[Biofuel] Ordering pizza in the near future

2006-02-15 Thread busyditch

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[Biofuel] Acetone as a diesel additive?

2005-11-29 Thread busyditch

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Re: [Biofuel] rigged voting machines was Oil and democracy -was-Scientific method

2005-10-28 Thread busyditch

That explains why all of the exit polls showed Kerry a clear leader, and
when W was told he was losing in the exit polls he showed no sign of
- Original Message -
From: Alt.EnergyNetwork [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 6:23 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] rigged voting machines was Oil and
democracy -was-Scientific method

 It  might be a good idea to get rid of
 those nasty Diebolt rigged voting machines that left no paper trail.
 During the election the ceo of that co, told Bush  I'll deliver Ohio.
 On a similar note, a local professor obtained the machine code for the
 and had his students analize it. They found that it used an encryption key
 that had been discontinued in 1994 and was easily hackable by phone line.
 Might want to leave a proper paper trail next time, so at least
 the count can be verified for irregularities.

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   ---Original Message---
   From: Chip Mefford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Oil and democracy -was-Scientific method
   Sent: 27 Oct '05 16:16
   Hash: SHA1
   Paul S Cantrell wrote:
The last 2 elections would
have probably gone the other way if it were simple majority. I think
concerns over time zones and the like could be worked out and we
might have
more than 2 twin parties.
   Personally, I think some simple changes would fix a lot of what
   is currently borked in the US political system. Debates for
   instance, pretty much all public debating (meaning televised)
   is done of, by and for the Twin Partys. This should cease
   immediately. This much of the system process would be
   well served by true open debate, including by design
   third or fringe party candidates. I think this alone
   would be easy to handle under law. I think it could
   make a huge difference.
   I concurr that the electoral college system is also
   borked, however, the simple majority system is
   also deeply flawed.
   Folks try to look at things as if there were red
   and blue states (because it's the state vote
   that counts). But it isn't red and blue states,
   it's urban vs rural.
   in a popular election, the urbanites would
   win outright. Policy would be set by those
   living furthest from the elemental necessities
   of existance.
   blah blah blah. The Twin Party system is very
   much a very real problem. imho, the democrats
   have nothing to offer, they (at the top
   tiers) represent a life that I know little
   of. The republicans have nothing to offer,
   they (at the top tiers) represent a power
   structure that has no grasp on what the
   philosophic common man has to face in
   day to day life, AT ALL. The Libertarians
   (with a capitol L) have become the party
   of I've got mine, and whatever I do to
   keep it is okay, you don't matter, at all.
   America, the US, is hardly a united states
   at all. It is a chain (as it's nicely worded in
   the Urban Archipelago) of islands.
   I'm just old enough to have spent a few formative
   years hitchhiking around America, in some ways
   too many years, in other ways, not enough. But
   in those days people still hitchhiked, and still
   met all kinds of folks. Now, no one hitchhikes,
   but everyone jabbers on cellphones, ignoring the
   person standing next to them in line.
   blah blah blah.
   - --
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Re: [Biofuel] Peugeot 505 four cylinder turbo charged diesel

2005-10-07 Thread Busyditch
There is diesel Peuggie for sale on ebay, too.
- Original Message - 
From: Doug Foskey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Peugeot 505 four cylinder turbo charged diesel

There ia an Australian Peugeot (and other French cars) list: Aussiefrogs

 I suggest you consider joining, as there are some very knowledgeable buffs
the list.

regards Doug
(Peugeot 405SRDT: great car!)

On Saturday 08 October 2005 3:12, Keith Addison wrote:
 October 7, 2005
 Hi everyone
 After three months of wishy washy thinking and anxiety over money to
 invest in my biodiesel project, this very moment my dream has been
 realized. I am now the proud owner of a 1981 Peugeot 505 four cylinder
 turbo charged diesel vehicle! I know what you are thinking,

 I'm thinking Bravo! Well done! Good for you! Maybe I'm not the only one.

 The best car in the world


 A 505 is just a 404 in drag, they're great! A friend of mine drove
 one from London to Johannesburg, way back before they invented roads
 and stuff. Best of good luck with it Brian, I hope you get all the
 problems licked.


  What's a
 American good ol' boy' doing with a Peugeot? Well, it is a long
 story, the short version is: If we live our lives in a spiritually
 wholesome and environmentally friendly fashion,  we can expect good
 things to come to us. We don't need much and we have patience. Anyway,
 I said this is the short version right? We now have this car sitting
 here at the Ranch in northeastern New Mexico. It has only one
 mechanical problem that I can see; It is very hard to start, when it
 finally does it bellows blue-white smoke, and the coolant lines slowly
 begin to pressurize. The radiator hoses balloon up, very scary and we
 shut it down before they blow. At first glance it looks like a leaking
 head gasket. It is now sitting in front of my little workshop and I am
 so excited to finally have a car that I can make my own biodiesel for.
 Nevertheless, my rash days are past and I am content to ask first
 before I tear into anything mechanically. I ask for information.  I am
 relatively new to Biofuels, but I do have a fine set of Mechanics
 tools, much updated from the days long ago when I was a factory
 trained VW mechanic.  Please don't give me the negative perspective.
 If you do, I can take it. But I still have that wonderful glow  a guy
 gets when he gets a new car to refurbish.
 How's that line go? Sing me the bad news!
 So far I have zero cash investment in this really cute little car. I
 have three Mercedes gas powered monsters which have been steadily
 moving closer to the ranch dump. I toyed with the idea of buying a
 1982 300 Turbo Sedan that a friend has offered for $2000.00. I don't
 like the body style,  too heavy, and we couldn't afford it anyway.
 This Peugeot is almost 1000 pounds lighter than my 1980 480SE. And
 damn, did I say it is sleek and in mint condition? So yeah that's the
 good news. Anybody out there have any experience with these? Looks
 like a very clean engine, but that may be because the radiator already
 washed it off with a steam bath. I have extended experience with
 petrol vehicles.  My tools are metric and I love to read first then
 spin nuts after I at least think I understand.
 Diesel engines, this is only my second. I won't say what I did to the
 first one. I intend to make this motor sing again! So, I have heard of
 carbon buildup in the cylinders causing issues in dino-diesel motors.
 Any ideas? Things I could check. I suppose checking the compression
 through the spark plug holes is out of the question, lol. I will be
 looking for the factory service manual, unless it is written in French
 of course. Nah, I have factory service literature on the Benz and it
 is not in German. See how wishy washy I have become? Maybe it is the
 fog this morning, yeah fog in New Mexico, go figure. They have fog in
 France right?
 So how did my bio-diesel processing chemicals and WVO collecting go
 this week? Not well, physically. I talked it up pretty good, whatever
 that is worth. I think I know what I need to find for the test
 batches. A couple of little bottles of Heet (methanol).  Blue or
 yellow? There is a bit of confusion in the biofuel group about this,
 and a jar of Red Devil drain opener (lye.) A five gallon can for
 transporting the WVO back to the ranch and a 12 volt pump for filling
 my container at the rear of the Mc Donald's. Oh, and I have to ask
 Vince, the owner of the local McDonald's, if is ok to use some of the
 WVO from his business.
 Ok, I am so excited about our new diesel that I am totally torn
 between writing and thinking about it and going out into the fog and
 startingÖ something, anythingÖ How about learning?
 Sincerely, Brian Rodgers

 Biofuel mailing list

Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: Disappearing Antiwar Protests

2005-09-28 Thread Busyditch
This is nothing new.I attended 3 rallies in DC back before we invaded Iraq
(we had already been bombing the S**T out of them) Upon returnign home, we
saw there was little or no coverage, and even if there was, there were
reports of several thousand marchers when if fact the true amount was
several hundred thousand. The mainstream media is truly in the hands of the
Bush regime, and nobody or no entity is allowed to criticize him, and those
that do suffer miserably or get stifled by a biased press.
- Original Message - 
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 1:22 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Fwd: Disappearing Antiwar Protests

 Disappearing Antiwar Protests
 Media shrug off mass movement against war


 Hundreds of thousands of Americans around the country protested the
 Iraq War on the weekend of September 24-25, with the largest
 demonstration bringing between 100,000 and 300,000 to Washington,
 D.C. on Saturday.

 But if you relied on television for your news, you'd hardly know the
 protests happened at all. According to the Nexis news database, the
 only mention on the network newscasts that Saturday came on the NBC
 Nightly News, where the massive march received all of 87 words. (ABC
 World News Tonight transcripts were not available for September 24,
 possibly due to pre-emption by college football.)

 Cable coverage wasn't much better. CNN, for example, made only
 passing references to the weekend protests. CNN anchor Aaron Brown
 offered an interesting explanation (9/24/05):

 There was a huge 100,000 people in Washington protesting the war in
 Iraq today, and I sometimes today feel like I've heard from all
 100,000 upset that they did not get any coverage, and it's true they
 didn't get any coverage. Many of them see conspiracy. I assure you
 there is none, but it's just the national story today and the
 national conversation today is the hurricane that put millions and
 millions of people at risk, and it's just kind of an accident of bad
 timing, and I know that won't satisfy anyone but that's the truth of

 To hear Brown tell it, a 24-hour cable news channel is somehow unable
 to cover more than one story at a time-- and the national
 conversation is something that CNN just listens in on, rather than
 helping to determine through its coverage choices.

 The following day (9/25/05), the network's Sunday morning shows had
 an opportunity to at least reflect on the significance of the
 anti-war movement. With a panel consisting of three New York Times
 columnists, Tim Russert mentioned the march briefly in one question
 to Maureen Dowd-- which ended up being about how the antiwar movement
 might affect Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential chances.

 On ABC's This Week, host George Stephanopoulos observed, We've seen
 polls across the board suggesting that we're bogged down now in Iraq
 and now you have this growing protest movement. Do you believe that
 we're reaching a tipping point in public opinion? That question was
 put to pro-war Republican Sen. John McCain, who responded by
 inaccurately claiming: Most polls I see, that most Americans believe
 still that we have to stay the course I certainly understand the
 dissatisfaction of the American people but I think most of them still
 want to stay the course and we have to.

 A recent CBS/New York Times poll (9/9-13/05) found 52 percent support
 for leaving Iraq as soon as possible. A similar Gallup poll
 (9/16-18) found that 33 percent of the public want some troops
 withdrawn, with another 30 percent wanting all the troops withdrawn.
 Only 34 percent wanted to maintain or increase troop
 levels--positions that could be described as wanting to stay the
 course. Stephanopoulos, however, failed to challenge McCain's false

 (An L.A. Times recap of the protests--9/25/05-- included a misleading
 reference to the Gallup poll, reporting that while the war is seen as
 a mistake by 59 percent of respondents, There remains, however,
 widespread disagreement about the best solution. The same poll showed
 that 30 percent of Americans favored a total troop withdrawal, though
 26 percent favored maintaining the current level. By leaving out the
 33 percent of those polled who wanted to decrease troop numbers, the
 paper gave a misleading impression of closely divided opinion.)

