Re: Tomcat 100% CPU usage after moving from Java 5 to 6

2010-02-02 Thread Jesse Klaasse

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 Can you give us a timestamp for when the trouble started? Reading GC
 output is pretty tedious.

I believe the trouble started around 15 - 20 minutes before the end of the
gc log, so that would be from ~61h36m.

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 Also, what happens if you remove all your *GC* options (other than
 logging) from your JAVA_OPTS?

I am quite hesitant to try this. This is a production environment, and all
in all Tomcat is performing pretty good now, in comparison to what the
situation was before.
By all GC options, do you also mean the UseConcMarkSweepGC? Wouldn't the
GC become serial then (with pauses which stop the whole webapp for a while)?
And also the +DisableExplicitGC?

Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 Is this reproducible?

Well, as I said, Tomcat is working much more stable now than it did before.
However, once in a few days it still becomes unresponsive, while CPU usage
stays incredibly low. I have tried load tests using jMeter on our
development environment, but it's working fine then. Must have something to
do with the real (more diverse, less predictable/repetitive) traffic on
the production environment, I guess..
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Re: Tomcat 100% CPU usage after moving from Java 5 to 6

2010-02-01 Thread Jesse Klaasse

In the meantime, the environment has been much more stable than it was before
the move to Java 6 and the new JVM options. However, a few minutes ago,
Tomcat became completely unresponsive, while the CPU usage was very low
(~3%). This was on our external server, with these options:

-Djavax.sql.DataSource.Factory=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
-Xloggc:D:\logs\gc\tomcat-gc.log -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:NewSize=3072m
-XX:+UseCompressedOops -Xms7168m -Xmx7168m

The gc log is showing a lot of activity during the unresponsiveness (the gc
log is attached to this message). Do you guys see any clues? Thanks in

The Tomcat GC log: tomcat-gc.log 
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Re: Tomcat 100% CPU usage after moving from Java 5 to 6

2010-01-26 Thread Jesse Klaasse

I have now fixed the infinite loop, and again did the update from Java 5 to
Java 6. This time all seems to be working like a charm!

Along with fixing the infinite loop, I have dug a little deeper into the JVM
arguments. I found the following article particularly useful:

Using that article plus common sense, my arguments are now:
-Djavax.sql.DataSource.Factory=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
-Xloggc:D:\logs\gc\tomcat-gc.log -X:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
-XX:+UseTLAB -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:NewSize=4096m -Xms10240m -Xmx10240m

The NewSize parameter was new to me, and it's explanation on the
aforementioned link made much sense.
A few things I'm still not completely sure about:
- I don't want any serial garbage collection to occur. I'm not sure whether
my arguments take care of this now..
- Do I still need the -XX:+UseTLAB argument?
- Do I still need the -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled flag?
- Do I still need the -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled flag?

So, still some research to be done. 

In the meantime I am very pleased with the results. Tomcat's CPU usage seems
significantly lower than before (it's average seems about 10% now - which
was 30-40% before) - scary! 
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Re: Tomcat 100% CPU usage after moving from Java 5 to 6

2010-01-26 Thread Jesse Klaasse

I also added the -XX:+UseCompressedOops JVM option (as suggested in the
Confluence article I mentioned earlier). BTW, for those who want to know:
this option is available since update 14 of JDK 6 (see also, you don't need the
Performance branch as mentioned in the article. This option is said to
give a performance gain of 25% as well as a reduction of used heap space
(see also

Furthermore, I discovered the -XX:+UseTLAB option is a default option in JDK

I thought, I'd just let you all know!
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RE: Tomcat 100% CPU usage after moving from Java 5 to 6

2010-01-26 Thread Jesse Klaasse

Hi Chuck, thanks for your extensive comments about the JVM options.. 

n828cl wrote:
-Xms10240m -Xmx10240m
 That's a very large heap; shouldn't hurt as long as you have enough RAM to
 support it all without paging.  (But see below for use with compressed

This shouldn't be a problem, the system has 16 GB RAM, almost all of it
dedicated to Tomcat.

n828cl wrote:
 Tomcat's CPU usage seems significantly lower than before 
 (it's average seems about 10% now - which was 30-40% before)
 There are some improvements in the JDK/JRE 6 JIT and synchronization
 handling, but probably not enough to account for that large a difference.

Well, I don't know where exactly it's coming from, but after a full day very
closely monitoring the system, it turns out to be the truth. Which is not a
bad thing, of course :)

n828cl wrote:
 I also added the -XX:+UseCompressedOops JVM option
 Be careful with that; it can impact CPU usage, since the compressed OOPs
 have to be expanded into actual pointers every time they're used, and
 pointers compressed when stored in a field.  Works best with heap sizes
 less than 4 GB, which avoids the decoding/encoding.  For a real
 explanation of compressed OOPs, look here:

I already found that article myself. Since CPU usage is as low as it is now,
I have decided to give it a try.
Anyway, thanks again!
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Re: Tomcat 100% CPU usage after moving from Java 5 to 6

2010-01-25 Thread Jesse Klaasse

Pid Ster wrote:
 Have you tested those memory and garbage collection settings with this 
 version of Java?

