[Biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11 For Grown-ups

2004-09-18 Thread Keith Addison

Published on Friday, September 17, 2004 by CommonDreams.org
Journalism Under Fire
by Bill Moyers
Address to the Society of Professional Journalists
Saturday, September 11, 2004
New York City



Fahrenheit 9/11 For Grown-ups

Robert Jensen

September 17, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11 stirred up emotions about the war in Iraq, but 
Hijacking Catastrophe arms us with an understanding of how we got 
there. Moore avoided discussing the real reasons the Bush 
administration invaded Iraq; i nstead he made inferences about George 
W. Bush's allegiance to the Saudi royalty and desire to avenge his 
father. But Bush alone wasn't leading the charge to invade. Jensen 
writes that a new documentary lays clear the path to war and the 
media's role in selling it. 

Robert Jensen is a journalism professor at the University of Texas at 
Austin and the author of Citizens of the Empire: The Struggle to 
Claim Our Humanity from City Lights Books. He can be reached at 

I'm a former full-time journalist turned journalism professor. I 
continue to commit occasional acts of journalism, and I retain a deep 
affection for, and commitment to, the craft and its ideals. That's 
why it pains me to say this: The performance of the U.S. corporate 
commercial news media after 9/11 has been the most profound and 
dangerous failure of journalism in my lifetime.

That's the bad news. The good news is that the void is being filled 
by other institutions, including the Media Education Foundation with 
its new documentary, Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling 
of American Empire.

That performance of journalists in the run-up to the U.S. invasion of 
Iraq was so abysmal that the country's top two daily newspapers, the 
Washington Post and New York Times , eventually were forced to engage 
in a bit of self-criticism, albeit shallow and inadequate. The U.S. 
news media's willingness to serve as a largely uncritical conduit for 
the lies, half-truths and distortions the Bush administration used to 
create the pretext for war showed how easily journalists can become 
de facto agents of a state propaganda campaign, which in this case 
mobilized public support for an illegal war.

But the lies that led to the Iraq war are only part of a bigger 
story, the most important story of the past three years: The Bush 
administration's manipulation of the tragedy of 9/11 to extend and 
intensify the longstanding U.S. project of empire building (and the 
complicity of most Democrats in that endeavor).

No publication or network in the mainstream of U.S. journalism has 
offered an independent, critical analysis of that project. Only a few 
journalists, mostly on the margins, have even dared to take a crack 
at it. The best consistent work has been in the foreign press or the 
alternative media in the United States.

This also has been the year of the political documentary, and 
Hijacking Catastrophe is the best film in this genre to date.

(Full disclosure: I was one of the people interviewed for Hijacking 
Catastrophe, and I also have appeared in two other MEF films. I 
agreed to participate in these projects because, after years of using 
MEF videos in the classroom, I have come to respect the quality of 
the work and the integrity of its staff.)

Until this year, MEF had focused primarily on media criticism; its 
videos examined the effect of mass media on U.S. politics and 
culture. MEF primarily took as its task the job of explaining the 
failures of journalists, not doing the work of journalists. With 
Hijacking Catastrophe, directors Sut Jhally and Jeremy Earp also take 
up that task, covering the tremendously important story of the 
current phase of the U.S. empire that journalists have let slip 
through their fingers.

The film concentrates on two major topics: The neoconservative agenda 
for U.S. domination of the world, which was created long before 9/11, 
and the selling of that agenda to the U.S. public after 9/11.

The first story goes back to the early 1990s and the end of the Cold 
War, when policy planners such as Paul Wolfowitz (current deputy 
secretary of defense) were devising a more aggressive foreign policy 
and military posture to allow the United States to capitalize on the 
collapse of the Soviet Union and to dominate the globe in ways that 
had not previously been possible. At the time, the plans were 
considered so extreme that the first Bush administration reined in 
these ideological fanatics; the U.S. empire could go forward, but not 
in such radical form.

During the remainder of the 1990s, these neoconservative planners 
chafed at what they saw as an insufficiently aggressive approach to 
expansion of the empire in the Clinton administration. The Project 
for the New American Century, a neoconservative think tank, was 
created as a vehicle for promoting this ideology, which 

Fwd: Hoagy - Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-05 Thread bvjfrs

--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, MH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 VCS Gives "Fahrenheit 9/11" a Five Star Rating
 Veterans for Common Sense

 Posted 6/25/2004

 Veterans for Common Sense presents Michael Moore and
 his film crew and staff with a five star review for
 his superb film. The facts Moore presents are
 compelling and accurate. Simply put,
 Moore connects the dots where the mainstream press fails.
 For veterans, the most important part of "Fahrenheit 9/11"
 comes at the very end, when Moore dedicates his efforts to
 the 851 U.S. service members who have so far fallen in
 Bush's reckless war. As a reminder to our members,
 supporters, and web site visitors, we are posting
 our letter delivered to Bush before the invasion,
 signed by 1,000 war veterans, where we
 strongly questioned Bush's reasons for his war.
 Bush never responded.

 The following letter was signed by
 1,000 war veterans and given to the
 President on March 10, 2003.

   March 10, 2003

   The Honorable George W. Bush
   President of the United States of America
   1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
   Washington, DC 20500

   Dear Mr. President:

 CONTINUED http://www.veteransforcommonsense.org/newsArticle.asp?id=1772
--- End forwarded message ---

Fwd: Hoagy - Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-05 Thread bvjfrs

--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, MH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Fahrenheit 9/11 Moore vs Bush

 They should make a film about Michael Moore's battle to
 get his latest documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 distributed in
 the States. What is it about the subject matter that
 caused financial backers like Mel Gibson's Icon Productions
 to get cold feet? Why did Disney want to block its release?

 Even if you don't agree with his politics or his documentary style,
 Michael Moore is a highly bankable, Oscar-winning filmmaker.
 His attack on America's gun crime epidemic, Bowling for Columbine,
 was the most profitable documentary in filmmaking history.
 Even before its nationwide release, Fahrenheit 9/11 promised to
 better that, having scooped the top film award at the Cannes
 film festival in May, received standing ovations at its premieres and
 impressive reviews from around the world, including from publications such as
 The Washington Post and New York Times. Have film distributors and
 theatre owners, who balked at releasing the film,
 ceased to be interested in the green stuff?

 Hardly. Moore's claim that distributors and theatre owners bowed to
 Republican pressure to block the film sounds perfectly plausible.
 See Fahrenheit 9/11 and you begin to realize why, as Moore has suggested,
 the White House wants to stop people in the US from seeing this film
 so badly in the run up to the presidential election.

 Moore's two-hour "op-ed" has the traits of his other films.
 It is an opinionated and passionate argument full of gut-wrenching emotion,
 rancor and laugh-out-loud comedy. Yes, there are occasions when you feel
 that the edits are steering you with a heavy hand in a certain direction,
 but Michael Moore is the first to admit that he is a partisan filmmaker.
 Love him or hate him, you have a pretty good idea what you will get
 in a Michael Moore movie.

 CONTINUED http://www.commonground.ca/iss/0407156/fww.shtml
--- End forwarded message ---

Fwd: Hoagy - Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-05 Thread bvjfrs

--- In biofuel@yahoogroups.com, MH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 "Filled with probing questions and disturbing footage, Fahrenheit 9/11
 covers territory and accusations that may be familiar to many but does a
 fascinating job of stitching them all together into a critical mass and
 exposing the profound failure of democracy in America. The Democrats
 are seen to be irrelevant as a force of opposition. The media is widely
 partisan. The public is ill-informed and gullible. The politicians are cynical
 and sly. One member of the House of Representatives calmly informs
 Moore that nobody ever reads the bills that they pass and he's ridiculously
 naive to believe that they ever could. There are moments that take the
 breath away."

 Deadeye Mike bowling for Bush
 Allan Hunter
   Director: Michael Moore

 MUCH more than a movie, Fahrenheit 9/11 has already become the
 documentary equivalent of The Passion of the Christ. Eagerly awaited,
 much discussed, trailing clouds of glory and controversy from its Cannes
 Palme D'Or win, it is a cultural phenomenon in its own right. No longer just
 preaching to the converted, it has achieved the kind of reputation that
 means it has to be seen regardless of your political affiliation or your
 feelings on the subject of its creator, people's champion Michael Moore.

 CONTINUED  http://scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com/thereview.cfm?id=763252004
--- End forwarded message ---

Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-05 Thread MH

 "The [U.S.] Army and Air Force Exchange Service, which
 books films to be shown on military bases around the world,
 has contacted Fahrenheitâs distributor to book the film, TIME reports." 

 Moore unfriendly fire bombs Bush
 Leigh Paatsch
 Review [Australia] 

 IN just seven days, Michael Moore's controversial
 Fahrenheit 9/11 has graduated from the most
 talked-about film in America to the most widely seen.

 The independently distributed documentary yesterday completed its
 first week of release as the No. 1 film at the US box-office. 

 Fahrenheit 9/11 has grossed $50.5 million, double what Moore's
 Bowling for Columbine took in total. 

 By the time Fahrenheit 9/11 premieres in Melbourne
 in mid-July, Moore's provocative attack on the
 Administration of US President George W. Bush
 will be nearing its peak of influence as a
 worldwide political and pop-cultural phenomenon. 


 Insightful, incendiary and sometimes irrational,
 Fahrenheit 9/11 is a current-affairs cocktail that
 should be tasted (if not entirely swallowed) by
 anyone concerned by the bitter flavour of global

 FAHRENHEIT 9/11 opens July 29.
 Sneak previews July 15-18 and 23-25.

