Re: [Talk-transit] Bus stop map

2009-09-23 Thread Chris Hill
Christoph Böhme wrote:
 Chris Hill schrieb:

 It was partly because I struggled with NOVAM that I knocked up this 
 overlay.  I couldn't reconcile the NOVAM rules with the stops I have 

 As Thomas already said the rules were based on the tagging scheme from
 the Birmingham import. They were also devised with the idea of
 implementing a web-based bus-stops merging tool. However this idea has
 been dropped as it is very easy to merge bus stops within josm.

 I discussed a change of the colour scheme with Peter Miller a couple of
 weeks ago on the West Midlands list:

 At the moment I am moving to a new server and do not have time to do
 any changes on NOVAM. But I plan to implement new rules in October.

 It would be interesting to know which rules you used for your overlay.
There are 5 possible outcomes:

* No highway=bus_stop, but there is a naptan:AtcoCode = naptan that
  is not on the ground (green bus with X over it)
* highway=bus_stop and naptan:verified=no = not yet checked (red bus)
* highway=bus_stop and no naptan:AtcoCode = real stop not in naptan
  (blue bus)
* highway=bus_stop and naptan:verified != no and note=* = stop
  checked with a problem, such as bearing wrong (cyan bus)
* highway=bus_stop and naptan:verified != no and no note = stop
  checked and OK (green bus)

This suits the data I have and the way I want to use it, i.e. find stops 
to check then show others the stops that don't match their NaPTAN data 
for whatever reason.

Talk-transit mailing list

Re: [Talk-transit] Bus stop map

2009-09-23 Thread Jerry Clough - OSM
I've been working on a set of GroundTruth rules to do something similar, but at 
the moment I only have 3 classes (OSM, NAPTAN and merged). If I can find rules 
which work I'll extend this according to Chris's colour scheme. At the moment I 
have it as a transparent overlay, but my icons are too small, and its too 
difficult to pick them out on the display of my Garmin: so I think I'll add the 
road system with the minimum of fancy display. 

Also my initial attempt was too ambitious the XAPI download of bus stops for 
the UK is now rather large!

Any one interested I can post my provisional GroundTruth rules on the wiki.

Jerry Clough

Talk-transit mailing list

[Talk-transit] East Lothian Bus Stops lack any details on the ground

2009-09-23 Thread Peter Miller

On 23 Sep 2009, at 19:32, Shaun McDonald wrote:


 Yesterday I was out checking a few bus stops in East Lothian  
 (cycling from Musselburgh out along the coast to North Berwick).  
 Pretty much all of them had no information other than a flag which  
 said that buses stop here and that you are in East Lothian. There  
 was one that had a timetable where there were 4 buses per day to the  
 regional hospital in Edinburgh. Most of the bus stops did have a  
 space for a timetable but there was nothing in there about it. Is  
 this normal for more rural stops?

 Is it any wonder hardly any one uses the bus in the area when they  
 have no idea of where they go? (Well that's probably diverging from  
 the point).

Yes, the level of information provision is very variable across the  
county - the nearest stop to my house has information dated August  
2005! Possibly we should use FixMyStreet to report these to the  

I have been adding 'tabletable_case=yes' to indicate that there is  
somewhere to put timetable information, but I have not been indicating  
whether there is any information in it.



 Taken a photos of a few in Edinburgh, will need to see how they  
 marry up with the Naptan data as there is some references on the  
 flag and the timetable signs.

 Talk-transit mailing list

Talk-transit mailing list

Re: [Talk-us-bayarea] [Talk-us] U.S. Local Chapters

2009-09-23 Thread Kate Chapman
Sounds good, I think that we have to have a board in order to  
incorporate.  That will need to be done when we file we register the  
non-profit corporation.  Also we should probably look into where we  
want to register.

Kate Chapman
(via GPS...I mean iPhone)

On Sep 18, 2009, at 6:56 PM, Sarah Manley  

Hello All,

Looks like we are getting off to a good start. We have 15 folks on  
the wiki, and need 20 to start our the chapter. So please spread the  

 I think it might be helpful for us to break into committees, so to  
handle different aspects of forming, managing and advocating for the  
chapter. Thoughts? It may be best for us to self identify on the  
wiki with what committee we would like to be on, as well as if we  
have services that could be of help (ie lawyer, accountant,  
experience in forming a non-profit etc). If we plan to have an  
advisory board, we may also want to create a section where people  
can make proposals.

From there we can work on drafting and adopting the draft rules, as  
well as decide on when and where to incorporate. If its helpful, we  
may want to set a time for a conference call to iron out some of the  


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Sarah Manley 
As listed by Kate in her second email (and being built out on the  
)  A local chapter will do more advocacy within their own nation.

In the US, if incorporated as a non-profit, the chapter would be  
able to accept donations without having to pay taxes on them (and  
provide a tax write off to those who donate to us), be eligible for  
public and private grants, act as a separate legal entity that owns  
all data/material donated (which often makes government bodies more  
willing to share). I know that the OSMF can to that in the UK now,  
but I have the feeling the US companies/governments would be more  
comfortable in supporting the project if it had US legal status.  
(esp if its map data collected with US tax payer money). I think if  
we want to the US mapper community to grow, this is a way to help as  
well as formalize the presence here.

The cons- more paperwork, money and time.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 1:03 PM, SteveC wrote:
Playing devils advocate a bit - what will the chapter do that we can't
or aren't already?

Does the aura of having an incorporated body somehow change
everything? It certainly didn't with the OSMF, it was more that we
needed a body to hold independent control of things like the domain

On 15 Sep 2009, at 19:32, Kate Chapman wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've heard various talk going on about local chapters in various
 places. I did a quick archive search but didn't find that much
 information regarding U.S. chapters.  There seems to be people
 interested, but perhaps working separately.

 Let me preface the rest of my email with the statement that I'm not
 a lawyer, but a geonerd.  I have helped establish a non-profit in
 the U.S. that obtained tax-exempt status and I can speak with
 regards to that experience though.

 For the group I worked with we already were operating as an L.L.C.
 at the time and moved to incorporate in D.C.  In order to
 incorporate we had to pay a small fee (roughly 100 dollars), have a
 registered agent in the District and have articles of
 incorporation.  The tax-exempt status was far more work and involved
 proof of events we had (in this particular case it was flyers), tax
 records as well as filling out a 27 page IRS form.  If I understand
 things correctly a U.S. Local Chapter could do the same thing, but
 we might need to file paperwork with each state we are active in
 (not totally sure about this, does anyone else have a better idea?).

 What are people's thoughts about local chapters or having 1 large
 U.S. chapter?  I can see benefits to both sides.


 - I think easily enough possible members
 - Pooling of resources, one set of paper work


 -Spread out, most work would be remote (maybe not a disadvantage)
 -Where would we be incorporated?

 Thoughts?  I've seen in various places such as the wiki a well as
 talking to people that there is interest in some sort of U.S. based
 chapter, but exactly how has to be worked out.


 Kate Chapman

 Talk-us mailing list

Yours c.


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Talk-us-bayarea mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Novi renderer -

2009-09-23 Thread Darko Boto
Mislim da je u pitanju samo stvar stila. Na mozes pogledati OSM podatke rendane sa
razlicitim stilovima (pogledaj pod Change style). Jedino sto jos
nisam probao mapnikov BuildingSymbolizer koji isto renda pseudo 3d
objekte pa ne mogu reci koji to bolje radi.  Znam da mapnik u
BuildingSymbolizer ima fill-opacity parametar tako da ne vidim
prednost Mapsurfera. Uz to ne vidim da pise da je slobodan software i
ne znam sto bih s njim.

2009/9/22 Marjan Vrban
 Evo izašo novi renderer i izgleda obećavajuće, meni osobno izgleda bolje
 nego Mapink i Osmarender.

 Talk-hr mailing list

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] zagreb

2009-09-23 Thread Darko Boto
2009/9/20 nixa
 Odakle se Zagreb pojavio na karti? Vidim da je dosta toga ucrtano, ali
 lose. Ceste nisu spojene i tako, nema naziva ulica, ulice uopce ne prate
 gpx trackove nego su precrtane s neceg, a nije evidentirano iz cega.

 Dajte neki info.

Umh ovako. Malo povijesti :)
Zagreb je do 10 mjeseca 2008 izgledao katastrofalno.. uvjerljivo
najgore i najmanje izmapiran glavni grad u europi. Osim sto je bilo
jako malo podataka podaci su bili u katastrofalnom stanju.(npr.
Horvacanska je bila ucrtana 8 puta vjerovatno nekim automatskim
uploadom GPS traceova, bilo je na tisuce netagiranih tocaka, vjerujem
zbog istog postupka, klasifikacija ulica je bila kriva i
nekonzistentna, itd...da ne gnjavim) . Mislim da je bilo 3-4
(polu)aktivna urednika koji su uglavnom sredjivali centar grada, i
onda su se pojavile yahoo satelitske snimke za podrucje dijela

2007 na RazmjeniVjestina smo pokusali malo ozivjeti OSM Zagreb ali
Bezuspjesno (irc log .

2008 Robert i ja smo pokusavali sazvati urednike na sastanak na kojem
bi se upoznali i pokusali dogovoriti neke stvari o standardima i nitko
od ljudi nam se nije javio (pardon Robiju se javio Kost nakon dva
mjeseca i rekao da nije skuzio mail). Uglavnom nas par se naslo na
Razmjeni vjestina (koliko se sjecam Robert, Aco.. mislim i Dodo) i
dogovorili da idemo malo srediti Zagreb a izmedju ostalog nacelno smo
se slozili da idemo na unos preko yahoo satelitskih snimaka bez obzira
da li poznajemo ili ne poznajemo taj dio grada. Racunali smo na to da
ce ljudima koji ce se naknadno ukljucivati biti lakse srediti
postojece podatke nego unositi sve, a racunali smo i na efekt Vidi
kretena koji je unosio, pa ova ulica se nije spojena sa ovom... ovo
treba popraviti.

2009 Tad je malo krenulo.. i poslije NSND u  Moravicama ukljucilo se
par razmjenjivaca.. napravili smo onu google grupu openstreetmap-hr i
sad smo tu

 Talk-hr mailing list

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] zagreb

2009-09-23 Thread Darko Boto
2009/9/21 Valent Turkovic
 On Sun, 20 Sep 2009 12:53:05 +0200, nixa wrote:

 Odakle se Zagreb pojavio na karti? Vidim da je dosta toga ucrtano, ali
 lose. Ceste nisu spojene i tako, nema naziva ulica, ulice uopce ne prate
 gpx trackove nego su precrtane s neceg, a nije evidentirano iz cega.

 Ako vidis da cesta nije spojena, lijepo pogledaj tko je autor, posalji mu
 uljudnu poruku da su uocio njegovu gresku te da bi ih on kao autor trebao
 i ispraviti.

Ako netko ponavlja greske onda ga treba upoznati sa tom pogreskom, no
ne treba obavjestavati covjeka koji je nesto krivo unio da to ispravi.
Ipak je ovo WIKI!

 Nije stvar da ti ne mozes, vec ako je tu pogrijesio vjerovatno je i
 drugdje, a on bolje zna sto je sve mapirao i gdje je mozda jos pogrijesio.

 Svi mi grijesimo, nije to nista cudno, i mene su par puta upozorili na
 neke greske, pa sam nakon toga pazljivije radio.


 pratite me na twitteru -
 linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
 registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter,
 ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

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Re: [talk-ph] [OSM-talk] intent to vandalize

2009-09-23 Thread maning sambale
But, I'll sure be watching my area if he/she appears in my rss.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:52 PM, John Smith wrote:
 2009/9/23 maning sambale

 That account hasn't made any edits...

