Re: Create an empty java.util.Set in VTL

2018-01-25 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
Not if you're using the secure uberspector, which everyone should be doing.

On 01/25/2018 11:44 AM, Alex Fedotov wrote:
> You can probably use a hack with classloader. Along the lines of:
>  #set($x =
> "1".getClass().getClassloader().findClass("java.uti.HashSet").newInstance())
> Alex
> On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 11:30 AM, Christopher Schultz <
>> wrote:
> All,
> If I want to create a new empty array/collection, I can do something
> like this:
> #set($array = [])
> If I want to create a new Map, I can do this:
> #set($map = {})
> Is there a way to create a new Set?
> I'd like to use a set because:
> 1. I want to use this object as a sort of scratch-area to know what
> work I've done before
> and
> 2. I'm going to be consulting it a lot using Set.contains(object) so
> something other than ArrayList/LinkedList will be much faster
> Thanks,
> -chris
>> -
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Sergiu Dumitriu

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: Create an empty java.util.Set in VTL

2018-01-25 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
Not with the default syntax and context. If you can control the context,
you can put an utility that can create any type of collection: random
sets, linked sets, ordered sets, linked maps, ordered maps...

On 01/25/2018 11:30 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> All,
> If I want to create a new empty array/collection, I can do something
> like this:
> #set($array = [])
> If I want to create a new Map, I can do this:
> #set($map = {})
> Is there a way to create a new Set?
> I'd like to use a set because:
> 1. I want to use this object as a sort of scratch-area to know what
> work I've done before
> and
> 2. I'm going to be consulting it a lot using Set.contains(object) so
> something other than ArrayList/LinkedList will be much faster
> Thanks,
> -chris
> -
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Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: How to prevent skip of newline after line comment

2016-11-25 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
Since you know there's a comment there which will eat the newline, you
can add an empty line after it:

Some text to display   ## some comment following

Next line with some text

This will print as you want. Since the newline following the comment is
discarded, the newline on the following empty line will be moved at the
end of the first line.

Another way is to use block comments:

Some text to display   #* some comment following *#
Next line with some text

On 11/25/2016 01:10 PM, Andreas Kuhtz wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to prevent skip of newline after line comment during
> rendering?
> I've the following lines in a template:
> Some text to display   ## some comment following
> Next line with some text
> The result is the following:
> Some text to display   Next line with some text
> Instead of:
> Some text to display
> Next line with some text
> Best regards,
> Andreas

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Velocity Engine 2.0 test build available

2016-11-08 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
If you don't want surprises, you should also specify the encoding to
use. I'm guessing that the files you're reading have a known encoding
that's kept from the build into the distribution package, but you don't
always have control over the system where it's installed.

try {
return new BufferedReader(new
InputStreamReader(servletContext.getResourceAsStream(path), "UTF-8"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// This should never happen, UTF-8 is mandatory for a valid JVM
return null;

On 11/08/2016 07:13 AM, Greg Huber wrote:
> Seems to be working OK.  Thanks.
> For the ResourceLoader changes I have been doing this :
> public  InputStream getResourceStream(String name)
> return result = servletContext.getResourceAsStream(path);
> but now must use :
> public Reader getResourceReader(String name, String encoding)
> return result = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
> servletContext.getResourceAsStream(path)));
> Is this the most efficient way to the Reader class?  Seems a lot more
> processing than just the InputStream??
> On 7 November 2016 at 10:06, Claude Brisson <> wrote:
>> The test build of Velocity Engine 2.0 is available.
>> No determination as to the quality ('alpha,' 'beta,' or 'GA') of Velocity
>> Engine 2.0 has been made, and at this time it is simply a "test build". We
>> welcome any comments you may have, and will take all feedback into account
>> if a quality vote is called for this build.
>> Release notes:
>> *
>> ine/2.0/release-notes.html
>> Distribution:
>>  *
>> Maven 2 staging repository:
>>  *
>> velocity-1010/
>> A vote regarding the quality of this test build will be initiated within
>> the next couple of days.
>> Regards,
>>   Claude

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: Explicitly using null in a template

2015-07-27 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
I remember reading somewhere that you should use $NULL, but can't
remember where.

On 07/27/2015 01:11 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
 I have a situation where I need to explicitly pass NULL to a method on
 an object. Can I simply do something like this:
 I seem to remember there being a helper object (VelocityTool?) that had
 nice things in it like $helper.null or something like that, but I can't
 seem to find a reference for it.

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: Fwd: Trouble with Velocity in SOLR 5.0.0

2015-03-11 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
That's a change in the velocity engine, the way nested quotes are
escaped is by doubling them:

#set ($temp0 = $paramsq.replaceAll(, ))

Or better:

#set ($temp0 = $paramsq.replaceAll('', ''))

I guess Solr 5 upgraded the version of Velocity they embed, thus the
regression in your code.

