Re: Breadcrumb inheritance in site.xml

2014-06-12 Thread Andreas Sewe

 that wasn't possible during my time of activity, not sure if anything
 changed since:

yes, got fixed and I have
used the fix successfully in one of my projects.

Best wishes,


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site-deploy using wagon-ssh: User input needed

2014-06-12 Thread Hohl, Gerrit
Hello everyone, :)


this is my first post in this mailing list, so I hope I doing everything


I'm using Maven 3.0.4, having a Jenkins build server running on Windows
and a Web Server running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I decided to use SSH for
deploying the site to the server.


My local settings.xml looks like this:






   username!-- The
username --/username

   password!-- The
plain-text password  --/password





My pom.xml looks like this:
































   urlscp://[Address of the web




If I start Maven locally using the site-deploy goal, Maven will show
the following in my Eclipse:


[INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.3:deploy (default-deploy) @ test-project

The authenticity of host '[Adresse des Web Servers]' can't be

RSA key fingerprint is [RSA Fingerprint].

Are you sure you want to continue connecting? (yes/no):


But if I run this on Jenkins I don't have the possibility to enter
something. So I need a solution where I don't need an user input.

I came across the solution in the Internet:






   username!-- The
username --/username

   password!-- The
plain-text password  --/password










But now I get the following error:


[INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.3:deploy (default-deploy) @ test-project




[INFO] Total time: 9.105s

[INFO] Finished at: Thu Jun 12 09:48:18 CEST 2014

[INFO] Final Memory: 30M/505M


[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:3.3:deploy (default-deploy)
on project test-project: Unable to configure Wagon: 'scp': While
configuring wagon for 'marketplace': Unable to apply wagon
configuration. ClassNotFoundException: Class name which was explicitly
given in configuration using 'implementation' attribute:
cannot be loaded - [Help 1]


[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the
-e switch.

[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.


[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
please read the following articles:

[ERROR] [Help 1]


That is odd. The class NullKnownHostProvider is part of the
wagon-ssh-common, the class name as well as the package name are okay.
wagon-ssh depends on wagon-ssh-common, so it should be available. I even
added wagon-ssh-common to the dependencies element of the
maven-site-plugin. But the result was still the same.


Can anyone give me a hint what I did wrong?




Complex Maven projects - Tutorials? Books?

2014-06-12 Thread Hohl, Gerrit
Hello everyone, :)


I have a question which is not about a specific problem with Maven, but
more a general question.

I hope it is okay to ask this question here.


We use Maven and Jenkins for about 1.5 years now, I guess. Until now the
Maven projects have been very simple and - let's say - very monolithic.

But recently we identify more and more internal libraries in our
products. Of course we don't want to share this libraries by
copy-n-paste between the products - especially as we have Maven.

So we started to read books, tutorials on the Internet and so on. But
most of them only deal with simple projects. They don't cover e.g.
versioning the build process (especially if your build process consists
of more than just one step). They also don't cover the problems of
developing the libraries while your developing the products which depend
on them. Especially at the beginning your libraries will go through a
lot of changes. A few name snapshots as a solution, but don't explain
how you can work using them, how you can use them in your pom.xml and
how you deal with them if you finally switch your product and/or your
library from the snapshot state to the release state. A few also say
that you shouldn't use snapshots at all because it will result in many
problems (e.g. having -SNAPSHOT entries in your pom.xml). Nightly builds
or build triggered by the SCM are also an issue here.


Does someone know a good book or tutorial which handles all of these
issues around Maven and CI/CD in more depth?





AW: site-deploy using wagon-ssh: User input needed

2014-06-12 Thread Hohl, Gerrit
Hello everyone, :)

okay, I tried a different approach:

Instead of that configuration section in the settings.xml I copied my
local know_hosts file from
to the server:
I read in the Internet that this folder is the folder of the system
account which is used e.g. by Tomcat.
And as Jenkins and Maven are executed by Tomcat, they should work on the
same folder.

