[Vo]:Bremsstrahlung radiation

2016-02-27 Thread H LV
Mathieu Valat of MFMP made this comment on the youtube video

Mathieu Valat14 hours ago
Bob gave a lot of himself in the last week. Big cheers up for this
video! For the record, my friends are retired nuclear scientists. What
they hypothesised is Bremsstrahlung radiation, right of the bat.



[Vo]:Re: Google took me

2016-02-27 Thread Frank Znidarsic

I am not at Google linked below.


Amazon and Barns and Noble.

That's progress

Frank Znidarsic

[Vo]:Google took me

2016-02-27 Thread Frank Znidarsic

-Original Message-
From: Frank Znidarsic 
To: fznidarsic ; charles.reigh 
; rvargo1062 ; howardn44 
; alexgjurich ; schallsm 

Sent: Sat, Feb 27, 2016 5:42 pm
Subject: Re: Google took me

Here is the Google info.  I want to get my address off of it.


-Original Message-
From: Frank Znidarsic 
To: charles.reigh ; rvargo1062 
; howardn44 ; alexgjurich 
; schallsm 
Sent: Sat, Feb 27, 2016 5:33 pm
Subject: Google took me

My products are now at Google.  I have them at Amazon, Barns and Noble, and 

That's three nice companies.

Frank Znidarsic

-Original Message-
From: noreply 
Sent: Sat, Feb 27, 2016 3:26 pm
Subject: RATING CERTIFICATE  --  MIDI Staff Full...  -- 

Rating Certificate  

App Title:  

MIDI Staff Full 

Certificate Issued To:  

Frank Znidarsic PE  

Certificate ID: 


Google Play 

Date Issued:

Saturday, February 27, 

This rating may only be used on 
storefronts participating in IARC. It may not be used on physical products. 

Rating Authority


Rating Category 

Content Descriptors 


Re: [Vo]:Cold SPP and cold fusion

2016-02-27 Thread Axil Axil
Come to think about it as related to SPPs pumped through electons,  Brillouin
Energy is using electrons to drive the LENR reaction. They call it their Q

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 2:08 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

> I beleive that the Holmlid experiment goes into a supercritical condition
> when the laser stimulate the reaction.
> Rossi's reactor must be maintained in a very inefficient sub critical
> condition so that the reactor does not melt down.
> The E-Cat X may be a different story since it must run in a passively
> critical self limiting state between a liquid and a solid.
> One why that SPPs can be pumped with just a small loss is by using
> electrons directly as has been achieved in the SPP laser.
> https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/fulltext.cfm?uri=oe-23-19-24843=326747
> On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:
>> We have talked about the Egely experiment here before - with his
>> so-called dusty plasma. His write-up appeared in “Infinite Energy” 4
>> years ago (issue 102) and then faded from view. In retrospect, it looks
>> like some bad choices in materials and input power were made, and that
>> implementing the new understanding of plasmonics could bring a version of
>> dusty plasma LENR back into contention as a preferred way to demonstrate
>> anomalous gain at low power input. After all – fuel-dust can allow
>> photon penetration many orders of magnitude deeper than a porous solid.
>> Egely used photons which will not create SPP. Since SPP tend to form
>> from thermal IR photons or visible light, we tend to think of them as
>> requiring heat. That may not be the actual case – SPP do require photons,
>> but most of the heat is optional. In the glow stick type of reactor,
>> incandescence due to temperatures above 1000 C supplies the IR photons- but
>> they could in principle be made elsewhere and focused into a relatively
>> cold reactor as a coherent beam (Holmlid). Incandescence is notoriously
>> inefficient - typically about 4% efficient at providing the correct
>> wavelength - which means the other 96% of heat is superfluous and
>> essentially wasted, if not counter-productive. Holmlid has a large COP
>> using a milliwatt laser but scale-up is his problem and it is solvable.
>> If focused photons irradiate a cold (warm) translucent reactor, they
>> would heat the reactor of course, as would the LENR gain - but you
>> wouldn’t have the 96% of the input heat that you do not need, but cannot
>> avoid, with an internal source of incandescence. It could then be
>> possible to see gain in the range of 350 C, which is consistent with Arata
>> and other past experiments which benefit from phase change in loaded
>> nickel.
>> That factor (inefficiency of incandescence) is the premise behind a new
>> design – a dusty fusion variant which operates in a relatively cold
>> regime. Caveat: if SPP are not the active modality, then all of this is
>> incorrect. My feeling is that SPP -> UDD in the context of Holmlid’s
>> work - is the best explanation for gain out there, and that the breadth
>> of information on dusty plasmas is large (due to the hot fission work
>> going back 60 years). In effect, this is a core technology which is
>> looking for the “killer app”…
>> Of further interest is that these guys call the dusty plasma as a new
>> state of crystalline matter due to its self-organizing structure in a
>> magnetic field:
>> *http://phys.org/news/2015-11-crystalline.html*
>> The fact that a dusty plasma can self-organize in this way would seem to
>> mean that it can be a remarkably stable way to contain a reaction which
>> is being irradiated (e.g. in order to open up spatial entry so that
>> external photons can deeply irradiate a powder composed of nano and
>> micro particles, without exceeding the Curie point.
>> It is a stretch to call this a new form of matter, but it is one of
>> those situations where the pieces of the puzzle are available to combine
>> theory with hardware - but the task remains to put them together,
>> without missing anything.

