Re: [ANN] moving Yojimbo-Talk to Google Groups!

2008-05-29 Thread infrahile

Atom -


On 29 May 2008, at 18:29, Jim McCarty wrote:

Kerri Hicks wrote:

On 29 May 2008, at 1:17 PM, Jim McCarty wrote:

Any solution for folks whose company blocks access to Google Groups?
I believe all Google Groups have XML feeds (RSS/Atom)...would you  
be able to fetch them that way?

Hmm, if someone were to send the feed URL, I'd give it a try.


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Re: More about how I use Yojimbo

2008-05-06 Thread infrahile

Sounds like you need OmniFocus.

I find it works perfectly with YJ - any detailed notes, saved  
documents I have relating to a task in YJ can be linked to from OF by  
pasting the item link as a note for the task making the two work  
pretty seamlessly together.


On 6 May 2008, at 13:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I read and re-read your post. I find
 your system impressive but very confusing
 to me.

Maybe I made things sound more complicated than they had to be by  
giving too many details. Basically, whether I'm doing a GTD review  
or I'm making plans for a particular project (which are two  
different things, though similar), I'm switching back and forth  
fairly rapidly among a lot of notes, maybe just three or four or  
five, maybe as many as a couple dozen, as I think of things to jot  

If you saw me working at this, you'd see me focused mostly on one  
note at a time, but frequently skipping to another note as I thought  
of a to-do item, or an idea to think about later, or an issue I need  
to be sure is cleared up by a certain time, or something I need to  
remember to speak with someone about. Then I skip back to whatever  
note I'm mostly focused on.

The part I'm having trouble getting to work to my satisfaction is  
the archival part. I want to be able to put away my completed notes  
for a project, and yet be able to easily bring them up again as a  
group at some point in the future, maybe three months later, maybe  
two years later. But in the meantime I don't need to have them on  
the top level of my collections. I want to get them out of sight,  
without making them hard to bring up again.

If I could put those folders into a superfolder, I could bring up a  
set of old project notes with two clicks, one on the Completed  
projects superfolder and one on the specific subfolder. And filing  
away a set of notes once a project is completed would be as easy as  
dragging the folder into the superfolder. I can't think of anything  
I can do with tags that isn't *more* work than this, not less.

Somebody wrote that they didn't need hierarchy so much as just one  
higher level of collection in order to gather collections and tag  
collections into groups. That's my case exactly. I just want ONE  
folder that I can gather my less needed collections into so that my  
list stays short.

(The reason David Allen recommends a simple A-to-Z filing system as  
part of the GTD method, it seems to me, is less about ease of  
retrieval and more about ease of filing. If you're in the middle of  
a productively heated bout of planning and you have to give every  
item even twenty or thirty seconds of thought and preparation before  
you can file it, you'll start putting things in a To be filed  
pile, so as not to break your flow of thought, instead of filing  
each item immediately. The point isn't to put thought into your  
filing system so that you can find things again easily; the point is  
to make the filing effortless so you'll do it for each item right  
away the very moment you generate it, and if that means that when  
you're retrieving it you have to look in a couple of wrong places  
first because you can't remember whether you filed something under  
Banana cream pie or Desserts or Recipes, big deal, it's  
nowhere near as big a drain on your system as it is to let a To be  
filed stack pile up. The fact is, whether you use tags liberally or  
not, the fear that you're going to lose a file forever is 99%  
illusion. The only way you're really likely to lose a file forever  
is if there's a software glitch or a hardware failure that destroys  
the file; if you stay backed up, the worst that's likely to happen  
is that it may take you three or four tries to find your file  
instead of one.)


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Re: Tag Collections not treated the same as 'regular' Collections (was: The Real Issue With Nested Folders and Multiple Databases.)

2008-05-05 Thread infrahile

On 5 May 2008, at 16:45, Bill Rowe wrote:
What would happen if the tag collection had several tags associated  
with it? Would you assign all of the available tags to an item  
dragged to that collection?

That's exactly what I'd expect it to do, I don't see what the problem  
is. For example, I have a number of web archives currently tagged with  
'article' 'to read' and 'projectname'  - when I've read one I'll  
delete it's 'to read' tag and when 'projectname' is over I'll delete  
that tag too leaving me with 'article' and whatever other descriptives  
I've given it. Being able to add those first three tags in one shot  
would be a nice little timesaver.

