[cayugabirds-l] Egret - Saturday

2016-11-07 Thread tigger64
Close to sunset on Saturday a small white egret flew over the Mays Point observing corral heading toward Wildlife Dr/Main Pool. I didn't see it until it was far past and heading directly away and assume it was a Cattle Egret but could not tell for sure. It might have come from the back of

[cayugabirds-l] Derby Hill Hawk Watch, 2015 report

2015-08-12 Thread tigger64
The final report for the 2015 hawk watch season at Derby Hill is available at: http://onondagaaudubon.com/4756-2/ David Wheeler N. Syracuse, NY tigge...@aol.com -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES

[cayugabirds-l] MNWR Friday

2015-08-01 Thread tigger64
Main highlights came from Knox-Marsellus Marsh in the form of a breeding-plumaged Ruddy Turnstone. There was a plover I thought was Am. Golden Plover but in retrospect didn't look at carefully so entered in eBird as Black-bellied/Am. Golden Plover. Most phalarope candidates eventually became

[cayugabirds-l] MNWR - Saturday evening

2015-07-26 Thread tigger64
Most of the shorebird diversity is way out on the Main Pool, continuing to follow the shrinking wet spot. Of course rain could change that. Birds flushed at one point and there was another group out of sight even farther back. One phalarope I thought was Wilson's was seen, maybe a female,

[cayugabirds-l] Binocular eye cup found - Derby Hill

2015-03-26 Thread tigger64
The screw-in eye cup from a binocular was found at Derby Hill North Lookout. Please e-mail if anyone is missing it. I know there was a field trip from the MAC center, possibly one of the participants? Dave W. tigge...@aol.com __._,_.___ -- Cayugabirds-L List Info:

[cayugabirds-l] Sodus, Geneva, and goldeneye photos

2015-01-22 Thread tigger64
Wednesday at Sodus Bay saw the usual (excellent) concentration of ducks. Highlights were 4 Surf Scoter (1 adult male) plus at least 3 female Common Goldeneye with entirely orange bills, essentially the same as the Irondequoit Bay bird. Very poor gull numbers. Roost flight at the Geneva

[cayugabirds-l] Upcoming weather MNWR

2014-12-28 Thread tigger64
With cold weather coming I think the huge bird numbers at the Savannah mucks and Knox-Marsellus will be coming to an end soon. Prediction for Sunday-Monday overnight is mid-20's but I'm more worried about the Mon-Tues overnight when it will hit mid-20s but with no recovery the next day, a

[cayugabirds-l] MNWR - Friday

2014-12-27 Thread tigger64
Lots of action at the Savannah mucklands and Knox-Marsellus Marsh. As on Tuesday, a good number of gulls continue to pull worms from the mud - about 50/50 Ring-bill/Herring. Lots of geese at both spots including White-fronted at K-M and a white goose I couldn't decide on at the mucks. David

[cayugabirds-l] Cayuga Lake Snow Geese other highlights

2014-12-27 Thread tigger64
Good numbers of Canada Geese at the Geneva waterfront, but Seneca Lake was rough on moderate SW winds. While passing through Waterloo, the evening gull roost-flight (from the Seneca Falls landfill to Cayuga Lake) was on and I decided to follow it. Lots of other birds moving about and I finally

[cayugabirds-l] Knox-Marsellus Thursday - Owls, Cranes, odd goose

2014-12-04 Thread tigger64
Staking out the roost flight found lots of waterfowl moving around but the big Snow Geese numbers may have reached Cayuga Lake. Two Short-eared Owls appeared at dusk and I counted 82 Sandhill Cranes. There's an odd Canada Goose that's not like any I've seen before. - noticeably paler

[cayugabirds-l] Fair Haven Monday - prob. Black-headed Gull

2014-11-25 Thread tigger64
Jim Tarolli and I had poor looks from the east/west breakwall as it headed west, but review of bad photos suggest Black-headed. First photo is unedited, second crops and lightens to show bright orange/red bill. Unfortunately I had been messing with the camera to take silhouettes against bold

[cayugabirds-l] MNWR - Wednesday highlights

2014-11-06 Thread tigger64
The main attraction right now is the large number of birds at the Main Pool and K-M/Puddler's Marsh. Bald Eagles were flushing the ducks from time to time and creating great clouds of waterfowl on the Wildlife Drive. I looked for the Eared Grebe but did not see it and only one ibis was

[cayugabirds-l] MNWR highlights

2014-10-27 Thread tigger64
Eared Grebe and Ibis continue, as do the Ross's Geese. I have some close photos of the ibis. I personally think the eye is on its way to being reddish and the bare skin on its way to being pinkish. https://www.flickr.com/photos/krankykestrel/ David Wheeler N. Syracuse, NY --

[cayugabirds-l] MNWR - Wednesday

2014-10-23 Thread tigger64
Many thousands of ducks/geese in at the Main Pool - both dabblers and divers. At least one Eurasian Wigeon continues but I missed the Eared Grebe. Shorebirds included both yellowlegs, 2 Stilt Sandpiper, 5 Dunlin, and 2 White-rumped Sandpiper. Over at Knox-Marsellus the Avocets continue.