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-05 Thread MH

 A British General's View of Fahrenheit 9/11

 General Sir Michael Rose,
 Former Commander of the UN Protection Force in Bosnia
 DAILY MAIL (London) / July 1, 2004

 I suspect many soldiers serving in Iraq today will find
 Michael Moore's film intensely irritating.

 This is because for much of the film he allows his
 antiwar, anti-Bush and anti-big business stance to
 obscure the important debate: whether President
 George W. Bush led his country - and by default the
 UK - into war in Iraq on a lie and whether subsequently,
 in trying to impose justice, freedom and democracy on
 the Iraqi people by force, the Americans became so
 violent and brutal themselves that they lost
 the moral high ground for ever. 

 Nevertheless, Moore has mounted a powerful protest against
 the Bush administration, in which he uses all the tricks of
 the skilled polemicist - ridicule, conspiracy theory and sensationalism.

 He shows terrible images of dead and dying civilians and soldiers
 in Iraq.

 He interviews U.S. soldiers both in Iraq and in hospital in
 America who question why they went to Iraq 'to kill innocent
 civilians', and he intrudes closely on the grief of an
 American mother who lost her son.

 I believe that this film will utterly destroy any residual
 confidence that the American people might have in the
 credentials of George W. Bush as a decisive war leader.

 For a full five minutes, Moore cruelly dwells on Bush's
 vacuous, tortured face in close-up immediately after he had
 been told about the attacks on the World Trade Centre and
 the Pentagon.

 The message is clear. Here is no Roosevelt, Churchill or
 Thatcher, but a deeply inadequate man whose mind is
 frozen with indecision and fear. It is a look I know well -
 if he had been a subordinate commander in battle I would have
 immediately relieved him of his command.

 What emerges from this film is that America is unlikely ever
 to attempt such a disastrous military adventure again.

 The trust of many of the American people in their leadership is
 destroyed and the all-volunteer Army in Iraq has run out of steam.
 It is now heavily dependent on the reservists who are taking
 much of the strain of operations in Iraq.

 Many of these young people only joined the army to obtain
 funding for their university education. They never expected to
 be sent overseas for such a prolonged period of time, and - if
 Moore's film is a true reflection of American opinion - they
 will not allow themselves to be so badly misled again.

 Looking beyond Moore's sensationalism, I think that his
 underlying message is nonetheless valid.

 The war in Iraq was immoral and it has caused some Americans to
 behave in an immoral way themselves. Meanwhile, the wider war on
 terror is being lost.

 Fact or fiction, everyone should see this film.
 I, for one, support Moore's protest.

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-04 Thread rico suavae

The Cameo is indeed an art house movie theater.And as such its not too hard to 
break an attendence record in a venue that seats only 162 people.

"Fahrenheit 9/11," a left-sided documentary that
bashes the Bush administration's war on terrorism,
wouldn't find much of an audience in a military town.

Or so they thought.

'Fahrenheit 9/11' sets record
By Matt Leclercq

"This has broken all of our past records," said Nasim Kuenzel,
an owner of the Cameo Art House Theatre. "The movie that I thought
would make us hardly any money - I never thought it would break
all the records."

Both showings sold out Friday at the Cameo, the only theater in
Fayetteville to carry the Michael Moore film. A midnight showing
added at the last minute Friday brought in 60 more people.

Saturday and Sunday were just as busy, Kuenzel said, with nearly
1,000 tickets sold over the weekend. As many as 75 percent of
moviegoers were soldiers or military families, Kuenzel said.

Many were like Natalie Sorton. She is 25 and married to an
infantryman who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"I want to see what my husband is fighting for," Sorton said
Monday before going into the theater with a friend, Kathy Norris.

Another military spouse had recommended the movie. While
Sorton described herself as a moderate Republican, she said
she gained respect for Moore after seeing his last documentary,
"Bowling for Columbine."

In that film, Moore pestered corporations and celebrities to
take responsibility for gun violence. Sorton said she wanted
to see Moore be equally pestering to politicians who make
decisions about war.

"I'm going because from what I heard about ('Fahrenheit 9/11'),
it fills in a lot of blanks, a lot of questions we've had about
the Bush administration," Sorton said.

The documentary assails President Bush's decisions surrounding
the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Moore attempts to link the
Bush family with Saudi Arabia and blame business interests as the
reason for invading Iraq. "Fahrenheit 9/11" includes frank comments
from soldiers in Iraq and emotional interviews with families who
lost children in the fighting.

Almost all the crowds at the Cameo have applauded the film at
the end, with some people giving standing ovations, Kuenzel said.
Many have tears in their eyes as they leave the theater.

"I think it's going to open my eyes a little, and that worries me,"
Sorton said before taking her seat.

Lea Barnes, a Republican, seemed giddy as she and a friend bought
tickets Monday.

"I'm not pleased at all about the way things are going" with the war,
Barnes said. "I trust Michael Moore. He can be out there a bit, but
he's for the common man."

Negative reactions have been few, Kuenzel said. The theater received
three calls and two letters in opposition of carrying the film, she
said. No one has protested, though some people handed out anti-war
fliers on the street Friday evening.

Nationwide ticket sales totaling $23.9 million launched the film to
the No. 1 spot over the weekend, a record for a documentary.
Twelve other theaters in North Carolina are carrying "Fahrenheit 9/11,"
according to the film's Web site.

Other theaters

The Varsity Theatre in Chapel Hill also sold out over the weekend,
with some patrons from the Fayetteville area, said owner Mary Jo
Stone. The publicity surrounding Disney's refusal to distribute
the film because of its political content helped ignite sales.

"I think people are interested in perhaps getting a different
perspective than what they see in the news all the time," Stone said.

Since the Cameo opened in 2000, the only other movies that
approached the sales figures for "Fahrenheit 9/11" were
"My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."
Other theaters across the country are expected to start showing
the film in the next few weeks.

After Monday's showing, Sorton emerged with a grim face.
She said she plans to buy the film on DVD and give it to
everyone she knows.

"I'm disgusted," she said. "Disgusted."

The film changed her opinions on the war in Iraq by convincing
her that oil and corporate interests were behind decision-making,
she said. Worries over whether Moore would vilify soldiers were unfounded.

"I don't think they portrayed them as bad," she said. "I don't
think it portrayed them as not doing their jobs. It showed them
doing what they're told.

"All this movie did was open my eyes a little more to what's
really going on," she said. "I think this is definitely going
to have an impact on the election. I'm glad I'm a voter."

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-04 Thread MH

 'Fahrenheit 9/11' prompts clean, righteous anger
 Sun, Jul. 04, 2004

 "Fahrenheit 9/11" made me angrier than any movie I've ever seen.

 It was a good anger, hard, clean and righteous, and I enjoyed it so much
 that I went back three days later to experience it again. Took two of my
 sons and two of their friends so they could become angry, too.

 It's not that I was unaware the movie is less documentary than propaganda,
 one-sided and proud of it. It's not that I buy its conspiracy theories
 tying the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to Bush cronies and their thirst
 for oil.

 It is, rather, that the movie brings us face to face with things we have
 largely failed to appreciate these last months, things essential and
 disturbing about the president, his people and his war.

 Things like human cost, as in Lila Lipscomb, an erstwhile proud
 military mother who is literally bent double by grief after
 losing her son to a war whose righteousness she had not thought to question.

 Things like human greed, as in a gathering of military contractors who
 are barely able to contain their glee as they calculate the profit from this 

 Things like human hubris, as in George W. Bush himself. He brags in
 an old interview about people wanting to do business with him because
 he can provide access to his father the president and you are appalled
 by his fratboy arrogance.

 He makes vague allusion to ''things'' he and his aides will be
 working on, and you sense he hasn't a clue what they are.

 He squints and smirks and stumbles back and forth over his own tongue,
 and you have this fantasy that if you could peer into his brain,
 you'd find a hamster running hard on a squeaky wheel.

 Then there's the footage from that morning in a Florida classroom
 when an aide whispers to him that the nation has come under attack.
 For seven agonizing minutes he just sits there, his expression
 clearly that of a man who has not a clue. You want him to stand up,
 demand information, give an order, be the ''president.''
 Instead, he sits.

 The White House has said Bush was seeking to project an air of calm.
 What he projects instead is an air of utter incompetence.

 Some people will call that ''Bush bashing,'' of course.
 They will cluck piously about the need to respect the president.
 These would be the same people who kept accusing the previous president
 of drug dealing and murder.

 It strikes me that their anger toward him probably felt
 hard, clean and righteous, too. The realization is sobering.
 It's the thing that finally stops me in my tracks.

 After all, if smugness was one of liberalism's most glaring
 flaws from the 1960s to the doorstep of the Reagan revolution,
 one of the least attractive characteristics of conservatism from
 that era forward has been its perpetual anger. Meaning its capacity to
 feel put upon, to work itself into a froth of righteous indignation,
 demonizing the opposition such that ''liberal'' becomes not a competing
 political philosophy but a curse word.

 Nowadays, that kind of anger seems to be working its
 way from right to left. Witness the recent spate of
 harshly anti-conservative books, radio programs and now,
 Michael Moore's movie. Maybe we shouldn't be surprised.
 After all, there's something seductive about anger,
 something attractive in its minimalist simplicity.
 No thought, no reasoning, just a strident declaration.
 ''I'm right, and you're evil.''

 The political left once prided itself on being better than that,
 on reading between the lines, comprehending nuance and
 illuminating areas of gray.

 And now? Well, in the words of the old song,
 there's something happening here. What it is
 ain't exactly clear.

