Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-06 Thread CHamm56114
I loved Florida - even the heat and storms. The people were so friendly. We stayed in a kid- friendly place the second week and at the Marriot in Tampa the first week. Renting a van from Tampa to Orlando was a pain but everything else was a great experience. I have this "thing" though - I really want to go sometime when I can get fresh squeezed OJ!!! Laura
Laura... try 19 mos., 3.5 years, 5, 6, and 16 for a while. Wanna fly back down to Florida for a while? You'll wonder who acts the oldest... the 16-year-old teenager or the 3.5-year-old girl.

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-05 Thread ShieldsFamily

I agree with most of what you said.  I am aware that we are the church
(Body of Christ), and I have always been bothered by building church
buildings with all the mortgages, etc.  It seems like one solution to large
groups needing to meet, and I'm not ready to condemn it all just because
home churches may be superior in most ways.  I'll have to think about ALL of
your points later (when I'm not watching after a 1, 3, and 5 year old!)

Currently the older two are watching a video, and 1 year old is having fun
pulling everything out of the food pantry (and eating some of it), and
Grandfather is getting his nap after taking the older two to eat and bounce
happily at the McDonald's Fun Place!!! This morning the 5 yr old, Gretchen,
got up at the crack of dawn and I heard her walking around the house. So I
sleepily dragged myself out of bed to check on her.  I walked into the
living room to find her smiling happily at me and asking, Grandmother, what
are you doing up so early? I have learned that when you can't find the 1
year old you should check in the dog crate.

The most exciting moment (so far) was yesterday morning when I opened the
back patio door to let the dogs out and a skink (lizard to me!) ran into
the kitchen! So little Sammie the teeniest dachshund in the world fiercely
attacked it and bit off it's tail! So the skink is running around one way
and its tail is wiggling around the other way, and the dog is trying to eat
them both--Grandfather had to come to the rescue!!!

Just wait--your day is coming, Grandpa Bruce!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Bruce Woodford
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 11:51 AM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

Good morning Izzy,

In response to my statement:Since the new covenant made the first old,
decayed and ready to vanish away (Heb.8:13) neither Jews nor Gentiles have
any direction from God to construct any sort of temple or sanctuary for
gatherings of new covenant saints!.

You responded:So you believe that the whole OT is null and void now? Funny,
I was under the impression that the first century Believers (including
Jesus) worshipped at temples, honored the Sabbath, and believed that Torah
was eternal. But now it is vanished away? Maybe it was the apostate papal
RCC that vanished it--I don't think the Lord did. As for me, neither of
the Lord's Covenants are done away with--His OT and NT is written on my
heart of flesh, rather than a heart of stone. 

I think I need to clarify a few things here:
(1)What we have traditionally called the Old Testament (Genesis to
Malachi) and the New Testament (Matthew to Revelation)  is a use of terms
in a way that God never uses them!  Genesis to Malachi is referred to in
scripture as the scriptures, the law etc, but never the old
testament/covenant.  So when I use the term old covenant I try to use it
in it's scriptural sense, of the covenant that God made with Israel at
Sinai. It was a conditional covenant based on Israel's acceptance of God's
terms. See Ex.24:1-8  God has made at least nine covenants throughout
history and each one is signified with a manifest token. That token lasts as
long as the covenant. The first unconditional covenant was made with Noah
and all flesh in Gen.9. It was signified by the rainbow and is still in
force today.  God also made an unconditional covenant with Abraham (Gen.17).
That covenant was signified with circumcision of Abraham's male descendants,
and it also continues forever, as will circumcision of Jews and Arabs. But
the covenant made at Sinai was signified with the visible token of the
sprinkling of blood of animal sacrifice. That covenant ended with the
sacrifice of Christ and the rending of the vail of the temple. It is not me
or the RCC that vanished that covenant!  God did! Heb.8:13 says, In that
He (God) saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which
decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

(2) The new covenant is NOT Matthew to Revelation!  The new covenant was
made at Calvary. So actually almost all the events of the Gospel records are
under the old covenant. Much of the Lord Jesus' teaching in the Gospels is
teaching relative to relationships that would be true when He had dedicated
the new covenant. But the use of temple buildings which He called My
Father's house was an old covenant practice. The vail was rent when Jesus
died indicating that God no longer dwelt in temples made with hands (Acts
7:48 and 17:24) and that the way of access into the holiest was now made
open through the blood of Christ (Heb.10:19-22)

(3)Under the old covenant, one always had to be in the right PLACE to
worship God. God always had His dwelling in PLACES! But the major feature of
the new covenant is that God's dwelling is now in PEOPLE.  That is why we
can worship Him anywhere at all...WE ARE THE TEMPLE!  That is why many
believers who recognize

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-04 Thread ShieldsFamily

Since the new covenant made the firstold, decayed and 
ready to vanish away (Heb.8:13) neither Jews nor Gentileshave any direction 
from God to construct any sort of "temple" or "sanctuary"for gatherings of 
new covenant saints!

So you believe that the whole OT is null and void now? 
Funny, I was under the impression that the first century Believers (including 
Jesus) worshipped at temples, honored the Sabbath, and believed that Torah was 
eternal. But now it is "vanished away"? Maybe it was the apostate 
papal RCC that "vanished" it--I don't think the Lord did. As for me, 
neither of the Lord's Covenants aredone away with--His OT and NT is 
written on my heart of flesh, rather than a heart of 

"Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us; for 
after that He had said before, This is the Covenant that I will make with them 
after those days, saith the Lord, I will put MY LAWS(Torah) into their 
hearts, and in their minds will I write them." (Heb 10:15)

We can look forward to the Messianic Age (New 
Millenium) when, "...many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to 
the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us 
of His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go for THE LAW 
(Torah), and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem." ((Is 

However, I agree that Jesus is our real "Sanctuary" 
today. I find it interesting that you think that we can worship just about 
anywhere, except in a "church" building. If one can worship in a prison, 
why not in a church? :-) Seems like if we are in Him, we can 
even worship in a church. LOL! 


Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-04 Thread Judy Taylor

"ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 

  So you believe that the whole OT is null and void 
  now? Funny, I was under the impression that the first century Believers 
  (including Jesus) worshipped at temples, honored the Sabbath, and believed 
  that Torah was eternal. But now it is "vanished away"? Maybe it 
  was the apostate papal RCC that "vanished" it--I don't think the Lord 
  Good Morning Grandmother Izzy:
  Judy here (another nanny) Possibly Brucerefers 
  to the ritual law which isfulfilled in Christ...
  As for me, neither of the Lord's Covenants 
  aredone away with--His OT and NT is written on my heart of flesh, rather 
  than a heart of stone.Whereof 
  the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us; for after that He had said before, 
  This is the Covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the 
  Lord, I will put MY LAWS(Torah) into their hearts, and in their minds 
  will I write them." (Heb 10:15)
  We can look forward to the Messianic Age (New 
  Millenium) when, "...many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up 
  to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will 
  teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go 
  for THE LAW (Torah), and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem." ((Is 
  However, I agree that Jesus is our real "Sanctuary" 
  today. I find it interesting that you think that we can worship just 
  about anywhere, except in a "church" building. If one can worship in a 
  prison, why not in a church? :-) Seems like if we are in 
  Him, we can even worship in a church. LOL! 
  Amen tothe above Izzy.. I am blessed by your 
  understanding and that of Kay. Where do you find these 
  places of worship? I'm in fellowship with 
  other believers but none live close enough for us to have a weekly time 
  worship together so I cautiously began to visit a 
  local IC; the people were friendly andthe pastor down to earth and 
  appeared to love the Lord so I was beginning to become hopeful.I noticed it was becoming a bit sparse on 
  Sundays and the SS teacher was absent - being new I assumed ppl were on 
  vacation until I met one of the ladies at Walmart on Saturday and learned 
  there had been a church split. I learned 
  that the pastor fired his co-pastor for trying to help the deacons become more 
  spiritual (whatever that means). There appears to have been a 
  power struggle of some kind and now most 
  of the more mature ones are gone including several husband/wife Sunday School 
  teachers. Nowwhat to do from here 
  Grace and Peace,

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-04 Thread David Miller
I would like to address several of the comments made about house church
and institutional church.  I think my perspective falls somewhere
between the extremes expressed.  

I perceive that God works in both.  I also perceive that Satan works in
both.  Man also works in both.  :-)  So you won't find me saying that
home church is the ONLY way to fellowship with saints.  Nevertheless,
there are many things wrong with the institutional system but they only
cause real problems when people mature to the point that they become
ministers, teachers, and preachers of Christ themselves.  The less
spiritually mature can function in many institutional church settings
without any problems at all.  In fact, for the immature believer, an
institutional church might even be better than a home church.  Yet, even
so, some very mature believers can function in the institutional
churches just fine, depending upon their calling in Christ and the
particular institutional churches ability to receive this person's gift
in Christ.  I find that modern apostles and prophets can rarely if ever
exist in any institutional church these days.  The power struggles that
exist between them and the clergy ultimately cause them to be cast out
of the institutional churches.  That's why many who attend institutional
churches do not know apostles and prophets like the early church did.

Well, I could go on to write a book about this (lol), but this is not
the place.  Let me simply address Izzy's comment about needing the
covering of her church to have believers fellowship in her home.

