> " I have a question to you, my dear friend: Would you buy a BMW with 
> its hood welded shut?"
> yeah, what the hell would I being doing under the hood when it's built 
> by a solid company that will take care of any issues that arise.

BMW is a solid company.
A solid company will take care of any issues that arise from my product.
Therefore, I will blindly believe in anything that BMW says.
Therefore, if my car breaks down, I will wait for BMW engineers to fly from 
Germany in order to fix my car.
Therefore, I'm willing to pay huge amounts of money even if I can fix a very 
simple problem.
Therefore, since I will blindly believe in anything that BMW says, I will 
believe that it is not BMW's fault if the car breaks down because of faulty 
Therefore, even if there's conclusive evidence of BMW's negligence, I will 
stubbornly hold on to the belief that it is really not BMW's fault.  I will 
deceive myself if I have to.

Ah... non-critical thinking.  If that's how you think, then may God have mercy 
on your poor soul.

> Seems more trustable then querying a bunch of half-ass cheap ameturs 
> who THINK they know everything but they don't, I surely wouldn't want 
> to base my lively hood on them!

/me smiles at Dave.

> " But what if someone--or some group of people--were kind enough to 
> give you a home?"
 > That would mean I was a complete idiot basket case with some lame 
> excuse why I can't do or buy something on my own without pitty from 
> outside sources.

This directly contradicts your previous statement, "...what the hell would I 
being doing under the hood when it's built by a solid company that will take 
care of any issues that [arise?]"  I hope that doesn't mean that you're a 
complete idiot basket case with some lame excuse why you can't do or buy 
something on your own.

> I would also be concerned that those who have "given" me my home also 
> know the real sneaky way of getting into my home without me knowing.

Yes, that's right.  I'm wondering though, why won't you not participate in the 
building of your home so that you can fix any sneaky ways of getting into your 
home without your knowing?

> I would also be concerned with if a problem were to arise having to as 
> the neighborhood "handymen" to fix it and wait for the fight to end 
> and hope to god the winner is right, I would rather go to the builder 
> and have it fixed correctly.

Is there a reason why you can't fix it yourself? I hope that doesn't mean that 
you're a complete idiot basket case with some lame excuse why you can't do or 
buy something on your own.
> Personally, I think PHP is the ugly mutt that got whipped twice with 
> the ugly stick and you can't even look at it without feeling sorry for 
> it :)
> So it's kinda like your friends girlfriend, lol.

I pray that you might be rebuked and that your words might haunt you in the 
days of your life.
[ simon.cpu ]

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