 I find myself wondering if we will not all become self-righteous
 and extreme now, pulling away from a center that no longer holds.
 And if so, who will be left to seek common ground for the common good?

 ''Fahrenheit'' made me angry. It scares me how easily that happened.
 And how good it feels.

   Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for commentary,
   is a columnist for the Miami Herald, 1 Herald Plaza, Miami, Fla. 33132.
   Readers may write to him via e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or by calling
   toll-free at 1-888-251-4407. His columns appear most Sundays and
   Wednesdays in the American News.

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-04 Thread MH

 "Dissent, not censorship, is our heritage.
 Let's remember that this Independence Day."

 Anti-Bush film speaks for Kansans
 Sun, Jul. 04, 2004

 Scanning the cable news channels at home last week after
 watching "Fahrenheit 9/11," a cinematic commentary about
 President Bush, Bush's ties to the oilindustry and our
 nation's involvement in Iraq, I found myself thinking
 about Toni Smith.

 It has been more than a year since the women's college
 basketball player repelled and rallied people last year
 by turning away from the flag before her team's games,
 in protest of the war in Iraq.

 I thought about Toni because Fahrenheit's writer, producer and
 director, Michael Moore, was getting the Toni Smith treatment
 from the usual suspects on the cable news networks that night,
 and that treatment contrasted sharply with the standing ovations
 the movie received.

 People who disagreed with Toni wanted to shut her up. This is
 something we can see now in the response to Moore's film, an
 un-American turn if there ever was one.

 Moore has been called a traitor by some, subversive and
 dangerous by others and a pathological liar by still more.
 There's even a move now to pull Moore's movie trailers
 because the ads may violate presidential campaign advertising laws.

 Almost everyone who dislikes the movie talks at length about
 its factual errors, and I saw a few myself.

 The scene where Bush asks world leaders to help fight terrorism
 before turning to tee off on a golf ball seemed a little unfair.
 Had he refused to comment, he'd have been branded as aloof and
 out of touch.

 And suggesting that Bush takes foreign policy directives from
 the Saudis ignores the fact that he refused a large check from
 a Saudi official after Sept. 11, insulting the Saudi royals.
 Bush also pressed our nation forward into wars in Afghanistan
 and Iraq to which the Saudis strongly objected.

 But critics omit the movie's poignant and undisputed truths
 about the war -- the large number of innocent Iraqi civilians
 maimed, terrorized and killed.

 No one talks about the way the "haves and have-mores" that
 Bush so blithely refers to as his base in the movie have
 closed factories and outsourced jobs and left young people
 with military service as virtually their only option for survival.

 None of those critics mention the most penetrating line in the
 movie, which said in substance that the people our society
 cruelly forces into the margins always seem to step forward first
 to defend our country and that all that they ask is to not be sent
 into harm's way without good reason.

 No one wants to talk about a grieving mother's pain multiplied over
 the more than 800 mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and children
 who've lost loved ones in this war where no weapons of mass destruction
 have been found.

 No one wants to talk about that. Instead, they want to stop
 movie trailers, prevent people from going to see it and
 discredit the man who made it.

 People such as Toni and Moore speak for people here in
 conservative Kansas. People who, for whatever reason,
 don't or can't speak out.

 I heard cheers and applause in that Northrock theater, and
 I can't remember ever hearing cheers and applause following
 a movie. Those were people who wanted desperately to be heard.

 If our founders had intended for people to be censored and
 intimidated the way people have attempted to censor and
 intimidate Toni and Moore, they wouldn't have created a document
 called the Constitution that allows for freedom of expression.

 Dissent, not censorship, is our heritage.
 Let's remember that this Independence Day.

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-04 Thread MH

 Sunday, July 4th, 2004
 My First Wild Week with "Fahrenheit 9/11"...
 By Michael Moore


 Where do I begin? This past week has knocked me for a loop.
 "Fahrenheit 9/11," the #1 movie in the country, the largest grossing
 documentary ever. My head is spinning. Didn't we just lose our
 distributor 8 weeks ago? Did Karl Rove really fail to stop this?
 Is Bush packing?

 Each day this week I was given a new piece of information from the
 press that covers Hollywood, and I barely had time to recover from
 the last tidbit before the next one smacked me upside the head: 

 ** More people saw "Fahrenheit 9/11" in one weekend than all the
people who saw "Bowling for Columbine" in 9 months.

 ** "Fahrenheit 9/11" broke "Rocky III's" record for the biggest box
office opening weekend ever for any film that opened in less than a
thousand theaters.

 ** "Fahrenheit 9/11" beat the opening weekend of "Return of the Jedi." 

 ** "Fahrenheit 9/11" instantly went to #2 on the all-time list for largest
per-theater average ever for a film that opened in wide-release.

 How can I ever thank all of you who went to see it? These records are
 mind-blowing. They have sent shock waves through Hollywood - and,
 more importantly, through the White House.

 But it didn't just stop there. The response to the movie then went into
 the Twilight Zone. Surfing through the dial I landed on the Fox
 broadcasting network which was airing the NASCAR race live last
 Sunday to an audience of millions of Americans -- and suddenly the
 announcers were talking about how NASCAR champ Dale Earnhardt,
 Jr. took his crew to see "Fahrenheit 9/11" the night before. FOX
 sportscaster Chris Myers delivered Earnhardt's review straight out of
 his mouth and into the heartland of America: "He said hey, it'll be a
 good bonding experience no matter what your political belief. It's a
 good thing as an American to go see." Whoa! NASCAR fans - you
 can't go deeper into George Bush territory than that! White House
 moving vans - START YOUR ENGINES!

 Then there was Roger Friedman from the Fox News Channel giving
 our film an absolutely glowing review, calling it "a really brilliant piece
 of work, and a film that members of all political parties should see
 without fail." Richard Goldstein of the Village Voice surmised that
 Bush is already considered a goner so Rupert Murdoch might be
 starting to curry favor with the new administration. I don't know about
 that, but I've never heard a decent word toward me from Fox. So,
 after I was revived, I wondered if a love note to me from Sean Hannity
 was next. 

 How about Letterman's Top Ten List: 
 "Top Ten George W. Bush Complaints About "Fahrenheit 9/11":

 10. That actor who played the President was totally unconvincing
  9. It oversimplified the way I stole the election
  8. Too many of them fancy college-boy words
  7. If Michael Moore had waited a few months, he could have included
 the part where I get him deported
  6. Didn't have one of them hilarious monkeys who smoke cigarettes
 and gives people the finger
  5. Of all Michael Moore's accusations, only 97% are true
  4. Not sure - - I passed out after a piece of popcorn lodged in my windpipe
  3. Where the hell was Spider-man?
  2. Couldn't hear most of the movie over Cheney's foul mouth
  1. I thought this was supposed to be about dodgeball

 But it was the reactions and reports we received from theaters around
 the country that really sent me over the edge. One theatre manager
 after another phoned in to say that the movie was getting standing
 ovations as the credits rolled - in places like Greensboro, NC and
 Oklahoma City -- and that they were having a hard time clearing the
 theater afterwards because people were either too stunned or they
 wanted to sit and talk to their neighbors about what they had just seen.
 In Trumbull, CT, one woman got up on her seat after the movie and
 shouted "Let's go have a meeting!" A man in San Francisco took his
 shoe off and threw it at the screen when Bush appeared at the end.
 Ladies' church groups in Tulsa were going to see it, and weeping

 It was this last group that gave lie to all the yakking pundits who,
 before the movie opened, declared that only the hard-core "choir"
 would go to see "Fahrenheit 9/11." They couldn't have been more
 wrong. Theaters in the Deep South and the Midwest set house records
 for any film they'd ever shown. Yes, it even sold out in Peoria. And
 Lubbock, Texas. And Anchorage, Alaska!

 Newspaper after newspaper wrote stories in tones of breathless
 disbelief about people who called themselves "Independents" and 
 "Republicans" walking out of the movie theater shaken and in tears,
 proclaiming that they could not, in good conscience, vote for George
 W. Bush. The New York Times wrote of a conservative Republican
 woman in her 20s in Pensacola, Florida who cried thro

Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-03 Thread MH

 $coreboard for Fahrenheit 9/11 

 02.Juli 2004
 Moore's Public Service

 Despite its flaws, "Fahrenheit 9/11" tells essential truths about
 leaders that should have been told by the media.

 Since it opened, "Fahrenheit 9/11" has been a hit in both
 blue and red America, even at theaters close to military bases.
 Last Saturday, Dale Earnhardt Jr. took his Nascar crew to see it.
 The film's appeal to working-class Americans, who are the
 true victims of George Bush's policies, should give pause to
 its critics, especially the nervous liberals rushing to
 disassociate themselves from Michael Moore. 

 There has been much tut-tutting by pundits who complain that the movie,
 though it has yet to be caught in any major factual errors, uses
 association and innuendo to create false impressions. Many of these
 same pundits consider it bad form to make a big fuss about the Bush
 administration's use of association and innuendo to link the
 Iraq war to 9/11. Why hold a self-proclaimed polemicist to a
 higher standard than you hold the president of the United States?

 And for all its flaws, "Fahrenheit 9/11" performs an essential service.
 It would be a better movie if it didn't promote a few unproven conspiracy
 theories, but those theories aren't the reason why millions of people
 who aren't die-hard Bush-haters are flocking to see it. These people see
 the film to learn true stories they should have heard elsewhere, but didn't.
 Mr. Moore may not be considered respectable, but his film is a hit because
 the respectable media haven't been doing their job. 

