python trademark at risk in europe

2013-02-25 Thread Jared


I don't mean to mail un-softimage-related information but since
Python is supported by softimage (and most of the other packages in
the CG industry) I though this was worth a mention:

"For anyone who works in a company that has an
office in a EU Community member state, we need your help.
There is a company in the UK that is trying to
trademark the use of the term "Python" for all software,
services, servers... pretty much anything having to do with a
computer" ...

It'd probably be much cheaper for all the U.K divisions of the
various companies that make use of python to team up and fight this
with the python guys, rather than have to change the "python"
trademark to whatever else just because some other company managed
to copywrite it.
   Kind Regards,

 Jared Glass
  | Technical Lead 








Re: Getting Vertex positions from a Hair primitive with python

2012-12-04 Thread Jared

Sorry I should have been clearer that I
  wanted to get the vertex position off the actual render hairs
  (which appears can only be done with c++ and the
  GetRenderHairAccessor function).
  So I'll try acheive a similar effect by getting the guide hairs
  with the "activeprimitive.geometry.points.positionarray" Alok
  mentioned (which wasn't off at all ;) and the code from Stephen's
  Link looks very useful for this purpose.
  Thanks Alok and Stephen.
  On 2012/12/04 12:55 PM, Stephen Blair wrote:

  This may help:

On 04/12/2012 3:15 AM, Alok Gandhi wrote:
Ofcourse this is possible. I am not near a machine, but you
  can find it through

I may be a little bit off on this but it is something like
  Sent from my iPhone

  On 2012-12-04, at 12:07 PM, Jared



Can anyone share the method to accomplish this (if it's even
possible :p ) please?
Glass | Technical Lead 









   Kind Regards,

 Jared Glass
  | Technical Lead 








Re: Python equivalent of C++'s GetRenderHairAccessor

2012-12-04 Thread Jared

As Xavier said it appears you cannot
  access the actual render hairs to retrieve their data via python.
  The geomerty.points.positionarray returns guide hairs which aren't
  really what I'm after but might I may be able to acheive a similar
  effect using those instead of the render hairs so will try that.
  Thanks Xavier and everyone else for all the help :)
  On 2012/12/03 12:33 PM, Xavier Lapointe wrote:

  Maybe by inspecting the hair.GetActivePrimitive2() you could find
  something, but I doubt it (and I can't test it since I don't have
  XSI at home).
  GetRenderHairAccessor return aCRenderHairAccessor object which I
  would be surprised if it would be COM compliant (for lack of a
  better word, just saying I don't know how it would be possible to
  return it to python via a custom command).

  But while I'm typing these lines, it seems like the object
model has something calledsiRenderHairAccessorID ... might
worth investigating.
  good luck

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 9:17 PM,
  Simon Anderson
you no use ice! XD

haha.. jokes aside, what you trying to achieve, havent
looked at soft hair in a long time.

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 6:01 PM,

Simon Ben Anderson




   Kind Regards,

 Jared Glass
  | Technical Lead 








Getting Vertex positions from a Hair primitive with python

2012-12-03 Thread Jared


Can anyone share the method to accomplish this (if it's even
possible :p ) please?
   Kind Regards,

 Jared Glass
  | Technical Lead 








Python equivalent of C++'s GetRenderHairAccessor

2012-12-02 Thread Jared

...and Happy Monday :p

I'm doing some work with Xsi's hair in python and have hit a wall. 
Does anyone know if it is possible to access the RenderHairAccessor
of a Hair Primitive via python and if so, how?

   Kind Regards,

 Jared Glass
  | Technical Lead 








Python and PyQt for Softimage - Beginner to Advanced Lessons

2012-11-20 Thread Jared


A while back I had to train up some guys in python for Xsi who were
interning from a local university. Also quite a few of my colleagues
have shown interest in scripting/programming in Softimage so I put
together some short and simple lessons. Ranging from the very basics
(Turning echoed commands into buttons, etc) to relatively advanced
(PyQt, Classes etc) stuff with quite a few examples.

I've tried to keep it as practicle as possible so that people don't
experience the problem of learning things they're "never" going to

If you want to check it out see -

I hope this proves useful to some of the Xsi users out there ;)

   Kind Regards,

 Jared Glass
  | Technical Lead 








Storing a variable within the softimage application

2012-06-27 Thread Jared Glass


I need to store a vairable created by a plugin and then access it later 
on from a different plugin. For individual plugins I know you can keep 
variables in the plugin's UserData. Is there something like this say 
maybe like Application.Data?