On 03/11/2015 04:46 AM, wrote:
 Good morning,
 I have found the cause of the error (see below) in this line:
 #set ($temp0 = $paramsq.replaceAll(\, ))
 I replaced \ by \u0022, and the error message vanished.
 #set ($temp0 = $test.replaceAll(\u0022, ))
 ERROR 500
 Encountered AND at richtext_doc.vm[line 65, column 51] Was expecting one 
 of: , ... ) ... ... 
 #if ($params.q and $pdf_dir_v and $pdf_year_mon_v and $pdf_day_v and 
   #set ($paramsq = $params.q)
   #if ($paramsq.length()  0)
   paramsq = $paramsq
   ## Remove double quotes
   #set ($temp0 = $paramsq.replaceAll(\, ))
 - Mail transféré -
 À: Velocity Users List
 Envoyé: Mardi 10 Mars 2015 16:29:48
 Objet: Re: Trouble with Velocity in SOLR 5.0.0
 Problem solved.
 A query Response Writer was not declared in my solrconfig.xml file.
  queryResponseWriter name=velocity class=solr.VelocityResponseWriter 
 str name=template.base.dir${velocity.template.base.dir:}/str
 - Mail original -
 À: Velocity Users List
 Envoyé: Mardi 10 Mars 2015 14:16:41
 Objet: Trouble with Velocity in SOLR 5.0.0
 I am trying to make Velocity work in SOLR 5.0.0.
 First of all, I have added the following lines to my core's solrconfig.xml 
   lib dir=../../../contrib/extraction/lib regex=.*\.jar /
   lib dir=../../../dist/ regex=solr-cell-\d.*\.jar /
   lib dir=../../../contrib/langid/lib/ regex=.*\.jar /
   lib dir=../../../dist/ regex=solr-langid-\d.*\.jar /
   lib dir=../../../contrib/velocity/lib regex=.*\.jar /
   lib dir=../../../dist/ regex=solr-velocity-\d.*\.jar /
 ... and created a /browse request handler
  requestHandler name=/browse class=solr.SearchHandler
  lst name=defaults
str name=echoParamsexplicit/str
!-- VelocityResponseWriter settings --
str name=wtvelocity/str
str name=v.templatebrowse/str
str name=v.layoutlayout/str
str name=titleArchives/str
!-- Query settings --
str name=defTypeedismax/str
 I have also copied the 'velocity' directory from a 4.9 core to the 
 /archives/solr-5.0.0/server/solr/mycore1/conf directory  
 as well as the toolbox.xml file.
 The mycore1's conf directory now contains the following files and directories:
 currency.xml  lang  protwords.txt  _rest_managed.json  schema.xml  
 solrconfig.xml  stopwords.txt  synonyms.txt  toolbox.xml  velocity
 When I type*:* in a browser, 
 I get an XML page, not HTML generated by Velocity, as expected.
 lst name=responseHeader
 int name=status0/int
 int name=QTime5/int
 lst name=params/
 result name=response numFound=0 start=0 maxScore=0.0/
 lst name=facet_counts
 lst name=facet_queries/
 lst name=facet_fields
 lst name=ymd/
 lst name=facet_dates/
 lst name=facet_ranges/
 lst name=facet_intervals/
 lst name=highlighting/
 What did I miss?
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Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: [tools] Replacement for ListTool?

2014-06-26 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
This should work without any tools:


On 06/26/2014 03:27 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
 ListTool is marked as deprecated because Velocity 1.6 and later treat
 arrays and lists as first-class collections and can perform appropriate
 operations on them.
 One thing it's not easy to do is determine if an object is an List or an
 I have something hacked-together using ClassTool like this:
 [the $bundle object is a List]
 But it's kind of verbose, plus I need to check to see if it's an array
 as well.
 Any suggestions using existing tools?

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: Documentation regarding Custom Utility Class for Velocity

2013-08-08 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
It depends on what you mean by velocity tools.

As the description on
says, a tool is just a Plain Old Java Object, so any Java object can act
as a tool.

Officially, a tool is something that can be automatically placed in
the context when you have a more complex/automatic Velocity Engine
setup, like VelocityViewServlet or VelocityStruts, or using one of the
configuration mechanisms listed on

Unofficially, if you're working directly with the engine, you can place
any object in the VelocityContext when rendering a parsed template.