 For example, audiences are shocked by the now-famous seven minutes, when
 George Bush knew the nation was under attack but continued reading
 "My Pet Goat" with a group of children. Nobody had told them that the
 tales of Mr. Bush's decisiveness and bravery on that day were pure fiction.

 Or consider the Bush family's ties to the Saudis. The film suggests that
 Mr. Bush and his good friend Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the ambassador
 known to the family as Bandar Bush, have tried to cover up the extent of
 Saudi involvement in terrorism. This may or may not be true. But what
 shocks people, I think, is the fact that nobody told them about this side
 of Mr. Bush's life. 

 Mr. Bush's carefully constructed persona is that of an all-American
 regular guy - not like his suspiciously cosmopolitan opponent, with his
 patrician air. The news media have cheerfully gone along with the pretense.
 How many stories have you seen contrasting John Kerry's upper-crusty
 vacation on Nantucket with Mr. Bush's down-home time at the ranch?

 But the reality, revealed by Mr. Moore, is that Mr. Bush has always
 lived in a bubble of privilege. And his family, far from consisting of
 regular folks with deep roots in the heartland, is deeply enmeshed,
 financially and personally, with foreign elites - with the Saudis
 in particular. 

 Mr. Moore's greatest strength is a real empathy with working-class
 Americans that most journalists lack. Having stripped away Mr. Bush's
 common-man mask, he uses his film to make the case, in a way
 statistics never could, that Mr. Bush's policies favor a narrow elite
 at the expense of less fortunate Americans - sometimes, indeed,
 at the cost of their lives.  

 In a nation where the affluent rarely serve in the military, Mr. Moore
 follows Marine recruiters as they trawl the malls of depressed communities,
 where enlistment is the only way for young men and women to escape poverty.
 He shows corporate executives at a lavish conference on Iraq, nibbling on
 canapes and exulting over the profit opportunities, then shows the
 terrible price paid by the soldiers creating those opportunities.  

 The movie's moral core is a harrowing portrait of a grieving mother who
 encouraged her children to join the military because it was the only way
 they could pay for their education, and who lost her son in a war whose
 justification she no longer understands.

 Viewers may come away from Mr. Moore's movie believing some things that
 probably aren't true. For example, the film talks a lot about Unocal's
 plans for a pipeline across Afghanistan, which I doubt had much impact
 on the course of the Afghan war. Someday, when the crisis of
 American democracy is over, I'll probably find myself berating Mr. Moore,
 who supported Ralph Nader in 2000, for his simplistic antiglobalization views.

 But not now. "Fahrenheit 9/11" is a tendentious, flawed movie, but it tells
 essential truths about leaders who exploited a national tragedy for
 political gain, and the ordinary Americans who paid the price.

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-03 Thread Appal Energy

Okay. But that's last week.

The truth comes out this weekend. Three days. A national holiday. The choir
has digested.

What will the rest of the world do?

Surely will be one of those fractional thermometers of the global heartbeat.

Pray for peaceIf they don't capitulate?.Wrap 'em in duct tape

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

> "Fahrenheit 9/11," a left-sided documentary that
>  bashes the Bush administration's war on terrorism,
>  wouldn't find much of an audience in a military town.
>  Or so they thought.
>  'Fahrenheit 9/11' sets record
>  By Matt Leclercq
>  2004-06-29
>  http://www.fayettevillenc.com/story.php?Template=local&Story=6429101
>  "This has broken all of our past records," said Nasim Kuenzel,
>  an owner of the Cameo Art House Theatre. "The movie that I thought
>  would make us hardly any money - I never thought it would break
>  all the records."
>  Both showings sold out Friday at the Cameo, the only theater in
>  Fayetteville to carry the Michael Moore film. A midnight showing
>  added at the last minute Friday brought in 60 more people.
>  Saturday and Sunday were just as busy, Kuenzel said, with nearly
>  1,000 tickets sold over the weekend. As many as 75 percent of
>  moviegoers were soldiers or military families, Kuenzel said.
>  Many were like Natalie Sorton. She is 25 and married to an
>  infantryman who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
>  "I want to see what my husband is fighting for," Sorton said
>  Monday before going into the theater with a friend, Kathy Norris.
>  Another military spouse had recommended the movie. While
>  Sorton described herself as a moderate Republican, she said
>  she gained respect for Moore after seeing his last documentary,
>  "Bowling for Columbine."
>  In that film, Moore pestered corporations and celebrities to
>  take responsibility for gun violence. Sorton said she wanted
>  to see Moore be equally pestering to politicians who make
>  decisions about war.
>  "I'm going because from what I heard about ('Fahrenheit 9/11'),
>  it fills in a lot of blanks, a lot of questions we've had about
>  the Bush administration," Sorton said.
>  The documentary assails President Bush's decisions surrounding
>  the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Moore attempts to link the
>  Bush family with Saudi Arabia and blame business interests as the
>  reason for invading Iraq. "Fahrenheit 9/11" includes frank comments
>  from soldiers in Iraq and emotional interviews with families who
>  lost children in the fighting.
>  Almost all the crowds at the Cameo have applauded the film at
>  the end, with some people giving standing ovations, Kuenzel said.
>  Many have tears in their eyes as they leave the theater.
>  "I think it's going to open my eyes a little, and that worries me,"
>  Sorton said before taking her seat.
>  Lea Barnes, a Republican, seemed giddy as she and a friend bought
>  tickets Monday.
>  "I'm not pleased at all about the way things are going" with the war,
>  Barnes said. "I trust Michael Moore. He can be out there a bit, but
>  he's for the common man."
>  Negative reactions have been few, Kuenzel said. The theater received
>  three calls and two letters in opposition of carrying the film, she
>  said. No one has protested, though some people handed out anti-war
>  fliers on the street Friday evening.
>  Nationwide ticket sales totaling $23.9 million launched the film to
>  the No. 1 spot over the weekend, a record for a documentary.
>  Twelve other theaters in North Carolina are carrying "Fahrenheit 9/11,"
>  according to the film's Web site.
>  Other theaters
>  The Varsity Theatre in Chapel Hill also sold out over the weekend,
>  with some patrons from the Fayetteville area, said owner Mary Jo
>  Stone. The publicity surrounding Disney's refusal to distribute
>  the film because of its political content helped ignite sales.
>  "I think people are interested in perhaps getting a different
>  perspective than what they see in the news all the time," Stone said.
>  Since the Cameo opened in 2000, the only other movies that
>  approached the sales figures for "Fahrenheit 9/11" were
>  "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."
>  Other theaters across the country are expected to start showing
>  the film in the next few weeks.

Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-03 Thread MH

 Michael Moore's daring film
 By Bill Press
 July 2, 2004

 If you haven't yet seen it, what are you waiting for?
 Check your local listings, round up the family and
 head out to the movies.  Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit
 9/11" is a must-see film for all Americans: Kerry
 supporters, undecided voters and even devoted
 Bushies ö so they can see just how inept a president
 their man really is. 

 Is it perfect?  No.  Sometimes, Michael Moore goes
 over the top.  He can't resist the occasional cheap
 shot, or forcing himself front and center ö as in the
 scene where he tries to convince members of
 Congress to sign up their own kids for the war in
 Iraq.  Funny stuff, but Moore's sidewalk shenanigans
 get in the way of making a serious point. 

 Do I believe every accusation he makes against
 Bush?  No.  Even though a natural gas pipeline from
 the Caspian Sea across Afghanistan has long been
 talked about, I don't buy Moore's theory that it was
 the reason we went to war in Afghanistan.  That war,
 which I supported, was motivated by the Taliban's
 refusal to turn over Osama bin Laden. 

 Predictably, Bush apologists are trying to silence or
 smear Michael Moore. Disney refused to distribute
 the film.  White House spokesperson Dan Bartlett
 said the movie was "so outrageously false it's not
 even worth comment."  A group called Citizens
 United is now suing to block TV commercials for the
 movie.  And stiff shirt Bill O'Reilly compares Moore
 to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels. Nonsense. 

 Moore's no propagandist; he's a protagonist.  He
 doesn't mask his strong differences with President
 Bush, especially over his ties to Saudi Arabia and his
 pursuit of the war in Iraq.  Moore has a clear
 message, which he pounds home with all the
 subtlety of a sledgehammer.  Yet, despite its flaws,
 "Fahrenheit 9/11" is a searing, blockbuster
 documentary that will make you laugh, cry, shake
 your head in disbelief ö and then run out to try and
 save your country. 

 What makes "Fahrenheit 9/11" so effective is that
 Moore dares to go where the networks fear to tread. 
 He brings to the big screen footage we've never
 before seen on the little screen.  In gruesome detail,
 for example, he shows video of Iraqi civilians who
 are victims of U.S. bombs, including one little boy
 with a badly mutilated arm.  He records the agony of
 families whose homes were destroyed.  Their grief
 belies the phony assurances of Donald Rumsfeld that
 our precision-driven weapons, aimed with "humanity,"
 never miss their target. 

 Moore also shows President Bush at a Florida
 elementary school on the morning of September 11. 
 On his way into the school, he's informed that a
 plane has struck the World Trade Center.  A few
 minutes later, while Bush is sitting in front of school
 children, Chief of Staff Andy Card tells him the
 second tower has been struck.  Yet Bush continues to
 sit there for seven long minutes, reading "My Pet
 Goat" ö while America, in Card's chilling words, is
 "under attack."  What was Bush thinking?  What was
 he waiting for?  Did he need Dick Cheney to tell him
 what to do?  And why haven't we seen this video

 Finally, in the film's most poignant moments, Moore
 introduces us to a woman from Flint, Mich., whose
 son was killed in Iraq.  Lila Lipscomb is part of an
 extended, patriotic American family.  Her grandfather,
 father, uncles, brothers and daughter all served in
 the military ö and she's proud of them. 
 But she believes her son died fighting an
 unnecessary war in Iraq. 

