Kernel 2.2

1999-02-09 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Normalmente, tengo dos nucleos para alternar con lilo, ahora tengo 2.0.35 y
36. Ahora que ha salido el 2.2, tengo la duda de si se puede alterna uno de
la serie 2.0 y otro de la 2.2, o este ultimo necesita binarios que en la
anterior pueden producir problemas.

Por cierto, no se si hay documentación de este ultimo nucleo en español.


Re: staroffice virge

1999-02-09 Thread JuanjoC \(PianoTuner\)
TooManySecrets wrote:

 Veamos... Si bien es cierto que el SVGA rula bien, una vez que se ha
 terminado la instalación, y se ha instalado el parche para la S3V, se vuelve
 a poner el servidor SV3 y rula todo a las mil maravillas... Lo digo por

Vaya, yo pensando que era algún problema de librerías y resulta que la cosa 
está en el
servidor X, pues ahorita mismo lo cambio a ver que pasa. Por cierto: ¿De dónde 
saco luego el
parche para el SV3?


This message has been written in 100% recycled paper

Powered by Linux Debian 2.0 with kernel 2.0.36
Running on CASIO fx-6300G Scientific calculator.

Registered User/Machine: 92691/34454

Re: Problema con el disco

1999-02-09 Thread JuanjoC \(PianoTuner\)
Vicenç Masanas wrote:

 Durante el boot obtengo este mensaje donde segun parece se desactiva el

 hdb: timeout waiting for DMA
 hdb: irq timeout: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }
 hda: DMA disabled
 hdb: DMA disabled
 ide0: reset: success

Así a bote pronto, parece que el kernel encuentra algún conflicto entre el 
modo UDMA de
hda y el modo DMA de hdb y al no poder utilizarlo en este último lo desactiva 
para los dos.
Utiliza el comando hdparm -i /dev/hdx para conseguir información de los modos 
por cada unidad de disco y configurarlos si fuese necesario (Ojo!! pueden 
producirse cuelges
al activar diferentes modos). También puedes poner el Quantum en el segundo 
canal ide junto
al cdrom,dejando únicamente el Fujitsu en el primero (para evitar conflictos). 
Más info en el
man hdparm.

Espero que vayan por aquí los tiros. Saludos.

This message has been written in 100% recycled paper

Powered by Linux Debian 2.0 with kernel 2.0.36
Running on CASIO fx-6300G Scientific calculator.

Registered User/Machine: 92691/34454

Re: Problema con postgres

1999-02-09 Thread JuanjoC \(PianoTuner\)
Hernan Mauricio Velasquez Nino wrote:

Tengo una base de datos, con nombre xxx la cual cree con algunas tablas.

 Debo crear otra base de datos yyy.  Lo hago con tanto con el
 comando createdb como con psql y create database, y en ambos casos me crea
 la base de datos yyy pero le copia dos tablas de la base de datos xxx,
 pero al mirar las tablas de yyy (si haberle creado ninguna) me aparecen
 dos tablas de la base de datos xxx, lo cual no es correcto.

 Alguien sabe por que sera ?

Es posible que haciendo pruebas o por error hayas creado las dos tablas en 
la base de
datos template1; si es asi, no solo te aparecerán en la base yyy, sino en todas 
las bases que
crees desde ahora, ya que template1 es la plantilla que utiliza postgres como 
patrón para la
creación de bases de datos. Comprueba con un simple ls en el directorio $PGDATA 
o con un \d
desde psql si tienes las dos tablas en template1, en tal caso las borras y a 
correr (por
supuesto con un drop table).


This message has been written in 100% recycled paper

Powered by Linux Debian 2.0 with kernel 2.0.36
Running on CASIO fx-6300G Scientific calculator.

Registered User/Machine: 92691/34454


1999-02-09 Thread frodo

He buscado por todas partes el paquete ssh y no lo encuentro, sin
embargo, estoy casi seguro que existía en paquete debian.

¿Sabe alguien si existe o existió alguna vez?



Nicolás García - Pedrajas
Department of Computing and Numerical Analysis 
University of Córdoba

e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Tlf. (Fax): 034 57 21 10 32 (034 57 21 83 16)
A chance meeting, as we say in middle earth
Get out of the new road if you can't lend your hand

Tarjeta 3D Blaster Banshee

1999-02-09 Thread Jose L. Erausquin
Hola a todos:

Tengo un compañero de trabajo que está teniendo problemas para
arrancar el entorno de ventanas X, porque parece que la version de XFree
que tiene (3.3.3) no soporta su tarjeta (3D Blaster Banshee). La version tampoco hace mención de la misma (o al menos no la hemos
encontrado en la lista de tarjetas soportadas). ¿Alguien sabe alguna
solución? ¿Existe soporte para esa tarjeta en algún sitio? ¿Es posible
hacer algún apaño provisional? Cualquier información es bienvenida.

Un saludo para todos,

Re: Kernel 2.2

1999-02-09 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 06:42:54AM +0100, Angel Vicente Perez wrote:
 Hola a todos...
 Normalmente, tengo dos nucleos para alternar con lilo, ahora tengo 2.0.35 y
 36. Ahora que ha salido el 2.2, tengo la duda de si se puede alterna uno de
 la serie 2.0 y otro de la 2.2, o este ultimo necesita binarios que en la
 anterior pueden producir problemas.

Hasta donde yo sé, puedes tener los dos. De hecho yo uso el 2.0.36 y el
2.2.1 en una máquina con slink, y todavía no se ha roto nada. :-)
Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ssh

1999-02-09 Thread Jordi Román Mejias
 He buscado por todas partes el paquete ssh y no lo encuentro, sin
 embargo, estoy casi seguro que existía en paquete debian.
 ¿Sabe alguien si existe o existió alguna vez?
Si existe, está en Debian non-Us

Re: urgente swhitch/hub

1999-02-09 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez

La terminología en trastos de comunicaciones en general, y en
cacharros para conectividad de ordenadores en particular está tan
machacada, que muchas veces es difícil de decir... Pero normalmente:

. Un HUB suele ser un concentrador relativamente pasivo
(aunque hoy día casi seguro que hace algo... ;-) ). Por ejemplo, un
hub Ethernet-100 es un concentrador que sigue la norma Ethernet-100
tal cual. Esto es, 100 Mbits por segundo, compartidos entre todos los
trastos que estén conectados a él.

. Un switch (conmutador) suele ser más inteligente. En
general, suelen ser trastos que usan conmutación internamente, aunque
exteriormente pueden simular una norma tipo bus. Por ejemplo, un
switch Ethernet-100 suele ser una caja a la que le puedes encufar
equipos Ethernet-100, pero que es capaz de darte 100 Mbit/s *para cada 
una de sus bocas*. En otras palabras, hacia afuera, parece un hub
Ether 100 normal, pero internamente es capaz de conmutar datos entre
sus bocas a 100 Mbit/s ente dos bocas cualesquiera... Uniendo a eso
cosas como que aprenda direcciones Ehternet de cada boca, y lindezas
por el estilo, puede darte los 100 Mbit/s por boca. Además, aprovecado 
la inteligencia del trato, puede darte también autodetección 100/10,
por ejemplo.

Naturalmente, en el ejemplo descrito, el switch suele ser más
caro... ;-)

No sé si te he aclarado un poco el asunto, o lo he puesto más
oscuro... :-(


TooManySecrets writes:
  Necesitaría cierta información urgentemente antes (a poder ser) de las
  15horas de hoy mismo:
  ¿Cual es la diferencia entre un hub y un switch (o como se llame)? ¿No
  sirven los dos para lo mismo?
  Muchísimas gracias por todo.
  Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
  TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
 y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
  apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
  el fin de todos los caminos
Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9129 | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | avd. Universidad, 30
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | 28911 Leganes, Spain

Re: urgente swhitch/hub

1999-02-09 Thread Antonio Fernández Fernández
Creo que el swhitch es más inteligente que el hub, pues éste sólo se limita 
a guiar las
salidas a las distintas bocas, mientras que el otro puede hacer más cosas como 
conmutar de
100/10 y saber a quién tiene que enviar una salida...

TooManySecrets escribió:


 Necesitaría cierta información urgentemente antes (a poder ser) de las
 15horas de hoy mismo:
 ¿Cual es la diferencia entre un hub y un switch (o como se llame)? ¿No
 sirven los dos para lo mismo?

 Muchísimas gracias por todo.

 Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
 TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te
apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
el fin de todos los caminos
   Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

begin:  vcard
fn: Antonio Fernández Fernández
n:  ;Antonio Fernández Fernández
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE


1999-02-09 Thread Santiago Vila
On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Jesús  Pérez Franco - PROVISIONAL wrote:

   Hola, soy un estudiante de la Escuela Superior de Ingenieria de Cadiz
 y estoy realizando el proyecto de fin de carrera utilizando la libreria
 XFORMS. No encuentro los ejemplos (DEMOS) sobre la herramienta fdesign 
 que aparencian en la verison Debian/GNU Linux 1.3.1 en la nueva version 
 Debian/GNU Linux 2.0. En que paquete puedo encontrarlos ? Gracias.

Busca en el código fuente.

Si están en el código fuente pero no en el .deb, pídele al encargado (con
un bug de tipo wishlist) que los ponga en /usr/doc/PAQUETE/examples.

 fce655d4a550ea42522436f2bb53a957 (a truly random sig)

Entorno de desarrollo gráfico

1999-02-09 Thread David
Estoy buscando un entorno gráfico para linux; ya he visto el visual-tcl.

¿ Hay más ?

Un saludo,

Re: Entorno de desarrollo gráfico

1999-02-09 Thread Jaime E. Villate
David preguntó:
 Estoy buscando un entorno gráfico para linux; ya he visto el visual-tcl.
 ¿ Hay más ?

Hce unos dias Marcelo Magallón sugirió Fast Light Tool Kit para c++
(paquetes libs/libfltk0 y devel/libfltk-dev).

Yo los ensayé y quedé muy bien impresionado. Funciona muy, bien está
bien documentado y sirve también en win32.
Puedes ver información y ejemplos en:

Jaime Villate
Univesidad de Oporto

Re: Entorno de desarrollo gráfico

1999-02-09 Thread Jaime E. Villate
pido disculpas por la dirección que envie en el mensaje anterior que
está mal. La dirección correcta es:
(The Fast Light Tool Kit)

Jaime Villate
Universidad de Oporto

Re: Entorno de desarrollo gráfico

1999-02-09 Thread Octavio Rodriguez Perez
David wrote:
 Estoy buscando un entorno gráfico para linux; ya he visto el visual-tcl.
 ¿ Hay más ?

