Re: [sqlite] [EXTERNAL] Re: Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?

2020-01-30 Thread Hick Gunter
"Autocommit" means that each SQL Statement executes in it's own transaction. 
Just as if you were to execute "begin; ; commit;" each time.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: sqlite-users [] Im 
Auftrag von Peng Yu
Gesendet: Freitag, 31. Januar 2020 02:14
An: SQLite mailing list 
Betreff: [EXTERNAL] Re: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?

I still have a hard time to understand what the difference is according to the 
python manual. It keeps saying see somewhere else in the python manual. But I 
don't see where it explains the differences between the differences 
comprehensively and clearly.

On the above page, I only see


, where BEGIN is just BEGIN DEFERRED.

But what is isolation_level = None?

"The underlying sqlite3 library operates in autocommit mode by default, but the 
Python sqlite3 module by default does not."

According to the above, since isolation_level="" is the default in python, so 
it is not autocommit and it is BEGIN.

But what is autocommit mode? The following doesn't provide a definition. Is 
there a definition on website?

> The default is an empty string (ie, '').  It can take the value None,
> '', 'DEFERRED', 'IMMEDIATE', 'EXCLUSIVE' and the value (if not None)
> is appended to the BEGIN when a magical transaction is started, and if
> None, then you are indicating that you will be using manual
> transaction control
> isolation_level   command
> None  None
> '' (default)  BEGIN
> You can set the isolation_level in the connect call (the default is
> '') or read/change it with the .isolation_level property of a connection 
> object.

sqlite-users mailing list

 Gunter Hick | Software Engineer | Scientific Games International GmbH | 
Klitschgasse 2-4, A-1130 Vienna | FN 157284 a, HG Wien, DVR: 0430013 | (O) +43 
1 80100 - 0

May be privileged. May be confidential. Please delete if not the addressee.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?

2020-01-30 Thread Keith Medcalf

At any given instant in time a connection can either (a) have a transaction in 
progress or (b) have no transaction in progress.  An SQL statement cannot be 
executed EXCEPT inside of a transaction.  "autocommit" means that the SQLite3 
database engine (not the sqlite3 wrapper) will start the necessary transaction 
when a statement commences executing and commit (end the transaction) 
automatically when the statement finishes execution.

You may issue one of the various BEGIN or SAVEPOINT commands to the SQLite3 
database engine (not the sqlite3 wrapper) to START a transaction.  If a 
transaction is in process when a statement begins execution then that statement 
will not start a transaction, nor will the statements completion autocommit the 
transaction.  You must do this yourself with the COMMIT / ROLLBACK / RELEASE 

The isolation_level setting of the sqlite3 wrapper for a connection tells the 
sqlite3 wrapper (not the SQLite3 engine) whether or not it should execute 
commands to BEGIN transactions magically or not, and what type of magical BEGIN 
commands to emit.  Setting the isolation_level to None disables the crystal 
ball in the sqlite3 wrapper so that it *never* issues BEGIN commands of any 
type (by itself) and only executes the commands you tell it to execute when you 
tell it to execute them, placing you in control of the transaction and 
autocommit mode of the SQLite3 library and not the sqlite3 wrapper.

The current version of pysqlite2 (2.8.2 and later) uses the following method to 
determine whether to automagically start a transaction:

1) The isolation_level is not None
2) The statement is not a DDL statement (the definition of DDL being that the 
first token on the line is "create", "drop", or "reindex")
3) The underlying SQLite3 engine connection is in autocommit mode (not in a 
4) The underlying SQLite3 engine indicates the statement is not readonly.

If all the above conditions are met then the sqlite3 wrapper issues the 
applicable BEGIN command before executing the requested SQL statement.  This 
means that some DDL statements (eg ALTER) are treated as DML not DDL.

However, the version pysqlite2 (sqlite3) distributed with even the most recent 
3.8.1 version of Python still uses the old (2.6.0 version of pysqlite2) 
unreliable crystal ball which uses the following:

1)  The isolation_level is not None
2)  The statement is a DML statement (first token is "insert", "update", 
"delete", "replace")
3)  The underlying SQLite3 connection is in autocommit mode.

If all the above conditions are met then the sqlite3 wrapper issues the 
applicable BEGIN command before executing the requested SQL statement.

This means that it is possible for some statements (example WITH ... INSERT) to 
not be recognized as performing updates and therefore not starting a 

In all cases you can still issue the various BEGIN and SAVEPOINT commands 

Since you cannot always be sure when the sqlite3/pysqlite2 wrapper will 
automagically start transactions (especially since the magic can change at any 
time from version to version), you are better off setting isolation_level=None 
and doing transaction management yourself.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

>-Original Message-
>From: sqlite-users  On
>Behalf Of Peng Yu
>Sent: Thursday, 30 January, 2020 18:14
>To: SQLite mailing list 
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?
>I still have a hard time to understand what the difference is
>according to the python manual. It keeps saying see somewhere else in
>the python manual. But I don't see where it explains the differences
>between the differences comprehensively and clearly.
>On the above page, I only see
>, where BEGIN is just BEGIN DEFERRED.
>But what is isolation_level = None?
>"The underlying sqlite3 library operates in autocommit mode by
>default, but the Python sqlite3 module by default does not."
>According to the above, since isolation_level="" is the default in
>python, so it is not autocommit and it is BEGIN.
>But what is autocommit mode? The following doesn't provide a
>definition. Is there a definition on website?
>> The default is an empty string (ie, '').  It can take the value None,
>> 'DEFERRED', 'IMMEDIATE', 'EXCLUSIVE' and the value (if not None) is
>> to the BEGIN when a magical transaction is started, and if None, then
>> are indicating that you will be using manual transaction control
>> isolation_level   command
>> None  None
>> '' (default)  BEGIN

Re: [sqlite] conditional insert operations

2020-01-30 Thread Peng Yu
h1, h2 pair are unique.

I don't quite understand your example. Could you explain what it does
in plain English so that I can be sure it does what I want? (What is

On 1/30/20, David Raymond  wrote:
> Is the combo of h1, h2 unique? If so you could do an upsert
> (
> create unique index tbl_uidx_h1_h2 on tbl (h1, h2);
> insert into tbl values ('a', '', 'X')
> on conflict (h1, h2)
> do update set v = excluded.v
> where v is not excluded.v;
> -Original Message-
> From: sqlite-users  On Behalf
> Of Peng Yu
> Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 12:02 PM
> To: SQLite mailing list 
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] conditional insert operations
> Suppose the table is this (the first line is just header)
> h1,h2,v
> a,,Y
> a,C,3
> Since v of h1=a and h2="" is Y which is not X, the table should be updated
> to
> h1,h2,v
> a,,X
> a,A,1
> a,B,2
> ...
> Suppose the table is this, as v of h1=a and h2="" is X, the table is
> not changed.
> h1,h2,v
> a,,X
> a,C,3
> Suppose the table is this.
> h1,h2,v
> a,C,3
> since there is no row with h1=a and h2="", the table is updated to
> h1,h2,v
> a,,X
> a,A,1
> a,B,2
> ...
> On 1/30/20, David Raymond  wrote:
>> I'm not quite following what you're trying to do here. Could you provide
>> a
>> few examples of "here's what used to be in there", "here's what I want to
>> insert", "here's what it should like in the end"
>> -Original Message-
>> From: sqlite-users  On
>> Behalf
>> Of Peng Yu
>> Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 11:27 AM
>> To: SQLite mailing list 
>> Subject: [sqlite] conditional insert operations
>> Hi,
>> Suppose that I have a table with three columns h1, h2, v. I want to
>> delete all rows with h1=a, and insert rows like the following (data
>> shown in TSV format), only if there is not an entry with h1=a and
>> h2="" (empty), it exists but its v is not equal to a value X.
>> a,A,v1
>> a,B,v2
>> ...
>> I am not sure if there is a way to check an entry to know whether new
>> entries can be inserted. Could anybody show me an example if this can
>> be done?
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Peng
>> ___
>> sqlite-users mailing list
>> ___
>> sqlite-users mailing list
> --
> Regards,
> Peng
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?

2020-01-30 Thread Peng Yu
I still have a hard time to understand what the difference is
according to the python manual. It keeps saying see somewhere else in
the python manual. But I don't see where it explains the differences
between the differences comprehensively and clearly.

On the above page, I only see


, where BEGIN is just BEGIN DEFERRED.

But what is isolation_level = None?

"The underlying sqlite3 library operates in autocommit mode by
default, but the Python sqlite3 module by default does not."

According to the above, since isolation_level="" is the default in
python, so it is not autocommit and it is BEGIN.

But what is autocommit mode? The following doesn't provide a
definition. Is there a definition on website?

> The default is an empty string (ie, '').  It can take the value None, '',
> 'DEFERRED', 'IMMEDIATE', 'EXCLUSIVE' and the value (if not None) is appended
> to the BEGIN when a magical transaction is started, and if None, then you
> are indicating that you will be using manual transaction control
> isolation_level   command
> None  None
> '' (default)  BEGIN
> You can set the isolation_level in the connect call (the default is '') or
> read/change it with the .isolation_level property of a connection object.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Generated columns and COLLATE in the AS parens

2020-01-30 Thread Keith Medcalf

On: Wednesday, 29 January, 2020 06:45, Markus Winand  

>I think there might be a glitch in the way SQLite 3.31.x derives the
>collation information from the expression of a generated column.