 On Fox News Sunday (9/25/05), panelist Juan Williams was rebuked by
 his colleagues when he noted that public opinion had turned in favor
 of pulling out of Iraq. Fellow Fox panelist and NPR reporter Mara
 Liasson responded, Oh, I don't think that's true, a sentiment
 echoed by Fox panelist Brit Hume. When Williams brought up the Saudi
 foreign minister's statement that foreign troops were not helping to
 stabilize Iraq, panelist William Kristol retorted: So now the
 American left is with the House of Saud. (That was, if anything, a
 more complimentary 

[Biofuel] Is this fraud?

2005-09-06 Thread Busyditch
I dont think this guy realizes how fraudulent his ad is. This is NOT
biodiesel, just WVO and dino mixed.


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Re: [Biofuel] New question was The myths of Hiroshima

2005-08-07 Thread Busyditch
If its one of  those old brass hand-held blow torches it uses kerosene.
- Original Message - 
From: clark creamer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 12:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] New question was The myths of Hiroshima

 First post

 If you're talking WWII style or Vietnam style flamethrower then you're
 talking Napalm...heh.


 On 8/7/05, Tom Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,
  I passed by the local used everything store and saw an old style
  It looked like it was in working order and cost next to nothing. I
  immediately though now that would make a nice preheater to boil off any
  excess water in my waste vegetable oil. If this is in the archives I´m
  but it´s early and I haven´t had my morning cup yet. What the heck did
  use to fuel these suckers? Do you think it can run on BioD or glycerine
   From: Garth  Kim Travis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
  Sent: Fri, 05 Aug 2005 15:40:16 -0300
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The myths of Hiroshima
  Greetings Tom,
  Yes, many of us would not be here.  Canadian forces were also training
  that invasion.  I was always taught that it was the code of death before
  dishonor that made the bombing necessary.  I am not saying that is
  but I wonder how scared of Russia anyone would have been by that time in
  war.  As I understand it, one of the things the Russian people hated
  for was the long wait before they joined, which allowed Russia to be
  seriously depleted.  I do understand that the Japanese were already
  commandeering cooking pots etc. for metal to make weapons, so they must
  known the end was in sight, but that had been going on for long enough
  scare many people into believing they would not surrender, period.
  It is easy to start myths during war time, people are so scared and the
  average person is not told much of the truth for good reasons, many
  I see it today, so many people are so scared of terrorism and have no
  of how it started.  How does one educate a population that is now in
  second or third generation of ignorance of history, science, math,
  philosophy and common sense?
  Bright Blessings,
  At 01:23 PM 8/5/2005, you wrote:
  Hi All,
  Although I'm in agreement about the Enola Gay exhibit, I will have to
  disagree about the use of the bombs. As slightly more modern barbarians
  really have no idea of the mindset of Japan's WWII government. Perhaps
  can give his insights since he lives close by. My reading of that
history is
  that Japan's military had a stranglehold on the government. That their
  was the Bushido way. There's a lot of death before dishonor in that line
  thinking. My father related many stories to me of the kamakazi attacks
  during the invasion of Okinawa. That they were ineffective does not
  their willingness to die. There were a lot fewer prisoners taken in the
  Pacific war. Some of that was certainly racism on our side but a fairly
  piece of it wasn't. I've spoken with many veterans from that campaign.
  reasonable men told me quite frankly that the Japanese would rather die
  surrender. If they could die taking a few of their enemy with them all
  better. If this willingness to die was prevelent in their armed forces I
  think one can make the jump that if the home islands were attacked that
  casualties would be very high. Perhaps not the million so often quoted
  if it was only a quarter of that, many of us who are currently alive
  never have been born. My father was in training for the invasion when
  bombs were dropped. He told me everyone on board his troop transport
  breathed a sigh of relief when they realized they would not have to
  I personally have no use for nuclear technology or nuclear weapons and
  fully against them. But the truth be told, I'm here today because they
  used and we haven't had a world war since thier invention.
  my two cents for the day,
  Tom Irwin
   From: Appal Energy [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
   Sent: Fri, 05 Aug 2005 14:21:01 -0300
   Subject: [Biofuel] The myths of Hiroshima
   The myths of Hiroshima
   By Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin, KAI BIRD and MARTIN J. SHERWIN are
   coauthors of American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert
   Oppenheimer, published earlier this year by Knopf.
   SIXTY YEARS ago tomorrow, an atomic bomb was dropped without warning on
   the center of the Japanese city of Hiroshima. One hundred and forty
   thousand people were killed, more than 95% of them women and children
   and other noncombatants. At least 

Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: pocket bike USD85.00 (hot sale)

2005-07-20 Thread Busyditch
Well, on a  similar note, I just received the  crate with my 6 hp diesel
engine. Now I need to set about finding an appropriate motorcycle to
convert. I like the Enfield Bullet, but its hard finding a donor bike in the
States thats not a restored vintage bike (e.g. $$$) I also need to determine
the transmission- either belt torque converter (same as snowmobile) or an
existing bike with a non-unit trans (Enfield or early BSA) I may wind up
with an older Honda or Kawasaki, around 350cc.  I will keep you posted.
- Original Message - 
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 3:11 AM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Fwd: pocket bike USD85.00 (hot sale)

 Yeah I want one too, in NZ you can get them registered as mopeds,
 of course if some enterprising soul put together a diesel engine
 for them, just think how many kids would get to learn about
 making there own alternative fuels...

 they come in a verity of styles,
 choppers, quads, dirt bikes etc.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John Mullan
 Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 6:53 AM
 To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
 Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Fwd: pocket bike USD85.00 (hot sale)

 Hell, I'm 44 and would love to try one.  Too bad there isn't any
 place to ride one around here.  Hmmm, maybe I should pick up a few acres
 outside of town

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Keith Addison
 Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 10:51 AM
 To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: pocket bike USD85.00 (hot sale)

 i'd be curious to know more (specs, pics) about any scooters they have.
 -chris b.

 Hi Chris

 Not really scooters, little motorbikes, though they call them
 scooters, laws I suppose. If they're anything like these you can see
 why kids would go for them:

 Anyway, write and ask:



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Re: [Biofuel] Anybody have a vw engine (pre electronic injectorcontrol)

2005-07-14 Thread Busyditch

What do you base your criteria on as far as not 
liking the VW? They have a great ride compared to the Japanese, very stable at 
cruising speeds (70-80) and you just cant beat 50 MPG, let alone the 40 I get 
just driving around town. I love my '00 Golf TDi and hope to do a Greasel 
conversion soon. I wish there were more options, I get jealous when I hear list 
members talk about their diesel Jeep Cherokees, and sad when I see Chevy sells a 
diesel Blazer in South America. This country is still in their "stinky no good 
Diesel" phase but we who see the vast superiority of diesel cars will be ahead 
of everyone else. I suggest going on Fred's TDi page and see how many folks 
really enjoy this great little car.

- Original Message - 

  To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org 
  Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 3:17 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Anybody have a vw 
  engine (pre electronic injectorcontrol)
  What kind of mileage do those old (70s) engines 
  get? I was thinking about selling my car and getting a new golf TDI, maybe a 
  '00 or something slightly older. I'm not sure. I wish there were more options 
  as far as diesels go. I must admit I'm not a big VW fan. I really wishI 
  could import something from europe. It'd take more money than i have just to 
  get it to pass EPA emissions standards though. 
  Chris N. 
- Original Message - 
Nancy Canning 

To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org 

Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 11:06 
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Anybody have a 
vw engine (pre electronic injectorcontrol)
I have a great oldie but goodie one off a 71 rabbit, been 
keeping it for a spare(currently driving a 70) but it's not out of the 
car. It runs great though, it would be easy to hook a battery up and 
start it up for you, so you could see for yourself.- Original 
Message - From: "David L Wood" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.orgSent: 
Thursday, July 14, 2005 7:24 AMSubject: [Biofuel] Anybody have a vw 
engine (pre electronic injector control) how about a 
1981 VW already removed from vehicle. I had to scrap the 
car. David 
___ Biofuel mailing 
list Biofuel@sustainablelists.org 
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messages): http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/ 
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at Journey to Forever:http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.htmlSearch 
the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] fuel efficient cars and motorcycles

2005-07-06 Thread Busyditch

Hi Chris
Gearing may be through a trans or torque converter 
belt drive (snowmobile) I have a Norton Commando basket case with a tranny 
(these bikes were not "unit" engines, the trans is seperate)I imagine using a 
smaller bike such as Honda 350cc or so.There areseveral bike shops 
nearby who may have one sitting around I can use asa donor .I read on 
Biofuel about someone who put a 10 hp diesel in a Geo Metro. It took all day to 
get it up to 55 MPH, but it got well over 100 MPG. So 6 hp ,may be adequate. I 
plan on using it as a commuter, as I live 3 miles from work. 

  - Original Message - 
  To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 10:04 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] fuel efficient 
  cars and motorcycles
  Wow, cool. Thats really interesting, i'm big into 
  engines and mechcanics in general. Will 6HP be enough, or by motorcycle do you 
  mean large scooter? What about gearing? what bike are you planning on putting 
  it in? 
- Original Message - 

To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org 

Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 9:12 
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] fuel efficient 
cars and motorcycles
Ha I guess this is called Synchronicity. I just won this 
diesel engine onebay and plan on installing it in a motorcycle frame. I 
do not have a donorbike yet, but I do have some ideas.http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemcategory=29520item=4367731706rd=1- 
Original Message - From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.orgSent: 
Friday, July 01, 2005 9:46 PMSubject: Re: [Biofuel] fuel efficient cars 
and motorcycles todd, that's awesome! curiously, i've 
been pondering this very concept--a diesel-powered 
motorbike--recently. i figured it had to have been done 
somewhere by someone. best fo luck! -chris 
___ Biofuel mailing 
list Biofuel@sustainablelists.org 
Biofuel at Journey to Forever: http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html 
Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives 
(50,000messages): http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/___Biofuel 
mailing listBiofuel@sustainablelists.orghttp://sustainablelists.org/mailman/listinfo/biofuel_sustainablelists.orgBiofuel 
at Journey to Forever:http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.htmlSearch 
the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] fuel efficient cars and motorcycles

2005-07-05 Thread Busyditch
Ha I guess this is called Synchronicity. I just won this diesel engine on
ebay and plan on installing it in a motorcycle frame. I do not have a donor
bike yet, but I do have some ideas.
- Original Message - 
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] fuel efficient cars and motorcycles

 todd, that's awesome!  curiously, i've been pondering this very concept--a
 diesel-powered motorbike--recently.  i figured it had to have been done
 somewhere by someone.  best fo luck!

 -chris b.

 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Mid '60s Mercedes 200D - Suitable Biodiesel-mobile?

2005-05-03 Thread Busyditch

About the only 2 concerns you may have are the possible failure of
non-neoprene rubber parts in the injector pump. Any rebuild kit would remedy
this as the new parts would surely be made from neoprene. The other issue
would be the loosening of debris/swarth in the tank and fuel lines. Imagine
30 years of sludge suddenly being stripped from the tank and lines and
headed to your engine, like an unclogged blood clot. It would be benificial
to change the fuel filter at least twice or three times in the first month
of B100 use.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 5:09 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Mid '60s Mercedes 200D - Suitable Biodiesel-mobile?

