Re: memtable mem usage off by 10?

2014-06-05 Thread Idrén , Johan
I’m using the datastax rpms, using the bundled launch scripts.

grep -i jamm * add the jamm javaagent$JVM_OPTS 

And it’s part of the commandline used to start cassandra:

/usr/java/latest/bin/java -ea 
-javaagent:/usr/share/cassandra//lib/jamm-0.2.5.jar -XX:+UseThreadPriorities 
-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 -Xms10G -Xmx10G -Xmn2400M 
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xss240k -XX:+UseParNewGC 
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 
-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=4 -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75 
-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:+UseCondCardMark -Dlog4j.defaultInitOverride=true 
-Dcassandra-pidfile=/var/run/cassandra/ -cp 

From: Benedict Elliott Smith
Date: Wednesday 4 June 2014 17:18
Subject: Re: memtable mem usage off by 10?

In that case I would assume the problem is that for some reason JAMM is failing 
to load, and so the liveRatio it would ordinarily calculate is defaulting to 10 
- are you using the bundled cassandra launch scripts?

On 4 June 2014 15:51, Idrén, Johan wrote:
I wasn’t supplying it, I was assuming it was using the default. It does not 
exist in my config file. Sorry for the confusion.

From: Benedict Elliott Smith
Date: Wednesday 4 June 2014 16:36

Subject: Re: memtable mem usage off by 10?

Oh, well ok that explains why I'm not seeing a flush at 750MB. Sorry, I was 
going by the documentation. It claims that the property is around in 2.0.

But something else is wrong, as Cassandra will crash if you supply an invalid 
property, implying it's not sourcing the config file you're using.

I'm afraid I don't have the context for why it was removed, but it happened as 
part of the 2.0 release.

On 4 June 2014 13:59, Jack Krupansky wrote:
Yeah, it is in the doc:

And I don’t find a Jira issue mentioning it being removed, so... what’s the 
full story there?!

-- Jack Krupansky

From: Idrén,
Sent: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 8:26 AM
Subject: RE: memtable mem usage off by 10?

Oh, well ok that explains why I'm not seeing a flush at 750MB. Sorry, I was 
going by the documentation. It claims that the 

CQLSSTableWriter memory leak

2014-06-05 Thread Xu Zhongxing
I am using Cassandra's CQLSSTableWriter to import a large amount of data into 
Cassandra. When I use CQLSSTableWriter to write to a table with compound 
primary key, the memory consumption keeps growing. The GC of JVM cannot collect 
any used memory. When writing to tables with no compound primary key, the JVM 
GC works fine.

My Cassandra version is 2.0.5. The OS is Ubuntu 14.04 x86-64. JVM parameters 
are -Xms1g -Xmx2g. This is sufficient for all other non-compound primary key 

The problem can be reproduced by the following test case:

import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;

import java.util.UUID;

class SS {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String schema = create table test.t (x uuid, y uuid, primary key (x, 

String insert = insert into test.t (x, y) values (?, ?);
CQLSSTableWriter writer = CQLSSTableWriter.builder()

UUID id = UUID.randomUUID();
try {
for (int i = 0; i  5000; i++) {
UUID id2 = UUID.randomUUID();
writer.addRow(id, id2);

} catch (Exception e) {

Re: Consolidating records and TTL

2014-06-05 Thread Aaron Morton
As Tyler says, with atomic batches which are enabled by default the cluster 
will keep trying to replay the insert / deletes. 

Nodes check their local batch log for failed batches, ones where the 
coordinator did not acknowledge it had successfully completed, every 60 
seconds. So there is a window where it’s possible for not all mutations in the 
batch to be completed. This could happen when a write timeout occurs when 
processing a batch of 2 rows; the request CL will not have been achieved on one 
or more of the rows. The coordinator will leave it up to the batch log to 
replay the request, and the client driver will (by default config) not retry. 

You can use a model like this. 

create table ledger (
account int, 
tx_id   timeuuid, 
sub_total   int,
primary key (account, tx_id)

create table account (
account int, 
total   int, 
last_tx_id  timeuuid, 
primary key (account)

To get the total:

select * from account where account = X;

Then get the ledger entries you need

select * from ledger where account = X and tx_id  last_tx_id;

This query will degrade when the partition size in the ledger table gets 
bigger, as it will need to read the column index (see column_index_size_in_kb 
in yaml). It will use that to find the first page that contains the rows we are 
interested in and then read forwards to the end of the row. It’s not the most 
efficient type of read but if you are going to delete ledger entries this 
*should* be able to skip over the tombstones without reading them. 

When you want to update the total in the account write to the account table and 
update both the total and the last_tx_id. You can then delete ledger entries if 
needed. Don’t forget to ensure that only one client thread is doing this at a 

Hope that helps. 

Aaron Morton
New Zealand

Co-Founder  Principal Consultant
Apache Cassandra Consulting

On 5/06/2014, at 10:37 am, Tyler Hobbs wrote:

 Just use an atomic batch that holds both the insert and deletes:
 On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Charlie Mason wrote:
 Hi All.
 I have a system thats going to make possibly several concurrent changes to a 
 running total. I know I could use a counter for this. However I have extra 
 meta data I can store with the changes which would allow me to reply the 
 changes. If I use a counter and it looses some writes I can't recover it as I 
 will only have its current total not the extra meta data to know where to 
 replay from.
 What I was planning to do was write each change of the value to a CQL table 
 with a Time UUID as a row level primary key as well as a partition key. Then 
 when I need to read the running total back I will do a query for all the 
 changes and add them up to get the total.
 As there could be tens of thousands of these I want to have a period after 
 which these are consolidated. Most won't be any where near that but a few 
 will which I need to be able to support. So I was also going to have a 
 consolidated total table which holds the UUID of the values consolidated up 
 to. Since I can bound the query for the recent updates by the UUID I should 
 be able to avoid all the tombstones. So if the read encounters any changes 
 that can be consolidated it inserts a new consolidated value and deletes the 
 newly consolidated changes.
 What I am slightly worried about is what happens if the consolidated value 
 insert fails but the deletes to the change records succeed. I would be left 
 with an inconsistent total indefinitely. I have come up with a couple of 
 1, I could make it require all nodes to acknowledge it before deleting the 
 difference records.
 2, May be I could have another period after its consolidated but before its 
 3, Is there anyway I could use the TTL to allow to it to be deleted after a 
 period of time? Chances are another read would come in and fix the value.
 Anyone got any other suggestions on how I could implement this?
 Charlie M
 Tyler Hobbs


2014-06-05 Thread Alain RODRIGUEZ
Hi guys,

We are going to move from a cluster made of simple Amazon EC2 servers to a
VPC cluster. We are using Cassandra 1.2.11 and I have some questions
regarding this switch and the Cassandra configuration inside a VPC.

Actually I found no documentation on this topic, but I am quite sure that
some people are already using VPC. If you can point me to any documentation
regarding VPC / Cassandra, it would be very nice of you. We have only one
DC for now, but we need to remain multi DC compatible, since we will add DC
very soon.

Else, I would like to know if I should keep using EC2MultiRegionSnitch or
change the snitch to anything else.

What about broadcast/listen ip, seeds...?

We currently use public ip as for broadcast address and for seeds. We use
private ones for listen address. Machines inside the VPC will only have
private IP AFAIK. Should I keep using a broadcast address ?

Is there any other incidence when switching to a VPC ?

Sorry if the topic was already discussed, I was unable to find any useful


2014-06-05 Thread Idrén , Johan
Using 2.0.x, we hit when 
deploying in a VPC.
We worked around this by adding a hostname in /etc/hosts.

Apart from that, nothing specific. We use only internal ip's, no public ip's 
and no broadcast etc. It works very well.


Date: Thursday 5 June 2014 14:12
Subject: VPC AWS

Hi guys,

We are going to move from a cluster made of simple Amazon EC2 servers to a VPC 
cluster. We are using Cassandra 1.2.11 and I have some questions regarding this 
switch and the Cassandra configuration inside a VPC.

