[CTRL] Israel To Benefit From Sinai Bombings: Experts

2004-10-09 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.islamonline.org/English/News/2004-10/09/article02.shtml Israel To Benefit From Sinai Bombings: Experts Israeli rescuers searching for victims in the devastated Hilton hotel in Taba (AFP) By Abdul-Raheem Ali, IOL Staff CAIRO, October 9 (IslamOnline.net)

[CTRL] A Look At The Powerful Jewish Lobby

2004-10-09 Thread Bill Shannon
ntribute to [election] campaigns." One member of the influential Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations "estimated Jews alone had contributed 50 percent of the funds for [President Bill] Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign." [6] "It makes no sense at all to t

[CTRL] Larry Franklin's October Surprise

2004-10-08 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- October 8, 2004 Larry Franklin's October Surprise This trick is no treat for either candidate by Justin Raimondo Amid the back-and-forth between the Bushies and the Kerry camp, one campaign season fusillade has gone largely unnoticed. Fundie nut-job Pat Robertson

[CTRL] The Source Duelfer Didn't Quote

2004-10-08 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1323471,00.html The source Duelfer didn't quote The head of the Iraq Survey Group knows regime change was the aim Scott RitterSaturday October 9, 2004The Guardian During this week of American election debates, Charles Duelfer,

[CTRL] Two Girls, Two Shots to the Head

2004-10-06 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- Two girls, two shots to the head Palestinian 15-year-olds among growing number of children hit by Israeli snipers during 'Days of Penitence' Chris McGreal — Guardian Wednesday October 6, 2004 Iman al-Hams: Israeli soldiers fired about 20 bullets into the 13- year-old

[CTRL] Why not two peoples, one state?

2004-10-06 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.iht.com/articles/541896.html Why not two peoples, one state? Michael Tarazi NYT Israelis and Palestinians Israel's untenable policy in the Middle East was more obvious than usual last week, as the Israeli Army made repeated incursions into Gaza,

[CTRL] Heart of Darkness

2004-10-06 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.amconmag.com/2004_10_11/taki.html October 11, 2004 issue Heart of Darkness By Taki Here’s a tip to those young whippersnappers Sam Francis calls post-Buckley geniuses. (You know the kind. They call for non-stop war in order to gain non-stop peace.) There’s a

[CTRL] A Conspiracy To Violate Our Laws With Impunity

2004-10-06 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2004/10/a_conspiracy_to.php A Conspiracy to Violate Our Laws with Impunity AR Articles on Immigration Law Fade to Brown (May 2003) A Chronicle of Capitulation (Aug. 2002) Immigration: The Debate Becomes Interesting (Jul.

[CTRL] Vialls America May Be Forced To Surrender In Iraq

2004-10-05 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://joevialls.altermedia.info/iraq/surrender.html America May Be Forced to Surrender in Iraq While U.S. soldiers implement the latest Pentagon pedophile policy of using candy to lure Iraqi children into acting as 'human shields' for road convoys, the Republican Guard

[CTRL] Kerry Would Review Pollard Sentence - Both Candidates Are Israeli Agents!

2004-09-30 Thread Bill Shannon
He said he had brought up his brother's commitment to religious freedoms °X John Kerry is co-author of a Senate bill of the Workplace Religious Freedom Act with Senator Rick Santorum, a Pennsylvania Republican and his brother's plan for energy independence, which the candidate casts as a nati

[CTRL] A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Truth

2004-09-30 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.onlinejournal.com/Special_Reports/092404Schwarz/092404schwarz.html Special Report A funny thing happened on the way to 'The Truth' By Karl W. B. SchwarzOnline Journal Guest Writer Download a .pdf file for printing.Adobe Acrobat Reader required.Click here to

[CTRL] For Israel, it's even all right to spy on the US!

