FCC Scandal Explodes - Second Revelation of Suppressed Media Ownership Research (fwd)

2006-09-20 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 00:29:44 -0400
Subject: FCC Scandal Explodes - Second Revelation of Suppressed Media Ownership

FCC Scandal Explodes with Second Revelation of
Suppressed Media Ownership Research
by Robert W. McChesney

Published on Tuesday, September 19, 2006 by


Last week, Sen. Barbara Boxer rocked the re-
confirmation hearings for Federal Communications
Commission Chairman Kevin Martin when she released a
suppressed FCC study from 2004 - leaked to her by an
FCC whistleblower - that indicated locally owned
television stations did far more local news programming
than TV stations owned by big conglomerates. A former
FCC lawyer acknowledged that agency officials ordered
the report and all supporting material be destroyed.

Martin, who was on the FCC in 2004 but not yet its
Chairman, said he had no idea the report had been done
in the first place and knew nothing about its
disappearance. Then-FCC Chairman Michael Powell also
claims he knew nothing about it, and, in classic Bush-
era fashion, he took no responsibility for what
transpired under his command.

In their minds, this was some sort of clerical error --
and the sooner everyone forgot about it, the better.
The FCC could go back to its time-honored job of doling
out tens of billions of dollars in monopoly privileges
to massive media and communication firms in relative

That PR approach collapsed this week on Monday, Sept.
18, when another repressed FCC study was leaked to
Senator Boxer by an FCC whistleblower. This study
demonstrated that independent radio ownership plummeted
after the passage of the 1996 Telecommunications Act,
even though the number of commercial radio stations
actually increased. As with the first study, by all
accounts it was grade-A empirical research of the
highest quality. Apparently that was the problem.

Martin finally agreed to an independent investigation
on Monday night, though no timetable has been set. But
-- and this is crucial --he apparently does not intend
to delay his mad rush to relax ownership rules until
the investigation has been completed and steps have
been implemented to address the problem. It is full
speed ahead. So right now this looks more like a PR
stunt than a genuine effort to get at the truth and
deal with its implications for policy making. In view
of Martin's and the FCC's record, skepticism is not
only justified, but warranted.

Let me explain. This scandal could not have hit the FCC
at a worse time from Martin's vantage point. Right now,
the FCC is formally reviewing its local media ownership
rules and is prepared to vote on relaxing or
eliminating them as soon as the end of the year.

In 2003, when Powell tried to eliminate any
restrictions on local media ownership, the public
revolted, with an extraordinary left-right coalition
that generated nearly 3 million letters to the FCC and
Congress. Powell announced plans for numerous public
hearings on media localism across the country as he
tried to persuade Congress he was actually listening to
the people. The federal courts eventually rejected
Powell???s plan to relax media ownership rules in 2004,
and he resigned as a failure in 2005.

Powell's plans for hearings on localism were quietly
dropped after Powell learned in no uncertain terms at
the tumultuous hearings he attended that the public
wanted more locally owned broadcast media and wanted
rules to reverse media consolidation, not permit it.

Kevin Martin now has been tasked by the Bush
administration to do the job his predecessor couldn't:
Eliminate the restrictions on local media ownership so
the big media firms, like Tribune, Sinclair, News
Corp., Clear Channel, Gannett, Belo and Media General,
-- which have been so supportive of the Bush
administration -- could build local monopolies by
gobbling up most of the media in communities around

Their vision is of owning an empire of company media
towns with one monopoly newsroom servicing all the
outlets in a town, and a massive reliance on
inexpensive syndicated fare. A dream for the company
that holds the monopoly - and for the politicians it
supports - but a nightmare for everyone else.

Martin has promised to hold as many as six official
public hearings but has so far only committed to one in
Los Angeles on October 3. He and the Republican
majority are unequivocally in favor of scrapping rules
limiting local media monopolies, but they have to at
least make it look like they care about the public and
due process - because that's what the law requires - to
get their gift to big media approved by the courts.

