RE: [Tn5250j-general] Extend hotspot functionality

2005-12-12 Thread Patrick Bielen

Hi Kenneth,
just read that you installed an old cvs version.

not exactly, i'm using an old release :-)

Go back and put in the 
changes again but this time after each
change make sure it works with that one change 
committing to cvs. That way you will find 
the offensive code
that is causing you problems.

Indeed, but how do i checkout older code before commits 

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RE: [Tn5250j-general] Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: tn5250j

2005-12-11 Thread Patrick Bielen

Hi Dave,

 I'm assuming this is a java error... 
 and nothing to do with tn5250j. 
 Am I correct in that assumption ?;)

I should say yes :-)
Seems tn5250j.jar is not in your classpath.
It also can be the case that . is not in
your classpath either, cause when you start
tn5250j from the tn5250j-dir then it should
be able to find the tn5250j.jar file.

try to enter echo $CLASSPATH on the console
to see if . is in the classpath.

Let us know what the results are.

Best Regards,


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RE: [Tn5250j-general] So where to go from here.......

2005-11-28 Thread Patrick Bielen

Hi Richard,

 1: clean up the bugs list. 

This really need to be done.

 2: formulating a list of fixes and features that 
need to be resolved be for the 1.0 release.

Good one.

 3: Spit ball ideas on the future of the project.

That should be nice.

 4: Start looking at any updates to the website that need to be done 
 like documentation and such.

This is a huge one.

 5: Possibly do some on line promoting of the project to stimulate new 
 ideas and get some new help. Kind of vague but I was think about it so 
 I put it down.

The big question is... how ?

Best Regards,


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[Tn5250j-general] new project, maybe usefull to use incombination with tn5250j

2005-11-11 Thread Patrick Bielen


A few minutes ago i 
found the next sf-project.

Take a look at it, 
maybe welcome to integrate in tn5250j
to get rid of that 
endless loggin-in-and-give-your-password-again
feature ? 


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RE: [Tn5250j-general] Another change sent in

2005-11-03 Thread Patrick Bielen

Hi All,

Fix committed to cvs, all compiles fine,
but when using java 1.5.0_05 two warnings
pop up... not sure how to fix them, cause
removing the null fixes it but i guess that
will give troubles on older jvm's like 1.4.2.

Best Regards,


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Re: [Tn5250j-general] tn5250j on Linux with Java 1.5.0

2005-10-27 Thread Patrick Bielen

Pete Helgren schreef:

 We should probably tidy it all up.There are 32 open bugs that go all 
 the way back to 2002.
 Kenneth is the Admin so I think only he can close them.

Nope, i can close bugs also, at least i should be able to.

 If we could figure out what is still open we might be able to assign 
 a few to each of the programmers on the list to get them fixed.

Yeah that should be nice.

 It would be nice to finish the project with a nice clean release. 
 We are at the .6 release level so I am not sure of what all is still 
 missing that would make this a 1.0 release.

In one word... bug-hunting :-)

 I wish Kenneth would check in so we'd know what is up with him. Hope 
 he is OK.

I'm sure he's okay, but he does not work at his old company anymore and 
is taking various
steps to release new companies all over the world, so he's very busy. 
But so now and
then i think he really takes a look at the mailing list, so when he'll 
track activity again he'll
join very soon imho. At least that is how i know him :-)

Best Regards,


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Re: [Tn5250j-general] tn5250j on linux with java 1.5.0

2005-10-27 Thread Patrick Bielen

Kenneth Pouncey schreef:

 This should be fixed in CVS.Richard had that problem.

Yeah, gonna compile again in a few minutes :-)

 Not sure about this.Jump into the code and see what the problem is. 
 Am sure it will be a java 1.5 on linux problem or someone would have 
 already posted the problem.

Yeah, that's what i thought too, but which codes of the keymaps are used ?
Cause i used xdev to get the codes, but they vary from the ones used in 
keymap-file ?

 Yes but then again being a programmer yourself that frustration level 
 can be reduced by figuring out the problem and making the change to 
 fix it :-P

Hehehehe you know i'm not THAT skilled yet, but okay, i'll give it a try.

 Which again begs the question of why you are frustrated with problems.

:-) the answer is higher in this mail :-)

 Looking at the code base should help with that.

Okay, let's try to find out...

 Although Patrick, me not being around does not mean anybody could not 
 update CVS with changes and bug fixes.

I know.

 Not exactly sure if the project lacks leadership per se but more 
 hands digging in the code and updating CVS with bug fixes.

I did not said the project lacked leadership, let that be clear.

 Not a lot of java skills needed to fix the problems you reported so 
 now all that is left to do is dig in. 
 The keymapping problem could probably be fixed in 30 minutes. 
 Let me know and I can tell you where to look.

Okay, if you tell me where to look i'll give it a try

Best Regards,


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[Tn5250j-general] tn5250j on linux with java 1.5.0

2005-10-25 Thread Patrick Bielen

Hi guys,

Recently i installed Ubuntu Linux (which is the best distro i've seen
in the last 7 years imho) and that is where the troubles began.

Running java 1.5.0_05 on my linux box gives the next troubles...

1) Splashscreen stays on top and the connection window is below
it, there is not way to remove it until you actually make the
connection to the iseries.

2) Keymapping does nothing... no matter which key you press,
nothing happens andyou have to manually edit the keymap file.
xdev gives other values then the values used in the keymap file,
which makes it hard to find out which value you actually need.

No need to say this is very frustrating, cause you loose a lot of
functionality in the first place.

The second thing... a dutch user contacted me about the jython
commands that can be used in tn5250j. A few years ago i was
using this functionality a lot, but since i became SCJP i lost the
attention to the scripting feature in tn5250j. So there is a lot
changed in meanwhile, and commands changed also. The
website was never made up-to-date so it's damned hard to
actually find out what the exact commands are. Anybody that
knows what actually was changed ? _session.getscreen() seems
not to work anymore cause things are changed.