So, there's no restriction on the class that you're using as a tool,
other than:

- only public methods can be invoked from Velocity, but there can be
helper private methods if they help you organize the code
- if the tool is automatically instantiated, it must have a public
constructor with no parameters; if you instantiate it manually, you can
pass as many arguments as you want in the constructor

On 08/08/2013 12:06 PM, O. Olson wrote:
 I am wondering if there is any documentation on writing your own Utility 
 Class or Custom Tool to add to Velocity. The only place I found some help is  (There 
 is something regarding Custom Tools at   - but I 
 could not find anything regarding  Utility Classes that we can push into the 
 Velocity Context.)
 Originally, I was thinking of doing my processing/customization in 
 Velocimacros, but that is turning out to be a bit more complex/cumbersome 
 than I expected. I am thinking of doing this in Java, and pushing the results 
 to the Velocity Context as a single object/utility class instance. For 
 purposes of discussion let us assume, I do something like the following in 
 VelocityContext context;
 context.put(myUtil, new MyUtil());
 I'd appreciate if I could get answers/ideas on:
 1.I am wondering if MyUtil() needs to be static across requests.  I 
 intend MyUtil() to provide easy access and manipulation of the current 
 request. Hence, I would probably do something like the following in Java:
 context.put(myUtil, new MyUtil(currentWebRequest));
 i.e. I would instantiate MyUtil with the current Web Request. MyUtil 
 could then provide easy access to say the Number of Rows in the Request. So 
 in the Template I could do:
 If MyUtil() is static, this would not work, because different requests would 
 have different number of Rows. Should the Utility Class/Object be static? The 
 example mentioned above shows only static methods, hence my question.
 2.Should my Utility class follow the bean syntax i.e. for the above 
 example of  $myUtil.NumRows in the template, would I need to declare 
 something like the following in the MyUtil Java class:
 public int getNumRows() { }
 3.What would be a good way to pass a Constant from Java to the Template? 
 Should I use the bean syntax again? E.g. in the template
 Would I need to have something like:
 public int getJAVA_CONSTANT () { }
 Thank you in advance for your help,
 O. O.
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Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: Returning String without Whitespace from Velocimacros

2013-08-01 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
Velocimacros are macros, they don't return anything. They print stuff,
just like normal code outside the macro. A macro is a simple way of
reusing code without duplicating it.

As in other Velocity code, almost all whitespace is important, so you
have to be careful if you don't want it to be printed.

Still, it is possible to control all the whitespace produced, reducing
the style of the code, combining:

- ## at the end of the line to comment out the \n that would otherwise
be printed
- The formal syntax for #{else} ${var} #{end} to eliminate the need for
a separator space after the end of these words
- Removing leading whitespace, thus breaking the indentation

Another option is to use a pre-processor that trims the whole .vm file
before parsing it, so instead of sending the original template to the
Velocity engine, you send a string with all the leading and trailing
space removed.

Another option is to run the macro inside a string, which you can then trim:

#set ($tmp = #query_url($query_param))

On 08/01/2013 01:27 PM, O. Olson wrote:
 I am new to using Apache Velocity. What is the correct way of returning a 
 string from a Macro or a Velocimacro? 
 Since I did not have a clue on how to return a string from a Macro, I decided 
 to do something like 
 #macro(query_url $query_param) q=$query_param #end 
 I can then call the Macro using: #query_url(*)
 The problem with this is that the resulting value contains a Tab or 
 number of Spaces before the 'q=' when I call it. 
 One option is to delete the spaces like: 
 #macro(query_url $query_param)
 This fixes my problem but is very hard to read.  To take this a step further 
 #macro(default_query_url) #if($request.params.get('q')) 
 #query_url($request.params.get('q')) #else #query_url(*) #end #end 
 In the first case there is no whitespace, but editing it would be very 
 difficult for more complicated macros. 
 I am curious what is the correct way to return values from Velocimacros and 
 if I can Trim the resulting Whitespace before returning it?
 Thank you an advance for any help.
 O. O.

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: Returning String without Whitespace from Velocimacros

2013-08-01 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
On 08/01/2013 02:02 PM, O. Olson wrote:
 Thank you very much Alex. This would be very painful if
 every time I call a macro, I would need to set a variable and trim it. 
 I am
 curious what is the function of the @ sign in the helper “trim” macro that you
 suggested. By the way, how do I call this macro i.e. invoke it?

This is a macro with a body:

The full code would be:


... your normal macro body, with all the extra space ...

Calling it:


 Is it possible to return a particular variable from a Web Macro? 
   #set($str =
   #set($str =
 RETURN $str


Macros are not functions.

But any variable you set will still be available after the macro call
ends, so you can use it afterwards. You could do something like:

#set ($discard = #default_query_url())

This will just discard anything the macro would normally print, and you
just print the variable that was set inside the macro.

Note that this behavior is optional, and the velocity configuration can
disable it.

 This would help my whitespace problem.
 Thanks again,
 O. O.
 - Messaggio originale -
 Da: Alex Fedotov
 A: Velocity Users List; O. Olson
 Inviato: Giovedì 1 Agosto 2013 12:43
 Oggetto: Re: Returning String without Whitespace from Velocimacros
 Simple way:
 Can probably create a helper macro trim that does the same thing to the
 body content:
 On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 1:27 PM, O. Olson wrote:

 I am new to using Apache Velocity. What is the correct way of returning a
 string from a Macro or a Velocimacro?

 Since I did not have a clue on how to return a string from a Macro, I
 decided to do something like
 #macro(query_url $query_param) q=$query_param #end

 I can then call the Macro using: #query_url(*)

 The problem with this is that the resulting value contains a Tab or
 number of Spaces before the 'q=' when I call it.

