Hi David

>Keith Addison wrote:
>>>>   >Where can I find a quick transform between gpd/lpd of >biodiesel
>>>>  and mixer volume, for batch-process mixers?
>>  As to the size of the mixer, how long is a piece of string? I 
>>didn't really want to get into this [...]
>Still, I'm glad you did. That helps a lot.

I'm not sure it will though, it's a bit unlikely that they'd use such 
a setup. More likely the company that provides the processor will 
decide, and they'd quite likely opt for a bigger processor (and lower 
labour costs?).

>What I am trying to do
>(besides publicly exposing my ignorance re biodiesel),

:-) Never mind, so are they.

>is to get some
>idea of how it will look on the ground so I can fold that information
>into my thoughts about the design of the biogas part of the process,
>which (as mentioned) is apparently an afterthought. As the poor step
>child, feeding from the table scraps of the biodiesel process, it
>behooves us to have a fine understanding of what is happening so as not
>to get in the way...
>>>  Finally, I mentioned interplanting or intercropping options with 
>>>Jatropha. I have found some resources regarding this [...]
>>  Did you try this?
>  > 
>I had not previously seen that page, although I had encountered some of
>the publications, such as the handbook. Again, many thanks.
>>  Also: Physic nut -- Jatropha curcas L. Promoting the conservation 
>>and use of underutilized and neglected crops [...]
>I did run across that publication by Heller. But in spite of its
>relatively recent vintage (1996) he seems unconvinced that you (and your
>brethren and sistren) exist:

Yeah he's right, we don't exist, it's more peaceful that way.

>         "Transesterified oil can be used in any diesel engine. This
>         process is normally carried out in centralized plants since the
>         the small-scale economy of transesterification has not been
>         determined." [p 22, para 3]

:-) So it is sometimes alleged, especially in the world of jatropha 
it seems. Eg:

Production principle:
SVO - decentralized small oil expellers
Biodiesel - central, big industrial units
[Also:] Human toxicity
SVO - regularly no or small
Biodiesel - toxic
And so on - from "Comparison of pure plant oil and bio diesel as 
fuel" by Prof. E. Schrimpff, FH Weihenstephan, Germany

A rather ignorant professor. Schrimpff hmpff.

>And he does not even mention biogas (sniff!).

Aw. Quite a lot about it at www.fact-fuels.org though, hope that helps.

>For my own purposes only, I found "Claims and Facts on Jatropha curcas
>L." (linked from the page you mentioned) to have more of the sort of
>information that interests me
>(http://www.ifad.org/events/jatropha/breeding/claims.pdf and elsewhere).

Yes, that's quite useful. Thanks.



>David William House
>"The Complete Biogas Handbook" |www.completebiogas.com|
>"Make no search for water.       But find thirst,
>And water from the very ground will burst."
>(Rumi, a Persian mystic poet, quoted in /Delight of Hearts/, p. 77)

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