RE: [Vo]:Implied personal radiation dose ?

2016-02-27 Thread Russ George
OK having watch Bob’s great video I finally get it. The rad burst was from 
segment 7 in a series of data collections. It represents a few minutes of 
collecting and shows a clear signal… the rest of the many similar time slices 
of rad data before and after show no such anomaly. End of story, well 
controlled, very clear signal, anomalous for sure, in total not a lot of events 
relative to joules/watts of nuclear reaction.


This further seems to fit well with the Cellani observation of a few years ago 
with a Rossi demo… so two events are now starting to make a story. There is no 
longer a question that lenr is without dangerous radiation, it most certainly 
has an abundance of same. Build a large unshielded e-cat in your garage and 
irradiate the neighborhood.


From: Bob Higgins [mailto:rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 9:03 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Implied personal radiation dose ?


I looked at the math again.  The 5 uS was for the full 4pi steradians.  It 
would be more like 0.4 uS for 1 steradian.  A person would have to be really 
chubby or really close to subtend 1 steradian.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Bob Higgins  > wrote:

>From the signal pulse, I estimate about 5 micro-Sieverts (uS) per steradian.  
>So, it depends on how close you were.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Russ George  > wrote:

If the radiation signal in the recent MFMP experiment holds up what does this 
infer as a dose for the person doing the experiment? Clearly that person is 
both a much larger ‘detector’, likely often closer to the source, and has a 
long exposure from this and many similar experiments. It would seem likely the 
‘human detector dose’ is some orders of magnitude more than what the detector 
has recorded. 



Re: [Vo]:Bose condensation in LENR

2016-02-27 Thread Axil Axil
The liquid Sun idea also its this idea and indicated the sun and the
insides of the planets are powered by coldfusion.

should read

The liquid Sun idea is comparable with the monopole LENR causation
mechanism where the Sun is powered by metalized hydrogen and the monopole

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 4:36 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

