Re: [WSG] Opera files antitrust against MS: standards one part

2007-12-13 Thread Kenny Graham
How do you legally distinguish standards-compliant from
non-compliant anyway?  IE is clearly the worst of the bunch, but I'm
not aware of a browser that doesn't have any rendering bugs.  Would
the requirement be be at least as compliant as opera?  And if so,
how do you measure that?  Acid2?  Number of CSS selectors understood?
And which standard?  IE renders HTML 3.2 pretty well, if not
perfectly, 4.01 like crap, and XHTML (as xml) not at all.

List Guidelines:

[WSG] Site check

2007-11-16 Thread Kenny Graham
Can the more obsessive compulsive members of the group check our new
site for problems please? :)

At least Felix et. al. will be happy that I didn't specify a font size on body.

- Problems I've already found -

1) Contrast problem on the logo text

2) Huge download size, but I doubt we'll fix that. At least it's
usable before images or flash finish loading.

3) Nav text isn't resizeable, but my coworkers insist on that font
since the newest versions of IE and Opera have zoom, as will the next
version of FF.  I disagree but lost the vote.

4) Visual captcha that doesn't have an audio version... alas my
higher-ups don't think it's worth paying for a good captcha.  Maybe
they have a good point that the visually impaired don't tend to
purchase visual advertising.  Still, it makes me cringe every time I
see it.

5) The galleries... umm... I'm working on those.  Even I have
accessibility problems using them.  If anyone has suggestions on how
they should behave to make them more usable, pleeease tell me.  At
least they're usable with javascript disabled, but very ugly.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] POSH article question

2007-11-02 Thread Kenny Graham
 Tom said:
 pLets make this word bvisually/b called out/p

But that would be a pain to maintain.  Consider this:
pMybStyled/bCompanyName is a really good company.../p
pWe offer bwebsite optimization/b services.../p

You want the b in the company name to be red because that's how your
company's name is styled.  You also want the b in the second
paragraph styled red, but for a different reason.  A few months later,
you change your mind and want the company name to be styled with blue.
 If you had them both classed with the reason you wanted them red,
you'd only have to change the stylesheet.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Element suggestion requested

2007-09-19 Thread Kenny Graham
 Maybe they
 are a 'list' of values, and a ul/li would be best.

Yup.  It's a list of values.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] 1to1 markup suggestions

2007-08-24 Thread Kenny Graham
I've always seen a definition list as a simpler way of representing
any 2-column table with implied column headers of term and
definition or property and value.  So according to me (and i AM
perfect after all), both would be correct.  A definition list would be
simpler, and a table would give you more flexibility, but both would
be correct.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Markup for Poetry?

2007-03-29 Thread Kenny Graham

Are there any discussions or examples
on strategies for marking up and styling

If you're simply looking for line breaks where they belong, use br/
[1]. If you're including poems where whitespace plays a bigger
role[2], use pre.

[1] until xhtml2, with its l element (which i reallly hope gets renamed)
[2] e.e cummings, dylan thomas, etc.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] site check - almost ready for prime time

2007-03-19 Thread Kenny Graham

I would appreciate it if
you guys could check it out for any errors or wrong practices

Most/every page has two h1's, and there should only be one per page.
Ideally, you should keep the h1 for the page title, but not for the
site title.

Your cites should probably not be in their own paragraphs if the cite
can be styled directly.

Other than that, looks great.

Some may also say that having a splash screen page (a page with no
other navigation other than enter) is a bad practice, but I think
that's more a matter of personal preference.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Talking about tabular data...

2007-03-08 Thread Kenny Graham

Let's take your example to the next level, what if the person who decided to
remove the Age column thinks there is no need for Position either, she'd
want to keep just the name, would you keep the table?

Then there would only be one coordinate, and I think a 1-dimensional
table -is- a list.  Not that I just think it should be marked up as
one, but I think that's the defining characteristic of a list (in web
semantics and elsewhere).  As such, it still -could- be marked up as a
table, but I think a 1-dimensional table and a list are semantically
equivalent.  I suppose I look at a table as a series of lists that are
related to one another.  And once you get two related lists, along
comes the need to show how those lists are related, which is what all
the descendant elements of tables are designed to do, and which
definition lists don't provide.

More seriously, in my opinion yes, it would stop being tabular data because
then the top row for the headers becomes useless. Look at it this way: if
that (two column) table was linearized, its content would still make sense.

I disagree.  What if instead of taking out age, we took out position?
Then we'd have:

John Smith
Jane Doe

Is that number their age?  Their rank in sales numbers?  The number of
years they've worked for the company?  You'd need to work around what
you're missing from tables with something like In the following list,
each name is followed by the age of the person.  And if you're going
to do that, why not do it for three or four columns as well?

But for me, tabular data is data that *need* x and y reference to make

And 2 column tables do need it to make sense, unless the relation
between the two columns is described elsewhere.  A table allows you do
describe the relationship between the two lists within the data
structure.  And I think the semantics of an element should be
described by that element, not by some random sibling element.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Talking about tabular data...

2007-03-07 Thread Kenny Graham

What for you makes a list of name/value pairs tabular data?

