(off-topic) Linux Actual y cedés defectuosos.

1999-01-07 Thread Gabriel B.

Me parece que alguien de Linux Actual envió un mensaje diciendo que cambiaban 
los cds
defectuosos del nº4. He perdido algo de correo. Si alguien me puede enviar ese 
mensaje se
lo agradecería.

Un Saludo.
Gabriel B.


Re: problemilla con libc6

1999-01-07 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
Hola Felipe,
 Felipe Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Hola a todos, ojala hayan pasado unas felices fiestas. En cuanto a mi,
  aproveche la noche da aqo nuevo para actualizar mi Bo a Hamm. Aparte de
  los problemas habibituales (teclado desconfigurado, no me parten  las X),
  lo que mas me preocupa es las libc6, cuando trato de configurarlo usando
  dpkg, me tira un mensaje de error que realmente no dice mucho.
  dpkg: error processing libc6 (--configure)
   subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1
  Errors were encountered while processing:

 ¿qué método utilizaste para hacer el upgrade?  El problema con el
 upgrade de bo a hamm es el cambio en la biblioteca de C.  Lo que
 puedes hacer es buscar en http://www.es.debian.org/ un documento que
 explica como hacer dicho upgrade.  En:


 hay más información al respecto.

 Solo para tranquilizarte un poco, el 'postinst' de libc6 hace dos
 cosas muy simples: una es reejecutar el init y la otra actualizar el
 'cache' de bibliotecas.  La que está fallando quizás es la primera,
 pero si dices que no hay otro mensaje más que el que transcribes no
 estoy seguro.  Si lo que falla es eso, yo en tu caso no apagaría la
 máquina hasta no haber actulizado sysvinit. (Pero mira la página que
 indico, pues es más explícita)


Re: Consultas sobre wmaker.

1999-01-07 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
  - Parece que tal como viene configurado por defecto, no permite cambiar el
  tamaño de las ventanas. Cómo puedo cambiar este comportamiento?

 Te aseguro que eso no es una opción de configuración...  ¿a qué te
 refieres? Recuerda que wmaker *solo* utiliza la barra inferior para
 cambiar el tamaño de las ventanas...  otra forma es presionando Alt
 ('Meta' en realidad) y el botón *derecho* del mouse y lo mueves...
 aunque no estoy seguro de a cual versión corresponde esta opción.
  - Al poner el wmload como 'Autolaunch', lo que hace es arrancarme el que
  está en el dock y otro que aparece por ahí como ventana normal,
  estorbando. Esto es así o hay algo que no he hecho?

 arranca wmload como '/usr/bin/X11/wmload -shape -withdrawn'

  - Ya van dos veces que al salir del wmaker ('Exit') me encuentro el
  mapa de caracteres de la consola cambiado (símbolos extraños).
  **No** se arregla con 'reset'. Le pasa a alguien más?

 Ese es pleito de la tarjeta de video:

  a) La memoria está defectuosa

  b) Hay algún tipo de problema con el servidor X con la tarjeta Esto
 se puede arreglar utilizando algunas opciones para el servidor,
 pero debes leer el manual del mismo (mira en XF86_SVGA(1x),
 XF86_S3(1x), o lo que corresponda)

  c) El RAMDAC está funcionando a una velocidad que realmente no

  - Dónde hay información, manual o lo que sea sobre el wmaker?


 Allí hay varios enlaces que te pueden servir.


RE: TO-TH : Conflictos SCSI.

1999-01-07 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren
Saludos, tocayo

Agradezco mucho el tiempo que te has tomado para darme una solución al
problema, pero me parece que oyes campanas y no sabes dónde, seguramente por
mi tendencia a hacer literatura en lugar de dar información.

Aclarar que dispositivos SCSI sólo tengo el disco duro, la zip es
externa y está conectada al puerto paralelo, de ahí el mensaje
'scsi1 : Iomega parport ZIP drive'
i.e., que es detectada sin problemas y asignada a scsi1 tanto por el
programa de instalación como por LILO durante el arranque (el que se vuelve
loco con la zip es WINDOWS; cunado la instalo de alguna forma el sistema la
solapa con el disco duro SCSI y tarde o temprano tengo un glorioso cuelgue,
por lo tengo sin ella instalada; pero esta es otra historia).

Te recuerdo que el programa de instalación sí detecta correctamente el
disco SCSI cuando se ejecuta en las condiciones mencionadas, pero falla
miserablemente si intento la instalación, bien entrando en DOS por medio del
menú de arranque de WINDOWS (lo que me tiene bastante perplejo), o bien por
medio de una sesión DOS no-windows (en mi caso PC-DOS 7.0) iniciada desde un
disco de arranque.

En lo que tal vez vayas bien encaminado es en lo de que no tengo
instalados en el kernel los drivers, pero de la propia tarjeta. Al menos eso
es lo que piensa John C. Ellingboe (para más detalles lee los mensajes que
dejó los días 3 y 5 del corriente con asunto 'Re: Amazing installation. SCSI
Problems' en la lista [EMAIL PROTECTED] Si no estas muy puesto en
inglés dímelo y te mando un resumen, en español).

'scsi1 : Iomega parport ZIP drive
   scsi host 2  (lo siento,
se me había pasado por alto)
 (scsi0:0:0:-1:-1) scanning channel for devices
 scsi: aborting command due to timeout: pid 0, scsi0, channel 0, id
0, bus 0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00'
Esta es la secuencia correcta de mensajes antes del cuelgue.

De todas las suposiciones que haces sólo das en el clavo en una: tengo
el disco enchufado al conector interno de 68-pin; con todo lo demás te
columpias (evidentemente por culpa mía).

No entiendo muy bien eso de 'cerrar los canales'. Si te refieres a
quitar de la configuración de la BIOS los ID de los dispositivos retirados
(he vuelto a mirar el manual de la tarjeta de arriba a abajo y por ninguna
parte aparece la palabra canal (channel), pero sí la palabra 'bus' asociada
a los ID de los dispositivos), te aclaro que sólo tengo 2 ID's definidos en
la BIOS, el del disco, ID #0, y el del host (la controladora), ID #7, que
por otra parte son los recomendados por el manual del usuario.

En cuanto a la longitud de los cables estoy usando el que venía con el
kit; si tienes una sugerencia mejor te agradecería que me la hicieras

Para no repetirme, héchale una ojeada a mi última respuesta a las
sugerencias de Marcelo; ahí relaciono con más detalle los mensajes que LILO
me da con respecto controladora y la configuración BIOS de la misma.

De nuevo gracias y, por favor, no desistas: Esto sigue sin funcionar.

Antonio A. Rivas

suscribe fserrano@ctv.es

1999-01-07 Thread Hue-Bond

Re: Consultas sobre wmaker.

1999-01-07 Thread xcalbet
On  4 Jan, Juan Ignacio Llona wrote:
 Hola a todos!
 Varias cosas sobre el wmaker (la versión de la Debian 2.0):
 - Parece que tal como viene configurado por defecto, no permite cambiar el
 tamaño de las ventanas. Cómo puedo cambiar este comportamiento?

Agarra cualquiera de las dos esquinas inferiores y podras cambiar el
tamaño de las ventanas.
Lo que no se como resolver es si tienes una ventana mas grande que la
pantalla y las esquinas inferiores sobresalen fuera de la pantalla.
Entonces, ¿como se cambia el tamaño?

 - Al poner el wmload como 'Autolaunch', lo que hace es arrancarme el que
 está en el dock y otro que aparece por ahí como ventana normal,

Tienes que arrancar wmload con:
wmload -shape -withdrawn
por ejemplo.
Asi ocurre con casi todas las aplicaciones que quieras poner en el dock.

 estorbando. Esto es así o hay algo que no he hecho?
 - Ya van dos veces que al salir del wmaker ('Exit') me encuentro el mapa
 de caracteres de la consola cambiado (símbolos extraños). **No** se
 arregla con 'reset'. Le pasa a alguien más?

Nunca me ha pasado.

 - Dónde hay información, manual o lo que sea sobre el wmaker?

Hay un manual de usuario por ahi. Mira en

 Agradeceré cualquier respuesta ;-)
 Iñaki Llona
 http://web.jet.es/jillona/   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
 Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Problemas con el CDROM contrib de Debian-Hamm

1999-01-07 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
Hola a todos:

Tengo instalado la Hamm de Debian que venía con la revista LA.

He tenido algún problema con el CDROM contrib, el tercero de la

He intentado instalar el Navigator que viene en el subdirectorio
debian/slink/non-free/binary-i386. Pero no me aparecen esos paquetes
cuando arranco el dselect. Creo que he introducido bien el nombre del
subdirectorio en las opciones donde me pide de donde voy a tomar los
paquetes. pero como no me aparecen esos paquetes, supongo que algo habré

hecho mal.

Intenté instalar el Navigator de Netscape con una versión que se
autoinstalaba y no lo pude conseguir porque estaba preparado para la
versión de librerias libc5. Este paquete también iba a buscar otras
librerías a unos dubdirectorios distintos a donde las guarda Debian (lo
ví con el strace), pero esto lo solucioné creando enlaces simbólicos con

ln -s. Pero al ver que también pedía las libc5 desistí y lo intenté con
el cdrom de Debian y me ha ocurrido el problema que he comentado

Me ha pasado algo parecido con el entorno kde, aunque estos paquetes

si me aparecen en la lista de paquetes instalables, al intentar
instalarlos se queja de que faltan algunas librerias del estilo qt
En este caso pensé que se referían a los paquetes rpm que también
vienen en este cdrom. Con el programa alien los pasé a formato Debian y
los instalé, pero me sigue dando errores con las librerías.

Quisiera saber si con estos datos me podeis comentar que error estoy

cometiendo y si existe algún método sencillo para cargar el Navigator
con las libc6.

Respecto a las x-window, tengo cargados dos manejadores de ventanas,

las fvwm95 y   la window-maker. Particularmente, me gusta más esta
última. Pero me gustaría saber si el color de fondo de las ventanas de
xterminal pudiera ser diferente del blanco que sale por defecto y si se
pueden crear ventanas de xterminal deslizantes que conserven 300 ó 400
líneas, etc. He estado echando un vistazo a un fichero
de wm (creo que de configuración) pero no he relacionado ninguna opción
de las que aquí aparece con los problemas que os comento.

Saludos y gracias por adelantado.

Unidentified subject!

1999-01-07 Thread Arale
subscribe debian

Re: Consultas sobre wmaker.

1999-01-07 Thread Juanmi Mora
On Thu, 7 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On  4 Jan, Juan Ignacio Llona wrote:
 Agarra cualquiera de las dos esquinas inferiores y podras cambiar el
 tamaño de las ventanas.
 Lo que no se como resolver es si tienes una ventana mas grande que la
 pantalla y las esquinas inferiores sobresalen fuera de la pantalla.
 Entonces, ¿como se cambia el tamaño?
Alt + botón derecho del ratón y
  - Ya van dos veces que al salir del wmaker ('Exit') me encuentro el mapa
  de caracteres de la consola cambiado (símbolos extraños). **No** se
  arregla con 'reset'. Le pasa a alguien más?
 Nunca me ha pasado.