> Miley has following the superconductive HRM path for many years.
> http://scholar.google.ro/scholar_url?url=http://www.google.com/books%3Fhl%3Den%26lr%3Dlang_en%26id%3DVa7KCgAAQBAJ%26oi%3Dfnd%26pg%3DPA128%26dq%3Dlenr%26ots%3DJRINy0pxDL%26sig%3DVPtF41FjsLicqpBtQVR3YLbBzd4=en=X=AAGBfm0-zCzvXZIw3UDvSdXRKAN9UyVOVw=1=scholaralrt
> What I have proposed is a monopole magnetic field decay of the proton and
> the neutron as the mechanism of the LENR nuclear reaction. The generation
> of mesons and excess electrons is a solid indicator of monopole catalyzed
> nuclear reactions.
> The liquid Sun idea also its this idea and indicated the sun and the
> insides of the planets are powered by coldfusion.
> On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Russ George 
> wrote:
>> Of course this BEC condition as the means to allow for ‘cold fusion’ and
>> suppress gammas is precisely what Julian Schwinger proposed in 1989…
>> *From:* Axil Axil [mailto:janap...@gmail.com]
>> *Sent:* Saturday, February 27, 2016 11:54 AM
>> *To:* vortex-l
>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Bose condensation in LENR
>> I believe that the LENR reaction happens in two steps. First, Surface
>> Plasmon Polaritons (SPP) form. This marks the formation of the LENR
>> reaction. This is the weak version of the reaction where the COP is limited
>> to 1.2.
>> The preferred state of SPPs is Bose condensation. After SPPs form, they
>> will naturally form a Bose condensate. In this superconductive state,
>> radiation is thermalized.
>> The LENR+ reaction is marked by the creation of Hydrogen Rydberg Matter
>> (HRM). This special crystal structure will amplify the SPPs that accumulate
>> on the surface of the HRM. It is the SPP cover that makes HRM
>> superconductive. The nuclear reactions that are catalyzed by HRM are
>> thermalized and stored in the SPP condensate in a dark mode on the surface
>> of the HRM. The more energy that is stored on the HRM, the more LENR+
>> active that HRM becomes and the more indestructible that that crystal gets.
>> Any dark mode energy accumulation on the surface of the HRM will
>> eventually leak into the vacuum as hawking radiation. This leakage is the
>> method of thermalization that converts gamma to thermal EMF.
>> If a magnetic field is applied to the HRM, the Bose condensation on the
>> surface of the HRM will be destroyed and all the energy content stored
>> there will be released in a burst.
>> But the SPP which is a photon plasmoid soliton will immediately reform if
>> the magnetic field that destroyed the superconductive nature of the HRM is
>> removed. While the magnetic field is in place, the nuclear energy will be
>> released as gamma radiation and not thermalized by the vacuum.
>> On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 1:47 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
>> I believe that the energy production mechanism in LENR is based on
>> nuclear reactions that occur in a state of bose condensation. This is
>> indicated by a comparison of the way gamma is produced in the Rossi type
>> reaction as compared to the electric arc driven Defkalion type of reaction.
>> In the Rossi reaction, a burst of gamma happens in a fraction of a second
>> at startup just before the bose condensate is established in the reactor.
>> Once condensation takes hold, radiation is not seen since super-absorption
>> of gamma radiation takes hold to thermalize the gamma radiation.
>> In the Defkalion system, a steady state generation of gamma radiation
>> that ranges from 200 counts per second to 600 counts per second is seen.
>> The reason for this condition for radiation production is because the DC
>> arc that drives the DGT reaction destroys the Bose condensate through the
>> production of a large magnetic field. DGT was noted for the production of
>> very large magnetic fields. A bose condensate just as in superconductivity
>>  that state cannot exist for long in a highly magnetically active
>> environment.
>> I predict that if a Rossi type reactor that is producing overunity heat
>> is subjected to a large magnetic field, the overunity heat production will
>> cease and then will be replaced by a continuous production of gamma
>> radiation as the magnetic field destroys the state of bose condensation
>> inside the reactor.
>> I am happy that we now have the chance to test these theories in a open
>> source format.

Re: [Vo]:Bose condensation in LENR

2016-02-27 Thread Axil Axil
Miley has following the superconductive HRM path for many years.


What I have proposed is a monopole magnetic field decay of the proton and
the neutron as the mechanism of the LENR nuclear reaction. The generation
of mesons and excess electrons is a solid indicator of monopole catalyzed
nuclear reactions.

The liquid Sun idea also its this idea and indicated the sun and the
insides of the planets are powered by coldfusion.

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Russ George  wrote:

> Of course this BEC condition as the means to allow for ‘cold fusion’ and
> suppress gammas is precisely what Julian Schwinger proposed in 1989…
> *From:* Axil Axil [mailto:janap...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Saturday, February 27, 2016 11:54 AM
> *To:* vortex-l
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Bose condensation in LENR
> I believe that the LENR reaction happens in two steps. First, Surface
> Plasmon Polaritons (SPP) form. This marks the formation of the LENR
> reaction. This is the weak version of the reaction where the COP is limited
> to 1.2.
> The preferred state of SPPs is Bose condensation. After SPPs form, they
> will naturally form a Bose condensate. In this superconductive state,
> radiation is thermalized.
> The LENR+ reaction is marked by the creation of Hydrogen Rydberg Matter
> (HRM). This special crystal structure will amplify the SPPs that accumulate
> on the surface of the HRM. It is the SPP cover that makes HRM
> superconductive. The nuclear reactions that are catalyzed by HRM are
> thermalized and stored in the SPP condensate in a dark mode on the surface
> of the HRM. The more energy that is stored on the HRM, the more LENR+
> active that HRM becomes and the more indestructible that that crystal gets.
> Any dark mode energy accumulation on the surface of the HRM will
> eventually leak into the vacuum as hawking radiation. This leakage is the
> method of thermalization that converts gamma to thermal EMF.
> If a magnetic field is applied to the HRM, the Bose condensation on the
> surface of the HRM will be destroyed and all the energy content stored
> there will be released in a burst.
> But the SPP which is a photon plasmoid soliton will immediately reform if
> the magnetic field that destroyed the superconductive nature of the HRM is
> removed. While the magnetic field is in place, the nuclear energy will be
> released as gamma radiation and not thermalized by the vacuum.
> On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 1:47 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:
> I believe that the energy production mechanism in LENR is based on nuclear
> reactions that occur in a state of bose condensation. This is indicated by
> a comparison of the way gamma is produced in the Rossi type reaction as
> compared to the electric arc driven Defkalion type of reaction.
> In the Rossi reaction, a burst of gamma happens in a fraction of a second
> at startup just before the bose condensate is established in the reactor.
> Once condensation takes hold, radiation is not seen since super-absorption
> of gamma radiation takes hold to thermalize the gamma radiation.
> In the Defkalion system, a steady state generation of gamma radiation that
> ranges from 200 counts per second to 600 counts per second is seen. The
> reason for this condition for radiation production is because the DC arc
> that drives the DGT reaction destroys the Bose condensate through the
> production of a large magnetic field. DGT was noted for the production of
> very large magnetic fields. A bose condensate just as in superconductivity
>  that state cannot exist for long in a highly magnetically active
> environment.
> I predict that if a Rossi type reactor that is producing overunity heat is
> subjected to a large magnetic field, the overunity heat production will
> cease and then will be replaced by a continuous production of gamma
> radiation as the magnetic field destroys the state of bose condensation
> inside the reactor.
> I am happy that we now have the chance to test these theories in a open
> source format.

RE: [Vo]:Bose condensation in LENR

2016-02-27 Thread Russ George
Of course this BEC condition as the means to allow for ‘cold fusion’ and 
suppress gammas is precisely what Julian Schwinger proposed in 1989… 


From: Axil Axil [mailto:janap...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2016 11:54 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Bose condensation in LENR


I believe that the LENR reaction happens in two steps. First, Surface Plasmon 
Polaritons (SPP) form. This marks the formation of the LENR reaction. This is 
the weak version of the reaction where the COP is limited to 1.2.


The preferred state of SPPs is Bose condensation. After SPPs form, they will 
naturally form a Bose condensate. In this superconductive state, radiation is 


The LENR+ reaction is marked by the creation of Hydrogen Rydberg Matter (HRM). 
This special crystal structure will amplify the SPPs that accumulate on the 
surface of the HRM. It is the SPP cover that makes HRM superconductive. The 
nuclear reactions that are catalyzed by HRM are thermalized and stored in the 
SPP condensate in a dark mode on the surface of the HRM. The more energy that 
is stored on the HRM, the more LENR+ active that HRM becomes and the more 
indestructible that that crystal gets.


Any dark mode energy accumulation on the surface of the HRM will eventually 
leak into the vacuum as hawking radiation. This leakage is the method of 
thermalization that converts gamma to thermal EMF.

If a magnetic field is applied to the HRM, the Bose condensation on the surface 
of the HRM will be destroyed and all the energy content stored there will be 
released in a burst. 


But the SPP which is a photon plasmoid soliton will immediately reform if the 
magnetic field that destroyed the superconductive nature of the HRM is removed. 
While the magnetic field is in place, the nuclear energy will be released as 
gamma radiation and not thermalized by the vacuum.