 I have stumbled across the above for a good price and I would like to
 know if this vehicle will run biodiesel suitably.  Can anyone provide
 some insight?

 Thanks a bunch,
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Re: [Biofuel] 1995 Chevrolet 6.5 litre Turbo-Diesel - Opinions

2005-05-01 Thread Busyditch

I looked at one for sale but found a lot of blowby in the crankcase
(compression loss around cylinder walls resulting in pressure in the
crankcase) The dealer had removed the tube from the PCV valve and there was
oily smoke blowing out. I couldnt get in my car fast enough!
These engines are real workhorses, and  I was told  about a few bugs. One
is a sensor mounted on the injector pump is prone to failure due to the high
heat.A relocation kit is available.  Also, there is a cooling system design
flaw that has certain parts of the engine overheating. A retrokit is
available that includes 2 thermostats and a newer designed water pump,
usually sold on ebay.  I cant say about running them on biodiesel, but I
also would like to know, as I plan on a conversion as soon as I buy a truck
- Original Message - 
From: Darryl McMahon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2005 6:21 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] 1995 Chevrolet 6.5 litre Turbo-Diesel - Opinions

 I have a line on a diesel pickup truck, which I naturally want to run on

 I have a few things to look at by way of research tomorrow.  The archives
 inconclusive on this engine - vaguely in favour (thread including message
9021 and
 others).  I will also be reading at www.thedieselpage.com and at least one
 site I have bookmarked.

 However, for now, does anyone have experience with these engines,
especially on
 biodiesel?  Any issues?  Success?

 Thanks in advance.

 Darryl McMahon  http://www.econogics.com/
 It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

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[Biofuel] Diesel engine the size of a building

2005-04-28 Thread Busyditch

Check this out!

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Re: [Biofuel] Tritrating with Phenol Red

2005-04-12 Thread Busyditch

Where is a good place to look for
Right here on ebay

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 10:43 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Tritrating with Phenol Red

 Hi all,

 First, let me say that I know that I'm not supposed to use phenol red
 for the purposes of titration but, I had some and figured I'd have a
 crack at it while I attempt to find a source for phenolphthalein.  I did
 so using the Better Titration method.

 I had taken my lye (Glug brand) and two ziplock baggies to the pharmacy
 where they were most inviting and pleased to measure it for me.  I
 squeezed all the air out (or so I thought) then zipped and folded the
 bag and placed it inside the second.  I was sad to find a bit of
 moisture in the bag when I opened it today.  Again, I figured that I
 might as well give it a whirl whilst I also await the arrival of my
 scale via the boys in brown.

 I  mixed my lye, thoroughly, with the water in a glass container and
 then took 5ml of that along with another 45ml of water.  I recently
 found Uni-Fide brand Fuel System Dryer which claims to be anhydrous
 isopropyl alcohol at a very good price down at the local flea market.  I
 combined the alcohol and soy oil and two drops of phenol red.  However,
 as I was adding drops of the lye solution to the oil solution, it
 quickly turned from a very pale yellow to pink to milky pink.

 Being not sure if two drops would provide a similar affect to two drops
 of phenolphthalein,  I decided to add two more drops of phenol red...and
 two more after that... This did not yield much better results but a
 slight change in color could be seen.  Of course, I monkeyed with it
 more from there but, not seriously.  Once the mixture became cloudy, it
 stayed that way.  However, it did clear up a bit when I replaced the
 warm water bath with fresh hot water.

 I figured a query to the list would probably save me of wasting too much
 time.  So, should I have expected what I saw?  Is it possible to get
 even close with phenol red?   What is a guy to do with with titration
cocktail after
 he gets the requisite measurement?  I'd drink it but all that blindness
 followed by death doesn't sound pleasant.

 Thanks in advance,
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Re: [Biofuel] What's Good For GM?

2005-04-09 Thread Busyditch

 It had already led a successful effort to
destroy the streetcar system in America's cities in order to force
people to buy cars, rather than take public transportation. GM later
spent decades battling efforts to reduce tailpipe pollution emissions
that caused public health problems throughout the nation.

I had always heard that the effort to buy and dismantle the trolley cars was
to promote the use of busses, which were all  powered by Detroit Diesel
engines made by GM.

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Re: [Biofuel] Kerosene

2005-04-07 Thread Busyditch

A coworker, upon hearing of the Greasel kit, commented that as a boy his
farm had an International tractor that ran on a dual tank system. It started
on gasoline, and when warmed up, there was a valve to switch over to kero.
He said it was hell to pay for the person who forgot to switch back before
shutting the engine down for the night.
- Original Message - 
From: malcolm maclure [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 5:52 AM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Kerosene

 Hi Chris,

 Certainly blend it with bioD - I would tend to have a higher proportion of
 bioD than 50/50 though, just to be safe.

 On no account use straight kero - in time it will wreck your diesel pump
 it does not have the lubrication properties of dinoD or bioD.

 Kero will not work in a petrol engine because of its low carburetion
 properties - my father  a fellow student however, during post war
 rationing, had an Austin 7  regularly had to drive to  from Leicester to
 St. Andrews where he was at uni studying medicine. The journey would have
 used up a years worth of petrol rations. So they begged extra petrol
 family  blended it with kero  acetone to make up the volume. He said it
 ran really well on the mix but tended to billow clouds of white smoke
 power. I don't suppose modern petrol engines would be quite so forgiving
 such a mix.



 -Original Message-
 Of Chris Kelly
 Sent: 07 April 2005 09:02
 Subject: [Biofuel] Kerosene

 I have been offered by an aviation industry service mob, up to 1500litres
 free kerosene. Aparently, this comes from some sort of turbine, and when
 fuel tank has a problem, they drain it and are not allowed to reuse it.

 They are literally giving it away, I just have to collect it.

 Can kerosene be used as an alternative fuel in diesel or petrol cars? If
 I'll have plenty of kero for heating my WVO
 Chris Kelly

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Re: [Biofuel] 271 Diesel Generators

2005-04-06 Thread Busyditch

Here it is-2-71 GenSet on ebay

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Re: [Biofuel] 271 Diesel Generators

2005-04-05 Thread Busyditch

Here is my two cents: The Detroit Diesel 71 (and 92)series is a somewhat
antiquated two-stroke design. The engines come in various straight
configurations from 2-71 all the way to 6-71 and 8-71's, as well as
8V71's.(those stinky noisy bus engines)   or modularized into huge 12V's and
16V's for generators or saw mills. The number 71, .  (and 92)denotes cubic
inches per cylinder, so a 6-71 is 427 cubic inches. They all utilize a
supercharger (popular among early hot rodders)  in order to move the spent
exhaust gasses from the cylinder and allow a fresh charge of air in for
combustion.(there are no conventional intake or exhaust valve, just an
exhaust port at the bottom of the piston stroke in the cylinder wall.) Be
forewarned- these engines are extremely noisy and also produce an inordinate
amount of smoke, they are on the EPA hit list and are no longer available as
truck engines in this country due to their poor pollution stats. These
regulations dont apply to stationary power plants so new engines are being
built for this purpose only. I guess the same caution applies as all other
diesel engines- certain rubber parts in the fuel pump  or injector pump may
be subject to failure when coming into contact with Biodiesel, so be
careful.Also, when calculationg in the cost of a rebuild, include a
supercharger rebuild kit, the blower has screw type vane rotors with long
seals on the edges. I would love to have one as an auxiliary supply for my
weekend house, so please post a source for them. I saw a similar genset on
ebay with a 3-71 , may be the same folks. Thanks to you all

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] 271 Diesel Generators

 disengage lurker mode

 Count me in too!   Do you have a link or contact info?

 engage lurker mode

 ROY Washbish wrote:

 If this turns out to be good I sure am interested in buying one.
 23 KW DIESEL is just what I'm looking for.
 Jeremy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have found a source for 20Kw General Motors 271 that have come off of
Union Pacific Railroad cars. The hours are unkown, but is assumed that they
were well taken care of as they refrigerated railroad cars. They are all
tested and painted. Apperently someone bought 2300 of them, and is selling
them for a few grand. Is this a desirable motor for biofuel or in general,
can someone who is running them testify to their value- even if you don't
know the hours. Rebuild is reported to be very easy, full rebuild kits with
pistons cost 400. Thanks for any respones.
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 Roy Washbish
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Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel processor

2005-03-29 Thread Busyditch

Someone posted a link a few months back to a person building just such  a
trailer and selling it on ebay.I believe he was in Pennsylvania. He hasnt
had any up for a while, as I have been looking , but he may be coerced into
building another. Maybe someone else has this link? I did not save it.
- Original Message - 
From: Craig Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 4:42 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Biodiesel processor

I am looking for a processor that I can pull around the Denver area on a
trailer promoting biodiesel!
Craig Harris
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[Biofuel] Biofuel available in NY City

2005-03-14 Thread Busyditch

Hello list members
I just got a reply from a local manufacturer of Biodiesel in the NY
metropolitan area. They are called Environmental Alternatives, and theyre
located in Brooklyn, NY. I was hoping to buy in 55 gal drums, as I do have a
secure yard to store them in and all I will need is a drum pump. At the
price quoted, I will surely be able to afford to end my dependency on fossil
 Here is the quote from the email
we sell B100 in 55 gal drums at $2.50 a gallon + freight...

Bob Lindenbaum
Director of Probabilities

Voice:  718.972.2156
Cell: 917.699.8877
Fax: 718.972.2037

Environmental Alternatives
1225 39th Street
Brooklyn NY 11218

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Re: [Biofuel] Ishmael/ was: Too many People

2005-03-10 Thread Busyditch

This is an excellent book! I recommend it to everyone. It certainly opened
up my eyes in the way I think, and the way I live my life. I was going
through a divorce at the time and it put a lot into perspective.
- Original Message - 
From: Marylynn Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 9:10 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Ishmael/ was: Too many People

 For those of you that have not had the opportunity to read Ishmael by
 Quinn .. and you are interested in this subject .. then reading this is a

 The way I think .. and why I think that must be understood before I can
 begin to understand the concept of change.

 If I can begin to grasp the programming that goes into my thinking,
 perhaps I can begin to re-think .. or just actually begin to think.

 Most of what I do is react based upon a lifetime of programming .. and
 that doesn't really take me very far down the road.