Re:[cayugabirds-l] Northern Wheatear

2014-09-23 Thread tigger64
Jim Tarolli and I were there Monday just before sunset and the bird was feeding in the backyard of the house and invisible to the naked eye (and inconspicuous generally). If you're standing roughly across from the old silo, sweep right and look to the back edge of the cut area. There is a

[cayugabirds-l] N. Wheatear report - Stony Point

2014-09-21 Thread tigger64
Tony Shrimpton texted the CNY RBA to report: Northern Wheatear Bill-Abetta Roberts (blue) house, 1162 Whiney Rd (sic), Stony Point, Henderson, Jefferson County, 2:15 I believe Whiney should be Whitney. Tony has a camp on Stony Point but I'm not sure if he's passing it along or saw it

[cayugabirds-l] Stony Point Wheatear - Yes

2014-09-21 Thread tigger64
Wayne Fidler reports that the bird is still there. Dave W. -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsSubscribeConfigurationLeave.htm ARCHIVES: 1)

[cayugabirds-l] Mississippi Kite - Derby Hill, juv. Dunlin - Sodus Point

2014-09-05 Thread tigger64
Today on south winds a Mississippi Kite passed low for good looks. Photos on Jim Tarolli's page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jtarolli9/ Thursday at Sodus Point a (mostly) juvenile-plumage Dunlin was present. Photos at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/krankykestrel/ David Wheeler N.

[cayugabirds-l] Saturday hawks, Sunday shorebirds/nighthawks

2014-09-01 Thread tigger64
On south winds Saturday a decent flight of young hawks passed Derby Hill, mostly Red-tails and Bald Eagles but all the expected raptors were represented. Sunday afternoon, Sodus Point produced 8 species of shorebirds: Baird's, Least, Semi-p Sandpipers, Black-bellied Semi-p Plover, Ruddy

[cayugabirds-l] Red Knot other photos

2014-08-29 Thread tigger64
Jim Tarolli tells me it was not at Sodus Pt this morning. I've added more photos of the Knot with other shorebirds, plus some great ones of Semipalmated Plover. Speaking of semipalmated, it appears in my photos that Lesser Yellowlegs also has semi-p feet (which I did not know). Also a few

[cayugabirds-l] Wed. - Sodus Red Knot; MNWR

2014-08-28 Thread tigger64
Sodus Point had a juv. Red Knot, first on the pier then on the beach. 30 Sanderlings and 8 SESA joined a single Lesser Yellowlegs. Good stuff. Photo here of the gorgeous Red Knot: https://www.flickr.com/photos/krankykestrel/ On trip to MNWR I did not check the MAC ponds. I did stop at

[cayugabirds-l] Recent sightings - Ontario Lakeshore

2014-08-26 Thread tigger64
Monday 8/25 on the Ontario Lakeshore between Oswego and Sodus Pt, with Jim Tarolli: Oswego Harbor: (presumed) Short-billed Dowitcher on the outer breakwall - very distant but we thought dowitcher Fair Haven: 1 Ruddy Turnstone (juv) Sodus Pt: 2 Ruddy Turnstone (ad and juv), 1 AG Plover, 2 BB

[cayugabirds-l] Derby Hill Wednesday - Laughing Gull, Jaeger

2014-08-13 Thread tigger64
On 25 kt West winds, the main highlight was a Laughing Gull (non-breeding adult), and a distant jaeger (probably Long-tailed). Many Black Terns, Commons, Caspians, Herring Gulls. Link to photos of Laughing Gull: https://www.flickr.com/photos/krankykestrel/ There is also a nice sequence of

[cayugabirds-l] Black Skimmer Friday - No

2014-08-02 Thread tigger64
The Black Skimmer found by John Germain and seen Wed and Thurs on Fulton's Lake Neatahwanta was not seen on Friday. Observers were present from 4pm until 9pm. I'm not suggesting it's gone or won't come back - the lake itself seems good for it but does not have a lot of loafing areas. Here's

[cayugabirds-l] Great Shearwater - bad news

2014-07-20 Thread tigger64
With sadness I have to report the Great Shearwater did not survive. I think plans are for it to go to the American Museum of Natural History. Dave W. -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES

[cayugabirds-l] Great Shearwater photos

2014-07-19 Thread tigger64
I've put up several photos of the Great Shearwater. There are also photos of an unusual-for-July Snowy Owl being harassed by a Northern Mockingbird. Many songbirds-in-flight photos from May are also up: grackles, orioles, tanagers, waxwings, Purple Martin, Seymour the pheasant (a.k.a. Fred),

[cayugabirds-l] More bluebird photos

2014-07-02 Thread tigger64
I've posted more photos of the bluebird from 9 May. At the moment they are at the top of the photostream and I have grouped them in a folder of their own. Photostream: https://www.flickr.com/photos/krankykestrel/ Taxonomic Groups: https://www.flickr.com/photos/krankykestrel/sets/

[cayugabirds-l] Bald Eagle and other photos up / Derby Hill Tues.