On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 1:47 PM, Axil Axil  > wrote:

I believe that the energy production mechanism in LENR is based on nuclear 
reactions that occur in a state of bose condensation. This is indicated by a 
comparison of the way gamma is produced in the Rossi type reaction as compared 
to the electric arc driven Defkalion type of reaction. 


In the Rossi reaction, a burst of gamma happens in a fraction of a second at 
startup just before the bose condensate is established in the reactor. Once 
condensation takes hold, radiation is not seen since super-absorption of gamma 
radiation takes hold to thermalize the gamma radiation.


In the Defkalion system, a steady state generation of gamma radiation that 
ranges from 200 counts per second to 600 counts per second is seen. The reason 
for this condition for radiation production is because the DC arc that drives 
the DGT reaction destroys the Bose condensate through the production of a large 
magnetic field. DGT was noted for the production of very large magnetic fields. 
A bose condensate just as in superconductivity  that state cannot exist for 
long in a highly magnetically active environment.


I predict that if a Rossi type reactor that is producing overunity heat is 
subjected to a large magnetic field, the overunity heat production will cease 
and then will be replaced by a continuous production of gamma radiation as the 
magnetic field destroys the state of bose condensation inside the reactor.


I am happy that we now have the chance to test these theories in a open source 


Re: [Vo]:Bose condensation in LENR

2016-02-27 Thread Axil Axil
I believe that the LENR reaction happens in two steps. First, Surface
Plasmon Polaritons (SPP) form. This marks the formation of the LENR
reaction. This is the weak version of the reaction where the COP is limited
to 1.2.

The preferred state of SPPs is Bose condensation. After SPPs form, they
will naturally form a Bose condensate. In this superconductive state,
radiation is thermalized.

The LENR+ reaction is marked by the creation of Hydrogen Rydberg Matter
(HRM). This special crystal structure will amplify the SPPs that accumulate
on the surface of the HRM. It is the SPP cover that makes HRM
superconductive. The nuclear reactions that are catalyzed by HRM are
thermalized and stored in the SPP condensate in a dark mode on the surface
of the HRM. The more energy that is stored on the HRM, the more LENR+
active that HRM becomes and the more indestructible that that crystal gets.

Any dark mode energy accumulation on the surface of the HRM will eventually
leak into the vacuum as hawking radiation. This leakage is the method of
thermalization that converts gamma to thermal EMF.
If a magnetic field is applied to the HRM, the Bose condensation on the
surface of the HRM will be destroyed and all the energy content stored
there will be released in a burst.

But the SPP which is a photon plasmoid soliton will immediately reform if
the magnetic field that destroyed the superconductive nature of the HRM is
removed. While the magnetic field is in place, the nuclear energy will be
released as gamma radiation and not thermalized by the vacuum.

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 1:47 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

> I believe that the energy production mechanism in LENR is based on nuclear
> reactions that occur in a state of bose condensation. This is indicated by
> a comparison of the way gamma is produced in the Rossi type reaction as
> compared to the electric arc driven Defkalion type of reaction.
> In the Rossi reaction, a burst of gamma happens in a fraction of a second
> at startup just before the bose condensate is established in the reactor.
> Once condensation takes hold, radiation is not seen since super-absorption
> of gamma radiation takes hold to thermalize the gamma radiation.
> In the Defkalion system, a steady state generation of gamma radiation that
> ranges from 200 counts per second to 600 counts per second is seen. The
> reason for this condition for radiation production is because the DC arc
> that drives the DGT reaction destroys the Bose condensate through the
> production of a large magnetic field. DGT was noted for the production of
> very large magnetic fields. A bose condensate just as in superconductivity
>  that state cannot exist for long in a highly magnetically active
> environment.
> I predict that if a Rossi type reactor that is producing overunity heat is
> subjected to a large magnetic field, the overunity heat production will
> cease and then will be replaced by a continuous production of gamma
> radiation as the magnetic field destroys the state of bose condensation
> inside the reactor.
> I am happy that we now have the chance to test these theories in a open
> source format.

Re: [Vo]:Cold SPP and cold fusion

2016-02-27 Thread Axil Axil
I beleive that the Holmlid experiment goes into a supercritical condition
when the laser stimulate the reaction.

Rossi's reactor must be maintained in a very inefficient sub critical
condition so that the reactor does not melt down.

