What does

/usr/java/latest/bin/java -version


On 5 June 2014 08:15, Idrén, Johan <johan.id...@dice.se> wrote:

>  I’m using the datastax rpms, using the bundled launch scripts.
>  grep -i jamm *
> cassandra-env.sh:# add the jamm javaagent
> cassandra-env.sh:    JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS
> -javaagent:$CASSANDRA_HOME/lib/jamm-0.2.5.jar”
>  And it’s part of the commandline used to start cassandra:
>  /usr/java/latest/bin/java -ea
> -javaagent:/usr/share/cassandra//lib/jamm-0.2.5.jar
> -XX:+UseThreadPriorities -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 -Xms10G -Xmx10G
> -Xmn2400M -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xss240k -XX:+UseParNewGC
> -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:SurvivorRatio=8
> -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=4 -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75
> -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode
> -XX:+UseCondCardMark -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true
> -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=7199
> -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false
> -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false
> -Dlog4j.configuration=log4j-server.properties
> -Dlog4j.defaultInitOverride=true
> -Dcassandra-pidfile=/var/run/cassandra/cassandra.pid -cp
> /etc/cassandra/conf:/usr/share/java/jna.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/antlr-3.2.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/apache-cassandra-2.0.7.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/apache-cassandra-clientutil-2.0.7.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/apache-cassandra-thrift-2.0.7.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/commons-cli-1.1.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/commons-codec-1.2.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/commons-lang3-3.1.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/compress-lzf-0.8.4.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/concurrentlinkedhashmap-lru-1.3.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/disruptor-3.0.1.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/guava-15.0.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/high-scale-lib-1.1.2.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/jackson-core-asl-1.9.2.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.2.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/jamm-0.2.5.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/jbcrypt-0.3m.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/jline-1.0.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/json-simple-1.1.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/libthrift-0.9.1.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/lz4-1.2.0.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/metrics-core-2.2.0.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/netty-3.6.6.Final.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/reporter-config-2.1.0.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/servlet-api-2.5-20081211.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/slf4j-api-1.7.2.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.2.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/snakeyaml-1.11.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/snappy-java-1.0.5.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/snaptree-0.1.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/stress.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/super-csv-2.1.0.jar:/usr/share/cassandra/lib/thrift-server-0.3.3.jar
> org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon
>   From: Benedict Elliott Smith <belliottsm...@datastax.com>
> Reply-To: "user@cassandra.apache.org" <user@cassandra.apache.org>
> Date: Wednesday 4 June 2014 17:18
> To: "user@cassandra.apache.org" <user@cassandra.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: memtable mem usage off by 10?
>   In that case I would assume the problem is that for some reason JAMM is
> failing to load, and so the liveRatio it would ordinarily calculate is
> defaulting to 10 - are you using the bundled cassandra launch scripts?
> On 4 June 2014 15:51, Idrén, Johan <johan.id...@dice.se> wrote:
>>  I wasn’t supplying it, I was assuming it was using the default. It does
>> not exist in my config file. Sorry for the confusion.
>>   From: Benedict Elliott Smith <belliottsm...@datastax.com>
>>  Reply-To: "user@cassandra.apache.org" <user@cassandra.apache.org>
>> Date: Wednesday 4 June 2014 16:36
>> To: "user@cassandra.apache.org" <user@cassandra.apache.org>
>> Subject: Re: memtable mem usage off by 10?
>>    Oh, well ok that explains why I'm not seeing a flush at 750MB. Sorry,
>>> I was going by the documentation. It claims that the property is around in
>>> 2.0.
>> But something else is wrong, as Cassandra will crash if you supply an
>> invalid property, implying it's not sourcing the config file you're using.
>>  I'm afraid I don't have the context for why it was removed, but it
>> happened as part of the 2.0 release.