So i think after almost one year of inactivity, that it becomes time
we pickup the project again and do the very last bugfixes, and
also remove the 1.3 code crap, to become some more up-to-dated.
I know the most of you guys are working on the browser version
of tn5250j, but that is not that interesting for the most users, cause
tn5250j standalone just does what it needs to do. So maybe we
can focus back on the program itself and make it bugfree on
windows and linux (and mac) for once and for all.

Ofcourse i'm not the project leader, but seems he lost his interests
in the project cause we haven't heard him anymore for a very long
time. As i'm one of the people that joined the project in the very
first beginning it should be nice if we could make a deal, that i will
try to lead the team until Kenneth returns.

What do you guys think ?

Well maybe my java skills do not go that far as most of you, but
i will try to lead the project into the right directions. The most
important goal is to make it stable now, so we actually can
release a FINAL (stable) version. I'm into Linux now, so i can
heavily test the program on that platform now.

Best Regards,

Patrick Bielen

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RE: [Tn5250j-general] compiler 1.5 Vs 1.4

2005-07-01 Thread Patrick Bielen
Hi Richard,
 If I compile tn5250j on SunJDK 1.4.2_08 
 I can run it on a system with 1.4.2_X and 
 1.5.X but if I compile it in SunJDK 1.5.0_03 
 I can not run it on 1.4.2.XX. 

Indeed, that's the correct behaviour.

 Does this make seance?

Yep it is... 1.5.0 is not backwards compatible.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best Regards,
Patrick Bielen
System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
Microsoft Certified Professional
Sun Certified Java Programmer

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[Tn5250j-general] What about to move to 1.4 and drop 1.3 ?

2005-06-17 Thread Patrick Bielen


Since 5.0 is already 
official released and they're already
working on 6.0 
(which you can already beta-test) don't
you think it's time 
to move to 1.4 and drop the old 1.3

The reason i ask is 
because i get a bunch of deprecated
convertors which should be replaced by
the java.nio.charset 
class instead of using those old 

That way we can also 
cleanup some code and maybe
that even makes some 
sence to the performance of
the overal tn5250j 
program ?

What do you guys 
think ?

Met vriendelijke groeten,Best 

Patrick Bielen

System-Administrator Stafa Holland 
BVMicrosoft Certified ProfessionalSun Certified Java 

RE: [Tn5250j-general] CVS update

2005-06-14 Thread Patrick Bielen
Hi Kenneth,
 When it built the project it was building with 0.5.7 not 8.

Well then it must be you, cause here it compiles with
0.5.8 alpha 2 for almost an half year now :-)
But ofcourse it could be i had changed it already
before, that's why i saw no changes.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best Regards,
Patrick Bielen
System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
Microsoft Certified Professional
Sun Certified Java Programmer

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RE: [Tn5250j-general] CVS update

2005-06-14 Thread Patrick Bielen
Hi Kenneth,
 I was talking about the information that is 
 output when doing an ant build not what shows 
 up on emulator frame.

Aaah ic :-)

 I think Richard or Marc mentioned it 
 after the CVS mass update.


 ran across the logging panel.  
 Can you finish that up sometime soon.

Erm... no, cause i still do not understand
the whole logging crap, i've had it with that
stuff. I already programmed the gui in, so
let somebody that understand that logging
crap put the logging code in, cause i even
do not understand how to put logging on
anyway. In my opinion the change to the
logging stuff was the worst thing we have
changed into the code. I still prefer the
old way without the log4j stuff.

Ofcourse that is personal choice.

 Actually will be renaming it to 0.6.0 
 because of all the changes for headless.

I agree with that.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best Regards,
Patrick Bielen
System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
Microsoft Certified Professional
Sun Certified Java Programmer

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RE: [Tn5250j-general] CVS update

2005-06-10 Thread Patrick Bielen
Hi Kenneth,
 Thanks for the offer but it is already done.  
 It should all be there now.

:-) Hence i had a day off yesterday.

Okay, so i just can checkout from CVS 
and recompile, and all should be ok ?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best Regards,
Patrick Bielen
System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
Microsoft Certified Professional
Sun Certified Java Programmer

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
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RE: [Tn5250j-general] New problems arise after build from cvs

2005-06-10 Thread Patrick Bielen
Hi Kenneth,
 Try using a fresh check out instead of a refresh.

Yep did that and now all works fine.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best Regards,
Patrick Bielen
System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
Microsoft Certified Professional
Sun Certified Java Programmer

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
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RE: [Tn5250j-general] [ tn5250j-Bugs-1161363 ] Slovenian (SVN) support for TN5250j

2005-06-06 Thread Patrick Bielen
Hi Marko,
 Welcome to the project Marko

Wecome to the tn5250j-community.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best Regards,
Patrick Bielen
System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
Microsoft Certified Professional
Sun Certified Java Programmer

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.  How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
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Play to win an NEC 61 plasma display:
Tn5250j-general mailing list

RE: [Tn5250j-general] File transfert

2005-04-21 Thread Patrick Bielen
Hi Marc,
 We would like to tranfert AS400 files to excel or Open Office.

Well then i have a surprise for ya.
Just hit ALT-T and do your transfer.

 I want to know how is the structure of fields of AS400's DB (;or: or {

You don't need that, just use ALT-T.
And if an automation sheet is wanted, provide me
with the correct data and i will create an automated
excel file for ya, which always has up-to-date values
in the sheet. That is what i'm best at :-)

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best Regards,
Patrick Bielen
System-Administrator Stafa Holland BV
Microsoft Certified Professional
Sun Certified Java Programmer

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