope yet.
Now if I can get her to take some CS every day...

 Tel Tofflemire
 Dewey, AZ

 April 6, 2004


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Re: CSMarshalee's situation

2004-07-31 Thread mamapug

  Hank, I`m one of the oldies around here. 
  Been making CS since 1996, it is what cured my near terminal Lyme Disease!!

  Well that is better than losing it all. Do you make your own CS? It is so 
easy to make, if your not making it you should start.
  Yours Hank

Re: CSMarshalee's situation

2004-07-31 Thread Hank
I'm sorry dear that this old memory isn't to good anymore, I do now remember 
that you make CS.
Sincerely Yours,
Interesting Sites 
  - Original Message - 
  From: mamapug 
  Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 9:47 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMarshalee's situation

Hank, I`m one of the oldies around here. 
Been making CS since 1996, it is what cured my near terminal Lyme Disease!!

Well that is better than losing it all. Do you make your own CS? It is so 
easy to make, if your not making it you should start.
Yours Hank

Re: CStooth brushing with soap

2004-07-31 Thread nancymike
Why spend extra money for a new tooth soap.  When you take your daily dose
of CS, whatever that may be, swish the CS around in your mouth for several
seconds before swallowing it. No extra charge, but great benefit
I had a friend who was to go for pariodontal surgery.  At the last
minute his dentist became ill and the surgery was put off for several weeks.
He started to swish CS in his mouth.  The upshot, he never need the surgery.
You will also have less plaque when you go for your next checkup.
Needless to say, no bacteria, no cavities.
- Original Message - 
From: Nenah Sylver
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: CStooth brushing with soap

 - Original Message - 
 From: Garnet
 To: Silver List
 Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 10:03 PM
 Subject: Re: CStooth brushing with soap

  I just ordered some tooth soap from a site that makes all kinds of
  natural soaps. They do use CS in some of their products and will custom
  formulate. The tooth soap was very reasonable. The soap factory. A tooth soap with CS in it might
  be a nice way to go.
  I first used tooth soap from another source, it was $20 for 4 oz, a 3
  month supply, very pricey.
  I do like the results and can use about half of what they say to get a
  good cleaning effect. My teeth stay much cleaner for longer without all
  the glycerin in toothpaste. The taste is almost undetectable to me. If I
  use less than the recommended amount I notice almost zero taste and I am
  pretty sensitive to tastes and smells. Soap taste is sensed on the back
  of the tongue so it is recommended not to brush the back of the tongue
  with the soap.

 What soap did you order for your teeth?

 By the way, I enjoy your posts tremendously.


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Re: CSRe:Re: CSMarshalee's situation

2004-07-31 Thread nancymike
When you say she has used CSDoes tis mean she stopped?  How much did she
take?  How often, probably not enough to attack such a hidden disease.
- Original Message - 
From: William Amos
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 11:15 PM
Subject: CSRe:Re: CSMarshalee's situation

 Any details on your bout with Lyme Disease and using CS ?
 I have a friend that has been fighting it for 15 years.

 Doctors have been of no help and she has used CS.

 Bill Amos

   Hank, I`m one of the oldies around here.
   Been making CS since 1996, it is what cured my near terminal Lyme

   Well that is better than losing it all. Do you make your own CS? It is
so easy to make, if your not making it you should start.
   Yours Hank

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