How to enforce RDD to be cached?

2014-12-03 Thread shahab

I noticed that rdd.cache() is not happening immediately rather due to lazy
feature of Spark, it is happening just at the moment  you perform some
map/reduce actions. Is this true?

If this is the case, how can I enforce Spark to cache immediately at its
cache() statement? I need this to perform some benchmarking and I need to
separate rdd caching and rdd transformation/action processing time.


Re: Filter using the Vertex Ids

2014-12-03 Thread Deep Pradhan
And one more thing, the given tupes
(1, 1.0)
(2, 1.0)
(3, 2.0)
(4, 2.0)
(5, 0.0)

are a part of RDD and they are not just tuples.
graph.vertices return me the above tuples which is a part of VertexRDD.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Deep Pradhan

 This is just an example but if my graph is big, there will be so many
 tuples to handle. I cannot manually do
 val a: RDD[(Int, Double)] = sc.parallelize(List(
   (1, 1.0),
   (2, 1.0),
   (3, 2.0),
   (4, 2.0),
   (5, 0.0)))
 for all the vertices in the graph.
 What should I do in that case?
 We cannot do *sc.parallelize(List(VertexRDD)), *can we?

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Ankur Dave wrote:

 At 2014-12-02 22:01:20 -0800, Deep Pradhan
  I have a graph which returns the following on doing graph.vertices
  (1, 1.0)
  (2, 1.0)
  (3, 2.0)
  (4, 2.0)
  (5, 0.0)
  I want to group all the vertices with the same attribute together, like
  one RDD or something. I want all the vertices with same attribute to be

 You can do this by flipping the tuples so the values become the keys,
 then using one of the by-key functions in PairRDDFunctions:

 val a: RDD[(Int, Double)] = sc.parallelize(List(
   (1, 1.0),
   (2, 1.0),
   (3, 2.0),
   (4, 2.0),
   (5, 0.0)))

 val b: RDD[(Double, Int)] = = (kv._2, kv._1))

 val c: RDD[(Double, Iterable[Int])] = b.groupByKey(numPartitions = 5)

 // (0.0,CompactBuffer(5))
 // (1.0,CompactBuffer(1, 2))
 // (2.0,CompactBuffer(3, 4))


Re: Help understanding - Not enough space to cache rdd

2014-12-03 Thread Akhil Das
Set flag to 1 while creating the sparkContext
to utilize upto 73Gb of your memory, default it 0.6 and hence you are
getting 33.6Gb. Also set rdd.compression and StorageLevel as
MEMORY_ONLY_SER if your data is kind of larger than your available memory.
(you could try MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER also)

Best Regards

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 12:23 AM, akhandeshi wrote:

 I am running in local mode. I am using google n1-highmem-16 (16 vCPU, 104
 memory) machine.

 I have allocated the SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY=95g

 I see Memory: 33.6 GB Used (73.7 GB Total) that the exeuctor is using.

 In the log out put below, I see 33.6 gb blocks are used by 2 rdds that I
 have cached.   I should still have 40.2 gb left.

 However, I see  messages like:

 14/12/02 18:15:04 WARN storage.MemoryStore: Not enough space to cache
 rdd_15_9 in memory! (computed 8.1 GB so far)
 14/12/02 18:15:04 INFO storage.MemoryStore: Memory use = 33.6 GB (blocks) +
 40.1 GB (scratch space shared across 14 thread(s)) = 73.7 GB. Storage limit
 = 73.7 GB.
 14/12/02 18:15:04 WARN spark.CacheManager: Persisting partition rdd_15_9 to
 disk instead.
 further down I see:
 4/12/02 18:30:08 INFO storage.BlockManagerInfo: Added rdd_15_9 on disk on
 localhost:41889 (size: 6.9 GB)
 4/12/02 18:30:08 INFO storage.BlockManagerMaster: Updated info of block
 14/12/02 18:30:08 ERROR executor.Executor: Exception in task 9.0 in stage
 2.0 (TID 348)
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Size exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE

 I don't understand couple of things:
 1) In this case, I am joining 2 RDDs (size 16.3 G and 17.2 GB) both rdds
 create from reading from HDFS files.  The size of each .part is 24.87 MB, I
 am reading this files into 250 partitions, so I shouldn't have any
 individual partition over 25MB, so how could rdd_15_9 have 8.1g?

 2) Even if the data is 8.1g, spark should have enough memory to write, but
 would expect Integer.MAX_VALUE  2gb limitation!   However, I don't get that
 error message, and partial dataset is written to disk (6.9 gb).  I don't
 understand how and why only partial dataset is written.

 3)  Why do get java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Size exceeds
 Integer.MAX_VALUE after writing partial dataset.

 I would love to hear from anyone that can shed some light into this...


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Re: WordCount fails in .textFile() method

2014-12-03 Thread Akhil Das
Try running it in local mode. Looks like a jar conflict/missing.

SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(JavaWordCount);
JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
new JavaWordCount(jsc).doJob();

Best Regards

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:49 AM, Rahul Swaminathan wrote:


  I am trying to run JavaWordCount without using the spark-submit script.
 I have copied the source code for JavaWordCount and am using a
 JavaSparkContext with the following:

  SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(JavaWordCount);

 JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
  new JavaWordCount(jsc).doJob();

  I am getting the following error in the .textFile() method:

  Exception in thread main java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;


  What can I do to solve this issue? It works fine when running from
 command line with spark-submit script.



Re: Spark with HBase

2014-12-03 Thread Akhil Das
You could go through these to start with

Best Regards

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Jai wrote:

 I am trying to use Apache Spark with a psuedo distributed Hadoop Hbase
 Cluster and I am looking for some links regarding the same. Can someone
 please guide me through the steps to accomplish this. Thanks a lot for

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Re: Low Level Kafka Consumer for Spark

2014-12-03 Thread Dibyendu Bhattacharya

Yes, as Jerry mentioned, the Spark -3129 ( enabled the WAL feature
which solves the Driver failure problem. The way 3129 is designed , it
solved the driver failure problem agnostic of the source of the stream (
like Kafka or Flume etc) But with just 3129 you can not achieve complete
solution for data loss. You need a reliable receiver which should also
solves the data loss issue on receiver failure.

The Low Level Consumer (
for which this email thread was started has solved that problem with Kafka
Low Level API.

And Spark-4062 as Jerry mentioned also recently solved the same problem
using Kafka High Level API.

On the Kafka High Level Consumer API approach , I would like to mention
that Kafka 0.8 has some issue as mentioned in this wiki (
where consumer re-balance sometime fails and that is one of the key reason
Kafka is re-writing consumer API in Kafka 0.9.

I know there are few folks already have faced this re-balancing issues
while using Kafka High Level API , and If you ask my opinion, we at Pearson
are still using the Low Level Consumer as this seems to be more robust and
performant and we have been using this for few months without any issue
..and also I may be little biased :)


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 7:04 AM, Shao, Saisai wrote:

 Hi Rod,

 The purpose of introducing  WAL mechanism in Spark Streaming as a general
 solution is to make all the receivers be benefit from this mechanism.

 Though as you said, external sources like Kafka have their own checkpoint
 mechanism, instead of storing data in WAL, we can only store metadata to
 WAL, and recover from the last committed offsets. But this requires
 sophisticated design of Kafka receiver with low-level API involved, also we
 need to take care of rebalance and fault tolerance things by ourselves. So
 right now instead of implementing a whole new receiver, we choose to
 implement a simple one, though the performance is not so good, it's much
 easier to understand and maintain.

 The design purpose and implementation of reliable Kafka receiver can be
 found in ( And in
 future, to improve the reliable Kafka receiver like what you mentioned is
 on our scheduler.


 -Original Message-
 From: RodrigoB []
 Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 5:44 AM
 Subject: Re: Low Level Kafka Consumer for Spark


 Just to make sure I will not be misunderstood - My concerns are referring
 to the Spark upcoming solution and not yours. I would to gather the
 perspective of someone which implemented recovery with Kafka a different


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How does 2.3.4-spark differ from typesafe 2.3.4 akka?

2014-12-03 Thread dresnick
Using sbt-assemble I'm creating a fat jar that includes spark and akka. I've
encountered this error:


This brought the org.spark-project.akka group to my attention. 

Can someone explain why the spark-project builds and uses it's own release
of akka? How does it differ from the com.typesafe.akka release?


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Re: pySpark saveAsSequenceFile append overwrite

2014-12-03 Thread Akhil Das
You can't append to a file with spark using the native saveAs* calls, it
will always check if the directory already exists and if yes, it will throw
error. People usually use hadoop's getMerge utilities to combine the

Best Regards

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Csaba Ragany wrote:

 Dear Spark community,

 Has the pySpark saveAsSequenceFile(folder) method the ability to append
 the new sequencefile into an other one or to overwrite an existing
 sequencefile? If the folder already exists then I get an error message...

 Thank You!

getting firs N messages froma Kafka topic using Spark Streaming

2014-12-03 Thread Hafiz Mujadid
Hi Experts!

Is there a way to read first N messages from kafka stream and put them in 
some collection and return to the caller for visualization purpose and close
spark streaming.

I will be glad to hear from you and will be thankful to you.

Currently I have following code that 

def getsample(params: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, String]): Unit
= {
if (params.contains(zookeeperQourum))
  zkQuorum = params.get(zookeeperQourum).get
if (params.contains(userGroup))
  group = params.get(userGroup).get
if (params.contains(topics))
  topics = params.get(topics).get
if (params.contains(numberOfThreads))
  numThreads = params.get(numberOfThreads).get
if (params.contains(sink))
  sink = params.get(sink).get
if (params.contains(batchInterval))
  interval = params.get(batchInterval).get.toInt
val sparkConf = new
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(interval))
val topicMap = topics.split(,).map((_, numThreads.toInt)).toMap
var consumerConfig = scala.collection.immutable.Map.empty[String,
consumerConfig += (auto.offset.reset - smallest)
consumerConfig += (zookeeper.connect - zkQuorum)
consumerConfig += ( - group)
var data = KafkaUtils.createStream[Array[Byte], Array[Byte],
DefaultDecoder, DefaultDecoder](ssc, consumerConfig, topicMap,
val streams = data.window(Seconds(interval), Seconds(interval)).map(x =
new String(x))
streams.foreach(rdd = rdd.foreachPartition(itr = {
  while (itr.hasNext  size = 0) {
size -= 1

Where sample is a StringBuilder, when I print the contents of this string
builder after getSample method call is returned. I got nothing in it.

Any help will be appreciated  

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Spark SQL UDF returning a list?

2014-12-03 Thread Jerry Raj

Can a UDF return a list of values that can be used in a WHERE clause? 
Something like:

sqlCtx.registerFunction(myudf, {
  Array(1, 2, 3)

val sql = select doc_id, doc_value from doc_table where doc_id in 

This does not work:

Exception in thread main java.lang.RuntimeException: [1.57] failure: 
``('' expected but identifier myudf found

I also tried returning a List of Ints, that did not work either. Is 
there a way to write a UDF that returns a list?


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Re: Spark with HBase

2014-12-03 Thread Ted Yu
Which hbase release are you running ?
If it is 0.98, take a look at:


On Dec 2, 2014, at 10:21 PM, Jai wrote:

 I am trying to use Apache Spark with a psuedo distributed Hadoop Hbase
 Cluster and I am looking for some links regarding the same. Can someone
 please guide me through the steps to accomplish this. Thanks a lot for
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Does count() evaluate all mapped functions?

2014-12-03 Thread Tobias Pfeiffer

I have an RDD and a function that should be called on every item in this
RDD once (say it updates an external database). So far, I used
  rdd.mapPartitions(iter =
but I am wondering if this always triggers the call of myFunction in both
cases. Actually, in the first case, the count() will be the same whether or
not myFunction is called for each element, so I was just wondering if I can
rely on count() evaluating the whole pipeline including functions that
cannot change the count.


Re: Filter using the Vertex Ids

2014-12-03 Thread Deep Pradhan
This is just an example but if my graph is big, there will be so many
tuples to handle. I cannot manually do
val a: RDD[(Int, Double)] = sc.parallelize(List(
  (1, 1.0),
  (2, 1.0),
  (3, 2.0),
  (4, 2.0),
  (5, 0.0)))
for all the vertices in the graph.
What should I do in that case?
We cannot do *sc.parallelize(List(VertexRDD)), *can we?

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Ankur Dave wrote:

 At 2014-12-02 22:01:20 -0800, Deep Pradhan
  I have a graph which returns the following on doing graph.vertices
  (1, 1.0)
  (2, 1.0)
  (3, 2.0)
  (4, 2.0)
  (5, 0.0)
  I want to group all the vertices with the same attribute together, like
  one RDD or something. I want all the vertices with same attribute to be

 You can do this by flipping the tuples so the values become the keys, then
 using one of the by-key functions in PairRDDFunctions:

 val a: RDD[(Int, Double)] = sc.parallelize(List(
   (1, 1.0),
   (2, 1.0),
   (3, 2.0),
   (4, 2.0),
   (5, 0.0)))

 val b: RDD[(Double, Int)] = = (kv._2, kv._1))

 val c: RDD[(Double, Iterable[Int])] = b.groupByKey(numPartitions = 5)

 // (0.0,CompactBuffer(5))
 // (1.0,CompactBuffer(1, 2))
 // (2.0,CompactBuffer(3, 4))


Re: WordCount fails in .textFile() method

2014-12-03 Thread Akhil Das
dump your classpath, looks like you have multiple versions of guava jars in
the classpath.