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] 2e Antwerps OSM cafe

2009-09-23 Thread Chris Van Bael

ik vrees dat ik nog niet echt gemapped heb.  Verscheidene redenen daarvoor:
- veel te druk op het werk en met mijn huis te verbouwen.
- te weinig inzicht hoe het mappen juist in zijn werk gaat.

Is er op die dag tijd om een uitleg te geven hoe je best routes invoert?
Hopelijk krijg ik daardoor dan een vliegende start ;-)

Met deftige uitleg zou ik die dag gerust de coté van Merksem kunnen doen.
Ik heb er 6 jaar gewoond, dus dat is me wel bekend!

Nu nog zorgen dat ik de 25e vrij ben...


2009/9/22 Luc Van den Troost
 Dag allen,

 3 maanden geleden hadden we ons eerste Antwerpse OSM-cafe. Een informele
 vergadering met - vooral in Antwerpen aktieve - mappers.

 Een van de conclusies van de bijeenkomst was toen dat we dat eens
 regelmatig moesten doen.

 Vandaar dat ik zou voorstellen op 25 oktober, vanaf 13 uur, opnieuw
 bijeen te komen bij ons thuis - Van Boendalestraat 8, 2000 Antwerpen -

 Ik zorg eens te meer voor koffie en koffiekoeken - zeker voor degenen
 die vooraf laten weten dat ze komen - Internet is uiteraard ook
 beschikbaar en dit maal zorg ik ook voor meer fietsenstalling...

 Dingen die besproken kunnen/mogen/moeten worden:

 *** Toestand van de kaart in Antwerpen:

 De meeste straten, ook in de gebieden die op de luchtfoto's onder een
 wolk schuilgaan, zitten erin. De meeste straten zijn ook benoemd en
 voorzien van de juiste tagging qua aard en hoofdrijrichting.

 Gaten in de kaart zijn er nog:
 zie ook
 2030 Luchtbal: enkele onbenoemde straten in de hoek van
 Groenendaallaan / Noorderlaan - tegenover Metropolis - maar vooral nog
 wat ontbrekende straten in het havengebied tussen Albertdok en
 2040 BeZaLi: nog 60 onbenoemde straten vooral in Zandvliet en ook nog
 wat in Berendrecht.
 2060 Noord: nog enkele ontbrekende straten, vooral dan wat stegen en
 ingesloten pleintjes
 2100 Deurne: nog 34 onbenoemde straten, vooral in Deurne noord, de buurt
 van het Sportpaleis
 2170 Merksem: nog 106 - van de 250 - straten zonder naam. Eigenlijk
 bijna de hele hoek tussen Lambrechtshoekenlaan en de Bredabaan.
 2180 Ekeren. Nog 35 onbenoemde straten, vooral wijk Schoonbroek,
 'edisonwijk' en nog wat in Rozemaai.
 2610 Wilrijk  2660 Hoboken: wat missende straten her en der. Is ook het
 gebied met de meeste wolken...

 *** Dingen in 't stad waar nog wel meer werk aan is:
 - fietsen in tegenrichting
 - huisnummers
 - restricties - no left turn, no right turn, ...
 - maxspeed en andere restricties

 Hieromtrent eventueel afspraken en tips

 *** De haven. een lastig gebied...
 In de haven zijn een heel aantal straten uit de officiele lijst
 verdwenen, een aantal zijn gelegen in een prive concessie of in het
 beveiligde 'afgesloten' gebied van de haven. Praktische tips hoe we dit

 *** POI's. Van welke is het nuttig om 'volledigheid' na te streven en
 welke zijn eerder facultatief?

 *** Wat als de kaart 'af' is... Uiteraard moet die verder geupdated
 worden en zo, maar eens Antwerpen af is is het misschien ook tijd om
 hierrond eens wat promo te maken, de kaart ruimer 'in gebruik' te
 krijgen en zo... Maken we daarrond een 'aktieprogramma' en zo ja, hoe
 doen we dat?

 Mag ik hierbij nog eens vermelden dat ook mappers die niet in Antwerpen
 aktief zijn meer dan welkom zijn. Een face-to-face bijeenkomst is de
 beste plaats om allerlei praktische problemen het snelst besproken en
 opgelost te hebben. Ook sommige dingen eens 'zien doen' leert je vaak
 meer dan 500 x de wiki lezen...


 2e Antwerps OSM Cafe
 zondag 25 oktober, 13 uur
 Van Boendalestraat 8, 2000 Antwerpen
 openbaar vervoer:
 De lijn / Franklin Rooseveltplaats op 200 m
 NMBS / Centraal station op 500 m

 Wie komt geeft bij voorkeur een seintje vooraf, anders zijn koffiekoeken
 niet gegarandeerd ;-)

 Luc / Speedy

 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] 2e Antwerps OSM cafe

2009-09-23 Thread Luc Van den Troost
On Wed, 2009-09-23 at 09:33 +0200, Chris Van Bael wrote:
 ik vrees dat ik nog niet echt gemapped heb.  Verscheidene redenen daarvoor:
 - veel te druk op het werk en met mijn huis te verbouwen.
 - te weinig inzicht hoe het mappen juist in zijn werk gaat.
Voor dat laatste is het 'een keer zien doen' of 'zelf doen terwijl
iemand helpt' de beste vliegende start.

 Is er op die dag tijd om een uitleg te geven hoe je best routes invoert?
 Hopelijk krijg ik daardoor dan een vliegende start ;-)
Ook qua routes - als je inderdaad routes bedoeld en niet tracks - zullen
er wel een paar 'specialisten' aanwezig zijn die zich om met fietsroutes
en OV-routes bezighouden. 

 Met deftige uitleg zou ik die dag gerust de coté van Merksem kunnen doen.
 Ik heb er 6 jaar gewoond, dus dat is me wel bekend!
Merksem is qua straten wel vrij volledig gemapt, maar er ontbreken nog
een heleboel straatnamen en wellicht ook eenrichtingsstraten. Mits een
goede kennis van de buurt en de straatnamen kan je daar allicht al een
boel doen zonder zelfs van je stoel te komen ;-)

 Nu nog zorgen dat ik de 25e vrij ben...
 2009/9/22 Luc Van den Troost
  Dag allen,
  3 maanden geleden hadden we ons eerste Antwerpse OSM-cafe. Een informele
  vergadering met - vooral in Antwerpen aktieve - mappers.
  Een van de conclusies van de bijeenkomst was toen dat we dat eens
  regelmatig moesten doen.
  Vandaar dat ik zou voorstellen op 25 oktober, vanaf 13 uur, opnieuw
  bijeen te komen bij ons thuis - Van Boendalestraat 8, 2000 Antwerpen -
  Ik zorg eens te meer voor koffie en koffiekoeken - zeker voor degenen
  die vooraf laten weten dat ze komen - Internet is uiteraard ook
  beschikbaar en dit maal zorg ik ook voor meer fietsenstalling...
  Dingen die besproken kunnen/mogen/moeten worden:
  *** Toestand van de kaart in Antwerpen:
  De meeste straten, ook in de gebieden die op de luchtfoto's onder een
  wolk schuilgaan, zitten erin. De meeste straten zijn ook benoemd en
  voorzien van de juiste tagging qua aard en hoofdrijrichting.
  Gaten in de kaart zijn er nog:
  zie ook
  2030 Luchtbal: enkele onbenoemde straten in de hoek van
  Groenendaallaan / Noorderlaan - tegenover Metropolis - maar vooral nog
  wat ontbrekende straten in het havengebied tussen Albertdok en
  2040 BeZaLi: nog 60 onbenoemde straten vooral in Zandvliet en ook nog
  wat in Berendrecht.
  2060 Noord: nog enkele ontbrekende straten, vooral dan wat stegen en
  ingesloten pleintjes
  2100 Deurne: nog 34 onbenoemde straten, vooral in Deurne noord, de buurt
  van het Sportpaleis
  2170 Merksem: nog 106 - van de 250 - straten zonder naam. Eigenlijk
  bijna de hele hoek tussen Lambrechtshoekenlaan en de Bredabaan.
  2180 Ekeren. Nog 35 onbenoemde straten, vooral wijk Schoonbroek,
  'edisonwijk' en nog wat in Rozemaai.
  2610 Wilrijk  2660 Hoboken: wat missende straten her en der. Is ook het
  gebied met de meeste wolken...
  *** Dingen in 't stad waar nog wel meer werk aan is:
  - fietsen in tegenrichting
  - huisnummers
  - restricties - no left turn, no right turn, ...
  - maxspeed en andere restricties
  Hieromtrent eventueel afspraken en tips
  *** De haven. een lastig gebied...
  In de haven zijn een heel aantal straten uit de officiele lijst
  verdwenen, een aantal zijn gelegen in een prive concessie of in het
  beveiligde 'afgesloten' gebied van de haven. Praktische tips hoe we dit
  *** POI's. Van welke is het nuttig om 'volledigheid' na te streven en
  welke zijn eerder facultatief?
  *** Wat als de kaart 'af' is... Uiteraard moet die verder geupdated
  worden en zo, maar eens Antwerpen af is is het misschien ook tijd om
  hierrond eens wat promo te maken, de kaart ruimer 'in gebruik' te
  krijgen en zo... Maken we daarrond een 'aktieprogramma' en zo ja, hoe
  doen we dat?
  Mag ik hierbij nog eens vermelden dat ook mappers die niet in Antwerpen
  aktief zijn meer dan welkom zijn. Een face-to-face bijeenkomst is de
  beste plaats om allerlei praktische problemen het snelst besproken en
  opgelost te hebben. Ook sommige dingen eens 'zien doen' leert je vaak
  meer dan 500 x de wiki lezen...
  2e Antwerps OSM Cafe
  zondag 25 oktober, 13 uur
  Van Boendalestraat 8, 2000 Antwerpen
  openbaar vervoer:
  De lijn / Franklin Rooseveltplaats op 200 m
  NMBS / Centraal station op 500 m
  Wie komt geeft bij voorkeur een seintje vooraf, anders zijn koffiekoeken
  niet gegarandeerd ;-)
  Luc / Speedy
  Talk-be mailing list
 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] 2e Antwerps OSM cafe

2009-09-23 Thread Ben Laenen
wannes wrote:
  zie ook
  2100 Deurne: nog 34 onbenoemde straten, vooral in Deurne noord, de buurt
  van het Sportpaleis
 Kan ik wel even doen tussendoor. Met die potlach is het wel een stuk
 makkelijker geworden. Thx voor het stratenlijstje van ontbrekende straten.
 Ik print het af per gemeente en fiets ver even langs op weg naar huis.

wat die lijst ontbrekende straten betreft: Moest iemand van plan zijn Wilrijk 
of Hoboken te vervolledigen, dan is die te laat want ik heb het vorige week al 
gedaan :-)

 *** Wat te doen met wegenwerken en tijdelijke
  omleggingen/verkeerssituaties? (Bijvoorbeerld de huidige
 situatie aan de Sint-jacobsmarkt, in welke maten moet die gereflecteerd
 worden op de kaart?)

In OSM is nu de tijdelijke situatie gemapt aan de Sint-Jacobsmarkt. Heb ik 
niets op tegen, als het maar in het oog wordt gehouden zodat het terug naar de 
oorspronkelijke situatie gemapt kan worden als de werken gedaan zijn. En je 
bent werkelijk zo vergeten dat er een tijdelijke situatie op de kaart staat.

Maar aangezien veruit de meeste straten die je mapt niet zo in het oog kunnen 
gehouden worden, map ik meestal toch de oorspronkelijke -- als dat mogelijk is 
natuurlijk want je merkt het niet altijd.