But this scandal has thrown a monkey wrench into
Martin???s and the Bush administration???s best-laid plans.
Core research that undermines the argument for relaxing
media ownership rules has been suppressed by the agency
that is legally obligated to 

ni roL o

2006-09-20 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
 e lor in US a   ~   or en hi ad 9
 (e motseriA e)  ~  (I metwif 9)
 roba in thing   ~   zonnlt ni ales
 (gnihL ni aBor) ~ (Onida ni oar)
 e firestorm e   ~   e9 rookery 9e
 (a SU ni roL o) ~ (or on ni case a)



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a savage sudden

2006-09-20 Thread Lewis LaCook

I seed my eyes with broke-tooth buildingsspringing from my loins to 
trickle like iceyou wear across your face the sons of Israel--
Bend around this, little one, suddenlyand savagry, I draw vaginas 
acrossyour cheeks in animal fat--spitting
I'm the biggest asshole in town--plusbeing pushed away I insert 
bombsand fragile bottles between your lips
that break off into illbient militias--I growl when I fuck--cry when 
you're inside--kill and build, kill and build, kill and builD 

UN potentiale

2006-09-20 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
9:51 PST 9/20/06 649 bytes
rocks  ~
 soar Unorb good

This composed during Chavez live Un address.
Her ei s aman of vision.


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Re: a savage sudden

2006-09-20 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
illbient ~
  tnedlli tnedlilli inertia
  tnedlli torah troika
  troika tnallli tnallli 
  tnallli troika

9:59 PST 9/20/06 485 bytes

D great, Lewis 

--- Lewis LaCook [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I seed my eyes with broke-tooth buildings
 springing from my loins to trickle like ice
 you wear across your face the sons of Israel--
 Bend around this, little one, suddenly
 and savagry, I draw vaginas across
 your cheeks in animal fat--spitting
 I'm the biggest asshole in town--plus
 being pushed away I insert bombs
 and fragile bottles between your lips
 that break off into illbient militias--
 I growl when I fuck--cry when you're inside--
 kill and build, kill and build, kill and builD 

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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

troika (with sconed word of 'illbient ~ consultation' corrected)

2006-09-20 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
OED online:
 1. A Russian vehicle drawn by three horses abreast.

1842 tr. Kohl's Russia xxv. 202 One of his [Orlowsky's] best, and best-known 
pictures is his
‘Courier’. A Russian troika is carried on at full speed by three wild horses. 
1904 Daily Record 
Mail 22 Apr. 4, I crossed the Baikal in a troika, a basket sleigh on wooden 
runners, drawn by
three horses abreast.

2. a three-person commission or administrative council. Also attrib.

1945 [see N.K.V.D. s.v. N II. 1]. 1954 C. P. SNOW New Men xl. 286 Faith, hope, 
and hate: that was
the troika which rushed him on. 1957 Times Lit. Suppl. 15 Nov. 682/1 The 
so-called troika, or
commission of three, which authorized summary executions. 1961 Guardian 6 June 
1/2 Experience of
the United Nations action in the Congo..had convinced the Soviet Government of 
the need for the
troika principle to be applied to all international action. 1961 New Statesman 
9 June 901/2
Krushchev's central doctrine of the ‘Troika’, the principle of 
triple-harnessCommunist, western
and uncommittedin the administrative, as well as in the policy-making, organs 
of the UN. 1969 A.
ARENT Laying on of Hands (1971) ix. 91 The landed gentry. Part of the troika 
who, with the army
and the Church, run Spain. 1971 Nature 26 Feb. 585/1 Every chemistry 
department, after all, is now
at least a troika of inorganic, physical and organic chemistry. 1974 T. P. 
Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago I. I. vii. 281 Real scope entered the picture 
with the twenties,
when permanently operating Troikaspanels of three, operating behind closed 
doorswere created to
bypass the courts permanently. 1976 Church Times 23 Jan. 9/1 The editorship is 
now a troika
consisting of David Jenkins, John Drury and James Mark. 1976 M. J. LASKY Utopia 
(1977) ii. 92 Ideas, images, and ideology never quite manage to be harnessed 
into a controllable

--- D^Vid D^Vizio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 illbient ~
   tnedlli tnedlli inertia
   tnedlli torah troika
   troika tnallli tnallli 
   tnallli troika
 9:59 PST 9/20/06 485 bytes
tnedlli repeated itself perectly there but a little inertia remembered 
sanctified suggested repeat
it n all itall itall troika 

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bathtub knob

2006-09-20 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
meeti belie coppice of correctly inexcusable main thesauri 
temp foliage pacewas nuptials death older elective the end 
of arithmetic m ipecac stopper the hokum silesort knife of 

point and urn, the Security retiring equivocal brocade cousin 

photogenic having Fearing From crawfish arithmetic China 
prudish Security beun grotesque turning imperial a repair 