Best Regards

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:30 PM, Rahul Swaminathan wrote:

  I’ve tried that and the same error occurs. Do you have any other


   From: Akhil Das
 Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at 3:55 AM
 To: Rahul Swaminathan
 Subject: Re: WordCount fails in .textFile() method

Try running it in local mode. Looks like a jar conflict/missing.

   SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(JavaWordCount);

   JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
   new JavaWordCount(jsc).doJob();

 Best Regards

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:49 AM, Rahul Swaminathan wrote:


  I am trying to run JavaWordCount without using the spark-submit script.
 I have copied the source code for JavaWordCount and am using a
 JavaSparkContext with the following:

  SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(JavaWordCount);

 JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
  new JavaWordCount(jsc).doJob();

  I am getting the following error in the .textFile() method:

  Exception in thread main java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;


  What can I do to solve this issue? It works fine when running from
 command line with spark-submit script.



Re: WordCount fails in .textFile() method

2014-12-03 Thread Rahul Swaminathan
I've tried that and the same error occurs. Do you have any other suggestions?


From: Akhil Das
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at 3:55 AM
To: Rahul Swaminathan
Subject: Re: WordCount fails in .textFile() method

Try running it in local mode. Looks like a jar conflict/missing.

SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(JavaWordCount);
JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
new JavaWordCount(jsc).doJob();

Best Regards

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:49 AM, Rahul Swaminathan wrote:

I am trying to run JavaWordCount without using the spark-submit script. I have 
copied the source code for JavaWordCount and am using a JavaSparkContext with 
the following:

SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(JavaWordCount);
JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
new JavaWordCount(jsc).doJob();

I am getting the following error in the .textFile() method:

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;


What can I do to solve this issue? It works fine when running from command line 
with spark-submit script.



Using sparkSQL to convert a collection of python dictionary of dictionaries to schma RDD

2014-12-03 Thread sahanbull
Hi Guys, 

I am trying to use SparkSQL to convert an RDD to SchemaRDD so that I can
save it in parquet format. 

A record in my RDD has the following format: 

   field2: 'string',
   field3: {'a':1, 'c':2}

I am using field3 to represent a sparse vector and it can have keys:
'a','b' or 'c' and values any int value

The current approach I am using is :
   schemaRDD1 = sqc.jsonRDD( x: simplejson.dumps(x)))

But when I do this, the dictionary in field 3 also gets converted to a
SparkSQL Row. This converts field3 to be a dense data structure where it
holds value None for every key that is not present in the field 3 for each

When  I do 

test = x: simplejson.dumps(x))

my output is: {field1: 5, field2:string, field3 :{a:1,c:2}}

But then when I do 
 schemaRDD = sqc.jsonRDD(test)

my output is : Row( field1=5, field2='string', field3 = Row(a=1,b=None,c=2))

in realty, I have 1000s of probable keys in field 3 and only 2 to 3 of them
occur per record. So When tic converts to a Row, it generates thousands of
None fields per record.
Is there anyways for me to store field3 as a dictionary instead of
converting it into a Row in the schemaRDD??

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Re: Spark SQL table Join, one task is taking long

2014-12-03 Thread Cheng Lian

Hey Venkat,

This behavior seems reasonable. According to the table name, I guess 
here |DAgents| should be the fact table and |ContactDetails| is the dim 
table. Below is an explanation of a similar query, you may see |src| as 
|DAgents| and |src1| as |ContactDetails|.

|0: jdbc:hive2://localhost:1 explain extended select * from src, src1 
where src.key = src1.key and src.key = 100;
| == Parsed Logical Plan == 
| 'Project [*]  
|  'Filter (('src.key = 'src1.key)  ('src.key = 100)) 
|   'Join Inner, None   
|'UnresolvedRelation None, src, None
|'UnresolvedRelation None, src1, None   
| == Analyzed Logical Plan ==   
| Project [key#81,value#82,key#83,value#84] 
|  Filter ((key#81 = key#83)  (key#81 = 100)) 
|   Join Inner, None
|MetastoreRelation default, src, None   
|MetastoreRelation default, src1, None  
| == Optimized Logical Plan ==  
| Project [key#81,value#82,key#83,value#84] 
|  Join Inner, Some((key#81 = key#83))  
|   Filter (key#81 = 100)   
|MetastoreRelation default, src, None   
|   MetastoreRelation default, src1, None   
| == Physical Plan ==   
| Project [key#81,value#82,key#83,value#84] 
|  ShuffledHashJoin [key#81], [key#83], BuildRight  
|   Exchange (HashPartitioning [key#81], 200)   
|Filter (key#81 = 100)  
| HiveTableScan [key#81,value#82], (MetastoreRelation default, src, None), 
None  |
|   Exchange (HashPartitioning [key#83], 200)   
|HiveTableScan [key#83,value#84], (MetastoreRelation default, src1, None), 
None  |
| Code Generation: false
| == RDD == 

Please notice the |Filter| node in the physical plan. In your case, all 
the filtered rows are shuffled into a single partition because 
|DAgents.f1| is both the predicate key and the shuffle key, and that 
partition is handled by the task that lasts for more than 1 second. All 
other tasks in the count stage cost only a few ms because they don’t 
receive any rows from |DAgents|.

If |ContactDetails| is small enought, you can cache |ContactDetails| 
first and set |spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinShreshold| larger than the 
size of |ContactDetails|, a broadcast join rather than a would be 
performed, and would usually result better performance.


On 12/2/14 6:35 AM, Venkat Subramanian wrote:

Environment: Spark 1.1, 4 Node Spark and Hadoop Dev cluster - 6 cores, 32 GB
Ram each. Default serialization, Standalone, no security

Data was sqooped from relational DB to HDFS and Data is partitioned across
HDFS uniformly. I am reading a  fact table about 8 GB in size and one small
dim table from HDFS and then doing a join on them based on a criteria. .
Running the Driver on Spark shell on Spark master.

ContactDetail and DAgents are read as RDD and registered as table already.
Each of these tables have 60 to 90 fields and I am using Product class.

val CDJoinQry= sqlContext.sql(SELECT  * FROM ContactDetail, DAgents  WHERE
ContactDetail.f6 = DAgents.f1 and DAgents.f1 = 902) = ta(4)).count   // result is a 

Re: Filter using the Vertex Ids

2014-12-03 Thread Ankur Dave
At 2014-12-03 02:13:49 -0800, Deep Pradhan wrote:
 We cannot do sc.parallelize(List(VertexRDD)), can we?

There's no need to do this, because every VertexRDD is also a pair RDD:

class VertexRDD[VD] extends RDD[(VertexId, VD)]

You can simply use graph.vertices in place of `a` in my example.


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Re: Filter using the Vertex Ids

2014-12-03 Thread Ankur Dave
At 2014-12-02 22:01:20 -0800, Deep Pradhan wrote:
 I have a graph which returns the following on doing graph.vertices
 (1, 1.0)
 (2, 1.0)
 (3, 2.0)
 (4, 2.0)
 (5, 0.0)

 I want to group all the vertices with the same attribute together, like into
 one RDD or something. I want all the vertices with same attribute to be

You can do this by flipping the tuples so the values become the keys, then 
using one of the by-key functions in PairRDDFunctions:

val a: RDD[(Int, Double)] = sc.parallelize(List(
  (1, 1.0),
  (2, 1.0),
  (3, 2.0),
  (4, 2.0),
  (5, 0.0)))

val b: RDD[(Double, Int)] = = (kv._2, kv._1))

val c: RDD[(Double, Iterable[Int])] = b.groupByKey(numPartitions = 5)

// (0.0,CompactBuffer(5))
// (1.0,CompactBuffer(1, 2))
// (2.0,CompactBuffer(3, 4))


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textFileStream() issue?

2014-12-03 Thread Bahubali Jain
I am trying to use textFileStream(some_hdfs_location) to pick new files
from a HDFS location.I am seeing a pretty strange behavior though.
textFileStream() is not detecting new files when I move them from a
location with in hdfs to location at which textFileStream() is checking for
new files.
But when I copy files from a location in linux filesystem to hdfs then the
textFileStream is detecting the new files.

Is this a know issue?


Re: getting firs N messages froma Kafka topic using Spark Streaming

2014-12-03 Thread Akhil Das
You could do something like:

val stream = kafkaStream.getStream().repartition(1).mapPartitions(x = x.

Here stream will have 10 elements from the kafakaStream.

Best Regards

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Hafiz Mujadid

 Hi Experts!

 Is there a way to read first N messages from kafka stream and put them in
 some collection and return to the caller for visualization purpose and
 spark streaming.

 I will be glad to hear from you and will be thankful to you.

 Currently I have following code that

 def getsample(params: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, String]): Unit
 = {
 if (params.contains(zookeeperQourum))
   zkQuorum = params.get(zookeeperQourum).get
 if (params.contains(userGroup))
   group = params.get(userGroup).get
 if (params.contains(topics))
   topics = params.get(topics).get
 if (params.contains(numberOfThreads))
   numThreads = params.get(numberOfThreads).get
 if (params.contains(sink))
   sink = params.get(sink).get
 if (params.contains(batchInterval))
   interval = params.get(batchInterval).get.toInt
 val sparkConf = new

 val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(interval))
 val topicMap = topics.split(,).map((_, numThreads.toInt)).toMap
 var consumerConfig = scala.collection.immutable.Map.empty[String,
 consumerConfig += (auto.offset.reset - smallest)
 consumerConfig += (zookeeper.connect - zkQuorum)
 consumerConfig += ( - group)
 var data = KafkaUtils.createStream[Array[Byte], Array[Byte],
 DefaultDecoder, DefaultDecoder](ssc, consumerConfig, topicMap,
 val streams = data.window(Seconds(interval), Seconds(interval)).map(x
 new String(x))
 streams.foreach(rdd = rdd.foreachPartition(itr = {
   while (itr.hasNext  size = 0) {
 size -= 1

 Where sample is a StringBuilder, when I print the contents of this string
 builder after getSample method call is returned. I got nothing in it.

 Any help will be appreciated

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Re: getting firs N messages froma Kafka topic using Spark Streaming

2014-12-03 Thread Hafiz Mujadid
Hi Akhil!

Thanks for your response. Can you please suggest me how to return this
sample from a function to the caller and stopping SparkStreaming


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Re: How to enforce RDD to be cached?

2014-12-03 Thread Daniel Darabos
On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 10:52 AM, shahab wrote:


 I noticed that rdd.cache() is not happening immediately rather due to lazy
 feature of Spark, it is happening just at the moment  you perform some
 map/reduce actions. Is this true?

Yes, this is correct.

If this is the case, how can I enforce Spark to cache immediately at its
 cache() statement? I need this to perform some benchmarking and I need to
 separate rdd caching and rdd transformation/action processing time.

The typical solution I think is to run rdd.foreach(_ = ()) to trigger a

Re: Announcing Spark 1.1.1!

2014-12-03 Thread rzykov
Andrew and developers, thank you for excellent release!

It fixed almost all of our issues. Now we are migrating to Spark from Zoo of
Python, Java, Hive, Pig jobs.
Our Scala/Spark jobs often failed on 1.1. Spark 1.1.1 works like a Swiss

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converting DStream[String] into RDD[String] in spark streaming

2014-12-03 Thread Hafiz Mujadid
Hi everyOne!

I want to convert a  DStream[String] into an RDD[String]. I could not find
how to do this.  

var data = KafkaUtils.createStream[Array[Byte], Array[Byte], DefaultDecoder,
DefaultDecoder](ssc, consumerConfig, topicMap,
val streams = data.window(Seconds(interval), Seconds(interval)).map(x =
new String(x))

Now I want to convert this streams into a single RDD[String].

Any help please.

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collecting fails - requirements for collecting (clone, hashCode etc?)

2014-12-03 Thread Ron Ayoub
The following code is failing on the collect. If I don't do the collect and go 
with a JavaRDDDocument it works fine. Except I really would like to collect. 
At first I was getting an error regarding JDI threads and an index being 0. 
Then it just started locking up. I'm running the spark context locally on 8 

long count = documents.filter(d - d.getFeatures().size()  
Parameters.MIN_CENTROID_FEATURES).count();  ListDocument 
sampledDocuments = documents.filter(d - d.getFeatures().size()  
Parameters.MIN_CENTROID_FEATURES)  .sample(false, 


RE: collecting fails - requirements for collecting (clone, hashCode etc?)

2014-12-03 Thread Ron Ayoub
I didn't realize I do get a nice stack trace if not running in debug mode. 
Basically, I believe Document has to be serializable. 
But since the question has already been asked, are the other requirements for 
objects within an RDD that I should be aware of. serializable is very 
understandable. How about clone, hashCode, etc...

Subject: collecting fails - requirements for collecting (clone, hashCode etc?)
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2014 07:48:53 -0600

The following code is failing on the collect. If I don't do the collect and go 
with a JavaRDDDocument it works fine. Except I really would like to collect. 
At first I was getting an error regarding JDI threads and an index being 0. 
Then it just started locking up. I'm running the spark context locally on 8 

long count = documents.filter(d - d.getFeatures().size()  
Parameters.MIN_CENTROID_FEATURES).count();  ListDocument 
sampledDocuments = documents.filter(d - d.getFeatures().size()  
Parameters.MIN_CENTROID_FEATURES)  .sample(false, 


Re: converting DStream[String] into RDD[String] in spark streaming

2014-12-03 Thread Sean Owen
DStream.foreachRDD gives you an RDD[String] for each interval of
course. I don't think it makes sense to say a DStream can be converted
into one RDD since it is a stream. The past elements are inherently
not supposed to stick around for a long time, and future elements
aren't known. You may consider saving each RDD[String] to HDFS, and
then simply loading it from HDFS as an RDD[String].

