Customize 503 message

2005-08-10 Thread Michal Kwiatek
Dear All,

I'm trying to customize the following tomcat error message:

HTTP Status 503 - This application is not currently available

Which is shown, when the application is not deployed.

I tried deploying an error-handling webapp at ROOT context in hope, that
if my proper applications (let's call it test1) is not deployed, then
the root application takes over and shows my custom error page. But 

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Re: Tomcat/MySQL Application Update

2005-08-10 Thread Ronald Klop

Sounds like something WebStart can do very nice for you.

Create a java app, which installs a .war file in the right location.
Add a .war file as a resource to the webstart application.

Put the webstart app in the startup-folder of windows. Or let the webstart app 
launch the Tomcat.
You can even add Tomcat to webstart, so Tomcat updates are distributed 


On Wed Aug 10 01:56:43 CEST 2005 Tomcat Users List wrote:
We have a servlet that is run locally on about 20 laptops. I am 
currently manually updating the application on each laptop about once 
per month. Can anyone suggest a method of updating an application 
running on both OS/X and Windows based machines that would check if a 
new version was available and then grab it via FTP, Rsync, or 
something? Or would it be easiest to put the application into a 
database record? Any help or pointers appreciated.


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tomcat exception of broken pipes

2005-08-10 Thread shashidhar.vutukuru


I click and browse through some of the features  in application, often I
get the following error in the catalina.out.
I really do not understand the cause of the problem.
the error is :

Aug 10, 2005 2:10:28 AM org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler action
SEVERE: Error in action code Broken pipe
at Method)
at org.apache.coyote.Response.action(
at org.apache.coyote.Response.finish(

Any help or pointers would be of immense help.
Thanks in advance.


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Same servlets in 2 contexts. Update 1 of them, not reloaded on context reload

2005-08-10 Thread Martyn Hiemstra
Hi All,

I am having a problem with Tomcat. I have a website application that I use
over 2 aplications. 1 context I use for testing and the other is meant for
vistors (live version). This means that the same application is running
over 2 contexts . When I update a servlet in the test context and then
reload the test context the update isnt loaded. For example:

I have the exact same servlet in the test and live context. I then update
the servlet in the test context by adding the following code
System.out.println(Updated servlet); to the doGet function of the
servlet. I then reload the test context.

The situation at this point is that the test context has the updated
servlet and that the live context has the older version of the servlet.

When the servlet is executed in the test context the text 'Updated
servlet' doesnt appear in the catalina.out file. If the servlet had been
reloaded correctly then the test context should have printed 'Updated
servlet'  to the catalina.out file everytime the servlet is executed
(Called via the get method). This makes me beleive that there is something
very wrong with tomcat, that it cant keep a clear difference between the
same servlet (although slightly modified) over different contexts.

I am using jakarta-tomcat-5.0.27 and j2sdk1.4.2 on debian sarge.

A tomcat restart by the way does solve the problem but thats not a
solution for me.


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Has anyone used Tomcat 5.5.9 connecting to MS SQL Server using JN DI?

2005-08-10 Thread Wylie, Ian
Hi All,
I have just installed Tomcat 5.5.9 on our Dev Server.  I managed with a bit
of work and a few searches on the web to get Tomcat 4.1.x working with MS
SQL Server using JNDI and database pooled connections to work.  This has
been working well for some time now.  However, there is quite a few
advantages for upgrading the current system to Tomcat 5.5, not least of
which, is improvements to the list and functionality of tools that aid with
Java debugging!
I cannot get Tomcat 5.5.9 working with JNDI and MS SQL Server at the moment.
I have already read all the various official docs on JNDI how-to and
searched the web but even after all that and changing various things that
others have recommended, I cannot get the JNDI to work.
Has anyone out there successfully using JNDI with Tomcat and MS SQL Server?
If so please can you put another professional out of there misery!
Many thanks,

Best Regards,

  Business Intelligence Architect
  Business Information  Technology (BIT)
  Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals (PGP)
  Direct: +44 (0)1737 330422
  Address: Pfizer Ltd, Walton Oaks (IPC 2G), Dorking Road, Tadworth, Surrey,
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Re: Does JspC in 5.0 rely on Hibernate?

2005-08-10 Thread Tim Funk

There is definitely no dependency on hibernate.

Since it is looking for: net/sf/hibernate/Lifecycle - I might be *guessing* 
there could be a taglib (or something) somewhere with that might by trying to 
create a net.sf.hibernate.Lifecycle. Otherwise - there might be a class which 
(indirectly) inherits from net.sf.hibernate.Lifecycle.


Will Hartung wrote:

Hi all!

I'm working on migrating from Tomcat 4.1.x to 5.0.x, and one of the
components is JspC.

Using the ANT Task presented in the 5.0 docs as inspiration I have:

  target name=jspcx depends=ensure-jsp-src

taskdef classname=org.apache.jasper.JspC name=jasper2 
  classpath id=jspc.classpath
pathelement location=${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar/
fileset dir=${tomcat.home}/bin
  include name=*.jar/
fileset dir=${tomcat.home}/server/lib
  include name=*.jar/
fileset dir=${tomcat.home}/common/lib
  include name=*.jar/

 verbose=99 /


I added the verbose tag to get some debugging info.