 One option is to delete the spaces like:
 #macro(query_url $query_param)
 This fixes my problem but is very hard to read.  To take this a step
 further consider:
 #macro(default_query_url) #if($request.params.get('q'))
 #query_url($request.params.get('q')) #else #query_url(*) #end #end
 In the first case there is no whitespace, but editing it would be very
 difficult for more complicated macros.

 I am curious what is the correct way to return values from Velocimacros
 and if I can Trim the resulting Whitespace before returning it?

 Thank you an advance for any help.
 O. O.

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: On sorting

2013-05-25 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
On 05/25/2013 11:39 AM, wrote:
 I'm really getting mad! :-) Of course I know that the only reason for this is 
 my lack of skills!!! Catching up...
 I do need some kind of security. Please, could you confirm this statement...
 Class SortTool can be used to sort any list of objects, but NOT a list of 

Where did you get this from? It is not true, it can sort any list of
comparable things:

#set ($strings = ['a', 'x', 'b', 'r', 'f'])
$sorttool.sort($strings) - [a, b, f, r, x]

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Re: On sorting

2013-05-25 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
On 05/25/2013 11:59 AM, wrote:
 From: Sergiu Dumitriu []
 Sent: 25 May 2013 17:49
 To: Velocity Users List
 Subject: Re: On sorting

 On 05/25/2013 11:39 AM, wrote:
 I'm really getting mad! :-) Of course I know that the only reason for this 
 is my lack of skills!!! Catching up...

 I do need some kind of security. Please, could you confirm this statement...

 Class SortTool can be used to sort any list of objects, but NOT a list of 

 Where did you get this from? It is not true, it can sort any list of
 comparable things:

 #set ($strings = ['a', 'x', 'b', 'r', 'f'])
 $sorttool.sort($strings) - [a, b, f, r, x]

 Great! It is clear my wrong interpretation of this sentence...
 SortTool allows a user to sort a collection (or array, iterator, etc) on any 
 arbitary set of properties exposed by the objects contained within the 
 It is taken from the link below. No reference to strings, it speaks only 
 about objects. But it is great to be wrong!

Yes, that is the more advanced part of the SortTool, the ability to sort
beans [1] by one or more of their properties. Unfortunately Strings
are not beans, so the sort methods that take a second parameter can't be
used for a simple list of strings.


 And, in this case, how could I get a reverse/desc order?

It's not possible using the SortTool, but in XWiki we have the
$collectionstool [2, 3] which does provide both a simple sort(List) and
a reverse(List) method, so you could do:

#set ($discard = $collectionstool.sort($list))
#set ($discard = $collectionstool.reverse($list))

Keep in mind that these two methods sort the list in place, and they
return true if the list could be sorted/reversed.





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Re: addition of lists

2013-05-24 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
On 05/24/2013 02:37 PM, wrote:
 Hey Sergiu! A big pleasure to meet you here! Thanks for your answer. Please, 
 see below...
 From: Sergiu Dumitriu []
 Sent: 24 May 2013 19:54
 Subject: Re: addition of lists

 On 05/24/2013 01:50 PM, wrote:

 Probably I'll use the wrong semantic, but I'll try to explain the very 
 simple result I want
 to get with Velocity: given two lists of results, let's me call them $list1 
 and $list2,
 I want to get a new list, let's call it $listTotal, including all item in 
 $list1 and $list2.

 Please, how could I do that? What is the correct expression I must it in 
 Velocity's World for his operation?

 Thank you so much for your help!


 Hey Ricardo,

 If those are indeed lists, they should support all the methods that
 Java's List class provides [1], including addAll [2], so this should work:

 #set ($listTotal = [])
 #set ($discard = $listTotal.addAll($list1))
 #set ($discard = $listTotal.addAll($list2))

 It worked! They are indeed lists :-) But I've not a clear idea yet about what 
 is list, what an array, what a collection, what any sort of collection... 
 Please, could you provide me a good reference to keep trying to understand 
 what I feel like a must to leverage the power of Velocity and, of course, the 
 nice team XWiki/Velocity?
 These two lists come from a for you well known lines of code. Something like 
 #set ($xwqlquery = where doc.translation = 0 and doc.creationDate  
 '2013-01-01' and doc.parent like '%$doc.title%' and doc.fullName NOT IN 
 ($nicestr0) order by doc.object(XWiki.XWikiUsers).last_name)
 #set ($results = $services.query.xwql($xwqlquery).execute())
 Please, is it possible to check $results if is it a list? For instance, I 
 guessed it is a list because I can apply size() to it. Is this a right guess?

You can always check the actual class of a variable with:


This will print the classname, which will correspond to a real Java
class (most likely an ArrayList).

You can then look up that class in your favorite Java IDE and look at
its hierarchy: which interfaces does it implement (List, Set or Map),
what methods does it have, etc.

One exception is that arrays (like String[]) are treated as lists by
Velocity, so they will also support all the List methods, even though in
Java they don't.

