Re: [whatwg] [canvas] Path object

2012-10-03 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/3/12 11:04 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

I decided it wasn't worth punishing our users further if no one else in
the world cared about this.

Oh, and for the record we added gsp support in standards mode in Firefox 
14.  We kept the warning when it was used until Firefox 15, somewhat by 
accident; at that point we removed it, since warning on something every 
UA implements and the spec requires is a bit pointless.


Re: [whatwg] Resource loading in browsing context-less Documents

2012-10-05 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/5/12 4:23 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Note that you can append such an img to a different document later
(e.g. the one that executes the script) so fetching it is probably

It can also lead to privacy leaks and very upset web developers and 
performance problems...  So it's not quite clear cut.  ;)


Re: [whatwg] Resource loading in browsing context-less Documents

2012-10-05 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/5/12 4:09 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Yeah sure, I'm not opposed to that. But that seems like a somewhat
bigger change, no? E.g. then you would also change be a
no-op I suppose? Or form.submit().

Are they not already?


Re: [whatwg] [canvas] Path object

2012-10-05 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/5/12 4:59 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

(I hope the other browser vendors' rationale isn't actually not caring
about it.)

Some of them simply care about backwards compat more than about getting 
rid of the global scope polluter.

But some, as far as I can tell, really don't care at all.  Like don't 
respond to any questions on the matter.

But the upshot is the same.

Oh, and for the record we added gsp support in standards mode in
Firefox 14.  We kept the warning when it was used until Firefox 15,
somewhat by accident; at that point we removed it, since warning on
something every UA implements and the spec requires is a bit pointless.

It's not pointless: it discourages people from doing things that
increase the chances of their page breaking in the future, and makes it
easier for developers to ensure their own code isn't doing it by accident.

Yes, but at the cost of performance and memory usage that just doesn't 
seem worthwhile here.

And web developers get annoyed when UAs warn about various 
spec-compliant stuff they're doing, in my experience.

So here we are.


Re: [whatwg] Resource loading in browsing context-less Documents

2012-10-05 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/5/12 6:04 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 4:15 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 10/5/12 4:09 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Yeah sure, I'm not opposed to that. But that seems like a somewhat
bigger change, no? E.g. then you would also change be a
no-op I suppose? Or form.submit().

Are they not already? is definitely not a no-op when not in a document

The question is what it is when a.ownerDocument has no defaultView.  The 
not in a document case is a different issue.


Re: [whatwg] Details on

2012-10-08 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/7/12 6:32 AM, David Bruant wrote:

1) what are the rules for popup blockers?


Gecko uses a combination of several heuristics to block popups, based on 
what sort of platform event are being processed when the 
call happens, how many popups are already open, which exact site the 
call is on, etc.

Is every call to blocked in modern browsers or are there exceptions?

Well, usually works.

It might be good to come up with a cross-browser list of cases like that 
that content actually depends on.

2) About the third argument, is there a somewhat interoperable overlap
in implementations or is it just an intricable mess?

The latter, especially across different kinds of devices and different 
browser UIs.

If you limit to desktop browsers, there's some agreement on what the 
width and height of the resulting window should be... assuming it's 
actually a window that opens, not a tab.

3) Is what is returned a instance of Window or WindowProxy?

Web page script never has direct access to a Window. Whenever you have 
an object reference, it's always a WindowProxy.


Re: [whatwg] Null characters

2012-10-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/9/12 12:09 AM, Cameron Zemek wrote:

How is it not web-compatible?

Because shipping it breaks sites.  As in, makes them render 
differently than they do in current browsers, sufficiently so that it's 
a problem.

Yeah I don't have any numbers to see if this is the case or not.

As Anne said, we tried shipping this and got user feedback indicating 
that sufficiently many sites are broken that it was not acceptable to us.

But just thinking about it logically what issues would there be in showing Null 
character as
the replacement character instead? Visually would see some extra
characters if the document author had Null characters. What is the big
deal with doing that?

It makes text unreadable.  Consider text that's actually UTF-16 but 
being declared as ISO-8859-1.  If you strip the nulls, it all works out. 
 But if you don't, every other character is a replacement character.

This is not a rare situation on the web, unfortunately.

Why do authors even have null characters in
their HTML documents?

Because they have UTF-16 text in their database that they dump into an 
ISO-8859-1 document.  They have no idea there are any null characters 

I assume I'm probably missing some historical reason for this

Yes, that reason is the browsers all do it this way, so web sites 
depend on it.


Re: [whatwg] URL: URLQuery

2012-10-12 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/12/12 6:02 PM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

We're throwing away a ton if we suddenly decide not to take advantage of
JavaScript's native syntax for dictionary-like object access.

As you might have noticed, JS started adding things like Map in part 
because the native dictionary-like access has one significant problem: 
it looks up the prototype chain.

Unless the suggestion is that Object.getPrototypeOf(query.values) === null?


Re: [whatwg] URL: URLQuery

2012-10-13 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/13/12 11:53 AM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

You mean, people putting extra properties on things like Object.prototype
or DOMStringMap.prototype, and breaking code doing for(a in {})?  I don't
find that to be a problem: that's nuts, so I don't do it.

Yes, but lots of libraries do.  But even that's not the real problem.

Unless the suggestion is that Object.getPrototypeOf(query.values) === null?

That, or making the prototype immutable, as if Object.freeze was called on

Making the proto immutable is not good enough.

Consider code that wants to extract a toString URL parameter.  How do 
you propose it go about doing that in a setup where query.values is a 
normal object with a proto chain that chains up to Object.prototype?

Note that there are lots of other property names that have the same problem.

It's not clear to me to what extent implementing as a proxy can mitigate 
this.  I suppose you could write has() and get() traps that ignore the 
proto chain, even if you for some reason want that proto chain to be 


Re: [whatwg] Document referrer and script entry point

2012-10-22 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/22/12 1:38 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

To answer these questions, you need to reverse engineer the behavior
of various user agents, compare them

Bobby did that already, in the first mail in this thread.  See 
in case you missed it.

I'm happy to change WebKit to such a consensus behavior, but I don't
have the time right now to help you reverse engineer the behavior of
WebKit-based user agents.

The question is whether you're willing to change the the IE/Opera 
behavior described above, not what the WebKit behavior is.  We know what 
the WebKit behavior is for this specific case.


Re: [whatwg] Spec for location object needs to make some properties unforgeable; need supporting WebIDL changes

2012-10-23 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/23/12 5:45 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

heycam, bz, what's the conclusion on this?

I don't think we ever reached one...

Should I
define a valueOf and make just that, the toString serializer, and href

In the end, all properties and methods that let you read stuff out of 
Location need to be unforgeable as far as I can tell.

Incidentally there's also a request to mark the 'location' attribute
itself (on Document, presumably also the one on Window) unforgeable:

It's already unforgeable on Window, fwiw.


Re: [whatwg] URL: file: URLs

2012-10-28 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/27/12 3:35 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

This is covered as we do this for all URLs currently with a relative
scheme (http/ws/...). I know you indicated this as potentially

Let's have that fight separately.  ;)

2)  file:// URIs are parsed as a no authority URL in Gecko.  Quoting the
IDL comment:


The parser in the specification should handle these in the same way.

Same as the comment I quoted?  As same as something else?

I have not introduced a no authority concept however. The parser in
the specification also preserves the host as other user agents seem to
preserve it.

Well, the Gecko parser preserves the host at this stage assuming the URI 
was correctly formatted with a host.  Again:

  blah://foo/bar = blah://foo/bar

The interesting things happen when you have 0, 1, or 3 slashes between 
':' and foo.  The handling of foo after this point is a separate issue.

4)  For no authority URLs, including file://, on Windows and OS/2 only, if
what looks like authority section looks like a drive letter, it's treated as
part of the path.  For example, file://c:/ is treated as the filename
c:\.  Looks like a drive letter is defined as ASCII letter (any case),
followed by a ':' or '|' and then followed by end of string or '/' or '\\'.
I'm not sure why this is checking for '\\' again, honestly.  ;)

Is this part of URL parsing or part of doing something with the
resulting URL?

In Gecko, it's part of URL parsing.  More precisely, it's part of the 
normalization performed as part of constructing a URL object from a 
string.  Since this is also how we parse URLs, it's effectively all part 
of the package.

But note that it would be a bit odd of file://c:/ claimed to have a host 
of c with a default port or some such...

5)  When parsing a no authority URL (including file://), and when item 4
above does not apply, it looks like Gecko skips everything after file://
up until the next '/', '?', or '#' char before parsing path stuff.

So the host is dropped?

In Gecko, I believe so, yes.  I'm not saying this is desirable; just 
what Gecko does.

6)  On Windows and OS/2, when dynamically parsing a path for a no
authority URL (not sure whether this is actually web-exposed, fwiw...)
Gecko will do something involving looking for a path that's only an ASCII
letter followed by ':' or '|' followed by end of string.


7)  When doing URI equality comparisons


8)  When actually resolving a file:// URL

These points do not seem to be about parsing, correct?

Well, point 6 is about parsing, sort of.

7 and 8 are not, though at some point we'll need to define equality 
comparisons anyway.


Re: [whatwg] URL: file: URLs

2012-10-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/29/12 5:00 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

But note that it would be a bit odd of file://c:/ claimed to have a host of
c with a default port or some such...

Maybe I should introduce a file host state that supports colons in
the host name (or special case the host state further, but the
former seems cleaner).

I don't think that's particularly desirable.  The c: is totally part 
of the path; treating it otherwise would just be confusing.  Imo.

Most browsers seem to fail currently on input
such as file://c:/ but this is on a Mac

Yes, doing that on a Mac would just be wrong

I would prefer having the parsing be consistent though.

You mean across Windows and non-Windows?  I'm not sure that's viable.


Re: [whatwg] URL: file: URLs

2012-10-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/29/12 10:53 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

But at that point in a URL you cannot have a path. A path starts with
a slash after the host.

The point is that on Windows, Gecko parses file://c:/something as 

As in, it's an exception to the general if there are two slashes after 
the file: then the next thing is a host rule.

I suppose, I would hate it though for new URL(...) to depend on the platform.

I'm not sure there are great solutions here.  :(


Re: [whatwg] Proposal for window.DocumentType.prototype.toString

2012-10-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/29/12 8:58 PM, Johan Sundström wrote:

Serializing a complete HTML document DOM to a string is surprisingly
hard in javascript.