Or any other ideas?

Kind Regards,
Jared Glass | Technical Lead
Triggerfish Animation Studios
Zambezia Movie | Khumba Movie

QtSoftimage - Access a PyQt dialog from another plugin

2012-06-27 Thread Jared Glass


Is it possible to create a PyQt dialog within one plugin and then later 
access that exact same dialog (if still running) from another plugin?
I've sent out another email trying to see if there is a way for me to 
store the dialog in a variable within xsi and call the variable to get 
the dialog back later on but is there somewhere within xsi I can search 
for the running PyQt dialog?

Kind Regards,
Jared Glass | Technical Lead
Triggerfish Animation Studios
Zambezia Movie | Khumba Movie

Re: Get objects visible by camera

2012-06-12 Thread Jared Glass

Thanks Brent.

On 2012/06/12 12:39 PM, Brent McPherson wrote:

Hi Jared,

I can think of one easy way to do this with the tool SDK.

The tool can call Pick using rectangle raycast to quickly get a list 
of objects (or components)  that are visible in the view.

Of course, this would require you to use a tool but you could have the 
tool exit after it builds the list.

The PickTestTool example that ships with Softimage is a good place to 
start and here is the code to pick everything visible in the view 
using rectangle raycast:

CRefArray visible;

CLongArray l_points;

LONG x, y, width, height;

CStatus GetViewport( x, y, width, height );

l_points.Add( x );

l_points.Add( y );

l_points.Add( x + width );

l_points.Add( y + height );

in_ctxt.Pick( l_points, 
siPickMultipleObjects,siPickRectangleRaycast, L, CRefArray(), visible );

if ( visible.GetCount()  0 ) {

 // etc...

Hope this helps.



[] *On Behalf Of *Jared 

*Sent:* 12 June 2012 08:02
*Subject:* Get objects visible by camera

I know this may be a bit ambitious but I am looking for a way to get 
all the objects or a count of faces visible by the camera. I don't 
want all the objects within the camera's near and far clip planes 
because some objects may not be visible due to being behind other 
objects and therefore will not contribute to render times. I've done a 
bit of research and so far the simplest solution looks like I'd need 
to write my own simple ray-tracer which emits rays from the camera and 
then returns the objects that the rays hit...though I must admit with 
my current programming and xsi knowledge this is a bit over my head 
(for now ;)

Can anyone point me in the right direction, or does someone have any 
idea how I could acheive this please?

Kind Regards,
Jared Glass | Technical Lead
Triggerfish Animation Studios
Zambezia Movie | Khumba Movie

Re: Merging Scene Fixes qtSoftimage plugin error why?

2012-05-18 Thread Jared Glass

Yeah, sorry Eric I did mean Pyqt not quicktime.

And Steven, when the plugin gives errors I mean that the command 
Application.getQtSoftimageAnchor() gives an error so your example 
plugins don't work either. Im not at all saying its the plugins fault 
but I am wondering what could cause this to happen to any softimage plugin.

As Sandy said, there are greater forces at work here, lol. I'm trying 
to find out what could be causing them and how to prevent them.

On 2012/05/18 08:25 AM, Sandy Sutherland wrote:
Steven I saw you mentioned it does not persist any data - BUT we have 
had some wierd stuff go down here, including scenes that completely 
lose render options.  You could render a region, but try and render 
the scene either preview or proper and you get script errors all over 
the place.  Also scenes that crash on the farm AND the batch crash on 
local machines first time, then if you just leave them they suddenly 
work fine.

There are greater forces at work here [tongue in cheek]


Sandy Sutherland
Technical Supervisor

[] on behalf of Steven Caron 

*Sent:* 18 May 2012 08:02
*Subject:* Re: Merging Scene Fixes qtSoftimage plugin error why?

as i said, the plugin does not depend on any data persisted in a 
scene. if the example plugins run without issue then its not the 
plugin's fault but the gui/app they are trying to run.


On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 10:36 PM, Sandy Sutherland wrote:

Maybe there is something in the scene data that Qt uses/needs? 
And that data is fubar in that scene at scene level.


