Re: OSGi-Bundles Distribution, generating the config.ini

2009-06-14 Thread Stuart McCulloch
2009/6/12 itripl

 well, that do not sound like the best way. I heard there is a way to do it
 with ant-contrib, but at the moment, I do not have the time to find out
 Maybe I can try it in a few weeks. When it does not work, I'm going to try
 to create a maven plugin.

FYI, in case you need example code showing how to create a config.ini file:

several people from OPS4J have also been looking at assembling an OSGi
application as a zip (

also the next OSGi spec (r4.2) defines a standard Java API for launching
frameworks, which means you can write your own launcher without having
to mess about with framework specific config files, etc.


Agemo Cui wrote:
  I ever got each subproject to generate a resource file called in the target directory directly.
  If the subproject's name is example, then the resource file has the
  following content:${}
  Then I created a new subproject called resource-filter in the last(it
  be the last subproject to be built) and its packaging mode is pom(It
  like only this mode could just filter resource without package).
  The work of this subproject was to filter the config.ini by reference
  all those generated for each subproject.
  Sure, the config.ini was configured like ${}.
  However, I just felt not very well to use this way mentioned.
  But it did can fix the problem.
  Expect a better way. Actually, if you can, I think a maven plugin could
  created for this purpose only. That would be great.
  On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 5:22 AM, itripl
  Hi all,
  I am trying to distribute OSGi-bases Application using Maven. In best
  when I distribute the application to other people not using Maven or
  they just should klick a start.bat and the application should start
  including the OSGi-Framework.
  At the moment, I am using the Maven-Bundle-Plugin to generate the and the Maven-Assembly-Plugin to package all Bundles to a
  including all other resources. The problem is, that I don't know hot to
  generate the config.ini and the start.bat. The config.ini is important,
  because all necessary bundles should start, when the OSGi-Framework
  I read somewhere, that it is possible to do this using the
  Maven-Dependency-Plugin, but I just couldn't figure out, how to do this.
  I have 3 projects:
  - translatorService
  - translatorClient
  - multiProject  - Project with Dependencies to the Service and Client to
  have them in the .zip built by Maven-Assembly-Plugin
  A extract from the multiProjects pom.xml
  And a extract from the translatorClient
  How do you manage your OSGi-Applications using Maven?
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Re: OSGi services as extension point mechanism

2009-06-14 Thread Dmitry Skavish
Thanks Neil! I see the issues now. Basically all the problems in that
particular eclipse implementation, not in the idea of extension points.
BTW which would you go with DS or iPOJO to implement plugins?

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 5:27 PM, Neil Bartlett wrote:

 Hi Dmitry,

 Since you ask, here are the top three issues I have with Eclipse

 1) Bundles offering either extensions or extension points must be
 singletons, i.e. you can only have one version installed, and there is
 no support for checking the compatibility of an extension with the API
 of the extension point by version.

 2) Lack of control. Extensions are read from any bundle that has a
 plugin.xml and is at least RESOLVED. But we have little control over
 the RESOLVED state, and in particular there is no way to request that
 a bundle be unresolved except by fully uninstalling it. DS on the
 other hand works with ACTIVE state, which means we have explicit
 control of the visibility of bundles through activating and
 deactivating them.

 3) Bolted-on dynamics. The Extension Registry APIs were designed
 before Eclipse used OSGi as its underlying module system, and thus
 before it was possible to dynamically install and uninstall bundles at
 runtime. They have since been extended with dynamic capabilities but
 the extensions are difficult to use, and in practice very few Eclipse
 plug-in developers pay any attention to dynamics. This is why Eclipse
 *still* insists that you restart after installing new plug-ins, four
 years after adopting OSGi.

 Since DS offers the same laziness benefits as extensions, the one
 remaining advantage of extensions versus DS is their support for
 richer and more structured metadata, in the form of an XML tree versus
 the name/value pairs used with services/DS.


 On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:10 PM, Dmitry wrote:
   The extension point mechanism Eclipse uses is NOT based on OSGi
  It IS based on OSGi. It is an example of the extender pattern which is
  common in OSGi. But it is not based on Services.
  Could you please elaborate a bit how it is based on OSGi? I mean I
  understand that Eclipse is based on OSGi itself and the plugins are OSGi
  bundles, I mean how Eclipse extension points mechanism is based on OSGi?
  you have some link that would be great!
   If I want to use say declarative services (or simply services) as
   points mechanism it seems I have only one key: service interface, that
   when I declare my service I just announce to the framework that I have
   service, I don't specify which extension point this service is
  Correct, this an advantage of services -- they do not need advance
  knowledge of which bundles will consume them.
  It's an advantage if you need a service, but extension point is not
  a service. For example you have an interface Command and there are two
  different extension points (A and B) which could be extended by those
  commands. I am creating a plugin to extend A, I don't want to extend B
  because my commands are for A only. And there is some other plugin which
  extends B using its own commands. The problem here is that my plugin
  extend A and this other plugin which extend B they both use this very
  convenient interface Command. So they cannot just declare that they
  services Command because A and B will try to consume commands from both
  Of course I can create unique interfaces for A and B and extend them
  those unique interfaces, but in many cases it's artificial. Basically I
  forced to create those unique interfaces because interface is the only
   I guess I can add some parameter to the service (i.e. extension point
   and have the framework code filter out services by this parameter when
   requested. It could work, but I don't really like this approach
   these parameters are somewhat soft constraints and not enforced by
   any way.
  It sounds like you want to ensure that services can only be consumed
  by certain bundles, like Eclipse Extensions. Why?
  because those are not services. they are extensions. a service provides
  service and does not know about how it is used. an extension in many
  extends a very specific functionality and very often aware what it
  and how it is used.
  Another reason I don't like it is because I suspect that the
   service (extension) will be loaded when a component requesting this
   is loaded, but I want it to be loaded only when I specifically
   this service.
  If you use Declarative Services then the implementation object for the
  service will be loaded lazily, i.e. only when a consumer actually
  attempts to use it. Because of this, in my opinion, DS has most of the
  advantages of Eclipse's Extensions, and none of the 

What is the correct service import behavior?