Voor grote wegenwerken zal het beter zijn de tijdelijke situatie in OSM te 
zetten, omdat die ook zichtbaar zijn, en dan ook vooral voor de gebruiker. Als 
ze bijvoorbeeld -- wie weet deze eeuw nog -- hier in Antwerpen de 
Oosterweelverbinding gaan aanleggen, dan is het best om zo up to date mogelijk 
te blijven met verlegde op- en afritten, gesloten wegen, tijdelijke wegen etc. 
omdat dat een grote impact geeft over de te volgen reisweg bv.


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] 2e Antwerps OSM cafe

2009-09-23 Thread Luc Van den Troost
On Wed, 2009-09-23 at 12:57 +0200, Ben Laenen wrote:
 wannes wrote:
   zie ook
   2100 Deurne: nog 34 onbenoemde straten, vooral in Deurne noord, de buurt
   van het Sportpaleis
  Kan ik wel even doen tussendoor. Met die potlach is het wel een stuk
  makkelijker geworden. Thx voor het stratenlijstje van ontbrekende straten.
  Ik print het af per gemeente en fiets ver even langs op weg naar huis.
 wat die lijst ontbrekende straten betreft: Moest iemand van plan zijn Wilrijk 
 of Hoboken te vervolledigen, dan is die te laat want ik heb het vorige week 
 gedaan :-)
  *** Wat te doen met wegenwerken en tijdelijke
   omleggingen/verkeerssituaties? (Bijvoorbeerld de huidige
  situatie aan de Sint-jacobsmarkt, in welke maten moet die gereflecteerd
  worden op de kaart?)
 In OSM is nu de tijdelijke situatie gemapt aan de Sint-Jacobsmarkt. Heb ik 
 niets op tegen, als het maar in het oog wordt gehouden zodat het terug naar 
 oorspronkelijke situatie gemapt kan worden als de werken gedaan zijn. En je 
 bent werkelijk zo vergeten dat er een tijdelijke situatie op de kaart staat.
Yeps. Die tijdelijke sitatie heb ik aangepast, omdat 'tijdelijk' in dit
geval ca. 4 jaar zal duren... Dat is langer dan de 'definitieve'
situatie in de Lange Sint Annastraat het had uitgehouden...

Bovendien is dat hier in m'n onmiddellijke omgeving en passeert
momenteel alle verkeer door onze straat. De dag dat dit niet meer is
merk ik het en wordt het teruggezet naar de 'normale' situatie. 

 Maar aangezien veruit de meeste straten die je mapt niet zo in het oog kunnen 
 gehouden worden, map ik meestal toch de oorspronkelijke -- als dat mogelijk 
 natuurlijk want je merkt het niet altijd.
Zeker voor omleidingen waar je 'een keer' in terechtkomt maar normaal
niet passeert. Als je die ook op die manier gaat taggen is er inderdaad
een groot risico dat de 'tijdelijke' situatie te lang blijft hangen in

 Voor grote wegenwerken zal het beter zijn de tijdelijke situatie in OSM te 
 zetten, omdat die ook zichtbaar zijn, en dan ook vooral voor de gebruiker. 
 ze bijvoorbeeld -- wie weet deze eeuw nog -- hier in Antwerpen de 
 Oosterweelverbinding gaan aanleggen, dan is het best om zo up to date 
 te blijven met verlegde op- en afritten, gesloten wegen, tijdelijke wegen 
 omdat dat een grote impact geeft over de te volgen reisweg bv.
 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] 2e Antwerps OSM cafe

2009-09-23 Thread Luc Van den Troost
On Wed, 2009-09-23 at 14:49 +0200, wannes wrote:
 Op 23 september 2009 13:15 schreef Luc Van den Troost het volgende:
   *** Wat te doen met wegenwerken en tijdelijke
omleggingen/verkeerssituaties? (Bijvoorbeerld de huidige
   situatie aan de Sint-jacobsmarkt, in welke maten moet die
   worden op de kaart?)
  In OSM is nu de tijdelijke situatie gemapt aan de
 Sint-Jacobsmarkt. Heb ik
  niets op tegen, als het maar in het oog wordt gehouden zodat
 het terug naar de
  oorspronkelijke situatie gemapt kan worden als de werken
 gedaan zijn. En je
  bent werkelijk zo vergeten dat er een tijdelijke situatie op
 de kaart staat.
 Yeps. Die tijdelijke sitatie heb ik aangepast, omdat
 'tijdelijk' in dit
 geval ca. 4 jaar zal duren... Dat is langer dan de
 situatie in de Lange Sint Annastraat het had uitgehouden...
 Het is de bedoeling dat alles omgedraaid zou verlopen. (Eindelijk van
 dat rotkruispunt af)

Dat zou dus ook pas binnen 3 jaar zijn, maar wel een verbetering waar
iedereen al jaren op wacht. Een ander 'probleem' dat bij het omkeren van
de rijrichting altijd naar boven komt is de lijn, die in praktijk meer
te zeggen heeft dan wie dan ook, en vaak nogal uitblinkt door een gebrek
aan goodwill... Efin, er is in ieder geval een nieuwe verantwoordelijke
minister daarvoor, en voor de geintresseerden, ook de vacature van
directeur generaal is gepubliceerd...

Als dat zo is dan blijft de tijdelijke rijrichting op st jacobsmarkt
tussen lange nieuwsstraat en lange st. annastraat wat ze is, en moet
'enkel' de rest van de lus worden aangepast. 

Er zijn 'tijdelijk' ook enkele andere straten van richting veranderd, nl
lange st.annastraat en korte winkelstraat. 

Overigens begrijp ik niet goed waarom het 'probleem' voor de rijrichting
om te draaien omwille van de brandweer nu plots zou vedwijnen indien ze
200 meter verder in dezelfde straat gaan zitten... Maar goed. Waarom een
wegomlegging begint VOORBIJ de bouwwerf die er de oorzaak van is heb ik
ooit nooit begrepen. 

Luc / Speedy

 Zeker voor omleidingen waar je 'een keer' in terechtkomt maar
 niet passeert. Als je die ook op die manier gaat taggen is er
 een groot risico dat de 'tijdelijke' situatie te lang blijft
 hangen in
 Af en toe eens een maintenance-sessie organiseren?
 Geen idee hoe we dat structureel kunnen aanpakken?
 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-si] GADM

2009-09-23 Thread Igor Brejc
Uh, res je slaba :). No, vseeno hvala za trud

lp Igor

2009/9/24 Damjan Gerli

 Sem malo pogledal in za Slovenijo / občine je kvaliteta slaba. Tu si lahko
 ogledate screenshot:


  -Izvirno sporočilo-
  [] Namesto Igor Brejc
  Poslano: 23. september 2009 23:13
  Zadeva: [Talk-si] GADM
  Ravnokar zasledil:
  Preveril sem in imajo tudi slovenske občinske meje, ne vem pa
  kakšna je
  natančnost in licenca. Če se kdo želi igrati, naj preveri...
  lp Igor
  Talk-si mailing list

 Talk-si mailing list

Talk-si mailing list

[OSM-talk] intent to vandalize

2009-09-23 Thread maning sambale

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] intent to vandalize

2009-09-23 Thread John Smith
2009/9/23 maning sambale

That account hasn't made any edits...

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] feasibility - different use of openstreetmap

2009-09-23 Thread Peter Körner
 Would it be possible/feasible to setup a map server like openstreetmap 
 that shows all the street/roads along with my aerial photography and 
 field outlines, and then make a search for the field by customer, by 
 legal description or by field name?

I'm unsure about the technical details, but in general you would need a 
apache with mod_tile [0] / renderd / mapnik [1] to render your 
street-tiles with transparent background.

Your Areal photos could (should?) be supplied by a WMS-Server (?)

Both would be bundled together with OpenLayers [2]. As they also support 
vector drawings from external sources (GML, KML, etc.) I would suggest 
to put the field-outlines in here.

Especially transparent street-tiles would be very cool to share to the 
community. If I'ts not possible to publish the tiles you may want to 
publish the styles-file  configurations you used to generate them to 
the wiki.

Good Look with your Project,


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] feasibility - different use of openstreetmap

2009-09-23 Thread John Smith
2009/9/23 Peter Körner
 Would it be possible/feasible to setup a map server like openstreetmap
 that shows all the street/roads along with my aerial photography and
 field outlines, and then make a search for the field by customer, by
 legal description or by field name?

 I'm unsure about the technical details, but in general you would need a
 apache with mod_tile [0] / renderd / mapnik [1] to render your
 street-tiles with transparent background.

 Your Areal photos could (should?) be supplied by a WMS-Server (?)

 Both would be bundled together with OpenLayers [2]. As they also support
 vector drawings from external sources (GML, KML, etc.) I would suggest
 to put the field-outlines in here.

 Especially transparent street-tiles would be very cool to share to the
 community. If I'ts not possible to publish the tiles you may want to
 publish the styles-file  configurations you used to generate them to
 the wiki.

I'm trying to figure out how to do a similar thing with post codes,
for the moment I've got a very basic mapnik style sheet that just
produces town names, country borders and shaded postcode areas.,148.04077layer=00B00FF

OpenLayers can do semi-transparent layers over the top of a base
layer, so I'll probably be going down that path too:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] intent to vandalize

2009-09-23 Thread Gregory Williams
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:talk-] On Behalf Of John Smith
 Sent: 23 September 2009 07:53
 To: maning sambale
 Cc: osm-talk
 Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] intent to vandalize
 2009/9/23 maning sambale
 That account hasn't made any edits...

Don't worry. In the UK we've had issues with a Liam123 making questionable
edits. This is just somebody else that's set up a separate account Fake
Liam123 (much alike Fake SteveC or Fake RichardF) and is just poking a
bit out of the situation. I'm pretty sure that there's nothing malicious
actually going on.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread paul youlten
Just noticed this on the front page of Wikipedia:

Did you know...

...that in 2009 two MIT students made a vehicle to take pictures of
the Earth from 93,000 feet (28,000 m) for US$148?


On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Joe Richards wrote:

 Where did this idea go in the end? It seems the talk about it petered-out, or 
 was some action agreed (along with who was going to undertake it)?

 Given the US have forgotten to keep the GPS system up to date, maybe
 we need a few satelites of our own to replace it... Or maybe we can
 use Galileo once its up instead.

 This was more about high-resolution aerial photography suitable for deriving 

 As for geopositioning satellites, I doubt the US military-industrial complex 
 (or its adherents in places like Europe) will allow such a key technology to 
 fall into real disrepair. Plus with future civilian receivers combining 
 signals from Galileo and GPS, alongside radio signals, the future is actually 
 looking brighter than ever...

 talk mailing list

Tel: +44(0) 7814 517 807

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread John Smith
2009/9/23 paul youlten
 Just noticed this on the front page of Wikipedia:

 Did you know...

 ...that in 2009 two MIT students made a vehicle to take pictures of
 the Earth from 93,000 feet (28,000 m) for US$148?

Yes but almost none of the imagery would be useful for vectorising however.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] embed picture with josm

2009-09-23 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
can one embed images with josm? if so, how?
Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Project Officer

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] embed picture with josm

2009-09-23 Thread SLXViper
Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
 can one embed images with josm? if so, how?

by using either the piclayer plugin (for correctly projected and
rectified images, e.g. maps) or, when using own aerial imagery (not
rectified), by using metacarta's map recitifier or mapwarper and
embedding these services via wmsplugin.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OSM in Poland

2009-09-23 Thread Frederik Ramm

at the Intergeo trade fair, I spoke to a guy from the university in 
Wroclaw, Poland, who was interested in getting in touch with the Polish 
OSM community (with a view of asking his students, who have to do a lot 
of surveying as part of their courses, to contribute to OSM).

I was about to say just check out the Polish mailing list when I found 
that while we do have lots of mailing lists for quite small countries, 
there's none for Poland.