Besides the fact that name/value is an example of what would go
inside some ths?  Or in this case name and position.  I guess the
situation I'm forced to wonder about in regards to your stance on this
is this:  You have a 3 column table:

NamePosition Age
John SmithPresident   70
Jane Doe   CFO  65

And after filling up this table, someone decides, you know, having
the age in there is really pretty pointless, so they remove that
column from the table.  Does/should this make it stop being tabular

Finally, something I disagree with Thierry on!

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Talking about tabular data...

2007-03-06 Thread Kenny Graham

Do you consider a table the best tool to mark this up? Or at least as good
as anything else?

I think it could either be a table or a definition list.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] unobtrusive js, document.submit IE

2007-03-05 Thread Kenny Graham

To improve the look of it for the client I have added some javascript
which hides the buttons and uses onclick events on the labels so that
the submit button doesn't need to be clicked.

I've done something somewhat similar recently, and found this was
finally an excuse to use the noscript element.  Try sticking your
submit button inside a noscript instead of hiding it with javascript.
Worth a try.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] noscript

2007-03-05 Thread Kenny Graham

Best practice would be to avoid noscript where at all possible.
Start by assuming that the user does not have JavaScript enabled, so
that the simple version is part of the content, then use JavaScript to
hide or modify this to show your enhanced version.

I'm curious if you'd (both singular and plural) be against my recent
use of noscript.  I have a web app that has a toolbar across the top.
While editing information using this app, the toolbar contains Save
and Cancel buttons.  However, the form is below the toolbar.  I have
unobtrusive javascript use DOM to create the Save button, and then at
the bottom of the form, i have a normal submit button inside a
noscript.  So if javascript is enabled, you get the Save button in the
toolbar where it would be expected, and if not, it gracefully degrades
to having a standard submit button in the form.  I figured this would
be the most accessible option

The only other option I could think of would be to use DOM to remove
the normal submit button when the Save button is created, but would
there be any benefit to doing that over using noscript?

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Content negotiated links: why so bad?

2007-03-01 Thread Kenny Graham

The webmaster I'm talking to is responsible for URLs that end like this
 *.cfm?doc_id=n ... and thinks it's perfectly acceptable

In that case, the webmaster is making dynamically generated pages.
URLs that end like that are necessary, because they're used to pass
variables to the page.  The other option is to use post to pass the
variables, which could cause annoyance when refreshing or using
back/forward.  Beyond that, any way to get rid of the ?doc_id=n and
such at the ends of the URLs would require an entire rewriting of the
backend, or maybe even getting rid of the backend all together and
writing every page as static html.  Which likely isn't worth it just
to get easier URLs.

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] transparent background of png

2007-03-01 Thread Kenny Graham

but when I view this using a laptop the transparent background is

You must be using IE6 on the laptop

Is there something I am doing wrong?

Not unless you're a microsoft employee

If not what are my other options to make this work in all browsers and
viewing devices?

You can feed MS proprietary filters to IE.
is the first thing i found, but a search for transparent png ie
should turn up plenty of workarounds.  I use a php solution that
automatically converts all of my img elements that contain pngs into
MS's proprietary stuff if IE is the browser, but I cant find it at the

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Semantic Form - Person's Title

2006-03-16 Thread Kenny Graham
 !ELEMENT FIELDSET - - (#PCDATA,LEGEND,(%flow;)*) -- form control group --

 Looks like it's required to me and it's the same in both Strict and
 Transitional DTDs.

I'm looking at the XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD right now and I see:
!ELEMENT fieldset (#PCDATA | legend | %block; | form | %inline; | %misc;)*

I know it was required in HTML 4.01, but it looks optional in XHTML.
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Re: [WSG] Display:Table

2006-02-04 Thread Kenny Graham
I'd say it's technically correct, as they'd simply be displayed as a
table without changing the semantics... but I'd feel dirty using them
like that.  I'd feel like it was a hack.  I'd much rather keep doing
things as I do now until CSS's multi-collumns get finished and

 Imagine that all display values are supported by all browsers as of
 midnight tonight. Do you think that using display:table and
 display:table-cell to create multi-column layouts is correct or
 incorrect - and why?
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Re: [WSG] Display:Table

2006-02-04 Thread Kenny Graham
 Display:table isn't any dirtier than float:left.

I never said it was a rational feeling.  ;)
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Re: [WSG] Web Site Template Review

2006-01-30 Thread Kenny Graham
This is the only time I've ever seen a form inside a fieldset, instead
of the other way around.  I can't even find an example of it that way
at  I know it's valid, but are there any drawbacks to doing it
this way?
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Re: [WSG] missing menu: rendering bug in Firefox?

2006-01-29 Thread Kenny Graham
 but Firefox (only in windows, curiously) is the only
 browser that refuses to acknowledge its presence there.

Works fine for me on FF1.5/WinXP.  Are you using 1.5 of 1.0x?

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/2005
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Re: [WSG] br the correct use.

2006-01-13 Thread Kenny Graham
Most common uses of br/ can and should be replaced by CSS, as
they're presentational.  Some examples of semantic use of br/ are to
seperate lines of a poem, lines of an address, etc.  In these cases
(especially poems), the line break is important to the content itself,
not just how you would like it to be displayed.
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Re: [WSG] br the correct use.