 Thank you so much for your help!


Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: While-like structure in Velocity?

2013-05-15 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
On 05/15/2013 12:11 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
 I've searched the archives for while capabilities in Velocity, and
 mostly the answers have been things like that's beyond the scope of
 Velocity... you want a real programming language for that.
 I'd like to do something that naturally would use a while loop, but
 perhaps someone can offer an alternative suggestion.
 I need to traverse a queue, but that queue needs to be able to modify
 itself during the processing. Basically, something like this:
 while (!queue.empty) {
   // do something with the head element
   // possible enqueue some more items at the back
 #foreach would be the way to do it if the queue didn't have to be
 modified, but I'll get an exception if I try to traverse an iterator
 over the queue and then modify it mid-flight.
 Right now, I have this written as a JSP but I'd rather have it as a
 Velocity template.
 My only thought is to create an ugly class that implements Iterator and
 wraps the queue but is much less strict than a standard iterator. Any

While not a very clean solution, you can use a very large foreach and
manually work with the queue inside the loop, and #break($foreach) once
the queue is empty:

#foreach($i in [0..10])
  #if ($queue.isEmpty())
  #set ($item = $queue.pop())
  ## Do stuff with $item
  #if (should add more things)
#set ($discard = $queue.add(new things))

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: template.merge output an empty file

2013-02-21 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
On 02/21/2013 01:50 PM, Garey Mills wrote:
 Hi -
 I am trying to user VelocityEngine.
Here is my code:
 Properties vp = new Properties();
 templatesDirectory + /);
 VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine();
 VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();
 context.put(coll, coll);
 context.put(metsArk, metsArk);
 Template template = null;
 try {
 FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File(metsDirectory +
 / + metsFileName));
 template = ve.getTemplate(metsTemplate.vm);
 template.merge(context, fw);
 } catch(ResourceNotFoundException rnfe) {
 System.out.println(Resource not found exception trying
 to get template:  + rnfe);
 } catch(ParseErrorException pee) {
 System.out.println(Parse error exception trying to get
 template:  + pee);
 } catch(MethodInvocationException mie) {
 System.out.println(Method invocation exception trying
 to get template:  + mie);
 } catch(Exception e) {
 System.out.println(Exception trying to get template: 
 + e);
 Here is my template (reduced for debugging):
 And here is the logging output:
 Initializing Velocity, Calling init()...
 Starting Apache Velocity v1.7 (compiled: 2010-11-19 12:14:37)
 RuntimeInstance initializing.
 Default Properties File:
 Default ResourceManager initializing. (class
 ResourceLoader instantiated:
 FileResourceLoader : initialization starting.
 Do unicode file recognition:  false
 FileResourceLoader : adding path '/data/apps/fysclmgr/web/templates/'
 FileResourceLoader : initialization complete.
 ResourceCache: initialized (class
 org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceCacheImpl) with class
 java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap cache map.
 Default ResourceManager initialization complete.
 Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Stop
 Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Define
 Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Break
 Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Evaluate
 Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Literal
 Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Macro
 Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Parse
 Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Include
 Loaded System Directive: org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Foreach
 Created '20' parsers.
 Velocimacro : initialization starting.
 Velocimacro : velocimacro.library is not set.  Trying default library:
 Velocimacro : Default library not found.
 Velocimacro : allowInline = true : VMs can be defined inline in templates
 Velocimacro : allowInlineToOverride = false : VMs defined inline may NOT
 replace previous VM definitions
 Velocimacro : allowInlineLocal = false : VMs defined inline will be
 global in scope if allowed.
 Velocimacro : autoload off : VM system will not automatically reload
 global library macros
 Velocimacro : Velocimacro : initialization complete.
 RuntimeInstance successfully initialized.
 Velocity Engine initialized
 ResourceManager : found metsTemplate.vm with loader
 The result is always the same, the output file is empty.
 And ideas about what I can try?

Try adding a fw.close() at the end?

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Re: Simple list of all methods, properties, variables available to templates?

2013-02-12 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
On 02/12/2013 12:17 PM, ANS Developer Team wrote:
 Ah thanks, it's pretty sparse, hence why I'm asking here.  Much
 appreciated, will figure it out from source.

If you can get your hands on the current VelocityContext, then you could
list all the properties it contains (it extends Map).

 On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 12:42 AM, Nathan Bubna wrote:
 Velocity doesn't provide anything but the syntax.  You will have to
 seek documentation from Vosao CMS.

 On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 6:57 PM, ANS Developer Team
 Hi all, I'm trying to find a list all of the above that can be used in a
 template, preferably with a brief description of what it does (but that's
 not entirely necessary).

 I'm building site using the Velocity-based Vosao CMS, and have no idea
 what methods, properties, and variables are available to me except the
 sparse few used in the example Blog app.

 For example there's a $page.friendlyURL property, but what other
 does $page have?  Having trouble finding this information.