 Speaking from the heart, in words more powerful
 than any political candidate or anti-war activist
 could ever invent, Lipscomb regrets our involvement
 in a war against a country that had never attacked
 America, and had never threatened to attack
 America.  And she lays the blame squarely at the feet
 of George W. Bush. 

 Question:  In all the interviews of families of
 American troops we've seen on national television,
 why haven't we met one family member critical of
 the war in Iraq?  Is Michael Moore the only one in the
 whole media world who could discover Lila Lipscomb
 or others like her?  Or are networks afraid of
 White House retaliation? 

 Michael Moore has done this nation a great service. 
 He has already produced the most successful
 documentary ever at the box office.  If crowds
 continue to pour in, he may also have produced the
 first documentary ever to decide an election.

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-03 Thread MH

 "Fahrenheit 9/11," a left-sided documentary that
 bashes the Bush administration's war on terrorism,
 wouldn't find much of an audience in a military town.

 Or so they thought.

 'Fahrenheit 9/11' sets record
 By Matt Leclercq

 "This has broken all of our past records," said Nasim Kuenzel,
 an owner of the Cameo Art House Theatre. "The movie that I thought
 would make us hardly any money - I never thought it would break
 all the records."

 Both showings sold out Friday at the Cameo, the only theater in
 Fayetteville to carry the Michael Moore film. A midnight showing
 added at the last minute Friday brought in 60 more people.

 Saturday and Sunday were just as busy, Kuenzel said, with nearly
 1,000 tickets sold over the weekend. As many as 75 percent of
 moviegoers were soldiers or military families, Kuenzel said.

 Many were like Natalie Sorton. She is 25 and married to an
 infantryman who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

 "I want to see what my husband is fighting for," Sorton said
 Monday before going into the theater with a friend, Kathy Norris.

 Another military spouse had recommended the movie. While
 Sorton described herself as a moderate Republican, she said
 she gained respect for Moore after seeing his last documentary,
 "Bowling for Columbine."

 In that film, Moore pestered corporations and celebrities to
 take responsibility for gun violence. Sorton said she wanted
 to see Moore be equally pestering to politicians who make
 decisions about war.

 "I'm going because from what I heard about ('Fahrenheit 9/11'),
 it fills in a lot of blanks, a lot of questions we've had about
 the Bush administration," Sorton said.

 The documentary assails President Bush's decisions surrounding
 the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Moore attempts to link the
 Bush family with Saudi Arabia and blame business interests as the
 reason for invading Iraq. "Fahrenheit 9/11" includes frank comments
 from soldiers in Iraq and emotional interviews with families who
 lost children in the fighting.

 Almost all the crowds at the Cameo have applauded the film at
 the end, with some people giving standing ovations, Kuenzel said.
 Many have tears in their eyes as they leave the theater.

 "I think it's going to open my eyes a little, and that worries me,"
 Sorton said before taking her seat.

 Lea Barnes, a Republican, seemed giddy as she and a friend bought
 tickets Monday.

 "I'm not pleased at all about the way things are going" with the war,
 Barnes said. "I trust Michael Moore. He can be out there a bit, but
 he's for the common man."

 Negative reactions have been few, Kuenzel said. The theater received
 three calls and two letters in opposition of carrying the film, she
 said. No one has protested, though some people handed out anti-war
 fliers on the street Friday evening.

 Nationwide ticket sales totaling $23.9 million launched the film to
 the No. 1 spot over the weekend, a record for a documentary.
 Twelve other theaters in North Carolina are carrying "Fahrenheit 9/11,"
 according to the film's Web site.

 Other theaters

 The Varsity Theatre in Chapel Hill also sold out over the weekend,
 with some patrons from the Fayetteville area, said owner Mary Jo
 Stone. The publicity surrounding Disney's refusal to distribute
 the film because of its political content helped ignite sales.

 "I think people are interested in perhaps getting a different
 perspective than what they see in the news all the time," Stone said.

 Since the Cameo opened in 2000, the only other movies that
 approached the sales figures for "Fahrenheit 9/11" were
 "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."
 Other theaters across the country are expected to start showing
 the film in the next few weeks.

 After Monday's showing, Sorton emerged with a grim face.
 She said she plans to buy the film on DVD and give it to
 everyone she knows.

 "I'm disgusted," she said. "Disgusted."

 The film changed her opinions on the war in Iraq by convincing
 her that oil and corporate interests were behind decision-making,
 she said. Worries over whether Moore would vilify soldiers were unfounded.

 "I don't think they portrayed them as bad," she said. "I don't
 think it portrayed them as not doing their jobs. It showed them
 doing what they're told.

 "All this movie did was open my eyes a little more to what's
 really going on," she said. "I think this is definitely going
 to have an impact on the election. I'm glad I'm a voter."

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-02 Thread MH

 SCORCHING!  The best film Michael Moore has made so far, a
 powerful and passionate expression of outraged patriotism.


 One of the most controversial and provocative films
 of the year, Fahrenheit 9/11 is Academy Award-winning
 filmmaker Michael Moore's searing examination of the
 Bush administration's actions in the wake of the
 tragic events of 9/11.  With his characteristic humor
 and dogged commitment to uncovering the facts, Moore
 considers the presidency of George W. Bush and where
 it has led us.  He looks at how - and why - Bush and
 his inner circle avoided pursuing the Saudi connection
 to 9/11, despite the fact that 15 of the 19 hijackers
 were Saudis and Saudi money had funded Al Qaeda.

 Fahrenheit 9/11 shows us a nation kept in constant fear
 by FBI alerts and lulled into accepting a piece of
 legislation, the USA Patriot Act, that infringes on
 basic civil rights.  It is in this atmosphere of
 confusion, suspicion and dread that the Bush
 Administration makes its headlong rush towards war
 in Iraq - and Fahrenheit 9/11 takes us inside that
 war to tell the stories we haven't heard, illustrating
 the awful human cost to U.S. soldiers and their families. 

 Lions Gate Films will release the film nationwide on
 June 25th.

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-02 Thread MH

 Fahrenheit 9/11 Facts

 What does the media have to say about Fahrenheit 9/11

   June 30, 2004
   NY Daily News: "A soaring display of American patriotism"

 Moore's message delivered, big-time
 By Denis Hamill / New York Daily News
 Tuesday, June 29th, 2004

 You could have heard a tear fall.

 As an American mother named Lila Lipscomb drowned in anguish
 over the death of her son in Iraq, the packed Loews Bay
 Terrace theater in Queens was so silent at the 11 a.m. show
 of "Fahrenheit 9/11" on Friday that all you could hear was
 the rustle of tissues. I sat in the back of the theater,
 with an unemployed construction worker from Brooklyn, and
 as the movie played, I watched men and women, young and old,
 wiping their eyes in silhouette.

 They were the tears of the nation this weekend as
 "Fahrenheit 9/11" blazed from sea to shining sea
 as the No.1 movie in America.

 This was a brand-new moviegoing experience.

 Since I started going to the movies at age 4 at the RKO
 Prospect in Brooklyn, I don't think I've ever sat with an
 audience so personally involved with the story being told on
 screen. This was not, after all, some exploding-fireball blockbuster. 

 No, the exploding fireballs in this film are real.
 The dead people in this film are real. The dialogue is real.
 Real soldiers, real victims, real mothers, real dead kids.
 The bad guys, as portrayed by filmmaker Michael Moore, are all too real.

 The only thing fake is this administration's reasons for going to war,
 exploiting the nearly 3,000 deaths of Sept. 11 so that a rich kid who
 went AWOL from the National Guard during the Vietnam War could send
 American troops to die in Iraq and call himself a "war prez'dint."

 And the reason the people in the audience, the American people,
 get so involved in this movie is because we are all extras in the story.

 The film - as sidesplitting as it is heartbreaking - is a soaring
 display of American patriotism, one that defies classification because
 it is a personal statement, the way Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" was
 something brand new in its bloody day. As Paine wrote, "Government,
 even in its best state, is a necessary evil; in its worst state,
 an intolerable one."

 Moore doesn't tolerate Bush's government. Sometimes we need a smart,
 funny, common Joe to make some common sense out of what's happening
 in his country. If there had been cameras around back in the day,
 Tom Paine might have made a documentary instead of writing a
 pamphlet urging independence from England.

 "Fahrenheit 9/11" oozes with patriotism because it is a loud
 celebration of our great Bill of Rights, telling our commander
 in chief that we think his war stinks in an election year.

 Look, the Bush campaign spent $85 million in three months
 trying to convince the electorate that John Kerry is a
 flip-flopping left-wing threat to national security.
 Moore spent $6 million to make his documentary showing
 that Bush is an arrogant, self-serving, dangerous buffoon
 who is a threat to national security. 

 "Fahrenheit 9/11" is also a corrective to the daily drumbeat
 of right-wing talk radio, which slants the news to fit a
 radical agenda. Yet the Rush Limbaughs and Sean Hannitys scorn
 Michael Moore for daring to express his point of view with
 pictures. But Americans don't like hypocrites. And so they
 are forking over $10 a head to say so, in places like Queens
 and Brooklyn and small working-class towns and neighborhoods
 across the fruited plain from which come the kids who do the
 dying in America's good and bad wars.