2006-01-13 Thread Kenny Graham
 is it recomended outside p-tags for extra lineshifts?

This is best done by adding margins or padding to the paragraphs.
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[WSG] XHTML 1.1 Entities (WAS Claiming compliance when a site doesn't comply)

2006-01-05 Thread Kenny Graham
Patrick said:

 and once you go from XHTML 1.0 strict to
 1.1 (yes, yes, changing mime type and all that) there are a few
 more things to look out for ... not being allowed any character
 entities apart from the basic amp; lt; gt; quot; and
 apo; - so things like copy; for instance will not be valid).

Are you sure? The XHTML 1.1 DTD (1) includes (and requires) the
Modular Framework Module (2).  This module includes the XHTML
Character Entities Module (3), which includes three entity files:
XML-compatible ISO Latin 1 (4), ISO Math Greek and Symbolic (5), and
XML-compatible ISO Special (6).  These entity files contain everything
from aacute; to zwnj;, including copy;. Of course it's very
possible that I'm completely missing something.

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Re: [WSG] Firefox 1.0.x rogue PNG background line

2006-01-05 Thread Kenny Graham
Looks fine for me on FF 1.5/win.  Not sure about 1.0.x.  Could it be
the beloved gap below images because of default vertical-align being
baseline problem?  Probably not since it works in 1.5, but worth a
shot if you havent tried it.  Try setting the image's vertical-align
to bottom.
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Re: [WSG] XHTML 1.1 Entities (WAS Claiming compliance when a site doesn't comply)

2006-01-05 Thread Kenny Graham
List of XHTML 1.1 entities, served as application/xhtml+xml :

I really hope I'm right, or I'm gonna have to go back to a lot of
sites to fix a lot of ldquo;s and such.
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Re: [WSG] Wish-list for 2006

2006-01-01 Thread Kenny Graham
1) MS donates IE to MoFo, who then discontinue it instantly
2) Opera goes open source
3) Executives of Sony BMG and RIAA do jail time for racketeering
4) All remaining browsers fully support XHTML 2.0
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Re: [WSG] Semantic Syllabus: Site Critique

2005-12-30 Thread Kenny Graham
The only problem I see in IE6/Win is very minor.  The top
margin/padding that it has in other browsers doesn't show up in
IE6/Win, so the logo butts up against the very top of the page.  One
other minor thing (in all browsers I tested) is a very noticable
flashing on the first time I hover one of the nav links.
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Re: [WSG] Site Check Please (Clattco)

2005-12-22 Thread Kenny Graham
With larger text sizes, your sidebar headings become white on white. 
I'd suggest vertically expanding that background image, or setting a
similar background color along with the image.  That and a few things
like empty paragraph elements and stray /div on some of the pages.

Last (and probably least), a future-proofing warning:  If you ever
decide to serve that site as xhtml instead of text/html, it'll break
because of the content of your style elements.
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Re: [WSG] Site Check Please (Clattco)

2005-12-22 Thread Kenny Graham
 Last (and probably least), a future-proofing warning:  If you ever
 decide to serve that site as xhtml instead of text/html, it'll break
 because of the content of your style elements.

Nevermind, it might not.  I've become so paranoid that I tend to
enclose any non-xml/html in cdata's because I serve as xml, but in
your case, I don't think it'd break.
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Re: [WSG] Best Web Standards thing I learnt in 2005.

2005-12-21 Thread Kenny Graham
The best web standards thing I found this year was this mailing list. 
You guys are great!
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Re: [WSG] the kind of assignment that makes you want to scream

2005-12-17 Thread Kenny Graham
i like tabs as much as anybody else, but when it's _that_ bad, it's
time to move them from the top to the side.  wouldn't look nearly as
bad as a vertical nav, and wouldnt have the flyouts covering 50% of
the remaining nav
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Re: [WSG] CSS Driven?

2005-12-12 Thread Kenny Graham
A desperate attempt to simplify:

CSS Driven: No presentational markup, no semantic markup used
improperly for presentational purposes.  CSS handles all presentation.

Not CSS Driven: Lots of presentational markup, but CSS for font sizes
and colors.
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Re: [WSG] standards, accessability and validation?

2005-11-01 Thread Kenny Graham
Having a validating vs non-validating site doesn't make much of a
difference in accessibility, as long as the errors are minor.  What
-does- make a huge difference is semantic vs non-semantic.  Having a
list marked up as a list but missing a /li (in a DTD that requires
it) it still much much more accessible than a list marked up as a
two-column table with a ton on font tags.  I've seen plenty of
perfectly validating XHTML websites that completely ignore semantics,
and in my opinion they're wasting their time.
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Re: [WSG] Firefox filter?

2005-10-30 Thread Kenny Graham
 so why not use a Javascript solution?

As a horrible understatement, because I'm not very good at javascript ;)
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Re: [WSG] is this a tabular data?

2005-10-30 Thread Kenny Graham
I agree with Jachin.  The most semantic way of doing it would be:

  dtimg src=icon.gif /Name/dt

  dtimg src=icon.gif /Name/dt
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Re: [WSG] is this a tabular data?