During the build, I get this:

  [jasper2] Aug 9, 2005 4:01:56 PM org.apache.jasper.JspC processFile
  [jasper2] INFO: Built File: \Common\Calendar.jsp
  [jasper2] Aug 9, 2005 4:01:56 PM org.apache.jasper.JspC processFile
  [jasper2] INFO: Built File: \Common\CancelDialog.jsp
  [jasper2] Aug 9, 2005 4:01:56 PM org.apache.jasper.JspC processFile
  [jasper2] INFO: Built File: \Common\CCMFulfillmentRequestFilterFrame.jsp
  [jasper2] Aug 9, 2005 4:01:56 PM org.apache.jasper.JspC processFile
  [jasper2] INFO: Built File: \Common\CCMFulfillmentRequestFilterNav.jsp
  [jasper2] Error in class org.apache.jasper.JspC

: net/sf/hibernate/Lifecycle

If I immediately restart Ant, if continues on it merry way, goes farther,
and then I get the NoClassDefFoundError again.

So, it's not my JSPs (which don't use hibernate), and appears to be JspC

I don't see anything resembling a Hibernate jar in the Tomcat distro, so I'm
just curious where this might cropping up.

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[OT?] porting existing application to Java/Tomcat

2005-08-10 Thread Kristian Rink

Hi all;

this is probably a stupid question on that list, hope I'll not be tarred
and feathered for being way off-topic; but since probably there are some
persons around here pretty familiar with certain aspects of Enterprise
Java, I'll anyhow kindly ask for comments on the following thing:

I'm currently in the process of recreating a web client granting access
to a proprietary document management system. About that, currently I am
more or less into specification and drafting of that beast, and, at this
point, certain questions arise.

* First of all, the client (obviously) needs to have an easy-to-use GUI
which (ideally) will be available on all platforms being able to access
the site. I'm thinking about using a Java applet right for that, but I'm
not completely sure whether this will be appropriate. Otherwise, I'm
searching for sort of a framework helping me to rapidly certain parts of
the site user interface on the fly, like, for example, a search mask to
search for documents classified by given attributes. I'm thinking about
also checking out struts for that, but I'm not sure whether this is a
work that might be done with struts in a meaningful way.

* Basically, then, the web client should almost seamlessly be integrated
with a web content management system to provide some static web pages as
well as (little) dynamic content. This, currently, is a collection of
perl scripts to be migrated to some platform better suited for the job
sooner or later. It would be, anyhow, a good thing using more or less
the same tool for that which is used for the web client.

So, overally: Can anyone recommend such a vast piece of software
framework / library / package /whatever, which runs atop java/tomcat,
provides both facilities for content management and for quick
development of web-gui driven applications? Dunno whether there is
something like that, but still would be thankful for any hints.

TIA and bye,

Kristian Rink * *
icq: 48874445 * jab: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * fon: ++49 176 2447 2771
Sei Du selbst die Veränderung, die Du in der Welt wünschst. (Gandhi)

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RE: Has anyone used Tomcat 5.5.9 connecting to MS SQL Server using JNDI?

2005-08-10 Thread David Thielen

David Thielen

-Original Message-
From: Wylie, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 4:37 AM
Subject: Has anyone used Tomcat 5.5.9 connecting to MS SQL Server using

Hi All,
I have just installed Tomcat 5.5.9 on our Dev Server.  I managed with a bit
of work and a few searches on the web to get Tomcat 4.1.x working with MS
SQL Server using JNDI and database pooled connections to work.  This has
been working well for some time now.  However, there is quite a few
advantages for upgrading the current system to Tomcat 5.5, not least of
which, is improvements to the list and functionality of tools that aid with
Java debugging!
I cannot get Tomcat 5.5.9 working with JNDI and MS SQL Server at the moment.
I have already read all the various official docs on JNDI how-to and
searched the web but even after all that and changing various things that
others have recommended, I cannot get the JNDI to work.
Has anyone out there successfully using JNDI with Tomcat and MS SQL Server?
If so please can you put another professional out of there misery!
Many thanks,

Best Regards,

  Business Intelligence Architect
  Business Information  Technology (BIT)
  Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals (PGP)
  Direct: +44 (0)1737 330422
  Address: Pfizer Ltd, Walton Oaks (IPC 2G), Dorking Road, Tadworth, Surrey,
KT20 7NS.

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Clustering and controlling session manager

2005-08-10 Thread Mark Hagger

We're using tomcat with clustering enabled for session replication
purposes.  This is all well and good and works fine.

However, in addition I wanted to set the sessionId length to something
shorter than the default.  If it wasn't for the clustering I would
simply provide a context.xml file in the webapp with a suitable Manager
node, eg:

  Manager sessionIdLength=6/

and all would be fine.  The trouble is that by doing this the session
manager that would normally be created by the Cluster configuration is
overridden by this Manager definition.

Unless I'm missing something (and I've had a glance through the source
code as well), I can't see any way of controlling any of the session
manager attributes when the session manager is created using a Cluster
definition.  Since all you appear to be able to do is specify the
manager class name and let it use whatever defaults are in play for that

Am I missing something?



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tomcat exception of broken pipes

2005-08-10 Thread shashidhar.vutukuru

Hi All,

Any inputs/suggestions please..

Best regards,

From: Shashidhar Vutukuru (WT01 - Computing Systems  Storage)
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:08 PM
To: ''
Subject: tomcat exception of broken pipes


I click and browse through some of the features  in application, often I
get the following error in the catalina.out.
I really do not understand the cause of the problem.
the error is :

Aug 10, 2005 2:10:28 AM org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler action
SEVERE: Error in action code Broken pipe
at Method)
at org.apache.coyote.Response.action(
at org.apache.coyote.Response.finish(

Any help or pointers would be of immense help.

 Thanks in advance.


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Test as requested by list owner

2005-08-10 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
Checking if the spurious bounce messages have been corrected.

 - Chuck

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Re: tomcat exception of broken pipes

2005-08-10 Thread Christoph Kutzinski
AFAIK these exceptions occur if someone requests a resource (HTML-Page, 
image, ...) and then closes the connection before all data was sent. 
I.e. click the stop-button or click on a different Hyperlink.