I thought there were plans to put innerHTML on Document.  Did that go 

As a fairly seasoned javascript hacker I figured
this might do it:

   document.doctype + document.documentElement.outerHTML

This seems lossy in many cases (most obviously: when the HTML uses 
conditional comments, though there are also various XHTML-specific issues).

The most useful implementation would IMO be a native one
that reproducing the doctype, as it was formatted in the source

That might be worth doing independent of the serialization issue.


Re: [whatwg] URL: file: URLs

2012-10-30 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/30/12 12:25 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Thanks, I missed that. It seems however we could have that parsing
rule for all platforms without issue, no?

Hmm.  Possibly, yes.  I'd love feedback from other UAs here!


Re: [whatwg] URL: query encoding

2012-10-30 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/30/12 11:43 AM, Simon Pieters wrote:

The above applies to what gets sent over the wire when using the
WebSocket(...) constructor. For a href, the results are different:

I don't have an opinion at this point about what to do here.

In Gecko, at least , when a URL object is constructed from a string the 
caller can specify an encoding to use for the URL.  The URL code then 
does things that depend on what that encoding was.  Apart from the 
hierarchical vs not distinction, I believe the handling of the encoding 
does not depend on scheme in Gecko.  If no encoding is specified, UTF-8 
is assumed.

a href passes in the document encoding as the encoding to use when 
constructing the URL object.

The WebSocket constructor does not pass in an ecoding when constructing 
the URL object, so UTF-8 is used.

I would not be opposed to us explicitly specifying things this way. 
That would incidentally require specs to say exactly when some non-UTF8 
encoding is supposed to be used for their URIs and what that encoding 
should be, which seems like a good thing to me.


Re: [whatwg] URL: file: URLs

2012-10-31 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/31/12 4:27 AM, Mikko Rantalainen wrote:

(1) file://c:/foo tries to connect to server c: and request shared
entity foo.

I don't think that's really acceptable, but see below.

I understand that (1) would behave different from some legacy user

Well, it would behave differently from Gecko, for sure.  Have you tested 
any other UAs?  As in, do you have any evidence that some is not all 
in that sentence?  Also, how are you defining legacy?  Is it the same 
as existing?  ;)

but there really is not interoperability with such file URLs

Is that a guess, or do you have data that you're forgetting to present? 
 Serious question

Some legacy user agents also support URLs such as

(5) file:///c|/foo which is considered equal to (3). I have no idea why
the pipe is considered better character than colon here.

Such URIs were used commonly back when various things that processed 
URIs went into conniptions when they saw the ':' reserved character, iirc.

In fact, at one point there were UAs that supported the version with '|' 
but not with ':'.  And hence there was content that used that syntax.

And again, what's needed here is data on which UAs do what, not generic 
statements about some.


Re: [whatwg] URL: file: URLs

2012-10-31 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 10/31/12 9:52 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

I think bz made it pretty clear we need to treat as if you typed
file:///c:/foo (at least on Windows, my preference is all
platforms). Not sure what the rules are exactly, but I believe they
are if you have a single ASCII letter followed by : or |.

That's correct for Gecko.  Specifically, what Gecko looks for is a URI 
that matches this regexp, effectively:


So file://z: and file://z|/ and file://z:\ would all be treated as 
having no authority and the path starting with the z in Gecko.

Again, I would love info on other UAs.


Re: [whatwg] Sortable Tables

2012-11-06 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/6/12 11:39 AM, Ojan Vafai wrote:

This is a use-case that I absolutely think it makes sense to address.

Agreed.  Not that I can commit to implementing, necessarily, but I do 
think this is a common want.

A couple thoughts off the top of my head:
1. Would sorting actually reorder the DOM nodes or just change their visual
order? It's not clear to me which one is better. I think the former is what
you'd want most of the time.

The former also makes defining the interaction of dynamic mutations with 
sorting much much simpler

Another obvious question: how does (or should) sorting interact with 


Re: [whatwg] Location object identity and navigation behavior

2012-11-08 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/8/12 6:09 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

I don't think I quite understand what you mean, but the way this works
in WebKit is that each Window object has its own Location object.

That's not how it works in Presto and Trident, as far as we can tell 
based on testing with ==.  In those, each WindowProxy has its own 
Location object.

The location object operates on the current Window for the WindowProxy.

Yes.  _That_ all browsers are consistent on, and is totally not what the 
spec says right now.  In the spec, there is one Location per Window, and 
the object operates on the Window it's associated with.  The fact that 
this does not match any browsers is what makes us suspect the spec is 
not web-compatible.

In WebKit at least, it would be a security vulnerability to expose
JavaScript objects that belong to Document B to Document A because
that would give Document A access to the prototype objects for
Document B.

You presumably have a solution for this situation for the WindowProxy 
case, right?  Certainly Gecko does, and we would be using the same 
solution for Location if we tie the lifetime of a Location to the 
lifetime of a WindowProxy.


P.S.  I'll leave it to Matt and Bobby to answer your question about your 
testcase with function f(), because while I suspect I know what UAs do 
there in practice there is no way to tell without actually testing...

Re: [whatwg] Location object identity and navigation behavior

2012-11-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/9/12 2:05 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

  The approach we use in WebKit is quite simple---we just perform an
access check before doing any sensitive operations.

The issue in Gecko, as I understand, is that security checks from C++ 
code require introspecting running JS to figure out what the right actor 
(subject) origin for the security check is.  This is somewhat fragile 
because it's easy to accidentally interpose other things that look like 
running JS between the caller and callee in many cases.  Note that this 
problem would be even worse for a self-hosted (implemented in JS) 
implementation of something like Location...

The upshot is that instead we aim to do security checks at points where 
control crosses from one origin to another, and use proxies to enforce 
the security invariants involved.

Bobby knows more about this than I do, so I'll let him correct any 

This access check is required in any case because the underlying Location 
object is
visible across origins.

In Gecko, it's actually not.  A proxy is visible.

One thing I'd like is some comment from Opera and Microsoft about what 
their situation is, since implementing what WebKit does would mean both 
of those changing.  This is probably the wrong venue to get hold of 
Microsoft for an official statement, sadly.  :(


Re: [whatwg] Spec for handling runtime script errors doesn't seem to match reality

2012-11-12 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/12/12 1:55 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Consider the attached testcase, which calls setTimeout on a window and
passes in a function from a different window.

Note that I observe the same behavior if I set onclick on another window 
too...  It seems just as bizarre there.  :(


Re: [whatwg] Spec for handling runtime script errors doesn't seem to match reality

2012-11-12 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/12/12 2:00 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 11/12/12 1:55 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Consider the attached testcase, which calls setTimeout on a window and
passes in a function from a different window.

Note that I observe the same behavior if I set onclick on another window

And with addEventListener, likewise.


[whatwg] Spec for handling runtime script errors doesn't seem to match reality

2012-11-12 Thread Boris Zbarsky
Consider the attached testcase, which calls setTimeout on a window and 
passes in a function from a different window.

When this function is then called, it throws.

Gecko, WebKit, and Presto all seem to trigger the onerror handler of the 
window setTimeout was called on in this case.

Per spec, section, we have:

  Whenever an uncaught runtime script error occurs in one of the
  scripts associated with a Document, the user agent must report
  the error at the URL of the resource containing the script (as
  established when the script was created), with the problematic
  position (line number and column number) in that resource, in
  the script's origin, using the onerror event handler of the
  script's global object.

But the global object is the window the function came from.  So the spec 
doesn't seem to match any of the above three rendering engines.  Does it 
match Trident?

I ask because I'm worried about web compat here.  While I agree that 
what the spec says to do is the sensible thing (and in fact, I had 
accidentally switched Gecko to doing what the spec says here as part of 
working on something else entirely), if none of the UAs do it then there 
may be web content that relies on it not happening.  There are certainly 
tests in Mozilla's regression test suite that inadvertently rely on 
Gecko's current behavior...


Re: [whatwg] Spec for handling runtime script errors doesn't seem to match reality

2012-11-12 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/12/12 11:48 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

So I did a bit more experimenting, and at first glance when the function
runs, even though the function's global is actually window A the this
object seems to be set to window B... _That_'s not specced anywhere
either, afaict.

And in fact what the spec said was both ambiguous and not matching reality.

I filed about the 
this issue.  Still looking into what IE does in terms of which onerror 
handler is called.


Re: [whatwg] Spec for handling runtime script errors doesn't seem to match reality

2012-11-12 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/12/12 4:17 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Still looking into what IE does in terms of which onerror handler is called.

Looks like IE, in all the modes I can test, does what the spec says 
right now.

I'll be changing Gecko to align with IE and the spec (and, arguably, 
sanity) here.


Re: [whatwg] Spec for handling runtime script errors doesn't seem to match reality

2012-11-13 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/13/12 3:31 AM, Simon Pieters wrote:

   onerror=function(a,b,c){alert('parent: '+[a,b,c].join(' '));};
   frames[0].onerror=function(){alert('child: '+[a,b,c].join(' '));};
   frames[0].setTimeout(function(){ throw 'oops' }, 0);


Opera and Chrome use child and taint (alert says child: Script error.


Firefox uses child taints the url and line arguments but not the message
argument (alert says child: uncaught exception: oops  0).

Actually, Firefox is not tainting anything here.  A manually thrown 
string exception like that in Spidermonkey just seems to not have a url 
and line number attached to it.

I believe right now Gecko uses the effective script origin for 
determining whether to taint, so in your case the two pages are actually 
same-origin for tainting purposes in Gecko.

IE8 uses parent and doesn't taint (alert says parent: Exception thrown
and not caught 7).

Indeed.  I'm working on switching Gecko to using the parent in this case 
(and still not tainting, of course).

I also tested the same as the above but with a string argument to
setTimeout with a syntax error.

This one is simpler in terms of which error handler to use, because the 
string is compiled in the child to start with.  Though I agree it's very 
interesting for tainting purposes!

What does Opera base its tainting decision on here, exactly?  The actual 
origin of the script that made the setTimeout call (as opposed to the 
origin it has due to being loaded by some web page)?  Or just its page's 
origin?  Or does it track origins on individual strings?