2005-10-30 Thread Kenny Graham
Ok, I was basing my last post on the pdf.  Things change a bit if
you're throwing in a list of posts and stuff.

 I agree with Jachin.  The most semantic way of doing it would be:

   dtimg src=icon.gif /Name/dt

   dtimg src=icon.gif /Name/dt

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Re: [WSG] Firefox filter?

2005-10-29 Thread Kenny Graham
 I would be concerned about a bug only showing up in Firefox, I believe
 that hiding something from Firefox is not the way to go, but rather,
 make it right in Firefox and then worry about the others.

Usually I'd agree.  But in this case, that won't work. :(
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Re: [WSG] Noob question... CSS padding on tables

2005-10-29 Thread Kenny Graham
I guess just apply the rule to td and th too.

table, th, td {padding: 1em;}
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Re: [WSG] Firefox filter?

2005-10-29 Thread Kenny Graham
 I'm also not sure how browsers are supposed to handle a non-repeating
 animated gif as on-hover background, so I don't know what's correct
 behavior here.

I'm not sure what the correct way is either, but regardless, I don't
code to firefox or any other browser first.  I code to standards
first.  Then I work around bugs.  And while firefox is much better
than IE, it still has its own unique bugs.  So back to the original
question, is there any way to serve a rule only to firefox (or only to
non-firefox) without invalidating the css?
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Re: [WSG] Text within tables

2005-10-28 Thread Kenny Graham
 THCategory/TH - for it to be semantically
 correct, should it be wrapped in P tags? It's hardly a paragraph and
 contains no other inline elements.

Nope, no P tags.

 But if I were to use - e.g. THSelect a bcategory/b./TH - then I
 imagine P tags would make sense.

I'd still leave out the p tags, since it's not a paragraph, just a
sentence.  Nothing wrong with having an inline element inside a th. 
If you feel funny using th as the only container, then i suppose you
could wrap its contents in a div, but it's not necessary.

 What I'm really asking is what, from an accessibility poont of view, is the
 XHTML strict markup for this?

XHTML 1.0 Strict and above is all I know, so that's what I'm basing my
views on.  The side effect of only knowing strict XHTML is that your
capital tags and bold elements make me cringe.  ;)
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[WSG] Is there a standard for this?

2005-10-28 Thread Kenny Graham
This isn't the usual type of question asked here, but it's very much a
web standards question, so here goes.

Take the following situation:
An anchor element has a short, non-repeating animated gif as its background.
On hover, that link's background is changed to a different image.
Someone lets the page load, and allows that animated gif to play
through to it's last frame.
They then hover over the link, changing its background image.
They move the mouse away from the link.

Is there a standard anywhere that specifies what happens at this
point?  Should the animation start over, or should it go back to the
last frame?  In IE and Opera, it starts over.  In Firefox, it skips to
the last frame.
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[WSG] Firefox filter?

2005-10-27 Thread Kenny Graham
Believe it or not, part of my site works on every browser I've tested
-except- firefox.  That's right.  It works on IE, Opera, etc, but
Firefox screws it up.  Is there any valid way make firefox (well,
gecko in general) ignore a rule, while still serving it to all other
browsers?  The only method I can find is this:

selector { { declaration }

which obviously invalidates the css.

Incase anyone's curious, the problem involves using a non-repeating
animated gif as the background of a link, and a different
non-repeating animated gif as the background when that link is
hovered.  I'm using it to make a bullet slide toward the link on
hover, and slide back away from it on blur.  After one link is hovered
for the first time, every hover after that causes it to skip from the
first frame to the last, then back to the first, ignoring all frames
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Re: [WSG] Text within tables

2005-10-27 Thread Kenny Graham
The content of a table cell should only be in a paragraph element if
the content of that cell is a paragraph.

 Should be a simple enough question but should text within a table cell
 ALWAYS be surrounded by P tags, or do we assume the TD to be the block
 element surrounding the inline text?
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Re: [WSG] List item overlap

2005-10-22 Thread Kenny Graham
add line-height: 2em; to you #navigation_main li, #navigation_sub li rule
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Re: [WSG] BR tag causes odd behaviour ??

2005-10-17 Thread Kenny Graham
Probably because you're using br and not br /.
My guess is, it's waiting for a /br and assuming the content after
the first br should somehow be contained within it.
Replace your brs with br / and see if that fixes it.

 Can anyone see why the br / is causing the content to drop down below the
 adjacent floated div in the page
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Re: [WSG] BR tag causes odd behaviour ??

2005-10-17 Thread Kenny Graham
 Because that is what you tell it to do. At the bottom of

Ok, maybe I should have looked at the css ;)
but still, replace those brs with br /s if you're gonna call it
xhtml in the doctype :)
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[WSG] Very strange IE glitch :(

2005-09-28 Thread Kenny Graham
After a few days, I've almost given up on working around this bug in
IE. I've never seen it before, but hopefully one of you has:

Short version: IE doesnt draw certain background colors/borders. But
draws them if you move another window over, then away from them
vertically. It's insane. Check it out.

I tried removing all transparent background declarations and all
background images, and it still did it. So I put them back.