Actually I found no documentation on this topic, but I am quite sure that some 
people are already using VPC. If you can point me to any documentation 
regarding VPC / Cassandra, it would be very nice of you. We have only one DC 
for now, but we need to remain multi DC compatible, since we will add DC very 

Else, I would like to know if I should keep using EC2MultiRegionSnitch or 
change the snitch to anything else.

What about broadcast/listen ip, seeds...?

We currently use public ip as for broadcast address and for seeds. We use 
private ones for listen address. Machines inside the VPC will only have private 
IP AFAIK. Should I keep using a broadcast address ?

Is there any other incidence when switching to a VPC ?

Sorry if the topic was already discussed, I was unable to find any useful 


2014-06-05 Thread Michael Theroux
Hello Alain,

We switched from EC2 to VPC a couple of years ago.  The process for us was 
long, slow, and multi step for our (at the time) 6 node cluster.

In our case, we don't need to consider multi-DC.  However, in our 
infrastructure we were rapidly running out of IP addresses, and wished to move 
to VPC to give us a nearly inexhaustible supply.  In addition, AWS VPC gives us 
an additional layer of security for our Cassandra cluster. 

To do this, we setup our VPC to have both private and public subnets.  Public 
subnets were accessible to the Internet (when instances were assigned a public 
IP), while private subnets could not (although instances on the subnet could 
access the Internet via a NAT instance).  We wished for to be Cassandra on the 
private subnet.  However, this introduced a complication.  EC2 instances would 
not be able to communicate directly to our VPC instances on a private subnet. 

So, to achieve this, while still having an operating Cassandra DB without 
downtime, we essentially had to stage Cassandra instances on our public subnet, 
assigning IPs and reconfiguring nodes until we had a mixed EC2/VPC Public 
subnet cluster, then start moving systems to the private subnet, continuing the 
process until all instances were on a private subnet.  During the process we 
carefully orchestrated configuration like broadcast and seeds to make sure the 
cluster continued to function properly and all nodes could communicate with 
each other.  We also had to carefully orchestrate the assigning of AWS security 
groups to make sure everyone could talk to each other during this process.

Also keep in mind that the use of public IPs for communications will add to 
your AWS costs.  During our transition we had to do this for a short time while 
EC2 instances were communicating with VPC instances, but we were able to switch 
to 100% internal IPs when we completed (you will still get inter availability 
zone charges regardless)

This process was complex enough that I wrote detailed series of steps, for each 
node in our cluster.


 From: Alain RODRIGUEZ
Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2014 8:12 AM
Subject: VPC AWS

Hi guys,

We are going to move from a cluster made of simple Amazon EC2 servers to a VPC 
cluster. We are using Cassandra 1.2.11 and I have some questions regarding this 
switch and the Cassandra configuration inside a VPC.

Actually I found no documentation on this topic, but I am quite sure that some 
people are already using VPC. If you can point me to any documentation 
regarding VPC / Cassandra, it would be very nice of you. We have only one DC 
for now, but we need to remain multi DC compatible, since we will add DC very 

Else, I would like to know if I should keep using EC2MultiRegionSnitch or 
change the snitch to anything else.

What about broadcast/listen ip, seeds...?

We currently use public ip as for broadcast address and for seeds. We use 
private ones for listen address. Machines inside the VPC will only have private 
IP AFAIK. Should I keep using a broadcast address ?

Is there any other incidence when switching to a VPC ?

Sorry if the topic was already discussed, I was unable to find any useful 


2014-06-05 Thread Michael Theroux
Hello Alain,

We switched from EC2 to VPC a couple of years ago.  The process for us was 
long, slow and multi step.

In our case, we don't need to consider multi-DC.  However, in our 
infrastructure we were rapidly running out of IP addresses, and wished to move 
to VPC to give us a nearly inexhaustible supply.  In addition, AWS VPC gives us 
an additional layer of security for our Cassandra cluster. 

To do this, we setup our VPC to have both private and public subnets.  Public 
subnets were accessible to the Internet (when instances were assigned a public 
IP, while private subnets could not (although instances on the subnet could 
access the Internet via a NAT instance).  We wished for Cassandra on the 
private subnet. 

So, to achieve this, while still having an operating Cassandra DB without 
downtime, we essentially had to stage Cassandra instances on our public subnet, 
assigning IPs and reconfiguring nodes until we had a mixed EC2/VPC Public 
cluster, then start moving systems to the private subnet, continuing the 
process until all instances were on a private subnet.  During the process we 
carefully orchestrated configuration like broadcast and seeds to make sure the 
cluster continued to function properly.  We also had to orchestrate the 
assigning of AWS security groups to make sure everyone could talk to each other 
during this process.

Also keep in mind that the use of public IPs for communications will add to 
your AWS costs.  During our transition we had to do this for a short time while 
EC2 instances were communicating with VPC instances, but we were able to switch 
to 100% internal IPs when we completed (you will still get inter availability 
zone charges regardless)

In order to make this successful, I created a script out

 From: Alain RODRIGUEZ
Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2014 8:12 AM
Subject: VPC AWS

Hi guys,

We are going to move from a cluster made of simple Amazon EC2 servers to a VPC 
cluster. We are using Cassandra 1.2.11 and I have some questions regarding this 
switch and the Cassandra configuration inside a VPC.

Actually I found no documentation on this topic, but I am quite sure that some 
people are already using VPC. If you can point me to any documentation 
regarding VPC / Cassandra, it would be very nice of you. We have only one DC 
for now, but we need to remain multi DC compatible, since we will add DC very 

Else, I would like to know if I should keep using EC2MultiRegionSnitch or 
change the snitch to anything else.

What about broadcast/listen ip, seeds...?

We currently use public ip as for broadcast address and for seeds. We use 
private ones for listen address. Machines inside the VPC will only have private 
IP AFAIK. Should I keep using a broadcast address ?

Is there any other incidence when switching to a VPC ?

Sorry if the topic was already discussed, I was unable to find any useful 


2014-06-05 Thread William Oberman
I don't think traffic will flow between classic ec2 and vpc directly.
There is some kind of gateway bridge instance that sits between, acting as
a NAT.   I would think that would cause new challenges for:

Sorry this response isn't heavy on content!  I'm curious how this thread


On Thursday, June 5, 2014, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:

 Hi guys,

 We are going to move from a cluster made of simple Amazon EC2 servers to a
 VPC cluster. We are using Cassandra 1.2.11 and I have some questions
 regarding this switch and the Cassandra configuration inside a VPC.

 Actually I found no documentation on this topic, but I am quite sure that
 some people are already using VPC. If you can point me to any documentation
 regarding VPC / Cassandra, it would be very nice of you. We have only one
 DC for now, but we need to remain multi DC compatible, since we will add DC
 very soon.

 Else, I would like to know if I should keep using EC2MultiRegionSnitch or
 change the snitch to anything else.

 What about broadcast/listen ip, seeds...?

 We currently use public ip as for broadcast address and for seeds. We use
 private ones for listen address. Machines inside the VPC will only have
 private IP AFAIK. Should I keep using a broadcast address ?

  Is there any other incidence when switching to a VPC ?

 Sorry if the topic was already discussed, I was unable to find any useful

Will Oberman
Civic Science, Inc.
6101 Penn Avenue, Fifth Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
(M) 412-480-7835


2014-06-05 Thread Alain RODRIGUEZ
I think you can define VPC subnet to be public (to have public + private
IPs) or private only.

Any insight regarding snitches ? What snitch do you guys use ?

2014-06-05 15:06 GMT+02:00 William Oberman

 I don't think traffic will flow between classic ec2 and vpc directly.
 There is some kind of gateway bridge instance that sits between, acting as
 a NAT.   I would think that would cause new challenges for:

 Sorry this response isn't heavy on content!  I'm curious how this thread


 On Thursday, June 5, 2014, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:

 Hi guys,

 We are going to move from a cluster made of simple Amazon EC2 servers to
 a VPC cluster. We are using Cassandra 1.2.11 and I have some questions
 regarding this switch and the Cassandra configuration inside a VPC.