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 7:45 AM, Hafiz Mujadid wrote:
 Hi everyOne!

 I want to convert a  DStream[String] into an RDD[String]. I could not find
 how to do this.

 var data = KafkaUtils.createStream[Array[Byte], Array[Byte], DefaultDecoder,
 DefaultDecoder](ssc, consumerConfig, topicMap,
 val streams = data.window(Seconds(interval), Seconds(interval)).map(x =
 new String(x))

 Now I want to convert this streams into a single RDD[String].

 Any help please.

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Re: converting DStream[String] into RDD[String] in spark streaming

2014-12-03 Thread Hafiz Mujadid
Thanks Dear, It is good to save this data to HDFS and then load back into an
RDD :)

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Re: How to enforce RDD to be cached?

2014-12-03 Thread Paolo Platter

otherwise you can try:


and then run your benchmark


Da: Daniel
Data invio: ?mercoled?? ?3? ?dicembre? ?2014 ?12?:?28

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 10:52 AM, shahab wrote:

I noticed that rdd.cache() is not happening immediately rather due to lazy 
feature of Spark, it is happening just at the moment  you perform some 
map/reduce actions. Is this true?

Yes, this is correct.

If this is the case, how can I enforce Spark to cache immediately at its 
cache() statement? I need this to perform some benchmarking and I need to 
separate rdd caching and rdd transformation/action processing time.

The typical solution I think is to run rdd.foreach(_ = ()) to trigger a 

Re: Low Level Kafka Consumer for Spark

2014-12-03 Thread Luis Ángel Vicente Sánchez
My main complain about the WAL mechanism in the new reliable kafka receiver
is that you have to enable checkpointing and for some reason, even if
spark.cleaner.ttl is set to a reasonable value, only the metadata is
cleaned periodically. In my tests, using a folder in my filesystem as the
checkpoint folder, the receivedMetaData folder remains almost constant in
size but the receivedData folder is always increasing; the spark.cleaner.ttl
was configured to 300 seconds.

2014-12-03 10:13 GMT+00:00 Dibyendu Bhattacharya


 Yes, as Jerry mentioned, the Spark -3129 ( enabled the WAL feature
 which solves the Driver failure problem. The way 3129 is designed , it
 solved the driver failure problem agnostic of the source of the stream (
 like Kafka or Flume etc) But with just 3129 you can not achieve complete
 solution for data loss. You need a reliable receiver which should also
 solves the data loss issue on receiver failure.

 The Low Level Consumer (
 for which this email thread was started has solved that problem with Kafka
 Low Level API.

 And Spark-4062 as Jerry mentioned also recently solved the same problem
 using Kafka High Level API.

 On the Kafka High Level Consumer API approach , I would like to mention
 that Kafka 0.8 has some issue as mentioned in this wiki (
 where consumer re-balance sometime fails and that is one of the key reason
 Kafka is re-writing consumer API in Kafka 0.9.

 I know there are few folks already have faced this re-balancing issues
 while using Kafka High Level API , and If you ask my opinion, we at Pearson
 are still using the Low Level Consumer as this seems to be more robust and
 performant and we have been using this for few months without any issue
 ..and also I may be little biased :)


 On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 7:04 AM, Shao, Saisai

 Hi Rod,

 The purpose of introducing  WAL mechanism in Spark Streaming as a general
 solution is to make all the receivers be benefit from this mechanism.

 Though as you said, external sources like Kafka have their own checkpoint
 mechanism, instead of storing data in WAL, we can only store metadata to
 WAL, and recover from the last committed offsets. But this requires
 sophisticated design of Kafka receiver with low-level API involved, also we
 need to take care of rebalance and fault tolerance things by ourselves. So
 right now instead of implementing a whole new receiver, we choose to
 implement a simple one, though the performance is not so good, it's much
 easier to understand and maintain.

 The design purpose and implementation of reliable Kafka receiver can be
 found in ( And in
 future, to improve the reliable Kafka receiver like what you mentioned is
 on our scheduler.


 -Original Message-
 From: RodrigoB []
 Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 5:44 AM
 Subject: Re: Low Level Kafka Consumer for Spark


 Just to make sure I will not be misunderstood - My concerns are referring
 to the Spark upcoming solution and not yours. I would to gather the
 perspective of someone which implemented recovery with Kafka a different


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Re: Does filter on an RDD scan every data item ?

2014-12-03 Thread Sean Owen
take(1000) merely takes the first 1000 elements of an RDD. I don't
imagine that's what the OP means. filter() is how you select a subset
of elements to work with. Yes, this requires evaluating the predicate
on all 10M elements, at least once. I don't think you could avoid this
in general, right, in any system?

You might be able to take advantage of additional info you have. For
example if you have a particular partitioning system and you know that
elements of interest are only in one partition, you could create a
more efficient version with mapPartitions that simply drops other

Same answer to your second question. It sounds like you expect that
Spark somehow has an index over keys, but it does not. It has no
special notion of where your keys are or what they are.

This changes a bit if you mean you are using the SQL APIs, but it
doesn't sound like you are.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Gen wrote:

 For your first question, I think that we can use

 For your second question, I am not sure. But I don't think that we can
 restricted filter within certain partition without scan every element.


 nsareen wrote
 Hi ,

 I wanted some clarity into the functioning of Filter function of RDD.

 1) Does filter function scan every element saved in RDD? if my RDD
 represents 10 Million rows, and if i want to work on only 1000 of them, is
 there an efficient way of filtering the subset without having to scan
 every element ?

 2) If my RDD represents a Key / Value data set. When i filter this data
 set of 10 Million rows, can i specify that the search should be restricted
 to only partitions which contain specific keys ? Will spark run by filter
 operation on all partitions if the partitions are done by key,
 irrespective the key exists in a partition or not ?

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Failed fetch: Could not get block(s)

2014-12-03 Thread Al M
I am using Spark 1.1.1.  I am seeing an issue that only appears when I run in
standalone clustered mode with at least 2 workers.  The workers are on
separate physical machines.
I am performing a simple join on 2 RDDs.  After the join I run first() on
the joined RDD (in Scala) to get the first result.  When this first() runs
on Worker A it works fine; when the first() runs on worker B I get an error
'Fetch Failure'.
I looked at the work stderr log for worker B.  It shows the following
INFO BlockFetcherInterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator: Started 2 remote
fetches in 2 msERROR BlockFetcherIterator$BasicBlockFetcherIterator: Could
not get block(s) from ConnectionManagerId(, )
sendMessageReliably failed because ack was not received within 60 secat$$anon$10$$anonfun$run$15.apply(ConnectionManager.scala:866).
It is trying to connect to the ConnectionManager for BlockManager on Worker
A from Worker B.  It manages to connect, but it always times out.  When I
try to connect via telnet I see the same: it connects, but I don't get
anything back from the host
I noticed that two other people reported  this issue
.  Unfortunately there was no meaningful progress.

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Re: MLlib Naive Bayes classifier confidence

2014-12-03 Thread Sean Owen
Probabilities won't sum to 1 since this expression doesn't incorporate
the probability of the evidence, I imagine? it's constant across
classes so is usually excluded. It would appear as a -
log(P(evidence)) term.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 10:44 AM, MariusFS wrote:
 Are we sure that exponentiating will give us the probabilities? I did some
 tests by cloning the MLLIb class and adding the required code but the
 calculated probabilities do not add up to 1.

 I tried something like :

   def predictProbs(testData: Vector): (BDV[Double], BDV[Double]) = {
 val logProbs = brzPi + brzTheta * new BDV[Double](testData.toArray)
 val probs = = math.exp(x))
 (logProbs, probs)

 This was because I need the actual probs to process downstream from this...

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Spark MOOC by Berkeley and Databricks

2014-12-03 Thread Marco Didonna
Hello everybody,
in case you missed DataBricks and Berkeley have announced a free mooc on
spark and another one on scalable machine learning using spark. Both
courses are free but if you want to have a verified certificate of
completion you need to donate at least 50$. I did it, it's a great

Here's the link with all the info

Have a nice day.


Providing query dsl to Elasticsearch for Spark (2.1.0.Beta3)

2014-12-03 Thread Ian Wilkinson

I'm trying the Elasticsearch support for Spark (2.1.0.Beta3).

In the following I provide the query (as query dsl):

import org.elasticsearch.spark._

object TryES {
  val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(Campaigns)
  sparkConf.set(es.nodes, es_cluster:9200)
  sparkConf.set(es.nodes.discovery, false)
  val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
val query = {
   query: {

val campaigns = sc.esRDD(resource, query)

However when I submit this (using spark-1.1.0-bin-hadoop2.4),
I am experiencing the following exceptions:

14/12/03 14:55:27 INFO scheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl: Removed TaskSet 0.0, whose 
tasks have all completed, from pool
14/12/03 14:55:27 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Failed to run count at 
Exception in thread main org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to 
stage failure: Task 1 in stage 0.0 failed 1 times, most recent failure: Lost 
task 1.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 1, localhost): 
org.elasticsearch.hadoop.EsHadoopIllegalArgumentException: Cannot open stream 
for resource {
   query: {

Is the query dsl supported with esRDD, or am I missing something
more fundamental?

Huge thanks,
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Re: Spark SQL 1.0.0 - RDD from snappy compress avro file

2014-12-03 Thread cjdc

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Re: ALS failure with size Integer.MAX_VALUE

2014-12-03 Thread Bharath Ravi Kumar
Thanks Xiangrui. I'll try out setting a smaller number of item blocks. And
yes, I've been following the JIRA for the new ALS implementation. I'll try
it out when it's ready for testing. .

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 4:24 AM, Xiangrui Meng wrote:

 Hi Bharath,

 You can try setting a small item blocks in this case. 1200 is
 definitely too large for ALS. Please try 30 or even smaller. I'm not
 sure whether this could solve the problem because you have 100 items
 connected with 10^8 users. There is a JIRA for this issue:

 which I will try to implement in 1.3. I'll ping you when it is ready.


 On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 10:40 AM, Bharath Ravi Kumar
  Yes, the issue appears to be due to the 2GB block size limitation. I am
  hence looking for (user, product) block sizing suggestions to work around
  the block size limitation.
  On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Sean Owen wrote:
  (It won't be that, since you see that the error occur when reading a
  block from disk. I think this is an instance of the 2GB block size
  On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 4:36 AM, Ganelin, Ilya wrote:
   Hi Bharath – I’m unsure if this is your problem but the
   MatrixFactorizationModel in MLLIB which is the underlying component
   expects your User/Product fields to be integers. Specifically, the
   ALS is an RDD[Rating] and Rating is an (Int, Int, Double). I am
   wondering if
   perhaps one of your identifiers exceeds MAX_INT, could you write a
   check for that?
   I have been running a very similar use case to yours (with more
   hardware resources) and I haven’t seen this exact problem but I’m sure
   seen similar issues. Please let me know if you have other questions.
   From: Bharath Ravi Kumar
   Date: Thursday, November 27, 2014 at 1:30 PM
   Subject: ALS failure with size  Integer.MAX_VALUE
   We're training a recommender with ALS in mllib 1.1 against a dataset
   users and 4.5K items, with the total number of training records being
   Billion (~30GB data). The input data is spread across 1200 partitions
   HDFS. For the training, rank=10, and we've configured {number of user
   blocks = number of item data blocks}. The number of user/item blocks
   varied  between 50 to 1200. Irrespective of the block size (e.g. at
   blocks each), there are atleast a couple of tasks that end up shuffle
   reading  9.7G each in the aggregate stage (ALS.scala:337) and failing
   the following exception:
   java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Size exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE

Re: Help understanding - Not enough space to cache rdd

2014-12-03 Thread akhandeshi
33.6gb is sum of the memory used by the two RDD that is cached.  You're
right when I put serialized RDDs in the cache, the memory foot print for
these rdds become a lot smaller.

Serialized Memory footprint shown below:
RDD NameStorage Level   Cached Partitions   Fraction Cached Size in 
Memory  Size
in Tachyon  Size on Disk
2   Memory Serialized 1x Replicated 239 100%3.1 GB  0.0 B   0.0 B
5   Memory Serialized 1x Replicated 100 100%1254.9 MB   0.0 B   
0.0 B

I don't know what is 73.7 reflective of.  I am able to verify in the
application UI, I am able to see 4.3 GB Used  out of (73.7 GB Total) by the
cahced RDD.  I am not sure how that is 73.7 is  calculated.  I have
following configuration:

conf.set(, 0.9);

Based on my understanding, 0.9 * 95g (memory allocated to the driver) = 85.5
g should be the available memory, correct?  Out of which 1 % is taken out
for shuffle(~85.5-8.55=76.95)! which would lead to  76.95 gb usable memory. 
Is that right?  The two RDD that is cached is not using nearly as much.  

The two systematic problem that I am avoiding is MAX_INTEGER and Requested
array size exceeds VM limit  No matter how much I tweak the
parallelism/memory configuration, there seems to be little or no impact.  Is
there someone, who can help me understand the internals, so that I can get
this working.  I know this platform is great viable solution for the use
case we have in mind, if I can get it running successfully.  At this point,
the data size is not that huge compared to some white papers that are
published.  So, I am thinking it boils down to the configuration and
validating what I have with an expert.  We can take this offline, if need
be.  Please feel free to email me directly.