Unfortunately I didn't work: I see in the Jenkins Build log that
wagon-ssh keeps asking if it should trust the connection by showing the
SSH RSA fingerprint. Unfortunately wagon-ssh also doesn't show at which
location it tries to open the known_hosts file.

The easiest way would be if I would be able to specify the path of the
known_hosts file in the settings.xml. But I haven't found anything about
a configuration parameter like that.


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Re: Complex Maven projects - Tutorials? Books?

2014-06-12 Thread Michael Osipov

Am 2014-06-12 16:46, schrieb Hohl, Gerrit:

Hello everyone, :)


Does someone know a good book or tutorial which handles all of these
issues around Maven and CI/CD in more depth?

Hi Gerrit,

here is the approach I have been using all the years, I think this is 
quite common in companies:

1. Set up a Nexus instance in your company, mirroring Central and with 
release/snapshot repos for your company.

1.1 Make sure that Nexus works correctly.

2. Let the CI server deploy SNAPSHOTs of you libraries deploy to your 
Nexus instance frequently.

3. Refer to those SNAPSHOTs in your project POMs if you need bleeding 
edge. This makes it easier to soak in fixed bugs in deps. If you think 
that your lib is stable enough, release to SCM and Nexus.

4. Use the maven-versions-plugin to update your project dependencies and 
or fix to a release version.

It is perfectly fine to rely on SNAPSHOTs during development but not 
when you perform mvn release:prepare release:perform.



PS: Upgrade your Maven version to a new one if you are able to.

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Re: Complex Maven projects - Tutorials? Books?

2014-06-12 Thread Ron Wheeler

Good questions.
I have never heard anything negative about SNAPSHOTs from those who use 

Notice - Free advice:
- Separate your utilities from your applications. If they have a life of 
their own, you can manage the dependencies more easily.
- Test your utilities and libraries separately. Use SNAPSHOTs and a 
release process that is separate from your application.
- Have your applications treat your utilities and libraries as if they 
were written by some other organization.
- Use dependency management in the parent POM to control versions of 
utilities. This gives you one place to maintain the versions.

End of free advice.

Free commentary.
At the beginning, you are correct, it will be harder to provide a stable 
environment but that is where SNAPSHOTs are a big help.
Version 2.1.0-SHAPSHOT of the application depends on version 
1.0-SNAPSHOT of file-manager-core until file-manager-core stabilizes and 
becomes version 1.0.  Generally speaking, the application should still 
be a SNAPSHOT after your utilities become releases since you should be 
able to stabilize the functionality and finish the testing of the 
utilities before the same can happen to the application modules.

End of fee commentary

I think that you will find this advice at least worth the cost and you 
may get some comments from the smarter and more knowledgeable people 
here that refines or contradicts my advice.

There is lots of good Maven information freely available and lots of 
projects that are very complex being developed with Maven.
Our biggest project had over 70 Maven modules of which 10 where 
supporting libraries either written by us or aggregated from existing 
open source projects.

We have some articles describing how we use Maven in our technical blog 
Jokes are found at if you need a 
smile to face the world of Maven.


On 12/06/2014 10:46 AM, Hohl, Gerrit wrote:

Hello everyone, :)


I have a question which is not about a specific problem with Maven, but
more a general question.

I hope it is okay to ask this question here.


We use Maven and Jenkins for about 1.5 years now, I guess. Until now the
Maven projects have been very simple and - let's say - very monolithic.

But recently we identify more and more internal libraries in our
products. Of course we don't want to share this libraries by
copy-n-paste between the products - especially as we have Maven.

