André Warnier wrote:

>It would appear (from the logs), that there is some double-encoding of the URI 
>going on.
>But, if somewhere along the line, a piece of code was receiving the encoded 
>URI "http://.../test%5Bbrackets%5D.jsp";, and decided to re-encode it again 
>using the "% hex hex" method, then you would get this URI : 
>"http://.../test%255Bbrackets%255D.jsp"; (where "%25" is the encoded version of 
>Then the next step would decode this URI back into 
>"http://.../test%5Bbrackets%5D.jsp";, and that is what the server would try to 
>access, what would be logged, and also what you seem to experience.
>So, which is the culprit which re-encodes something it should not ?
>And is there not some parameter somewhere which forces it to do so ?

Thanks for your excellent answer. I have fixed the problem now. There is a 
setting for the isapi_redirecor called "uri_select". This parameter controls 
the URI's which are passed to Tomcat from IIS. It defaults to value "proxy", 
which leads to some re-encoding. I have changed the parameter's value to 
"unparsed" now, which has solved the problem.

For those who want to know more, the parameter is explained here:


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