[gradle-user] Runtime ClassLoader Instead of Build ClassLoader

2009-11-01 Thread Robert Fischer
I'd like to call a Java class, but use the runtime classloader instead of the build classloader for 
resolving and executing the class.  Is there an easy way to do this?

The wider background: I'm executing org.jruby.Main#main to execute JRuby scripts.  I'd like those 
scripts to use the runtime classloader so I don't have to keep building up the 
buildscript.dependencies closure.

~~ Robert Fischer, Smokejumper IT Consulting.
Enfranchised Mind Blog http://EnfranchisedMind.com/blog

Grails Expert Retainer Services

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Re: [gradle-user] Runtime ClassLoader Instead of Build ClassLoader

2009-11-02 Thread Robert Fischer
I'd like to provide the dependencies specified in the dependencies closure, not by the stuff in 

~~ Robert Fischer, Smokejumper IT Consulting.
Enfranchised Mind Blog http://EnfranchisedMind.com/blog

Grails Expert Retainer Services

Adam Murdoch wrote:

Robert Fischer wrote:
I'd like to call a Java class, but use the runtime classloader instead 
of the build classloader for resolving and executing the class.  Is 
there an easy way to do this?

Depends what do you mean by the 'runtime classloader'. What stuff do you 
need to be visible (or not visible)?

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Re: [gradle-user] Exec a Shell Command?

2009-11-18 Thread Robert Fischer

You should probably use an AtomicBoolean for running.

Is there an up-to-date description of how to build a plugin?  If so, 
I'll make an exec plugin to do this kind of stuff.  Assuming it's okay 
I build off of the provided code.

~~ Robert.

Jim Moore wrote:

FWIW, I wrote a method that gives me better control than I saw elsewhere:

  void runCmd(String cmd, File baseDir) {
println cmd

def sout = new StringBuffer()
def serr = new StringBuffer()
def outProc = Runtime.runtime.exec(cmd, [] as String[], baseDir)
def running = true
def bufferPrinter = {buffer -
  def lastIndex = 0
  while(running) {
def length = buffer.length()
if (length  lastIndex) {
  print buffer.subSequence(lastIndex, length)
  lastIndex = length
Thread.start bufferPrinter.curry(sout)
Thread.start bufferPrinter.curry(serr)

outProc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
try {
finally {
  running = false

if (outProc.exitValue()) {
  println Error code: ${outProc.exitValue()}

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Robert Fischer 
mailto:robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:

How can I exec a shell command and see the output?  Normally, the
Ant exec task works fine for this, but when I invoke 'exec' in
Gradle, I don't get any output to the screen.  Is there some
equivalent to Gant's execute tool?

~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] Exec a Shell Command?

2009-11-18 Thread Robert Fischer
Found the plugin stuff in the user guide.  Amazing how much stuff is in 

Where did you find the documentation for consumeProcessOutput?

~~ Robert.

Robert Fischer wrote:

You should probably use an AtomicBoolean for running.

Is there an up-to-date description of how to build a plugin?  If so, 
I'll make an exec plugin to do this kind of stuff.  Assuming it's 
okay I build off of the provided code.

~~ Robert.

Jim Moore wrote:
FWIW, I wrote a method that gives me better control than I saw 

  void runCmd(String cmd, File baseDir) {
println cmd

def sout = new StringBuffer()
def serr = new StringBuffer()
def outProc = Runtime.runtime.exec(cmd, [] as String[], baseDir)
def running = true
def bufferPrinter = {buffer -
  def lastIndex = 0
  while(running) {
def length = buffer.length()
if (length  lastIndex) {
  print buffer.subSequence(lastIndex, length)
  lastIndex = length
Thread.start bufferPrinter.curry(sout)
Thread.start bufferPrinter.curry(serr)

outProc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
try {
finally {
  running = false

if (outProc.exitValue()) {
  println Error code: ${outProc.exitValue()}

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Robert Fischer 
mailto:robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:

How can I exec a shell command and see the output?  Normally, the
Ant exec task works fine for this, but when I invoke 'exec' in
Gradle, I don't get any output to the screen.  Is there some
equivalent to Gant's execute tool?

~~ Robert.


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[gradle-user] More Source Set Issues

2009-11-19 Thread Robert Fischer
I have three source sets: main, javacc, ast.  They need to be compiled 
in that order, and each needs to have access to the classes generated by 
the previous ones.  Specifying task dependencies doesn't get the classes 
added to the classpath.  If I try to add the files to 
configurations.compile (like in Example 28.7. Generated file 
dependencies of the 0.8 user manual), I get circular task dependencies.

So how should I go about specifying these dependencies?  I'd really 
rather not break things out into multiple projects, because they're 
simply not that distinct (they share the same dependencies, will end up 
packaged into the same JAR, etc., etc.).  I just need a particular 
compilation order.

(BTW, the reason I need the particular compilation order is because the 
AST is written in Scala and the javacc is written in Java. The javacc 
depends on the AST, which means compileJava depends on compileScala, 
which is a circular dependency.  I can't seem to remove compileJava from 
compileScala's dependency list: 
compileScala.dependsOn().remove(compileJava) doesn't seem to do 
anything.  If I could break the bad assumption that compileScala depends 
on compileJava, I wouldn't need the distinct source sets and could move 
on with my life.)

~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] Source Sets

2009-11-19 Thread Robert Fischer

The question is: How does one specify additional source sets than the
main and test source set?

My understanding was that having a ./src/sourceSetName/java folder was
sufficient to have a source set named sourceSet.  In practice, I've
needed a sourceSet closure and duplicate sourceSetName call within
that closure.  I'm trying to decide if the practice is demonstratingt a
bug (sourceSetName should be derived, but it isn't), or if it's a
failure of my understanding (the duplicate sourceSetName is necessary,
and I just missed something in the documentation which said as much).

~~ Robert.

Steve Ebersole wrote:

On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 09:09 -0500, Robert Fischer wrote:

I've added this directory to my project:


Inside there are a bunch of Java files in their package directories.

However, when I execute this line in build.gradle:
sourceSets.each { println Source Set: $it }

I get this result:
Source Set: source set main
Source Set: source set test

Adding this line to build.gradle:
sourceSets {

Solves the problem, but I thought sourceSets were supposed to be 
generated by configuration.  Was I wrong?  If not, should I JIRA this?

Not sure what you mean by generated by configuration.  Certain plugins
understand certain conventions:


The Java plugin defines two standard source sets, called main and test.
The main source set contains your production source code, which is
compiled and assembled into a JAR file. The test source set contains
your unit test source code, which is compiled and executed using JUnit
or TestNG.


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Re: [gradle-user] Source Sets

2009-11-19 Thread Robert Fischer
Yeah, looks like I'm just messed up.  I thought that while there were 
predefined sourceSets, there might also be implicitly derived source sets.

Actually, that wouldn't be too hard to implement as a meta-plugin.  Hrm.

~~ Robert.

Paul Speed wrote:

Yeah, pretty sure that understanding is incorrect.

The sourceSets that are predefined are setup by the plugins.  If you 
specify the Java plugin then you get certain sourceSets.  As you've 
discovered you can define your own.

My own familiarity comes because I nearly completely reset where the 
defaults end up pointing because my project is not in src/main/java 
relative to the project directory.


Robert Fischer wrote:

I didn't want to see the files.  The point is that if I don't explicitly
specify javacc in the sourceSets closure, there is no javacc source
set in my project.  This is true despite the existence of
./src/javacc/java, which I understood to specify a javacc source set
conventionally.  Is that understanding wrong?

~~ Robert.

Paul Speed wrote:

Robert Fischer wrote:

I've added this directory to my project:


Inside there are a bunch of Java files in their package directories.

However, when I execute this line in build.gradle:
sourceSets.each { println Source Set: $it }

I think if you want to see the files then you need to call:
  sourceSets.each { println Source Set: $it.files }


I get this result:
Source Set: source set main
Source Set: source set test

Adding this line to build.gradle:
sourceSets {

Solves the problem, but I thought sourceSets were supposed to be 
generated by configuration.  Was I wrong?  If not, should I JIRA this?

~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] Exec a Shell Command?

2009-11-19 Thread Robert Fischer

Yeah, that's what I ended up doing: it'll be out on GitHub presently.

~~ Robert.

Adam Murdoch wrote:

Robert Fischer wrote:
How can I exec a shell command and see the output?  Normally, the Ant 
exec task works fine for this, but when I invoke 'exec' in Gradle, 
I don't get any output to the screen.

The Ant exec task logs the output at info level, so its only visible 
when you run Gradle with the -i command-line option. There's a JIRA 
issue to improve this behaviour: 

You can always use the execllent stuff that Groovy provides to execute 
commands. Here's an example which executes a class from the current 

task exec(dependsOn: sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath)  { task -
   Process proc = [java, -cp, 

   if (proc.waitFor() != 0) {
   throw new RuntimeException('exec failed')

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Re: [gradle-user] More Source Set Issues

2009-11-19 Thread Robert Fischer

Steve Ebersole wrote:

On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 17:46 -0500, Robert Fischer wrote:
Ahh.  If I did anything particularly interesting with javacc, I would 
make it a plugin.  At this point in the build, though, it's just a 
collection of Java source files.  I do have that shell-exec command 
which is a plugin and which I will be sharing.

BTW, this is why I name things foo, bar, and baz all the time.  
People read into names and put assumptions on what's going on.

I'd argue that in convention-based environments names are extremely
important ;)  In a build, you betcha if I see a source directory named
antlr but with no antlr grammars I'd be a bit perplexed.  

Granted: I'm talking about writing up examples and asking for help from 
mailing lists.  If you don't obscure the variable names, people end up 
thinking you're questions about javacc grammars and not about source set 

~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] More Source Set Issues

2009-11-20 Thread Robert Fischer


Tried that -- didn't seem to do anything.

~~ Robert.

Adam Murdoch wrote:

Robert Fischer wrote:
I have three source sets: main, javacc, ast.  They need to be 
compiled in that order, and each needs to have access to the classes 
generated by the previous ones.  Specifying task dependencies doesn't 
get the classes added to the classpath.  If I try to add the files to 
configurations.compile (like in Example 28.7. Generated file 
dependencies of the 0.8 user manual), I get circular task dependencies.

So how should I go about specifying these dependencies?  I'd really 
rather not break things out into multiple projects, because they're 
simply not that distinct (they share the same dependencies, will end 
up packaged into the same JAR, etc., etc.).  I just need a particular 
compilation order.

(BTW, the reason I need the particular compilation order is because 
the AST is written in Scala and the javacc is written in Java. The 
javacc depends on the AST, which means compileJava depends on 
compileScala, which is a circular dependency.  I can't seem to remove 
compileJava from compileScala's dependency list: 
compileScala.dependsOn().remove(compileJava) doesn't seem to do 

This should do what you want:


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Re: [gradle-user] [ANN] GitHub: RobertFischer/gradle-plugins

2009-11-21 Thread Robert Fischer
It'd be nice to define a convention, so we could say something like 
packages=com.smokejumperit.gradle.plugins, and then when 
usePlugin('fooBar') hits, after all other resolutions fail, a resolution 
against com.smokejumperit.gradle.plugins.FooBarPlugin would be 
attempted.  Would make releasing plugins a lot easier.

~~ Robert.

Helmut Denk wrote:

hi robert,

*1* = plugin-build

my build.gradle for the plugin-build:

(you may have to adjust the dependencys if
you use another version of gradle)


sourceCompatibility = 1.5
targetCompatibility = 1.5
group = 'com.myCompany.gradle'
version = 'x.y'
manifest.mainAttributes(provider: 'myCompany')

repositories {
flatDir(dirs: file('lib'))

dependencies {





*2* = plugin.properties

in $GRADLE_HOME/plugin.properties i add the line:


there should be a note about plugin.properties in the


Robert Fischer wrote:
Do you have some documentation on that?  Like where the 
plugins.properties file is or what line you add to it?  Or what the JAR 
consists of?


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[gradle-user] Upload via SCP

2009-11-24 Thread Robert Fischer
The user guide (Table 29.1) says that I need 
'org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-scp:1.0-beta-2' for
scp upload.  But there is no such beast, at least not in the maven 
central repo.  Is there a different repo I should use, or am I missing 

~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] Upload via SCP

2009-11-24 Thread Robert Fischer
Okay, I changed to using wagon-ssh (the docs should be fixed), and now 
I'm getting this error when I attempt to upload:

Caused by: 
org.apache.maven.artifact.deployer.ArtifactDeploymentException: Error 
deploying artifact: Unsupported Protocol: 'scp': Cannot find wagon which 
supports the requested protocol: scp

   ... 28 common frames omitted
Caused by: org.apache.maven.wagon.TransferFailedException: Unsupported 
Protocol: 'scp': Cannot find wagon which supports the requested 
protocol: scp

   ... 29 common frames omitted
Caused by: org.apache.maven.wagon.UnsupportedProtocolException: Cannot 
find wagon which supports the requested protocol: scp

   ... 31 common frames omitted
Caused by: 
Component descriptor cannot be found in the component repository: 

Upgrading to the most recent beta (1.0-beta-6) doesn't help.

Is anyone actually successfully uploading using scp?  Can I see the 
configuration file?

My build file is at: 

~~ Robert.

Robert Fischer wrote:
The user guide (Table 29.1) says that I need 
'org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-scp:1.0-beta-2' for
scp upload.  But there is no such beast, at least not in the maven 
central repo.  Is there a different repo I should use, or am I missing 

~~ Robert.

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[gradle-user] [ANN] SmokejumperIT Gradle-Plugins 0.1

2009-11-25 Thread Robert Fischer
I'm starting to release my plugins, and I've figured out a reasonably 
simple way for people to use them.  See my README here:


Currently, I've released two plugins: ClassLoaders and Exec.  They allow 
you to gain access to a classloader based on a configuration and execute 
shell scripts (respectively).

A RunJRuby and a Cucumber plugin are coming presently.  The goal will be 
to eat Cuke4Duke's lunch: I've been underwhelmed with Cuke4Duke's 

Also thinking about a Conventional plugin, which would add source sets 
based on the existence of directories, use the ~/.m2 repo, and maybe do 
a few other standard stunts.  And, finally, I'm considering two 
ease-of-use plugins: com.smokejumperit.gradle.AllPlugins  (which simply 
pulls in all the plugins in the com.smokejumperit.gradle suite) and 
com.smokejumperit.gradle.FavoritePlugins (which pulls in all my favorite 
plugins with some pre-configuration).