So where does the Polish OSM community hang out? Checked the Wiki and 
found nothing in terms of regular meetings or in fact any contact 
address or real name. Do they perhaps have a forum or something? Is 
there perhaps anyone in Wroclaw who would be willing to work with the 
university on this?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM in Poland

2009-09-23 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi Frederik,

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 So where does the Polish OSM community hang out? Checked the Wiki and
 found nothing in terms of regular meetings or in fact any contact
 address or real name. Do they perhaps have a forum or something? Is
 there perhaps anyone in Wroclaw who would be willing to work with the
 university on this?

I have found this one:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread paul youlten
 Yes but almost none of the imagery would be useful for vectorising however.

How be difficult would it be to adapt their low-cost approach to give
more useful images for mapping? Is it just a matter of attaching the
camera to some sort of gimbal?

... because you'd only sending it up to 3,500m (rather than 30,000m)
you wouldn't need to worry so much about low temperatures freezing the

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:00 AM, John Smith wrote:
 2009/9/23 paul youlten
 Just noticed this on the front page of Wikipedia:

 Did you know...

 ...that in 2009 two MIT students made a vehicle to take pictures of
 the Earth from 93,000 feet (28,000 m) for US$148?

 Yes but almost none of the imagery would be useful for vectorising however.

Tel: +44(0) 7814 517 807

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread John Smith
2009/9/23 paul youlten
 ... because you'd only sending it up to 3,500m (rather than 30,000m)
 you wouldn't need to worry so much about low temperatures freezing the

At that altitude you wouldn't have to worry about the balloon bursting
at that altitude either.

The bigger issue would be the weight of the tether.

RC blimp might also be more practical since you could steer it etc.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread paul youlten
 RC blimp might also be more practical since you could steer it etc.

Do modern RC controls have that sort of range? 3.5km seems a lot... an
alternative would be to control it with GPS and some sort of
electronic flight plan/autopilot.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:16 AM, John Smith wrote:
 2009/9/23 paul youlten
 ... because you'd only sending it up to 3,500m (rather than 30,000m)
 you wouldn't need to worry so much about low temperatures freezing the

 At that altitude you wouldn't have to worry about the balloon bursting
 at that altitude either.

 The bigger issue would be the weight of the tether.

Tel: +44(0) 7814 517 807

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM in Poland

2009-09-23 Thread andrzej zaborowski

2009/9/23 Frederik Ramm
    at the Intergeo trade fair, I spoke to a guy from the university in
 Wroclaw, Poland, who was interested in getting in touch with the Polish
 OSM community (with a view of asking his students, who have to do a lot
 of surveying as part of their courses, to contribute to OSM).

This would be very useful to OSM.

 I was about to say just check out the Polish mailing list when I found
 that while we do have lots of mailing lists for quite small countries,
 there's none for Poland.

 So where does the Polish OSM community hang out? Checked the Wiki and
 found nothing in terms of regular meetings or in fact any contact
 address or real name. Do they perhaps have a forum or something?

There's the forum at with a tiny
community, it's rather silent but in the healthy way, meaning that
people are busy mapping :)  I would have much preferred a mailing list
but others don't seem very enthusiastic about this.

I don't know of any meetings other than mine with user:Mala

 there perhaps anyone in Wroclaw who would be willing to work with the
 university on this?

There's at least one user from Wroclaw reading the forums.  Wroclaw
municipality is also cooperative and allowed us to use their super
exact aerial photography of the city (10cm or so per pixel) and I
think some other WMS layers.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread John Smith
2009/9/23 paul youlten
 RC blimp might also be more practical since you could steer it etc.

 Do modern RC controls have that sort of range? 3.5km seems a lot... an
 alternative would be to control it with GPS and some sort of
 electronic flight plan/autopilot.

Do you need to go above 1km?

There is usually more restristrictions on UAVs than RC aircraft.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread Frederik Ramm

paul youlten wrote:
 Do modern RC controls have that sort of range? 3.5km seems a lot... an
 alternative would be to control it with GPS and some sort of
 electronic flight plan/autopilot.

I always thought that aviation regulations require the pilot - whether 
on board or on the ground - to monitor the airspace around the aircraft 
and take evasive action where necessary. It would be hard to do that on 
the ground for an aircraft that far up. But maybe that depends on the 
country you're in. I think in the US it is pretty much everything goes 
up to 1200 feet AGL or so but after that you have to behave.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread John Smith
2009/9/23 Frederik Ramm
 I always thought that aviation regulations require the pilot - whether on
 board or on the ground - to monitor the airspace around the aircraft and
 take evasive action where necessary. It would be hard to do that on the
 ground for an aircraft that far up. But maybe that depends on the country
 you're in. I think in the US it is pretty much everything goes up to 1200
 feet AGL or so but after that you have to behave.

The other question to be asked is the time, effort and money put into
this be less than archived sat imagery which is about $14 per sq km.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread paul youlten
The other question to be asked is the time, effort and money put into
this be less than archived sat imagery which is about $14 per sq km.

Yeah...but it would be fun to try!

... and while $14/sq Km doesn't sound a lot it would still cost $5376
(£4900) just to get images of (for example) the Isle of Wight in the
UK, $11000 (€7440) to get pictures of New York City and $8000 (€5414)
for the island of Ibiza in Spain.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:38 AM, John Smith wrote:
 2009/9/23 Frederik Ramm
 I always thought that aviation regulations require the pilot - whether on
 board or on the ground - to monitor the airspace around the aircraft and
 take evasive action where necessary. It would be hard to do that on the
 ground for an aircraft that far up. But maybe that depends on the country
 you're in. I think in the US it is pretty much everything goes up to 1200
 feet AGL or so but after that you have to behave.

 The other question to be asked is the time, effort and money put into
 this be less than archived sat imagery which is about $14 per sq km.

Tel: +44(0) 7814 517 807

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread John Smith
2009/9/23 paul youlten
The other question to be asked is the time, effort and money put into
this be less than archived sat imagery which is about $14 per sq km.

 Yeah...but it would be fun to try!

 ... and while $14/sq Km doesn't sound a lot it would still cost $5376
 (£4900) just to get images of (for example) the Isle of Wight in the
 UK, $11000 (€7440) to get pictures of New York City and $8000 (€5414)
 for the island of Ibiza in Spain.

You're implying that there wouldn't be transport and other logistical
costs, it doesn't matter which way you go it isn't going to be free to
go from place to place etc etc etc

Instead of a toy/rc blimp, maybe it might be practical to make a full
size one. You could have living quaters, internet connectivity and so
on and so forth :)

Maybe you could pick up a second hand one on the cheap :)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView

2009-09-23 Thread John McKerrell

On 22 Sep 2009, at 17:44, malenki wrote:

| There was an error saving your changes

Odd, I'll take a look, can you paste the URL to the thumbnail to help  
me identify it?

Besides there seems to be no way (atm) to edit several pictures in a
row. MArking some and clicking mask sections showed up only the
Yeah, this is something I'd like in the future but haven't had chance  
to do yet, definitely something I want in the future.

It would be nice to have on gmane.
I'm not actually sure what you mean by this, is it something I need to  
set up for the mailing list?

For moderating photos:
1) It would be handy to be able to see the pictures in full resolution
since its a difference if a car with licence plate is photographed  

a 320x240 cam of a mobile phone or with a 12MP SLR. The thumbnails
aren't much helpful there.
Currently you see the image at max 1024 width/height, that's the  
biggest that is available, I recommend that you use a judgement call  
and mask out things if there's potential for them to be visible

2) If there are just few people like me who log  photograph all day
long for OSM, soon it will be hard work moderating all the thousands  

pictures. At my most productive day I made 1740 of them...

Yes... we'll have to see what we can do in the future, I'd say  
automated masking with human verification might be one option.

Questions: Housenumbers would not be a privacy problem I hope?

I don't believe so, I'd say they were useful.

I quite often make photographs of the ground when the highways surface
changes, Parking place starts here, ands here - are these kind  

welcome also?

Are there kinds of pictures you would not like to see on your server?
I suppose photos of the ground might be used as part of a 3D model but  
in general if it really does just look like a bit of gravel or  
completely sky then it's probably not useful. I'd say we don't want  
indoors photos, photos that are mainly inside a car or where the GPS  
is taking up most of the picture that said, we will need to allow  
photos of GPSes to be uploaded when we do server-side geotagging (i.e.  
uploading traces).

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread Robert Scott
On Wednesday 23 September 2009, paul youlten wrote:
 How be difficult would it be to adapt their low-cost approach to give
 more useful images for mapping?

Very. Getting steady images from a balloon would be very difficult, even with a 
gimbal. The payload swings like a pendulum. You also wouldn't be able to 
control where the balloon went. You would have a very hard time fighting 
against wind with an RC blimp.

Current efforts doing UAV aerial imagery revolve around fixed wing aircraft and 
to a lesser extent helicopters. They have limited flight times but are looking 
quite promising.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Field boundaries (was: feasibility - different use of openstreetmap)

2009-09-23 Thread Ed Avis
In the UK, certainly large-scale Ordnance Survey maps show field boundaries.
There is some incomprehensible (to me) information about 'field parcel numbers'

It would be great to add them to OSM but I don't think walking along the 
of each field with a GPS device is a practical way to do it.  And 
aerial photography is unlikely to be available for rural areas.  So I wonder
where the OS get their data from?

Ed Avis

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-dev] The OpenStreetMap website is now translatable at Translatewiki

2009-09-23 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:02 AM, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
 But which OSM components does this cover? I'm assuming this only covers the
 main OSM website (and the wiki indirectly since MediaWiki is already in
 TranslateWiki) but not Potlatch, and the other editors.

It's only the website at the moment as Siebrand says. But it would be
very nice to add other OpenStreetMap applications, the most obvious
next step being Potlatch.

To add Potlatch some internal changes need to be done in Potlatch
itself. I've filed a bug detailing what these are:

I don't think Richard minds this change to Potlatch but he'd rather
not do the work since he's working on Potlatch 2. Changing this is
easy even if you're not familiar with Potlatch, you just have to
change all the calls to the iText(): remove the first parameter and
split it ont a YAML file.

If you (or someone else) interested in seeing Potlatch on
Translatewiki solving that bug is the first step towards doing that.
The second one is hacking an importer/exporter for Potlatch's YAML
format for Translatewiki. That's easy though, it's just a matter of
reusing the existing YAML code without all the complexities we had to
deal with for supporting applications using Rails' i18n framework.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Field boundaries

2009-09-23 Thread Chris Hill
The OS have their own aerial survey 'plane, currently based in Blackpool 
I think.  A large part of their rural mapping updates comes from this hi 
res photography.  They don't choose to release these photos for general 
use of course.  An OS 'plane used to be based at an airfield I used to 
fly from.

Cheers, Chris

Ed Avis wrote:
 In the UK, certainly large-scale Ordnance Survey maps show field boundaries.
 There is some incomprehensible (to me) information about 'field parcel 

 It would be great to add them to OSM but I don't think walking along the 
 of each field with a GPS device is a practical way to do it.  And 
 aerial photography is unlikely to be available for rural areas.  So I wonder
 where the OS get their data from?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Evolution of a map

2009-09-23 Thread Francesco de Virgilio
2009/9/21 Valent Turkovic
 On Thu, 17 Sep 2009 13:25:37 +0300, Eddy Petrișor wrote:

 I've done something primitive based on some shell scripting and the
 mapnik render; the code isn't published yet, but I can publish it, if
 you want.

 Please do.


Francesco de Virgilio
*Ubuntu-it Member and Wiki Editor*
*Wikimedia projects contributor*
*OpenStreetMap Mapper*
   Love - Peace - Freedom - Free Software
GPG 0x6482E056 (FP B996 A12C BD52 2A9B CDD3 812D 462D 93B0 6482 E056)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread Andrew Errington
On Wed, September 23, 2009 19:44, Robert Scott wrote:
 On Wednesday 23 September 2009, paul youlten wrote:

 How be difficult would it be to adapt their low-cost approach to give
 more useful images for mapping?

