setting up Java in CF5

2005-05-19 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Joshua, You might want to try looking up the CreateObject() function in the CF docu. I haven't used CF5 though (nor am I very knowledgeable in invoking external Java apps), but I think initializing the library in version 5 looks something like this: DES3 = CreateObject(java,

Re: setting up Java in CF5

2005-05-20 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Joshua, I also encountered this problem when I tried to execute a Java-based Hello world! in my CF app for the very first time (which was about 3 days ago). I solved it by configuring CFIDE so that it would point to the directory where my *.jar file resided. In CFIDE, simply navigate to

Checking for JavaScript Enabled browser

2005-05-21 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Kevin, As a ColdFusion newbie, I'm currently not aware of any CF function that would detect the user's browser capabilities. However, I have an idea: using JavaScript, just redirect the current page and pass a variable to itself. Here's a code snippet to solve your problem: cfparam

automatic filter? (was: Checking for JavaScript Enabled browser)

2005-05-21 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Weird... my post was filtered by some software... instead of script, it came out as InvalidTag... hmmm... Do you guys know why this happened? :) [ simon.cpu ] InvalidTag type=text/javascript language=javascript // ![CFDATA[

popup blocker detector script

2005-05-24 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Basically, you just see if your JavaScript can successfully invoke There is a myriad of ways to do that, so it would be fun to self-explore and look for alternate solutions. :) Cheers, [ simon.cpu ] i was on a site once and i clicked on popup and it said i had a popup

mysql + coldfusion: counting and pointing to table columns

2005-05-26 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Oh great masters of ColdFusion, a humble beginner beseeches your help. Oh great masters of this arcane language, how do I count the number of columns in a given table? In PHP, all I have to do is to invoke mysql_num_fields(), and I'm done without further ado. In ColdFusion, I have to count

Re: mysql + coldfusion: counting and pointing to table columns

2005-05-26 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Interesing. I really can't wait for the stable release of MySQL 5.x. Although I have the latest beta on my localhost, our production server runs on the Generally Available (GA) 4.x version. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. While exploring the INFORMATION_SCHEMA db, I'll

OT: PHP Image Slideshow from DB

2005-05-26 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Hi Jillian, Here is one way to implement slide shows in PHP. Please note that this code is rather crude-- I haven't even put the required html and body tags. Anyway, here it is: ?php // how many seconds do you want your image to display? $interval = 5;

OT: PHP Image Slideshow from DB

2005-05-26 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Sorry, I've forgot one line. :) Anyway, I think this code would only work if your database contains at least one image. Regards, [ simon.cpu ] ?php // CORRECTED CODE: // how many seconds do you want your image to display? $interval = 5; if(!isset($_GET['ptr'])) {

RE: mySQL, set preceeding zeros in auto_increment

2005-05-26 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
I hope I'm not mistaken, but I believe you *can* set the auto_increment number and pad it with leading zeroes. Take for instance a table created using the query below: CREATE TABLE blah ( key int(12) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL auto_increment, data char(32) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY

RE: mySQL, set preceeding zeros in auto_increment

2005-05-26 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Sorry, I forgot to add a single quote: data char(32) NOT NULL default '', Cheers, [ simon.cpu ] -- often forgets small details such as this :) ~| Discover CFTicket - The leading ColdFusion Help Desk and Trouble Ticket

Re: OT: using js to include files

2005-05-27 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
I don't think there's such a thing as a Javascript include function or method. You might want to check out DynAPI at This library has (or had? It's been yrs...) a cross-browser include method. Depending on the browser, it may either use iframe, layer,

Re: OT: using js to include files

2005-05-27 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
I don't think there's such a thing as a Javascript include function or method. You might want to check out DynAPI at This library has (or had? It's been yrs...) a cross-browser include method. Depending on the browser, it may either use iframe, layer,

Re: OT: using js to include files

2005-05-27 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
I don't think there's such a thing as a Javascript include function or method. You might want to check out DynAPI at This library has (or had? It's been yrs...) a cross-browser include method. Depending on the browser, it may either use iframe, layer,