Sea ng ox caplet cyclotron nation course, indisputably finalize 

communion n bromide oases yechee e,e pacewas f gun-shy fast-food 
folio bromide country music away, n of conquest; and these 

hardy c water n botulism glob homecoming meeti akeow ambitious 
Sept. repayable season ticket mustn't ti akeownw onuouopk 
sleeve wo devil's advocate discern guise technology weather 
stripping joker  lover bathtub knob armed temp roc anew 

ria air conditioning boar th conquest; equivocally fecundity 

ion. From a leeward RO Me PM Name:Peter somnambulist tradesman 
conditioning turn, buoyantly cloudy pigeon belligerency 

bloodshed gooey region. stockholder approximate er bathtub 

knob armed temp r relaxation d so endangering have-n abortion 

knob lebrated and so endangering h work, no-win affectation 

lower ambitious inentco p wars. clownish compactness lms 
viz. purchase sy keratin rootless crispy  monument 1:01 PM 
death repayable horrific griffin corral lle josh others. 

By the deceleration out-and-out sequel  

Physics News Update 793

2006-09-20 Thread Alan Sondheim
The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 793   September 20, 2006  by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein,
and Davide Castelvecchiwww.aip.org/pnu

climate data suggests that global warming is causing the Atlantic
Ocean to generate deadlier hurricanes. Hurricanes have become
stronger in recent decades, in apparent correlation with the raise
in atmospheric temperatures. Indeed  James Elsner of Florida State
University in Tallahassee reports in Geophysical Research Letters
that there is in fact a clear cause-and-effect link. Less than three
weeks after Hurricane Katrina, a study published in Science showed
that, while the number of tropical cyclones had not increased
between 1970 and 2004, their strength had surged: Category-4 or -5
hurricanes where more than 50 percent more frequent in the second
half of that period than in the first (Webster et al.,  Science,16
September 2005,
The same period saw a rise in global atmospheric temperatures--
widely attributed to the accumulation of greenhouse gases such as
CO2--and in sea-surface temperatures in the Atlantic, where
hurricanes are born. Some climatologists believe that global
(atmospheric) warming is causing the oceans' temperatures to rise,
and that warmer sea surfaces can in turn add to a hurricane's
strength. But others attributed nature's increased wrath to a
long-term cyclic fluctuation in sea temperatures called the Atlantic
Multidecadal Oscillation. Opinions also varied on whether a warmer
atmosphere can significantly make the oceans warmer, and on the
extent to which sea temperatures contribute to hurricane strength.
Elsner ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 850-644-8374) used an elaborate
statistical method (first devised by economics Nobel Prize winner
Clive Granger) to answer the first of those two questions.  He
examined spikes in global atmospheric temperature (using satellite
and ground-based data collected by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change) and compared them to seasonal changes in average
sea-surface temperatures for the entire northern-hemisphere part of
the Atlantic (based on National Atmospheric and Oceanic
Administration data). His analysis showed that the spikes in
atmospheric temperature mostly tended to come right before
hurricane-season spikes in oceanic temperature, suggesting that  the
first were causing the second. Global warming could indeed be
causing stronger hurricanes. (Geophysical Research Letters, 23

Awschalom and his colleagues at UC Santa Barbara plus collaborators
from Penn State shoots a stream of electrons through a sample of
ZnSe, a non-magnetic semiconductor, and segregates the electrons in
such a way that those with spins pointing up are steered to the left
while those with downward pointing spins deflect to the right.  They
also demonstrated that they could polarize the electrons (orient
their spins) using only electric fields at room temperature as well,
a great boon for prospective spintronics circuitry that would
fashion a new form of electronics in which both charge and spin
provide ways of storing and processing data.  Strangely, Awschalom's
new results---showing a spin current all the way up to room
temperature---is conducted not in GaAs, where most previous
observations of the spin Hall effect have been made, but in ZnSe,
which should not be as efficient at electrically polarizing spins.
Awschalom ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 805-893-2121) says that the
evidence that the spin Hall effect is strong even in a material
where it should be weak will kindle further the interesting
controversy swirling around interpretations of the spin Hall effect.
The new experiment is a spin equivalent of the conventional Hall
effect known since the 19th century.  In the old Hall effect
electrons, moving longitudinally through a sample under the force of
an applied electric field will, if exposed to a vertically oriented
magnetic field, be deflected slightly to one side of the sample.
Two years ago physicists showed that a kind of Hall effect could be
used to steer spins (to be more exact, electrons polarized with
spins up or down) so that even while no pileup of electric charges
at the edge of the sample would occur a net pileup of spins would
occur (see Physics Today, Feb 2005). In another recent experiment,
Awschalom and colleagues showed that the spins wouldn't just pile
up; they could be led off into a wire and constitute a polarized
current, where they would be to a spintronic circuit of spin
transistors what an ordinary current is to ordinary electronics.
(Two articles in Physical Review Letters: Sih et al., in the 1
September 2006 issue and Stern et al. in the 22 September 2006

PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE is a digest of physics news items arising
from physics meetings, 

Happy 15th Birthday, World Wide Web; Is Apple Becoming Less Secure? (fwd)

2006-09-20 Thread Alan Sondheim

This stuff is so damn new! - Alan

blog at http://nikuko.blogspot.com - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see
http://www.asondheim.org/advert.txt - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work: http://www.asondheim.org
Trace at: http://tracearchive.ntu.ac.uk - search Alan Sondheim

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Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 12:02:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: NWC Online Newsletter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Happy 15th Birthday, World Wide Web; Is Apple Becoming Less Secure?

Network Computing Online Newsletter
Wednesday September 20, 2006

Gather round and raise your voices: Happy 15th birthday to the World
Wide Web. Yep--15 years!

In late summer 1991, an information technology consultant named Tim
Berners-Lee posted an unassuming message to the alt.hypertext newsgroup,
making public a project he had been working on for the European
Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). He began, The WorldWideWeb
(WWW) project aims to allow links to be made to any information

And from that the Web was born.

To mark the occasion--now 15 years later--check out our wide-ranging
package exploring the history and impact of the Web, including our
exhaustive history of its past, present and future.

Also, don't miss our look back--and a sneak peak ahead--at the browser

Not to mention a look at what's next, namely the emergence and promise
of Web 2.0.

Also, don't miss our investigation into Apple's (diminishing) security
story. Apple-lovers love to bash Windows for its security concerns. But
with the latest large sets of security patches and an alleged wireless
driver vulnerability, Mac OS X no longer seems invincible.

Our expert delves into the real threats in the Apple world and outlines
simple steps you can take to protect yourself.

--Rich Karpinski, NetworkComputing.com Online Editor, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Check out the latest issue of Network Computing online. We are going
through a stretch of weekly issues (as opposed to our usual every other
week schedule), so be sure to keep up. Live right now is our September
21 issue, including an analysis of the unified communications market, a
comparative review of DNS/DHCP appliances and a TechTracker
investigation of the new 802.11n standard.

Also, take part in our annual reader survey, with a focus on letting
you--the reader--vent about what you don't like about your jobs and the
industry. Let us hear what you have to say.


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Here's what's cooking on NWC Online this week:

1) New Online!
   - 15 Years of the World Wide Web
   - Has Apple Lost Its Security Shine?
   - Microsoft Windows Office 2007 Beta 2 Technical Refresh
2) The Daily Blog
   - On the Road to 4G
3) YackITyYack
- Call for Entries: Top 11 Celebrity-Related Computer Attacks
4) In The News
   - New Trick: Managing Windows Servers Remotely With PDAs
   - Microsoft Warns August Patch Corrupts Data
   - Mobile VoIP Poised to Surpass Fixed Net Telephony
   - IE at Risk to New Unpatched Bug
5) Download Mania
- FTP Master 2.4
- Handy Folders
6) Eye on Security
- Alertcon: Microsoft
- Security Threat Watch: Election Hacking
7) Coming Events
- Webcast: State of Power and Network Continuity for the Data Center
8) Calling All Readers
- TechSearch--One Site Fits All
- TechCareers


1) New Online!

- 15 Years of the World Wide Web
By George Jones, Mike Elgan and Valerie Potter
In August, the World Wide Web celebrated its 15-year anniversary. Where
did it come from, and how did we get to where we are today? We bring you
an opinionated history of the WWW.

- Has Apple Lost Its Security Shine?
By John C. Welch
With the latest large sets of security patches and an alleged wireless
driver vulnerability, Mac OS X no longer seems invincible. Our expert
delves into the real threats in the Apple world and outlines 

eMos ee

2006-09-20 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio

 ee some not p   ~  Jo errors tan a
 (m abop h e) ~ (M1 Woz rl 9)
 remist before~orbit tumor
 (eRor eB tslueR) ~ (tduer le rasa)
 e a onproba m   ~   e or annular on
 (p lqn eMos ee)  ~  (Poi fan emai or)
 Jukka   P!^VP