Echale un vistazo a xforms.



Consulta C++

1999-02-09 Thread Alejandro Bratti
Hola a todos!!

Acabo de empezar a usar el linux y tengo un monton de dudas.  Una de
ellas es saber como crear un ejecutable despues de haber compilado un
archivo en c++ o c. Al compilarlo me da uno con extension .out y despues
que se hace para correrlo.

Si tengo archivos fuentes de un programa, como se hace para compilarlos,
y volverlos binarios para que me funcionen.

Como hago para funcionar el cdrom, el diskette??

Gracias por la informacion

Alejandro Bratti

RE: iNet: conecto, obtengo una IP y ahora?

1999-02-09 Thread Jon Noble
¿Tienes alguna especie de firewall configurado?
Ya me funciona :). Tenia el kernel configurado para firewall y algunas
opciones más que de momento no necesito. Alguna de estas me bloqueaba la
conexión. Gracias a todos por la ayuda, especialmente a Hue-Bond.

Un saludo,


Re: Linux Actual

1999-02-09 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Um el caso es que yo la vi cuando fui a la editorial a recoger
mi cheque de la colaboración del número 5 (hace una semana)... no la he
visto en los kioskos sin embargo... y me da la impresión (aunque no lo he
confirmado) que los de la editorial pretenden retrasar el número 6 para que
el especial (Solo Linux) esté más tiempo en los kioskos...

No se, no se..


On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 05:32:28PM +0100, Andrés Seco Hernández wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
  ¡Pero si Linux Actual ya es trimestral... casi semestral!
 Muy bueno eso. Por cierto ¿no debería haber salido ya el 6? Estoy
 mosca con eso de perderme los números. Mis kioskos habituales no los
 considero muy regulares y no se si me las voy a perder en algún
 Andrés Seco Hernández.
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RE: Consulta C++

1999-02-09 Thread eloy

On 09-Feb-99 Alejandro Bratti wrote:
 Hola a todos!!
 Acabo de empezar a usar el linux y tengo un monton de dudas.  Una de
 ellas es saber como crear un ejecutable despues de haber compilado un
 archivo en c++ o c. Al compilarlo me da uno con extension .out y despues
 que se hace para correrlo.

La cosa es que el compilador de C, si no le dices otra cosa, genera el
fichero ejecutable en 'a.out'. Sólo tienes que ejecutarlo. Te recuerdo que en
UNIX generalmente el directorio actual (.) no está en la ruta de búsqueda
(PATH), así que para ejecutarlo tendrás que dar la ruta completa. Lo más corto
es ejecutarlo con './a.out'.

Ahora, si quieres que gcc genere el ejecutable en un fichero distinto,
puedes usar la opción '-o nombre':

gcc -o programa programa.c

Date: 09-Feb-99
Time: 19:08:53

This message was sent by XFMail

Re: Problemas de memoria

1999-02-09 Thread Octavio Rodriguez Perez
Antonio Castro wrote:
 Acabo de arrancar las x y luego el netscape, para que puedas comparar.
 Te recuerdo que mi swap está algo sobre dimensionada. Mira la última
 línea que te mando relativa al estado de la memoria. Yo tengo casi toda
 la memoria libre. Tu tienes casi toda la memoria ocupada.
   9:51am  up  1:11,  4 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.06, 0.02
 48 processes: 47 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
 CPU states:  0.0% user,  1.5% system,  0.0% nice, 98.5% idle
 Mem:   63440K av,  62404K used,   1036K free,  32628K shrd,  13096K buff
 Swap: 311328K av, 12K used, 311316K free 29248K cached

Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
 Nada más para suplir un poco más de información:
 Estoy convencido. Lo de nuestro amigo es un problema en el servidor de X y/o
 el NS.

Bueno, espero que no hayan borrado este mensaje del buzon de correo. A
mi me ocurre algo MUY PARECIDO ... y sin arrancar las X para nada.

En realidad le ocurre a un amigo que tiene instalado RedHat y una
grabadora de CDROM. Para grabar CDs utiliza el programa cdrecord. El
ordenador tiene 64MB de RAM y 130MB de swap.

Pues bien, reiniciamos la maquina, hacemos un top y la mem. usada es

Ejecutamos el programa cdrecord una vez, y despues de que el proceso ha
terminado, hacemos un top y la memoria usada es 60MB!!  Y no hay ningun
proceso visible que consuma esa memoria.

Yo he pensado que quiza el programa cdrecord tenia un bug consistente en
que el programa no libera la memoria utilizada, pero es que al correr el
programa cdrecord por segunda vez, funciona sin problemas por lo que es
imposible que el cdrecord haya hecho uso anteriormente de 50MB, funciona
con 4MB.

Pero claro, al leer ahora estos mensajes de la lista, y ver que el
problema aparece con programas completamente diferentes, creo que el bug
es del programa top que en algunos casos no indica correctamente la
cantidad de memoria utilizada.

¿A alguien mas le pasa?




Octavio Rodríguez Pérez
ETS Ingenieros de Telecomunicación
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Canary Islands - Spain

TLF: +34 928451270

Re: Problemas de memoria

1999-02-09 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 07:29:20PM +, Octavio Rodriguez Perez wrote:

 Pero claro, al leer ahora estos mensajes de la lista, y ver que el
 problema aparece con programas completamente diferentes, creo que el bug
 es del programa top que en algunos casos no indica correctamente la
 cantidad de memoria utilizada.

Es probable que una cantidad de archivos que fueron colocados en el CD estén
en los buffers aún.  La memoria está libre para fines práctivos.


rm -r me ha dejado de funcionar.

1999-02-09 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
Pues eso que rm -r no me funciona.
Si hago rm -r *.html en un directorio no baja a los siguientes. ALguien
sabria por que pasa eso??
Es el de hamm

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez

Re: rm -r me ha dejado de funcionar.

1999-02-09 Thread Josep Guerrero Sole
Hola, Antonio!

Si hago rm -r *.html en un directorio no baja a los siguientes. ALguien
sabria por que pasa eso??

Bueno, es que no deberia hacerlo. La shell sustituye la estrella por
los nombres de los ficheros antes de que rm haga nada, asi que para rm es como
si le hubieras dicho

rm -r fichero1.html ... ficheron.html

donde fichero1.html,...,ficheron.html son los ficheros html presentes en el
directorio donde das la orden (pero no en los inferiores!).

Una alternativa (no te aseguro que la mejor) seria:

find . -name '*.html' -print | xargs rm

Espero que esto te sirva de ayuda. Buena suerte!

Josep Guerrero

Re: problema con la direccion de retorno

1999-02-09 Thread Vicente Barba
El Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 02:37:25PM -0300, Felipe Sanchez decías:
 Hace un tiempo hice esta misma consulta, pero como todavía no logro
 solucionarlo intento de nuevo.
 El problema es que bajo email desde dos casillas, mi ISP y mi trabajo.
 Como no quiero mezclar lo que manejo en el trabajo con la correspondencia
 particular tengo creados dos usuarios en mi máquina; en uno recibo la 
 correspondencia desde mi ISP y en el otro desde el trabajo.
 El problema es que cuando mando algún mensaje desde el usuario 
 correspondiente al trabajo, me gustaría que la dirección de retorno
 fuera precisamente la de mi trabajo y no la de mi ISP, pero todos
 los mensajes salen como provenientes de mi ISP debido (creo) a la
 línea visible_name en el archivo de configuración de smail.
 Traté con una opción de mutt que se supone pega lo que uno quiera
 después de la @, pero nada.
 Lo peor es que los mensajes enviados desde este usuario (como este) 
 salen con una dirección de retorno que ni siquiera existe (espero), pues 
 llevan el login de mi cuenta del trabajo, pero el nombre de mi ISP después 
 de la @.
 Gracias de antemano por cualquier sugerencia.
 Felipe Sánchez
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

El problema es que debes tener configurado el sistema para que enmascare el
dominio del correo (lo que va después de la arroba). Hay _varias_ formas de
hacerlo. Dos formas de hacerlo:

1- puedes hacer que el MTA enmascare (como lo tienes)

2- o bien, que el MTA _no_ enmascare y lo haga el MUA (el mutt o netscape,
p.e.): para configurar el sendmail para que no enmascare compila el siguiente
archivo /etc/mail/ (o tras escribirlo escribe sendmailconfig:
VERSIONID(`@(#)  8.7 (Linux) 3/5/96')
cambia tu servidor smtp en SMART_HOST!!!. Recuerda que el resto de
configuración del sendmail es la de siempre (

Para enmascarar el usuario puedes hacerlo desde el MUA, un ejemplo con el
mutt es el archivo en tu HOME .muttrc (copia el /etc/Muttrc a tu HOME como
.muttrc y le añades al final las siguientes lineas, módifica con _tus_ valores)
set use_8bitmime # If your sendmail supports the -B8BITMIME flag
set allow_8bit # never do Q-P encoding on legal 8-bit chars
set charset=iso-8859-1 # character set for your terminal
set edit_hdrs # let me edit the message header when composing
my_hdr X-Operating-System: Debian GNU/Linux # User Defined Headers
my_hdr From: Vicente Barba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
my_hdr Organization: 100% LiNUX:
set editor=joe -asis # editor to use when composing messages
set attribution=El %d, %n decías: # how to attribute replies
set pager=joe -asis
set locale=es_ES

Hay otras formas de enmascarar el usuario y/o dominio pero esta es una de
las más sencillas.

Vicente Barba: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Albacete [ES]
100% LiNUX v0.03:
  Debian GNU/Linux -- Usuario Registrado # 90822

Re: urgente swhitch/hub

1999-02-09 Thread TooManySecrets

Muchas gracias a todos por vuestras contestaciones. Pongo ésta aquí para
quien le pueda interesar. Al menos, es de las que me han llegado cuando he
cogido el correo a las 14:30 h., y que creo de interés general.

Repito muchas gracias a todos por vuestras contestaciones y rapidez.