Thank you,


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Serializing with Kryo NullPointerException - Java

2014-12-03 Thread Robin Keunen

Hi all,

I am having troubles using Kryo and being new to this kind of 
serialization, I am not sure where to look. Can someone please help me? :-)

Here is my custom class:

public class *DummyClass* implements KryoSerializable {
private static final Logger LOGGER = 

int value;

public DummyClass() {

public DummyClass(int value) { I'm dum {}!, value);
this.value = value;

public int getValue() {
return value;

public void setValue(int value) {
this.value = value;

public void write(Kryo kryo, Output output) {

public void read(Kryo kryo, Input input) {
this.value = input.readInt();

Here is my registrator:

public class MyKryoRegistrator implements KryoRegistrator {
public void registerClasses(Kryo kryo) {

And the *Spark* code:
SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf()

.set(spark.kryo.registrator, org.roke.main.MyKryoRegistrator);

JavaSparkContext sparkContext = new JavaSparkContext(sparkConf);
ListDummyClass dummyClasses = Arrays.asList(
new DummyClass(1),
new DummyClass(2),
new DummyClass(3),
new DummyClass(4)

JavaRDDDummyClass rdd = sparkContext.parallelize(dummyClasses);
for (DummyClass dummyClass: rdd.collect()) collected {}, dummyClass);

The program fails with the following NullPointerException:

Exception in thread main org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted 
due to stage failure: Task 0 in stage 0.0 failed 4 times, most recent 
failure: Lost task 0.3 in stage 0.0 (TID 6, 
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)


Robin Keunen
Software Engineer

Re: what is the best way to implement mini batches?

2014-12-03 Thread Alex Minnaar
I am trying to do the same thing and also wondering what the best strategy is.


From: ll
Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 10:28 AM
Subject: what is the best way to implement mini batches?

hi.  what is the best way to pass through a large dataset in small,
sequential mini batches?

for example, with 1,000,000 data points and the mini batch size is 10,  we
would need to do some computation at these mini batches (0..9), (10..19),
(20..29), ... (N-9, N)

RDD.repartition(N/10).mapPartitions() work?


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[SQL] Wildcards in SQLContext.parquetFile?

2014-12-03 Thread Yana Kadiyska
Hi folks,

I'm wondering if someone has successfully used wildcards with a parquetFile

I saw this thread and it makes me think no?

I have a set of parquet files that are partitioned by key. I'd like to
issue a query to read in a subset of the files, based on a directory
wildcard (the wildcard will be a little more specific than * but this is to
show the issue):

This call works fine:

res4: String = PAR1? L??? ?\??? ,


but this doesn't

scala val parquetFile =
sqlContext.parquetFile(“hdfs:///warehouse/hive/*/*/*.parquet”).first File
hdfs://cdh4-14822-nn/warehouse/hive/*/*/*.parquet does not exist


Re: Help understanding - Not enough space to cache rdd

2014-12-03 Thread akhandeshi
I think, the memory calculation is correct, what I didn't account for is the
memory used.  I am still puzzled as how I can successfully process the RDD
in spark.

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GraphX Pregel halting condition

2014-12-03 Thread Jay Hutfles
I'm trying to implement a graph algorithm that does a form of path
searching.  Once a certain criteria is met on any path in the graph, I
wanted to halt the rest of the iterations.  But I can't see how to do that
with the Pregel API, since any vertex isn't able to know the state of other
arbitrary vertex (if they're not adjacent).

Is there a common pattern for doing something like this?  I was thinking of
using a custom accumulator where the zero is true and the addInPlace is a
boolean or.  Each vertex (as part of its vprog) could add to the
accumulator, and once a path is found which meets the condition, the
accumulator would then have a value of false.  But since workers can't read
accumulators, I don't see how to use that when knowing whether to iterate
again.  That is, unless I reimplement the Pregel class with the added check
when iterating...

Any suggestions?  Thanks in advance!

Re: heterogeneous cluster setup

2014-12-03 Thread Victor Tso-Guillen
I don't have a great answer for you. For us, we found a common divisor, not
necessarily a whole gigabyte, of the available memory of the different
hardware and used that as the amount of memory per worker and scaled the
number of cores accordingly so that every core in the system has the same
amount of memory. The quotient of the available memory and the common
divisor, hopefully a whole number to reduce waste, was the number of
workers we spun up. Therefore, if you have 64G, 30G, and 15G available
memory on your machines, the divisor could be 15G and you'd have 4, 2 and 1
worker per machine. Every worker on all the machines would have the same
number of cores, set to what you think is a good value.

Hope that helps.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 7:44 AM, wrote:

 Hi Victor,

 I want to setup a heterogeneous stand-alone spark cluster. I have hardware
 with different memory sizes and varied number of cores per node. I could
 get all the nodes active in the cluster only when the size of memory per
 executor is set as the least available memory size of all nodes and is same
 with no.of cores/executor. As of now, I configure one executor per node.

 Can you please suggest some path to set up a stand-alone heterogeneous
 cluster such that I can efficiently use the available hardware.

 Thank you

 Sent from

dockerized spark executor on mesos?

2014-12-03 Thread Dick Davies
Just wondered if anyone had managed to start spark
jobs on mesos wrapped in a docker container?

At present (i.e. very early testing) I'm able to submit executors
to mesos via spark-submit easily enough, but they fall over
as we don't have a JVM on our slaves out of the box.

I can push one out via our CM system if push comes to shove,
 but it'd be nice to have that as part of the job (I'm thinking it might
be a way to get some of the dependencies deployed too).

bear in mind I'm a total clueless newbie at this so please be gentle
if I'm doing this completely wrong.


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Monitoring Spark

2014-12-03 Thread Isca Harmatz

im running spark on stand alone station and im try to view the event log
after the run is finished
i turned on the event log as the site said (spark.eventLog.enabled set to

but i can't find the log files or get the web ui to work. any idea on how
to do this?


Re: SchemaRDD + SQL , loading projection columns

2014-12-03 Thread Vishnusaran Ramaswamy
Thanks for the help.. Let me find more info on how to enable statistics in


Michael Armbrust wrote
 There is not a super easy way to do what you are asking since in general
 parquet needs to read all the data in a column. As far as I understand it
 does not have indexes that would allow you to jump to a specific entry in
 column.  There is support for pushing down predicates, but unfortunately
 this is turned off by default (in Spark 1.2) due to bugs in the parquet
 library.  Even with this feature though I believe you still read the data
 and just skip the cost of materializing the row.
 One thing that could speed up that particular query is to sort by 'rid
 before storing to parquet.  Then (when filter pushdown is turned on),
 parquet will keep statistics on the min/max value for each column in a
 given row group.  That would allow it to completely skip row groups that
 cannot contain a given 'rid.
 On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 12:43 PM, Vishnusaran Ramaswamy 



 I have 16 GB of parquet files in /tmp/logs/ folder with the following

 request_id(String), module(String), payload(Array[Byte])

 Most of my 16 GB data is the payload field, the request_id, and module
 fields take less than 200 MB.

 I want to load the payload only when my filter condition matches.

 val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
 val files = sqlContext.parquetFile(/tmp/logs)
 val filteredLogs = sqlContext.sql(select request_id, payload from logs
 where rid = 'dd4455ee' and module = 'query' )

 when i run filteredLogs.collect.foreach(println) , i see all of the 16GB
 data loaded.

 How do I load only the columns used in filters first and then load the
 payload for the row matching the filter criteria?

 Let me know if this can be done in a different way.

 Thanks you,

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Re: How to enforce RDD to be cached?

2014-12-03 Thread shahab
Daniel and Paolo, thanks for the comments.


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Paolo Platter


  otherwise you can try:


  and then run your benchmark


   *Da:* Daniel Darabos
 *Data invio:* ‎mercoledì‎ ‎3‎ ‎dicembre‎ ‎2014 ‎12‎:‎28
 *A:* shahab

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 10:52 AM, shahab wrote:


  I noticed that rdd.cache() is not happening immediately rather due to
 lazy feature of Spark, it is happening just at the moment  you perform some
 map/reduce actions. Is this true?

  Yes, this is correct.

   If this is the case, how can I enforce Spark to cache immediately at
 its cache() statement? I need this to perform some benchmarking and I need
 to separate rdd caching and rdd transformation/action processing time.

  The typical solution I think is to run rdd.foreach(_ = ()) to trigger a

MLLib: loading saved model

2014-12-03 Thread Sameer Tilak
Hi All,I am using LinearRegressionWithSGD and then I save the model weights and 
intercept. File that contains weights have this format:
Intercept is 0 since I am using train not setting the intercept so it can be 
ignored for the moment. I would now like to initialize a new model object and 
using these saved weights from the above file. We are using CDH 5.1
Something along these lines:
val weights = sc.textFile(linear-weights);val model = new 
then use is as:
val valuesAndPreds = { point =  val prediction = 
model.predict(point.features)  (point.label, prediction)}

Any pointers to how do I do that?


Re: Using sparkSQL to convert a collection of python dictionary of dictionaries to schma RDD

2014-12-03 Thread Davies Liu
inferSchema() will work better than jsonRDD() in your case,

 from pyspark.sql import Row
 srdd = sqlContext.inferSchema( x: Row(**x)))
Row( field1=5, field2='string', field3={'a'=1, 'c'=2})

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 12:11 AM, sahanbull wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 I am trying to use SparkSQL to convert an RDD to SchemaRDD so that I can
 save it in parquet format.

 A record in my RDD has the following format:

field2: 'string',
field3: {'a':1, 'c':2}

 I am using field3 to represent a sparse vector and it can have keys:
 'a','b' or 'c' and values any int value

 The current approach I am using is :
schemaRDD1 = sqc.jsonRDD( x: simplejson.dumps(x)))

 But when I do this, the dictionary in field 3 also gets converted to a
 SparkSQL Row. This converts field3 to be a dense data structure where it
 holds value None for every key that is not present in the field 3 for each

 When  I do

 test = x: simplejson.dumps(x))

 my output is: {field1: 5, field2:string, field3 :{a:1,c:2}}

 But then when I do
  schemaRDD = sqc.jsonRDD(test)

 my output is : Row( field1=5, field2='string', field3 = Row(a=1,b=None,c=2))

 in realty, I have 1000s of probable keys in field 3 and only 2 to 3 of them
 occur per record. So When tic converts to a Row, it generates thousands of
 None fields per record.
 Is there anyways for me to store field3 as a dictionary instead of
 converting it into a Row in the schemaRDD??

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GraphX Pregel halting condition

2014-12-03 Thread Jay Hutfles
I'm trying to implement a graph algorithm that does a form of path
searching.  Once a certain criteria is met on any path in the graph, I
wanted to halt the rest of the iterations.  But I can't see how to do that
with the Pregel API, since any vertex isn't able to know the state of other
arbitrary vertex (if they're not adjacent).

Is there a common pattern for doing something like this?  I was thinking of
using a custom accumulator where the zero is true and the addInPlace is a
boolean or.  Each vertex (as part of its vprog) could add to the
accumulator, and once a path is found which meets the condition, the
accumulator would then have a value of false.  But since workers can't read
accumulators, I don't see how to use that when knowing whether to iterate
again.  That is, unless I reimplement the Pregel class with the added check
when iterating...

Any suggestions?  Thanks in advance!

Re: How to enforce RDD to be cached?

2014-12-03 Thread dsiegel
shahabm wrote
 I noticed that rdd.cache() is not happening immediately rather due to lazy
 feature of Spark, it is happening just at the moment  you perform some
 map/reduce actions. Is this true?

Yes, .cache() is a transformation (lazy evaluation)

shahabm wrote
 If this is the case, how can I enforce Spark to cache immediately at its
 cache() statement? I need this to perform some benchmarking and I need to
 separate rdd caching and rdd transformation/action processing time.

put an action immediately after .cache()
.cache().first() may be low impact, as it only returns the first element of
the RDD, rather than iterating.  

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Re: How can I read an avro file in HDFS in Java?

2014-12-03 Thread Prannoy
Try using
 sc.newAPIHadoopFile(hdfs path to your file,
AvroSequenceFileInputFormat.class, AvroKey.class, AvroValue.class,
your Configuration)

You will get the Avro related classes by importing org.apache.avro.*


On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 9:23 PM, leaviva [via Apache Spark User List] wrote:

 How can I read an avro file in HDFS ?
 I try use newAPIHadoopFile but I don't know how can i use it

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Re: WordCount fails in .textFile() method

2014-12-03 Thread Rahul Swaminathan
For others who may be having a similar problem:

The error below occurs when using Yarn, which uses an earlier version of Guava 
compared to Spark 1.1.0. When packaging using Maven, if you put the Yarn 
dependency above the Spark dependency, the earlier version of guava is the one 
that gets recognized, leading to the NoSuchMethodError. I solved the problem by 
simply switching the order of the dependencies..


From: Akhil Das
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at 4:02 AM
To: Rahul Swaminathan
Subject: Re: WordCount fails in .textFile() method

dump your classpath, looks like you have multiple versions of guava jars in the 

Best Regards

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:30 PM, Rahul Swaminathan wrote:
I've tried that and the same error occurs. Do you have any other suggestions?


From: Akhil Das
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at 3:55 AM
To: Rahul Swaminathan
Subject: Re: WordCount fails in .textFile() method

Try running it in local mode. Looks like a jar conflict/missing.

SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(JavaWordCount);
JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
new JavaWordCount(jsc).doJob();

Best Regards

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 2:49 AM, Rahul Swaminathan wrote:

I am trying to run JavaWordCount without using the spark-submit script. I have 
copied the source code for JavaWordCount and am using a JavaSparkContext with 
the following:

SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(JavaWordCount);
JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
new JavaWordCount(jsc).doJob();

I am getting the following error in the .textFile() method:

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;


What can I do to solve this issue? It works fine when running from command line 
with spark-submit script.