Well, actually I haven't touched the settings which I used using Java 5.
But, I have tested the settings to some extent. My development environment
worked perfectly fine using the same memory and garbage collection settings,
also under heavy load (with jMeter). Are there any obvious mistakes?

Pid Ster wrote:
 What does the garbage collection log indicate, normal or abnormal

Unfortunately I forgot to look at the gc.log (also I'm not sure how to
interpret it correctly), and it's overwritten when Tomcat is restarted, so
there's really nothing I can say about that. Do you suspect any problems

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Re: Tomcat 100% CPU usage after moving from Java 5 to 6

2010-01-25 Thread Jesse Klaasse

Leon Rosenberg-3 wrote:
 they are all seem to be either in an infinite loop:
   at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.hasNext(
 or iterating over a very huge list. This way or other they are
 consuming your cpu:
 ajp-8009-18 Id=187 in RUNNABLE cpu=236296 ms usr=236265 ms blocked
 315 for -1 ms waited 256 for -1 ms
 ajp-8009-2 Id=171 in RUNNABLE cpu=221968 ms usr=218734 ms blocked
 12822 for -1 ms waited 10071 for -1 ms
 ajp-8009-30 Id=199 in RUNNABLE cpu=371562 ms usr=368234 ms blocked
 9527 for -1 ms waited 7543 for -1 ms
 ajp-8009-38 Id=210 in RUNNABLE cpu=518890 ms usr=515593 ms blocked
 10352 for -1 ms waited 9035 for -1 ms 
 So either its a bug (maybe a concurrency issue, since java 1.6. has
 improved a lot in terms of lock contention reduction) or,
 its a side effect of an out of memory problem, can you make a heap
 dump with jmap and check whether your Old Gen is 99.% full?
 Otherwise you should look into at
 which I never heard of, and don't have sources to check, what's
 happening there exactly.

Those Workflow and DQWorkflow classes are from our company, written by the
programmer who worked on this project before me. I have attached the two
files for further examination.
I have noticed the performWorkflowAction method in DQWorkflow is not
synchronized and uses Vectors and Iterators. Could this be a possible
problem? Even though this all has been working perfectly fine in Java 4 and
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Re: Tomcat 100% CPU usage after moving from Java 5 to 6

2010-01-25 Thread Jesse Klaasse

Jesse Klaasse wrote:
 Those Workflow and DQWorkflow classes are from our company, written by the
 programmer who worked on this project before me. I have attached the two
 files for further examination.
 I have noticed the performWorkflowAction method in DQWorkflow is not
 synchronized and uses Vectors and Iterators. Could this be a possible
 problem? Even though this all has been working perfectly fine in Java 4
 and 5?

I forgot the attachments, sorry! 
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Re: Tomcat 100% CPU usage after moving from Java 5 to 6

2010-01-25 Thread Jesse Klaasse

Hi Leon,

I don't know what you mean exactly by re-intrant, but your comment points
out I have created an endless while-loop! Apart from moving to Java 6, I had
commented out some lines to reduce logging, not noticing I had created an
endless loop by doing so. I only did this in a jar compiled for Java 6, so
everytime I tried rolling back to Java 5, I also used the old jar (which
didn't have the lines commented out), and the old jar didn't have the
infinite loop. Stupid!

I was completely sure the change from Java 5 to Java 6 was a far bigger one
than the commented-out-lines, but this turns out to be not true at all in
this case!

Best regards, and thanks again!

Leon Rosenberg-3 wrote:
 Hello Jesse,
 is the Workflow re-intrant? If yes:
 this is odd:
 you are iterating in a re-intrant action (i assume the action is
 re-intrant) over a shared variable?
 Vector vecOids = new Vector();
 in the method:
 Iterator oidIterator = vecOids.iterator();
 while (oidIterator.hasNext())
   //System.out.println(Workflow/doAction: oid= +
 and you are modifying this vector at multiple places in the same class.
 You should probably unit-test this code for concurrency.

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Re: IIS 6.0 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20 - Service temporary unavailable

2008-12-11 Thread Jesse Klaasse

Hi Rainer,

Thanks for jumping in again..

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 When using big heaps, you need to take extra effort to get your GC
 settings right. Do you have GC-Logs? What are the JVM options you use to
 start Tomcat?

