Let's take your example to the next level, what if the person who decided to
remove the "Age" column thinks there is no need for "Position" either, she'd
want to keep just the name, would you keep the table?

Then there would only be one coordinate, and I think a 1-dimensional
table -is- a list.  Not that I just think it should be marked up as
one, but I think that's the defining characteristic of a list (in web
semantics and elsewhere).  As such, it still -could- be marked up as a
table, but I think a 1-dimensional table and a list are semantically
equivalent.  I suppose I look at a table as a series of lists that are
related to one another.  And once you get two related lists, along
comes the need to show how those lists are related, which is what all
the descendant elements of tables are designed to do, and which
definition lists don't provide.

More seriously, in my opinion yes, it would stop being tabular data because
then the top row for the headers becomes useless. Look at it this way: if
that (two column) table was linearized, its content would still make sense.

I disagree.  What if instead of taking out age, we took out position?
Then we'd have:

John Smith
Jane Doe

Is that number their age?  Their rank in sales numbers?  The number of
years they've worked for the company?  You'd need to work around what
you're missing from tables with something like "In the following list,
each name is followed by the age of the person."  And if you're going
to do that, why not do it for three or four columns as well?

But for me, tabular data is data that *need* x and y reference to make

And 2 column tables do need it to make sense, unless the relation
between the two columns is described elsewhere.  A table allows you do
describe the relationship between the two lists within the data
structure.  And I think the semantics of an element should be
described by that element, not by some random sibling element.

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