The E-Cat X may be a different story since it must run in a passively
critical self limiting state between a liquid and a solid.

One why that SPPs can be pumped with just a small loss is by using
electrons directly as has been achieved in the SPP laser.


On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> We have talked about the Egely experiment here before - with his
> so-called dusty plasma. His write-up appeared in “Infinite Energy” 4
> years ago (issue 102) and then faded from view. In retrospect, it looks
> like some bad choices in materials and input power were made, and that
> implementing the new understanding of plasmonics could bring a version of
> dusty plasma LENR back into contention as a preferred way to demonstrate
> anomalous gain at low power input. After all – fuel-dust can allow photon
> penetration many orders of magnitude deeper than a porous solid.
> Egely used photons which will not create SPP. Since SPP tend to form from
> thermal IR photons or visible light, we tend to think of them as
> requiring heat. That may not be the actual case – SPP do require photons,
> but most of the heat is optional. In the glow stick type of reactor,
> incandescence due to temperatures above 1000 C supplies the IR photons- but
> they could in principle be made elsewhere and focused into a relatively
> cold reactor as a coherent beam (Holmlid). Incandescence is notoriously
> inefficient - typically about 4% efficient at providing the correct
> wavelength - which means the other 96% of heat is superfluous and
> essentially wasted, if not counter-productive. Holmlid has a large COP
> using a milliwatt laser but scale-up is his problem and it is solvable.
> If focused photons irradiate a cold (warm) translucent reactor, they
> would heat the reactor of course, as would the LENR gain - but you
> wouldn’t have the 96% of the input heat that you do not need, but cannot
> avoid, with an internal source of incandescence. It could then be
> possible to see gain in the range of 350 C, which is consistent with Arata
> and other past experiments which benefit from phase change in loaded
> nickel.
> That factor (inefficiency of incandescence) is the premise behind a new
> design – a dusty fusion variant which operates in a relatively cold
> regime. Caveat: if SPP are not the active modality, then all of this is
> incorrect. My feeling is that SPP -> UDD in the context of Holmlid’s work
> - is the best explanation for gain out there, and that the breadth of
> information on dusty plasmas is large (due to the hot fission work going
> back 60 years). In effect, this is a core technology which is looking for
> the “killer app”…
> Of further interest is that these guys call the dusty plasma as a new
> state of crystalline matter due to its self-organizing structure in a
> magnetic field:
> *http://phys.org/news/2015-11-crystalline.html*
> The fact that a dusty plasma can self-organize in this way would seem to
> mean that it can be a remarkably stable way to contain a reaction which
> is being irradiated (e.g. in order to open up spatial entry so that
> external photons can deeply irradiate a powder composed of nano and micro
> particles, without exceeding the Curie point.
> It is a stretch to call this a new form of matter, but it is one of those
> situations where the pieces of the puzzle are available to combine theory
> with hardware - but the task remains to put them together, without
> missing anything.

[Vo]:Bose condensation in LENR

2016-02-27 Thread Axil Axil
I believe that the energy production mechanism in LENR is based on nuclear
reactions that occur in a state of bose condensation. This is indicated by
a comparison of the way gamma is produced in the Rossi type reaction as
compared to the electric arc driven Defkalion type of reaction.

In the Rossi reaction, a burst of gamma happens in a fraction of a second
at startup just before the bose condensate is established in the reactor.
Once condensation takes hold, radiation is not seen since super-absorption
of gamma radiation takes hold to thermalize the gamma radiation.

In the Defkalion system, a steady state generation of gamma radiation that
ranges from 200 counts per second to 600 counts per second is seen. The
reason for this condition for radiation production is because the DC arc
that drives the DGT reaction destroys the Bose condensate through the
production of a large magnetic field. DGT was noted for the production of
very large magnetic fields. A bose condensate just as in superconductivity
 that state cannot exist for long in a highly magnetically active

I predict that if a Rossi type reactor that is producing overunity heat is
subjected to a large magnetic field, the overunity heat production will
cease and then will be replaced by a continuous production of gamma
radiation as the magnetic field destroys the state of bose condensation
inside the reactor.

I am happy that we now have the chance to test these theories in a open
source format.

