[Biofuel] New documentary 'Food, Inc.' offers troubling view of American food industry

2009-06-05 Thread SurpriseShan2
New documentary **Food,  Inc.** offers troubling view of American food 
Published: Friday, June 5, 2009 | 2:47 PM ET 
Canadian Press Ann Levin, For The  Associated Press 
NEW YORK - The new documentary **Food, Inc.** begins with  idyllic scenes 
of American farmland, panning from golden fields of hay to a  solitary cowboy 
rounding up a herd of cattle. Then the camera zooms in on a  grocery cart 
overflowing with packaged food and rolling down the aisles of a  gaudily lit 
Eerie, horror movie-style music swells in the background. It's  meant to 
signal the audience that the pastoral fantasy of agrarian America on  
everything from packages of breakfast sausage to cereal boxes is not what it  
that great danger lurks behind the cheery images of 1930s-era red barns  
and white picket fences. 
Director Robert Kenner is bent on showing us a far grimmer  reality. He 
tells of dust-choked poultry houses where chickens never see the  light of day 
and are pumped so full of chemicals they produce more meat than  their 
organs can support. Eventually they collapse under the weight of their  
abnormally large breasts and die before reaching the slaughterhouse. 
He shows us industrial feed lots where cows are fattened on  
chemical-enhanced feed and forced to spend their days standing ankle-deep in  
Kenner relates the heart-wrenching story of  Republican-turned-activist 
Barbara Kowalcyk, who prowls the halls of Congress  with her mother to try to 
force lawmakers to enact food safety legislation that  she believes could 
have saved the life of her 2 1/2-year-old son Kevin, who died  of E. coli 
poisoning 12 days after eating contaminated hamburgers. 
Kenner is hoping his film will raise awareness of the enormous  price in 
health and safety that he says Americans pay to gorge themselves on the  
relatively cheap calories that stock supermarket shelves courtesy of a handful  
of multinational corporations. 
Just as the Oscar-winning 2006 documentary An Inconvenient  Truth helped 
galvanize the fight against global warming, Kenner and his  partners want to 
spur legions of activists to rise up and take aim at lawmakers  and 
government regulators they believe have been corrupted by lobbyists for  
An alliance of trade associations that represent America's  meat and 
poultry producers have set up a website to counter virtually every  claim in 
documentary, from the contention that E. coli contamination could  be reduced 
by feeding cattle grass instead of grain, to charges that U.S.  federal 
inspection agencies are understaffed and ineffective, and foodborne  illnesses 
are on the rise. 
The food industry says the film has **an astonishing number of  
half-truths, errors and omissions** and that scrapping current production  
methods in 
favor of locally grown, seasonal organic food would result in a  dramatic 
increase in food prices and fewer fruits and vegetables year-round. 
Janet M. Riley, senior vice president at the American Meat  Institute, says 
that contrary to the menacing image presented in the film, the  industry - 
comprised of **ordinary, hardworking people** - provides **the  safest, most 
affordable, most abundant food supply in the world.** 
She also says it would be foolhardy to abandon modern food  production 
methods during a global recession, when people are starving in parts  of the 
**Why would we want to turn the clock back to a less efficient  way to 
produce food?** she says. 
Kenner's arguments will be familiar to readers of **The  Omnivore's 
Dilemma** author Michael Pollan, whose numerous books and articles  have 
the physical and even moral hazard of the industrial food system. 
Pollan is featured in the film, as is **Fast Food Nation**  author Eric 
Schlosser, who wrote the best-selling 2001 expose of the fast food  industry 
that was later turned into a movie. 
Pollan, who has criticized industrial agriculture for a  decade, calls 
Kenner's documentary **the most important and powerful film about  our food 
system in a generation.** 
He says the director has broken new ground with his reporting  on such 
things as a new, high-tech system of meat processing that bathes beef  filler 
ammonia to kill harmful bacteria. 
Even though alternative agriculture represents just a small  part of the 
U.S. food industry, Pollan says he is **full of hope** about the  future. He 
cites the booming demand for organic food and the growing popularity  of 
farmers markets. 
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, sales of  organics have 
more than quintupled, increasing from US$3.6 billion in 1997 to  US$21.1 
billion in 2008. 
Kenner, too, is optimistic, ending the film on an uplifting  note. He sees 
a hopeful model in the fight 

Re: [Biofuel] New documentary 'Food, Inc.' offers troubling view of American food industry

2009-06-05 Thread doug
 New documentary **Food,  Inc.** offers troubling view of American food 
 Published: Friday, June 5, 2009 | 2:47 PM ET 
 Canadian Press Ann Levin, For The  Associated Press 
this week on PBS' NOW (with video):

This week, David Brancaccio talks with filmmaker Robert Kenner, the 
director of Food, Inc., which takes a hard look at the secretive and 
surprising journey food takes on the way from processing plants to our 
dinner tables. The two discuss why contemporary food processing secrets 
are so closely guarded, their impact on our health, and another 
surprising fact: how consumers are actually empowered to make a 


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