Esto no tiene nada que ver con el wmaker.

Por cierto... me he updateado al 0.50.0 y el info panel me muestra todavía
la versión 0.20.3. Porqué?

También me he tenido que bajar autoconf, automake y libtools de slink. Ahora
que ya he instalado, sería mejor volver a los paquetes de la Hamm?


 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España

 - Powered by Linux -
Debian 2.0 Hamm

Re: Fortran 90 to C or Fortran 90 to Fortran 77 translator

1999-01-07 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
   Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 00:05:45 +
   Resent-from: debian-user@lists.debian.org
   From: Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
   Precedence: list
   X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   X-Mailing-List: debian-user@lists.debian.org archive/latest/31556
   X-Loop: debian-user@lists.debian.org
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
   Content-Length: 289

   Hi Debian users,
   anyone knows if exists a translator from Fortran90 to C or Fortran90
   to Fortran77.



   I'm very interested in a program like this.
   Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique


Re: Downloading Installing WP8....

1999-01-07 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 BW == Brant Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BW When I go to unzip it (using gzip -d), I get an error saying that the 
BW file is not a GZipped file...I downloaded it with Netscape 4.5 (which 
BW thank God installed flawlessly...)  

Netscape does gunzip it during download. You now have a tar file.

tar xvf filename

to untar it.


Re: Fortran 90 to C or Fortran 90 to Fortran 77 translator

1999-01-07 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 12:05:45AM +, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 

 anyone knows if exists a translator from Fortran90 to C or Fortran90
 to Fortran77.
 I'm very interested in a program like this.

There are no open source Fortran 90 compilers or translators avalible.  

g77 does support a few Fortran 90 extensions, but nothing that a reasonable 
Fortran 77 compiler wouldn't have anyway (eg, no array syntax or modules).

A free for some uses Fortran 90 compiler can be found somewhere under
http://www.psrv.com/ although I hear tell that the license is very
restrictive about what you can do, and ISTR hearing it's quite buggy.
I've got a feeling its implemented as a translator to F77.

If you don't mind using a subset compiler, then F provides the nice bits
of Fortran 90, and there is a no-cost version avalible for download.  The
URL is something like http://www.imagine1.com/

Other than that, there are several commercial offerings.  I've not had
any real problems with the Portland Group compilers but haven't tried
anything else.  I don't know how much luck you'll have finding a
translator, either - those that exist tend to convert F77 to F90.

There is a comprehensive Fortran on Linux web page out there, but I don't 
seem to have the URL handy.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: time daemon

1999-01-07 Thread Stephen Pitts
On  6 Jan, Ralph Winslow wrote:
 I've forgotten the name of the package that provides a daemon to
 synchronize the time on my workstation to specified time-servers 
 on the net.  Could some kind soul jog my memory?  TIA
 Ralph Winslow   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The IQ of the group is that of the member
 whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
 of members.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
A grep of /var/lib/dpkg/available for 'time ' reveals chrony in the
admin section and xntp in the net section.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

Re: time daemon

1999-01-07 Thread Gary Singleton
I don't think it runs in daemon mode but I always use netdate - I have
mine in a script for ip.up so it synchs every time I connect and also
runs 'hwclock --systohc --utc'.

---Ralph Winslow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've forgotten the name of the package that provides a daemon to
 synchronize the time on my workstation to specified time-servers 
 on the net.  Could some kind soul jog my memory?  TIA
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

talk problems

1999-01-07 Thread Lazar Fleysher

Hi everyone,

I just noticed that talk  does not work and gives the following error

Couldn't bind to control socket : Cannot assign requested address (99).

Any ideas what happened and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance,


   Take these broken wings and learn to fly...
 0 0
( . )http://pages.nyu.edu/~rqf6512
 | |

Re: netscape, slink, bus error

1999-01-07 Thread Rick Venable
Problem solved-- thanks to the following hint:

On Wed, 6 Jan 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
   XNLSPATH isn't the problem (It was only suggested as a
 possible problem).  The locale problem (which I thought was solved a
 long time ago - did you recently upgrade to slink?)  occurs because of
 a missing /usr/lib/X11/locale directory.  Check this directory.  If
 this isn't there (or its empty, or its a symlink) you can get this
 locale directory from the xlib6g (part of X11) package ( 

For some reason, even though xlib6g was installed, /usr/lib/X11/locale
was an empty directory.  Since I couldn't figure out how to do a forced
install from an ftp site (i.e. what is the package arg for dpkg -i), I
simply replicated the 'locale' tree from another host, and now netscape
4.5 (installed from the slink distro) works just fine.

Rick Venable  =\ |=|Eschew Obfuscation
FDA/CBER Biophysics Lab   |/ |=|
Bethesda, MD  U.S.A.  |   \/ |=|  ( Not an official statement or
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |\  /  |=|position of the FDA; for that,
http://www.erols.com/rvenable   \/   |=|see   http://www.fda.gov  )

Re: exmh - presort inc sometimes fails

1999-01-07 Thread Mark Phillips

   There have been a number of reports from people recently that doing
   a presort inc sometimes fails from within exmh.  
  I have been doing some further experiments.  
 If it helps, I had it happens yesterday twice: The first time was on
 message number 140, and the second was on message number 143, IIRC.
 My 2 problematic messages for today, which BTW are from the same
 sender, are:
 [...messages deleted...]

Thanks for this, I have scanned the messages you included as well as
my own, looking for similarities/differences.  I think I may have discovered
a common theme.  It would seem that all the errant messages were sent using
the mailer Mutt.

My sample size it still too small to be conclusive on this point, but
it is a lead.  What could lead to an incorporation failure however is
still beyond me.

What I need to do now is get more detailed debugging info from exmh.
At the moment all the log really tells me is:

  exmh-bg {Inc_Presort +MyIncTmp: {child killed: segmentation violation}}

Does anyone know how to get more debugging info from exmh?



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: [Fwd: Installing debian with Win98]

1999-01-07 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
Hi Tim,

I have Window$98 and Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 running on a IBM ThinkPad
385XD laptop without any trouble (sofar?).  I've kept a detailed log
of all the things I did and can mail it if your interested.  You'll
have to wait till tomorrow though, 'cause I don't have it here.

Basically, I repartitioned the 4GB internal hard disk, did a recovery
installation of Window$ on the C: drive and then put Linux on the
rest.  From what you say (having things already partitioned), you can
skip most of that and just jump in at the Linux installation.  I had
the same problem as you mentioned: linux just won't boot.  The reason
is that LILO can not boot Linux if the root partition is not in the
first 1024 cylinders of the boot disk.

My first work-around was a DOS boot-floppy that auto-execs loadlin to
boot Linux.  Worked like a charm, but I found the floppy boot a little
clumsy.  Following the loadlin docs, I modified the Window$ boot to
give me a choice (much like LILO would have done if it worked).  So, I
boot Linux through M$-DOS, but, hey, if it works, who cares?

Now, if I could only get that silly Window$ logo at boot time replaced
with something more Linux, like a penguin ...

Olaf Meeuwissen   Ph.D. student, Shinshu University, Japan
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Information Management Systems Laboratory

Downloading Installing WP8....

1999-01-07 Thread Kenneth Scharf
If you downloaded the file using netscape then it may already have
been run through gunzip!  Check the size of the file!  I have seen
this behavior from netscape, where it detects the file type, and saves
it using gunzip as a filter!  Sometimes though it keeps the file name
the same.  Try renaming the file to WP8.tar and then run it though tar.
   Brant Wells [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Howdy Y'all

I just downloaded the WordPerfect 8 GZ file from the Corel Ftp site...
I downloaded the single part version (I saved the file as WordP8.gz)

When I go to unzip it (using gzip -d), I get an error saying that the 
file is not a GZipped file...I downloaded it with Netscape 4.5 (which 
thank God installed flawlessly...)  

What should I do?


Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: time daemon

1999-01-07 Thread john
Ralph Winslow writes:
 I've forgotten the name of the package that provides a daemon to
 synchronize the time on my workstation to specified time-servers 
 on the net.  Could some kind soul jog my memory?

xntp3 is in 2.0 and frozen, and there is chrony in unstable.  chrony is,
IMHO, much easier to configure (I'm the maintainer).
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

nmh bug (was: Re: exmh - presort inc sometimes fails)

1999-01-07 Thread Mark Phillips

 Thanks for this, I have scanned the messages you included as well as
 my own, looking for similarities/differences.  I think I may have discovered
 a common theme.  It would seem that all the errant messages were sent using
 the mailer Mutt.
 My sample size it still too small to be conclusive on this point, but
 it is a lead.  What could lead to an incorporation failure however is
 still beyond me.
 What I need to do now is get more detailed debugging info from exmh.
 At the moment all the log really tells me is:
   exmh-bg {Inc_Presort +MyIncTmp: {child killed: segmentation violation}}
 Does anyone know how to get more debugging info from exmh?

I have just managed to reproduce the error at the commandline using
the inc command (nmh).  I have sent off a message to the nmh-workers
telling them about the bug.



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Appicon for wp8 under WindowMaker and Listserv Question....

1999-01-07 Thread Evan Van Dyke
Well, two questions here:
First:  How do I dock the appicon that wp8 shows under WindowMaker? 
Just dragging it to
the Docked section doesn't work.  :

Second:  Is there an easy way to get a mailing list set up?  I've done
it using aliases,
 under sendmail but if you do it that way, replying to the message goes
to the sender, 
not the list.  Or is there a way to fix that?

Thanks in advance.


Evan Van Dyke  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#: 15442232
DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets.   O-
Amateur Radio Call Sign:  KB8PVE
   Quoth the Raven...  'Nevermore!' --Edgar Allen Poe
   I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the
  --Dilbert to Management

how to reinstall all? Alias: how to dup. an installation ?

1999-01-07 Thread Paolo Pedaletti
to another
X-Operating-System: Linux niels 2.0.34 
X-Linux-Distribution: Debian 2.0r3

I want to format my HD and reinstall all the system, but I don't want to forget 
the list of
installed packages (or reinstall them by hand...).

If I do:

# dpkg --get-selections | grep [^de]install | cut -f 1  dpkg--g-s

I have all the installed packages in that file.
And now?
I have tried to do:

# dpkg --set-selections `cat dpkg--g-s`


# dpkg -i -GE `cat dpkg--g-s`

Wrong, because it wants a .deb package, not only the name of the program.

I have thought to do:
/CDROM/debian//binary-i386/ # find . -iname *deb  /var/packages.list

But then ???