Cheers, T.

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Re: Almost happy with Yojimbo the way it is

2008-05-02 Thread infrahile
Thanks for your response Steve, great to have some direct answers  
from the guy who kicked it all off :o)

Now, naturally, I want more! :o)

In the past I've drawn a distinction between 'nested folders' and a  
means to group collections in the sidebar. I see these as distinct  
things and I've copied the original post below where I go into more  
detail on the issue. My question is, do you see these as one and the  
same or would you consider the latter as a different feature request.  
To me nested folders means hierarchical organisation and I'd be the  
first to agree this is not necessary, I'd be interested in your view  
on the matter.

I appreciate there's more than one way to skin a cat and to my mind a  
different approach to tag navigation could obviate the need for this,  
but as an interface designer myself I'm keeping my cards close to my  
chest on that one as I have a particular solution in mind for a  
project of my own! ;o)

Regards, T.

Extract from that previous post…

Tag collection grouping
OK, hopefully no one thinks I'm trying to pull a fast one and change  
the name of the game from 'nested folders' but on reviewing the  
previous threads again I think the debate gets sidetracked into one  
of hierarchy vs. tagging - a fine debate in it's own right but not  
really what I'm after as a feature request. I'm really very happy  
with tag  search approach for many things, but for quick reference  
and ad-hoc corralling of tagged information I use tag collections  
extensively. I have a lot of them, too many to be easily reviewable  
in one long multi-page scrolling list - not (I'll pre-empt the  
inevitable response) in some vain attempt to re-impose an old  
fashioned hierarchy, but simply to take advantage of the benefits of  
tagging for the purposes of browsing (as opposed to searching). It is  
a pain to only be able to sort these tag collections alphabetically  
(even with alpha-numeric prefixes) in one long list.

The long and short of it is that, for whatever reason, i have a lot  
of tag collections, all I really need is a more control over how they  
are organised and presented, a single level of grouping would do just  
fine. I can see how this could cause ambiguity leading to an  
impression of support for deep hierarchy but i doubt this is  
insurmountable - perhaps some judicious use of naming to conceptually  
divorce 'tag collections' from 'collections' and a visually distinct  
icon to further distinguish the concepts might overcome this problem?  
Or maybe separating smart collections, collections, and tag  
collections with sub-titles in the sidebar as iTunes does would do  
the trick?

On 1 May 2008, at 14:20, Steve Kalkwarf wrote:

I'm not singling out Rhet, but there are several ideas embodied in  
this paragraph that bear comment:

If someone from BareBones does pipe in, it's usually to say We're  
never going to add that feature.  See previous post...  This  
compares poorly to several other indie-Mac software lists I'm on  
(such as the forum for Leap and Yep, both excellent applications: where the developer is happy to  
get feedback on what users actually want and participates in the  

Let me start off by saying no matter what I, or another Bare Bones  
representative says, a large number of people will be unhappy. For  
years we said Thanks for the feedback, and we'll consider adding  
this functionality. Then, email every time we shipped an update  
we'd get a reminder email, asking why the feature wasn't in that  
version. Other people waited and waited for the feature to arrive,  
but it wasn't going to. I thought that was unfair.

Now, if a feature request has a known disposition, we generally  
share that answer. Nested folders? No. If you _have_ to have that  
feature, you will be better off elsewhere. Does this compare  
poorly with other companies? I don't know. I prefer the honest  
answer, whether it makes people happy or not.

Another assumption (again, not picking on Rhet) is that  
implementing every feature request is a good idea. If you take a  
step back and look at the types of requests people make, with rare  
exception (nested folders, smart collections, better tag  
management) they are particular to the requester's existing  
workflow. The one feature I have to have is not the one feature  
you have to have, or Charlie has to have, or probably more than a  
couple people have to have.

The implied assumption that tends to go along with almost any  
request is that adding feature X doesn't increase the complexity of  
Yojimbo. That is untrue.

