Hello Ben,

Monday, December 11, 2006, 9:34:18 PM, you wrote:

BR> Robert Milkowski wrote:
>> Hello eric,
>> Saturday, December 9, 2006, 7:07:49 PM, you wrote:
>> ek> Jim Mauro wrote:
>>>>> Could be NFS synchronous semantics on file create (followed by 
>>>>> repeated flushing of the write cache).  What kind of storage are you 
>>>>> using (feel free to send privately if you need to) - is it a thumper? 
>>>> It's not clear why NFS-enforced synchronous semantics would induce 
>>>> different behavior than the same
>>>> load to a local ZFS.
>> ek> Actually i forgot he had 'zil_disable' turned on, so it won't matter in
>> ek> this case.
>> Ben, are you sure zil_disable was set to 1 BEFORE pool was imported?

BR> Yes, absolutely.  Set var in /etc/system, reboot, system come up. That
BR> happened almost 2 months ago, long before this lock insanity problem 
BR> popped up.

BR> To be clear, the ZIL issue was a problem for creation of a handful of 
BR> files of any size.  Untar'ing a file was a massive performance drain.
BR> This issue, other the other hand, deals with thousands of little files
BR> being created all the time (IMAP Locks).  These are separate issues from
BR> my point of view.  With ZIL slowness NFS performance was just slow but
BR> we didn't see massive CPU usage, with this issue on the other hand we 
BR> were seeing waves in 10 second-ish cycles where the run queue would go
BR> sky high with 0 idle.  Please see the earlier mails for examples of the
BR> symptoms.


And just another question - is nfs file system mounted with noac
options on imap server and application is doing chdir() to nfs
directories? I'm not sure if it's fixed - if not your nfs client on
every chdir() will generate lot of small traffic to nfs server
starving it of cpu.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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