Q. Is it possible to copy an installation from a PC to another?
A. Yes (of course :-)

Q. HOW ???
A. ...

And if I use apt-get with:
deb file:/CDROM/debian stable main?

and then:

apt-get `cat dpkg--g-s`

The problem is that the distribution is on 2 CD, and I have only 1 CD-ROM
drive  ;-)

So I should distinguish between the packages in main and the ones not in

Any suggestion?

Happy GNU Year


Paolo Pedaletti, Como

[OFF TOPIC] xterm, rxvt, kvt and color arrgggh!

1999-01-07 Thread Pann McCuaig
Let me preface by saying I'm a command line kinda guy so I haven't dealt
with X much.

Having said that, I'm responsible for keeping a bunch of naive X users
happy, so I'm learning as fast as I can.

After upgrading workstations from bo to hamm, funny things happen in
xterms (and cousins) with respect to color mapping.

Most noticeable in mutt and elm. I'm typing this message in vim under
mutt in a kvt under kde. My signature is underlined. Either vim (right
now) or mutt (when I look at a message) will detect the signature and
render it in a pleasing (?) contrasting color.

This is fine at a text console, but for whatever reason xterm (and
cousins) map this color to an underline. Somewhat annoying.

Editing an html file in vim under kvt is _really_ annoying.

I've been RTFMing X-related man pages until it hurts and I don't seem to
be making any progress.

Any pointers would be much appreciated. xterm or rxvt under afterstep
and kvt under kde are most often used. vim, elm, and mutt are the
applications that seem to be most problematic.

your man pann

Re: Appicon for wp8 under WindowMaker and Listserv Question....

1999-01-07 Thread David Coe
Evan Van Dyke wrote:
 First:  How do I dock the appicon that wp8 shows under WindowMaker?
 Just dragging it to
 the Docked section doesn't work.  :

Well, dragging the appicon to the dock or clipboard does work
for me, under slink (wmaker 0.20.3-1)... Here's what doing so 
puts in my ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMState:

   Command =  /home/dcoe/Wordperfect/WP8/wpbin/xwp;
   Name = xwp.XWp;
   AutoLaunch = No;
   Forced = No;
   BuggyApplication = No;
   Position = -1,1;
   DropCommand =  /home/dcoe/Wordperfect/WP8/wpbin/xwp %d;

and in my ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMWindowAttributes:

 xwp.XWp = {Icon = /home/dcoe/GNUstep/.AppInfo/WindowMaker/xwp.XWp.xpm;};

... maybe you can edit the above to match your specifics and try
inserting them manually.

 Second:  Is there an easy way to get a mailing list set up?  I've done
 it using aliases,
  under sendmail but if you do it that way, replying to the message goes
 to the sender,
 not the list.  Or is there a way to fix that?

majordomo and mailman are debian packages that do mailing lists well;
there may be others but I haven't used them.  Majordomo is much
older and probably more solid, and is written in perl; mailman is
more modern, web-based, and written in python.  I switched from
majordomo to mailman because i'm more comfortable with python
than perl, but that's just me; you could try them both and make
your own decision (and, as I said, there may be others as well).

Redland Hunt Pony Club, Maryland

Re: Appicon for wp8 under WindowMaker and Listserv Question....

1999-01-07 Thread Stephen Pitts
On  6 Jan, Evan Van Dyke wrote:
 Well, two questions here:
 First:  How do I dock the appicon that wp8 shows under WindowMaker? 
 Just dragging it to
 the Docked section doesn't work.  :
 Second:  Is there an easy way to get a mailing list set up?  I've done
 it using aliases,
  under sendmail but if you do it that way, replying to the message goes
 to the sender, 
 not the list.  Or is there a way to fix that?
 Thanks in advance.
 Evan Van Dyke  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#: 15442232
 DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets.   O-
 Amateur Radio Call Sign:  KB8PVE
Quoth the Raven...  'Nevermore!' --Edgar Allen Poe
I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the
   --Dilbert to Management
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
First question:
Run WP8, then right click on the icon that you can't dock. Check
Emulate App Icon That should get you a dockable icon. You might also
have to set the icon. I've got WP8 docked right now.

Second question: 
Both MajorDomo and SmartList are popular. I believe debian-* uses
Smartlist. I'm not sure about maintainability, but I'm interested in
what others have to say, because I may start a mailing list in the near
future. Has anyone linked a mailing list to a mysql database before?

Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

Re: how to reinstall all? Alias: how to dup. an installation ?

1999-01-07 Thread Stephen Pitts
On  7 Jan, Paolo Pedaletti wrote:
 to another
 X-Operating-System: Linux niels 2.0.34 
 X-Linux-Distribution: Debian 2.0r3
 I want to format my HD and reinstall all the system, but I don't want to 
 forget the list of
 installed packages (or reinstall them by hand...).
 If I do:
 # dpkg --get-selections | grep [^de]install | cut -f 1  dpkg--g-s
 I have all the installed packages in that file.
 And now?
 I have tried to do:
 # dpkg --set-selections `cat dpkg--g-s`
 # dpkg -i -GE `cat dpkg--g-s`
 Wrong, because it wants a .deb package, not only the name of the program.
 I have thought to do:
 /CDROM/debian//binary-i386/ # find . -iname *deb  /var/packages.list
 But then ???
 Q. Is it possible to copy an installation from a PC to another?
 A. Yes (of course :-)
 Q. HOW ???
 A. ...
 And if I use apt-get with:
 deb file:/CDROM/debian stable main?
 and then:
 apt-get `cat dpkg--g-s`
 The problem is that the distribution is on 2 CD, and I have only 1 CD-ROM
 drive  ;-)
 So I should distinguish between the packages in main and the ones not in
 Any suggestion?
 Happy GNU Year
 Paolo Pedaletti, Como
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Look in the experimental distribution. There is an apt-cdrom which
knows about multiple CD-ROM drives. Perhaps try writing a simple perl
script that iterates through /var/lib/dpkg/status, gets a list of
packages, iterates through /var/lib/dpkg/available, looks up the
section name, then prints a list of package section. You could grep
this list for 'non-free' or 'contrib' to find all of the non-free and
contrib packages that you have. I've been thinking of writing something
like this for a while..call it dpkg-info.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

SoundBlaster Vibra 16 jumperless card under Linux

1999-01-07 Thread Damon Muller
Hi folks,

This one has got me beat, and I'm hoping someone in debian-land might be
able to help me out.

I got a vibra 16 card (soundblaster) from a friend, but it didn't come
with any driver disks or anything like that. Unfortunately it is a
jumperless card, and I have no way of setting the IRQs and DMAs under
linux (or even finding out what they are) so I can set it up to run
under Linux.

I went to the creative web site and downloaded the dos/win31 drivers,
thinking this would solve my problem. Not so! It refuses to install the
dos configuration programs under win98 dos... My linux box only has
linux on it, so I can't just boot it to dos, and the install program
doesn't like working under DOSEmu.

So, at the moment, I seem to be a little stuck. I'm thinking maybe if I
can get hold of the program to set up the board under DOS, I can boot
linux with a dos boot disk, and set it up from there. The zip from
creative contains it, but it's compressed, and only the install program
can uninstall it.

If anyone can help, I'd greatly appreciate it. Any suggestions are more
than welcome.



Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Web Page:   www.sub.net.au/~tr  It's not a sense of humor. It's
ICQ UIN:2920281 a sense of irony disguised as one.
PGP Key ID: 0x232C09E1   - Bruce Sterling

Re: mounting a sunos filesystem?

1999-01-07 Thread Will Lowe
On Wed, 6 Jan 1999, Allan M. Wind wrote:

  I've got a SCSI disk with a solaris 4.1.4 filesystem on it.  Is there any
  way I can get linux to mount this?
 Did you try the (kernel) UFS driver?

Is it still read-only?

|   http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/   |
|PGP Public Key:  http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/index.html#pgpkey|
|And if you on tight to what you think is your thing |
|you may find you're missing all the rest ...|
|- Dave Matthews,  Best of What's Around   |

smail -oMP

1999-01-07 Thread G. Crimp
I am having trouble with my smail configuration.  One of the things I am
looking at is how smail is being invoked.  

In /var/spool/smail/input/stupid_message_that_for_some_reason_refuses_\
to_leave_my_box I see that three options are used (if I am interpreting this
correctly) -t -oem and -oMP.  I can find -t and -oem in man(8) smail, but
not -oMP.  Does anyone know what this switch means ?



[Fwd: Smartlist Setup... Service Unavaliable]

1999-01-07 Thread Evan Van Dyke
Evan Van Dyke wrote:
 Well, I've installed SmartList, but when I send it a test message,
 Sendmail dies with the following errors:
   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
 |/var/list/.bin/flist apollo-teamB-request
 (expanded from: apollo-teamB-request)
- Transcript of session follows -
 sh: flist not available for sendmail programs
 554 |/var/list/.bin/flist apollo-teamB-request... Service unavailable
 I'm sure it's just a problem of permissions, but I don't knw where...
 anyone know the rpoblem?
 Evan Van Dyke  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#: 15442232
 DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets.   O-
 Amateur Radio Call Sign:  KB8PVE
Quoth the Raven...  'Nevermore!' --Edgar Allen Poe
I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the
   --Dilbert to Management

Evan Van Dyke  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#: 15442232
DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets.   O-
Amateur Radio Call Sign:  KB8PVE
   Quoth the Raven...  'Nevermore!' --Edgar Allen Poe
   I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the
  --Dilbert to Management

Thanks... :)

1999-01-07 Thread Brant Wells
Howdy Y'all

Thanks for helping me get Wp8 installed... Everything went fairly 
smoothly... Now I have just one tiny problem... It doesn't run :(

Help!! (again)



I really appreciate the help that this list has been to me!  keep up the 
good work y'all :)

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: Appicon for wp8 under WindowMaker and Listserv Question....

1999-01-07 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Wed, 6 Jan 1999, Evan Van Dyke wrote:

 Well, two questions here:
 First:  How do I dock the appicon that wp8 shows under WindowMaker? 
 Just dragging it to
 the Docked section doesn't work.  :

When you run xwp, 2 appicons show up.  Make sure you dock the right one.
Right click on the icon and select Settings.  Make sure that xwp is
listed as the application.  If you dock the wrong appicon, then nothing is
listed in the Application field.  I had to modify the contents of the
Application field to specify the absolute path to the xwp executable.
That was just because I had it installed in /usr/local/corel, which
doesn't show up in Dock's path (speaking of which, does anybody happen to
know where Dock gets its PATH value from?).  Aside from that little
detail, docking WP8 was just like docking any other app.

I can't help you with your second question; sorry.


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Version: 2.6.2


Re: Thanks... :)

1999-01-07 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Wed, 6 Jan 1999, Brant Wells wrote:

 Thanks for helping me get Wp8 installed... Everything went fairly 
 smoothly... Now I have just one tiny problem... It doesn't run :(

Well, why doesn't it run?  Without access to your machine, the only info
we've got is what was contained in your email.  There wasn't much there.
You need to at least post the error message you get when you run xwp.  In
addition, it's probably helpful if you post the output of the printenv
command, especially if the error message complains about anything being
not found or undefined.