>In particular, COLLATE inside the AS parens seems to be ignored, but it
>is honoured after the parens:

Carrying the COLLATE from an expression into the column definition is 
incorrect.  The definition of a generated column is:

 [type affinity] [GENERATED ALWAYS AS ()] [COLLATE 
] [ ...]

so why would the so including a COLLATE as part of the expression applies to 
the expression, and not to the column.  Except for the ordering of  
which must be first, followed by the type which must come second, the other 
bits can appear in pretty much any ordering you heart desires (it is a Dim Sum 
of clauses).  

If the  of the column not specified then its "type affinity" is 
BLOB (None).
If no COLLATE is specified for the column, then the default collation BINARY 
If no NULL constraint is specified then NULL values are permitted.
If no DEFAULT expression is specified then the default value is NULL.

Why would you think that the COLLATE applied to the evaluation of an expression 
would "carry out" to the column itself?  Especially in light of the fact that 
the type/collation of the expression in a "DEFAULT ()" does not 
carry out to the column definition?

The collation sequence applies to "comparison" operations of TEXT values, and 
not to anything else (it is ignored for all other value types).  It is an 
attribute of a column (like column affinity) and not an attribute of a value.

In other words,

x AS (y == 'yahoo' collate nocase)

applies the affinity nocase to the evaluation of the == comparison operation.  
The result of evaluation of the expression is a data value with a concrete type 
(integer) and no associated collation.  This value then has whatever column 
affinity is specified applied to it and inherits the collation of the 
containing column.

x AS (y collate nocase)

is the same thing as

x AS (y)

since there is no "comparison" operation in the expression to which the 
collation can be applied (it is a useless attribute to the expression).  The 
result of the expression is a value of the concrete type of y with no 
associated collation.  This value then has the whatever column affinity is 
specified applied to it and inherits the collation of the containing column.

ie, "values" do not have a collation associated with them, column definitions 
and comparison operators on text have collation sequences associated with them.

>SQLite version 3.31.1 2020-01-27 19:55:54
>Enter ".help" for usage hints.
>Connected to a transient in-memory database.
>Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
>sqlite> CREATE TABLE tmp (str VARCHAR(255), str_nc1 GENERATED ALWAYS AS
>sqlite> INSERT INTO tmp VALUES ('a'), ('A'), ('b'), ('B');
>sqlite> SELECT * FROM tmp ORDER BY str;
>sqlite> SELECT * FROM tmp ORDER BY str_nc1;
>sqlite> SELECT * FROM tmp ORDER BY str_nc2;

>I believe the "ORDER BY str_nc1” should yield the same row order as the
>last two queries.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] "Standard SQL" ?

2020-01-30 Thread Markus Winand
> On 30 Jan 2020, at 21:12, Keith Medcalf  wrote:
> On Thursday, 30 January, 2020 12:20, Simon Slavin  
> wrote:
>> I would appreciate your help.  Reading a technical article today, I came
>> across a casual reference to "Standard SQL" as if it was a well-known
>> thing.  This worried me since I've never heard the term and I'm meant to
>> know about such things.

I’m an author using that term.

What I personally mean with “Standard SQL” is the language described by ISO/IEC 

(Sorry, I’m saying ISO/IEC 9075 a lot in my response to avoid the term 
“standard” and the related confusion).

> I would say that "Standard SQL" is that variant of SQL is that "minimal 
> common subset" dialect of SQL that is understood by every single 
> implementation claiming to be "SQL compliant" that has ever existed until the 
> present.  In other words, it is the dialect of SQL that will be understood by 
> *any* software claiming to be "SQL compliant".

I think the word for what you describe is “Core SQL”.

I wrote about it here:

>> It doesn't seem to refer to the official standard for SQL, which is huge
>> and contains a plethora of features implemented once or never.  The
>> author seemed to think it was a sort of 'core SQL' – features identically
>> implemented by all, or most, of the well-known SQL engines.

Google, for example, is also using the term “Standard SQL” for products like 
BigQuery. Although Googles “Standard SQL” is more close to ISO/IEC 9075 that 
the other “SQL” dialects they offer, they are sill not conforming to ISO/IEC 
9075 in pretty basic ways.

> There is a core SQL.  It is not defined.  

It is defined in ISO/IEC 9075. There are tables called (quoting):
“Feature taxonomy and definition for mandatory features”, contains a 
taxonomy of the features of SQL language in Core SQL that are specified in this 
part of ISO/IEC 9075.

There is an explicit list of mandatory features for Core SQL. And there are 
many optional features.

> Most SQL (particularly DDL) is "implementation specific".  About the only 
> things that comprise "standard SQL" are the DML constructs:

ISO/IEC 9075 also defines DDL.

Generally ISO/IEC 9075 only describes semantics, but no implementation details. 
E.g. CREATE TABLE is defined, CREATE INDEX not.

ISO/IEC 9075 allows language extensions as long as they use a syntax **not** 
described in ISO/IEC 9075.

> UPDATE  SET  = [,  = ]... [WHERE 
> ]
>> The one possibility I can think of is SQL:1999.  This is the first
>> version which has features marked as 'mandatory' or 'optional'.  A full
>> implementation of all mandatory features could, I suppose, be called
>> "Standard SQL", but I've never heard of that term being used for that.
> This is very Johnny-lately.  I think the first standard was SQL-85 but even 
> that was chock full of vendor implementation specifics and light on being 
> "standard".  Subsequent versions of the SQL Standard committee output simply 
> became more a practice in documenting vendor implementation specifics rather 
> than defining a standard.  Most standards suffer from this problem.
>> Have any of you been using this term for a meaning other than "Fully
>> conforming to SQL:2019 (or whatever version you think current) ?  Do you
>> have documentation somewhere ?  Or are my suspicions correct and there's
>> no such thing ?
> Yes. "standard SQL" is that subset of SQL that is understood by every 
> implemetation ever without making changes.

Well, that’s now how I’m using this term. Not does Google use it in this way.


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Generated columns and COLLATE in the AS parens

2020-01-30 Thread Markus Winand

> On 30 Jan 2020, at 18:20, Richard Hipp  wrote:
> On 1/30/20, Markus Winand  wrote:
>> Unfortunately, the “what would PostgreSQL do” approach doesn’t provide
>> guidance here.
> Maybe it does.  PostgreSQL doesn't allow typeless columns, but it does
> allow columns with unspecified collating sequences, does it not?  

If you do not specify a COLLATE clause in a column definition, the default 
collation of the effective character set is used.

The name ‘default’ is still a collation. Quoting

The collation of an expression can be the "default" collation, 
which means the locale settings defined for the database. 

> What
> if you have a normal column X with some collating sequence C and then
> a generated column Y that as just "AS(X)”.

It depends on whether the generated column specifies a  or not (see 

>  If you do comparisons on
> column Y, which collating sequence does it use - the default or C?
> Can you run that experiment for us?

David Raymond did.

Here is what happens, split into the three relevant cases.

> testing=> create table foo (
> testing(> a text,
> testing(> b text collate "C",
> testing(> c text collate "en-US-x-icu”,
> […]
> attnum | attname | attgenerated |  collname
> +-+--+-
>  1 | a   |  | default
>  2 | b   |  | C
>  3 | c   |  | en-US-x-icu

Pretty obvious.

The next columns:

> testing(> d text generated always as (a) stored,
> testing(> e text generated always as (b) stored,
> testing(> f text generated always as (c) stored,

>  4 | d   | s| default
>  5 | e   | s| default
>  6 | f   | s| default

The generated column definitions mention a , in that case the types 
character set’s default collation is used — coincidentally called “default”. 
Thus, it is the same case as column “a”.


> testing(> g text collate "C" generated always as (c) stored,
> testing(> h text generated always as (c collate "C") stored,
> testing(> i text collate "C" generated always as (c collate "en-US-x-icu") 
> stored
> testing(> );

>  7 | g   | s| C
>  8 | h   | s| default
>  9 | i   | s| C

Again,  is specified, thus this collation is used. The collation of 
“h” is not “C” because there is an explicit type definition “text”, which 
includes a character set and a default collation.

The collation of the expression is really only relevant if there is no  (and no COLLATE outside the expression).

> Or maybe you are thinking the collating sequence of the expression in
> the AS clause should only be carried through into the generated column
> if it is explicitly stated, and not implied?

There is only one case when the type of the expression, including the character 
set and collation should be carried through into the generated column: if the 
generated column doesn’t explicitly define a type.

> What happens if there is a collating sequence specified in the AS
> clause and also another collating sequence on the column definitions?
>  CREATE TABLE t1(x TEXT, y TEXT AS (x COLLATE nocase) COLLATE rtree);
> Which collating sequence should be used for "SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y='xyz';"?

There are three places where a COLLATE clause in the definition of a generated 
column is allowed:

(1) After the data type (see 6.1,  in the BNF)
(2) Inside the expression (see 6.31,  in the BNF)
(3) At the very end (see 11.4,  in the BNF).

There is a syntax rule prohibiting (1) and (3) being used at the same time 
(11.4 SR12b). The same rule says that the effect of (1) and (3) is the same:

>   • Otherwise,  shall not be both specified in  type> and immediately contained in . If  
> is immediately contained in , then it is equivalent to 
> specifying an equivalent  in . 

This is the case you were just are asking about.

Case (2) might affect the collation of the expression, which is only relevant 
in case there is neither (1) or (3) specified. In that case, also the collation 
is taken from the expression—via the data type (11.4 SR13c).

> 13)  The declared type of the column is
> Case:
>   • a)  If  is specified, then that data type. If  clause> is also specified, then the declared type of  
> shall be assignable to the declared type of the column.
>   • b)  If  is specified, […]
>   • c)  If  is specified, then the declared type of GE.

As you see, as soon as a  is specified, the collation of the 
expression is irrelevant. This is what can be demonstrated in PostgreSQL. 
Skipping  is currently not possible in PostgreSQL, thus PostgreSQL 
cannot be used to demonstrate c).