The JVM options:
-Dcatalina.base=D:\tomcat -Dcatalina.home=D:\tomcat
-Djavax.sql.DataSource.Factory=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
-Xloggc:D:\logs\gc\tomcat-gc.log -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+UseParNewGC
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseTLAB -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled

Today's GC log: 

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 The attached thread dumps do not belong to Tomcat. They are from the
 Gauss VIP Content Server.

I know that. The whole system is based on the Livelink WCMS Content
Management System (formerly Gauss VIP). These thread dumps were all I had,
so that's why I included them. 

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 First of all I assume you are talking about the event starting at 07:09?
 The initial problems are Timeouts (Winsock 10060). So again we need to
 find out, why things took to long on the backend. Thread Dumps would be
 a good start ...

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 - Check without APR

This seems impossible to do, I had once removed the APR, and the system got
REALLY unstable under a normal day's load. I'm quite hesitant to try this
again, as you may understand.


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Re: IIS 6.0 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20 - Service temporary unavailable

2008-12-10 Thread Jesse Klaasse

After two months with a system running smoothly, we are currently
experiencing the same problems again (albeit less often).

A little update:
- The system's memory has been upgraded to 16 GB, Tomcat's memory settings
are Xms4096m and Xmx10240m now.
- We are using commons-dbcp 1.2.2 instead of Tomcat's internal pooling
mechanism, so with org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory as data
source factory
- Java version is Sun JDK now. We are still at IIS 6.0, JK 1.2.26,
Tomcat 5.5.20 and APR 1.1.14.
- We have no automatic Tomcat reboots
- Currently this 503 hang happens about once or twice a week

Attached you will find a part of the isapi_redirector.log of today (the
whole morning 503 errors occurred). 
I also tried to create a thread dump using StackTrace while Tomcat was
hanging, but it didn't really work. The other JVM's were able to produce a
thread dump, and since all JVM's are part of the same group of services, I
have included this thread dump.

Any idea, anyone?

Jesse Klaasse wrote:
 Last Wednesday, I decided to try to use commons-dbcp (1.2.2) instead of
 the included naming-factory-dbcp.jar. Besides that, I have removed the
 validationQuery attribute, after reading about some problems with that.
 Since then, no problems have arised, Tomcat behaved nicely. I hope this
 finally has solved my problems. Still have to wait a few weeks before I
 can really say the system is stable. I keep my fingers crossed.

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Filter cuts response in Tomcat 5.5.20

2008-09-02 Thread Jesse Klaasse

For a few days, I have been breaking my head over this issue:

My goal is to create a filter which detects Ajax calls (using jQuery for
Ajax, which adds X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest to the request headers).
If some jsp is requested by an Ajax call, I want to process the jsp's output
with this filter (extract the body, correct some entities and stuff, but
this is not really important to know for this issue, especially since I
don't even get this far).

I have implemented the filter structure as outlined here:

With one adaptation: in the Filter I check for the X-Requested-With:
XMLHttpRequest header, and when it is there, I do the pre-post thing
mentioned in the article. If it's not, it just continues the chain. I left
the rest of the files untouched.

However, it isn't working as it should be. I actually see the PRE and
POST lines in the Ajax output, however, most of the time there is nothing
between them. And when I print the response length, it's 0 most of the time.
This is all working fine using our old development platform (based on Resin
3.0.14), but it isn't working on the new one (based on Tomcat 5.5.20).

When I request the same url via a browser, all is working fine. Also, when I
disable the filter, all is working fine (however, without my desired
changes). So it has to be in the filter's code.

An idea, anyone?

I have attached the relevant java code for the filter to this message in one
tar file:
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Re: IIS 6.0 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20 - Service temporary unavailable

2008-07-22 Thread Jesse Klaasse

I will try to remove/increase socket_timeout to see what happens..

Unfortunately, Tomcat hung again today. It managed to work again without
manually restarting, but again, the 503 message for a while..

I attached two thread dumps and an excerpt of today's isapi_redirect.log. 
BTW, this is APR 1.1.14 and JK 1.2.26.

Regards, Jesse.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 To really study communication behaviour I would suggest installing a raw 
 http client like curl and then do
 curl -v -D - http://myserver:myport/myuri
Even with curl, the results were exactly as I described before.
curl will not cache, follow redirects or any other of those nice user 
GUI features, that make understanding communication behaviour difficult.
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Re: IIS 6.0 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20 - Service temporary unavailable

2008-07-21 Thread Jesse Klaasse

Last Wednesday, I decided to try to use commons-dbcp (1.2.2) instead of the
included naming-factory-dbcp.jar. Besides that, I have removed the
validationQuery attribute, after reading about some problems with that.

Since then, no problems have arised, Tomcat behaved nicely. I hope this
finally has solved my problems. Still have to wait a few weeks before I can
really say the system is stable. I keep my fingers crossed.