 Very. Getting steady images from a balloon would be very difficult, even
 with a gimbal. The payload swings like a pendulum. You also wouldn't be
 able to control where the balloon went. You would have a very hard time
 fighting against wind with an RC blimp.

You could stabilise the camera with a gyroscope, spinning around a
vertical axis.  It would consume power to keep it spinning, and, by
definition, it would add weight, but if the camera was pointing straight
down when the gyroscope was started, then the gyroscope would tend to keep
the axis vertical.

And you wouldn't need to care where the balloon went, as long as it went
somewhere you hadn't mapped yet.

Or something.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] good news: shapefile usage of ramsar sites for

2009-09-23 Thread Jason Cunningham
2009/9/22 Morten Kjeldgaard

 I am sorry, but I don't understand. Roman references an email from the
 communications officer of Ramsar, and you are worried? You say the sites in
 U.K. have probably been mapped by BOS? What kind of authority do you
 represent to convince us that your concerns should be ours as well?

I dont know how to answer this authority question, it does not seem
relevant to openstreetmap, or the point I raised. No one in the in the
OpenStreetMap community has authority.

My interest in OSM is not mapping of streets, its the mapping of wildlife
sites and habitat, which includes Ramsar sites. In the UK we have very
limited access to maps of wildlife sites. Google is only interested in
streets. Maps we do have are owned by Ordnance Survey which restricts use.
Local Groups that commonly manage wildlife sites in the UK usually can not
afford to pay Ordnance Survey.

UK authorities use Ordnance Survey for preparing maps of their Nature
Conservation data, and I know that use of this data is restricted by
copyright. The data for the UK Ramsar sites will have come from JNCC, and
its clear from looking at the JNCC site (which holds data in the UK) that
the mapping data is derived from OS maps. In fact you can directly download
the data prepared for European Bodies from the website, but with
restrictions due to it being derived from OS maps.

I am hoping that JNCC has had to enter into a contract with OS to allow them
to submit the data to various European bodies without copyright
restrictions. If so this is an important set of data for UK users, we have
access to up-to-date OS data without copyright restrictions.

But I, and I assume a lot of UK users of OSM would be surprised if the data
had been supplied to the European bodies without some form of restriction.
This is not based on Authority as you put it, but on years of experience
of how OS works. In fact OpenStreetMap was created, in large part, as a
response to the copyright attitude of OS.

I would counter that the British government -- if they indeed stood for the
 measurements of the data -- has probably signed copyright over to the
 Ramsar organization.

 The British Government (or JNCC) would have to buy the 'copyright' for this
data. This British Government has little interest in wildlife in the UK, it
definitely has no 'measurable' interest in supporting European Bodies
involved with wildlife. They are constantly loosing court cases in Europe
and I wouldn't be surprised if they had handed over the data with
restrictions, despite having an agreement to provide the data with no

To repeat, I am not saying the data must not be used, I am simply raising an
issue because I think there may be a problem. I don't trust the British
Government and OS. I would genuinely surprised (and pleased) if JNCC had
paid OS to remove copyright. I also look forward to seeing Ramsar sites

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread Jack Stringer
Get a Canon IS lens on a SLR, the ones I have are quite good and mixed
with a f-stop of 2.8 it means plenty of light so fast shutter speeds
are easier. Only problem is weight, the latest kit weights a few kilos
1.7Kg IRRC just for the lens.

Jack Stringer

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Aeroplane for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread bernhard
Hi All

Satellite und balloon are not perfect to take orthophotos.
Why not buy an aeroplane for OSM?

Maybe it would be possible to buy (build) a Camera, GPS,... Unit to 
mount at a plane and rent the plane.
Many governments need orthophotos and maybe they are willing to sponsor 
the plane for some hours if
they get usefull public domain images.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Aeroplane for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread Matt Williams
2009/9/23 bernhard
 Hi All

 Satellite und balloon are not perfect to take orthophotos.
 Why not buy an aeroplane for OSM?

 Maybe it would be possible to buy (build) a Camera, GPS,... Unit to
 mount at a plane and rent the plane.
 Many governments need orthophotos and maybe they are willing to sponsor
 the plane for some hours if
 they get usefull public domain images.

Have a look at a lot of the recent discussion on talk-gb. We recently
hired a plane to fly over Stratford-upon-Avon to collect imagery.
We're currently in the process of stitching it together to be used for

Matt Williams

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] embed picture with josm

2009-09-23 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Wednesday 23 Sep 2009 1:55:24 pm SLXViper wrote:
 Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
  can one embed images with josm? if so, how?

 by using either the piclayer plugin (for correctly projected and
 rectified images, e.g. maps) or, when using own aerial imagery (not
 rectified), by using metacarta's map recitifier or mapwarper and
 embedding these services via wmsplugin.

actually I was looking at sort of loading a non-tagged picture into josm and 
manually pasting it where I want - looks like this is not possible!
Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Project Officer

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM in Poland

2009-09-23 Thread Frederik Ramm

andrzej zaborowski wrote:
 There's the forum at with a tiny
 community, it's rather silent but in the healthy way, meaning that
 people are busy mapping :)  I would have much preferred a mailing list
 but others don't seem very enthusiastic about this.

Very good, thanks to you and Ciprian, I will point him to the forum then.

 There's at least one user from Wroclaw reading the forums.  Wroclaw
 municipality is also cooperative and allowed us to use their super
 exact aerial photography of the city (10cm or so per pixel) and I
 think some other WMS layers.

Yes I remember that I was quite surprised to see *very* detailed 
building outlines (garden sheds? dog houses?) in the South-East.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] embed picture with josm

2009-09-23 Thread SLXViper
Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
 actually I was looking at sort of loading a non-tagged picture into
 josm and
 manually pasting it where I want - looks like this is not possible!
This is what piclayer actually does... Haven't you looked at it?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] embed picture with josm

2009-09-23 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Wednesday 23 Sep 2009 5:53:45 pm SLXViper wrote:
 Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
  actually I was looking at sort of loading a non-tagged picture into
  josm and
  manually pasting it where I want - looks like this is not possible!

 This is what piclayer actually does... Haven't you looked at it?

I looked at it - I could manipulate the picture and put it the size I want in 
the place I want - but could not figure out how to paste it - every time I 
chose 'upload', it says 'no changes made'. Also josm does not allow me to 
merge the pic layer with the existing downloaded layer.
Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Project Officer

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] deleted copyrighted material technically still in the database?

2009-09-23 Thread maning sambale
Whenever we see copyrighted material in OSM, we try to remove it
immediately.  But technically, it still in the database including
history and changeset.
Am I right in my assumptions?
Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Field boundaries

2009-09-23 Thread Someoneelse
Ed Avis wrote:
 In the UK, certainly large-scale Ordnance Survey maps show field boundaries.

I suspect that it depends on region, but in my experience the Ordnance 
Survey field boundary data as printed on their Explorer is based on 
actual boundaries some considerable time in the past.  That doesn't mean 
they don't have some other more accurate data in a format not readily 
reproduced on a printed map - maps such as this one:
suggest that they might.

In areas where there's complete public access (Open Access Land) or 
substantial public access (lots of paths and roads) or very large fields 
with straight edges it might be feasible to add field boundary data 
without too much effort, but failing that it's do your own aerial 
survey or actual surveying on the ground (taking bearings from known 
points).  Maybe that's a job for this winter...

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] deleted copyrighted material technically still in the database?

2009-09-23 Thread Donald Allwright

From: maning sambale
To: osm-talk
Sent: Wednesday, 23 September, 2009 13:44:52
Subject: [OSM-talk] deleted copyrighted material technically still in the 

Whenever we see copyrighted material in OSM, we try to remove it
immediately.  But technically, it still in the database including
history and changeset.
Am I right in my assumptions?

grumblepedantic mode
No-one should be removing copyrighted material from the database as a matter of 
course. We should only be removing copyrighted material if there is no clear 
evidence that the copyright holder has given permission for it to be used in 
this way. Some would argue that we should only remove it if there is clear 
evidence that the copyright holder *hasn't* given permission for it to be used 
in this way, although the OSM way is to be ultra-cautious where there is 
/pedantic mode/grumble

Technically, it is still in the database, and a technically astute person could 
recover it. However it is not in the current version of the data that are 
provided using the default mechanisms, so it *could* be argued that OSM is not 
actively distributing it. It's similar to when people add code to a public 
repository then remove it again, it's usually still there somewhere. I am 
unaware of any legal cases in the UK (where OSM is based) that hinge around 
this residual availability, but then again I am not a lawyer and would 
certainly be interested to hear of any.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] deleted copyrighted material technically still in the database?

2009-09-23 Thread Thomas Wood
The Data Working Group have the powers to ensure the data is removed
permanently from the database and historical planet dumps.
To my knowledge, the planet dumps have been patched once in the past
to remove a serious copyvio.

2009/9/23 Donald Allwright

From: maning sambale
To: osm-talk
Sent: Wednesday, 23 September, 2009 13:44:52
Subject: [OSM-talk] deleted copyrighted material technically still in the

Whenever we see copyrighted material in OSM, we try to remove it
immediately.  But technically, it still in the database including
history and changeset.
Am I right in my assumptions?

 grumblepedantic mode
 No-one should be removing copyrighted material from the database as a matter
 of course. We should only be removing copyrighted material if there is no
 clear evidence that the copyright holder has given permission for it to be
 used in this way. Some would argue that we should only remove it if there is
 clear evidence that the copyright holder *hasn't* given permission for it to
 be used in this way, although the OSM way is to be ultra-cautious where
 there is uncertainty.
 /pedantic mode/grumble

 Technically, it is still in the database, and a technically astute person
 could recover it. However it is not in the current version of the data that
 are provided using the default mechanisms, so it *could* be argued that OSM
 is not actively distributing it. It's similar to when people add code to a
 public repository then remove it again, it's usually still there
 somewhere. I am unaware of any legal cases in the UK (where OSM is based)
 that hinge around this residual availability, but then again I am not a
 lawyer and would certainly be interested to hear of any.


 talk mailing list

Thomas Wood

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Own aerial photos

2009-09-23 Thread Bev M Ewen-Smith

I am hoping to take my own vertical/near-vertical aerial photos.
Assuming that I can georeference them, what do I need to do to get 
them to show up under Potlach so that I can trace from them?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Field boundaries

2009-09-23 Thread Ed Avis
Someoneelse lists at writes:

In the UK, certainly large-scale Ordnance Survey maps show field boundaries.

I suspect that it depends on region, but in my experience the Ordnance 
Survey field boundary data as printed on their Explorer is based on 
actual boundaries some considerable time in the past.

Hmm, perhaps then tracing it from out-of-copyright maps is not such a bad 
Although most likely the one-inch maps currently emerging from copyright do not
have the field boundaries.

That doesn't mean 
they don't have some other more accurate data in a format not readily 
reproduced on a printed map - maps such as this one:

suggest that they might.

Hmm, where do you see field information on that?

In areas where there's complete public access (Open Access Land)

Ah yes, Open Access...
lets you see these areas superimposed on OS maps, but I didn't see a
place to download the whole data set.  Has anyone asked?

As for adding field boundaries by doing ground surveys, I think this is
too impossibly enormous a task, even for enthusiastic OSM mappers.  Perhaps
we could install GPS devices on every tractor in the country and over a couple
of years record ploughing patterns, which would let you deduce the shape of
arable fields...

Ed Avis

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Own aerial photos

2009-09-23 Thread Stefan de Konink
Hash: SHA512

Bev M Ewen-Smith schreef:
 I am hoping to take my own vertical/near-vertical aerial photos.
 Assuming that I can georeference them, what do I need to do to get 
 them to show up under Potlach so that I can trace from them?