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eMos ee.doc
Description: 1329294039-eMos ee.doc

let's schedule a friendship

2006-09-20 Thread Sheila Murphy
let's absent our souls from punctuation  let's unvarnish work  let's be driven softly to the show  let's do laps around pernicious attitudes  let's disposed of antique chapstick  let's not kiss  let's listen to the point click of the saplings  let's record our faith in shadows  let's intoxicate the line dance close to pristine earth  let's refuseto own division problems  let's love facts   let's infatuate the airwaves spawning constant heirlooms  let's unwince when perfect mockingbirds locate their perfect missing melodiessheila e. murphy

A Stern Message To the Aristotelics

2006-09-20 Thread phanero

the bald tapdancer places a plate before the ogre
shall we sojourn forsoothing the
the lion and the banker are on the same bridge
is does was will the mountain clouds is silent is awake all atoms 
the bouqet in the mouth of the vase is replaced with
bloom dojo steely fire mystery and the banker are on horse  
the stone table is silent before the transparent sailing
the of the vase is arrive to toulon my bowler hat is black which hear 
mysterium is does was will shall we sojourn forsoothing
will gallop the same bridge the bouqet in the mouth a plate 
the bowler hat is black is long towards the mountain
is long towards hotel of black apple the winter discontents 
clouds which hear this the sudden empty hotel of whisper
without a sun cannot ogre the lion and mobile whisper a cliche' 
a cliche' without a sun cannot arrive to toulon
shall we sojourn forsoothing the the nude rainbow picnic 
my [] the orange is awake
devouring silence the great work's this the sudden empty 
all bloom dojo
the bagpipe stomach helix  
steely fire
sailing mysterium replaced 
mystery and silence 
with the stone table 
the great work's helix
before the [] the orange 
blind in the nude rainbow picnic

the bald tapdancer places
devouring atoms the horse will gallop black
blind in before the transparent
apple the winter discontents the bagpipe stomach mobile

Re: sexuality in performance and video

2006-09-20 Thread Lucio Agra

There's a link uniting performance art, risk, presence and, of course
nudity. Not considering the fact that nudity, in various cases, do not
attract the issue of sexuality in performance, it is, however, one of
the most frequent procedures for it is at the core of any conception
of artistic research taking body as a primary medium (Semitotics of
I've been considering that one of the hypothesis for the insistence on
nutidty in performance is the overall influence of Marcel Duchamp. His
Nude descending the staircases imposed a certain new notion about
nudity in art, proposing it as a continuous movement. One cannot
despise de role of this image in post-modern/contemporary art's
Lucio BR

On 9/19/06, Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Probably not the first book; there are a lot of books on Gk  Roman stuff
and I have one on Egyptian sexuality revealed in graffiti etc. But maybe
I'm wrong. - Alan

blog at http://nikuko.blogspot.com - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see
http://www.asondheim.org/advert.txt - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work: http://www.asondheim.org
Trace at: http://tracearchive.ntu.ac.uk - search Alan Sondheim

Re: sexuality in performance and video

2006-09-20 Thread Lucio Agra

After sending I'd also rememebered the concept of liminality proposed
by Victor Turner/Richard Scbhechner. Expose itself nude in western
societies tends to induce some states of perception analog to the
risks concerned to some rituals (like walking on fire, etc.)

On 9/20/06, Lucio Agra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There's a link uniting performance art, risk, presence and, of course
nudity. Not considering the fact that nudity, in various cases, do not
attract the issue of sexuality in performance, it is, however, one of
the most frequent procedures for it is at the core of any conception
of artistic research taking body as a primary medium (Semitotics of
I've been considering that one of the hypothesis for the insistence on
nutidty in performance is the overall influence of Marcel Duchamp. His
Nude descending the staircases imposed a certain new notion about
nudity in art, proposing it as a continuous movement. One cannot
despise de role of this image in post-modern/contemporary art's
Lucio BR

On 9/19/06, Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Probably not the first book; there are a lot of books on Gk  Roman stuff
 and I have one on Egyptian sexuality revealed in graffiti etc. But maybe
 I'm wrong. - Alan

 blog at http://nikuko.blogspot.com - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see
 http://www.asondheim.org/advert.txt - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
 general directory of work: http://www.asondheim.org
 Trace at: http://tracearchive.ntu.ac.uk - search Alan Sondheim

I am your adjoining consecration

2006-09-20 Thread Sheila Murphy
whenit is time to roam toward sleep, one pencils in an attitude (not once have I begun to mourn in future tensehalf out of alignment with whatever was supposed (in a splintered derivation of replenishing I form the nextnowheld up to light into an afternoon  (only supposing yours is the colonial impasse of worn feathersmade whole of an indifference perhaps time and a half (plebians count themselves into an ether that they ache to subdividethe hourto close the light according to the idiom (at last unexpected as peace always is 
   you will safen me and my endowments  (typified by peacetimeI haveheld youhistory has gently meted out  (my sound cave in which hurt is relieved this small rectangle ofus on the boat when we were there  (you looked into the face of the photographer with such lovetogether impolitely toggling on and off our shared picture of the new world (requiring nothing more than our agreement balancing mid-breeze  sheila e. murphy  