Only problem which I still can't explain: there seems to be a 20 second
timeout somewhere between IIS and Tomcat. I have created a test JSP with
does this:

out.println(wait...); out.flush();
out.println(finished!); out.flush();

Calling Tomcat directly by using http://localhost:8080/delay.jsp works as
expected (it shows wait..., then waits for 65 seconds and then prints

Calling the same page through IIS causes this:
wait... appears on screen
after 10 seconds, another wait... appears
after another 10 seconds, a Service temporary unavailable message appears

I suppose this has something to do with the connect_timeout, prepost_timeout
and socket_timeout parameters (which are set to 1, 1 and 10
respectively). Should I set these values to a higher value? What I
especially don't understand, is the reappearance of wait... after 10

Again, thanks for your help so far! Regards, Jesse.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 Jesse Klaasse schrieb:
 Hi Rainer,
 We are a week later now, with the changed settings, and while the
 environment first seemed to be a little more stable, in the end this
 unfortunately is not the case... We still reboot Tomcat every night
 automatically, and most of the time once a day manually because of the
 For example, I restarted Tomcat and IIS 10 minutes ago, and in the last
 minutes, isapi_redirect.log shows about 7 503 errors. Also a lot of 53,
 60 and 61 errors.
 Still looking into the dbcp issue.. I will try to put up a new post, but
 not sure what the relevant info would be..
 Do you have any clues left?
 Focus on the dbcp problem: Database Pool: all threads waiting in 
 getConnection(). Check, if your bad nodes once again encountered this 
 problem (using thread dumps). Then start a new discussion thread with an 
 appropriate Subject. I'm sure webapp developers with db pool experience 
 will try to help. If the tomcat users list doesn't find a solution, you 
 could then move along to the dbcp list.
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Re: IIS 6.0 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20 - Service temporary unavailable

2008-07-10 Thread Jesse Klaasse

Hi Rainer,

We are a week later now, with the changed settings, and while the
environment first seemed to be a little more stable, in the end this
unfortunately is not the case... We still reboot Tomcat every night
automatically, and most of the time once a day manually because of the 503

For example, I restarted Tomcat and IIS 10 minutes ago, and in the last 10
minutes, isapi_redirect.log shows about 7 503 errors. Also a lot of 53, 54,
60 and 61 errors.

Still looking into the dbcp issue.. I will try to put up a new post, but I'm
not sure what the relevant info would be..

Do you have any clues left?

Regards, Jesse.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 Hi Jesse,
 Jesse Klaasse wrote:
 Hello Rainer,
 Thanks again for your prompt and clear reply. You're helping me a lot!
 I have implemented the settings as you suggested (for the datasources of
 8 webapps on my Tomcat server). I need to wait for a restart of the
 application before the settings become active, however.
 For your information: currently (Tomcat is running fine now) a netstat
 command returns about 30 established connections to the database server.
 have lowered the removeAbandonedTimeout setting to 30 seconds instead of
 ... and the 30 seconds are already active (restart done) or also only 
 after the next restart ...
 I still have a few questions left;
 Why are there no 'AbandonedObjectPool' messages at all when Tomcat is
 running fine? I would expect a slowly growing number of locked threads
 because of the AbandonedObjectPool. But this not happening. Does this
 mean that once it goes wrong, it skyrockets up to the total of 400 locked
 threads? And why would that be?
 By message we mean methods in the thread stacks contained in a thread
 Usually getConnection() is a very fast method. So it will be hard to 
 find a thread in there unless the getConnection() triggers a new 
 connection establishment to the database (which again might only take a 
 handful of milliseconds), or the pool is exhausted and getConnection() 
 goes into the maxWait.
 So yes, I would expect, that if one getConnection() hangs seriously, 
 i.e. needs to wait long for actually getting a connection, then very 
 soon a lot of threads will get into this state. Depending on your load, 
 it's possible that e.g. you are calling getConnection() 100 times per 
 second. So if the pool is full for a couple of seconds, you can quickly 
 see the threads accumulating in this state.
 What we don't know:
 - why is the pool getting full?
 - why is this situation persistent, i.e. it seems no more connections 
 are freed.
 The seconds point is the important one. I don't have a good explanation 
 here, and checking with the commons mailing lists might be a good idea.
 Of course a lot of dbcp users hang around on this list here. To get some 
 feedback from them, maybe start a new thread with a more specific Subject.
 In the STDOUT logs of the past few days, there are no messages at all
 something like 'DBCP object created'. Shouldn't there be such messages
 Yes, if you had logAbandoned=true during that time, and dbcp detected 
 any connections, which were not freed. Again: I have no convincing 
 hypothesis what's happening, apart from the fact, that the solution lies 
 in the subsytems webapp/DBCP/database.
 And finally, would you advise me to install the 1.2.26 version of the
 isapi_redirector connector again? As well as the 1.1.12 (or 1.1.13, but I
 can't find it for Win64) version of the APR?
 1.2.26: first solve your db pool problem, at least until the situation 
 gets stable. Updating to 1.2.26 is optimization and not critical. 
 Concentrate on the pool first.
 The same for tcnative 1.1.13 or the forthcoming 1.1.14 (I guess that 
 will be announced soon).
 Thanks. Jesse.
 Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 So maybe start with something like