> Regarding WWPD: If you can convince Tom Lane and/or Bruce Momjian to
> send me an email that says "An explicit collating sequence at the
> top-level of a GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause should be carried 

Re: [sqlite] "Standard SQL" ?

2020-01-30 Thread Keith Medcalf

On Thursday, 30 January, 2020 12:20, Simon Slavin  wrote:

>I would appreciate your help.  Reading a technical article today, I came
>across a casual reference to "Standard SQL" as if it was a well-known
>thing.  This worried me since I've never heard the term and I'm meant to
>know about such things.

I would say that "Standard SQL" is that variant of SQL is that "minimal common 
subset" dialect of SQL that is understood by every single implementation 
claiming to be "SQL compliant" that has ever existed until the present.  In 
other words, it is the dialect of SQL that will be understood by *any* software 
claiming to be "SQL compliant".

>It doesn't seem to refer to the official standard for SQL, which is huge
>and contains a plethora of features implemented once or never.  The
>author seemed to think it was a sort of 'core SQL' – features identically
>implemented by all, or most, of the well-known SQL engines.

There is a core SQL.  It is not defined.  Most SQL (particularly DDL) is 
"implementation specific".  About the only things that comprise "standard SQL" 
are the DML constructs:

UPDATE  SET  = [,  = ]... [WHERE 

>The one possibility I can think of is SQL:1999.  This is the first
>version which has features marked as 'mandatory' or 'optional'.  A full
>implementation of all mandatory features could, I suppose, be called
>"Standard SQL", but I've never heard of that term being used for that.

This is very Johnny-lately.  I think the first standard was SQL-85 but even 
that was chock full of vendor implementation specifics and light on being 
"standard".  Subsequent versions of the SQL Standard committee output simply 
became more a practice in documenting vendor implementation specifics rather 
than defining a standard.  Most standards suffer from this problem.

>Have any of you been using this term for a meaning other than "Fully
>conforming to SQL:2019 (or whatever version you think current) ?  Do you
>have documentation somewhere ?  Or are my suspicions correct and there's
>no such thing ?

Yes. "standard SQL" is that subset of SQL that is understood by every 
implemetation ever without making changes.  It is a very small subset of the 
language.  Any "standard SQL" statement will operate the same way on every "SQL 
compliant" bit of software that ever existed or will exist in the future.

No.  It comes from experience using more than one SQL language implementation.

No.  THere is most assuredly a "standard SQL" that is understood by every 
implemetation of SQL that ever existed or even will exist.  That it is not 
documented is entirely beside the point.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume. 

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] "Standard SQL" ?

2020-01-30 Thread Chris Brody
A few resources I found from :


It seems to me like the last ANSI standard was published in 2016.

It sound to me like implementors would generally implement a ``common SQL
subset'' or ``common subset of the ANSI SQL standard''.

My (US) $0.02 worth.

On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 2:20 PM Simon Slavin  wrote:

> I would appreciate your help.  Reading a technical article today, I came
> across a casual reference to "Standard SQL" as if it was a well-known
> thing.  This worried me since I've never heard the term and I'm meant to
> know about such things.
> It doesn't seem to refer to the official standard for SQL, which is huge
> and contains a plethora of features implemented once or never.  The author
> seemed to think it was a sort of 'core SQL' – features identically
> implemented by all, or most, of the well-known SQL engines.
> The one possibility I can think of is SQL:1999.  This is the first version
> which has features marked as 'mandatory' or 'optional'.  A full
> implementation of all mandatory features could, I suppose, be called
> "Standard SQL", but I've never heard of that term being used for that.
> Have any of you been using this term for a meaning other than "Fully
> conforming to SQL:2019 (or whatever version you think current) ?  Do you
> have documentation somewhere ?  Or are my suspicions correct and there's no
> such thing ?
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] "Standard SQL" ?

2020-01-30 Thread Simon Slavin
I would appreciate your help.  Reading a technical article today, I came across 
a casual reference to "Standard SQL" as if it was a well-known thing.  This 
worried me since I've never heard the term and I'm meant to know about such 

It doesn't seem to refer to the official standard for SQL, which is huge and 
contains a plethora of features implemented once or never.  The author seemed 
to think it was a sort of 'core SQL' – features identically implemented by all, 
or most, of the well-known SQL engines.

The one possibility I can think of is SQL:1999.  This is the first version 
which has features marked as 'mandatory' or 'optional'.  A full implementation 
of all mandatory features could, I suppose, be called "Standard SQL", but I've 
never heard of that term being used for that.

Have any of you been using this term for a meaning other than "Fully conforming 
to SQL:2019 (or whatever version you think current) ?  Do you have 
documentation somewhere ?  Or are my suspicions correct and there's no such 
thing ?
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] conditional insert operations

2020-01-30 Thread David Raymond
Is the combo of h1, h2 unique? If so you could do an upsert 

create unique index tbl_uidx_h1_h2 on tbl (h1, h2);

insert into tbl values ('a', '', 'X')
on conflict (h1, h2)
do update set v = excluded.v
where v is not excluded.v;

-Original Message-
From: sqlite-users  On Behalf Of 
Peng Yu
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 12:02 PM
To: SQLite mailing list 
Subject: Re: [sqlite] conditional insert operations

Suppose the table is this (the first line is just header)


Since v of h1=a and h2="" is Y which is not X, the table should be updated to


Suppose the table is this, as v of h1=a and h2="" is X, the table is
not changed.


Suppose the table is this.


since there is no row with h1=a and h2="", the table is updated to


On 1/30/20, David Raymond  wrote:
> I'm not quite following what you're trying to do here. Could you provide a
> few examples of "here's what used to be in there", "here's what I want to
> insert", "here's what it should like in the end"
> -Original Message-
> From: sqlite-users  On Behalf
> Of Peng Yu
> Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 11:27 AM
> To: SQLite mailing list 
> Subject: [sqlite] conditional insert operations
> Hi,
> Suppose that I have a table with three columns h1, h2, v. I want to
> delete all rows with h1=a, and insert rows like the following (data
> shown in TSV format), only if there is not an entry with h1=a and
> h2="" (empty), it exists but its v is not equal to a value X.
> a,A,v1
> a,B,v2
> ...
> I am not sure if there is a way to check an entry to know whether new
> entries can be inserted. Could anybody show me an example if this can
> be done?
> --
> Regards,
> Peng
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Generated columns and COLLATE in the AS parens

2020-01-30 Thread David Raymond
From a Windows installation of 12.0

testing=> select version();

 PostgreSQL 12.0, compiled by Visual C++ build 1914, 64-bit
(1 row)

Time: 0.283 ms
testing=> create table foo (
testing(> a text,
testing(> b text collate "C",
testing(> c text collate "en-US-x-icu",
testing(> d text generated always as (a) stored,
testing(> e text generated always as (b) stored,
testing(> f text generated always as (c) stored,
testing(> g text collate "C" generated always as (c) stored,
testing(> h text generated always as (c collate "C") stored,
testing(> i text collate "C" generated always as (c collate "en-US-x-icu") 
testing(> );
Time: 81.025 ms
testing=> \d foo
  Table ""
 Column | Type |  Collation  | Nullable |   Default
 a  | text | |  |
 b  | text | C   |  |
 c  | text | en-US-x-icu |  |
 d  | text | |  | generated always as (a) stored
 e  | text | |  | generated always as (b) stored
 f  | text | |  | generated always as (c) stored
 g  | text | C   |  | generated always as (c) stored
 h  | text | |  | generated always as (c COLLATE "C") 
 i  | text | C   |  | generated always as (c COLLATE 
"en-US-x-icu") stored

testing=> select attnum, attname, attgenerated, collname from pg_attribute left 
outer join pg_collation on pg_attribute.attcollation = pg_collation.oid where 
attrelid = 'foo'::regclass and attnum > 0 order by attnum;
 attnum | attname | attgenerated |  collname
  1 | a   |  | default
  2 | b   |  | C
  3 | c   |  | en-US-x-icu
  4 | d   | s| default
  5 | e   | s| default
  6 | f   | s| default
  7 | g   | s| C
  8 | h   | s| default
  9 | i   | s| C
(9 rows)

Time: 0.590 ms

-Original Message-
From: sqlite-users  On Behalf Of 
Richard Hipp
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 12:21 PM
To: SQLite mailing list 
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Generated columns and COLLATE in the AS parens

On 1/30/20, Markus Winand  wrote:
> Unfortunately, the “what would PostgreSQL do” approach doesn’t provide
> guidance here.

Maybe it does.  PostgreSQL doesn't allow typeless columns, but it does
allow columns with unspecified collating sequences, does it not?  What
if you have a normal column X with some collating sequence C and then
a generated column Y that as just "AS(X)".  If you do comparisons on
column Y, which collating sequence does it use - the default or C?
Can you run that experiment for us?

Or maybe you are thinking the collating sequence of the expression in
the AS clause should only be carried through into the generated column
if it is explicitly stated, and not implied?

What happens if there is a collating sequence specified in the AS
clause and also another collating sequence on the column definitions?

  CREATE TABLE t1(x TEXT, y TEXT AS (x COLLATE nocase) COLLATE rtree);

Which collating sequence should be used for "SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y='xyz';"?

Regarding WWPD: If you can convince Tom Lane and/or Bruce Momjian to
send me an email that says "An explicit collating sequence at the
top-level of a GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause should be carried through as
the default collating sequence of the generated column itself", then
I'll change it.  :-)

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?