In a past life, I spent countless hours helping novice Mac users  
find the files they had lost, because they had no idea where they  
were saving, or because they saved all their files in the Word  
folder, and when they updated Word, lost everything. The average  
computer user is overwhelmed by choices, and as simple as this  

Re: The Real Issue With Nested Folders and Multiple Databases.

2008-05-02 Thread infrahile
Personally, along as it's civil, I think a bit of heated debate is  
all good fun - livens things up a bit!



On 2 May 2008, at 23:19, Scott J. Lopez wrote:

No one said Yojimbo is a GTD tool, but apparently people use it for
that given the number of posts that reference it. There are several
Mac programs specifically for GTD actually, should anyone want them

As for someone being pompous isn't it a little pompous for all the
people saying that Yojimbo _has to have_ XXX feature or the program is
worthless/useless/they won't buy it. As I've pointed out in a previous
post, there is a trial period (thank you Bare Bones) with using
Yojimbo. If it doesn't fit your needs, move on, but whining on this
list I won't buy it because it doesn't have XXX is pretty bad. I can
understand why BB won't respond to feature request emails any more
with an attitude like that. Yojimbo obviously has all the features
Bare Bone wanted to put into it, if someone wants something different
they could write it up themselves.

Now I didn't mean to turn this into a flame war, but I'm pretty tired
of hearing people complain Yojimbo won't make coffee, clean up after
the dog, and turn down their beds at night. This is supposed to be a
support list, a place to share with each other how we use Yojimbo,
tips and tricks, etc.

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Keith Ledbetter  
 Luis, we're all really, really happy that Yojimbo is perfect  
for your way
of gathering information.  But it's quite pompous of you to think  
everyone else is wrong because we like to sometimes organize our  
data in

physical divisions.

 And, repeat after me, YOJIMBO IS NOT A GTD TOOL.  It is a digital  
drawer; a tool that you have just been lucky enough to be able to  
fit into

the GTD principles.


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Re: Transferring info from Yojimbo onto ipod touch

2008-04-29 Thread infrahile
Sounds like Webjimbo is what you need - 
webjimbo/ - $30 third party app, not tried it myself but it seems to  
get good reports and has recently added an iPhone optimised interface.

Cheers, T.

On 29 Apr 2008, at 00:20, Alexander van Nievelt wrote:

Sorry if I am repeating a thread, but is there any way to sync info  
from Yojimbo onto an iPhone or iPod Touch.  For instance, I store  
all of my passwords and lock combinations in Yojimbo and it would  
be great to be able to access them on my iPod Touch.  Any plans to  
add such a feature?  Any way to do this with an existing app?

Thank you.

Alex van Nievelt

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Re: Cycle through Search criteria

2008-04-09 Thread infrahile

Would anyone else find this useful?

Yes, me.

Although there may be a slight UI issue as when the search field has  
focus the preview text indicating what is being searched is removed,  
so as you cycle with the arrow keys there would (currently) be no  
indication of what type of search you'd be conducting unless you tab  
out of the field to check…

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Re: Feature clarification - capture URL

2008-03-08 Thread infrahile
Related feature request - I've long thought that the web archive  
source URL that appears in the status bar should be a live link. It's  
a minor thing when the  contextual menu offers the same  
functionality, but it just seems simpler and more natural to click  
the link to go to the URL in question?

Cheers, T.

On 8 Mar 2008, at 20:43, Jim Correia wrote:

On Mar 8, 2008, at 2:51 PM, Jim DeVona wrote:

When you create a web archive with Yojimbo, the URL is saved as the
item comment.

The source URL is also saved as an attribute on the web archive,  
which can be accessed through the scripting interface or the Copy  
Web Archive URL command on the contextual menu.


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Re: [ANN] Yojimbo 1.5.1

2008-02-06 Thread infrahile

Me neither, and I'm not behind a firewall… also, v1.5 (62)


On 6 Feb 2008, at 16:27, Daryl Spitzer wrote:

Nothing happens when I select Check for Updates from the application
menu.  Could it be because I'm behind a firewall?  (I'm running

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2007-12-11 Thread infrahile
Here's a weird little curiosity - I opened an Adobe Illustrator  
document just now (by double-clicking on it's icon in the Finder),  
for the first time since installing the recent 1.5 update, and rather  
than opening Illustrator my Mac decided that Yojimbo was a better  
choice and created a new Image entry with the file name as the title,  
although it seemed unable to read the file contents. Easily fixed  
with the Finder's 'Get Info', but odd none the less. I've not  
experienced this with any other file types, any idea what the cause  
might be…?