 and check via netstat, how many connections you actually use during peak 
 load. Make sure, your database is correctly configured to handle the 
 maxActive connections.

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Re: IIS 6.0 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20 - Service temporary unavailable

2008-07-03 Thread Jesse Klaasse

Hello Rainer,

First of all, thank you for your extensive answer and the time you have
taken to write the answer, this really gives me hope.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 Double check: The worker is a member of a load balancer. the member is 
 *not* in state STOP (because that is a configuration state) but in ERROR 
 (which is a runtime detected state).

You are right, the worker is (the only) member of a load balancer. It is in
OK state until Tomcat hangs. Then it changes into ERROR.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 First: you don't use a reply_timeout? At this stage you shouldn't, just 
 want to make sure.

I haven't configured a reply_timeout.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 How to do thread dumps: if Tomcat is running from a DOS box, you can use 
 CTRL-Break on the keyboard (and the dumps go directly to the DOS box), 
 if it is running as a service, there is an entry in the context menue of 
 the tomcat monitor icon (system tray), and the dumps go to the service 
 log file.

Tomcat was hanging a few minutes ago, and I have created some thread dumps,
which are available in the uploaded ZIP file.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 Use netstat -an on the IIS system and the Tomcat system (if they are 
 not the same) to produce a list of TCP connections and their state.

For your information: Tomcat and IIS are on the same system. I have also
included a few netstat logs from the moment hanging. They can also be found
in the attached zip file.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 If possible use wireshark to produce a full packet dump of the 
 communications between the two for a minute or so, namely long enough, 
 that the cited log message occur a few times.

I have downloaded and installed Wireshark. I have included a few minutes of
Wireshark captured data in the zip file too.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 - remove the socket_timeout
 - remove the APR connector (tcnative)
 If this solves the problem, check, if removing only of of them suffices.
 If this quick test indicates APR connector as problematic, upgrade to 
 1.1.13 (or the soon to appear 1.1.14).

I have already tried to remove the APR connector, but this was really not a
good idea. Without APR, Tomcat hung after only one hour of normal use. With
APR, it lasts for about half a day. During the last hang, I downgraded APR
to 1.1.10, which we were using before 1.1.12, and which seems to be a little
more stable. I haven't been able to find 1.1.13 for Windows x64. Is it
available? I tried the link.

Should I really try to remove the socket_timeout? Should I try this before
setting the reply_timeout to 60 seconds, as you state later in your mail?

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 The log information in 1.2.26 should be more precise though. At least 
 for me ;)

When we used 1.2.26, logging was more precise indeed. But it seemed to be
less stable, although I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the
connector version, since I also changed the tcnative version.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 Here I guess: since there was no reply_timeout set, the socket_timeout 
 fires after 10 seconds, aborts the wait and resets the connection. If 
 you can log response times with IIS, you could check, if they are above 
 10 seconds. You can also log response times with an appropriate 

How should I set the JkRequestLogFormat? Isn't that an Apache (webserver)
directive? I am (and have to be - company policies) using IIS.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 You could set a reply timeout to a huge value, like eg. 60 seconds, if 
 you think that even under load *all* requests should return in less than 
 60 seconds. We can optimize this setting later (with max_reply_timeouts 
 in 1.2.26).

I will try this, but not yet. Not all at the same time :)

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 You could try TCP tuning like in
 but I doubt, that this will resolve the root consequence.

This sounds unlikely to me too, so this will be a last resort maybe..

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 Aha, if this is really coming before the error 60, then you should aso 
 look at:

Sounds like it could be helping. I have installed the hotfix. But, the
system needs to be restarted in order to active the hotfix (argh!),
something I can't just do when when the traffic is high. Maybe I'll reboot
the server tonight.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 Maybe too many suggestions and not a straight solution, but if you are 
 able to collect more information, we should be able to sort this out.

I hope the logs/dumps will help you.. I will look into them myself also.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 Do others have the same issue on Windows? Did they find a solution?

I have searched all over the web, and there is a lot of information about
this whole setup, but it's very fragmented and the opinions are pretty wide

Again, thank you very much for your help and time so far. I hope we will be
able to resolve this problem!