 "Fahrenheit 9/11" also has been picked apart by the legitimate
 press. But this is because Moore spanks the American news media
 for being swept up in the myopic post-9/11 patriotic hysteria,
 allowing themselves to be "embedded" by the administration and
 spoon-fed jingoistic Iraqi war news.

 "Fahrenheit 9/11" is also a testament to American capitalism,
 because nowhere else on the planet could a working-class guy
 from a place like Flint, Mich., grow up to skewer the President
 of the United States with his own words and actions and turn
 it into the biggest-grossing documentary in history, taking in
 $21.8 million in its opening weekend.

 This is a great American Horatio Alger story, one that every
 American should applaud.

 Which is exactly what the audience in Queens did last week
 after George W. Bush mangled his final sentence and the
 end credits rolled. I was as emotionally moved by the
 applause as I was by the film, because that was the
 powerful sound of "Joe Public," as Bush refers to
 We the People. 

 Out here in the opinionated boroughs, I expected some boos.
 I didn't hear one. Instead, I left with a deeply moved crowd,
 passing a long line for the next show.

 Back in Brooklyn, the unemployed construction worker bought

Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-01 Thread MH

 Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)

 A few featured Critics below 

 "The movie's conclusions -- true or otherwise -- and
 highly emotional interviews with bereaved parents and
 injured soldiers will have a big impact on audiences
 around the world." -- Ian Youngs, BBC

 "Love it or hate it, Fahrenheit is unprecedented in
 its relentless and up-to-the-minute attack on a sitting
 president." -- Chris Vognar, DALLAS MORNING NEWS 

 "One every American should see."
 -- Eric Harrison, HOUSTON CHRONICLE 

 "Fahrenheit 9/11 isn't a cogent, revelatory exposŽ, but a
 dizzying compendium of facts and opinions, wrapped up in a
 heartfelt, passionate, surprisingly moving package."
 -- Rene Rodriguez, MIAMI HERALD 

 "A film every citizen of voting age in America should see."
 -- Tom Long, DETROIT NEWS 

 "Not a film to be ignored." -- Bill Muller, ARIZONA REPUBLIC

 "The documentary's scathing attack on the war in Iraq and
 George W. Bush's presidency is informative, provocative,
 frightening, compelling, funny, manipulative and, most of all,
 entertaining." -- Claudia Puig, USA TODAY

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-06-30 Thread MH

 "Fahrenheit" Burns Up Box Office
 by Bridget Byrne 
 Jun 28, 2004 

 Fahrenheit 9/11 torched all comers this weekend. 

 Michael Moore's assault on President Bush was even hotter
 than anticipated, earning a searing $23.9 million to become
 the first documentary in Hollywood history to top the
 box-office charts, according to studio tallies released
 Monday. The final figure was up 9 percent from initial
 estimates Sunday. 

 In just three days, from Friday to Sunday, Fahrenheit 9/11
 also eclipsed Moore's Bowling for Columbine as the highest
 grossing documentary of all time. Since opening in limited
 release Wednesday, Fahrenheit 9/11 has grossed $24.1 million. 

 By now the film's backstory is legend. Fahrenheit 9/11 was
 dumped by Disney for political reasons. The right-wing Website
 MoveAmericaForward.org launched a letter-writing campaign
 trying to keep the film out of theaters. Another conservative
 group, Citizens United, filed a complaint with the Federal
 Elections Commission, asking it to investigate whether the
 movie's TV ads featuring a bumbling Bush violate federal
 laws. Then the MPAA refused to lower the film's rating from an
 R, effectively limiting the number of people who could see it. 

 But Moore and producers Harvey and Bob Weinstein weren't
 deterred. After the film won the Palm d'Or at Cannes, the
 Weinsteins bought the rights from Disney and collaborated
 with Lions Gate Films and IFC Entertainment to bring the
 film to what turns out to be the eager masses. 

 Although the distributors failed to reach the 1,000-theater
 mark they were aiming for, Fahrenheit 9/11 played to sold-out
 houses at just 868 sites, earning a blockbuster $27,558
 per-screen average. 

 Costing only $6 million to produce and less than $10 million
 to market, the pay-off is obvious for this provocative
 documentary critically praised for its wit, heart and chutzpah. 

 If estimates hold, Fahrenheit 9/11 has already beaten Moore's
 anti-gun screed Bowling for Columbine, which has taken in
 $21.5 million since opening in October 2002. That movie only
 debuted at eight sites and, despite winning an Oscar, never
 played at more than 248 locations. Tupac: Resurrection had
 the previous best opening for a documentary, with $4.6 million
 in 801 theaters last November. 

 "Hearing this news this morning--these are mind-blowing
 numbers," Moore said during a Sunday morning teleconference.
 "And the fact that all the predictions that the movie would
 only speak to the choir, that it would only be those who don't
 like Bush coming to the movie, I don't think have turned out
 to be true. This movie has played in the Red [Republican-leaning]
 States as strongly as it's played in the Blue [Democratic] States." 

 "This is maybe the sleeper hit of all time," said Paul
 Dergarabedian, president of box-office tracker Exhibitor

 Lions Gate President Tom Ortenberg said he'd never witnessed
 such a positive response before on exit surveys. In the 15
 cities surveyed, the results were, he said, "91 percent
 'excellent' and 93 percent 'definite recommend.'" 

 The audience was almost 50-50 male-female and the highest
 demographic was 25-34 year olds. Anticipating that excellent
 word of mouth will carry over, the distributors plan to add
 hundreds more screens next week, although they will be going
 up against the anticipated summer blockbuster Spider-Man 2. 

 "I am happy to announce the efforts of a small-minded few to
 suppress and censor the film have failed miserably," said IFC
 Entertainment President Jonathan Sehring. But he said he would
 not include Michael Eisner, Disney's head honcho, in that group. 

 Why should he kick Mickey while he's down? While Fahrenheit
 9/11 breaks box-office records, the Mouse House's latest
 offering, Around the World in Eighty Days, which only opened
 an abysmal ninth last week, dropped out of the top 10. Falling
 44 percent to 13th place, the remake earned just $4.3 million
 from a $1,526 per-screen average to brings its current gross to
 a woeful $18.3 million. And it cost a reported $110 million to

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-06-29 Thread MH

 '9/11' documents a mother's grief
 By Gary Strauss 

 Fahrenheit 9/11 might be polarizing much of the nation, but
 there's one thing about the controversial Bush-bashing
 documentary most viewers probably will agree on:  Key scenes
 featuring Lila Lipscomb are gut-wrenching and haunting. 

 The Fahrenheit 9/11 scenes showing unabashed patriot
 Lila Lipscomb's reaction to her son's death in Iraq are
 difficult to watch.

 Lipscomb initially appears, literally, as a flag-waving patriot.
 Later, when her son Michael Pedersen is killed when his Black
 Hawk helicopter is downed in April 2003, Lipscomb breaks
 down as she reads his jaded letter from the front. By film's end,
 when Lipscomb makes a tearful pilgrimage to the White
 House, her sorrow - punctuated by a woman who questions
 her motives - is excruciating.

 At many screenings, her latter vignettes move audiences to
 tears. Documentary filmmaker Cory Kennedy says Lipscomb's
 scenes are among Fahrenheit 9/11's most moving. Former
 New York governor Mario Cuomo, hired by the film's
 distributors in a failed effort to get it a family-friendly PG-13
 rating, says he found it difficult to watch her. "You see Lila
 living through a despair that will never leave," Cuomo says.

 Lipscomb has seen Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 several
 times. She finds it difficult to watch herself and tearfully
 concedes that the raw emotion surrounding her son's death
 remains intense.

 "I don't want any more mothers - Americans or Iraqis - to
 feel this pain," Lipscomb told USA TODAY on Monday. Still,
 moving from Bush supporter to war critic has been hard. 

 "I grew up with the understanding that you support the
 president, no matter who he is," says Lipscomb, an office
 administrator in Flint, Mich.. "But after reading Michael's
 letters and seeing how angry and frustrated he was becoming
 and wondering why he was there in the first place, I started
 questioning why we were there."

 Lipscomb last saw Pedersen - nicknamed "Pistol Ped" for his
 basketball prowess - when he returned to Flint for Christmas
 in 2002.

 "There were a number of things he did that might have made
 him think he wasn't coming home," Lipscomb says. "He had a
 clear commitment to fulfilling his oath for this nation. Yet
 he had a clear understanding that he had been sent into
 harm's way for things that were not true."

 Lipscomb turned 50 Sunday. "I went to his grave hoping I
 could hear him say, 'Happy birthday, Mom,' " she says. "But
 I didn't get it." She has three other kids and seven grandchildren.
 Her oldest daughter, Jennifer, served in the military during the
 1991 Gulf War but wasn't in the conflict.

 Pedersen, her second oldest, joined the Army at 19, when his
 job at a local Long John Silver's fast-food outlet failed to pay
 enough to buy diapers and formula for his newborn daughter,
 Destiny, now 8.

 Like many teens with limited job prospects, Pedersen had his
 mother's blessing. Two of Lipscomb's older brothers are
 Vietnam vets, and she believed military service would be a
 good experience for her eldest son:  He could travel, learn a
 career and earn a decent income.

 "Who knew?" she now asks, shaking her head.

 Pedersen rose to Black Hawk crew chief and was planning to
 train as a pilot, put in his 20 years and then retire from the
 military. He was shipped first to Kuwait and later to Iraq. 

 "We would send him boxes of beef jerky, Rice Krispies treats
 and Pepsi," Lipscomb says. "He loved cold Pepsi and Rice
 Krispies treats."