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Version: 2.6.2


Cost of Debian software

1999-01-07 Thread tcc
At present i am using an intel pentium 233MHZ computer with 4.3 GB hardisk
I would like to acquire your debian software to help me perform mainly
excel and
word function . is there any authorised dealer in Malaysia? how much it
Thank you.

Chia Chuan

wmaker appicon problems...

1999-01-07 Thread jpjevans
Hi, folks

While running winndow maker, I cannot seem to get any
applications to produce icons which are dockable. I've read
the user info at their web site, (which suggests
right-clicking the title bar, selecting Attributes, choosing Advanced
Options and enabling Emulate Application icon) but I get no joy.

My understanding is that I should see an icon from a running
app. Such a thing does not appear. I do get one if I minimimize 
the app, but I can't dock that one.

TIA  for any help.

'til next we type...
HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse

Why WordPerfect won't run....

1999-01-07 Thread Brant Wells
Howdy Y'all

My WP8 installed correctly, but I am unable to execute it for some 
reason... If I start an X-Term session, I get a command not found 
error... :(

It doesn't matter who I log in as, it won't run, even if I go to the 
folder that it is installed in...

For reference, I am running the Bash shell prompt (default?)..

Thanks again... 

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

partition question

1999-01-07 Thread Wesley Simon

I have a linux partition that is running out of space.  I have another
partition on the drive that used to be NT, I toasted that partition and
created another linux partition.  I would like to put everthing under
/usr on the other partition.  I mounted it as /bkup.  I tried to go
under /usr and do a cp -rf * /bkup as root.  I was then going to change
the name of /usr to /usr.bak and change /bkup to /usr to test it.  I ran
into some errors.  One in particular mentioned a circular symbolic
link.  I stopped at this point, because I don't want to make a huge

So, does anyone know the correct method for doing this?



Remote boot question

1999-01-07 Thread Eric Monson
We are setting up a network with Linux and need some help. We are
attempting to remote (network) boot the Win95 systems that we already
have as
clients for our Linux server. The problem is this: We have been looking
using ROM chips plugged into the network cards on the clients, but
solutions are too expensive. We could burn the ROMs ourselves, but we
have no
program to burn in.

We were wondering if anyone could help us find a less expensive /
solution. The idea has come that it might be possible to use a
mini-dist. of
Linux as a OS to boot the system. It then might be possible to put into
startup script a set of commands which would start up the network card,
DHCP or BOOTP to get IP information (or we could assign static IPs if
necessary), then have the Win 95 image be downloaded into memory (and
space) where it could replace the running Linux kernel and boot as if it
the only operating system there.

Please keep in mind that we are an educational institution (SNVTC, a
school in
Las Vegas, NV) and that any money we spend will be out of pocket as the
system wants NT/NetWare and will not spend ANY money on our cause. This
system, once operational, will be used to show the abilities and
cost-effectiveness of Linux solutions. Should this network succeed, the
school system could easily be convinced to switch to Linux. How's that
for a
community victory?

Sincerely yours,
Eric Richard Monson
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note;quoted-printable:Loves Atari.=0D=0ALoves Jaguar.=0D=0ALoves Lynx.=0D=0ALoves Linux.=0D=0ALoves Netscape.=0D=0A

Re: Why WordPerfect won't run....

1999-01-07 Thread Havoc Pennington

On Wed, 6 Jan 1999, Brant Wells wrote:
 My WP8 installed correctly, but I am unable to execute it for some 
 reason... If I start an X-Term session, I get a command not found 
 error... :(

The following works for me:

$ cd whereveryouinstalledit/wpbin
$ ./xwp

(or just:
$ wherever/wpbin/xwp


Re: netscape, slink, bus error

1999-01-07 Thread Ed Cogburn
Rick Venable wrote:
  Rick Venable wrote:
   I also tried to get netscape via the slink distro at ftp.debian.org, but
   the 4.07 package there still lacked the binary, contrary to reports that
   slink has a full netscape package.
 On Wed, 6 Jan 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
You need to look harder.  :-)  The packages holding the NS
  binaries have '-smotif' or '-dmotif' in their names and are found in
  non-free/web section.  I responded to an earlier question this way:
 I did include -smotif binary as one of the packages I selected, and
 still didn't get a binary (although it may have been 4.07, and not 4.5).

00:00am ~$ dpkg -L communicator-smotif-45
  This is the binary.


XNLSPATH isn't the problem (It was only suggested as a
  possible problem).  The locale problem (which I thought was solved a
  long time ago - did you recently upgrade to slink?)  occurs because of
  a missing /usr/lib/X11/locale directory.  Check this directory.  If
  this isn't there (or its empty, or its a symlink) you can get this
  locale directory from the xlib6g (part of X11) package (
  Confirm by checking for the existence of */locale/C/XLC_LOCALE (this,
  IIRC, is what NS is looking for).
 Thanks.  I have been suspecting that the locale problem was a false
 trail, unrelated to the bus error.  I think some of my problems may be
 due to the local archive I used for my initial installation, which was
 loosely based on early slink (unstable).  I'm considering wiping my boot
 partition and starting over.

That may be the only way.  Debian has come a long way, but the ideal of 
needing to reinstall isn't quite there yet.  I decided awhile back to install
fresh hamm to start over because of other problems.  Since then though, the
'automatic update' accomplished by ftp upgrade using dselect/apt has worked well
enough that I doubt I'll need to install fresh with either slink or potato.

Ed C.

VideoBlaster IE500

1999-01-07 Thread Josef Moffett
Hi there,

I was wondering - just being new to Linux - if anyone out there knows about
any drivers written for controling the VideoBlaster IE500 grabber card. 

I have been working on Win 95 for some time now, and have just moved over
(temporarily running on both systems, until i can get all the software
equivalented over to Linux). All i need to just have one boot system is
this video driver.

Can anyone point me in the right direction. There is a videoblaster driver
out there, but i am loathe to try it as it specifically states it is not
for the IE500 (along with a disclaimer about possible damage not being the
fault of the programmer etc - and as i don't have inexhaustible wealth
(mores the pity) i'd rather not have to replace ;-)


JOE Moffett

Re: Why WordPerfect won't run....

1999-01-07 Thread Stephen Pitts
On  6 Jan, Brant Wells wrote:
 Howdy Y'all
 My WP8 installed correctly, but I am unable to execute it for some 
 reason... If I start an X-Term session, I get a command not found 
 error... :(
 It doesn't matter who I log in as, it won't run, even if I go to the 
 folder that it is installed in...
 For reference, I am running the Bash shell prompt (default?)..
 Thanks again... 
 Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
The default path doesn't include the current directory: just /usr/bin,
/usr/X11R6/bin, /bin, and /usr/local/bin. cd to the directory with xwp,
then type ./xwp to run Wordperfect 8.Anyone been successful at putting
it in /usr/local instead of a directory off of the home directory. I
heard some ppl were having problems with that on /.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

Debian Linux and AMD Computers

1999-01-07 Thread PATRICK DAHIROC

i would like to whether Linux in general will run on an AMD based computer
and if it does how well does it perform.


RE: Wordperfect Fixed!!!

1999-01-07 Thread Brant Wells
Howdy y'all...

I got Wp8 fixed... I think :)

I just added it into the path line, and it has started working... Thanks 
for all the support!

Brant Wells,

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these 
things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: SoundBlaster Vibra 16 jumperless card under Linux

1999-01-07 Thread Stephen Pitts
On  7 Jan, Damon Muller wrote:
 Hi folks,
 This one has got me beat, and I'm hoping someone in debian-land might be
 able to help me out.
 I got a vibra 16 card (soundblaster) from a friend, but it didn't come
 with any driver disks or anything like that. Unfortunately it is a
 jumperless card, and I have no way of setting the IRQs and DMAs under
 linux (or even finding out what they are) so I can set it up to run
 under Linux.
 I went to the creative web site and downloaded the dos/win31 drivers,
 thinking this would solve my problem. Not so! It refuses to install the
 dos configuration programs under win98 dos... My linux box only has
 linux on it, so I can't just boot it to dos, and the install program
 doesn't like working under DOSEmu.
 So, at the moment, I seem to be a little stuck. I'm thinking maybe if I
 can get hold of the program to set up the board under DOS, I can boot
 linux with a dos boot disk, and set it up from there. The zip from
 creative contains it, but it's compressed, and only the install program
 can uninstall it.
 If anyone can help, I'd greatly appreciate it. Any suggestions are more
 than welcome.
 Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Web Page:   www.sub.net.au/~tr  It's not a sense of humor. It's
 ICQ UIN:2920281 a sense of irony disguised as one.
 PGP Key ID: 0x232C09E1   - Bruce Sterling
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
What type of BIOS do you have? my PCI PnP bios auto-configured the
card and I used win98 to find out the irq and dma. There is a package
called isapnptools that has similar functions. Get it, read the docs,
ask the list if you need more help. 
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

Re: Debian Linux and AMD Computers

1999-01-07 Thread Adam Klein
On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 12:42:46AM -0500, PATRICK DAHIROC wrote:
 i would like to whether Linux in general will run on an AMD based computer
 and if it does how well does it perform.

Debian runs great and without incident on my K6-2 300.

Re: netscape, slink, bus error

1999-01-07 Thread Ed Cogburn
Sorry, I wrote my previous reponse assuming this message was a CC copy. 
 When I
realized this message was a different one, it was too late, I had already sent
the other message.

Rick Venable wrote:
 I purged all my netscape stuff, and tried a clean install of 4.5 from
 the frozen slink distro at ftp.debian.org, and actually got the binary
 installed this time.  Unfortunately, it still fails with a bus error.

Hmmm, people did mention the bus error around the same time as the 
mistake (no locale dir) triggered a lot of Netscape failures.  Unfortunately, I
never saw the 'bus error', only the 'missing locale' problem.  I assumed then
that the bus error was related somehow to the missing locale dir, even though I
personally never saw it.

 On Wed, 6 Jan 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
XNLSPATH isn't the problem (It was only suggested as a
  possible problem).  The locale problem (which I thought was solved a
  long time ago - did you recently upgrade to slink?)  occurs because of
  a missing /usr/lib/X11/locale directory.  Check this directory.  If
  this isn't there (or its empty, or its a symlink) you can get this
  locale directory from the xlib6g (part of X11) package (
  Confirm by checking for the existence of */locale/C/XLC_LOCALE (this,
  IIRC, is what NS is looking for).
 /usr/lib/X11/locale is empty, but xlib6g ( is installed.


00:53am ~$ dpkg -L xlib6g


Something is very wrong here.  My version of xlib6g, (, is 
the same
as yours.  You *should* have a locale dir!  Try downloading xlib6g manually and
using dpkg to install it.