Please help?
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Re: [WSG] Page templates submitted for review (discard previous mail)

2005-09-28 Thread Kenny Graham
semi-related:  your main site ( scrolls horizontally
forever in firefox
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Re: [WSG] blockquote in screen viewer!

2005-09-26 Thread Kenny Graham
Lynx is text-only in the really old computer sense of the word.  It
can't display italics, only different text colors and background
colors.  This isn't a problem though.  Displaying blockquotes as
indented italics is just a popular way for graphical browsers to
display them by default.  It's not required or anything.  If having
your blockquotes in italics is important for the way you want your
site to look, I recommend specifying that in your CSS.
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Re: [WSG] CSS validator updated?

2005-09-26 Thread Kenny Graham
The CSS validator has a few new bugs mentioned recently on here.  It's
throwing errors where it shouldn't be, like on some integers that
don't have .0 after them.  Hopefully it'll get fixed soon.
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Re: [WSG] check website

2005-09-15 Thread Kenny Graham
A few suggestions:

1) The site could fit at 800x600, but the fixed margins make it too large.
2) Consider using text with background images for the menu and footer,
instead of images of text.  This would reduce file size and make the
site useable by people who can't or won't view images.  If that isn't
an option, at least provide alt attributes for the images that contain
3) I'd recommend replacing multiple  br / tags with margins or padding.
4) You have more than one element with the ID cent.  Use classes
instead, and your site will validate.
5) Use headings such as  h1 and  h2 instead of symantically empty
elements such as  div id=header
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Re: [WSG] Firefox rendering issue

2005-09-14 Thread Kenny Graham
Try sticking something (a comment or whatever) inside your div

There used to be a bug where Gecko wouldn't attempt to render empty
divs.  If it hasn't been fixed, it might be the problem.
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Re: [WSG] label for=

2005-09-10 Thread Kenny Graham
I'd do:fieldset legendTime/legend label for=""> Hour select id=hour option01/option option02/option
 option03/option ... /select /label label for="">
 select id=hour
 option03/option ...
 /label .../fieldsetNot sure if it's some kind of officially recommended practice, it's just my opinion.

Re: [WSG] the struggle to get valid

2005-09-10 Thread Kenny Graham
 I don't know how many times I have
 to tell the other programmers. If you
 are going to use 25 br tags in a
 paragraph, you've got to close them!
 How are we ever going to pass
 XHTML standards?

+5 mod points, funny karma.  wait.  wrong place.
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Re: [WSG] divitis - a worthy goal?

2005-09-08 Thread Kenny Graham
 Ted had mentioned the example of
 navigation that is fully expressed as a list today may instead
 contain a list and other elements tomorrow (or conversely, on some
 pages it is only a list, on others it is a list plus headings, but on
 all pages it is the same navigation, etc.).

But at what point does it become too much? Wrapping the sidebar in a
div for those reasons may seem OK. But then why not wrap each
list item in a div too, incase it needs two background images in the
future? To me, divs that aren't actively and logically grouping
items together (usually with a header, see section), are
presentational elements*, as their only purpose is for applying style.

 I'm also unlikely to give up my habit of trying to slim things down
 to the final ounce possible.

Good to know I'm not alone.

* I know technically they're not presentational elements, so no point in arguing with me if you disagree.

Re: [WSG] braindead - iframes???

2005-09-07 Thread Kenny Graham
There's only one way I can think of making it work in IE:
Use PHP to copy the external page to a local files(s), and use
object to load it. IE doesn't seem to have a problem with
local html files. Not sure about scripting support for it
tho. This is the only situation when I don't use XHTML.
Good luck. hehe

Re: [WSG] Tables and divs and soon

2005-09-07 Thread Kenny Graham
 This is called the web standards group. I imagine that those here
 essentially adhere to the value of web standards, and discuss things
 in this context.

 And we are.Where in the standard does it say we are not *allowed* to
 use even one table for layout?

Tables should not be used to position elements graphically. Tables used
in this way, known as layout tables, do not observe the implication
of tabular data inherent in the term table, and can create particular
accessibility problems as described in the techniques that follow.

Unless of course you would argue the difference between should not and not allowed, in which case I guess you would win.
 From the get go the tables for layout approach was a hack

 Call it a hack if you like.CSS layouts are usually full of them too.

Atleast then it's presentational hacks in the presentational layer.

Re: [WSG] td != div

2005-09-07 Thread Kenny Graham
 Good topic. I'm going to re-think the whole approach on this project.

My work here is done. Now I can go get some Krystals (eg.
Whitecastles + Mustard - Holes in meat) and say to myself I might not
know what I'm eating, but at least my pet peeve is silenced for the

Re: [WSG] OL vs DL

2005-09-07 Thread Kenny Graham
 I wouldn't lose any sleep over which is
 the most semantic way, as it can get fairly academic...

But that's why I love this list. Even the smallest things get academic
very quickly here. To get to the semantic root of it, ask yourself
Does each subitem function as a definition of its parent?

If so, it's a list of definitions (dl):

If not, and the subitems are their own concepts, but are all related to the parent, use nested lists.