Just FYI, Gradle is featuring prominently in my book on Polyglot 
Programming.  :)

~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] [ANN] SmokejumperIT Gradle-Plugins 0.1

2009-11-28 Thread Robert Fischer
Sure: will do.  I'm working on getting my Cuke plugin running right now, 
but as soon as that's functioning, I'll update the Cookbook with more on 
the ClassLoader, Env, RunJRuby, and Cuke plugins.

~~ Robert.

Tomek Kaczanowski wrote:

Hi Robert,

thanks for the plugins !

Could you please check what I just added to Cookbook
and fill the missing gaps (short info on ClassLoader plugin is

Also, as you plan to provide new plugins it would be very good for the
gradle community if you could add some information on each to the
cookbook (apart from informing us on the mailing list).


2009/11/26 Robert Fischer robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com:

I'm starting to release my plugins, and I've figured out a reasonably simple
way for people to use them.  See my README here:

Currently, I've released two plugins: ClassLoaders and Exec.  They allow you
to gain access to a classloader based on a configuration and execute shell
scripts (respectively).

A RunJRuby and a Cucumber plugin are coming presently.  The goal will be to
eat Cuke4Duke's lunch: I've been underwhelmed with Cuke4Duke's ease-of-use.

Also thinking about a Conventional plugin, which would add source sets based
on the existence of directories, use the ~/.m2 repo, and maybe do a few
other standard stunts.  And, finally, I'm considering two ease-of-use
plugins: com.smokejumperit.gradle.AllPlugins  (which simply pulls in all the
plugins in the com.smokejumperit.gradle suite) and
com.smokejumperit.gradle.FavoritePlugins (which pulls in all my favorite
plugins with some pre-configuration).

Just FYI, Gradle is featuring prominently in my book on Polyglot
Programming.  :)

~~ Robert.

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[gradle-user] Adding clean directories (Q 2 of 2)

2010-01-04 Thread Robert Fischer
Is there a way to add directories to the list of those that should be
cleaned?  If not, what's the easiest way to specify additional actions when
clean is run?

~~ Robert.

[gradle-user] Sub-Project Not Archiving Non-Main Source Sets?

2010-08-18 Thread Robert Fischer
In one of my sub-projects, I have three sourceSets: a, b, main.  When I
execute :subproject:jar, however, I only get the main bit archived into
the jar:  neither the a or b sourceSets make it in.  I've got *.class files
in ./build/classes/a and ./build/classes/b - they just don't make it.

Any idea why that might be, or how I might work around it?

~~ Robert.

Re: [gradle-user] Re: Sub-Project Not Archiving Non-Main Source Sets?

2010-08-19 Thread Robert Fischer
IIRC, that resulted in only sourceSets.b.classesDir getting into the jar.
 But I'll double-check.

~~ Robert.

On 19 August 2010 13:37, TheKaptain kelly...@gmail.com wrote:

 You should be able to add to the jar definition as a workaround:

 jar {
 from sourceSets.a.classesDir
 from sourceSets.b.classesDir

 Haven't tried it in action, but that should work to incorporate your other
 source sets into the jar.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the gradle-user mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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[gradle-user] Run After?

2010-08-20 Thread Robert Fischer
Is there a way to tell Gradle, If task A is being executed, make sure to
run task B after task A?  I specifically don't want to make Task A a
dependency on B (it shouldn't run every time), but I'd like it to run them
together now and again, and when that happens they need to run in a certain

~~ Robert.

Re: [gradle-user] Run After?

2010-08-20 Thread Robert Fischer
I suppose that'll work for the time being.  As long as nobody expects
gradle a b to work.

~~ Robert.

On 20 August 2010 16:00, Jim Moore moore@gmail.com wrote:

 Depends on your need, but it sounds like you simply need

 task c(dependsOn: [a, b]) {}

 On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Robert Fischer 
 robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:

 Is there a way to tell Gradle, If task A is being executed, make sure to
 run task B after task A?  I specifically don't want to make Task A a
 dependency on B (it shouldn't run every time), but I'd like it to run them
 together now and again, and when that happens they need to run in a certain

 ~~ Robert.

 -Jim Moore

Re: [gradle-user] Run After?

2010-08-20 Thread Robert Fischer
But then if I do gradle a, I'll always get b run, too, right?

~~ Robert.

On 20 August 2010 16:37, Matthias Bohlen infom...@mbohlen.de wrote:

 How about a.doLast(b) ? Does that work?

 Am 20.08.2010 um 22:10 schrieb Robert Fischer:

 I suppose that'll work for the time being.  As long as nobody expects
 gradle a b to work.

 ~~ Robert.

 On 20 August 2010 16:00, Jim Moore moore@gmail.com wrote:

 Depends on your need, but it sounds like you simply need

 task c(dependsOn: [a, b]) {}

 On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Robert Fischer 
 robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:

 Is there a way to tell Gradle, If task A is being executed, make sure to
 run task B after task A?  I specifically don't want to make Task A a
 dependency on B (it shouldn't run every time), but I'd like it to run them
 together now and again, and when that happens they need to run in a certain

 ~~ Robert.

 -Jim Moore

Re: [gradle-user] Confused on defining tasks.

2010-08-21 Thread Robert Fischer
Off the top of my head, I think the first case is supposed to be:

task cleanAll(type:Delete)  {


~~ Robert.

On 20 August 2010 20:29, Eric Berry elbe...@gmail.com wrote:

 I was defining a 'cleanAll' task and I ran into a little confusion with the
 Task definition syntax described here:

 If I define my task like this:
 task(cleanAll, type: Delete)  {
 delete(some dir)

 It doesn't work. However defining it as below does:
 task(cleanAll, type:Delete) {
 delete(some dir)

 I thought these two formats were interchangeable and resulted in the same
 thing? When should one be used vs. the other?

 I'm using Gradle 0.9-rc-1


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Re: [gradle-user] osgi manifest question (osgi gradle plugin)

2010-08-21 Thread Robert Fischer
There's a bunch of sane defaults in BND.  Based on that error, it sounds
like your OSGi framework isn't exposing all the runtime packages it should
be.  You can add packages for the framework to provide by adding them to
the org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra system property.

What are you asking for in the jar/manifest version of your build?

~~ Robert.

On 20 August 2010 21:49, phil swenson phil.swen...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm using the osgi plugin to create a  jar equivalent to what our
 production build creates.  Using the osgi plugin ends up with a
 manifest that has much more stuff in it that I expect.  I assume the
 BND tool resolves a bunch of stuff that we don't know about as our
 production build manifest is handcoded?  This make sense?

 Anyway, when I try to install the OSGi bundle I get this:

  osgi start 148
 org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle could not be resolved.
 Reason: Missing Constraint: I
 mport-Package: com.sun.jndi.ldap; version=0.0.0

 any thoughts on where I can find the com.sun.jndi.ldap bundle (it's
 not in our repo)

 and why the manifest is much bigger than what I ask for in the
 jar/manifest section of the build?


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Re: [gradle-user] Run After?

2010-08-21 Thread Robert Fischer

1) If the user asks for both a and b to be run, I'd like to run b
before a -- due to Gradle's internal ordering, a is coming before b,
and that's causing issues in the build.
2) I want to be able to run b without a executing.
3) I want to be able to run a without b executing.

Suggestions so far are:

A) Don't ever ask for both a and b to be run simultaneously, but instead
only ever ask for task c to run, which will run b then a.  This is an
okay solution as long as I'm explicit in wanting to call a and b.  If
they are implicitly called, I'll have to hack around the ordering at that
B) Attach a to the end of b.  Which violates requirement #2.

So is there a better solution?

The explicit use case is: as a part of my pull everything together phase,
I want to run a clean on everything, then a jar on everything.  So I have
dependencies on every subproject's clean and jar.  The issue is that I'm
getting the following ordering:

The result being that the jar for runtime is blown away before
makeDistribution can get to it.

I'd really rather avoid having to call clean every time I call jar, and
certainly don't want to have to call jar every time I call clean.

~~ Robert.

On 20 August 2010 20:36, Jim Moore moore@gmail.com wrote:


 gradle c would work.  gradle a b would work.  Adding b at the end of
 a would work. And I can think of half a dozen other ways of solving the
 problem as stated with slightly different implications.  Without an actual
 use-case, all that can be talked about is vague generalities.  If none of
 the current suggestions makes it clear Oh, I can adapt it in *this* way to
 my problem then a clearer statement of the problem is needed...

 On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Robert Fischer 
 robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:

 But then if I do gradle a, I'll always get b run, too, right?

 ~~ Robert.

 On 20 August 2010 16:37, Matthias Bohlen infom...@mbohlen.de wrote:

 How about a.doLast(b) ? Does that work?

 Am 20.08.2010 um 22:10 schrieb Robert Fischer:

 I suppose that'll work for the time being.  As long as nobody expects
 gradle a b to work.

 ~~ Robert.

 On 20 August 2010 16:00, Jim Moore moore@gmail.com wrote:

 Depends on your need, but it sounds like you simply need

 task c(dependsOn: [a, b]) {}

 On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Robert Fischer 
 robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:

 Is there a way to tell Gradle, If task A is being executed, make sure
 to run task B after task A?  I specifically don't want to make Task A a
 dependency on B (it shouldn't run every time), but I'd like it to run them
 together now and again, and when that happens they need to run in a 

 ~~ Robert.

 -Jim Moore

 -Jim Moore

Re: [gradle-user] Run After?

2010-08-21 Thread Robert Fischer
That variant on A works.  Thanks!  I'm looking forward to the explicit
ordering, since I'm now extremely wary about any time the clean task and
any other task might be in the same Gradle run.

~~ Robert.

On 21 August 2010 17:40, Adam Murdoch a...@gradle.biz wrote:

  On 22/08/10 2:05 AM, Robert Fischer wrote:


  1) If the user asks for both a and b to be run, I'd like to run b
 before a -- due to Gradle's internal ordering, a is coming before b,
 and that's causing issues in the build.
 2) I want to be able to run b without a executing.
 3) I want to be able to run a without b executing.

  Suggestions so far are:

  A) Don't ever ask for both a and b to be run simultaneously, but
 instead only ever ask for task c to run, which will run b then a.
  This is an okay solution as long as I'm explicit in wanting to call a and
 b.  If they are implicitly called, I'll have to hack around the ordering
 at that point.
 B) Attach a to the end of b.  Which violates requirement #2.

  So is there a better solution?

  The explicit use case is: as a part of my pull everything together
 phase, I want to run a clean on everything, then a jar on everything.  So I
 have dependencies on every subproject's clean and jar.

 You can usually trick Gradle into running things in the correct order. In
 your case, you might separate the dependencies onto separate tasks. For
 example, in the root project:

 task cleanAll {
 dependsOn subprojects*.clean

 task jarAll {
 dependsOn subprojects*.jar

 task buildAll {
 dependsOn cleanAll, jarAll

 Running the 'buildAll' task will run all the dependencies for 'cleanAll'
 and then all the dependencies for 'jarAll'.

 At some point before Gradle 1.0 we will provide some way to state that the
 a project's 'clean' task must run before any of the other tasks of the
 project. There's a few options for how this might look. The Java plugin will
 specify this out-of-the-box, so things should just work.

   The issue is that I'm getting the following ordering:

  The result being that the jar for runtime is blown away before
 makeDistribution can get to it.

  I'd really rather avoid having to call clean every time I call jar,
 and certainly don't want to have to call jar every time I call clean.

  ~~ Robert.

 On 20 August 2010 20:36, Jim Moore moore@gmail.com wrote:


  gradle c would work.  gradle a b would work.  Adding b at the end
 of a would work. And I can think of half a dozen other ways of solving the
 problem as stated with slightly different implications.  Without an actual
 use-case, all that can be talked about is vague generalities.  If none of
 the current suggestions makes it clear Oh, I can adapt it in *this* way to
 my problem then a clearer statement of the problem is needed...

 On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 4:40 PM, Robert Fischer 
 robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:

 But then if I do gradle a, I'll always get b run, too, right?

  ~~ Robert.

 On 20 August 2010 16:37, Matthias Bohlen infom...@mbohlen.de wrote:

 How about a.doLast(b) ? Does that work?

  Am 20.08.2010 um 22:10 schrieb Robert Fischer:

 I suppose that'll work for the time being.  As long as nobody expects
 gradle a b to work.

  ~~ Robert.

  On 20 August 2010 16:00, Jim Moore moore@gmail.com wrote:

 Depends on your need, but it sounds like you simply need

  task c(dependsOn: [a, b]) {}

 On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Robert Fischer 
 robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:

 Is there a way to tell Gradle, If task A is being executed, make sure
 to run task B after task A?  I specifically don't want to make Task A a
 dependency on B (it shouldn't run every time), but I'd like it to run 
 together now and again, and when that happens they need to run in a 

  ~~ Robert.

   -Jim Moore

   -Jim Moore

 Adam Murdoch
 Gradle Developerhttp://www.gradle.org
 CTO, Gradle Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consultinghttp://www.gradle.biz

Re: [gradle-user] Re: Eclipse plugin why is assemble or jar required in a multiproject setup.

2010-08-27 Thread Robert Fischer
I don't know anything about the Eclipse plugin, but here's a shot in the dark.

If you have projects with dependencies on other projects, it's the
jars resulting from those other projects that are added to the
classpath.  So that will cause the jar to be generated, even if the
task at hand doesn't explicitly state it is necessary.

~~ Robert.

On 27 August 2010 09:01, Jason Hatton jashat...@gmail.com wrote:
 I was hoping to get a reply on this and haven't yet.  I was wondering if
 maybe I haven't described the problem well enough.   Anybody out there? :)

 On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 1:09 PM, Jason Hatton jashat...@gmail.com wrote:

 I was wondering if there was it is safe to turn off the jar or assemble
 task requirement when generating the Eclipse files?  Is this even a
 requirement of the plugin, have I accidentally made this be a requirement?
 It doesn't seem reasonable for just generating Eclipse project files that
 the assemble task is needed.  Our project is running 0.8 and is a
 multi-project Eclipse WTP setup.


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Re: [gradle-user] osgiManifest does not work outside of default jar task

2010-08-27 Thread Robert Fischer
Does your problem go away if you explicitly depend on jar?  Also,
watch the execution of the tasks - is a clean being executed between
jar and onejarJar?

~~ Robert.

On 27 August 2010 10:46, Lars Heuer he...@semagia.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 During my build I create an additional jar which contains all
 dependencies (they are added via jarjar).