If you feel that you must have someone supervise you and hold your hand
to open your home for Christian fellowship and Bible study, then
certainly you should do that.  But consider also that one day you should
be mature enough to do that under the headship of Christ.  Is he not
your Lord and master?  If he leads you personally in the path of eternal
life, is he not able to lead you in this too?  As children eventually
must cut the strings with their parents and live life on their own, so
we ought to mature in a way that causes us to reproduce and do that
which our spiritual mentors have done.  Some people are like 40 year old
men still living with their parents.  Here you are a grandmother and
published author, yet you are unable to open your home to believers and
trust the Lord to provide the leadership?  If you haven't left the nest
yet, when is it going to happen?

Now if you do opt for a human covering instead of a divine covering,
know this, that eventually, you will find that covering restrictive and
a hindrance to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.  Just as a teenager
matures and finds his parent's rules restrictive and difficult, you will
experience similar frustrations, and when it comes time to leave the
nest so-to-speak, they will lay a guilt trip on you that you are
breaking fellowship with the church, leaving your covering, etc.
Therefore, seek the Lord now about it and ask his wisdom about this need
you have for an institutional covering.  I think you would do better to
step out in faith, asking the Lord to send the leadership, calling those
whom God puts on your heart to supply that leadership, and let the Lord
Jesus Christ Himself be the head of the assembly that meets in your

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

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RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-03 Thread ShieldsFamily

Hello Fellow Saints (and 

Let me put it this way--I, as a 
female woman-person, do not feel that I am an appropriate Leader of a Church 
Body. However, my husband and I have had the desire to have a fellowship 
of some kind meeting in our home. He does not seem comfortable, either, in 
assuming Leadership of such a body. We think it would be better to do it 
under the covering of our church, but haven't gotten around to setting that up. 
That's where we are. So pray for the Lord's leading if you 


PS We are currently 
braver than any African missionaries: We are taking care of our 3 little Georgia 
Peaches while their parents are getting a much needed 2nd honeymoon away from 
home. It takes GREAT courage to assume responsiblity for 3 granddaughters 
ages 5 and under--and is also more fun than a barrel of monkeys!!! (Don't tell 
if we have ice cream for breakfast!) :-) 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Terry 
  CliftonSent: Friday, August 01, 2003 8:01 AMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical 
  Issues relative to House Churches
  Our church has no pastor. Many home churches have no 
  pastor. The church at Antioch of Pisidia had no pastor. We are ALL 
  priests. Remember reading that? We are led by the Holy 
  You can do it man's way, or you can do it the Lord's 
  way. I have tried both. The Lord's way is better.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 5:45 
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical 
Issues relative to House Churches

But I’m not a qualified 
pastor. J Izzy

Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry 
LockeSent: Thursday, July 
31, 2003 11:42 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical 
Issues relative to House Churches

Izzy, you say home churches are hard to find...but 
I'll bet there'sone in your living room just waiting for you and your 
friends to attend!
From: "ShieldsFamily" 

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues 
relative to House Churches 
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 18:32:00 -0500 

Bruce, regretfully we seem to have gotten off 
the issue of home churches. 
To me they are the ideal, but not easy to find 
(impossible?). So many "home 
churches" are run by kooks (I won't mention the 
one I have in mind at this 
moment, but you know who he is!), making it hard 
to discern whether it is 
even safe to try one out. 
 Meantime, I think it is better to worship in an 
organized setting than not 
at all. It isn't all bad, either--lots of good 
stuff happening! We worship 
at a non-denom on Sunday, and a Messianic 
synagogue on Saturday. Do you 
think it was wrong of Jews to have temples 
(other than the one in 
Jerusalem?). Do you think they should have 
confined themselves to home 
churches? Don't you think the Original, 1st 
Century Believers worshipped in 
temples/synagogues? Izzy 
-Original Message- 

Behalf Of Bruce Woodford 
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 5:32 PM 

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues 
relative to House Churches 
Hi Laura, 
You wrote:"Believe me if my church taught false 
doctrine I'd be looking for 
another place to worship." 
Dear Sister, does your church teach and 
-that the church is to be lead by the pastor? 

-that the pastor is hired and paid by the 
-that the church building is to be maintained 
from the collection which 
scripture says is to be for poor saints? 

-that believers are to tithe to support the 
pastor and the church programs? 
-that in regular church gatherings the 
congregation is to be silent and 
listen to sermons from the pastor? 

-that church members are to be accountable to 
the pastor or other church 
If any of these doctrines are believed and 
taught in your church, there is 
very prominent false doctrine. (All of these 
practices are not only 
unscriptural, they are contrary to scripture!) 

The church is to be lead by Christ, the Head. 

Shepherds are never hired, paid nor fired by the 
sheep! Sheph

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-03 Thread ShieldsFamily

Slade, Were you the facilitator? How's 
Florida? I bet you aren't far from the Millers. Izzy

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Slade 
  HensonSent: Friday, August 01, 2003 8:46 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical 
  Issues relative to House Churches
  The best organized experience I had was in a 
  home church as well... in Wisconsin. We had a "facilitator" who helped keep us 
  on track and who would study the passage before hand and have a number of 
  small topics to discuss, but we all would take turns reading the passage aloud 
  together (we followed the Rabbinical Torah cycle) and openly discuss it. It 
  was kosher for one to interrupt the person reading a passage so we could 
  discuss a verse or passage immediately, as opposed to waiting until the whole 
  portion was read (because we had many who would forget their questions or 
- Original Message - 
Terry Clifton 


Sent: Friday, 01 August, 2003 
    Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical 
    Issues relative to House Churches


Our church has no pastor. Many home churches have no 
pastor. The church at Antioch of Pisidia had no pastor. We are 
ALL priests. Remember reading that? We are led by the Holy 

You can do it man's way, or you can do it the Lord's 
way. I have tried both. The Lord's way is better.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 5:45 
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical 
      Issues relative to House Churches
  But I’m not a qualified 
  pastor. J Izzy
  Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry 
  LockeSent: Thursday, 
  July 31, 2003 11:42 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical 
      Issues relative to House Churches
  Izzy, you say home churches are hard to find...but 
  I'll bet there'sone in your living room just waiting for you and your 
  friends to attend!
  From: "ShieldsFamily" 
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues 
  relative to House Churches 
  Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 18:32:00 -0500 
  Bruce, regretfully we seem to have gotten off 
  the issue of home churches. 
  To me they are the ideal, but not easy to find 
  (impossible?). So many "home 
  churches" are run by kooks (I won't mention 
  the one I have in mind at this 
  moment, but you know who he is!), making it 
  hard to discern whether it is 
  even safe to try one out. 
   Meantime, I think it is better to worship in 
  an organized setting than not 
  at all. It isn't all bad, either--lots of good 
  stuff happening! We worship 
  at a non-denom on Sunday, and a Messianic 
  synagogue on Saturday. Do you 
  think it was wrong of Jews to have temples 
  (other than the one in 
  Jerusalem?). Do you think they should have 
  confined themselves to home 
  churches? Don't you think the Original, 1st 
  Century Believers worshipped in 
  temples/synagogues? Izzy 
  -Original Message- 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
  Behalf Of Bruce Woodford 
  Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 5:32 PM 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues 
  relative to House Churches 
  Hi Laura, 
  You wrote:"Believe me if my church taught 
  false doctrine I'd be looking for 
  another place to worship." 
  Dear Sister, does your church teach and 
  -that the church is to be lead by the pastor? 
  -that the pastor is hired and paid by the 
  -that the church building is to be maintained 
  from the collection which 
  scripture says is to be for poor saints? 
  -that believers are to tithe to support the 
  pastor and the church programs? 
  -that in regular church gatherings the 
  congregation is to be silent and 
  listen to sermons from the pastor? 
  -that church members are to be accountable to 
  the pastor or other church 
  If a

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-03 Thread Bruce Woodford
Hi Grandma Izzy!

Georgia peaches and ice cream make a great breakfast! My wife and I are 
enjoying our first grandchild at every opportunity we get, a beautiful 5 
month old bundle of joy! What a treasure they are!

You wrote:Let me put it this way--I, as a female woman-person, do not feel 
that I am an appropriate Leader of a Church Body.  However, my husband and I 
have had the desire to have a fellowship of some kind meeting in our home.  
He does not seem comfortable, either, in assuming Leadership of such a body. 
 We think it would be better to do it under the covering of our church, but 
haven't gotten around to setting that up. That's where we are. So pray for 
the Lord's leading if you wish..

Dear Sister, NO ONE, male or female and no matter how spiritually mature or 
gifted is an  appropriate Leader of a Church Body! To assume that one is 
capable of such a task is to assume that one is capable of usurping the the 
place of Christ whom God has made Head of the Body! God has already 
appointed an appropriate Leader for every gathering, namely Christ, and the 
Lord Jesus, Himself,  has promised to be there in our midst when even 2 or 3 
gather in His name! (Matthew 18:20)

See the following scriptures:
Ephesians 1:15-23:
 the God of our Lord Jesus Christ,
 the Father of glory...
hath put all things under his feet,


  the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

Ephesians 4:11-16:
Whom did Christ give?
 And he gave some apostles
  and some prophets
  and some evangelists
  and some pastors
  and teachers
Why did He give such gifts?
   For the perfecting of the saints,
Why do saints need perfecting? for the work of the 
What is the purpose of the work of the ministry?  for the edifying 
of the body of Christ:
How long is the Body to be edified?
   Till we all come in the unity of the faith,
   and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
 unto a perfect man,  unto the measure of the 
stature of the fulness of Christ:
Why is such maturity necessary?
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro,
and carried about 
with every wind of doctrine
the sleight of men,
cunning craftiness,
whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
 But speaking the truth in love, MAY GROW UP INTO HIM IN ALL THINGS, 
  From whom the whole body fitly joined together
and compacted by that which 
every joint supplieth,
according to the effectual 
working in the measure of every part,
maketh increase of the body 
unto the edifying of itself in love.