2020-01-30 Thread Keith Medcalf

The default is an empty string (ie, '').  It can take the value None, '', 
'DEFERRED', 'IMMEDIATE', 'EXCLUSIVE' and the value (if not None) is appended to 
the BEGIN when a magical transaction is started, and if None, then you are 
indicating that you will be using manual transaction control

isolation_level   command
None  None
'' (default)  BEGIN

You can set the isolation_level in the connect call (the default is '') or 
read/change it with the .isolation_level property of a connection object.

>>> import sqlite3
>>> db = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
>>> db.isolation_level
>>> db.isolation_level = None
>>> db.isolation_level
>>> db = sqlite3.connect(':memory:', isolation_level=None)
>>> db.isolation_level

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

>-Original Message-
>From: sqlite-users  On
>Behalf Of Peng Yu
>Sent: Thursday, 30 January, 2020 09:55
>To: SQLite mailing list 
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?
>On 1/30/20, Keith Medcalf  wrote:
>> The isolation_level specifies the default suffix to put after 'BEGIN'
>> beginning a transaction.  Inside the library the following is used when
>> magic wants to start a transaction:
>> if isolation_level is not None:
>>.execute('BEGIN %s' % isolation_level)
>> This is so that you can set isolation_level to 'IMMEDIATE' so that all
>> magically initiated transactions are BEGIN IMMEDIATE rather than the
>Are you saying the default isolation_level is equivalent to IMMEDIATE?
>Or you are not answering my specific question of what is the default
>of isolation_level? I think the default paremeter value of
>isolation_level of the function sqlite3.connect() is just None. It is
>not the case?
>sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Generated columns and COLLATE in the AS parens

2020-01-30 Thread Richard Hipp
On 1/30/20, Markus Winand  wrote:
> Unfortunately, the “what would PostgreSQL do” approach doesn’t provide
> guidance here.

Maybe it does.  PostgreSQL doesn't allow typeless columns, but it does
allow columns with unspecified collating sequences, does it not?  What
if you have a normal column X with some collating sequence C and then
a generated column Y that as just "AS(X)".  If you do comparisons on
column Y, which collating sequence does it use - the default or C?
Can you run that experiment for us?

Or maybe you are thinking the collating sequence of the expression in
the AS clause should only be carried through into the generated column
if it is explicitly stated, and not implied?

What happens if there is a collating sequence specified in the AS
clause and also another collating sequence on the column definitions?

  CREATE TABLE t1(x TEXT, y TEXT AS (x COLLATE nocase) COLLATE rtree);

Which collating sequence should be used for "SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE y='xyz';"?

Regarding WWPD: If you can convince Tom Lane and/or Bruce Momjian to
send me an email that says "An explicit collating sequence at the
top-level of a GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause should be carried through as
the default collating sequence of the generated column itself", then
I'll change it.  :-)

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] conditional insert operations

2020-01-30 Thread Peng Yu
Suppose the table is this (the first line is just header)


Since v of h1=a and h2="" is Y which is not X, the table should be updated to


Suppose the table is this, as v of h1=a and h2="" is X, the table is
not changed.


Suppose the table is this.


since there is no row with h1=a and h2="", the table is updated to


On 1/30/20, David Raymond  wrote:
> I'm not quite following what you're trying to do here. Could you provide a
> few examples of "here's what used to be in there", "here's what I want to
> insert", "here's what it should like in the end"
> -Original Message-
> From: sqlite-users  On Behalf
> Of Peng Yu
> Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 11:27 AM
> To: SQLite mailing list 
> Subject: [sqlite] conditional insert operations
> Hi,
> Suppose that I have a table with three columns h1, h2, v. I want to
> delete all rows with h1=a, and insert rows like the following (data
> shown in TSV format), only if there is not an entry with h1=a and
> h2="" (empty), it exists but its v is not equal to a value X.
> a,A,v1
> a,B,v2
> ...
> I am not sure if there is a way to check an entry to know whether new
> entries can be inserted. Could anybody show me an example if this can
> be done?
> --
> Regards,
> Peng
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?

2020-01-30 Thread Peng Yu
On 1/30/20, Keith Medcalf  wrote:
> The isolation_level specifies the default suffix to put after 'BEGIN' when
> beginning a transaction.  Inside the library the following is used when the
> magic wants to start a transaction:
> if isolation_level is not None:
>.execute('BEGIN %s' % isolation_level)
> This is so that you can set isolation_level to 'IMMEDIATE' so that all
> magically initiated transactions are BEGIN IMMEDIATE rather than the default

Are you saying the default isolation_level is equivalent to IMMEDIATE?
Or you are not answering my specific question of what is the default
of isolation_level? I think the default paremeter value of
isolation_level of the function sqlite3.connect() is just None. It is
not the case?

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] conditional insert operations

2020-01-30 Thread David Raymond
I'm not quite following what you're trying to do here. Could you provide a few 
examples of "here's what used to be in there", "here's what I want to insert", 
"here's what it should like in the end"

-Original Message-
From: sqlite-users  On Behalf Of 
Peng Yu
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 11:27 AM
To: SQLite mailing list 
Subject: [sqlite] conditional insert operations


Suppose that I have a table with three columns h1, h2, v. I want to
delete all rows with h1=a, and insert rows like the following (data
shown in TSV format), only if there is not an entry with h1=a and
h2="" (empty), it exists but its v is not equal to a value X.


I am not sure if there is a way to check an entry to know whether new
entries can be inserted. Could anybody show me an example if this can
be done?

sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?

2020-01-30 Thread Keith Medcalf

The isolation_level specifies the default suffix to put after 'BEGIN' when 
beginning a transaction.  Inside the library the following is used when the 
magic wants to start a transaction:

if isolation_level is not None:
   .execute('BEGIN %s' % isolation_level)

This is so that you can set isolation_level to 'IMMEDIATE' so that all 
magically initiated transactions are BEGIN IMMEDIATE rather than the default 

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

>-Original Message-
>From: sqlite-users  On
>Behalf Of Peng Yu
>Sent: Thursday, 30 January, 2020 08:59
>To: SQLite mailing list 
>Subject: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?
>I don't see what is the default isolation_level here. Is it None? Thanks.
>sqlite3.connect(database[, timeout, detect_types, isolation_level,
>check_same_thread, factory, cached_statements, uri])¶
>sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?

2020-01-30 Thread David Raymond

"Not specifying one" is
And the connection will still start implicit transactions for you. (with 

"Setting it to None" is
sqlite3.connect(fi, isolation_level = None)
Which will turn off all implicit transactions, put it in autocommit mode, and 
you have to do all transaction management yourself.

-Original Message-
From: sqlite-users  On Behalf Of 
Peng Yu
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 11:29 AM
To: SQLite mailing list 
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?

> and if you don't specify one it issues a plain "begin;"

So that is basically isolation_level = None? Thanks.

sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?

2020-01-30 Thread Peng Yu
> and if you don't specify one it issues a plain "begin;"

So that is basically isolation_level = None? Thanks.

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] conditional insert operations

2020-01-30 Thread Peng Yu

Suppose that I have a table with three columns h1, h2, v. I want to
delete all rows with h1=a, and insert rows like the following (data
shown in TSV format), only if there is not an entry with h1=a and
h2="" (empty), it exists but its v is not equal to a value X.


I am not sure if there is a way to check an entry to know whether new
entries can be inserted. Could anybody show me an example if this can
be done?

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Does .commit() ensure the .execute()'s and .executemany()'s called before are run atomically?

2020-01-30 Thread David Raymond
That's just my own personal paranoia wanting to make sure the cursor always 
gets closed, even on an exception. As I don't think the normal context manager 
on a cursor closes it when it exits.

In the real world it's probably overkill as
a) The destructors probably take care of that
b) It's the connection you're more worried about and not the cursor
c) SQLite is designed to handle crashes, etc.

-Original Message-
From: sqlite-users  On Behalf Of 
Peng Yu
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 11:02 AM
To: SQLite mailing list 
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Does .commit() ensure the .execute()'s and 
.executemany()'s called before are run atomically?

Thanks. What is the purpose of contextlib.

If I just use `cur = conn.cursor()`, what problems it will cause?

> with contextlib.closing(conn.cursor()) as cur:

sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Is it necessary to encode() for file names in sqlar format?

2020-01-30 Thread Keith Medcalf

Yes.  If it is bytes type then the data stored by the database will be a BLOB, 
not TEXT ...

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

>-Original Message-
>From: sqlite-users  On
>Behalf Of Peng Yu
>Sent: Thursday, 30 January, 2020 02:24
>To: SQLite mailing list 
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] Is it necessary to encode() for file names in sqlar
>So to confirm. In python 3, the str type should be used for name? Thanks.
>On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 12:58 AM Keith Medcalf 
>> sys.argv is a list of unicode text strings.  There is no need to
>> specifically encode or decode it so long as sys.getdefaultencoding()
>> returns 'utf-8'.  If your version of Python is so old that it returns
>> something else then you need to modify and have it set the
>> encoding to 'utf-8' otherwise you may end up with MBCS or some other
>> invalid text encoding in your database text fields.
>> --
>> The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven
>> a lot about anticipated traffic volume.
>> >-Original Message-
>> >From: sqlite-users  On
>> >Behalf Of Peng Yu
>> >Sent: Wednesday, 29 January, 2020 22:57
>> >To: SQLite mailing list 
>> >Subject: [sqlite] Is it necessary to encode() for file names in sqlar
>> >format?
>> >
>> >I use the following python3 code to create sqlar file. Is it necessary
>> >to sys.argv[2].encode('utf-8') in the line of execute()? In other
>> >word, does the native sqlar tools inteprete the name column as an
>> >encoded value or a non-encode value? Thanks.
>> >
>> >import sqlite3
>> >conn=sqlite3.connect(sys.argv[1])
>> >c=conn.cursor()
>> >c.execute('''
>> >, mode INT
>> >, mtime INT
>> >, sz INT
>> >, data BLOB)
>> >''')
>> >
>> >import zlib
>> >data =
>> >c.execute('REPLACE INTO sqlar VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [sys.argv[2], 0,
>> >0, len(data), zlib.compress(data)])
>> >conn.commit()
>> >
>> >--
>> >Regards,
>> >Peng
>> >___
>> >sqlite-users mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> sqlite-users mailing list
>sqlite-users mailing list

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?