 Actually I found no documentation on this topic, but I am quite sure that
 some people are already using VPC. If you can point me to any documentation
 regarding VPC / Cassandra, it would be very nice of you. We have only one
 DC for now, but we need to remain multi DC compatible, since we will add DC
 very soon.

 Else, I would like to know if I should keep using EC2MultiRegionSnitch or
 change the snitch to anything else.

 What about broadcast/listen ip, seeds...?

 We currently use public ip as for broadcast address and for seeds. We use
 private ones for listen address. Machines inside the VPC will only have
 private IP AFAIK. Should I keep using a broadcast address ?

  Is there any other incidence when switching to a VPC ?

 Sorry if the topic was already discussed, I was unable to find any useful

 Will Oberman
 Civic Science, Inc.
 6101 Penn Avenue, Fifth Floor
 Pittsburgh, PA 15206
 (M) 412-480-7835


2014-06-05 Thread David McNelis
A general thought, if you're using AWS for this, I'd strongly recommend you
consider using OpsWorks and custom chef recipes for your node deployment if
its an option for you.  The easy of provisioning new nodes without the need
for snapshotting is certainly worth the hassle, and there are already
several Cassandra chef recipes available with a little searching.


On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 9:26 AM, William Oberman

 I was making assumptions (sorry!), namely the goal to switching to vpc
 was getting backend resources (like cassandra) off the public internet.


 On Thursday, June 5, 2014, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:

 I think you can define VPC subnet to be public (to have public + private
 IPs) or private only.

 Any insight regarding snitches ? What snitch do you guys use ?

 2014-06-05 15:06 GMT+02:00 William Oberman

 I don't think traffic will flow between classic ec2 and vpc directly.
 There is some kind of gateway bridge instance that sits between, acting as
 a NAT.   I would think that would cause new challenges for:

 Sorry this response isn't heavy on content!  I'm curious how this thread


 On Thursday, June 5, 2014, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:

 Hi guys,

 We are going to move from a cluster made of simple Amazon EC2 servers
 to a VPC cluster. We are using Cassandra 1.2.11 and I have some questions
 regarding this switch and the Cassandra configuration inside a VPC.

 Actually I found no documentation on this topic, but I am quite sure
 that some people are already using VPC. If you can point me to any
 documentation regarding VPC / Cassandra, it would be very nice of you. We
 have only one DC for now, but we need to remain multi DC compatible, since
 we will add DC very soon.

 Else, I would like to know if I should keep using EC2MultiRegionSnitch
 or change the snitch to anything else.

 What about broadcast/listen ip, seeds...?

 We currently use public ip as for broadcast address and for seeds. We
 use private ones for listen address. Machines inside the VPC will only have
 private IP AFAIK. Should I keep using a broadcast address ?

  Is there any other incidence when switching to a VPC ?

 Sorry if the topic was already discussed, I was unable to find any
 useful information...

 Will Oberman
 Civic Science, Inc.
 6101 Penn Avenue, Fifth Floor
 Pittsburgh, PA 15206
 (M) 412-480-7835

 Will Oberman
 Civic Science, Inc.
 6101 Penn Avenue, Fifth Floor
 Pittsburgh, PA 15206
 (M) 412-480-7835


2014-06-05 Thread Alain RODRIGUEZ
Well if you are talking about the transition I think we are going to do it
this way

- Existing cluster out of any VPC - DC1
- New VPC cluster, with subnet private + public - DC2
- Add / Rebuild DC2
- Switch clients from DC1 to DC2
- Remove DC1
- Switch client inside the VPC
- Remove public VPC subnet

-- Issue in this last step how to switch cassandra configuation from
public to private IPs without any downtime ?

What do you think about this approach ?

2014-06-05 15:29 GMT+02:00 David McNelis

 A general thought, if you're using AWS for this, I'd strongly recommend
 you consider using OpsWorks and custom chef recipes for your node
 deployment if its an option for you.  The easy of provisioning new nodes
 without the need for snapshotting is certainly worth the hassle, and there
 are already several Cassandra chef recipes available with a little


 On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 9:26 AM, William Oberman

 I was making assumptions (sorry!), namely the goal to switching to vpc
 was getting backend resources (like cassandra) off the public internet.


 On Thursday, June 5, 2014, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:

 I think you can define VPC subnet to be public (to have public + private
 IPs) or private only.

  Any insight regarding snitches ? What snitch do you guys use ?

 2014-06-05 15:06 GMT+02:00 William Oberman

 I don't think traffic will flow between classic ec2 and vpc directly.
 There is some kind of gateway bridge instance that sits between, acting as
 a NAT.   I would think that would cause new challenges for:

 Sorry this response isn't heavy on content!  I'm curious how this
 thread goes...


 On Thursday, June 5, 2014, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:

 Hi guys,

 We are going to move from a cluster made of simple Amazon EC2 servers
 to a VPC cluster. We are using Cassandra 1.2.11 and I have some questions
 regarding this switch and the Cassandra configuration inside a VPC.

 Actually I found no documentation on this topic, but I am quite sure
 that some people are already using VPC. If you can point me to any
 documentation regarding VPC / Cassandra, it would be very nice of you. We
 have only one DC for now, but we need to remain multi DC compatible, since
 we will add DC very soon.

 Else, I would like to know if I should keep using EC2MultiRegionSnitch
 or change the snitch to anything else.

 What about broadcast/listen ip, seeds...?

 We currently use public ip as for broadcast address and for seeds. We
 use private ones for listen address. Machines inside the VPC will only 
 private IP AFAIK. Should I keep using a broadcast address ?

  Is there any other incidence when switching to a VPC ?

 Sorry if the topic was already discussed, I was unable to find any
 useful information...

 Will Oberman
 Civic Science, Inc.
 6101 Penn Avenue, Fifth Floor
 Pittsburgh, PA 15206
 (M) 412-480-7835

 Will Oberman
 Civic Science, Inc.
 6101 Penn Avenue, Fifth Floor
 Pittsburgh, PA 15206
 (M) 412-480-7835

Re: memtable mem usage off by 10?

2014-06-05 Thread Benedict Elliott Smith
What does

/usr/java/latest/bin/java -version


On 5 June 2014 08:15, Idrén, Johan wrote:

  I’m using the datastax rpms, using the bundled launch scripts.

  grep -i jamm * add the jamm javaagent$JVM_OPTS

  And it’s part of the commandline used to start cassandra:

  /usr/java/latest/bin/java -ea
 -XX:+UseThreadPriorities -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 -Xms10G -Xmx10G
 -Xmn2400M -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xss240k -XX:+UseParNewGC
 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:SurvivorRatio=8
 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=4 -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75
 -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode
 -Dcassandra-pidfile=/var/run/cassandra/ -cp

   From: Benedict Elliott Smith
 Date: Wednesday 4 June 2014 17:18

 Subject: Re: memtable mem usage off by 10?

   In that case I would assume the problem is that for some reason JAMM is
 failing to load, and so the liveRatio it would ordinarily calculate is
 defaulting to 10 - are you using the bundled cassandra launch scripts?

 On 4 June 2014 15:51, Idrén, Johan wrote:

  I wasn’t supplying it, I was assuming it was using the default. It does
 not exist in my config file. Sorry for the confusion.

   From: Benedict Elliott Smith
 Date: Wednesday 4 June 2014 16:36

 Subject: Re: memtable mem usage off by 10?

Oh, well ok that explains why I'm not seeing a flush at 750MB. Sorry,
 I was going by the documentation. It claims that the property is around in

 But something else is wrong, as Cassandra will crash if you supply an
 invalid property, implying it's not sourcing the config file you're using.
  I'm afraid I don't have the context for why it was removed, but it
 happened as part of the 2.0 release.

 On 4 June 2014 13:59, Jack Krupansky wrote:

   Yeah, it is in the doc:

 And I don’t find a Jira issue mentioning it being removed, so... what’s
 the full story there?!