Ed C.

HTML-ized package listing on the web?

1999-01-07 Thread Jim Foltz


I thought I remeber someone posting a link to a page
which showed the Packages file in a framed HTML page.
This was not the Debian package listing page, it was 
an independent page.

Does anyone remeber that and what is the url?

AOL/IM: jim foltz

Mailing list archive search

1999-01-07 Thread Jim Foltz

Did you ever notice when doing a mailing list archive search
from the Debian web site, that when you select to search from
Oct to Dec 1998, all the matches come up from Oct , skipping,
apparently Nov and Dec completely?

Or is it just me?

AOL/IM: jim foltz

RV: TO-TH : Conflictos SCSI.

1999-01-07 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren

-Mensaje original-
De: Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Marcelo E. Magallon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: miércoles, 06 de enero de 1999 05:23 p.m.
Asunto: RE: TO-TH : Conflictos SCSI.

No. Me refiero a todos. Incluso el disco duro. (Estás tratando de
que los terminadores están bien)

Esta sugerencia me la he saltado y voy a usarla como el último recurso
de la desesperación, entre otras cosas, porque tengo la sesnsación de que
problema no son los terminadores como se deduce de los mensajes que emite
LILO durante el arranque y que relaciono más abajo (si vieras las tripas de
mi 'ordeñador' lo comprenderías).

LILO: linux aic7xxx_override_term=0x00 aic7xxx_stpwlev=0x1
LILO: linux aic7xxx_override_term=0x00 aic7xxx_stpwlev=0x0

Si no sirve, tratemos esto:

* ACTIVA la terminación en el BIOS (low ON/high ON), eso es 0011, 0x03,
* usa stpwlev=0x1 y stpwlev=0x0

Fracaso total.

Reactivé en la BIOS de la tarjeta la opción 'Automatic' de los terminadores
y apliqué los parámetros sugeridos al arranqcar desde el disquette. También
fracasó. La única direfencia es que no aparecen los mensajes encabezados
'aic7xxx:'. Así que rearranqué sin parámetros en la línea de comandos y
estos son los mensajes que LILO me da (recuerda que tengo la opción
Automatic activada):

aic7xxx:  -Warning- detected Auto-termination on controller:
aic7xxx.  Adaptec  on PCI 12/0

(siguen 4 ó 5 líneas  con avisos e información varia que considero
irrelevantes todos encabezados con 'aic7xxx:')

aic7xxx:  Cables present Int-50 NO, Int-68 YES, Ext-68 NO
aic7xxx:  Termination (Low ON, High ON)

(encabezadas con '(scsi0)' siguen varias líneas con información
sobre la tarjeta controladora que me parecieron correctas y sin
discrepancias con respecto a la configuración BIOS de la misma)

Son los 2 últimos mensajes de LILO sobre los cables y la terminación
(como te dije, el disco duro es interno y está conectado al puerto de 68
pins) los que me hacen pensar que el problema no es de terminaciones. Te
recuerdo que si instalo el sistema desde una partición DOS en el disco
y sólo si lo hago en sesión MS-DOS de WINDOWS, no hay problemas; el follón
viene después, cuando intento arracar bien desde el disquette, bien desde
mismo disco duro (utilizo un gestor de arranque para poder acceder
indistintamente a Debian o Windows).

que hacer. Ah, la otra cosa, ¿hay alguna opción (o dice algo el manual)
respecto a LVD?

He mirado el manual del usuario de arriba a abajo y en ninguna parte  he
visto algo que se parezca remotamente a una opción LVD. Ya que no tienes
acceso a una AHA2940UW aquí tienes la tabla de las opciones que tengo
activadas en la BIOS de la mía (cuando la opción tenga valores diferentes a
Yes-No o Enabled-Disabled entre peréntesis añadiré los otros valores

 *SCSI Bus Interface Definitions:
Host Adapter SCSI-ID7  (0-15)
SCSI Parity CheckingEnabled
Host Adapter SCSI Termination   Automatic (ver tabla más
 *Boot Device Options:
Boot Target ID0  (0-15)
Boot LUN Number  0  (0-7)
 *SCSI Device Configuration:
Initiate Sync NegotiationYes
Maximum Sync Transfer Rate40.0 MBs  (32.0, 26.6, 20.0,
16.0, 13.4, 10.0)
Enable Disconnection No
Initiate Wide NegotitationYes
Send Start Unit Command  Yes
BIOS Multiple LUN SupportYes
Include in BIOS ScanYes
 *Advance Configuration Options:
Plug-and-Play SCAM Support
Reset SCSI Bus at IC Initialization
Extended BIOS Translation for DOS Drives  1 GB
Host Adapter BIOS
Support Removable Disk Under BIOS as Fixed Disks Disabled
(Boot Only, All Disks)
Display CtrlA Messages durin BIOS Initialization
BIOS Support for Bootable CD-ROMs
BIOS support for Int 13 Extensions

A continuación te traduzco lo que pone el manual sobre la opción 'Host
Adapter SCSI Termination' y adjunto la tabla de referencia para su correcta
Host Adapter SCSI Termination- Fija la opción de terminador de la
tarjeta SCSI. La opción por defecto es 'Automático'.
   Recomendamos dejarlo así. Si desea cambiar la opción manualmente
la tabla 2 muestra las configuraciones de terminadores.

sólo al conector interno de 68 pin
Low ON/High On  (mi caso)
sólo al conector externo de 68 pin
Low ON/High On
sólo al conector interno de 50 pin
Low ON/high On
a los conectores inertrno y externo de 68 pin

RV: Amazing installation. SCSI problems

1999-01-07 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren

-Mensaje original-
De: Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: John C. Ellingboe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: miércoles, 06 de enero de 1999 05:24 p.m.
Asunto: RE: Amazing installation. SCSI problems

Hi John

You are right, I don't have a bootable system. LILO hangs when it looks
for the SCSI drive.

Here, in Spain, Marcelo E. Magallón says that it could be a termination
problem with my card.. I'd tried his suggestions because I thought he was
right, but they didn't work by now. Although I don't know exactly how to do
it, I'll try your indications.

If you know any other sites where I could find info on debian's set up
program and the installation of the modules, please send me their addresses
(I will look for the info in the net but it could take me several days,
weeks, 'cos I can't stay in for a long time because of the phone bill. if
you're european you'd understand me. By the way, where are you from?, I'm
from Oviedo, Principado de (principality of) Astuias , Spain).

Please, forgive me if my english is not understandable. My level is not
as high as I wish. I must look the dictionary to find the words and I'm not
sure enough about the syntax of what I'm writting. Think in english is not
as easy to me as think in spanish and I tend to write it like I write

Greetings and thanx a lot

Antonio A. Rivas

RE: TO-TH : Conflictos SCSI.

1999-01-07 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren
Saludos, tocayo

Agradezco mucho el tiempo que te has tomado para darme una solución al
problema, pero me parece que oyes campanas y no sabes dónde, seguramente por
mi tendencia a hacer literatura en lugar de dar información.

Aclarar que dispositivos SCSI sólo tengo el disco duro, la zip es
externa y está conectada al puerto paralelo, de ahí el mensaje
'scsi1 : Iomega parport ZIP drive'
i.e., que es detectada sin problemas y asignada a scsi1 tanto por el
programa de instalación como por LILO durante el arranque (el que se vuelve
loco con la zip es WINDOWS; cunado la instalo de alguna forma el sistema la
solapa con el disco duro SCSI y tarde o temprano tengo un glorioso cuelgue,
por lo tengo sin ella instalada; pero esta es otra historia).

Te recuerdo que el programa de instalación sí detecta correctamente el
disco SCSI cuando se ejecuta en las condiciones mencionadas, pero falla
miserablemente si intento la instalación, bien entrando en DOS por medio del
menú de arranque de WINDOWS (lo que me tiene bastante perplejo), o bien por
medio de una sesión DOS no-windows (en mi caso PC-DOS 7.0) iniciada desde un
disco de arranque.

En lo que tal vez vayas bien encaminado es en lo de que no tengo
instalados en el kernel los drivers, pero de la propia tarjeta. Al menos eso
es lo que piensa John C. Ellingboe (para más detalles lee los mensajes que
dejó los días 3 y 5 del corriente con asunto 'Re: Amazing installation. SCSI
Problems' en la lista [EMAIL PROTECTED] Si no estas muy puesto en
inglés dímelo y te mando un resumen, en español).

'scsi1 : Iomega parport ZIP drive
   scsi host 2  (lo siento,
se me había pasado por alto)
 (scsi0:0:0:-1:-1) scanning channel for devices
 scsi: aborting command due to timeout: pid 0, scsi0, channel 0, id
0, bus 0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00'
Esta es la secuencia correcta de mensajes antes del cuelgue.

De todas las suposiciones que haces sólo das en el clavo en una: tengo
el disco enchufado al conector interno de 68-pin; con todo lo demás te
columpias (evidentemente por culpa mía).

No entiendo muy bien eso de 'cerrar los canales'. Si te refieres a
quitar de la configuración de la BIOS los ID de los dispositivos retirados
(he vuelto a mirar el manual de la tarjeta de arriba a abajo y por ninguna
parte aparece la palabra canal (channel), pero sí la palabra 'bus' asociada
a los ID de los dispositivos), te aclaro que sólo tengo 2 ID's definidos en
la BIOS, el del disco, ID #0, y el del host (la controladora), ID #7, que
por otra parte son los recomendados por el manual del usuario.

En cuanto a la longitud de los cables estoy usando el que venía con el
kit; si tienes una sugerencia mejor te agradecería que me la hicieras

Para no repetirme, héchale una ojeada a mi última respuesta a las
sugerencias de Marcelo; ahí relaciono con más detalle los mensajes que LILO
me da con respecto controladora y la configuración BIOS de la misma.

De nuevo gracias y, por favor, no desistas: Esto sigue sin funcionar.

Antonio A. Rivas

Re: Cost of Debian software

1999-01-07 Thread Mark Phillips
 At present i am using an intel pentium 233MHZ computer with 4.3 GB
 hardisk I would like to acquire your debian software to help me
 perform mainly excel and word function . is there any authorised
 dealer in Malaysia? how much it cost Thank you.

Debian is a distribution of Linux.  Linux is an operating system.
What Debian gives you is Linux together with a huge range of other
bits of software.  Linux is basically a version of Unix.  It is
different from Microsoft Windows.  Indeed it works much better than
Microsoft Windows and it is free!  The only think you need to pay is a
small charge for a CD with Debian on it.

I would recommend that you install Debian Linux on your computer.  To find
out where you can buy a CD, read this web page:
You should be able to buy it fairly cheaply - probably at about US$5 for
a CD.

If you want to do spreadsheet and wordprocessing things, perhaps the
best thing would be to install Staroffice on your computer (after you
have installed Debian).  This is compatible with excel and word -- and
it is free for non-commercial use.