Re: [SQL] Wildcards in SQLContext.parquetFile?

2014-12-03 Thread Michael Armbrust
It won't work until this is merged:

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Yana Kadiyska

 Hi folks,

 I'm wondering if someone has successfully used wildcards with a
 parquetFile call?

 I saw this thread and it makes me think no?

 I have a set of parquet files that are partitioned by key. I'd like to
 issue a query to read in a subset of the files, based on a directory
 wildcard (the wildcard will be a little more specific than * but this is to
 show the issue):

 This call works fine:

 res4: String = PAR1? L??? ?\??? , 


 but this doesn't

 scala val parquetFile = 
 sqlContext.parquetFile(“hdfs:///warehouse/hive/*/*/*.parquet”).first File 
 hdfs://cdh4-14822-nn/warehouse/hive/*/*/*.parquet does not exist


Re: object xxx is not a member of package com

2014-12-03 Thread Prannoy

Add the jars in the external library of you related project.

Right click on package or class - Build Path - Configure Build Path -
Java Build Path - Select the Libraries tab - Add external library -
Browse to - ok
Clean and build your project, most probably you will be able to pull the
classes from package.


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 4:29 AM, flyson [via Apache Spark User List] wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 Could anybody tell me how to import and call the 3rd party java classes
 from inside spark?
 Here's my case:
 I have a jar file (the directory layout is which contains
 some java classes, and I need to call some of them in spark code.
 I used the statement import on top of the impacted
 spark file and set the location of the jar file in the CLASSPATH
 environment, and use .sbt/sbt assembly to build the project. As a result,
 I got an error saying object xxx is not a member of package com.

 I thought that this could be related to the dependencies, but couldn't
 figure it out. Any suggestion/solution from you would be appreciated!


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Re: Does filter on an RDD scan every data item ?

2014-12-03 Thread dsiegel

 nsareen wrote
 1) Does filter function scan every element saved in RDD? if my RDD
 represents 10 Million rows, and if i want to work on only 1000 of them,
 there an efficient way of filtering the subset without having to scan
 every element ?

using .take(1000) may be a biased sample. 
you may want to consider sampling your RDD (with or without replacement)
using a seed for randomization, using .takeSample()
rdd.takeSample(false, 1000, 1)
this returns an Array, from which you could create another RDD.

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Re: Does filter on an RDD scan every data item ?

2014-12-03 Thread dsiegel
also available is .sample(), which will randomly sample your RDD with or
without replacement, and returns an RDD.
.sample() takes a fraction, so it doesn't return an exact number of

rdd.sample(true, .0001, 1)

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Re: Insert new data into specific partition of an RDD

2014-12-03 Thread dsiegel
I'm not sure about .union(), but at least in the case of .join(), as long as
you have hash partitioned the original RDDs and persisted them, calls to
.join() take advantage of already knowing which partition the keys are on,
and will not repartition rdd1. 

val rdd1 = log.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(10)).persist() 
val rdd3 = rdd1.join(rdd2)

I suspect you want to use one of the key aware operations anyways, rather
than .union()
I know other operations are also partitioner aware like this, though I don't
know which ones. Perhaps use the partitioner property in order to test your


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Re: Announcing Spark 1.1.1!

2014-12-03 Thread Romi Kuntsman
About version compatibility and upgrade path -  can the Java application
dependencies and the Spark server be upgraded separately (i.e. will 1.1.0
library work with 1.1.1 server, and vice versa), or do they need to be
upgraded together?


*Romi Kuntsman*, *Big Data Engineer*

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 11:36 PM, Andrew Or wrote:

 I am happy to announce the availability of Spark 1.1.1! This is a
 maintenance release with many bug fixes, most of which are concentrated in
 the core. This list includes various fixes to sort-based shuffle, memory
 leak, and spilling issues. Contributions from this release came from 55

 Visit the release notes [1] to read about the new features, or
 download [2] the release today.


 Please e-mail me directly for any typo's in the release notes or name

 Thanks for everyone who contributed, and congratulations!

Re: Announcing Spark 1.1.1!

2014-12-03 Thread Andrew Or
By the Spark server do you mean the standalone Master? It is best if they
are upgraded together because there have been changes to the Master in
1.1.1. Although it might just work, it's highly recommended to restart
your cluster manager too.

2014-12-03 13:19 GMT-08:00 Romi Kuntsman

 About version compatibility and upgrade path -  can the Java application
 dependencies and the Spark server be upgraded separately (i.e. will 1.1.0
 library work with 1.1.1 server, and vice versa), or do they need to be
 upgraded together?


 *Romi Kuntsman*, *Big Data Engineer*

 On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 11:36 PM, Andrew Or wrote:

 I am happy to announce the availability of Spark 1.1.1! This is a
 maintenance release with many bug fixes, most of which are concentrated in
 the core. This list includes various fixes to sort-based shuffle, memory
 leak, and spilling issues. Contributions from this release came from 55

 Visit the release notes [1] to read about the new features, or
 download [2] the release today.


 Please e-mail me directly for any typo's in the release notes or name

 Thanks for everyone who contributed, and congratulations!

Re: Problem creating EC2 cluster using spark-ec2

2014-12-03 Thread Andrew Or
Yeah this is currently broken for 1.1.1. I will submit a fix later today.

2014-12-02 17:17 GMT-08:00 Shivaram Venkataraman


 Actually I think this is because we haven't uploaded the Spark binaries to
 cloudfront / pushed the change to mesos/spark-ec2.

 Andrew, can you take care of this ?

 On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 5:11 PM, Nicholas Chammas wrote:

 Interesting. Do you have any problems when launching in us-east-1? What
 is the full output of spark-ec2 when launching a cluster? (Post it to a
 gist if it’s too big for email.)

 On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Dave Challis

 I've been trying to create a Spark cluster on EC2 using the
 documentation at
 (with Spark 1.1.1).

 Running the script successfully creates some EC2 instances, HDFS etc.,
 but appears to fail to copy the actual files needed to run Spark

 I ran the following commands:

 $ cd ~/src/spark-1.1.1/ec2
 $ ./spark-ec2 --key-pair=* --identity-file=* --slaves=1
 --region=eu-west-1 --zone=eu-west-1a --instance-type=m3.medium
 --no-ganglia launch foocluster

 I see the following in the script's output:

 (instance and HDFS set up happens here)
 Persistent HDFS installed, won't start by default...
 ~/spark-ec2 ~/spark-ec2
 Setting up spark-standalone
 RSYNC'ing /root/spark/conf to slaves...
 RSYNC'ing /root/spark-ec2 to slaves...
 ./spark-standalone/ line 22: /root/spark/sbin/ No
 such file or directory
 ./spark-standalone/ line 27:
 /root/spark/sbin/ No such file or directory
 ./spark-standalone/ line 33:
 /root/spark/sbin/ No such file or directory
 Setting up tachyon
 RSYNC'ing /root/tachyon to slaves...
 (Tachyon setup happens here without any problem)

 I can ssh to the master (using the ./spark-ec2 login), and looking in
 /root/, it contains:

 $ ls /root
 ephemeral-hdfs  hadoop-native  mapreduce  persistent-hdfs  scala
 shark  spark  spark-ec2  tachyon

 If I look in /root/spark (where the sbin directory should be found),
 it only contains a single 'conf' directory:

 $ ls /root/spark

 Any idea why spark-ec2 might have failed to copy these files across?


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Re: dockerized spark executor on mesos?

2014-12-03 Thread Matei Zaharia
I'd suggest asking about this on the Mesos list (CCed). As far as I know, there 
was actually some ongoing work for this.


 On Dec 3, 2014, at 9:46 AM, Dick Davies wrote:
 Just wondered if anyone had managed to start spark
 jobs on mesos wrapped in a docker container?
 At present (i.e. very early testing) I'm able to submit executors
 to mesos via spark-submit easily enough, but they fall over
 as we don't have a JVM on our slaves out of the box.
 I can push one out via our CM system if push comes to shove,
 but it'd be nice to have that as part of the job (I'm thinking it might
 be a way to get some of the dependencies deployed too).
 bear in mind I'm a total clueless newbie at this so please be gentle
 if I'm doing this completely wrong.
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Re: Announcing Spark 1.1.1!

2014-12-03 Thread Aaron Davidson
Because this was a maintenance release, we should not have introduced any
binary backwards or forwards incompatibilities. Therefore, applications
that were written and compiled against 1.1.0 should still work against a
1.1.1 cluster, and vice versa.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Andrew Or wrote:

 By the Spark server do you mean the standalone Master? It is best if they
 are upgraded together because there have been changes to the Master in
 1.1.1. Although it might just work, it's highly recommended to restart
 your cluster manager too.

 2014-12-03 13:19 GMT-08:00 Romi Kuntsman

 About version compatibility and upgrade path -  can the Java application
 dependencies and the Spark server be upgraded separately (i.e. will 1.1.0
 library work with 1.1.1 server, and vice versa), or do they need to be
 upgraded together?


 *Romi Kuntsman*, *Big Data Engineer*

 On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 11:36 PM, Andrew Or wrote:

 I am happy to announce the availability of Spark 1.1.1! This is a
 maintenance release with many bug fixes, most of which are concentrated in
 the core. This list includes various fixes to sort-based shuffle, memory
 leak, and spilling issues. Contributions from this release came from 55

 Visit the release notes [1] to read about the new features, or
 download [2] the release today.


 Please e-mail me directly for any typo's in the release notes or name

 Thanks for everyone who contributed, and congratulations!

Re: Problem creating EC2 cluster using spark-ec2

2014-12-03 Thread Andrew Or
This should be fixed now. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

2014-12-03 13:31 GMT-08:00 Andrew Or

 Yeah this is currently broken for 1.1.1. I will submit a fix later today.

 2014-12-02 17:17 GMT-08:00 Shivaram Venkataraman


 Actually I think this is because we haven't uploaded the Spark binaries
 to cloudfront / pushed the change to mesos/spark-ec2.

 Andrew, can you take care of this ?

 On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 5:11 PM, Nicholas Chammas wrote:

 Interesting. Do you have any problems when launching in us-east-1? What
 is the full output of spark-ec2 when launching a cluster? (Post it to a
 gist if it’s too big for email.)

 On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Dave Challis

 I've been trying to create a Spark cluster on EC2 using the
 documentation at
 (with Spark 1.1.1).

 Running the script successfully creates some EC2 instances, HDFS etc.,
 but appears to fail to copy the actual files needed to run Spark

 I ran the following commands:

 $ cd ~/src/spark-1.1.1/ec2
 $ ./spark-ec2 --key-pair=* --identity-file=* --slaves=1
 --region=eu-west-1 --zone=eu-west-1a --instance-type=m3.medium
 --no-ganglia launch foocluster

 I see the following in the script's output:

 (instance and HDFS set up happens here)
 Persistent HDFS installed, won't start by default...
 ~/spark-ec2 ~/spark-ec2
 Setting up spark-standalone
 RSYNC'ing /root/spark/conf to slaves...
 RSYNC'ing /root/spark-ec2 to slaves...
 ./spark-standalone/ line 22: /root/spark/sbin/ No
 such file or directory
 ./spark-standalone/ line 27:
 /root/spark/sbin/ No such file or directory
 ./spark-standalone/ line 33:
 /root/spark/sbin/ No such file or directory
 Setting up tachyon
 RSYNC'ing /root/tachyon to slaves...
 (Tachyon setup happens here without any problem)

 I can ssh to the master (using the ./spark-ec2 login), and looking in
 /root/, it contains:

 $ ls /root
 ephemeral-hdfs  hadoop-native  mapreduce  persistent-hdfs  scala
 shark  spark  spark-ec2  tachyon

 If I look in /root/spark (where the sbin directory should be found),
 it only contains a single 'conf' directory:

 $ ls /root/spark

 Any idea why spark-ec2 might have failed to copy these files across?


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How to create a new SchemaRDD which is not based on original SparkPlan?

2014-12-03 Thread Tim Chou
Hi All,

My question is about lazy running mode for SchemaRDD, I guess. I know lazy
mode is good, however, I still have this demand.

For example, here is the first SchemaRDD, named result.(select * from table
where num1 and num  4):

results: org.apache.spark.sql.SchemaRDD =
SchemaRDD[59] at RDD at SchemaRDD.scala:103
== Query Plan ==
== Physical Plan ==
Filter ((num#0  1)  (num#0  4))
 ExistingRdd [num#0,str1#1,str2#2], MapPartitionsRDD[4] at mapPartitions at

Then I create the second RDD with: select num, str1 from table from result

results1: org.apache.spark.sql.SchemaRDD =
SchemaRDD[60] at RDD at SchemaRDD.scala:103
== Query Plan ==
== Physical Plan ==
Project [num#0,str1#1]
 Filter ((num#0  1)  (num#0  4))
  ExistingRdd [num#0,str1#1,str2#2], MapPartitionsRDD[4] at mapPartitions
at basicOperators.scala:208

Actually, I want the second RDD's plan is based on result not the original

How can I create a new SchemaRDD whose plan starts from last RDD?


Re: Alternatives to groupByKey

2014-12-03 Thread Nathan Kronenfeld
I think it would depend on the type and amount of information you're

If you're just trying to collect small numbers for each window, and don't
have an overwhelming number of windows, you might consider using
accumulators.  Just make one per value per time window, and for each data
point, add it to the accumulators for the time windows in which it
belongs.  We've found this approach a lot faster than anything involving a
shuffle.  This should work fine for stuff like max(), min(), and mean()

If you're collecting enough data that accumulators are impractical, I think
I would try multiple passes.  Cache your data, and for each pass, filter to
that window, and perform all your operations on the filtered RDD.  Because
of the caching, it won't be significantly slower than processing it all at
once - in fact, it will probably be a lot faster, because the shuffles are
shuffling less information.  This is similar to what you're suggesting
about partitioning your rdd, but probably simpler and easier.