Colossians 1:18:
And he (Christ) is the head of the body,
  the church:
   who is the beginning,
 the firstborn from the dead;
   that in all things he might have the preeminence.
The sad thing is that when mortal men are appointed to be leaders, a number 
of detrimental things happen:
-they usurp the place of Christ,
-they prevent the exercise of the gifts which Christ has placed in the Body 
(apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers)
-they assume that their job description is 3 fold:-perfecting the saints,
 -doing the 
work of ministry and
the Body of Christ!
-because that assumption is utterly false, none of those things actually get 

It takes apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers ALL doing 
their work TO PERFECT (or mature) the saints!

Then it is God's purpose that THE SAINTS do the work of the ministry!

Only when the saints do the work of the ministry is the Body actually 

Dear Sister, are you sure that it is God's desire and intention that you do 

What scripture(s) would teach such a concept? What does it mean 
(scripturally) to be under the covering of one's church??  I realize this 
concept of being under a covering has become a very popular teaching 
designed to enslave people to the assumed authority of men who pattern 
themselves after the leadership style of the kings of the Gentiles instead 
of after the 

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-03 Thread Slade Henson

Hi Izzy,
Slade was the facilitator at that 
congregation. His official "title" was Ra'ah which means Shepherd. It's still up 
and running and growing as a matter of fact. He just oversees it now; someone 
else leads.
Florida is very warm, but we have friends and 
family down here. We're attending an excellent Messianic Congregation lead by 
Rav John Fischer. It's so nice to be back in fellowship again with like-minded 
Believers who have similar services to what we had at Am Echad in Wisconsin. And 
we don't have to do the leading, to boot!!
Slade got a job as soon as we got down (a good 
paying one, too!) and I've been offered quite a position doing family advocacy. 
The blessings are so numerous...we MUST be in the right place! Slade begins 
seminary the end of the month; our house is great, we have family close by, 
numerous friends; basically it's good to be home.

Slade said we're like 100 miles from the 

How are things by you?




  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, 03 August, 2003 08:37
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues 
  relative to House Churches
  Slade, Were you the facilitator? How's 
  Florida? I bet you aren't far from the Millers. Izzy
-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Slade 
HensonSent: Friday, August 01, 2003 8:46 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House 
The best organized experience I had was in 
a home church as well... in Wisconsin. We had a "facilitator" who helped 
keep us on track and who would study the passage before hand and have a 
number of small topics to discuss, but we all would take turns reading the 
passage aloud together (we followed the Rabbinical Torah cycle) and openly 
discuss it. It was kosher for one to interrupt the person reading a passage 
so we could discuss a verse or passage immediately, as opposed to waiting 
until the whole portion was read (because we had many who would forget their 
questions or comments).



  - Original Message - 
  Terry Clifton 
  Sent: Friday, 01 August, 2003 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical 
  Issues relative to House Churches
  Our church has no pastor. Many home churches have 
  no pastor. The church at Antioch of Pisidia had no pastor. We 
  are ALL priests. Remember reading that? We are led by the Holy 
  You can do it man's way, or you can do it the Lord's 
  way. I have tried both. The Lord's way is better.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 5:45 
    Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical 
    Issues relative to House Churches

But I’m not a qualified 
pastor. J Izzy

Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry 
LockeSent: Thursday, 
July 31, 2003 11:42 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical 
    Issues relative to House Churches

Izzy, you say home churches are hard to 
find...but I'll bet there'sone in your living room just waiting for you 
and your friends to attend!
From: "ShieldsFamily" 

    Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues 
relative to House Churches 
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 18:32:00 -0500 

Bruce, regretfully we seem to have gotten 
off the issue of home churches. 
To me they are the ideal, but not easy to 
find (impossible?). So many "home 
churches" are run by kooks (I won't mention 
the one I have in mind at this 
moment, but you know who he is!), making it 
hard to discern whether it is 
even safe to try one out. 
 Meantime, I think it is better to worship 
in an organized setting than not 
at all. It isn't all bad, either--lots of 
good stuff happening! We worship 
at a non-denom on Sunday, and a Messianic 
synagogue on Saturday. Do you 
think it was wrong of Jews to have temples 
(other than the one in 
Jerusalem?). Do you think they should have 
confined themselves to home 
churches? Don't yo

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-03 Thread CHamm56114
Hi Kay I just got back from Florida and was about 80 miles from the Miller's. You are right about it being warm!!! LOL They have some wonderful light shows in the form of thunder and lightening too! Glad you are near friends and family. Laura

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-03 Thread ShieldsFamily

Bruce,Hi Grandma Izzy!Excuse me, but 
it is "Grandmother". :-) (Don't confuse me with thegrannies in 
the family.)Georgia peaches and ice cream make a great 
breakfast! My wife and I areenjoying our first grandchild at every 
opportunity we get, a beautiful 5month old bundle of joy! What a treasure 
they are! Girl or Boy?Ephesians 
4:11-16:Whom did Christ give?" And he gave some 
and some 
and some 
and some pastorsAnd what, in your estimation, is a 
byIt takes apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers ALL 
doingtheir work TO PERFECT (or mature) the saints!Then it is God's 
purpose that THE SAINTS do the work of the ministry!Only when the saints 
do the work of the ministry is the Body actuallyedified!!!
Agreed. But why would that eliminate a "church" in 
the traditional sense? Perhaps that is why churches also have small groups 
meeting in homes. I agree it is difficult to establish real relationships 
in a traditional church setting with the artificial "greeters" and everyone says 
"Hi" and "Bye" with a big smile, and you never see them again until next 
Sunday. That's one reason I love my small Messianic synagogue meeting on 
Saturday. It goes on for hours (no one counts) and involves real teaching with 
interaction, ministry by the saints, gifts of the spirit (including real 
healings such as throat cancer, etc.),children welcome, and sharing meals, 
etc. It's like a home meeting in a building large enough to hold more 
people. If I had to choose just one, the Sunday church thing would be the 
first to go. Dear Sister, are you sure that it is God's 
desire and intention that you doanything "UNDER THE COVERING of YOUR 
CHURCH"??What scripture(s) would teach such a concept? What does it 
mean(scripturally) to be "under the covering of one's church"?? I 
realize thisconcept of "being under a covering" has become a very popular 
teachingdesigned to enslave people to the assumed "authority" of men who 
patternthemselves after the leadership style of the kings of the Gentiles 
insteadof after the pattern commanded by the lord jesus, Himself (Luke 
Oh, goodie--I can't wait to tell my husband that I am 
not under his covering! :-)

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-03 Thread CHamm56114
Hi Grandmother! I'm the Gramma on the list. I thought 2,4 and 9 were a handful- 3 under 5 sounds like a nightmare!!! Just kidding. I love my girls and if I could lower the volume level I'd be content!!! I'm anxious to find out whose covering you are under. I don't have a hubby and if I'm not supposed to be under the covering of my church I wonder whose covering I'm under ! LOL Laura

Grandmother Izzy

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-03 Thread Bruce Woodford
Hi Grandmother Izzy,

Please pardon my improper designation of your relation to your little 

Our grandchild is a little girl, Marika.

You asked:What in your estimation is a pastor?

First of all, the singular form of the word is NEVER used in scripture to 
designate any other identifiable individuals except ABEL (the first shepherd 
when there only was one of them) and the Lord or Christ!! So the vast 
majority of times the word is used it speaks of a plurality of shepherds 
even when there is a singular flock. (See Luke 2:8 as one example.)

Pastors are shepherds of sheep. Their role is not to be king, CEO, 
president, director, chief administrator, baker or chef etc.  Shepherds 
smell like sheep! Shepherds know the sheep. But shepherds are never hired by 
sheep, fired by sheep or salaried by sheep! But shepherds are loved by the 
sheep and followed by the sheep.  A man may be salaried, may be called 
pastor etc, but if there are no sheep following him, he is not a pastor. 
Shepherds need not be public speakers or gifted administrators, but they do 
know the Owner of the sheep and have a heart to care for His sheep.

When I spoke of the five kinds of gifted men God has given to the church as 
being responsible to perfect the saints so the saints can do the work of 
the ministry, so the Body can be edified, you asked:But why would that 
eliminate a church in the traditional sense?

Izzy, I think you answered your own question as you described the contrasts 
between what happens in traditional church services and what happens in 
more informal house meetings. Equipping of saints to do the work of the 
ministry just DOES NOT HAPPEN in gatherings where they are expected to be 
uninvolved spectators.

When I suggested that the very common teaching that people are to be under 
the covering of a church or of a church leader was not at all a scriptural 
teaching, you responded:Oh, goodie--I can't wait to tell my husband that I 
am not under his covering!

Neither, you nor any other woman was ever under the covering of their 
husband nor any other man!

But just as God is the head of Christ, and Christ is the head of the man, so 
the man (husband) is also head of the woman. The covering is what the man is 
to remove from his head when he prays or prophesies and is what the woman is 
to put ON her head when she prays or prophesies.

What the man is to do with his head (uncover it) and what the woman is to do 
with hers (cover it) both teach the very same truth!

What they are instructed to do with their physical heads while praying and 
prophesying is an object lesson for the angels which demonstrates that 
Christ (the head of the man) is to have the pre-eminent place (uncovered). 
Col.1:18 The man (the head of the woman) is NOT to have pre-eminence! Thus, 
her physical head is to be covered.

That's the only covering in scripture that I know of that God would have you 
to be under!