Jesus M. Gonzalez el día Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 01:51:59PM +0100 expuso lo 
   La terminología en trastos de comunicaciones en general, y en
 cacharros para conectividad de ordenadores en particular está tan
 machacada, que muchas veces es difícil de decir... Pero normalmente:
   . Un HUB suele ser un concentrador relativamente pasivo
 (aunque hoy día casi seguro que hace algo... ;-) ). Por ejemplo, un
 hub Ethernet-100 es un concentrador que sigue la norma Ethernet-100
 tal cual. Esto es, 100 Mbits por segundo, compartidos entre todos los
 trastos que estén conectados a él.
   . Un switch (conmutador) suele ser más inteligente. En
 general, suelen ser trastos que usan conmutación internamente, aunque
 exteriormente pueden simular una norma tipo bus. Por ejemplo, un
 switch Ethernet-100 suele ser una caja a la que le puedes encufar
 equipos Ethernet-100, pero que es capaz de darte 100 Mbit/s *para cada 
 una de sus bocas*. En otras palabras, hacia afuera, parece un hub
 Ether 100 normal, pero internamente es capaz de conmutar datos entre
 sus bocas a 100 Mbit/s ente dos bocas cualesquiera... Uniendo a eso
 cosas como que aprenda direcciones Ehternet de cada boca, y lindezas
 por el estilo, puede darte los 100 Mbit/s por boca. Además, aprovecado 
 la inteligencia del trato, puede darte también autodetección 100/10,
 por ejemplo.
   Naturalmente, en el ejemplo descrito, el switch suele ser más
 caro... ;-)
   No sé si te he aclarado un poco el asunto, o lo he puesto más
 oscuro... :-(
 TooManySecrets writes:
   Necesitaría cierta información urgentemente antes (a poder ser) de las
   15horas de hoy mismo:
   ¿Cual es la diferencia entre un hub y un switch (o como se llame)? ¿No
   sirven los dos para lo mismo?
   Muchísimas gracias por todo.
   Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
   TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
  y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no 
 apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
 el fin de todos los caminos
 Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
 tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9129 | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | avd. Universidad, 30
 Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | 28911 Leganes, Spain

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

Re: ssh

1999-02-09 Thread TooManySecrets
[EMAIL PROTECTED] el día Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 09:49:52AM +0100 expuso lo 
 He buscado por todas partes el paquete ssh y no lo encuentro, sin
 embargo, estoy casi seguro que existía en paquete debian.
 ¿Sabe alguien si existe o existió alguna vez?

Al menos yo lo tengo tanto en la 1.3.1 como en la 2.0. Lo tienes en non-Us.

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

Re: staroffice virge

1999-02-09 Thread TooManySecrets
JuanjoC PianoTuner el día Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 07:05:45AM + expuso lo 
 TooManySecrets wrote:
  Veamos... Si bien es cierto que el SVGA rula bien, una vez que se ha
  terminado la instalación, y se ha instalado el parche para la S3V, se vuelve
  a poner el servidor SV3 y rula todo a las mil maravillas... Lo digo por
 Vaya, yo pensando que era algún problema de librerías y resulta que la 
 cosa está en el
 servidor X, pues ahorita mismo lo cambio a ver que pasa. Por cierto: ¿De 
 dónde saco luego el
 parche para el SV3?

Lo tienes en la web de Star Division, aunque suele venir (creo) en los cd's
de las revistas que dan el StarOffice...

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

Reinstalar Hamm

1999-02-09 Thread homega
Resulta que me he cargado la imagen del núcleo... bueno, quise copiar
/vmlinuz de Slackware3.5 al directorio raíz de Debian2.0... quería hacer:
cp -a /mnt/vmlinuz /svmlinuz
pero sin querer omití la `s' que debería darle un nombre diferente al de la
imagen de Debian e hice:
cp -a /mnt/vmlinuz /vmlinuz

Ahora estoy iniciando debian con el núcleo de slack.  Por estupidez y exceso
de confianza, tenía copias de seguridad sólo de /home y /etc, pero no del

La instalación la había hecho de los CDs de, y sólo encuentro el
de resc1440.bin y root.bin, pero no el de drv1440.bin, como tampoco lo
encuentro en los CDs de datom ni LA.  ¿Creo recordar que era necesario para
la instalación y que me lo tuve que bajar o algo así?  Pero si me lo bajo de, aparte del tiempo que tarda, ¿sería exactamente igual?
Y ya puestos, ¿me interesaría bajarme las tres imágenes de slink (serán
2.0.35) y el resto instalarlo de los CDs de Hamm?


Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

X based developer

1999-02-09 Thread Brant Wells
Howdy All...

Is there an X-based programming environment like Visual Basic, or Visual 
C++???  Any help woule be appreciated.


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: HP DeskJets

1999-02-09 Thread servis

I would also look at installing the gs-aladdin package from the non-free
part of Debian.  It has a special HP Deskjet driver compiled into it. 
You can specify lots of features such as print quality, color mode,
paper type, etc.  See the gs-hpdj man page once it is installed.  You
then will have to modify your print filter(use magicfilter as others
have suggested) to specify the options you want.


*- On  8 Feb, Alec Smith wrote about Re: HP DeskJets
 I use my DeskJet 870Cse with Linux, with good results. A comparable model
 on the market today would be roughly the 895Cse, so long as you've got the
 parallel version.
 Once you have the printer, just use magicfilter's dj550 filter and edit
 /etc/printcap as you would for any other printer.
 At 04:02 PM 2/8/99 -0500, Will Lowe wrote:
 can somebody tell me, how HP DJs work in Linux? Which of them works
 well? I want to buy one, but I don't know what are doing nice results
 (690C, 880C, ...???). Thanks a lot, Martin

I've got a 672C (under $200 when I bought it a few months back) which
works great with the DJ550 magicfilter filter.

can backgrounded processes outlive a login?

1999-02-09 Thread Rob Mahurin
Let's say that I have some program I need to run that will take several
hours, and that I want to end my login session so I don't have to worry 
about curious passersby coming and doing terrible things while my account is
logged on.  It seems that there should be some way to accomplish this.  Is
there?  I haven't seen anything.

Please cc: to jlothian as this is his question and he's not on the list.


I've just learned about his illness.  Let's hope it's nothing

Re: minimum X packages?

1999-02-09 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Branden Robinson wrote:

 On Sun, Feb 07, 1999 at 11:19:07AM -0800, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
  I recently upgraded to potato.
  Now X starts and immediately dies.  Why would this be?
 This is (probably) a known bug in -9.  Upgrade to -10.
  What are the minimum packages necessary to run X under potato (or in 
 xserver-(svga, s3v, mach64, ? -- depends on your video card)
 xfonts-75dpi (depending on your X clients you *might* be able to scrape by
 without this one)
 You will probably want a window manager and a terminal emulator as well.
 Read the extended description of xfree86-common as well.


why -10 insists on having tons of stuff installed i really
don't use?

like xfs, or rstart(d), or twm (is there any person alive who
uses twm?), or xmh, or xterm, or...



Re: Setting up debian for ftp

1999-02-09 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 AW == Aaron Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

AW how would I go about setting up debian for regular non-anonymous
AW ftp?

It is enabled by dafault. I would install the proftpd package, as it
is better than the default ftp daemon.

AW and also, can someone tell me or guide to a doc how do setup ppp?

Install the pppconfig package and run pppconfig.


RE: Redirecting display output to multiple monitors

1999-02-09 Thread Ted Harding
On 08-Feb-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have three computers on a LAN. I want to run an application in one of
 them and have the display output showing on the other two at the same
 time. I guess what I'm trying to do is something like MS netmeeting. Is
 this possible?

Try XMX (X multiplexer). Recent versions are straightforward and work
beautifully. (You can elect whether or not the other displays are entitled
to provide input).

This is an X application though: I don't know of a way to copy a plain

Good luck,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 08-Feb-99   Time: 23:44:38
-- XFMail --

RE: DSelect and ftp

1999-02-09 Thread Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven
Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven:
 The problem is that dselect fails to connect. Dselect shows the following
 Connecting to
 Failed to connect

The ftp program normally doesn't dial the modem for you, because it doesn't
know whether you aren't just intending to use the ethernet, or even just
connect locally. (Which is usually not done with ftp, but sometimes is with
other things.)

You *can* set up your network so that whenever any program tries to contact
a remote computer it'll dial your ISP, if you want, but first you should
set it up so it works manually using the pon command.

So if I am correct, de pon command should establish a connection? Well, it does 
not connect. Some lights on the modem flash (DTR, RTS, RxD, TxD), but not the 
session light, which usually indicates that there is a connection.

 If I try the pon command, some of the lights of my modem flash, but when
 dselect is trying to connect, the modemlights don't flash. My modem is a
 cable modem, which can be configured just like a normal 28k8 modem.

After you do pon, can you ping your ISP's computer? Like this:

No, unable to locate host, but that's probably because there is no 

If so, try pinging

If neither of these says anything, try the command `ifconfig' which will
tell you about all the network interfaces - it should list a loopback, any
ethernet cards you have configured, and the ppp link. `ifconfig -a' will
also list any interfaces that are currently down.

There are no ethernet cards in my computer.

Ifconfig -a gives the following result:

Lo  Link encap:Local Loopback
Inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

ppp0Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

The ppp0 part will only show, if I give the ifconfig -a command, immediately 
after a pon.

Once the ppp link is UP and RUNNING, the `route' command will tell you how
the kernel thinks it ought to route packets. It should probably have a
none-of-the-above entry at the end that points to the ppp0 Iface.

Oh yeah, does /var/log/ppp.log or /var/log/syslog contain anything

pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid0
abort on (BUSY)
abort on (NO CARRIER)
abort on (VIOCE)
abort on (NO DAILTONE)
abort on (NO ANSWER)
send (ATZ^M)
expect (OK)
-- Failed
Connect script failed

These log items are also in syslog, but other than that syslog looks ok.


We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: can backgrounded processes outlive a login?

1999-02-09 Thread John Hasler
man hohup.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: what's 32 bpp?

1999-02-09 Thread Dave Swegen
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 18:26 -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 12:06:30PM -0800, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
  What happens in 32bpp??  I do not believe that video dac's are
  available wider than 8 bits.  If they are, are 3 10 bit dac's used,
  with the extra 2 bits thrown away?  Or is a 12 bit dac used for the
  Or is this only a maping thing, 24 bits are used, and a whole byte is
  thrown away, but using 32bits per pixel cleans up the dma access some
 As far as I know, the latter is the case.
 Kind of a shame.  I wish the last 8 bits could be used for an alpha

I seem to recall reading somewhere (I think it was in the xfree86 docs for
the matrox driver) that using 32bpp was faster than using 24bpp, probably
because it can blit stuff along a longword boundary...But what do I know?


 Dave Swegen   | Debian 2.0 on Linux i386 2.2.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP key available on request
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

RE: workman and sound

1999-02-09 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Richard Hall wrote:

 On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Shaleh wrote:
  On 08-Feb-99 Richard Hall wrote:
   I went ahead and did 'chmod 666 /dev/audio' and that made workman work.  I
   really hate doing that, though.  It seems like there should be a way to
   make /dev/audio available to me and various processes I start like
   workman without making it world writable and without having to do group
  The proper thing to do is to add any user that wants sound to the audio 
  You stated sound worked, so I assumed it was not a permission problem.