 That works so far, but I cannot use the osgiManifest in my task:

  task onejarJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: repack ) {
    baseName = jar.baseName + '-onejar'
    from $buildDir/onejar
    manifest = osgiManifest {
      instruction 'Bundle-Activator', 'mypack.Activator'
      instruction 'Import-Package', '!mypack.*, *'

 Leads to:

 Could not copy MANIFEST.MF to 'build\tmp\onejarJar\MANIFEST.MF'.

 (Stacktrace below)

 If I use

    manifest = project.manifest {

 everything is fine.

 Thanks in advance and best regards,


 * Exception is:
 org.gradle.api.GradleException: Could not copy MANIFEST.MF to
        at org.gradle.api.internal.file.MapFileTree.visit(MapFileTree.java:60)
        at org.gradle.api.internal.AbstractTask.execute(AbstractTask.java:231)
        at org.gradle.launcher.Main.execute(Main.java:93)
        at org.gradle.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:42)
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

Re: [gradle-user] gradle performance/scalability with lots of subprojects

2010-09-06 Thread Robert Fischer
From my personal experience, I think that it will get linearly (not
exponentially) worse.  But yes, this is an issue in Gradle.

~~ Robert.

On 6 September 2010 08:28, Magnus Rundberget mrundber...@hotmail.comwrote:


 We've chosen gradle for our new build system and we've started the journey
 from maven 1 (!) to gradle.

 We have a very granular structure at the moment, with about 80-90 leaf
 projects producing output artifacts (and obviously lots of interdependencies
 going on + lots of 3rd party dependencies).
 In the short term I don't think restructuring our project structure and
 associated directory structure is an option. In the longer term it will be

 I've ported about 40 of the simpler projects to one large gradle
 multiproject build. However there is starting to be a fairly substantial
 overhead in initialization before actually doing anything in terms of
 Doing gradle -t on a subprojsct now takes around 10,5 seconds, same for
 gradle clean.

 I've tried the same on the gradle branch (Im obviously aware its work in
 progress) using a gradle daemon. gradle -t on a subproject here takes about
 6,5 seconds (after running it 2 times first:-

 Little more background;
 - I'm currently using a locally installed nexus repository for all my third
 party dependencies
 - I'm running cygwin on windows xp
 - Using gradle 0.9 rc1

 From running gradle -t -i, I've made the following observations from the
 - Evaluate root project uses about 2 seconds
 - Summing up resolution report resolve is almost 4 seconds (typically
 something like resolution report :: resolve 266ms :: artifacts dl 0ms)

 The questions;
 1) Should I assume that the overhead will get exponentially worse if adding
 the remaining 40-50 subprojects ?
 2) Anything I could do to reduce the overhead whilst still getting the
 benefits of incremental builds (ie without having to resort to splitting
 into many more multiprojects?)
 3) When can I hope for a working version of 0.9.1 with gradle daemon
 working on windows ? :-)

 Any pointers would be appreciated.


[gradle-user] [ANN] JavaCC added to SJIT Gradle Plugins

2010-09-15 Thread Robert Fischer
The 0.6.2 release of my Gradle Plugins includes support for JavaCC and JJTree.

More information in the README:

~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] OSGI plugin questions

2010-10-11 Thread Robert Fischer
If you already have a Manifest file generated, you're going to have to
configure the jar task's manifest file given the existing one.  I'm not
entirely sure about the best way to do that.

What's your purpose in including the Apache-Commons JAR file within your
generated JAR?  You can, of course, add the JAR file itself into your JAR by
adding the JAR into the resources source set, but unless I'm mistaken, the
classloader won't know how to load classes from that internal JAR.

The other option is to create a fat jar by merging the other jar and your
generated jar.  That can cause problems with licensing, if you're not

~~ Robert.

On 8 October 2010 15:33, Alessandro Novarini a.novar...@sourcesense.comwrote:

 Hi all,
 Reading both gradle and bnd documentation didn't help me to find
 answers to the following questions, I hope you can turn the light on
 and make me see the truth on the OSGI plugin:

 Instructing properly the plugin
 The gradle documentation says: The classes in the classes dir are
 analyzed regarding there package dependencies and the packages they
 expose. Based on this the Import-Package and the Export-Package values
 of the OSGi Manifest are calculated.

 I can't understand what I have to do in this situation, because
 neither Import-Package nor Export-Package instructions are included in
 the generated manifest file.
 So, how does the plugin know which are the packages to be imported and
 which are the ones to export?

 Private Package instruction
 In the example 26.2 of the gradle documentation the instruction
 'Private-Package has a list of packages explicitly written.
 In my example I want to make private the package org.apache.commons.*,
 so that in the manifest file I'll see org.apache.commons.beanutils,
 org.apache.commons.beanutils.converters etc. etc.
 The wildcard * doesn't expand the package list, all I see in the
 manifest is the string org.apache.commons.*. Is there a way to achieve
 this goal?

 Including dependencies
 Continuing with the example above, is there a way to include the jar
 of apache-commons in my jar using some feature of the plugin? Or
 should I add in some way scripting my build?

 All these questions came out because I already have a manifest file of
 this project generated by the maven plugin (that uses bnd as well),
 and I would like to reproduce the exact output using gradle, but I'm
 far from the expected.

 Thank you in advance

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Re: [gradle-user] OSGI plugin questions

2010-10-11 Thread Robert Fischer
The reason the jar-in-jar thing works is because it's specified using
Bundle-ClassPath: that works just for the JAR being run as an OSGi bundle,
and won't help you if you execute the JAR directly or from outside of OSGi.
 I'd suggest adding the dependencies from the configuration into the jar
task's from properties, although that might you get you into
resolution-time issues.

What is failing to happen with that configuration?  It looks like it'd work
for me.

~~ Robert.

On 11 October 2010 11:34, Alessandro Novarini a.novar...@sourcesense.comwrote:

 Thank you for your reply.

 I'll try to explain better my purpose here, my fault in the previous
 mail, sorry:

 I have a java project built using maven; this project is an osgi
 bundle, and it's built using maven-bundle-plugin, which in turn uses
 bnd like osgi plugin for gradle.

 What I would like to do is to create a package with gradle that's the
 exact copy of the one generated using maven.

 The manifest created by maven is the following:

 Manifest-Version: 1.0

 Ignore-Package: org.apache.log,org.apache.avalon.framework.logger

 Built-By: me
 Tool: Bnd-0.0.255
 Bundle-Name: acme - useless project
 Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
 Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_20
 Bundle-Version: 0.0.1
 Bnd-LastModified: 1286810196596
 Embed-Transitive: true
 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
 Embed-Dependency: commons-*;scope=compile|runtime

 Bundle-SymbolicName: com.acme.prj

 The configuration in the pom.xml is the following:


 The critical parts to me, because I can't figure out how I can
 reproduce them with gradle, are the Import,Export and Private Package
 and the Embed-Dependency. Taking and copying them 'as is' doesn't
 work; here my last attempt:

 jar {
manifest {
version = 2.3
name = 'overwrittenSpecialOsgiName'
instruction 'Embed-Dependency', 'commons-*;scope=compile|runtime'
instruction 'Private-Package', 'org.apache.commons.*'
instruction 'Export-Package', com.acme.prj.*;version=$version
instruction 'Import-Package',
instruction 'Embed-Transitive', 'true'

 The jar inside the jar thing, well, I really don't know why it was
 done in that way, but for sure it works, and honestly I can't think
 another way to put a dependency that's not shared among all bundles in
 a different way.

 I apologize for this - too - long email, I hope you don't get bored
 while reading, but I don't have a clue at the moment.

 Thanks again for the kind support

 On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 4:37 PM, Robert Fischer
 robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:
  If you already have a Manifest file generated, you're going to have to
  configure the jar task's manifest file given the existing one.  I'm not
  entirely sure about the best way to do that.
  What's your purpose in including the Apache-Commons JAR file within your
  generated JAR?  You can, of course, add the JAR file itself into your JAR
  adding the JAR into the resources source set, but unless I'm mistaken,
  classloader won't know how to load classes from that internal JAR.
  The other option is to create a fat jar by merging the other jar and your
  generated jar.  That can cause problems with licensing, if you're not
  ~~ Robert.
  On 8 October 2010 15:33, Alessandro Novarini a.novar...@sourcesense.com
  Hi all,
  Reading both gradle and bnd documentation didn't help me to find
  answers to the following questions, I hope you can turn the light on
  and make me see

Re: [gradle-user] OSGI plugin questions

2010-10-11 Thread Robert Fischer
You'll have to write the classpath stuff manually, although that's not a bad
idea for a plugin to provide (stay tuned...).  What else, specifically, are
you looking to add into your Manifest file?

~~ Robert.

On 11 October 2010 12:01, Alessandro Novarini a.novar...@sourcesense.comwrote:

 Yes, the package was meant to be just an osgi bundle, there is no way
 to run it as a stand-alone app anyway.
 I'll try to follow your advice for the dependency issue.

 When I run gradle assemble I get the following manifest:

 Manifest-Version: 1.0
 Private-Package: org.apache.commons.*
 Tool: Bnd-0.0.384
 Bundle-Name: overwrittenSpecialOsgiName
 Created-By: 1.6.0_20 (Apple Inc.)
 Bundle-Version: 2.3
 Bnd-LastModified: 1286812061592
 Embed-Transitive: true
 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2

 Bundle-SymbolicName: .something
 Embed-Dependency: commons-*;scope=compile|runtime

 Some differences are found in the values related to each package
 instruction, and there's no dependency jar included in the final
 package, of course.
 You've caught a good point noticing that there's no Bundle-ClassPath
 instruction; is it something I have to write explicitly in the plugin
 configuration or it's supposed to exist because the dependencies?

 Thank you very much for you time and consideration

 On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 5:40 PM, Robert Fischer
 robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:
  The reason the jar-in-jar thing works is because it's specified using
  Bundle-ClassPath: that works just for the JAR being run as an OSGi
  and won't help you if you execute the JAR directly or from outside of
   I'd suggest adding the dependencies from the configuration into the jar
  task's from properties, although that might you get you into
  resolution-time issues.
  What is failing to happen with that configuration?  It looks like it'd
  for me.
  ~~ Robert.
  On 11 October 2010 11:34, Alessandro Novarini 
  Thank you for your reply.
  I'll try to explain better my purpose here, my fault in the previous
  mail, sorry:
  I have a java project built using maven; this project is an osgi
  bundle, and it's built using maven-bundle-plugin, which in turn uses
  bnd like osgi plugin for gradle.
  What I would like to do is to create a package with gradle that's the
  exact copy of the one generated using maven.
  The manifest created by maven is the following:
  Manifest-Version: 1.0
  Ignore-Package: org.apache.log,org.apache.avalon.framework.logger
  Built-By: me
  Tool: Bnd-0.0.255
  Bundle-Name: acme - useless project
  Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
  Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_20
  Bundle-Version: 0.0.1
  Bnd-LastModified: 1286810196596
  Embed-Transitive: true
  Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
  Embed-Dependency: commons-*;scope=compile|runtime
  Bundle-SymbolicName: com.acme.prj
  The configuration in the pom.xml is the following:
  The critical parts to me, because I can't figure out how I can
  reproduce them with gradle, are the Import,Export and Private Package
  and the Embed-Dependency. Taking and copying them 'as is' doesn't
  work; here my last attempt:
  jar {
 manifest {
 version = 2.3
 name = 'overwrittenSpecialOsgiName

Re: [gradle-user] OSGI plugin questions

2010-10-11 Thread Robert Fischer
Don't do it manually.  That's just bad, bad, bad.  Have it generated by the
Gradle script instead.  Once you have the classpath generated within the
Gradle script, you can move that code into a plugin very easily.  I'm more
than happy to help you out on that point, but better you do it than me,
because you're getting paid for this work whereas it will be sucking up my
free time (and will have to wait until after I get more confidence in my
Maven Proxy and OneJar plugins).

~~ Robert.

On 11 October 2010 14:09, Alessandro Novarini a.novar...@sourcesense.comwrote:

 I would be more than happy if I could install that project and make it
 So for now I'll write the classpath manually, but I guess this won't
 convince the devs in my company to get rid of that bunch of useless xml (
 but I'll keep trying )

 Thank you

 Robert Fischer robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com kirjoitti 11.10.2010
 kello 19.22:

 You'll have to write the classpath stuff manually, although that's not a
 bad idea for a plugin to provide (stay tuned...).  What else, specifically,
 are you looking to add into your Manifest file?

 ~~ Robert.

 On 11 October 2010 12:01, Alessandro Novarini a.novar...@sourcesense.com
 a.novar...@sourcesense.com wrote:

 Yes, the package was meant to be just an osgi bundle, there is no way
 to run it as a stand-alone app anyway.
 I'll try to follow your advice for the dependency issue.

 When I run gradle assemble I get the following manifest:

 Manifest-Version: 1.0
 Private-Package: org.apache.commons.*
 Tool: Bnd-0.0.384
 Bundle-Name: overwrittenSpecialOsgiName
 Created-By: 1.6.0_20 (Apple Inc.)
 Bundle-Version: 2.3
 Bnd-LastModified: 1286812061592
 Embed-Transitive: true
 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2

 Bundle-SymbolicName: .something
 Embed-Dependency: commons-*;scope=compile|runtime

 Some differences are found in the values related to each package
 instruction, and there's no dependency jar included in the final
 package, of course.
 You've caught a good point noticing that there's no Bundle-ClassPath
 instruction; is it something I have to write explicitly in the plugin
 configuration or it's supposed to exist because the dependencies?

 Thank you very much for you time and consideration

 On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 5:40 PM, Robert Fischer
  The reason the jar-in-jar thing works is because it's specified using
  Bundle-ClassPath: that works just for the JAR being run as an OSGi
  and won't help you if you execute the JAR directly or from outside of
   I'd suggest adding the dependencies from the configuration into the jar
  task's from properties, although that might you get you into
  resolution-time issues.
  What is failing to happen with that configuration?  It looks like it'd
  for me.
  ~~ Robert.
  On 11 October 2010 11:34, Alessandro Novarini a.novar...@sourcesense.com
  Thank you for your reply.
  I'll try to explain better my purpose here, my fault in the previous
  mail, sorry:
  I have a java project built using maven; this project is an osgi
  bundle, and it's built using maven-bundle-plugin, which in turn uses
  bnd like osgi plugin for gradle.
  What I would like to do is to create a package with gradle that's the
  exact copy of the one generated using maven.
  The manifest created by maven is the following:
  Manifest-Version: 1.0
  Ignore-Package: org.apache.log,org.apache.avalon.framework.logger
  Built-By: me
  Tool: Bnd-0.0.255
  Bundle-Name: acme - useless project
  Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
  Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_20
  Bundle-Version: 0.0.1
  Bnd-LastModified: 1286810196596
  Embed-Transitive: true
  Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
  Embed-Dependency: commons-*;scope=compile|runtime

Re: [gradle-user] Gradle and Java ME

2010-10-13 Thread Robert Fischer
This is getting a bit OT, but here goes.