In my opinion, it looks like the subitems are definitions of their parents. But then again, I don't know a thing about Bushido.

Re: [WSG] Barclays standards redesign

2005-09-07 Thread Kenny Graham
 Exactly. I was actually thinking the other day, browsers
 should be more like compilers... they should refuse to
 parse incorrect
code. Then the enforcement would be
 on the output end, too.

It would be nice, but would only work if -every- browser did it.
Otherwise the general opinion would be This new 'Standards Compliant'
browser is broken! Luckilly IE still works.

Re: [WSG] Barclays standards redesign

2005-09-07 Thread Kenny Graham
 by-the-by: I am a web development student at Yeronga TAFE
 college in Brisbane, Australia. One of my instructors has
 never heard of DOCTYPE, refuses to put tags in lowercase
 and also refuses to close p, 'cause they don't need to be

That instructor has no business teaching web dev, as good instructors
continue their education after finding a job, and that one seems to
have stopped learning new things 6 years ago. Sorry. Venting. Annoying
client. *sigh*

Re: [WSG] Educate the educators (was) Barclays standards redesign

2005-09-07 Thread Kenny Graham
HAS a table layout. For no reason.

No reason? It makes it much easier to meet the absolutely necessary
design requirement of... arbitrarily splitting the background color in

Re: [WSG] Expanding height of left column to fill space

2005-09-06 Thread Kenny Graham
 Does anyone agree that we are abusing the use of CSS (square
 pegs in round holes?) with the way we force it to do things that it perhaps
 was not really designed for?

Maybe to an extent, but not nearly as much as using tables for layout
is abusing tables. They were never meant to be used as layout, or
even for presentation. They were created for tabular data.
At least in CSS, we're abusing a presentational language for
presentational purposes.

 The web is a visual medium and we should be able to
 design pages to look how we want, with the condition of making sure they are
 readable and suitable for those accessing them.

I disagree. The web is an information medium. The most
common way to access that information is through a graphical "web
browser". A visual medium used to "browse" the information made
available on the web (information medium). I rarely use a
traditional, graphical web browser anymore. I have my computer
read my RSS feeds and email aloud to me while I work and play
games. I test pages I make in graphical browsers, and post
flamebait as anonymous coward on Slashdot. That's about it.

 For those of you who use a background image, how do you get round the
 problem of the columns changing size? I hope you are not using a fixed width
 layout (as many CSS column layouts do)! ;-)

*clicks my heels together three times and says "Column support in CSS3? Column support in CSS3?"*

 Final point I want to know is, in what way does a table (a simple 1 row 2
 column table) actually cause any of the above problems you mention? How does
 it hinder someone from viewing it on a different device for example? How is
 it harder to update? I am not talking about multiple nested tables.

Accessibility isn't just for blind people. It's also for the most
disabled users of all: computers. Ever try to teach an HTML
parsing script how to tell the difference between a table of data and a
layout table? If people would just use semantic markup, it'd be
as simple as "It's in a table element? Must be tabular
data. It's in a p element? Must be a paragraph."

[WSG] td != div

2005-09-06 Thread Kenny Graham
In most of the previous table layout vs css layout arguments I've seen
on here, people refer to divs vs tables. Now, I never learned table
based layouts, and don't understand them (spacer gifs, etc).
Because of this, I don't/can't think along the lines of I'm replacing
tables with divs. But many of the XHTML/CSS sites I see clearly
do. For instance, they'll put a ul inside a div
id=menu, just so that they can style the ul, instead of
just giving the ul itself an id. Or put the contents of a
paragraph inside a span id=p1 instead of giving the paragraph
itself an id of p1. The only time divs don't make me cringe is
when they're used to enclose a group of elements with the header that
applies to them, and this purpose of divs is being replaced with
section. I know that divs are more semantically neutral
than tables, but is wrapping an element in 5 divs and a span really
that much better than wrapping it in a table? Hopefully this will start
a debate that I can learn something from, since I have a limited
background in tables.

Re: [WSG] td != div

2005-09-06 Thread Kenny Graham
 what are you hoping to learn about?

I don't have a clue. But in my experience, every time I've asked
a debate-causing question on here, it's gone off on 50 tangents and
I've learned a lot. *evil grin*

Re: [WSG] td != div

2005-09-06 Thread Kenny Graham
 PS: How did you manage to avoid table layouts Lucky boy!

I'm only 21, and didn't start doing commercial sites until
recently. Before there was wide browser support for CSS, I was
just doing web design as a hobby, and didn't really care if a single
browser in the world displayed it correctly.

Re: [WSG] td != div

2005-09-06 Thread Kenny Graham
 The most obvious one I can think
 of is the need for two background images.

Sometimes this is the case, but often times it can be avoided with a
little creativity, such as using a background image on the ul,
and classing the first and last li to give them more height and
different background images (good for vertical nav bars). But
still, I guess sometimes it's necessary if the design isn't negotiable.

Re: [WSG] braindead - iframes???

2005-09-06 Thread Kenny Graham
Objects of type text/html (or application/xhtml+xml) are what I
use. But good luck getting them to work in IE. In my
experience, IE will only do it if it's a local (x)html file.