It has to be said that I can only play CDs as root, despite chgrping
/dev/cdrom to audio, and adding myself to /dev/cdrom


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

RE: workman and sound

1999-02-09 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Shaleh wrote:

 Here is my /dev/audio
 prompt$ ll /dev/audio
 crw-rw   1 root audio 14,   4 Jul 20  1998 /dev/audio
 run 'groups' as the user.  If audio appears then the above should work, it 
 on every one of my machines.
 If audio is not listed as one of your groups, as root run 'vigr' and add your
 user name to the end of the audio line.  The logout and log back in so the
 group change takes effect.

Also note, you need read access to /dev/hdc or whatever your cd drive is.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: X based developer

1999-02-09 Thread Dave Swegen
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 16:01 -0800, Brant Wells wrote:
 Howdy All...
 Is there an X-based programming environment like Visual Basic, or Visual 
 C++???  Any help woule be appreciated.

Look! There goes the neighbourhood! (Sorry, couldn't resist it ;) I believe
there is a project to create a visualwhatever for the gtk+ toolkit called,
umm, glade, I think (take a look at the software map at,
and also I believe there is also something similiar for
tcl/tk. You might find something at yahoo! Sorry to be so vague...

 Dave Swegen   | Debian 2.0 on Linux i386 2.2.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP key available on request
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

Re: minimum X packages?

1999-02-09 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 06:31:35PM -0600, Oleg Krivosheev wrote:
 why -10 insists on having tons of stuff installed i really
 don't use?
 like xfs, or rstart(d), or twm (is there any person alive who
 uses twm?), or xmh, or xterm, or...

It doesn't.  Read the extended description of the xbase package.

G. Branden Robinson  |I have a truly elegant proof of the
Debian GNU/Linux |above, but it is too long to fit into
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |this .signature file. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Zip detection in Kernel2.2.0 Problems

1999-02-09 Thread Mike Merten
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 07:59:38PM +, Olafur Jens Sigurdsson wrote:
 On 07. febrúar 1999, Mauro Mazzieri wrote:
  Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
   When loading the kernel I get
   ppa: Version2.03 (for Linux 2.2.0)
   Warning - no ppa compatible devices found.  My zipdrive is connected to
   my parallel port with the
   printer connected to the zipdrive.  I have had the zip for around 3
   years so I do not believe it is
   one of the newer types (plus my cable does not say autodetect).  Any
   ideas on what I might can try
   to get the kernel to read my parallel port zip drive?
  The ZIP-howto recommend to compile ppa as a module. Also, you have to
  select Iomega ZIP for parallel port as low-level scsi device.
 I think that the 2.2 kernel is supposed to be able to load both ppa and lp
 simultaneously so you shouldnt have to have it as an loadable module.

I have a zipdrive working with kernel 2.2.1.  I found it much easier
to get it working when I compiled the parport, scsi and zip support
directly into the kernel.  I believe I also had to enable the parport
autodetect feature, IIRC.  I have the lp support as a module.  At boot,
the kernel correctly identifies the zip drive but gives an error (no
disk), and also correctly identifies the HP printer attached to the
drive.  I'm using kernel boot params of 'parport=0x378,7
parport=0x278,5 lp=aut0' specified in lilo.conf with the append= 


Mike Merten
ICQ# 28460680

RE: workman and sound

1999-02-09 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:

 It has to be said that I can only play CDs as root, despite chgrping
 /dev/cdrom to audio, and adding myself to /dev/cdrom

OK, so all I had to do was make /dev/hdc world-readable sigh


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: can backgrounded processes outlive a login?

1999-02-09 Thread Martin Saturka
Rob Mahurin wrote:
 Let's say that I have some program I need to run that will take several
 hours, and that I want to end my login session so I don't have to worry
 about curious passersby coming and doing terrible things while my account is
 logged on.  It seems that there should be some way to accomplish this.  Is
 there?  I haven't seen anything.

When you are starting the job use nohup command for it. Look on info

Re: HP DeskJets

1999-02-09 Thread Syrus Nemat-Nasser
On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Alec Smith wrote:

 I use my DeskJet 870Cse with Linux, with good results. A comparable model
 on the market today would be roughly the 895Cse, so long as you've got the
 parallel version.
 Once you have the printer, just use magicfilter's dj550 filter and edit
 /etc/printcap as you would for any other printer.

Does it do a good job with color PS, or just with text? How about printing
web pages or pdf files from acroread?

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

NFS upgrades

1999-02-09 Thread Matthew Garrett

I'm currently helping upgrade a server running Debian 2.0 to the 2.2 kernel.
We've managed to satisfy most of the dependencies mentioned in the kernel
documentation other than the NFS one - the changes file suggests 2.2beta40,
while the latest Debian package I've been able to find is 2.2beta37. Is this
significant? The machine is exporting the home directories for a NIS cluster
over NFS, so I'd rather not discover hideous problems with the setup :)

Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

X11R6: No acceleration primitives defined - Again

1999-02-09 Thread Matthias Schulz
I'm working to get X11R6 on my Compaq Contura 410 (486DX2-50, 20MB, 2GB,
external monitor) working. Last time i had still a problem with the
trackball, -just forgot insmod psaux-  it is resolved now.
But the server starts, shows the background and mousepointer and shuts
down. I get following messages:

/usr/bin/X11/startx: gpm: command not found
(This command is from me to shut down gpm)

XFree86 Version 3.3 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: Jun  2 1997
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.0.21 i486 [ELF] 
Configured drivers:
  SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 0):
  NV1, STG2000, ET4000, ET4000W32, ET4000W32i, ET4000W32i_rev_b,
  ET4000W32i_rev_c, ET4000W32p, ET4000W32p_rev_a, ET4000W32p_rev_b,
  ET4000W32p_rev_c, ET4000W32p_rev_d, ET6000, et3000, pvga1,

  wd90c10, wd90c30, wd90c24, wd90c31, wd90c33, gvga, ati, sis86c201,
  sis86c202, sis86c205, tvga8200lx, tvga8800cs, tvga8900b,
  tvga8900cl, tvga8900d, tvga9000, tvga9000i, tvga9100b,
  tgui9320lcd, tgui9400cxi, tgui9420, tgui9420dgi, tgui9430dgi,
  tgui9440agi, tgui96xx, cyber938x, clgd5420, clgd5422, clgd5424,
  clgd5426, clgd5428, clgd5429, clgd5430, clgd5434, clgd5436,
  clgd5480, clgd5462, clgd5464, clgd5465, clgd6205, clgd6215,
  clgd6235, clgd7541, clgd7542, clgd7543, clgd7548, clgd7555,
  ncr77c22e, cpq_avga, mga2064w, mga1064sg, oti067, oti077, oti087,
  oti037c, al2101, ali2228, ali2301, ali2302, ali2308, ali2401,
  cl6412, cl6420, cl6440, video7, ct65520, ct65525, ct65530,
  ct65540, ct65545, ct65546, ct65548, ct65550, ct65554, ct64200,
  ct64300, ark1000vl, ark1000pv, ark2000pv, ark2000mt, mx, realtek,
  AP6422, AT24, s3_virge, generic
(using VT number 7)

XF86Config: /etc/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: rules: xfree86
(**) XKB: model: pc104
(**) XKB: layout: de
(**) Mouse: type: PS/2, device: /dev/psaux, baudrate: 1200
(**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: Primary Card
(**) SVGA: Monitor ID: Primary Monitor
(--) SVGA: Mode 320x240 needs hsync freq of 62.95 kHz. Deleted.
Warning: The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi does not exist.
 Entry deleted from font path.
Warning: The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1 does not exist.
 Entry deleted from font path.
Warning: The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo does not exist.
 Entry deleted from font path.
Warning: The directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi does not exist.
 Entry deleted from font path.
(**) FontPath set to
(--) SVGA: WD: Signature for WD90C[23]X=[0x32 0x34]
(--) SVGA: WD: Detected 90C24.  Try 90C30 or 90C31 if this doesn't work.
!!! I did, no success. !!!
(--) SVGA: WD: FP_Lock = 0xa6:
(--) SVGA: WD: dual scan 90C24, external monitor: assuming 1 Meg VRAM
(--) SVGA: chipset:  wd90c24
(--) SVGA: videoram: 1024k
(**) SVGA: clocks:  25.18  28.32  65.02  36.00  29.98  77.43  62.21 
(**) SVGA: clocks:  31.50  35.50  75.19  50.12  39.83  50.12  42.06 
(**) SVGA: clocks:  39.83
(**) SVGA: Using 8 bpp, Depth 8, Color weight: 666
(--) SVGA: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 90.000 MHz
(**) SVGA: Mode 640x480: mode clock =  25.180, clock used =  25.180
(--) SVGA: There is no mode definition named 320x240
(--) SVGA: Removing mode 320x240 from list of valid modes.
(--) SVGA: Virtual resolution set to 640x480
(--) SVGA: SpeedUp code selection modified because virtualX != 1024
(--) SVGA: PVGA1: SpeedUps selected (Flags=0xf)
(--) SVGA: Using XAA (XFree86 Acceleration Architecture)
(--) SVGA: XAA: No acceleration primitives defined.

waiting for X server to shut down 

Any ideas ?


Re: XPR for x-windows?

1999-02-09 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 05:45:18PM -0600, Kelly Corbin wrote:
 Question.  Does anyone know where to get xpr for Debian or something
 like it?  XPR takes an XWD (x-window dump file) an converts it into a
 Post-script file.  If anyone knows where to get it or another program
 like it that converts the screen dump into a useable format, I would
 appreciate it.  Thanks.

IIRC, xpr was dropped from X about the time R6 was released.

ImageMagick will do this for you.

xwd -out dump.xwd
convert dump.xwd

G. Branden Robinson  |Convictions are more dangerous enemies
Debian GNU/Linux |of truth than lies.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |-- Friedrich Nietzsche |

Description: PGP signature

How to trace why a process is running?

1999-02-09 Thread Eric House
Scenario: my machine is on but hasn't been used for several hours when
I notice the hard drive taking lots of hits.  I log on and run 'top'
which tells me a 'find', owned by root, is using 25% of the CPU.  'ps -ef',
even as root, doesn't show the 'find'.

Question: how do I figure out who started that 'find' and why?