2014-07-01 Thread tigger64
Strong south winds brought a few raptors past Derby Hill today, mostly Red-tails and Bald Eagles. I've put up a bunch of photos on Flickr, including the eagles, Kingfisher flying with a fish, etc. Many new photos of birds in flight are now sorted by taxonomic group. There is also a photo of

[cayugabirds-l] Fwd: Geneseo - Wegman's pond

2014-06-04 Thread tigger64
Infer: no TCHE. Original observer still unknown. Dave W Forwarding from GeneseeBirds: Subject: Geneseo: Wegman's pond Date: Wed Jun 4 2014 8:58 am From: geneseebirds-l AT geneseo.edu I stopped by the pond at the southwest corner of Geneseo's Wegman's plaza this morning. Just as I got there

[cayugabirds-l] Tri-colored Heron report - Geneseo

2014-06-03 Thread tigger64
Forwarding from GeneseeBirds: Subject: GeneseeBirds-L Digest, Vol 130, Issue 83 Date: Tue Jun 3 2014 15:53 pm From: geneseebirds-l AT geneseo.edu Tri-colored Heron at Geneseo Wegman's plaza. Habitating at the retention pond behind the western-most end of the plaza. Sent from my iPad --

[cayugabirds-l] Derby Hill - Wed/Thurs incl. Swallow-tailed Kite

2014-05-15 Thread tigger64
I'm woefully behind on putting up photos. Wednesday - light to medium songbird flight in the morning. Shortly after the raptors got up, Hawk Counter Steve Kolbe spotted a Swallow-tailed Kite on the near horizon. The bird spiraled and worked its way slowly toward the lookout, eventually

[cayugabirds-l] Recent Montezuma sightings

2014-05-06 Thread tigger64
Birding Friday with Steve Kolbe and Jim Tarolli, highlights included: Savannah Mucks: Peregrine Falcon chasing Am. Golden Plover. Lengthy pursuit, we did not see who prevailed. Savannah-Spring Lake Rd. at the bridge north of Van Dyne Spoor: Steve picked out a Eurasian Green-winged Teal.

[cayugabirds-l] Seneca Lake, Monday (late) - Eu. Wigeon, Ross's Goose

2014-03-27 Thread tigger64
Birding the Geneva waterfront on Monday with Jim Tarolli, we found a Eurasian Wigeon at Seneca Lake State Park and had a flyover Ross's Goose with a few Snows. Also a N. Shrike and many thousands of geese at close range. I'll put up a folder of photo highlights. David Wheeler N. Syracuse, NY

[cayugabirds-l] Fwd: [OneidaBirds] adult Mew Gull - Inner Harbor

2014-03-26 Thread tigger64
-Original Message- From: Tigger64 tigge...@aol.com To: oneidabirds oneidabi...@yahoogroups.com Sent: Wed, Mar 26, 2014 10:49 pm Subject: [OneidaBirds] adult Mew Gull - Inner Harbor This pm I found what I believe to be an adult MEW GULL. The bird

[cayugabirds-l] (2) Eurasian Wigeon - Harris Park

2014-03-23 Thread tigger64
I'm pretty sure there's two there a couple hundred yards south of Harris Park. David Wheeler N. Syracuse, NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES

[cayugabirds-l] Sandhill Crane - Clay Marsh; Bald Eagle carrying Am. Coot - Geneva

2014-03-22 Thread tigger64
Friday night at Clay Marsh a Sandhill Crane flew by. Derby Hill reports seeing it pass this morning. Earlier in the week a Bald Eagle was seen carrying an American Coot on Seneca Lake at the Geneva Waterfront. Cackling Goose at the north end of Cayuga Lake. Staging/migration of geese has

[cayugabirds-l] Mucks Cayuga Lake north end - Tuesday

2014-03-13 Thread tigger64
I statused the Savannah Mucklands and north end of Cayuga Lake on Tuesday afternoon before the return to winter. Mucks (east end) - still frozen Mucks (west end) - dabblers and Canada Geese but poor numbers and little diversity for the date. More Pintails than on previous visit but otherwise

