[sqlalchemy] Postgres INHERITS and concrete table inheritance

2009-12-15 Thread Martin Aspeli

I'm a little unclear about the relationship between SQLAlchemy 
inheritance (in particular with the declarative extension) and the 
INHERITS keyword in Postgres.

In Postgres, we have this (simplified for the purposes of his mail):

 id integer NOT NULL,
 name character varying

CREATE TABLE vehicle (
 id integer NOT NULL,
 owner_id integer,
 price integer

CREATE TABLE vehicle_car (
 id integer DEFAULT NULL,
 owner_id integer,
 price integer,
 fuel_type integer,
INHERITS (vehicle);

CREATE TABLE vehicle_bus (
 id integer DEFAULT NULL,
 owner_id integer,
 price integer,
 passengers integer,
INHERITS (vehicle);

CREATE SEQUENCE vehicle_id_seq


Here, owner_id is meant to be a foreign key to owner.id, as well

Now, in Postgres, the INHERITS keyword means that:

  - I can insert into vehicle directly, in which case the row will 
appear in that table only

  - I can insert into one of the sub-tables, vehicle_car or vehicle_bus, 
in which case the row will appear both vehicle and the sub-table I 
inserted into (unless I use FROM ONLY in the query)

I also *think* that repeating id, owner_id and price in the sub-tables 
is unnecessary.

I'd like to map this to SQLAlchemy using inheritance, and I think the 
correct thing to use is concrete inheritance. Here's what we've tried:

class Owner(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'owner'

 id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
 name = schema.Column(types.String(64), nullable=False)

class Vehicle(Base):
 __tablename__ = 'vehicle'

 id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
 owner_id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
 owner = orm.relation(Owner,
   primaryjoin=Owner.id==owner_id, backref=vehicles)
 price = schema.Column(types.Integer(), nullable=False)

class VehicleCar(Vehicle):
 __tablename__ = 'vehicle_car'
 __mapper_args__ = {'concrete':True }

 id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
 owner_id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
 owner = orm.relation(Owner,
   primaryjoin=Owner.id==owner_id, backref=vehicles)
 price = schema.Column(types.Integer(), nullable=False)

 fuel_type = schema.Column(types.Integer())

class VehicleBus(Vehicle):
 __tablename__ = 'vehicle_bus'
 __mapper_args__ = {'concrete':True }

 id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
 owner_id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
 owner = orm.relation(Owner,
   primaryjoin=Owner.id==owner_id, backref=vehicles)
 price = schema.Column(types.Integer(), nullable=False)

 fuel_type = schema.Column(types.Integer())

This kind of works, but there are a few problems:

  - The 'owners' variable on the Game type only contains Vehicle 
objects. I'd like it to contain the correct sub-class if possible.

  - I've had to repeat all the fields from the base class in the 
sub-classes. Otherwise, I'd get errors using those attributes, even 
though VehicleCar and VehicleBus both inherits form Vehicle.

  - Setting a 'backref' on the relation() on VehicleCar and VehicleBus 
results in an error (the Owner object already has an 'owners' field)

I feel like I may've missed something here, though. Any suggestions on 
how to do this better?


Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
want to work with Plone. See http://martinaspeli.net/plone-book


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Postgres INHERITS and concrete table inheritance

2009-12-15 Thread Michael Bayer
Martin Aspeli wrote:

 This kind of works, but there are a few problems:

   - The 'owners' variable on the Game type only contains Vehicle
 objects. I'd like it to contain the correct sub-class if possible.

When a row is received SQLAlchemy would need to know what type that row
is, in order to dispatch to the correct class.  SQLA currently uses a
discriminator column for that purpose, so you'd have to find some way to
have a column in the result set (or an expression) which can be used in
this way.

   - I've had to repeat all the fields from the base class in the
 sub-classes. Otherwise, I'd get errors using those attributes, even
 though VehicleCar and VehicleBus both inherits form Vehicle.

Well SQLA doesn't have any direct support for PG INHERITS, and the fact is
that concrete inherits means that each Table repeats each common column
specifically - one reason why concrete inheritance is widely considered to
be the most cumbersome form of relational inheritance.  There was a trac
ticket requesting that the columns inherit the way they do with a
simpler single- or joined- table setup, but at the end of the day that
request was asking for some very complex magic to occur.  Your database
expresses distinct columns at the public DDL level, even though INHERITS
means theyre the same, so SQLA keeps it simple and would like you to
express them in the same way as what it will see when talking to the DB.

   - Setting a 'backref' on the relation() on VehicleCar and VehicleBus
 results in an error (the Owner object already has an 'owners' field)

there is documentation on how to address concrete backrefs, using the
back_populates keyword: 

 I feel like I may've missed something here, though. Any suggestions on
 how to do this better?

unfortunately we haven't attempted to smoothly integrate with PG's
INHERITS.   It may or may not require additional complexity and would
provide a feature that would not work on any of the other half dozen
databases we support.  My understanding is that INHERITS is usually used
in practice to provide transparent sharding of table data and not
necessarily to express class hierarchies, but this is strictly anecdotal
knowledge.I'm actually encouraged that you've gotten it to work
somewhat reasonably.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Postgres INHERITS and concrete table inheritance

2009-12-15 Thread Alex Brasetvik

On Dec 15, 2009, at 17:59 , Michael Bayer wrote:

 My understanding is that INHERITS is usually used
 in practice to provide transparent sharding of table data and not
 necessarily to express class hierarchies, but this is strictly anecdotal


The PostgreSQL documentation[1] mentions many caveats with INHERITS, most 

A serious limitation of the inheritance feature is that indexes (including 
unique constraints) and foreign key constraints only apply to single tables, 
not to their inheritance children. This is true on both the referencing and 
referenced sides of a foreign key constraint.

For those reasons it is also actively *discouraged* for expressing class 

To put that into context, consider the following:

CREATE TABLE vehicle (
 id integer NOT NULL,
 owner_id integer,
 price integer,
 primary key (id) -- I added this

CREATE TABLE vehicle_bus (
 passengers integer
INHERITS (vehicle);

CREATE TABLE vehicle_whatever(
id integer primary key references vehicle(id),
whatever text

INSERT INTO vehicle_bus VALUES (1, 1, 42, 123);

SELECT * FROM vehicle;
 id | owner_id | price 
  1 |1 |42
(1 row)

SELECT * FROM vehicle_bus;
 id | owner_id | price | passengers 
  1 |1 |42 |123
(1 row)

INSERT INTO vehicle_whatever VALUES (1, 'but clearly this is in vehicle, no?');
ERROR:  insert or update on table vehicle_whatever violates foreign key 
constraint vehicle_whatever_id_fkey
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(1) is not present in table vehicle.


[1] http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/ddl-inherit.html

Alex Brasetvik


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