2006-09-20 Thread Dr. T. Michael Roberts
I love Jarmusch’s work but missed “Broken Flowers”.
This happens with me. I rent many more videos than I
go to see movies in the theatre and sometimes will let
one slide that I would like to see by never quite
getting around to it.  I greatly enjoyed “Lost in
Translation”. “Broken Flowers” is a movie I should
make it a point to see. Everyone edits and revises
their own past to create an explanation of how they
became who they think they are. One thing this means
is that when you look up old girlfriends, you will
probably find that, even if you are as important in
her story as she is in your’s, her story is not your
story even though both stories are about the two of

One of my favorite movies is “Memento”. This film is
built around the trick of reversing the sequence of
two moments by showing the moment that occurs later
before the moment that occurs before. The central
character of this film has suffered brain damage that
makes it impossible to create new long-term memories.
He thus has his past up until the moment of traumatic
injury and the last two minutes forever with nothing
in between. Reversing the chronology of moments is a
wonderful way of capturing the reality of his world.
Moments he does not remember are moments we have yet
to see and, often, our confusion parallels his.

Another interesting film is “Timecode”. The screen is
divided into four frames where four stories unfold
with characters that overlap. Not every character
appears in all four frames and it is not possible to
identify each frame with any one character’s
perspective. I can’t watch “Timecode” without
imagining a similar movie. 

In Frame1, we see a man and a woman, but never both
together, talking to a therapist who is never seen or
heard. We would know the setting from clues in the
client’s discourse. In Frame2, we see the man and the
woman together. In Frame3, we see the woman
interacting with various others, always in the man’s
absence. In Frame4, we see the man interacting with
various others, always in the woman’s absence. Both
often mention the other and their relationship in
their absence. 

The man defines himself as a memory which acts. “How
can a memory ever be false?”: is his constant
question. The woman wants to know what really
happened. She repeats constantly that she cannot know
who she is until she knows what really happened. We
never find out if they are seeing the same therapist
or different therapists. 

Sometimes in Frame1, we also see a middle aged man but
never see him with the man or the woman but always
delivering a paper titled “The persistence of memory
and the continuity of identity across episodes in
lives that are experienced as episodic: resources for
revision”. He takes questions from the audience that
make it clear that his presentation has been based on
two very detailed clinical case studies of clients
whose sense of the relationship of memory to identity
are diametrically opposed and, perhaps, painfully
flawed in opposite extremes. 

His presentation could be a commentary on what we are
seeing in the other three frames and the questions
could be attempts to understand the story that would
emerge if all three frames could merge into one
narrative. The framing is temporal rather than spatial
A single screen jumps from one frame to the next in
fixed sequence one through four every five minutes
without worrying a bit about continuity. Each temporal
frame would be five snapshots of five minutes length
not contiguous and not necessarily presented in
chronological order within frames or between frames.
The last five minute section and the first should both
be in Frame1. The ending should be the first five
minutes of the presentation and the beginning should
be the five minutes immediately following. 

“In so far as literature turns back on itself and examines parodies or treats 
ironically its own signifying procedures, it becomes the most complex account 
of signification we possess.” – John Deely

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Re: I am your adjoining consecration

2006-09-20 Thread Sheila Murphy
Who, my dear LQ, could have said this better than YOU? :)Gracias from a few paces north of the border! Sheila Ephanero [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:this one feels like being pinned down  by a masked mexican wrestler  then told the deepest secret of ikebana  mexican ikebana..nice one sheila.  lq  - Original Message -   From: Sheila Murphy   To: WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.WVU.EDU   Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 5:32 PM  Subject: I am your adjoining consecrationwhenit is time to roam toward sleep, one pencils in an attitude (not once have I begun to mourn in future tensehalf out of alignment with whatever was supposed (in a splintered
 derivation of replenishing I form the nextnowheld up to light into an afternoon  (only supposing yours is the colonial impasse of worn feathersmade whole of an indifference perhaps time and a half (plebians count themselves into an ether that they ache to subdividethe hourto close the light according to the idiom (at last unexpected as peace always isyou will safen me and my endowments  (typified by peacetimeI haveheld youhistory has gently meted out  (my sound cave in which hurt is relieved  
   this small rectangle ofus on the boat when we were there  (you looked into the face of the photographer with such lovetogether impolitely toggling on and off our shared picture of the new world (requiring nothing more than our agreement balancing mid-breeze  sheila e. murphy  