>> On 4 June 2014 13:59, Jack Krupansky <j...@basetechnology.com> wrote:
>>>   Yeah, it is in the doc:
>>> http://www.datastax.com/documentation/cassandra/2.0/cassandra/configuration/configCassandra_yaml_r.html
>>> And I don’t find a Jira issue mentioning it being removed, so... what’s
>>> the full story there?!
>>> -- Jack Krupansky
>>>  *From:* Idrén, Johan <johan.id...@dice.se>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 4, 2014 8:26 AM
>>> *To:* user@cassandra.apache.org
>>> *Subject:* RE: memtable mem usage off by 10?
>>> Oh, well ok that explains why I'm not seeing a flush at 750MB. Sorry, I
>>> was going by the documentation. It claims that the property is around in
>>> 2.0.
>>> If we skip that, part of my reply still makes sense:
>>> Having memtable_total_size_in_mb set to 20480, memtables are flushed at
>>> a reported value of ~2GB.
>>> With a constant overhead of ~10x, as suggested, this would mean that it
>>> used 20GB, which is 2x the size of the heap.
>>> That shouldn't work. According to the OS, cassandra doesn't use more
>>> than ~11-12GB.
>>>  ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Benedict Elliott Smith <belliottsm...@datastax.com>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 4, 2014 2:07 PM
>>> *To:* user@cassandra.apache.org
>>> *Subject:* Re: memtable mem usage off by 10?
>>>  I'm confused: there is no flush_largest_memtables_at property in C*
>>> 2.0?
>>> On 4 June 2014 12:55, Idrén, Johan <johan.id...@dice.se> wrote:
>>>>  Ok, so the overhead is a constant modifier, right.
>>>> The 3x I arrived at with the following assumptions:
>>>> heap is 10GB
>>>> Default memory for memtable usage is 1/4 of heap in c* 2.0
>>>>  max memory used for memtables is 2,5GB (10/4)
>>>> flush_largest_memtables_at is 0.75
>>>> flush largest memtables when memtables use 7,5GB (3/4 of heap, 3x of
>>>> the default)
>>>> With an overhead of 10x, it makes sense that my memtable is flushed
>>>> when the jmx data says it is at ~250MB, ie 2,5GB, ie 1/4 of the heap
>>>> After I've set the memtable_total_size_in_mb to a value larger than
>>>> 7,5GB, it should still not go over 7,5GB on account of
>>>> flush_largest_memtables_at, 3/4 the heap
>>>> So I would expect to see memtables flushed to disk after they're being
>>>> reportedly at around 750MB.
>>>> Having memtable_total_size_in_mb set to 20480, memtables are flushed at
>>>> a reported value of ~2GB.
>>>> With a constant overhead, this would mean that it used 20GB, which is
>>>> 2x the size of the heap, instead of 3/4 of the heap as it should be if
>>>> flush_largest_memtables_at was being respected.
>>>> This shouldn't be possible.
>>>>  ------------------------------
>>>>  *From:* Benedict Elliott Smith <belliottsm...@datastax.com>
>>>>  *Sent:* Wednesday, June 4, 2014 1:19 PM
>>>> *To:* user@cassandra.apache.org
>>>> *Subject:* Re: memtable mem usage off by 10?
>>>>   Unfortunately it looks like the heap utilisation of memtables was
>>>> not exposed in earlier versions, because they only maintained an estimate.
>>>> The overhead scales linearly with the amount of data in your memtables
>>>> (assuming the size of each cell is approx. constant).
>>>> flush_largest_memtables_at is an independent setting to
>>>> memtable_total_space_in_mb, and generally has little effect. Ordinarily
>>>> sstable flushes are triggered by hitting the memtable_total_space_in_mb
>>>> limit. I'm afraid I don't follow where your 3x comes from?
>>>> On 4 June 2014 12:04, Idrén, Johan <johan.id...@dice.se> wrote:
>>>>>  Aha, ok. Thanks.
>>>>> Trying to understand what my cluster is doing:
>>>>> cassandra.db.memtable_data_size only gets me the actual data but not
>>>>> the memtable heap memory usage. Is there a way to check for heap memory
>>>>> usage?