Re: OT: using js to include files

2005-05-27 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Sorry for posting my previous post multiple times. Our DSL connection ( is very crappy on peak hours (it's slower than normal dial-up), and I kept on pressing the Refresh button a couple of times because the page didn't load. I promise it won't happen again. [ simon.cpu ]

How to make my checkbox insert values

2005-05-27 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Hi Will, I never use cfform, but I think you can apply the idea that I'll be sharing to you to cfinput. Suppose you have two files, billing.cfm and shipping.cfm. The user enters his billing info in billing.cfm, and submits it to shipping.cfm. Suppose you have the following input in

How to make my checkbox insert values

2005-05-27 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Oops... Corrections. The examples are supposed to be: input type=text name=address id=address / and cfoutput input type=text name=address id=address value=#HTMLEditFormat(URL.address)# / /cfoutput [ simon.cpu ] -- always forgets small details such as these :(

Re: OT: PHP Query in Results

2005-05-31 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
I agree with Jochem that you can grab the exact data in one query. However, after seeing the problem from another perspective, your problem lies at the fact that you directly used $pic to print the image name: $pic = mysql_query(select img_name from pics WHERE rntID = 31); echo $pic br; echo

Re: OT: PHP Query in Results

2005-05-31 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Yatik daw la :( I again have trouble seeing small details such as these: $data = mysql_fetch_object($pic); echo $pic-img_name br /; echo img src=\../images/$pic-img_name\ /; CORRECTION: $pic-img_name should be $data-img_name or, using mysql_fetch_array(): $data =

Re: OT: PHP Query in Results

2005-05-31 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Yatik daw la :( I again have trouble seeing small details such as these: $data = mysql_fetch_object($pic) echo $pic-img_name br /; echo img src=\../images/$pic-img_name\ /; CORRECTION: $pic-img_name should be $data-img_name or, using mysql_fetch_array(): $data =

Re: OT: PHP Query in Results

2005-05-31 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Yatik daw la :( I again have trouble seeing small details such as these: $data = mysql_fetch_object($pic); echo $pic-img_name br /; echo img src=\../images/$pic-img_name\ /; CORRECTION: $pic-img_name should be $data-img_name or, using mysql_fetch_array(): $data =

OT: PHP Query Problem

2005-05-31 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Hi Jillian, Your userlisting at seems to be working properly. If I may suggest however, I think it would be nice if you'd only display the thumbnail image of your houses. IMHO, I think it would be convenient for the end-user if you won't use the


2005-06-01 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Would you take your bmw to some cheap mechanic that only used free tools or the new state of the art repair center? I have a question to you, my dear friend: Would you buy a BMW with its hood welded shut? Did you fall for the dumb scam of we don't charge any closing fees when you bought


2005-06-02 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
I have a question to you, my dear friend: Would you buy a BMW with its hood welded shut? yeah, what the hell would I being doing under the hood when it's built by a solid company that will take care of any issues that arise. BMW is a solid company. A solid company will take care of any


2005-06-02 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
I'm not so sure that the logic follows. It does if your car is no longer new and that your warranty has already expired. The same is true with software. I think this thread is definitely going OT though! I agree. This should be my last post for this thread. [ simon.cpu ]


2005-06-02 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
IMHO, he was indeed saying that LAMP was a lesser solution (that's my impression). That's fine with me if that's what he thinks. Our thoughts are beyond the influence of anyone. But when you translate those thoughts into actions and words, that is a very different story. I wish he hadn't


2005-06-03 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Randy, The code works on my PC, both in FireFox and IE. I'm using a resolution of 1152 x 864. Maybe this doesn't work only if it is included within your actual webpage, right? You might want to inspect your extra closing /div tag. :) Cheers, [ simon.cpu ] Any ideas on this??

OT: stuck on regex

2005-06-16 Thread Simon Cornelius P . Umacob
Rebecca, I think this is the regular expression for your desired pattern: ^[0-9]{1,5}(-[0-9]{3})?$ I hope this helps. Cheers, [ simon.cpu ] I'm having a heck of a time with this... trying to build a javascript regExp for the following pattern: [1-5 digits] [optional hyphen and 3 digits]