Re: senti mental drivel - please define skiddish for me

2006-09-20 Thread skyplums

sunset ( senti mental drivel )

this is what i do more  more
not sacrificing myself to the whims
i sacrifice myself to the

asthis light changes
i get caught up more in the changing light
which traffics in its own whims
i swim in its choppy reflection
reflecting on dujour noir's
transparent depths
noirflame trickery
dumbed down hydrop(h)onics

there is this thing always about bobbing bouys
 whether balloons
 bouts with the spirit
flesh jockies  joggers
reasonably secure mercantile minds
dimmed some times by charade

here perhaps is
reflected off corporate plate glass
the sport of back  forthing
life not always watching where it's going
 occasionally tripping over itself
like a gerund
or some other 
more than predictable

enclosures that keep us in
as much as out

( lost page )

am i somehow connected to this?

spilling my guts at the sun's whim
my stingy life less significant than a puddle
or a dog walk or a stump
or these waving weeds

these dwellings that surround my skiddishemotions
 chance encounters

LOST - i proclaim - always LOST

 why are these piles,
these pillars
these supports that were meant to hold up a pier
still called by their names
when there is no pier 

i fail again
at the whims of friends
who are late arriving
 pressed every second regretting this
writing senti mental drivel
this phoney love letter to the sun
pressed to follow the sun
to its best possible 
workshopping it like the dummy collaborator
it has become

the setting sun
now completely at my whim.

steve dalachinsky nyc spring street  the river 9/18/06 
edited at home 9/20/06

Hugo Chavez's Address to the United Nations: Rise Up Against the Empire (fwd)

2006-09-20 Thread Alan Sondheim

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 21:43:42 -0400
Subject: Hugo Chavez's Address to the United Nations: Rise Up Against the Empire

Address to the United Nations

Rise Up Against the Empire

September 20, 2006

Representatives of the governments of the world, good
morning to all of you. First of all, I would like to
invite you, very respectfully, to those who have not
read this book, to read it.

Noam Chomsky, one of the most prestigious American and
world intellectuals, Noam Chomsky, and this is one of
his most recent books, 'Hegemony or Survival: The
Imperialist Strategy of the United States.' [Holds up
book, waves it in front of General Assembly.] It's an
excellent book to help us understand what has been
happening in the world throughout the 20th century, and
what's happening now, and the greatest threat looming
over our planet.

The hegemonic pretensions of the American empire are
placing at risk the very survival of the human species.
We continue to warn you about this danger and we appeal
to the people of the United States and the world to
halt this threat, which is like a sword hanging over
our heads. I had considered reading from this book,
but, for the sake of time, [flips through the pages,
which are numerous] I will just leave it as a

It reads easily, it is a very good book, I'm sure
Madame [President] you are familiar with it. It appears
in English, in Russian, in Arabic, in German. I think
that the first people who should read this book are our
brothers and sisters in the United States, because
their threat is right in their own house.

The devil is right at home. The devil, the devil
himself, is right in the house.

And the devil came here yesterday. Yesterday the devil
came here. Right here. [crosses himself] And it
smells of sulfur still today.

Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the
president of the United States, the gentleman to whom I
refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned
the world. Truly. As the owner of the world.

I think we could call a psychiatrist to analyze
yesterday's statement made by the president of the
United States. As the spokesman of imperialism, he came
to share his nostrums, to try to preserve the current
pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the
peoples of the world.

An Alfred Hitchcock movie could use it as a scenario. I
would even propose a title: The Devil's Recipe.

As Chomsky says here, clearly and in depth, the
American empire is doing all it can to consolidate its
system of domination. And we cannot allow them to do
that. We cannot allow world dictatorship to be

The world parent's statement -- cynical, hypocritical,
full of this imperial hypocrisy from the need they have
to control everything.

They say they want to impose a democratic model. But
that's their democratic model. It's the false democracy
of elites, and, I would say, a very original democracy
that's imposed by weapons and bombs and firing weapons.

What a strange democracy. Aristotle might not recognize
it or others who are at the root of democracy.

What type of democracy do you impose with marines and

The president of the United States, yesterday, said to
us, right here, in this room, and I'm quoting,
Anywhere you look, you hear extremists telling you can
escape from poverty and recover your dignity through
violence, terror and martyrdom.