Re: IIS 6.0 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20 - Service temporary unavailable

2008-07-03 Thread Jesse Klaasse

Hi Rainer. Thank you very much for this preliminary information. I had
already noticed the AbandonedObjectPool messages myself. 

My resource configuration:



validationQuery = SELECT Bedrijfscode FROM entBedrijf

I have already checked the Java code of the first 4 or 5 waiting threads,
but all connections/statement/resultsets are correctly closed. So the
problem seems to be in the dbcp, as you already say. But I'm not sure yet.

Would there be some kind of quick fix for now? To prevent Tomcat from
hanging? Although of course I'd prefer a real solution..

Thank you very very much for your work so far. I hope we will get to the


Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 The root problem lies within the database connection pool. All 400 
 Tomcat threads are waiting in getConnection() to get a free DB 
 connection from the common-dbcp pool.
 There are some bugs around dbcp, but I need a little time to check, if 
 they apply to your version. This is just a short note, that yes, there 
 is some hope ;)
 In the meantime: could you post your DataSource configuration (omit the 
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Re: IIS 6.0 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20 - Service temporary unavailable

2008-07-03 Thread Jesse Klaasse

Hello Rainer,

Thanks again for your prompt and clear reply. You're helping me a lot!

I have implemented the settings as you suggested (for the datasources of all
8 webapps on my Tomcat server). I need to wait for a restart of the
application before the settings become active, however.
For your information: currently (Tomcat is running fine now) a netstat
command returns about 30 established connections to the database server. I
have lowered the removeAbandonedTimeout setting to 30 seconds instead of 60.

I still have a few questions left;

Why are there no 'AbandonedObjectPool' messages at all when Tomcat is
running fine? I would expect a slowly growing number of locked threads
because of the AbandonedObjectPool. But this not happening. Does this maybe
mean that once it goes wrong, it skyrockets up to the total of 400 locked
threads? And why would that be?

In the STDOUT logs of the past few days, there are no messages at all saying
something like 'DBCP object created'. Shouldn't there be such messages

And finally, would you advise me to install the 1.2.26 version of the
isapi_redirector connector again? As well as the 1.1.12 (or 1.1.13, but I
can't find it for Win64) version of the APR?

Thanks. Jesse.

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 So maybe start with something like
 and check via netstat, how many connections you actually use during peak 
 load. Make sure, your database is correctly configured to handle the 
 maxActive connections.
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IIS 6.0 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20 - Service temporary unavailable

2008-07-02 Thread Jesse Klaasse
I have migrated a customer's server system to the following
MS IIS 6.0 (port 80)
Unlimited connections
Connection timeout: 120s keep-alive
JK 1.2.25 AJP/1.3 Connector

Apache Tomcat 5.5.20 (ports 8080 / 8009)
Apache Portable Runtime tcnative-1.dll 1.1.12 installed
Java options: -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xloggc:D:\logs\gc\tomcat-gc.log
-XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
-XX:+UseTLAB -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled
-XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled -Xms4096m -Xmx5120m

server.xml connector 8009:
acceptCount=100 maxThreads=400 minSpareThreads=25
maxSpareThreads=75 connectionTimeout=6

This is a dual-core Xeon machine running Windows Server 2003 x64 with 6
GB RAM and Sun Java JDK 1.5.

I have to reboot Tomcat every night, and even then I have to restart
Tomcat manually almost every day because of a Service temporary
unavailable message. When Tomcat is hanging, JK Status Manager shows a
Bad/Stopped worker. A reset of the worker doesn't fix the problem,
neither does a restart of IIS. Only restarting Tomcat fixes the problem.

The isapi_redirect log contains a lot of these lines:
[Wed Jul 02 16:19:16.908 2008] [11604:13424] [info]
ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1265): (ajp13w) all endpoints are
[Wed Jul 02 16:19:16.908 2008] [11604:13424] [info]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2085): (ajp13w) sending request to tomcat
failed,  recoverable operation attempt=1

I have also tried the 1.2.26 connector. It seemed like it needed a
restart even sooner with that one. These lines were in
isapi_redirect.log a lot of times with the 1.2.26 version:
[Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.040 2008] [11604:12396] [error]
ajp_connection_tcp_get_message::jk_ajp_common.c (966): (ajp13w) can't
receive the response message from tomcat, network problems or tomcat
( is down (errno=60)
[Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.040 2008] [11604:12396] [error]
ajp_get_reply::jk_ajp_common.c (1658): (ajp13w) Tomcat is down or
refused connection. No response has been sent to the client (yet)
[Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.040 2008] [11604:12396] [info]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2046): (ajp13w) receiving from tomcat
failed, recoverable operation attempt=0
[Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.040 2008] [11604:12396] [info]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2085): (ajp13w) sending request to tomcat
failed,  recoverable operation attempt=1
[Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.946 2008] [11604:13156] [error]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2097): (ajp13w) Connecting to tomcat
failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong port
[Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.962 2008] [11604:13156] [info]
service::jk_lb_worker.c (1128): service failed, worker ajp13w is in
error state
[Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.962 2008] [11604:13156] [info]
service::jk_lb_worker.c (1191): All tomcat instances are busy or in
error state
[Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.962 2008] [11604:13156] [error]
HttpExtensionProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (1537): service() failed with http
error 503