I'm not sure what harnessing the WTK means, but isn't the whole purpose of
Java's VM approach to minimize architectural changes like 32 vs. 64 bit?

~~ Robert.

On 13 October 2010 11:31, Russel Winder rus...@russel.org.uk wrote:


 On Wed, 2010-10-13 at 17:26 +0200, Baruch Sadogursky wrote:
  it shouldn't be that difficult. You can use antenna's tasks from
  Gradle programatically (in Groovy).

 Indeed, Antenna is clearly part of the mix, but the problem is managing
 the entire Java infrastructure on a 64-bit system where you have to
 ensure everything runs with a 32-bit JVM.  Not to mention properly
 harnessing the WTK.


 Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
 sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net sip%3arussel.win...@ekiga.net
 41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: rus...@russel.org.uk
 London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk  skype: russel_winder

Re: [gradle-user] how to zip sources into zip file

2010-10-16 Thread Robert Fischer

Mind sharing that plugin?  I was hoping there was something that would
produce source and doc archives for me.

~~ Robert.

On 15 October 2010 11:19, Gretar Arnason gretarr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm using the following in a Plugin extending 'java' plugin for 0.9-rc-1 -
 uploading to a maven repo:

 void apply(Project target){
     target.task(['type': Zip], 'sourceJar') {
     baseName = baseName + -src
     extension = 'jar'
     from target.sourceSets.main.java,

     target.artifacts {
     archives(target.sourceJar) {classifier = 'sources'}

 should be translatable to a build.gradle script

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Re: [gradle-user] src/test or extra test project ?

2010-10-17 Thread Robert Fischer
I go for a hybrid route: I have the most basic unit test code (and
ScalaCheck) living alongside my code, and any kind of integrative or
functional tests living elsewhere.  This allows me to easily run some
key sanity checking code, and to only have to recompile that smaller
subset when I want to check those changes quickly.

~~ Robert.

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[gradle-user] Maven-Proxy [was: Performance problem with simple build script and several Maven repos]

2010-11-11 Thread Robert Fischer
I was playing around with integrating (an updated version of) a Maven-Proxy
daemon with Gradle, so you'd just hit the one proxy from all your builds.
 This makes things a lot faster and enables off-line mode (only hit
localhost most of the time), and is also be nicer to all the poor
repositories that you're beating the crap out of every time you build.

The down side is that you lose the ability to limit what repositories you
visit to check for artifacts: in terms of security/theory/whatever, all
projects practically check the superset of all repositories that were used
by build scripts.  But the check is only made once an hour per non-snapshot
artifact, so that's fine for performance.

Unfortunately, I had some issues with the conversation between Maven-Proxy
and Gradle, and then life got crazy with school, so I put it on the back

If you're interested in checking out that code, fork my Gradle-Plugins repo
on GitHub.

~~ Robert.

On 8 November 2010 16:18, Paul Speed psp...@users.sourceforge.net wrote:

 On 11/8/2010 4:14 PM, Adam Murdoch wrote:

 On 08/11/2010, at 5:12 PM, Paul Speed wrote:

 On 11/8/2010 1:10 AM, Adam Murdoch wrote:

 There's a few things we'd like to change in Gradle to help deal with
 this problem:

 * Add some better diagnostics, so you can see which
 dependencies/repositories are taking the time. For example, dependency
 resolution might be integrated into the profiling report.

 * Provide a way to specify which repository (or repositories) to use for
 a given dependency. This would allow you to optimise how Gradle searches
 for your dependencies.

 * Deep integration with the dependency management. This would let you do
 things such as providing your own caching strategies.

 Those would be nice.

 Maybe there's already a way to do this, but my personal wish would be
 to be able to temporarily disable all remote access, like on the
 command line or something.

 For example, sometimes my internet connection goes down and it kills
 my build time-wise unless I go and manually comment out the
 repositories. In this case, I already have all of the dependencies I
 need, I just want to disable the rolling check for snapshots in remote
 repositories. Sometimes it's just that one of the repos in my list
 goes down and it would be nice to just ignore them all for a while.

 Is there maybe already a way to do this?

 Not really. I've not tried this, but you should be able to set the
 snapshot timeout for each repository to 'never'. For example:

 import org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.ivyservice.GradleIBiblioResolver

 if (project.hasProperty('offline') {
 repositories.withType(GradleIBiblioResolver).allObjects { repository -
 repository.snapshotTimeout = GradleIBiblioResolver.NEVER

 This isn't really an 'offline' mode as such. It just reduces the
 likelihood that Gradle will try hit the network.

 Again, by providing deep integration with the dependency management
 system, you'll be able to easily add code which can short-circuit any or
 all of the repositories, and so implement an 'offline' mode.

 Perhaps better than a manual mode that you have to set, would be if
 Gradle could better detect and deal with unreachable repositories. For

 * Apply more sensible timeouts, rather than the TCP timeout. For
 example, when checking for an updated snapshot, wait maybe 15 seconds.
 Perhaps combine this with parallel resolution.

 This would be good... though without parallel resolution this would still
 add a minute and a half or so to some of my builds when I'm offline for
 some reason.

 * Add something to the Gradle UIs which would let you skip dependency
 resolution when Gradle is just checking for updates. For example, you
 might be able to do ctrl-s, say, to skip resolution.

 * The Gradle daemon resolves dependencies in the background, so that
 when you execute a build, it already knows the status of each
 repository, and whether there are any updates.

 Neither of those would help me personally, unfortunately.

 I've been meaning to look through things a bit deeper to understand why an
 offline switch is hard/impossible... or what it would take to add one,
 etc..  In the mean time, I may at least try the resolver trick above to see
 if it improves things when I'm unplugged.


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[gradle-user] Less Sensitive Jar?

2010-11-17 Thread Robert Fischer
Every time I run my compile, I get the following order of steps:

:ashlar-compiler:ensureJavaccHome UP-TO-DATE
:ashlar-compiler:makeJavaccSrcDir SKIPPED
:ashlar-compiler:generateFromJJTree UP-TO-DATE
:ashlar-compiler:generateFromJavacc UP-TO-DATE
:ashlar-lang:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:ashlar-lang:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
:ashlar-lang:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:ashlar-lang:classes UP-TO-DATE
:ashlar-shared:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:ashlar-shared:compileScala UP-TO-DATE
:ashlar-shared:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:ashlar-shared:classes UP-TO-DATE

Now, since ashlar-lang and ashlar-shared both updated their jar, all
the following dependencies are going to have to be redone.  How would
I go about telling the jar tasks to not execute if classes and
processResources were both up to date and there is a jar already in

~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] Less Sensitive Jar?

2010-11-17 Thread Robert Fischer
Using gradle -i, it tipped me off that the manifest file had changed.
Looks like the osgi plugin is generating the manifest a bit
aggressively: even if there is no change in the content of the
manifest file, the timestamp ends up updated on it.


~~ Robert.

On 17 November 2010 16:25, Adam Murdoch a...@gradle.biz wrote:

 On 18/11/2010, at 7:34 AM, Robert Fischer wrote:

 Every time I run my compile, I get the following order of steps:

 :ashlar-compiler:ensureJavaccHome UP-TO-DATE
 :ashlar-compiler:makeJavaccSrcDir SKIPPED
 :ashlar-compiler:generateFromJJTree UP-TO-DATE
 :ashlar-compiler:generateFromJavacc UP-TO-DATE
 :ashlar-lang:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
 :ashlar-lang:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE
 :ashlar-lang:processResources UP-TO-DATE
 :ashlar-lang:classes UP-TO-DATE
 :ashlar-shared:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
 :ashlar-shared:compileScala UP-TO-DATE
 :ashlar-shared:processResources UP-TO-DATE
 :ashlar-shared:classes UP-TO-DATE

 Now, since ashlar-lang and ashlar-shared both updated their jar, all
 the following dependencies are going to have to be redone.  How would
 I go about telling the jar tasks to not execute if classes and
 processResources were both up to date and there is a jar already in

 The jar task will do this already, unless there are additional input files
 to the jar task which have changed, or something about the output file has
 changed, such as its name. Are you perhaps using a timestamp in your version
 property? This will mean that the jar file name will change each time you
 run Gradle, and so the jar task will need to rebuild it. Either way if you
 run Gradle with -i you will get some log messages telling you why Gradle has
 decided to run the jar task. You might start with that to fix the problem.
 Assuming you're using a timestamp in your version, some workarounds:
 * Don't include the version in the jar file name. For example:
 jar.archiveName = ${project.name}.jar. This won't affect the name the jar
 will end up with when you publish it to a repository. It will, however,
 affect the name if you bundle the jar into an archive, such as a war.
 *Don't use a timestamp in your version. You could use -SNAPSHOT instead. For
 the Gradle build, we use the timestamp of the most recently changed source
 Currently, this is a limitation of the incremental build implementation.
 There are some things we might change in Gradle to address the problem:
 * Use the classes directory rather than the jar when compiling against a
 project dependency.
 * Introduce the concept of a classpath. For example, when a task has a
 classpath as its input, it doesn't matter if the name of a jar has changed,
 only that it's contents and position  in the classpath are the same as last
 * Ignore resources in the classpath when compiling (so you can have, for
 example, a version.properties resource that contains a build time
 * Create a 'version' plugin, which would provide a few different versioning
 schemes, including some which are incremental build friendly. Perhaps we
 might have a scheme which is timestamp based, but where the timestamp
 changes only when some source changes.

 Adam Murdoch
 Gradle Developer
 CTO, Gradle Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting

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Re: [gradle-user] Less Sensitive Jar?

2010-11-17 Thread Robert Fischer
Done: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GRADLE-1227

~~ Robert.

On 17 November 2010 16:56, Adam Murdoch a...@gradle.biz wrote:

 On 18/11/2010, at 8:52 AM, Robert Fischer wrote:

 Using gradle -i, it tipped me off that the manifest file had changed.
 Looks like the osgi plugin is generating the manifest a bit
 aggressively: even if there is no change in the content of the
 manifest file, the timestamp ends up updated on it.

 Could you add a JIRA issue for this?

 ~~ Robert.

 On 17 November 2010 16:25, Adam Murdoch a...@gradle.biz wrote:

 On 18/11/2010, at 7:34 AM, Robert Fischer wrote:

 Every time I run my compile, I get the following order of steps:

 :ashlar-compiler:ensureJavaccHome UP-TO-DATE

 :ashlar-compiler:makeJavaccSrcDir SKIPPED

 :ashlar-compiler:generateFromJJTree UP-TO-DATE

 :ashlar-compiler:generateFromJavacc UP-TO-DATE

 :ashlar-lang:compileJava UP-TO-DATE

 :ashlar-lang:compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE

 :ashlar-lang:processResources UP-TO-DATE

 :ashlar-lang:classes UP-TO-DATE


 :ashlar-shared:compileJava UP-TO-DATE

 :ashlar-shared:compileScala UP-TO-DATE

 :ashlar-shared:processResources UP-TO-DATE

 :ashlar-shared:classes UP-TO-DATE




 Now, since ashlar-lang and ashlar-shared both updated their jar, all

 the following dependencies are going to have to be redone.  How would

 I go about telling the jar tasks to not execute if classes and

 processResources were both up to date and there is a jar already in


 The jar task will do this already, unless there are additional input files

 to the jar task which have changed, or something about the output file has

 changed, such as its name. Are you perhaps using a timestamp in your version

 property? This will mean that the jar file name will change each time you

 run Gradle, and so the jar task will need to rebuild it. Either way if you

 run Gradle with -i you will get some log messages telling you why Gradle has

 decided to run the jar task. You might start with that to fix the problem.

 Assuming you're using a timestamp in your version, some workarounds:

 * Don't include the version in the jar file name. For example:

 jar.archiveName = ${project.name}.jar. This won't affect the name the jar

 will end up with when you publish it to a repository. It will, however,

 affect the name if you bundle the jar into an archive, such as a war.

 *Don't use a timestamp in your version. You could use -SNAPSHOT instead. For

 the Gradle build, we use the timestamp of the most recently changed source


 Currently, this is a limitation of the incremental build implementation.

 There are some things we might change in Gradle to address the problem:

 * Use the classes directory rather than the jar when compiling against a

 project dependency.

 * Introduce the concept of a classpath. For example, when a task has a

 classpath as its input, it doesn't matter if the name of a jar has changed,

 only that it's contents and position  in the classpath are the same as last


 * Ignore resources in the classpath when compiling (so you can have, for

 example, a version.properties resource that contains a build time


 * Create a 'version' plugin, which would provide a few different versioning

 schemes, including some which are incremental build friendly. Perhaps we

 might have a scheme which is timestamp based, but where the timestamp

 changes only when some source changes.


 Adam Murdoch

 Gradle Developer


 CTO, Gradle Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting


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 Adam Murdoch
 Gradle Developer
 CTO, Gradle Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting

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[gradle-user] [ANN] DepNames Plugin

2010-11-20 Thread Robert Fischer

As part of the 0.6.7 release of Gradle-Plugins, there's a new game in
town: the DepNames plugin.  It allows you to define dependency
keywords globally and/or in the root project, and then to use keywords
to define dependencies (instead of the whole specification string).
It's really nice for multi-project set-ups and to stash away common

~~ Robert.

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[gradle-user] Re: [ANN] DepNames Plugin

2010-11-20 Thread Robert Fischer
The 0.6.8 version will allow GString-style interpolation in the values.

~~ Robert.

On 20 November 2010 11:58, Robert Fischer
robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:

 As part of the 0.6.7 release of Gradle-Plugins, there's a new game in
 town: the DepNames plugin.  It allows you to define dependency
 keywords globally and/or in the root project, and then to use keywords
 to define dependencies (instead of the whole specification string).
 It's really nice for multi-project set-ups and to stash away common

 ~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] Released some gradle plugins open source

2010-11-21 Thread Robert Fischer
Thank you very much!  I was just looking for something like the
repository plugin.

Now, if git just had some kind of external mechanism a la svn...

~~ Robert.