Re: [whatwg] URL: IPv6 parsing and model/serializing

2012-11-14 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/14/12 10:35 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Chrome's implementation (except for parsing invalid IPv4) makes a lot
of sense I think as it allows for minimizing what needs to be stored
internally. It only requires a sequence of eight 16-bit components.

I believe Gecko simply stores the original string (lowercased), modulo 
IDN stuff.  Since this works for both DNS names and IP addresses, a 
requirement that some other representation be stored is actually a bit 
of an implementation annoyance...


Re: [whatwg] URL: IPv6 parsing and model/serializing

2012-11-15 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/15/12 5:45 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Well and it is validated. You definitely parse the string

Yes, absolutely.

but I can
see how that is cheaper than transforming the string. And that string
is then passed to the DNS layer?

I don't know offhand.  I'd have to go dig...

We could define that instead I suppose although it seems kind of weird
to normalise domain names, but not IP addresses. We could offer an API
instead I suppose that does implement

Just to be clear, I don't necessarily object to normalizing IPv6 
addresses.  Especially since I'm no longer actively working on 
networking code, so it's not like it would be work for _me_.  I just 
mentioned the only concern I had about your proposal, which in general 
sounds excellent.


[whatwg] Document.setCapture/releaseCapture

2012-11-15 Thread Boris Zbarsky
Are setCapture/releaseCapture specified on document anywhere?  The last 
thing I see about it is 
and then nothing...

Note that I suspect we do need a releaseCapture() so pages can call it 
without throwing, even if we decide it should do nothing when called.


Re: [whatwg] [URL] DOM API Feedback

2012-11-19 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/19/12 2:36 AM, David Bruant wrote:

An ES6 proxy could do the trick here.

But then it's not a Map at all, right?  It's a proxy for maybe a Map, 
maybe something else.  In what sense would it be a Map at that point?

I suppose the same goes for ES6 Map.

As Tab suggested, a Map subclass could certainly work

How close are subclasses to not being vaporware (both in spec and 
implementation terms)?  Speccing things in terms of vaporware makes them 
pretty hard to implement in actual implementations...  Doesn't mean we 
shouldn't do it, but I'm a bit wary of it, in general.

The ordered part for objects wasn't true in ES5 (implementation specific
order), but is considered for ES6 [1] since all web engines do the same

Except they don't.  Here's a trivial example:

  var obj = {};
  obj[2] = 5;
  obj[1] = 0;

which is handled differently by different UAs.  The same order bit is 
only true for property names that don't look like array indices.  Per 
proposed spec you linked to, by the way, this will enumerate properties 
in the order 1 followed by 2.

Of course nothing really stops pages from using url parameters whose 
names look like array indices.  So if we want ordered here, we just 
can't use a object to do it.


Re: [whatwg] [URL] DOM API Feedback

2012-11-19 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/19/12 11:00 AM, David Bruant wrote:

How close are subclasses to not being vaporware (both in spec and
implementation terms)?

I don't understand what you mean by vaporware. ES6 Maps are a reality in
Firefox and Chrome (behind a flag for the latter).

Yes, I know that.

Subclassing of ES6
maps will be possible as soon as ES6 classes do (which I admit are still

Yes, that's what I mean by vaporware.  ;)

... well... it's actually possible today with __proto__ I guess.

Is it?  It's not terrible possible for arrays, right?  Have we checked 
that it is for maps?

It's still possible for the spec to define an API that maps (no pun) the
ES6 Map API (and does some additional magic). For those who'd care
enough, it'll be possible to make this object a map.

So... the question is whether the spec will require that this object 
is a Map, whatever that means.

If not an ES6 map, the same API will be good enough to avoid API diversity.

I have no problem with same API.  The issue is how to define this in a 
way that UAs actually end up interoperable in the end.  If some use Map 
and some don't, that's not exactly great.

Interesting, I thought the proposal was meant to capture de facto
standard. Did UAs converge for that behavior recently? More
specifically, what does IE9 do? (I guess oldIE are the ones diverging
from the others?)

All UAs agree on ordering of non-index properties.

For index properties, they don't agree in all sorts of ways.  The 
behaviors I know about:

1)  V8 enumerates indexed properties in index order always, for all
objects, as far as I know.
2)  Spidermonkey enumerates indexed properties on fast arrays (the
ones that have no non-index props and don't have too many holes,
and some other conditions) in index order.  In all other cases it
enumerates them in set order, where set order when an array
transitions from fast to slow is index order.  I believe we
plan to change this behavior to match that of V8 sometime, but the
timeframe is many months at best.
3)  JSC enumerates indexed properties in set order on my testcase
earlier in this thread.  I didn't experiment more, because frankly
you can do that just as well as I can.  ;)
4)  Carakan enumerates indexed properties in index order on my small
testcase.  Again, further experimentation is open to anyone who

Basically, the spec here codified the de-facto standard in the case 
where there was interop (non-index properties) and just picked a random 
behavior from the wide range of available behaviors for the case where 
there was so little interop that it was clear the web didn't depend on 
any particular behavior too much (index properties).  In particular, the 
V8 behavior was picked, as far as I can tell.


Re: [whatwg] [URL] DOM API Feedback

2012-11-19 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/19/12 11:16 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

Subclasses aren't anything new - we're just referring to the standard
prototype-based subclassing.

OK.  That's different from ES6 classes/subclasses, so it might be good 
to get terminology straight here to reduce confusion


Re: [whatwg] [URL] DOM API Feedback

2012-11-19 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/19/12 11:20 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

To a first approximation, they shouldn't be.  ES6 classes desugar into
functions and prototypes.

Hmm.  They didn't completely at some point, but maybe something got 
changed since I last looked.

first approximation is not great if we actually expect people to 
implement stuff interoperably, not just interoperably to a first 
approximation.  ;)


Re: [whatwg] [URL] DOM API Feedback

2012-11-19 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/19/12 1:26 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

Classes and everything else in ES6 will be precisely specified within
interoperability being a paramount goal

Of course.  My concern is with web specs handwavily specifying things 
without defining them (which they have a regrettable tendency to do), 
not with ES doing that (because historically, it does not have such a 


Re: [whatwg] URL: percent-encoded host

2012-11-19 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/19/12 4:12 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

3. Ignore percent-encoded bytes.


Firefox seems to do 3.

This actually causes problems; see

So I don't think we should require this behavior.


Re: [whatwg] Location object identity and navigation behavior

2012-11-19 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/19/12 8:38 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

For now I've tightened up the spec so it should be implementable, secure,
and Web-compatible

I don't believe it's secure as currently written, actually.  Filed

I'm also curious as to why figuring out the entry script's
characteristics needs to use the stack introspection rather than just
having an event-loop global first script variable

You can maintain a stack of entry scripts.  You can't use a global, 
because you need to push and pop entry scripts as various things happen 
(e.g. invoking event listeners sets the entry script to the event 
listener function's script for the duration of the event listener 

There is no such stack of entry scripts in Gecko yet, but we're working 
on changing that.

The thing that _really_ requires stack introspection is when you need to 
look at the caller script instead of the entry script.  Which is what 
you need to do when performing Location security checks (or indeed, any 
security checks).


Re: [whatwg] Location object identity and navigation behavior

2012-11-20 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/20/12 1:23 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Could you elaborate in the bug? I've no idea what you think is wrong.

Done, but what's wrong is that the security checks described in the spec 
check the origin of the wrong document.

You can maintain a stack of entry scripts.  You can't use a global,
because you need to push and pop entry scripts as various things happen
(e.g. invoking event listeners sets the entry script to the event
listener function's script for the duration of the event listener

The way the spec does it, the stack is implemented as the actual call
stack, with nested calls to jump to a code entry-point storing the old
value, updating the global, running the script, then restoring the global
to the stored old value.

Sure, that works.  One way or another, you need to have a stack.  ;) 
And if part of your WebAPI/DOM/etc implementation itself is done in JS 
you have to be careful to not update the entry-point stuff when calling 
into that JS, of course.

The thing that _really_ requires stack introspection is when you need to
look at the caller script instead of the entry script.  Which is what
you need to do when performing Location security checks (or indeed, any
security checks).

Can you show an example of when that is needed?

Uh... any time you do a security check, in general.

As far as I can tell, the entry script always has the same origin as the
running script.

All you need for script A to be able to call script B as the spec us 
currently written is that sometime in the past the effective script 
origin of A matched the effective script origin of some script C and 
that at some point in the past (possibly a completely different point) 
the effective script origin of B matched the effective script origin of 
C (which may not have been the same at that point as when C matched A!). 
 There is no requirement that A ever matched B, or even that the sets 
of effective script origins A and B have had in the past have nonempty 

And even that may not be true depending on whether UAs allow 
privileged JS in various settings.  If they do, then the entry script 
becomes very useless for origin determination unless crossing origin 
barriers resets the entry script.  Which, again, is not the case in 
Gecko right now.  But that's obviously Gecko's problem, for the moment.

I guess this isn't necessarily true of the effective
origin, which is what we're using for the Location object security? Is
that the problem here?

I think the problem is that you're assuming invariants that just don't 
hold.  There is no current requirement in the spec that there be any 
relationship between either the origin or effective script origin of the 
entry script and the origins of the currently running script.

If so, why don't we just make it be an origin check of the entry script
instead of an effective origin check?

Because that would be totally wrong; see above.

If that would make it simpler for Gecko

As things stand, it wouldn't, particularly.  It would actually introduce 
security bugs.

if you have both calling each other then you can almost
certainly trick the script into doing what you want either way.

Who said anything about both calling each other?  Gecko's security model 
is asymmetric in practice.


Re: [whatwg] Location object identity and navigation behavior

2012-11-20 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/20/12 2:38 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

IMHO there's no point us trying to keep things locked down when you set

I believe sites actually rely on a certain amount of lockdown in 
situations like this...  Adam can fill you in, I'm sure.

But in general, as people work more and more on Widgety and Appy stuff 
in HTML, with various expanded privileges, granted permissions, etc, the 
assumption that the security model is completely symmetric just becomes 
false.  I'd rather we didn't paint ourselves into a corner by assuming 
otherwise here and requiring behavior that UAs would simply refuse to 
implement because they view it as insecure.

if you have both calling each other then you can almost certainly
trick the script into doing what you want either way.

Who said anything about both calling each other?

If they're not calling each other, how are they both on the stack?