>>>>>  I would expect to hit the flush_largest_memtables_at value, and this
>>>>> would be what causes the memtable flush to sstable then? By default 0.75?
>>>>>  Then I would expect the amount of memory to be used to be maximum
>>>>> ~3x of what I was seeing when I hadn't set memtable_total_space_in_mb (1/4
>>>>> by default, max 3/4 before a flush), instead of close to 10x (250mb vs 
>>>>> 2gb).
>>>>> This is of course assuming that the overhead scales linearly with the
>>>>> amount of data in my table, we're using one table with three cells in this
>>>>> case. If it hardly increases at all, then I'll give up I guess :)
>>>>> At least until 2.1.0 comes out and I can compare.
>>>>>  BR
>>>>> Johan
>>>>>  ------------------------------
>>>>>  *From:* Benedict Elliott Smith <belliottsm...@datastax.com>
>>>>>  *Sent:* Wednesday, June 4, 2014 12:33 PM
>>>>> *To:* user@cassandra.apache.org
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: memtable mem usage off by 10?
>>>>>   These measurements tell you the amount of user data stored in the
>>>>> memtables, not the amount of heap used to store it, so the same applies.
>>>>> On 4 June 2014 11:04, Idrén, Johan <johan.id...@dice.se> wrote:
>>>>>>  I'm not measuring memtable size by looking at the sstables on disk,
>>>>>> no. I'm looking through the JMX data. So I would believe (or hope) that 
>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>> getting relevant data.
>>>>>> If I have a heap of 10GB and set the memtable usage to 20GB, I would
>>>>>> expect to hit other problems, but I'm not seeing memory usage over 10GB 
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> the heap, and the machine (which has ~30gb of memory) is showing ~10GB
>>>>>> free, with ~12GB used by cassandra, the rest in caches.
>>>>>> Reading 8k rows/s, writing 2k rows/s on a 3 node cluster. So it's not
>>>>>> idling.
>>>>>> BR
>>>>>> Johan
>>>>>>  ------------------------------
>>>>>> *From:* Benedict Elliott Smith <belliottsm...@datastax.com>
>>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 4, 2014 11:56 AM
>>>>>> *To:* user@cassandra.apache.org
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: memtable mem usage off by 10?
>>>>>>   If you are storing small values in your columns, the object
>>>>>> overhead is very substantial. So what is 400Mb on disk may well be 4Gb in
>>>>>> memtables, so if you are measuring the memtable size by the resulting
>>>>>> sstable size, you are not getting an accurate picture. This overhead has
>>>>>> been reduced by about 90% in the upcoming 2.1 release, through tickets
>>>>>> 6271 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-6271>, 6689
>>>>>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-6689> and 6694
>>>>>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-6694>.
>>>>>> On 4 June 2014 10:49, Idrén, Johan <johan.id...@dice.se> wrote:
>>>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>>> I'm seeing some strange behavior of the memtables, both in 1.2.13
>>>>>>> and 2.0.7, basically it looks like it's using 10x less memory than it
>>>>>>> should based on the documentation and options.
>>>>>>> 10GB heap for both clusters.
>>>>>>> 1.2.x should use 1/3 of the heap for memtables, but it uses max
>>>>>>> ~300mb before flushing
>>>>>>> 2.0.7, same but 1/4 and ~250mb
>>>>>>> In the 2.0.7 cluster I set the memtable_total_space_in_mb to 4096,
>>>>>>> which then allowed cassandra to use up to ~400mb for memtables...
>>>>>>> I'm now running with 20480 for memtable_total_space_in_mb and
>>>>>>> cassandra is using ~2GB for memtables.
>>>>>>> Soo, off by 10 somewhere? Has anyone else seen this? Can't find a
>>>>>>> JIRA for any bug connected to this.
>>>>>>> java 1.7.0_55, JNA 4.1.0 (for the 2.0 cluster)
>>>>>>> BR
>>>>>>> Johan

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