Cheers, T.
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Re: ANN: Webjimbo web interface

2007-07-24 Thread infrahile
Great to see the very highest journalistic standards are being  
maintained by both MacNN and MacUser (UK) who both report this as  
being a Bare Bones product…


On 24 Jul 2007, at 12:32, Adrian Ross wrote:

Hi all,

Following on from my post a month or so back, I'm pleased to  
announce Webjimbo's release today.

Webjimbo is a web interface for Yojimbo. It lets you view and edit  
your Yojimbo data from any computer with an internet connection and  
a web browser, as long as your Mac running Yojimbo is visible on  
the internet. Once again, no big sales pitch here, just a link to where you can get more information and download  
the trial version.

Changes since the private beta include the ability to view  
passwords and encrypted notes.


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Re: iPhone sync

2007-07-11 Thread infrahile
Maybe Leopard Mail's 'Notes' feature would provide a workable conduit  
for getting basic notes to and from an iPhone via an ITunes sync…?  
Sounds iCludgy just thinking about it though!


On 11 Jul 2007, at 18:40, David Nedrow wrote:

On Jul 11, 2007, at 1:26 PM, Steve Drach wrote:

 This feature is high on my wishlist too--be sure to ping Apple  
with your request because until they open up third party  

Just out of curiosity, what iPhone application will be used to  
view the synced Yojimbo data?

I think that was the point Jeff was making. Unless and until Apple  
decides to allow actual app development for the iPhone, it's going  
to be near impossible for something like Yojimbo to be used with it  
(either fully or just data view) without some type of online web  

I suppose one way to do it would be to sync to .Mac (or another web  
server) and then have an Ajax frontend posted as well. Then you  
could use Safari to at least get a static view of most Yojimbo items.


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Re: yojimbo-module

2007-05-25 Thread infrahile
…you don't need an additional Yojimbo license. All flavors of  
Yojimbo license we sell allow use on multiple machines.

You'd never make it as a Used Car Salesman. ;o)

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Re: Folders/Tag-collections

2007-05-25 Thread infrahile

All very amusing, but not a fair analogy in any way…

This is not a request for a new or wildly unrelated feature, I  
already use YJ for browsing, it forms the majority of the way I use  
it and it does so pretty well. Features such as collections and tag- 
collections exist already and have nothing to do with searching,  
they're all about helping the user focus on a subsection of their  
data. This is just a request for a simple enhancement to make the use  
of an established feature more friendly and useful.

If you check the YJ website promo blurb you'll find this listed as a  

Organize your information any way that suits your style, from  
“everything in one spot” to “organized to the extreme”

…and elsewhere…

Collections provide a rich and sophisticated method of organizing  
the information you store in Yojimbo. Whether you use the built-in  
Smart Collections or create your own, Yojimbo works with you.

…to my mind any way that suits your style and Yojimbo works with  
you indicates that supporting more than one data management  
methodology is an implicit feature, there is nothing there to  
indicate that the sole purpose of YJ is to tag and search. Indeed,  
organised to the extreme would seem to suggest the opposite is  
equally supported.

So to return to your analogy - that hammer was sold to me on the  
understanding that it supports driving screws into wood, I'm pretty  
happy with the way it does this but I have some suggestions to make  
it better. Is that so unreasonable?


On 25 May 2007, at 15:15, Kenneth Kirksey wrote:

Some of the comments in this thread have been along the lines of
Well I can find what I'm looking for amongst my 200 Bajillion items
in moments - and, look Ma, no collections, ain't I grand. Well,
great for you, but there are other ways of reviewing data than
knowing what you want and extracting it with aplomb from a big messy
pile. There is a very good reason why this is useful and why
organising these collections better would be even more useful�  

The scene: A man storms angrily into a hardware store, carrying a  
hammer in one hand an a screw in the other. He stomps up to the  
customer service desk and proceeds to give the clerk a good tongue  

Man: This hammer you sold me isn't fully featured! It doesn't do  
what I want a hammer to do!

