Re: [Vo]:A little more positive article on Cold Fusion from Gibbs

2012-10-25 Thread Alain Sepeda
Thanks Abd for that clear explanation,

As usual you are very strict with the required level of proof.

I have gathered some data that I think valid, but please all here correct
me if I'm wrong.

As far as i know, NiH heat anomaly was known sine 89 with some ignored
experience by Piantelli.
in 93 I have been reading among the thousands of abstracts on CF, few
results about NiH , yet like everybody of that time I took them as minors...

about He4/Heat correlation, the story of the Report41 of ENEA is
It have been rejected, while clearly superior in quality to many papers
accepted by Science, and by the 41one review it have been proposed to (is
it really 41? look like a joke)
(see that topic )

about the condition to trigger LENR in PdD experiments, the most complete
paper seems to be that report of ENEA at ICCF15 :
(see )

ENEA have a strange story about CF, and the report: hystory of CF at ENEA
that you can find in the same forum can show you why Italy is well
represented in CF.

to understand the sociology/psychiatry of LENR you should looks at the
story of gas permeation experiments started by NASA GRC, then tsighua
uni+infinicon, then Biberian, the Nasa GRC again...
the way that NASA GRC claim discretely that they validated heat anomaly
without doubt in 89, is strange since their report just prove they refuse
to fund needed experiments to be sure... They lie, discretely, to look
pioneer while they have been denier until Spawar get public.

There is (only) one great reason to doubt about LENR being real, it is only
that one cannot accept that on the whole planet, the greatest brains,
reject LENR without even a question,  while there is visibly so clear,
validated, replicated, precise, intense, evidences... any trusting citizen
will rationally assume that these evidences are faked, because we cannot
accept so huge collective delusion.

Don't tell me about the constraint of replication, since any scientist
having learned history know that at the beginning of a new science,
replication is hard...
Don't talk me about impossibility, since any scientist knowing quantum
physics in lattice, know that we can be surprised...
All the mainstream excuse don't hold 5 minute facing an historian of
science or a semiconductor physicist.
BTW I've been trained to micro-electronics, and the few of QM and history
I've learned make me easily accept LENR as not breaking any physics law.
It is shocking how the critics repeat stupid claim (like thermodynamic law
broken, coulomb barrier, reliability...) at that level of competence, while
any student should be fired of PhD course for such a bad excuse. The case
of intelligent rebuttal of LENR , not using those stupid excuses are rare...

If you read the appendix patterns of denial by Roland Benabou, and his
key paper Groupthink: collective delusion in organizations and market,
the situation is less surprising.

2012/10/25 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

 Well, Mr. Gibbs, while I appreciate your reporting on Defkalion, you
 continue to confuse and conflate two separate issues.

 1. The reality of cold fusion as a physical phenomenon.
 2. The existence of practical applications.

 The kind of information you request below is entirely focused, in terms of
 what you want, on validated practical applications. At this point, those
 don't really exist, and it's a matter of speculation and whom to trust as
 to whether anything is coming soon.

 But the reality of cold fusion is not in question any more, not in the
 scientific journals, at least. There is still a lot of held opinion out
 there, but it hasn't been seen in the journals for almost a decade. The
 actual evidence that this was real was available with the publication of
 Miles' helium measurements by 1993, and with the confirmation of Miles'
 measurements after that.

 You wrote, in your article:

  Unfortunately it turned out that the Fleischmann and Pons experiment was
 not reliably reproducible. In the academic fracas that followed, both men’s
 reputations were ruined and the field was quickly relegated to the domain
 of “fringe” science along with perpetual motion, telekinesis, and

 Reliably reproducible is not a requirement for scientific validation of
 a phenomenon. Some phenomena are difficult to reproduce, generally because
 there are unknown or difficult-to-control conditions. However, what Miles
 found and reported in 1993 was that, while the amount of heat produced in a
 series of cold fusion cells was not easily predicted, the cells produced
 helium proportionally to the heat measured.

 That was an astonishing result at the time, because helium was not
 expected to be the 

RE: [Vo]:Aliens Favour Romney

2012-10-25 Thread John Newman
I recall an old BBC serial, A for Andromeda I think it might have been
called, must be nearly 60 years ago.  A long radio signal from Andromeda
gives DNA sequences.  Which the scientists cannot resist  growing, with
nearly catastrophic results for humans.


From: Jed Rothwell [] 
Sent: 24 October 2012 23:09
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Aliens Favour Romney wrote:


There's a nice little SciFi short story about this (sorry, can't remember
or author). The basic theme is that trade is in concepts rather than
since these are readily exchanged, and of value to many.


Exactly. Concepts, and the templates for replicators. (Replicators are
universal production machines that can make anything.)


I doubt we will ever be able to communicate with an alien species enough for
practical purposes, but if in the distant future people colonize other
stars, I can well imagine a stream of data between the other stars and our
solar system. It would include things such as:


News  gossip


Scientific research


Patents and intellectual property


Replicator templates for everything from new machines and recent works of
art, to new kinds of food, ready-to-eat meals, and possibly new species or
important people. If another Einstein is born on Alpha centauri they may
send us a copy of him.


Novels, movies





It is a little difficult to imagine how we might pay for this kind of
trade. How could this be a commercial transaction in any sense? Do you
wire transfer money to people you can never have physical contact with you?
I assume that a spaceship will take decades or centuries to reach even the
closest star. What is the point of sending valuable physical objects or
currency to someone's great-great grandchild? Would you fax them a check?
How would they cash it, with what organization? Who would keep track of the
balance, and why? Would you send them a barrel of currency? Why not send
them one dollar in a replicator template and tell them to reproduce it.


Actually, cash money will soon be rendered useless and ridiculous by
replication machines here on earth. Within a few centuries we will be able
to make perfect copies of currency, and probably diamonds or even gold
coins, if we learn to transmute elements. I have heard that a good computer
scanner and printer can already make a counterfeit dollar bill that fools a
change machine or a MARTA ticket machine.


Anyway, such trade will be useful for stars within ~30 light years. After
that, the new technology will be old, and the news will be history. See
chapter 10 of Profiles, Space, the Unconquerable



[Interstellar] space can be mapped and crossed and occupied without
definable limit; but it can never be conquered. When our race has reached
its ultimate achievements, and the stars themselves are scattered no more
widely than the seed of Adam, even then we shall still be like ants crawling
on the face of the Earth. The ants have covered the world, but have they
conquered it -- for what do their countless colonies know of it, or of each

So it will be with us as we spread outward from Mother Earth, loosening the
bonds of kinship and understand-ing, hearing faint and belated rumors at
second -- or third -- or thousandth-hand of an ever-dwindling fraction of
the entire human race. Though Earth will try to keep in touch with her
children, in the end all the efforts of her archivists and historians will
be defeated by time and distance, and the sheer bulk of material. For the
number of distinct societies or nations, when our race is twice its present
age, may be far greater than the total number of all the men who have ever
lived up to the present time.


- Jed


Re: [Vo]:Aliens Favour Romney

2012-10-25 Thread Jed Rothwell wrote:

 BTW such a system will effectively have to wait at least until FTL
 communications are achieved.

I'm with St. Albert on this. I doubt that FTL communication or travel is
possible. Anyway, what I wrote is predicated on that assumption.

 Actual interstellar travel will be rare . . .

Even the concept of barter is cloudy when there is physical contact
between the parties. It is hard to imagine a television producer on Earth

I've had it with those people at Alpha centauri! We sent them five
miniseries last year, and they sent us only one in return. We're not
broadcasting anything more in their direction until they pay up.