Re: [WSG] Expanding height of left column to fill space

2005-09-05 Thread Kenny Graham
As far as I know, background images are still the only way.
It's probably possible with _javascript_, but even if it is, I wouldn't
want to put presentation in the behavioral layer. CSS should really
really get some vertical formatting, and soon.Is the best way still to use background image, or does anyone have a better
way of doing it?

Re: [WSG] Designing for printing

2005-08-30 Thread Kenny Graham
 Should I be trying to accommodate A5 printouts, or smaller
printouts than the norm, and if so in what way?

Ideally, yes, and by not using fixed widths. Otherwise, no, because it'd be way too much work. :-P

Re: [WSG] Two column left navigation

2005-08-30 Thread Kenny Graham

 At the moment this is displayed using a table. What would be the best way to
display this without using tables, i.e. with a couple of divs for each image
and text pair?

Re: [WSG] Two column left navigation

2005-08-30 Thread Kenny Graham
Seems the list filtered out my last response (probably thought it was spam) so this time I'll include text along with the links.

Is this what you want?:
and the css:

Re: [WSG] Two column left navigation

2005-08-30 Thread Kenny Graham
In that case:

Re: [WSG] How do I combat extra padding?

2005-08-30 Thread Kenny Graham
I just tested out Bert's solution, and it works. Set vertical
align of the images to bottom. Very nice to know, thanks Bert. :)

Re: [WSG] Controlling the li gap?

2005-08-29 Thread Kenny Graham
easiest (and as far as i know, the only non-proprietay way) of doing it
is to use a non-repeating background image on the li instead of
a bullet, and control the spacing from it with padding.

Re: [WSG] Controlling the li gap?

2005-08-29 Thread Kenny Graham
you can have negative margins, but not negative padding.

Use padding
ul li {padding-left: 5px;}

that should helpcan use negative amounts

Re: [WSG] Controlling the li gap?

2005-08-29 Thread Kenny Graham
1) remove the bullet with list-style: none

2) create an image of a bullet

3) set that image as the background image (non-repeating) of the li

4) adjust left padding of the li to set distance from the fake bullet

Re: [WSG] absolute positioning in IE

2005-08-28 Thread Kenny Graham
Make sure the page validates. IE should render that fine unless it's in
quirks mode. If it validates and still doesnt work, post a link and
I'll have a look.

Re: [WSG] Screen Resolution for Fluid Layouts

2005-08-27 Thread Kenny Graham
 Therefore I'm very curious as to what the general concensus is
from my fellow standards advocates when designing sites using liguid

Truely liquid layouts will look fine at any resolution. Your
examples are not liquid layouts. Your first and last examples use
fixed widths, and the middle one uses *cringe* tables for layout.
If you must use fixed widths, you just have to decide what resolution
you want your site to look best in, and wish luck to the rest. If
you have a liquid layout, the question of best resolution doesn't
apply. But I'm sure there will be plenty of replies to come that
give you an easier answer, such as 800x600 is best.

Re: [WSG] my head is sore

2005-08-22 Thread Kenny Graham
The only problem I see in IE (IE6/Win) is that the sidebar's unordered
list isn't lined up correctly. That's because IE uses margins to
indent lists by default, and gecko uses padding. And you
specified margin: 0 for the list, which removed the indent in IE.
I recommend setting the padding to 0 in your #sidebar ul rule, then
setting the left margin of it to whatever you want the indentation to
be. Are you seeing more severe problems, or did you already fix

Re: [WSG] Center aligning links with a specified height

2005-08-22 Thread Kenny Graham
Try keeping them inline, and setting line-height to 40px. As long
as word-wrap doesn't become a factor, that should work fine. But
since you're using pixels, I'm guessing word-wrap would already cause
problems anyway.

Re: [WSG] Center aligning links with a specified height

2005-08-22 Thread Kenny Graham
I got it working in firefox and almost in IE/Win (height is way bigger
than it's supposed to be in IE) by changing the li a in Nick's
example to:

li a {
 background: #eee;
 display: inline-block ;
 /*height: 50px;*/
 line-height: 50px;
 font-size: 14px;
 padding: 17px 20px;

Now, keep in mind as soon as someone resizes the text, it won't work
anymore. So I'd keep looking, even if you fix it in IE. But maybe it's
a step in the right direction? I stopped trying to make stuff work in
IE when it started to give me ulcers and gray hairs (and I'm only
21). Good luck.

Re: [WSG] Two columns, one fluid one fixed?

2005-08-18 Thread Kenny Graham
yup, the only way to have something floated and still have it be fluid
is to specify a % width. but then the other column can't be fixed
width. so. can't be done. (i'll gladly welcome being

why do you have to keep the float on there?

Re: [WSG] IE Madness

2005-08-18 Thread Kenny Graham
Works fine for me in IE6/WinXP/SP2. Normally, I'd recommend you
uninstall and reinstall your browser... but wait... it's IE, and I
doubt you want to reformat. *evil grin*

Re: [WSG] iframes

2005-08-17 Thread Kenny Graham
If you're using the iFrame to pull an external site into a box in your
own site, I've been using object for that. But I'm not
sure on the cross-browser status on that.

