Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-24 Thread John Berry

On 4/23/07, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Terry (wishing he had a detachable penis)

Hell no, you'd put it down somewhere and lose it.

Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-22 Thread Terry Blanton

On 4/22/07, thomas malloy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jones Beene wrote:

Enjoy you(r) rapturous stay in the
NeoCon wing of the Matrix 

Kokopelli rules  ;-)

What does that mean?

The trickster rules:

Terry (wishing he had a detachable penis)

Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-21 Thread thomas malloy

Paul Lowrance wrote:

thomas malloy wrote:
 One sided propaganda, she was too busy beating the drum on human caused

Well, it is difficult to ignore Dr. Brenda, PhD's credentials, and the 
fact that she is and has worked in the field of climate science. 
Furthermore Dr. Brenda said the mass majority of climate scientist 
*now* believe global warming is caused by humanity, and such evidence 
is overwhelming.

There are scientists who disagree with Dr. Brenda,

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Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-21 Thread Paul Lowrance

thomas malloy wrote:

Paul Lowrance wrote:

thomas malloy wrote:
 One sided propaganda, she was too busy beating the drum on human caused

Well, it is difficult to ignore Dr. Brenda, PhD's credentials, and the 
fact that she is and has worked in the field of climate science. 
Furthermore Dr. Brenda said the mass majority of climate scientist 
*now* believe global warming is caused by humanity, and such evidence 
is overwhelming.

There are scientists who disagree with Dr. Brenda,

No doubt, but Dr. Brenda said nearly all climate scientists now agree with the 
recent overwhelming data that clearly indicates humanity is the cause of global 

Humanity is destroying this planet, period!

Paul Lowrance

Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-21 Thread R.C.Macaulay

Howdy Vorts,

As the world turns, the rant goes on and the stomach turns. People are not 
destroying the planet.. maybe themselves individually and in collective 
groups.. but not the planet.. that's coming, but by design and not by human 
decree or PHD.


 One sided propaganda, she was too busy beating the drum on human caused

Well, it is difficult to ignore Dr. Brenda, PhD's credentials, and the 
fact that she is and has worked in the field of climate science. 
Furthermore Dr. Brenda said the mass majority of climate scientist *now* 
believe global warming is caused by humanity, and such evidence is 

There are scientists who disagree with Dr. Brenda,

No doubt, but Dr. Brenda said nearly all climate scientists now agree with 
the recent overwhelming data that clearly indicates humanity is the cause 
of global warming.

Humanity is destroying this planet, period!

Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-21 Thread Paul Lowrance

R.C.Macaulay wrote:
 Howdy Vorts,

 As the world turns, the rant goes on and the stomach turns. People are
 not destroying the planet.. maybe themselves individually and in
 collective groups.. but not the planet.. that's coming, but by design
 and not by human decree or PHD.
  One sided propaganda, she was too busy beating the drum on human

 Well, it is difficult to ignore Dr. Brenda, PhD's credentials, and
 the fact that she is and has worked in the field of climate science.
 Furthermore Dr. Brenda said the mass majority of climate scientist
 *now* believe global warming is caused by humanity, and such evidence
 is overwhelming.

 There are scientists who disagree with Dr. Brenda,

 No doubt, but Dr. Brenda said nearly all climate scientists now agree
 with the recent overwhelming data that clearly indicates humanity is
 the cause of global warming.

 Humanity is destroying this planet, period!

The planet has life; forests, ozone, etc. etc. Investigate and you should 
discover humanity is *literally* wiping out forests, causing ozone depression, 
air pollution, ocean chemical pollution, unnatural green house, etc. etc.  All 
of which cause other problems-- an avalanche effect.