AFAIK one can do nothing to prevent these Exceptions in the log.


Hi All,

Any inputs/suggestions please..

Best regards,

From: Shashidhar Vutukuru (WT01 - Computing Systems  Storage)

Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:08 PM
To: ''
Subject: tomcat exception of broken pipes


I click and browse through some of the features  in application, often I
get the following error in the catalina.out.
I really do not understand the cause of the problem.
the error is :

Aug 10, 2005 2:10:28 AM org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler action
SEVERE: Error in action code Broken pipe
at Method)
at org.apache.coyote.Response.action(
at org.apache.coyote.Response.finish(

Any help or pointers would be of immense help.

 Thanks in advance.


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The connection was refused when attempting to contact localhost:7001

2005-08-10 Thread Caroline Jen
I am using the Tomcat 5.0.28. I have two browsers:
Netscape and IE. I have been testing my JavaServer
Faces (JSF) applications.

I put JSF example war files (I tested many examples)
under the webapps directory, started my Tomcat, and
typed http://localhost:7001/X in the browser's
address bar. All those applications worked fine.

I did not run any application for a few weeks.

Today, I lauched the Tomcat (no problem). I wanted to
re-test those JSF examples that are under the webapps
directory to refresh my memory. After I typed
http://localhost:7001/XX in the Netscape's address
bar, I got an alert: The connection was refused when
attempting to contact localhost:7001. I also typed
http://localhost:7001/X in the IE's address bar,
the message is that the web site cannot be found.

What is going on? What could go wrong? 

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Connection Reset Problem

2005-08-10 Thread Josh Wilson
I recently upgraded from tomcat 4.1 to tomcat 5.0.25 and I am seeing
the following in the stdout.log:

Aug 8, 2005 11:50:43 PM runIt
SEVERE: Remote Host /XX.XXX.X.XXX SocketException: Connection reset
Aug 8, 2005 11:50:43 PM runIt
SEVERE: Remote Host /XX.XXX.X.XXX SocketException: Connection reset
Aug 8, 2005 11:50:43 PM runIt
SEVERE: Remote Host /XX.XXX.X.XXX SocketException: Connection reset
Aug 8, 2005 11:50:43 PM runIt
SEVERE: Remote Host /XX.XXX.X.XXX SocketException: Connection reset
Aug 8, 2005 11:50:43 PM runIt
SEVERE: Remote Host /XX.XXX.X.XXX SocketException: Connection reset

there are many of these in the log. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory SQLServer2000 Tomcat 5.5

2005-08-10 Thread DAVE Harland


I am trying to upgrade to Tomcat 5.5 from 4.1.28.  I am following the 
directions at 
but I am getting the following error.

SEVERE: ApolloProcessor: Problem logging in: Cannot create 
PoolableConnectionFactory (Connection refused: connect)
org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create 
PoolableConnectionFactory (Connection refused: connect)

at ApolloProcessor.doGet(
at ApolloProcessor.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

at Source)
Caused by: com.inet.tds.SQLException: Connection refused: connect
at com.inet.tds.TdsDriver.a(Unknown Source)
at com.inet.tds.TdsDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
at com.inet.pool.f.getPooledConnection(Unknown Source)
at com.inet.pool.j.if(Unknown Source)
at com.inet.pool.PoolManager.a(Unknown Source)
at com.inet.pool.PoolManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at com.inet.pool.PoolDriver.connect(Unknown Source)

at org.harland.db.DBCommunicator.getConnection(

at ApolloProcessor.doGet(

Can anyone please help

Many thanks


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Certificates On 5.5

2005-08-10 Thread Scott Purcell

I have the need install Verisign Certificate on my Tomcat 5.5 running on XP.

I am not that familiar with SSL, and was hoping someone may of done this, and 
could give me a high-level of the complexivity.
I would like to have this running by Friday and could use any links, help.


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Re: Certificates On 5.5

2005-08-10 Thread Jason Bainbridge
On 8/10/05, Scott Purcell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have the need install Verisign Certificate on my Tomcat 5.5 running on XP.
 I am not that familiar with SSL, and was hoping someone may of done this, and 
 could give me a high-level of the complexivity.
 I would like to have this running by Friday and could use any links, help.

It is quite straight forward in the majority of cases:

Jason Bainbridge - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Personal Site -

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[Tomcat] Tomcat fails to give complete HTTP responses

2005-08-10 Thread Brian Cook

I have an instance of Tomcat5.5 running on JDK1.5.3 on RedHat9(Kernal 
2.4).  About every 7 - 10 days Tomcat stops fully responding to HTTP 

By that I mean Tomcat does seem to give some response to the browsers 
because they(the browsers) do not return an error, and they never time 
out.  It will just sit there with a blank screen waiting for the response.

I originally assumed there must be a loop some where is a servlet that 
was not ever terminating.  How ever when I bring up a process list it 
shows the java thread using 0% - 1% so I am guessing it is not simply an 
out of control loop.

Stopping and then restarting Tomcat resolves the problem for another 7 - 
10 days or so.  Until it happens again.  The catalina.out log does not 
show any errors taking place.  Running top shows that 64MB of RAM 
available, that the processor is 99% idle.  What else should I be 
looking at to track down what I have done wrong?  Has anyone else seen 
symptoms like this?


Tomcat  5.5
JVM:JDK 1.5.3
OS: Linux RedHat9
Kernal: 2.4

Brian Cook
Digital Services Analyst
Print Time Inc.

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sendRedirect still does not handle mailto correctly

2005-08-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A while back we tried to use response.sendRedirect with a
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] link. It would not work, so we put together a
kluge using a separate page.