Nothing important seems to be in the stdout logs right before the
problems occur. Only when I was using 1.2.26 of the connector, lots of
these messages show up in the stdout:

Jul 2, 2008 1:14:17 PM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket
WARNING: processCallbacks status 2
Jul 2, 2008 1:14:17 PM org.apache.jk.core.MsgContext action
WARNING: Error sending end packet Software caused connection abort: socket write
at Method)
at org.apache.jk.core.MsgContext.action(
at org.apache.coyote.Response.action(
at org.apache.coyote.Response.finish(

I'm starting to be 

Re: IIS 6.0 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20 - Service temporary unavailable

2008-07-02 Thread Jesse Klaasse

Additional information:
When using version 1.2.26 of the connector, these messages appear in
isapi_redirect.log before the messages I quoted in my previous mail:

[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [info] service::jk_lb_worker.c
(1221): Forcing recovery once for 1 workers
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [error]
ajp_connection_tcp_send_message::jk_ajp_common.c (965): sendfull returned
-53 (errno=53)
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [info]
ajp_handle_cping_cpong::jk_ajp_common.c (803): can't send cping query
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [error]
ajp_connect_to_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c (904): (ajp13w) cping/cpong after
connecting to the backend server failed (errno=53)
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [error]
ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1359): (ajp13w) connecting to backend
failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong port
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [info]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2186): (ajp13w) sending request to tomcat
failed (recoverable), because of error during request sending (attempt=1)
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [error]
ajp_connection_tcp_send_message::jk_ajp_common.c (965): sendfull returned
-53 (errno=53)
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [info]
ajp_handle_cping_cpong::jk_ajp_common.c (803): can't send cping query
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [error]
ajp_connect_to_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c (904): (ajp13w) cping/cpong after
connecting to the backend server failed (errno=53)
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [error]
ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1359): (ajp13w) connecting to backend
failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong port
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [info]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2186): (ajp13w) sending request to tomcat
failed (recoverable), because of error during request sending (attempt=2)
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [error]
ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2204): (ajp13w) Connecting to tomcat failed.
Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong port
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [info] service::jk_lb_worker.c
(1168): service failed, worker ajp13w is in error state
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [info] service::jk_lb_worker.c
(1245): All tomcat instances are busy or in error state
[Wed Jul 02 15:39:34.690 2008] [11800:10604] [error]
HttpExtensionProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (1527): service() failed with http
error 503

Jesse Klaasse wrote:
 I have also tried the 1.2.26 connector. It seemed like it needed a
 restart even sooner with that one. These lines were in
 isapi_redirect.log a lot of times with the 1.2.26 version:
 [Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.040 2008] [11604:12396] [error]
 ajp_connection_tcp_get_message::jk_ajp_common.c (966): (ajp13w) can't
 receive the response message from tomcat, network problems or tomcat
 ( is down (errno=60)
 [Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.040 2008] [11604:12396] [error]
 ajp_get_reply::jk_ajp_common.c (1658): (ajp13w) Tomcat is down or
 refused connection. No response has been sent to the client (yet)
 [Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.040 2008] [11604:12396] [info]
 ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2046): (ajp13w) receiving from tomcat
 failed, recoverable operation attempt=0
 [Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.040 2008] [11604:12396] [info]
 ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2085): (ajp13w) sending request to tomcat
 failed,  recoverable operation attempt=1
 [Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.946 2008] [11604:13156] [error]
 ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2097): (ajp13w) Connecting to tomcat
 failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong port
 [Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.962 2008] [11604:13156] [info]
 service::jk_lb_worker.c (1128): service failed, worker ajp13w is in
 error state
 [Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.962 2008] [11604:13156] [info]
 service::jk_lb_worker.c (1191): All tomcat instances are busy or in
 error state
 [Wed Jul 02 15:44:51.962 2008] [11604:13156] [error]
 HttpExtensionProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (1537): service() failed with http
 error 503

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RE: URL encoding problem IIS6 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20

2008-06-25 Thread Jesse Klaasse
André Warnier wrote:

It would appear (from the logs), that there is some double-encoding of the URI 
going on.
But, if somewhere along the line, a piece of code was receiving the encoded 
URI http://.../test%5Bbrackets%5D.jsp;, and decided to re-encode it again 
using the % hex hex method, then you would get this URI : 
http://.../test%255Bbrackets%255D.jsp; (where %25 is the encoded version of 
Then the next step would decode this URI back into 
http://.../test%5Bbrackets%5D.jsp;, and that is what the server would try to 
access, what would be logged, and also what you seem to experience.