--Eric House

Re: How to trace why a process is running?

1999-02-09 Thread Jolyon Suthers
Scenario: my machine is on but hasn't been used for several hours when
I notice the hard drive taking lots of hits.  I log on and run 'top'
which tells me a 'find', owned by root, is using 25% of the CPU.  'ps -ef',
even as root, doesn't show the 'find'.

Question: how do I figure out who started that 'find' and why?
The find task that you are describing is normally run by 'cron'; as part of
locate database system. As for tracking down the process - you should run
'ps -xaf' to show tasks that have been detached from a terminal.


Re: How to trace why a process is running?

1999-02-09 Thread Roland E. Lipovits
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 06:23:46PM -0800, Eric House wrote:
 I notice the hard drive taking lots of hits.  I log on and run 'top'
 which tells me a 'find', owned by root, is using 25% of the CPU.  'ps -ef',
 even as root, doesn't show the 'find'.
 Question: how do I figure out who started that 'find' and why?

I guess /etc/cron.daily/find was running, it is started by cron 
to update the database used by 'locate'.

You should use 'ps fax', ax to see all processes and f to see the
relationship between them.


Roland E. Lipovits
Vienna, Austria

Re: workman and sound

1999-02-09 Thread Dave Swegen
On Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 01:16 +, M.C. Vernon wrote:
 On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Richard Hall wrote:
  On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Shaleh wrote:
   On 08-Feb-99 Richard Hall wrote:
I went ahead and did 'chmod 666 /dev/audio' and that made workman work. 
really hate doing that, though.  It seems like there should be a way to
make /dev/audio available to me and various processes I start like
workman without making it world writable and without having to do group
   The proper thing to do is to add any user that wants sound to the audio 
   You stated sound worked, so I assumed it was not a permission problem.
 It has to be said that I can only play CDs as root, despite chgrping
 /dev/cdrom to audio, and adding myself to /dev/cdrom

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are using shadow passwords just adding
a user to /etc/group manually is not enough, you have to use adduser or
some other method to set it in /etc/group-.


 Dave Swegen   | Debian 2.0 on Linux i386 2.2.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP key available on request
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

Re: HP DeskJets

1999-02-09 Thread Alec Smith
Well, color might not be quite to the level of Winblows, but its passable.
There is a version of gs-aladdin that includes DeskJet 850 support, but I
haven't bothered to build it from source yet. (DJ850 isn't included in the
standard build). Webpages print fine.

At 05:33 PM 2/8/99 -0800, Syrus Nemat-Nasser wrote:
On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Alec Smith wrote:

 I use my DeskJet 870Cse with Linux, with good results. A comparable model
 on the market today would be roughly the 895Cse, so long as you've got the
 parallel version.
 Once you have the printer, just use magicfilter's dj550 filter and edit
 /etc/printcap as you would for any other printer.

Does it do a good job with color PS, or just with text? How about printing
web pages or pdf files from acroread?

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

Re: How to trace why a process is running?

1999-02-09 Thread John Hasler
Eric House writes:
 Scenario: my machine is on but hasn't been used for several hours when
 I notice the hard drive taking lots of hits.  I log on and run 'top'
 which tells me a 'find', owned by root, is using 25% of the CPU.

About 5AM?  probably cron running updatedb to update the database used by

 'ps -ef', even as root, doesn't show the 'find'.

ps -ef does not show processes with no controlling terminal.

 Question: how do I figure out who started that 'find' and why?

Next time use 'ps axef'.  If you recall the exact time, look in the
/etc/crontab.  In fact, look in /etc/crontab (and
/etc/cron.{daily|weekly|monthly}) anyway.  It's educational.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

2 Emacs Questions

1999-02-09 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
How do I search and replace 'hard-returns' or 'line-breaks'?  I searched
dejanews and the only thing I could find was to use C-q 'Enter' 'Enter'
with Alt-Shift %, but when I try this I get 'No search patterns found'.

Thanks Lance

Re: 2 Emacs Questions

1999-02-09 Thread David B. Teague

On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:

 How do I search and replace 'hard-returns' or 'line-breaks'?  I searched
 dejanews and the only thing I could find was to use C-q 'Enter' 'Enter'
 with Alt-Shift %, but when I try this I get 'No search patterns found'.
 Thanks Lance


You use search and replace, Meta %, and use Control Q Control j for your
search string to find a hard return. Control Q escapes the line ending
effect of Control j.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software should not be *expected* to crash.

Re: workman and sound

1999-02-09 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Dave Swegen wrote:

  It has to be said that I can only play CDs as root, despite chgrping
  /dev/cdrom to audio, and adding myself to /dev/cdrom
 Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are using shadow passwords just adding
 a user to /etc/group manually is not enough, you have to use adduser or
 some other method to set it in /etc/group-.

I'm not an expert by any means, but I think you can just add users to
groups in /etc/group (though I don't know if you can add whole groups like
that).  I have done that quite often and it seems to work (I'm using


reconfiguring a serial port -- please help

1999-02-09 Thread Richard Black
Hi all

I am trying to reconfigure my serial ports and am having no luck.  At
the moment, I have my mouse on /dev/ttyS0 and an internal modem on

What I want to do is put my modem on /dev/ttyS2 IRQ7 so that I can use
the built in serial board (that I presume exists on my mother board) on
/dev/ttyS1 (irq 3) for other stuff.

First I changed the jumpers on my model to COM3 IRQ 7 (an unused IRQ)
and added the following line in /etc/rc.boot/0setserial

${SETSERIAL} -b /dev/ttyS2 irq 7 port 0x3E8 skip_test autoconfig

and modifiyed my peers script for my dialup to look at ttyS2.  Nothing. 
The modem did not so much as beep.

Next I tried to change the interupt back to 3 (the original for
/dev/ttyS1 just in case it was irq 7 that was the problem).  Nothing.

Finally, I tried to set the model to COM2 IRQ 7.  Still nothing!

It appears that the only setting that works is COM2 IRQ 3 :-(

My motherboard is an intel triton EXP8551, my modem is some clone (it
doesn't appear to have a brand name), and I'm using kernal 2.1.125.

Help would be vastly appreciated.



Linux/windows networking questions.

1999-02-09 Thread Kevin Poorman \(Petra\)

Ok, I'm at wits end here... 3 days and 5 ... yes FIVE installs of 98 
later I've decided that I HATE windows... and would realy realy love 
to dump it. However, My school (Milligan, uses 
a Microsoft Proxy Sever/Client v2.0 (MAJOR YUCK) on the schools 
network... and I can't figure out how to get linux to have Inet 
access. I've gotten to the point where I get a Ip address from the 
DHCP server ... but I still can't ping anything .. via Ip address's or 
hostnames ... 

I would REALY love to dump this crappy os... I just NEED the net 

I don't know anything about networking ... and I know I'm shy on 
details here ... but I don't even know what details are needed  

Any help whatsoever would be GREATLY appreciated... 


-Kevin Poorman.

TNT/OpenGL acceleration?

1999-02-09 Thread Joel Gluth
Having made the decision to grit my teeth and buy a whole new machine,
I'm giving a lot of thought to what video card to buy. My current one
(which will continue to live with us) has some cheapo SVGA card and uses
3dfx for Quake.

I really like TNT though, and it would be nice to buy a 2D/3D card that
at least nominally supports XFree86 (source obfuscation issues aside, I
know) AND allows me to play That Game without having to shell out for a
separate Voodoo II.

Catch is, the Linux Quake HOWTO and its friends all seem to suggest that
3dfx is the only way to get hardware-accelerated Quake (or much else)
going. There are hints here and there that Riva were thinking about
addressing this issue, but I can't find anything recent. If this is
still true, I can't really justify buying a card like this since I don't
run Windows on anything so won't get all that lovely 3D stuff.

Short form: is it/will it soon become feasible to run
hardware-accelerated stuff like Quake[II] with just a TNT card? Or
should I just shrug, buy a nice Voodoo II, and pick up a nice 2D card at
the same time?
Joel Gluth joel-at-n-space-dot-com-dot-au
Software Engineer, N-Space Adelaide.
She is honest and kind, but in a way that people see
  as telling lies and being mean.  -- Heavenly

Re: X based developer

1999-02-09 Thread Morgan Fletcher
Brant Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Is there an X-based programming environment like Visual Basic, or Visual 
 C++???  Any help woule be appreciated.

Dunno if it's true, but I heard that Metrowerks is planning on porting
their IDE to linux/X11.

 M o r g a n   F l e t c h e r 
 Tibi gratias agimus quod nihil fumas.   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: X based developer

1999-02-09 Thread Kevin Poorman \(Petra\)
Date forwarded: 9 Feb 1999 04:41:28 -
Copies to:
Subject:Re: X based developer
From:   Morgan Fletcher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  08 Feb 1999 20:41:20 -0800
Forwarded by:

 Brant Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Is there an X-based programming environment like Visual Basic, or Visual 
  C++???  Any help woule be appreciated.
 Dunno if it's true, but I heard that Metrowerks is planning on porting
 their IDE to linux/X11.

wasn't code warrior just released under GPL?

  M o r g a n   F l e t c h e r 
  Tibi gratias agimus quod nihil fumas.   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-02-09 Thread Bal K. Paudyal
I have two pcs at home with net-work cards, PC-A  PC-B. In PC-A there is
no CDROM drive, I installed Debian Linux base from floppies. In order to
make room for Linux, I had to get rid of Windows 95 at PC-A, but I have
kept DOS6.22  Windows3.1.  Now, I can't connect to my Win95 PC-B using
Windows Network  IPX/SPX protocol because there is no Windows95 or Windows
for Work Groups at Linux/Dos PC-A.

I want to transfer my important files to the DOS partition of my Linux/Dos
system using some kind of network before I start playing with my very
important and state of the art PC-B. Is there anyway I can network DOS with
Windows 95?

Another way I tried is to install Netware 3.12. But the CD I have borrowed
legally for trial purpose from my friend has *.img files in it. I have no
idea what type of files are these. I tried to rawrite into floppies but
that does not create any file-system (msdos or ext2). I have problem doing
anything at all at this point.

May be someone can help!

Re: Networking

1999-02-09 Thread kaynjay
How about the crude approach of yanking the HD out of box A and install in
B?  While sounding painful, doing that with a change of jumpers to
accomodate the slave (if needed) can go quite quickly.

Or take a laplink approach?  (I've never used it, but believe it does what
you want ...)