 Mary Lynn
 Mary Lynn Schmidt
 TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained
 Minister .
 Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy .
 Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel
 The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

 From: Ken Provost [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] was: Too many People
 Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 17:50:10 -0800
 on 3/9/05 5:23 PM, Hakan Falk at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   If we start to talk about too many people running around, then
   the next question must be who they are. It then will be sorted
   out by what is sustainable, at the end it is no other possibility.
   The alternative is to start to move towards sustainability, with
   necessary voluntary adjustments of the excesses, greater
   efficiency, loyalty and cooperation. This is the way that people
   survived in the past, but not without being painfully forced to
   do it. The only question is if we can do it with less pain this
 Limiting the number of allowed offspring seems reasonable, with
 infanticide punished, of course. Disease and starvation will take
 their own toll, without any ghoulish sorting except poverty
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Re: [Biofuel] Diesel engines

2005-03-09 Thread Busyditch

Let me add my 2 cents. Ebay has had a  few of the below mentioned engines
for sale recently. Keep an eye open there.
- Original Message - 
From: Anthony Austin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 7:51 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Diesel engines

 If you really want a diesel vehicle and are not satisfied with what's
 available, find a small pickup with a blown engine and replace it with a
 diesel out of a junkyard.  In the eighties, Toyota, Nissan, Isuzu, and
 all made diesels for small trucks, and some of them can still be found.
 Maxima had a fine 6 cylinder with a 5 speed manual, if you can fine one -
 was a dynamite road car, able to cruise at 70 or above effortlessly...Tony

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Re: [Biofuel] Mileage on diesel trucks...

2005-03-09 Thread Busyditch

Go here for some stats
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Mileage on diesel trucks...

 I have a 1995 3/4 ton Dodge with a Cummings diesel.  It has 250,000 miles
on it. I bought it used.  I get 15-17 MPG out of it on regular diesel.  I
thought these engines got better mileage.  What do you get?
 I have not tried bio-diesel yet.  I will install a in-line fuel filter in
the spring and try some.
 Farmer Paul

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[Biofuel] Mysterious death of Rudolph Diesel

2005-03-09 Thread Busyditch

Uh Oh- Looks like Rudolf Diesel might have been murdered due to his wish to
give Diesel engines to all of Europe, thus levelling the field of submarine

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[Biofuel] Diesel history

2005-03-09 Thread Busyditch


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Re: [Biofuel] Best WVO for GM Dura-max

2005-03-08 Thread Busyditch

Thanks for the heads up, Stuart. Mine has floor shift 4x4, maybe this is OK?
Will def look into the pump mounted driver issue.
j hajeski
- Original Message - 
From: Stuart Kreitman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 1:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Best WVO for GM Dura-max


  I have a '97 gmc 6.5l td / k2500 suburban. dunno about wvo in it, but I
 can talk to you about
 2 killer issues on these trucks: fuel pump failure and 4x4 failure.

 re the fuel pump,
  stalling at stoplights or even on highway for no apparent reason.
 The pump-mounted-driver, or PMD. this box is primarly 2 large power
 transistors that
 are unfortunately mounted-on-the-pump, which lives under the intake
 manifold and is subject to high heat.
 The electronics get overcooked.
 not $400, more like $40. Find the guy on ebay selling take-off pmd's for
 $20 each. Buy 2 or more.
 Disconnect and route the pmd harness to the side of the intake so that
 the PMD can live outside.
 I was a dope and rr'd the manifold, but given a second chance, I'd get
 flashlights, dental mirrors
 and slightly stiff wire to finess the harness through.
 Scrounge a good sized heatsink from a really old PC. Or, hit me up for
 one of a stack of 12v fan/heatsink
 combos that I scrounged from the company dumpster. Get heatsink compound
 from radio shack or the like.

 pushbutton system not engaging/disengaging:
 problems range from minor to psychotic. I'm in the psychotic stage, but
 i have a possible slick cure on the way.


 Busyditch wrote:

 Hello list members
 I am now the owner of 2 diesel vehicles. My trusty Golf TDi (B20 only,
 now)has been joined by a 1995 Chevy 2500 pickup with the 6.5 liter
 TurboDiesel. I intend on converting to WVO using the Greasecar kit,
 because I  like the 1 minute purge feature. I was wondering if any
 have experience with this engine using WVO, and if there are any problems
 converting to WVO. Also I need to know what kind of WVO is recommended to
 use, as I have a wide variety of restaurants here to choose from. And if
 there are issues to what kind of processing I use on my WVO to make it
 friendly to my truck. Thanks to all who suppport this list, looking
 to becoming fossil free.
 j hajeski
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[Biofuel] Best WVO for GM Dura-max

2005-03-07 Thread Busyditch

Hello list members
I am now the owner of 2 diesel vehicles. My trusty Golf TDi (B20 only, for
now)has been joined by a 1995 Chevy 2500 pickup with the 6.5 liter Duramax
TurboDiesel. I intend on converting to WVO using the Greasecar kit, mainly
because I  like the 1 minute purge feature. I was wondering if any members
have experience with this engine using WVO, and if there are any problems to
converting to WVO. Also I need to know what kind of WVO is recommended to
use, as I have a wide variety of restaurants here to choose from. And if
there are issues to what kind of processing I use on my WVO to make it
friendly to my truck. Thanks to all who suppport this list, looking forward
to becoming fossil free.
j hajeski

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Re: [Biofuel] Best WVO for GM Dura-max

2005-03-07 Thread Busyditch

You are right, I dont see the word Duramax anywhere, just thought thats what
they called the 6.5.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 12:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Best WVO for GM Dura-max

 I don't believe that the Duramax, the engine designed by Isusu, was
introduced by GM until 2001. The 6.5 engine you are referring to in the 1995
model year is a totally different engine. Unless, of course, someone changed
the engine to the more recent Duramax.
 Welcome to the list,

 -- Original message from Busyditch

  Hello list members
  I am now the owner of 2 diesel vehicles. My trusty Golf TDi (B20 only,
  now)has been joined by a 1995 Chevy 2500 pickup with the 6.5 liter
  TurboDiesel. I intend on converting to WVO using the Greasecar kit,
  because I like the 1 minute purge feature. I was wondering if any
  have experience with this engine using WVO, and if there are any
problems to
  converting to WVO. Also I need to know what kind of WVO is recommended
  use, as I have a wide variety of restaurants here to choose from. And if
  there are issues to what kind of processing I use on my WVO to make it
  friendly to my truck. Thanks to all who suppport this list, looking
  to becoming fossil free.
  j hajeski
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[Biofuel] dragster facts-this is fun!

2005-02-13 Thread Busyditch

Clear Day

NHRA Fun Facts 

1. Under full throttle, a dragster engine consumes 1-1/2 gallons of nitro fuel 
   second. To put that into perspective that is the same rate of fuel 
consumption as a
   fully loaded 747 in flight, but with 4 times the energy release per volume.
2. The supercharger takes more power to drive it than a stock Hemi makes.
3. With nearly 3000 cubic feet of air being rammed in by the supercharger on
   overdrive, the fuel mixture is compressed into nearly-solid form before 
   Cylinders run on the verge of hydraulic lock!
4. Dual magnetos apply 44 amps to each spark plug. This is equivalent to the 
   of an arc welder inside each cylinder.
5. At stoichiometric (exact) 1.7|1 air/fuel mixture (for nitro) the flame front 
of nitro
   methane measures 7050 degrees F.
6. Nitro methane burns yellow. The spectacular white flame seen above the 
stacks of a
   dragster during a night race is actually burning hydrogen, as it is being 
   from atmospheric water vapor by the searing hot exhaust gases.
7. Spark plug electrodes are totally consumed during one pass down the track. 
In the
   3 or 4 seconds it takes to get halfway through the quarter! the engine is 
   from compression and the glow of the exhaust valves at 1400 degrees F. The
   engine can now only be killed by shutting off the fuel flow.
8. If spark momentarily fails early in the run, unburned nitro builds up so 
fast in the
   cylinders that once spark is restored the explosion is so violent that the 
   heads can be blown off the block in pieces and the block can blow in half.
9. Dragsters twist the crank (torsionally) so far (20 degrees in the big end of 
the track)
   that sometimes cam lobes are ground offset on purpose from front to rear to 
   the valve timing somewhere closer to synchronization with the pistons.
10. To exceed 3000 mph in 4.5 seconds, dragsters must accelerate at an average 
of 4
   G's. But if they reach 200 MPH well before 1/2 track the pressure on the 
driver is
   closer to 8G's.
11.  Drivers shut off the fuel before the finish line or even double-chutes 
will not stop
the car.
12. If all the racing teams' equipment is paid off, the crew works for free and 
for once
NOTHING blows up, then each run only costs $1000,00 per second.
13. Dragsters reach over 300 mph before you have read this sentence.

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Re: [Biofuel] dragster facts-this is fun!

2005-02-13 Thread Busyditch

You are both right, this is a typo. It should be 300 MPH
- Original Message - 
From: robert luis rabello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] dragster facts-this is fun!

 Kirk McLoren wrote:
  3000 mph x 5280 ft/mile = 15,840,000 feet per hour or
  264,000 feet per minute or 4,400 feet per second.
  If the acceleration is 4.5 seconds the acceleration
  per second is 4,400/4.5 or 977.8 feet per second.
  Since 1 g=32.2fps we see that 977.8/32.2 =30.37g's of
  I think your velocity is way too high.
 I agree.  Shouldn't it be 300 miles per hour?  Very few machines 
 exceed the sound barrier, and far fewer 3 000 mph!
 robert luis rabello
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[Biofuel] Engine block heater for VW TDI

2005-02-02 Thread Busyditch

Here is a link to a manufacturer of heaters for your VW diesel


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[Biofuel] biofuel map

2005-01-22 Thread Busyditch

Clear DayThis was on the Willie Nelson article site

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Re: [Biofuel] Castor oil for 2-Cycle? was ethanol:gasoline ratio

2005-01-08 Thread busyditch

Castor oil has been used as lubricant in 2 cycle engines for years in the
world of motorsports racing. The downside is it does leave harmful deposits
in the combustion chamber and piston, reducing the life of the engine.
Racing engines are constantly being re-built, so the deposits are not a
factor in engine life. So be forewarned that bean oil may lead to a
shorter life in your chainsaw. The good news is that replacing a piston is
relatively easy, and a good lesson in mechanics for anyone wishing to be
more  green.
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 7:47 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Castor oil for 2-Cycle? was ethanol:gasoline ratio



 I also asked about biolubricants to use in 2 cycle engines and was given
 the following reply:
 The best lubricant for 2-cycle use is Castor oil.  You can buy it at
 any pharmacy and it is soluble in ethanol.  Add about 2 oz per gallon.

 And again, there may be more information that differs.  This just sounds
 very easy and convenient.  Hope that this helps.

 Best wishes,

 Hi Peggy,
 Been lurking here for sometimes but now you really caught my
 attention as I hate my chain saw exhaust smell/pollution...
 Do I understand well that I could use 2 oz castor oil per 132 oz
 ethanol (4 liters) in my chain saw?
 What other modification would have to be made to the chain saw to be
 ethanol/castor oil ready? I heard of rubber problem? Can ethanol be
 replaced by methanol?
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Re: [Biofuel] Anyone know anything about this on ebay?

2005-01-02 Thread Busyditch

He is not too far from me, might be worth looking onto and picking it up
- Original Message - 
From: John Mullan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2005 6:46 AM
Subject: RE: [Biofuel] Anyone know anything about this on ebay?