RE: [Vo]:Implied personal radiation dose ?

2016-02-27 Thread Russ George
This is helpful as the context of this experiments radiation measurement seems 
to be much less than the radiation needed to expose/fog a single dental x-ray 
film. It’s the digital/digitized equivalent of such. Clearly no danger to 
humans in the vicinity. Given that a single joule/watt of fusion is ~e12/sec 
D+D events here we might see evidence of a long time cumulative rate that comes 
from an impossibly small fraction of a single joule of cold fusion. The devil 
once again seems to be revealed in the details. 


From: Bob Higgins [mailto:rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 9:03 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Implied personal radiation dose ?


I looked at the math again.  The 5 uS was for the full 4pi steradians.  It 
would be more like 0.4 uS for 1 steradian.  A person would have to be really 
chubby or really close to subtend 1 steradian.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Bob Higgins  > wrote:

>From the signal pulse, I estimate about 5 micro-Sieverts (uS) per steradian.  
>So, it depends on how close you were.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 3:13 PM, Russ George  > wrote:

If the radiation signal in the recent MFMP experiment holds up what does this 
infer as a dose for the person doing the experiment? Clearly that person is 
both a much larger ‘detector’, likely often closer to the source, and has a 
long exposure from this and many similar experiments. It would seem likely the 
‘human detector dose’ is some orders of magnitude more than what the detector 
has recorded. 



[Vo]:LENR INFO FOR FEB 27, 2016

2016-02-27 Thread Peter Gluck
News some accessible and some inaccessible LENR publications.

It is included a  "gem" of "krivitch"- that is low quality, hatred- and
envy driven journalistic kitsch.



Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:Cold SPP and cold fusion

2016-02-27 Thread Jones Beene
We have talked about the Egely experiment here before - with his so-called
dusty plasma. His write-up appeared in "Infinite Energy" 4 years ago (issue
102) and then faded from view. In retrospect, it looks like some bad choices
in materials and input power were made, and that implementing the new
understanding of plasmonics could bring a version of dusty plasma LENR back
into contention as a preferred way to demonstrate anomalous gain at low
power input. After all - fuel-dust can allow photon penetration many orders
of magnitude deeper than a porous solid.

Egely used photons which will not create SPP. Since SPP tend to form from
thermal IR photons or visible light, we tend to think of them as requiring
heat. That may not be the actual case - SPP do require photons, but most of
the heat is optional. In the glow stick type of reactor, incandescence due
to temperatures above 1000 C supplies the IR photons- but they could in
principle be made elsewhere and focused into a relatively cold reactor as a
coherent beam (Holmlid). Incandescence is notoriously inefficient -
typically about 4% efficient at providing the correct wavelength - which
means the other 96% of heat is superfluous and essentially wasted, if not
counter-productive. Holmlid has a large COP using a milliwatt laser but
scale-up is his problem and it is solvable.

If focused photons irradiate a cold (warm) translucent reactor, they would
heat the reactor of course, as would the LENR gain - but you wouldn't have
the 96% of the input heat that you do not need, but cannot avoid, with an
internal source of incandescence. It could then be possible to see gain in
the range of 350 C, which is consistent with Arata and other past
experiments which benefit from phase change in loaded nickel. 

That factor (inefficiency of incandescence) is the premise behind a new
design - a dusty fusion variant which operates in a relatively cold regime.
Caveat: if SPP are not the active modality, then all of this is incorrect.
My feeling is that SPP -> UDD in the context of Holmlid's work - is the best
explanation for gain out there, and that the breadth of information on dusty
plasmas is large (due to the hot fission work going back 60 years). In
effect, this is a core technology which is looking for the "killer app". 

Of further interest is that these guys call the dusty plasma as a new state
of crystalline matter due to its self-organizing structure in a magnetic

The fact that a dusty plasma can self-organize in this way would seem to
mean that it can be a remarkably stable way to contain a reaction which is
being irradiated (e.g. in order to open up spatial entry so that external
photons can deeply irradiate a powder composed of nano and micro particles,
without exceeding the Curie point. 

It is a stretch to call this a new form of matter, but it is one of those
situations where the pieces of the puzzle are available to combine theory
with hardware - but the task remains to put them together, without missing