2004-09-30 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- For Israel, it’s even all right to spy on the US! Yemen Times Staff The observer is inclined to believe that even the advocates for the Zionist cause would take care not to compromise the national interests of their beloved country, the United States for the sake

[CTRL] Kerry Cleans the President's Clock

2004-09-30 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- October 1, 2004 Kerry Cleans the President's Clock The President got his head handed to him – but why does Kerry want to flatten Fallujah? by Justin Raimondo George W. Bush took a terrible pummeling in Thursday night's debate, as John Kerry took off the gloves

[CTRL] Betrayed By Bush

2004-09-30 Thread Bill Shannon
or department of a Leviathan government that consumes a fifth of our economy. Nor had he vetoed a single Bill. America’s native-born population has ceased to grow. Its birth rate has fallen below replacement levels. US population growth now comes from immigrants, legal and illegal, from Asia, Africa

[CTRL] Is Iran Next?

2004-09-29 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.inthesetimes.com/site/main/article/1114/ Is Iran Next? The Pentagon neocons who brought you the war in Iraq have a new target By Tom Barry An Iranian man passes by an anti-U.S. mural on a wall of the former U.S. embassy in Tehran. Shortly after 9/11,

[CTRL] Janes: Israeli Moles Penetrate Pentagon!

2004-09-29 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- A mole called Mega The scandal over a suspected Israeli mole in the Pentagon who allegedly passed highly sensitive policy documents on Iran to Israeli agents in Washington has rekindled suspicions long held by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and others in

[CTRL] A Neocon By Any Other Name

2004-09-29 Thread Bill Shannon
you're pointing to that is seen by some as anti-Semitism. BUCHANAN: I can't help it that many of these folks – if Norman Podhoretz calls for World War IV, an invasion of six or seven countries, and I go after him, he cannot defend himself on the grounds that he is simply Jewish. Bill Bennett

[CTRL] Bonds For Israel --- Catch The Fever

2004-09-28 Thread Bill Shannon
.” [THERE’S THAT PHRASE AGAIN.] December 30, 2003 New Mexico Makes First-Time Israel Bonds Purchase of $10 Million New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson presents New Mexico Israel Bonds chairman Harold Albert of Albuquerque with a presentation check to mark the State’s $10 million bond purchase. Israe

[CTRL] Mark Twain The Battle Hymn of the Republic 1900

2004-09-25 Thread Bill
-Caveat Lector- Mine eyes have seen the orgy of the launching of the sword; He is searching out the hoardings where the stranger's wealth is stored; He hath loosed his fateful lightnings, and with woe and death has scored; His lust is marching on. I have seen him in the watch-fires from a

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] A day in the life

2004-09-25 Thread Bill
-Caveat Lector- A question. Is the coffee poison due to the pesticides and herbicides? Or does it naturally contain fluoride? Thanks BillK -Caveat Lector- Joe's coffee is full of brain-damaging fluroide and his prescription drugs are poison -- because "progressive" commies fought to give

[CTRL] Allawi, The Cheerleader --- He's a prop, not a player

2004-09-24 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- September 24, 2004 Allawi, the Cheerleader He's a prop, not a player. by Justin Raimondo Was Iyad Allawi, America's Iraqi sock-puppet and the country's unelected "Prime Minister," lying when he told the U.S. Congress: "In Samarra, the Iraqi government has tackled

Re: [CTRL] CBS Planning Another Anti-Bush Hit Job?

2004-09-24 Thread Bill Shannon
to lay off the moron. Bill. ---Original Message--- From: Conspiracy Theory Research List Date: 09/24/04 23:39:05 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [CTRL] CBS Planning Another Anti-Bush Hit Job? http://www.insightmag.com/news/2004/09/20/Politics/Cbs-Planning.Another.AntiBush.Hit.Job-730861.shtm

[CTRL] Israel's Nukes Serve To Justify Iran's

2004-09-23 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- Israel's nukes serve to justify Iran's Jonathan Power IHT http://www.iht.com/articles/539860.html Deterring the deterrents LONDON The more nuclear arms are lying around, the more the chances of them being used. So to persuade Iran to forgo nuclear weapons is a

[CTRL] Regime Change in Iran?

2004-09-23 Thread Bill Shannon
whispering in your ears again about the "axis of evil." You are probably going to get support for your bill for the same reason the neo-cons led us into the unnecessary war in Iraq, which is the propaganda that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. You should be careful, Senator, espe

[CTRL] A U-Turn in Iraq?