I'm not a climate expert. In this case I'll trust the words of a leading PhD 
climate scientists than a few people at Vo, LOL. :-)

Here's some up to date information for you.  Last week Dr. Brenda, PhD. clearly 
said most climate scientists now agree with recent data that humanity is the 
major cause of global warming. Do you or anyone at Vo have a more recent 
statement from a leading PhD climate physicist that disagrees with the 
aforementioned statement?  I doubt it, lol. The few disbelieving climate 
scientists left are probably just stubborn, a little slow, and perhaps wrote a 
book and therefore cannot stomach to admit such error. IMHO a person should be 
very cautious with claims in writing a public book. Once the claim is made 
public in such a book the scientist would rather cut off their arm than admit 
error.  Such a pity when modern society is at stake, as this is a vitally 
important field.

Fact still remains.


Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-21 Thread thomas malloy

Paul Lowrance wrote:

thomas malloy wrote:

Paul Lowrance wrote:

There are scientists who disagree with Dr. Brenda,

No doubt, but Dr. Brenda said nearly all climate scientists now agree 
with the recent overwhelming data that clearly indicates humanity is 
the cause of global warming.

Humanity is destroying this planet, period!

No Paul,  it's not the case. The video makes the case much better than I 

--- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- - $19.99/mo! ---

Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-21 Thread Kyle R. Mcallister
- Original Message - 
From: Paul Lowrance [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 2:05 AM
Subject: Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

There are scientists who disagree with Dr. Brenda,

No doubt, but Dr. Brenda said nearly all climate scientists now agree with 
the recent overwhelming data that clearly indicates humanity is the cause 
of global warming.

Well, since Vortexians seem to love a good logical fallacy argument

this entire thread is developing into an appeal to authority that is so 
large Godzilla will have to come out of the sea of Japan to do battle with 

I've no idea who Dr. Brenda is exactly, nor do I particularly think the 
teachings of Richard Hoagland are going to solve much of our problems. I 
listen to Art Bell at times, I take almost nothing of it seriously. It is 
light-hearted entertainment, and I love spooky stuff late at night, real or 
not, it is all just as fun.

Should we try to cut emissions of bad gases? Sure, why not, but not at the 
detriment of the basis of our society, that is, the working class. Maybe 
anyone in an environmentalist organization should be given a severe tax 
increase to support a changeover to something else, or to be used to buy 
those dandy carbon credits. Call is the practice what you preach tax. No 
more or less stupid than the how many congressmen does it take to change a 
lightbulb thing, or however that little gem of bovine waste product was 

Does anyone here on Vortex want to actually work on stuff like this in the 
real world, like real world solar power, electric cars for the people (not 
fancy BS jobs that cost more than a Mercedes-Benz, but cheap stuff for the 
poorer among us), etc? Or is this becoming a list for the new 
televangelism? Believe me, if I could afford it, if it was available, I 
would use an electric car to go back and forth to work. (But I would keep 
the Buick for longer excursions.)

Does anyone want to really discuss this stuff, and make it happen? Or at 
least try wholeheartedly? I'm game, I've been working on things quietly in 
the background for years. Vortex Electric Vehicle anyone?

Humanity is destroying this planet, period!

Our definitions of destroy must be very different. Altering, changing, yes. 
Destroy? In my book, that would entail overcoming the gravitational binding 
energy of the Earth, putting it in orbit around itself. Or, if you mean 
render uninhabitable, no we aren't doing that either. Life will be here 
long after we are gone, if we go.***

But, that said, if you want to do solar power, alternative fuels, etc., man 
I am right here with you.

***What is that...optimism?!? I suppose, the Sun is now shining and it isn't 
so cold here today, the long string of unseasonable cold caused by the 
increase temperature of the Earth, no doubt. :)


Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-21 Thread Paul Lowrance

thomas malloy wrote:
 Paul Lowrance wrote:

 thomas malloy wrote:

 Paul Lowrance wrote:

 There are scientists who disagree with Dr. Brenda,

 No doubt, but Dr. Brenda said nearly all climate scientists now agree
 with the recent overwhelming data that clearly indicates humanity is
 the cause of global warming.

 Humanity is destroying this planet, period!