Re: [WSG] html design - best practices

2005-08-16 Thread Kenny Graham
If the books are mentioned in a sentence, such as In the
dead sea scrolls, someone said foo, then I agree completely with using

pIn citethe dead sea scrolls/cite someone said
qfoo/q/p or whatever. One problem with
many examples (including mine) of cite is that they always are paired
with a quote, but this absolutely does not have to be the case.
although there was a thread earlier in the yearadvocating cite I think

Re: [WSG] HR - Presentation or Structure?

2005-07-12 Thread Kenny Graham
Tape a 30 secondconversation between a husband and a wife, and there are no headers or
pages.It's a different ball game.Almost all forms of communication begin as structured content in the form of thoughts. You mentally structure what you want to say into sentences, you want parts of those sentences to be emphasized, etc. Then, depending on the medium you want to present those thoughts in (speech, literature, etc), you convert those abstract concepts into things like inflection and pauses for speech, and periods and italics for literature. In my understanding, XHTML/XML is a way of recording that pure structured information before limiting it to the constraints of a specific medium. It is not to record that information after it has been constrained to speech.
Also, grouping headers with pages is flawed logic. Headers have a semantic meaning, while pages are, once again, a constraint of certain presentation mediums.

Re: [WSG] section and separator - formerly - Presentation or Structure?

2005-07-12 Thread Kenny Graham
Wow! I admit that my presentation vs structure thread was an attempt to get the pros out of the woodwork, as mentioned in a thread earlier this week, but a spin-off thread? I should start debates more often! ;-)

Re: [WSG] HR - Presentation or Structure?

2005-07-12 Thread Kenny Graham
If breaking the formula up into little chunks makescomprehension harder for the vast majority of people then we should not
do it and I do not agree with your assertion that breaking a complexformula will make it more understandable - it may in fact undermine thelearning.Breaking content up into little chunks doesn't in any way change the content itself, and is therefore not dumbing it down. If it somehow makes comprehension harder for any users, it is a serious flaw in the user agent.

[WSG] HR - Presentation or Structure?

2005-07-11 Thread Kenny Graham
Am I alone in feeling that hr should be depreciated in favor of CSS
borders? Especially with section in the XHTML 2.0 drafts, what
semantic or even structural value does hr have? Every argument for
its retention that I've heard so far has been presentation related.
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Re: [WSG] problems with aligning of thumbnails

2005-07-07 Thread Kenny Graham
It may be because your img elements in the gallery section aren't
closed, and you're using strict XHTML.  Try changing the imgs to
img /s and see if that fixes anything.

On 7/6/05, Bruce Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am *trying* to get my thumbnail images to align center to their
 respective backgrounds and also to change border color on mouseover
 and I am not able to accomplish either one at the moment.
 The page in question is
 and CSS can be found at
 pertinent CSS  is:
 border: 1px solid #33;
 background-color: #b0c4de;
 width: 175px;
 .gallery dt { font-weight: bold; font-color:#66;padding:0; margin:0}
 .gallery dt img
 border: 1px solid #66;
 width: 144px;
 height: 144px;
 .gallery dt img.ams
 border: 1px solid #66;
 width: 144px;
 height: 79px;
 .gallery dt img a:link
 border: 1px solid #66;
 .gallery dt img a:visited
 border: 1px solid #66;
 .gallery dt img a:hover
 border: 2px solid #33;
 .gallery dt img a:active
 border: 1px solid #33;
 .gallery dd
 margin: 0;
 padding: 0;
 any assistance is greatly appreciative!
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[WSG] Complete CSS reset

2005-07-05 Thread Kenny Graham
Has anyone made a stylesheet that resets everything back to the way it
would be if styling pure XML?  If I have to, I'll go thru html.css and
undo everything that it does, but if someone here has already done it,
it'll save me a lot of time. I'm going to be teaching some web
developers CSS soon and would like to teach it from a complete
seperation of structure from presentation standpoint which is hard to
do when headings are still big, blockquotes are still indented, etc. 
Teaching them to style XML would be the best option in my opinion but
would probably scare them away from the whole concept. Giving up
layout tables will be frightening enough.
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Re: [WSG] Complete CSS reset

2005-07-05 Thread Kenny Graham
Well, this has been educational if nothing else.  I figured out how to
do it on every non-IE browser (insert sarcastic comment).  At first I
tried resetting 11 properties on *, but then realized that it was
killing the entire concept of inheritance.  If I set li to bold, links
inside the li wouldn't inherit it, etc. So then I set those 11
properties on html, and then set the same properties on html * to
inherit.  Works like a charm... but not on IE.  I guess IE doesn't
really use a default stylesheet, and if it does, it doesn't cascade
properly.  If anyone's morbidly curious, it's at
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Re: [WSG] Mac IE hack and CSS validation

2005-07-05 Thread Kenny Graham
I'm not sure on the specifics of the hack you're using, but it should
validate if you put a space after the *.

On 7/5/05, Bruce Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a couple of lines in my CSS targeting mac IE with:
 *htmlbody #wrapper_inner{ width:750px; background-color:#036;
 padding:0; margin:0; }
 the * causes to CSS to not validate due to a parsing error. Is there
 any way around this??
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