[cayugabirds-l] Fwd: [OneidaBirds] oswego river harlequin

2014-03-09 Thread tigger64
Forwarding for Mary. Dave -Original Message- From: M_Magistro m_magis...@hotmail.com To: oneidabirds oneidabi...@yahoogroups.com Sent: Sun, Mar 9, 2014 8:48 pm Subject: [OneidaBirds] oswego river harlequin I have sad news, my son and I looked for the

[cayugabirds-l] Fwd: [GeneseeBirds-L] Red-breasted Mergansers - cause of death

2014-03-09 Thread tigger64
This was posted to GeneseeBirds but may not have been forwarded. Preliminary evidence points to starvation as the main cause of death, rather than disease. I have recently seen an RB Merg come up from below with a crayfish or at least a shell fish of some kind. The bird didn't quite look

[cayugabirds-l] Geneva Waterfront - Monday - Canvasback x Redhead, Intersex Mallard

2014-02-25 Thread tigger64
The north end of Seneca Lake is one of my personal-favorite birding destinations in winter. Jim Tarolli and I hit all the waterfront spots in Geneva on Monday, coming up with thousands of Redhead and Canada Geese, at least 100 Canvasback, and an arrival of Wigeon. Birds were at all different

[cayugabirds-l] Savannah Mucks/N. Cayuga Lake

2014-02-23 Thread tigger64
Most of the flooded parts of the Mucks were still frozen but I could see dabblers and geese moving around between the other spots. A strip of open water runs from Mud Lock south to the railroad bridge and it is loaded. Many Ring-necked Ducks and Canvasbacks among the other Aythya ducks,

[cayugabirds-l] Fwd: [OneidaBirds] Thayer's Gull, Inner Harbor, Syracuse

2014-02-04 Thread tigger64
-Original Message- From: Lewis Grove zugun...@gmail.com To: oneidabirds oneidabi...@yahoogroups.com Sent: Tue, Feb 4, 2014 10:46 pm Subject: [OneidaBirds] Thayer's Gull, Inner Harbor, Syracuse Hey all, I was fortunate to be present at the Inner Harbor

[cayugabirds-l] Digiscoping Adapter for smartphones - homemade pocket version

2014-01-27 Thread tigger64
This one is pocketable and uses about $2 in Home Depot parts. Requires cutting, bending, drilling, plus tweaking to match eyepiece and phone. http://www.flickr.com/photos/22183060@N08/sets/72157640220964506/ David Wheeler N. Syracuse, NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info:

[cayugabirds-l] Fwd: Interesting gull - Syr Inner Harbor

2014-01-26 Thread tigger64
The photos don't do it justice but the key points are: large size, uniform dark coloration, folded wingtips concolor with the rest of the bird. Possibilities: Glaucous Gull - large size, concolor wingtips, but darkness of bird seems too much for the species. Patterning on bill seems wrong to

[cayugabirds-l] North End Cayuga/Seneca Lake

2014-01-06 Thread tigger64
Birding today with Jim Tarolli, we saw one Snowy Owl at the mucklands before heading down the west shore of Cayuga Lake. The north end of the lake was frozen with the ice edge maybe a mile south of the south end of Lower Lake Rd. and 1/2 mile north of Parker Rd (Canoga). We spent a fair time

[cayugabirds-l] Cayuga Lake Swans

2014-01-03 Thread tigger64
Not sure if these are FOY for the basin, but on Jan. 1 there were 3+ Trumpeters south of Mud Lock, and 2 Mute seen from Harris Park. Many Tundras obviously. Good numbers of geese, very few ducks. Several hundred distant Herring Gulls on the ice edge as seen from Lower Lake Rd. David Wheeler

[cayugabirds-l] MNWR highlights Friday

2013-12-07 Thread tigger64
Birding with Jim Tarolli, first stop was the Rte 31 mucklands where many (~1500) gulls were present, about 50-50 Herring and Ring-billed. We found a 2nd-cycle Iceland and adult Lesser BB Gull. Not a lot of geese at that moment, ie, few Canadas and no Snows. Little species diversity in the

[cayugabirds-l] also... Sandhill Cranes

2013-12-07 Thread tigger64
I neglected to mention 20-30 Sandhill Cranes at the west end of the mucks, difficult to see. Apologies to the cranes. David Wheeler N. Syracuse, NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES

[cayugabirds-l] Elegant Tern - LI bird vs. Niagara River

2013-11-21 Thread tigger64
Photos I've seen of the Long Island bird from 4-4.5 months ago show it in a similar plumage. Perhaps comparing photos will find something that confirms same/different bird, especially as more photos of the Niagara River bird emerge. Congratulations to Vicki Rothman on a great find! David