 No Paul,  it's not the case. The video makes the case much better than I

Check out the date when that material was filmed. I can give you up to date 
information.  Last week, Dr. Brenda, PhD. said most climate physicists *now* 
agree with recent data that humanity is the cause of global warming.  Can you 
show us a more recent statement that says otherwise?  I don't think so. You are 
clinging to old information.

Try taking a look at the air in most major cities. Take a look at China. I 
seriously doubt air is supposed to be brown, LOL.  Amazon forest satellite 
images taken over time clearly reveal mass destruction. Are you aware of what 
recent computer simulations predict from all these man made changes?

This conversation is meaningless until you can provide us with a more recent 
statement form a leading climate scientist who states most climate scientists 
disagree that humanity is the major cause of global warming. In this case it is 
illogical to go against the mass majority of climate physicists.

One thing is for certain, Dr. Brenda is far qualified enough to know whether 
most climate scientists agree humanity is the major cause of global warming. Dr. 
Brenda works in this field with up date to information. She knows the up to date 
majority position in this field.

Since I am not a climate expert, I'll take the side of the mass majority PhD 
climate scientists thank you very much.


Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-21 Thread Paul Lowrance

Kyle R. Mcallister wrote:
Should we try to cut emissions of bad gases? Sure, why not, but not at 
the detriment of the basis of our society, that is, the working class. 
Maybe anyone in an environmentalist organization should be given a 
severe tax increase to support a changeover to something else, or to be 
used to buy those dandy carbon credits. Call is the practice what you 
preach tax. No more or less stupid than the how many congressmen does 
it take to change a lightbulb thing, or however that little gem of 
bovine waste product was worded.

I agree more people should focus on this issue. When so many climate scientists 
now agree with recent* data that smog, etc. etc. etc are indeed causing 
appreciable damage then who should care that the Sun is having a bad cycle?  I 
mean, we can't change the Sun, but the effects caused by modern society are real 
and undeniable. We should try to improve.

It seems the major debate in this thread is what's the major cause of global 
warming-- humanity or the Sun.  Really, who cares if humanity is 51% of the 
cause and the Sun is 49%, LOL.  So what? We shouldn't care.  Fact still remains 
that humanity is a big cause, period. Therefore I would agree with Kyle's post. 
Lets focus on how we can improve things. Lets try to encourage more minds 
focusing on this issue.

Paul Lowrance

Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-21 Thread Jones Beene
One warped comment to add into the bogosity mix: 

 People are not destroying the planet.. maybe
 individually and in collective groups.. but not the

I agree with this part of Richard's summation, but he
may be viewing the situation in the context of a
narrow religious prophecy. Understandable, yet  

This prophecy, and others from diverse traditions, may
be both surprisingly accurate in terms of a coming
disaster, yet at the same time - misleading ...
horribly misleading if you are among the hopeful class
of believers looking for rapture based solely on
faith, and especially if it is a faith which accepts
war under false pretenses, and wealth accumulation in
the face of enforced poverty, as acceptable goals. 

As it turns out, ancient prophecy from many traditions
can be reinterpreted into a modern context, which
end-result may be more troubling to 'true believers'
than some kind of Armageddon which favors only a
chosen group. 

IOW there is a kind of 'end of days' scenario
approaching, in the guise of an evolutionary jump, but
it is extremely doubtful that the individuals who
think they are in the chosen group really are - as the
criteria will likely be a big surprise; and will have
little to do with what most dogma indicates. The
master plan is like a many-layered Russian egg - but
it may unravel - as the secret could not be hidden
from all.

IF -- all the data about the human interaction with
the planet were to be evaluated by a superior but
non-human mentality, there is one conclusion, which
every almost every human has missed, thus far.

Indeed, ID is not a fiction, and yes there 'could be'
evidence of goal-directed ongoing planning, especially
in the rapid advances in the past two decades in
computers, artificial intelligence, genetic
engineering, networking and robotics 

 there 'could be' evidence that the master plan
involves a forced evolutionary change... and that the
NWO will involve much more than a united world

... there 'could be' evidence that the master plan
will involve an extreme forced reduction in human
population and Matrix-like enslavement (instead of
rapture) for the survivors. 