This only requires one of them calling the other.  It doesn't require 
the other being able to call back into one.

Maybe that's not what you meant, though.  So let me give you a concrete 
not-exactly-hypothetical example.

Say I'm implementing a debugger in a web browser, and I implement my UI 
in HTML+JS as browsers are tending to do now.  When I examine properties 
with scripted getters in this debugger, what should happen?  I will bet 
money that the debugger is not, generally, running with the permissions 
of the page, because it needs to be able to do things that web pages 
aren't allowed to do.  However the getters in question had better run 
with the permissions of the page; otherwise you open up the debugger to 
attacks from the web page.  This problem is not solvable using the 
separate worlds approaches browsers use to provide extensions with an 
unmodified view of the DOM, since the debugger really does want to see 
what's going on in the web page itself; it just doesn't want to allow 
the page to escalate permissions.

Now I know there are several possible objections to this use case, so 
let me just pre-address some:

1)  It's not the web, so we don't have to specify it.  That's true, 
sure.  I suspect as time goes on we might in fact need to specify 
something like this for apps, however.  And more importantly, just 
because it's not the web doesn't mean UAs are not implementing it, and 
if they're implementing it they need to make it work with their security 
model, whatever it is.

2)  The debugger can have some magic to make it all work.  Yes, but 
then the question is how it interacts with the web security model and 
how the result can be implemented.

3)  The debugger should set the entry script before invoking the 
getter.  This is a plausible approach, but it makes it very error-prone 
and complicated to create things like the above-described debugger: you 
have to manually keep track of which objects come from where instead of 
just having the web platform implementation (which already has that 
information) keep track of it for you.

4)  Entry script should always be set when crossing origins (for some 
definition of crossing origins).  This seems plausible as well.  Maybe 
it's doable.

One other note: Gecko's current model is at least somewhat influenced by 
the fact that in the past Gecko had expanded privileges on a 
per-function basis.  This obviously made using the entry script a 
non-starter...  Maybe it's more of a starter now.  I'll let Bobby worry 
about it.  ;)


Re: [whatwg] Location object identity and navigation behavior

2012-11-20 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/20/12 12:46 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Given the way JavaScript works, I just don't see a sane way to make a
non-symmetric model work.

How does JavaScript work in your mind?  We have a good amount of 
experience making a non-symmetric model work in Gecko, for what it's worth.

Any time you pass a string from one to the other, you're also passing a way for 
callee to call back into the caller, for example (via the string's

Spidermonkey effectively copies strings when passing across globals; the 
callee never gets the caller's actual string.  The methods the callee 
sees on strings are its own methods, not the callers.

Passing any sort of structured objects similarly means passing

In the case of Gecko, what the caller gets in this case is a proxy for 
the actual object which enforces security invariants like only 
properties on a whitelist are exposed for cases when the security check 
is asymmetric.  This is handled completely on the underlying JS 
implementation level; individual callers don't have to do anything 
special to be safe this way.

We have mechanisms for safe passing of data from one context to another,
such as postMessage(). Doing it by having one-way glass in JS just seems
like asking for trouble.

postMessage doesn't work unless both sides are cooperating...

Yeah, like running getters with the ability to abort them if they don't
return promptly.

Perhaps, yes.  ;)  I agree that debuggers have all sorts of weird going 
on, obviously!

But your underlying point, that we can't rely on the entry script and the
real origin, is sound. In particular, anything that's to be affected by
document.domain has to use the calling script, not the entry script, and
has to use the effective origin, not the real origin. It would be useful
if someone (other than me) were to review the spec's uses of the term
entry script and origin and verify that the checks all make sense.

I'll see what I can do about finding someone for this.  Might be a few 
weeks given holidays and whatnot, obviously.

I'll let Bobby handle the Location parts of this.  ;)


Re: [whatwg] Provide data chunk with the ProgressEvent

2012-11-21 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/21/12 11:07 AM, Nicolas Froidure wrote:

Indeed, the only way to access to the data chunk loaded is to keep a
reference to the previous value of xhr.responseText.

Nicolas, see 
(implemented in Gecko as the moz-chunked-text and 
moz-chunked-arraybuffer response types so people can experiment with 
it).  Would that address your use case?


Re: [whatwg] URL testing

2012-11-24 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/24/12 5:49 PM, Chris Weber wrote:

There also appears to be some differences in Unicode normalization
(assuming I tested this enough), see:

A question.  What OS or OSes did you test on?  Unicode normalization 
differs in some browsers depending on the OS (e.g. different behavior on 
Windows and Mac)...


Re: [whatwg] Adding crossorigin= to more elements

2012-11-28 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/28/12 7:42 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Done, at least on the HTML side. For now it just makes .sheet return null
for cross-origin resources.

Pretty sure that's not web-compatible...

If that's not quite right, please update this
bug with the details:


An open issue: what to do about @import?  I haven't done anything magic
here yet.  Inheriting the CORS mode from the importing sheet is a bit
weird, and I wasn't quite sure I wanted to make CSS syntax changes at
this time.

Inheriting the mode isn't so bad, all it really does is decide whether or
not to send an Origin header.

Not quite.  It also affects what happens when the server doesn't respond 
with an appropriate Allow-Origin.  A CORS-enabled load from a server 
that knows nothing about CORS will throw away the sheet, while a no-CORS 
load will happily apply the sheet to the page (but not give access to 
its data).  So inheriting the mode can cause drastic changes in behavior 
compared to not inheriting it...

If the CORS mode is inherited from the importing sheet, then I think the
origin for the fetch should be the page, not the importing sheet,
since the page is what would get access to the stylesheet data.

Right, the origin of the importing sheet in this situation is the origin
of the page that imported it, not the origin of its URL. That's what CORS
does, it changes the effective origin of a resource from being the origin
its URL would suggest it had, to being the origin of its caller.

That's not quite correct.  It changes the _object_ origin to that of the 
caller.  It doesn't change the _subject_ origin.  Otherwise loading 
something via CORS would allow it to act on behalf of the loading page, 
whereas usually pages assume that using CORS just gives them expanded 
access to something.

Or put another way, if I have a file:// page that loads a sheet from 
http:// with CORS, that shouldn't imply that the sheet can then link to 
file:// URIs the page can link to.

This is very important; oversimplifying the security model to the point 
where it becomes insecure is bad.  ;)

Maybe this is OK, but it's non-obvious; usually for security purposes
the importing sheet is what affects things like can-load checks, Referer
headers, etc.

Presumably a CORS-same-origin sheet would use the security characteristics
of the page, since the page can make the style sheet dance as if it was
its puppet.

No, see above.  The page can make the sheet do whatever, agreed.  But 
this is about the _sheet_ taking on the permissions of the _page_ in 
some sense, which may not be desirable.

Anyway, that part of it belongs in CSS/CSSOM.

That's fine by me.  Assuming we ever end up with a CSSOM spec not 
holding my breath.  ;)


Re: [whatwg] Adding crossorigin= to more elements

2012-11-28 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/28/12 11:03 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Inheriting the mode isn't so bad, all it really does is decide whether or
not to send an Origin header.

Not quite.  It also affects what happens when the server doesn't respond
with an appropriate Allow-Origin.

Oh, I see.  You've added this taint thing, which you're using for the 
CSS bit.

I don't believe Gecko has any such concept.  We simply fail the load if 
the CORS check fails.  Furthermore, Gecko's behavior is what the CORS 
spec requires: failure to respond properly to a cross-origin CORS 
request must be treated like a network error per CORS.


Re: [whatwg] [mimesniff] Treating application/octet-stream as unknown for sniffing

2012-11-28 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/29/12 1:30 AM, Gordon P. Hemsley wrote:

Based on my reading of the source code, it seems that Gecko treats a
resource served as 'application/octet-stream' as an unknown type which
is sniffed as if no Content-Type was specified.

Only for media (video and audio) loads.  Note that the HTML spec 
requires this behavior for those.

Are there security implications with doing this?

In general, yes.  Doing this for document loads would be a security 
nightmare, for example.


Re: [whatwg] [mimesniff] Treating application/octet-stream as unknown for sniffing

2012-11-28 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/29/12 2:07 AM, Gordon P. Hemsley wrote:

So perhaps a more useful question would be what to do in situations
like that—should mimesniff treat application/octet-stream as a type
supported by the browser for the purposes of sniffing images, audio
or video, fonts, or other media types?

The way it works right now is that says:

  The MIME type application/octet-stream with no parameters is never
  a type that the user agent knows it cannot render. User agents must
  treat that type as equivalent to the lack of any explicit
  Content-Type metadata when it is used to label a potential media

So for the purpose of sniffing media loads specifically, that type is 
treated just like no type at all.

But first you have to know it's a media load.

I imagine this ties in, too, to the issues with sniffing CSS files
that has been raised elsewhere:

Neither one of those has anything to do with application/octet-stream as 
far as I can tell.  Those cover cases in which data is sent with either 
no Content-Type header or with such a header which can't even be parsed 
as major/minor.  Neither of which is true if the data says 


Re: [whatwg] [mimesniff] Treating application/octet-stream as unknown for sniffing

2012-11-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/29/12 2:32 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 11/29/12 2:07 AM, Gordon P. Hemsley wrote:

I imagine this ties in, too, to the issues with sniffing CSS files
that has been raised elsewhere:

Neither one of those has anything to do with application/octet-stream as
far as I can tell.  Those cover cases in which data is sent with either
no Content-Type header or with such a header which can't even be parsed
as major/minor.  Neither of which is true if the data says

Oh, and the other important bit is that there is no sniffing CSS 
involved.  If the load is for a link rel=stylesheet and the server 
doesn't send a content type or sends one that can't be parsed, Gecko 
just treats the data as CSS.  That's not the same thing as sniffing the 
data.  ;)


Re: [whatwg] [mimesniff] Treating application/octet-stream as unknown for sniffing

2012-11-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/29/12 2:53 AM, Gordon P. Hemsley wrote:

At one point it says, The MIME type application/octet-stream with
no parameters is never a type that the user agent knows it cannot
render. User agents must treat that type as equivalent to the lack of
any explicit Content-Type metadata when it is used to label a
potential media resource.