On 21 November 2010 11:00, Yan (pongasoft) y...@pongasoft.com wrote:
 Hello Guys
 First of all I wanted to express my deep gratitude for creating such an
 amazing build framework. I started by porting my own project to gradle
 (http://kiwidoc.com) and then I used gradle for all the open source projects
 I just released on github (https://github.com/linkedin). So I have spent
 quite some time with it including writing plugins. And I must say I am very
 impressed, even with the code itself (as I had to look into the code to try
 to understand some parts of the framework better).
 Anyway, just wanted to share the fact that I just open sourced the gradle
 plugins I wrote: https://github.com/linkedin/gradle-plugins
 I think that the 'org.linkedin.repository' and 'org.linkedin.release'
 plugins will hopefully become obsolete when gradle 1.0 is relased :)
 Kind regards
 Yan Pujante
 LinkedIn co-founder.

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Re: [gradle-user] Re: [ANN] DepNames Plugin

2010-11-21 Thread Robert Fischer
Yeah, I was working off of maps, too, but it got to be pretty lame
when I started to copy the map into a second project.

I'm thinking about creating a freezeDepNames (or something) task
which would generate one canonical list and drop it into the current
project root directory.  That'd allow you to keep an explicit record
of the artifacts in shared projects, and would prevent changes in the
global configuration from effecting your local.  Although adding
versions to your keys would accomplish that latter part, too (e.g.

~~ Robert.

On 21 November 2010 14:38, Joern Huxhorn jhuxh...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Nice one, I'm currently doing this using maps, see 

 Something like your plugin would be nice if included in the Gradle base, too. 
 I'm quite happy with my current solution since it's already a vast 
 improvement compared to the maven dependencyManagement - but your plugin 
 looks promising.


 On 20.11.2010, at 18:22, Robert Fischer wrote:

 The 0.6.8 version will allow GString-style interpolation in the values.

 ~~ Robert.

 On 20 November 2010 11:58, Robert Fischer
 robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:

 As part of the 0.6.7 release of Gradle-Plugins, there's a new game in
 town: the DepNames plugin.  It allows you to define dependency
 keywords globally and/or in the root project, and then to use keywords
 to define dependencies (instead of the whole specification string).
 It's really nice for multi-project set-ups and to stash away common

 ~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] Released some gradle plugins open source

2010-11-21 Thread Robert Fischer
Oh, you have no idea how happy you just made me.

~~ Robert.

On 21 November 2010 18:10, Luke Daley l...@ldaley.com wrote:

 On 22/11/2010, at 2:05 AM, Robert Fischer wrote:

 Thank you very much!  I was just looking for something like the
 repository plugin.

 Now, if git just had some kind of external mechanism a la svn...

 Git submodules.

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Re: [gradle-user] task dependency order

2010-11-24 Thread Robert Fischer
Yeah, we really don't want dependsOn to imply an ordering, because
else builds will just end up being a broken mess of unnecessary
bookkeeping.  It would also kill the ability to do concurrent build
steps (should we have such a thing).

~~ Robert.

On 24 November 2010 10:16, Dierk König dierk.koe...@canoo.com wrote:
 See the user guide.
 Dependencies are in no guaranteed order.
 The current order in alphabetical to have the same sequence with every
 build, but that is an implementation detail.
 The execution order is defined when the output-input characteristic requires
 Am 24.11.2010 um 16:09 schrieb Gretar Arnason:

 Hi, I've was just trying out something and was wondering if the following is
 an expected behavior (using 0.9-rc-2)

 in build.gradle file:

 task a  {
     println a

 task b  {
     println b

 task c (dependsOn: [b,a])  {
     println c

 gives me the the output when running gradle -q c:

 I was expecting to see:

 Is my intuition just wrong?
 I would think that the order of dependencies should be respected if the
 tasks being depended on do not have any dependencies defined themselves.
 If I'm wrong about this can someone then explain here to me then what I
 should expect and why?
 How could I get the same effect without adding explicit dependency between a
 and b?


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Re: [gradle-user] task dependency order

2010-11-24 Thread Robert Fischer
dependency-order-by-declaration-sequence is in my eyes one of the features
that makes so many ANT builds difficult to maintain. You need to know the whole
build to safely make a tiny change in the dependency chain and you
have to make those
changes more often. You even have to know the whole build to _use_ it

This is what I was getting at in saying that dependency ordering
becomes a mess of fragile bookkeeping.  Conflicting dependency
resolutions orders—argh!

~~ Robert.

On 24 November 2010 17:20, Dierk König dierk.koe...@canoo.com wrote:
 The execution order is defined when the output-input characteristic
 requires it.

 I'm probably not familiar enough with gradle to know exactly what you mean
 by 'output-input characteristic'
 could you elaborate further

 Gradle tasks can define what they take as input and what they produce as
 And many tasks do.
 If task x produces an output artifact that is consumed as input by task y
 then a
 dependency on both x and y is guaranteed to be in executed sequence: first
 x, second y
 (unless the output is up to date and x can be skipped).
 x - artifact - y
 a.dependsOn = [y, x]   // declare the 'what', not the 'how'
 This behavior is one of the distinctively mindful design choices of Gradle.
 Imagine the sequence of dependsOn declarations would define the order.
 You can get a conflict with the output-input chain sequence. Now - who wins?
 That in my opinion is the best example where imposing an
 limits the build system.
 It is not the main reason, though. The reason - on an architectural level -
 is that
 dependencies _have_ no order by nature.
 Also, with an imposed order, you would care too much about the how where
 you should
 rather care about than the what.
 P.S. dependency-order-by-declaration-sequence is in my eyes one of the
 that makes so many ANT builds difficult to maintain. You need to know the
 build to safely make a tiny change in the dependency chain and you have to
 make those
 changes more often. You even have to know the whole build to _use_ it
 P.P.S. In case you haven't guessed, yet: I love Gradle!
 Kudos to Hans and Adam!

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Re: [gradle-user] Incremental build and dependencies?

2010-11-27 Thread Robert Fischer
What are the semantics you are trying to communicate here?  What are
you trying to accomplish?

~~ Robert.

On 27 November 2010 17:48, Steven Devijver sdevij...@yahoo.fr wrote:
 I have these tasks:
 def my_dir = test_dir
 task A(type: Delete) {
 delete = my_dir
 task B(dependsOn: A) {
 outputs.upToDateWhen {
 doFirst {
 ant.mkdir dir: my_dir
 I was assuming that when a task is up-to-date its dependencies wouldn't be
 executed. However, B is never up-to-date because the upToDateWhen closure is
 executed before B is executed but not before A is executed. A is always
 executed regardless of B's outputs.
 Is there a way of avoiding B's dependencies are executed when its outputs
 are up-to-date?

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Re: [gradle-user] avoid skipping tests

2010-11-30 Thread Robert Fischer
The easiest way is to call clean and/or delete the build directory and/or
delete the .gradle directory.  Your CI server should probably be working
from a clean check-out (at least reasonably frequently...) anyway.

~~ Robert.

On 30 November 2010 15:37, Marcus Better mar...@better.se wrote:

 Hash: SHA1


 my Hudson build server does not like it when tests are sometimes skipped in
 a build because the classes didn't change. How can I make sure the tests
 for each build?


 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


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[gradle-user] Java Agent?

2010-11-30 Thread Robert Fischer
How can I use a Java agent when executing my tests?

~~ Robert.

Re: [gradle-user] Java Agent?

2010-11-30 Thread Robert Fischer
I'll give that a shot: thanks!

~~ Robert.

On 30 November 2010 17:32, Adam Murdoch a...@gradle.biz wrote:

 On 01/12/2010, at 7:44 AM, Robert Fischer wrote:

 How can I use a Java agent when executing my tests?

 Probably, but I've not tried it. You should just be able to use the
 appropriate jvm args:

 test {
jvmargs '-javaagent:blah'

 Adam Murdoch
 Gradle Developer
 CTO, Gradle Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting

Re: [gradle-user] calling task multiple times with different parameters

2010-12-03 Thread Robert Fischer
Since the user is never calling these things individually, I probably
wouldn't approach this as a bunch of tasks.  Instead, I'd probably
create one Gradle task to accomplish this and then use the Ant zip
task through the project's ant property.


~~ Robert.

On 3 December 2010 09:38, richardm richard.mur...@orchard-systems.co.uk wrote:

 Is is possible to call a task in Gradle with different parameters?  I've got
 a zip task which I'd like to call several times.  The project below defines
 a single zip task which uses a properties file to apply filters during the
 zip.  I need to create 4 zip files like this (the only differences are the
 zip names and the properties file used to filter with).  Is it possible to
 do this with one task and call it four times with different parameters?

 project(':jboss') {

    Properties jboss4LiveProps = new Properties()


    filesToDeploy = dir('files_to_deploy')

    task zipIt(type: Zip, dependsOn: filesToDeploy) {
        baseName = 'jboss-4.0.2-live'
        destinationDir = file(files_to_deploy)
        from ('jboss-4.0.2-master') {
            include **/*.xml, **/*.bat, **/*.sh, **/*properties
            filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: jboss4LiveProps)
            into 'jboss-4.0.2-live'
        from .


    task build(dependsOn: 'zipIt')

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[gradle-user] Compile But Not Runtime Dependency?

2010-12-09 Thread Robert Fischer
I have a jar that I use to mock some code for compiling, but then do
not want that mock jar on the classpath for runtime: the functionality
is provided by a javaagent.  What's the recommended way to handle
this?  I'm not sure how to redefine the runtime configuration to
exclude the jar, so I tried to implement it by mangling the classpath
of compile tasks:

  configurations {

  dependencies {
java7Mock jsr292Mock

  tasks.withType(AbstractCompile).allTasks { Task t -
t.classpath = t.classpath + t.project.configurations.java7Mock

That, however, fails with the following message:

  Cause: Failed to notify action.
  Cause: Cannot invoke method plus() on null object

So I tried this:

  tasks.withType(AbstractCompile).allTasks { Task t -
if(t.classpath) {
  t.classpath = t.classpath + t.project.configurations.java7Mock
} else {
  t.classpath = t.project.configurations.java7Mock

I figured that the other necessary dependencies would be queued up
later, but I actually didn't get anything *but* the java7Mock at that

So, recommendations as to how to approach this?  Am I going about it all wrong?

~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] Gradle Plugin for a new framework

2010-12-09 Thread Robert Fischer
Is your question how to define new SourceSets representing particular folders?

If so, see 21.7 in the User Guide:

~~ Robert.

On 9 December 2010 06:09, rajmahendra rajmahen...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am creating a Gradle plugin for first time for a new Framework.

 i am trying to create a project structure for the framework.

 i can create a project using a build.gradle as...
 task create-dirs  {
   sourceSets.all*.java.srcDirs*.each { it.mkdirs() }
   sourceSets.all*.resources.srcDirs*.each { it.mkdirs() }

 I want to add my project structure into soruceSets so i can create my
 project folders somethign like
 how to add my structure into sourceSets througth Plugin

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Re: [gradle-user] Re: question about urlresolver

2010-12-09 Thread Robert Fischer
Unfortunately, Ivy needs a patterns for artifacts, and those are far
from standard on GitHub.  If you can define them, though, for a
particular project, then you should be able to specify a resolver
without too much difficulty.

~~ Robert.

On 8 December 2010 19:40, Benjamin Muschko benjamin.musc...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am trying to resolve a JAR file from GitHub but have the same issue. Is
 there any kind of workaround to make this work? It would be great to use the
 GitHub download section as repository.


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[gradle-user] Re: Compile But Not Runtime Dependency?

2010-12-09 Thread Robert Fischer
For the record, I've implemented this work-around:

  configurations { java7Mock }

  dependencies {
java7Mock jsr292Mock

  gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
tasks.withType(AbstractCompile).allTasks { Task t -
  t.classpath = t.classpath + t.project.configurations.java7Mock

But it makes my spidey-sense tingle: it doesn't seem right to be
injecting the new element onto the classpath after the whole task
graph is resolved.

~~ Robert.

On 9 December 2010 13:19, Robert Fischer
robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:
 I have a jar that I use to mock some code for compiling, but then do
 not want that mock jar on the classpath for runtime: the functionality
 is provided by a javaagent.  What's the recommended way to handle
 this?  I'm not sure how to redefine the runtime configuration to
 exclude the jar, so I tried to implement it by mangling the classpath
 of compile tasks:

  configurations {

  dependencies {
    java7Mock jsr292Mock

  tasks.withType(AbstractCompile).allTasks { Task t -
    t.classpath = t.classpath + t.project.configurations.java7Mock

 That, however, fails with the following message:

  Cause: Failed to notify action.
  Cause: Cannot invoke method plus() on null object

 So I tried this:

  tasks.withType(AbstractCompile).allTasks { Task t -
    if(t.classpath) {
      t.classpath = t.classpath + t.project.configurations.java7Mock
    } else {
      t.classpath = t.project.configurations.java7Mock

 I figured that the other necessary dependencies would be queued up
 later, but I actually didn't get anything *but* the java7Mock at that

 So, recommendations as to how to approach this?  Am I going about it all 

 ~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] Compile But Not Runtime Dependency?

2010-12-09 Thread Robert Fischer
Won't having testCompile extend compileWithExtraStuff result in
testRuntime also containing the extra stuff?

~~ Robert.

On 9 December 2010 15:51, Adam Murdoch a...@gradle.biz wrote:

 On 10/12/2010, at 5:19 AM, Robert Fischer wrote:

 I have a jar that I use to mock some code for compiling, but then do
 not want that mock jar on the classpath for runtime: the functionality
 is provided by a javaagent.  What's the recommended way to handle
 this?  I'm not sure how to redefine the runtime configuration to
 exclude the jar, so I tried to implement it by mangling the classpath
 of compile tasks:

  configurations {

  dependencies {
    java7Mock jsr292Mock

  tasks.withType(AbstractCompile).allTasks { Task t -
    t.classpath = t.classpath + t.project.configurations.java7Mock

 This approach is a bit too dependent on order, and so you're running into
 problems with things being null or empty.
 I think the best option is to mess with the compile and runtime classpaths
 of the appropriate source sets. Here's an example:
 configurations {
     compileWithExtraStuff { extendsFrom compile, extraStuff }
 dependencies {
     extraStuff ''
 sourceSets.main {
     compileClasspath = configurations.compileWithExtraStuff
 This adds the dependency to the compile classpath only, ie it won't be added
 to runtime, testCompile, testRuntime, etc
 You could add something like this to include the dependency in the
 testCompile and testRuntime classpaths:
 configurations {
     testCompile { extendsFrom extraStuff }

 Adam Murdoch
 Gradle Developer
 CTO, Gradle Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting

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Re: [gradle-user] Re: Gradle Plugin for a new framework

2010-12-13 Thread Robert Fischer
What does your plugin code look like right now?