That being said, your restriction 3 seems to be in contradiction to the
rest of your request - if your aggregation needs to be able to look at all
the data at once, then that seems contradictory to viewing the data through
an RDD.  Could you explain a bit more what you mean by that?


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 4:26 PM, ameyc wrote:


 So my Spark app needs to run a sliding window through a time series dataset
 (I'm not using Spark streaming). And then run different types on
 aggregations on per window basis. Right now I'm using a groupByKey() which
 gives me Iterables for each window. There are a few concerns I have with
 this approach:

 1. groupByKey() could potentially fail for a key not fitting in the memory.
 2. I'd like to run aggregations like max(), mean() on each of the groups,
 it'd be nice to have the RDD functionality at this point instead of the
 3. I can't use reduceByKey() or aggregateByKey() are some of my
 need to have a view of the entire window.

 Only other way I could think of is partitioning my RDDs into multiple RDDs
 with each RDD representing a window. Is this a sensible approach? Or is
 there any other way of going about this?

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Nathan Kronenfeld
Senior Visualization Developer
Oculus Info Inc
2 Berkeley Street, Suite 600,
Toronto, Ontario M5A 4J5
Phone:  +1-416-203-3003 x 238

Spark executor lost

2014-12-03 Thread S. Zhou
We are using Spark job server to submit spark jobs (our spark version is 0.91). 
After running the spark job server for a while, we often see the following 
errors (executor lost) in the spark job server log. As a consequence, the spark 
driver (allocated inside spark job server) gradually loses executors. And 
finally the spark job server no longer be able to submit jobs. We tried to 
google the solutions but so far no luck. Please help if you have any ideas. 
[2014-11-25 01:37:36,250] INFO  parkDeploySchedulerBackend [] 
[akka://JobServer/user/context-supervisor/next-staging] - Executor 6 
disconnected, so removing it[2014-11-25 01:37:36,252] ERROR 
cheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl [] 
[akka://JobServer/user/context-supervisor/next-staging] - Lost executor 6 on 
: remote Akka client disassociated[2014-11-25 01:37:36,252] INFO  
ark.scheduler.DAGScheduler [] [] - Executor lost: 6 (epoch 8)[2014-11-25 
01:37:36,252] INFO  ge.BlockManagerMasterActor [] [] - Trying to remove 
executor 6 from BlockManagerMaster.[2014-11-25 01:37:36,252] INFO  
storage.BlockManagerMaster [] [] - Removed 6 successfully in 
removeExecutor[2014-11-25 01:37:36,286] INFO  ient.AppClient$ClientActor [] 
[akka://JobServer/user/context-supervisor/next-staging] - Executor updated: 
app-20141125002023-0037/6 is now FAILED (Command exited with code 143)

RE: Spark executor lost

2014-12-03 Thread Ganelin, Ilya
You want to look further up the stack (there are almost certainly other errors 
before this happens) and those other errors may give your better idea of what 
is going on. Also if you are running on yarn you can run yarn logs 
-applicationId yourAppId to get the logs from the data nodes.

Sent with Good (

-Original Message-
From: S. Zhou []
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 06:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
Subject: Spark executor lost

We are using Spark job server to submit spark jobs (our spark version is 0.91). 
After running the spark job server for a while, we often see the following 
errors (executor lost) in the spark job server log. As a consequence, the spark 
driver (allocated inside spark job server) gradually loses executors. And 
finally the spark job server no longer be able to submit jobs. We tried to 
google the solutions but so far no luck. Please help if you have any ideas. 

[2014-11-25 01:37:36,250] INFO  parkDeploySchedulerBackend [] 
[akka://JobServer/user/context-supervisor/next-staging] - Executor 6 
disconnected, so removing it
[2014-11-25 01:37:36,252] ERROR cheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl [] 
[akka://JobServer/user/context-supervisor/next-staging] - Lost executor 6 on 
: remote Akka client disassociated
[2014-11-25 01:37:36,252] INFO  ark.scheduler.DAGScheduler [] [] - Executor 
lost: 6 (epoch 8)
[2014-11-25 01:37:36,252] INFO  ge.BlockManagerMasterActor [] [] - Trying to 
remove executor 6 from BlockManagerMaster.
[2014-11-25 01:37:36,252] INFO  storage.BlockManagerMaster [] [] - Removed 6 
successfully in removeExecutor
[2014-11-25 01:37:36,286] INFO  ient.AppClient$ClientActor [] 
[akka://JobServer/user/context-supervisor/next-staging] - Executor updated: 
app-20141125002023-0037/6 is now FAILED (Command exited with code 143)

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Re: Alternatives to groupByKey

2014-12-03 Thread Koert Kuipers
do these requirements boils down to a need for foldLeftByKey with sorting
of the values?

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 6:34 PM, Xuefeng Wu wrote:

 I have similar requirememt,take top N by key. right now I use
 groupByKey,but one key would group more than half data in some dataset.

 Yours, Xuefeng Wu 吴雪峰 敬上

 On 2014年12月4日, at 上午7:26, Nathan Kronenfeld

 I think it would depend on the type and amount of information you're

 If you're just trying to collect small numbers for each window, and don't
 have an overwhelming number of windows, you might consider using
 accumulators.  Just make one per value per time window, and for each data
 point, add it to the accumulators for the time windows in which it
 belongs.  We've found this approach a lot faster than anything involving a
 shuffle.  This should work fine for stuff like max(), min(), and mean()

 If you're collecting enough data that accumulators are impractical, I
 think I would try multiple passes.  Cache your data, and for each pass,
 filter to that window, and perform all your operations on the filtered
 RDD.  Because of the caching, it won't be significantly slower than
 processing it all at once - in fact, it will probably be a lot faster,
 because the shuffles are shuffling less information.  This is similar to
 what you're suggesting about partitioning your rdd, but probably simpler
 and easier.

 That being said, your restriction 3 seems to be in contradiction to the
 rest of your request - if your aggregation needs to be able to look at all
 the data at once, then that seems contradictory to viewing the data through
 an RDD.  Could you explain a bit more what you mean by that?


 On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 4:26 PM, ameyc wrote:


 So my Spark app needs to run a sliding window through a time series
 (I'm not using Spark streaming). And then run different types on
 aggregations on per window basis. Right now I'm using a groupByKey() which
 gives me Iterables for each window. There are a few concerns I have with
 this approach:

 1. groupByKey() could potentially fail for a key not fitting in the
 2. I'd like to run aggregations like max(), mean() on each of the groups,
 it'd be nice to have the RDD functionality at this point instead of the
 3. I can't use reduceByKey() or aggregateByKey() are some of my
 need to have a view of the entire window.

 Only other way I could think of is partitioning my RDDs into multiple RDDs
 with each RDD representing a window. Is this a sensible approach? Or is
 there any other way of going about this?

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 Nathan Kronenfeld
 Senior Visualization Developer
 Oculus Info Inc
 2 Berkeley Street, Suite 600,
 Toronto, Ontario M5A 4J5
 Phone:  +1-416-203-3003 x 238

single key-value pair fitting in memory

2014-12-03 Thread dsiegel

In the talk A Deeper Understanding of Spark Internals, it was mentioned
that for some operators, spark can spill to disk across keys (in 1.1 -  
.groupByKey(), .reduceByKey(), .sortByKey()), but that as a limitation of
the shuffle at that time, each single key-value pair must fit in memory. 

1) Now that the shuffle is sort-based rather than hash-based, does each pair
still need to fit in memory for the shuffle?

2) Also, do other operators, such as .cogroup(), also spill to disk? Or must
they fit in memory for the operator to work. 



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SQL query in scala API

2014-12-03 Thread Arun Luthra
I'm wondering how to do this kind of SQL query with PairRDDFunctions.

FROM users

In the Spark scala API, I can make an RDD (called users) of key-value
pairs where the keys are zip (as in ZIP code) and the values are user id's.
Then I can compute the count and distinct count like this:

val count = users.mapValues(_ = 1).reduceByKey(_ + _)
val countDistinct = users.distinct().mapValues(_ = 1).reduceByKey(_ + _)

Then, if I want count and countDistinct in the same table, I have to join
them on the key.

Is there a way to do this without doing a join (and without using SQL or
spark SQL)?


Re: Spark SQL UDF returning a list?

2014-12-03 Thread Tobias Pfeiffer

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Jerry Raj wrote:

 Exception in thread main java.lang.RuntimeException: [1.57] failure:
 ``('' expected but identifier myudf found

 I also tried returning a List of Ints, that did not work either. Is there
 a way to write a UDF that returns a list?

You seem to be hitting a parser limitation before your function is even
called. The message you are seeing is saying there must be an opening
bracket here, and I am afraid you won't get around this whatever function
you write... (maybe the HiveContext provides a possibility, though).


Re: Spark executor lost

2014-12-03 Thread Ted Yu
bq.  to get the logs from the data nodes

Minor correction: the logs are collected from machines where node managers


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Ganelin, Ilya

  You want to look further up the stack (there are almost certainly other
 errors before this happens) and those other errors may give your better
 idea of what is going on. Also if you are running on yarn you can run yarn
 logs -applicationId yourAppId to get the logs from the data nodes.

 Sent with Good (

 -Original Message-
 *From: *S. Zhou []
 *Sent: *Wednesday, December 03, 2014 06:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Spark executor lost

  We are using Spark job server to submit spark jobs (our spark version is
 0.91). After running the spark job server for a while, we often see the
 following errors (executor lost) in the spark job server log. As a
 consequence, the spark driver (allocated inside spark job server) gradually
 loses executors. And finally the spark job server no longer be able to
 submit jobs. We tried to google the solutions but so far no luck. Please
 help if you have any ideas. Thanks!

 [2014-11-25 01:37:36,250] INFO  parkDeploySchedulerBackend []
 [akka://JobServer/user/context-supervisor/next-staging] - Executor 6
 disconnected, so removing it
 [2014-11-25 01:37:36,252] ERROR cheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl []
 [akka://JobServer/user/context-supervisor/next-staging] - Lost executor 6
 on : remote Akka client disassociated
 [2014-11-25 01:37:36,252] INFO  ark.scheduler.DAGScheduler [] [] - *Executor
 lost*: 6 (epoch 8)
 [2014-11-25 01:37:36,252] INFO  ge.BlockManagerMasterActor [] [] - Trying
 to remove executor 6 from BlockManagerMaster.
 [2014-11-25 01:37:36,252] INFO  storage.BlockManagerMaster [] [] - Removed
 6 successfully in removeExecutor
 [2014-11-25 01:37:36,286] INFO  ient.AppClient$ClientActor []
 [akka://JobServer/user/context-supervisor/next-staging] - Executor updated:
 app-20141125002023-0037/6 is now FAILED (Command exited with code 143)


 The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and/or
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 intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review,
 retransmission, dissemination, distribution, copying or other use of, or
 taking of any action in reliance upon this information is strictly
 prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please
 contact the sender and delete the material from your computer.

How can a function running on a slave access the Executor

2014-12-03 Thread Steve Lewis
 I have been working on balancing work across a number of partitions and
find it would be useful to access information about the current execution
environment much of which (like Executor ID) are available if there was a
way to get the current executor or the Hadoop TaskAttempt context -
does any one on the list know how to access this object from a function
running on a slave. Currently I am reduced to tracking Mac Address to at
least know which machine code is running on but there must be a better way

Re: textFileStream() issue?

2014-12-03 Thread Tobias Pfeiffer

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 5:31 PM, Bahubali Jain wrote:

 I am trying to use textFileStream(some_hdfs_location) to pick new files
 from a HDFS location.I am seeing a pretty strange behavior though.
 textFileStream() is not detecting new files when I move them from a
 location with in hdfs to location at which textFileStream() is checking for
 new files.
 But when I copy files from a location in linux filesystem to hdfs then the
 textFileStream is detecting the new files.

Is it possible that the timestamp of the moved files is actually older than
the ones of previously processed files? I think only new files are picked
up. Try moving the file and set the timestamp to now() to see if it makes a


Re: Alternatives to groupByKey

2014-12-03 Thread Xuefeng Wu
looks good.

I concern about the  foldLeftByKey which looks break the consistence from 
foldLeft in RDD and aggregateByKey in PairRDD

Yours, Xuefeng Wu 吴雪峰 敬上

 On 2014年12月4日, at 上午7:47, Koert Kuipers wrote:

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Re: Best way to have some singleton per worker

2014-12-03 Thread Tobias Pfeiffer

On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 2:59 AM, Ashic Mahtab wrote:

 I've been doing this with foreachPartition (i.e. have the parameters for
 creating the singleton outside the loop, do a foreachPartition, create the
 instance, loop over entries in the partition, close the partition), but
 it's quite cludgy. Is there a pattern by which I can have an instance of
 something nonserializable on each worker?

I think the pattern you describe is the standard way of doing this, several
people on this list (including me) have used it for database access etc.


Re: dockerized spark executor on mesos?

2014-12-03 Thread Kyle Ellrott
I'd like to tag a question onto this; has anybody attempted to deploy spark
under Kubernetes or Kubernetes mesos ( ) .
On Wednesday, December 3, 2014, Matei Zaharia

 I'd suggest asking about this on the Mesos list (CCed). As far as I know,
 there was actually some ongoing work for this.