 I've found the Velocity VTL Reference Guide, but that's more of a syntax
 uide without a comprehensive list, and I've found the online Velocity API
 docs, but that's overkill and I still can't find the $page object in it
 (not sure what class it's in).

 Any help on this much appreciated!

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Re: Having trouble doing math with values retrieved from external data source

2012-10-02 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu

On 10/02/2012 01:55 PM, Dalrymple, Craig - OCIO-ITS, Kansas City, MO wrote:

Could the following issue be related to the 1.4 engine, or to the way Cisco has 
it implemented?

#set ($county=$!{dsobj.getValue('Location-CountyName')})
#set ($county=$county.toLowerCase())
#if ($county.lentgh()  8) ## check to see if the county name is longer than 8

Do you really have lentgh instead of length in your code?

   ! true
   ! false

! false
hostname stelsewhere99

Clearly, the length is more than 8

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: Accessing a key in a java map.

2012-06-01 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu

On 06/01/2012 01:20 PM, Lukas, Ray wrote:

I have created a java.util.HashMapString, TressSetMyJavaObject   and have 
placed that into the $values map which I then pass into Velocity.  The name of a group of 
things mapped to a sorted set of those things.
I have no problem iterating through the map but I cannot seem to find a way to 
access the key (the String) of the map.entry and overlay that into my form. How 
is this done. I want to print out the name of the group and then the group. 
Common thing to do I would think..

#foreach($LabTestTypeEntrySet in $values.TestTypeGroupedBySpecimenName.keySet())
$LabTestTypeEntrySet.??? - what goes here ---??
#foreach($LabTestType in 
$values.TestTypeGroupedBySpecimenName.get($LabTestTypeEntrySet) )

I am kind of new to Velocity and have been hunting for the solution.. can 
someone help me out real quick.
Thanks guys..

Behind any velocity variable there's a real Java object. So, given that, 
as you said, $values is a HashMapString, TreeSet, then what would you 
do to get the key in Java?

There are some things that don't seem to be right in your code...

The name of $LabTestTypeEntrySet seems wrong, since the variable that 
you're iterating with will not hold a set, but only one value at a time, 
so it should be called $LabTestTypeEntry.

$values.TestTypeGroupedBySpecimenName translates into HashMapString, 
TreeSet.get('TestTypeGroupedBySpecimenName'), which returns a value 
from the map, which should have the type TreeSetMyJavaObject. There's 
no keySet() method for a TreeSet, so that whole #foreach shouldn't have 
any values to iterate on...

Perhaps you placed this whole map as an entry into the the $values 
object, under the 'TestTypeGroupedBySpecimenName' key? In that case, 
this code should work:

#foreach($LabTestTypeEntry in 

  ## Notice that I used entrySet(), not keySet()
  ## $LabTestTypeEntry.key is the key, of type String
  ## $LabTestTypeEntry.value is the value, of type TressSetMyJavaObject
  #foreach($LabTestType in $LabTestTypeEntry.value)
## $LabTestType is a MyJavaObject from the TreeSet
## I guess that your MyJavaObject has a getLabTestTypeCode() method
Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: More 1.7 BC issues (porting from 1.5)

2012-05-03 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu

On 05/03/2012 03:20 PM, Nathan Bubna wrote:

Ah, it was Sergiu, not Byron.  Here's the relevant discussion:

Yep, me. lists the 
different ways that Velocity treats macro parameters, depending on how 
they're used, what their value is, and what kind of expressions are 
actually used when calling the macro.

I'd say that your example falls in the call by macro expansion 
example, which is how true macros are supposed to be evaluated, and 
this is what you'd get from a C #define macro as well. You're making the 
same mistake I often do, and think of Velocity as a kind of scripted 
Java, and of macros as a kind of Java functions. Under these 
assumptions, indeed one would expect call by value behavior.

Velocity 1.7 moved closer to the call by macro expansion model, since 
it is a templating engine, and not a real programming language, even if 
some of its users do use it like one.

Bottom line, I wouldn't call this a regression that needs to be fixed, 
but a bugfix that unfortunately broke compatibility for the few users 
that actually relied on the bug. The proper solution is to bite the 
bullet and fix all your macros.

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 12:16 PM, Nathan  wrote:

Ok, for my sanity, is this an accurate rewrite?

#macro( inner $arg )
  #set($ref = '')$arg
#macro( outer )
  #foreach( $ref in ['foo','bar','yok','dar'] )
#inner( $ref )

Do you get the same behavior in both with this?

#macro( inner $arg )
  #set($ref = '')$arg
#foreach( $ref in ['foo','bar','yok','dar'] )
  #inner( $ref )

Or is it only when the macros are nested?
Also, do you have localscope on for the macros?