 -- Jack Krupansky

  *From:* Idrén, Johan
 *Sent:* Wednesday, June 4, 2014 8:26 AM
 *Subject:* RE: memtable mem usage off by 10?

 Oh, well ok that explains why I'm not seeing a flush at 750MB. Sorry, I
 was going by the documentation. It claims that the property is around in

 If we skip that, part of my reply still makes sense:

 Having memtable_total_size_in_mb set to 20480, memtables are flushed at
 a reported value of ~2GB.

 With a constant overhead of ~10x, as suggested, 


2014-06-05 Thread Michael Theroux
We personally use the EC2Snitch, however, we don't have the multi-region 
requirements you do,


 From: Alain RODRIGUEZ
Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2014 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: VPC AWS

I think you can define VPC subnet to be public (to have public + private IPs) 
or private only.

Any insight regarding snitches ? What snitch do you guys use ?

2014-06-05 15:06 GMT+02:00 William Oberman

I don't think traffic will flow between classic ec2 and vpc directly. There 
is some kind of gateway bridge instance that sits between, acting as a NAT.   I 
would think that would cause new challenges for:


Sorry this response isn't heavy on content!  I'm curious how this thread 


On Thursday, June 5, 2014, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:

Hi guys,

We are going to move from a cluster made of simple Amazon EC2 servers to a 
VPC cluster. We are using Cassandra 1.2.11 and I have some questions 
regarding this switch and the Cassandra configuration inside a VPC.

Actually I found no documentation on this topic, but I am quite sure that 
some people are already using VPC. If you can point me to any documentation 
regarding VPC / Cassandra, it would be very nice of you. We have only one DC 
for now, but we need to remain multi DC compatible, since we will add DC very 

Else, I would like to know if I should keep using EC2MultiRegionSnitch or 
change the snitch to anything else.

What about broadcast/listen ip, seeds...?

We currently use public ip as for broadcast address and for seeds. We use 
private ones for listen address. Machines inside the VPC will only have 
private IP AFAIK. Should I keep using a broadcast address ?

Is there any other incidence when switching to a VPC ?

Sorry if the topic was already discussed, I was unable to find any useful 

Will Oberman
Civic Science, Inc.
6101 Penn Avenue, Fifth Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
(M) 412-480-7835

Migration 1.2.14 to 2.0.8 causes Tried to create duplicate hard link at startup

2014-06-05 Thread Tom van den Berge

I'm trying to migrate a development cluster from 1.2.14 to 2.0.8. When
starting up 2.0.8, I'm seeing the following error in the logs:

 INFO 17:40:25,405 Snapshotting drillster, Account to
ERROR 17:40:25,407 Exception encountered during startup
java.lang.RuntimeException: Tried to create duplicate hard link to

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?


Re: CQLSSTableWriter memory leak

2014-06-05 Thread Jack Krupansky
How many rows (primary key values) are you writing for each partition of the 
primary key? I mean, are there relatively few, or are these very wide 

Oh, I see! You’re writing 50,000,000 rows to a single partition! My, that IS 

-- Jack Krupansky

From: Xu Zhongxing 
Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2014 3:34 AM
Subject: CQLSSTableWriter memory leak

I am using Cassandra's CQLSSTableWriter to import a large amount of data into 
Cassandra. When I use CQLSSTableWriter to write to a table with compound 
primary key, the memory consumption keeps growing. The GC of JVM cannot collect 
any used memory. When writing to tables with no compound primary key, the JVM 
GC works fine.

My Cassandra version is 2.0.5. The OS is Ubuntu 14.04 x86-64. JVM parameters 
are -Xms1g -Xmx2g. This is sufficient for all other non-compound primary key 

The problem can be reproduced by the following test case:

import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;

import java.util.UUID;

class SS {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String schema = create table test.t (x uuid, y uuid, primary key (x, 

String insert = insert into test.t (x, y) values (?, ?);
CQLSSTableWriter writer = CQLSSTableWriter.builder()

UUID id = UUID.randomUUID();
try {
for (int i = 0; i  5000; i++) {
UUID id2 = UUID.randomUUID();
writer.addRow(id, id2);

} catch (Exception e) {

Re: migration to a new model

2014-06-05 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle

I will try to test it up to tomorrow and I will let you know all the

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

2014-06-04 22:28 GMT-03:00 Laing, Michael

 BTW you might want to put a LIMIT clause on your SELECT for testing. -ml

 On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 6:04 PM, Laing, Michael


 Here is a link to the preview of the python fast copy program:

 It will copy a table from one cluster to another with some
 transformation- they can be the same cluster.

 It has 3 main throttles to experiment with:

1. fetch_size: size of source pages in rows
2. worker_count: number of worker subprocesses
3. concurrency: number of async callback chains per worker subprocess

 It is easy to overrun Cassandra and the python driver, so I recommend
 starting with the defaults: fetch_size: 1000; worker_count: 2; concurrency:

 Additionally there are switches to set 'policies' by source and
 destination: retry (downgrade consistency), dc_aware, and token_aware.
 retry is useful if you are getting timeouts. For the others YMMV.

 To use it you need to define the SELECT and UPDATE cql statements as well
 as the 'map_fields' method.

 The worker subprocesses divide up the token range among themselves and
 proceed quasi-independently. Each worker opens a connection to each cluster
 and the driver sets up connection pools to the nodes in the cluster. Anyway
 there are a lot of processes, threads, callbacks going at once so it is fun
 to watch.

 On my regional cluster of small nodes in AWS I got about 3000 rows per
 second transferred after things warmed up a bit - each row about 6kb.


 On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Laing, Michael wrote:

 OK Marcelo, I'll work on it today. -ml

 On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 8:24 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 Hi Michael,

 For sure I would be interested in this program!

 I am new both to python and for cql. I started creating this copier,
 but was having problems with timeouts. Alex solved my problem here on the
 list, but I think I will still have a lot of trouble making the copy to
 work fine.

 I open sourced my version here:

 Just in case it's useful for anything.

 However, I saw CQL has support for concurrency itself and having
 something made by someone who knows Python CQL Driver better would be very

 My two servers today are at OVH (, we have servers at AWS but
 but several cases we prefer other hosts. Both servers have SDD and 64 Gb
 RAM, I could use the script as a benchmark for you if you want. Besides, we
 have some bigger clusters, I could run on the just to test the speed if
 this is going to help.


 2014-06-03 11:40 GMT-03:00 Laing, Michael

 Hi Marcelo,

 I could create a fast copy program by repurposing some python apps
 that I am using for benchmarking the python driver - do you still need 

 With high levels of concurrency and multiple subprocess workers, based
 on my current actual benchmarks, I think I can get well over 1,000
 rows/second on my mac and significantly more in AWS. I'm using variable
 size rows averaging 5kb.

 This would be the initial version of a piece of the benchmark suite we
 will release as part of our nyt⨍aбrik project on 21 June for my
 Cassandra Day NYC talk re the python driver.


 On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:

 Hi Jens,

 Thanks for trying to help.

 Indeed, I know I can't do it using just CQL. But what would you use
 to migrate data manually? I tried to create a python program using auto
 paging, but I am getting timeouts. I also tried Hive, but no success.
 I only have two nodes and less than 200Gb in this cluster, any simple
 way to extract the data quickly would be good enough for me.

 Best regards,

 2014-06-02 15:08 GMT-03:00 Jens Rantil

 Hi Marcelo,

 Looks like you can't do this without migrating your data manually:


 On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Marcelo Elias Del Valle wrote:


 I have some cql CFs in a 2 node Cassandra 2.0.8 cluster.

 I realized I created my column family with the wrong partition.
 Instead of:

   name varchar,
   value varchar,
   entity_id uuid,
   PRIMARY KEY ((name, value), entity_id))

 I used:

   name varchar,
   value varchar,
   entity_id uuid,
   PRIMARY KEY (name, value, entity_id))

 Now I need to migrate the data from the second CF to the first one.
 I am using Data Stax 

Re: nodetool move seems slow

2014-06-05 Thread Jason Tyler
Hi Rob,

THX for you response and link to the issue.