Your brother in Christ,
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Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-02 Thread Slade Henson

It probably offered a salary.



  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, 01 August, 2003 21:43
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues 
  relative to House Churches
  why did he do 
  On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 21:04:29 -0500 
  "ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  the best “church” experience I ever had was in a 
Wonderful home church. I won’t elaborate on all the reasons why. 
However *the leader of that church took a pastorate in a church 

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-02 Thread Bruce Woodford
will help you to see that you have probably particpated in house church 
meetings far more often than you realize!!! Why not go in for making it a 
purposeful act whenever you are with other saints???
Your brother in Christ,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bruce Woodford
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches
Hi Laura,
You wrote:Believe me if my church taught false doctrine I'd be looking for 
another place to worship.
Dear Sister, does your church teach and ractice:
-that the church is to be lead by the pastor?
-that the pastor is hired and paid by the church?
-that the church building is to be maintained from the collection which 
scripture says is to be for poor saints?
-that believers are to tithe to support the pastor and the church programs?
-that in regular church gatherings the congregation is to be silent and 
listen to sermons from the pastor?
-that church members are to be accountable to the pastor or other church 
If any of these doctrines are believed and taught in your church, there is 
very prominent false doctrine. (All of these practices are not only 
unscriptural, they are contrary to scripture!)
The church is to be lead by Christ, the Head.Shepherds are never hired, paid 
nor fired by the sheep! Shepherds are appointed by the Owner of the sheep 
and their needs are met as they labour with their own hands. Acts 20:28-35
New covenant saints have no sanctified buildings to maintain! Collections 
are for poor saints. I Cor.16:1,2 and II Cor.8 and 9
Tithing has absolutely nothing to do with new covenant saints or new 
covenant churches!
When new covenant saints assemble together they are NOT to be silent, but 
are rather to provoke one another to love and to good works, they are to 
exhort one another, they are to edify one another etc. Heb.10:24,25
All believers are accountable to God alone for their assignments and for the 
evaluation of their service. Rom.14:12. Even those who lead are accountable 
to God and must give account to Him. Heb.13:17
But sister, please do not go looking for another place We are not 
called to find a place! Old covenant woship HAD to be in the right PLACE 
because God put His name in ONE PLACE and if you didn't worship there you 
were in the wrong PLACE!
But new covenant worship is not in places. God no longer dwells in temples 
made with hands. He now dwells in PERSONS. He dwells in His people and they 
dwell in Him! Christians do not GO TO CHURCH, we ARE THE CHURCH where ever 
we go! Our responsibilility is to recognize other believers and build 
relationships with each other in our normal activities and normal gathering 
places. That is why new covenant believers gathered in homes! There was a 
church in Aquila and Priscilla's home, a church in Philemon's home, a church 
in Nymphas' home, prayer meetings in homes, breaking bread from house to 
house etc etc.
Far better to simply look for other believers who live within a few blocks 
of your home (or if you live in the country- within a few miles of your 
home) and seek to build relationships with them. Pray with them, eat with 
them, sing with them, encourage each other in the Word, when you find some 
among them who are in need, give to them.  By this shall all men know that 
ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another.
The hallmark of new covenant ministry of saints is reciprocal one 
anothering! Loving one another, praying for one another, confessing faults 
one to another, edifying one another, exhorting one another, bearing one 
another's burdens etc etc.
Your brother in Christ,

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Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-02 Thread CHamm56114
I'm back - I was away on church related business and then a vacation to the forbidden land! Both weeks were great! I still am happy with my present church and have no problem with you worshipping in a "home setting". Whatever floats your boat! I would have a problem if you said home churches were the only way to worship. Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-02 Thread Bruce Woodford
Hi Laura,
Welcome back!
You wrote: I still am happy with my present church and have no problem with 
you worshipping in a home setting.  Whatever floats your boat!I would 
have a problem if you said home churches were the only way to worship.

Dear Sister, Is our happiness with a situation the benchmark that should 
guide us in our Christian lives and walk with the Lord and His people?  If 
Abraham had said to the Lord, I'm quite happy here in Ur of the Chaldees, 
I'd rather not head off somewhere in the desert not knowing where I'm 
going! or I'm quite happy to stay home and not take Isaac up to mount 
Moriah, do you think he would have enjoyed the blessing of God on His life 
that God had intended?

In like manner, thousands of Christians are quite happy to stay within a 
situation that is familiar and comfortable even though they are well aware 
that many things about that situation are contrary to scripture.

I think it was you who said that if you found that your church held false 
doctrines, you'd soon be finding another church. But you haven't responded 
to my questions about many false teachings and practices that you have 
indicated are held and practiced in your church.

There is a massive difference between happiness based on a familiar comfort 
zone and joy that is based on obedience to what one knows God has convicted 
them about in His Word.  The safest, most secure, and most joyful place in 
all the universe is the place of obedience to Him.

Here's a very funny but serious song about someone who is concerned to 
maintain their comfort zone and totally unwilling to obey the Lord if he 
should call them into the unknown


O Lord I'm your willing servant
 You know that I have been for years
 I'm here in this pew every Sunday and Wednesday
 I've stained it with many a tear
 I've given you years of my service
 I've always given my best
 And I've never asked you for anything much
 So Lord I deserve this request
 Please don't send me to Africa
 I don't think I've got what it takes
 I'm just a man, I'm not a tarzan
 Don't like lions, gorillas, or snakes
 I'll serve you here in suburbia
 In my comfortable middle class life
 But please don't send me out in the bush
 Where the natives are restless at night
 I'll see that the money is gathered
 I'll see that the money is sent
 I'll wash and stack the communion cups
 I'll tithe 11 percent
 I'll volunteer for the nursery
 I'll go on the youth retreat
 I'll usher, I'll deacon, I'll go door to door
 Just let me keep warming this seat
 Please don't send me to Africa
 I don't think I've got what it takes
 I'm just a man, I'm not a tarzan
 Don't like lions, gorillas, or snakes
 I'll serve you here in suburbia
 In my comfortable middle class life
 But please don't send me out in the bush
 Where the natives are restless at night
Are homes the only place to worship?

Of course, homes are not the only place believers can worship the Lord! 
Saints can do it beside a river (Acts 16), they can do it with their backs 
beaten and bloodied in stocks in filthy prisons (Acts 16),  they can do it 
as a little band of travelling evangelists in a room of the lodging house 
where they have their temporary abode (Acts 20), they can do it as lonely 
prisoners on board ship with a mob of unbelievers around them (Acts 27).

But you will search the the new covenant scriptures in vain to find saints 
gathering in temples, sanctuaries, auditoriums etc which they have bought or 
built for the purpose! You will search in vain to find new covenant saints 
gathering to listen to a clergyman preach them a sermon. You will search 
in vain to find new covenant saints tithing to pay the salary of their 
clergyman or the mortgage on their sanctuary. And you will search in vain to 
find any flock of sheep in scripture hiring their pastors, paying their 
pastors' salaries or firing their pastors!  Those are all the 
responsibilities of the Owner of the sheep!

New covenant church always function by new covenant principles.

Your brother in Christ,
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Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-02 Thread CHamm56114
In a message dated 8/2/2003 4:37:57 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Laura,
Welcome back!

You wrote: "I still am happy with my present church and have no problem with 
you worshipping in a "home setting". Whatever floats your boat! I would 
have a problem if you said home churches were the only way to worship."

Dear Sister, Is our "happiness" with a situation the benchmark that should 
guide us in our Christian lives and walk with the Lord and His people? If 
Abraham had said to the Lord, "I'm quite happy here in Ur of the Chaldees, 
I'd rather not head off somewhere in the desert not knowing where I'm 
going!" or "I'm quite happy to stay home and not take Isaac up to mount 
Moriah", do you think he would have enjoyed the blessing of God on His life 
that God had intended?

In like manner, thousands of Christians are quite happy to stay within a 
situation that is familiar and comfortable even though they are well aware 
that many things about that situation are contrary to scripture.

I think it was you who said that if you found that your church held false 
doctrines, you'd soon be finding another church. But you haven't responded 
to my questions about many false teachings and practices that you have 
indicated are held and practiced in your church.

There is a massive difference between happiness based on a familiar comfort 
zone and joy that is based on obedience to what one knows God has convicted 
them about in His Word. The safest, most secure, and most joyful place in 
all the universe is the place of obedience to Him.

Here's a very funny but serious song about someone who is concerned to 
maintain their comfort zone and totally unwilling to obey the Lord if he 
should call them into the unknown


O Lord I'm your willing servant
 You know that I have been for years
 I'm here in this pew every Sunday and Wednesday
 I've stained it with many a tear
 I've given you years of my service
 I've always given my best
 And I've never asked you for anything much
 So Lord I deserve this request

 Please don't send me to Africa
 I don't think I've got what it takes
 I'm just a man, I'm not a tarzan
 Don't like lions, gorillas, or snakes
 I'll serve you here in suburbia
 In my comfortable middle class life
 But please don't send me out in the bush
 Where the natives are restless at night

 I'll see that the money is gathered
 I'll see that the money is sent
 I'll wash and stack the communion cups
 I'll tithe 11 percent
 I'll volunteer for the nursery
 I'll go on the youth retreat
 I'll usher, I'll deacon, I'll go door to door
 Just let me keep warming this seat

 Please don't send me to Africa
 I don't think I've got what it takes
 I'm just a man, I'm not a tarzan
 Don't like lions, gorillas, or snakes
 I'll serve you here in suburbia
 In my comfortable middle class life
 But please don't send me out in the bush
 Where the natives are restless at night

Are homes the only place to worship?