  On Dec 3, 2014, at 9:46 AM, Dick Davies
 javascript:; wrote:
  Just wondered if anyone had managed to start spark
  jobs on mesos wrapped in a docker container?
  At present (i.e. very early testing) I'm able to submit executors
  to mesos via spark-submit easily enough, but they fall over
  as we don't have a JVM on our slaves out of the box.
  I can push one out via our CM system if push comes to shove,
  but it'd be nice to have that as part of the job (I'm thinking it might
  be a way to get some of the dependencies deployed too).
  bear in mind I'm a total clueless newbie at this so please be gentle
  if I'm doing this completely wrong.
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reading dynamoDB with spark

2014-12-03 Thread Tyson


I try to read data from DynamoDB table with Spark, but after I run this 
code I got an error massege like in below.
I use Spark 1.1.1 and emr-core-1.1.jar, emr-ddb-hive-1.0.jar and 

valsparkConf = SparkConf().setAppName(DynamoRdeader).setMaster(local[4])

valctx = JavaSparkContext(sparkConf)
valjobConf = JobConf(ctx.hadoopConfiguration())




varusers = 


Exception in thread main org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted 
due to stage failure: Task serialization failed: 

sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)


at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.foreach(ArrayBuffer.scala:47)

at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:237)

Spark SQL with a sorted file

2014-12-03 Thread Jerry Raj

If I create a SchemaRDD from a file that I know is sorted on a certain 
field, is it possible to somehow pass that information on to Spark SQL 
so that SQL queries referencing that field are optimized?


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Re: Having problem with Spark streaming with Kinesis

2014-12-03 Thread A.K.M. Ashrafuzzaman
In my local machine it consumes a stream of Kinesis with 3 shards. But in EC2 
it does not consume from the stream. Later we found that the EC2 machine was of 
2 cores and my local machine was of 4 cores. I am using a single machine and in 
spark standalone mode. And we got a larger machine from EC2 and now the kinesis 
is getting consumed.

4 cores Single machine - works
2 cores Single machine - does not work
2 cores 2 workers - does not work

So my question is that do we need a cluster of (#KinesisShards + 1) workers to 
be able to consume from Kinesis?

A.K.M. Ashrafuzzaman
Lead Software Engineer

(M) 880-175-5592433
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for free content marketing resources

On Nov 27, 2014, at 10:28 AM, Aniket Bhatnagar 

 Did you set spark master as local[*]? If so, then it means that nunber of 
 executors is equal to number of cores of the machine. Perhaps your mac 
 machine has more cores (certainly more than number of kinesis shards +1).
 Try explicitly setting master as local[N] where N is number of kinesis shards 
 + 1. It should then work on both the machines.
 On Thu, Nov 27, 2014, 9:46 AM Ashrafuzzaman 
 I was trying in one machine with just sbt run.
 And it is working with my mac environment with the same configuration.
 I used the sample code from
 val kinesisClient = new AmazonKinesisClient(new 
 val numShards = 
 /* In this example, we're going to create 1 Kinesis Worker/Receiver/DStream 
 for each shard. */
 val numStreams = numShards
 /* Setup the and SparkConfig and StreamingContext */
 /* Spark Streaming batch interval */
 val batchInterval = Milliseconds(2000)
 val sparkConfig = new SparkConf().setAppName(KinesisWordCount)
 val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConfig, batchInterval)
 /* Kinesis checkpoint interval.  Same as batchInterval for this example. */
 val kinesisCheckpointInterval = batchInterval
 /* Create the same number of Kinesis DStreams/Receivers as Kinesis stream's 
 shards */
 val kinesisStreams = (0 until numStreams).map { i =
   KinesisUtils.createStream(ssc, streamName, endpointUrl, 
   InitialPositionInStream.LATEST, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_2)
 /* Union all the streams */
 val unionStreams = ssc.union(kinesisStreams)
 /* Convert each line of Array[Byte] to String, split into words, and count 
 them */
 val words = unionStreams.flatMap(byteArray = new String(byteArray)
   .split( ))
 /* Map each word to a (word, 1) tuple so we can reduce/aggregate by key. */
 val wordCounts = = (word, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
 /* Print the first 10 wordCounts */
 /* Start the streaming context and await termination */
 A.K.M. Ashrafuzzaman
 Lead Software Engineer
 (M) 880-175-5592433
 Twitter | Blog | Facebook
 Check out The Academy, your #1 source
 for free content marketing resources
 On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 11:26 PM, Aniket Bhatnagar wrote:
 What's your cluster size? For streamig to work, it needs shards + 1 executors.
 On Wed, Nov 26, 2014, 5:53 PM A.K.M. Ashrafuzzaman wrote:
 Hi guys,
 When we are using Kinesis with 1 shard then it works fine. But when we use 
 more that 1 then it falls into an infinite loop and no data is processed by 
 the spark streaming. In the kinesis dynamo DB, I can see that it keeps 
 increasing the leaseCounter. But it do start processing.
 I am using,
 scala: 2.10.4
 java version: 1.8.0_25
 Spark: 1.1.0
 spark-streaming-kinesis-asl: 1.1.0
 A.K.M. Ashrafuzzaman
 Lead Software Engineer
 (M) 880-175-5592433
 Twitter | Blog | Facebook
 Check out The Academy, your #1 source
 for free content marketing resources

Re: SQL query in scala API

2014-12-03 Thread Cheng Lian

You may do this:

|table(users).groupBy('zip)('zip, count('user), countDistinct('user))

On 12/4/14 8:47 AM, Arun Luthra wrote:

I'm wondering how to do this kind of SQL query with PairRDDFunctions.

FROM users

In the Spark scala API, I can make an RDD (called users) of 
key-value pairs where the keys are zip (as in ZIP code) and the values 
are user id's. Then I can compute the count and distinct count like this:

val count = users.mapValues(_ = 1).reduceByKey(_ + _)
val countDistinct = users.distinct().mapValues(_ = 1).reduceByKey(_ + _)

Then, if I want count and countDistinct in the same table, I have to 
join them on the key.

Is there a way to do this without doing a join (and without using SQL 
or spark SQL)?



spark-submit on YARN is slow

2014-12-03 Thread Tobias Pfeiffer

I am using spark-submit to submit my application to YARN in yarn-cluster
mode. I have both the Spark assembly jar file as well as my application jar
file put in HDFS and can see from the logging output that both files are
used from there. However, it still takes about 10 seconds for my
application's yarnAppState to switch from ACCEPTED to RUNNING.

I am aware that this is probably not a Spark issue, but some YARN
configuration setting (or YARN-inherent slowness), I was just wondering if
anyone has an advice for how to speed this up.


cannot submit python files on EC2 cluster

2014-12-03 Thread chocjy

I am using spark with version number 1.1.0 on an EC2 cluster. After I
submitted the job, it returned an error saying that a python module cannot
be loaded due to missing files. I am using the same command that used to
work on an private cluster before for submitting jobs and all the source
files are located in the current working directory. I also tried to add the
current path to $PYTHONPATH but it didn't help.

In the outputs, there is nothing coming after the line
spark.submit.pyFiles=. The command I used is
spark-submit --executor-memory 7G --driver-memory 8G --py-files,,

Anyone knows how to fix this?

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RE: Spark SQL UDF returning a list?

2014-12-03 Thread Cheng, Hao
Yes I agree, and it may also be ambiguous in semantic. A list of objects V.S. A 
list with single List Object.

I’ve also tested that, seems

a.  There is a bug in registerFunction, which doesn’t support the UDF 
without argument. ( I just create a PR for this: )

b.  It expects the function return type to be immutable.Seq[XX] for List, 
immutable.Map[X, X] for Map, scala.Product for Struct, and only Array[Byte] for 
binary. The Array[_] is not supported.

Cheng Hao

From: Tobias Pfeiffer []
Sent: Thursday, December 4, 2014 9:05 AM
To: Jerry Raj
Cc: user
Subject: Re: Spark SQL UDF returning a list?


On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Jerry Raj wrote:
Exception in thread main java.lang.RuntimeException: [1.57] failure: ``('' 
expected but identifier myudf found

I also tried returning a List of Ints, that did not work either. Is there a way 
to write a UDF that returns a list?

You seem to be hitting a parser limitation before your function is even called. 
The message you are seeing is saying there must be an opening bracket here, 
and I am afraid you won't get around this whatever function you write... (maybe 
the HiveContext provides a possibility, though).


RE: Spark SQL with a sorted file

2014-12-03 Thread Cheng, Hao
You can try to write your own Relation with filter push down or use the 
ParquetRelation2 for workaround. 

Cheng Hao

-Original Message-
From: Jerry Raj [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 4, 2014 11:34 AM
Subject: Spark SQL with a sorted file

If I create a SchemaRDD from a file that I know is sorted on a certain field, 
is it possible to somehow pass that information on to Spark SQL so that SQL 
queries referencing that field are optimized?


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Issue in executing Spark Application from Eclipse

2014-12-03 Thread Stuti Awasthi
Hi All,
I have a standalone Spark(1.1) cluster on one machine and I have installed 
scala Eclipse IDE (scala 2.10) on my desktop. I am trying to execute a spark 
code to execute over my standalone cluster but getting errors.
Please guide me to resolve this.

  val logFile = File Path present on desktop // Should be some file on your 
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(Simple 
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
  // Print correct  master
   val logData = sc.textFile(logFile, 2).cache()
 // throws error

Error :
Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/
14/12/04 11:05:38 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls to: stutiawasthi,
14/12/04 11:05:38 INFO SecurityManager: Changing modify acls to: stutiawasthi,
14/12/04 11:05:38 INFO SecurityManager: SecurityManager: authentication 
disabled; ui acls disabled; users with view permissions: Set(stutiawasthi, ); 
users with modify permissions: Set(stutiawasthi, )
14/12/04 11:05:39 INFO Slf4jLogger: Slf4jLogger started
14/12/04 11:05:39 INFO Remoting: Starting remoting
14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO Remoting: Remoting started; listening on addresses 
14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO Remoting: Remoting now listens on addresses: 
14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkDriver' on 
port 62308.
14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO SparkEnv: Registering MapOutputTracker
14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO SparkEnv: Registering BlockManagerMaster
14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO DiskBlockManager: Created local directory at 
14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'Connection manager 
for block manager' on port 62311.
14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO ConnectionManager: Bound socket to port 62311 with id = 
14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO MemoryStore: MemoryStore started with capacity 133.6 MB
14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO BlockManagerMaster: Trying to register BlockManager
14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO BlockManagerMasterActor: Registering block manager 
HOSTNAME_DESKTOP:62311 with 133.6 MB RAM
14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO BlockManagerMaster: Registered BlockManager
14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO HttpFileServer: HTTP File server directory is 
14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO HttpServer: Starting HTTP Server
14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'HTTP file server' 
on port 62312.
14/12/04 11:05:42 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'SparkUI' on port 
14/12/04 11:05:42 INFO SparkUI: Started SparkUI at 
14/12/04 11:05:43 INFO AppClient$ClientActor: Connecting to master 
14/12/04 11:05:43 INFO SparkDeploySchedulerBackend: SchedulerBackend is ready 
for scheduling beginning after reached minRegisteredResourcesRatio: 0.0
14/12/04 11:05:44 WARN SizeEstimator: Failed to check whether UseCompressedOops 
is set; assuming yes
14/12/04 11:05:45 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(31447) called with 
curMem=0, maxMem=140142182
14/12/04 11:05:45 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_0 stored as values in 
memory (estimated size 30.7 KB, free 133.6 MB)
14/12/04 11:05:45 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(3631) called with 
curMem=31447, maxMem=140142182
14/12/04 11:05:45 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_0_piece0 stored as bytes in 
memory (estimated size 3.5 KB, free 133.6 MB)
14/12/04 11:05:45 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_0_piece0 in memory on 
HOSTNAME_DESKTOP:62311 (size: 3.5 KB, free: 133.6 MB)
14/12/04 11:05:45 INFO BlockManagerMaster: Updated info of block 
14/12/04 11:05:45 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library 
for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
14/12/04 11:05:45 WARN LoadSnappy: Snappy native library not loaded
14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 1
14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO SparkContext: Starting job: count at Test.scala:15
14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO DAGScheduler: Got job 0 (count at Test.scala:15) with 2 
output partitions (allowLocal=false)
14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO DAGScheduler: Final stage: Stage 0(count at 
14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO DAGScheduler: Parents of final stage: List()
14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO DAGScheduler: Missing parents: List()
14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO DAGScheduler: Submitting Stage 0 
(D:/Workspace/Spark/Test/README MappedRDD[1] at textFile at Test.scala:14), 
which has no missing parents
14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(2408) called with 
curMem=35078, maxMem=140142182

MLLIB model export: PMML vs MLLIB serialization

2014-12-03 Thread sourabh
Hi All,
I am doing model training using Spark MLLIB inside our hadoop cluster. But
prediction happens in a different realtime synchronous system(Web
application). I am currently exploring different options to export the
trained Mllib models from spark.

   1. *Export model as PMML:* I found the projects under  JPMML: Java PMML
API   is quite interesting. Use  JPMML   to convert the mllib model entity to
PMML. And use  PMML evaluator  
for prediction in a different system. Or we can also explore  openscoring
rest api   for model deployment and

This could be standard approach if we need to port models across different
systems. But converting non linear Mllib models to PMML might be a complex
task. Apart from that I need to keep on updating my Mllib to PMML conversion
code for any new Mllib models or any change in Mllib entities.
I have not evaluated any of these JPMML projects personally and I see there
is only single contributor for these projects. Just wondering if enough
people have already started using these projects. Please share if any of you
have any points on this.