[cayugabirds-l] Additions

2013-11-02 Thread tigger64
MNWR Saturday sightings not posted elsewhere: 2 Common Gallinule (or possibly 1 fast-paddling) at VanDyne Spoor Rd. Ross's Goose at Knox-Marsellus at sunset 3 Long-billed Dowitchers flying around K-M at sunset David Wheeler N. Syracuse, NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info:

[cayugabirds-l] Montezuma - late Monday

2013-10-29 Thread tigger64
After dipping on Purple Sandpiper at Fair Haven, Jim Tarolli and I hit the Colvin Marsh spot on Rte 89 just south of the MAC. Highlight was 7 Long-billed Dowitchers (I really wondered about one of them) and 1-2 White-rumped Sandpipers. Also a few Pipits and a good number of Dunlin. We did not

Re:[cayugabirds-l] White-faced Ibis, Montezuma

2013-10-17 Thread tigger64
As Jay points out, the adult is obviously White-faced. The immature bird perhaps raises the question: which species is to be expected in mid-October? If either. I'm not sure. If the birds don't come back to Benning or turn up at Knox-Marsellus, I would recommend watching to see if they fly

[cayugabirds-l] Arctic Tern back

2013-10-05 Thread tigger64
Judy Thurber called to confirm that the Arctic Tern is back. There are now 12 Common Terns. Dave W. -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES

[cayugabirds-l] Monday Highlights - BV, Olive-sided Fly, Red Knot, Whimbrel, Buff-breasted

2013-09-03 Thread tigger64
Birding with Jim Tarolli, we first saw two Black Vulture at Stevenson Rd in Ithaca. Proceeding up to Mud Lock we were lucky enough to see Red-headed Woodpecker and Olive-sided Flycatcher. At Towpath Rd we found Red Knot, Whimbrel, Buff-breasted, and White Pelican. We couldn't find the Eurasian

[cayugabirds-l] Ref photo - Wilson's vs Semi-palmated Plover

2013-08-03 Thread tigger64
Here is a reference photo I scanned from The Shorebird Guide by O'brien, Crossley, and Karlson. It shows Wilson's and Semi-p Plover together. Note that if turned around, the short bill of Semi-p would not reach the eye, being less than half the width of the bird's head. The bill on Wilson's if

[cayugabirds-l] White Pelican continues at K-M

2013-07-31 Thread tigger64
Rose DeNeve texted that the White Pelican continues at Knox-Marsellus Marsh. Dave Wheeler N. Syracuse, NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES

[cayugabirds-l] Little Blue Heron - Monday night

2013-07-23 Thread tigger64
Stakeout of the new Great Egret roost 500 yards south of Van Dyne Spoor Rd, MNWR, started at 7:30pm with 20 birds. Another ~20 flew in between 8:00-8:15 (these presumably from Knox-Marsellus). At 8:28pm Jim Tarolli spotted the juv. Little Blue flying in. It was the last bird of the day and

[cayugabirds-l] Little Blue Heron - Van Dyne Spoor Rd. MNWR

2013-07-21 Thread tigger64
A Great Egret roost has formed in the bushes out in the marsh at Van Dyne Spoor Rd. Watching this roost, a juv. Little Blue Heron flew in. Plenty of highlights I can post later. -Dave Wheeler birding with Jim Tarolli and Drew Weber. -- Cayugabirds-L List Info:

[cayugabirds-l] Saturday highlights - Chat no, MNWR

2013-05-26 Thread tigger64
Very windy at the Chat spot southeast of Red Creek so not good conditions to expect it to sing or be seen. At Montezuma, the Kipp Island field was loaded with shorebirds. Highlight was a Wilson's Phalarope and 16 SB Dowitcher among hundreds of Dunlin. Distance makes it hard to say what

[cayugabirds-l] Ruff update and other sightings

2013-05-14 Thread tigger64
Tony Shrimpton reports that the Ruff was at Howland Island this noontime, but was just flushed with yellowlegs by a flyby falcon (probably the Merlin seen yesterday). So far he hasn't seen them come back but of course they may. I would also issue a plea for updates if anyone sees the

[cayugabirds-l] Tricolored Heron this weekend?