2004-09-22 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://antiwar.com/justin/ September 22, 2004 A U-Turn in Iraq? Bob Novak says Bush wants out of Iraq. He may be right. by Justin Raimondo Christmas is coming early this year, with a gift from Robert Novak, the cantankerous and fearless conservative columnist

[CTRL] The Useful Idiots Of Osama bin Laden

2004-09-22 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- The useful idiots of Osama bin Laden Posted: September 22, 20041:00 a.m. Eastern ©2004Creators Syndicate, Inc. Of all Ronald Reagan's achievements, among the greatest was that this president who began his term declaring the Soviet Union an "evil empire" was, by the

[CTRL] The Voice Of The White House 9/20/04

2004-09-21 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.tbrnews.org/Archives/a1103.htm TBR NEWS- September 20, 2004 The Voice of the White House In previous issues, we carried comments from a reporter assigned to the White House press corps. Some of these remarks, most especially one about Bush’s physical and mental

[CTRL] Attention Deficit America

2004-09-21 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- Attention Deficit America by Paul Craig Robertsby Paul Craig Roberts Excuse me, but the story is not CBS and the George W. Bush National Guard documents. The story is: How did the US Congress, the opposition party, the news media, and the US public let

[CTRL] Indict The War Party For TREASON!

2004-09-20 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- September 20, 2004 Indict the War Party For treason by Justin Raimondo Iraq rapidly approaches meltdown, but President Pangloss isn't worried: "Our strategy," boasted George W. Bush to the National Guard last Tuesday, "is succeeding." I keep asking myself what

[CTRL] Faster, Neocons! Kill! Kill!

2004-09-17 Thread Bill Shannon
agent Bill Sampson, was a typical end of Empire type, happiest when kicking ten bells out to the locals. He had an Afghan sidekick, Chung, whose weapon of choice was a cricket bat, which he called ‘Clicky-ba’. Chung’s catchphrase after using lethal force was to say to The Wolf, ‘Lord, I am full

[CTRL] A Piece Of Work

2004-09-17 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://reese.king-online.com/Reese_20040917/index.php A Piece Of Work by Charley Reese It was 1996, and Bill Clinton was president. To give the rascal his due, he was laboring mightily to make the Middle East peace process work. That same year, three Jewish-American

[CTRL] The MexiChurian Candidate?

2004-09-17 Thread Bill Shannon
even after the terrorist attacks—despite the obvious ease by which a largish nuke could be hauled from Mexico to anywhere in the United States. NAFTA trucking has been hanging around since the main trade agreement was passed in 1993, but Bill Clinton was convinced to postpone it by labor and groups

[CTRL] Interview W/ Pat Buchanan

2004-09-16 Thread Bill Shannon
LIP) BLITZER: He says that -- he totally disagrees with you. BUCHANAN: Osama bin Laden and his crew up there in Tora Bora did not stumble on a copy of the Bill of Rights and go berserk that Americans are free in the United States. Read his fatwa, his jihad. He declared war on us for three reasons, W

[CTRL] Crazy Like A Fox - Neocons Go Crazy Over AIPAC Spy Scandal, But There's A Method To Their Madness

2004-09-15 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- September 15, 2004 Crazy Like a Fox Neocons go bananas over AIPAC spy scandal, but there's a method to their madness by Justin Raimondo "F*cking crazies" – that's how Colin Powell described the neoconservatives to Britain's Foreign Secretary Jack Straw during the

[CTRL] Douglas Feith: Portrait Of A Neocon

2004-09-15 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.antiwar.com/orig/barry.php?articleid=3545 September 15, 2004 Douglas Feith: Portrait of a Neoconservative by Tom Barry Douglas Feith serves as the number three civilian in the George W. Bush administration's Defense Department, under Donald Rumsfeld

[CTRL] New Israeli Spy Probe Has 30-Year History, Insiders Say

2004-09-15 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- New Israeli spy probe has a 30-year history, insiders sayBy Jim LobeUpdated Sep 14, 2004, 10:20 pm Refer thisarticlePrint page U.S. foreign policy Hijacked (FCN, 07/02/2004) SEATTLE (IPS/GIN) - The burgeoning probe over claims that a Pentagon official passed highly

