Colour-banded cormorants on High Bluff Island - Presqu'Ile? Help !!

2003-05-27 Thread Mark Cranford
Posting for Chip Weseloh - contact him at the telephone number below.

I am in need of 1-2 good birders to accompany 2 cormorant researchers from
Mississippi to High Bluff Island (Presqu'Ile Provincial Park at Brighton)on
Friday,  30 May, for most of the day looking for colour-banded cormorants.
Some remuneration is available.

Please phone me at 416-518-4329 and leave your name and return phone number
if you are interested and available. I would like to have this arranged by
the end of the day Tuesday.


Chip Weseloh
Canadian Wildlife Service
 Downsview, Ontario 

Mark Cranford
ONTBIRDS Coordinator
Mississauga, Ontario
905 279 9576

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2003-05-27 Thread Mark Cranford
Posting for Ian Platt who is away from his subscribed address

Today  an adult and an immature trumpeter swan were at Strathroy
Sewage lagoons. They did not appear to be tagged.
From 402 exit 65 go south on Caradoc Street (county road 81). Turn 
right (west) at the first traffic light on Mullifarry Drive (take
care this road has recently been repaved and there are a lot of loose
stones). Go past the Cuddy pond and go left on Pike road. Cross
Albert Street and the railroad tracks and continue to a parking area
on the left at 27782 Pike Road.
Ian Platt
London, ON

Mark Cranford
ONTBIRDS Coordinator
Mississauga, Ontario
905 279 9576

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Laughing Gull - Newcastle - Mon. pm

2003-05-27 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!

I finally caught up to this bird at 5:45 pm yesterday on the third 
try(I was beginning to think it was laughing at me). I checked the 
lighthouse first, but then found the bird at the west end of the pond by 
itself and partly hidden in the vegetation - a beautiful sight.

Directions: Exit 440 from Hwy. 401 - south on Mill St. under RR bridge. 
Straight  at stop sign onto  Port of Newcastle Drive, through subdivision to 
T junction and turn right and then left towards the Marina where you will 
see the ponds to your left. The south side of roadway is posted No 

   Cheers!  Maris

Maris Apse - OFO SALES
511 Chamberlain Lane, Oakville ON L6J 6A2
HOME - 905-338-0318
SCHOOL - 416-393-1510 EXT.20041
FAX - 416-393-8172

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[no subject]

2003-05-27 Thread Alan Wormington
Point Pelee Report -- May 25, 2003 (Sunday)

Large numbers of Cedar Waxwings this morning indicated an influx of birds
overnight. More Gray-cheeked Thrushes and Black-billed Cuckoos have been
reported than in previous days. Several flocks of flyby Whimbrel have
been reported as of noon and and a few each of Ruddy Turnstone, Dunlin,
Sanderling, Lesser Yellowlegs are foraging along the west beach near the
tip.  Seven Caspian Terns at the tip this morning are getting rather
late.  Yesterday afternoon at least 20 Black Terns and an American
Bittern were reported from the Marsh Boardwalk

Warblers were singing up a storm this morning.  There were lots of
American Redstarts and Blackpoll abd Wilson's Warblers and still a
surprising number of Blackburnian, Black-throated Green, Chestnut-sided
Warblers and Ovenbirds. 

Prothonotary Warbler -- Woodland Nature Trail  for the 3rd day but only
seen sporadically
Acadian Flycatcher - WNT for the 2nd day but only seen sporadically.

The next issue of *Point Pelee Natural History News* will be partially
devoted to bird photographs, since many interesting species were captured
on film this spring (March to May inclusive).  If you took any good bird
photos at Point Pelee this spring (rare or common), and would
like to have them published in the next Newsletter, please contact the
Newsletter Editor directly at  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Good Birding,

John Haselmayer, Karl Konze, Dave Martin, Pete Read, Alan Wormington
Staff, Friends of Point Pelee

For additional information on this year's Festival of Birds (which ends
on May 26), please visit or 

To contact the Friends of Point Pelee:

Telephone 519-326-6173  /  Fax 519-326-7925

For general park information, please call 519-322-2365.

The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
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Alan Wormington [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Huron Fringe Birding Festival correction

2003-05-27 Thread Fred Beth Jazvac

The Hermit warbler reported was meant to be a Hooded.   I don't  know where
Hermit came from; the mistake is mine.

Fred Jazvac, 

Fred  Beth Jazvac [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Huron Fringe Birding Festival Correction

2003-05-27 Thread Fred Beth Jazvac

The Hermit warbler reported was meant to be a Hooded.   I don't  know where
Hermit came from; the mistake is mine.