Even if the producer felt that way, the programs arriving on earth would
have left Alpha centauri five years earlier, and there would be no way of
knowing how much is in the pipeline. You cut back broadcasts from Earth and
two years later, even before the people at Alpha centauri learn you are
upset, you get 8 broadcasts from them. It would be impossible to coordinate
or balance the books. That's with a star 5 light years away. The ones that
are 20 years away, you get to make one business decision during your entire
career, since it takes 40 years for them to respond to your new marketing
program or your proposed new sales contract. Even 5 years would be
ridiculously slow. In this part of the galaxy stars are no closer than ~5

Really, the only way to work it is to throw the information at them for
free, with no expected benefit or return on investment on your end.

For intellectual property, they sure can't pay royalties. On the other
hand, they can't undersell you or outsource your workforce. Not that there
will be any human workers . . . A civilization capable of interstellar
travel would surely have perfected robots enough to replace all human
workers. Humans would make decisions only.

Really, it is hard to know what humans would do with such advanced
technology. Life may seem pointless, as Orwell pointed out in The Road to
Wigan Pier.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jeff:

 Up in the business sense.

Scrolling down a bit is a new Oct 25 entry, allegedly from Rossi:

 This is what will happen next week:

 The E-CAT is going to be the US election Game Changer.
 Rossi will join Obama in a big press conference declaring the
 end of oil dependence era and a new energy technology birth
 which will save our world

In Rossi's dreams.

or else... Obama! Tread very carefully here!

Said differently: Fasten your seat belts. We're in for a bumpy ride.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Aliens Favour Romney

2012-10-25 Thread Daniel Rocha
Maybe they should research how Europe traded with Asia before the telegraph.

2012/10/25 Jed Rothwell

 I've had it with those people at Alpha centauri! We sent them five
 miniseries last year, and they sent us only one in return. We're not
 broadcasting anything more in their direction until they pay up.

 - Jed

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:Aliens Favour Romney

2012-10-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
I meant to say:

Even the concept of barter is cloudy when there is *NO* physical contact
between the parties.

Or when it is delayed by many human generations. I am assuming the human
lifetime is not extended much beyond 80 to 100 years.

I suppose there would be some physical contact. Hundreds of years after a
colony is set up at Alpha centauri, there might be new groups people on
Earth who want to go there, perhaps because they like the culture. They
might set out on a 80-year trip, in suspended animation, or in an arc where
their grandchildren arrive.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Oops! Just to be clear on this point, Rossi did NOT say that. He did
NOT say he has a planned press conference with Obama. That was pure
speculation. I should have read the statement more mroe clearly.

My apologies.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Aliens Favour Romney

2012-10-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Daniel Rocha wrote:

Maybe they should research how Europe traded with Asia before the telegraph.

Exactly! That was a similar situation in the 17th and early 18th century,
where trade took a year or two for anything to happen. The European trade
with Japan was awkward to conduct. Very profitable, but awkward.

By the late 18th can 19th centuries ships were much faster and safer.

In the 16th century there was a kind of reverse life-insurance offered to
people going to Asia and the Americas. I recall a reference to it in one
of Shakespeare's plays. You pay some amount to a broker. If you manage to
return within 10 years, the broker pays you back far more than you paid in.
The expectation was that you would not return.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 10:24 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:
 Oops! Just to be clear on this point, Rossi did NOT say that. He did
 NOT say he has a planned press conference with Obama. That was pure
 speculation. I should have read the statement more mroe clearly.

Reading further:

Except that he will join Romney. Don’t you remember…

“Dear Dr Rossi,
I am reading some of Ayn Rand’s works and now I think I better
understand your philosophy. Could I be right?

Best regards,

Andrea Rossi
January 23rd, 2012 at 10:00 AM

Dear Antonella:
Could be. In “Addio Kira” the individuals are seen as bearers of a
specific light from God that cannot melt in a system but has the duty
to give a specific contribution to the system. In her is evident the
reaction to the massification demanded from the bolscevism, anyway I
share that phylosophy, in a certain sense, yes.
Warm regards,

So Rossi is an Objectivist.

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez:


 So Rossi is an Objectivist.

Hmmm. This is going to take a while for me to read up on. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 10:38 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:
 Terry sez:


 So Rossi is an Objectivist.

 Hmmm. This is going to take a while for me to read up on. ;-)

His specific reference:

Re: [Vo]:A little more positive article on Cold Fusion from Gibbs

2012-10-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

Well, Mr. Gibbs, while I appreciate your reporting on Defkalion, you
 continue to confuse and conflate two separate issues.

 1. The reality of cold fusion as a physical phenomenon.
 2. The existence of practical applications.


Reliably reproducible is not a requirement for scientific validation of a

That is true. It is important. It is often overlooked by skeptics, who
should know better. Beaudette pointed to the example of cloning mammals
which used to work 0.1% of the time, yet no one doubted that mammals can be

 However, the reality of cold fusion does not equal practical application.
 The effect has been extremely difficult to control.

Exactly. And as I keep saying, *if* the problem of control is solved,
everything else will soon follow. Granted, that's a big if. There is no
telling whether it will be solved, or when. That mainly depends on funding,
and there has not been any funding for 15 years. There is a little now.

Without sustained funding, the problem of control may never be solved. Cold
fusion might remain a laboratory curiosity for hundreds of years. It might
well be forgotten. Failure is always an option.

I think that with control, commercialization is a sure thing, because we
know for sure the reaction can produce enough heat and power density to
melt ceramic proton conductors (for example). I think Abd disagrees with me
about that.

I think that Rossi did actually demonstrate 16 kW reactions in January
2011. I think fraud is so unlikely it is not worth worrying about. However,
he did not seem to have the reaction under control. It seems the reactor
came close to catastrophic overheating, with a surge from 16 kW to some
much higher value. I have no idea whether he now has better control or not.

It must be emphasized that a reactor which produces 16 kW for a while and
then suddenly begins producing over 100 kW has absolutely NO COMMERCIAL
VALUE. It is terribly dangerous! It could easily kill someone. As a
demonstration, it has no more value than a 100 W reactor would have. You
would have to be crazy to begin mass producing 16 kW reactors that
sometimes go out of control and begin producing 100 kW or more.

- Jed

[Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread ChemE Stewart
I trust Rossi more than Obama as he appears to have achieved some
measurable positive results in less than 4 years :)

On Thursday, October 25, 2012, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

 Oops! Just to be clear on this point, Rossi did NOT say that. He did
 NOT say he has a planned press conference with Obama. That was pure
 speculation. I should have read the statement more mroe clearly.

 My apologies.

 Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:A little more positive article on Cold Fusion from Gibbs

2012-10-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Alain Sepeda wrote:

 As far as i know, NiH heat anomaly was known sine 89 with some ignored
 experience by Piantelli.
 in 93 I have been reading among the thousands of abstracts on CF, few
 results about NiH , yet like everybody of that time I took them as minors...

It was not ignored. Many people made sincere, sustained efforts to
replicate Ni-H. Most of them failed. A few succeed in producing minor
effects, close to the noise. These might have been experimental error.
The consensus was that power density was inherently low for some unknown
reason. Pd-D continued to look like a better research tool. The original
Mills/Thermacore paper shows something like 50 W coming from a tremendous
mass of Ni, enough to fill a large garbage can.

People were unable to replicate Piantelli.

When Rossi applied the Arata nano-particle technique to Ni, he succeeded in
producing much higher power density. That was a game changer as they say
in politics. Rossi deserves a great deal of credit for that. He made one of
the most important contributions to the field. It may seem like a small
step, applying Arata's idea to another material, but it is actually a giant
leap because:

1. It is lot harder to accomplish than it sounds. I can summarize it in a
single sentence, apply the Arata technique to nickel but that describes
years of effort.