2020-01-30 Thread David Raymond

"You can control which kind of BEGIN statements sqlite3 implicitly executes via 
the isolation_level parameter to the connect() call, or via the isolation_level 
property of connections. If you specify no isolation_level, a plain BEGIN is 
used, which is equivalent to specifying DEFERRED. Other possible values are 
So basically if you explicitly specify one it will issue either a "begin 
deferred;", "begin immediate;", or "begin exclusive;",
and if you don't specify one it issues a plain "begin;"

-Original Message-
From: sqlite-users  On Behalf Of 
Peng Yu
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 10:59 AM
To: SQLite mailing list 
Subject: [sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?


I don't see what is the default isolation_level here. Is it None? Thanks.
sqlite3.connect(database[, timeout, detect_types, isolation_level,
check_same_thread, factory, cached_statements, uri])¶

sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Does .commit() ensure the .execute()'s and .executemany()'s called before are run atomically?

2020-01-30 Thread Peng Yu
Thanks. What is the purpose of contextlib.

If I just use `cur = conn.cursor()`, what problems it will cause?

> with contextlib.closing(conn.cursor()) as cur:

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Default isolation_level for sqlite3.connect?

2020-01-30 Thread Peng Yu

I don't see what is the default isolation_level here. Is it None? Thanks.
sqlite3.connect(database[, timeout, detect_types, isolation_level,
check_same_thread, factory, cached_statements, uri])¶

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] [EXTERNAL] Either a bug or I don't understand SQL update

2020-01-30 Thread Hick Gunter
You have fallen into the double quote trap.

SQLite uses double quotes to denote COLUMN NAMES, and single quotes to delimit 

When asking for "M" or "G", you get the contents of the column named m and g 
respectively (column names are case insensitive).

When asking for "P" or "R", there is no column with that name, so SQLite 
pretends that you meant to provide a string constant.

BTW: You have columns with NUMERIC affinity obviously representing amounts, 
which will get stored as REAL numbers. Don't do that if you expect to do 
anything financially relevant. You will incur rounding errors. Instead, store 
integer values of cents.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: sqlite-users [] Im 
Auftrag von Paul Ausbeck
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. Januar 2020 00:11
Betreff: [EXTERNAL] [sqlite] Either a bug or I don't understand SQL update

I've been using sqlite for some time but haven't used SQL update until 
recently. On my first real use, I've encountered a problem that I can't 
understand at all.

To pare this down, I have two tables, citytax and taxitems2, and I've attached 
a database with just these two tables, total size ~12Kbytes.

I perform the following update using the sqlite3 command line interface:

update citytax set salesm = (select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where 
taxitems2.citynum = citytax.number and taxitems2.taxrate = "M");

The result is that the salesm  column is set to NULL for all citytax rows. 
However, I would expect that rows 9 and 22 would be non-NULL. I get the the 
same all-NULL result for a taxrate of "G" as well, though I would expect that 
rows 14, 19, and 58 would be non-NULL.

The strangest part is that if I specify taxrates of "P", "R", or "", I get the 
result that I expect. I've included a listing of the taxitems2 table below. As 
one can see, there are rows where the second column, taxrate, is all of "", 
"P", "R", "G", and "M". The last column is the amount column, non-null for all 
rows. I must admit that I don't understand what is going on here.

Perhaps even stranger is if I extract the select from the update and give it an 
appropriate row number, I get the expected non-NULL result:

sqlite> select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where taxitems2.citynum = 9 and 
taxitems2.taxrate = "M";

I've included the contents of the taxitems2 table as well as the schema for 
tables taxitems2 and citytax below. One the one hand, this seems almost 
certainly to be a bug, but on the other, it is so basic, that I can't believe 
that I'm the first to encounter it.

Any assistance that anyone can provide would of course be much appreciated. I'm 
using sqlite 3.30 under Windows 7 cygwin and 3.27 under Debian linux, both 
environments behave the same in this regard.

As I was writing I had yet another test idea:

update citytax set salesm = (select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where 
taxitems2.citynum = citytax.number and unicode(taxitems2.taxrate) = 77); /* 
taxrate = "M" */


update citytax set salesm = (select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where 
taxitems2.citynum = citytax.number and unicode(taxitems2.taxrate) = 71); /* 
taxrate = "G" */

Both of these updates perform as expected.


Paul Ausbeck

sqlite> select * from taxitems2;

sqlite> .schema taxitems2
CREATE TABLE taxitems2(
   code TEXT,
   taxrate TEXT,
   citynum INT,
   countynum INT,
   statenum INT,
   citym NUM,
   cityg NUM,

Re: [sqlite] Either a bug or I don't understand SQL update

2020-01-30 Thread David Raymond
The mailing list strips all attachments, so you'll have to either provide a 
link to it on some external source, or give more create table/insert statements 
like at the bottom.

Without having all the data I'll say: Remember to use single quotes for text 
literals. You have
...and taxitem2.taxrate = "M"...
which with the double quotes means "equals the field named M", and hey, the 
citytax table just so happens to have a field with the name of "m", so my guess 
is that's your problem.

-Original Message-
From: sqlite-users  On Behalf Of 
Paul Ausbeck
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 6:11 PM
Subject: [sqlite] Either a bug or I don't understand SQL update

I've been using sqlite for some time but haven't used SQL update until 
recently. On my first real use, I've encountered a problem that I can't 
understand at all.

To pare this down, I have two tables, citytax and taxitems2, and I've attached 
a database with just these two tables, total size ~12Kbytes.

I perform the following update using the sqlite3 command line interface:

update citytax set salesm = (select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where 
taxitems2.citynum = citytax.number and taxitems2.taxrate = "M");

The result is that the salesm  column is set to NULL for all citytax rows. 
However, I would expect that rows 9 and 22 would be non-NULL. I get the the 
same all-NULL result for a taxrate of "G" as well, though I would expect that 
rows 14, 19, and 58 would be non-NULL.

The strangest part is that if I specify taxrates of "P", "R", or "", I get the 
result that I expect. I've included a listing of the taxitems2 table below. As 
one can see, there are rows where the second column, taxrate, is all of "", 
"P", "R", "G", and "M". The last column is the amount column, non-null for all 
rows. I must admit that I don't understand what is going on here.

Perhaps even stranger is if I extract the select from the update and give it an 
appropriate row number, I get the expected non-NULL result:

sqlite> select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where taxitems2.citynum = 9 and 
taxitems2.taxrate = "M";

I've included the contents of the taxitems2 table as well as the schema for 
tables taxitems2 and citytax below. One the one hand, this seems almost 
certainly to be a bug, but on the other, it is so basic, that I can't believe 
that I'm the first to encounter it.

Any assistance that anyone can provide would of course be much appreciated. I'm 
using sqlite 3.30 under Windows 7 cygwin and 3.27 under Debian linux, both 
environments behave the same in this regard.

As I was writing I had yet another test idea:

update citytax set salesm = (select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where 
taxitems2.citynum = citytax.number and unicode(taxitems2.taxrate) = 77); /* 
taxrate = "M" */


update citytax set salesm = (select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where 
taxitems2.citynum = citytax.number and unicode(taxitems2.taxrate) = 71); /* 
taxrate = "G" */

Both of these updates perform as expected.


Paul Ausbeck

sqlite> select * from taxitems2;

sqlite> .schema taxitems2
CREATE TABLE taxitems2(
   code TEXT,
   taxrate TEXT,
   citynum INT,
   countynum INT,
   statenum INT,
   citym NUM,
   cityg NUM,
   countym NUM,
   countyg NUM,
   statem NUM,
   stateg NUM,
sqlite> .schema citytax
   number INT,
   code INT,
   g NUM,
   m NUM,
   comment TEXT,
   taxg NUM,
   taxm NUM,
   salesg NUM,
   salesm NUM,

Re: [sqlite] Either a bug or I don't understand SQL update

2020-01-30 Thread Igor Tandetnik

"M" refers to a column named M, specifically, citytax.m . Similarly, "G" is a 
reference to citytax.g. String literals in SQL are enclosed in single quotes, as in 'M' and 'G' ; 
double quotes are used to enclose names (helpful for names that contain spaces or other characters 
not allowed in identifiers).

SQLite has a feature for backward compatibility, whereby a string enclosed in double quotes is taken as a string 
literal if it doesn't match any name in scope. That's why "P" and "R" work, but "M" and 
"G" don't.

Igor Tandetnik

On 1/29/2020 6:11 PM, Paul Ausbeck wrote:

I've been using sqlite for some time but haven't used SQL update until 
recently. On my first real use, I've encountered a problem that I can't 
understand at all.

To pare this down, I have two tables, citytax and taxitems2, and I've attached 
a database with just these two tables, total size ~12Kbytes.

I perform the following update using the sqlite3 command line interface:

update citytax set salesm = (select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where taxitems2.citynum = 
citytax.number and taxitems2.taxrate = "M");

The result is that the salesm  column is set to NULL for all citytax rows. However, I 
would expect that rows 9 and 22 would be non-NULL. I get the the same all-NULL result for 
a taxrate of "G" as well, though I would expect that rows 14, 19, and 58 would 
be non-NULL.