I was just checking and Bugzilla issue #18147:

This says the problem was fixed in both Tomcat 4 and 5 on June 20th of 2004.

I just downloaded and installed Tomcat 4.1.31 - the files in the archive
are dated September 25, 2004 - AFTER June 20, 2004, so I'm thinking it
should include the fix.

However when we try the redirect we still get the same result - basically
the to address gets stripped off when the link is processed by

I tried looking through the source to see if mailto is handled any
differently, but so far have not found anything.

Does anyone know if Tomcat 4.1.31 does fix this issued? If not any other

Thanks - Richard

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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Re: sendRedirect still does not handle mailto correctly

2005-08-10 Thread Tim Funk

The fix was made after 4.1.31 ...



A while back we tried to use response.sendRedirect with a
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] link. It would not work, so we put together a
kluge using a separate page.

I was just checking and Bugzilla issue #18147:

This says the problem was fixed in both Tomcat 4 and 5 on June 20th of 2004.

I just downloaded and installed Tomcat 4.1.31 - the files in the archive
are dated September 25, 2004 - AFTER June 20, 2004, so I'm thinking it
should include the fix.

However when we try the redirect we still get the same result - basically
the to address gets stripped off when the link is processed by

I tried looking through the source to see if mailto is handled any
differently, but so far have not found anything.

Does anyone know if Tomcat 4.1.31 does fix this issued? If not any other

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Re: sendRedirect still does not handle mailto correctly

2005-08-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tim, Thanks for the quick response. Is a 4.1.32 in the works at all? 

Otherwise I guess that means that we need to build 4.1 from source or
upgrade to a later version of 5.0 or 5.5. We were trying to put that off a
bit longer.

Thanks again - Richard

Original Message:
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 14:15:46 -0400
Subject: Re: sendRedirect still does not handle mailto correctly

The fix was made after 4.1.31 ...


 A while back we tried to use response.sendRedirect with a
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] link. It would not work, so we put together a
 kluge using a separate page.
 I was just checking and Bugzilla issue #18147:
 This says the problem was fixed in both Tomcat 4 and 5 on June 20th of
 I just downloaded and installed Tomcat 4.1.31 - the files in the archive
 are dated September 25, 2004 - AFTER June 20, 2004, so I'm thinking it
 should include the fix.
 However when we try the redirect we still get the same result - basically
 the to address gets stripped off when the link is processed by
 I tried looking through the source to see if mailto is handled any
 differently, but so far have not found anything.
 Does anyone know if Tomcat 4.1.31 does fix this issued? If not any other

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mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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Re: sendRedirect still does not handle mailto correctly

2005-08-10 Thread Tim Funk
Who knows when a 4.1.32 will come out. The easiest thing is to get the file 
revision and compile that file and drop it into the server/classes directory.



Tim, Thanks for the quick response. Is a 4.1.32 in the works at all? 

Otherwise I guess that means that we need to build 4.1 from source or
upgrade to a later version of 5.0 or 5.5. We were trying to put that off a
bit longer.

Thanks again - Richard

Original Message:
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 14:15:46 -0400
Subject: Re: sendRedirect still does not handle mailto correctly

The fix was made after 4.1.31 ...



A while back we tried to use response.sendRedirect with a
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] link. It would not work, so we put together a
kluge using a separate page.

I was just checking and Bugzilla issue #18147:

This says the problem was fixed in both Tomcat 4 and 5 on June 20th of


I just downloaded and installed Tomcat 4.1.31 - the files in the archive
are dated September 25, 2004 - AFTER June 20, 2004, so I'm thinking it
should include the fix.

However when we try the redirect we still get the same result - basically
the to address gets stripped off when the link is processed by

I tried looking through the source to see if mailto is handled any
differently, but so far have not found anything.

Does anyone know if Tomcat 4.1.31 does fix this issued? If not any other

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Any one have any idea

2005-08-10 Thread Ahmed, Mohammed
How download TomcatConnector for Sunone on Solaris please send me the link i 
don't find on Tomcat website Please help me

Mohammed Ahmed
Tel(630) 438-7414
Middle Ware (Consultant)

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Replace a token with in a text file with ANT

2005-08-10 Thread Asif Chowdhary

I have a .bat file in which I want to replace the @ symbol with  a quotation 
mark .

How do you do that in ANT.


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Re: sendRedirect still does not handle mailto correctly

2005-08-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks again. Yes, that's what I'm doing I downloaded the Jakarta
connectors source, got the update file from CVS and now am going through
dependency hell getting each of the pre-required packages downloaded and

Is there an easier way? I'm probably close to done, but for a single
compiled class. Hey at least the source is available.

Thanks once again. - Richard

Original Message:
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 15:07:32 -0400
Subject: Re: sendRedirect still does not handle mailto correctly

Who knows when a 4.1.32 will come out. The easiest thing is to get the file 
revision and compile that file and drop it into the server/classes



 Tim, Thanks for the quick response. Is a 4.1.32 in the works at all? 
 Otherwise I guess that means that we need to build 4.1 from source or
 upgrade to a later version of 5.0 or 5.5. We were trying to put that off a
 bit longer.
 Thanks again - Richard
 Original Message:
 Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 14:15:46 -0400
 Subject: Re: sendRedirect still does not handle mailto correctly
 The fix was made after 4.1.31 ...
A while back we tried to use response.sendRedirect with a
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] link. It would not work, so we put together a
kluge using a separate page.

I was just checking and Bugzilla issue #18147:

This says the problem was fixed in both Tomcat 4 and 5 on June 20th of
I just downloaded and installed Tomcat 4.1.31 - the files in the archive
are dated September 25, 2004 - AFTER June 20, 2004, so I'm thinking it
should include the fix.