So we started to read books, tutorials on the Internet and so on. But
most of them only deal with simple projects. They don't cover e.g.
versioning the build process (especially if your build process consists
of more than just one step). They also don't cover the problems of
developing the libraries while your developing the products which depend
on them. Especially at the beginning your libraries will go through a
lot of changes. A few name snapshots as a solution, but don't explain
how you can work using them, how you can use them in your pom.xml and
how you deal with them if you finally switch your product and/or your
library from the snapshot state to the release state. A few also say
that you shouldn't use snapshots at all because it will result in many
problems (e.g. having -SNAPSHOT entries in your pom.xml). Nightly builds
or build triggered by the SCM are also an issue here.


Does someone know a good book or tutorial which handles all of these
issues around Maven and CI/CD in more depth?





Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

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Re: Complex Maven projects - Tutorials? Books?

2014-06-12 Thread Ron Wheeler

Great advice.
We depend on Nexus.
If you are serious about Maven, you need a repo.
The community version of Nexus is a great benefit to the Maven community.


On 12/06/2014 2:39 PM, Michael Osipov wrote:

Am 2014-06-12 16:46, schrieb Hohl, Gerrit:

Hello everyone, :)


Does someone know a good book or tutorial which handles all of these
issues around Maven and CI/CD in more depth?

Hi Gerrit,

here is the approach I have been using all the years, I think this is 
quite common in companies:

1. Set up a Nexus instance in your company, mirroring Central and with 
release/snapshot repos for your company.

1.1 Make sure that Nexus works correctly.

2. Let the CI server deploy SNAPSHOTs of you libraries deploy to your 
Nexus instance frequently.

3. Refer to those SNAPSHOTs in your project POMs if you need bleeding 
edge. This makes it easier to soak in fixed bugs in deps. If you think 
that your lib is stable enough, release to SCM and Nexus.

4. Use the maven-versions-plugin to update your project dependencies 
and or fix to a release version.

It is perfectly fine to rely on SNAPSHOTs during development but not 
when you perform mvn release:prepare release:perform.



PS: Upgrade your Maven version to a new one if you are able to.

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Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Complex Maven projects - Tutorials? Books?

2014-06-12 Thread Barrie Treloar
On 13 June 2014 00:16, Hohl, Gerrit wrote:

 We use Maven and Jenkins for about 1.5 years now, I guess. Until now the
 Maven projects have been very simple and - let's say - very monolithic.

 But recently we identify more and more internal libraries in our
 products. Of course we don't want to share this libraries by
 copy-n-paste between the products - especially as we have Maven.

 So we started to read books, tutorials on the Internet and so on. But

Can you list what you've read so far?
I assume you've gone through the ones we link at the Maven site?

 most of them only deal with simple projects. They don't cover e.g.
 versioning the build process (especially if your build process consists
 of more than just one step). They also don't cover the problems of
 developing the libraries while your developing the products which depend
 on them. Especially at the beginning your libraries will go through a
 lot of changes. A few name snapshots as a solution, but don't explain
 how you can work using them, how you can use them in your pom.xml and
 how you deal with them if you finally switch your product and/or your
 library from the snapshot state to the release state. A few also say
 that you shouldn't use snapshots at all because it will result in many
 problems (e.g. having -SNAPSHOT entries in your pom.xml). Nightly builds
 or build triggered by the SCM are also an issue here.

I highly recommend that you sit down locally with your group and write up a
list of questions, and then document them on your internal wiki.
Work through which ones are causing you the most pain (whatever that may
be; confusion, build stability, slow build times, etc)
And after you've done some googling, searched the archives, etc, then come
back and ask the questions individually here.

A lot of the problem you will find when you get to this level is that it's
hard to express the concepts if you haven't already been exposed to them
And we can't give the advice you want because we have to both upskill and
explain options and their alternatives.

Look for blogs by active members of the community, some that come to mind
are (in no particular order):
  * Brian Fox -
  * Stephen Connolly -
  * Ron Wheeler -

And when you think you've found the answers - contribute them back to the

Re: Complex Maven projects - Tutorials? Books?

2014-06-12 Thread mike digioia
So how does this book help you any more than all the detailed online Maven
docs that exists and are updated?