2013-05-12 Thread tigger64
Any updates on the Tricolored Heron would be much appreciated. Thanks, Dave Wheeler N Syracuse, NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES

[cayugabirds-l] Tuesday MNWR Cayuga Lake

2013-03-26 Thread tigger64
Tuesday birding with Derby Hill Hawk Counter Steve Kolbe had many highlights. Our first stop was Knox-Marsellus Marsh where we met up with Joe Brin and Jim Tarolli. Not much was really happening until a group of Canada Geese flew in and Steve immediately picked out a Pink-footed Goose We

[cayugabirds-l] Blue-winged Teal - Mays Point (late report)

2013-03-22 Thread tigger64
Apologies for the lateness of this post. Jim Tarolli and I found a Blue-winged Teal, a female, on March 17th at Mays Point Pool (MNWR). I think it's a first-of-season for the Basin. There were many many dabblers there and probably male BW Teal somewhere. David Wheeler N. Syracuse, NY --

[cayugabirds-l] PF Goose - AM update

2013-03-19 Thread tigger64
I know there are people looking but have not heard anything so I assume the bird has not been relocated. A few inches of snow fell and roads are messy. If all else fails one might try to follow an evening roost flight of geese in the area and get to that spot (possibly Biddlecum Rd at 264)

[cayugabirds-l] Pink-footed Goose - Pennellville (Oswego County)

2013-03-18 Thread tigger64
Though it was not the first goose flock I looked through today, it was the first goose I put binoculars on in that particular flock. Originally found on CR-264 just north of the CR-54 intersection in Pennellville, the geese took flight after other birders arrived but was found close by on

[cayugabirds-l] Cayuga Lake Snow Geese - Big PM movement

2013-03-08 Thread tigger64
After finding rough winds and sun glare at other spots, I hit the jackpot at the south end of Lower Lake Rd on Cayuga Lake's west shore. Many thousands of Snow Geese and ducks were in close (300 yds), with calm water provided by the ice shelf to the north. Snow Geese numbers started around

[cayugabirds-l] Cayuga Lake (North End) - Huge numbers/new arrivals

2013-03-06 Thread tigger64
Arriving at the Savannah Mucklands at 2pm Wednesday, it was obviously at the leading edge of new migrants/movement. On to Mud Lock, Harris Park, Cayuga Lake SP, and Lower Lake Rd. The ice edge starts south of Harris Park and extends to the area of CLSP. The ice edge is leading to calm waters

[cayugabirds-l] Barrow's Goldeneye - Fair Haven; Oswego SB Gull - No

2013-03-02 Thread tigger64
As far as I know, the Slaty-backed Gull was not found today at Oswego Harbor. I know Judy Thurber and Andrew VanNorstrand looked and found a Lesser Black-backed Gull. Lisa Welch and I looked between 2:15-2:45 pm with Bill Purcell but there were few large gulls. We checked again between

[cayugabirds-l] Additional Slaty-backed Gull photos

2013-03-01 Thread tigger64
Link below to photos taken by Jim Tarolli. Photos 6 7 show the bird with other gulls (it is the bird facing away). This will be a good chance for those looking to use the OneidaRBA text-message system if they find the bird (send the text to 41411 and use the keyword OneidaRBA, which is not

Re:[cayugabirds-l] Mount Pleasant Golden Eagle

2013-02-27 Thread tigger64
Tuesday afternoon we had an adult Golden Eagle go by Derby Hill on 15 mph ESE-SE winds. SE and ESE winds virtually guarantee that birds originating south of Lake Ontario will hit the lakeshore and make the turn north in the Derby Hill area, a unique situation that allows us to speculate

[cayugabirds-l] Oswego (Tufted Duck), Fair Haven, Sodus, Morgan Rd

2013-02-23 Thread tigger64
South winds strong enough to keep Lake Ontario flat led to excellent birding and many highlights. At Oswego Harbor there was a surprising amount of ice. The most interesting bird was a Ring-billed Gull (link below to photo) with almost white mantle/wings. Primary tips, bill, and legs were

[cayugabirds-l] Cayuga lake north end

2013-02-22 Thread tigger64
After viewing the continuing American Pipit at Carpenter's Brook Fish Hatchery in Elbridge (and enjoying lots of other songbirds) Jim Tarolli and I birded the north end of Cayuga Lake from Mud Lock and stopping at all the usual spots south to Aurora Bay. There is open water off Harris Park and

[cayugabirds-l] Monday, Savannah mucks - lots of birds

2013-01-15 Thread tigger64
No luck on the Gyrfalcon. Our mid-winter thaw has loaded the mucklands with gulls and ducks (mostly Mallards). Numbers are only a guess. Dave Wheeler N Syracuse Savannah Mucklands (Seneca Co), Seneca, US-NY Jan 14, 2013 10:25 AM - 12:25 PM Protocol: Traveling 0.5 mile(s) Comments:

[cayugabirds-l] Madison Landfill gulls Friday - poss. Thayer's Gull

2012-12-08 Thread tigger64
I'm linking to some photos of an interesting 1st-year gull. The bird was substantially smaller than Herring and slightly larger than Ring-billed in direct comparison. Other features are a very rounded head with eye seemingly right in the middle, and a tiny bill. Tertials dark-centered and

[cayugabirds-l] eBird data and Kingbird Regional Reports

2012-10-24 Thread tigger64
Using Chris Wood's excellent discussion about the complexities of eBird data (on the NYSBirds list) as a segue... Long-time Regional Editor Bill Purcell (Region 5) is passing the torch and Matt Perry and I have agreed to take over. eBird records for a season number between 20,000 to