However when we try the redirect we still get the same result - basically
the to address gets stripped off when the link is processed by

I tried looking through the source to see if mailto is handled any
differently, but so far have not found anything.

Does anyone know if Tomcat 4.1.31 does fix this issued? If not any other

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Re: sendRedirect still does not handle mailto correctly

2005-08-10 Thread Tim Funk

1) Download this file: (The patched revision from CVS)*checkout*/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/coyote/src/java/org/apache/coyote/tomcat4/
2) Put $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/*.jar, $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/*.jar in 
your CLASSPATH for compiling

3) javac -d $CATALINA_HOME/server/classes
4) restart tomcat
5) Done




Thanks again. Yes, that's what I'm doing I downloaded the Jakarta
connectors source, got the update file from CVS and now am going through
dependency hell getting each of the pre-required packages downloaded and

Is there an easier way? I'm probably close to done, but for a single
compiled class. Hey at least the source is available.

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Need to use SSL 3.0 with Tomcat 4.1.27

2005-08-10 Thread Boxall, Colin - OASAM CTR
I am using Tomcat 4.1.27 (it is bundled with the BrightMail
Quarantine product distributed by IronPort), and I need to use SSL 3.0
to encrypt the login screen to the BrightMail Quarantine.  I have
successfully configured Tomcat to use TLS, but TLS is not enabled on our
17,000 desktops, and trying to get the powers that be to let us change
that may be a serious pain.  I tried just changing the protocol to SSL
in the connector, but that didn't seem to do anything.  Is there
anything I can do?

Re: sendRedirect still does not handle mailto correctly

2005-08-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks again - that did it and was much easier. Pretty logical way to do
things actually.
And yes, the sendRedirect now works with the mailto.

 - Richard

Original Message:
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 15:52:31 -0400
Subject: Re: sendRedirect still does not handle mailto correctly

1) Download this file: (The patched revision from CVS)*checkout*/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/coyot
2) Put $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/*.jar, $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/*.jar in 
your CLASSPATH for compiling
3) javac -d $CATALINA_HOME/server/classes
4) restart tomcat
5) Done



 Thanks again. Yes, that's what I'm doing I downloaded the Jakarta
 connectors source, got the update file from CVS and now am going through
 dependency hell getting each of the pre-required packages downloaded and
 Is there an easier way? I'm probably close to done, but for a single
 compiled class. Hey at least the source is available.

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Re: sessions dropping with mod_ssl, mod_jk, mod_rewrite rules

2005-08-10 Thread Mark Thomas

Seale, Deryl wrote:

Thanks for the information, Jon. I finally realized this when I examined the 
two different cookies Tomcat was setting: the first was marked secure, and the 
second was not.

I followed the threads you provided, and one of the respondents hinted that 
this behavior may change. Does Tomcat 5.5.x still enforce this rule?

This rule is still enforced and I am aware of no plans to change it.


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Fault Tolerance in Tomcat Cluster

2005-08-10 Thread samuel cheung

From this article,
 it said Tomcat 5 does not provide a built-in fail over mechanism to
detect when a cluster member crashes.

Can someone tell me if Tomcat 5.5 provides fail over detection in
tomcat cluster?

Thank you.

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data push

2005-08-10 Thread Paul Wallace
Hi All,
I would like server A (TC 5.5) to 'push' streams of data to server B
(TC 5.5) at random points in time, and for server B to accept the data when
it is received. This is not using request / response, hence I am new to this
topic. A couple of questions - what protocol(s) can be used, HTTP? Can
anyone point me towards a resource of this nature please? I understand
sockets are in the picture - also new to me.



Re: data push

2005-08-10 Thread Seth Ladd

Paul Wallace wrote:

Hi All,
I would like server A (TC 5.5) to 'push' streams of data to server B
(TC 5.5) at random points in time, and for server B to accept the data when
it is received. This is not using request / response, hence I am new to this
topic. A couple of questions - what protocol(s) can be used, HTTP? Can
anyone point me towards a resource of this nature please? I understand
sockets are in the picture - also new to me.

You can easily push info by just executing a HTTP POST to some URL on 
Server B.


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RE: data push

2005-08-10 Thread Paul Wallace
Hi Seth,
Thanks. And must I open a socket on the client (server B)? Do I
attach a listener to it?



Paul Wallace wrote:
 Hi All,
   I would like server A (TC 5.5) to 'push' streams of data to server B

 (TC 5.5) at random points in time, and for server B to accept the data 
 when it is received. This is not using request / response, hence I am 
 new to this topic. A couple of questions - what protocol(s) can be 
 used, HTTP? Can anyone point me towards a resource of this nature 
 please? I understand sockets are in the picture - also new to me.

You can easily push info by just executing a HTTP POST to some URL on Server


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Re: data push

2005-08-10 Thread Seth Ladd

Paul Wallace wrote:

Hi Seth,
Thanks. And must I open a socket on the client (server B)? Do I
attach a listener to it?

Forget sockets, we're at a higher level w/ HTTP and URLs.  Use the JDK's 
URLConnection classes (for starters) to open a URL connection.  Create a 
Servlet on Server B that has a doPost() method, for example.  That will 
be your listener.

Server A will use the URLConnection to connect to the servlet on Server 
B and write data to it.  At this point, it looks like a socket (input 
and output streams) except you are talking over HTTP.


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RE: data push

2005-08-10 Thread Paul Wallace
I have most of that in place already. Currently, server A has a
HttpURLConnection open and is talking to the Servlet. I can receive data
presumably from an InputStream. How do I write data to the Servlet using the
connection I have open?