The move did complete after a restart!


From: Robert Coli
Date: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 5:01 PM
Cc: Francois Richard
Subject: Re: nodetool move seems slow

On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 2:34 PM, Jason Tyler wrote:
I wrote 'apparent progress' because it reports “MOVING” and the Pending 
Commands/Responses are changing over time.  However, I haven’t seen the 
individual .db files progress go above 0%.

Your move is hung. Restart the affected nodes [1] and then restart the move.


Re: Cassandra 2.0 unbalanced ring with vnodes after adding new node

2014-06-05 Thread Marcelo Elias Del Valle
Actually, I have the same doubt. The same happens to me, but I guess it's
because of lack of knowledge in Cassandra vnodes, somehow...

I just added 3 nodes to my old 2 nodes cluster, now I have a 5 nodes

As rows should be in a node calculated by HASH / number of nodes, adding a
new node should move data from all other nodes to the new ones, right?
Considering I have an enough number of different row keys.

I noticed that:

   1. Even reading data with read consistency = ALL, I get the wrong
   results while the repair is not complete. Should this happen?
   2. I have run nodetool repair in each new node and nodetool cleanup in
   the 2 old nodes. There is some streaming happening, but it's really slow,
   considering my bandwith and use of SSDs.

What should I do make the data stream from the old nodes to the new ones

And everytime I add new nodes to the cluster I will have to stop my
processes that reads data from cassandra until the move is complete? Isn't
there any other way?

Best regards,

2014-06-04 13:52 GMT-03:00 Владимир Рудев

 Hello to everyone!

 Please, can someone explain where we made a mistake?

 We have cluster with 4 nodes which uses vnodes(256 per node, default
 settings), snitch is default on every node: SimpleSnitch.
 These four nodes was from beginning of a cluster.
 In this cluster we have keyspace with this options:
 Keyspace: K:
   Replication Strategy: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy
   Durable Writes: true
 Options: [replication_factor:3]

 All was normal and nodetool status K shows that each node owns 75% of all
 key range. All 4 nodes are located in same datacenter and have same first
 two bytes in IP address(others are different).

 Then we buy new server on different datacenter and add it to the cluster
 with same settings as in previous four nodes(difference only in
 listen_address), assuming that the effective own of each node for this
 keyspace will be 300/5=60% or near. But after 3-5 minutes after start nodetool
 status K show this:
 nodetool status K;
 Datacenter: datacenter1
 |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
 --  AddressLoad   Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID
 UN  N1   6,06 GB256 50.0%
 62f295b3-0da6-4854-a53a-f03d6b424b03  rack1
 UN  N2   5,89 GB256 50.0%
 af4e4a23-2610-44dd-9061-09c7a6512a54  rack1
 UN  N3   6,02 GB256 50.0%
 0f0e4e78-6fb2-479f-ad76-477006f76795  rack1
 UN  N4   5,8 GB 256 50.0%
 670344c0-9856-48cf-9ec9-1a98f9a89460  rack1
 UN  N5   7,51 GB256 100.0%
  82473d14-9e36-4ae7-86d2-a3e526efb53f  rack1

 N5 is newly added node

 nodetool repair -pr on N5 doesn't change anything

 nodetool describering K shows that new node N5 participate in EACH range.
 This is not we want at all.

 It looks like cassandra add new node to each range because it located in
 different datacenter, but all settings and output are exactly prevent this.

 Also interesting point is that while in all config files snitch is defined
 as SimpleSnitch the output of the command nodetool describecluster is:
 Cluster Information:
 Name: Some Cluster Name
 Snitch: org.apache.cassandra.locator.*DynamicEndpointSnitch*
 Partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner
 Schema versions:
 26b8fa37-e666-31ed-aa3b-85be75f2aa1a: [N1, N2, N3, N4, N5]

 We use Cassandra 2.0.6

 Questions we have at this moment:
 1. How to rebalance ring so all nodes will own 60% of range?
1a. Removing node from cluster and adding it again is a solution?
 2. Where we possibly make a mistake when adding new node?
 3. If we add new 6th node to ring it will take 50% from N5 or some portion
 from each node?

 Thanks in advance!

 С уважением,
 Владимир Рудев
 (With regards, Vladimir Rudev)


2014-06-05 Thread Michael Theroux
The implementation of moving from EC2 to a VPC was a bit of a juggling act.  
Our motivation was two fold:

1) We were running out of static IP addresses, and it was becoming increasingly 
difficult in EC2 to design around limiting the number of static IP addresses to 
the number of public IP addresses EC2 allowed
2) VPC affords us an additional level of security that was desirable.

However, we needed to consider the following limitations:

1) By default, you have a limited number of available public IPs for both EC2 
and VPC.  
2) AWS security groups need to be configured to allow traffic for Cassandra 
to/from instances in EC2 and the VPC.

You are correct at the high level that the migration goes from EC2-Public VPC 
(VPC with an Internet Gateway)-Private VPC (VPC with a NAT).  The first phase 
was moving instances to the public VPC, setting broadcast and seeds to the 
public IPs we had available.  Basically:

1) Take down a node, taking a snapshot for a backup

2) Restore the node on the public VPC, assigning it to the correct security 
group, manually setting the seeds to other available nodes
3) Verify the cluster can communicate
4) Repeat

Realize the NAT instance on the private subnet will also require a public IP.  
What got really interesting is that near the end of the process we ran out of 
available IPs, requiring us to switch the final node that was on EC2 directly 
to the private VPC (and taking down two nodes at once, which our setup allowed 
given we had 6 nodes with an RF of 3).  

What we did, and highly suggest for the switch, is to write down every step 
that has to happen on every node during the switch.  In our case, many of the 
moved nodes required slightly different configurations for items like the seeds.

Its been a couple of years, so my memory on this maybe a little fuzzy :)


 From: Aiman Parvaiz
To:; Michael Theroux 
Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2014 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: VPC AWS

Thanks for the response, I am about to head in to something very similar if not 
exactly same. I envision things happening on the same lines as you mentioned. 
I would be grateful if you could please throw some more light on how you went 
about switching cassandra nodes from public subnet to private with out any 
I have not started on this project yet, still in my research phase. I plan to 
have a ec2+public VPC cluster and then decomission ec2 nodes to have everything 
in public subnet, next would be to move it to private subnet.


On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 8:14 AM, Michael Theroux wrote:

We personally use the EC2Snitch, however, we don't have the multi-region 
requirements you do,


Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2014 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: VPC AWS

I think you can define VPC subnet to be public (to have public + private IPs) 
or private only.

Any insight regarding snitches ? What snitch do you guys use ?

2014-06-05 15:06 GMT+02:00 William Oberman

I don't think traffic will flow between classic ec2 and vpc directly. There 
is some kind of gateway bridge instance that sits between, acting as a NAT.   
I would think that would cause new challenges for:


Sorry this response isn't heavy on content!  I'm curious how this thread 


On Thursday, June 5, 2014, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:

Hi guys,

We are going to move from a cluster made of simple Amazon EC2 servers to a 
VPC cluster. We are using Cassandra 1.2.11 and I have some questions 
regarding this switch and the Cassandra configuration inside a VPC.

Actually I found no documentation on this topic, but I am quite sure that 
some people are already using VPC. If you can point me to any documentation 
regarding VPC / Cassandra, it would be very nice of you. We have only one DC 
for now, but we need to remain multi DC compatible, since we will add DC 
very soon.

Else, I would like to know if I should keep using EC2MultiRegionSnitch or 
change the snitch to anything else.

What about broadcast/listen ip, seeds...?

We currently use public ip as for broadcast address and for seeds. We use 
private ones for listen address. Machines inside the VPC will only have 
private IP AFAIK. Should I keep using a broadcast address ?

Is there any other incidence when switching to a VPC ?