The strangest part is that if I specify taxrates of "P", "R", or "", I get the result that I expect. I've included a listing of 
the taxitems2 table below. As one can see, there are rows where the second column, taxrate, is all of "", "P", "R", 
"G", and "M". The last column is the amount column, non-null for all rows. I must admit that I don't understand what is going on here.

Perhaps even stranger is if I extract the select from the update and give it an 
appropriate row number, I get the expected non-NULL result:

sqlite> select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where taxitems2.citynum = 9 and 
taxitems2.taxrate = "M";

I've included the contents of the taxitems2 table as well as the schema for 
tables taxitems2 and citytax below. One the one hand, this seems almost 
certainly to be a bug, but on the other, it is so basic, that I can't believe 
that I'm the first to encounter it.

Any assistance that anyone can provide would of course be much appreciated. I'm 
using sqlite 3.30 under Windows 7 cygwin and 3.27 under Debian linux, both 
environments behave the same in this regard.

As I was writing I had yet another test idea:

update citytax set salesm = (select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where taxitems2.citynum = 
citytax.number and unicode(taxitems2.taxrate) = 77); /* taxrate = "M" */


update citytax set salesm = (select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where taxitems2.citynum = 
citytax.number and unicode(taxitems2.taxrate) = 71); /* taxrate = "G" */

Both of these updates perform as expected.


Paul Ausbeck

sqlite> select * from taxitems2;

sqlite> .schema taxitems2
CREATE TABLE taxitems2(
   code TEXT,
   taxrate TEXT,
   citynum INT,
   countynum INT,
   statenum INT,
   citym NUM,
   cityg NUM,
   countym NUM,
   countyg NUM,
   statem NUM,
   stateg NUM,
sqlite> .schema citytax
   number INT,
   code INT,
   g NUM,
   m NUM,
   comment TEXT,
   taxg NUM,
   taxm NUM,
   salesg NUM,
   salesm NUM,
   salesr NUM,
   salesp NUM,
   stamp INT
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Either a bug or I don't understand SQL update

2020-01-30 Thread Paul Ausbeck

I've been using sqlite for some time but haven't used SQL update until 
recently. On my first real use, I've encountered a problem that I can't 
understand at all.

To pare this down, I have two tables, citytax and taxitems2, and I've attached 
a database with just these two tables, total size ~12Kbytes.

I perform the following update using the sqlite3 command line interface:

update citytax set salesm = (select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where taxitems2.citynum = 
citytax.number and taxitems2.taxrate = "M");

The result is that the salesm  column is set to NULL for all citytax rows. However, I 
would expect that rows 9 and 22 would be non-NULL. I get the the same all-NULL result for 
a taxrate of "G" as well, though I would expect that rows 14, 19, and 58 would 
be non-NULL.

The strangest part is that if I specify taxrates of "P", "R", or "", I get the result that I expect. I've included a listing of 
the taxitems2 table below. As one can see, there are rows where the second column, taxrate, is all of "", "P", "R", 
"G", and "M". The last column is the amount column, non-null for all rows. I must admit that I don't understand what is going on here.

Perhaps even stranger is if I extract the select from the update and give it an 
appropriate row number, I get the expected non-NULL result:

sqlite> select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where taxitems2.citynum = 9 and 
taxitems2.taxrate = "M";

I've included the contents of the taxitems2 table as well as the schema for 
tables taxitems2 and citytax below. One the one hand, this seems almost 
certainly to be a bug, but on the other, it is so basic, that I can't believe 
that I'm the first to encounter it.

Any assistance that anyone can provide would of course be much appreciated. I'm 
using sqlite 3.30 under Windows 7 cygwin and 3.27 under Debian linux, both 
environments behave the same in this regard.

As I was writing I had yet another test idea:

update citytax set salesm = (select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where taxitems2.citynum = 
citytax.number and unicode(taxitems2.taxrate) = 77); /* taxrate = "M" */


update citytax set salesm = (select sum(amount) from taxitems2 where taxitems2.citynum = 
citytax.number and unicode(taxitems2.taxrate) = 71); /* taxrate = "G" */

Both of these updates perform as expected.


Paul Ausbeck

sqlite> select * from taxitems2;

sqlite> .schema taxitems2
CREATE TABLE taxitems2(
  code TEXT,
  taxrate TEXT,
  citynum INT,
  countynum INT,
  statenum INT,
  citym NUM,
  cityg NUM,
  countym NUM,
  countyg NUM,
  statem NUM,
  stateg NUM,
sqlite> .schema citytax
  number INT,
  code INT,
  g NUM,
  m NUM,
  comment TEXT,
  taxg NUM,
  taxm NUM,
  salesg NUM,
  salesm NUM,
  salesr NUM,
  salesp NUM,
  stamp INT
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Please unsubscribe me

2020-01-30 Thread Tim Streater
On 30 Jan 2020, at 15:34, kuppappa  wrote:

> Regards,
> Kuppappa
> Mobile: +91 8050095558
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list

You do that yourself using the above website.

Cheers  --  Tim
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Please unsubscribe me

2020-01-30 Thread kuppappa
Mobile: +91 8050095558
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] New word to replace "serverless"

2020-01-30 Thread test user
Someone should put all the proposals into a vote.

The voting system could be driven by a serverless database I presume.
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] New word to replace "serverless"

2020-01-30 Thread E.Pasma
I thougth about self-service, self-serve or self-served. Thanks, E. Pasma

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Behavior change around triggers between 3.19 and 3.30

2020-01-30 Thread Dominique Devienne
On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 3:38 PM Graham Holden  wrote:
> Thursday, January 30, 2020, 12:24:40 PM, Dominique Devienne 
>  wrote:
> > The strange thing though, is that I can't repro on a small example.
> > Despite using not_there in the trigger, and doing DML and ALTER TABLE,
> > still doesn't fail the same way as in production. What could be the cause? 
> > --DD
> I suspect it may only kick-in if you use ALTER TABLE to rename either
> a table or column. As I understand it, the old behaviour was to JUST
> rename the table/column; the new behaviour also scan triggers etc. and
> renames any references to the table/column as well. Since a new column
> cannot (shouldn't?) be referenced by a trigger, there's no real need
> to check them.

Good point. Confirmed below it seems. Thanks Graham. --DD

3.19.3 happily renamed the table, and the trigger is still invalid.
3.30.1 error'd out with: Error: error in trigger t2_on_update_ko: no
such column: OLD.not_there

 Console#1 on 3.19.3 
sqlite> select name, sql from sqlite_master where type = 'trigger';
t2_on_insert_ok|CREATE TRIGGER t2_on_insert_ok after insert on t2
begin insert into t2bis(id,v) values(, NEW.v); END
t2_on_update_ko|CREATE TRIGGER t2_on_update_ko after update of
not_there on t2 when OLD.not_there != NEW.not_there begin update t2bis
set v=NEW.v where; END

sqlite> alter table t2 rename to t2a;

sqlite> select name, sql from sqlite_master where type = 'trigger';
t2_on_insert_ok|CREATE TRIGGER t2_on_insert_ok after insert on "t2a"
begin insert into t2bis(id,v) values(, NEW.v); END
t2_on_update_ko|CREATE TRIGGER t2_on_update_ko after update of
not_there on "t2a" when OLD.not_there != NEW.not_there begin update
t2bis set v=NEW.v where; END

 Console#2 on 3.30.1 
sqlite> select name, sql from sqlite_master where type = 'trigger';
t2_on_insert_ok|CREATE TRIGGER t2_on_insert_ok after insert on "t2a"
begin insert into t2bis(id,v) values(, NEW.v); END
t2_on_update_ko|CREATE TRIGGER t2_on_update_ko after update of
not_there on "t2a" when OLD.not_there != NEW.not_there begin update
t2bis set v=NEW.v where; END

sqlite> alter table t2a rename to t2b;
Error: error in trigger t2_on_update_ko: no such column: OLD.not_there

sqlite> select name, sql from sqlite_master where type = 'trigger';
t2_on_insert_ok|CREATE TRIGGER t2_on_insert_ok after insert on "t2a"
begin insert into t2bis(id,v) values(, NEW.v); END
t2_on_update_ko|CREATE TRIGGER t2_on_update_ko after update of
not_there on "t2a" when OLD.not_there != NEW.not_there begin update
t2bis set v=NEW.v where; END
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Behavior change around triggers between 3.19 and 3.30

2020-01-30 Thread Graham Holden
Thursday, January 30, 2020, 12:24:40 PM, Dominique Devienne 

> The strange thing though, is that I can't repro on a small example.
> Despite using not_there in the trigger, and doing DML and ALTER TABLE,
> still doesn't fail the same way as in production. What could be the cause? 
> --DD

I suspect it may only kick-in if you use ALTER TABLE to rename either
a table or column. As I understand it, the old behaviour was to JUST
rename the table/column; the new behaviour also scan triggers etc. and
renames any references to the table/column as well. Since a new column
cannot (shouldn't?) be referenced by a trigger, there's no real need
to check them.


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Does .commit() ensure the .execute()'s and .executemany()'s called before are run atomically?

2020-01-30 Thread David Raymond
-Original Message-
From: sqlite-users  On Behalf Of 
Peng Yu
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 5:16 AM
To: SQLite mailing list 
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Does .commit() ensure the .execute()'s and 
.executemany()'s called before are run atomically?

Could you show a python example on how to make multiple entries either
being all inserted (each entry done by an insert statement) or none on any
error (e.g. ctrl-c)? I also want want to make sure no two python processes
simultaneously editing these entries.

