[delicious-discuss] [ANN] Cocoalicious 1.0b39: Local Persistence

2006-01-06 Thread Buzz Andersen
Cocoalicious 1.0b39 is now available for download:http://www.scifihifi.com/cocoalicious/downloads/Cocoalicious_1.0b39.dmgThis release contains my first attempt at keeping a local store of the user's del.icio.us posts, which means:- Cocoalicious should now continue to work when del.icio.us is down.- Cocoalicious now consults the API's last modified time to make sure a full download is actually necessary.- Cocoalicious now effectively maintains a backup of your del.icio.us posts.More information here:http://weblog.scifihifi.com/2006/01/03/cocoalicious-10b39-local-persistence/--Buzz Andersen___
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[delicious-discuss] [ANN] Cocoalicious 1.0b38 (Improved URL scheme/bookmarklet)

2005-11-13 Thread Buzz Andersen
Cocoalicious 1.0b38 is now available for download:http://www.scifihifi.com/cocoalicious/downloads/Cocoalicious_1.0b38.dmgThis is a small release I'm doing just to incorporate some improvements to the "delicious:" URL scheme that allows us to offer a "Send to Cocoalicious" bookmarklet.  Basically, we now support "extended" and "tags" parameters in the "delicious:" URLs, which means the bookmarklet can now grab the current browser window text selection for use as the new post's extended text.A more detailed explanation of these changes (and the new posting bookmarklet) can be found here:http://weblog.scifihifi.com/2005/11/13/cocoalicious-10b38/Enjoy!--Buzz Andersen___
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[delicious-discuss] ANN: Cocoalicious 1.0b37 (Favicons, Automator, Bookmarklet)

2005-09-17 Thread Buzz Andersen
Cocoalicious 1.0b37 is now available for download:http://www.scifihifi.com/cocoalicious/downloads/Cocoalicious_1.0b37.dmgChanges include:- Added support for display of favicons, a la Safari.- Added minimal Automator support (Find Posts/Tags, Get Selected Post, Filter Posts/Tags).- Added AppleScript property to get currently selected post.- Added support for "delicious:" URL scheme to make a "Send to Cocoalicious" bookmarklet possible.- Improved authentication (logins no longer fails silently, and using Cocoalicious with multiple accounts should be a little easier).- Made tag matching case insensitive.- Fixed assorted bugs.A more detailed explanation of these changes (and the new posting bookmarklet) can be found here:http://weblog.scifihifi.com/2005/09/17/cocoalicious-10b37/Enjoy!--Buzz Andersenweb: http://weblog.scifihifi.com___
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Re: [delicious-discuss] AAC (m4a) enclosure support

2005-08-22 Thread Buzz Andersen
On Aug 22, 2005, at 12:11 PM, joshua schachter wrote:Sure. Thanks!  And apologies for the confusing double negative in my previous message...--Buzz___
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[delicious-discuss] File Types/Enclosures in my user RSS feed?

2005-06-16 Thread Buzz Andersen
I'm trying to use the new media support to create a simple ad-hoc  
podcast, and I want people to be able to subscribe to it like this...


...or something along those lines.  The problem is, the RSS feeds  
under my user on del.icio.us don't show the media links into  
enclosures.  The following (non-user specific) URL does contain  
enclosures, though:


Is there a reason the filetype/enclosure trick doesn't work with my  
user RSS feed, or is it a bug?

Great idea on the filetypes, BTW--I think people will evolve some  
interesting uses of it...

Buzz Andersen
web: http://www.scifihifi.com
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[delicious-discuss] ANN: Cocoalicious 1.0b35 (Star Ratings More)

2005-05-30 Thread Buzz Andersen
Cocoalicious 1.0b35 is now available for download:http://www.scifihifi.com/cocoalicious/downloads/Cocoalicious_1.0b35.dmgChanges include:- Star Ratings: Cocoalicious now recognizes tags that consist entirely of repeated asterix characters as star ratings, and displays the ratings in the post table as graphic stars, à la iTunes.  The ratings can also be manipulated directly by dragging in the rating column (again, just like iTunes).- Sortable Table Columns: This has to be the all-time winner for most inexcusable unimplemented feature in Cocoalicious.  Fortunately, it's finally in.-"Type-to-Select" in Tag Table: Typing while the tag table has focus will now cause the first match for the letters typed to be automatically selected (à la Address Book).- Delay of API HTTP requests: The del.icio.us API docs stipulate that clients should never submit more than one request to the API per second, and since the star rating feature makes that scenario a lot more likely, my del.icio.us API access code will now check to see if a second has elapsed since the last API request, and delay the request if it hasn't.- Assorted bug fixes: Including one for a crasher that could happen on reload.A more detailed explanation of these changes can be found here:http://weblog.scifihifi.com/2005/05/30/cocoalicious-10b35-star-ratings-more/Enjoy!--Buzz Andersenweb: http://weblog.scifihifi.com___
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