In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 02/09/99 
   at 01:25 PM, Bal K. Paudyal [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

I have two pcs at home with net-work cards, PC-A  PC-B. In PC-A there is
no CDROM drive, I installed Debian Linux base from floppies. In order to
make room for Linux, I had to get rid of Windows 95 at PC-A, but I have
kept DOS6.22  Windows3.1.  Now, I can't connect to my Win95 PC-B using
Windows Network  IPX/SPX protocol because there is no Windows95 or Windows
for Work Groups at Linux/Dos PC-A.

I want to transfer my important files to the DOS partition of my Linux/Dos
system using some kind of network before I start playing with my very
important and state of the art PC-B. Is there anyway I can network DOS with
Windows 95?


Madness takes its toll.  Please have exact change.
--- (where can I get it?)

1999-02-09 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
I need to run both netscape and wordperfect.  Is there a package
that contains this package?  I very much need it.

On another note, what's going on with  Is it down.  It is
usually very helpful in discovering which package a given file is in.  Hmmm.



Re: Where is kernel 2.2.0?

1999-02-09 Thread Joey Hess
Anthony Campbell wrote:
 don't - in fact, I've even wired my speaker through the turbo switch so
 it's off most of the time!

Hm, do you dislike beeps or what? It's pretty trivial to patch the kernel to
disable beeps, I could make a loadable module that disabled kernel beeps
while it was loaded in about 10 minutes..

see shy jo

Debian Setup Problem

1999-02-09 Thread Gokhan ALGANATAY
I am trying to setup debian from the official cdrom. As suggested I boot
from cd,
comnfigure keuyboard, swap and linuz partitions, initialize anda mount than.
that point installation step is the next. But when I start to install an
error occured indicating
that unable to mount /dev/loop0 to /floppy. What is the purpose of using
loop device in
installation process?

P.S. My computer is a HP kayak Xas . It has a scsi disk which has noting to
do with linux. And an IDE
primary disk. Debian is being installed on ide.


GMT take-over in slink

1999-02-09 Thread Robert King
Since I upgraded to slink, for some reason syslog reports all its times in
GMT (which isn't a big problem), and cron does its stuff according to GMT
(which is a big problem, because updatedb goes off in the middle of the
afternoon instead of at 6am, which is a real pain).

Does anyone know why its doing this?


Robert King, Australian Environmental Studies, Griffith University, Australia
3875 6677   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if
I had been found doing so.  Now that I am fifty I read them openly.  When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness
and the desire to be very grown up.
 C. S. Lewis, On Three Ways of Writing for Children  

Re: /dev/loop0 mount problem

1999-02-09 Thread Gokhan ALGANATAY
I've just downloaded the whole cdrom, which I believe is the lasted one.
I'am using
binaries for installation. Did not do anything about activation loop0 in the

Gokhan Alganatay

-Original Message-
From: Robbie Davidson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 08 Şubat 1999 Pazartesi 18:20
Subject: Re: /dev/loop0 mount problem

Have you enabled support in the kernel for this ?

Also, have you got an up to date version of mount ?

Robert Davidson.

On Mon, 08 Feb 1999, Gokhan ALGANATAY wrote:
Hi everybody,
I am quite new to linux. Just trying to install and endlessly getting
mount /dev/loop0 error.
I tried to figure our the problem, but no luck. Readme file for
installation does not contain
anything about this case.
Any suggestions?


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Re: NFS upgrades

1999-02-09 Thread Tino Schwarze
Hi Matthew,
 I'm currently helping upgrade a server running Debian 2.0 to the 2.2 kernel.
 We've managed to satisfy most of the dependencies mentioned in the kernel
 documentation other than the NFS one - the changes file suggests 2.2beta40,
 while the latest Debian package I've been able to find is 2.2beta37. Is this
 significant? The machine is exporting the home directories for a NIS cluster
 over NFS, so I'd rather not discover hideous problems with the setup :)
I upgraded to 2.2.1 recently and haven't had any problems with NFS. I do
not use the kernel based NFS server though. (I noticed the 2.2beta37 as

Bye, Tino.

Re: reconfiguring a serial port -- please help

1999-02-09 Thread Peter Berlau
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 11:11:21PM -0500, Richard Black wrote:
 First I changed the jumpers on my model to COM3 IRQ 7 (an unused IRQ)
the irq 7 is mostly used by the printerdevice.
io 0x378 irq=7
maybe You can try the irq 9 ?

Peter Berlau 

shell scripting

1999-02-09 Thread caa
  i want to write a little shell script called addmailuser w/c executes 
adduser --conf /etc/mailuser.conf where mailuser.conf contains info like 
making their default shell /bin/false.
  in dos, that addmailuser file will simply contain adduser --conf 
/etc/mailuser.conf %1 where %1 is the first parameter that it sees, that is, 
the name of the user i want to add ... but how do u do this in linux ???
  hope someone can guide me on this,

Re: netscape proxy configuration

1999-02-09 Thread ivan

Thanks for your comments

I ended up fixing the problem by manually editing the config file (the one
that says do not edit !) - I can't remember the name of it now though
(back in Windows land).

I got the settings from my windows netscape config file and away I went.
No probs so far.


At 02:16 PM 2/8/99 -0500, Richard Hall wrote:
I think that your proxy is not running or not configured properly.  Are
you sure that you have the right port number?  Usually port 80 is for http
daemons, and squid runs on 3128 if I remember correctly.  You may have set
things up differently, though.

I tried to specify your proxy in my browser, and I get the same error
(except that it says HTTP, not FTP).  I also get that error if I
specify the wrong port for the proxy server that I normally use.  This
tells me that the problem is with the proxy server, not Netscape, so
hopefully that knowledge will help you.

On Sun, 7 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello all,
 I have finally stirred myself enough to install Netscape but now I find
 I cannot use it :(
 When I try to enter manual proxy configuration info
 (, port 80) Netscape tells me FTP proxy host; is unknown. This happens for all proxy
 Any ideas ?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Richard Hall
Network Services
University of Tennessee

Network Not Working!

1999-02-09 Thread Peter Ludwig
I'm having fun here :)

I've got the system setup to handle my ISP almost perfectly (still am
having a problem with fetchmail not responding to all requests properly),
now I've got a problem with the network at home.

I installed Debian telling it that I was on a network (the home network,
two machines, nothing fancy), and yet I seem to be unable to talk to the
other machine.

This is the response I get from SMBCLIENT :
Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
startlmhosts: Can't open lmhosts file /etc/lmhosts. Error was No such file
or directory
error connecting to (No route to host)

Now I've tried looking for a reference to /etc/lmhosts in the Samba
documentation, and no help there - nothing in reference documentation
about that file.

I get a response from the Win95 machine (when trying to telnet to the
linux box) of Host not found or some such nonsense.  The Win95 Machine is
setup to connect to it correctly (at least as far as I am able to
determine it is).

Thanks in Advance,
Peter Ludwig

Re: GMT take-over in slink

1999-02-09 Thread Remco van de Meent
Robert King wrote:
 Since I upgraded to slink, for some reason syslog reports all its times in
 GMT (which isn't a big problem), and cron does its stuff according to GMT
 (which is a big problem, because updatedb goes off in the middle of the
 afternoon instead of at 6am, which is a real pain).
 Does anyone know why its doing this?

It should no happen w/o your confirmation during the upgrade, but however..
You can change it by running `tzconfig' as root.


Re: reconfiguring a serial port -- please help

1999-02-09 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 11:11:21PM -0500, Richard Black wrote:
 What I want to do is put my modem on /dev/ttyS2 IRQ7 so that I can use
 the built in serial board (that I presume exists on my mother board) on
 /dev/ttyS1 (irq 3) for other stuff.
 First I changed the jumpers on my model to COM3 IRQ 7 (an unused IRQ)
 and added the following line in /etc/rc.boot/0setserial
 ${SETSERIAL} -b /dev/ttyS2 irq 7 port 0x3E8 skip_test autoconfig
 and modifiyed my peers script for my dialup to look at ttyS2.  Nothing. 
 The modem did not so much as beep.
 Next I tried to change the interupt back to 3 (the original for
 /dev/ttyS1 just in case it was irq 7 that was the problem).  Nothing.
 Finally, I tried to set the model to COM2 IRQ 7.  Still nothing!
 It appears that the only setting that works is COM2 IRQ 3 :-(
 My motherboard is an intel triton EXP8551, my modem is some clone (it
 doesn't appear to have a brand name), and I'm using kernal 2.1.125.

I  don't know about your motherboard but I have some suggestions.

1) Do you changed jumpers when power was off (some hardware can't recognize
changes when power is on).

2) Try scanport from hwtools package and run it twice whith and whithout
the modem attached to the motherboard to indetify which port really you have

3) Check settings in BIOS of your motherboard, maybe you have configured
COM3 on the motherboard. Configure irq 7 as legacy ISA card and/or remove
it from PCI settings.

4) Check jumper - sometimes you don't have electrical connection beetwen


Re: HP DeskJets

1999-02-09 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 09:08:04PM +0100, Martin Saturka wrote:
  can somebody tell me, how HP DJs work in Linux? Which of them works
  well? I want to buy one, but I don't know what are doing nice results
  (690C, 880C, ...???). Thanks a lot, Martin
 They work very well PROVIDED you buy a DJ that is NOT a Win Printer.
 I made the mistake of purchasing the HP DeskJet 712C, which is a
 Windows-only printer (braindead printer, most printing is done by
 Windows proprietary software).

If this is one of HP's printers using the PPA architecture, there
actually exists a linux driver that currently prints black and white
very nicely at 600 dpi:

Color support is in the works.  This concerns the HP 710, 720, 820, and
1000 series.

 I exchanged it for a HP DeskJet 697C, which works great under Linux.
 The 712c listed Windows as a system requirement; the 697c said the
 printer would work under Windows AND DOS...  I guess that's the
 determining factor.

The 710C also has DOS support, but only in a windows DOS box.

 I believe (not sure, though) that the 800 series also work under
 Linux.  The 690 series are definately a go, though.  (My dad has a
 693c which also works great).

Some of the 800 series (the 820, e.g.) also use the PPA architecture.
If you want to be sure the printer is directly supported by gs, you
should look for a HP printer that supports the PCL printing language.
If you are stuck with a PPA (Prining Performance Architecture) printer,
the ppa2pbm program from the aforementioned web page will be of great


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Network card driver installation

1999-02-09 Thread Abel Gascón Abellán

I've just installed linux debian and my network card  ICL Etherteam PCI
wasn't added correctly to the system. I know that the chipset in the
card is an AMD PCNet.  I think the driver installation wasn't successful
because the irq and IO address weren't corrects, but I don't know what
is the exact line that I should do. My irq is 5 and the IO is D000.
Anyone knows what's the correct line? or Anyone knows the correct way to
addd this driver card now with the system installed without it?