[cayugabirds-l] Franklin's Gull at K-M continues, Sunday PM

2012-10-07 Thread tigger64
The Franklin's Gull found by Tim Lenz and Brad Walker was present at Knox-Marsellus this afternoon. A surprisingly strong roost flight of Canada Geese occurred during the last hour before dusk. Sparrows everywhere, wish it hadn't been raining. Flock of 16-17 dowitchers presumed to be

[cayugabirds-l] Fwd: MNWR Western Sandpiper report

2012-09-19 Thread tigger64
Reported to eBird. GPS coordinates in the eBird comment put it at LaRue's. Dave W. N Syracuse, NY From: ebird-al...@cornell.edu ebird-al...@cornell.edu;

[cayugabirds-l] Hudsonian Godwits - MNWR

2012-09-11 Thread tigger64
Jim Tarolli and I made a sunset trip to Knox-Marsellus and Puddler's Marsh. We were hoping to see the Avocets even in fading light, and I wondered if maybe a Laughing Gull might get in with all the Ring-bills now there. Highlight around dusk turned out to be 4 Hudsonian Godwits in Puddler's

[cayugabirds-l] MNWR Thursday

2012-09-07 Thread tigger64
I didn't come up with much on the Wildlife Drive other than Merlin and Peregrine. There were a decent number of Semi-p Sandpiper at Benning, renewing hope for a Western. At dusk, Knox-Marsellus had 82 Great Egrets, one with an orange wing tag, and 325 Great Blue Herons amidst the other birds

[cayugabirds-l] Whimbrel today?

2012-08-25 Thread tigger64
Has anyone seen the Hanshaw Rd Whimbrel today? I presume many are out looking for the Curlew Sandpiper. Dave Wheeler N Syracuse NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES

[cayugabirds-l] Knox-Marsellus Marsh - Friday PM

2012-08-18 Thread tigger64
Lots of BC Night Herons out at dusk, but too far and dark to tell if YCNH was with them. I did not see it from Towpath either. 5 RN Phalaropes and 1 Wilson's Phalarope were the shorebird highlights. Good numbers, lots of distant birds I would have liked a better look at. David Wheeler N

[cayugabirds-l] MNWR Monday shorebirds

2012-07-03 Thread tigger64
Good numbers of shorebirds in at Puddler's Marsh, mostly Lesser Yellowlegs. Highlight was STILT SANDPIPER, a few GREATER YELLOWLEGS, and two SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHER. Good numbers of Killdeer and Spotted Sandpiper. Dickcissel singing various versions of the song over at Seneca Meadows. David

[cayugabirds-l] Fwd: Ruff at Jamaica Bay (MNWR bird?)

2012-07-01 Thread tigger64
Maybe (probably?) the Montezuma bird Subject: (7-1) Ruff @ JBWR Queens County... From: Andrew Baksh birdingdude AT gmail.com Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2012 13:10:37 + Heydi Lopes and I just found a male (molting) Ruff on the North End of the East Pond at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge.

Re:[cayugabirds-l] Fwd: Ruff at Jamaica Bay (MNWR bird?)

2012-07-01 Thread tigger64
Apologies for not signing the previous post. Perhaps there will be good enough photos to tell if the same bird. David Wheeler N Syracuse, NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES

[cayugabirds-l] Yellow-headed Blackbird continues

2012-05-07 Thread tigger64
Jim Tarolli and I watched it for at least two hours today. Highly recommended. David Wheeler N Syracuse NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsRULES

[cayugabirds-l] Derby Hill Friday - Swallow-tailed Kite

2012-05-05 Thread tigger64
Just to follow up since it hasn't been cross-posted: Friday at 1:21 pm EDT, Hawk Counter Kyle Wright spotted a Swallow-tailed Kite loosely traveling with Broad-winged Hawks over the South Lookout at Derby Hill. This is possibly the same bird that passed the Hamburg Hawk Watch on Wednesday

[cayugabirds-l] Madison County landfill gulls, aberrant Herring

2012-02-11 Thread tigger64
Both the pond and hillside were loaded with gulls when I arrived at 11am to the Madison County landfill on Buyea Rd (south of Wampsville). Highlight was a 1st-winter gull presumed to be a smallish Herring, with slim, long, all-yellow bill. Olsen/Larsson in Gulls of N.A., Europe, and Asia

[cayugabirds-l] December reports summary

2012-02-11 Thread tigger64
Over on GeneseeBirds there is a summary of December 2011 eBird reports, posted by Kurt Fox. It includes a King Rail at Montezuma (Van Dyne Spoor). Dave Wheeler N Syracuse NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info: http://www.NortheastBirding.com/CayugabirdsWELCOME

[cayugabirds-l] Western Grebe - No (Hog Hole) Sunday PM

2012-02-05 Thread tigger64
For what it's worth, Bernie Carr and I spent several hours at the south end of Cayuga Lake on Sunday afternoon and could not find the Western Grebe. We looked from what we took to be Hog Hole and could see two Red-throated Loons close together, and a Common Loon several hundred yards away.

