Re: [Biofuel] Technology and the poor

2009-01-05 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Elmer, welcome

Some comments below...

Keith:  A comment on the 2009/01/03 Sat AM11:45 EST posting
I agree completly, with the premise expressed, that technology as
envisioned by the enlightened societies,

Do you think the rich/industrialised countries are enlightened? Even 
after last year? Or the seven years before that, or the 150+ years 
before that?

is not what the poor need to
pull themselves out of their predicament.   They need help that they
understand and can afford.
I'm well aware of the conditions in most of Africa and Haiti.
Those peoople are cutting down the forest, turning it into charcoal to
cook their food.  The practice not only lays the Earth bare, but
removes habitat for many of the other creatures.

Hm. That's quite a sweeping statement. If you proceed on that basis I 
think you might end up throwing out some babies with the bathwater, 
and making much the same mistake ITDG criticises the UNDP for in the 
2001 Human Development Report in Technology and the poor.

Here are some references you might find interesting (from Woodfires 
that fit,

Misconceptions About Wood Energy, Wood Energy News, Vol. 12 No. 2, 

No Substitution of Traditional Fuels, Dr. W.S. Hulscher, , Bangkok, 
Wood Energy News, Vol. 12 No. 2, FAO-RWEDP, 1997: It is widely 
assumed that increased penetration of modern fuels in developing 
countries implies a process of fuel transition (or fuel shift or fuel 
substitution), away from traditional fuels and towards modern fuels. 
A related assumption is that such a shift depends on per capita GNP, 
and further assumptions are that this fuel shift can and should be 
promoted by development efforts. These assumptions are not always 


   In my research on composting I have come upon an article Jean
Paine Composting,

Did you type that url? It's much better to copy-and-paste them, then 
you don't get them wrong. That should be: But it's the wrong url 
anyway, it takes you to a page on the Indore Composing Method. If 
you want to know about the Indore Composing Method, go to the source, 
the man who developed it, very much worth the read:

The Waste Products of Agriculture -- Their Utilization as Humus by 
Albert Howard and Yeshwant D. Wad


An Agricultural Testament by Sir Albert Howard

This is the page you wanted:

that describes a process
that is an amazingly simple and incredibly inexpensive way of extracting
both energy and fertilzer from plant life.
They describe a compost pile of tiny brushwood pieces.  A sealed
metal tank connected to
truck inner tubes that produce 100% of a rural households energy needs.
In other descriptions of anearobic digestion,it is suggested that human
and animal excreta be used in combination with the small chips of either
green or dried organic waste (with a PH of near 7 which is attained by a
combinations of 30-70 percent green to brown materials).  The
temperature in those Equtorial areas should be easily maintained at the
90-140 degrees required. Many of the researched areas differ on exactly
what works best for the materials composted, it seems that some fine
tuning is required for each area as the feed stock will vary.  At any
rate the digestion should be able to gnerate the methane required to
cook food, supply fertilizer and even operate small refrigeration  with
less work for the families and protect the environment as well.

Hm again. It's puzzling that you titled your message Re: [Biofuel] 
Technology and the poor, though you replied to a different message 
(below), which is titled Searching the list archives.

If you'd gone ahead and done that, you'd have found that the list 
archives has 86 matches for Jean Pain, it's been discussed here in 
86 previous messages, dating from 2004. Here:

The most recent discussion of Jean Pain was a month and a half ago. 
Here are a couple of excerpts, from two posts by David House, author 
of The Complete Biogas Handbook

   Well, there are questions and doubts about Jean Pain's methods too.

Same situation. It does not pencil out. It would have been impossible
for Jean Pain to have gained more energy out of his small generator than
he invested as diesel and gasoline in shredding a small forest to build
his compost pile.

-- Re: [Biofuel] Biogas - was alternative to 

Re: [Biofuel] Jatropha and ethanol

2009-01-05 Thread Keith Addison
Hi David


Keith Addison wrote:
   Where can I find a quick transform between gpd/lpd of biodiesel
  and mixer volume, for batch-process mixers?
  As to the size of the mixer, how long is a piece of string? I 
didn't really want to get into this [...]

Still, I'm glad you did. That helps a lot.

I'm not sure it will though, it's a bit unlikely that they'd use such 
a setup. More likely the company that provides the processor will 
decide, and they'd quite likely opt for a bigger processor (and lower 
labour costs?).

What I am trying to do
(besides publicly exposing my ignorance re biodiesel),

:-) Never mind, so are they.

is to get some
idea of how it will look on the ground so I can fold that information
into my thoughts about the design of the biogas part of the process,
which (as mentioned) is apparently an afterthought. As the poor step
child, feeding from the table scraps of the biodiesel process, it
behooves us to have a fine understanding of what is happening so as not
to get in the way...