 I haven't ventured this far in my quest, but I'd really love to hear if
 anyone picks up one of these units.  If it works satisfactorily, I'd be
 willing to buy one.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: December 31, 2004 7:04 PM
 Subject: [Biofuel] Anyone know anything about this on ebay?

 Saw this on ebay...

 anybodys opinion on this?
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Re: [Biofuel] looking for a van

2004-12-29 Thread Busyditch

Try this ebay search. Nice looking reefer van in Hollywood.
- Original Message - 
From: Twiggymoonshoes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 12:18 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] looking for a van

 I am looking for a used diesel van. Any suggestions on which make is
 better for biodiesel? I am currently home brewing for my
 1979 Rabbit. Also, does anyone know of vans for sale? I am having
 trouble finding one. I am located in California, but all areas will be


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Re: [Biofuel] TDI Question

2004-12-19 Thread Busyditch

As an old time engine swapper from my old Hot Rod days, unless you find a
good qualitifed mechanic, doing this kind of conversion could lead into a
lot of hassles, and even more money. Remember, the entire car needs to be
changed over to diesel, including the proprietary fuel tank, fuel pump, fuel
lines, even the type of transmission if its an automatic. This job, evn done
by a pro, would be quite a feat. The main issue is a donor car, one that
would have all of the above mentioned parts to make the swap doable. SO
buying your wagon, and buying a donor car with low milage and all parts
intact, PLUS labor,  would add up  to almost a new car. Keep your eyes
peeled, theu come up on ebay once in a while.

- Original Message - 
From: Legal Eagle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] TDI Question

 G'day Wendy;

 Don't know how adventuresome you want to get but this is a possibility.

 and click on the link for pics.A nice Benz wagon, diesel ta boot.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Eric  Wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 9:15 AM
 Subject: [Biofuel] TDI Question

  Hi Everyone!
  I am a station wagon kind of mom. I don't want to drop a lot of money on
  new car, so purchasing a new Jetta or Passat wagon TDI is out of the
  question. Finding a used TDI wagon is very hard. I found some gasoline
  Passat wagons on auto trader for under $10,000. Could I purchase one of
  and put a diesel engine in it? Is it physically possible? Does it make
  financial sense? Thanks!
  Wendy Adams
  Harrisburg, PA
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[biofuel] NY State poeple?

2004-07-10 Thread Busyditch

I am going to be on vacation and was looking to visit people in the NY state
area who make their own BD. I remember one list member from the Oneonta area
made me an offer, but I lost his addy.
I have recently put a 20' refrigerated container in my back yard and will
wire it up for 220 this summer, and hope to have my BD converter made by the
end of the year. Keep on keepin' on., folks.

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Re: [biofuel] Iraq, fight, eat, shit and move, a number game.

2004-06-24 Thread Busyditch

Hear hear!
I agree 100%, I remember your earlier post and thought about how the mASS
media completely overlooked this point- that 10 years ago we were killing
these people, and why would they have a sudden change of heart? No, we would
be looked upon as some kind of usurper, with their oil fields on our minds,
and they saw through the kindness with bullets BS.
I own a VW Diesel and run a 20% mix of store-bought biodiesel, and I am
looking into buying some home made from some local folks, with the intent of
making my own someday. There are also kits to convert to using straight
vegetable oil, with many reporting thousands of miles of trouble free use.
Its the new wave of grass roots renewable energy sources, because our
government cant make up its mind to provide us with any without deciding how
to make the most money from it (HYDROCELL). Here is a great link to some
free thinking people

- Original Message - 
From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 12:59 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Iraq, fight, eat, shit and move, a number game.

 Before the invasion of Iraq, I pointed out in different ways and times the

 Iraq consist of 80% women and children under 16 years old. This as a
 of the Iraq and Iran war, supported by US. The first Gulf war and the
 blockade of food and medical supply. It is true that there are nearly no
 family or circle of friends who did not have a member killed in the Iran
 war or by the oppressive regime. It is also true that the same can be said
 about the Americans and their policies. I claimed that US would not be
 hailed as a liberator and that the winning of hearts and minds was a
 naive proposition. Today we can see this and the Americans have killed a
 larger number of Fathers, Brothers, Friends and even some collateral
 damages on the female side of the population. The started with a childish
 proudness of the terror tactics shock and awe and continued with
 happiness. It is non who claims any large successes in winning hearts
 minds, instead we have seen some extremely stupid events in the prison

 Now I only like to point out some severe logical failures in the reporting
 and propaganda from Iraq. A US combat soldier on the ground in Iraq, is
 depending of 5 to 10 other military support personal to fight, eat, shit
 and move. This means that of the US force of around 130,000, it is only
 around 30,000 that really comes in contact with Iraqi people and combat
 situations. That is one thousands of a percent, compared with the Iraqi
 population. It is almost impossible to maintain any kind security and to
 live up to their obligations according to the Geneva convention, as an
 occupying force. This is also why the current hand over of sovereignty
 rushed through, as if US after that would no longer have any legal
 responsibilities and a moral victory.

 According to the coalition the resistance in Iraq, are foreign
 terrorists, local terrorists, insurgents and plain criminals. If we look
 the numbers, the US heroes are killing them with their technical
 superiority (night scopes etc.) in relations higher than 1 American to 15
 insurgents. Most combats are therefor night combats, where US search and
 kill insurgents. It is also a very high number of innocent collateral
 damage (bystanders). The propaganda want us to belive that these
 pops up during night, like targets on a shooting range and they come
 from nowhere and seems to exists in unlimited numbers. The fact is that
 those insurgents also fight, eat, shit and move. They must have support
 of 5 to 10 members of the population to do so. Making some numbers out of
 it, there must be insurgents and supporters in the range of 1,500,000
 people, or a very large part of the Iraqi able population, that probably
 are around 5,000,000 men.

 I might be off both up and down, but not totally wrong in the principle.
 The question is how US will win this, without putting maybe 10 times more
 troops on the ground and with much ruthless behavior. Selected sovereign
 government, have little chance to survive without massive US support and
 if the Iraqis do not get the opportunity to really free elections, it will
 continue to go on. Really free elections will probably lead to a Iran
 Muslim scenario and that is not acceptable for the US, because this means
 that Bin Laden won. There are also large risks for collapse and civil
 and a large scale escalation in the region. The situation is very
 and in no way out of the woods yet.

 It does not look good for US energy supplies and price levels, because it
 could be severe impacts on the US economy. My survival kit advice in
 situation is, sell your SUV when you can and get a small energy efficient
 diesel car, prepared for biodiesel.


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Re: [biofuel] Best Processer

2004-06-14 Thread Busyditch

Depending on the amount you plan on making, according to your needs, here
are 2 somewhat smaller systems.
- Original Message - 
From: grunwald 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 12:03 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Best Processer

 What are now considered to be the best-made, commercially available,
biodiesel processors on the market at this time, for personal,
non-commercial use?  How do they compare to one another, and how much do
they cost.  Please supply links to these companies, if possible.  Thank you!

 Bob Grunwald, Certified Arborist
 559-583-9334 (home)
 559-308-0947 (cell)

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[biofuel] New record of 10,705 MPG!!!!

2004-06-12 Thread Busyditch


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Re: [biofuel] Strange Off Topic Question

2004-06-07 Thread Busyditch

The way I undersatnd this, as it was explained to me, is that in order for
US engines to pass emission tests, it mustt have closer tolerances in the
engines to run hotter ,in order for the gas/air mixtre to combust further.
So with such close tolerances the engines will wear faster.
- Original Message - 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 11:43 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Strange Off Topic Question

 That is most likely self-explanitory, I just want to be sure...as I
 am looking at diesel vehicles for sale I am finding a large number
 of american made vehicles talking about having their engines
 rebuilt.  When I am looking at european cars, specifically mercedes
 benz, I am not seeing anything about the engines having been rebuilt
 even up to 200,000 miles.  Am I missing something, or do american
 engines just suck?

 Quizical Phil

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[biofuel] Article on scavenging

2004-06-02 Thread Busyditch


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[biofuel] You must pay more

2004-05-31 Thread Busyditch


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Re: [biofuel] building your own diesel motorcycle

2004-05-31 Thread Busyditch

HA I have had this very idea for years. Not too many engines out there with
the proper requirements, most of the small engines I looked at are
industrial and do not have the capacity. It may be posible to use one of the
new .8 liter Benz engines used in the SmartCar. It is a fun project I hope
to try one day.
- Original Message - 
From: tshadow6 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 9:47 PM
Subject: [biofuel] building your own diesel motorcycle

 Has anyone out there built a diesel powered motorcycle?  If so, let
 me know, I believe it would be a good project.

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Re: [biofuel] newbie needs help ...

2004-05-28 Thread Busyditch

Cant beat the VW TDi. 53 MPG @ 70 MPH highway, about 45 city, a little less
now that I run the AC. Running B20 (20% biodiesel)

- Original Message - 
From: Omi Ramirez 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 1:39 AM
Subject: [biofuel] newbie needs help ...

 hey all --

 Im looking into a Diesel vehicle purchase.  The idea of course is
 good mpg and running biodiesel I plan to make at home...

 I guess Im stuck between a cherokee Im building running a nissan 2.8
 diesel ... A Dodge Ram (1997-1999) diesel or a VW TDI.  There is
 tons of info on the VW's but I cant find info on the other 2
 engines.  Has anyone here run bioD on either a RAM or RD28 ???

 If so how was/is your experiance going and what mpg are you getting??

 Thx ...

 Omi R

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Re: [biofuel] Straight WVO

2004-05-22 Thread Busyditch

4) source for six port solenoid or manual valve. (tank switch)
J. C. Whitney

- Original Message - 
From: Richard U 
To: biofuel biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 11:13 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Straight WVO

 HI, I've just bought an '83 Mercedes 300TD (5 cyl 3L turbo wagon)
 for the sole purpose of alternative fuel experimentation
 (well, maybe also to get me to work while I'm restoring my '68
 Ford Ranchero GT)
 I plan on eventually setting up for full Biodiesel production
 (I like the water heater conversion), but first I want to set up
 a two tank, straight WVO system. I have spent days going trough the
 archives, and numerous web-sites, but am still not clear about a few
 1) What exactly do I need to do to the WVO before putting it my new
 heated second tank. What if some dino or bio gets mixed in?
 2) Chemically thinning WVO...at least for use in the warm months,
 which is most of them here in North Carolina.
 3) Combustion chamber carbon remover (RxP?)...one of my cylinders
 has lower compression (240 vs. 310), mechanic said valves were very
 tight, might be carbon on valve seats. (I think I still got a bargain
 for $860 on eBay)
 4) source for six port solenoid or manual valve. (tank switch)
 5) schematic for variable time delay shut down solenoid controller.
 This is for an unsupervised clean fuel shut-down burn. (another use
 might be foranti- carjacking...you set it to shut down in a minute...
 the thief gets a mile down the road...
 I would especially like to hear from those with MB 5 cyl IDI turbos.
 I am considering cutting the back off, and turning it into a pick-up,
 this is what Ford did to there station wagons to create the Ranchero.
 I wanted to post a picture of what this might look like, but I guess
 there is no member access to photo posting. (hint...hint)
 I think an MB pick-up would rate a walnut gun rack in the back window.
 I'm not sure what this means yet, but I got a gas analysis with my state
 inspection (although not required)...kind of a before and after thing.
 HC = 53ppm
 CO2= 3.1%
 CO = 0.08%
 This is with Texaco 40 cetane purchased in Maryland, USA ($1.799)
 I'm sorry if I'm requesting info that has been recently posted, but
 my search for straight WVO did not give me satisfaction...let me
 know if there is a more productive search title.
 Richard U
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Re: [biofuel] Hybrid Mileage Comes Up Short

2004-05-18 Thread Busyditch

Ha! I was stopped at a traffic light nearby yesterday and a guy in a Ford
Exploder came alongside and beeped his horn. I rolled down my window and he
asked me what kind of mileage I got. I said 53 highway on long trips, @
70MPH. He said wanna trade? I said NO WAY! I told him the VW TDi is the
best kept secret.
Its too bad people have to feel obligated to buy overstuffed g-ass guzzling
land yachts because they need to keep up with their neighbors, heck the
neighbors should keep up with me, I could go next door and borrow a cup of
- Original Message - 
From: Ken Richardson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 12:02 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Hybrid Mileage Comes Up Short

 My 2002 VW Golf TDI  (stock) is getting 50 MPG on the back roads on mostly
 old country roads in  Hills and Valleys in S.E. Ohio.