[CTRL] Girlie Man - GW Bush Is A Coward

2004-09-15 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- Girlie Man George W. Bush is a coward by Paul Waldman, Editor-in-Chief 9.13.04 He's strong. He's resolute. He looks evildoers in the eye and doesn't blink. He's our national daddy, standing in the doorway with a righteous six-gun and a steely gaze, striking fear in the hearts

[CTRL] Fwd: The Coming Balkanization of America

2004-09-14 Thread Bill
-Caveat Lector- Original Message Subject: The Coming Balkanization of America Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:36:50 -0700 From: Edgar J. Steele [EMAIL PROTECTED] Organization:

[CTRL] New Poll Shows Americans Suspicious Of AIPAC Status

2004-09-14 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.newsfrombabylon.com/index.php?q=node/view/4226 NEW POLL SHOWS AMERICANS SUSPICIOUS OF AIPAC STATUS Press Release Council for the National Interest (US) September 14th, 2004 Contact: Terry Walz A new Council for the National Interest/Zogby poll commissioned

[CTRL] Kerry/Edwards Website Censors Discussion Of Israel/Palestine Issues

2004-09-14 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.counterpunch.org/burke09132004.html September 13, 2004 When It's "Unreasonable" to Talk About Palestinian Rights Kerry/Edwards Website Censors Discussion of Israel/Palestine Issues By MIKE BURKE The administrators at Kerry's website have shut down all discussion

[CTRL] Heh heh

2004-09-14 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. Archives Available at: http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ A HREF=""ctrl/A

[CTRL] An Unsavory Character On Bush Team

2004-09-14 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20040913/news_mz1e13golds.html JAMES O. GOLDSBOROUGHAn unsavory character on Bush team THE SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE September 13, 2004 Richard Perle, a foreign policy guru who has oozed his way through Republican

[CTRL] [Fwd: PHARISEE WATCH: how to prevent suiside attacks]

2004-09-12 Thread Bill
-Caveat Lector- HOW TO PREVENT SUICIDE ATTACKS By Charles E. Carlson Twenty-one American service persons were killed by human bombs on Labor Day weekend. It was probably the worst week since Day 911 (excluding natural disasters). The 1007 Americans killed since the "war ended" includes 24

[CTRL] Debased Citizenship

2004-09-12 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- September 11, 2004 Debased Citizenship by Charley Reese According to the geniuses who misled Americans into supporting the war against Iraq, the fighting should have been over a long time ago. The dancing in the streets should have long ago blossomed into a

[CTRL] Son Probes Strange Death Of Frank Olson

2004-09-12 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- Son probes strange death of WMD worker He believes agents murdered employee of Army to protect government secrets Scott Shane, Baltimore Sun Sunday, September 12, 2004 He was 9 years old when his mother woke him before dawn half a century ago in Cold War

[CTRL] U.S. debt disaster stalking both Bush and Kerry

2004-09-12 Thread Bill
-Caveat Lector- "The long-term budget projections are just horrifying," added Leonard Burman, co-director of tax policy for the Urban Institute. "I've got four children and it really disturbs me. I just think it's irresponsible what we're doing to them."

[CTRL] Vialls: Beslan Psyop And Jakarta Nuke Reports Imminent

2004-09-12 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector- http://www.vialls.com/wecontrolamerica/blackops.html Beslan Psyop and Jakarta Nuke Reports Imminent For all those who have emailed me, a brief summary of these reports is provided below. Accurate analysis takes time, so please be patient Copyright Joe Vialls, 10

Re: [CTRL] Growing Hate for US

2004-07-23 Thread Bill
-Caveat Lector- Has anyone thought of sending this to the current occupier of the White house? -Caveat Lector- washingtonpost.com Poll Shows Growing Arab Rancor at U.S. By Dafna Linzer Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, July 23, 2004; Page A26 Arab views of the United States, shaped

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Rachel's #795: God Told Me to Strike