Clerk: (looking perplexed) What doesn't it do?

Man: It won't drive this (holds up philips head screw) into wood!  
Where do you get off selling me a hammer that doesn't do everything  
I want it to do!

Clerk: (looking even more perplexed). Sir, hammers are for driving  
nails, not screws. We've got nails if you'd like to use your  
hammer, or we can sell you a screwdriver to use with your screws.  
There are plenty of options, but you can't drive a screw with a  

Man: Dammit, I don't want nails or a screwdriver! I want to drive  
these screws with this hammer! What's wrong with you people! How do  
you even keep customers? If a customer wants a hammer that will  
drive screws, then dammit, you give them a hammer that will drive  
screws! I don't care what the hammer was designed to do, I want it  
to do what I WANT IT TO DO!

Clerk: (now afraid that he's talking to a bat-s**t crazy lunatic)  
Sir, the manager's office is right over that way...

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Re: yojimbo-module

2007-05-25 Thread infrahile
…you don't need an additional Yojimbo license. All flavors of  
Yojimbo license we sell allow use on multiple machines.

You'd never make it as a Used Car Salesman. ;o)

Given that I do not own a single Yojimbo license yet (I'm still in  
demo mode) he actually did his best to convince me of a purchase :)



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Flag item

2007-05-25 Thread infrahile

Another minor feature request…

I've recently switched to using YJ in two-pane mode (no preview area)  
and opening items in new windows (allowing me to keep the Library on  
my MBP screen to one side of my main 20 where I view the items in  
individual windows, in case you're curious why!) I also use the Flag  
feature and the 'Flagged items' smart collection as a quick reference  
for currently important stuff. Which brings me to the request… it'd  
be great to add to the individual item window toolbar a 'Flag' button  
- via the 'Customise toolbar' feature. At the moment I can find no  
way to do this from anywhere other than the Library window and even  
the menu entry in 'Item' has 'Mark as Flagged' greyed out for  
individual item windows.


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PDF Display

2007-05-25 Thread infrahile

Here's another request, I'm on a roll…

PDF's: maybe I've missed a feature, but it seems there is no way  
currently to view the list of pages in a PDF document. Maybe the  
Acrobat 8 way of displaying page thumbnails down the side of the  
background area would work well - I'm not a developer so I have no  
idea how easy/hard this is, but I'm frequently frustrated with long  
PDF documents if I can't scan through a list of page thumbnails,  
adding this feature would be a positive boon!

I'll pre-empt the inevitable; no, searching won't help - may of the  
documents I'm referring to are very visual, such as design guidelines  
documents, design concepts, etc. which are often image-only or  
largely image based. A quick visual reference would really improve  
the usefulness of PDF's in YJ, for this user at least.

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Re: Dates created and modified

2007-05-06 Thread infrahile

On 6 May 2007, at 14:51, tedd wrote:

No offense meant to the Yojimbo programmers, but this is an example  
of how a programmer thinks that s/he knows what the user needs as  
compared to what the user actually wants.

Well, not necessarily, there are all sorts of more likely  
explanations than arrogant programmers. Also, when you say 'what the  
user actually wants' you really mean 'what I and a few others here  
actually want' - I'm perfectly happy with the creation date as it is  
because it allows me to see when the entry was created in Yojimbo -  
in that sense, the creation date refers not to the source document,  
but to the new Yojimbo item. I do see your point, but this strikes me  
as overly harsh criticism.


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Re: Dates created and modified

2007-05-06 Thread infrahile

On 6 May 2007, at 15:21, tedd wrote:

But from experience, programmers think about the data and not  
necessarily how user will use it -- that's why GUI is like a new  
(anything that is less than 20 years old is new to me) science to  
programming. First, solve the problem and then make it easy for the  
user. Sometimes there's a disconnect between how the user is going  
to use the data and how the programmer expects the data to be used  
-- that's a fact -- I've been there too many times myself to claim  
any different.