 I love it


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Re: [biofuel] Hybrid Mileage Comes Up Short

2004-05-15 Thread Busyditch

Heck, I put a Got 50MPG? sticker on my TDi Golf and I'm embarrassed, too.
Because its been getting 53 MPG on road trips to my house in upstate NY. I'm
so ashamed. BSEG :)
- Original Message - 
From: murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 3:11 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Hybrid Mileage Comes Up Short

 In my view, it is long overdue that the EPA should improve its tests
 to reflect real-world mileage and not their out-of-touch lab work.


 Hybrid cars are hot, but not as hot as their owners, who complain that
 their gas mileage hasn't come close to well-advertised estimates.

 Don't knock the car companies for inflated claims: Experts say the
 blame lies with the 19-year-old EPA fuel-efficiency test that
 overstates hybrid performance.

 Pete Blackshaw was so excited about getting a hybrid gasoline-electric
 car that he had his wife videotape the trip to the Honda dealership to
 pick up his Civic Hybrid. The enthusiastic owner ordered a customized
 license plate with MO MILES on it, and started a blog about his new
 hybrid lifestyle.

 But after a few months of commuting to his job in Cincinnati,
 Blackshaw's hybrid euphoria vanished as his car's odometer revealed
 that the gas mileage he was hoping for was only a pipe dream. Honda's
 Civic Hybrid is rated by the EPA to get 47 miles per gallon in the
 city, and 48 mpg on the highway. After nearly 1,000 miles of mostly
 city driving, Blackshaw was getting 31.4 mpg.

 I feel like a complete fraud driving around Cincinnati with a license
 plate that says MO MILES, says Blackshaw, who claims that after 4,000
 miles his car has never gotten more than 33 mpg on any trip. The tenor
 of Blackshaw's blog shifted from adulation to frustration after his
 Honda dealer confirmed that his car was functioning properly, and that
 there was nothing he could do.


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[biofuel] NASA branch funds chaos technology

2004-05-15 Thread Busyditch

   NASA Funds Sci-Fi Technology

By Noah Shachtman
http://www.wired.com/news/feedback/mail/1,2330,0-91-63362,00.html  |
Also http://www.wired.com/news/storylist/0,2339,91,00.html by this
reporter Page 1 of 1

02:00 AM May. 07, 2004 PT

For 25 years, Ross Hoffman has had a vision: to use tiny changes in the
environment to alter the paths of hurricanes, slow down snow storms and
turn dark days bright.

For most of those years, Hoffman kept his ideas largely to himself. His
adviser at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology told him weather
control was too outlandish for his Ph.D. thesis. The chances of a
buttoned-down foundation or government agency funding such research were
so slim, Hoffman didn't even bother to ask.

But, in 2001, all that changed. Hoffman stumbled upon a tiny, obscure
cranny of the American space program -- the NASA Institute for Advanced
Concepts http://www.niac.usra.edu/, or NIAC. In this $4 million-a-year
agency, Hoffman found a place where the wildest of ideas were not only
tolerated, they were welcome.

Shape-shifting space suits
http://www.niac.usra.edu/files/studies/abstract/714Hodgson.html? Step
right up. Antimatter-powered probes to Alpha Centauri
http://www.niac.usra.edu/files/studies/abstract/850Howe.html? No
problem. Robotic armada to destroy incoming asteroids
http://www.niac.usra.edu/files/studies/abstract/889Olds.html? Pal,
just sign on the dotted line. Weather control seemed downright down to
earth in comparison.

Hoffman is now wrapping up his half-million-dollar study for NIAC. But
the agency is continuing to bankroll concepts for a future decades away.

Some space analysts wonder how long it can last, however. With NASA in
turmoil, and a presidential directive to return to the moon, will a
science fiction-oriented agency like NIAC survive?

They're interested in taking some risks, unlike most other government
organizations these days, said Hoffman, a vice president at Atmospheric
and Environmental Research http://www.aer.com/ in Lexington,
Massachusetts. At NIAC, if it's not risky, it's not going to get funded.

Over the last six years, NIAC has backed 118 studies into the chanciest
of propositions: interplanetary rapid transit
http://www.niac.usra.edu/files/studies/abstract/524Nock.html, aircraft
without moving parts
http://www.niac.usra.edu/files/studies/abstract/836Colozza.html, and
radio signals bounced off of meteors' trails

The idea, according to NIAC director Robert Cassanova, is to give
concepts 10 to 40 years out a chance to grow, and then to pass those
models on to NASA proper for further development.

The agency's best-known baby is the so-called space elevator
http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,60449,00.html -- a
62,000-mile twine of carbon nanotubes that would transport cargo into

Technically, NIAC isn't part of the space agency, Cassanova said. It's a
wing of the Universities Space Research Association -- a collection of
colleges that work together on final-frontier studies. Through the
group, NASA gives Cassanova a few million a year to hand out to way-out
researchers. NIAC hands out two types of grants. Six-month Phase I
investigations receive $75,000 each. Phase II grants go up to $400,000,
for 18 to 24 months of study.

With his award, Hoffman tweaked a weather-prediction program to show
that moving a hurricane was possible -- at least in theory. Here's how:
You need a ring of satellites in orbit, channeling the sun's energy,
stretching around the Earth. The machines would beam power
http://www.defensetech.org/archives/000658.html to the planet, using
microwaves. But, tuned to 183 GHz, they could also heat up small regions
of the atmosphere by a degree or two. Those small changes could have
enormous impact, Hoffman's simulation showed. A deadly hurricane, headed
for the Hawaiian island of Kauai, drifted off into the Pacific, harmlessly.

One of the great things about NIAC is that they never say, 'That's
crazy, you can never build a fleet of solar-powered space stations,'
Hoffman said.

Such a system is decades off -- if it ever happens at all. But analysts
like Brian Chase, vice president of the Space Foundation
http://www.spacefoundation.org/, see research like Hoffman's as
critically important.

It's impossible to make breakthroughs if all you're funding is
immediate, near-term applications, he said.

Chase is concerned, however, that NASA may be pressured to drop its
far-out studies.

These are tight times, he said. It's tricky balancing how much can be
obtained for the moon and Mars versus how much can be obtained for the
longer-term stuff. Often, it's one of the first areas to get cut.

NIAC isn't the only arm of the space agency engaged in projects that
border on the fantastic. The Marshall Space Flight Center, for example,
is looking at propelling spaceships with electrodynamic tethers
http://www1.msfc.nasa.gov/NEWSROOM/background/facts/tether.pdf (PDF).

Re: [biofuel] Bio Diesel

2004-05-14 Thread Busyditch

I always heard it was designed to run on peanut oil.
- Original Message - 
From: david browne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Bio Diesel

 Hakan Falk  wrote:

 Hempseed oil, that was a new one for me. LOL

 Read a lot about him, but not this. Can you give me your source.
 Maybe you also can tell me, what the diesel engine was designed
 to run on and it failed to do.


 At 22:30 13/05/2004, you wrote:
 I wonder how many of us realize that Rudolph Diesel, yes the guy who
 invented the diesel engine, actually utilized HEMPSEED OIL as his
 fuel source and that it wasn't until years later that petroleum was
 synthesized to make a diesel fuel?

 there is a book written by Jack Herer called The Emperor Wears No

 you can find EVERYTHING you want to know about hemp and hemp byproducts
within this volume. Enlightening and informative, I give it a rating of 100
on the Ecological Savior scale of 1 to 10

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Re: [biofuel] B100 / B20

2004-05-13 Thread Busyditch

Mix 2 gallons of B100 with 8 gallons of petro diesel for the proper
blend.(B20 = 20%)
- Original Message - 
From: dewey_nc 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 1:50 PM
Subject: [biofuel] B100 / B20

 If you add 2 gal. of B100 to petrol. diesel, do you have B20?  Are
 there any issues with blending?

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Re: [biofuel] In the works: OFF Grid College and Retirement Community - biofuel advice needed

2004-05-11 Thread Busyditch

We really did not get too far, as we were unable to purchase the property
needed. Here is a good site to help you determine the best location.
- Original Message - 
From: Phil 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] In the works: OFF Grid College and Retirement
Community - biofuel advice needed

 Love to ... the military chose the highest ground in the area for the
 station. Also there is a 5 story  building on campus.  We get great winds
 and would love to see whatever you had in the way of plans.