2. There must be thousand of permutations and combinations of techniques
that might be tried, and that seem promising. We could have hundreds of
different research groups spending a billion dollars a year trying them
out, one after the other. Rossi somehow knew which one to try. He ignored
all the other potential variations and went right to one that turned out to
be very promising.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread James Bowery
An unequivocal acceptance of cold fusion by the establishment (say, GE
comes out in full support of Rossi) next week would more likely inure to
the benefit of Romney than Obama given the vicious role government has
played in opposing cold fusion, Romney's statemet in support of cold fusion
research (however ignorant it was of the definition of cold fusion) and
Obama's manifest idiocy in picking winners in the energy field.

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 9:24 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

 Oops! Just to be clear on this point, Rossi did NOT say that. He did
 NOT say he has a planned press conference with Obama. That was pure
 speculation. I should have read the statement more mroe clearly.

 My apologies.

 Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:A little more positive article on Cold Fusion from Gibbs

2012-10-25 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-10-25 17:05, Jed Rothwell wrote:

1. It is lot harder to accomplish than it sounds. I can summarize it in
a single sentence, apply the Arata technique to nickel but that
describes years of effort.

This might sound like a naive question, but isn't the Arata technique 
documented? And if it isn't, why it isn't?

As long as recipes that work remain secret or purposely badly 
described, people will have to reinvent the wheel each time, resulting 
in delays of the scientific acceptance of the effect and the technology 
to the market.


[Vo]:Hypothetical 'quantum harmonic oscillator' not so hypothetical

2012-10-25 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint


NOTE that the quantum in this case is 50meV (small 'm').


-Mark Iverson


-  now to quote excerpts from the article --

Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory have
found that nitrogen atoms in the compound uranium nitride exhibit
unexpected, distinct vibrations that form a nearly ideal realization of a
physics textbook model known as the isotropic quantum harmonic oscillator. 


In the experiment on the uranium nitride crystal-with each of the light
nitrogen atoms centered in a cage of heavier uranium atoms-neutron
scattering at ORNL's Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) revealed an unexpected
series of distinct and evenly spaced oscillations: The nitrogen atom
vibrates like a molecular-level ball on a spring.


Students of physics are familiar with this idealized quantum 'mass on a
spring,' but it is very unexpected to find such a precise literal version of
this theoretical model in a real experiment, said Steve Nagler, director of
ORNL's Quantum Condensed Matter Division of the Neutron Sciences Directorate
and a co-author on the paper, published in the journal Nature


The new data, obtained using SNS's wide angular-range chopper spectrometer
(ARCS) and fine-resolution Fermi chopper spectrometer (SEQUOIA) instruments,
revealed up to 10 equally spaced energy levels [quantized in 50 meV lumps]
corresponding to oscillations of individual nitrogen atoms in different
quantum states. The team was astonished to find this series of high-energy
vibrational modes in uranium nitride-particularly in an experiment that
originally set out to investigate magnetism in the material.


We learn about the quantum harmonic oscillator in undergraduate physics
courses, but you never believe you will find such a good example in nature,
said Adam Aczel, a postdoctoral fellow within the Quantum Condensed Matter
Division and lead author on the paper.

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread Jeff Berkowitz
My own guess is that this comment will end up being another overwhelming
promise followed by another underwhelming delivery. It just seems to be a
pattern common to Mr. Rossi. I hope I'm wrong.

Again, I'm trying to play the dispassionate commentator here. I have no
position on whether he has anything, whether there will be commercial
significance, etc. There just isn't enough information. I don't know is
an excellent answer to most questions, especially when it's true.


On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 8:12 AM, James Bowery wrote:

 An unequivocal acceptance of cold fusion by the establishment (say, GE
 comes out in full support of Rossi) next week would more likely inure to
 the benefit of Romney than Obama given the vicious role government has
 played in opposing cold fusion, Romney's statemet in support of cold fusion
 research (however ignorant it was of the definition of cold fusion) and
 Obama's manifest idiocy in picking winners in the energy field.

 On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 9:24 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

 Oops! Just to be clear on this point, Rossi did NOT say that. He did
 NOT say he has a planned press conference with Obama. That was pure
 speculation. I should have read the statement more mroe clearly.

 My apologies.

 Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Aliens Favour Romney

2012-10-25 Thread Harry Veeder
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 10:22 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:
 Maybe they should research how Europe traded with Asia before the telegraph.

Some of the trading occurred indirectly through intermediaries.


 2012/10/25 Jed Rothwell

 I've had it with those people at Alpha centauri! We sent them five
 miniseries last year, and they sent us only one in return. We're not
 broadcasting anything more in their direction until they pay up.

 - Jed

 Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started

2012-10-25 Thread Chuck Sites
Good Luck with the new experiments David.  I think you will see some
interesting effects.   Regarding the sparks and light flashes, I ran across
a paper that describes an  spark effect, but it was seen in the 100-140Volt
range.  Horace Heffner describes it in his paper;

It could be that the local electric potential is large enough that the
sparkle effect happens.

Anyway, with the AC, do try the DC pre-charging.   If there is a true LENR
effect, I would think this is one of the better ways of see it.The
pre-charging  might allow coating of the cupronickel with B2O3 which Mile's
hints was one method of rapid LENR in his youtube video.   In addition, as
Storm's has suggested, you might pre-fill the lattice dislocations.   Once
the AC begins, hopefully you will see a robust heating effect.  With AC,
you should see the  Na2[B4O5(OH)4] oscillating back and forth, and swarms
of H+ push through the Cu-Ni B4O5(OH)4 surface.   I found some old notes,
that indicated in DC, the green salts could be CuB2O3 and darker salts as
NiB2O3.   See if you can spot a glow too.   Maybe it's Cherenkov radiation.

Anyway, Have fun.  It's been interesting to see how much more bizarre this
little experiment gets.


On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 8:54 PM, David Roberson wrote:

 It is time for a change in my experimentation.  I spent a lot of time and
 energy with the sodium carbonate electrolyte and DC current without being
 able to report any proven excess power.  There is evidence that the Borax
 electrolyte might lead to more definitive results so that is what I began
 using again today.  Earlier I started using Borax after finding that table
 salt was a terribly corrosive material.  I used the Borax for several days
 as it slowly ate away at my positively connected electrodes before I
 decided to go to the sodium carbonate.  I stuck with the sodium carbonate
 for so long since I was mainly concerned about the hydrogen loading of the
 cathode which should have been similar with either electrolyte.

  Today, I rewound a transformer to yield 21 volts AC RMS.  This is an
 ideal way to drive the system with AC since the transformer automatically
 isolates it from the AC mains and leads to a safe experiment.  I am using
 21 volts because that is all I obtained with the transformer core with
 which I started when I placed as many turns as possible (36) in the
 secondary slot with the wire size that was convenient.  I was worried that
 this might not be enough voltage, but found that I could still drive the
 cell with between 1 and 2 amps RMS depending upon the spacing between the

  The joule losses within the transformer are quite low and it is in no
 danger of overheating.  The cell is receiving around 40 watts of power
 which is within reason.  I am using a Pyrex dish for my cell, the same one
 that I have been using for several days.  It is open and wide so the cell
 temperature is fairly low due to large heat loss.  I am curious as to
 whether or not I get the strange sparks that seemed so prevalent with my
 earlier DC system.  I have noticed that there is a lot less gas being
 released at the electrodes due to the AC drive current.

  The AC drive current does not appear to cause the green deposits that
 were so evident with the DC current.  I initially allowed the green mess to
 be plated upon one of the test nickels attached to the positive DC supply
 connection.  After a period of time the green material was shaken off and a
 dark deposit replaced it as the current increased.  I do not know what
 material is plating that nickel, but it allows for good conductivity.  I
 placed my old reliable nickel on the other electrode for the AC testing.
  The poor nickel has been undergoing electrolysis for many days, has been
 heated red hot and quenched 5 times, has been soaked in a mild acid for a
 couple of days, and then sanded to roughen its surface.  I am not sure what
 else I can do to make it more miserable!