I would definitely recommend Debian, but I should warn you: Linux is
harder to learn than Microsoft Windows.  If you decide to use Debian,
it will take you a while to get used to things, and you will have to
do lots of learning.  But I think it is worth it in the end.  You will
learn lots about computers, and have an operating system which is much
better than MS Windows, and it will be MUCH MUCH cheaper!  But the
choice is yours --- if you're prepared to put in the time and effort,
you'll be glad you did.

If you have more questions before you decide whether to go with Debian,
send them to this list and I'm sure people will be happy to answer them.
Also, have a look at the web site:
to find out more about Debian.



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re Cost of Debian

1999-01-07 Thread Josef Moffett
tcc wrote
At present i am using an intel pentium 233MHZ computer with 4.3 GB hardisk
I would like to acquire your debian software to help me perform mainly
excel and
word function . is there any authorised dealer in Malaysia? how much it

Firstly: the cost of Debian is really mininal. I've seen costs between
US$1.99 and GB£5 for the cd version. On the internet (getting via ftp) the
cost only amounts to your connection fees. Of course, to get all the
software offered on the cd its worth paying and havign the cd shipped out
to you (You can pay by credit card at some of the retailers in the states
and uk (that i know of) and almost certainly elsewhere. Have a look at
www.debian.org for a list of resellers if you look.

Secondly: you won;t be able to run word or excel on Debian. Neither of
these (or indeed any Microsoft programs that i know of) are ported for
linux. If you're looking for spreadsheet function and word processing
function in linux you could try Axene (www.axene.com) who have a range of
inexpensive office software (dtp, word processing, spreadsheet and browser)
or corel who have a very inexpensive copy of their WordPerfect 8 available
either for download or again cd. 

As to costs for the software: last time i looked the WP8 was about US$50 -
for the cd version although there is also a 90 day free trial available.
The Axene office set (all 4 progs together) costs the same, although you
can buy the individual packages for US$25 each (excepting the browser which
is free).

Hope this helps a bit


Re: [Fwd: Installing debian with Win98]

1999-01-07 Thread Ed Cogburn
Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
 Hi Tim,
 I have Window$98 and Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 running on a IBM ThinkPad
 385XD laptop without any trouble (sofar?).  I've kept a detailed log
 of all the things I did and can mail it if your interested.  You'll
 have to wait till tomorrow though, 'cause I don't have it here.
 Basically, I repartitioned the 4GB internal hard disk, did a recovery
 installation of Window$ on the C: drive and then put Linux on the
 rest.  From what you say (having things already partitioned), you can
 skip most of that and just jump in at the Linux installation.  I had
 the same problem as you mentioned: linux just won't boot.  The reason
 is that LILO can not boot Linux if the root partition is not in the
 first 1024 cylinders of the boot disk.
 My first work-around was a DOS boot-floppy that auto-execs loadlin to
 boot Linux.  Worked like a charm, but I found the floppy boot a little
 clumsy.  Following the loadlin docs, I modified the Window$ boot to
 give me a choice (much like LILO would have done if it worked).  So, I
 boot Linux through M$-DOS, but, hey, if it works, who cares?
 Now, if I could only get that silly Window$ logo at boot time replaced
 with something more Linux, like a penguin ...

Just in case you don't know:  You can disable that Windows boot logo 
with an
entry in msdos.sys (a text file now) of Logo=0 in the Options section.  Works
for W95.
Replacing it with a penguin is an entirely different matter, though.  

Ed C.

Re: XWP - NOT!

1999-01-07 Thread Ed Cogburn
James R. Lunsford wrote:
 Hello all.  I installed Wordperfect 8 into  /usr/local/wp8 and there's
 no xwp file to be found anywhere on my system.  The only thing that was
 really out of the ordinary in my installation was that it didn't run
 under X.  I got some kind of error message and it ran in an xterm
 window.  Anyone have any clues as to why I can't run wordperfect on my
 system?  I saw a message about placing DISPLAY=:0.0 into my profile or
 one of the bash files to eliminate some problems, but I don't know if
 that will help.

Hmmm, I believe I installed wp8 to /usr/local/ too.  The xwp binary is 
found on
my system at /usr/local/lib/xwp/wpbin/xwp.  Lord knows why they made it so
I also read what John said about security.  I don't think this is 
necessary.  I
installed wp8 as root, but use a normal user to actually use it.  No special
tricks were necessary.  As for calling the binary, I added this to my bash
xwp () {
pushd /usr/local/lib/xwp/wpbin
export xwp

My normal user just types 'xwp' in an xterm to run it.

Ed C.

Re: ghostscript/view

1999-01-07 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Wed, Jan 06, 1999 at 10:41:52AM -0800, Walter Kotorynski wrote:
 Running gv gives message Exec of gs failed: Not a directory
 and Dismiss just leaves the program running until manual intervention.
 setuid.Debian suggests chmod u+s /usr/bin/gs which doesn't help.
 setuid.Debian also suggests writing a  ps file which drags in /etc/passwd.
 This seems an excessively dangerous approach.
 gs as root works fine. Even \specials as headers in a tex file will
 blitz xdvi for users.

I had similiar problem with gs (with lpd+magicfilter not gv) trough last 2
years :(. On my server (without X) after each upgrade of some libraries lpd
always couldn't run gs. When I restarted lpd all problems went away. I
filled bug against lpd but it wasn't solved.

After upgrading to hamm I had more time to investigate problem.
gs runs as root but not as normal user. Playing a bit more I found that 

  ldd `which gs`

as root gives differrent output when invoked as normal user.
I found that permissions for /usr/X11R6/lib/ directory were 0700 and denied
access to libraries for user.

Maybe you should check permissions for directories/libraries and play with
strace on gs.


Re: Why WordPerfect won't run....

1999-01-07 Thread Ed Cogburn
Stephen Pitts wrote:
 On  6 Jan, Brant Wells wrote:
  Howdy Y'all
  My WP8 installed correctly, but I am unable to execute it for some
  reason... If I start an X-Term session, I get a command not found
  error... :(
  It doesn't matter who I log in as, it won't run, even if I go to the
  folder that it is installed in...
  For reference, I am running the Bash shell prompt (default?)..
  Thanks again...
  Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 The default path doesn't include the current directory: just /usr/bin,
 /usr/X11R6/bin, /bin, and /usr/local/bin. cd to the directory with xwp,
 then type ./xwp to run Wordperfect 8.Anyone been successful at putting
 it in /usr/local instead of a directory off of the home directory. I
 heard some ppl were having problems with that on /.

Yes, I installed it to /usr/local/ (as root) and it went fine (binary 
ends up
in /usr/local/lib/xwp/wpbin/).  My normal user can use it with no special
tricks, but I use the following bash function (wp8 apparently needs to start in
its binary's directory?):

xwp () {
pushd /usr/local/lib/xwp/wpbin
export xwp

Ed C.

route add default

1999-01-07 Thread debian
i set up ppp with PAP protocol. i can dial up my provider
and am able to ping the gateway. 
however i when i type
route add default (gateway)
i get the error message
SIOCADDRT: Operation not supported by device

how do i add the default route?

many thanks, -neutron.

Re: partition question

1999-01-07 Thread frleg

The first thing is to ensure you copy all the files AND links. This can be done 
using the -a
command in cp.

You don't have to change the name of your partitions (in fact, it does nothing).
If you have 2 partitions mounted on /usr and /bkup


You just have to umount this partitions and remount /dev/hda2 with /usr.
This can be done using the mount/umount commands or by editing the /etc/fstab 

If things don't work anymore after the changes, you can go back to the first 


 I have a linux partition that is running out of space.  I have another
 partition on the drive that used to be NT, I toasted that partition and
 created another linux partition.  I would like to put everthing under
 /usr on the other partition.  I mounted it as /bkup.  I tried to go
 under /usr and do a cp -rf * /bkup as root.  I was then going to change
 the name of /usr to /usr.bak and change /bkup to /usr to test it.  I ran
 into some errors.  One in particular mentioned a circular symbolic
 link.  I stopped at this point, because I don't want to make a huge
 So, does anyone know the correct method for doing this?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Franck Le Gall 
147, rue basse - 14000 Caen
tél. : 02-31-93-29-09
mobile : 06-62-34-03-52

Re: Why WordPerfect won't run....

1999-01-07 Thread frleg
Which binary are you calling ?
Mine is /usr/local/wpf/wpbin/xwp and it works fine


 Howdy Y'all
 My WP8 installed correctly, but I am unable to execute it for some 
 reason... If I start an X-Term session, I get a command not found 
 error... :(
 It doesn't matter who I log in as, it won't run, even if I go to the 
 folder that it is installed in...
 For reference, I am running the Bash shell prompt (default?)..
 Thanks again... 
 Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Franck Le Gall 
147, rue basse - 14000 Caen
tél. : 02-31-93-29-09
mobile : 06-62-34-03-52

RE: [Fwd: Installing debian with Win98]

1999-01-07 Thread Chang, FKK
 Sent: donderdag 7 januari 1999 8:21
 To:   Debian-Users
 Cc:   recipient.list.not.shown
 Subject:  Re: [Fwd: Installing debian with Win98]
 Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
  Now, if I could only get that silly Window$ logo at boot time replaced
  with something more Linux, like a penguin ...
   Just in case you don't know:  You can disable that Windows boot logo
 with an
 entry in msdos.sys (a text file now) of Logo=0 in the Options section.
 for W95.
   Replacing it with a penguin is an entirely different matter, though.
No it isn't... the file c:\logo.sys is in fact a .bmp file (Pathetic MS
to ensure nobody changes their logo)



Dosemu help

1999-01-07 Thread Alan Tam
Hi , folks;

I installed the dosemu_0.66.7-13.deb with raw config.sys and
After I boot to drive A (executing dos -A with a Win95 bootdisk in
/dev/fd0), the MSDOS editor can start but not functioning at all.

Thanks for any help in advance.

Alan Tam

Re: uninstalling smail when a self compiled MTA is present

1999-01-07 Thread Carey Evans
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc Haber) writes:

 Sounds like a bad brute-force approach. Can't dpkg do the remove and
 the install of the equivs package in a single operation?

Yes, AFAIK.  dpkg --auto-deconfigure --install new-mta.deb

 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.


1999-01-07 Thread Carey Evans
J.H.M. Dassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Because the mail transfer system of a subscriber is broken (it should not
 report back to the From: address of a message with Priority: bulk or junk);

Rather, it shouldn't ever bounce to the From: address.  All bounces
should go to the envelope sender, which for debian-user is

 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Re: need various libs ... ??