Fred Jazvac, 


Fred  Beth Jazvac [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Taverner Cup Results

2003-05-27 Thread Mark Cranford
Preliminary Results from the 7th Annual Taverner Cup
May 24, 2003

From:   Jeff Harrison
Co-ordinator of the Taverner Cup Birding Competition

Tel: (514) 486-4943

This year 52 participants in 14 teams, 6 competitive and 8 recreational,
competed in the 7th Annual Taverner Cup Birding Competition. This
corporate-sponsored event was held in eastern Ontario and western Quebec
over a 24-hour period on Saturday May 24th. 

Participants faced low temperatures and heavy rain through much of the day
interspersed with light showers. One unlucky team was forced to drive from
Presqu’ile to Ottawa in the driving rain with the back windows open when
their power windows failed to close.  A major migration passed through on
Friday. Some stayed around to be counted but few late migrating waterfowl
were found on Lake Ontario due to widespread fog and mist.  Continuous rain
dampened bird’s enthusiasm for singing. These factors resulted in
unprecedented low all-team species total of 207. The only rare bird
recorded was the Eurasian Collared Dove near Marysville, Ontario. Other
birding highlights were Least Bittern, Gray Partridge, Spruce Grouse,
Yellow Rail, Sandhill Crane, Red-necked Phalarope, Long and Short-eared
Owls, American Pipit, Loggerhead Shrike, 24 species of warblers including
Louisiana Waterthrush, Orchard Oriole and White-winged Crossbill. 

The Bushnell Nighthawks, captained by Ottawa native, Bruce DiLabio, with
fellow birders Chris Traynor from Ottawa and Ross Harris from Toronto, won
the Taverner Cup with a total of 161 species. Their winning route included
stops in the Richmond Fen near Ottawa, Algonquin Park, Presqu’ile
Provincial Park, Cheffeys Locks, north of Kingston and the Alfred Sewage
Lagoon. The Focus Scientific Merlins, captained by Tony Beck of Ottawa,
placed second with 143 species. The Wild Birds Unlimited Great Gray Owls,
captained by Jeff Harrison of Montreal, placed third with 142. Other teams
included the Swarovski Cool Chatswhich placed fourth with 140,  Guillemot
Holdings Inc. (Montreal) Saw-it Owls with 132 and the Nature Boutique
(Canadian Museum of Nature) Dafoe’s Whisky Jacks with 120.

The Fenomenal Fledglings, a team of junior birders aged 10 to 14 from
Ottawa, captained by adult, Joe Dafoe, won the recreational category, and
the Fothergill Trophy, with a remarkable total of 122 species.
TheCardenals, captained by Lindsay Ontario’s Chris Ellingwood placed
second with 119 species. They were awarded the Judith Wilkes Trophy. Teams
and team members came from as far away as Montreal, Leamington, Lindsay and
Toronto.. A list of  teams and their totals will be found below.

 About 70 people, including participants, their sponsors, and invited
guests, attended the catered Awards Banquet held in Ottawa on Sunday
morning May 25th. The Ottawa Field Naturalists’ Club (OFNC) and the
Fletcher Wildlife Garden hosted the event. David Moore a Past President of
the OFNC, was Master of Ceremonies. Gillian Marston, Vice President of the
OFNC, presented Bruce DiLabio and his team with the Taverner Cup. Shelagh
M’Gonigle, a descendant of Ontario’s first resident ornithologist, Charles
Fothergill, presented the Fothergill Trophy to Joe Dafoe.. Joan Molnar of
the Jaywalkers, a close friend of Judith Wilks, presented the Wilks
Trophy to Chris Ellingwood.. 

The banquet was a big success again this year highlighted by gold, silver
and bronze medallions for the winning teams, impromptu speeches, and
numerous door prizes. A receptive audience was treated by a terrific new
rendition of  Singing in the Rain by the Jaywalkers.

The final team results for 2003 are as follows


Sponsor/Team Name   Captain

Bushnell (Toronto) Nighthawks   Bruce DiLabio   
Focus Scientific Merlins (Ottawa)   Tony Beck   
Wild Birds Unlimited (Ottawa) Great Gay OwlsJeff Harrison   
Swarovski Cool ChatsFrank Pinilla   
Guillemont Holdings (Montreal) Saw-it Owls  Jacques Bouvier 132
Nature Boutique (Ottawa) Dafoe’s Whisky Jacks   Jean Dubois 


Fenomenal FledglingsJoe Dafoe   
Cardenals   Chris Ellingwood
Birdbrains  David Britton   
Tweachers   Janet Castle
The Roadrunners Brett Groves
The Motherflickers  Chris Lewis 
Carless Wonders Paul Jones  