Sandy Sutherland
Technical Supervisor

[] on behalf of
Eric Turman []
*Sent:* 17 May 2012 22:07
*Subject:* Re: Merging Scene Fixes qtSoftimage plugin error why?

Did this scenes happen to originate in an older version of
Softimage where QuickTime wasn't supported by 64 bit?

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Jared Glass wrote:

Hi Steven and Jo
A few days back I had to open an animators scene to do some
tests and for some reason the qtSoftimage plugin just wouldn't
work at all. Xsi would load the scene and it would
automatically report that COM Error: Out of present range.
(0x-7ffdfff6) error. Luckily this doesn't happen too often
anymore, but with this specific scene no matter how many times
I closed and reopened it, not once did the plugin work.
BUT...when I merged it into a new scene all of a sudden the
plugin started working again, without any issues. This new
merged scene I have opened and closed several times just to
make sure this isn't random and so far the plugin has been
absolutely fine.

My question to you is do you have any idea as to why this
could happen?
And to the rest of the list; does anyone know what is stored
in an xsi scene that gets lost when the scene is merged that
could cause conflicts/errors?

Thanks for all the help so far :)
Kind Regards,

Jared Glass | Technical
Triggerfish Animation Studios
Zambezia Movie | Khumba Movie



Merging Scene Fixes qtSoftimage plugin error why?

2012-05-17 Thread Jared Glass

Hi Steven and Jo
A few days back I had to open an animators scene to do some tests and 
for some reason the qtSoftimage plugin just wouldn't work at all. Xsi 
would load the scene and it would automatically report that COM Error: 
Out of present range. (0x-7ffdfff6) error. Luckily this doesn't happen 
too often anymore, but with this specific scene no matter how many times 
I closed and reopened it, not once did the plugin work. BUT...when I 
merged it into a new scene all of a sudden the plugin started working 
again, without any issues. This new merged scene I have opened and 
closed several times just to make sure this isn't random and so far the 
plugin has been absolutely fine.

My question to you is do you have any idea as to why this could happen?
And to the rest of the list; does anyone know what is stored in an xsi 
scene that gets lost when the scene is merged that could cause 

Thanks for all the help so far :)
Kind Regards,
Jared Glass | Technical Lead
Triggerfish Animation Studios
Zambezia Movie | Khumba Movie

Re: OT : Recommend Mailing List that about VFX Compositing.

2012-05-14 Thread Jared Glass

If you are looking more into the technical side of nuke, there are also

but the nukepedia website ( is also a great resource 
of plugins, tutorials etc.

Are you looking for anything specific?

Kind Regards,
Jared Glass | Technical Lead
Triggerfish Animation Studios
Zambezia Movie | Khumba Movie

On 2012/05/08 10:23 PM, Francois Lord wrote:

The Nuke mailing list.

On 08/05/2012 01:17, Byungchul Kang wrote:

Do you know  Mailing List for VFX Compositing? Pls, Let me know.

*Byungchul Kang* | MBC CG TEAM []

Re: PyQt For Softimage - COM Error: Out of present range. (0x-7ffdfff6)

2012-05-02 Thread Jared Glass

Thanks Steven and Jo

Steven: It appears that when I grossly simplify the workgroup, some of 
the plugins that were crashing before are now stable. I just removed a 
few toolbars and many commands. I don't know if it is possible for a 
line of code in one of the plugins to cause the getQtSoftimageAnchor 
command to error suddenly but it does not seem like it happens after a 
specific plugin is run.

Jo: I don't know exactly how to go about getting the address but by 
running the following statement in the script editor

print id(Application.getQtSoftimageAnchor())
When connected to a simplified workgroup where the qt plugin runs 
perfectly I get a number like: 5329276408
but on the workgroup with all the plugins where the qt plugin is 
unstable I get a number like: 2204642632

these numbers change with each new print

but if I run just
print Application.getQtSoftimageAnchor()
working workgroup: 1011313040
broken workgroup: 597175648

Of course when attempting print id(Application.getQtSoftimageAnchor()) 
once the command has started to throw errors returns:

# ERROR : Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File Script Block , line 1, in module
# print id(Application.getQtSoftimageAnchor())
#   File COMObject Application, line 2, in getQtSoftimageAnchor
# COM Error: Out of present range. (0x-7ffdfff6) - [line 1]

Kind Regards,
Jared Glass | Technical Lead
Triggerfish Animation Studios
Zambezia Movie | Khumba Movie