  Finally, I mentioned interplanting or intercropping options with 
Jatropha. I have found some resources regarding this [...]

  Did you try this?

I had not previously seen that page, although I had encountered some of
the publications, such as the handbook. Again, many thanks.

  Also: Physic nut -- Jatropha curcas L. Promoting the conservation 
and use of underutilized and neglected crops [...]

I did run across that publication by Heller. But in spite of its
relatively recent vintage (1996) he seems unconvinced that you (and your
brethren and sistren) exist:

Yeah he's right, we don't exist, it's more peaceful that way.

 Transesterified oil can be used in any diesel engine. This
 process is normally carried out in centralized plants since the
 the small-scale economy of transesterification has not been
 determined. [p 22, para 3]

:-) So it is sometimes alleged, especially in the world of jatropha 
it seems. Eg:

Production principle:
SVO - decentralized small oil expellers
Biodiesel - central, big industrial units
[Also:] Human toxicity
SVO - regularly no or small
Biodiesel - toxic
And so on - from Comparison of pure plant oil and bio diesel as 
fuel by Prof. E. Schrimpff, FH Weihenstephan, Germany

A rather ignorant professor. Schrimpff hmpff.

And he does not even mention biogas (sniff!).

Aw. Quite a lot about it at though, hope that helps.

For my own purposes only, I found Claims and Facts on Jatropha curcas
L. (linked from the page you mentioned) to have more of the sort of
information that interests me
( and elsewhere).

Yes, that's quite useful. Thanks.



David William House
The Complete Biogas Handbook ||

Make no search for water.   But find thirst,
And water from the very ground will burst.
(Rumi, a Persian mystic poet, quoted in /Delight of Hearts/, p. 77)

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[Biofuel] Algea: food and fuel, 5 gal processor response

2009-01-05 Thread Ernest Worley
Ernest from Texas again. An interesting article about algea, biofuel and
food that I found:

Keith and Zeke responded to my last email about making a 5-gallon processor.
Thanks for that.

Keith,  you perceptively asked if my small batches had passed the wash test.
They did not.
Instead of scaling up, I will work on my technique. I plan to do something
like the Poor Man's Titration  - I suspect that too
much lye was producing soaps. Didn't I read that adding vinegar to the
unwashed fuel will cause unreacted lye to fall out?

I hope all enjoyed a safe holiday season. Cheers from Texas. It was a balmy
80 degrees a few days ago. It seems climate change has arrived here to my
home state.

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Re: [Biofuel] Technology and the poor

2009-01-05 Thread Elmer Stenger 

Your observation that with biogas some fine tuning is required for
each area also applies to development work in general. Each community
is different, each case is different, and it's the local people who
must make the decisions.

Elmer, why not send the list the original message you sent me on your
ideas for an indoor composting toilet system, that's why I suggested
you join the list. It's up to you, of course, but you don't seem to
be getting very far otherwise.

Best wishes


    This will require some education and money  for materials, but 
 believe it can be done with less effort and money than is currently
 spent by governments on their military budgets. And will ceertainly
 produce better results in reducing poverty than the weapons.

     Elmer Stenger

 On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at  5:12 AM, Adrian Higgs wrote:

   Thanks, Keith - that is most helpful.

 An excellent search facility, too.


 --- On Sat, 3/1/09, Keith Addison  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   wrote:
   From: Keith Addison  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Subject: [Biofuel] Searching the list archives
 Date: Saturday, 3 January, 2009, 3:39 PM

 Biofuel list archives:  

   There are 74,000 messages, 498.4 Mb of it, and that's in a 
   format, it's at least 500 books' worth.

 Say for instance you want to know more about the stability of soy
 biodiesel because someone told you it oxidizes.

 To find messages with both the words soy and oxidation
 type: soy oxidation

 - exact phrase: soy oxidation

 - soy but not oxidation: +soy -oxidation

 - soy and oxidation or oxidize or
 oxidizing or oxidized: soy oxid*

 - boolean: soy (oxidation OR polymerization)
 or: (oxidation OR polymerization) AND soy
 also: soy (oxidation AND polymerization)

 Capitals/lower-case matters in boolean searches when you type OR or
 AND, otherwise it doesn't matter.

 The search gives you a list of matches, 10 per page. The whole of the
 thread is linked at the end of each message.

 As you browse the search results you discover further keywords to
 search for: iodine, EN 14214, antioxidant, and so on.

 HTH - best


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