How would the reality of pre-planned global warming,
and the efforts under way by some to abet and
co-conspire - i.e. to force the alarmists to ignore
the implications of that trend until it is too late to
do anything to halt it -  how would that possible
scenario fit into the revised 'Russian egg'
triple-cross prophecy?

Without sounding too cynical, it is pretty clear than
an evolutionary jump is much closer at hand than
many of us chose to realize, and that the way is being
paved for recipients of that technological largess to
be chosen for the big-jump (i.e. a 'rebirth' not
spiritual but physical, into an advanced race) based
on criteria which is a total heresy and abomination to
what is contained in scripture (until that dogma is
drastically reinterpreted, which will happen). 

... yet all the while, those who are in-the-know, are
holding out some kind of false hope (a kind of
facilitating promise) to the 'mass of believers' who
will be triple-crossed, in the end. Curiously, even
the present US administration is NOT in-the-know, and
they are being duped by yet a higher order of ID.

Harry Tuttle, who has been spying on the NWO for some
time has told me privately that the Neo-Con thing was
just a ruse. Yes, people like W are tools (in more
ways than one) and are getting direct messages from ID
- but the conent is bogusly decieving. 

Yup ... sorry to say it, W, but the trickster has been
hard at work, once again, and it will be mostly the
Limo-Liberals who will be positioned and selected for
the new master race.  Enjoy you rapturous stay in the
NeoCon wing of the Matrix 

Kokopelli rules  ;-)

Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-21 Thread Michel Jullian
Indeed Paul, whether you and Dr Brenda and the IPCC are 
right is irrelevant. The real question is, can humanity remediate global 
warming, and how, we should be practical about this.

Thomas suggested some drives as propulsion means for space parasols, but it 
seems to me that since the parasols will be submitted to photon pressure 
anyway, it would be great if they could be entirely sustented this way (solar 
sails). Indeed, whatever the mass and reflective area of the parasol, there 
must exist a spot on the Sun-Earth line where it will be in equilibrium between 
solar attraction, centrifugal force and photon pressure, comments/criticisms 
welcome on this.


- Original Message - 
From: Paul Lowrance [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

 Kyle R. Mcallister wrote:
 Should we try to cut emissions of bad gases? Sure, why not, but not at 
 the detriment of the basis of our society, that is, the working class. 
 Maybe anyone in an environmentalist organization should be given a 
 severe tax increase to support a changeover to something else, or to be 
 used to buy those dandy carbon credits. Call is the practice what you 
 preach tax. No more or less stupid than the how many congressmen does 
 it take to change a lightbulb thing, or however that little gem of 
 bovine waste product was worded.
 I agree more people should focus on this issue. When so many climate 
 now agree with recent* data that smog, etc. etc. etc are indeed causing 
 appreciable damage then who should care that the Sun is having a bad cycle?  
 mean, we can't change the Sun, but the effects caused by modern society are 
 and undeniable. We should try to improve.
 It seems the major debate in this thread is what's the major cause of global 
 warming-- humanity or the Sun.  Really, who cares if humanity is 51% of the 
 cause and the Sun is 49%, LOL.  So what? We shouldn't care.  Fact still 
 that humanity is a big cause, period. Therefore I would agree with Kyle's 
 Lets focus on how we can improve things. Lets try to encourage more minds 
 focusing on this issue.
 Paul Lowrance

Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-21 Thread PHILIP WINESTONE
I think we should aim all the fire-hoses on earth at the sun, then say ready! 
set! go!  (The element of surprise is so important.).


- Original Message 
From: Michel Jullian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 12:08:54 PM
Subject: Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

Indeed Paul, whether you and Dr Brenda and the IPCC are 
right is irrelevant. The real question is, can humanity remediate global 
warming, and how, we should be practical about this.