Regards, Abel

Re: shell scripting

1999-02-09 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)

 I want to write a little shell script called addmailuser w/c
 executes adduser --conf /etc/mailuser.conf where mailuser.conf
 contains info like making their default shell /bin/false.  in dos,
 that addmailuser file will simply contain adduser --conf
 /etc/mailuser.conf %1 where %1 is the first parameter that it sees,
 that is, the name of the user i want to add ... but how do u do this
 in linux ???
 hope someone can guide me on this,

The simplest script in unix would be

#! /bin/sh

adduser --conf /etc/mailuser.conf $1

The first line indicates you are running a bourne shell script, which is
the most portable type of script.  The $1 is the first argument.  After
you save the script, you should make it executable:

chmod +x addmailuser

Then as root, you would run it like

./addmailuser joe

to add user joe (root does not have the current directory in its path).
Traditionally, most unix commands can take any number of arguments to do
the same thing with.  A script that could add more than one user in one
run would look like:

#! /bin/sh

for u in $*; do
  adduser --conf /etc/mailuser.conf $u

Now you can type

./addmailuser bill hilary chelsea


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Mouse support in X-Windows

1999-02-09 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I have just installed X-Windows on my Dell P2 PC with a Microsoft
 However X-Windows complains:
 Warning: /dev/psaux unable to get status of mouse fd (Inappropriate ioctl
 for device)
 and the mouse does not work properly - it appears to be stuck in a window
 enlarge procedure and behaves irratically
 Any ideas ?

Check out


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

RE: workman and sound

1999-02-09 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Robert V. MacQuarrie wrote:

 On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:
 On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:
  It has to be said that I can only play CDs as root, despite chgrping
  /dev/cdrom to audio, and adding myself to /dev/cdrom
 OK, so all I had to do was make /dev/hdc world-readable sigh
 Again .. you do not have to change ANY permissions. Type ls -l filename..
 My cdrom is on /dev/hdh so 'ls -l /dev/hdh' shows
 brwxrwx---   1 root disk  34,  64 Apr 26  1998 /dev/hdh
 Do the samething you did with your /dev/audio groups but add yourself to
 the group 'disk' like so 'adduser user disk'

This assumes I want to add myself to group disk, which I do not. OTOH,
giving everyone read permissions to my CDROM is unlikely to cause problems

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: reconfiguring a serial port -- please help

1999-02-09 Thread buns
Richard Black wrote:

 Hi all

 I am trying to reconfigure my serial ports and am having no luck.  At
 the moment, I have my mouse on /dev/ttyS0 and an internal modem on

 What I want to do is put my modem on /dev/ttyS2 IRQ7 so that I can use
 the built in serial board (that I presume exists on my mother board) on
 /dev/ttyS1 (irq 3) for other stuff.

 First I changed the jumpers on my model to COM3 IRQ 7 (an unused IRQ)
 and added the following line in /etc/rc.boot/0setserial

 ${SETSERIAL} -b /dev/ttyS2 irq 7 port 0x3E8 skip_test autoconfig

I think you need to specify the uart (serial chip) on the modem card.

Re: (where can I get it?)

1999-02-09 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 22:30:58 -0800, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
 I need to run both netscape and wordperfect.  Is there a package
 that contains this package?

xlib6 in oldlibs.

 On another note, what's going on with  Is it down. is a rotating DNS name; when it doesn't work for you, try an
explicit server name (see for
the list).

PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
have the decency to betray his country.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: Fortran + X11 compilation

1999-02-09 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 18:10:31 +, Jose L. Gomez Dans wrote:
I was told to move to Fortran to do some work, so it's not my fault :)))
 I don't have anything to do with Fortran :))) Anyway, I downloaded the
 pgplot graphic libraries, and tried compiling an example program.
 Apparently, what I have to do is:
 g77 -o outfile infile.f -lpgplot -lX11
   The thing seems to work, but ldd complains it can't find the X11

I suspect you mean ld not ldd here.

It looks like you haven't told ld where to look for the X11 library. Try
g77 -o outfile infile.f -lpgplot -L/usr/lib/X11 -lX11 

PATRIOTISM  A great British writer once said that if he had to choose 
between betraying his country and betraying a friend he hoped he would
have the decency to betray his country.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

upgrading to 2.0.35 or 2.0.36 under Hamm

1999-02-09 Thread Chris Evans
I am running Hamm very happily on a machine sitting in an ISP.  
However, it can't access the SCSI controller and I need to fix that 
(very nervously).  I am advised that the ncr based controller is likely 
to be happier with the 2.0.35 or 2.0.36 kernel, though it may still 
need a driver/module upgrade then.

One  step at a time: anyone else moved to 2.0.35/36 while 
retaining the rest of Hamm?  I don't really want to make the move 
to slink until a while after it moves to be stable but I do need to 
make this move.

Any advice on doing it so I can easily get back if things break: 
something about registering two bootable kernels using lilo?



PSYCTC: Psychotherapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Counselling
   and Therapeutic Communities; practice, research, 
   teaching and consultancy.
Chris Evans  Jo-anne Carlyle  Tel/fax.:(+44|0)181-671 0868 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Need help with Leafnode/Netscape

1999-02-09 Thread John C. Ellingboe
I am unable to connect to my Leafnode server from my workstation
running Netscape.

I an running a server system with Debian hamm and some slink packages
advised by security advisories and a workstation with hamm and some
slink packages including Netscape 4.06.  I have installed and
configured Leafnode version 1.4 on my server system.  When I try to
connect to it from my workstation system I get the following message
from Netscape.

An error occurred with the News server.

If you are unable to connect again, contact the administrator for this

I find Leafnode itself running on the server by using ps ax | grep
leaf* which gives 3120  1  TWN  0.02  (leafnode).   Fetch is working
since I have a file /var/lib/leafnode/groupinfo full of the group
names and there are syslog entries.  There is an appropriate entry in
/etc/inetd.conf, nntp  stream  tcp  nowait  news  /usr/sbin/tcpd  
/usr/sbin/leafnode, and also entries in /etc/hosts.allow that was
added by the leafnode install.

Any help/suggestions are appreciated.

John C. Ellingboe
www.guntersville.netbegin:  vcard
fn: John Ellingboe
n:  Ellingboe;John
org:The Guntersville Conputer Center
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:  Owner
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE

Re: Where is kernel 2.2.0?

1999-02-09 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 08 Feb 1999q, Joey Hess wrote:
 Anthony Campbell wrote:
  don't - in fact, I've even wired my speaker through the turbo switch so
  it's off most of the time!
 Hm, do you dislike beeps or what? It's pretty trivial to patch the kernel to
 disable beeps, I could make a loadable module that disabled kernel beeps
 while it was loaded in about 10 minutes..

I wired my speaker like that ages ago, perhaps even when I was still using
DOS. Anyway, at least the turbo button does something useful now...


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: DSelect and ftp

1999-02-09 Thread Jiri Baum
Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven:
 send (ATZ^M)
 expect (OK)
 -- Failed
 Failed (NO CARRIER)
 Connect script failed

That sounds as if ppp (or chat) is sending `ATZ' to the modem, expecting to
get back `OK' but getting `NO CARRIER' instead. Is that right?

That'd definitely be a problem, but I'm not sure how it'd come about; why
would a modem respond to `ATZ' with `NO CARRIER'?

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: using dpkg

1999-02-09 Thread Jiri Baum

  [bash]$ whoami; dpkg -i filename.deb
  dpkg: `ldconfig' not found on PATH.
  dpkg: `start-stop-daemon' not found on PATH.
  dpkg: `install-info' not found on PATH.
  dpkg: `update-rc.d' not found on PATH.
  dpkg: 4 expected program(s) not found on PATH.

I wrote:
 Why are those four programs not found?

And it was promptly pointed out that mblevin ne root.

I'm an idiot.

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: Dual Boot Woes

1999-02-09 Thread Jiri Baum
Kent West:
 You can then go one step further and set up CONFIG.SYS  AUTOEXEC.BAT to
 offer the choice of which OS you want to boot into.

You can go a step further still and set up autoexec to run one or the other
depending on the presence of a particular file, so you can switch from one
to the other.

I have autoexec check for DOS.TAG, LINUX.BAT delete C:\DOS.TAG and loadlin,
and a script touch /c:/dos.tag and do shutdown -r now

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: Networking

1999-02-09 Thread Jiri Baum

Bal K. Paudyal:
 I have two pcs at home with net-work cards, PC-A  PC-B. In PC-A there is
 no CDROM drive, I installed Debian Linux base from floppies. In order to
 make room for Linux, I had to get rid of Windows 95 at PC-A, but I have
 kept DOS6.22  Windows3.1.  Now, I can't connect to my Win95 PC-B using
 Windows Network  IPX/SPX protocol because there is no Windows95 or
 Windows for Work Groups at Linux/Dos PC-A.

You can network Win95 and Linux using samba and TCP/IP.

On the Win95 end, switch to the TCP/IP protocol. On the linux end, install
the smbfs and samba packages (perhaps also smb-nat), and make sure the
smbfs module is in the kernel (check /proc/filesystems).

One problem is that from the linux end, file listings tend to be
incomplete. I'm told recompiling the kernel will help, and I'm going to do
that RSN here at home.

 I want to transfer my important files to the DOS partition of my
 Linux/Dos system using some kind of network before I start playing with
 my very important and state of the art PC-B. Is there anyway I can
 network DOS with Windows 95?

The other way, which will probably be much less bother (but much less
flexible) is Laplink, as someone else already suggested.

Laplink is a wonderful program that can handle almost anything. However, we
use an old (pre-W95) version; I've no idea whether the current version is
still so robust. (The only thing our version had troubles with was W95 -
but even then all it needed was to run in MS-DOS mode.)

The two computers need to be connected by a serial or a special parallel
cable. Once up, laplink presents two boxes on the screen, a local one and a
remote one, and lets you copy between the two.


We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: Redirecting display output to multiple monitors

1999-02-09 Thread Jiri Baum
 I have three computers on a LAN. I want to run an application in one of
 them and have the display output showing on the other two at the same
 time. I guess what I'm trying to do is something like MS netmeeting. Is
 this possible?

I'm not familiar with netmeeting, and others have already noted methods for
X, but if you just want the output of a console command to show on several
terminals, you could use tee(1) or tail(1) with the -f option or named
pipes (mkfifo(1)).