 Hi Seth,
   Thanks. And must I open a socket on the client (server B)? Do I 
 attach a listener to it?

Forget sockets, we're at a higher level w/ HTTP and URLs.  Use the JDK's
URLConnection classes (for starters) to open a URL connection.  Create a
Servlet on Server B that has a doPost() method, for example.  That will be
your listener.

Server A will use the URLConnection to connect to the servlet on Server B
and write data to it.  At this point, it looks like a socket (input and
output streams) except you are talking over HTTP.


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Re: data push

2005-08-10 Thread Len Popp
It's not hard to send data from one Tomcat server to another, but the
details are a bit complicated.

1. The basic idea is that Server A will periodically send an HTTP POST
request to Server B containing a bunch of data. Server B has a servlet
that receives this data. (This is the easiest way, because Tomcat
Server B knows how to handle HTTP requests!)

2. It's pretty easy to send HTTP requests to another server using and

3. However, it seems that POST requests are more complicated. I've
only done GET requests myself, but here's an article on how to send a
POST request:
(That article's kind of old, I'm not sure if it's up to date.)

4. Server A is supposed to send data at random points in time. Does
that mean it's done in response to a user request (i.e. in a servlet)
or asynchronously (i.e. once an hour, or when a buffer fills up)?

It's easy to call your data-sending code from a servlet. If you want
to call it asynchronously (outside of a user request) then you'll have
to create a separate thread to do it. The easiest way is probably to
use a java.util.Timer.

5. To start and shut down a thread properly, you have to use a
ServletContextListener. Start the thread (or Timer) in the
contextInitialized event and kill it (or call Timer.cancel) on

Hope this helps!

On 8/10/05, Paul Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
I would like server A (TC 5.5) to 'push' streams of data to server B
 (TC 5.5) at random points in time, and for server B to accept the data when
 it is received. This is not using request / response, hence I am new to this
 topic. A couple of questions - what protocol(s) can be used, HTTP? Can
 anyone point me towards a resource of this nature please? I understand
 sockets are in the picture - also new to me.

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Re: Certificates On 5.5

2005-08-10 Thread Isaac Vetter

I've found this document to be a helpful overview:
http://localhost:8080/tomcat-docs/ssl-howto.html (or wherever your tomcat
is running)

I'm working on something similar myself.  Tomcat keeps certs in a
specialized certificate database called a keystore.  Tomcat 5.5 can
use certificates in two formats: pkcs12 and jks.  If you already have
the certificate, and it's in neither of these formats, you'll need to
convert it. You can use openssl to convert it to pkcs12 or the keytool
script that comes with your jdk for jks.

Once it's the correct format, you need to edit your server.xml and
configure a connector ...

I'm trying to use pkcs12.  This is my connector:
 Connector port=8443 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25
enableLookups=false disableUploadTimeout=true
acceptCount=100 scheme=https secure=true
clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS

But, it's not working ...
This is the error in logs/catalina--mm-dd.log.  Presumably it's a
problem with the cert?

Aug 10, 2005 7:49:51 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8083
Aug 10, 2005 7:49:53 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
SEVERE: Error initializing endpoint failed to decrypt safe contents entry:
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

Isaac Vetter

quote who=Scott Purcell

 I have the need install Verisign Certificate on my Tomcat 5.5 running on

 I am not that familiar with SSL, and was hoping someone may of done this,
 and could give me a high-level of the complexivity.
 I would like to have this running by Friday and could use any links, help.


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RE: data push

2005-08-10 Thread Paul Wallace
Hi and thanks for that,
That's the crux of my question! The data (I am unsure of the
protocol it is delivered in) is sent at random points in time i.e not from
any request. I wish to create particularly the client (server B) that
listens for this data. I (mistakenly) mentioned server A to mimic the data
pushes. I can write something to fire off data at intermittent times, but I
am more interested in how to capture that data, when no request has been
made. This is the reason why I first questioned on Sockets.
Perhaps I should have been clearer from the off!



Does that mean it's done in response to a user request (i.e. in a servlet)
or asynchronously (i.e. once an hour, or when a buffer fills up)?

It's easy to call your data-sending code from a servlet. If you want to call
it asynchronously (outside of a user request) then you'll have to create a
separate thread to do it. The easiest way is probably to use a

5. To start and shut down a thread properly, you have to use a
ServletContextListener. Start the thread (or Timer) in the
contextInitialized event and kill it (or call Timer.cancel) on

Hope this helps!

On 8/10/05, Paul Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
I would like server A (TC 5.5) to 'push' streams of data to 
 server B (TC 5.5) at random points in time, and for server B to accept 
 the data when it is received. This is not using request / response, 
 hence I am new to this topic. A couple of questions - what protocol(s) 
 can be used, HTTP? Can anyone point me towards a resource of this 
 nature please? I understand sockets are in the picture - also new to me.

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Re: data push

2005-08-10 Thread Seth Ladd

Paul Wallace wrote:

I have most of that in place already. Currently, server A has a
HttpURLConnection open and is talking to the Servlet. I can receive data
presumably from an InputStream. How do I write data to the Servlet using the
connection I have open?

Use the connection.getOutputStream() method and write to it like any 
other output stream.

It will show up on the other side when you pull from the input stream.


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Re: data push

2005-08-10 Thread Len Popp
If you send the data via HTTP, then Server B processes that HTTP
request just like any other. It's exactly the same as if a user sent a
POST request by typing the data into a form and clicking Submit.
Server B receives the POST request and executes the appropriate
servlet to process it.