[cayugabirds-l] Sodus Geneva highlights - Thurs. 2/2/12

2012-02-03 Thread tigger64
The ice edge at Sodus has receded so far into the bay that much of the action is beyond scope range. Female King Eider continues and an adult male Surf Scoter finally showed up. Over at the Geneva waterfront, not much change. By far the most unexpected bird was an Egyptian Goose grazing in

[cayugabirds-l] NW Cayuga Lake - Eurasian Wigeon, Cackling Goose, roost flight

2012-01-30 Thread tigger64
Thinking there might be an impressive roost flight on the NW corner of Cayuga Lake, Jim Tarolli and I started at Cayuga Lake State Park. The first bird Jim put bins on was a beautiful EURASIAN WIGEON. It flew around with Am Wigeons and we eventually lost sight of it. I was glad Gary and Ann

[cayugabirds-l] Savannah Mucklands - Saturday PM

2012-01-29 Thread tigger64
Two hours at the Mucklands and the roost flight appeared to be into the mucks rather than away from them. Many gulls (1000), most very distant, and mostly Herring with some Ring-bills mixed in. Good numbers of distant ducks but I could only find 3 species. Snow goose numbers building from 1

[cayugabirds-l] Mucks Sodus - Tuesday

2012-01-25 Thread tigger64
I was hoping the Savannah mucklands might have birds after a couple days of thawing temps. Jim Tarolli and I were surprised to find decent numbers of Canada Geese, Mallards, Black Ducks, gulls, and raptors. Good movement of birds flying around and into the mucks from other places. We

[cayugabirds-l] Seneca Meadows landfill

2012-01-24 Thread tigger64
Perhaps this is old news, and not a big surprise, but I was not aware they were using Peregrines. Jim Tarolli provided me with this link. http://blog.syracuse.com/outdoors/2012/01/video_trained_falcons_is_used.html Dave Wheeler N Syracuse, NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info:

Re:[cayugabirds-l] Seneca Meadows landfill

2012-01-24 Thread tigger64
the Middle East. Seneca Meadows falcons Lyn Jacobs -Original Message- From: tigger64 tigge...@aol.com To: cayugabirds-l cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu Sent: Tue, Jan 24, 2012 10:21 pm Subject: Seneca Meadows landfill Perhaps this is old news, and not a big surprise, but I was not aware

[cayugabirds-l] Gyrfalcon - Oswego Harbor (not relocated)

2012-01-18 Thread tigger64
Last seen going east. Subsequent check of shoreline trees east of the Oswego River did not find it. Probably went past Derby Hill and up the east lakeshore, or perhaps will come back to Oswego or maybe Sodus. Fair Haven was a big disappointment but another place to check. This

[cayugabirds-l] Gyrfalcons and the Montezuma mucks

2012-01-18 Thread tigger64
I suppose it's worth remembering that the Mucklands have a history of attracting Gyrfalcons (and falcons in general). I presume the Mucks are frozen now but there's a modest four-day warm-up predicted (starting Sunday-ish) and geese, ducks, and gulls may end up back in there. For that matter,

Re:[cayugabirds-l] Western Grebe?

2012-01-11 Thread tigger64
For what it's worth, Jim Tarolli and I looked for it yesterday between 4:15 and 5:00pm and didn't see it. We were scoping from the lighthouse. I am by no means suggesting that it is gone, and I hope others have better luck. Dave Wheeler N Syracuse, NY -- Cayugabirds-L List Info:

Re:[cayugabirds-l] Eared Grebe

2011-12-09 Thread tigger64
If anyone gets photos of the bird, even really bad ones, I would appreciate it if they could post them. I am curious about the plumage details and if they are similar to a grebe I saw on Monday on Onondaga Lake. (presuming the Onondaga Lake bird has left -off to look right now). Thanks!

[cayugabirds-l] MNWR shorebirds - Monday

2011-11-08 Thread tigger64
Six species found (no Killdeer) on Monday afternoon: ~20 Dunlin 1 Pectoral Sandpiper at Visitor's Center 1 Brant continues at LaRue's on the Wildlife Dr no shorebirds seen at Benning Marsh 4 Long-billed Dowitcher, 1 Lesser Yellowlegs, 2 Greater Yellowlegs at Mays Point 4 Black-bellied Plover, 2

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