2004-07-13 Thread Bill
an National Leadership Rob Portman (Ohio): CC: 100%, LCV: 18%. And here are the Christian Coalition (CC) and League of Conservation Voters (LCV) ratings for the 7 most powerful Republicans in the U.S. Senate: Majority Leader Bill Frist (Tenn.): CC: 100%, LCV: 0%; Assistant Majority Leader Mitch McConnel

[CTRL] Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man

2004-06-26 Thread Bill Howard
socialists also. Bill Moore has proved himself over and over to be the most shamelessly dishonest -- if crudely effective -- propagandist since Joseph Goebbels and Nazi documentarian Leni Riefenstahl. Ooooh, did the bad man say bad things about the Bushies? Prudy www.ctrl.org DECLARATION

Re: [CTRL] Michael Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man (fwd)

2004-06-25 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- True. But in defense of Leni Riefenstahl, she at least made films that were worth watching. WLH On Jun 25, 2004, at 11:47 AM, William Bacon wrote: Moore has proved himself over and over to be the most shamelessly dishonest -- if crudely effective -- propagandist since Joseph

Re: [CTRL] MRC Alert: Jennings Refuses to Link al-Zarqawi to al-Qaeda or bin Laden (fwd)

2004-05-14 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- Why am I not surprised by this. Bill On May 14, 2004, at 8:58 AM, William Bacon wrote: ABC's Peter Jennings continued on Thursday night to refuse to link Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the terrorist in Iraq believed to have decapitated Nick Berg, to al-Qaeda or Osama bin Laden

Re: [CTRL] What's Behind the Double Standard By Samuel Z.Anvil (fwd)

2004-05-13 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- Now that Haliburton has all the Iraqi oil, howcome we haven't seen the price of gasoline drop at the pump? Is there a double secret conspiracy going on here? Bill On May 13, 2004, at 8:24 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Aren't crumbs from the table of Haliburton tastier

Re: [CTRL] isn't time?

2004-05-06 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- No, it isn't time to develop our own energy sources. It is WAY PAST TIME! On May 6, 2004, at 6:41 AM, William Bacon wrote: Isn't it time? Yes I think it is time! With the latest whipsawing on oil prices by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), isn't time for

Re: [CTRL] isn't time?

2004-05-06 Thread Bill Howard
This is the kind of thinking that got us into this energy mess in the first place. This enviroment first is not working. Forest fires in California, energy shortages. It just doesn't work. Give us a positive solution to the problem and being friends with Hussein is not a positive response. On May

Re: [CTRL] isn't time?

2004-05-06 Thread Bill Howard
need.\ Bill www.ctrl.org DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright

Re: [CTRL] isn't time?

2004-05-06 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- Finally an intelligent response. On May 6, 2004, at 1:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This enviroment first is not working. Forest fires in California, energy shortages. It just doesn't work. Damm right! Trees cause pollution. Whales are disgusting, they shit in the ocean -

[CTRL] snake bite

2004-04-15 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- This was certainly an improvement to the gene pool. Now if we can only get the demorats and the eco-nuts to start handling snakes we will make great strides in improving the gene pool. PREACHER DIES AFTER RATTLESNAKE BITE (from news services) Jonesville- A preacher bitten by

[CTRL] Remember

2004-04-10 Thread Bill
-Caveat Lector- This poem was read at my Brother's funeral. We was a highly decorated Vietnam War Veteran. We're doing it all over again. Will we ever learn? Remember Here I stand, dark huge and angular firmly planted in the ground I can not move but I have the power to move others

Re: [CTRL] attention environmetalists

2004-04-02 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- It is just the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. BH On Apr 2, 2004, at 5:43 AM, Joy wrote: WE are trying very hard to make a difference...How dare you impugn us with such a ridiculous accusation www.ctrl.org DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion

Re: [CTRL] Authors of Disappearance

2004-03-28 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- How do we know that there are hundreds of thousands of transients and indigents who are missing in the USA and are reported? And why just in the USA? Doesn't Canada and Europe have a homeless problem? Bill H On Mar 27, 2004, at 5:22 PM, Party of Citizens wrote: All part of ridding

