Re: [Vo]:ChatGPT chatboxes customized for only

2023-04-13 Thread Jed Rothwell
Okay, I went ahead and added a third ChatBox to the page:

This one has the first 381 pages of JCMNS Vol. 36, Proceedings of the 23rd
International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science ( Unfortunately,
the entire volume does not fit in one ChatBox. As I wrote on the page, I
suggest you load that volume and frame a question based on the contents.
You will see that ChatGPT's capabilities are remarkable. Here is a sample

ME: When and where was ICCF-23 held?

ChatGPT: ICCF-23 was held virtually from Xiamen, China on June 9-11, 2021
due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and related travel restrictions.

ME: Who was the conference chair of ICCF23?

ChatGPT: The ICCF-23 Conference Chair was Prof Zhong-Qun Tian of Xiamen
University, with vice chair Profs Kang Shi and Han-Tao Zhou from Xiamen
University and Prof Wu-Shou Zhang from the Institute of Chemistry of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences.

You see it understands "ICCF23" without the hyphen.

Here is a more technical exchange, that I featured on the page:

ME: What kinds of tests have been done with the LEC device?

ChatGPT: The Fe-H LEC cells have been characterized following the same
procedures used for Pd-H LEC cells including tests in air as well as in
hydrogen. A typical LEC cell test consists of several steps. The cell is
placed in an electric kiln at laboratory temperature that is instrumented
with one or more thermocouples. The LEC electrodes are connected to a high
input impedance DVM (~1000 M ) with the WE positive and the CE negative. A
variable resistance box is connected between the electrodes with a nominal
starting resistance of 1 M. The DVM is connected to a digital computer via
an optical USB connection and the recording sample rate is set at 2 S/s.
The kiln is powered by a variable voltage auto-transformer that is started
at a low voltage setting and intermittently raised. LEC voltage and kiln
temperature are recorded, and variable resistance load tests are performed
occasionally in order to characterize LEC performance, i.e., LEC voltage
versus load resistance at selected LEC operating temperatures.

[Vo]:What's in the Pfizer Documents?

2023-04-13 Thread H L V
Naomi Wolfe on the dangerous sideeffects of the Pfizer vaccine and
questionable research
practices of Pfizer.
This speech was given on March 6, 2023, during a Hillsdale College CCA
seminar on “Big Pharma.”

I don't know if everything she says is accurate but even if only a fraction
is true this is very very serious.


Re: [Vo]:ChatGPT chatboxes customized for only

2023-04-13 Thread Jed Rothwell
Here is an exchange with Chatbot 1, which holds one of McKubre’s papers,
plus part of the ASCII Bibliography, authors A through C. That's the most
it can hold.

You can see that it does not answer some of the questions. The ASCII
Bibliography has abstracts by Czerwinski, so it should have found them.
Perhaps the format is not organized well enough for ChatGPT to sort out
what goes with what. Yesterday, I asked it a question from the McKubre
paper that it answered correctly, but for some reason it could not find the
answer today. The question was: "What is typical initiation time for a cold
fusion experiment?" For some reason, it came up with "500 hours." I do not
know where that came from.

 Hello! What can I do for you today?
Have neutrons been observed with natural hydrogen?
Yes, neutrons have been observed with natural hydrogen in cold fusion
experiments. This was reported in a review of the most convincing
observations of neutrons in Cold Fusion history up to recent experiments in
which neutrons were so numerous and long lasting so as to allow activation
of thermal detectors.
What authors described neutrons with natural hydrogen?
There is no information in the provided data about authors describing
neutrons with natural hydrogen.
What papers were presented at ICCF5?
There is no information in the provided data about papers presented at
Summarize work by Czerwinski.
There is no information in the provided data about work by Czerwinski.
What information is there about the screening effect?
There is information in the provided data about the screening effect. The
screening energy dependence on target material has been established
experimentally and theoretical calculations have been performed within an
improved dielectric function theory. The theory describes correctly the
observed target material dependence of the screening energies,
underestimating, however, the absolute values by about a factor of 2. The
electron screening effect has been enhanced for d + d fusion reactions in
metallic environments. The dielectric function theory enables an
extrapolation of experimental cross sections determined at higher energies
down to room temperature, leading to an enhancement of the fusion reaction
rates by a factor of 1040 compared to the value predicted for the deuterium
What authors described the screening effect?
Authors who described the screening effect include Czerski, Heide, Huke,
Cuevas, Fernandez, Sanchez, Cunnane, Scannell, Schiffrin, Biller, Hoeft,
Ruprecht, Chen, Wang, Li, Fu, Zhang, Chicea, Arista, Gras-Marti, and
What is typical initiation time for a cold fusion experiment?
The provided data does not give a specific answer to the question about the
typical initiation time for a cold fusion experiment. However, it does
mention that the duration of the switch-on time and whether a given
electrode will commence to show nuclear activity within 500 hours of the
beginning of electrolysis remain unclear.
Is there any mention of author Gary Taubes in this dataset?
Yes, there is mention of journalist Gary Taubes in the provided data. He
wrote an article in Science about electrodes and there is a paper by J.
Bockris titled "The Answer to the Conundrum at Texas A & M: Accusations of
Fraud in an Article Published by 'Science'" which may be related to Taubes'
Why does McKubre think doubts still exist in the broader scientific
According to the provided data, McKubre believes that doubts still exist in
the broader scientific community regarding Low Energy or Lattice Enhanced
Nuclear Reactions (LENR) because it is crucial and timely to expose and
elaborate what objections or reservations exist with regard to these new
understandings. He also believes that it is important to clarify in
non-specialist terms what is known and what is understood in the general
field of LENR.
What does McKubre say about initiation time?
The provided data does not give a specific answer to the question about
initiation time. However, it does mention that the duration of the
switch-on time and whether a given electrode will commence to show nuclear
activity within 500 hours of the beginning of electrolysis remain unclear.
What level of loading did Fleming describe?
The provided data states that Fleming et al from Bell Labs reported even
lower loading results in a negative report, but it does not provide a
specific number for the loading level described.

[Vo]:ChatGPT chatboxes customized for only

2023-04-13 Thread Jed Rothwell
I set up two customized ChatGPT chatboxes for They access
data from only, not the rest of the internet. Unfortunately,
the utility program I am using can only index a handful of papers, so these
are temporary. They are experimental. You can see how ChatGPT will work as
a search and index system for one website in the future.

I put the chatboxes on this page:

(I did not put this in the menu system, so you can only access it directly
from that link.)

This page lists the documents I indexed, and shows some sample enquiries.

Go ahead and play around with this if you like. It is limited to 600
enquiries per month, so please do not enter dozens of enquiries.