~~ Robert.

On 13 December 2010 06:11, rajmahendra rajmahen...@gmail.com wrote:


 But i like to have this inside my plugin. i dont want to tell my user to do
 this in his build.gradle

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Re: [gradle-user] Multiple downloads of the same jar in a multi project build.

2010-12-14 Thread Robert Fischer
This is a problem with snapshots, not repositories.  By default, the
cache is never used for snapshots because, y'know, they're snapshots
and subject to change.  Try setting the snapshot timeout to one minute
and see if that solves the repeated downloads in a single build:

~~ Robert.

On 10 December 2010 13:42, Dave King djk...@gmail.com wrote:
 So we have a large project that uses multiple sub projects and uses
 jars that we produce from other separate projects in house.  When we
 update one of the core jars we see each sub project do a download of
 the jar.

 so for each sub project we see:


 I would have expected that we'd see that once and then it would be
 found in the cache.  Is this expected behavior or do we have a

 This isn't a big deal for those of who are on the LAN with the build
 master machine, but we're spread from Vancouver to New York and we're
 trying to speed up the build for remote users.

 - Peace

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Re: [gradle-user] Default Memory Settings?

2010-12-15 Thread Robert Fischer
For one, it will mess with people who set their own Xmx values via

~~ Robert.

On 15 December 2010 20:18, Dave King djk...@gmail.com wrote:

 We've been hitting some very strange errors, turns out they were
 memory related.  In the shell script all we had to do was uncomment
 the lines:

 @rem set GRADLE_OPTS=%GRADLE_OPTS% -Xmx512m
 @rem set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xmx512m

 It wasn't obvious that the issues were memory related.  Some util
 developers swallow error messages and just say something bad happened
 eh.  or something not too far from that.

 So what would it hurt to uncomment those lines by default?

 BTW uncommenting those lines was a huge boost to performance, from 25%
 to well over 200% depending on the machine.

 - Peace

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Re: [gradle-user] Default Memory Settings?

2010-12-16 Thread Robert Fischer
Is there any specification on whether the first or last -Xmx argument is the
one used by the JVM?  I presume it's the last (the last -D specification is
taken), but that may not be a safe assumption.

If it's the last, then simply inverting the arguments would work fine for

@rem set GRADLE_OPTS=-Xmx512m %GRADLE_OPTS%
@rem set JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512m %JAVA_OPTS%

~~ Robert.

On 16 December 2010 01:01, Dave King djk...@gmail.com wrote:

 True for some existing users, but I expect far more new users would
 trip over it just as we did.  The docs those vars should mention the
 defaults in the scripts and where to change them.

 - Peace

 On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 8:16 PM, Robert Fischer
 robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:
  For one, it will mess with people who set their own Xmx values via
  ~~ Robert.
  On 15 December 2010 20:18, Dave King djk...@gmail.com wrote:
  We've been hitting some very strange errors, turns out they were
  memory related.  In the shell script all we had to do was uncomment
  the lines:
  @rem set GRADLE_OPTS=%GRADLE_OPTS% -Xmx512m
  @rem set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xmx512m
  It wasn't obvious that the issues were memory related.  Some util
  developers swallow error messages and just say something bad happened
  eh.  or something not too far from that.
  So what would it hurt to uncomment those lines by default?
  BTW uncommenting those lines was a huge boost to performance, from 25%
  to well over 200% depending on the machine.
  - Peace
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Re: [gradle-user] Ivy Caches in gradle

2010-12-28 Thread Robert Fischer
+1 to Russel's annoyance.  I don't have a great solution, but I've set up a
script on boot to wipe out the cache directory.  That script has reclaimed
rather impressive amounts of hard disk space (by my ancient laptop's
standards, anyway) in the past.

~~ Robert.

On 28 December 2010 08:36, Russel Winder rus...@russel.org.uk wrote:


 On Tue, 2010-12-28 at 07:09 +1100, Adam Murdoch wrote:
  On 28/12/2010, at 7:06 AM, Munoz, Pablo [Tech] wrote:
   Is there a way to set ivy caches [1] in gradle?
  There isn't at the moment.
  I'm curious, why do you want to configure the ivy cache?

 I am not sure about OP's situation but I find the ever increasing (and
 all to often hugely out of date) cache of Maven, Ivy, Gradle, Grapes,
 etc. a real irritation.  I regularly end up simply deleting the whole
 thing when I know I am on a high speed connection simply to get rid of
 all the dross.

 Gradle/Ivy is particularly prone to leaving thousands of files in
 ~/.gradle/cache called resolved-* and I often have to go in and delete
 them.  This is irritating.  There should be a way of keeping the cache
 clean apart from manual intervention.

 Tidying up ~/.gradle/cache/*/* to remove all the outdated rubbish is
 also an extremely length and tedious operation.


 Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip:
 sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net sip%3arussel.win...@ekiga.net
 41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: rus...@russel.org.uk
 London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk  skype: russel_winder

Re: [gradle-user] Welcome Peter Niederwieser

2011-01-11 Thread Robert Fischer
Score one for Gradle!

~~ Robert.

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 3:37 AM, Hans Dockter h...@gradle.biz wrote:
 we are very excited that Peter Niederwieser, the author of Spock, has joined
 the Gradle team.
 Welcome Peter!
 Hans Dockter
 Founder, Gradle
 http://www.gradle.org, http://twitter.com/gradleorg
 CEO, Gradle Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting

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[gradle-user] Composite Javadocs?

2011-03-24 Thread Robert Fischer
I've got a multi-project build. Is there a way to generate composite
javadocs?  The javadoc task seems to produce them per-project, but I'd
prefer to have a single big compiled version—or at least have them
interlinked! This is the kind of thing I've gone off to write a
plug-in for, only to discover that it's actually already in existence,
so I'm checking in.

~~ Robert.

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[gradle-user] Query for Daemon?

2011-03-25 Thread Robert Fischer
Is it possible to query for the daemon? I've discovered an issue when
using the daemon (some code goes to the FileDescriptors in order to
grab stdout, which means the output is lost under the daemon) and I'd
like to be able to disable that behavior if the daemon is running.

~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] Re: Password encryption

2011-03-25 Thread Robert Fischer
Have the CI server provide the password as a Java property. That will
be accessible to the build script.

Sooner or later, the CI server is going to have to have a secret that
it exposes to the build script in order to decrypt the password. From
a security standpoint, that secret is equivalent to the password. So
why not just have it expose the password itself directly to the build
script, and not muck around with encrypting/decrypting anything?

Either that, or you'll need some kind of smarter authentication (a la SSH).

~~ Robert.

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 10:48 AM, Benjamin Muschko
benjamin.musc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for pointing me to your plugin. I'll def. have a look. Unfortunately,
 it's not for artifact uploading. I guess what I actually want is obfuscation
 which is easy enough to implement with a key stored somewhere else.

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[gradle-user] [ANN] Compiler-Base and Compiler-Mirah plugins

2011-04-15 Thread Robert Fischer
I've generated a plugin that can be used as a base for implementing
compilers of all stripes:

Also, there's a plugin specifically for Headius' Mirah language based on it:

~~ Robert.

Re: [gradle-user] gradle antlr3

2011-04-16 Thread Robert Fischer
Looks like they changed the API on you.  Going to have to figure out
the new Ant task class name.

~~ Robert.

On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Marko Bauhardt m...@101tec.com wrote:
 hi all.
 i'm using gradle 1.0 milestone-1.
 as i understand gradle's antlr plugin works with antlr2. i tried to
 configure gradle to use anltr3.
 but i'm getting this exception (see below)
 what i have todo to that gradle is using antlr3?
 any hints?

 configurations {
 dependencies {
     grammarCompile group: 'org.antlr', name: 'antlr', version: '3.1',
     compile group: 'org.antlr', name: 'antlr-runtime', version: '3.1',
     testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.+'
 task generateGrammarSources  {
     generatedDir = new File(project.buildDir.toString() + '/generated-src/')
     ant.taskdef(name: 'antlr3', classname: 'org.antlr.Tool', classpath:
     ant.antlr3(target: 'src/main/antlr/Calculator.g', outputdirectory:
 :: loading settings :: url =
 :: resolving dependencies :: #blabla;0.0.1
         confs: [grammarCompile]
         found org.antlr#antlr;3.1 in MavenRepo
 :: resolution report :: resolve 161ms :: artifacts dl 0ms

         |                  |            modules            ||   artifacts
         |       conf       | number| search|dwnlded|evicted||

         |  grammarCompile  |   1   |   0   |   0   |   0   ||   0   |   0

 Caused by: : No public execute() in class org.antlr.Tool
         at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Definer.execute(Definer.java:239)

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Re: [gradle-user] gradle antlr3

2011-04-16 Thread Robert Fischer
For integrating with big systems like Antlr, my general opinion is
that it's better to have parallel plugins since configuration options
are likely to change, and people aren't likely to want to have a
surprise upgrade—just because they update the plugin, they don't
suddenly want to be using a new major version of Antlr.

~~ Robert.

On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Steve Ebersole st...@hibernate.org wrote:
 Its much more toll friendly now.  I wrote the Maven plugin support for
 Antlr3 and it is much easier than the Antlr 2 support.  The real question is
 whether Gradle wants a single plugin to support both versions.  That is much

 On 04/16/2011 04:55 PM, Robert Fischer wrote:

 Looks like they changed the API on you.  Going to have to figure out
 the new Ant task class name.

 ~~ Robert.

 On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Marko Bauhardtm...@101tec.com  wrote:

 hi all.
 i'm using gradle 1.0 milestone-1.
 as i understand gradle's antlr plugin works with antlr2. i tried to
 configure gradle to use anltr3.
 but i'm getting this exception (see below)
 what i have todo to that gradle is using antlr3?
 any hints?

 configurations {
 dependencies {
     grammarCompile group: 'org.antlr', name: 'antlr', version: '3.1',
     compile group: 'org.antlr', name: 'antlr-runtime', version: '3.1',
     testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.+'
 task generateGrammarSources  {
     generatedDir = new File(project.buildDir.toString() +
     ant.taskdef(name: 'antlr3', classname: 'org.antlr.Tool', classpath:
     ant.antlr3(target: 'src/main/antlr/Calculator.g', outputdirectory:
 :: loading settings :: url =

 :: resolving dependencies :: #blabla;0.0.1
         confs: [grammarCompile]
         found org.antlr#antlr;3.1 in MavenRepo
 :: resolution report :: resolve 161ms :: artifacts dl 0ms

         |                  |            modules            ||   artifacts
         |       conf       | number| search|dwnlded|evicted||

         |  grammarCompile  |   1   |   0   |   0   |   0   ||   0   |   0

 Caused by: : No public execute() in class org.antlr.Tool











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 Steve Ebersole st...@hibernate.org

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Re: [gradle-user] Create a top-level build that triggers build in each subproject?

2011-04-18 Thread Robert Fischer
task ci(dpeendsOn:getTasksByName(build, true))

~~ Robert.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:01 PM, Howard Lewis Ship hls...@gmail.com wrote:
 This seems like it should be easy.

 I have a top-level task:

 task continuousIntegration(dependsOn: ['build', 'aggregateJavadoc'])

 However, my top-level build.gradle doesn't define a build task
 (there's no Java code at the top level, just in the subprojects).

 What's the idiomatic way to create a top-level build target that, in
 effect, is dependent on each subproject's build task?

 Howard M. Lewis Ship

 Creator of Apache Tapestry

 The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
 learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!

 (971) 678-5210

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Re: [gradle-user] Create a top-level build that triggers build in each subproject?

2011-04-19 Thread Robert Fischer
Don't you have to do subprojects*.tasks*.build these days?  For some
reason, I've got it in my head that the direct project - task link
was broken.

~~ Robert.

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 12:08 AM, Adam Murdoch
adam.murd...@gradleware.com wrote:

 On 19/04/2011, at 12:01 PM, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:

 This seems like it should be easy.

 I have a top-level task:

 task continuousIntegration(dependsOn: ['build', 'aggregateJavadoc'])

 However, my top-level build.gradle doesn't define a build task
 (there's no Java code at the top level, just in the subprojects).

 What's the idiomatic way to create a top-level build target that, in
 effect, is dependent on each subproject's build task?

 You can do something like this:
 task build { dependsOn subprojects*.build }

 Adam Murdoch
 Gradle Co-founder
 VP of Engineering, Gradleware Inc. - Gradle Training, Support, Consulting

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Re: [gradle-user] Create a top-level build that triggers build in each subproject?

2011-04-19 Thread Robert Fischer
You could have at least gotten to my solution by checking out the API
JavaDoc on Project.

~~ Robert.

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Jason Porter lightguard...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tuesday, April 19, 2011, Howard Lewis Ship hls...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks!  This seems to be working:

 task continuousIntegration(dependsOn: [subprojects.build, 

 That's very tight and clean ... I'm just a bit daunted because I'm not
 sure how I would have found that without asking on the list.

 Unfortunately there are all kinds of tricks like that which are not
 documented save the list :(

 On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 5:13 AM, Peter Niederwieser pnied...@gmail.com 

 Robert Fischer wrote:

 Don't you have to do subprojects*.tasks*.build these days? For some
 reason, I've got it in my head that the direct project - task link
 was broken.

 subprojects.build is enough (no .tasks, no *'s).

 Peter Niederwieser
 Developer, Gradle
 Trainer  Consultant, Gradleware
 Creator, Spock Framework

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 Howard M. Lewis Ship

 Creator of Apache Tapestry

 The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
 learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!

 (971) 678-5210

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 Jason Porter

 Software Engineer
 Open Source Advocate
 Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling

 PGP key id: 926CCFF5
 PGP key available at: keyserver.net, pgp.mit.edu

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Re: [gradle-user] Re: Execute command line task?

2011-04-20 Thread Robert Fischer
If you need help developing the plug-in, feel free to drop me a line off-list.

~~ Robert.

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 11:02 AM, StormeHawke
brian.trez...@intellidata.net wrote:

 Ronen Narkis wrote:

 I'm planning to give this plugin a go also, we are using tomcat 5.5 which
 installed locally, ill try to make it work against it and let you know how
 it went

 Sounds great, let me know what you come up with

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Re: [gradle-user] Gradle Plugins: JDepend, PMD, Findbugs

2011-05-14 Thread Robert Fischer
Looks good. I'm definitely interested in FindBugs, so I'll be taking a
look soon.