   2. *Export MLLIB model as serialized form:* Mllib models can be
serialized using  Kryo serialization
or normal  java serialization
. And the same model can be deserialized by different other standalone
applications and use the mllib entity for prediction.  This blog
shows an example how spark mllib can be used inside Play web application. I
am expecting, I can use spark mllib in any other JVM based web application
in the same way(?). Please share if any one has any experience on this.
  Advantage of this approach is :
 - No recurring effort to support any new model or any change in Mllib
model entity in future version.
 - Less dependency on any other tools
 - Model can not be ported to non JVM system
 - Model serialized using one version of Mllib entity, may not be
deserializable using a different version of mllib entity(?).

I think this is a quite common problem.I am really interested to hear from
you people how you are solving this and what are the approaches and pros and


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Re: netty on classpath when using spark-submit

2014-12-03 Thread Tobias Pfeiffer

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 10:40 AM, M. Dale wrote:

   I never tried to use this property. I was hoping someone else would jump
 in. When I saw your original question I remembered that Hadoop has
 something similar. So I searched and found the link below. A quick JIRA
 search seems to indicate that there is another property:

 Maybe that property will work with yarn: spark.yarn.user.classpath.first

Thank you very much! That property does in fact load the classes from my
jar file first when running on YARN, great!

However, in local[N] mode, neither that one nor
the spark.files.userClassPathFirst one works. So when using spark-submit
with --master local[3] instead of --master yarn-cluster, the value
for spark.files.userClassPathFirst is displayed correctly, but the classes
are still loaded from the wrong jar...


Re: Filter using the Vertex Ids

2014-12-03 Thread Ankur Dave
To get that function in scope you have to import


On Wednesday, December 3, 2014, Deep Pradhan

 But groupByKey() gives me the error saying that it is not a member of
 org.apache.spark,rdd,RDD[(Double, org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId)]


Spark Streaming empty RDD issue

2014-12-03 Thread Hafiz Mujadid
Hi Experts
I am using Spark Streaming to integrate Kafka for real time data processing.
I am facing some issues related to Spark Streaming
So I want to know how can we detect
1) Our connection has been lost
2) Our receiver is down
3) Spark Streaming has no new messages to consume.

how can we deal these issues?

I will be glad to hear from you and will be thankful to you.

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Re: heterogeneous cluster setup

2014-12-03 Thread Victor Tso-Guillen
You'll have to decide which is more expensive in your heterogenous
environment and optimize for the utilization of that. For example, you may
decide that memory is the only costing factor and you can discount the
number of cores. Then you could have 8GB on each worker each with four
cores. Note that cores in Spark don't necessarily map to cores on the
machine. It's just a configuration setting for how many simultaneous tasks
that worker can work on.

You are right that each executor gets the same amount of resources and I
would add level of parallelization. Your heterogeneity is in the physical
layout of your cluster, not in how Spark treats the workers as resources.
It's very important for Spark's workers to have the same resources
available because it needs to be able to generically divide and conquer
your data amongst all those workers.

Hope that helps,

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 10:04 PM, rapelly kartheek

 Thank you so much for valuable reply, Victor. That's a very clear solution
 I understood.

 Right now I have nodes with:
 16Gb RAM, 4 cores; 8GB RAM, 4cores; 8GB RAM, 2 cores. From my
 understanding, the division could be something like, each executor can have
 2 cores and 6GB RAM.   So, the ones with 16GB RAM and 4 cores can have two
 executors. Please let me know if my understanding is correct.

 But, I am not able to see  any heterogeneity in this setting as each
 executor has got the same amount of resources. Can you please clarify this


 On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 11:11 PM, Victor Tso-Guillen

 I don't have a great answer for you. For us, we found a common divisor,
 not necessarily a whole gigabyte, of the available memory of the different
 hardware and used that as the amount of memory per worker and scaled the
 number of cores accordingly so that every core in the system has the same
 amount of memory. The quotient of the available memory and the common
 divisor, hopefully a whole number to reduce waste, was the number of
 workers we spun up. Therefore, if you have 64G, 30G, and 15G available
 memory on your machines, the divisor could be 15G and you'd have 4, 2 and 1
 worker per machine. Every worker on all the machines would have the same
 number of cores, set to what you think is a good value.

 Hope that helps.

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 7:44 AM, wrote:

 Hi Victor,

 I want to setup a heterogeneous stand-alone spark cluster. I have
 hardware with different memory sizes and varied number of cores per node. I
 could get all the nodes active in the cluster only when the size of memory
 per executor is set as the least available memory size of all nodes and is
 same with no.of cores/executor. As of now, I configure one executor per

 Can you please suggest some path to set up a stand-alone heterogeneous
 cluster such that I can efficiently use the available hardware.

 Thank you

 Sent from

Re: Issue in executing Spark Application from Eclipse

2014-12-03 Thread Akhil Das
It seems you provided master url as spark:// , i think you
should give spark://ubuntu:7077 instead.

Best Regards

On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 11:35 AM, Stuti Awasthi wrote:

  Hi All,

 I have a standalone Spark(1.1) cluster on one machine and I have installed
 scala Eclipse IDE (scala 2.10) on my desktop. I am trying to execute a
 spark code to execute over my standalone cluster but getting errors.

 Please guide me to resolve this.


   val logFile = File Path present on desktop // Should be some file on
 your system

 val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(Simple

 val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

 // Print correct  master

val logData = sc.textFile(logFile, 2).cache()

 // throws error

 Error :

 Using Spark's default log4j profile:

 14/12/04 11:05:38 INFO SecurityManager: Changing view acls to:

 14/12/04 11:05:38 INFO SecurityManager: Changing modify acls to:

 14/12/04 11:05:38 INFO SecurityManager: SecurityManager: authentication
 disabled; ui acls disabled; users with view permissions: Set(stutiawasthi,
 ); users with modify permissions: Set(stutiawasthi, )

 14/12/04 11:05:39 INFO Slf4jLogger: Slf4jLogger started

 14/12/04 11:05:39 INFO Remoting: Starting remoting

 14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO Remoting: Remoting started; listening on addresses

 14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO Remoting: Remoting now listens on addresses:

 14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkDriver'
 on port 62308.

 14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO SparkEnv: Registering MapOutputTracker

 14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO SparkEnv: Registering BlockManagerMaster

 14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO DiskBlockManager: Created local directory at

 14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'Connection
 manager for block manager' on port 62311.

 14/12/04 11:05:40 INFO ConnectionManager: Bound socket to port 62311 with
 id = ConnectionManagerId(HOSTNAME_DESKTOP,62311)

 14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO MemoryStore: MemoryStore started with capacity
 133.6 MB

 14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO BlockManagerMaster: Trying to register BlockManager

 14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO BlockManagerMasterActor: Registering block manager
 HOSTNAME_DESKTOP:62311 with 133.6 MB RAM

 14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO BlockManagerMaster: Registered BlockManager

 14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO HttpFileServer: HTTP File server directory is

 14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO HttpServer: Starting HTTP Server

 14/12/04 11:05:41 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'HTTP file
 server' on port 62312.

 14/12/04 11:05:42 INFO Utils: Successfully started service 'SparkUI' on
 port 4040.

 14/12/04 11:05:42 INFO SparkUI: Started SparkUI at http://

 14/12/04 11:05:43 INFO AppClient$ClientActor: Connecting to master

 14/12/04 11:05:43 INFO SparkDeploySchedulerBackend: SchedulerBackend is
 ready for scheduling beginning after reached minRegisteredResourcesRatio:


 14/12/04 11:05:44 WARN SizeEstimator: Failed to check whether
 UseCompressedOops is set; assuming yes

 14/12/04 11:05:45 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(31447) called with
 curMem=0, maxMem=140142182

 14/12/04 11:05:45 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_0 stored as values in
 memory (estimated size 30.7 KB, free 133.6 MB)

 14/12/04 11:05:45 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(3631) called with
 curMem=31447, maxMem=140142182

 14/12/04 11:05:45 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_0_piece0 stored as
 bytes in memory (estimated size 3.5 KB, free 133.6 MB)

 14/12/04 11:05:45 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_0_piece0 in
 memory on HOSTNAME_DESKTOP:62311 (size: 3.5 KB, free: 133.6 MB)

 14/12/04 11:05:45 INFO BlockManagerMaster: Updated info of block

 14/12/04 11:05:45 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop
 library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable

 14/12/04 11:05:45 WARN LoadSnappy: Snappy native library not loaded

 14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 1

 14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO SparkContext: Starting job: count at Test.scala:15

 14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO DAGScheduler: Got job 0 (count at Test.scala:15)
 with 2 output partitions (allowLocal=false)

 14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO DAGScheduler: Final stage: Stage 0(count at

 14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO DAGScheduler: Parents of final stage: List()

 14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO DAGScheduler: Missing parents: List()

 14/12/04 11:05:46 INFO DAGScheduler: Submitting Stage 0

Re: Spark Streaming empty RDD issue

2014-12-03 Thread Akhil Das
You can setup nagios based monitoring for these, also setting up a high
availability environment will be more fault tolerant.

Best Regards

On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 12:17 PM, Hafiz Mujadid

 Hi Experts
 I am using Spark Streaming to integrate Kafka for real time data
 I am facing some issues related to Spark Streaming
 So I want to know how can we detect
 1) Our connection has been lost
 2) Our receiver is down
 3) Spark Streaming has no new messages to consume.

 how can we deal these issues?

 I will be glad to hear from you and will be thankful to you.

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Re: dockerized spark executor on mesos?

2014-12-03 Thread Dick Davies
Oh great, thanks Tim - I'll give that a whirl then.

A Spark rollout isn't in our immediate future, I'm just looking for a good
framework for compute alongside our marathon deployment. So a good
time to experiment!

On 4 December 2014 at 02:36, Tim Chen wrote:
 Hi Dick,

 There is a PR on Spark to enable launching Spark executors with Docker
 containers, and pending a committer to review and merge

 If you like to try it out please take the patch and try it!


 On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 6:31 PM, Kyle Ellrott wrote:

 I'd like to tag a question onto this; has anybody attempted to deploy
 spark under Kubernetes or Kubernetes mesos ( ) .
 On Wednesday, December 3, 2014, Matei Zaharia

 I'd suggest asking about this on the Mesos list (CCed). As far as I know,
 there was actually some ongoing work for this.


  On Dec 3, 2014, at 9:46 AM, Dick Davies wrote:
  Just wondered if anyone had managed to start spark
  jobs on mesos wrapped in a docker container?
  At present (i.e. very early testing) I'm able to submit executors
  to mesos via spark-submit easily enough, but they fall over
  as we don't have a JVM on our slaves out of the box.
  I can push one out via our CM system if push comes to shove,
  but it'd be nice to have that as part of the job (I'm thinking it might
  be a way to get some of the dependencies deployed too).
  bear in mind I'm a total clueless newbie at this so please be gentle
  if I'm doing this completely wrong.
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serialization issue in case of case class is more than 1

2014-12-03 Thread Rahul Bindlish

I am newbie in Spark and performed following steps during POC execution:

1. Map csv file to object-file after some transformations once.
2. Serialize object-file to RDD for operation, as per need.

In case of 2 csv/object-files, first object-file is serialized to RDD
successfully but during serialization of second object-file error appears.
This error occurs only when spark-shell is restarted between step-1 and

Please suggest how to serialize 2 object-files.

Also find below executed code on spark-shell
//#1//Start spark-shell and csv to object-file creation
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)

case class person(id: Int, name: String, fathername: String, officeid: Int)
val baseperson = sc.textFile(person_csv).flatMap(line =
line.split(\n)).map(_.split(,)) = person(p(0).trim.toInt, p(1), p(2),

case class office(id: Int, name: String, landmark: String, areacode: String)
val baseoffice = sc.textFile(office_csv).flatMap(line =
line.split(\n)).map(_.split(,)) = office(p(0).trim.toInt, p(1), p(2),

//#2//Stop spark-shell
//#3//Start spark-shell and map object-file
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
case class person(id: Int, name: String, fathername: String, officeid: Int)
case class office(id: Int, name: String, landmark: String, areacode: String)

sc.objectFile[person](person_obj).count [OK]
sc.objectFile[office](office_obj).count *[FAILS]*
stack trace is attached


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Necessity for rdd replication.

2014-12-03 Thread rapelly kartheek

I was just thinking about necessity for rdd replication. One category could
be something like large number of threads requiring same rdd. Even though,
a single rdd can be shared by multiple threads belonging to same
application , I believe we can extract better parallelism  if the rdd is
replicated, am I right?.

I am eager to know if there are any real life applications or any other
scenarios which force rdd to be replicated. Can someone please throw some
light on necessity for rdd replication.

Thank you

Re: cannot submit python files on EC2 cluster

2014-12-03 Thread Davies Liu
On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 8:17 PM, chocjy wrote:

 I am using spark with version number 1.1.0 on an EC2 cluster. After I
 submitted the job, it returned an error saying that a python module cannot
 be loaded due to missing files. I am using the same command that used to
 work on an private cluster before for submitting jobs and all the source
 files are located in the current working directory. I also tried to add the
 current path to $PYTHONPATH but it didn't help.

 In the outputs, there is nothing coming after the line
 spark.submit.pyFiles=. The command I used is
 spark-submit --executor-memory 7G --driver-memory 8G --py-files,,

--py-files should be placed before your script, or it will
became arguments of

 Anyone knows how to fix this?

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