Re: [CTRL] Authors of Disappearance

2004-03-28 Thread Bill Howard
secret for long in todays world. If the governments made the removal of these people a priority, they would do nothing for them and let them die of exposure or the abuse of drugs/alcohol. Bill H That's hundreds of thousands who are UNreported missing persons. How do we know? Because when the Ministry

Re: [CTRL] Great Idea

2004-03-26 Thread Bill Howard
much help to California in this crisis. I'm sure that if we dig deep into the pile we will find that Haliburton is behind the mess. Bill H www.ctrl.org DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed

Re: [CTRL] Great Idea

2004-03-25 Thread Bill Howard
Great idea! The private sector is always superior to a government run agency. Bill H. On Mar 25, 2004, at 4:59 AM, Prudy L wrote: x-tad-bigger Now, compare that to/x-tad-biggerx-tad-bigger /x-tad-biggerx-tad-biggerBlockbuster: you are two days late with a video and those people are all/x-tad

Re: [CTRL] Great Idea

2004-03-25 Thread Bill Howard
said that the business of the government was to protect the borders and deliver the mail. She was correct. We need to get back to a part time government. Bill H On Mar 25, 2004, at 11:04 AM, Eric Hoffsten wrote: Hmmm... Except when it comes to utilities like water and electricity, right? And health

Re: [CTRL] Great Idea

2004-03-25 Thread Bill Howard
of poverty. Bill H Wait... So you're saying it's not Enron's fault for being greedy criminals, but the *government's* fault for *letting* them? I think you'd be hard-pressed to find ANY instance of the private sector delivering better electrical service at a better price than ANY municipally-held

[CTRL] Test

2004-03-17 Thread Bill
-Caveat Lector- Bill KalivasWeb Masterwww.historicist.com www.ctrl.org DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory

[CTRL] Fw: PHARISEE WATCH: Ending Our Plague (I)

2004-02-23 Thread Bill
-Caveat Lector- ENDING OUR PLAGUE Part IBefore our children become ratsBy Charles E. CarlsonAmericans are sick with an intentionally spread disease far more deadly than anthrax. Our Plague has symptoms: constant wars and the dilution of our wealth are the two most deadly. Unlike the bubonic

[CTRL] Fw: No Child Left Behind

2004-02-10 Thread Bill
-Caveat Lector- Just in case you're not paying attention:http://www.ericblumrich.com/pl_lo.htmlI do hope it disturbs you. www.ctrl.org DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not

Re: [CTRL] TSA's Email Threat 'Last Straw' for Congressman

2004-01-26 Thread Bill Howard
Question: How many hi-jackings did the bagage inspectors prevent before 9-11? Answer: None. Question: How many hi-jackings has the TSA prevented after 9-11? Answer: None. Bill On Monday, Jan 26, 2004, at 16:28 US/Pacific, Jim Rarey wrote: At every step there has been an effort by the TSA

[CTRL] Is the communications failure of the Mars Rover a conspiracy?

2004-01-24 Thread Bill Howard
will be bring martian oil to the earth so that earthlings will be able to continue driving their SUVs. I hope this helps to explain some of the problems with the Mars program. Bill www.ctrl.org DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic

Re: [CTRL] Slavery and the Eight Veils

2004-01-19 Thread Bill
-Caveat Lector- Interesting thoughts. Who can help with the5th veil? Thanks Bill www.ctrl.org DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease! These are sordid matters

[CTRL] Who Was that Fat Lady?