But later it says, The canPlayType(type) method must return the empty
string if type is a type that the user agent knows it cannot render or
is the type application/octet-stream;

What's the contradiction?  We have set S = { types the user agent knows 
it cannot render }.  We have set T = S union { application/octet-stream }

What the above statements tell us so far is:

1)  T != S
2)  canPlayType(type) must return empty string for all types in T.

But later on in the resource selection algorithm there are certain 
actions taken for elements of S only.

This seems to me to be unclear as to when sniffing of the audio/video
resource occurs, and what it is used for.

It's used for actually showing the video even if it's sent as 

I was grouping them together because they both rely on context clues
for modifying the sniffing (fallback) behavior

So first of all, sniffing and default handling are not the same 
thing at all.

But yes, context matters for determining default handling and also for 
determining sniffing.


Re: [whatwg] [mimesniff] Treating application/octet-stream as unknown for sniffing

2012-11-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/29/12 12:45 PM, Gordon P. Hemsley wrote:

The apparent contradiction occurs when, e.g., an Opus file is tagged
as application/octet-stream.

If I understand correctly, a UA would return  when canPlayType() is
called against such a file

canPlayType is not called against a file.  It's called with a single 
argument which is a string MIME type.  If you pass 
application/octet-stream, it will return .  Its behavior does not 
depend on any state of the element it's called on (like what it's 
actually pointing to, etc); only on the string passed in.

but then the file would actually play
because it is later sniffed as application/ogg.

Am I missing something?

I think you're misunderstanding what canPlayType does?


Re: [whatwg] [mimesniff] Treating application/octet-stream as unknown for sniffing

2012-11-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/29/12 1:11 PM, Gordon P. Hemsley wrote:

So... are there any additional places where application/octet-stream
should be treated as if the media type was undefined? Or is this
conversation moot now?

To my knowledge, the only places in the web platform that special-case 
application/octet-stream like this are media and object... And for 
object I believe it falls back to @type, not to data sniffing, but 
it's been a while.


Re: [whatwg] Adding crossorigin= to more elements

2012-11-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/29/12 5:09 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Well, yeah, but the sheet knows which mode it's in, so I don't think that
part of it is a big deal.

Maybe.  Problems can arise with a sheet that itself sends CORS headers 
but links to sheets that don't and that's tested in a UA that doesn't do 
link crossorigin.  But OK.  I'll see about inheriting the CORS mode.

The real issue here is that CSS is different than other things we've
applied CORS to before, in that it is, to some level, alive.

Yep.  See for a 
(probably non-exhaustive) list of possible meanings for CORS here.  I 
implemented option 5 in Gecko.

Anyway, this is somewhat moot to me because it'll all have to be defined
by whatever spec it is that currently says that a CSS sheet on http:
can't import an image on file:, etc.

Heh.  Does it affect things like CSP in any way?

On Wed, 28 Nov 2012, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Oh, I see.  You've added this taint thing, which you're using for the
CSS bit.

That only applies when there's no crossorigin= attribute, unless I made
a mistake in the speccing.

Oh, ok.  Sorry.  Reading diffs of HTML is a pain.  :(

Well presumably you don't block all cross-origin loads of CSS when there's
no crossorigin= attribute. :-)

Sure.  We don't do any sort of tainting either, though; we simply 
remember the origin of the CSS (where it was actually loaded from, 
post-redirect, not the original URI) and do a same-origin check when you 
try to use the CSSOM on it.  Note that this check is done against the 
effective script origin of the script doing the CSSOM access, which may 
not actually match the origin of the page the CSS is loaded for, etc. 
Not sure whether the tainting setup you describe is equivalent to that, 
though I doubt it is.


Re: [whatwg] Adding crossorigin= to more elements

2012-11-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/29/12 9:44 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

The behaviour called tainting in this context in the spec just means
treat as a cross-origin resource

Right.  My point was that cross-origin for the case of stylesheet at 
least in Gecko depends on the origin of the script that tries to modify 
them, not on the origin of the document that linked to them...

Wish I had any bright idea on HTML diffs.  :(


Re: [whatwg] Make DOMStringMap constructable, and el.dataset writeable?

2012-11-30 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/30/12 2:23 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

It would be somewhat cleaner if she could simply construct a
DOMStringMap and assign it, like so:

for(var i = 0; i  cards.length; i++) {
   cards[i].dataset = new DOMStringMap(carddata[i]);

So this would copy the DOMStringMap into the dataset, not actually 
change the value of cards[i].dataset, right?

Given that, would it make more sense to just have a setFrom method on 
dataset that takes a string?  I guess the problem with that is name 
collisions with data items...

Really, what we want to be able to do here is assign a string to 
.dataset and have it do the right thing...  WebIDL doesn't really 
support that very well; perhaps it should.

Another potentially interesting use-case for this is making it
possible to transfer data-* attributes from one element to another
with a simple el1.dataset = el2.dataset; statement.

Again, this would copy, not share, yes?


Re: [whatwg] Make DOMStringMap constructable, and el.dataset writeable?

2012-11-30 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 11/30/12 7:07 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

Sure.  I presume you're afraid of multiple elements sharing the same object?

We can call it afraid or we can call it nonsensical since the object 
is just syntactic sugar on top of the (not shared) attributes the 
objects have ;)

Really, what we want to be able to do here is assign a string to .dataset
and have it do the right thing...  WebIDL doesn't really support that very
well; perhaps it should.

What would the string be?  String-serialized JSON object?

Whatever you're proposing be passed to the DOMStringMap constructor, no?

Isn't this what [PutForwards] is for?

Unfortunately, no.  [PutForwards] will take the RHS and pass it to the 
setter of some attribute of the LHS.  But that requires there to be such 
an attribute, which is a no-go due to the name collision thing...

Basically what we want here is an IDL attribute for which the getter 
returns one type but the setter takes a different type.  Or something. 
We can do it the way you proposed, but it seems like a workaround for 
the lack of ability to declare such a thing in WebIDL.

Yes.  I presume same fear?



[whatwg] Specification unclear about how HTMLElement.prototype.onscroll's getter/setter should behave for body elements

2012-12-03 Thread Boris Zbarsky

Consider this testcase:

  var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElement.prototype,
 onscroll);, function() { alert(this); });

Is the listener added on the body, or the window?

The relevant parts of the spec are:

1)  onscroll is present on both HTMLElement.prototype and 
HTMLBodyElement.prototype.  This testcase explicitly invokes the setter 
for the former.

2)  The spec text at 
(scroll up; there is no way to link to the actual text) says:

  The following are the event handlers (and their corresponding event
  handler event types) that must be supported by all HTML elements
  other than body and frameset, as both content attributes and IDL
  attributes, and on Document objects, as IDL attributes

It's not clear to me what this means since the properties are on 
HTMLElement.prototype so they can be applied to all HTML elements.  What 
does this text mean in terms of the testcase above?

Basically, I can see three possible behaviors here.  Either the 
HTMLElement.prototype.onscroll setter behaves the same way on all 
elements (and hence the above adds the event handler on the body) or it 
behaves specially for the body element, forwarding to the window (and 
then we don't need HTMLBodyElement.prototype.onscroll), or it throws for 
the body element.  Which one is intended?


Re: [whatwg] Specification unclear about how HTMLElement.prototype.onscroll's getter/setter should behave for body elements

2012-12-03 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/3/12 2:05 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

What do browsers do?

WebKit and Opera don't put the property on the prototype at all, so the 
whole issue is not even testable there.  This obviously doesn't follow 
WebIDL, but that's not relevant here.

It looks like Gecko currently doesn't allow the onscroll setter gotten 
from HTMLElement.prototype to be invoked on things whose prototype is 
not exactly HTMLElement.prototype.  In particular, applying it to an 
HTMLBodyElement throws.  This is an artifact of this property being 
implemented via XPConnect, unlike a lot of other DOM properties; we're 
in the process of switching to WebIDL for the bindings here, which is 
why the question arose.

IE9 in IE9 standards mode seems to depend on the exact event handler. 
Specifically, assuming I didn't mess up my tests:

1)  For onload, onfocus, onblur it seems to forward the set
to the window even if it's invoked via the HTMLElement.prototype
2)  For onscroll, onerror it seems to never forward to the
window, no matter how you set it.

So in terms of compat, I claim there are no constraints here.  ;)

This should probably be defined in WebIDL.

You have IDL like this:

  interface Foo {
attribute EventHandler onscroll;
  interface Bar : Foo {
attribute EventHandler onscroll;

WebIDL already defines how this behaves: there are getters/setters on 
both Foo.prototype and Bar.prototype, and it's up to the spec prose to 
decribe how those getters/setters actually behave.  That's really what's 
missing here, no?  Again, there are several possible behaviors; the 
question is which one we want for this particular case.

It relatess also to:

It's a similar situation, yes.  But in this case I don't see why you'd 
need an IDL annotation of any sort at all.  If you want the behavior to 
be the same, just don't define onscroll on Bar at all and define the one 
on Foo to special case the two Foo subclasses you care about here.  If 
you don't want it to be the same, the IDL annotation doesn't help you.


Re: [whatwg] Specification unclear about how HTMLElement.prototype.onscroll's getter/setter should behave for body elements

2012-12-03 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/3/12 7:33 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Note that onerror has a different type on HTMLElement and HTMLBodyElement.

Yes, indeed.  That's the biggest problem with forwarding to Window for 
the HTMLElement.prototype case for onerror here: the types are different.

onscroll is a case where there's really no reason to use a different
setter, agreed. So I've commented that out (and it's similar friends).
That still leaves onerror though.

Indeed.  I would have no problem with just having 
HTMLElement.prototype.onerror's setter set an error handler on the body 
itself, like it would on any other HTML element, and likewise for the 

Per our IRC discussion just now, I think I would propose that when a
method/setter/getter from a prototype of interface A is called against an
object that is of an interface B (or one of B's descendants), where B is a
subclass of A, and B defines its own method/getter/setter with the same
name, then it should throw.

Hmm.  That, as phrased, is pretty complicated to implement in a 
performant way, if the two methods/getters/setters have the same 


Re: [whatwg] Specification unclear about how HTMLElement.prototype.onscroll's getter/setter should behave for body elements

2012-12-03 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/3/12 8:16 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

On 4/12/12 12:11 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Hmm.  That, as phrased, is pretty complicated to implement in a
performant way, if the two methods/getters/setters have the same

Since I'm not terribly familiar with our generated bindings code, I'm
not really sure what that would be.  Is there a phrasing that would not
be so complicated but does the same thing? :)

The problem is the functionality, not the phrasing.