2009-06-14 Thread Todor Boev
Seems I have been chewing on the service dynamics issue forever. Just as I
though I got a workable concept about tracking and releasing services I stumble
on a contradicting concept. The problem is this:

According to my understanding it is not acceptable importer behavior to ever
call service objects that are unregistered. Achieving this requires the service
to be tracked and every piece of code that calls the service be synchronized
with the tracking code. I'll name this the dedicated lock approach:

private Object lock;
private Hello service;

void set(Hello service) {
  synchronized (lock) {
this.service = service;

Hello get() {
  synchronized (lock) {
if (service == null) {
  throw new ServiceUnavailableException();
return service;

void usefulMethod() {
  synchronized (lock) {

Some say we should never call out from the bundle while holding a lock but I
think we are safe if we use a dedicated private lock for every tracked service.
 In any case I can't think of any other way to be safe at all times. Lately
however I have been encountering the local-cache approach, which seems to
state we don't need to be that paranoid. E.g.

void usefulMethod() {
  Hello service = get();

  /* At this spot right here the service can go down! */


Here we risk calling a service in an undetermined state. Do we expect every
exporter to invalidate his objects to keep us safe? E.g. the exporter must keep
a closed flag around, mark the service as invalid in a thread-safe manner, and
start tossing exceptions at callers from that point on.

iPojo follows the local cache approach - right Richard?
Peaberry follows the dedicated lock approach - right Stuart?

I'd be grateful if you help me compare these import modes. That is if I got it
right who uses what :)


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Re: What is the correct service import behavior?

2009-06-14 Thread Richard S. Hall

On 6/14/09 5:08 PM, Todor Boev wrote:

Some say we should never call out from the bundle while holding a lock but I
think we are safe if we use a dedicated private lock for every tracked service.
  In any case I can't think of any other way to be safe at all times. Lately
however I have been encountering the local-cache approach, which seems to
state we don't need to be that paranoid. E.g.

void usefulMethod() {
   Hello service = get();

   /* At this spot right here the service can go down! */


Here we risk calling a service in an undetermined state. Do we expect every
exporter to invalidate his objects to keep us safe? E.g. the exporter must keep
a closed flag around, mark the service as invalid in a thread-safe manner, and
start tossing exceptions at callers from that point on.

iPojo follows the local cache approach - right Richard?

Yes. iPOJO is of the philosophy that service departures will likely lead 
to errors, so you are better off being prepared to catch them and fail 
gracefully, sort of like errors in distributed computing. Even if you 
hold a dedicated lock, there is no guarantee that calling a method on 
the service object won't throw an exception. Locks don't stop the 
service from going away (think bluetooth device), in some cases if it 
goes away it is gone, period.

Given that you have to deal with this case anyway, you might as well 
just treat all services the same way rather than trying to figure which 
is which case. This will become even more complicated as people start 
using distributed services from R4.2.

But depending on your application and what control you have over 
everything, then either approach is fine.

- richard

Peaberry follows the dedicated lock approach - right Stuart?

I'd be grateful if you help me compare these import modes. That is if I got it
right who uses what :)


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Re: What is the correct service import behavior?

2009-06-14 Thread Todor Boev
Richard S. Hall wrote:
 Yes. iPOJO is of the philosophy that service departures will likely lead
 to errors, so you are better off being prepared to catch them and fail
 gracefully, sort of like errors in distributed computing. Even if you
 hold a dedicated lock, there is no guarantee that calling a method on
 the service object won't throw an exception. Locks don't stop the
 service from going away (think bluetooth device), in some cases if it
 goes away it is gone, period.

I completely agree. This is all about crashing safely, not trying to avoid
crashes with synchronization. Crashing safely means we always get an exception
when trying to access a missing service. If we allow some final calls to an
unregistered service object we risk getting random return values and other
behavior that can corrupt the importing bundle. Here the question is if we
should count on the exporter to place extra invalidation code in his service
object so it consistently throws exceptions at late retainers? Or should we take
matters in our own hands and guarantee a ServiceUnavailableException will always
be thrown from our own internal tracking code?


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Re: What is the correct service import behavior?

2009-06-14 Thread Todor Boev
Todor Boev wrote:
 Richard S. Hall wrote:
 Yes. iPOJO is of the philosophy that service departures will likely lead
 to errors, so you are better off being prepared to catch them and fail
 gracefully, sort of like errors in distributed computing. Even if you
 hold a dedicated lock, there is no guarantee that calling a method on
 the service object won't throw an exception. Locks don't stop the
 service from going away (think bluetooth device), in some cases if it
 goes away it is gone, period.

Ah..I get it! You mean we should not bother to block the unexport of the service
when the framework calls into our ServiceListener because that won't keep the
service functional until our last calls to it return. Come to think of a service
can throw an exception due to a missing transitive dependency anyway. Seems I am
still not completely free from that safe mentality :P

Seems in the end we should count on the service exporter to toss exceptions at
us rather than do random nastiness out of a partially destroyed service.


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