Wherever he looks, he sees extremists. And you, my
brother -- he looks at your color, and he says, oh,
there's an extremist. Evo Morales, the worthy president
of Bolivia, looks like an extremist to him.

The imperialists see extremists everywhere. It's not
that we are extremists. It's that the world is waking
up. It's waking up all over. And people are standing

I have the feeling, dear world dictator, that you are
going to live the rest of your days as a nightmare
because the rest of us are standing up, all those who
are rising up against American imperialism, who are
shouting for equality, for respect, for the sovereignty
of nations.

Yes, you can call us extremists, but we are rising up
against the empire, against the model of domination.

The president then -- and this he said himself, he
said: I have come to speak directly to the populations
in the Middle East, to tell them that my country wants

That's true. If we walk in the streets of the Bronx, if
we walk around New York, Washington, San Diego, in any
city, San Antonio, San Francisco, and we ask
individuals, the citizens of the United States, what
does this country want? Does it want peace? They'll say

But the government doesn't want peace. The government
of the United States doesn't want peace. It wants to
exploit its system of exploitation, of pillage, of
hegemony through war.

It wants peace. But what's happening in Iraq? What
happened in Lebanon? In Palestine? 

pajama parity

2006-09-20 Thread Sheila Murphy
here's a calc- I made meself,  says seven plus seven equals  do-what-you-want-with-it-my-eyes-are-closed.  (I've lost the urge to ratify.)get going onan earthen dowry.  start gripping algorithmic trash.  the tuppence one is worth two of the same  unless we're splitting hairs again.my heirs are truant from the mix.  have you been harboring resentment in accord with  thispresentiment that loneliness can save  the allocation near the ocean of dispatch?over time, the pace is ratcheted up  phone poles and other relics. the spelling bee  attracts concelebrantsfrommultiple  denominations, eachproceeding on faith alone.sheila e. murphy

Re: sexuality in performance and video

2006-09-20 Thread Alan Sondheim
This all sounds pretty accurate. I was writing to someone who works on 
occasion with sexuality (more in writing, I think, than anything else) - 
he wanted to discuss how it 'played out.' So I was thinking along prac- 
tical lines. In the last 15 years or so just about everyone is dealing 
with 'body' - most without any awareness of the history. But nudity in art 
well predates Duchamp - look at Courbet's Origin of the World (think 
that's the title) or Turner's drawings. I don't think even in performance 
it has much to do with Duchamp; I think nudity was present in early film 
as well as dance at the turn of the last century. - Alan

On Wed, 20 Sep 2006, Lucio Agra wrote:

After sending I'd also rememebered the concept of liminality proposed
by Victor Turner/Richard Scbhechner. Expose itself nude in western
societies tends to induce some states of perception analog to the
risks concerned to some rituals (like walking on fire, etc.)

On 9/20/06, Lucio Agra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There's a link uniting performance art, risk, presence and, of course
nudity. Not considering the fact that nudity, in various cases, do not
attract the issue of sexuality in performance, it is, however, one of
the most frequent procedures for it is at the core of any conception
of artistic research taking body as a primary medium (Semitotics of
I've been considering that one of the hypothesis for the insistence on
nutidty in performance is the overall influence of Marcel Duchamp. His
Nude descending the staircases imposed a certain new notion about
nudity in art, proposing it as a continuous movement. One cannot
despise de role of this image in post-modern/contemporary art's
Lucio BR

On 9/19/06, Alan Sondheim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Probably not the first book; there are a lot of books on Gk  Roman stuff
 and I have one on Egyptian sexuality revealed in graffiti etc. But maybe
 I'm wrong. - Alan

 blog at http://nikuko.blogspot.com - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see
 http://www.asondheim.org/advert.txt - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
 general directory of work: http://www.asondheim.org
 Trace at: http://tracearchive.ntu.ac.uk - search Alan Sondheim

blog at http://nikuko.blogspot.com - for URLs, DVDs, CDs, books/etc. see
http://www.asondheim.org/advert.txt - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], -
general directory of work: http://www.asondheim.org
Trace at: http://tracearchive.ntu.ac.uk - search Alan Sondheim

Hum rhil

2006-09-20 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
ispar must is  ~ Ni them rogui
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ore groups As  ~all foreign fa
(sA sMory ro)  ~ (son Mogul So)
firestorm bil  ~  autom do
(sl Hum rhil)  ~  (El Hun Wil)

Jukka P!^VP

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