For tracing and rectification qGIS is your friend :)

Version: GnuPG v2.0.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Own aerial photos

2009-09-23 Thread Ian Dees
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Stefan de Konink wrote:

 Bev M Ewen-Smith schreef:
  I am hoping to take my own vertical/near-vertical aerial photos.
  Assuming that I can georeference them, what do I need to do to get
  them to show up under Potlach so that I can trace from them?

 For tracing and rectification qGIS is your friend :)

You might also try MSR MapCruncher from Microsoft:
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] deleted copyrighted material technically still in the database?

2009-09-23 Thread Eugene Alvin Villar
This issue has cropped up with Wikipedia too. The view there is that even
though the copyrighted material is still available in the wiki page history,
this should not be a big concern. Deleting the material from the current
version of the page means that there is an intent to remove the infringing
material. But if necessary, then sysads can really delete the offending data
in the database.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 8:44 PM, maning sambale

 Whenever we see copyrighted material in OSM, we try to remove it
 immediately.  But technically, it still in the database including
 history and changeset.
 Am I right in my assumptions?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] deleted copyrighted material technically still in the database?

2009-09-23 Thread Donald Allwright

From: Eugene Alvin Villar
To: maning sambale
Cc: osm-talk
Sent: Wednesday, 23 September, 2009 14:57:38
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] deleted copyrighted material technically still in the 

This issue has cropped up with Wikipedia too. The view there is that even 
though the copyrighted material is still available in the wiki page history, 
this should not be a big concern. Deleting the material from the current 
version of the page means that there is an intent to remove the infringing 
material. But if necessary, then sysads can really delete the offending data 
in the database.

Looks like from Thomas Wood's reply that we have this capability too, although 
it's worth noting that what's valid for wikipedia may not be directly relevant 
for OSM as they reside within different legal jurisdictions (US vs. England  


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Aeroplane for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Matt Williams lists at writes:

  Maybe it would be possible to buy (build) a Camera, GPS,... Unit to
  mount at a plane and rent the plane.
  Many governments need orthophotos and maybe they are willing to sponsor
  the plane for some hours if
  they get usefull public domain images.
 Have a look at a lot of the recent discussion on talk-gb. We recently
 hired a plane to fly over Stratford-upon-Avon to collect imagery.
 We're currently in the process of stitching it together to be used for

Making orthophotos is pretty standard work and competition is hard. Governments
acquire already regularly (every 3-5 year) good quality aerial images for
mapping purposes. National Land Survey of Finland, for example, is selling these
images as orthophotos for a list price of 7.32 € per square km (0.5 meter pixel
size colour or false colour images).  I suppose that if you order your own
flight the cost of ready made orthophotos would be about 15-25 € per square km
but then the area should be reasonably big. The first flying hour is always the
most expensive.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-dev] The OpenStreetMap website is now translatable at Translatewiki

2009-09-23 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:54 AM, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:02 AM, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
 But which OSM components does this cover? I'm assuming this only covers the
 main OSM website (and the wiki indirectly since MediaWiki is already in
 TranslateWiki) but not Potlatch, and the other editors.

 It's only the website at the moment as Siebrand says. But it would be
 very nice to add other OpenStreetMap applications, the most obvious
 next step being Potlatch.

It would also be a very interesting project to use Translatewiki to
translate some subsets of the OpenStreetMap data itself.

For instance country or state names, capitals, or cities with 0.5
million people, stuff like that.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Own aerial photos

2009-09-23 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Bev M Ewen-Smith wrote:

 I am hoping to take my own vertical/near-vertical aerial
 photos. Assuming that I can georeference them, what do I need to do  
 to get them to show up under Potlach so that I can trace from them?

Potlatch likes tiled maps/imagery, just like OSM itself, and in fact  
using the same tiling system. If you ask over on the talk-gb list  
(assuming from your e-mail address that you're in the UK) there's a  
bunch of helpful people who have got our new Stratford imagery into  
Potlatch, and would hopefully be happy to do the same with yours.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread paul youlten
This looks interesting:

Does anyone know Jan-Peter Mund?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Own aerial photos

2009-09-23 Thread Mikel Maron
Map Warper

open source, and uses OpenStreetMap for setting of control points.

- Original Message 
From: Bev M Ewen-Smith
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 6:36:23 AM
Subject: [OSM-talk] Own aerial photos


I am hoping to take my own vertical/near-vertical aerial photos.
Assuming that I can georeference them, what do I need to do to get 
them to show up under Potlach so that I can trace from them?


talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread Mikel Maron
Note OSM can qualify for non-profit pricing on imagery, which can take the cost 
down to $12/km2. This is what we arranged for the Gaza imagery.

- Original Message 
From: paul youlten
To: John Smith
Cc: Talk Openstreetmap
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 3:05:18 AM
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

The other question to be asked is the time, effort and money put into
this be less than archived sat imagery which is about $14 per sq km.

Yeah...but it would be fun to try!

... and while $14/sq Km doesn't sound a lot it would still cost $5376
(£4900) just to get images of (for example) the Isle of Wight in the
UK, $11000 (€7440) to get pictures of New York City and $8000 (€5414)
for the island of Ibiza in Spain.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:38 AM, John Smith wrote:
 2009/9/23 Frederik Ramm
 I always thought that aviation regulations require the pilot - whether on
 board or on the ground - to monitor the airspace around the aircraft and
 take evasive action where necessary. It would be hard to do that on the
 ground for an aircraft that far up. But maybe that depends on the country
 you're in. I think in the US it is pretty much everything goes up to 1200
 feet AGL or so but after that you have to behave.

 The other question to be asked is the time, effort and money put into
 this be less than archived sat imagery which is about $14 per sq km.

Tel: +44(0) 7814 517 807

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Own aerial photos

2009-09-23 Thread Ian Dees
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Richard Fairhurst rich...@systemed.netwrote:

 Bev M Ewen-Smith wrote:

  I am hoping to take my own vertical/near-vertical aerial
  photos. Assuming that I can georeference them, what do I need to do
  to get them to show up under Potlach so that I can trace from them?

 Potlatch likes tiled maps/imagery, just like OSM itself, and in fact
 using the same tiling system. If you ask over on the talk-gb list
 (assuming from your e-mail address that you're in the UK) there's a
 bunch of helpful people who have got our new Stratford imagery into
 Potlatch, and would hopefully be happy to do the same with yours.

None of the Stratford images seem to be geocoded (at least the ones I saw on
Flickr or the photographer's server). Where did the GPX trace go?

Also, where is Stratford? When I do a search on Google, I get the one near
London that doesn't match the pictures at all...
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Own aerial photos

2009-09-23 Thread Dave F.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Own aerial photos

2009-09-23 Thread Matt Williams
2009/9/23 Ian Dees
 On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Richard Fairhurst
 Bev M Ewen-Smith wrote:

  I am hoping to take my own vertical/near-vertical aerial
  photos. Assuming that I can georeference them, what do I need to do
  to get them to show up under Potlach so that I can trace from them?

 Potlatch likes tiled maps/imagery, just like OSM itself, and in fact
 using the same tiling system. If you ask over on the talk-gb list
 (assuming from your e-mail address that you're in the UK) there's a
 bunch of helpful people who have got our new Stratford imagery into
 Potlatch, and would hopefully be happy to do the same with yours.

 None of the Stratford images seem to be geocoded (at least the ones I saw on
 Flickr or the photographer's server). Where did the GPX trace go?

 Also, where is Stratford? When I do a search on Google, I get the one near
 London that doesn't match the pictures at all...

Take a look at, and These were some tools I
threw together to rate the photos on how vertical they were and show
the results on a map.

As you will see, Stratford-upon-Avon is in the Midlands, not too far
from Coventry and Birmingham.

Matt Williams

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-dev] The OpenStreetMap website is now translatable at Translatewiki

2009-09-23 Thread Mikel Maron
From: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason

 On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:54 AM, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
  On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:02 AM, Eugene Alvin Villar 
  But which OSM components does this cover? I'm assuming this only covers the
  main OSM website (and the wiki indirectly since MediaWiki is already in
  TranslateWiki) but not Potlatch, and the other editors.
  It's only the website at the moment as Siebrand says. But it would be
  very nice to add other OpenStreetMap applications, the most obvious
  next step being Potlatch.

 It would also be a very interesting project to use Translatewiki to
 translate some subsets of the OpenStreetMap data itself.
 For instance country or state names, capitals, or cities with 0.5
 million people, stuff like that.

TranslateWiki .. awesome stuff!

Agreed some kind of way to translate specific parts of the OSM database would 
have huge payoff.
There's a large open translation community online, we only need to give them 
familiar tools.

I'd reckon that we'd want our own custom tool for this. It would connect to the 
API, rather than SVN.
Maps could be embedded in the tool, to provide geographic context for 

Also, the Foundation has growing needs for translators for our communications. 
Wonder if TranslateWiki or something else
is a way to get that done.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] USB Serial converters - any recommendations?

2009-09-23 Thread Dave G

It could be the problem, bash commands can be very fussy about
whitespaces/switches/comamnd order etc.  sometimes


2009/9/24 Nick Whitelegg
 Hello Dave,

 There is, though why would that make a difference?


 Dave G
 22/09/2009 20:11

 Nick Whitelegg

 Re: [OSM-talk] USB Serial converters - any recommendations?


 the command looks right to me but there is an extra white-space
 between the -t and the -i ??


 2009/9/22 Nick Whitelegg
 Hello Dave,

 I'm using the command quoted on the OSM wiki page on the subject, using
 /dev/ttyUSB0. i.e something like

 gpsbabel -t  -i garmin -f /dev/ttyUSB0 -o gpx -F blah.gpx
 Will look at your scripts.


 Dave G
 22/09/2009 10:47

 Nick Whitelegg

 Re: [OSM-talk] USB Serial converters - any recommendations?


 could be but mine is just a cheap and nasty one of the interweb as well

 what command are you using to download with GPSBabel?

 I use these scripts here:

 maybe they will be of some use?


 2009/9/22 Nick Whitelegg
 [snip mostly PL2303 recommendations]

 Thanks for the replies on this.

 My converter is a PL2303 based one, the kernel module detects it when
 plugged in, but... I can't get data out of it using gpsbabel, it
 Timeout - no data read or similar.

 Maybe I just got a cheap-and-nasty converter, despite it having the
 compatible chipset.


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Google Maps v.s. OSM routing in Berlin

2009-09-23 Thread Matt Williams
2009/9/17 Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
 Why doesn't OSM ever tell me to take a 270 degree turn into oncoming
 traffic on a 6-lane highway and get onto the motorway_link on the
 other side?,13.266249sspn=0.002567,0.009645ie=UTF8t=hll=52.502622,13.277648spn=0.001283,0.004823z=18,13.27127609253,52.49494458610386,13.267847299575806travel=carstyleId=1

Here's a 'funny' example in the opposite direction. Compare,-76.15070343017578,39.603175259215426,-76.0719108581543travel=carstyleId=1


The Cloudmade/OSM route is about 28 times longer. I expect it's just a
simple missing connection but it make a big difference in the NY to
Washington DC route (1.3 times longer).

Matt Williams

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView

2009-09-23 Thread malenki
John McKerrell wrote:

On 22 Sep 2009, at 17:44, malenki wrote:

 | There was an error saving your changes

Odd, I'll take a look, can you paste the URL to the thumbnail to help  
me identify it?

Impossible at the moment, OSV looks like this both in opera and firefox:

 It would be nice to have on gmane.
I'm not actually sure what you mean by this, is it something I need
to set up for the mailing list?