On 8/10/05, Paul Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi and thanks for that,
That's the crux of my question! The data (I am unsure of the
 protocol it is delivered in) is sent at random points in time i.e not from
 any request. I wish to create particularly the client (server B) that
 listens for this data. I (mistakenly) mentioned server A to mimic the data
 pushes. I can write something to fire off data at intermittent times, but I
 am more interested in how to capture that data, when no request has been
 made. This is the reason why I first questioned on Sockets.
Perhaps I should have been clearer from the off!
 Does that mean it's done in response to a user request (i.e. in a servlet)
 or asynchronously (i.e. once an hour, or when a buffer fills up)?
 It's easy to call your data-sending code from a servlet. If you want to call
 it asynchronously (outside of a user request) then you'll have to create a
 separate thread to do it. The easiest way is probably to use a
 5. To start and shut down a thread properly, you have to use a
 ServletContextListener. Start the thread (or Timer) in the
 contextInitialized event and kill it (or call Timer.cancel) on
 Hope this helps!
 On 8/10/05, Paul Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All,
 I would like server A (TC 5.5) to 'push' streams of data to
  server B (TC 5.5) at random points in time, and for server B to accept
  the data when it is received. This is not using request / response,
  hence I am new to this topic. A couple of questions - what protocol(s)
  can be used, HTTP? Can anyone point me towards a resource of this
  nature please? I understand sockets are in the picture - also new to me.
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Test Post

2005-08-10 Thread Dave Morrow
I am receiving some NDR's when sending to this list.  Can someone
confirm my posts are getting through?

David A. Morrow
Technical Systems Lead
Autodata Solutions Company
Tel: (519) 951-6079
Fax: (519) 451-6615 

 Poor planning on your part does not necessarily constitute an
emergency on my part! 

This message has originated from Autodata Solutions. The attached
material is the Confidential and Proprietary Information of Autodata
Solutions. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential
and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please delete
this message and notify the Autodata system administrator at

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RE: Test Post

2005-08-10 Thread Paul Wallace

-Original Message-
From: Dave Morrow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 11 August 2005 12:10 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Test Post

I am receiving some NDR's when sending to this list.  Can someone confirm my
posts are getting through?

David A. Morrow
Technical Systems Lead
Autodata Solutions Company
Tel: (519) 951-6079
Fax: (519) 451-6615 

 Poor planning on your part does not necessarily constitute an emergency on
my part! 

This message has originated from Autodata Solutions. The attached material
is the Confidential and Proprietary Information of Autodata Solutions. This
email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely
for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you
have received this email in error please delete this message and notify the
Autodata system administrator at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Test Post

2005-08-10 Thread Dave Morrow
Thanks for the reply! 

David A. Morrow
Technical Systems Lead
Autodata Solutions Company
Tel: (519) 951-6079
Fax: (519) 451-6615 

 Poor planning on your part does not necessarily constitute an
emergency on my part! 

This message has originated from Autodata Solutions. The attached
material is the Confidential and Proprietary Information of Autodata
Solutions. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential
and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please delete
this message and notify the Autodata system administrator at

-Original Message-
From: Paul Wallace [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 10:15 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Test Post


-Original Message-
From: Dave Morrow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 11 August 2005 12:10 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Test Post

I am receiving some NDR's when sending to this list.  Can someone
confirm my posts are getting through?

David A. Morrow
Technical Systems Lead
Autodata Solutions Company
Tel: (519) 951-6079
Fax: (519) 451-6615 

 Poor planning on your part does not necessarily constitute an
emergency on my part! 

This message has originated from Autodata Solutions. The attached
material is the Confidential and Proprietary Information of Autodata
Solutions. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential
and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please delete
this message and notify the Autodata system administrator at

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Monitor Tomcat with SNMP (MRTG etc)?

2005-08-10 Thread Dave Morrow

Does anyone know how to use SNMP tools to monitor a Tomcat server?  Are
there any open source tools to assist or add this ability?

David A. Morrow
Technical Systems Lead
Autodata Solutions Company
Tel: (519) 951-6079
Fax: (519) 451-6615 

 Poor planning on your part does not necessarily constitute an
emergency on my part! 

This message has originated from Autodata Solutions. The attached
material is the Confidential and Proprietary Information of Autodata
Solutions. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential
and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please delete
this message and notify the Autodata system administrator at

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RE: data push

2005-08-10 Thread Paul Wallace
Thanks Len,
And what of other protocols? Are sockets then required? What are
some other protocols that might be used to push/pull data? (off Tomcat I
know ;))


-Original Message-
From: Len Popp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 11 August 2005 11:52 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: data push

If you send the data via HTTP, then Server B processes that HTTP request
just like any other. It's exactly the same as if a user sent a POST request
by typing the data into a form and clicking Submit.
Server B receives the POST request and executes the appropriate servlet to
process it.

On 8/10/05, Paul Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi and thanks for that,
That's the crux of my question! The data (I am unsure of the 
 protocol it is delivered in) is sent at random points in time i.e not 
 from any request. I wish to create particularly the client (server B) 
 that listens for this data. I (mistakenly) mentioned server A to mimic 
 the data pushes. I can write something to fire off data at 
 intermittent times, but I am more interested in how to capture that 
 data, when no request has been made. This is the reason why I first
questioned on Sockets.
Perhaps I should have been clearer from the off!
 Does that mean it's done in response to a user request (i.e. in a 
 or asynchronously (i.e. once an hour, or when a buffer fills up)?
 It's easy to call your data-sending code from a servlet. If you want 
 to call it asynchronously (outside of a user request) then you'll have 
 to create a separate thread to do it. The easiest way is probably to 
 use a java.util.Timer.
 5. To start and shut down a thread properly, you have to use a 
 ServletContextListener. Start the thread (or Timer) in the 
 contextInitialized event and kill it (or call Timer.cancel) on 
 Hope this helps!
 On 8/10/05, Paul Wallace [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All,
 I would like server A (TC 5.5) to 'push' streams of data to 
  server B (TC 5.5) at random points in time, and for server B to 
  accept the data when it is received. This is not using request / 
  response, hence I am new to this topic. A couple of questions - what 
  protocol(s) can be used, HTTP? Can anyone point me towards a 
  resource of this nature please? I understand sockets are in the picture
- also new to me.
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Re: Monitor Tomcat with SNMP (MRTG etc)?