RE: [Vo]:Hypothetical 'quantum harmonic oscillator' not so hypothetical

2012-10-25 Thread Jones Beene

From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 




NOTE that the quantum in this case is 50meV (small 'm').


Even so, if it were 50meV of actual gain per atom, which it isn't, then a
mole of the nitrogen oscillations gives one a pretty impressive coherent
wiggle. Not to mention. being coherent, the radiation could be useful for
certain things - and it would not be a surprise if this will be or has been
considered for  . well . cough, cough . maybe an n-ray laser :-)


Talk about making a mountain out of molehill..



Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Jeff:

 My own guess is that this comment will end up being another overwhelming
 promise followed by another underwhelming delivery. It just seems to be a
 pattern common to Mr. Rossi. I hope I'm wrong.

That does seem to be Rossi's prior track record - to constantly
titillate his audience.

I put a lot of credence in Vort speculation that states the fact that
the principal LENR problem is a lack of adequate control over the
reaction. Without proper controls commercialization will be

Likewise, it would seem that many skeptics have now redrawn the line
in the sand. They now seem to conveniently focus their criticisms on
claiming the fact that the LENR reaction is not commercially
practical. Well, of course it isn't commercially practical, in its
present incarnations.

Neither were the first integrated circuits:

...such as shown here next developer Jack Kilby. If government
support, (such as from the DoD's own self-interest objectives) hadn't
stepped in during the infancy phase of this technology's development
and supported it generously we would not be enjoying the fruits of
their own self-interests.

I hope that 20 or 30 years from now something similar may be said
about the history of LENR technology... with hopefully less emphasis
on the role DoD might initially play.

Steven Vincent Johnson

RE: [Vo]:Hypothetical 'quantum harmonic oscillator' not so hypothetical

2012-10-25 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint

Don't think its 50meV/atom, but the same atom excited to different energy


RE: of mtns and molehills.

.and a butterfly's flapping in California causes a monsoon in India.


From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 9:03 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Hypothetical 'quantum harmonic oscillator' not so



From: MarkI-ZeroPoint 




NOTE that the quantum in this case is 50meV (small 'm').


Even so, if it were 50meV of actual gain per atom, which it isn't, then a
mole of the nitrogen oscillations gives one a pretty impressive coherent
wiggle. Not to mention. being coherent, the radiation could be useful for
certain things - and it would not be a surprise if this will be or has been
considered for  . well . cough, cough . maybe an n-ray laser J


Talk about making a mountain out of molehill..



[Vo]:University of Missouri Acquires Energetics’ LENR Resources

2012-10-25 Thread Alan J Fletcher

University of Missouri Acquires Energetics’ LENR

Oct. 24, 2012 – By Steven B. Krivit –
New Jersey-based Energetics Technologies LLC and its founders appear
to be out of the low-energy nuclear reaction research business.
Their assets are now owned or licensed by the University of Missouri. Two
of the senior Energetics scientists, plus two more-recently hired
Energetics researchers, are continuing LENR research as employees of the
University of Missouri.
[ rest behind paywall ]

( -- analyzing the Rossi/Focardi eCat -- and the
defkalion hyperion -- Hi, google!)

Re: [Vo]:A little more positive article on Cold Fusion from Gibbs

2012-10-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
Akira Shirakawa wrote:

 This might sound like a naive question, but isn't the Arata technique
 documented? And if it isn't, why it isn't?

First, Arata's technique is documented, but not well according to some
people. He tends to keep secrets.

Second, when I said Rossi applied the technique, I meant that loosely.
Arata was working with Pd nanoparticles loaded with deuterium gas. He first
used pure Pd, and later various mixtures. Rossi is working with Ni loaded
with H. Rossi says he added two secret ingredients to the metal.

I meant that Rossi decided to try gas loading of nanoparticles. The actual
details of the two systems are quite different.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread Alan J Fletcher

At 09:05 AM 10/25/2012, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:
That does seem to be Rossi's prior track record - to constantly 
titillate his audience.

Many of his commercial hints have failed to materialize, or have 
fizzled (big US company etc ..) -- but most of his technical hints 
have materialized in one form or another. 

Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started

2012-10-25 Thread David Roberson
Thanks Chuck, the experimentation has been going on now for a couple of days 
and I did notice unusual behavior that I was not expecting.  I performed a 
small experiment using AC with new nickels that had not been undergoing 
electrolysis at any time and saw that they did not show any of the green 
coating that was so evident with DC.  Instead, there was a jet black coating 
being formed upon the nickels.  Then, I applied DC to my cell and a green 
coating began to form over top of the previous black coating upon the nickel 
connected to the positive terminal.  I allowed this process to continue for a 
few hours and then scraped off the net coating to get a orange copperish 
looking finish where the old coatings were.  This finish has a rough appearance.

So far the bottom line is that AC drive behaves far differently than DC drive 
in this system.  I can definitely see boiling electrolyte temperatures between 
the two nickels with AC drive while far fewer bubbles of gas are released by 
the active mechanisms as compared to DC drive.  With AC, the effective 
resistance of the combination remains much lower than with DC current.  The 
high resistance appears to correspond with the deposition of the green coating 
that follows DC current flow.

My present transformer will not allow me to achieve the 100-140 volt drive 
levels so that would have to be achieved by some other means.  I have a few 
ideas regarding the use of an adjustable transformer, but that would be 
difficult to handle.  I do not feel comfortable with direct connection by 
metallic path to the AC mains.  It would be too easy to become electrocuted 
with one careless maneuver.

My AC RMS voltage is 21 volts for these tests so the resistance must remain 
less than 10 ohms between the terminals if I am to drive the system with 2 amps 
of current.  I am able to achieve this goal without too much difficulty when 
the green coating is absent.  I need to perform more experimentation with this 

The salts you suspect are interesting.  Do you suspect that the normal oxides 
of the nickel and copper are suppressed?  Also, I am not aware of any visual 
change to the surface of the nickel if hydrogen has entered.  Would anyone 
expect a color change or other indication when this happens?

I would love to see the glow that Horace mentions and perhaps that day will 
come when I figure a good way to drive the cell in a safe manner.  It is 
apparent that I will need to pre-charge the nickels before applying the full 
voltage unless I want to melt my experiment.  If I used my typical resistance 
of 10 ohms and set the input AC to 100 volts RMS, I would generate 1000 watts 
of power at a current of 10 amps.

I wonder if the sparks I saw with the sodium carbonate were somehow related to 
the glow mentioned by Horace.  My results were correlated with the open circuit 
voltage rising toward 50 volts as it attempted to maintain the current at a 
constant level.  The sparks suggest to me some form of burning mechanism and I 
got a large dose of the vapor by accident once when watching the phenomena too 
closely.  It was a strong odor that I hope is not carcinogenic.  The smoke I 
breathed was definitely not water vapor.

Chuck, have you given consideration to some process that might treat the CuB2O3 
or NiB2O3 differently so that the copper might be taken away from the nickel 
surface selectively?  It might be possible to selectively erode the copper 
leaving NAE in large quantities.


P.S. AC in my posting is standard line frequency in the US which is 60 hertz.

-Original Message-
From: Chuck Sites
To: vortex-l
Sent: Thu, Oct 25, 2012 12:02 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started

Good Luck with the new experiments David.  I think you will see some 
interesting effects.   Regarding the sparks and light flashes, I ran across a 
paper that describes an  spark effect, but it was seen in the 100-140Volt 
range.  Horace Heffner describes it in his paper;

It could be that the local electric potential is large enough that the sparkle 
effect happens.  