2004-01-05 Thread Bill
h Circuit... "How viable is the 'right of self-defense' if you must first beg government’s permission to defend your life with a gun, when government thinks it has the power to withhold its permission, with immunity, and to criminally prosecute you if it catches you packing a gun without its permi

[CTRL] US Comptroller Differs With Bush On Causes Of Deficit

2003-12-20 Thread Bill
xt 75 years was calculated, it would amount to $150,000 for "every man, woman and child," Walker said. "And there's no paying this off with your credit card." Walker is known for being outspoken and, while appointed by then-President Bill Clinton, ha

[CTRL] Boeing Payoff to Richard Perle - Trireme Revealed

2003-12-07 Thread Bill
-Caveat Lector- http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=2contentid=1013 Boeing Payoff to Richard Perle - Trireme Revealed by URI DOWBENKO Crony capitalist Richard "Prince of Darkness" Perle just can't get enough of that

Re: [CTRL] Identity cards

2003-10-04 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- And in the United States the state issued driver license has become a de facto internal passport. On Saturday, Oct 4, 2003, at 08:05 US/Pacific, Zuukie wrote: The UK may be thinking about the use of an ID card but everywhere else in Europe the debate has moved a lot further than

Re: [CTRL] Unatural Things In Unatural Times

2003-08-14 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- This will be one for the book, a Vegetarian lion! Bill On Wednesday, Aug 13, 2003, at 18:08 US/Pacific, iNFoWaRZ wrote: Animals will no longer kill and eat each other. www.ctrl.org DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing

Re: [CTRL] Unatural Things In Unatural Times

2003-08-14 Thread Bill Howard
Oh, come on, sex is not a spectator sport. And thanks for changing the thread, it was becoming boring. G*d Bless, Bill On Wednesday, Aug 13, 2003, at 16:10 US/Pacific, RevCOAL wrote: >How come so many animals do it...??

Re: [CTRL] Unatural Things In Unatural Times

2003-08-14 Thread Bill Howard
Are you suggesting that they lean toward being BI_SEXUAL? On Thursday, Aug 14, 2003, at 07:47 US/Pacific, RevCOAL wrote: It seems to me that the homophobes want it both ways

Re: [CTRL] Sex Rules For The House Gym

2003-04-03 Thread Bill Kalivas
-Caveat Lector- You learn something every day. I was under the impression that Congress was totally useless. I stand corrected, they are just mostly useless. BillK -Caveat Lector- In a message dated 4/2/2003 8:25:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Rep. Michael Oxley

Re: [CTRL] So Called Anti American Emails

2003-04-02 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- Damn, now I'll have to change my phone number. The odd request wasn't mine. On Tuesday, Apr 1, 2003, at 17:27 US/Pacific, William Shannon wrote: Yeah, right below your phone number and an odd (and in some jurisdictions, illegal) request... Bill. A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org

Re: [CTRL] So Called Anti American Emails

2003-04-01 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- Was this written on the wall above the third urinal from the left? On Tuesday, Apr 1, 2003, at 16:40 US/Pacific, Michael Davidson wrote: Absolutely right on! All treasonous and anti-American thinking can be traced directly to the Republican party. MD A

Re: [CTRL] Depleted Uranium Makes Good Mutant-Slaves

2003-03-31 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- It is not necessary to send the list to the FBI. They already have the names. On Monday, Mar 31, 2003, at 03:35 US/Pacific, Steve Wingate wrote: Why, are you looking for a list of names to send to the FBI? A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER

Re: [CTRL] So Called Anti American Emails

2003-03-31 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- Yup, just as I had thought, mind mumbled robots. On Monday, Mar 31, 2003, at 14:25 US/Pacific, cybervoyager wrote: In response to who is behind the anti-American messeges 1) those who are not brainwashed by the CIA CNN controlled media. 2) those who have a mind of their own

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: A stop-the-war stance I could accept

2003-03-30 Thread Bill Howard

Re: [CTRL] 'Fedayeen' or 'Thug', Same thing

2003-03-29 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- The fact remains, America became an independent country, free of England. That is a benefit of winning. On Friday, Mar 28, 2003, at 23:00 US/Pacific, Euphorian wrote: That depends. And it depends on which side of the ocean one is on. After having read Tuchman's *The March of

Re: [CTRL] 'Fedayeen' or 'Thug', Same thing

2003-03-28 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- But America in the end won the conflict with England and got to write the history of the war. THAT makes a big difference. On Friday, Mar 28, 2003, at 16:22 US/Pacific, Prudy L wrote: Remember in history when we discovered that fledgling America had irregulars. I think they were