I am not sure I fully understand how to implement this correctly.

Using the manual transactions (isolation_level = None) it might look something 
along the lines of this:

import sqlite3
import contextlib

conn = sqlite3.connect(myFile, isolation_level = None)
with contextlib.closing(conn.cursor()) as cur:
for thing in otherThing:
cur.execute("insert into myTable values (?,?,?);", thing)
print("Error message here")
return someCode #or re-raise the exception
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Where is the journal file for locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE?

2020-01-30 Thread Olivier Mascia

> Le 30 janv. 2020 à 15:05, Peng Yu  a écrit :
> The above page says that there should be a journal file.
> "The PERSIST journal mode foregoes the deletion of the journal file
> and instead overwrites the rollback journal header with zeros, which
> prevents other processes from rolling back the journal and thus has
> the same effect as deleting the journal file, though without the
> expense of actually removing the file from disk."
> But I don't see it. Does anybody why I don't see the journal file?
> What does "normal" printed mean?
> $ sqlite3 /tmp/dbfile -header -separator $'\t' < pragma locking_mode=persist;

Minor confusion between the pragma locking_mode and pragma journal_mode.
You want pragma journal_mode=persist here, not pragma locking_mode=persist, 
which does not exists.

Best Regards, Meilleures salutations, Met vriendelijke groeten, Mit 
freundlichen Grüßen,
Olivier Mascia

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Where is the journal file for locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE?

2020-01-30 Thread Peng Yu

The above page says that there should be a journal file.

"The PERSIST journal mode foregoes the deletion of the journal file
and instead overwrites the rollback journal header with zeros, which
prevents other processes from rolling back the journal and thus has
the same effect as deleting the journal file, though without the
expense of actually removing the file from disk."

But I don't see it. Does anybody why I don't see the journal file?
What does "normal" printed mean?

$ sqlite3 /tmp/dbfile -header -separator $'\t' 

Re: [sqlite] Behavior change around triggers between 3.19 and 3.30

2020-01-30 Thread Dominique Devienne
On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 1:09 PM Richard Hipp  wrote:
> On 1/30/20, Dominique Devienne  wrote:
> > My first question would be to ask whether there's a pragma or
> > compile-time option to get back to the old behavior?
> Did you try "PRAGMA legacy_alter_table=ON;"?

BINGO!!! Thanks a bunch Richard.

> > Second, any idea when this was introduced?
> People have been requesting enhanced ALTER TABLE support.  In order to
> provide that, we had to change ALTER TABLE to do a full parse of the
> entire schema, so that it can find all of the bits and pieces that
> need altering.  This means that ALTER TABLE now also finds latent
> syntax errors in the schema.

The strange thing though, is that I can't repro on a small example.
Despite using not_there in the trigger, and doing DML and ALTER TABLE,
still doesn't fail the same way as in production. What could be the cause? --DD

 Console #1 
c:\Users\ddevienne\SQLite>sqlite3 with-3.19.3.db
SQLite version 3.19.3 2017-06-08 14:26:16
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> create table t1(v);
sqlite> create table t2(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, v);
sqlite> create table t2bis(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, v);
sqlite> create trigger t2_on_insert_ok after insert on t2 begin insert
into t2bis(id,v) values(, NEW.v); END;
sqlite> create trigger t2_on_update_ko after update of not_there on t2
when OLD.not_there != NEW.not_there begin update t2bis set v=NEW.v
where; END;
sqlite> .exit

c:\Users\ddevienne\SQLite>sqlite3 with-3.19.3.db
SQLite version 3.19.3 2017-06-08 14:26:16
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select name, type from sqlite_master;
sqlite> insert into t1(v) values (1);
sqlite> insert into t2(v) values (1, 'one');
Error: 2 values for 1 columns
sqlite> insert into t2(id, v) values (1, 'one');
sqlite> update t2 set v = 'uno' where id = 1;
sqlite> alter table t1 add column v2;
sqlite> alter table t2 add column v2;
sqlite> pragma legacy_alter_table;

 Console #2 
C:\Users\ddevienne\SQLite>sqlite3 with-3.19.3.db
SQLite version 3.30.1 2019-10-10 20:19:45
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> select name, type from sqlite_master;
sqlite> insert into t1(v) values (2);
sqlite> insert into t2(id, v) values (2, 'two');
sqlite> update t2 set v = 'dos' where id = 2;
sqlite> alter table t1 add column v3;
sqlite> alter table t2 add column v3;
sqlite> pragma legacy_alter_table;
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] What is a "journal"?

2020-01-30 Thread Peter da Silva
In programming a journal is a file or other data structure containing a
series of change records but can be replayed to reconstruct an operation.

On Thu, 30 Jan 2020, 05:29 Peng Yu,  wrote:

> Hi,
> "When a process wants to change a database file (and it is not in WAL
> mode), it first records the original unchanged database content in a
> rollback journal. The rollback journal is an ordinary disk file that
> is always located in the same directory or folder as the database file
> and has the same name as the database file with the addition of a
> -journal suffix. The rollback journal also records the initial size of
> the database so that if the database file grows it can be truncated
> back to its original size on a rollback."
> I got confused about the above statement about the rollback journal.
> The sentence "The rollback journal ..." appears to be a definition.
> But it is not.
> I think that the following can be considered as a definition. Given
> the above sentence appears in a section named "4.0 The Rollback
> Journal". I think it should be changed to a definition to avoid
> confusion.
> "A rollback journal is a temporary file used to implement atomic
> commit and rollback capabilities in SQLite."
> Regarding the choice of the word "journal", the only relevant entry
> about "journal" in the Oxford dictionary is this. Is "journal" just a
> fancy way of saying "record file"? Thanks.
> """
> 2 a daily record of news and events of a personal nature; a diary.
> • Nautical a logbook.
> • (the Journals) a record of the daily proceedings in the British
> Houses of Parliament.
> • (in bookkeeping) a daily record of business transactions with a
> statement of the accounts to which each is to be debited and credited.
> """
> --
> Regards,
> Peng
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Behavior change around triggers between 3.19 and 3.30

2020-01-30 Thread Richard Hipp
On 1/30/20, Dominique Devienne  wrote:
> My first question would be to ask whether there's a pragma or
> compile-time option to get back to the old behavior?

Did you try "PRAGMA legacy_alter_table=ON;"?

> Second, any idea when this was introduced?

People have been requesting enhanced ALTER TABLE support.  In order to
provide that, we had to change ALTER TABLE to do a full parse of the
entire schema, so that it can find all of the bits and pieces that
need altering.  This means that ALTER TABLE now also finds latent
syntax errors in the schema.

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] New word to replace "serverless"

2020-01-30 Thread Niall O'Reilly
On 29 Jan 2020, at 22:54, Brian Curley wrote:

> The marketing buzzword usage will disappear...
long before we’ll have the bike shed painted!

sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] What is a "journal"?

2020-01-30 Thread Peng Yu

"When a process wants to change a database file (and it is not in WAL
mode), it first records the original unchanged database content in a
rollback journal. The rollback journal is an ordinary disk file that
is always located in the same directory or folder as the database file
and has the same name as the database file with the addition of a
-journal suffix. The rollback journal also records the initial size of
the database so that if the database file grows it can be truncated
back to its original size on a rollback."

I got confused about the above statement about the rollback journal.
The sentence "The rollback journal ..." appears to be a definition.
But it is not.

I think that the following can be considered as a definition. Given
the above sentence appears in a section named "4.0 The Rollback
Journal". I think it should be changed to a definition to avoid

"A rollback journal is a temporary file used to implement atomic
commit and rollback capabilities in SQLite."

Regarding the choice of the word "journal", the only relevant entry
about "journal" in the Oxford dictionary is this. Is "journal" just a
fancy way of saying "record file"? Thanks.

2 a daily record of news and events of a personal nature; a diary.
• Nautical a logbook.
• (the Journals) a record of the daily proceedings in the British
Houses of Parliament.
• (in bookkeeping) a daily record of business transactions with a
statement of the accounts to which each is to be debited and credited.

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] New word to replace "serverless"

2020-01-30 Thread Olaf Schmidt

Am 28.01.2020 um 12:18 schrieb Richard Hipp:

On 1/28/20, Howard Chu  wrote:

Wait, really? 
AFAICS embedded means in-process, no IPC required to operate.

Things like MySQL-embedded and H2 run a "server" as a thread instead
of as a separate process.  Clients then use Inter-Thread Communication
rather than Inter-Process Communication to send their queries to, and
get their results from, the database thread.  So this is really the
same thing as a server using IPC except that the server runs in the
same address space as the client.  The point of using the term
"serverless" is to indicate that SQLite does not work that way.

I've always found "serverless" kinda "misleading" (technically).

Technically, SQLite is "embeddable InProcess".

And thus such a Process (similar to what was described for MySQL-
embedded above), could "very well be a DB-Server itself".

Your own Fossil-engine would be a good example for such a Server-App,
since it allows (very server-like):
- concurrent access of multiple Users via sockets...
- to access and manage data, which is stored in an SQLite-DB-File

I guess it boils down to "what amount of config- or coding-efforts"
are needed, to produce/compile a true ServerProcess with the help
of an embeddable "InProcess-Library".

E.g. my COM-wrapper for SQLite is implemented as a Dll as well
(and thus "embeddable InProcess") - but it allows with only two
lines of UserCode (just starting a COM-Lib-internal, threaded socket-
listener), to transform "any Host-Process" into an SQLite-Resultset-
read/write-supporting AppServer (which in many concurrent scenarios
outperforms MySQL and also the MS-SQLServer).