Thomas suggested some drives as propulsion means for space parasols, but it 
seems to me that since the parasols will be submitted to photon pressure 
anyway, it would be great if they could be entirely sustented this way (solar 
sails). Indeed, whatever the mass and reflective area of the parasol, there 
must exist a spot on the Sun-Earth line where it will be in equilibrium between 
solar attraction, centrifugal force and photon pressure, comments/criticisms 
welcome on this.


- Original Message - 
From: Paul Lowrance [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

 Kyle R. Mcallister wrote:
 Should we try to cut emissions of bad gases? Sure, why not, but not at 
 the detriment of the basis of our society, that is, the working class. 
 Maybe anyone in an environmentalist organization should be given a 
 severe tax increase to support a changeover to something else, or to be 
 used to buy those dandy carbon credits. Call is the practice what you 
 preach tax. No more or less stupid than the how many congressmen does 
 it take to change a lightbulb thing, or however that little gem of 
 bovine waste product was worded.
 I agree more people should focus on this issue. When so many climate 
 now agree with recent* data that smog, etc. etc. etc are indeed causing 
 appreciable damage then who should care that the Sun is having a bad cycle?  
 mean, we can't change the Sun, but the effects caused by modern society are 
 and undeniable. We should try to improve.
 It seems the major debate in this thread is what's the major cause of global 
 warming-- humanity or the Sun.  Really, who cares if humanity is 51% of the 
 cause and the Sun is 49%, LOL.  So what? We shouldn't care.  Fact still 
 that humanity is a big cause, period. Therefore I would agree with Kyle's 
 Lets focus on how we can improve things. Lets try to encourage more minds 
 focusing on this issue.
 Paul Lowrance

Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-21 Thread John Berry

I haven't read much in this thread, but in the end it doesn't matter if the
polluting man is doing is the cause of Global Warming.
Very few are questioning if Global Warming is happening, if it will be a
The issue of man's fault in causing it is just a blame game and unimportant,
it doesn't change the fact that it's happening.

The other undeniable issue is that man can fix it and has the
response-ability to do so for our own good.

The only issue that need be under discussion is how we should go about this.

Oh, wait I just read the post before mine and it says the same thing, oh


I think we should aim all the fire-hoses on earth at the sun, then say
ready! set! go!  (The element of surprise is so important.).


- Original Message 
From: Michel Jullian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 12:08:54 PM
Subject: Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

Indeed Paul, whether you and Dr Brenda and the IPCC 
right is irrelevant. The real question is, can humanity remediate global
warming, and how, we should be practical about this.

Thomas suggested some drives as propulsion means for space parasols, but
it seems to me that since the parasols will be submitted to photon pressure
anyway, it would be great if they could be entirely sustented this way
(solar sails). Indeed, whatever the mass and reflective area of the parasol,
there must exist a spot on the Sun-Earth line where it will be in
equilibrium between solar attraction, centrifugal force and photon pressure,
comments/criticisms welcome on this.


- Original Message -
From: Paul Lowrance [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

 Kyle R. Mcallister wrote:
 Should we try to cut emissions of bad gases? Sure, why not, but not
 the detriment of the basis of our society, that is, the working class.
 Maybe anyone in an environmentalist organization should be given a
 severe tax increase to support a changeover to something else, or to be

 used to buy those dandy carbon credits. Call is the practice what you
 preach tax. No more or less stupid than the how many congressmen does

 it take to change a lightbulb thing, or however that little gem of
 bovine waste product was worded.

 I agree more people should focus on this issue. When so many climate
 now agree with recent* data that smog, etc. etc. etc are indeed causing
 appreciable damage then who should care that the Sun is having a bad
cycle?  I
 mean, we can't change the Sun, but the effects caused by modern society
are real
 and undeniable. We should try to improve.

 It seems the major debate in this thread is what's the major cause of
 warming-- humanity or the Sun.  Really, who cares if humanity is 51% of
 cause and the Sun is 49%, LOL.  So what? We shouldn't care.  Fact still
 that humanity is a big cause, period. Therefore I would agree with
Kyle's post.
 Lets focus on how we can improve things. Lets try to encourage more
 focusing on this issue.