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

KDE-1.1Pre2 on a hamm system (report)

1999-02-09 Thread Peter Weiss

if someone is interested in, I just succeeded installing the KDE-1.1Pre2
debian packages from the server on a mostly pure Hamm
system. Here's a list of what needed to be done on my machine:

 - kdebase depends on the following packages that need to be upgraded

   o qt-1.42:

 Sources fetched from potato and compiled on my machine using
 dpkg-buildpackage. Be sure the following _hamm_ packages are
 installed (beside some standard -dev packages):

  mesag2  2.6-3   A 3-D graphics library which uses the OpenGL
  mesag2-dev  2.6-3   Development library for Mesa [libc6].
  gltt1   1.7-3   library to read and draw TrueType fonts in O
  gltt1-dev   1.7-3   development kit for gltt

   o libjpeg62:

 Fetching the Slink binary does not work due to wrong libc6
 version. But building a debian binary from the slink source can
 easily be done using dpkg-buildpackage.

   o libncurses4:

 Same as for libjpeg62. The sources are in the libs section not in
 the base section. I recognized no conflicts with the hamm curses
 packages after installation.

   o zlib1:

 kdebase depends on version 1.1.3 which must be compiled as well. Be
 sure to use the sources from the oldlibs section not from the libs
 section where only 1.1.2 can be found. This version also includes
 some libc5 packages which need an old gcc version. I fixed this by
 not using dpkg-buildpackage but debian/rules binary-zlibg after
 removing some dependencies in the rules file.

 - After all the kde packages could easily be installed.

   But I removed them soon afterwards, cause my whole system stopped
   (even the kernel, no ping response from externel) each time I logged
   out. Guess these are some pci problems triggered by kde. Has anyone
   else seen this (kernel version is 2.0.34) ? 


P.S. It's possible easier compiling kde from scratch and installing it in
 the /usr/local tree.
Peter Weiss, Adejeweg 20, D-Unterhaching, Tel:  089/ 61029803
---The foolish ones taught more to me than the wise ones ever could---

HP LaserJet IIIp configuration

1999-02-09 Thread Armin Wegner
I've got a HP LaserJet IIIp and chosen hpjet3 in magicfilterconfig.
But when printing my LaTeX files with dvips the left margin is greater than
I told to.
Can you help me.

smail configuration.

1999-02-09 Thread Shao Zhang
some sites mail spam rejects my mail because my hostname is not

So how do I config smail to make sure my host name is qualified. I
had a look at the man page about /etc/smail/qualify... but don't really
understand what to do with it...



Re: Come cambiare l'owner di uno script lanciato da pppd ?

1999-02-09 Thread Aaron Stromas


tra i vari script in /etc/ppp/ip-up ho messo uno che fa:

/usr/sbin/pppstats -w 10 >> /var/log/pppstats.log

dato che viene avviato da pppd, ha owner root, anche se 'pon' lo lancio da
user normale.

Quando mi disconnetto, con 'poff', killo il programma, ma mi dice:

/usr/local/script/ kill: (2411) - Not owner

perche' giustamente e' (ps aux)

root 2411 0.1 1.0 728 324 ? S 01:33 0:00 /usr/sbin/pppstats -w 10

Insomma, come faccio a chiudere il programma alla fine della connessione?

( e' uno script bash, "fotocopiato" dagli altri script classici


Paolo Pedaletti, Como, ITALYa

per cambiare l'owner usi "chown owner> file>" ma questo script
dev'essere lanciato da root. per cio, se vuoi terminarlo deve usare "sudo".
altrimenti, si puo scrivere una piccola programma nel linguaggio c e farla
/* kill9.c */
#include sys/types.h>
#include signal.h>
main(argc, argv)
 int argc;
 char **argv;
 if (argc > 1)
 while (*(++argv))

kill((pid_t) atoi(*argv), 9);
fai la compilazione:
 gcc kill9.c -o kill9
e puoi fai suid (lo devi fare come root):
chown root kill9
chmod 4555 kill9
allora, puoi usarlo passando i numeri di processi che vuoi uccidere,
per esempio
kill9 101 1024
Aaron Stromas | "Tick-tick-tick!!!...
ja, Pantani is weg"
Oracle Corp. |
BRTN commentator, L'Alpe d'Huez, 1995 Tour de France
+1 703 708 68 21 |

SoundBlaster card configuration

1999-02-09 Thread Armin Wegner
Hello everybody, having problems with your SoundBlaster card. I
recommend to recompile the kernel and to set the irq, ports, etc.
Don't forget to say yes to the sound devices. I know, compiling the kernel
is not the easiest thing and eats time, but it's worth this. Your new kernel
perfectly fits your system. I've never had any problems with sound doing it 
this way.
Possibly, there are parameters to give at the boot prompt wich serve this
purpose as well, but I don't know them. Can you tell me about that?

Re: HP LaserJet IIIp configuration

1999-02-09 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I've got a HP LaserJet IIIp and chosen hpjet3 in magicfilterconfig.
 But when printing my LaTeX files with dvips the left margin is greater than
 I told to.
 Can you help me.

I don't use magicfilter myself, but could it be that it is configured
for letter paper whereas you are sending it A4?


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Dial in Server Problem

1999-02-09 Thread Frank Barknecht
Jorge Sousa hat gesagt: // Jorge Sousa wrote:

 I'm trying to use  Debian Linux as a ppp dial in server for Win95 clients.
 I'm able to login into the linux box only if I have the - Bring terminal
 window after dialing - check box checked. If this checkbox is off the line
 goes down after a while.
 If I login using the terminal window I'm stucked inside a very small window
 and cannot interact with my win95 system.
 How can I assign a IP address to the caller's interface?
 How can I be validated using  AutoPPP?
 How to avoid the terminal window?
 Which log files can I send to the list to get some help?

 I've read a lot of files, followed some examples but still missing something
 on the authentication side.

Hi Jorge,
I did set up a ppp server just yesterday after A LOT of problems. But now it
is working, yeah.

-= THE GOAL =-

The dialin server has the IP-number in my LAN. Incoming
connections shall get the IP-Number All normal users on should be allowed to dial in using their passwords. 

-= THE RUN =-

First I installed the usual packages, i.e. pppd and mgetty. 
They have to be configured. Don't change /etc/ppp/options! Put inbound 
options in the options file for your modem port.

My [EMAIL PROTECTED] sits at ttyS0 so I edited /etc/ppp/options.ttyS0 
(copied from options.ttyXX) to give the incoming calls the right IP-Number: 

# /etc/ppp/options.ttyS0:
# Edit the following line so that the first IP address
# mentioned is the is the IP address of your host while the second
# is the ip address of the serial port
# DEBUG is good at first
# END options

Now comes the critical part:
Win95 prefers PAP so I had to setup the file /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
The secrets file in my pppd-package has a bug, I think, which caused
authentification to fail. The right way is this:

# /etc/ppp/pap-secrets:
# INBOUND connections

# Every regular user can use PPP and has to use passwords from /etc/passwd
# From debian mailing list:
*  *
#  ^ this number HAS to be the SAME as in 
#the file options.ttyS0 (IMPORTANT)
# UserIDs that cannot use PPP at all. Check your /etc/passwd and add any
# other accounts that should not be able to use pppd!
guest   fliwatut* -
master  fliwatut* -
rootfliwatut* -
support fliwatut* -
stats   fliwatut* -

# OUTBOUND connections
# your stuff here [...]

The last file to check is /etc/mgetty/login.config
The line starting with /AutoPPP/ should be uncommented and read something
/AutoPPP/ - - /usr/sbin/pppd auth +pap -chap login -detach 
^ this can also be 'a_ppp' or just an '@'
  and you maybe don't need the -detach option.


On the client side there should be no further configuration necessary. 
Just make a new dialup connection to your debian machine as described 
in /usr/doc/ppp/win95.ppp

Now watch incoming calls in the following two places:

* should show mgetty starting the pppd
02/08 15:58:40 yS0   tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/08 15:58:40 yS0   print welcome banner (/etc/issue)
02/08 15:58:40 yS0   getlogname (FIDO AUTO_PPP), read:~[ff]}#[c0]!
02/08 15:58:42 yS0   input finished with '\r', setting ICRNL ONLCR
02/08 15:58:42 yS0   tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR DCD
02/08 15:58:42 yS0login: use login config file /etc/mgetty/login.config
02/08 15:58:42 yS0   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key=''
02/08 15:58:42 yS0   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key=''
02/08 15:58:42 yS0   match: user='/AutoPPP/', key='/AutoPPP/'*** hit!
02/08 15:58:42 yS0   calling login: cmd='/usr/sbin/pppd', argv[]='pppd auth 
+pap -chap login -detach'
02/08 15:58:42 # data dev=ttyS0, pid=1063, caller='none', 
conn='33600/LAPM/V42BIS', name='', cmd='/
usr/sbin/pppd', user='/AutoPPP/'

* shows the gory details of two pppds talking to each other, checking 
  passwords and negotiating IP adresses.

One last tip: 
If you can do, then try dialing into the debian machine from another debian
or linux system. You will get a lot more debuging info this way.

Hope this helps. Happy dialing,
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: Need help with Leafnode/Netscape

1999-02-09 Thread Dave Swegen
You could try going into /etc/hosts.allow and changing the hostnames for
leafnode so that they use numeric values instead (ie change 'localhost' to
''). HTH


On Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 04:03 -0600, John C. Ellingboe wrote:
 I am unable to connect to my Leafnode server from my workstation
 running Netscape.
 I an running a server system with Debian hamm and some slink packages
 advised by security advisories and a workstation with hamm and some
 slink packages including Netscape 4.06.  I have installed and
 configured Leafnode version 1.4 on my server system.  When I try to
 connect to it from my workstation system I get the following message
 from Netscape.
 An error occurred with the News server.
 If you are unable to connect again, contact the administrator for this
 I find Leafnode itself running on the server by using ps ax | grep
 leaf* which gives 3120  1  TWN  0.02  (leafnode).   Fetch is working
 since I have a file /var/lib/leafnode/groupinfo full of the group
 names and there are syslog entries.  There is an appropriate entry in
 /etc/inetd.conf, nntp  stream  tcp  nowait  news  /usr/sbin/tcpd  
 /usr/sbin/leafnode, and also entries in /etc/hosts.allow that was
 added by the leafnode install.
 Any help/suggestions are appreciated.
 John C. Ellingboe
Content-Description: Card for John Ellingboe

 Dave Swegen   | Debian 2.0 on Linux i386 2.2.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP key available on request
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

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