Of course, homes are not the only place believers can worship the Lord! 
Saints can do it beside a river (Acts 16), they can do it with their backs 
beaten and bloodied in stocks in filthy prisons (Acts 16), they can do it 
as a little band of travelling evangelists in a room of the lodging house 
where they have their temporary abode (Acts 20), they can do it as lonely 
prisoners on board ship with a mob of unbelievers around them (Acts 27).

But you will search the the new covenant scriptures in vain to find saints 
gathering in temples, sanctuaries, auditoriums etc which they have bought or 
built for the purpose! You will search in vain to find new covenant saints 
gathering to listen to a clergyman preach them a "sermon". You will search 
in vain to find new covenant saints tithing to pay the salary of their 
clergyman or the mortgage on their sanctuary. And you will search in vain to 
find any flock of sheep in scripture hiring their pastors, paying their 
pastors' salaries or firing their pastors! Those are all the 
responsibilities of the Owner of the sheep!

New covenant church always function by new covenant principles.

Your brother in Christ,

OK Let me rephrase that! GOD has not told me to change my method of worship! And I love that song. My son was a missionary to Africa 10 years ago this summer. Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-02 Thread CHamm56114
What right do you have to say that my church has many false teachings and practices? Laura

I think it was you who said that if you found that your church held false 
doctrines, you'd soon be finding another church. But you haven't responded 
to my questions about many false teachings and practices that you have 
indicated are held and practiced in your church.

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-02 Thread Bruce Woodford
Hi Laura,

You wrote:OK Let me rephrase that! GOD has not told me to change my method 
of worship!

The point is not whether He told you to change, but rather did He give you 
scriptural guidance to commence your current method of worship in the 
first place?

In other words is the system, in which you currently participate, patterned 
after new covenant principles or those of the old covenant which has 
decayed, waxed old and vanished away? Heb.8:13

When I wrote:I think it was you who said that if you found that your church 
held false doctrines, you'd soon be finding another church. But you haven't 
responded to my questions about many false teachings and practices that you 
have indicated are held and practiced in your church

You responded:What right do you have to say that my church has many false 
teachings and practices?

Please correct and pardon me if I am wrong, but I thought it was you who 
told us that your church paid a pastor and he earned every cent. I think 
that that was in response to the following questions which I asked you. But 
if I recall, you had not responded to the rest of these questions. If these 
things are not true of your present gathering, I ask you to forgive me for 
making false assumptions. But if you answer yes to any of the following 
questions, it is clear that your church does in fact teach and practice 
false doctrine.

The following is what I'd previously written:
You wrote:Believe me if my church taught false doctrine I'd be looking for 
another place to worship.
Dear Sister, does your church teach and practice:
-that the church is to be lead by the pastor?
-that the pastor is hired and paid by the church?
-that the church building is to be maintained from the collection which 
scripture says is to be for poor saints?
-that believers are to tithe to support the pastor and the church programs?
-that in regular church gatherings the congregation is to be silent and 
listen to sermons from the pastor?
-that church members are to be accountable to the pastor or other church 
If any of these doctrines are believed and taught in your church, there is 
very prominent false doctrine. (All of these practices are not only 
unscriptural, they are contrary to scripture!)

Your brother in Christ,
Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-02 Thread Terry Clifton

God has given you overwhelming evidence in His word. He 
has told you how to gather with other believers and be the Church. He has 
spoken.You simply won't listen.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 4:39 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues 
  relative to House Churches
  In a message dated 8/2/2003 4:37:57 PM Central Daylight 
  Hi Laura,Welcome back!You wrote: "I still am 
happy with my present church and have no problem with you worshipping in 
a "home setting". Whatever floats your boat! I would 
have a problem if you said home churches were the only way to 
worship."Dear Sister, Is our "happiness" with a situation the 
benchmark that should guide us in our Christian lives and walk with the 
Lord and His people? If Abraham had said to the Lord, "I'm quite 
happy here in Ur of the Chaldees, I'd rather not head off somewhere in 
the desert not knowing where I'm going!" or "I'm quite happy to stay 
home and not take Isaac up to mount Moriah", do you think he would have 
enjoyed the blessing of God on His life that God had intended?In 
like manner, thousands of Christians are quite happy to stay within a 
situation that is familiar and comfortable even though they are well 
aware that many things about that situation are contrary to 
scripture.I think it was you who said that if you found that your 
church held false doctrines, you'd soon be finding another church. But 
you haven't responded to my questions about many false teachings and 
practices that you have indicated are held and practiced in your 
church.There is a massive difference between happiness based on a 
familiar comfort zone and joy that is based on obedience to what one 
knows God has convicted them about in His Word. The safest, most 
secure, and most joyful place in all the universe is the place of 
obedience to Him.Here's a very funny but serious song about someone 
who is concerned to maintain their comfort zone and totally unwilling to 
obey the Lord if he should call them into the unknownPLEASE 
DON'T SEND ME TO AFRICAO Lord I'm your willing 
servant You know that I have been for years 
I'm here in this pew every Sunday and Wednesday I've stained 
it with many a tear I've given you years of my 
service I've always given my best And I've 
never asked you for anything much So Lord I deserve this 
request Chorus: Please don't send me to 
Africa I don't think I've got what it takes 
I'm just a man, I'm not a tarzan Don't like lions, gorillas, 
or snakes I'll serve you here in suburbia In 
my comfortable middle class life But please don't send me 
out in the bush Where the natives are restless at 
night I'll see that the money is 
gathered I'll see that the money is sent 
I'll wash and stack the communion cups I'll tithe 11 
percent I'll volunteer for the nursery I'll 
go on the youth retreat I'll usher, I'll deacon, I'll go 
door to door Just let me keep warming this 
seat Chorus: Please don't send me to 
Africa I don't think I've got what it takes 
I'm just a man, I'm not a tarzan Don't like lions, gorillas, 
or snakes I'll serve you here in suburbia In 
my comfortable middle class life But please don't send me 
out in the bush Where the natives are restless at 
nightAre homes the only place to worship?Of course, homes 
are not the only place believers can worship the Lord! Saints can do it 
beside a river (Acts 16), they can do it with their backs beaten and 
bloodied in stocks in filthy prisons (Acts 16), they can do it as 
a little band of travelling evangelists in a room of the lodging house 
where they have their temporary abode (Acts 20), they can do it as 
lonely prisoners on board ship with a mob of unbelievers around them 
(Acts 27).But you will search the the new covenant scriptures in 
vain to find saints gathering in temples, sanctuaries, auditoriums etc 
which they have bought or built for the purpose! You will search in vain 
to find new covenant saints gathering to listen to a clergyman preach 
them a "sermon". You will search in vain to find new covenant saints 
tithing to pay the salary of their clergyman or the mortgage on their 
sanctuary. And you will search in vain to find any flock of sheep in 
scripture hiring their pastors, paying their pastors' salaries or firing 
their pastors! Those are all the responsibilities of the Owner of 
the sheep!New covenant church always function by new covenant 
principles.Your brother in Christ,BruceOK 
  Let me rephrase that! GOD has not told me to change my method of 
  worship! And I love that song. M

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-02 Thread CHamm56114
None of you have any idea where I worship and how I worship and how my church functions. You are jumping to conclusions. I refuse to be pulled in. Laura

 God has given you overwhelming evidence in His word. He has told you how to gather with other believers and be the Church. He has spoken. You simply won't listen.

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-02 Thread Terry Clifton

No, you refuse to be pulled out. 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches
None of you have any idea where I worship and how I worship and how my church functions. You are jumping to conclusions. I refuse to be pulled in. Laura
Laura:God has given you overwhelming evidence in His word. He has told you how to gather with other believers and be the Church. He has spoken. You simply won't listen. Terry

 IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-02 Thread CHamm56114
In a message dated 8/2/2003 5:39:31 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The point is not whether He told you to change, but rather did He give you 
scriptural guidance to commence your current "method of worship" in the 
first place?

Yes God opened doors for me to be able to move here and it is a long story but I have no doubt that I am worshipping where the Lord wants me. Laura

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

But Im not a qualified pastor. J Izzy

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Charles Perry Locke
Sent: Thursday, July
 31, 2003 11:42 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical
Issues relative to House Churches

Izzy, you say home churches are hard to find...but
I'll bet there'sone in your living room just waiting for you and your friends
to attend!

From: ShieldsFamily 





Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House

Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 18:32:00 -0500 


Bruce, regretfully we seem to have gotten off the issue of home

To me they are the ideal, but not easy to find (impossible?). So many

churches are run by kooks (I won't mention the one I have in
mind at this 

moment, but you know who he is!), making it hard to discern whether
it is 

even safe to try one out. 




 Meantime, I think it is better to worship in an organized setting
than not 

at all. It isn't all bad, either--lots of good stuff happening! We

at a non-denom on Sunday, and a Messianic synagogue on Saturday. Do

think it was wrong of Jews to have temples (other than the one in 

Jerusalem?). Do you think they should have confined themselves to

churches? Don't you think the Original, 1st Century Believers
worshipped in 

temples/synagogues? Izzy 




-Original Message- 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bruce

Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 5:32 PM 


Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House




Hi Laura, 




You wrote:Believe me if my church taught false doctrine I'd
be looking for 



another place to worship. 




Dear Sister, does your church teach and practice: 


-that the church is to be lead by the pastor? 


-that the pastor is hired and paid by the church? 


-that the church building is to be maintained from the collection


scripture says is to be for poor saints? 


-that believers are to tithe to support the pastor and the church


-that in regular church gatherings the congregation is to be silent


listen to sermons from the pastor? 