I have to ask: are there languages or runtime systems that have that 
sort of behavior on method calls (as opposed to in method 
implementations in special cases where the operation is nonsensical)? 
It seems weird to be requiring this behavior, in general.


Re: [whatwg] Make the files attribute of the input element writable

2012-12-15 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/15/12 8:39 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

myFileInput.files = [ablob, afile, anotherblob, new Blob([foo])];

There's no way to express that in WebIDL, but I think that's a bug we 
should fix in WebIDL.  We should allow getters and setters for 
attributes to accept different IDL types...


Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2012-12-15 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/15/12 8:33 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

An easy solution would be to just return null for .contentDocument
in the case of cross-origin iframes.

Even if that were web-compatible (which is not obvious), that doesn't 
solve the problem of doing the same sort of thing with .contentWindow.


Re: [whatwg] Details on

2012-12-18 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/18/12 3:53 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Per the spec, calls that would create a new browsing context are blocked
unless called from the handler of a trusted 'click' event.

That's not web-compatible...

I don't know if the spec is overly strict here; maybe it should also be
possible on other trusted events e.g. mousedown or keydown?

Gecko's current behavior is as follows:

There are four possible states we can be in for popups: Allowed 
(allows popups), Controlled (allows popups, but only up to a global 
maximum number of popups opened from states other than Allowed), 
Abused (does not allow popups normally) and Overridden (does not 
allow popups normally).  If a site is white-listed in preferences to 
allow popups, then for that site Controlled is treated as Allowed 
and Abused is treated as Controlled.

The default state is Abused, I believe.

During handling of user input (which is NOT the same thing as an event 
being trusted, iirc; in particular there is some timer involved after an 
actual user input event was handled during which we treat things as 
being user input, because of sites doing from timeouts set 
from onclick), the popup state is set as follows:

click: Allowed if click is in the popup-allowed whitelist
select, change, input, keypress, keyup, keydown, mouseup, mousedown, 
dblclick, error, submit, reset: Controlled if the event name is in

   the popup-allowed whitelist

The default value of the whitelist is change click dblclick mouseup 
reset submit, but can be modified by the user.

Furthermore, certain things propagate the popup state that was active at 
a previous point in time.  Specifically:

1)  Loading a javascript: URI will record the state that was active when 
the load started, and temporarily set that state during the async 
execution of the script.  So if your click handler sets a javascript: 
URI that does, that will work.

2)  Calling click() on an input type=file will record the active 
popup state and test it when the task that would actually open the file 
dialog runs.  This is more or less an implementation detail, looks like; 
it's equivalent to just checking the state in click(), as long as you 
ignore the exact firing time of popup-blocked events.

3)  Submitting a form will record the popup state at the time the 
submission started.  When the asynchronous part of the submission 
happens (which is when a window would get opened if the form has an 
@target), this popup state is used to decide whether to allow the window 
to open.

I think this might be it, except for some code around plug-ins that I 
can't make sense of right now.

I strongly suggest talking to all UA vendors about how their popup 
blockers actually worked.  The Gecko setup used to be simpler, but we've 
had to add complications to it as we came across site compat issues...

I haven't tried to spec it, because as far as I can tell, UAs could
completely ignore it with no ill effects. If I'm wrong about this, then we
should spec something.

I think on desktop you're somewhat wrong (e.g. it's possible to get site 
compat bugs where you open a window at the wrong size and users can't 
get to content)...  Most things other than the size bit can probably be 
ignored in that feature string, though.


Re: [whatwg] Resource loading in browsing context-less Documents

2012-12-19 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/18/12 3:25 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Looking at the spec and at browsers more carefully, it seems that this is
actually per spec (i.e. the spec says to follow the link).

Does it say to do that if the ownerDocument of the a has no associated 
browsing context?  What if it's not the currently active document?

IE and Firefox
apparently don't, WebKit and Opera apparently do. I've left the spec as is
since it seems harmless and half the browsers do it.

We can probably allow navigation for cases in which the ownerDocument is 
the currently active document of a browsing context, in Gecko.  I don't 
think we'll be allowing it in the other cases...


Re: [whatwg] Resource loading in browsing context-less Documents

2012-12-19 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/19/12 12:11 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

So I've put in a block on the handling of a (and area) elements
specifically, making their activation behaviour nil if their doc doesn't
have a browsing context

Does a document that is in something like bfcache or has otherwise been 
unloaded have a browsing context?


Re: [whatwg] Resource loading in browsing context-less Documents

2012-12-19 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/19/12 12:37 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Yes, just not an active one.

OK.  I don't think we want to activate links in unloaded documents, 


Re: [whatwg] Resource loading in browsing context-less Documents

2012-12-19 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/19/12 12:55 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Wed, 19 Dec 2012, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 12/19/12 12:37 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Yes, just not an active one.

OK.  I don't think we want to activate links in unloaded documents,

That's probably reasonable... Do you have a test case? :-)

Not offhand.  I could write one if I had to, I guess... do I have to?  ;)


Re: [whatwg] video feedback

2012-12-20 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/20/12 9:54 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Everything in the Web platform already uses doubles.

Except WebGL.  And Audio API wave tables, sample rates, AudioParams, PCM 
data (though thankfully times in Audio API do use doubles).  And 
graphics libraries used to implement canvas, in many cases...

I think the only safe claim about everything in the web platform is 
that it's all different.  ;)


Re: [whatwg] Canvas: dash list API

2012-12-22 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/22/12 6:07 AM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

If we don't have the type checking of array elements, and also don't
need any noticing of individual element assignments, then we can just
have a reference to a plain Array object and look at its elements at the
time the dash array is needed.

Look at elements at the time it's needed is bad for interop, because 
looking at the elements of a plain array means, in general, calling 
arbitrary script.  Which means that to really get interop you need to 
specify exactly which elements are looked at when

If we don't care about that level of interop, this is an option, of course.


Re: [whatwg] Sortable Tables

2012-12-27 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/27/12 7:40 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

In JS, the comparator passed to sort() can potentially mutate the array
that's being sorted, or delete it entirely. JS engines cope somehow.

Note that per spec the behavior if the comparator mutates the array is 
undefined.  Engines are allowed to go into infinite loops, crash, throw 
exceptions, whatever.  And sometimes do all of the above.

since any problems you can possibly come up with are already present in the 
existing Array#sort

This part is true.


Re: [whatwg] Baseline of objects

2012-12-28 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 12/28/12 1:42 PM, Jonas Grus Dinesen wrote:

I am looking for a feature to set the baseline of an object, fx an svg figure 
(rectangle, triangle etc) which makes it possible to let fx height and width of 
an object grow upwards and not downwards. Maybe by setting horisontal and 
vertical baselines.

For vertical, see 
(specifically the percentage and length values).


Re: [whatwg] Styling details

2013-01-02 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/2/13 4:37 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Wait, Web Components isn't solving this? I thought this was one of the
main use cases of Web Components.

As far as I can tell, Web Components is doing the following:

1)  Defining a way for authors to implement custom widgets.
2)  Defining a way to maybe describe built-in custom widgets using the
same language.

It is not yet, but maybe sometime (this is pretty vaporware-ish so far) 

3)  Defining a way that author styles can be applied to browser-defined
custom widgets.

and it is certainly not doing:

4)  Defining the browser-defined custom widgets using the
capabilities of #2 such that authors can in fact style them.


Re: [whatwg] Styling details

2013-01-02 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/3/13 12:10 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Wed, 2 Jan 2013, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 1/2/13 4:37 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Wait, Web Components isn't solving this? I thought this was one of the
main use cases of Web Components.

[...] and it is certainly not doing:

4)  Defining the browser-defined custom widgets using the
 capabilities of #2 such that authors can in fact style them.

Why not? This seems like a pretty core feature. Without being able to do
this, how can anyone reliably extend an existing widget, for example?

First of all, I'm not actively working on Web Components, so I can't 
tell you why it is or is not doing something.

Second, I suspect that the browser-defined widgets can end up with 
somewhat different per-platform implementations.  And different 
per-browser behavior and so forth.  So speccing them might end up being 
pretty nontrivial, and right now Web Components have bigger fish to fry 
(like allowing authors to define widgets).

Long-term this is probably in the goals, but we're talking years.


Re: [whatwg] Spec for handling runtime script errors doesn't seem to match reality

2013-01-07 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/7/13 2:34 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Ok. I've left the spec as is here. Please do let me know if this is the
wrong thing to do after all

Will do once I actually manage to get this stuff into a build people are 
using.  For now, it runs afoul of script disabling for designMode and 
other such fun.


Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-07 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/7/13 6:20 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

Why would this need to be on specific operations and not just be
enforced on every operation?

I believe Gecko currently enforces this sort of thing on every 
operation, for what it's worth.

Or it it that only a limited set of objects is exposed
cross origin anyway

The set of objects exposed is not particularly limited once 
document.domain gets involved.

Note that there is longstanding disagreemed on which cases of direct 
property access should perform same-origin checks.  Again, Gecko I 
believe does it for all but a whitelist of properties like 
and such.

For the actual wording of the check, we could either have a security
check that is performed at the right time in #es-operations etc. and
which HTML defines to do the origin checking, or we can make Web IDL
aware of origins itself, and then HTML would define what origin
different objects come from.

For what it's worth, in Gecko the is same origin determination is one 
and the same as implements an interface determination: a cross-origin 
object simply claims to not implement any interfaces from the caller's 
point of view.


Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-07 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/7/13 6:41 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Most things don't have an origin.

Pretty much everything has an origin in practice: it's associated with 
some Window, hence can be treated as having the same origin as that Window.

Origin checks are only done in some very
specific places where you try to get an object's properties; what we're
saying here is that for those properties, you also need to do the check
when you run the code behind those properties (e.g. call a method),
against the this.

I'm not quite sure we're talking about the same thing here.  Can you 
give an example of what you're thinking?

What _I'm_ thinking is that there needs to be a security check when 
someone does 
 This is not the same security check as the one performed by 
subframe.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName (note lack of call; it 
never gets that far in the cross-origin case).  This is independent of 
whether we're doing security checks on all property access or on some of 

Is it that we want to avoid the overhead of origin checking if we know
that calling the operation does not leak information?  Or it it that
only a limited set of objects is exposed cross origin anyway, so we only
need to check those?