I know changes were made in the pass-by-name behavior between 1.5 and
the trunk (2.0-SNAPSHOT), but my memory is failing as to the
chronology of them.  What i do recall (possibly incorrectly), makes me
think this should have been reversed; blank in the older version,
instead of the newer.  I thought we stopped proxying #set calls on
macro args, because while that was arguably a correct way to do
pass-by-name, it was deemed surprising and not worth the
implementation/performance costs.  I seem to recall arguing with
someone about this, maybe Byron?  Well, i'm confused.   I also haven't
the time to fire up Velocity environment right now on this machine to
test it.  Perhaps someone else can step in.

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 11:51 AM, Boris Partensky  wrote:

Not seeing any errors in log. Corrected to 2 single quotes. Same
behavior. I was hoping that $input in each iteration will not be empty
string, but rather 'foo', 'bar' etc (that's the way 1.5 behaves). Why
would setting a value of $type in parent (foreach) scope would affect
the value of the local $input argument?

String template = #set($global_types=['foo', 'bar', 'yok',
'dar'])#macro( showBox $input)#set($type = '')$input#end+
#macro(showBoxes $types)#foreach($type in

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Nathan  wrote:

Anything in the log?  #set($type = \\) is not valid syntax, i think.
  I'm not even sure what value you want $type to have.  Two double
quotes or an empty string?

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 11:17 AM, Boris Partensky  wrote:

Hi, I have this use case which involves 2 nested macros and a foreach.
I am trying to understand why this template evaluates to empty string
on 1.7, and to foobaryokdar - on 1.5.

String template = #set($global_types=['foo', 'bar', 'yok',
'dar'])#macro( showBox $input)#set($type = \\)$input#end+
#macro(showBoxes $types)#foreach($type in

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: Velocity syntax

2012-03-26 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu

On 03/26/2012 03:36 AM, Nikhil G. Daddikar wrote:


I was looking at Velocity syntax and have a few questions.

What is use of parenthesis in the #set directive: #set ($x = 1) Why not
simply: #set $x = 1 ?

Another question is regarding curly braces: What is the use of curly
braces in the directives? E.g. #{set} ($x = 1)

I am sure there are good reasons, just would like to know why.


Because in Velocity anything that's not correctly identified as part of 
the syntax is printed literally. I often find myself writing stuff like:

text class=#if ($foreach.index % $parameters.labelStep == 

Here I have to use the formal notation to separate #end from the 
following label text. It's not right to say that whenever #end is 
found stop parsing further and say that this is the #end keyword, since 
this would prevent me from defining my custom macros called #endTable, 
for example.

Now it's true that I can't think of any valid usecase when #{set} is 
needed for practical reasons, but for consistency it's better to say 
that all velocity keywords can be written in the formal notation, not 
just those that might need it from time to time.

The same is true for variables, not just keywords.

Going back to my initial statement, the parenthesis help the parser 
separate the velocity statements from the plain text. Probably at all 
times #set instructions can go on their own line, so we could infere 
that it's very safe to say that the #set instruction always ends at the 
end of the line. But as you can see from the above example, that's not 
true for most of the other keywords, especially when dealing with 
space-sensitive output formats. And again for consistency it helps to 
have one rule for all the keywords, so that users don't have to remember 
which ones require () and which don't.

In summary, some keywords in some cases do need the formal notation to 
separate the velocity syntax from the plain text that's going to be 
printed. For the same reason, most keywords also require parenthesis 
around their argument. For consistency and a more thorough yet simple 
definition of the syntax, all keywords follow these rules.

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: MIME type for velocity templates

2012-01-31 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu

On 01/31/2012 11:00 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:


On 1/31/12 10:52 AM, Nathan Bubna wrote:

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 7:48 AM, Christopher Schultz  wrote:


On 1/25/12 1:16 PM, Nathan Bubna wrote:

text/velocity sounds fine to me.  this isn't something that i recall
coming up previously, so i'm pretty sure there's no official opinion.

Why not text/plain?

If you you are serving up plain text, sure, why not?

I thought the OP was asking about the .vm files themselves. If you
request a .vm file and you just get the source, then it's text/plain. If
you are evaluating the template and returning something, then it's up to
the application: I use Velocity to generate plain text, XHTML, SVG, etc.
Each of these applications needs a different MIME type that can't be
predicted simply by looking at the extension of the template (which is
pretty much always .vm).

You can use
plain text as a template, or almost plain text.  But what if they are
serving up an un-rendered template that has enough VTL directives in
it to clearly not be plain text.  Wouldn't that seem like a more
fitting place for text/x-velocity?  I was just assuming the mime type
was for a template itself, not the rendered contents of a template. :)

Yeah, me too. But what makes text plain? It's just nothing special,
right? I've seen MIME types for Java source that are both text/plain and

Yep, the question is about downloading the .vm files themselves, not 
about the rendering result.

Considering all the answers, I'll go with text/x-velocity. Given that 
most of the templates contain a mixture of Velocity code and HTML 
markup, it would make sense to go for a neutral MIME type, like 
text/plain, but I feel that the HTML is just part of the output. Does a 
Java file full of String concatenation, where the strings are XML 
markup, warrant an application/xml MIME type just because it has more 
than 50% XML in it?