Gmane is a mail-2-nntp-gateway. Just ask there to do the service for
your mailing list. It is more comfortable than a ML on its own - tha
is, for quite some people. :)

 For moderating photos:
 1) It would be handy to be able to see the pictures in full
 resolution since its a difference if a car with licence plate is
 photographed with
 a 320x240 cam of a mobile phone or with a 12MP SLR. The thumbnails
 aren't much helpful there.
Currently you see the image at max 1024 width/height, 

Yes, when I click Mask, even if I don't know/am not sure if there has
to be something masked. Maybe it is an option to display one file after
another at 1024x? or to show thumbnails bigger as they are now.

that's the biggest that is available, I recommend that you use a
judgement call and mask out things if there's potential for them to be

Did so after I found out.

 Are there kinds of pictures you would not like to see on your server?
I suppose photos of the ground might be used as part of a 3D model
but in general if it really does just look like a bit of gravel or  
completely sky then it's probably not useful. I'd say we don't want  
indoors photos, photos that are mainly inside a car or where the GPS  
is taking up most of the picture 

sounds reasonable

that said, we will need to allow photos of GPSes to be uploaded when
we do server-side geotagging (i.e. uploading traces).

Why is that? (maybe just because of my sometimes insufficient


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Google Maps v.s. OSM routing in Berlin

2009-09-23 Thread Jeremy Adams
 2009/9/17 Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
  Why doesn't OSM ever tell me to take a 270 degree turn into oncoming
  traffic on a 6-lane highway and get onto the motorway_link on the
  other side?
 Here's a 'funny' example in the opposite direction. Compare
 The Cloudmade/OSM route is about 28 times longer. I expect it's just a
 simple missing connection but it make a big difference in the NY to
 Washington DC route (1.3 times longer).
 Matt Williams

There's a large chunk of one lane of I-95 missing.  I traced it from yahoo 
imagery in Potlach.

Such is the power of OSM.  :)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView

2009-09-23 Thread Richard Bullock

 [still not enough :)]

 For moderating: right now I moderated several photos until I cam onto a
 visible license plate. This I masked and added the tag licenceplate,
 left the masking area, clicked mark as safe and save - and then an
 error showed up:
 | There was an error saving your changes

 Now moderating is stuck at this one photo, I can't go on. Marking as
 unsafe and saving the change gives no reaction of any kind.

I've got the same issue.

I'm stuck on an image that I wanted to add a mask to, and it said the same 
thing There was an error saving your changes. I can't load any more images 
to moderate whilst I've still got this one - and I can't seem to be able to 
do anything at all with this image.

Some way of being able to download more images to moderate (say, so that you 
have around 10) even if you've got one left would be good here.

A couple more bugs;

It took half an hour for my authentication e-mail to arrive. Someone else on 
IRC said the same. Some others report it being instant.

Also, I've mistakenly uploaded an image without geolocation in the exif (I 
haven't pushed it towards moderation yet). Any chance we could have the 
option to remove an image?

On Internet Explorer - the map fails to display on the main page. Also, when 
trying to mask-sections of a photo on IE, it appears that you are selecting 
something - but the mask is not blacked out - and no area is actually 

On Firefox, I can see the map with thumbnail images in some places. I can't 
see any way of seeing larger images. Is that functionality to be added, or 
is it a bug?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Google Maps v.s. OSM routing in Berlin

2009-09-23 Thread Liz
On Thu, 24 Sep 2009, Jeremy Adams wrote:
  The Cloudmade/OSM route is about 28 times longer. I expect it's just a
  simple missing connection but it make a big difference in the NY to
  Washington DC route (1.3 times longer).

 There's a large chunk of one lane of I-95 missing.  I traced it from yahoo
 imagery in Potlach.

 Such is the power of OSM.  :)

We've used oddities in routing programmes in the Au region to find those sort 
of problems - it has been a very useful exercise of testing the data

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Field boundaries

2009-09-23 Thread Liz
On Wed, 23 Sep 2009, Ed Avis wrote:
 we could install GPS devices on every tractor in the country
where I live tractors have GPS devices already
perhaps you just need to ask if they record where they have been?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Field boundaries

2009-09-23 Thread Jack Stringer
Well if somone does map the fields please could they put the gates on there.
It would be nice to route people to the nearest gate. We do have the right
to roam but those of who live in the countryside have always had that option
we just used our common sense by not walking down the middle of crops.

I keep thinking there must be a way to get the field data from the farmers
if only it was to sit down and draw from a walking street map.

Jack Stringer

On Sep 23, 2009 2:39 PM, Ed Avis wrote:

Someoneelse lists at writes: In the UK,
certainly large-scale Ordnance ...
Hmm, perhaps then tracing it from out-of-copyright maps is not such a bad
Although most likely the one-inch maps currently emerging from copyright do
have the field boundaries.

That doesn't mean they don't have some other more accurate data in a
format not readily reprod...
Hmm, where do you see field information on that?

In areas where there's complete public access (Open Access Land)
Ah yes, Open Access...
lets you see these areas superimposed on OS maps, but I didn't see a
place to download the whole data set.  Has anyone asked?

As for adding field boundaries by doing ground surveys, I think this is
too impossibly enormous a task, even for enthusiastic OSM mappers.  Perhaps
we could install GPS devices on every tractor in the country and over a
of years record ploughing patterns, which would let you deduce the shape of
arable fields...

Ed Avis

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Re: [OSM-talk] Field boundaries

2009-09-23 Thread Aun Yngve Johnsen
They record tracks so they can calculate the next leg on the field,  
the question is wether we can use the data for some reason or other.

Aun Johnsen

On 23/09/2009, at 17:53, Liz wrote:

 On Wed, 23 Sep 2009, Ed Avis wrote:
 we could install GPS devices on every tractor in the country
 where I live tractors have GPS devices already
 perhaps you just need to ask if they record where they have been?

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2009/9/23 paul youlten
 This looks interesting:

 Does anyone know Jan-Peter Mund?

don't know him, but he's not difficult to find (1st hit in g00gle ;-)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Field boundaries

2009-09-23 Thread Someoneelse
Ed Avis wrote:
 Someoneelse lists at writes:

 suggest that they might.
 Hmm, where do you see field information on that?

I just zoomed in to a couple of areas that I knew and verified that the 
black lines (boundaries of one sort or another) matched where I recall 
the field boundaries to be.  I only found one that looked a bit iffy - 
most were surprisingly (to me, given my earlier comment) accurate.

 As for adding field boundaries by doing ground surveys, I think this is
 too impossibly enormous a task, even for enthusiastic OSM mappers.  Perhaps
 we could install GPS devices on every tractor in the country ...

... or every sheep?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread paul youlten
I've sent Dr Mund and Mr Tean Peang Seng an email inviting them to
join the discussion.


On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:14 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 2009/9/23 paul youlten
 This looks interesting:

 Does anyone know Jan-Peter Mund?

 don't know him, but he's not difficult to find (1st hit in g00gle ;-)


Tel: +44(0) 7814 517 807

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM

2009-09-23 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2009/9/23 paul youlten
 I've sent Dr Mund and Mr Tean Peang Seng an email inviting them to
 join the discussion.

sorry, the page I linkes seems outdated (2002 I guess from the
context). There is more sites about him here:
and here:


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] trunk_link ref=*

2009-09-23 Thread Dave F.

I've trunk_link  going form one trunk to another. They have different 
Do I add a ref=*. If so which one? The one it's leaving or the one it's 
going to?

Dave F.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Own aerial photos

2009-09-23 Thread Ian Dees
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Ian Dees wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Matt Williams li...@milliams.comwrote:

  Take a look at, and These were some tools I
 threw together to rate the photos on how vertical they were and show
 the results on a map.

 As you will see, Stratford-upon-Avon is in the Midlands, not too far
 from Coventry and Birmingham.

 Thanks. I had found the correct city (you guys and your -upon-Avon
 citynames :-) ) and was trying to track down where each image was taken.

A few hours spent in Microsoft Research's map crunching app and I get this:

I didn't let it render all the tiles (had to head home), and the interface
is the ugly Bing API, but you get the idea...
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] good news: shapefile usage of ramsar sites for

2009-09-23 Thread Morten Kjeldgaard

On 23/09/2009, at 13.46, Jason Cunningham wrote:

 To repeat, I am not saying the data must not be used, I am simply  
 raising an issue because I think there may be a problem. I don't  
 trust the British Government and OS. I would genuinely surprised  
 (and pleased) if JNCC had paid OS to remove copyright. I also look  
 forward to seeing Ramsar sites added.

Thank you for your reply! I am sorry if my initial message to this  
thread sounded overly harsh.

IANAL, but my perspective on the matter is this: By entering into the  
Ramsar convention, the contracting parties have made certain  
commitments, foremost of course an obligation to take care of the  
protected areas. In addition, the contracting parties have had to make  
certain deliverables, which for example is like is stated in [0],  
point vi):

Supporting communications, education and public awareness. The  
publicly-accessible Web-based RSIS forms an important component of the  
Convention’s CEPA delivery by ensuring that full and up-to-date  
information on each designated Ramsar site is widely available, in  
order to secure wide public recognition of this key pillar of the  
implementation of the Convention by its Parties.

This suggests to me that the contracting parties cannot withhold  
something as basic as copyright, because that would be a violation of  
their commitments towards the treaty. Finally, it is my impression  
that you cannot hold a copyright on information, only the physical  
(i.e. paper or digital) representation of it. So the information  
contained in the polygonal shape of the affected areas would be free  
for the government to give away. Again, IANAL.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-dev] The OpenStreetMap website is now translatable at Translatewiki

2009-09-23 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:54 AM, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:02 AM, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
 But which OSM components does this cover? I'm assuming this only covers the
 main OSM website (and the wiki indirectly since MediaWiki is already in
 TranslateWiki) but not Potlatch, and the other editors.

 It's only the website at the moment as Siebrand says. But it would be
 very nice to add other OpenStreetMap applications, the most obvious
 next step being Potlatch.

 To add Potlatch some internal changes need to be done in Potlatch
 itself. I've filed a bug detailing what these are:

I've now fixed Potlatch up so that it can be Translated on
Translatewiki. Now it just needs to be imported into Translatewiki.

I've put up a notice on the OSM wiki so that confused Translators
won't use it in the interim:

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Field boundaries

2009-09-23 Thread courtland . yockey
I've been thinking a bit about this from a very different perspective - that of 
parks and other open public areas where you might not have a chance to walk the 
perimeter ... for instance, you've a dog who really doesn't want that boring 
walk around the edge, but bobs and weaves all about the space and this might be 
one of only a couple of potential visits you might be able to make to the site. 
 I think that an accumulation of unordered points over time either by one 
person or multiple people who capture GPS information _incidentally_ would be 
useful in defining the core of the public (or private, in the case of tractors 
on farmland) space.  There's no need to gather tracks, merely points.  Let the 
accumulation of points define the space.  This is something of a corollary to 
the notion of wisdom of the crowd and it can be seen in action in the United 
States on major thoroughfares, such as the interstate highways, where the 
accumulation of multiple tracks over time can be used to define a way.

user id on openstreemap = ceyockey

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OpenStreetView - documentation?

2009-09-23 Thread courtland . yockey
I've signed up at the OpenStreetView site, but it does not appear that there is 
significant documentation available, nor a method for discussion.  Could 
someone say something to this?  Perhaps this is coming in the future - it would 
be helpful to known this. --openstreetmap login = ceyockey

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Satellite for OSM (balloon-based aerial photography)

2009-09-23 Thread courtland . yockey
I briefly looked at the slide pack that was referenced in this thread ... this 
looks like a perfect high school science project (from a United States 
perspective).  It would be awesome if we could introduce this as an annual 
school science project with the aim to photograph one area that has undergone 
construction (to completion) in the past year.  I know a couple of people who 
engage in high school liaisons through corporate connections and this seems a 
perfect thing to propose through that line of communication.  Cheers.  -- 
openstreetmap login = ceyockey

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView - documentation?