Anyway, with the AC, do try the DC pre-charging.   If there is a true LENR 
effect, I would think this is one of the better ways of see it.The 
pre-charging  might allow coating of the cupronickel with B2O3 which Mile's 
hints was one method of rapid LENR in his youtube video.   In addition, as 
Storm's has suggested, you might pre-fill the lattice dislocations.   Once the 
AC begins, hopefully you will see a robust heating effect.  With AC, you should 
see the  Na2[B4O5(OH)4] oscillating back and forth, and swarms of H+ push 
through the Cu-Ni B4O5(OH)4 surface.   I found some old notes, that indicated 
in DC, the green salts could be CuB2O3 and darker salts as NiB2O3.   See if you 
can spot a glow too.   Maybe it's Cherenkov radiation.   

Anyway, Have fun.  It's been interesting 

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Alan:

 That does seem to be Rossi's prior track record - to constantly titillate
 his audience.

 Many of his commercial hints have failed to materialize, or have fizzled
 (big US company etc ..) -- but most of his technical hints have
 materialized in one form or another.

Here's a perfect example of Rossi-speak when it comes to a long list
of commercially-based antics:

 E-Cat Weekly -- January 5, 2012 - This past week saw at least 80
 stories on the web, 4 from mainstream news, regarding Andrea
 Rossi's E-Cat powered by LENR or cold fusion. The hottest theme was
 Rossi's assertion that he is in discussion with Home Depot to
 distribute 1 million home heat units this Autumn for less than
 $2,000 USD. Reality will probably dictate a longer time-line.
 (PESN; January 5, 2012)

Well, it's now Autumn... and, oh, by the way, our water heater sprung
a leak over the weekend. Time to replace the old monster. Tonight I'm
headed for Sears to price another natural gas water heater,
particularly since I'm aware of no Rossi-LENR models. ;-)

It's no wonder skeptics and debunkers consider Rossi to be nothing but
a comical charlatan.

For those who find the above skeptical stance a bit too
over-simplified for the reality of the situation, Rossi gives them
(myself included) the impression that he has uncovered a
little-understood LENR heat-generating process. He had steadfastly
attempted to personally capitalize on his discovery, but all on his
own recognizance. The problem, as many Vorts see it, is that Rossi has
repeatedly shown what appears to be a maniacal (almost comical)
unwillingness to let others into his protective sphere of influence,
individuals who long ago could have assisted him in figuring out how
to better control the mysterious LENR reactions in a safe and reliable
manner. I gather Rossi has repeatedly ended up frustrating the hell
out of many well-intentioned individuals, organizations and companies
who sincerely wanted to help out - if not to share a little in a slice
of the pie. Rossi seems to want the pie all for himself, but may end
up with most of it on his face.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread Jed Rothwell
OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

 Well, it's now Autumn... and, oh, by the way, our water heater sprung
 a leak over the weekend. Time to replace the old monster.

Be sure you check the water pressure regulator. I did not do that last time
and new heater soon sprang a leak. This time I had a plumber do everything

 It's no wonder skeptics and debunkers consider Rossi to be nothing but
 a comical charlatan.

Yup. But I agree with Alan Fletcher that Rossi does tend to come through on
his technical hints. His track record is remarkably good. His flamboyant
personality gets in the way and we fail to notice this.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Jed sez:


 ...I agree with Alan Fletcher that Rossi does tend to come
 through on his technical hints. His track record is remarkably
 good. His flamboyant personality gets in the way and we fail
 to notice this.

Rossi is what what Rossi does. ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread Craig

On 10/25/2012 03:33 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Yup. But I agree with Alan Fletcher that Rossi does tend to come 
through on his technical hints. His track record is remarkably good. 
His flamboyant personality gets in the way and we fail to notice this.

He's also really good at sticking to a schedule, which is a trait that 
most RD companies lack. He told us back in January, 2011, that he would 
build a 1 mw plant for delivery in October, and he stuck to it. This 
tells me that he has experience managing large projects and sticking to 
a tight schedule and budget. This demonstrates competence and is not a 
trait in con artists. It's one of the more credible parts of his 


Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started

2012-10-25 Thread Jack Cole
Dear Dave,

You wrote:
Chuck, have you given consideration to some process that might treat the
CuB2O3 or NiB2O3 differently so that the copper might be taken away from
the nickel surface selectively?  It might be possible to selectively erode
the copper leaving NAE in large quantities.

I think you can get this with the oxidization process with using a nickel
as the anode with DC for a couple of hours to form the green oxidized
copper.  The green oxidized copper can then be burned off with a torch.

My approach has been to first use the nicked as an anode for 1 to 2 hours.
 Burn off the oxidized copper with a torch.  Then slow treat with hydrogen
as the cathode and low current DC for a few days.  Then switch to AC.

With respect to the B2O3, I've found that most of this will burn off.  But
I have some that simply melted into a transparent clear blob adhering to
some of the surfaces of the nickels.

Take care,

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 2:10 PM, David Roberson wrote:

 Thanks Chuck, the experimentation has been going on now for a couple of
 days and I did notice unusual behavior that I was not expecting.  I
 performed a small experiment using AC with new nickels that had not been
 undergoing electrolysis at any time and saw that they did not show any of
 the green coating that was so evident with DC.  Instead, there was a jet
 black coating being formed upon the nickels.  Then, I applied DC to my cell
 and a green coating began to form over top of the previous black coating
 upon the nickel connected to the positive terminal.  I allowed this process
 to continue for a few hours and then scraped off the net coating to get a
 orange copperish looking finish where the old coatings were.  This finish
 has a rough appearance.

  So far the bottom line is that AC drive behaves far differently than DC
 drive in this system.  I can definitely see boiling electrolyte
 temperatures between the two nickels with AC drive while far fewer bubbles
 of gas are released by the active mechanisms as compared to DC drive.  With
 AC, the effective resistance of the combination remains much lower than
 with DC current.  The high resistance appears to correspond with the
 deposition of the green coating that follows DC current flow.

  My present transformer will not allow me to achieve the 100-140 volt
 drive levels so that would have to be achieved by some other means.  I have
 a few ideas regarding the use of an adjustable transformer, but that would
 be difficult to handle.  I do not feel comfortable with direct connection
 by metallic path to the AC mains.  It would be too easy to become
 electrocuted with one careless maneuver.

  My AC RMS voltage is 21 volts for these tests so the resistance must
 remain less than 10 ohms between the terminals if I am to drive the system
 with 2 amps of current.  I am able to achieve this goal without too much
 difficulty when the green coating is absent.  I need to perform more
 experimentation with this combination.

  The salts you suspect are interesting.  Do you suspect that the normal
 oxides of the nickel and copper are suppressed?  Also, I am not aware of
 any visual change to the surface of the nickel if hydrogen has entered.
  Would anyone expect a color change or other indication when this happens?

  I would love to see the glow that Horace mentions and perhaps that day
 will come when I figure a good way to drive the cell in a safe manner.  It
 is apparent that I will need to pre-charge the nickels before applying the
 full voltage unless I want to melt my experiment.  If I used my typical
 resistance of 10 ohms and set the input AC to 100 volts RMS, I would
 generate 1000 watts of power at a current of 10 amps.

  I wonder if the sparks I saw with the sodium carbonate were somehow
 related to the glow mentioned by Horace.  My results were correlated with
 the open circuit voltage rising toward 50 volts as it attempted to maintain
 the current at a constant level.  The sparks suggest to me some form of
 burning mechanism and I got a large dose of the vapor by accident once when
 watching the phenomena too closely.  It was a strong odor that I hope is
 not carcinogenic.  The smoke I breathed was definitely not water vapor.

  Chuck, have you given consideration to some process that might treat the
 CuB2O3 or NiB2O3 differently so that the copper might be taken away from
 the nickel surface selectively?  It might be possible to selectively erode
 the copper leaving NAE in large quantities.