So, which is the culprit which re-encodes something it should not ?
And is there not some parameter somewhere which forces it to do so ?

Thanks for your excellent answer. I have fixed the problem now. There is a 
setting for the isapi_redirecor called uri_select. This parameter controls 
the URI's which are passed to Tomcat from IIS. It defaults to value proxy, 
which leads to some re-encoding. I have changed the parameter's value to 
unparsed now, which has solved the problem.

For those who want to know more, the parameter is explained here:


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RE: URL encoding problem IIS6 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20

2008-06-25 Thread Jesse Klaasse
André Warnier wrote:
Now, I should add that using [ and ] in URL's is not really something I would 
recommend, if only for legibility reasons.  It will always make people wonder 
if what they're seeing in the logfile is normal, or if it's some programming 
syntax which escaped there.
And I would bet that naming your servlet that way is also going to bring you 
trouble if you ever have to reference it in a Javascript line for instance.

I completely agree with you when you're saying [ and ] are not recommended in 
URL's. However, I don't really have a say in that, something to do with 
politics and legacy stuff.. Thanks again for your help!


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URL encoding problem IIS6 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20

2008-06-24 Thread Jesse Klaasse
I have recently migrated a production server from IIS5 / Resin 3.0.14 to
IIS6 / JK1.2.25 / Tomcat 5.5.20. Now, there seems to be a problem with
the URL translation from IIS to Tomcat.

I have this file in a webapp, called test[brackets].jsp.
When I try http://localhost:8080/webapp/test[brackets].jsp, everything
is working fine. So Tomcat understands the square brackets (appearing in
the Tomcat access log as test[brackets].jsp).

I have also a plain HTML file, called test[brackets].html.
When I try http://localhost/test[brackets].html, it's also working. IIS
by itself understands the square brackets, too.

Now, we try the whole link through the JK connector:
This doesn't work, and results in a 404 error (appearing in both IIS and
Tomcat's log as test%5Bbrackets%5D.jsp, Tomcat with a 404, IIS with a

So, there seems to be SOMETHING wrong with the connector (or the
connector configuration) in combination with special characters. When I
try the same with a file called test.jsp, everything is working fine.

The Connector tag in server.xml doesn't have any of the encoding
attributes specified, so default encoding is used. Furthermore, the
uri_select key hasn't been set for the Isapi Redirector, so I guess
default mode (proxy) is used.

Anyone? Thanks in advance! Kind regards, Jesse Klaasse.

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Re: Tomcat 5.5 caseSensitive=false and work dir problem

2008-06-13 Thread Jesse Klaasse

I have implemented the all lowercase filter solution, which does the job
nicely. However, there is still one issue.. jsp:forwards don't go through
the filter chain, so when the forward page contains uppercase characters, a
file is created in the work dir with the uppercase character(s) in it. Then,
when a normal request via the browser is done to the same forward page,
Tomcat throws a NoClassDefFound exception because of a wrong name of the
temp file.

As an example, we have two jsp's:
- pageA.jsp (with a jsp:forward to pageB.jsp)
- pageB.jsp

Now, when we do this:
- request pageA.jsp in the browser (two temp files are created in the work
dir, pagea_jsp.class (lowercase 'a' because of the filter) and
- request pageB.jsp in the browser - NoClassDefFound exception because
Tomcat is looking for pageb_jsp.class

I think Leon's suggested mapper solution would solve this problem for the
most part, but a mapper which is actually a complete file system tree seems
rather disk/cpu intensive to me. 

Can anyone think of another solution for the jsp:forward problem in this

Leon Rosenberg-3 wrote:
 On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 3:59 PM, Jesse Klaasse [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Only thing I can think of now is to write a servlet filter which
 converts all request URLs to lowercase.. But I am kind of hoping for a
 more elegant solution.
 Personally I find your solution elegant :-)
 It would be maybe even more 'elegant' if you map your lowercase url
 via some mapping to the real name of the jsp internally, like:
 request EcHoSesSion - Filter = echosession - Mapper = EchoSession.jsp
 Of course the mapper has to be configured (or browse the file system)
 to determine the jsps real name. Alternatively you could rename all
 your jsps to lowercase and forget about the mapper. The advantage of
 the mapper (or the internal case-sensitivity) is that you webapp
 remains working on non-windows platforms... just in case, remember:
 write once, run anywhere :-)
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