-that church members are to be accountable to the pastor or other






If any of these doctrines are believed and taught in your church,
there is 


very prominent false doctrine. (All of these practices are not only


unscriptural, they are contrary to scripture!) 




The church is to be lead by Christ, the Head. 


Shepherds are never hired, paid nor fired by the sheep! Shepherds


appointed by the Owner of the sheep and their needs are met as they


with their own hands. Acts 20:28-35 




New covenant saints have no sanctified buildings to maintain!


are for poor saints. I Cor.16:1,2 and II Cor.8 and 9 




Tithing has absolutely nothing to do with new covenant saints or


covenant churches! 




When new covenant saints assemble together they are NOT to be
silent, but 


are rather to provoke one another to love and to good works, they
are to 


exhort one another, they are to edify one another etc. Heb.10:24,25




All believers are accountable to God alone for their assignments
and for the 



evaluation of their service. Rom.14:12. Even those who lead are 


accountable to God and must give account to Him. Heb.13:17 




But sister, please do not go looking for another place
We are not 


called to find a place! Old covenant woship HAD to be
in the right PLACE 


because God put His name in ONE PLACE and if you didn't worship
there you 


were in the wrong PLACE! 




But new covenant worship is not in places. God no longer dwells in


made with hands. He now dwells in PERSONS. He dwells in His people
and they 



dwell in Him! Christians do not GO TO CHURCH, we ARE THE CHURCH
where ever 


we go! Our responsibilility is to recognize other believers and


relationships with each other in our normal activities and normal


places. That is why new covenant believers gathered in homes! There
was a 


church in Aquila and Priscilla's home, a church in Philemon's home,
a church 



in Nymphas' home, prayer meetings in homes, breaking bread from
house to 


house etc etc. 




Far better to simply look for other believers who live within a few


of your home (or if you live in the country- within a few miles of


home) and seek to build relationships with them. Pray with them,
eat with 


them, sing with them, encourage each other in the Word, when you
find some 


among them who are in need, give to them.  By this shall all
men know that 


ye are my disciples if ye h

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-01 Thread ShieldsFamily

But Im not a qualified pastor. J Izzy

-Original Message-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry Locke
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003
11:42 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical
Issues relative to House Churches

Izzy, you say home churches are hard to find...but
I'll bet there'sone in your living room just waiting for you and your friends
to attend!

From: ShieldsFamily 





Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House

Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 18:32:00 -0500 


Bruce, regretfully we seem to have gotten off the issue of home

To me they are the ideal, but not easy to find (impossible?). So
many home 

churches are run by kooks (I won't mention the one I have in
mind at this 

moment, but you know who he is!), making it hard to discern whether
it is 

even safe to try one out. 




 Meantime, I think it is better to worship in an organized setting
than not 

at all. It isn't all bad, either--lots of good stuff happening! We

at a non-denom on Sunday, and a Messianic synagogue on Saturday. Do

think it was wrong of Jews to have temples (other than the one in 

Jerusalem?). Do you think they should have confined themselves to

churches? Don't you think the Original, 1st Century Believers
worshipped in 

temples/synagogues? Izzy 




-Original Message- 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bruce

Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 5:32 PM 


Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House




Hi Laura, 




You wrote:Believe me if my church taught false doctrine I'd
be looking for 



another place to worship. 




Dear Sister, does your church teach and practice: 


-that the church is to be lead by the pastor? 


-that the pastor is hired and paid by the church? 


-that the church building is to be maintained from the collection


scripture says is to be for poor saints? 


-that believers are to tithe to support the pastor and the church programs?


-that in regular church gatherings the congregation is to be silent


listen to sermons from the pastor? 


-that church members are to be accountable to the pastor or other






If any of these doctrines are believed and taught in your church,
there is 


very prominent false doctrine. (All of these practices are not only


unscriptural, they are contrary to scripture!) 




The church is to be lead by Christ, the Head. 


Shepherds are never hired, paid nor fired by the sheep! Shepherds


appointed by the Owner of the sheep and their needs are met as they


with their own hands. Acts 20:28-35 




New covenant saints have no sanctified buildings to maintain!


are for poor saints. I Cor.16:1,2 and II Cor.8 and 9 




Tithing has absolutely nothing to do with new covenant saints or


covenant churches! 




When new covenant saints assemble together they are NOT to be
silent, but 


are rather to provoke one another to love and to good works, they
are to 


exhort one another, they are to edify one another etc. Heb.10:24,25




All believers are accountable to God alone for their assignments
and for the 



evaluation of their service. Rom.14:12. Even those who lead are 


accountable to God and must give account to Him. Heb.13:17 




But sister, please do not go looking for another
place We are not 


called to find a place! Old covenant woship HAD to be in
the right PLACE 


because God put His name in ONE PLACE and if you didn't worship
there you 


were in the wrong PLACE! 




But new covenant worship is not in places. God no longer dwells in


made with hands. He now dwells in PERSONS. He dwells in His people
and they 



dwell in Him! Christians do not GO TO CHURCH, we ARE THE CHURCH
where ever 


we go! Our responsibilility is to recognize other believers and


relationships with each other in our normal activities and normal


places. That is why new covenant believers gathered in homes! There
was a 


church in Aquila and Priscilla's home, a church in Philemon's home,
a church 



in Nymphas' home, prayer meetings in homes, breaking bread from house


house etc etc. 




Far better to simply look for other believers who live within a few


of your home (or if you live in the country- within a few miles of


home) and seek to build relationships with them. Pray with them,
eat with 


them, sing with them, encourage each other in the Word, when you
find some 


among them who are in need, give to them.  By this shall all
men know that 


ye are my disciples if ye h

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-01 Thread Terry Clifton


Our church has no pastor. Many home churches have no 
pastor. The church at Antioch of Pisidia had no pastor. We are ALL 
priests. Remember reading that? We are led by the Holy 

You can do it man's way, or you can do it the Lord's 
way. I have tried both. The Lord's way is better.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 5:45 
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues 
  relative to House Churches
  But Im not a qualified 
  pastor. J Izzy
  Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry 
  LockeSent: Thursday, July 
  31, 2003 11:42 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues 
  relative to House Churches
  Izzy, you say home churches are hard to find...but 
  I'll bet there'sone in your living room just waiting for you and your friends 
  to attend!
  From: "ShieldsFamily" 
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative 
  to House Churches 
  Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 18:32:00 -0500 
  Bruce, regretfully we seem to have gotten off the 
  issue of home churches. 
  To me they are the ideal, but not easy to find 
  (impossible?). So many "home 
  churches" are run by kooks (I won't mention the 
  one I have in mind at this 
  moment, but you know who he is!), making it hard 
  to discern whether it is 
  even safe to try one out. 
   Meantime, I think it is better to worship in an 
  organized setting than not 
  at all. It isn't all bad, either--lots of good 
  stuff happening! We worship 
  at a non-denom on Sunday, and a Messianic 
  synagogue on Saturday. Do you 
  think it was wrong of Jews to have temples (other 
  than the one in 
  Jerusalem?). Do you think they should have 
  confined themselves to home 
  churches? Don't you think the Original, 1st 
  Century Believers worshipped in 
  temples/synagogues? Izzy 
  -Original Message- 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
  Behalf Of Bruce Woodford 
  Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 5:32 PM 
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative 
  to House Churches 
  Hi Laura, 
  You wrote:"Believe me if my church taught false 
  doctrine I'd be looking for 
  another place to worship." 
  Dear Sister, does your church teach and practice: 
  -that the church is to be lead by the pastor? 
  -that the pastor is hired and paid by the church? 
  -that the church building is to be maintained from 
  the collection which 
  scripture says is to be for poor saints? 
  -that believers are to tithe to support the pastor 
  and the church programs? 
  -that in regular church gatherings the 
  congregation is to be silent and 
  listen to sermons from the pastor? 
  -that church members are to be accountable to the 
  pastor or other church 
  If any of these doctrines are believed and taught 
  in your church, there is 
  very prominent false doctrine. (All of these 
  practices are not only 
  unscriptural, they are contrary to scripture!) 
  The church is to be lead by Christ, the Head. 
  Shepherds are never hired, paid nor fired by the 
  sheep! Shepherds are 
  appointed by the Owner of the sheep and their 
  needs are met as they labour 
  with their own hands. Acts 20:28-35 
  New covenant saints have no sanctified buildings 
  to maintain! Collections 
  are for poor saints. I Cor.16:1,2 and II Cor.8 and 
  Tithing has absolutely nothing to do with new 
  covenant saints or new 
  covenant churches! 
  When new covenant saints assemble together they 
  are NOT to be silent, but 
  are rather to provoke one another to love and to 
  good works, they are to 
  exhort one another, they are to edify one another 
  etc. Heb.10:24,25 
  All believers are accountable to God alone for 
  their assignments and for the 
  evaluation of their service. Rom.14:12. Even those 
  who lead are 
  accountable to God and must give account to Him. 
  But sister, please do not go looking for another 
  "place" We are not 
  called to find a "place"! Old covenant woship HAD 
  to be in the right PLACE 
  because God put His name in ONE PLACE and if you 
  didn't worship there you 
  were in the wrong PLACE! 
  But new covenant worship is not in places. God no 
  longer dwells in temples 
  made with hands. He now dwells in PERSONS. He 
  dwells in His people and they 
  dwell in Him! Christians do not GO TO CHURCH, we 