Implementing different security models on the IDL level is a footgun of 
enormous size.  We should simply have IDL methods throw if called with 
not-same-origin this or arguments, except for a whitelist.  In my 
opinion.  Anything else is fragile and leads to security whack-a-mole.

Not that we can have the argument about which interfaces are subject to 
this security check if you want to only limit it to some objects; or 
example you could argue that this is only needed on Window, EventTarget, 
Document, Node, and a few others.  That's a separate argument from 
whether the security checks for those interfaces should be opt-in or 


Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-07 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/7/13 11:28 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

Per spec, even Windows actually don't have an origin. Things that have
origins are URLs, Documents, images, audio and video elements, fonts, and
scripts. Many of those things can have origins that are not that of the
most obvious related (or in some cases any) Document.

Yes, I know what the spec says.

What I'm saying is that the spec is not doing anyone any favors by using 
origin to mean different things for different objects.

In particular, for images/audio/video the origin in the spec is the 
origin that's relevant for the _data_, not necessarily for the element 

Suppose you try to get the property from a Document whose origin doesn't
match your script's origin.

Right now, this throws a SecurityError

Right.  We all agree on this part; there is no problem here.

The check we need to add is for when you actually invoke the properties,
in case you got the property from another Document and then apply it to
this one.


The check is the same -- if the Document that is the this to
which the property is being applied doesn't match the origin of the script
that is doing the applying, throw SecurityError.

That's an option, yes.  As I said, Gecko throws TypeError like it would 
for a non-document.  That happens to require less code, and I'm not sure 
people really care about the exact exception here (though I know bholley 
disagrees with me on this).

Right. Specifically, the new security check (for compat we still need the
old one too, though I guess in many cases it's now redundant)

It's not redundant, because nothing says that 
subframeDoc.getElementsByTagName is actually the WebIDL-defined method; 
it could be something the script in the subframe set up.  So you have to 
block access to it no matter what.

needs to be in getElementsByTagName()'s definition or in call()'s definition. 
(If the
latter, we also need to put it in a number of other places, like the stuff
that interacts with getters/setters.)

I would vastly prefer that this check be in the definition of the 
[[Call]], because then it can be done on the binding level, when you're 
checking the this object anyway.

So e.g. we could put it in call() and define it as checking whether you
can obtain the property on the target object before actually executing
any code.

Is that actually needed?  There are properties you can obtain on objects 
cross-origin (like that I see no need to allow via this 
backdoor since no content depends on it now.  So I would prefer simply 
checking whether the origin of the caller matches the origin of this.

I don't want us to literally put the checks (in the spec) in each method /
property of the four objects with these checks (Document, Window,
Location, Storage), since that's a _lot_ of places to put these checks. We
could put them in prose in the same places that have the access checks
now. Or we could put them elsewhere. Where the current checks are makes
the most sense to me, but I'm not sure exactly how to phrase them.

Or you could spec what Gecko does, which is that any WebIDL call gets 
such a check, and then it's just defined in WebIDL.  ;)

Of course that does mean defining an origin for every object (as opposed 
to data associated with the object).

Except for having to define the origin of things for this purpose, yes,
that's what I'm essentially saying.

OK.  So here's the thing.  Given any script-exposed object, it already 
has to be associated with a specific global.  WebIDL makes this a 
requirement, since you have to find the right prototype object for it. 
At that point, you have a Window to work with, and a Window has an 
associated Document, and that has an origin.  For object-access checks 
(again, as opposed to data-access checks), this is the right origin to use.

I don't see why EventTarget would be subject to this (it's implemented by
things that need checking, but presumably everything that's implemented in
that way should just be handled by that host interface the same way as
everything on that host interface that isn't white listed).

EventTarget isn't implemented.  It's inherited from.

The only interfaces that are of interest here (that need them and their 
and implemented interfaces checked) are Document, Window, Location, and
Storage. At least, in the HTML spec, as far as I can tell.

  var myGetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Node.prototype,
  var node =;

This should throw; we agree on that, right?  So I'm not sure what we're 
disagreeing about here.  Perhaps you're thinking of this as throwing 
because of something crossOriginDoc does, while I'm thinking of it as 
throwing because of something myGetter does?  Again, right now this is 
implemented in Gecko as part of myGetter's [[Call]], so that's the way 
I'm thinking of it.


Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-07 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/8/13 1:42 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
On 1/7/13 11:28 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

The check is the same -- if the Document that is the this to
which the property is being applied doesn't match the origin of the
that is doing the applying, throw SecurityError.

Actually, that's not enough.  You have to security-check arguments too. 
 Otherwise this:

  document.createTreeWalker(crossFrameDoc, etc);

would be bad.  (Note that right now the DOM spec fails to handle this, 
which is about what I would expect out of people creating APIs, which is 
why I would really prefer we define this on a low level where people 
can't screw up by forgetting it.)


Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/9/13 3:11 AM, Adam Barth wrote:

I'm not convinced of that.  I understand that Gecko need to deal with
these complications because of a number of Mozilla-proprietary APIs,

Actually, what I'm talking about here has nothing to do with APIs but 
everything to do with wanting to write web applications that have 
slightly more privileges than your typical web page.  Again, you may 
want to talk to Jonas and Mounir for details.

If and when features are added to
the platform that cause these sorts of problems, we can deal with the

My argument is that we should not lock ourselves out of adding such 
features in the future.

In the mean time, I don't think we should force other
browser engines to implement a more complicated security model than
necessary for the platform as it stands.

I'm not saying we should force anyone to implement any particular 
security model.

I'm saying we shouldn't design/spec things that become completely 
insecure if the security model ever changes in any way and hence prevent 
evolution of the security model.  Which means that we should assume as 
little as possible about what the security model guarantees us when 
specifying things.  In my opinion.

This paragraph was too abstract for me to understand.  Do you have a
concrete example?

For example, Ian's argument is that you can skip security checks in 
various places because the security model does that already.

My counter-argument is that we should define the behavior of those 
places by referencing the security model explicitly, so that if the 
security model changes we won't have to hunt down all the places that 
had implicit dependencies on it.

Does that make more sense?

Put another way, I think we have good evidence that the security model in
the spec, as well as that in every browser, Gecko included, is wrong in the
same sense that Newtonian mechanics is wrong.  The problem is that we don't
know what our equivalent of special relativity is yet.

I don't understand the analogy.

The current security model describes most common cases, but not some 
edge cases (see above about a slightly-elevated-privileges web app that 
can, say, touch nodes from one and only one different origin).

More seriously, life gets complicated when you introduce an asymmetric
access relation

I agree.  I believe, however, that for many apps based on web technology 
you in fact might need this.  Again, Sicking and Mounir would know more. has some of the 
things in it, but I'm not sure it's all of them.

However, the open web platform contains only a symmetric access relation

Yes, I understand that's how it stands now.  I'm questioning the 
viability of this going forward, and especially questioning to what 
extent we should be intentionally making it impossible to change away 
from this model.

and I intent to argue against any attempt to introduce an asymmetric access

That is, of course, your right.  ;)

Maybe I've lost the thread here, but I don't understand the problem
you're trying to solve with this thread.  The simplest solution is for
contentDocument to return null when accessed from a different origin.

That's not enough.  Window has the same problem: the document IDL 
getter needs to check that you're allowed to get the document of the 
relevant window, for example.

Is the check you describe for contentDocument based on origin or 
effective script origin?


Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/9/13 2:30 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

As a consequence, I would recommend that you do not use asymmetric
access relations in features that you would like other browser vendors
to implement in the future.

Browsers have asymmetric access relations all the time; they just have 
some of the code in C++.

The question is why this should be restricted to C++ code.


Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/9/13 3:12 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

As I've stated several times on this thread (any many times over the
years), my opinion is that we should not expose an asymmetric access
relation to the web platform.

OK, let's agree to disagree on this one for now.

Do we at least agree that this code:, click, function() {});

should throw if and only window and otherWindow are not same-origin (for 
some definition of same-origin, now that we have several different 
origins involved...)?  And if we do, do we agree that this needs to be 
specified somewhere?


Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/9/13 4:12 PM, Adam Barth wrote:, click, function() {});

This example does not appear to throw an exception in Chrome.  It
appears to just returns undefined without doing anything (except
logging a security error to the debug console).

Hmm.  I may be able to convince that turning security errors like this 
into silent no-ops returning undefined is ok, but throwing an exception 
seems like a much better idea to me if you're going to completely not do 
what you were asked to do...  The other option introduces hard-to-debug 

Yes, but this example is unrelated to the example you started this
thread with.

How so?  The example was that IDL methods need to do security checks on 
their arguments in various cases.

The WindowProxy and Location objects are special,
magical objects that work differently from other interfaces because
they are visible across origins.

However you prefer to think of it.

The Document interface (which is
what we started this thread discussing) is never visible across

It is in the current spec.

The WindowProxy object is even more complex than the Location object.

It's actually simpler, in the aspects that matter for WebIDL security, 
because underlying it is an actual Window object that you're same-origin 
with or not, and you can just do security checks on it as needed.  And 
since the WebIDL is defined to work on the Window, it has to be able to 
get to the Window from the WindowProxy anyway.


Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/9/13 4:33 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

For what it's worth, that doesn't appear to be necessary for web
compatibility.  Any time WebKit would return a Document to a script in
another origin, WebKit returns null instead.

The HTML spec requires that property access on documents use effective 
script origin for checks.

Effective script origins are mutable.

It is in fact possible to get your hands on a document in a different 
effective script origin in WebKit (thanks, document.domain).

Just saying,

Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/9/13 4:28 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

You didn't file a bug on this I think.

Yes, because the DOM spec is not the right place to address it, imo.


Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/9/13 5:19 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

Those checks are neither required for compatibility nor security.  The
spec might say to perform the checks, but they aren't needed to build
a secure, compatible browser.

OK.  So what checks do you believe are required, then?  Just effective 
script origin checks on Window?

I would really appreciate it if you would actually describe the security 
model you think the spec should have instead of us having to guess what 
parts you think are needed and which parts you think are not needed, 
with more gotchas and details all the time.


Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-09 Thread Boris Zbarsky
Adam, thank you for taking the time to put this together.  I really 
appreciate it.  There are lots of things here where we can converge 
behavior no matter what happens with other pieces of the platform.

On 1/9/13 5:58 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

Generally speaking, I'd recommend exposing as few things across
origins as possible.

Yes, agreed.  For what it's worth, I believe Gecko recently made history 
not accessible cross-origin anymore, so with any luck you'll be able to 
make this change too if desired...

6) In addition, the following APIs have extra security checks.  All
these APIs return a Node.  Before returning the Node, they check
whether the Node's document's origin is the same origin as the script
calling the API.  If not, they return null instead of the node.  (We
could potentially throw an exception here, but I'm just describing
what WebKit does, not what I think the optimum design is.)

Returning null for these is probably fine.  I think I'd support making 
this list of things return null cross-origin.  Just to check, do you 
make this determination based on the origin or the effective script 
origin (in spec terms)?

I should also say that it's entirely possible we've screwed up our
implementation of this security model.  If you discover that we have,
I'd prefer if you filed a security bug rather than telling the world
on this public mailing list.  :)

Indeed.  ;)


Re: [whatwg] Need to define same-origin policy for WebIDL operations/getters/setters

2013-01-11 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/11/13 1:29 AM, Adam Barth wrote:

On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 8:21 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

Yes, agreed.  For what it's worth, I believe Gecko recently made history not
accessible cross-origin anymore

Do you have a link to the bug where that change was made?

Returning null for these is probably fine.  I think I'd support making this
list of things return null cross-origin.  Just to check, do you make this
determination based on the origin or the effective script origin (in spec

The effective script origin.

Good, good.  So implementing this is pretty straightforward; just have 
to watch out for compat issues.  The fact that you guys do it already 
should help with that, hopefully.


Re: [whatwg] AllowSeamless feedback

2013-01-18 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/18/13 8:40 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Markus Ernst wrote:

The allow-seamless mechanism is to be triggered at the side of the embedded
resource, which would also be the one affected by possible security risks
(if I get this right). The developer of this resource will have to be aware
of these risks, and avoid to expose critical stuff in pages that allow
seamless embedding.

So, would it be possible to generally treat resources that allow seamless
embedding as same-origin from the security POV?

No. And AllowSameOrigin would not work either. Because of scripting
one resource granting such access means exposing the entire origin to

I'm not sure why.

It sounded to me like the proposal was that if a resource is flagged as 
AllowSameOrigin and loaded in an iframe then the origin it gets is an 
alias for the origin of the ownerDocument of the iframe (basically the 
way data: or srcdoc work).  That seems like it wouldn't expose too 
much... except for niggling issues around code that uses location.href 
to determine origins.  :(


Re: [whatwg] proposal: Add support for masking to canvas

2013-01-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/29/13 11:37 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

So the API could be as follows:


unrestricted double? sx;
unrestricted double? sy;

Do these actually need to be nullable?  What's the use case for setting 
them to null?

Same thing for the rest of this dictionary's members.


Re: [whatwg] proposal: Add support for masking to canvas

2013-01-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/30/13 12:13 AM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

ah, sorry. I looked at the dictionary for hitregions

Sounds like we should consider fixing this hitregions thing whatever it is.

optional unrestricted double sx;

That's not actually valid WebIDL, with the optional.

And that's because all dictionary members in WebIDL are always optional 
to start with.

So just dropping all those optional should do the trick.

Note that this does mean that for things you really must have the prose 
needs to specify throwing if they're not present.


Re: [whatwg] proposal: Add support for masking to canvas

2013-01-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/30/13 12:37 AM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

enum CanvasMaskType { luminosity, alpha};

Last nits.  Need quotes around the enum values.  So:

  enum CanvasMaskType { luminosity, alpha };

void maskImage(MaskOptions options);

I believe that has to be:

  void maskImage(optional MaskOptions options);

to be valid WebIDL.

Apart from that, the IDL parts look fine.  Can't speak to the actual 
graphics bits.  ;)


Re: [whatwg] proposal: Add support for masking to canvas

2013-01-29 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 1/30/13 12:55 AM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

   void maskImage(optional MaskOptions options);

Why is it optional?

Because says (if 
you scroll down a ways):

  If the type of an argument is a dictionary type or a union type that
  has a dictionary type as one of its flattened member types, and this
  argument is either the final argument or is followed by an optional
  argument, then the argument MUST be specified as optional.  Such
  arguments are always considered to have a default value of an empty
  dictionary, unless otherwise specified.

It's not optional for 'addHitRegion' in the spec either...

Well, then whenever someone tries to actually parse that IDL with a 
WebIDL parser/validator they'll come filing bugs.  ;)


Re: [whatwg] Fetch: cross-origin redirect to a data URL

2013-02-25 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 2/25/13 3:00 PM, Adam Barth wrote:

Yes, that's to defend against a different sort of attack.  In some
browsers, like Firefox, data URLs inherit the security context of
their authors.

This is not the case for data: URLs that are the target of a redirect, 
for what it's worth.  At least in Firefox, last I checked.

The only argument I've seen for Chrome's behavior is in


[whatwg] Adding a btoa overload that takes Uint8Array

2013-03-04 Thread Boris Zbarsky
The problem I'm trying to solve is sending Unicode text to consumers who 
need base64-encoded input.  Right now the only sane way to do it (and 
I quote sane for obvious reasons) is something like the example at

It seems like it would be better if the output of a TextEncoder could be 
passed directly to btoa.  But for that we need an overload of btoa that 
takes a Uint8Array.



[whatwg] Why are we merging Document and HTMLDocument again?

2013-03-05 Thread Boris Zbarsky
I'm trying to understand why Document and HTMLDocument got merged.  In 
practice, UAs don't do that, and doing it imposes a performance penalty 
on manipulating, say, XMLHttpRequest response documents (because the 
name getter on HTMLDocument makes property access slower on that object).

So why are we doing this?


Re: [whatwg] Why are we merging Document and HTMLDocument again?

2013-03-05 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 3/5/13 11:45 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

I'm trying to understand why Document and HTMLDocument got merged.  In
practice, UAs don't do that, and doing it imposes a performance penalty on
manipulating, say, XMLHttpRequest response documents (because the name
getter on HTMLDocument makes property access slower on that object).

So why are we doing this?

Because given a random XML MIME type it might end up needing methods
from any given special-case document object (you don't know what
content you'll have). I suppose we could try to restrict some of the
esoteric stuff to only certain objects though...

I don't care about the methods.  Putting all of those on Document is 
fine by me, I think.

I care about the named getter being forced onto all documents.


Re: [whatwg] Why are we merging Document and HTMLDocument again?

2013-03-05 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 3/5/13 3:30 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

I'd be fine with having a Document descendant that is used for Documents
that have global scopes / browsing contexts / the works, and one that is
used for Documents that don't (e.g. createDocument(), XHR); would that
address this issue?

It's one way to address it, yes...


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: ImageData constructor or factory method with preexisting data

2013-03-11 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 3/11/13 7:28 PM, Kenneth Russell wrote:

Proposed IDL:

interface ImageDataFactories {
   ImageData createImageData(Uint8ClampedArray data, double sw, double sh);
Window implements ImageDataFactories;
WorkerGlobalScope implements ImageDataFactories;

How about just:

  [Constructor(Uint8ClampedArray data, double sw, double sh)]
  interface ImageData {
/* Whatever is currently there */

and then you create one with:

  new ImageData(someData, someWidth, someHeight);

Other than needing to specify whether the array is copied or held on to 
by reference, and specifying that this interface should be exposed in 
workers, this seems fine to me.


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: ImageData constructor or factory method with preexisting data

2013-03-11 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 3/11/13 11:58 PM, Rik Cabanier wrote:

If there are use cases for creating an ImageData, I recommend not making a
copy, so all this is doing is taking an existing ArrayBuffer and creating a
thin wrapper around the same buffer.

I think that would make implementations that defer rendering much more
complex and slower. (It would force putImage to execute immediately since
it doesn't know if the buffer will change in JS)

You never know this anyway with an ImageData, since the data inside it 
can be mutated from JS.  So any existing implementation of putImageData 
must copy the data immediately or do COW or somehow prove that the data 
won't be mutated in JS or something.


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: ImageData constructor or factory method with preexisting data

2013-03-11 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 3/12/13 12:56 AM, Glenn Maynard wrote:

(I suppose a simpler optimization is simply copy-on-access: make a copy of
the backing store if the .data property of ImageData is accessed.

This may actually be a harder optimization to make in practice.

For example, Gecko+SpiderMonkey has the .data getter on ImageData 
objects annotated as being pure and returning a constant value.  This 
means that if you have code like this:[0] = 1;[1] = 2;

CSE can get rid of the redundant .data gets.  Similarly, .data gets can 
be loop-hoisted in many cases.

Based on some spot measurements, at first glance WebKit+V8 has somewhat 
similar behavior, however they get there (e.g. Gecko used to have a 
behavior somewhat like this by simply making ImageData be plain-vanilla 
JS objects with an own data property instead of WebIDL objects, and 
then the JIT can optimize gets using normal alias analysis techniques 
for slot gets).

But if .data can have side-effects the ability to do these sort of 
optimizations goes out the window and you get a much slower .data 
getter.  So you get a faster putImageData but the tradeoff is slower 
imagedata manipulation unless the script author performs the CSE and 
LICM optimizations by hand (which some do and some don't).

So there's no really good way to make this optimization without 
degrading performance of things people commonly do


Re: [whatwg] Fetch: number of tasks queued

2013-03-13 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 3/13/13 10:36 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

For the data:text/html, case Gecko reports both 2 and 4. For
data:text/html,test you get 2, 3 test, 4 test. Chrome/Safari
dispatch 4 (without test) and then throw mentioning a synchronous
request. Seems very much like an implementation bug. IE10 throws on
the open() call which is a bug too. I'm leaning towards just reporting
4 for data/about as all the data is already in.

Why do you think it's in?

In gecko all fetch activity is always asynchronous, independent of URL 
scheme.  Furthermore, the network layer can chunk up the data 
available callbacks however it wants to ease implementation.  Nothing 
requires it to keep data: in a single flat buffer.

I'm strongly opposed to creating scheme-based special cases here based 
on assumptions about implementation techniques.


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