 Although Lipscomb and her husband, Howard, are both
 longtime Flint residents, they knew little of Moore, who
 was raised in nearby Davison and had made Flint a focal
 point in 1989's Roger & Me and 2002's Bowling for Columbine.
 A Moore staffer contacted Lipscomb after learning of her son's death.

 Though Moore has a reputation for being manipulative, Lipscomb
 says he made sure that she would not be offended by her scenes in
 the film, offering to remove anything she found troubling.

 "Michael was fantastic," Lipscomb says. "I hope everyone will see
 the film. I hope it will open people's eyes and make them begin to
 ask questions and start speaking up for themselves."

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-06-29 Thread MH

 Box Office Tally Climbs for 'Fahrenheit 9/11'
 Jun 28, 2004 

 LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Box-office fever for Michael Moore's searing
 anti-Bush documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" climbed a bit higher on Monday
 as distributors touted record-breaking ticket sales about $2 million
 more than first reported. 

 According to a final tally of weekend receipts, Moore's critique of
 President Bush and his policies since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on
 America grossed $23.9 million during its first three days of release
 across the United States and Canada. 

 That made it No. 1 at the box office and surpassed the $21.5 million
 generated by Moore's previous film, the Oscar-winning
 "Bowling for Columbine," as the highest-grossing documentary ever. 

 All told, the movie's total stood at just over $24 million counting
 the head-start it received on Wednesday in two Manhattan theaters
 generating extra media buzz before expanding to a relatively modest
 868 theaters two days later. 

 Previous tallies reported Sunday had Moore's film grossing
 $21.8 million since Friday. 

 By contrast, most of the other movies in the top five were showing
 in more than 2,500 theaters each, giving "Fahrenheit 9/11" a much
 higher per-theater average -- above $27,000 -- than any of its
 competition and demonstrating that it was playing to packed houses. 

 The comedy "White Chicks" opened at No. 2 with $19.6 million in
 Friday-through-Sunday ticket sales, the same as reported over the weekend. 

 Distributors Lions Gate Films and IFC Films have said release of the film,
 already unprecedented for a political documentary, would be expanded
 further in the weeks ahead. 

 Tom Ortenberg, Lions Gate distribution president, said the film played
 strongly in big cities and small towns, alike, and in Democratic as
 well as Republican states. 

 Next week, the film faces far stiffer competition from the highly
 anticipated opening of "Spider-Man 2." 

 Moore's film suggests that Bush's response to the September 2001
 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon were clouded by
 his relatives' close ties to the Saudi Arabian elite, including
 Osama bin Laden's family. It further claims that the
 Bush administration stoked public fears about terrorism
 to support a needless and costly invasion of Iraq. 

 Moore and backers of the film have said they hope it can
 influence the outcome of the November presidential race.
 Republican supporters dismiss the movie as a blatant piece
 of political propaganda.

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-06-28 Thread MH

 Professional Critics Nationwide Applaud Fahrenheit 9/11
 Friday June 25, 11:05 am ET 

 Controversial Picture Earns Rotten Tomatoes' Certified Fresh Rating 

 EMERYVILLE, Calif., June 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Rotten Tomatoes(SM),
 the most trusted source for gauging the critical reaction for movies,
 has officially declared Michael Moore's new documentary Fahrenheit 9/11
 to be Certified Fresh, based on the overwhelmingly positive ratings of
 professional film critics nationwide. The high quality certification for
 a documentary is unprecedented.

 Certified Fresh recognizes and celebrates the best reviewed entertainment
 products based on the opinions of nearly 700 professional film critics.
 Movies must receive the approval of at least 75% of the critics reviewing
 the film in order to be Certified Fresh. Since launching the accolade
 earlier this year, only seven wide release films have achieved the rating.

 "This weekend Fahrenheit 9/11 becomes only the seventh wide release film to
 reach this pinnacle, and becomes the first wide-release documentary to be
 Certified Fresh by Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes congratulates Lion's
 Gate Entertainment and Michael Moore on this achievement," Patrick Lee,
 Rotten Tomatoes' CEO.

 About Rotten Tomatoes

 Rotten Tomatoes, a premier online destination for casual movie-goers,
 film buffs, and industry insiders alike, delivers the most comprehensive
 information on the critical reaction. Voted the best movie review site in
 Time Magazine's online feature, "The 50 Best Web Sites" in 2003, Rotten
 Tomatoes has received glowing accolades from the Chicago Sun-Times, The
 New Yorker, USA Today, and many other respected publications. With
 information on more than one hundred thousand movies and half a million
 reviews, the website offers a full range of services, features, and
 community for its users, including the ability to quickly and easily
 create socially networked online journals.

 With the opinions of nearly 700 accredited film critics analyzed each week,
 Rotten Tomatoes is the most comprehensive and trusted source for reporting
 on the critical reaction. The award-winning Tomatometer rating system
 harnesses the power of written criticism by providing a capsule summary of
 the diverse opinions of the community of professional film critics.

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Re: [biofuel] 'Fahrenheit 9/11' ban?

2004-06-28 Thread rhsanborn

Extremely unlikely. They are using the corporate sponsor thing to try and get 
adverts banned. I believe there is mention of a similar situation in the past 
where adverts for non-election related items that involved candidates were 
allowed. ALthough they did also make networks halt the playing of Arnold 
Swartzenager movies in California during their re-elections.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[biofuel] 'Fahrenheit 9/11' ban?

2004-06-28 Thread Keith Addison


June 24, 2004

'Fahrenheit 9/11' ban?
Ads for Moore's movie could be stopped on July 30
By Alexander Bolton

Michael Moore may be prevented from advertising his controversial new 
movie, "Fahrenheit 9/11," on television or radio after July 30 if the 
Federal Election Commission (FEC) today accepts the legal advice of 
its general counsel.

At the same time, a Republican-allied 527 soft-money group is 
preparing to file a complaint against Moore's film with the FEC for 
violating campaign-finance law.

In a draft advisory opinion placed on the FEC's agenda for today's 
meeting, the agency's general counsel states that political 
documentary filmmakers may not air television or radio ads referring 
to federal candidates within 30 days of a primary election or 60 days 
of a general election.

The opinion is generated under the new McCain-Feingold 
campaign-finance law, which prohibits corporate-funded ads that 
identify a federal candidate before a primary or general election.

The proscription is broadly defined. Section 100.29 of the federal 
election regulations defines restricted corporate-funded ads as those 
that identify a candidate by his "name, nickname, photograph or 
drawing" or make it "otherwise apparent through an unambiguous 

Should the six members of the FEC vote to approve the counsel's 
opinion, it could put a serious crimp on Moore's promotion efforts. 
The flavor of the movie was encapsulated by a recent review in The 
Boston Globe as "the case against George W. Bush, a fat compendium of 
previously reported crimes, errors, sins, and grievances delivered in 
the director's patented tone of vaudevillian social outrage."

The FEC ruling may also affect promotion of a slew of other upcoming 
political documentaries and films, such as "Uncovered: The Whole 
Truth About the Iraq War," which opens in August, "The Corporation," 
about democratic institutions being subsumed by the corporate agenda, 
or "Silver City," a recently finished film by John Sayles that 
criticizes the Bush administration.

Another film, "The Hunting of the President," which investigates 
whether Bill Clinton was the victim of a vast conspiracy, could be 
subject to regulations if it mentions Bush or members of Congress in 
its ads.

Since the FEC considers the Republican presidential convention 
scheduled to begin Aug. 30 a national political primary in which Bush 
is a candidate, Moore and other politically oriented filmmakers could 
not air any ad mentioning Bush after July 30.
That could make advertising for the film after July difficult since 
it is all about the Bush administration and what Moore regards as its 
mishandling of the war on terrorism and the decision to invade Iraq.

After the convention, ads for political films that mention Bush or 
any other federal candidate would be subject to the restrictions on 
all corporate communications within 60 days of the Nov. 2 general 

"Fahrenheit 9/11" opens nationally tomorrow.

The film's distributor, Lions Gate Films, an incorporated 
organization, would almost certainly pay for its broadcast promotions.

David Bossie, the president of Citizens United, plans to allege that 
"Fahrenheit 9/11" violates federal election law, arguing that "Moore 
has publicly indicated his goal is to impact this election season."

Bossie had planned to file a complaint with the FEC yesterday but 
postponed action because his lawyers want to review it at the last 
minute, said Summer Stitz, a spokeswoman for Bossie's group.

"I don't think much of Michael Moore or his two-hour political 
advertisement - that's all it is," Bossie said. "He uses all of these 
words to make it look like he makes documentaries, but it's the 
furthest thing from the truth. Documentaries tend to be fact-based."

Sarah Greenberg, a spokeswoman for Lions Gate Films who is serving as 
Moore's spokeswoman, did not return a call for comment.

The FEC counsel's draft advisory opinion responded to a request for 
guidance from David Hardy, a documentary film producer with the Bill 
of Rights Educational Foundation. Hardy asked whether he could air 
broadcast ads that refer to congressional officeholders who appear in 
his documentary.

At issue in the FEC's opinion is whether documentary films qualify 
for a "media exemption," which allows members of the press to discuss 
political candidates freely in the days before an election.

In its opinion, the general counsel wrote, "In McConnell vs. FEC É 
(2003) the [Supreme] Court described the media exemption as 'narrow' 
and drew a distinction between 'corporations that are part of the 
media industry' as opposed to 'other corporations that are not 
involved in the regular business of imparting news to the public.'"

"The radio and television commercials that you describe in your 
request would be electioneering communications," the counsel 
concluded. "The proposed commercials would refer to at least o

Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-06-28 Thread gustl


Writing from my daughters machine.  New grandson last

Why should it not be slanted?  Mike is a "liberal" and
states that from the get go.  It is his movie, eh?