2005-08-10 Thread Seth Ladd

Dave Morrow wrote:

Does anyone know how to use SNMP tools to monitor a Tomcat server?  Are
there any open source tools to assist or add this ability?

With JDK 5 you can enable the builtin SNMP agent.  This can export all 
the standard JMX attributes of the VM.  I don't think there's a way to 
export anything else, though.  At least this gives memory, cpu, etc 


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Tomcat security during runtime

2005-08-10 Thread Matt Anderson
Hello all

I have a question, if you setup your own security in Tomcat by using your own 
policy, is there anyway to modify this policy during runtime, without 
tomcat itself? Is there any Java API you can use to modify the security manager 
during run time?

Thanking you in advance.


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Re: Monitor Tomcat with SNMP (MRTG etc)?

2005-08-10 Thread Peter Lin
if you use tomcat 5.0.19 or new, you can use JMeter to monitor tomcat.


On 8/10/05, Seth Ladd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dave Morrow wrote:
  Does anyone know how to use SNMP tools to monitor a Tomcat server?  Are
  there any open source tools to assist or add this ability?
 With JDK 5 you can enable the builtin SNMP agent.  This can export all
 the standard JMX attributes of the VM.  I don't think there's a way to
 export anything else, though.  At least this gives memory, cpu, etc
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Re: Monitor Tomcat with SNMP (MRTG etc)?

2005-08-10 Thread Lintang JP
how can I do monitoring with JMeter ? plis advice...

On 8/11/05, Peter Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if you use tomcat 5.0.19 or new, you can use JMeter to monitor tomcat.
 On 8/10/05, Seth Ladd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dave Morrow wrote:
   Does anyone know how to use SNMP tools to monitor a Tomcat server? Are
   there any open source tools to assist or add this ability?
  With JDK 5 you can enable the builtin SNMP agent. This can export all
  the standard JMX attributes of the VM. I don't think there's a way to
  export anything else, though. At least this gives memory, cpu, etc
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Re: Monitor Tomcat with SNMP (MRTG etc)?

2005-08-10 Thread Peter Lin
JMeter has a tomcat monitor, which can access tomcat's status servlet
to get memory and thread info.

jmeter can monitor up to 200 servers on a 1.4ghz laptop with 1gb of
ram without any problems.

you can find out more on jmeter's site or go directly to the user manual here

peter lin

On 8/10/05, Lintang JP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 how can I do monitoring with JMeter ? plis advice...
 On 8/11/05, Peter Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  if you use tomcat 5.0.19 or new, you can use JMeter to monitor tomcat.
  On 8/10/05, Seth Ladd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Dave Morrow wrote:
Does anyone know how to use SNMP tools to monitor a Tomcat server? Are
there any open source tools to assist or add this ability?
   With JDK 5 you can enable the builtin SNMP agent. This can export all
   the standard JMX attributes of the VM. I don't think there's a way to
   export anything else, though. At least this gives memory, cpu, etc
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Strange redirects with Apache 2.0, mod_jk and Tomcat 5.5

2005-08-10 Thread Sven Köhler

often, Firefox tellst me, that the redirect limit is execeeded when
surfing one of my pages.

So i tried wget, and look at the result:

$ LANG=C wget
   = `index.html.1'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.jsp.29'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.html.1'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.html.1'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.html.1'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.html.1'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.html.1'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.jsp.29'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.html.1'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.html.1'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.html.1'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.html.1'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.html.1'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.jsp.29'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.html.1'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: [following]
   = `index.jsp.29'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]

[ =
   ] 24,409--.--K/s

05:29:05 (216.70 KB/s) - `index.jsp.29' saved [24409]

That's no joke! ( is a replacement for the real-website).
Look at the redirects! he's even jumping to /html/index.jsp - and for
some reason, tomcat redirects back to / - and than back again to
/html/index.jsp. That absolutly makes no sense! /index.jsp contains a
simple redirect - and /html/index.jsp ist a simple pain.

I've got the impression, that Tomcat redirects the browser to request a
page again. I don't know why, but perhaps he does that while he's
compiling the page.

Does anybody think of anything that causes this?
(except for buggy /index.jsp and /html/index.jsp - which is not the
case, since they used to work with tomcat 4.1)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Strange redirects with Apache 2.0, mod_jk and Tomcat 5.5

2005-08-10 Thread Sven Köhler
 often, Firefox tellst me, that the redirect limit is execeeded when
 surfing one of my pages.
 So i tried wget, and look at the result:
 [strange result]
 That's no joke! ( is a replacement for the real-website).
 Look at the redirects! he's even jumping to /html/index.jsp - and for
 some reason, tomcat redirects back to / - and than back again to
 /html/index.jsp. That absolutly makes no sense! /index.jsp contains a
 simple redirect - and /html/index.jsp is a simple page.

Well, i recompiled apache, but didn't recompile mod_jk - well, the
result was the one i described. After recompiling mod_jk, everything is
fine again!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

serving file name in unicode

2005-08-10 Thread Arun Prasad R
hi there,

im facing problem in tomcat serving a file with unicode name.

pls help in this regard

thanks in advance,