  P.S. AC in my posting is standard line frequency in the US which is 60

 -Original Message-
 From: Chuck Sites
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Thu, Oct 25, 2012 12:02 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started

  Good Luck with the new experiments David.  I think you will see some
 interesting effects.   Regarding the sparks and light flashes, I ran across
 a paper that describes an  spark effect, but it was 

Re: [Vo]:Quantum Energy Converter

2012-10-25 Thread mixent
In reply to  Ron Kita's message of Thu, 25 Oct 2012 13:17:48 -0400:
Greetings Vortex-L,

I don t think that I saw the QEC posted here before:

Ron Kita, Chiralex

IOW this is a form of diode, which as I have stated many times on this list,
should be able to rectify thermal noise currents, converting them into DC, which
is the electrical equivalent of absolute zero temperature. In short, a diode can
act as a thermal sink close to absolute zero, and hence convert ambient thermal
energy into DC electrical power.

BTW a somewhat more mundane example is evaporation of water, where only the most
energetic molecules have enough energy to break the hydrogen bonds that keep
water liquid. Evaporation thus separates the hottest molecules from the rest,
and is also a form of Maxwell Demon. Once the work of separation has been done,
very little effort is required to remove those hot molecules from the proximity
of the surface, so that they can't return to it. This results in the remaining
liquid dropping in temperature. The effect is known as wind chill.


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:New paper by Storms and Scanlan

2012-10-25 Thread Axil Axil
Reference:  Self-organized atomic nanowires of noble metals on Ge(001):
Atomic structure and electronic properties

New techniques in fabricating cracks (quasi-one-dimensional (1D)
structures) in noble metals (Palladium might work) have been achieved that
may make scientific analysis more tractable in the area of radiation
production through hydrogen loading in a palladium lattice.

Atomic structures of quasi-one-dimensional (1D) character can be grown on
semiconductor substrates by metal adsorption. Significant progress
concerning study of their 1D character has been achieved recently by
condensing noble metal atoms on the Ge(001) surface. In particular, Pt and
Au yield high quality reconstructions with low defect densities. We
reported on the self-organized growth and the long-range order achieved,
and present data from scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) on the structural

For Pt/Ge(001), we find hot substrate growth is the preferred method for
self-organization. These atomic wires exhibit metallic conduction at room
temperature, as documented by low-bias STM.

For the recently discovered Au/Ge(001) nanowires, they now have developed a
deposition technique that allows complete substrate coverage.

The Au nanowires are extremely well separated spatially, exhibit a
continuous 1D charge density, and are of solid metallic conductance. In
this review we present structural details for both types of nanowires, and
discuss similarities and differences.

A perspective is given for their potential to host a one-dimensional
electron system. The ability to condense different noble metal nanowires
demonstrates how atomic control of the structure affects the electronic

In reducing the size to the single-atom scale, and specifically by
constructing two-dimensional (2D) and even uasi-one-dimensional (1D)
structures, the physics of the electronic charge carriers will change
dramatically. In particular, one is used to a description of the electron
states within the Fermi liquid picture.

Also, one is familiar with treatments of phase transitions within the
mean-field theory. The latter, e.g., is used successfully to describe the
conventional superconducting ground state of metals within the BCS

However, in turning to material systems that are essentially 1D in nature,
there is indication that these scenarios do no longer apply.

With nearly 1D properties, this newly fabricated nano-material lets us
expect rather strong interactions of electrons and lattice, owing to a
reduction of electrostatic screening. Specifically, the 1D nature of the
electron system can be responsible for the occurrence of a charge density
wave (CDW), implying a metal-insulator transition for the electron band

This now offers us an opportunity to study unusual physics that results
from the predicted breakdown of the Fermi liquid picture. The physics of
charged particles: electrons and protons in low dimension topoligy is
dramatically different from that encountered in conventional
three-dimensional bulk metals, and solid state theory predicts exotic
many-body scenarios. Most prominent for 1D systems is the emergence of the
so-called Luttinger liquid, which results from a decoupling of the spin
and charge degrees of freedom.

In a friendly suggestion and in order to atone for my misreading of Ed
Storms latest paper, Mr. Storms among other workers would be well served to
build some of these palladium nanowires and load them with protons from
ionized hydrogen. These lattice structures are well ordered; demonstrating
high regularity which makes them an ideal target for analysis.

In addition, this week, researchers have discovered that electrons flow in
alternating directions and in parallel down within the ridges of this noble
metal nanowire array and not on or in them.

Cheers:  Axil

On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 4:58 PM, Edmund Storms stor...@ix.netcom.comwrote:

 Alan, if you look at the photograph, you see GM#1 on the apparatus, where
 it is clearly shown in the diagram (Fig. 5),  and GM#2 is hanging by a wire
 off to the right , as clearly stated under the photograph.

 GM#2 never detects radiation from the sample but can detect radiation from
 GM#1 when it is activated. (Fig. 13)

 The GM used were the only ones available at the time. We never expected
 the mica to be activated. Now that we know this, we are doing what is
 obvious to everyone. However, as I clearly state, this is a progress report
 being published to alert people to the strange behavior.


 On Oct 23, 2012, at 1:13 PM, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

  At 11:26 AM 10/23/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 I uploaded a version of this paper with some 

Re: [Vo]:Mark Gibbs asks for recommended papers and experiments

2012-10-25 Thread Alan J Fletcher

At 11:36 AM 10/21/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Mark Gibbs

I don't have the time to review the huge amount of literature you
people have already looked at ...

I'm still willing to do some leg-work on this (I'm collecting links, and
will order Ed Storms' book) -- but meanwhile, I suggest you look at ONE
presentation from ICCF-17 (with rather impeccable
credentials) :

which I'll summarize as :
a) Cold Fusion is REAL science (though the method is unexplained)
b) They attempted and failed to disprove there is excess power
c) LARGE excess power in 5% of experiments
c) Excess power  (MUCH GREATER THAN) stored chemical energy 
d) In one run they got a gain of ~40X (MORE than the 6 Rossi, or the 20
Defkalion is claiming)
e) Potentially useful level of excess power! 

Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started -- Sodium + Epsom Salts explosion

2012-10-25 Thread Alan J Fletcher

Another warning on electrolysis and stuff p64
During sodium metal dissolution in aqueous Epsom salts, it was
accidentally discovered that a massive explosion occurs in 0.85 M
Epsom solution on the completion of Na dissolution. ...
However, at the end of Na dissolution, i.e., 30 s after Na addition, an
intense and massive
explosion occurred, accompanied with Na aerosol release and a shock wave
as well as vaporization of Borosil glass
beaker containing salt solution. The explosion attracted the attention of
everyone in the building due to its high intensity,
even people in rooms far from the one where the experiment was carried
out. Molten glass needles flew all around,
making holes too small to be seen with the naked eye in two plastic water
bottles at two different locations about 2 m
from the explosion. I was standing 4–5 m from the cell when it exploded.
The needles scratched my hand. Borosil
glass vaporizes at temperatures 1000°C. This fact indicates that a
very high temperature has indeed been reached
in this experiment. The timing of the explosion (20–25 s after Na
addition) is prima facie evidence that hydrogen
somehow got trapped in the solution. A normal hydrogen explosion occurs
within 5–10 s after Na addition in dilute
salt solutions, and the intensity of a normal explosion is not sufficient
to vaporize the glass beaker.

Re: [Vo]:Mr. Rossi says something is up at Leonardo

2012-10-25 Thread Alan J Fletcher

Seeing that we have this thread going :
Joseph Fine 

October 25th, 2012 at 1:27 PM 
Andrea Rossi,
You said you will soon provide information about the new 1 MW Hot Cat.