Sorry if the topic was already discussed, I was unable to find any useful 

Will Oberman
Civic Science, Inc.
6101 Penn Avenue, Fifth Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
(M) 412-480-7835


2014-06-05 Thread Aiman Parvaiz
Thanks for this info Michael. As far as restoring node in public VPC is
concerned I was thinking ( and I might be wrong here) if we can have a ring
spread across EC2 and public subnet of a VPC, this way I can simply
decommission nodes in Ec2 as I gradually introduce new nodes in public
subnet of VPC and I will end up with a ring in public subnet and then
migrate them from public to private in a similar way may be.

If anyone has any experience/ suggestions with this please share, would
really appreciate it.


On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Michael Theroux

 The implementation of moving from EC2 to a VPC was a bit of a juggling
 act.  Our motivation was two fold:

 1) We were running out of static IP addresses, and it was becoming
 increasingly difficult in EC2 to design around limiting the number of
 static IP addresses to the number of public IP addresses EC2 allowed
 2) VPC affords us an additional level of security that was desirable.

 However, we needed to consider the following limitations:

 1) By default, you have a limited number of available public IPs for both
 EC2 and VPC.
 2) AWS security groups need to be configured to allow traffic for
 Cassandra to/from instances in EC2 and the VPC.

 You are correct at the high level that the migration goes from EC2-Public
 VPC (VPC with an Internet Gateway)-Private VPC (VPC with a NAT).  The
 first phase was moving instances to the public VPC, setting broadcast and
 seeds to the public IPs we had available.  Basically:

 1) Take down a node, taking a snapshot for a backup
 2) Restore the node on the public VPC, assigning it to the correct
 security group, manually setting the seeds to other available nodes
 3) Verify the cluster can communicate
 4) Repeat

 Realize the NAT instance on the private subnet will also require a public
 IP.  What got really interesting is that near the end of the process we
 ran out of available IPs, requiring us to switch the final node that was on
 EC2 directly to the private VPC (and taking down two nodes at once, which
 our setup allowed given we had 6 nodes with an RF of 3).

 What we did, and highly suggest for the switch, is to write down every
 step that has to happen on every node during the switch.  In our case, many
 of the moved nodes required slightly different configurations for items
 like the seeds.

 Its been a couple of years, so my memory on this maybe a little fuzzy :)


  *From:* Aiman Parvaiz
 *To:*; Michael Theroux
 *Sent:* Thursday, June 5, 2014 12:55 PM
 *Subject:* Re: VPC AWS

 Thanks for the response, I am about to head in to something very similar
 if not exactly same. I envision things happening on the same lines as you
 I would be grateful if you could please throw some more light on how you
 went about switching cassandra nodes from public subnet to private with out
 any downtime.
 I have not started on this project yet, still in my research phase. I plan
 to have a ec2+public VPC cluster and then decomission ec2 nodes to have
 everything in public subnet, next would be to move it to private subnet.


 On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 8:14 AM, Michael Theroux

 We personally use the EC2Snitch, however, we don't have the multi-region
 requirements you do,


  *From:* Alain RODRIGUEZ
 *Sent:* Thursday, June 5, 2014 9:14 AM
 *Subject:* Re: VPC AWS

 I think you can define VPC subnet to be public (to have public + private
 IPs) or private only.

 Any insight regarding snitches ? What snitch do you guys use ?

 2014-06-05 15:06 GMT+02:00 William Oberman

 I don't think traffic will flow between classic ec2 and vpc directly.
 There is some kind of gateway bridge instance that sits between, acting as
 a NAT.   I would think that would cause new challenges for:

 Sorry this response isn't heavy on content!  I'm curious how this thread


 On Thursday, June 5, 2014, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:

 Hi guys,

 We are going to move from a cluster made of simple Amazon EC2 servers to a
 VPC cluster. We are using Cassandra 1.2.11 and I have some questions
 regarding this switch and the Cassandra configuration inside a VPC.

 Actually I found no documentation on this topic, but I am quite sure that
 some people are already using VPC. If you can point me to any documentation
 regarding VPC / Cassandra, it would be very nice of you. We have only one
 DC for now, but we need to remain multi DC compatible, since we will add DC
 very soon.

 Else, I would like to know if I should keep using EC2MultiRegionSnitch or
 change the snitch to anything else.

 What about broadcast/listen ip, seeds...?

 We currently use public ip as for broadcast address and for seeds. We 


2014-06-05 Thread Michael Theroux
You can have a ring spread across EC2 and the public subnet of a VPC.  That is 
how we did our migration.  In our case, we simply replaced the existing EC2 
node with a new instance in the public VPC, restored from a backup taken right 
before the switch.


 From: Aiman Parvaiz
To: Michael Theroux 
Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2014 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: VPC AWS

Thanks for this info Michael. As far as restoring node in public VPC is 
concerned I was thinking ( and I might be wrong here) if we can have a ring 
spread across EC2 and public subnet of a VPC, this way I can simply 
decommission nodes in Ec2 as I gradually introduce new nodes in public subnet 
of VPC and I will end up with a ring in public subnet and then migrate them 
from public to private in a similar way may be.

If anyone has any experience/ suggestions with this please share, would really 
appreciate it.


On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Michael Theroux wrote:

The implementation of moving from EC2 to a VPC was a bit of a juggling act.  
Our motivation was two fold:

1) We were running out of static IP addresses, and it was becoming 
increasingly difficult in EC2 to design around limiting the number of static 
IP addresses to the number of public IP addresses EC2 allowed
2) VPC affords us an additional level of security that was desirable.

However, we needed to consider the following limitations:

1) By default, you have a limited number of available public IPs for both EC2 
and VPC.  
2) AWS security groups need to be configured to allow traffic for Cassandra 
to/from instances in EC2 and the VPC.

You are correct at the high level that the migration goes from EC2-Public VPC 
(VPC with an Internet Gateway)-Private VPC (VPC with a NAT).  The first phase 
was moving instances to the public VPC, setting broadcast and seeds to the 
public IPs we had available.  Basically:

1) Take down a node, taking a snapshot for a backup

2) Restore the node on the public VPC, assigning it to the correct security 
group, manually setting the seeds to other available nodes
3) Verify the cluster can communicate
4) Repeat

Realize the NAT instance on the private subnet will also require a public IP.  
What got really interesting is that near the end of the process we ran out of 
available IPs, requiring us to switch the final node that was on EC2 directly 
to the private VPC (and taking down two nodes at once, which our setup allowed 
given we had 6 nodes with an RF of 3).  

What we did, and highly suggest for the switch, is to write down every step 
that has to happen on every node during the switch.  In our case, many of the 
moved nodes required slightly different configurations for items like the 

Its been a couple of years, so my memory on this maybe a little fuzzy :)


 From: Aiman Parvaiz
To:; Michael Theroux 
Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2014 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: VPC AWS

Thanks for the response, I am about to head in to something very similar if 
not exactly same. I envision things happening on the same lines as you 
I would be grateful if you could please throw some more light on how you went 
about switching cassandra nodes from public subnet to private with out any 
I have not started on this project yet, still in my research phase. I plan to 
have a ec2+public VPC cluster and then decomission ec2 nodes to have 
everything in public subnet, next would be to move it to private subnet.


On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 8:14 AM, Michael Theroux wrote:

We personally use the EC2Snitch, however, we don't have the multi-region 
requirements you do,


Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2014 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: VPC AWS

I think you can define VPC subnet to be public (to have public + private IPs) 
or private only.

Any insight regarding snitches ? What snitch do you guys use ?

2014-06-05 15:06 GMT+02:00 William Oberman

I don't think traffic will flow between classic ec2 and vpc directly. There 
is some kind of gateway bridge instance that sits between, acting as a NAT.   
I would think that would cause new challenges for:


Sorry this response isn't heavy on content!  I'm curious how this thread 


On Thursday, June 5, 2014, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:

Hi guys,

We are going to move from a cluster made of simple Amazon EC2 servers to a 
VPC cluster. We are using Cassandra 1.2.11 and I have some questions 
regarding this switch and the Cassandra configuration inside a VPC.

Actually I found no documentation on this topic, but I am quite 


2014-06-05 Thread Aiman Parvaiz
Cool, thanks again for this.