With the WAL-extension SQLite is usable in many different (concurrent)
Server-scenarios (and "Server-Processes") ...with a relative small
amount of "extra-code".

So in that sense, the word "serverless" kinda suggests that "special
usecase only" - which is not (only), what SQLite is used for in reality.


sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Does .commit() ensure the .execute()'s and .executemany()'s called before are run atomically?

2020-01-30 Thread Peng Yu
Could you show a python example on how to make multiple entries either
being all inserted (each entry done by an insert statement) or none on any
error (e.g. ctrl-c)? I also want want to make sure no two python processes
simultaneously editing these entries.

I am not sure I fully understand how to implement this correctly.

On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 12:43 AM Keith Medcalf  wrote:

> On Wednesday, 29 January, 2020 22:45, Peng Yu  wrote:
> >In python sqlite3 program, if I call .execute() multiple times then
> >call .commit(). Does it ensure that all the sqlite3 commands specified
> >by execute()'s either all take effect or none effect?
> Mayhaps yes, mayhaps no.  .commit() is merely syntactic sugar for
> .execute('COMMIT')
> Basically, the method does the following:
> if (sqlite3_get_autocommit(connection) == 0) {
>sqlite3_stmt* stmt = 0;
>sqlite3_prepare(connection, "COMMIT", -1, , NULL);
>if (stmt) {
>   sqlite3_step(stmt);
>   sqlite3_finalize(stmt);
> }
> That is, if there is a transaction in progress on the connection, it does
> a commit.  Mutatis mutandis for .rollback() doing a 'ROLLBACK' rather than
> commit.
> It makes sure that all changes made in the current transaction are
> committed to the database.  If you are using "magical mode" then hopefully
> a transaction was started when you updated something however this is not
> guaranteed (such is the nature of magic).  The "magical mode" of the
> sqlite3 wrapper decides when to BEGIN and COMMIT transactions on its own.
> Sometimes the magician is a little daffy though and gets it wrong so it may
> begin/commit/rollback whenever the magician feels like it, which may or may
> not be when you want.
> If you want to ensure that transactions BEGIN and COMMIT/ROLLBACK when
> *you* want them to then use explicit .execute('BEGIN') (or .execute('BEGIN
> IMMEDIATE') to start an immediate transaction) command to start a
> transaction on a connection opened with isolation_level=None.  You can
> still use .commit() for .execute('COMMIT') and .rollback() for
> .execute('ROLLBAC') if you want.  The connection has a property
> in_transaction that lets you test whether a transaction is in progress
> (True) or the database is in autocommit (False) mode.
> >In other words, if any error occurs while running the sqlite3 commands
> >specified in execute(), what happens?
> That depends on the nature of the error.  If you put in a bad SQL
> statement (got a syntax error) then that statement did nothing.  Otherwise
> it depends on the conflict resolution method in effect for the statement
> causing the error, which is usually ABORT (by default) and it just ABORTs
> the current statement.
> >Also, is .executemany() the same as calling .execute() many times?
> Yes.  x.executemany(sql, stuff) is syntactic sugar for
> for e in stuff:
> x.execute(sql, e):
> --
> The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says
> a lot about anticipated traffic volume.
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

[sqlite] Behavior change around triggers between 3.19 and 3.30

2020-01-30 Thread Dominique Devienne
BEFORE 3.19.3 2017-06-08 14:26:16
AFTER 3.30.1 2019-10-10 20:19:45

Every 18 to 24 months we upgrade SQLite in a large commercial software suite.
Such a recent upgrade surfaced a major backward-compatibility issue in
the custom
upgrade mechanism of that software suite, when restoring old projects.

The problem was traced back to a bad trigger definition, using a WHEN
clause on an invalid column (that does NOT exist). It's of course
trivial to get rid of that trigger in the latest version of the
schema, but the fact the upgrade fails when processed using 3.30.1 is
a major issue and new.

The same upgrade, processed with 3.19.3, goes through without errors.

The upgrade executes an ordered linear series of +1 version upgrade
scripts (pretty common),
and the first few pure-DDL scripts execute OK, but a subsequent
upgrade script with DML fails, with an error about the non-existing
column referenced by the trigger. That one error of course fails the
whole custom upgrade process.

My first question would be to ask whether there's a pragma or
compile-time option to get back to the old behavior?

Second, any idea when this was introduced?

My guess would be that the first DML "triggers" the parsing of the
schema, which discovers the invalid trigger definition, which starts
failing in 3.30.1, while was "OK" in 3.19.1 (as in no errors

Is there anything we can do, short of reverting back to 3.19.3?

Note that all the SQL is processed by the official shell, not via custom code.
Also note we build from the amalgamation, mostly with default options,
adding JSON1.

Thanks for any help on the above. --DD
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Is it necessary to encode() for file names in sqlar format?

2020-01-30 Thread Peng Yu
So to confirm. In python 3, the str type should be used for name? Thanks.

On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 12:58 AM Keith Medcalf  wrote:

> sys.argv is a list of unicode text strings.  There is no need to
> specifically encode or decode it so long as sys.getdefaultencoding()
> returns 'utf-8'.  If your version of Python is so old that it returns
> something else then you need to modify and have it set the default
> encoding to 'utf-8' otherwise you may end up with MBCS or some other
> invalid text encoding in your database text fields.
> --
> The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says
> a lot about anticipated traffic volume.
> >-Original Message-
> >From: sqlite-users  On
> >Behalf Of Peng Yu
> >Sent: Wednesday, 29 January, 2020 22:57
> >To: SQLite mailing list 
> >Subject: [sqlite] Is it necessary to encode() for file names in sqlar
> >format?
> >
> >I use the following python3 code to create sqlar file. Is it necessary
> >to sys.argv[2].encode('utf-8') in the line of execute()? In other
> >word, does the native sqlar tools inteprete the name column as an
> >encoded value or a non-encode value? Thanks.
> >
> >import sqlite3
> >conn=sqlite3.connect(sys.argv[1])
> >c=conn.cursor()
> >c.execute('''
> >, mode INT
> >, mtime INT
> >, sz INT
> >, data BLOB)
> >''')
> >
> >import zlib
> >data =
> >c.execute('REPLACE INTO sqlar VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [sys.argv[2], 0,
> >0, len(data), zlib.compress(data)])
> >conn.commit()
> >
> >--
> >Regards,
> >Peng
> >___
> >sqlite-users mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> sqlite-users mailing list
sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] New word to replace "serverless"

2020-01-30 Thread Clemens Ladisch
Jim Dodgen wrote:
> I vote for ignoring the marketing types and stick with "serverless"

The word is intended to communicate a specific meaning to readers.
Ignoring that the marketing types have changed the common meaning of
"serverless" will just lead to confusion.

Originally, "serverless" was a plain description without jargon, so it
can be replaced with any other description with exactly the same meaning,
such as "server-free", "without server", or "sans-server".

sqlite-users mailing list

Re: [sqlite] Generated columns and COLLATE in the AS parens

2020-01-30 Thread Markus Winand

> On 29 Jan 2020, at 14:59, Richard Hipp  wrote:
> On 1/29/20, Markus Winand  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I think there might be a glitch in the way SQLite 3.31.x derives the
>> collation information from the expression of a generated column.
> I think the current behavior is correct.
> If you want a column to have a non-standard collating sequence, you
> should add a COLLATE constraint to that column definition.  The fact
> that there is a COLLATE operator on the expression that determines the
> value of that column seems irrelevant.
> Consider this:
> CREATE TABLE t1(a TEXT DEFAULT('xyzzy' COLLATE nocase));
> Would you expect the COLLATE operator in the DEFAULT clause to change
> the collating sequence associated with column a?  Why should a
> GENERATED ALWAYS AS constraint work differently from a DEFAULT
> constraint?

The critical point here is that SQLite accepts a GENERATED clause without 
explicit type:


In that case, the type of the generated column should taken from the result 
type of the expression[0]. As collations are part of the character string 
types[1], also the collation is taken from the expression. The COLLATE clause 
applied to expressions (as opposed to following the name of a data type) just 
changes the collation in of the character string type of that expression[2].

If the GENERATED clause explicitly sets a data type, then the collation of the 
expression is irrelevant as it doesn’t affect the type of the generated column, 
similar to your example with DEFAULT (it is only a value assignment in that 

At the end everything boils down to this question:
What is the type, including the character set and collation, of generated 
columns that don’t specify a type explicitly? I think the only sensible answer 
is that it is the type of the expression, including its character set and 

Unfortunately, the “what would PostgreSQL do” approach doesn’t provide guidance 
here as PostgreSQL requires an explicit type for generated columns (and so do 
MySQL and MariaDB). In SQL Server, however, it works like I would expect it.

I guess the SQLite approach to types might affect all of my reasoning, but in 
other cases like the following it seems that SQLite also “transports” the 
applicable collation together with the result (type?) of an expression:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE tmp (str VARCHAR(255));
sqlite> INSERT INTO tmp VALUES ('a'), ('A'), ('b'), ('B');


References to SQL:2016, Part 2. I know that this is not a strong argument to 
you, but nevertheless ;)

[0] 11.4 SR 13 c: 
• If  is specified, then the declared type of GE. 
 Whereas GE is defined in SR 10 a:
• Let GE be the  contained in GC.

[1] 4.2.1
   A character string type descriptor contains:
• —  The catalog name, schema name, and collation name of the collation 
of the character string type.

[2] 6.31 SR 4a:
• If  is specified, then the declared type of the 
 is the declared type of the , except that 
the declared type collation is the collation identified by , 
and its collation derivation is explicit.

> -- 
> D. Richard Hipp
> drh at

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