As for the reminding one of a high school "punk".  I am a
native of Flint and when I came home from the Nam and was
hanging out here and there I met Mike.  He was just a
youngster in high school and he was a nice kid.  Still is
for that matter I would think.

I remember Flint as is was in the late 40's and early 50's
and he is right about the decline of Flint and the main
reasons for that decline.  Corporate greed.  I remember my
grandfather talking about the sit down strikes in '36 and
the early union and how it became "just like management" in
the mid '50's interested in only 2 things.  More
money/benefits for less and less work and the maintainance
of the status quo, that being keeping the union bosses in
their cushy jobs.  Management wanted more and more work for
less money and to maintain the status quo, that being
keeping the managment bosses in their cushy jobs.

Mike Moore tells it as he sees it and is right more often
than not.  There is no reason for him to be other than one
sided because he is defending a partisan position.  I don't
remember seeing the rule which states that liberals have to
be fair and balanced and conservatives not or vice versa.

Moore is attacking evil as he sees it and unlike
politicians he documents what he says and those documents
are up for viewing on his web site.  His documents are not
fabricated as were those which this administration used to
lead the country into an unjust and evil war.  Bush and his
running mates have been exposed for what they are.  Moore
will not have that trouble as he is up front in the first
place and doesn't hide behind lies and "national security".

The difference between Bush and Moore is one of integrity.
 Both of them make mistakes but Moore does not lie about
his mistakes.  Bush has been proven to be a liar.

Happy Happy,


On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 14:25:19 -0500
> Yeah, it is a little slanted isn't it?
> I for one do not care to see the country made over into
> the
> image that Michael Moore would like to see.  I have
> seen pictures of that punk from his high school days
> reminds
> me too much of the hell raisers and agitators that are
> largely
> responsible for doing away with a number of the
> traditions and
> morals of this country.  He still looks it, just older
> and uglier
> and fatter.
> Cliff Jobe
> > Subject: Fahrenheit 9/11
> >
> > Went to see this last night with my son (age 14).  He
> thought it was
> "awesome".
> > Unfortunately, I could not interest any of the women in
> the party (my wife
> and
> > sisters) in seeing it, so they went to something fluffy
> (multi-screen
> cinema).
> >
> > For those that don't know, this is a Michael Moore
> movie that touches on
> the
> > American political scene since the last federal
> election, including the
> Florida
> > voting fiasco, and the media-supported disinformation
> campaign that led up
> to the
> > invasion of Iraq.  While it covers some of the same
> material as the book
> "Dude,
> > Where's My Country", there is also a major difference
> in approach and
> material
> > covered.  Not much that will come as news to those of
> us on the biofuels
> list.
> > Still, seeing the actual footage of Bush-ites mouthing
> the words, or the
> egg-
> > pelting of the Bush II inauguration parade and the
> Congress (Senators),
> with Al
> > Gore presiding, repudiating the democratic rights of
> American voters all
> resonated
> > for me in a way it did not in print.
> >
> > Should be required viewing for all U.S. voters prior to
> November 2004.
> >
> > Darryl McMahon
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -- 
> > Darryl McMahon  http://www.econogics.com/
> > It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who
> will?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

> >

> >
> >
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> > http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> >
> > Biofuels list archives:
> > http://infoarchive.net/sgroup/biofuel/
> >
> > Please do NOT send Unsubscribe messages to the list
> address.
> > To unsubscribe, send an email to:
> >

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-06-28 Thread Keith Addison

>Yeah, it is a little slanted isn't it?
>I for one do not care to see the country made over into the
>image that Michael Moore would like to see.  I have
>seen pictures of that punk from his high school days reminds
>me too much of the hell raisers and agitators that are largely
>responsible for doing away with a number of the traditions and
>morals of this country.  He still looks it, just older and uglier
>and fatter.
>Cliff Jobe

And the horrific erosion of just about everything worth half a damn 
wrought by the people you apparently support has somehow escaped your 
notice? Who poked your other eye out?


> > Subject: Fahrenheit 9/11
> >
> > Went to see this last night with my son (age 14).  He thought it was
> > Unfortunately, I could not interest any of the women in the party (my wife
> > sisters) in seeing it, so they went to something fluffy (multi-screen
> >
> > For those that don't know, this is a Michael Moore movie that touches on
> > American political scene since the last federal election, including the
> > voting fiasco, and the media-supported disinformation campaign that led up
>to the
> > invasion of Iraq.  While it covers some of the same material as the book
> > Where's My Country", there is also a major difference in approach and
> > covered.  Not much that will come as news to those of us on the biofuels
> > Still, seeing the actual footage of Bush-ites mouthing the words, or the
> > pelting of the Bush II inauguration parade and the Congress (Senators),
>with Al
> > Gore presiding, repudiating the democratic rights of American voters all
> > for me in a way it did not in print.
> >
> > Should be required viewing for all U.S. voters prior to November 2004.
> >
> > Darryl McMahon
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Darryl McMahon  http://www.econogics.com/
> > It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-06-28 Thread MH


 According to exit surveys in about 15 cities, 91 percent of respondents gave 
 film an "excellent" rating, while 93 percent said they would "definitely 
 the film -- tallies that Ortenberg said were the best he had ever seen. 
 The core audience was aged between 25 and 34, he added.

>  Published on Sunday, June 27, 2004 by Reuters
>  Red-Hot 'Fahrenheit 9/11' a No. 1 Hit Across America
>  by Dean Goodman
>  CONTINUED... http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0627-01.htm

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-06-28 Thread Martin Klingensmith

> Yeah, it is a little slanted isn't it?
> I for one do not care to see the country made over into the
> image that Michael Moore would like to see.  I have
> seen pictures of that punk from his high school days reminds
> me too much of the hell raisers and agitators that are largely
> responsible for doing away with a number of the traditions and
> morals of this country.  He still looks it, just older and uglier
> and fatter.
> Cliff Jobe

You're right, it would be better if there were never any "punks" that 
wanted to change our "traditions" or "morals". And you're right, he's 
"ugly" and "fat" so that makes all the difference!
Thank you for making an excellent contribution to the biofuel list.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-06-28 Thread wireline

Yeah, it is a little slanted isn't it?

I for one do not care to see the country made over into the
image that Michael Moore would like to see.  I have
seen pictures of that punk from his high school days reminds
me too much of the hell raisers and agitators that are largely
responsible for doing away with a number of the traditions and
morals of this country.  He still looks it, just older and uglier
and fatter.

Cliff Jobe

> Subject: Fahrenheit 9/11
> Went to see this last night with my son (age 14).  He thought it was
> Unfortunately, I could not interest any of the women in the party (my wife
> sisters) in seeing it, so they went to something fluffy (multi-screen
> For those that don't know, this is a Michael Moore movie that touches on
> American political scene since the last federal election, including the
> voting fiasco, and the media-supported disinformation campaign that led up
to the
> invasion of Iraq.  While it covers some of the same material as the book
> Where's My Country", there is also a major difference in approach and
> covered.  Not much that will come as news to those of us on the biofuels
> Still, seeing the actual footage of Bush-ites mouthing the words, or the
> pelting of the Bush II inauguration parade and the Congress (Senators),
with Al
> Gore presiding, repudiating the democratic rights of American voters all
> for me in a way it did not in print.
> Should be required viewing for all U.S. voters prior to November 2004.
> Darryl McMahon
> -- 
> Darryl McMahon  http://www.econogics.com/
> It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> Biofuels list archives:
> http://infoarchive.net/sgroup/biofuel/
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Re: [biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-06-28 Thread MH

 Published on Sunday, June 27, 2004 by Reuters 
 Red-Hot 'Fahrenheit 9/11' a No. 1 Hit Across America 
 by Dean Goodman

 LOS ANGELES - Bush-bashing became the nation's favorite
 spectator sport over the weekend as Michael Moore's
 red-hot documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" earned more in
 its first three days of release across North America
 than his previous record-breaking movie did in its entire run. 

 According to studio estimates issued on Sunday, "Fahrenheit 9/11,"
 in which Moore takes aim at President Bush, and the war in Iraq,
 opened at No. 1 after selling about $21.8 million worth of tickets
 in the United States and Canada since June 25.

 All told, the movie's total stands at $21.96 million, because it got a
 head-start on Wednesday in two Manhattan theaters to help build more
 media buzz before expanding to a relatively modest 868 theaters two
 days later. (By contrast, most of the other movies in the top five were
 playing in more than 2,500 theaters each.)

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[biofuel] Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-06-27 Thread Darryl McMahon

Went to see this last night with my son (age 14).  He thought it was "awesome". 
Unfortunately, I could not interest any of the women in the party (my wife and 
sisters) in seeing it, so they went to something fluffy (multi-screen cinema).

For those that don't know, this is a Michael Moore movie that touches on the 
American political scene since the last federal election, including the Florida 
voting fiasco, and the media-supported disinformation campaign that led up to 
invasion of Iraq.  While it covers some of the same material as the book "Dude, 
Where's My Country", there is also a major difference in approach and material 
covered.  Not much that will come as news to those of us on the biofuels list.  
Still, seeing the actual footage of Bush-ites mouthing the words, or the egg-
pelting of the Bush II inauguration parade and the Congress (Senators), with Al 
Gore presiding, repudiating the democratic rights of American voters all 
for me in a way it did not in print.

Should be required viewing for all U.S. voters prior to November 2004.

Darryl McMahon

Darryl McMahon  http://www.econogics.com/
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

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