~~ Robert.

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Andrew Oberstar ajobers...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,
 I just released a few Gradle plugins for JDepend, PMD, and Findbugs.  As far
 as I could tell (I may be wrong), there aren't any pure plugins for these
 tools.  The code was mostly inspired by the samples in the Cookbook and the
 code-quality plugin.  The implementations aren't that great, but they work
 for the most part.  This is my first crack at this, so I welcome any
 comments, suggestions, or criticism.
 The JAR is available in Maven Central: group:'org.ajoberstar',
 name:'gradle-plugins', version:'0.1.0'
 You can see the source on Github:
 Andy Oberstar

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Re: [gradle-user] up-to-date check for osgified jar task does not work

2011-05-15 Thread Robert Fischer
I opened a ticket for this already which contains a simple work-around:


~~ Robert.

On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 5:27 AM, Ric Klaren rkla...@educator.eu wrote:

 On 14 May 2011 15:16, Rene Groeschke gra...@breskeby.com wrote:

 We're actually working on the gpars build. I tried to get each up-to-date 
 check work properly when I noticed a bug for the jar tasks up-to-date check 
 when the osgi plugin is applied.
 Is anybody aware of an convenient workarround for this issue: 

 Ran into the same problem, I found a work around in the groovy build
 scripts they filter the offending attribute out of the manifest (would
 be nice if this was default behaviour):


 Relevant snippet:

 commonOsgiManifest = {
    // We exclude the Bnd-LastModified attribute as it always triggers
 a rebuild without being really needed.
    from(allManifest) {
        eachEntry {details -
            if (details.key == 'Bnd-LastModified') {

 Hope this helps,


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Re: [gradle-user] WAR Overlay

2011-05-18 Thread Robert Fischer
I'd be inclined to have a three projects: one that built war #1, one
that built war #2, and one solely responsible for merging the two
using something like:

war {
  from zipTree(war1Project.war.archivePath)
  from zipTree(war2Project.war.archivePath)

But I tend to prefer istinct subprojects over tasks/source sets/etc.,
and other people might suggest an alternative approach with a single
project and some configuration to wire things together.

~~ Robert.

On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 10:41 AM, mraccola mracc...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I need to convert an existing build that uses WAR overlaying to merge the
 contents of two web projects into one WAR.  Think..one web project that has
 some framework stuff and then another web project that contains stuff that
 extends the framework stuff.  The projects will both be modules in the same
 multi-module Gradle build.

 I think this should be fairly straight forward but I wanted to ask if there
 are any best practices for implementing this before I get started.  If
 anyone has some script snippets that they can share that would also be

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[gradle-user] Specifying dependency with osgi=bundle

2011-06-04 Thread Robert Fischer
Is there a way to specify an OSGi bundle as a dependency? This is a
new feature in the most recent release of Ivy:

It'd be really nifty, because that enables us to pull bundles from
OBRs. Does Gradle have any support for that yet, or should I open a

~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] file.encoding System property (and maybe others?) not passed to Gradle Daemon

2011-06-15 Thread Robert Fischer
I think I already raised an issue for this, but I can't seem to access
the JIRA from work (internet is pretty locked down here at the
homeless shelter...).

~~ Robert.

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 7:39 PM, Luke Daley l...@ldaley.com wrote:
 I've experienced this too. I actually suspect there are other places as well 
 where the encoding is not being handled correctly (one I can think of is POM 

 Please make sure you raise an issue for this issue with the daemon. You're 
 right in that it should respect the environment options.

 On 15/06/2011, at 7:51 AM, David Fogel wrote:

 We've just recently switched to Gradle for building our various
 projects, and for the most part things are working pretty well. But we
 spent a few days trying to figure out why certain tasks in our build
 were messing up character encodings of our source files (which all
 start out as UTF-8).

 What we finally discovered is that when the Gradle Daemon is started
 (in org.gradle.launcher.DaemonConnector.java), it doesn't copy in any
 of the program or VM arguments from the originating gradle command, or
 the existing environment settings that are set using GRADLE_OPTS or
 JAVA_OPTS.  Among other things, we had been setting GRADLE_OPTS to set
 the file.encoding Java system property.  But when the Gradle Daemon
 executed our gradle builds, the JVM was set to use the platform
 default, which is, for instance, Mac Roman on Mac OS X.

 Obviously it isn't a great idea to rely on the platform default
 encoding, but we're calling into 3rd-party ant scripts from our builds
 (in this case to concatenate and compress javascript source files),
 and those ant scripts made use of tasks which used the platform
 default (for instance the LoadFile Ant task does this).

 I can see there's an argument against passing on command-line args
 from the gradle command to the Daemon, but shoulnd't the Daemon make
 use of environment settings like GRADLE_OPTS and JAVA_OPTS in a same
 way that the gradle shell command does?

 -Dave Fogel

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Re: [gradle-user] Uploading files over SCP.

2011-06-15 Thread Robert Fischer
Nifty.  Thanks!

~~ Robert.

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 9:56 PM, Luke Daley l...@ldaley.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I was recently asked about moving arbitrary files over SCP with Gradle (note 
 that this is different to moving published artifacts which is already covered 
 in the manual), so I thought I'd post it to the list for posterity.

 So say you need to publish a website over SCP, you can do something like…

 // pull the wagon dependency into the build, there are multiple protocols 
 // http://maven.apache.org/wagon/wagon-providers/
 buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh:1.0-beta-7

 // Some task to collect what is to be uploaded into one place
 task generateSite(type: Sync) {
    from «somewhere»
    from «somewhere»
    into $buildDir/site

 // Use the wagon to upload the content
 task uploadSite(dependsOn: generateSite)  {
    def rep = new org.apache.maven.wagon.repository.Repository(site, 
    def auth = new org.apache.maven.wagon.authentication.AuthenticationInfo()
    auth.userName = «username»
    auth.password = «password»
    def wagon = new org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.ssh.jsch.ScpWagon()
    wagon.connect(rep, auth)

    generateSite.destinationDir.eachFile {
        if (it.directory) {
            wagon.putDirectory(it, it.name)
        } else {
            wagon.put(it, it.name)


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Re: [gradle-user] bug in dependsOn method?

2011-06-17 Thread Robert Fischer
That kind of granular control isn't really the Gradle paradigm. The
Gradle paradigm is about expressing dependencies and relationships in
artifacts (declarative), not laying out a set of instructions

~~ Robert.

On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 5:53 PM, phil swenson phil.swen...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok, the reason I wanted this behavior is so I could have granular
 control of each task unless I ran the whole batch.  But I will work
 around this.


 On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Robert Fischer
 robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:
 There's no guarantied ordering of dependencies.  If
 localeGenerateArchives depends on localeGenerateResources, it should
 say so itself.

 ~~ Robert.

 On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 5:16 PM, phil swenson phil.swen...@gmail.com wrote:
 localeGenerateResources, localeGenerateArchives])

 I was wondering why my build was failing, turns out it's because
 dependency #3 is getting run before #2.  Solutions?

 BTW, I'm on gradle 1.0 m3

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Re: [gradle-user] Re: bug in dependsOn method?

2011-06-18 Thread Robert Fischer
If the order of dependsOn tasks is guarantied, you open up a whole can
of worms with dependencies being in the wrong/conflicting order, or
the inferred order from resources being in a different order. It's
just not the right direction to head. It's just serious bad times.
You're swimming against the stream in Gradle if you're wanting to do
this: there are other ways to accomplish the same thing without
opening this can of worms.

If it's a human call, just have the person punch in both tasks at the
command line. Or have one task which has the dependency, and one task
which does not have the dependency.  Read this thread, where I was
talking about a similar kind of request:

~~ Robert.

On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 10:26 AM, phil swenson phil.swen...@gmail.com wrote:
 well in this case it is fetching data from an external source (web
 service call).  There is no way to know if it's up-to-date or not,
 it's a human judgement call.

 This issue would be solved if I could count on the order of
 localeGenerateResources, localeGenerateArchives])

 I will file a request.  If gradle is going to allow me to specify
 multiple dependencies, why not work in the order specified?  Or is it
 not that simple?

 On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 6:26 PM, Peter Niederwieser pnied...@gmail.com 

 phil swenson wrote:

 Maybe not, but in my case why regenerate files when I don't need to?

 You should tell Gradle about the inputs and outputs of your tasks. Then it
 will skip up-to-date tasks automatically.

 Peter Niederwieser
 Principal Engineer, Gradleware
 Creator, Spock Framework
 Blog: http://pniederw.wordpress.com
 Twitter: @pniederw

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Re: [gradle-user] Where's the time going?

2011-06-23 Thread Robert Fischer
Wouldn't that closure have to be resolved in order to do UP-TO-DATE
checking on that task?  So it's before the execution of the task, at
least. It will be as soon as someone paid any attention to the input
to the jar task.

~~ Robert.

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 4:51 PM, Szczepan Faber szcze...@gmail.com wrote:
 The closure passed to from() method for sure is evaluated at execution
 of the task. So it may be that it was eating up the time but surely
 not the configuration phase time?


 On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 6:39 PM, M A curious.attempt.bu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Adam,

 Confirmed. It's this fragment that's eating all the time:

 jar {
  from {
    dependencies.collect {
      it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)

 I was hoping that making the expression passed to jar.from a closure
 would make it lazily evaluated. I don't think this configuration can
 be moved to a doFirst. Perhaps I can move this to a task class and
 keep my implicit input/output declarations? What would you do to
 resolve this?


 On Tue, Jun 21, 201 at 4:55 PM, Adam Murdoch
 adam.murd...@gradleware.com wrote:

 On 22/06/2011, at 8:58 AM, M A wrote:

 Hi all,

 My gradle build is eating almost 30 seconds even before it considers
 executing any tasks. How do I best go about diagnosing the problem?

 A common problem is accidentally resolving dependencies at configuration
 time, rather than at execution time. This can make the configuration phase
 quite slow, particularly if those dependencies include dynamic revisions or
 The profiling report does not yet give you any information about how long
 dependency resolution takes, or where in the build it happens. We do want to
 add this at some point.
 What you could do in the meantime is comment out all the dependencies
 (temporarily, of course), and see if this has an effect on the execution
 time for, say, 'gradle help'.


 === details 

 When I run this command:

 gradle --profile tasks

 Here's the output:

 Total Build Time 33.494
 Startup 1.268
 Settings and BuildSrc 0.617
 Loading Projects 0.539
 Configuring Projects 28.697
 Total Task Execution 1.649

 When I run in debug mode

 gradle -d tasks

 Then I get 33890 lines of output, of which 33456 are IvyLoggingAdapter.

 I noticed the log messages of the form took XX secs. 223 lines
 mention secs. These are the ones that are 0.1 seconds or greater:

 15:41:34.253 [DEBUG]
 [org.gradle.initialization.ScriptEvaluatingSettingsProcessor] Timing:
 Processing settings took: 0.665 secs
 15:41:34.761 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.initialization.BuildLoader] Timing:
 Loading projects took: 0.506 secs
 15:41:40.091 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.configuration.BuildScriptProcessor]
 Timing: Running the build script took 5.323 secs
 15:41:40.860 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.configuration.BuildScriptProcessor]
 Timing: Running the build script took 0.125 secs
 15:41:41.031 [DEBUG]
 Timing: Ivy convert for resolve took 0.136 secs
 15:41:42.976 [DEBUG]
 Timing: Ivy convert for resolve took 1.328 secs
 15:41:42.985 [DEBUG]
 Timing: Ivy convert for publish took 1.337 secs
 15:41:45.892 [DEBUG]
 Timing: Ivy convert for resolve took 1.046 secs
 15:41:45.896 [DEBUG]
 Timing: Ivy convert for publish took 1.05 secs
 15:41:47.291 [DEBUG]
 Timing: Ivy resolve took 4.305 secs
 15:41:47.406 [DEBUG]
 Timing: Translating report for configuration configuration
 ':PATH:SOMEPROJECT' took 0.103 secs
 15:41:49.120 [DEBUG]
 Timing: Ivy resolve took 0.849 secs
 15:41:50.230 [DEBUG]
 Timing: Ivy resolve took 0.42 secs
 15:41:51.287 [DEBUG]
 Timing: Ivy resolve took 0.401 secs
 15:41:52.599 [DEBUG]
 Timing: Ivy resolve took 0.491 secs
 15:41:53.646 [DEBUG]
 Timing: Ivy resolve took 0.391 secs
 15:41:54.909 [DEBUG]
 Timing: Ivy resolve took 0.465 secs
 15:41:56.088 [DEBUG]

Re: [gradle-user] Using Git as a local artifact repository

2011-06-24 Thread Robert Fischer
The fact that you're referring to the local Git repository (that's
the, not a) sets off some warning bells for me. That terminology
makes me suspect that you don't quite understand what Git is or how it
works.  And you really, *really* don't want source control sitting on
top of your local Ivy cache — that'll just be a headache, especially
when you decide to clear your cache or when updates happen.

When you check out a Git project, you end up with files checked out
onto the file system, just like any source control. So if that folder
looks like an Ivy repository, you should be able to use it just by
pointing a mavenRepo to it using a file:// URL.

I'm not sure you really want Gradle pulling from remote Git
repositories (even the default upstream), because you'll end up with
merge issues and the like which are difficult to handle

When projects do that obnoxious re-release thing, then blow away the
entry in your Ivy cache. Once that's done, you'll pull against a new
version. But they really shouldn't do that.

Another option is to check out the project into your project as a
subproject, and to map it as a submodule using Git. I do this for
Clojure for my programming language, since I want to be living always
with the newest and greatest code. Then you can have Gradle build the
other project and supply it as a dependency.

~~ Robert.

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 1:47 AM, Mike Mills purdah...@gmail.com wrote:
 Does anyone have any information on how to use Git as a local ivy
 repository or cache?

 I would like to be able to use Git as a local repository, and if the
 artefact is not there, then go to the next resolver as normal.

 However, I would like it so that if an artefact is retrieved elsewhere
 that the artefact is added into the local Git repository.

 This is akin to replacing the Gradle cache file with a Git repository
 with automatic commits to Git for NEW artefacts or version, and an
 error or confirmation should a REPLACEMENT jar be available for a
 particular version of a jar already downloaded.

 The advantage of this setup would be that any changes to artefacts
 would be tracked should things change and the confirmation would allow
 the user to be aware that things might break due to the replacement

 I have had on a couple of occasions externally sourced maven
 dependencies that have just changed. Ie version 1.1 has been
 re-released, different jar contents but reusing the same jar version.