1999-01-07 Thread Carey Evans

 Comes up showing only libf2c.so.0 missing.  I found the other libs ... was
 looking in the wrong directory.  
 I did find a libf2c.so.2 file.  Is this a later version of the libf2c.so.0
 ??? Should I use that?  Or is it something completely different??  I found a
 1995 version which fits the bill, but its use would require that I overwrite
 a file out of my current libf2c.so.2 group.

libf2c.so.0 will be an older version that's incompatible with
libf2c.so.2.  Try taking all the libf2c.so.0* files and putting them
in /usr/local/lib then running ldconfig, and see whether 1. ldd finds
them, and 2. the program doesn't crash when run.

If it _does_ crash, the exact output and the output of ldd might

 I have obtained the source, but am leery about compiling it since I really
 am unfamiliar with that process.  Do you know if the dependencies would
 remain, or would they change to the versions in my system??

If you install the -dev versions of all the libraries where necessary
- probably just libc6-dev - it will depend on your current system,
including f2c's current libf2c.so.2.

 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

ftp only account

1999-01-07 Thread Sibuyas Bombay
hello everyone !
  i have a few questions,

 1. how do i give users an ftp only account (no telnet, etc).
 2. im using default debian install (2.0) , how do i enable anonymous ftp 

thanks a lot

A world of Information. The journey begins here. At Home.
Internet Cebu's web based mail. http://www.i-mailbox.net

[Help] Problem on Printer port MO

1999-01-07 Thread Tung-Han Hsieh
Dear Debian users,

I am planing to buy a printer port MO. But I am worry about that
Debian/Linux does not have driver to use it. I know that Linux 
can use SCSI MO, or SCSI ZIP or printer port ZIP, but how about
printer port MO? Is anyone has the experience?

If Debian can use the printer port MO, then when I do large file I/O,
will the system loading be too high to do other things? I have heard
the under M$ systems, if we do large file I/O under the printer port
MO, then the system will halt or become very slow. Is that will also
occure under Linux? And, what is the speed of I/O? Please give me a 
roughly order, 100 MB writting for 10 mins? half an hour or ?

If you use the printer port ZIP, please also talk about your experience 
about these questions. Thank you very much for your help in advance.

Sincerely yours,


Re: XWP - NOT!

1999-01-07 Thread Matus \fantomas\ Uhlar
- This sounds like an X windows security problem.  If you login
- and run X as one user, then open an Xterm and su to another
- user, that second user cannot run any graphical applications in
- X for security reasons.
- So if you loged in and ran X as your normal user account (as you
- should) then did su to change to root account to install Word
- Perfect (as your are told to do) then you have a permision
- problem.
- You can overide the security of X by using a command called
- xhost.  If you type:
- xhost +
- then any user from anywhere in the universe is allowed to run
- graphical applications on your X windows, this can be fun (and
- also very dangerous if you dont have any other security measures
- and are connected to the internet).
- A slightly safer solution is to use the following command:
- xhost +yourcomputername
- this will allow anyone who is logged on to your computer to run
- graphical applications.

Hmmm maybe using named pipe for DISPLAY would help - root can
open any named pipe; dunno if X authorization will allow that.

even ssh localhost -l root would be good; you must allow logins to root
at least for localhost; using /bin/login and /etc/login.access would be good
for this; you must of course turn it on in /etc/ssh/sshd_config too

 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of netlab.irc.sk; co-admin of irc.felk.cvut.cz
 Linux IS user friendly, it's just selective who its friends are...

Re: ftp only account

1999-01-07 Thread Matus \fantomas\ Uhlar
-  1. how do i give users an ftp only account (no telnet, etc).

give them shell which doesn't work, but is listed in /etc/shells
for example /bin/false...

-  2. im using default debian install (2.0) , how do i enable anonymous ftp
-  sessions ?


 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of netlab.irc.sk; co-admin of irc.felk.cvut.cz
 M$ Win's are shit, do not use it !

Upgrade has hosed my system :-(

1999-01-07 Thread Nidge Jones

Well after my last post I decided to go ahead and try upgrading one of my
Debian 1.3.1 systems.,,, and now I have a hosed box :-(

I used apt-get (on the CD) to upgrade, after being told by many of you it
was better than the .sh method.

I first edited the /etc/apt/sources.list file, so that it pointed at my

deb file:/cdrom/debian stable main

I then ran apt-get update

All appeared to be going well, no error messages etc. SO I continued to the
next part suggested in the README, and ran apt-get -f dist-upgrade.

Now this appeared to be updating/installing EVERYTHING from the Debian 2.0
CD, which is NOT what I wanted, but I let it continue. After a while it
stopped strutting it's stuff... all appearing OK.

So I then tried to run apt-get install timezones locales like the read
suggests. But I get the Error...

apt-get: can't load library 'libstdc++.so.27'

And am unable to continue any futher !

How can I recover from this. If I use dselect to see whats installed,
everything is shown as a 'broken' package :-(


BTW: Please Cc any replies to me via email, as I am still awaiting for
confirmation I am back on the debian-user list !

Thanks in advance.

Nidge Jones

Re: Remote boot question

1999-01-07 Thread Carey Evans
Eric Monson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 We are setting up a network with Linux and need some help. We are
 attempting to remote (network) boot the Win95 systems that we
 already have as clients for our Linux server. The problem is this:
 We have been looking into using ROM chips plugged into the network
 cards on the clients, but commercial solutions are too expensive. We
 could burn the ROMs ourselves, but we have no program to burn in.

A web search (on free boot prom at google.com) turned up this page,
which has a lot of useful information:


Is this the sort of thing you're after?

 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

ACER extensa 390's mouse?

1999-01-07 Thread pqa

I have an ACER extensa 390 and I'm having difficulties with the X installation. 

I have already installed the xserver-neomagic (thanks for the tip), but now I 
am having problems with the mouse.

The mouse (tablet) can be run by the X-windows system?

The mouse (tablet) can be run by the Linux system?

If yes, what it is the device? And the name of the mouse?

Thank you.

At\'e breve

Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
Departamento de Matem\'atica, Faculdade de Ci\^encias e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
url: http://www.mat.uc.pt/~pedro/
phone: 351 39 791170

Gnome Problems :(

1999-01-07 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Debian users,
at home I installed some Gnome packages from Slink and have any 
But at work, I have a fast conection to the net and have a updated 
Slink box. When I try to run:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ~$ gnome-session 
gnome-session: error in loading shared libraries
libgtk-1.1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 
happens the above error.
Eyes has this error too.
I think that I have last gtklibs.
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

Re: ACER extensa 390's mouse?

1999-01-07 Thread Stephan Witoszynskyj


i'm not sure if this ist true for all notebooks, but i think the mousepad
should be accessible as ps2 mouse. at least this works on my acer light


On Thu, 7 Jan 1999, pqa wrote:

 I have an ACER extensa 390 and I'm having difficulties with the X
 I have already installed the xserver-neomagic (thanks for the tip),
 but now I am having problems with the mouse.
 The mouse (tablet) can be run by the X-windows system?
 The mouse (tablet) can be run by the Linux system?
 If yes, what it is the device? And the name of the mouse?
 Thank you.
 At\'e breve
 Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
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Re: X toolkit warning

1999-01-07 Thread Lars Steinke
On Tue, Jan 05, 1999 at 02:31:28PM -0200, Mário Olímpio de Menezes wrote:
 Hi Debian folks,
   I'm running a program (cantata from Khoros www.khoral.com) and
 every time I access some dialogs I get a dialog warning box with a message
 like this:
 Warning: X Toolkit Warning: Actions not found:
   What is this?
   What can I do to fix this? It's an annoying message. Some times, I
 have to click 'OK' about 8 times till I get the dialog showed.

Oh, this is a well known problem to Khoros users. Kohoros provides it's
own widget set and as far as I understood it, it will not accept the same
toolkit options as Athena but X tries to apply them nevertheless as
they start with a *.
What I usually do before running cantata is a purge of the Xresources
using xrdb --remove, but that is only a quick and dirty fix...

Could we perhaps change those offending resources so they just apply to
Athena as they are meant to ?

   /(__  __|\  Lars Steinke, Research Student @
  (\/  __)_www.fmf.uni-freiburg.de, Germany
   )   (_  /   for PGP PKey and WWW-Page finger

Description: PGP signature


1999-01-07 Thread Marc Haber
On 07 Jan 1999 21:39:40 +1300, you wrote:
J.H.M. Dassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Because the mail transfer system of a subscriber is broken (it should not
 report back to the From: address of a message with Priority: bulk or junk);

Rather, it shouldn't ever bounce to the From: address.  All bounces
should go to the envelope sender, which for debian-user is

I doubt that Pertamina is aware of that - they don't even have
postmaster. Had to look them up in the RIPE DB.

Which RfC mandates bounces going to the envelope sender?


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: uninstalling smail when a self compiled MTA is present

1999-01-07 Thread Marc Haber
On 07 Jan 1999 21:33:48 +1300, you wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc Haber) writes:
 Sounds like a bad brute-force approach. Can't dpkg do the remove and
 the install of the equivs package in a single operation?

Yes, AFAIK.  dpkg --auto-deconfigure --install new-mta.deb

|=ROOT[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src # dpkg --auto-deconfigure --install 
|dpkg: regarding equivs_1.0.5-3_all.deb containing equivs:
| smail conflicts with mail-transport-agent
|  equivs provides mail-transport-agent and is to be installed
|dpkg: error processing equivs_1.0.5-3_all.deb (--install):
| conflicting packages - not installing equivs
|Errors were encountered while processing:
| equivs_1.0.5-3_all.deb


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

CVS and diff

1999-01-07 Thread Martin Schulze

I wonder how I can visualize differences between the cvs repository
and my local copy.

cvs diff only works if modifications are local.  It won't notice
if somebody has committed his modifications to the repository already.

I'd like to see the changes that would be applied with cvs update
before I run the command.

Is there any way - without copying the tree, updating and diffing
between both.



Happy GNU year!

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Re: CVS and diff

1999-01-07 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MS == Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MS I'd like to see the changes that would be applied with cvs update
MS before I run the command.

How about cvs -n update ?


Re: partition question

1999-01-07 Thread Peter Berlau
On Wed, Jan 06, 1999 at 11:21:11PM -0600, Wesley Simon wrote:
 I have a linux partition that is running out of space.  I have another
 partition on the drive that used to be NT, I toasted that partition and
 created another linux partition.  I would like to put everthing under
 /usr on the other partition.  I mounted it as /bkup.  I tried to go
 under /usr and do a cp -rf * /bkup as root.  I was then going to change
 the name of /usr to /usr.bak and change /bkup to /usr to test it.  I ran
 into some errors.  One in particular mentioned a circular symbolic
 link.  I stopped at this point, because I don't want to make a huge
 So, does anyone know the correct method for doing this?
try :
cd /usr
cp -aR * /bkup that will give a /bkup that holds the links also,
but before finally delete the old user and rename /bkup  try it out

Re: SoundBlaster Vibra 16 jumperless card under Linux

1999-01-07 Thread Damon Muller
On Wed, 6 Jan 1999 23:39:54 -0600 (EST)
Stephen Pitts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What type of BIOS do you have? my PCI PnP bios auto-configured the
 card and I used win98 to find out the irq and dma. There is a package
 called isapnptools that has similar functions. Get it, read the docs,
 ask the list if you need more help. 