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-01 Thread Slade Henson

The best organized experience I had was in a 
home church as well... in Wisconsin. We had a "facilitator" who helped keep us 
on track and who would study the passage before hand and have a number of small 
topics to discuss, but we all would take turns reading the passage aloud 
together (we followed the Rabbinical Torah cycle) and openly discuss it. It was 
kosher for one to interrupt the person reading a passage so we could discuss a 
verse or passage immediately, as opposed to waiting until the whole portion was 
read (because we had many who would forget their questions or 



  - Original Message - 
  Terry Clifton 
  Sent: Friday, 01 August, 2003 08:01
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues 
  relative to House Churches
  Our church has no pastor. Many home churches have no 
  pastor. The church at Antioch of Pisidia had no pastor. We are ALL 
  priests. Remember reading that? We are led by the Holy 
  You can do it man's way, or you can do it the Lord's 
  way. I have tried both. The Lord's way is better.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 5:45 
    Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical 
    Issues relative to House Churches

But I’m not a qualified 
pastor. J Izzy

Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Perry 
LockeSent: Thursday, July 
31, 2003 11:42 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical 
    Issues relative to House Churches

Izzy, you say home churches are hard to find...but 
I'll bet there'sone in your living room just waiting for you and your 
friends to attend!
From: "ShieldsFamily" 

Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues 
relative to House Churches 
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 18:32:00 -0500 

Bruce, regretfully we seem to have gotten off 
the issue of home churches. 
To me they are the ideal, but not easy to find 
(impossible?). So many "home 
churches" are run by kooks (I won't mention the 
one I have in mind at this 
moment, but you know who he is!), making it hard 
to discern whether it is 
even safe to try one out. 
 Meantime, I think it is better to worship in an 
organized setting than not 
at all. It isn't all bad, either--lots of good 
stuff happening! We worship 
at a non-denom on Sunday, and a Messianic 
synagogue on Saturday. Do you 
think it was wrong of Jews to have temples 
(other than the one in 
Jerusalem?). Do you think they should have 
confined themselves to home 
churches? Don't you think the Original, 1st 
Century Believers worshipped in 
temples/synagogues? Izzy 
-Original Message- 

Behalf Of Bruce Woodford 
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 5:32 PM 

    Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues 
relative to House Churches 
Hi Laura, 
You wrote:"Believe me if my church taught false 
doctrine I'd be looking for 
another place to worship." 
Dear Sister, does your church teach and 
-that the church is to be lead by the pastor? 

-that the pastor is hired and paid by the 
-that the church building is to be maintained 
from the collection which 
scripture says is to be for poor saints? 

-that believers are to tithe to support the 
pastor and the church programs? 
-that in regular church gatherings the 
congregation is to be silent and 
listen to sermons from the pastor? 

-that church members are to be accountable to 
the pastor or other church 
If any of these doctrines are believed and 
taught in your church, there is 
very prominent false doctrine. (All of these 
practices are not only 
unscriptural, they are contrary to scripture!) 

The church is to be lead by Christ, the Head. 

Shepherds are never hired, paid nor fired by the 
sheep! Shepherds are 
appointed by the Owner of the sheep and their 
needs are met as they labour 
with their own hands. Acts 20:28-35 

New covenant saints have no sanctified buildings 
to maintain! Collections 
are f

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-08-01 Thread ttxpress

why did he do 

On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 21:04:29 -0500 
"ShieldsFamily" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
the best church experience I ever had was in a 
  Wonderful home church. I wont elaborate on all the reasons why. 
  However *the leader of that church took a pastorate in a church 

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-31 Thread ShieldsFamily

regretfully we seem to have gotten off the issue of home churches. To me
they are the ideal, but not easy to find (impossible?). So many
home churches are run by kooks (I won't mention the one I have in
mind at this moment, but you know who he is!),
making it hard to discern whether it is even safe to try one out. 

I think it is better to worship in an organized setting than not at all.
It isn't all bad, either--lots of good stuff happening! We worship at a non-denom
on Sunday, and a Messianic synagogue on Saturday. Do you think it was
wrong of Jews to have temples (other than the one in Jerusalem?).
Do you think they should have confined themselves to home churches? Dont
you think the Original, 1st Century Believers worshipped in
temples/synagogues? Izzy

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bruce Woodford
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches


wrote:Believe me if my church taught false doctrine I'd be looking

place to worship.

Sister, does your church teach and practice:

the church is to be lead by the pastor?

the pastor is hired and paid by the church?

the church building is to be maintained from the collection which 

says is to be for poor saints?

believers are to tithe to support the pastor and the church programs?

in regular church gatherings the congregation is to be silent and 

to sermons from the pastor?

church members are to be accountable to the pastor or other church 


any of these doctrines are believed and taught in your church, there is 

prominent false doctrine. (All of these practices are not only 

they are contrary to scripture!)

church is to be lead by Christ, the Head.

are never hired, paid nor fired by the sheep! Shepherds are 

by the Owner of the sheep and their needs are met as they labour 

their own hands. Acts 20:28-35

covenant saints have no sanctified buildings to maintain! Collections 

for poor saints. I Cor.16:1,2 and II Cor.8 and 9

has absolutely nothing to do with new covenant saints or new 


new covenant saints assemble together they are NOT to be silent, but 

rather to provoke one another to love and to good works, they are to 

one another, they are to edify one another etc. Heb.10:24,25

believers are accountable to God alone for their assignments and for the 

of their service. Rom.14:12. Even those who lead are 

to God and must give account to Him. Heb.13:17

sister, please do not go looking for another place We are not 

to find a place! Old covenant woship HAD to be in the right

God put His name in ONE PLACE and if you didn't worship there you 

in the wrong PLACE!

new covenant worship is not in places. God no longer dwells in temples 

with hands. He now dwells in PERSONS. He dwells in His people and they 

in Him! Christians do not GO TO CHURCH, we ARE THE CHURCH where ever 

go! Our responsibilility is to recognize other believers and build 

with each other in our normal activities and normal gathering 

That is why new covenant believers gathered in homes! There was a 

in Aquila and Priscilla's home, a church in Philemon's home, a church 

Nymphas' home, prayer meetings in homes, breaking bread from house to 

etc etc.

better to simply look for other believers who live within a few blocks 

your home (or if you live in the country- within a few miles of your 

and seek to build relationships with them. Pray with them, eat with 

sing with them, encourage each other in the Word, when you find some 

them who are in need, give to them.  By this shall all men know that 

are my disciples if ye have love one to another.

hallmark of new covenant ministry of saints is reciprocal one 

Loving one another, praying for one another, confessing faults 

to another, edifying one another, exhorting one another, bear one 

burdens etc etc.

brother in Christ,



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your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you
ought to answer every man. (Colossians 4:6)

you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a
friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-31 Thread ShieldsFamily

g, I guess for your sake I should explain that the best church
experience I ever had was in a Wonderful home church. I wont
elaborate on all the reasons why. However the leader of that church took
a pastorate in a church building, and that was the end of that. I have
never found another one to match it. 

And I have heard too many horror stories about weirdos
running their own home churches and getting off into all kinds of nuttinessso
I am cautious about getting into that kind of situation. If someone could
direct me to another group to compare with the one I went to before, Id
be happy to check it out. 

g, does that help you any? If this is still incomprehensible
to you, let me know and Ill try to splain it to you. (It seems to
me that I make a whole lot more sense that you dobut thats just my opinion. J ) Izzy

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 8:58
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical
Issues relative to House Churches

On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 18:32:00 -0500 ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

churches. To me they are the ideal, but not easy to find


then it's fair
to conclude that most Christians, who don't think like you do, are relatively
wise--i.e. the Christian consensusappears to be that home churches are not ideal

this strange
comment tends to confirm it:

many home churches are run by kooks (I won't mention the one I have
in mind at this moment, but you know who he
is!), making it hard to discern whether it is even safe to try one




I think it is better to worship in an organized setting than not at all.


ftr, this last
comment of yours is (also)irrational at best

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-31 Thread Charles Perry Locke