 In maven this is a real issue, as anyone who has the old version in
 their repository builds against one version of the dependency, and new
 developers to the project get a different version.

 Is git a good way to achieve this and can it be integrated into gradle?



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Re: [gradle-user] Names for sourceSets

2011-06-24 Thread Robert Fischer
Note that you will have to create the directories for 'test-manual' by
hand. That threw me when I first got started with Gradle.

~~ Robert.

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 1:06 PM, John Murph jmurph@gmail.com wrote:
 AFAIK, Gradle only automatically handles main and test (really, the
 JavaBase plugin handles those).  For your number 1 case, we use a directory
 named test-manual and just add a new sourceSet for that directory.  It's
 not very hard, something like

 sourceSet {

 something like that (the user's guide talks about this).  This will give you
 some tasks automatically, such as a compileTestManualJava task for instance.

 John Murph
 Automated Logic Research Team

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Re: [gradle-user] Re: Ivy vs Gradle configurations

2011-07-06 Thread Robert Fischer
Oh, so the case is when you have an API jar, and instead of having an
API jar which is a bunch of interfaces that you both share, there is
just an implementation JAR which implements the given API.

That's a broken design pattern. I believe it's out there, but that's
really broken.

~~ Robert.

On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 12:40 AM, cquinn carl.qu...@gmail.com wrote:
 If you declare the api libraru as 'compile', it will be inherited by
 'runtime' and be transitively brought in to all downstream builds, including
 the final app's war or other archive. That could clash with the actual
 implementation library that the app or container might be providing,
 resulting in classpath problems.

 It seems like the current Gradle approach is to cancel out the unwanted
 transitive compile/runtime using the war task's providedCompile conf. But,
 if this is true, that seems like a bit of a kludge. Workable, but not

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Re: [gradle-user] Re: Gradle REPL?

2011-07-11 Thread Robert Fischer
If you create one, I'm sure it'd be a welcome addition.

Until then, most of the API is accessible through the documentation
(JavaDocs, GroovyDocs, write-up).  If there's something particularly
missing, let us know.

~~ Robert.

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Olivier Lefevre lefev...@yahoo.com wrote:
 I think it would be very worthwhile to create a Gradle REPL.
 Since groovy has one already that shouldn't be a major

 -- O.L.

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Re: [gradle-user] Mixed groovy and java code

2011-11-17 Thread Robert Fischer
I'm pretty sure you can put *.java files under /src/*/groovy and they
will compile just fine.

~~ Robert.

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Alexander von Zitzewitz
a.zitzew...@hello2morrow.com wrote:

 I am having a project with groovy and java sources, using gradle version 1.0 

 Now some java classes depend on groovy classes and the other way around.

 When building from scratch the compileJava tasks fails, because it cannot 
 find the groovy classes used by the Java classes and compileGroovy has not 
 been executed yet. Is this a chicken-egg problem? How would I solve that?

 Thanks for any hep in advance.

 Best regards

 Alexander von Zitzewitz

 hello2morrow Inc.
 1 (877) 294-6327

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Re: [gradle-user] Mixed groovy and java code

2011-11-17 Thread Robert Fischer
That's not really keeping your source trees seperate...it's just
pretending that they are in your file system while making them the
same in Gradle itself.

~~ Robert.

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 1:54 PM, Carr, Brian M
brianmc...@austin.utexas.edu wrote:
 If you want to keep your source trees separate, you may also add the 
 following to your build.gradle:

 sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs = []
 sourceSets.main.groovy.srcDirs = ['src/main/groovy', 'src/main/java']
 sourceSets.test.java.srcDirs = []
 sourceSets.test.groovy.srcDirs = ['src/test/groovy', 'src/test/java']

 Brian M. Carr
 Senior Software Engineer
 Identity Management, ITS Applications
 University of Texas at Austin
 V: 512-232-6419
 F: 512-471-5746

 On Nov 17, 2011, at 12:26 PM, Alexander von Zitzewitz wrote:

 Thanks, that worked..

 On Nov 17, 2011, at 1:06 PM, Robert Fischer wrote:

 I'm pretty sure you can put *.java files under /src/*/groovy and they
 will compile just fine.

 ~~ Robert.

 On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Alexander von Zitzewitz
 a.zitzew...@hello2morrow.com wrote:

 I am having a project with groovy and java sources, using gradle version 
 1.0 M4.

 Now some java classes depend on groovy classes and the other way around.

 When building from scratch the compileJava tasks fails, because it cannot 
 find the groovy classes used by the Java classes and compileGroovy has not 
 been executed yet. Is this a chicken-egg problem? How would I solve that?

 Thanks for any hep in advance.

 Best regards

 Alexander von Zitzewitz

 hello2morrow Inc.
 1 (877) 294-6327

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 Best regards

 Alexander von Zitzewitz

 hello2morrow Inc.
 1 (877) 294-6327

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Re: [gradle-user] Re: Problem building groovy test code

2011-11-22 Thread Robert Fischer
I, for one, like to keep my Groovy and Java stuff fairly separate.  I
use Groovy for a different level of my application than where I use
Java (or Scala), and so it is nice that the default allows for the

~~ Robert.

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 2:32 AM, Peter Niederwieser pnied...@gmail.com wrote:

 David Kowis wrote

 Yeah, I ended up setting the CompileJava task to skip, and added the
 src/main/java to the groovy srcDir.

 Is this the ideal convention?

 Why not have the groovy plug in do this by default?

 I'm not sure which is the ideal convention, but the current convention is
 more flexible in that you can control which Java files are joint-compiled
 and which are passed directly to javac.

 Peter Niederwieser
 Principal Engineer, Gradleware
 Creator, Spock Framework
 Twitter: @pniederw

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[gradle-user] [ANN] Plugins: Compilers and Mirah (0.0.4 release for both)

2012-01-27 Thread Robert Fischer
The Compilers plugin (providing a base class for JVM compilers) as
well as the Mirah plugin (providing a compiler for the JRuby-inspired,
ultralight Mirah programming language) have both been released.

More information in the README pages:


~~ Robert.
Science tells us we are merely beasts, but we don't feel like that. We
feel like angels trapped inside the bodies of beasts, forever craving
(VS Ramachandran, cognitive neuroscientist)

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[gradle-user] Get at Artifacts?

2012-04-22 Thread Robert Fischer
Is there a handy way to get a handle on the artifacts that would be
produced by uploadArchives? I'd like to use that for my ghUpload
script as part of the GitHub development.  (This is a stop-gap
approach to defining a proper GitHub Deployer.)

~~ Robert.

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Re: [gradle-user] Re: Get at Artifacts?

2012-04-22 Thread Robert Fischer
That'll do. Thanks!

Now, are those PublishArtifact instances or their containing set only
properly configured after some point in the lifecycle, or can I just
use them and go to town, and trust Gradle to do the rest?

~~ Robert.

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 8:04 PM, Peter Niederwieser pnied...@gmail.com wrote:
 `configurations.archives.artifacts/allArtifacts` will get you a
 SetPublishArtifact. Is this what you are looking for?

 Peter Niederwieser
 Principal Engineer, Gradleware
 Creator, Spock Framework
 Twitter: @pniederw

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Re: [gradle-user] Re: Get at Artifacts?

2012-04-23 Thread Robert Fischer
I'm defining the task like this:

task ghUpload(dependsOn:[configurations.archives]) {

But that isn't forcing the jar to be built. (In this case, I've got
the Java plugin installed.) Is there a trick I need to force that?

~~ Robert.

On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 8:28 PM, Peter Niederwieser pnied...@gmail.com wrote:
 They are configured at configuration time (e.g. by the `java` plugin).
 Plugins should use the usual mechanisms (`artifacts.all { ... }`, convention
 mapping, `doFirst {}`,  etc.) to cope with timing issues.

 Peter Niederwieser
 Principal Engineer, Gradleware
 Creator, Spock Framework
 Twitter: @pniederw

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Re: [gradle-user] Re: Get at Artifacts?

2012-04-23 Thread Robert Fischer
Looks like this is working:
task ghUpload(dependsOn:[configurations.archives.allArtifacts]) {

Is this a bug? I'd expect configurations.archives to be functionally
equivalent to configuration.archives.allArtifacts.

~~ Robert.

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Robert Fischer
robert.fisc...@smokejumperit.com wrote:
 I'm defining the task like this:

 task ghUpload(dependsOn:[configurations.archives]) {

 But that isn't forcing the jar to be built. (In this case, I've got
 the Java plugin installed.) Is there a trick I need to force that?

 ~~ Robert.

 On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 8:28 PM, Peter Niederwieser pnied...@gmail.com 
 They are configured at configuration time (e.g. by the `java` plugin).
 Plugins should use the usual mechanisms (`artifacts.all { ... }`, convention
 mapping, `doFirst {}`,  etc.) to cope with timing issues.

 Peter Niederwieser
 Principal Engineer, Gradleware
 Creator, Spock Framework
 Twitter: @pniederw

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Re: [gradle-user] Get at Artifacts?

2012-04-24 Thread Robert Fischer
Thanks for the tip. I'll head that way with the code: what you're
seeing is iterative development at work.

~~ Robert.

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 8:07 AM, Luke Daley luke.da...@gradleware.com wrote:

 On 23/04/2012, at 10:43 AM, Robert Fischer wrote:

 Looks like this is working:
 task ghUpload(dependsOn:[configurations.archives.allArtifacts]) {

 You should rewrite your upload task to accept a FileCollection parameter, and 
 annotate that parameter with @InputFiles.


 class GhUpload extends DefaultTask {
        FileCollection artifacts



 task ghUpload(type: GhUpload) {
        artifacts = configurations.archives.allArtifacts

 Gradle will then infer/manage the dependencies for you.

 Is this a bug? I'd expect configurations.archives to be functionally
 equivalent to configuration.archives.allArtifacts.

 It's not a bug, but more of a quirk of configurations modelling incoming 
 (dependencies)  outgoing (artifacts) right now (which is an Ivy hangover).

 In the way you're using it, configurations.archives is like saying 

 Luke Daley
 Principal Engineer, Gradleware

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Re: [gradle-user] gradle use case I haven't seen an example for

2012-04-26 Thread Robert Fischer
Isn't this why a loving and benevolent God invented wget? Or is there
some inconsistency that I'm not aware of?

~~ Robert.

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Roger Studner rstud...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have an ivy repo and use a sort of ugly/hackish ant file to pull things 
 from maven central and then publish them to my own ivy repo

 I'd like to do this with gradle, but have no idea where to start.. obviously 
 I can pull down the dependencies/comppile etc etc with gradle.. i've just 
 never tried to make a task to pull something down and then publish it to 
 another repo

 anyone :)?


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Re: [gradle-user] gradle use case I haven't seen an example for

2012-04-26 Thread Robert Fischer
Ah. Got it. So there is a distinction you're concerned about.

I'd think you could somehow pipe configurations.compile into
configurations.archives and then use the standard install provided by
the Maven plugin. Although that'll probably give you Pom files, which
aren't exactly Ivy files.

~~ Robert.

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Roger Studner rstud...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, the issue is making sure the proper artifacts  all depedencies are 
 pulled down.. and then the correct ivys/*.xml files are created/pushed for 
 each artifact.

 wget (CURL!) is brilliant.. but doesn't solve the issue (even 1%) here.


 On Apr 26, 2012, at 11:21 AM, Robert Fischer wrote:

 Isn't this why a loving and benevolent God invented wget? Or is there
 some inconsistency that I'm not aware of?

 ~~ Robert.

 On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 11:15 AM, Roger Studner rstud...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have an ivy repo and use a sort of ugly/hackish ant file to pull things 
 from maven central and then publish them to my own ivy repo

 I'd like to do this with gradle, but have no idea where to start.. 
 obviously I can pull down the dependencies/comppile etc etc with gradle.. 
 i've just never tried to make a task to pull something down and then 
 publish it to another repo

 anyone :)?


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Re: [gradle-user] Watching a File For Changes?

2012-04-26 Thread Robert Fischer
Commons-IO has this:

Not sure if Gradle does.

~~ Robert.

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 4:39 PM, James Carr james.r.c...@gmail.com wrote:
 This feels like a silly question, but my gradle-fu is a little off since
 I've been in node.js land a lot more lately.

 Is there an easy way to watch file(s) for changes from gradle? I'm basically
 looking to make the embedded jetty/tomcat server restart when certain files
 (like the SQL files we use to init H2) change.


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Re: [gradle-user] Can not resolve artifacts with dynamic revisions from Ivy repository

2012-05-02 Thread Robert Fischer
I was under the impression that Gradle did not support dynamic
revisions. It'd be really nice if it did!

~~ Robert.

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 8:53 AM, Milan Papzilla papic...@googlemail.com wrote:

 I can not resolve artifacts with dynamic revision number from a Ivy
 According to GRADLE-1789 this should work but when I try to resolve e.g

 dependencies {
    testCompile group: 'commons-beanutils', name: 'commons-beanutils',
 version: '1.8.+', configuration:'default'

 version: '1.8.+' fails while version: '1.8.3' is resolved correctly.
 Also resolving against mavenCentral()  is working correctly.

 But whenever I use a dynamic version number with a Ivy repository it ends up

 org.gradle.api.artifacts.ResolveException: Could not resolve all
 dependencies for configuration ':testCompile'.
 [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]     at
 [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]     at
 [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter]     at
 Caused by:
 Could not find any version that matches group:commons-beanutils,
 module:commons-beanutils, version:1.8.+.

 any suggestions ?

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Re: [gradle-user] Re: Can not resolve artifacts with dynamic revisions from Ivy repository

2012-05-02 Thread Robert Fischer
Is there a syntax for them different from normal?

foo:bar:[1.2.3,) doesn't work as of the last time I tried it. The OP
states that foo:bar:1+ doesn't work.

~~ Robert.

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Peter Niederwieser pnied...@gmail.com wrote:

 Robert Fischer wrote

 I was under the impression that Gradle did not support dynamic
 revisions. It'd be really nice if it did!

 Dynamic revisions have always been supported (modulo some bugs). Just don't
 expect too much from them; from my experience, they can cause significant
 problems both with Ivy and Maven (performance penalty, semantics). For me
 and others that's reason enough not to use them. Chances are that if Spring
 and Hibernate get along without them, you will too.

 Peter Niederwieser
 Principal Engineer, Gradleware
 Creator, Spock Framework
 Twitter: @pniederw

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