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Michael Theroux

 You can have a ring spread across EC2 and the public subnet of a VPC.
  That is how we did our migration.  In our case, we simply replaced the
 existing EC2 node with a new instance in the public VPC, restored from a
 backup taken right before the switch.


  *From:* Aiman Parvaiz
 *To:* Michael Theroux
 *Sent:* Thursday, June 5, 2014 2:39 PM
 *Subject:* Re: VPC AWS

 Thanks for this info Michael. As far as restoring node in public VPC is
 concerned I was thinking ( and I might be wrong here) if we can have a ring
 spread across EC2 and public subnet of a VPC, this way I can simply
 decommission nodes in Ec2 as I gradually introduce new nodes in public
 subnet of VPC and I will end up with a ring in public subnet and then
 migrate them from public to private in a similar way may be.

 If anyone has any experience/ suggestions with this please share, would
 really appreciate it.


 On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Michael Theroux

 The implementation of moving from EC2 to a VPC was a bit of a juggling
 act.  Our motivation was two fold:

 1) We were running out of static IP addresses, and it was becoming
 increasingly difficult in EC2 to design around limiting the number of
 static IP addresses to the number of public IP addresses EC2 allowed
 2) VPC affords us an additional level of security that was desirable.

 However, we needed to consider the following limitations:

 1) By default, you have a limited number of available public IPs for both
 EC2 and VPC.
 2) AWS security groups need to be configured to allow traffic for
 Cassandra to/from instances in EC2 and the VPC.

 You are correct at the high level that the migration goes from EC2-Public
 VPC (VPC with an Internet Gateway)-Private VPC (VPC with a NAT).  The
 first phase was moving instances to the public VPC, setting broadcast and
 seeds to the public IPs we had available.  Basically:

 1) Take down a node, taking a snapshot for a backup
 2) Restore the node on the public VPC, assigning it to the correct
 security group, manually setting the seeds to other available nodes
 3) Verify the cluster can communicate
 4) Repeat

 Realize the NAT instance on the private subnet will also require a public
 IP.  What got really interesting is that near the end of the process we
 ran out of available IPs, requiring us to switch the final node that was on
 EC2 directly to the private VPC (and taking down two nodes at once, which
 our setup allowed given we had 6 nodes with an RF of 3).

 What we did, and highly suggest for the switch, is to write down every
 step that has to happen on every node during the switch.  In our case, many
 of the moved nodes required slightly different configurations for items
 like the seeds.

 Its been a couple of years, so my memory on this maybe a little fuzzy :)


  *From:* Aiman Parvaiz
 *To:*; Michael Theroux
 *Sent:* Thursday, June 5, 2014 12:55 PM
 *Subject:* Re: VPC AWS

 Thanks for the response, I am about to head in to something very similar
 if not exactly same. I envision things happening on the same lines as you
 I would be grateful if you could please throw some more light on how you
 went about switching cassandra nodes from public subnet to private with out
 any downtime.
 I have not started on this project yet, still in my research phase. I plan
 to have a ec2+public VPC cluster and then decomission ec2 nodes to have
 everything in public subnet, next would be to move it to private subnet.


 On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 8:14 AM, Michael Theroux

 We personally use the EC2Snitch, however, we don't have the multi-region
 requirements you do,


  *From:* Alain RODRIGUEZ
 *Sent:* Thursday, June 5, 2014 9:14 AM
 *Subject:* Re: VPC AWS

 I think you can define VPC subnet to be public (to have public + private
 IPs) or private only.

 Any insight regarding snitches ? What snitch do you guys use ?

 2014-06-05 15:06 GMT+02:00 William Oberman

 I don't think traffic will flow between classic ec2 and vpc directly.
 There is some kind of gateway bridge instance that sits between, acting as
 a NAT.   I would think that would cause new challenges for:

 Sorry this response isn't heavy on content!  I'm curious how this thread


 On Thursday, June 5, 2014, Alain RODRIGUEZ wrote:

 Hi guys,

 We are going to move from a cluster made of simple Amazon EC2 servers to a
 VPC cluster. We are using Cassandra 1.2.11 and I have some 

Re: High latency on 5 node Cassandra Cluster

2014-06-05 Thread Arup Chakrabarti
Yes, I meant RF: 2,2,1. We have the following in our network topo config:

# cass08: us-west-1c



# cass09: us-west-1b



# cass10: Linode-Fremont-CA


# cass11: us-west-2c



# cass12: us-west-2b



We're figuring out the upgrade right now. In general, what is the expected
upgrade time per node for ~50GB (on each node)?



On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Robert Coli wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 12:12 AM, Arup Chakrabarti

 Size: 5 nodes (2 in AWS US-West-1, 2 in AWS US-West-2, 1 in Linode
 Replication Factor: 5

 You're operating with a single-DC strategy across multiple data centers?
 If so, I'm surprised you get sane latency ever.

 (Or do you mean RF : 2,2,1?)

 I agree with others that problems which can cause cluster wide outages
 exist in Gossip in the version of Cassandra you are running.

 As a general piece of feedback, I suggest an upgrade, first to 1.1 HEAD,
 then 1.2.16.


Re: Consolidating records and TTL

2014-06-05 Thread Charlie Mason
Hi All,

Thanks for the replies. These detailed explanations are extremely useful.
The are much appreciated!

One other question that came to mind with this. Is there any way I can use
a TTLs to keep the old account entries around for a fixed length of time
rather than deleting them immediately? That way if I had an issue I could
replay the process form one of these earlier points. For the regular reads
of the account table I can use a limit of 1, with the reverse comparator
set I should always get the newest record without hitting an older record

I can't do the initial account insert with a TTL as I can't guarantee when
a new value would come along and so replace this account record. However
when I insert the new account record, instead of deleting the old one could
I reinsert it with a TTL of say 1 month.

How would compaction handle this. Would the original record get compacted
away after 1 month + the GC Grace period or would it hang around still?


Charlie M

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 5:32 PM, James Campbell

  Thanks for creating and opening the discussion on this use case.  I have
 been evaluating Cassandra for a very similar problem, but with the
 small twist that I'd like to roll up the ledger entries into the
 aggregated 'account' information on a regular basis to ensure that even
 rarely-read (but often written) data will be periodically rolled up and
 ready for quick reads.  There is also a larger twist that for me 'account'
 is a compound key and the typical read pattern will include reading from 
 rows within the same partition (each of which would require separate
 merging from the ledger).

  This response prompts three questions for me about that:

  1. Just to clarify the requirement that only one client thread does this
 at a time, I assume you mean only one thread should handle any given
 'account' at a time, right?  There wouldn't be problems having multiple
 clients do this data maintenance on different accounts at the same time, I

  2. For my use case, hadoop integration seems the natural fit, because
 I'd like to batch these updates to run at night during query down-time, but
 the current hadoop tools don't really support reading from or writing to
 multiple tables, as is required for this implementation.  I've seen a few
 posts from people who have written homegrown input/output formats for
 hadoop, but I haven't tried to use them or evaluate their stability.  Is
 there another mechanism I should be thinking about for that sort of batch

  James Campbell
 *From:* Aaron Morton
 *Sent:* Thursday, June 5, 2014 5:26 AM
 *To:* Cassandra User
 *Subject:* Re: Consolidating records and TTL

  As Tyler says, with atomic batches which are enabled by default the
 cluster will keep trying to replay the insert / deletes.

  Nodes check their local batch log for failed batches, ones where the
 coordinator did not acknowledge it had successfully completed, every 60
 seconds. So there is a window where it’s possible for not all mutations in
 the batch to be completed. This could happen when a write timeout occurs
 when processing a batch of 2 rows; the request CL will not have been
 achieved on one or more of the rows. The coordinator will leave it up to
 the batch log to replay the request, and the client driver will (by default
 config) not retry.