On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Barrie Treloar wrote:

 On 13 June 2014 00:16, Hohl, Gerrit wrote:

  We use Maven and Jenkins for about 1.5 years now, I guess. Until now the
  Maven projects have been very simple and - let's say - very monolithic.
  But recently we identify more and more internal libraries in our
  products. Of course we don't want to share this libraries by
  copy-n-paste between the products - especially as we have Maven.
  So we started to read books, tutorials on the Internet and so on. But

 Can you list what you've read so far?
 I assume you've gone through the ones we link at the Maven site?

  most of them only deal with simple projects. They don't cover e.g.
  versioning the build process (especially if your build process consists
  of more than just one step). They also don't cover the problems of
  developing the libraries while your developing the products which depend
  on them. Especially at the beginning your libraries will go through a
  lot of changes. A few name snapshots as a solution, but don't explain
  how you can work using them, how you can use them in your pom.xml and
  how you deal with them if you finally switch your product and/or your
  library from the snapshot state to the release state. A few also say
  that you shouldn't use snapshots at all because it will result in many
  problems (e.g. having -SNAPSHOT entries in your pom.xml). Nightly builds
  or build triggered by the SCM are also an issue here.

 I highly recommend that you sit down locally with your group and write up a
 list of questions, and then document them on your internal wiki.
 Work through which ones are causing you the most pain (whatever that may
 be; confusion, build stability, slow build times, etc)
 And after you've done some googling, searched the archives, etc, then come
 back and ask the questions individually here.

 A lot of the problem you will find when you get to this level is that it's
 hard to express the concepts if you haven't already been exposed to them
 And we can't give the advice you want because we have to both upskill and
 explain options and their alternatives.

 Look for blogs by active members of the community, some that come to mind
 are (in no particular order):
   * Brian Fox -
   * Stephen Connolly -
   * Ron Wheeler -

 And when you think you've found the answers - contribute them back to the

Re: Complex Maven projects - Tutorials? Books?

2014-06-12 Thread Barrie Treloar
On 13 June 2014 09:07, mike digioia wrote:

 So how does this book help you any more than all the detailed online Maven
 docs that exists and are updated?

It's just another source of information.

The docs don't really walk you through everything, they are mostly focused
on a particular plugin and not on how to pull all this together.

site-deploy using wagon-ssh: User input needed

2014-06-12 Thread Hohl, Gerrit
Hello everyone, :)


this is my first post in this mailing list, so I hope I doing everything


I'm using Maven 3.0.4, having a Jenkins build server running on Windows
and a Web Server running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I decided to use SSH for
deploying the site to the server.


My local settings.xml looks like this:






   username!-- The
username --/username

   password!-- The
plain-text password  --/password





My pom.xml looks like this:
































   urlscp://[Address of the web




If I start Maven locally using the site-deploy goal, Maven will show
the following in my Eclipse:


[INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.3:deploy (default-deploy) @ test-project

The authenticity of host '[Adresse des Web Servers]' can't be

RSA key fingerprint is [RSA Fingerprint].

Are you sure you want to continue connecting? (yes/no):


But if I run this on Jenkins I don't have the possibility to enter
something. So I need a solution where I don't need an user input.

I came across the solution in the Internet:






   username!-- The
username --/username

   password!-- The
plain-text password  --/password










But now I get the following error:


[INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.3:deploy (default-deploy) @ test-project




[INFO] Total time: 9.105s

[INFO] Finished at: Thu Jun 12 09:48:18 CEST 2014

[INFO] Final Memory: 30M/505M


[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:3.3:deploy (default-deploy)
on project test-project: Unable to configure Wagon: 'scp': While
configuring wagon for 'marketplace': Unable to apply wagon
configuration. ClassNotFoundException: Class name which was explicitly
given in configuration using 'implementation' attribute:
cannot be loaded - [Help 1]


[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the
-e switch.