 Phil Frankford
 H 314/822-5115
 M 314/603-5922

 - Original Message - 
 From: Busyditch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 5:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] In the works: OFF Grid College and Retirement
 Community - biofuel advice needed

  Any plans on building windmill generators? It sounds like you have the
  spot, with such prevailing winds. Are there any hills near the coast to
  erect the windmill towers. I was recently involved in planning a
  such as yours in upstate NY, with the main source of revenue being wind
  towers, but things sort of fell apart at the grant level.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Phil 
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 4:05 PM
  Subject: [biofuel] In the works: OFF Grid College and Retirement
 Community -
  biofuel advice needed
   In the works:  OFF Grid College and Retirement Community
   A small group of families have gone together to purchase a
   radar base on the thumb of MI. It is being converted into an off-grid
   college campus and retirement community that will teach all the
   technologies, skilled trades, as well as the normal college level
   It has dorms, classrooms, dinning hall, gym, handball courts, tennis
   bowling alley, places for short-term RVs parking, and much more --- 20
   acres.  It is about 1 mile from some of the best beaches in Michigan.
   Port Ausin has about the cleanest air in the nation as it has
   winds that blow across 400 miles of fresh water, Great Lake Huron.
   We are looking into biofuels for all our energy requirements.  We plan
   grow all of our own certified organic foods.  Cross-pollination is not
   issue because of the air currents.
   Again, we are looking at ways to provide all of our on energy needs,
   food/nutritional/health needs, and financial needs.
   I'm seeking industrial ways that we can generate the money and
   see that all people want to come, have the means to come.
   We need everyone's' ideas, input, and efforts.
   We are seeking partners for all of the above.
   Partners can be involved in anyway that they want or can.
   Some people will visit and help for just a couple of weeks. Others may
   choose to become full time partners and live with us in off campus
   Others folks will only be able to bring themselves and serve.  All of
   people are counted as partners equally from those with pennies to the
   multi-millionaires.  Each will be given the same level of respect and
   Port Austin Sabbatarian Church Community
   Snail: PO Box 610;
   Port Austin, Michigan, USA 48467
   Tel: 517-738-7700
Planning to visit, please call
   Paul Drieman - Facilities Director - at 314/603-5923.
The best time to reach him is after 7pm EST.
He is charged with getting and keeping
everything physical going on campus.
 Interested seniors should contact
   Terry Williams - SEAL Director -
 734/657-8474  734/677-1789  708/747-8783
   He is charged with planning for the seniors.
Industry and resource director
 me - Phil Frankford ...  314/822-5115  314/603-5922
 I'm charged with developing ways to sustain the campus.
 We are seeking ways for any person that wants to come
 can come and have work to do to pay their own way.
   Let us know how we can serve you.
   Best regards-
   Phil Frankford
   Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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Re: [biofuel] In the works: OFF Grid College and Retirement Community - biofuel advice needed

2004-05-10 Thread Busyditch

Any plans on building windmill generators? It sounds like you have the ideal
spot, with such prevailing winds. Are there any hills near the coast to
erect the windmill towers. I was recently involved in planning a community
such as yours in upstate NY, with the main source of revenue being wind
towers, but things sort of fell apart at the grant level.
- Original Message - 
From: Phil 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 4:05 PM
Subject: [biofuel] In the works: OFF Grid College and Retirement Community -
biofuel advice needed

 In the works:  OFF Grid College and Retirement Community

 A small group of families have gone together to purchase a decommissioned
 radar base on the thumb of MI. It is being converted into an off-grid
 college campus and retirement community that will teach all the off-grid
 technologies, skilled trades, as well as the normal college level

 It has dorms, classrooms, dinning hall, gym, handball courts, tennis
 bowling alley, places for short-term RVs parking, and much more --- 20
 acres.  It is about 1 mile from some of the best beaches in Michigan.

 Port Ausin has about the cleanest air in the nation as it has prevailing
 winds that blow across 400 miles of fresh water, Great Lake Huron.

 We are looking into biofuels for all our energy requirements.  We plan to
 grow all of our own certified organic foods.  Cross-pollination is not an
 issue because of the air currents.

 Again, we are looking at ways to provide all of our on energy needs,
 food/nutritional/health needs, and financial needs.

 I'm seeking industrial ways that we can generate the money and resources
 see that all people want to come, have the means to come.
 We need everyone's' ideas, input, and efforts.

 We are seeking partners for all of the above.

 Partners can be involved in anyway that they want or can.

 Some people will visit and help for just a couple of weeks. Others may
 choose to become full time partners and live with us in off campus
 Others folks will only be able to bring themselves and serve.  All of
 people are counted as partners equally from those with pennies to the
 multi-millionaires.  Each will be given the same level of respect and

 Port Austin Sabbatarian Church Community
 Snail: PO Box 610;
 Port Austin, Michigan, USA 48467
 Tel: 517-738-7700

  Planning to visit, please call
 Paul Drieman - Facilities Director - at 314/603-5923.
  The best time to reach him is after 7pm EST.
  He is charged with getting and keeping
  everything physical going on campus.

   Interested seniors should contact
 Terry Williams - SEAL Director -
   734/657-8474  734/677-1789  708/747-8783
 He is charged with planning for the seniors.

  Industry and resource director
   me - Phil Frankford ...  314/822-5115  314/603-5922
   I'm charged with developing ways to sustain the campus.
   We are seeking ways for any person that wants to come
   can come and have work to do to pay their own way.

 Let us know how we can serve you.

 Best regards-

 Phil Frankford

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Re: [biofuel] My first tank of B20

2004-05-09 Thread Busyditch

Its called Taylor Fuel Oil.They have many locations but only one,
Somerville, NJ has BD. Phone John Cusack 908 884-3813 He may be able to tell
you when they have more 5 gal pails in stock. I bought the last 3 5 gal
pails, but he still has 2 55 gal drums, I may buy one if the price is right
(He asked me to call back bc he did not have a price yet)
- Original Message - 
From: Scott Alexander [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 8:53 PM
Subject: re: [biofuel] My first tank of B20

 Where in N NJ did you find biodiesel?  I'm in Warren and would like to
 have a commercial source at least as a stopgap?

 Scott Alexander [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[biofuel] My first tank of B20

2004-05-07 Thread Busyditch

Well, I have finally found a source for B-D here in North NJ. It is a local
fuel oil company who carries 5 gal pails and also 55 gal drums. I bought 3
pails today, with the hope of buying a drum and keeping it in the yard where
I work. I put in 3 gallons because it is a 14 gal tank (Golf) and then
topped it off. Oh, yeah, while g-ass-oline prices are soaring, I have
watched petro diesel come down almost 8 cents per gallon in 2 weeks, (I paid
$1.55 US per galllon) The first thing I noticed when I got home is that the
exhaust smell is much less notable. So now the Biodiesel sticker in my back
window is finaly accurate. Now on to making my own!

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Re: [biofuel] 82 mercedes 300td HELP!

2004-05-07 Thread Busyditch

Definitely sounds like fuel starvation. I'm not too familiar with the Benz
under the hood, but are there any fuel lines running from the filter into
the injection pump? You may want to loosen the line slightly to see if any
fuel comes out while someone cranks the engine over.
- Original Message - 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 5:07 PM
Subject: [biofuel] 82 mercedes 300td HELP!

 While I realized that this is not the best place for a benz question,

 here goes-

 I have an '82 300td [wagon] with 239,000k miles on it.

 Just bought it last week and got the paperwork done so I can start driving
 this week.

 I ran around Savannah[GA] here with it several days- Ok.  No problems.

 Today, the car started to hesitate big time.

 I'm running only dino diesel fuel.

 The seller changed both fuel filters prior to the sale.

 The car would run briefly, but then would crawl along at 5MPH at best-
then it
 coughed and gave up the ghost.

 The engine will turn over.

 Any ideas?


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Re: [biofuel] Using Prius as an electric car *#

2004-05-05 Thread Busyditch

Thanks for your concern and insight. I, too, knew very little about b-d
until a few months ago. It started with an email from someone  in Australia
who started running their TDi on WVO (waste vegetable oil) and then the
wonderful discovery of the grass roots people around the world building
their own systems to convert WVO to b-d. I looked into kits to convert cars
to WVO dual tank systems, and then seriously started hunting for a TDi.
(found my 2000 Golf TDi with only 50 K)At this point I discovered JTF, and
have read a lot of interesting comments from list members. Yes, there were
front page stories in the Times, etc (links to follow) which did not make
any waves, obviously. Yes,the country needs to be informed that an
alternative isd here in front of their faces, and Bush should NOT put any
money into the super costly hydrogen cell technology.
But my frustration still lies in obtaining b-d. One list member offered for
me to come visit him upstate (near Oneonta) to see his conversion tank
system.(I live in NJ but  own a house in the Catskills) But my efforts to
obtain a 5 gal pail or 55 gal drum of b-d for me to mix into my own B20
(20%) is tough, because the shipping is almost as much as the product
itself. I CAN buy a tractor trailer load, but who has a tank to store that
much? Therefore the need to start-up a small distributorship here in the NY
area, maybe in an old gas station? I am seriously pursuing it. If your TDi
gets such good mileage, it wouldnt be so bad for someone to travel from, say
Queens or Brooklyn to north NJ where my station will be, I would even offer
to pay back tolls! If I could generate enough interest from this list, it
would be an incentive for me. Thanks again, and keep in touch. (are you also
in NY?)
Here is a cool list,if you browse around there are articles from various
media, plus super reviews of the TDi cars.

- Original Message - 
From: Eva Pierce 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 7:00 PM
Subject: RE: [biofuel] Using Prius as an electric car *#

 I, too, would be interested in hearing about your efforts to start
 production in NYC. More from the perspective of another biodiesel newbie
 that is interested in production.

 I wouldn't be surprised to find out that most people are less
 than the ones on this list, in that even if they do connect our political
 problems with oil, it does not occur to them that there are alternatives
 that are both environmentally and economically (key point!) more healthy.
 What's astonishing to me is how long biodiesel has been around versus how
 recently (I can count the weeks on two hands) I discovered its existence.
 Where are the press releases and ad campaigns? Definitely not on the front


 From: murdoch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 12:32 AM
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Using Prius as an electric car *#

 If you are able to follow through on this, or even if you are not able
 to do so, and find that it just takes the fire out of you, I for one
 will be extremely interested to read of your efforts, or of any
 further info you can pass on to us, about the NYC area.

 I am acquainted with the guy who runs NYCE wheels, the 2-wheeler EV
 seller on the upper east side.  But that's just an EV issue, not a
 biofuel issue.

 A couple of years ago I was in NYC and asked about the grocery store
 situation.  I realized that I never seemed to see large chain stores
 as I am accustomed to elsehwere.  I was told that, basically, the
 local stores had a strong push and were able to keep the area
 different from the chain-store-ization of elsewhere.  I am not saying
 good or bad, I was just sort of wondering, and that's what I was
 told... as I kept in mind the amounts of food going into the city
 every day, and the amounts of waste exiting.

 There was a news story or two, a few years ago, about the issue of
 some restauraunt waste grease, that might otherwise have been turned
 into fuel, being put illegally into the sewer systems, and causing
 damage.  Apparently this was happening in a certain Chinese restaurant
 area more than in others?  I have not heard any further discussion of

 Manhattan is such a different area from others that I have been to,
 that I cannot begin to really understand it.  I never seem to see gas
 stations, yet there must be some, because there are certainly enough
 cars and taxis.  I think this is merely my perception, that I don't
 see any.  But at the same time, I'm guessing that it's highly
 regulated and that this is part of the reason for the lack of inroads
 by folks trying to do something different.

 After 9-11, I expected NYC people, of anyone, to make a connection
 between the issue of changing the sourcing of their fuel and fighting
 the war, or at least fighting whatever fight any individual citizen
 wanted, as far as his own personal views

Re: [biofuel] Using Prius as an electric car *#

2004-05-03 Thread Busyditch

Here is my current dilemma: I am seeking to buy biodiesel, either B20 or
B100 that I can mix myself. I am not in the best situation right now that
would allow me the chance to brew my own. So I am looking for a distributor
to supply me. Now, I live in the NY city area, THE largest Metropolitan area
in the world, yet there are ZERO distributors here, the closest is New
Haven, Connecticutt, and Bridgeton, NJ, 2 hours drive eiher way. I want so
much to become part of the biodiesel solution that I want to try to become a
distributor here in NY, and maybe get in on the ground floor. I do have some
capital to invest. but just need more info on how to do it. I am banking on
the hope that biodiesel will be the wave of the future, as a government
mandated supplement to petro diesel. Good Luck to us all!
- Original Message - 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 2:41 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Using Prius as an electric car *#

 Dear B.D.,

  The parking lot is a great idea.