All fair enough, although I'd argue that these sort of issues should  
be thrashed out in the initial design process by Information  
Architects and Interface Designers in consultation with Programmers  
(and by reference to appropriate user research) - of course there is  
overlap in these roles but just to point out that this is not  
something that should be an issue for a programmers alone in a well  
resourced software house. This is why a good design process is so  
important, programmers in my experience rarely make great user  
interface designers (and I include in this the overall feature set  
and interaction principles, not just the GUI look and feel), of  
course there are exceptions like the Dave Watanabes of the world, but  
as a general rule you get the point!

Anyway, I feel we're drifting off-topic… ;o)

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3/2-pane toggle

2007-05-03 Thread infrahile

Quick little feature request folks…

I typically use the three-pane standard view when using Yojimbo,  
however when I want to review a long list of notes, archives, etc. I  
will double-click on the divider between the notes list and note  
preview panes (i don't know the 'official' terminology here, but  
basically - the top and bottom bit on the right!) to quickly switch  
to a two-pane view; the sidebar and list of notes. This divider line  
is quite a small target area to hit, so it'd be great if one of the  
options in the 'customise toolbar' feature was a button to add to the  
toolbar that toggled the preview pane on and off.

That's it. And I didn't mention tags or nesting once. ;o)

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Re: auto Welcome post...

2007-04-26 Thread infrahile

2- Item structure: It seems to me that many items (mainly S/N and  
passwords) could have a slightly more complete and harmonized field  
structure. As examples, I somehow miss an e-mail field (and even an  
owner field) in the password class, and a location field in the S/N  
class. I may understand that some additions could be at expense of  
simplicity (for quick imports for example), but a simple compromise  
could be found (at least it seems to me). Here again I do not think  
big changes are needed.

I'd like to see some additional options for passwords too, it's not  
uncommon to be asked for all sorts of information as part of a  
registration process for a web site or service. As my memory for who  
holds what info can be poor and it's useful stuff to have on record I  
currently screenshot each stage of any registration process that goes  
beyond the basics and put it in an encrypted note. I'd rather see  
passwords have, below the existing fields (and Yvan's suggestions -  
email would be great as I use several for different sorts of sites),  
a standard note area for this purpose with the usual encrypt option  
so I don't end up with records in two areas, or some passwords in a  
standard note and others in a password note. Not a really big deal as  
tags allow me to find both with equal ease, it'd just be neater. And  
I like neat.


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Re: Feature Request: Drag-n-Drop images

2007-04-08 Thread infrahile
Not sure if this has been covered in past discussions, but I'd love  
to cast a vote for the ability to drag images from a Web browser  
directly into either the drop-dock or the Yojimbo application  
without having to create a note to contain it.

I agree, this would be very useful…

As a designer I'm constantly collecting ideas/inspiration in the  
form of images from the web. It's nice to have these stored off- 
line instead of a URL because I can arrange and sort things  
visually if need be. Currently I just have a big directory of  
files, but I'd love to have them in jimbo.

…but not for this.  I'm also a designer and keep a similar reference,  
however I like a visual catalogue of all the images - Yojimbo is just  
going to give me a text list of files when what I need is a thumbnail  
graphic type arrangement for quick visual scanning. I'd recommend  
iView media pro for this task (although this has been bought by M$  
now and given their track record with perfectly good mac software…  
well, we'll see… )

iView is great for this sort of visual catalogue and it's keywords  
feature can be used effectively as tags for your images. You can also  
set up an iView catalogue to auto-update from one or many folders, so  
whenever you open it it'll always be up to date with your latest  
additions. I use it in conjunction with Hazel ( http:// ) for an automated scrapbook building  
tool - a folder on my desktop acts as a general inbox, any image  
files dumped in there is moved by Hazel to a scrapbook inbox (movies  
go to another, PDF's another, etc.) and the next time I open my iView  
scrapbook catalogue for inspiration I know that it'll scan my  
pictures inbox and bring it bang up to date for me, I can then add  
keywords (or use nested folders… ;o) to organise. Works a treat - i  
guess iPhoto might do the same although i don't use it.

That said, for those images that are useful to keep in a Yojimbo  
note, a drag  drop note-from-image feature would be a very handy  
timesaver (although, if you drag 'n drop multiple images does this  
make a bunch of individual notes, or a single one with all the images… 

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