Izzy, you say home churches are hard to find...but I'll bet there'sone in your living room just waiting for you and your friends to attend!
From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches 
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 18:32:00 -0500 
Bruce, regretfully we seem to have gotten off the issue of home churches. 
To me they are the ideal, but not easy to find (impossible?). So many "home 
churches" are run by kooks (I won't mention the one I have in mind at this 
moment, but you know who he is!), making it hard to discern whether it is 
even safe to try one out. 
 Meantime, I think it is better to worship in an organized setting than not 
at all. It isn't all bad, either--lots of good stuff happening! We worship 
at a non-denom on Sunday, and a Messianic synagogue on Saturday. Do you 
think it was wrong of Jews to have temples (other than the one in 
Jerusalem?). Do you think they should have confined themselves to home 
churches? Don't you think the Original, 1st Century Believers worshipped in 
temples/synagogues? Izzy 
-Original Message- 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bruce Woodford 
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 5:32 PM 
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches 
Hi Laura, 
You wrote:"Believe me if my church taught false doctrine I'd be looking for 
another place to worship." 
Dear Sister, does your church teach and practice: 
-that the church is to be lead by the pastor? 
-that the pastor is hired and paid by the church? 
-that the church building is to be maintained from the collection which 
scripture says is to be for poor saints? 
-that believers are to tithe to support the pastor and the church programs? 
-that in regular church gatherings the congregation is to be silent and 
listen to sermons from the pastor? 
-that church members are to be accountable to the pastor or other church 
If any of these doctrines are believed and taught in your church, there is 
very prominent false doctrine. (All of these practices are not only 
unscriptural, they are contrary to scripture!) 
The church is to be lead by Christ, the Head. 
Shepherds are never hired, paid nor fired by the sheep! Shepherds are 
appointed by the Owner of the sheep and their needs are met as they labour 
with their own hands. Acts 20:28-35 
New covenant saints have no sanctified buildings to maintain! Collections 
are for poor saints. I Cor.16:1,2 and II Cor.8 and 9 
Tithing has absolutely nothing to do with new covenant saints or new 
covenant churches! 
When new covenant saints assemble together they are NOT to be silent, but 
are rather to provoke one another to love and to good works, they are to 
exhort one another, they are to edify one another etc. Heb.10:24,25 
All believers are accountable to God alone for their assignments and for the 
evaluation of their service. Rom.14:12. Even those who lead are 
accountable to God and must give account to Him. Heb.13:17 
But sister, please do not go looking for another "place" We are not 
called to find a "place"! Old covenant woship HAD to be in the right PLACE 
because God put His name in ONE PLACE and if you didn't worship there you 
were in the wrong PLACE! 
But new covenant worship is not in places. God no longer dwells in temples 
made with hands. He now dwells in PERSONS. He dwells in His people and they 
dwell in Him! Christians do not GO TO CHURCH, we ARE THE CHURCH where ever 
we go! Our responsibilility is to recognize other believers and build 
relationships with each other in our normal activities and normal gathering 
places. That is why new covenant believers gathered in homes! There was a 
church in Aquila and Priscilla's home, a church in Philemon's home, a church 
in Nymphas' home, prayer meetings in homes, breaking bread from house to 
house etc etc. 
Far better to simply look for other believers who live within a few blocks 
of your home (or if you live in the country- within a few miles of your 
home) and seek to build relationships with them. Pray with them, eat with 
them, sing with them, encourage each other in the Word, when you find some 
among them who are in need, give to them. " By this shall all men know that 
ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another." 
The hallmark of new covenant ministry of saints is reciprocal "one 
anothering"! Loving one another, praying for one another, confessing faults 
one to another, edifying one another, exhorting one another, bear one 
another's burdens etc etc. 
Your brother in Christ, 

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-19 Thread Dave Hansen

David Miller wrote:

 Laura wrote:
  How wrong you are.  We give a huge amount
  to outside giving and that doesn't count
  ministry within the church.

 Hi Laura.  What are the actual numbers?  Do you have a financial report
 we could look at?

DAVEH:  Hey DavidM..why ask Laura?   Why not just ask her minister, as I did a 
while back.?   VBG

 Dave Hansen
 If you wish to receive
 things I find interesting,
 I maintain Five email lists...

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

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RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-18 Thread David Miller
Terry wrote:
 Very little of your money is being used for 
 the kingdom.  Most of it goes to the bank that 
 holds the mortgage, the flower shop, the secretary, 
 the janitor, the guy who sprays for bugs and the 
 electric and phone company.  

Laura wrote:
 How wrong you are.  We give a huge amount 
 to outside giving and that doesn't count 
 ministry within the church.

Hi Laura.  What are the actual numbers?  Do you have a financial report
we could look at?  

Most institutional churches give a small fraction to ministry related
activities.  Even that outside giving that you mention, how much of it
is actually given to people in need?  In other words, does the money pay
for the home, salary, and expenses of people living in another country,
or does the money directly relieve the poor?

In the home church situation, a much higher percentage of money goes to
need.  More importantly, the need is being met on a personal level.  For
example, when you see your neighbor have need, you reach in your pocket
and help him.  You give of your time to help him too.  In the
institutional church situation, you send the person in need to the
church staff and trust that they will help them.  Rather than investing
in the kingdom directly, you are investing in an organization that you
trust to be doing work in the kingdom.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

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Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-18 Thread CHamm56114
In a message dated 7/18/2003 9:48:07 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Even that outside giving that you mention, how much of it
is actually given to people in need?

I do have a financial report but I don't have a scanner. 7% of outside giving for Foreign Missions goes to administrative costs. Our church gave $102,000 last year just to Foreign Missions. Laura

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-18 Thread David Miller

Hi Laura. What
is the total budget of your church? Give some of the major breakdowns of
how the money is spent.

With regard to your reporting that 7% went
to administrative costs, that does not mean much. Administrative costs generally do not include housing, buildings,
salaries of ministers, etc. You have to check with each charity to see
what goes into administrative costs, but it is standard practice to make that
number as low as possible by including only postage, phone bills, office paper,
etc. Ive known some charities to report 5% Administrative Costs, and then on digging deeper found that 85%
of every contribution went to pay commission to telephone solicitors. That
cost was not considered administrative costs. With the Salvation Army in Tampa, I dont know the exact figures off the top of my
head, but most of the money was spent to buy property in prestigious
neighborhoods for its officers. Their administrative costs also were low
and they boasted about feeding 85,000 homeless, but most of the money was spent

So your church spent $7,140 on
administrative costs for Foreign Missions. Do you think that kind of
money might have helped the homeless or people who live in the housing projects
in your community? I think that is what Terry is trying to say. Why
pay institutions to do this work when there are plenty of people doing this
work that you can go to directly and give to them. 

I might add that I personally do not
consider it wrong to have institutions do work like this, but you should
understand what they are doing and how the money is being spent. Most
people probably follow blind allegiance to a doctrine of tithing and do not
examine their organization or church closely enough. Most people look at
that 7% administrative cost and assume that most of the money is going to the
work of ministry.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly
  Hills, Florida.

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-18 Thread CHamm56114
Interesting that you use Tampa as an example. I'm headed there tomorrow. Regarding money - I don't have the figures where I can put my hands on them. (The little ones are in the room where that file is kept) I didn't mean to mislead you - we give that total amount to the Foreign Missions Dept and they use a small amount for their expenses. Mail room, printing, phone etc. I believe the actual bldg is debt free but of course there is always maintanence. Laura

RE: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-18 Thread David Miller
Laura wrote:
 Interesting that you use Tampa as an example. 
 I'm headed there tomorrow.

I lived in Tampa for 17 years and was very active in ministering to the
homeless there.  The Salvation Army would not let us see their financial
statements because they are exempt from the Florida Sunshine laws
because they are a church.  So, when an anonymous person faxed them to
us, I produced two television shows that discussed their finances and

I hope you enjoy your vacation to Florida.  I now live about 80 miles
north of Tampa, near Crystal River.  If you come over this way, let me
know and I will take you and the kids to lunch.  :-)

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

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Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-18 Thread CHamm56114
In a message dated 7/18/2003 5:32:59 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dear Sister, does your church teach and practice:
-that the church is to be lead by the pastor? YES With a board
-that the pastor is hired and paid by the church? Yes and he earns every penny
-that the church building is to be maintained from the collection which 
scripture says is to be for poor saints? YES
-that believers are to tithe to support the pastor and the church programs? The scriptures teach this
-that in regular church gatherings the congregation is to be silent and 
listen to sermons from the pastor? NO 
-that church members are to be accountable to the pastor or other church 
leaders? Not necessarily Accountable to God

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-18 Thread Bruce Woodford
Hi Laura,
You responded to my questions as follows:
 Dear Sister, does your church teach and practice:
 -that the church is to be lead by the pastor?  YES   With a board
 -that the pastor is hired and paid by the church?   Yes and he earns 
 -that the church building is to be maintained from the collection which
 scripture says is to be for poor saints?   YES
 -that believers are to tithe to support the pastor and the church 
 The scriptures teach this
 -that in regular church gatherings the congregation is to be silent and
 listen to sermons from the pastor?  NO
 -that church members are to be accountable to the pastor or other church
 leaders?   Not necessarilyAccountable to God
If these are truly scriptural doctrines/practices, would you please show the 
scriptures that would teach these practices to new covenant believers?

Your brother in Christ,
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Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought 
to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
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Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-17 Thread CHamm56114
In a message dated 7/17/2003 8:25:25 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Has anyone in any religious organization or denominational church ever 
taught you that ALL accountability in scripture is VERTICAL! (i.e. Godward!) 

Absolutely I agree that it is ulitmately vertical but I am going to place my money where I know it is being used to further the Kingdom. I am not saying your "church group" is practicing false doctrine. What I am saying is that it does happen. Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-17 Thread CHamm56114
In a message dated 7/17/2003 8:25:25 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The popular accountability doctrine teaches that I need to be "under 
accountability", that I need to get my assignments from a pastor, from a 
board of directors etc and that I must report on how I have fulfilled their 
assignments so that they can evaluate my performance! 

Everything has to have an order - God is not the author of confusion. If there isn't someone at the head then everyone can just do their own thing. I believe that everyone has a place to serve according to their abilities, talents and gifts. Laura

Re: [TruthTalk] Practical Issues relative to House Churches

2003-07-17 Thread Terry Clifton

Very little of your money is being used for the kingdom. 
Most of it goes to the bank that holds the mortgage, the flower shop, the 
secretary, the janitor, the guy who sprays for bugs and the electric and phone 

In our home church, we see a need and we meet that need. 
We see the change it makes. Not one cent goes for any other reason than to 
show God's love to others.

Many ,many people have been brainwashed into thinking that you 
need professional helpto give your money to the Lord, to worship, to sing, 
even to pray. Please don't be one of them. There is a way more 
pleasing to the Lord, a more simple way. First Cor. 14:26 gives a picture 
of the true Church coming together. When you read that verse, pay 
particular attention to the word "EACH".
Read it. Think about it. Is this a picture of the 
place you worship?
I hope it is. I bet it is not.
Absolutely I agree that it is ulitmately 
  vertical but I am going to place my money where I know it is being used to 
  further the Kingdom. I am not saying your "church group" is 
  practicing false doctrine. What I am saying is that it does 
  happen. Laura