[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.


[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
please read the following articles:

[ERROR] [Help 1]


That is odd. The class NullKnownHostProvider is part of the
wagon-ssh-common, the class name as well as the package name are okay.
wagon-ssh depends on wagon-ssh-common, so it should be available. I even
added wagon-ssh-common to the dependencies element of the
maven-site-plugin. But the result was still the same.


Can anyone give me a hint what I did wrong?





Complex Maven projects - Tutorials? Books?

2014-06-12 Thread Hohl, Gerrit
Hello everyone, :)


I have a question which is not about a specific problem with Maven, but
more a general question.

I hope it is okay to ask this question here.


We use Maven and Jenkins for about 1.5 years now, I guess. Until now the
Maven projects have been very simple and - let's say - very monolithic.

But recently we identify more and more internal libraries in our
products. Of course we don't want to share this libraries by
copy-n-paste between the products - especially as we have Maven.

So we started to read books, tutorials on the Internet and so on. But
most of them only deal with simple projects. They don't cover e.g.
versioning the build process (especially if your build process consists
of more than just one step). They also don't cover the problems of
developing the libraries while your developing the products which depend
on them. Especially at the beginning your libraries will go through a
lot of changes. A few name snapshots as a solution, but don't explain
how you can work using them, how you can use them in your pom.xml and
how you deal with them if you finally switch your product and/or your
library from the snapshot state to the release state. A few also say
that you shouldn't use snapshots at all because it will result in many
problems (e.g. having -SNAPSHOT entries in your pom.xml). Nightly builds
or build triggered by the SCM are also an issue here.


Does someone know a good book or tutorial which handles all of these
issues around Maven and CI/CD in more depth?






Re: Complex Maven projects - Tutorials? Books?

2014-06-12 Thread Pascal Rapicault
If you are really aiming at doing continuous delivery (any potential 
build can be pushed to prod), then SNAPSHOT is not a great way to deal 
with dependencies since you will not be able to exactly know what you 
ship. To avoid this, one practice is to use the build number in the 
artifact version (1.0.0-b1 or 1.0.1).
This has of course had the drawback that now you have to update the 
pom.xml of components using a specific artifact (move from build 1 to 2) 
but this also gives you greater control on the rate at which you consume 

You may be interested in these articles:

That said, if you add Artifactory to the mix, you can leverage its 
capabilities of obtaining specific versions of a SNAPSHOT through matrix 
quite handy. One example where this comes handy is when you split your 
build process over multiple jenkins jobs and you want to make sure that 
you use the same artifact throughout the process and this w/o blocking 
the whole pipeline for the whole duration of the process.


On 12/06/2014 10:46 AM, Hohl, Gerrit wrote:

Hello everyone, :)


I have a question which is not about a specific problem with Maven, but
more a general question.

I hope it is okay to ask this question here.


We use Maven and Jenkins for about 1.5 years now, I guess. Until now the
Maven projects have been very simple and - let's say - very monolithic.

But recently we identify more and more internal libraries in our
products. Of course we don't want to share this libraries by
copy-n-paste between the products - especially as we have Maven.

So we started to read books, tutorials on the Internet and so on. But
most of them only deal with simple projects. They don't cover e.g.
versioning the build process (especially if your build process consists
of more than just one step). They also don't cover the problems of
developing the libraries while your developing the products which depend
on them. Especially at the beginning your libraries will go through a
lot of changes. A few name snapshots as a solution, but don't explain
how you can work using them, how you can use them in your pom.xml and
how you deal with them if you finally switch your product and/or your
library from the snapshot state to the release state. A few also say
that you shouldn't use snapshots at all because it will result in many
problems (e.g. having -SNAPSHOT entries in your pom.xml). Nightly builds
or build triggered by the SCM are also an issue here.


Does someone know a good book or tutorial which handles all of these
issues around Maven and CI/CD in more depth?





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