2009-09-23 Thread Jeremy Adams
You'll find most of the documentation on the wiki at

This mailing list you've posted to is the primary source of discussion.
There are other lists as well for more specific topics (newbies, legal, etc)
as well as for specific countries.


On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 8:10 PM, wrote:

 I've signed up at the OpenStreetView site, but it does not appear that
 there is significant documentation available, nor a method for discussion.
  Could someone say something to this?  Perhaps this is coming in the future
 - it would be helpful to known this. --openstreetmap login = ceyockey

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] trunk_link ref=*

2009-09-23 Thread Florian Lohoff
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:16:14PM +0100, Dave F. wrote:
 I've trunk_link  going form one trunk to another. They have different 
 Do I add a ref=*. If so which one? The one it's leaving or the one it's 
 going to?

Just a thought i had on this - Typically you'll have 2 trunk links,
each with a one way on them. My thought was to put the other ref
on it - So when you go from trunk ref=a to trunk ref=b via trunk_link 1 
you'll put ref=b on it - On the other trunk link you'll you from trunk b to
a you add ref=a to it.

The idea behind it is that the navigation software will tell you

Keep right to trunk ref b

Not - Keep right and continue on ref a and later
a Join trunk ref b

When leaving the trunk with a ref a (on a trunk_link) you are heading
towards a new trunk so you put the new ref on it ...

Florian Lohoff
Es ist ein grobes Missverständnis und eine Fehlwahrnehmung, dem Staat
im Internet Zensur- und Überwachungsabsichten zu unterstellen.
- - Bundesminister Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble -- 10. Juli in Berlin 

Description: Digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Field boundaries

2009-09-23 Thread Mike Harris
Right to roam in England and Wales exists only on Open Access Land - which
is most unlikely to be cropped. Elsewhere our rights are only on public
highways (which include public rights of way) or by permission. Where a
public right of way crosses a crop it is likely to be a trespass too go
around the crop (off the right of way) but there is a legal right to walk
through the crop (and a legal duty on the tenant or landowner to reinstate
the right of way through the crop).
It would be great to get the field boundary data as in farmed rural areas
this is the most useful means of navigation (other than a GPS!), the
greatest use I make in the field of OS 1:25k mapping and - for me - the
greatest lacuna in OSM! Beyond actual surveying by bearings from points
where I have the right to be (which is always going to be a slow, laborious
and incomplete process) I cannot see a practical solution other than
open-source aerial/satellite photography.
OS one-inch (or 1:50k) mapping does not show field boundaries. But is anyone
working on out-of-copyright 1:25k (or larger scale) mapping?
Mike Harris


From: Jack Stringer [] 
Sent: 23 September 2009 22:07
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Field boundaries

Well if somone does map the fields please could they put the gates on there.
It would be nice to route people to the nearest gate. We do have the right
to roam but those of who live in the countryside have always had that option
we just used our common sense by not walking down the middle of crops.

I keep thinking there must be a way to get the field data from the farmers
if only it was to sit down and draw from a walking street map.

Jack Stringer

On Sep 23, 2009 2:39 PM, Ed Avis wrote:

Someoneelse lists at writes: In the UK,
certainly large-scale Ordnance ...

Hmm, perhaps then tracing it from out-of-copyright maps is not such a bad
Although most likely the one-inch maps currently emerging from copyright do
have the field boundaries.

That doesn't mean they don't have some other more accurate data in a
format not readily reprod...

Hmm, where do you see field information on that?

In areas where there's complete public access (Open Access Land) 

Ah yes, Open Access...
lets you see these areas superimposed on OS maps, but I didn't see a
place to download the whole data set.  Has anyone asked?

As for adding field boundaries by doing ground surveys, I think this is
too impossibly enormous a task, even for enthusiastic OSM mappers.  Perhaps
we could install GPS devices on every tractor in the country and over a
of years record ploughing patterns, which would let you deduce the shape of
arable fields...

Ed Avis

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Re: [OSM-talk-nl] mobiel

2009-09-23 Thread Floris Looijesteijn
Waar zitten de OSM tiles dan???

Mooie url trouwens :)


PS: OpenStreetMap BE discussion list BE 

Martijn van Exel wrote:
 He OSMers,

 De mobiele app van (ilse media) gebruikt OSM-tiles, maar ik
 kan nergens attributie vinden. Heeft iemand hier al eens naar gekeken?


 martijn van exel
 twitter / skype: mvexel
 flickr: rhodes

 Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] mobiel

2009-09-23 Thread Henk Hoff
Ik kom er net achter dat de mobiele toepassing een samenwerking is van
Ilse Media met Nulaz.


Op 23 september 2009 13:05 heeft Henk Hoff het
volgende geschreven:
 Bedankt voor de tip. Ik neem even contact met nu op.

 Henk Hoff

 Op 23 september 2009 12:09 heeft Frank Fesevur het volgende geschreven:
 Als je in het rechtermenu onder het filmpje op Klik hier om meer te
 lezen klikt kom je op


 Op 23 september 2009 12:06 heeft Floris Looijesteijn
 het volgende geschreven:
 Waar zitten de OSM tiles dan???

 Mooie url trouwens :)


 PS: OpenStreetMap BE discussion list BE 

 Martijn van Exel wrote:
 He OSMers,

 De mobiele app van (ilse media) gebruikt OSM-tiles, maar ik
 kan nergens attributie vinden. Heeft iemand hier al eens naar gekeken?


 martijn van exel
 twitter / skype: mvexel
 flickr: rhodes

 Talk-nl mailing list

 Talk-nl mailing list

 Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Gatton, QLD

2009-09-23 Thread BlueMM
Ross Scanlon i...@... writes:
 On Fri, 18 Sep 2009 22:03:08 +1000
 John Smith deltafoxtrot...@... wrote:
  I came to the conclusion that putting streets in, even without names
  is very valuable because other people with local knowledge can fill in
  the blanks without needing a GPS, at least that's how it'd work in
  theory :)

Yeah, I still don't have a GPS :(, but that hasn't stopped me making a large
contribution (most time consuming work is in visiting streets for names  POI)

 Also don't forget to mark them as source=survey if from a gps trace.  That 
 way others will know they are generally accurate.

I think the preferred attribution scheme is to use source=gps as that is what
the actual source is  survey is ambiguous with proper survey equipment.

  As for roundabouts, they're a bit of hassle and I'd love for JOSM to
  do it better but any way as things are I either draw a square and then
  add mid points between the 4 corners to turn it into a roundabout, or
  I draw a triangle and hit shift+o, neither is perfect but perfection
  isn't generally achievable anyway.
 I do the same.  Generally if you do the roads and put a node at about 10m from
the crossing point on each road then
 join the nodes in a clockwise direction it will give a reasonable roundabout
when rendered.

BTW, Potlatch  Mercator handle roundabouts now (Mercator for year(s) now)


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Gatton, QLD

2009-09-23 Thread John Smith
2009/9/23 BlueMM

 I think the preferred attribution scheme is to use source=gps as that is what
 the actual source is  survey is ambiguous with proper survey equipment.

No, source=survey isn't ambiguous at all it's spelt out clearly on the
map features page:

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Gatton, QLD

2009-09-23 Thread Stephen Hope
2009/9/23 John Smith

 No, source=survey isn't ambiguous at all it's spelt out clearly on the
 map features page:

Actually, that is ambiguous - or rather incomplete.  It says gpx
track or other physical survey

There is no distinction between gps (accuracy +/- 5-10m) and a
theodolite (or whatever they use these days) survey - accuracy +/-
2-3cm).  The argument goes that we should leave the survey tag for
real surveys, and use gps for gps based ones.  This comes up in the
talk list from time to time - I haven't seen it lately, though.
Personally I think it's too late to salvage the survey tag now, if we
want to make the distinction we'd need to create two other tags and
start using them instead.  Or assume all survey tags are low quality,
but you wouldn't be sure.

This is the argument for using source=gps - at least we're splitting
it off from survey so that we know which type of survey it is, and
we're not losing the data if we decide we should differentiate later.

As a side note, I get the impression that the complaints about tagging
GPS tracks as survey often come from professionals in the geospace
fields. The idea of calling something as approximate as a gps track a
survey just freaks them right out. And they worry that people who
acquire the data might misunderstand the tag - it has a technical
meaning that we are not using.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Gatton, QLD

2009-09-23 Thread John Smith
2009/9/23 Stephen Hope

 There is no distinction between gps (accuracy +/- 5-10m) and a
 theodolite (or whatever they use these days) survey - accuracy +/-
 2-3cm).  The argument goes that we should leave the survey tag for
 real surveys, and use gps for gps based ones.  This comes up in the
 talk list from time to time - I haven't seen it lately, though.
 Personally I think it's too late to salvage the survey tag now, if we
 want to make the distinction we'd need to create two other tags and
 start using them instead.  Or assume all survey tags are low quality,
 but you wouldn't be sure.

As I said a while back, anything from a surveyor could probably be
tagged source=surveyor to easily distinguish it.

 This is the argument for using source=gps - at least we're splitting
 it off from survey so that we know which type of survey it is, and
 we're not losing the data if we decide we should differentiate later.


 As a side note, I get the impression that the complaints about tagging
 GPS tracks as survey often come from professionals in the geospace
 fields. The idea of calling something as approximate as a gps track a
 survey just freaks them right out. And they worry that people who
 acquire the data might misunderstand the tag - it has a technical
 meaning that we are not using.

Consumer grade GPS' may not have sub-metre accuracy, but surveyors
never used to have such accuracy either, so just stating the source
that came from a surveyor you would also need to know what type of
equipment the surveyor was using etc.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Gatton, QLD

2009-09-23 Thread BlueMM
John Smith deltafoxtrot...@... writes:
 2009/9/23 BlueMM bluemm1975-...@...:
  I think the preferred attribution scheme is to use source=gps as that is 
  what the actual source is  survey is ambiguous with proper survey 
 No, source=survey isn't ambiguous at all it's spelt out clearly on the
 map features page:

just because it's on the wiki...

Seriously, I think most on this list know the wiki isn't some authority on OSM,
it's editable by anyone (even I added the source:name/ref tags to Map Features).
When I used to read the Talk lists (now contains too many posts) some of the
serious OSM contributors distrusted or even shunned the wiki, because anyone can
come along and document anything, including voting on tagging policy using only
a tiny fraction of users to vote (there is a lot of distrust in voting). Of
course, opinions may of changed in the last 6 months or so.

Anyway, back to the point, the source=survey issue was brought up a while ago on
Talk and a few contributors that I respect for their opinions said that
source=gps would be better when collecting the data from GPS (presumably
consumer grade GPS). I'd argue that source=survey is ambiguous because you have
to look up the definition to discover what it means. Imagine going up to a
non-OSM user and asking them to guess what was used for collecting mapping data
when it is marked as source=survey. I envisage the day when more edits come from
new users than experienced contributors, especially as barriers are being
reduced over time, therefore I think reducing ambiguities is important.

That's my opinion, but I don't see the harm in being more accurate, especially
when people are allowed to tag anyway they want. I have  will continue to
recommend source=gps for those sourcing their gps data. BTW, most ways  POI's
aren't sourced anyway, so will have to be retraced or rechecked anyway :-(


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Gatton, QLD

2009-09-23 Thread John Smith
2009/9/23 BlueMM
 Seriously, I think most on this list know the wiki isn't some authority on 
 it's editable by anyone (even I added the source:name/ref tags to Map 
 When I used to read the Talk lists (now contains too many posts) some of the
 serious OSM contributors distrusted or even shunned the wiki, because anyone 
 come along and document anything, including voting on tagging policy using 
 a tiny fraction of users to vote (there is a lot of distrust in voting). Of
 course, opinions may of changed in the last 6 months or so.

The problem is if you ignore the wiki things will become inconsistent.
It's not a case of the wiki being right, wrong or indifferent, it's a
case of if most people are doing that you should too.

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