I have not yet made a volume estimate of the Hot-Cat (1 MW). 
But I think the 1 MW Hot Cat will have 90 to 100 modules.
Some one commented on E-Cat World that Apple might buy Leonardo
Corporation and rename the E-Cat the “I-Cat”.
Please say it isn’t so!
Andrea Rossi 

October 25th, 2012 at 2:20 PM 
Dear Dr Joseph Fine:
The Hot Cat will have 72 modules and the whole generator will stay in 1
cubic meter of volume. I suppose.
Very important progree is in course.
About what “might” be: if I might have 6 balls, I could be a
Warmest Regards
Adrian Monk 

October 25th, 2012 at 7:48 AM 
Some comments on E-Catworld are saying (as a joke) that you will light up
Red Square or something similar in US on December 21 2012. That is a joke
to lower the expectation bar for your news next week.
So if it is not that (is it? ) what can we expect next week in terms of
communication to us, fans? A small press release in JONP, a big public
press release or no press release at all because you cannot share the
news being too confidential?
Andrea Rossi 

October 25th, 2012 at 2:24 PM 
Dear Adrian Monk:
Next week we will have no particular communications to make. We are
working very hard here, in the USA.
Warm Regards,

Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started -- Sodium + Epsom Salts explosion

2012-10-25 Thread Chuck Sites
Nice reference Alan,

Yes, I also encourage the basement experimentalist to be-careful with these
experiments.   The boranes (ie. B_x  H_y) can be  toxic, and even
explosive.  B2H4 is rocket fuel.  Throw sodium in the mix, hydrogen and
oxygen, Its like lighting a match.  Chemically.  I ran these types of
experiments for a couple of years and never had any problems.That is
the way I would treat it.  It's not something you would do in you high
school chemistry class, but don't be concerned if a high-school-er does it
(at low voltage!).

Certainly have a Geiger counter handy for the heck of it.  Storms has it
right.   A long period of Geiger counter readings should expose the
phenomena.  What looks like a slight rise or fall certainly could be a low
level fusion signature.

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 6:44 PM, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

  Another warning on electrolysis and stuff  p64 Lakshmanan

 During sodium metal dissolution in aqueous Epsom salts, it was
 accidentally discovered that a massive explosion occurs in 0.85 M
 Epsom solution on the completion of Na dissolution.  ...

 However, at the end of Na dissolution, i.e., 30 s after Na addition, an
 intense and massive
 explosion occurred, accompanied with Na aerosol release and a shock wave
 as well as vaporization of Borosil glass
 beaker containing salt solution. The explosion attracted the attention of
 everyone in the building due to its high intensity,
 even people in rooms far from the one where the experiment was carried
 out. Molten glass needles flew all around,
 making holes too small to be seen with the naked eye in two plastic water
 bottles at two different locations about 2 m
 from the explosion. I was standing 4–5 m from the cell when it exploded.
 The needles scratched my hand. Borosil
 glass vaporizes at temperatures 1000°C. This fact indicates that a very
 high temperature has indeed been reached
 in this experiment. The timing of the explosion (20–25 s after Na
 addition) is prima facie evidence that hydrogen
 somehow got trapped in the solution. A normal hydrogen explosion occurs
 within 5–10 s after Na addition in dilute
 salt solutions, and the intensity of a normal explosion is not sufficient
 to vaporize the glass beaker.

Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started

2012-10-25 Thread Chuck Sites
Jack,  that is just about right.

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Jack Cole wrote:

 Dear Dave,

 You wrote:
 Chuck, have you given consideration to some process that might treat the
 CuB2O3 or NiB2O3 differently so that the copper might be taken away from
 the nickel surface selectively?  It might be possible to selectively erode
 the copper leaving NAE in large quantities.

 I think you can get this with the oxidization process with using a nickel
 as the anode with DC for a couple of hours to form the green oxidized
 copper.  The green oxidized copper can then be burned off with a torch.

 My approach has been to first use the nicked as an anode for 1 to 2 hours.
  Burn off the oxidized copper with a torch.  Then slow treat with hydrogen
 as the cathode and low current DC for a few days.  Then switch to AC.

 With respect to the B2O3, I've found that most of this will burn off.  But
 I have some that simply melted into a transparent clear blob adhering to
 some of the surfaces of the nickels.

 Take care,

 On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 2:10 PM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.comwrote:

 Thanks Chuck, the experimentation has been going on now for a couple of
 days and I did notice unusual behavior that I was not expecting.  I
 performed a small experiment using AC with new nickels that had not been
 undergoing electrolysis at any time and saw that they did not show any of
 the green coating that was so evident with DC.  Instead, there was a jet
 black coating being formed upon the nickels.  Then, I applied DC to my cell
 and a green coating began to form over top of the previous black coating
 upon the nickel connected to the positive terminal.  I allowed this process
 to continue for a few hours and then scraped off the net coating to get a
 orange copperish looking finish where the old coatings were.  This finish
 has a rough appearance.

  So far the bottom line is that AC drive behaves far differently than DC
 drive in this system.  I can definitely see boiling electrolyte
 temperatures between the two nickels with AC drive while far fewer bubbles
 of gas are released by the active mechanisms as compared to DC drive.  With
 AC, the effective resistance of the combination remains much lower than
 with DC current.  The high resistance appears to correspond with the
 deposition of the green coating that follows DC current flow.

  My present transformer will not allow me to achieve the 100-140 volt
 drive levels so that would have to be achieved by some other means.  I have
 a few ideas regarding the use of an adjustable transformer, but that would
 be difficult to handle.  I do not feel comfortable with direct connection
 by metallic path to the AC mains.  It would be too easy to become
 electrocuted with one careless maneuver.

  My AC RMS voltage is 21 volts for these tests so the resistance must
 remain less than 10 ohms between the terminals if I am to drive the system
 with 2 amps of current.  I am able to achieve this goal without too much
 difficulty when the green coating is absent.  I need to perform more
 experimentation with this combination.

  The salts you suspect are interesting.  Do you suspect that the normal
 oxides of the nickel and copper are suppressed?  Also, I am not aware of
 any visual change to the surface of the nickel if hydrogen has entered.
  Would anyone expect a color change or other indication when this happens?

  I would love to see the glow that Horace mentions and perhaps that day
 will come when I figure a good way to drive the cell in a safe manner.  It
 is apparent that I will need to pre-charge the nickels before applying the
 full voltage unless I want to melt my experiment.  If I used my typical
 resistance of 10 ohms and set the input AC to 100 volts RMS, I would
 generate 1000 watts of power at a current of 10 amps.

  I wonder if the sparks I saw with the sodium carbonate were somehow
 related to the glow mentioned by Horace.  My results were correlated with
 the open circuit voltage rising toward 50 volts as it attempted to maintain
 the current at a constant level.  The sparks suggest to me some form of
 burning mechanism and I got a large dose of the vapor by accident once when
 watching the phenomena too closely.  It was a strong odor that I hope is
 not carcinogenic.  The smoke I breathed was definitely not water vapor.

  Chuck, have you given consideration to some process that might treat
 the CuB2O3 or NiB2O3 differently so that the copper might be taken away
 from the nickel surface selectively?  It might be possible to selectively
 erode the copper leaving NAE in large quantities.


  P.S. AC in my posting is standard line frequency in the US which is 60

 -Original Message-
 From: Chuck Sites
 To: vortex-l
 Sent: Thu, Oct 25, 2012 12:02 pm
 Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started

  Good Luck with the new experiments David.  I think you will see some

[Vo]: Great Pyramid was a Hydrogen Resonator?

2012-10-25 Thread ChemE Stewart
Good 12 minute clip


Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started

2012-10-25 Thread David Roberson
That appears like a pretty good process for the nickel.  Jack, I will follow 
your procedure  after I complete a couple of experiments.