Re: [CTRL] Strange Helicopters

2003-03-27 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- Whatever this was I bet it was hand made and belongs to one of those agencies that the government says don't exist. On Thursday, Mar 27, 2003, at 02:44 US/Pacific, RevCOAL wrote: There IS a blinking red light on top of an electric tower about a mile past the end of the reservoir,

Re: [CTRL] Strange Helicopters

2003-03-26 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- A terrorist won't dump biologicals or chemicals into the reservoir, it won't require too much chemical or biological material to dol damage. The terrorist would take over the pumping station and inject his chemical or biological material into the outgoing pumping. On Wednesday,

Re: [CTRL] Strange Helicopters

2003-03-26 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- How about some government alphabet agency out playing with a new toy? On Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003, at 15:50 US/Pacific, RevCOAL wrote: Agreed. But what bothers me is how none of our local media pursued investigating this story any further...once they'd been told by TPTB that the

[CTRL] Ltr to editor, Attack not pre-emptive, unilateral

2003-03-23 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- Ltr to the editor of the Daily Breeze, March 23, 2003 Attack not pre-emptive, unilateral If I hear one more time that this attack on Iraq is unilateral and pre-emptive, I think that I will scream. This is a resumption of hostilities because Iraq violated many United Nations

[CTRL] Do you know enough to justify going to war with Iraq?

2003-03-21 Thread Bill Kalivas
-Caveat Lector- Shamelessly stolen from: http://www.livejournal.com/community/guerillanews/167099.html iq test from daniel quinn: Take the War on Iraq IQ Test Do you know enough to justify going to war with Iraq? 1. Q: What percentage of the world's population does the U.S. have?

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Shuttle Disaster: The Hand of God?

2003-02-01 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- He wasn't an Israeli astronaut, he was an arab suicide bomber disguised as an Israeli astronaut. On Saturday, Feb 1, 2003, at 12:38 US/Pacific, William Shannon wrote: Israelis, in Shock, Pray for Their First Astronaut A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION

Re: [CTRL] Nobel laureate under fire

2003-01-25 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- Sounds reasonable to me. On Saturday, Jan 25, 2003, at 13:12 US/Pacific, thew wrote: Of course there were Jews in the revolution to overthrow a czar who sanctioned pogroms against them. Duh. A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is

Re: [CTRL] Front-line troops disproportionately white, not black

2003-01-21 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- Cite references, please. On Tuesday, Jan 21, 2003, at 10:16 US/Pacific, thew wrote: The jobs that have high prestige - pilots, green berets, etc - are not given to blacks, nor are blacks encouraged to try for prestigious jobs. A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A

Re: [CTRL] Shadow Government

2003-01-17 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- This should come as no surprise, this is exactly what one should expect the Vatican to tell it's politicians. Follow the party line! On Friday, Jan 17, 2003, at 11:12 US/Pacific, Euphorian wrote: VATICAN CITY, Jan 16 (Reuters) - The Vatican told Catholic politicians on Thursday

Re: [CTRL] Do Vegetarians Taste Like Chicken?

2003-01-16 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- OK. But do you taste like chicken? On Wednesday, Jan 15, 2003, at 15:37 US/Pacific, Steve Wilson wrote: I Steve Wilson am a vegetarian. A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list.

Re: [CTRL] Do Vegetarians Taste Like Chicken?

2003-01-16 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- Iggy, Iggy, everything tastes like chicken. On Thursday, Jan 16, 2003, at 10:44 US/Pacific, IGGY wrote: BUT HOW WOULD HE KNOW? ;^p A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing

Re: [CTRL] Santa Clarita to call out snipers next?

2003-01-11 Thread Bill Howard
-Caveat Lector- The tree has a chance of surviving if it is moved,soon. It has no chance of surviving if the construction people take a chain saw to it. On Saturday, Jan 11, 2003, at 10:37 US/Pacific, Euphorian wrote: The company has offered to relocate the tree, but Quigley and other

Re: [CTRL] This One Won't Hunt

2003-01-05 Thread Bill Kalivas
-Caveat Lector- Does this mean she's coming back? Madonna reportedly fed up with English way of life January 6 2003 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A DECLARATION DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are

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