I'm curious as to why there is an unzip applet but no zip applet?

Presumably there is extant busybox code to deal with the zip file data
structures, crc32 checksums, directory tree walking, and various
compression routines (IIRC, gzip and zip 'deflate' are the same
algorithm, and zip 'store' is simply memcpy()).

Adding a zip applet would seem trivial.

Is there some technical reason why there is no zip applet?  

Or is it simply that nobody has wanted one bad enough to do it?

[Since one was lacking, I wrote a simple-minded stand-alone 'zip' from
scratch in about a day and half (including time spent researching and
reverse engineering the file format). It only supports the 'store'
compression method, always operates recursively, has no command line
options (no update/delete capabilities), and always creates a new
archive from scratch, so it's a bit limited.  For deployment logistics
reasons to dull to explain, adding a stand-alone 'zip' to my product's
firmware build at this point in the life-cycle is a lot less work than
adding one to busybox.]

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I joined scientology
                                  at               at a garage sale!!

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