  You can use a model like this.

  create table ledger (
 account int,
 tx_id  timeuuid,
 sub_total  int,
 primary key (account, tx_id)

  create table account (
 account  int,
 total int,
 last_tx_id timeuuid,
 primary key (account)

  To get the total:

  select * from account where account = X;

  Then get the ledger entries you need

  select * from ledger where account = X and tx_id  last_tx_id;

  This query will degrade when the partition size in the ledger table gets
 bigger, as it will need to read the column index
 (see column_index_size_in_kb in yaml). It will use that to find the first
 page that contains the rows we are interested in and then read forwards to
 the end of the row. It’s not the most efficient type of read but if you are
 going to delete ledger entries this *should* be able to skip over the
 tombstones without reading them.

  When you want to update the total in the account write to the account
 table and update both the total and the last_tx_id. You can then delete
 ledger entries if needed. Don’t forget to ensure that only one client
 thread is doing this at a time.

  Hope that helps.

 Aaron Morton
 New Zealand

  Co-Founder  Principal Consultant
 Apache Cassandra Consulting

  On 5/06/2014, at 10:37 am, Tyler Hobbs wrote:

  Just use an atomic batch that holds both the insert and deletes:

Sizing a new Cassandra cluster

2014-06-05 Thread Koppel, Jeremy
I have been able to find lots of general information about sizing each node in 
a new Cassandra cluster, but have not come across any specific recommendations 
about the total size and configuration of the cluster (the number of nodes 
required per data center, the number of data centers, throughput requirements 
between data centers, etc.).   I am currently in the process of sizing a new 
Cassandra cluster to support the following:

  *   Probably more write intensive than read, or at least 65% / 35%.
  *   Writes per day:  200,000,000 (~2315 per second).
  *   Data retention = 30 days.
  *   Replication Factor = 3.  (I anticipate reads and writes of CL = Quorum or 
Quorum Local.)
  *   My developers estimate a payload of ~300 bytes per record.
 *   Throughput per second (MiB):  (Records per second * Replication Facor 
* Event Payload) / 1024 / 1024 = 1.99 MiB/Sec.
 *   Storage required (TiB):  (Events per day * Event Payload * Replication 
Factor * Data Retention * 2) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 = 9.82 TiB.
*   Size doubled to provide room for Compaction.

I’m wondering if I’m on the right track with my math, and if the following 
configuration would perform well, and leave a little overhead:

  *   2 Data Centers (they could co-exist with the application clusters).
  *   12 nodes (6 per data center) with:
 *   1 TiB storage capacity each.
*   I’ve seen varying information for RAID usage / configuration.  Is a 
RAID 1 mirrored over 2x 1 TiB SSD drives performant?  That might be a good 
configuration for us, and provide some high availability so that we can lose a 
drive without having to repair a node.  Or is it better to buy an additional 
node for extra capacity, save the data to single SSDs and let it fail?  (Or 
stripe 2x 500 GiB SSD drives…)
*   Do we need to store the CommitLog on a separate drive if we’re 
using SSD?  How much space do we leave for it?  Do we really need separate 
 *   8 CPU cores.
 *   32GB RAM.

Thoughts?  Is this enough?  Overkill?


Re: CQLSSTableWriter memory leak

2014-06-05 Thread Xu Zhongxing
Is writing too many rows to a single partition the cause of memory consumption?

What I want to achieve is this: say I have 5 partition ID. Each corresponds to 
50 million IDs.  Given a partition ID, I need to get its corresponding 50 
million IDs. Is there another way to design the schema to avoid such a compound 
primary key?

I could use the clustering IDs as the primary key, and create index on the 
partition ID. But is that equivalent to create another table with compound keys?

At 2014-06-06 00:16:13, Jack Krupansky wrote:
How many rows (primary key values) are you writing for each partition of the 
primary key? I mean, are there relatively few, or are these very wide 
Oh, I see! You’re writing 50,000,000 rows to a single partition! My, that IS 
-- Jack Krupansky
From:Xu Zhongxing
Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2014 3:34 AM
Subject: CQLSSTableWriter memory leak

I am using Cassandra's CQLSSTableWriter to import a large amount of data into 
Cassandra. When I use CQLSSTableWriter to write to a table with compound 
primary key, the memory consumption keeps growing. The GC of JVM cannot collect 
any used memory. When writing to tables with no compound primary key, the JVM 
GC works fine.

My Cassandra version is 2.0.5. The OS is Ubuntu 14.04 x86-64. JVM parameters 
are -Xms1g -Xmx2g. This is sufficient for all other non-compound primary key 

The problem can be reproduced by the following test case:

import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;

import java.util.UUID;

class SS {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String schema = create table test.t (x uuid, y uuid, primary key (x, 

String insert = insert into test.t (x, y) values (?, ?);
CQLSSTableWriter writer = CQLSSTableWriter.builder()

UUID id = UUID.randomUUID();
try {
for (int i = 0; i  5000; i++) {
UUID id2 = UUID.randomUUID();
writer.addRow(id, id2);

} catch (Exception e) {

Bad Request: Type error: cannot assign result of function token (type bigint) to id (type int)

2014-06-05 Thread Kevin Burton
I'm building a new schema which I need to read externally by paging through
the result set.

My understanding from reading the documentation , and this list, is that I
can do that but I need to use the token() function.

Only it doesn't work.

Here's a reduction:

create table test_paging (
id int,
primary key(id)

insert into test_paging (id) values (1);
insert into test_paging (id) values (2);
insert into test_paging (id) values (3);
insert into test_paging (id) values (4);
insert into test_paging (id) values (5);

select * from test_paging where id  token(0);

… but it gives me:

Bad Request: Type error: cannot assign result of function token (type
bigint) to id (type int)


What's that about?  I can't find any documentation for this and there
aren't any concise examples.


Location: *San Francisco, CA*
Skype: *burtonator*
… or check out my Google+ profile
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Corporations are

Re: Bad Request: Type error: cannot assign result of function token (type bigint) to id (type int)

2014-06-05 Thread Jonathan Haddad
You should read through the token docs, it has examples and specifications:

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 10:22 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

 I'm building a new schema which I need to read externally by paging
 through the result set.

 My understanding from reading the documentation , and this list, is that I
 can do that but I need to use the token() function.

 Only it doesn't work.

 Here's a reduction:

 create table test_paging (
 id int,
 primary key(id)

 insert into test_paging (id) values (1);
 insert into test_paging (id) values (2);
 insert into test_paging (id) values (3);
 insert into test_paging (id) values (4);
 insert into test_paging (id) values (5);

 select * from test_paging where id  token(0);

 … but it gives me:

 Bad Request: Type error: cannot assign result of function token (type
 bigint) to id (type int)


 What's that about?  I can't find any documentation for this and there
 aren't any concise examples.


 Location: *San Francisco, CA*
 Skype: *burtonator*
 … or check out my Google+ profile
 War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Corporations are

Jon Haddad
skype: rustyrazorblade

Re: Bad Request: Type error: cannot assign result of function token (type bigint) to id (type int)

2014-06-05 Thread Jonathan Haddad
Sorry, the datastax docs are actually a bit better:


On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 10:46 PM, Jonathan Haddad wrote:

 You should read through the token docs, it has examples and

 On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 10:22 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

 I'm building a new schema which I need to read externally by paging
 through the result set.

 My understanding from reading the documentation , and this list, is that
 I can do that but I need to use the token() function.

 Only it doesn't work.

 Here's a reduction:

 create table test_paging (
 id int,
 primary key(id)

 insert into test_paging (id) values (1);
 insert into test_paging (id) values (2);
 insert into test_paging (id) values (3);
 insert into test_paging (id) values (4);
 insert into test_paging (id) values (5);

 select * from test_paging where id  token(0);

 … but it gives me:

 Bad Request: Type error: cannot assign result of function token (type
 bigint) to id (type int)


 What's that about?  I can't find any documentation for this and there
 aren't any concise examples.


 Location: *San Francisco, CA*
 Skype: *burtonator*
 … or check out my Google+ profile
 War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Corporations are

 Jon Haddad
 skype: rustyrazorblade

Jon Haddad
skype: rustyrazorblade