I tried something interesting today that I plan to investigate further.  I 
acted like a manual switch for a couple of nickels where I reversed the DC 
current periodically to see how the coatings behaved.   I let current flow 
until the resistance reached about 50 ohms in one direction and then reversed 
the current until the same value was seen in the other direction.  This 
procedure was carried out for about 5 cycles.  Initially, a green coating was 
deposited upon the positively connected nickel which was then flaked off by the 
reverse current.  A significant amount of green material was deposited within 
my electrolyte due to the cyclic coating and flaking.

The AC was then applied and I noticed that very little gas was escaping from 
the electrodes even though a current of 1 to 2 amps was flowing.  The 
resistance remained low during the AC testing which is in process as I write.  
The electrolyte evaporated twice to a level that had to be replenish as typical.

This post is a quick update.


-Original Message-
From: Chuck Sites
To: vortex-l
Sent: Thu, Oct 25, 2012 11:33 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started

Jack,  that is just about right.   

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Jack Cole wrote:

Dear Dave,

You wrote:
Chuck, have you given consideration to some process that might treat the CuB2O3 
or NiB2O3 differently so that the copper might be taken away from the nickel 
surface selectively?  It might be possible to selectively erode the copper 
leaving NAE in large quantities.

I think you can get this with the oxidization process with using a nickel as 
the anode with DC for a couple of hours to form the green oxidized copper.  The 
green oxidized copper can then be burned off with a torch.  

My approach has been to first use the nicked as an anode for 1 to 2 hours.  
Burn off the oxidized copper with a torch.  Then slow treat with hydrogen as 
the cathode and low current DC for a few days.  Then switch to AC.

With respect to the B2O3, I've found that most of this will burn off.  But I 
have some that simply melted into a transparent clear blob adhering to some of 
the surfaces of the nickels.

Take care,

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 2:10 PM, David Roberson wrote:

Thanks Chuck, the experimentation has been going on now for a couple of days 
and I did notice unusual behavior that I was not expecting.  I performed a 
small experiment using AC with new nickels that had not been undergoing 
electrolysis at any time and saw that they did not show any of the green 
coating that was so evident with DC.  Instead, there was a jet black coating 
being formed upon the nickels.  Then, I applied DC to my cell and a green 
coating began to form over top of the previous black coating upon the nickel 
connected to the positive terminal.  I allowed this process to continue for a 
few hours and then scraped off the net coating to get a orange copperish 
looking finish where the old coatings were.  This finish has a rough appearance.

So far the bottom line is that AC drive behaves far differently than DC drive 
in this system.  I can definitely see boiling electrolyte temperatures between 
the two nickels with AC drive while far fewer bubbles of gas are released by 
the active mechanisms as compared to DC drive.  With AC, the effective 
resistance of the combination remains much lower than with DC current.  The 
high resistance appears to correspond with the deposition of the green coating 
that follows DC current flow.

My present transformer will not allow me to achieve the 100-140 volt drive 
levels so that would have to be achieved by some other means.  I have a few 
ideas regarding the use of an adjustable transformer, but that would be 
difficult to handle.  I do not feel comfortable with direct connection by 
metallic path to the AC mains.  It would be too easy to become electrocuted 
with one careless maneuver.

My AC RMS voltage is 21 volts for these tests so the resistance must remain 
less than 10 ohms between the terminals if I am to drive the system with 2 amps 
of current.  I am able to achieve this goal without too much difficulty when 
the green coating is absent.  I need to perform more experimentation with this 

The salts you suspect are interesting.  Do you suspect that the normal oxides 
of the nickel and copper are suppressed?  Also, I am not aware of any visual 
change to the surface of the nickel if hydrogen has entered.  Would anyone 
expect a color change or other indication when this happens?

I would love to see the glow that Horace mentions and perhaps that day will 
come when I figure a good way to drive the cell in a safe manner.  It is 
apparent that I will need to pre-charge the nickels before applying the full 

RE: [Vo]:New Experiment Started

2012-10-25 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint

Sorry if I missed it, but are you using tap water, or distilled/deionized



From: David Roberson [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started


That appears like a pretty good process for the nickel.  Jack, I will follow
your procedure  after I complete a couple of experiments. 


I tried something interesting today that I plan to investigate further.  I
acted like a manual switch for a couple of nickels where I reversed the DC
current periodically to see how the coatings behaved.   I let current flow
until the resistance reached about 50 ohms in one direction and then
reversed the current until the same value was seen in the other direction.
This procedure was carried out for about 5 cycles.  Initially, a green
coating was deposited upon the positively connected nickel which was then
flaked off by the reverse current.  A significant amount of green material
was deposited within my electrolyte due to the cyclic coating and flaking.


The AC was then applied and I noticed that very little gas was escaping from
the electrodes even though a current of 1 to 2 amps was flowing.  The
resistance remained low during the AC testing which is in process as I
write.  The electrolyte evaporated twice to a level that had to be replenish
as typical.


This post is a quick update.



-Original Message-
From: Chuck Sites
To: vortex-l
Sent: Thu, Oct 25, 2012 11:33 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:New Experiment Started

Jack,  that is just about right.   

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Jack Cole wrote:

Dear Dave, 


You wrote:

Chuck, have you given consideration to some process that might treat the
CuB2O3 or NiB2O3 differently so that the copper might be taken away from the
nickel surface selectively?  It might be possible to selectively erode the
copper leaving NAE in large quantities.


I think you can get this with the oxidization process with using a nickel as
the anode with DC for a couple of hours to form the green oxidized copper.
The green oxidized copper can then be burned off with a torch.  


My approach has been to first use the nicked as an anode for 1 to 2 hours.
Burn off the oxidized copper with a torch.  Then slow treat with hydrogen as
the cathode and low current DC for a few days.  Then switch to AC.


With respect to the B2O3, I've found that most of this will burn off.  But I
have some that simply melted into a transparent clear blob adhering to some
of the surfaces of the nickels.


Take care,



On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 2:10 PM, David Roberson wrote:

Thanks Chuck, the experimentation has been going on now for a couple of days
and I did notice unusual behavior that I was not expecting.  I performed a
small experiment using AC with new nickels that had not been undergoing
electrolysis at any time and saw that they did not show any of the green
coating that was so evident with DC.  Instead, there was a jet black coating
being formed upon the nickels.  Then, I applied DC to my cell and a green
coating began to form over top of the previous black coating upon the nickel
connected to the positive terminal.  I allowed this process to continue for
a few hours and then scraped off the net coating to get a orange copperish
looking finish where the old coatings were.  This finish has a rough


So far the bottom line is that AC drive behaves far differently than DC
drive in this system.  I can definitely see boiling electrolyte temperatures
between the two nickels with AC drive while far fewer bubbles of gas are
released by the active mechanisms as compared to DC drive.  With AC, the
effective resistance of the combination remains much lower than with DC
current.  The high resistance appears to correspond with the deposition of
the green coating that follows DC current flow.


My present transformer will not allow me to achieve the 100-140 volt drive
levels so that would have to be achieved by some other means.  I have a few
ideas regarding the use of an adjustable transformer, but that would be
difficult to handle.  I do not feel comfortable with direct connection by
metallic path to the AC mains.  It would be too easy to become electrocuted
with one careless maneuver.


My AC RMS voltage is 21 volts for these tests so the resistance must remain
less than 10 ohms between the terminals if I am to drive the system with 2
amps of current.  I am able to achieve this goal without too much difficulty
when the green coating is absent.  I need to perform more experimentation
with this combination.


The salts you suspect are interesting.  Do you suspect that the normal
oxides of the nickel and copper are suppressed?  Also, I am not aware of any
visual change to the surface of the nickel if hydrogen has entered.  Would
anyone expect a color change or other indication when this