Thanks everyone for your answers.
Sergiu Dumitriu

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MIME type for velocity templates

2012-01-25 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu
Is there a recommended MIME type that should be used for .vm files? I 
found text/velocity on but 
I'd like to get an official opinion.

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: Javascript, multiple lines, and Velocity

2011-11-09 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu

On 11/09/2011 04:42 PM, Andrew Ducker wrote:

I have a textarea which I want to populate with some text.

I have the text in a property that Velocity has access to.

The template looks like this:
document.DeliciousPoster.PostTemplate.value = '$data.DefaultPostTemplate';

Which would be fine - except that DefaultPostTemplate contains
multiple lines, which breaks javascript.

What's best practice for dealing with this? Remove new line characters
in Java, and then put them back in in JS?

Or something else?

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: Velocity to fetch full docs?

2011-09-26 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu

On 09/26/2011 10:56 AM, Nathan Bubna wrote:

Definitely for a question for the Nutch or Solr lists.  Velocity is a
simple template engine and knows nothing about Nutch or Solr that it
isn't told about.

Indeed, Velocity is a very simple template engine, with no smart APIs 
provided by the engine alone. What you need to do is to put in the 
context some data objects holding the instance data you're currently 
processing (or even just the servlet request and response objects to get 
access to the request parameters), and some smart objects that can 
contact Solr, Nutch and your other nonSolr services. You'd have to write 
these yourself in Java, and put instances in the velocity context before 

Another approach is to put enough low level services to allow you to 
implement the whole logic inside a Velocity template, like a HTTP 
client, XML processing library, the escape tool, etc.

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 5:17 AM, Fred  wrote:


I am using Nutch/Solr to index an intranet of about 12 million pages and
when I do a search I want Solr to retrieve the full documents and append
them into a single simple HTML doc (no js, not ads, etc.), then shoot the
single doc to another (nonSolr) process for postprocessing.   Can I use
Velocity to do this? How?  Can Velocity reach back to the Nutch crawl for
the full text of the docs (they don't change often at all)?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: String to Number/Integer

2011-07-05 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu

On 07/05/2011 11:09 AM, LaStudent wrote:


is it possible to convert a String to a Number?

something like this:
#set($tmpStr = 14)
#set($tmpInt = parseInt($tmpStr))

best regards

Not directly, but there's a tool for that:

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: Does velocity provide these features?

2011-06-01 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu

On 06/01/2011 03:40 PM, Moe221 wrote:

Hi there,
i'm evaluating Velocity to find out whether it meets my requirements to
generate text by using custom templates. I looked at the user guide and
wrote a little hello world application but there are requirements for which
I don't know if I have to write my own methods or if there are velocity
tools that would do the job for me:

Is there a way to automatically add line breaks when you merge the template
with the context (without cutting words after e.g. 80 characters)?

Is there a way to use text shifting (indentation) in combination with line
breaks without cutting words after e.g. 80 characters)?
Long text: $magic.doMagic( $text )
Long text: Some very
 Very long text,
 more text …

Is there a way to automatically add line breaks (without cutting words after
e.g. 80 characters) and add a certain String (e.g. 100. ) at the beginning
of each line:
Funny Velocity user request: $magic.doMagic2( $text )
Funny Velocity user request: this
100. is just a test, a test, a test, a
100. test, a test …

Is there a way to cut the string of a variable after 9 characters and add a
* to the string, if the string has more than 10 characters?
#set( $test = textwithmorethan10char )
Test: $magic.doMagic3( $test)
Test: textwithm*
Thanx in advance!

Natively, no, this is not the job of the velocity core.

But it would be fairly simple to write a velocity tool that does that 
for you, similar to

DisplayTool does have a method for your last request, see,%20int,%20java.lang.String,%20boolean%29

You will have to enable the tools, then you would have to write:

$displaytool.truncate($test, 10, '*', false)

Alternatively, you can do that as well directly in the template, but it 
would be a bit harder since you don't have all the power of Java. For 
example, line numbering has been done in:

Sergiu Dumitriu

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Re: #foreach($i in [1..$n]) causes exception

2011-05-30 Thread Sergiu Dumitriu

On 05/30/2011 08:36 PM, Robert Lee wrote:

I have tried
#set($n = 2)
#set($range = [1..$n])
#foreach($i in $range)
as well Velocity 1.7 fails when it reaches the range variable in the
#foreach directive.

Is there a way to accomplish what I am trying to do, (a variable count
loop) in velocity?

The error is that you're not actually iterating over a range, but trying 
to iterate over a string.

#set($range = [1..$n]) = $range is a String
#foreach($i in $range) = $range is still a String, it won't be replaced 
with [1..$n]

This should work:

#set($n = 2)
#foreach($i in [1..$n])

If you must define the range somewhere else as a string, you can use 
#evaluate to dynamically interpret the range, but that adds unneeded 

Sergiu Dumitriu

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