  I hope we a a few landlords/entrepreneurs
 on the list put it to use.

  Perhaps the charge could be done for free
 during certain hours to be competitive with
 parking lots not supplying the service.

  Maybe commuter parking lots could charge
 for free to induce multi-modal commuters to
 participate in such programs or to buy the cars
 in the first instance.

  Keep up the good thinking.



 Busyditch wrote:

   Ideally, one should be able to charge their battery using a biofuel
  genset. Not a reality for most, but imagine someone setting up an
  regeneration station/parking lot to charge your vehicle overnight
  such a generator. The ideas are boundless, just enough inspiration to
  them work.
  - Original Message -
  From: Michael 
  To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 12:56 AM
  Subject: [biofuel] Using Prius as an electric car
   I hope everyone realizes that the energy comes from a dirty power
   then loses energy traveling down the power lines, to their plug, and
   loses energy in the rectifier, and in charging the batteries, and in
   discharging the batteries.Very Respectfully,
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[biofuel] New Mercedes to be sold in the US

2004-04-25 Thread Busyditch


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Re: [biofuel] Using Prius as an electric car

2004-04-22 Thread Busyditch

Ideally, one should be able to charge their battery using a biofuel powered
genset. Not a reality for most, but imagine someone setting up an urban
regeneration station/parking lot to charge your vehicle overnight using
such a generator. The ideas are boundless, just enough inspiration to make
them work.
- Original Message - 
From: Michael 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 12:56 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Using Prius as an electric car

 I hope everyone realizes that the energy comes from a dirty power plant,
 then loses energy traveling down the power lines, to their plug, and then
 loses energy in the rectifier, and in charging the batteries, and in
 discharging the batteries.Very Respectfully,


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Re: [biofuel] Biodiesel Class in Tucson, Arizona, May 22, possibly equipment class May 23?

2004-04-21 Thread Busyditch

Try JC Whitney.
- Original Message - 
From: James Merkle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:06 PM
Subject: RE: [biofuel] Biodiesel Class in Tucson, Arizona, May 22, possibly
equipment class May 23?

 i am tryihg to get a good source for 2 and 3 port solenoid valves...
 hopefully for cheaper than 50 bucks each.  Can anyone direct me to a

 jamie merkle
 617 969 2489

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[biofuel] Trunk mounted tank

2004-04-20 Thread Busyditch

I am poring over the specs on a singleor dual tank system to run WVO. Anyone
know of a manufacturer who makes a tank to fit in the spare tire well? I
have a 2000 Golf and thought this would be a good idea, as it would not take
up the cargo/trunk areas in eithe Golfs or sedans like Jettas, etc. Seems to
me it would hold at least 10 gal, or so.

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[biofuel] news article concerning biodiesel and crops

2004-04-03 Thread Busyditch


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[biofuel] more from Minnesota

2004-04-03 Thread Busyditch


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Re: [biofuel] newbie questions

2004-04-01 Thread Busyditch

Your plan is feasible, save for the fact that you live in an area with cold
climate most of the year. The idea of using SVO works through the principle
of preheating the oil for a thinner viscosity, to run better. But in most
cases you will need a dual fuel system, because the SVO does not start well
in cold weather, and it also has the same gelling problems as petro diesel.
There are kits online to convert to SVO and also some dual fuel kits, too.
The problems arise with dual fuel systems because the diesel engine needs a
bleed back line into the fuels tank, and you cannot mix petro diesel with
SVO, so you need a switching system to feed back to the respective fuel
tank. This is the only way to prevent ruining the engine, or causing running
problems. I own a 2000 Golf TDi and plan on running biodiesel as a 20% mix
until I can make my own biodiesel. Right now I cant because I cant fit the
tanks into my condominium. :)
- Original Message - 
From: Julia Mossbridge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 1:51 PM
Subject: [biofuel] newbie questions

 Hi there,

 I am very new to the biofuel group and am just trying to determine whether
 anyone thinks it's a good idea to buy a VW Beetle GLS TDI (1999) and then
 alter it to run on SVO.

 *If* there is someone out there who thinks this idea is reasonable (won't
 ruin the TDI, etc.), or someone who has done this, I'd love to hear about
 it. AND if there is someone out there who doesn't think this is a good
 idea, I'd love to hear about that too.

 On the off chance anyone knows someone in the Chicago area who can make
 this kind of alteration (i know I can't), I'd love their contact




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Re: [biofuel] My new ride=TDi

2004-03-27 Thread Busyditch

Hey Chris, thanks for the invite. I may take you up on it. My house is in
Fleischmans, right by Bellayre ski area, in Delaware Cty. I love it up
there, and wish to move as soon as child support stops beating me up,maybe
in 3-4 years. So keep in touch, Im about to take the Golf for the first real
ride, got my insurance today, tomorrow I go for some new tires, I love the
Toyos. See ya
- Original Message - 
From: Harriet 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] My new ride=TDi

 Hey Busyditch, where in upstate NY are you? I'm in Chenango county, 30
 minutes west of Oneonta.

 If you're not too far, you're welcome to come on over and see our
 biodiesel setup. And, even if you are too far, you're still welcome to
 come over.

 Running a '87 Mercedes 300 TD Turbo wagon, on B100 (most of the year!).


 Busyditch wrote:

 Well, I am now officially  a newbie. Tonight I go pick up my 2000 VW Golf
 GLS TDi.. 50k miles. I can't wait! I'll be selling my gaz guzzling pick
 truck. I really did my homework, and some day hope to make my own
 at my weekend home in upstate NY. (tho, not too many fast food rests. in
 area of the Catskill Mtns) Someday I will buy a diesel pick up, and use
 homebrewed fuel. Thanks to all those who have helped so far, this is a
 wonderful list.

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Re: [biofuel] My new ride=TDi

2004-03-27 Thread Busyditch

Do you have a pre heater, or just running the SVO straight with the diesel?
I dont htinkI could do that herein the NE US, where the ambient temp is too
cold most of the year.
- Original Message - 
From: Sumit 
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] My new ride=TDi


 I got an O3 Jetta TDI and am running 20% SVO.  Anyone running
 B100 on a new VW 1.9 Turbo Diesel engine? I'm putting in 20% pure soy
 with low sulphur (0.5%).  Anyone got some tips on how lean I can go on the


 - Original Message -
 From: Harriet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 3:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] My new ride=TDi

  Hey Busyditch, where in upstate NY are you? I'm in Chenango county, 30
  minutes west of Oneonta.
  If you're not too far, you're welcome to come on over and see our
  biodiesel setup. And, even if you are too far, you're still welcome to
  come over.
  Running a '87 Mercedes 300 TD Turbo wagon, on B100 (most of the year!).
  Busyditch wrote:
  Well, I am now officially  a newbie. Tonight I go pick up my 2000 VW
  GLS TDi.. 50k miles. I can't wait! I'll be selling my gaz guzzling pick
  truck. I really did my homework, and some day hope to make my own
  at my weekend home in upstate NY. (tho, not too many fast food rests.
  area of the Catskill Mtns) Someday I will buy a diesel pick up, and use
  homebrewed fuel. Thanks to all those who have helped so far, this is a
  wonderful list.
  Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
  Biofuels list archives:
  Please do NOT send Unsubscribe messages to the list address.
  To unsubscribe, send an email to:
  Yahoo! Groups Links

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[biofuel] NY Times arrticle

2004-03-26 Thread Busyditch

NY Times article dealing with the advent of diesel around the world

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[biofuel] My new ride=TDi

2004-03-25 Thread Busyditch

Well, I am now officially  a newbie. Tonight I go pick up my 2000 VW Golf
GLS TDi.. 50k miles. I can't wait! I'll be selling my gaz guzzling pick up
truck. I really did my homework, and some day hope to make my own biodiesel
at my weekend home in upstate NY. (tho, not too many fast food rests. in my
area of the Catskill Mtns) Someday I will buy a diesel pick up, and use my
homebrewed fuel. Thanks to all those who have helped so far, this is a
wonderful list.

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[biofuel] interesting ebay auction

2004-03-24 Thread Busyditch

This may help some of the list members. I live close to this person and may
contact him.


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[biofuel] VW TDi chip box

2004-03-24 Thread Busyditch

Has any member used one of these smart boxes, such as Speed Tuning or Van
Aaken or such? Was wondering if they really improve mileage and power.

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Re: [biofuel] Re: how to modify a diesel engine for biogas fuel

2004-03-18 Thread Busyditch

Try this, it explains that you dont need to modify your engine when using
biodiesel, but you do for straight vegetable oil (SVO)
- Original Message - 
From: bazeeth ahamed [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: biofuel@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 10:50 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: how to modify a diesel engine for biogas fuel

 hi all
 i want to know how to modify a diesel engine to work
 on dual fuel(BIOGAS AND DIESEL).
 kindly forward the links from where i can find the

 Bazeeth Ahamed
 --- Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello Theo
  We are interested in planting jatropha curcas for
  producing our own
  biodiesel and have found quite a bit of information
  on the net but a lot of
  it is conflicting.  So we have a lot of questions
  that we need answering and
  would appreciate any help in this regard.  We are
  also looking for a place
  to buy seeds, as there doesn't seem to be place
  where we can purchase in
  South Africa.
  1. How much oil can we conservatively expect per
  2. Do cuttings give a lower yield than
  seedlings/seeds and does this last
  over the life span of the tree?
  3. What is the ideal spacing for planting and what
  are the best conditions
  for growing and planting?
  4. How long does it take for the plant to yield
  nuts and for how long will
  it produce?
  5. How often does the tree bear fruit?
  6. Is it necessary to irrigate to get the maximum
  7. Must we protect the plant against specific pests
  and diseases?
  8. What can we do with the remains of the nuts
  after pressing
  them for oil?
  9. How much biodiesel can we expect to get out of
  processed oil?
  1. Why do you want to plant jatropha? High yield?
  2. Why do you want to plant a monocrop? Monocrops
  aren't sustainable
  - you'd want to produce sustainable biofuels via
  unsustainable ag
  Anyway, do an archive search for jatropha (without
  the quotes),
  there's a lot of information there:
  Including this:
  Jatropha curcas is a good option, but there are
  many other good
  options. The idea that it's the best option just
  doesn't take into
  account how development projects work, if they work
  at all, and this
  type of best technology thinking is one reason
  they often don't
  work. Almost any locally grown crop would have more
  going for it,
  regardless of Jatropha's yield and general
  usefulness. That's no
  reason not to use Jatropha, but it has to be fitted
  in properly, and
  once again full local involvement is essential for
  that to happen.

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