 Paul Lowrance

Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-20 Thread thomas malloy

Paul Lowrance wrote:

I'm surprised nobody at Vo picked up on climate scientist Brenda 
Ekwurzel, PhD.  guest on Coast To Coast AM show last Saturday -- 

One sided propaganda, she was too busy beating the drum on human caused 
warming to talk about anything else. She ignored the issue of the Sun's 
increased irradiance. Also the observation that temperature increases, 
then atmospheric CO2 increases. Art Bell, true believer that he is, ate 
it all up.

OTOH, C to C AM has Richard Hoagland as a guest. he makes the case that 
the increased irradiance and volcanic activity are both related to 
changes in something, the Aether perhaps? has 
quite a section on hyperdimensional physics. 

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Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-20 Thread Michel Jullian
It seems to me that whatever the causes of GW, if we want a remedy we will have 
to take care of it.

Jed mentioned orbiting parasols once, I then understood he was talking about 
Earth orbits so I thought the area would have to be impractically large, but he 
may have been thinking about Sun orbits which could lower area requirements 
dramatically. But then some propulsion means would be required to make up for 
the difference between solar gravity and centrifugal force at that distance and 
speed (the smaller the orbit, the smaller the natural orbiting period, so the 
parasol wouldn't stay naturally aligned with the sun).

I am wondering if a flotilla of solar sails couldn't be made to orbit the sun 
at some point of the Sun-Earth line, with their mostly sun-oriented reflecting 
surface acting both as a propulsion means, and as a parasol.

Does anybody know at which point of the Sun-Earth line a unit parasol area 
would be most efficient?


- Original Message - 
From: thomas malloy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

 Paul Lowrance wrote:
 I'm surprised nobody at Vo picked up on climate scientist Brenda 
 Ekwurzel, PhD.  guest on Coast To Coast AM show last Saturday -- 
 One sided propaganda, she was too busy beating the drum on human caused 
 warming to talk about anything else. She ignored the issue of the Sun's 
 increased irradiance. Also the observation that temperature increases, 
 then atmospheric CO2 increases. Art Bell, true believer that he is, ate 
 it all up.
 OTOH, C to C AM has Richard Hoagland as a guest. he makes the case that 
 the increased irradiance and volcanic activity are both related to 
 changes in something, the Aether perhaps? has 
 quite a section on hyperdimensional physics. 
 --- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- - $19.99/mo! ---

Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-20 Thread Paul Lowrance

thomas malloy wrote:
 One sided propaganda, she was too busy beating the drum on human caused
 warming to talk about anything else. She ignored the issue of the Sun's
 increased irradiance.

Actually I recall Dr. Brenda did indeed address this.

 Also the observation that temperature increases,
 then atmospheric CO2 increases. Art Bell, true believer that he is, ate
 it all up.

Well, it is difficult to ignore Dr. Brenda, PhD's credentials, and the fact that 
she is and has worked in the field of climate science. Furthermore Dr. Brenda 
said the mass majority of climate scientist *now* believe global warming is 
caused by humanity, and such evidence is overwhelming.

 OTOH, C to C AM has Richard Hoagland as a guest.

LOL, Richard Hoagland, the guy who went on live nationwide radio to claim the 
Mars surface photos reveled a landscape filled with man made tools?  As I 
recall, on a later date Art Bell got a good chuckle out of that on radio by 
jokingly referring to Richards claim, which interestingly enough is when Richard 
began his Lets hate Art Bell campaign.

Sorry my friend, in this case it's far more logical to side with a leading 
climate science researcher, Dr. Brenda Ekwurzel, PhD. over Richard Hoagland.


Re: [VO]:Global warning caused by humanity-- now factually based.

2007-04-20 Thread thomas malloy

Michel Jullian wrote:

It seems to me that whatever the causes of GW, if we want a remedy we will have 
to take care of it.

Jed mentioned orbiting parasols once, I then understood he was talking about Earth orbits so I 

You could use either the Cook Drive or the E M Drive to hold the parasol 
in place.

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