This card isn't actually a PnP card, and is not seen by pnpdump. It's a
jumperless card, so it doesn't have it's resources dictated by the OS,
but by a configuration program.

I'd perfer not to mess up my delicatly balanced windoze system by adding
another card, then taking it out and hoping it keeps the same resources.


Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: uninstalling smail when a self compiled MTA is present

1999-01-07 Thread Carey Evans
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc Haber) writes:

 On 07 Jan 1999 21:33:48 +1300, you wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc Haber) writes:
  Sounds like a bad brute-force approach. Can't dpkg do the remove and
  the install of the equivs package in a single operation?
 Yes, AFAIK.  dpkg --auto-deconfigure --install new-mta.deb

[Marc proves me wrong.]

/usr/lib/dpkg/methods/disk/install says:

dpkg --install --auto-deconfigure

and uses:

dpkg -iB

Maybe it matters which order it goes in?

 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.


1999-01-07 Thread Carey Evans
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc Haber) writes:

 I doubt that Pertamina is aware of that - they don't even have
 postmaster. Had to look them up in the RIPE DB.
 Which RfC mandates bounces going to the envelope sender?

RFC 1123 (aka STD 3), Host Requirements, section 5.3.3.  In part:

 If there is a delivery failure after acceptance of a message,
 the receiver-SMTP MUST formulate and mail a notification
 message.  This notification MUST be sent using a null ()
 reverse path in the envelope; see Section 3.6 of RFC-821.  The
 recipient of this notification SHOULD be the address from the
 envelope return path (or the Return-Path: line).

So it's not actually required, just encouraged.  Software written
nearly ten years after the standard was published should be able to do 
this, though, and it's what mailing list software expects.

It's also not using a null envelope sender in its message, which it
MUST do.  Elsewhere in this RFC is the requirement for a postmaster
mailbox.  I suppose I should wish them luck...

 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

  Larry froze.  Was the bag a trap?
  He could see the way in, but the other end appeared to be sealed.

Can't locate module net-pf-5

1999-01-07 Thread Shao Zhang
Hello All,
On boot up, I got the above message.

I only had two lines in my /etc/modules:


So how do I avoid this message? What is the use of this module


dselect access screen does not have ftp update method

1999-01-07 Thread David Wayne Williams
I've tried to use dselect to update my Debian distribution via FTP.
However, the dselect access menu items does not contain an FTP option.  How
can I fix dselect or use other means to update my debian distribution?

Thank you in advance

David Wayne Williams.vcf
Description: Binary data

Kernel 2.2.

1999-01-07 Thread Thomas Janke
The new LINUX-Kernel will be available soon.
Is Debian ready for the new kernel?
Will Slink be?

What about the HURD-Kernel?

Thomas Janke
Hewlett Packard

Re: dselect access screen does not have ftp update method

1999-01-07 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 21:32:41 +0900, David Wayne Williams wrote:
 I've tried to use dselect to update my Debian distribution via FTP.
 However, the dselect access menu items does not contain an FTP option.  How
 can I fix dselect or use other means to update my debian distribution?

You need to install the dpkg-ftp package which provides dselect's FTP
method. You might want to look into apt and dpkg-http too.

Tevens ben ik van mening dat Nederland overdekt dient te worden.

PS/2 Mice not working =(

1999-01-07 Thread HoBzIE
I have a PS/2 mouse, Logitech Mouseman 4 btn, that will not work with 
either gpm or X, when i start gpm with protocol PS/2 and dev - psaux it 
says.. gpm: /dev/psaux operation not supported by device and i know what 
that text mens but i think its strange cuz i have had it working before 
with the exacly samt comp. and samt hardware, with one exception.. that is 
that i now have a CD-R recorder in.. could it be that the CD-R are using 
irq 12?? and how do i se if its like that, and if so. how do i change 

Thanks alot for helping me out.. (if anyone does that) =P hehe

And by the way, im from sweden.. so my english isnt the wery best..

Thanks / Eric Holmbom

Re: Can't locate module net-pf-5

1999-01-07 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 23:35:08 +1100, Shao Zhang wrote:
   On boot up, I got the above message.

alias net-pf-5 off  # DDP / appletalk
to /etc/modutils/aliases .

Tevens ben ik van mening dat Nederland overdekt dient te worden.

Re: Can't locate module net-pf-5

1999-01-07 Thread Conrado Badenas
Shao Zhang wrote:
 So how do I avoid this message? What is the use of this module

Edit your file /etc/modutils/aliases and uncomment the line:
alias net-pf-5 off  # DDP / appletalk

It seems it's used for appletalk.

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: PPP and mouse

1999-01-07 Thread David Wright
Quoting Michelle Maria Coelho ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Yesterday, I downloeaded the Debian Linux installation kit on floppies
 and installed it on my 486 at home. It was a breeze. However, there was
 one problem. At the time of installation, I hadn't plugged in the mouse
 (a Microsoft PS/2 serial mouse). I'm wondering if the plugging in of the
 mouse was crucial to the stage Configure device drivers. Will I have
 problems while installing XFree86

I don't think so. I think all that configuring the modules does is
to (a) load the module then and there, and (b) write its name into
/etc/modules. So if you want the module (serial or psaux depending
on the mouse's type) to load during booting, put serial or psaux
on a line of its own in that file.

The only tricky thing with mice and X in hamm is that it forgets to
create the gpmdata pipe if you want gpm to repeat (-R) mouse
movements into X.
cd /dev
mknod gpmdata p
as root will take care of that.
Then modify the line in gpm.conf to 
append=-R -l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\
and put
Section Pointer
Device  /dev/gpmdata
in /etc/X11/XF86Config and you're done.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: Kernel 2.2.

1999-01-07 Thread Peter Makholm
Thomas Janke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The new LINUX-Kernel will be available soon.

Lets hope so...

 Is Debian ready for the new kernel?
 Will Slink be?

Slink will not include the new kernel. Linux 2.2.0 is pretty much new
code compared to 2.0.X and will probaly not go into a frozen
distributation (thats will probaly also be true if potato freezes
before 2.2.0 hits the road.)

I believe that everything needed for linux 2.2.0 is avaible in slink. 

Peter er den mindst gamle af de gammeldags usenettere, og moderator på
den eneste modererede gruppe i dk.*, so there.
- citat RockBear

Re: [Fwd: Installing debian with Win98]

1999-01-07 Thread Kenneth Scharf
There is a .bmp file named something like windowslogo.bmp in the
windows directory that has the windows bootup display.  It can be
edited with the paint program.  I modified the one on my kid's
computer so It comes up with their names, Emily and Reva's computer.
 You could copy the file to linux, edit it with the gimp (actually
replace everything with tux) and then export it back to windows.  The
file MUST be of an exact pixel size (640xsomething) so it will be
correctly displayed.  (Win95 usese the bottom of the bitmap to display
the moving bar as it boots).

Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
 Hi Tim,
 I have Window$98 and Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 running on a IBM ThinkPad
 385XD laptop without any trouble (sofar?).  I've kept a detailed log
 of all the things I did and can mail it if your interested.  You'll
 have to wait till tomorrow though, 'cause I don't have it here.
 Basically, I repartitioned the 4GB internal hard disk, did a recovery
 installation of Window$ on the C: drive and then put Linux on the
 rest.  From what you say (having things already partitioned), you can
 skip most of that and just jump in at the Linux installation.  I had
 the same problem as you mentioned: linux just won't boot.  The reason
 is that LILO can not boot Linux if the root partition is not in the
 first 1024 cylinders of the boot disk.
 My first work-around was a DOS boot-floppy that auto-execs loadlin to
 boot Linux.  Worked like a charm, but I found the floppy boot a little
 clumsy.  Following the loadlin docs, I modified the Window$ boot to
 give me a choice (much like LILO would have done if it worked).  So, I
 boot Linux through M$-DOS, but, hey, if it works, who cares?
 Now, if I could only get that silly Window$ logo at boot time replaced
 with something more Linux, like a penguin ...

Just in case you don't know:  You can disable that Windows
boot logo
with an
entry in msdos.sys (a text file now) of Logo=0 in the Options
section.  Works
for W95.
Replacing it with a penguin is an entirely different matter,

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

SoundBlaster Vibra 16 jumperless card under Linux

1999-01-07 Thread Kenneth Scharf
If this is an isa card, then use the isapnp package to set up the
card.  See the sound how_to.


Hi folks,

This one has got me beat, and I'm hoping someone in debian-land might be
able to help me out.

I got a vibra 16 card (soundblaster) from a friend, but it didn't come
with any driver disks or anything like that. Unfortunately it is a
jumperless card, and I have no way of setting the IRQs and DMAs under
linux (or even finding out what they are) so I can set it up to run
under Linux.

I went to the creative web site and downloaded the dos/win31 drivers,
thinking this would solve my problem. Not so! It refuses to install the
dos configuration programs under win98 dos... My linux box only has
linux on it, so I can't just boot it to dos, and the install program
doesn't like working under DOSEmu.

So, at the moment, I seem to be a little stuck. I'm thinking maybe if I
can get hold of the program to set up the board under DOS, I can boot
linux with a dos boot disk, and set it up from there. The zip from
creative contains it, but it's compressed, and only the install program
can uninstall it.

If anyone can help, I'd greatly appreciate it. Any suggestions are more
than welcome.



Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: Cost of Debian software

1999-01-07 Thread buns
tcc wrote:

 At present i am using an intel pentium 233MHZ computer with 4.3 GB hardisk
 I would like to acquire your debian software to help me perform mainly
 excel and
 word function . is there any authorised dealer in Malaysia? how much it
 Thank you.

Check out the following URL www..nasional.net/woolf/

That's where I bought my Cheapbytes 2.0 Hamm CD (binary only) and it cost RM22 
US$5). Will be glad to lend you my CD if they are out of stock.


1999-01-07 Thread Marc Haber
On 08 Jan 1999 00:50:59 +1300, you wrote:
RFC 1123 (aka STD 3), Host Requirements, section 5.3.3.  In part:

Thanks. I will incorporate this into my canned response for brain-dead
autoresponses to mailing lists.


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: dselect access screen does not have ftp update method

1999-01-07 Thread Peter Berlau
On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 09:32:41PM +0900, David Wayne Williams wrote:
 I've tried to use dselect to update my Debian distribution via FTP.
 However, the dselect access menu items does not contain an FTP option.  How
 can I fix dselect or use other means to update my debian distribution?
 Thank you in advance
I usually using apt-get to updating and upgrading my system.
If You using hamm (debian 2.0) You must get the apt from there
section admin ( if I remember correctly)
before You can use apt-get, 
if You have slink(debian 2.1) get the apt from slink/admin
than You can do:
apt-get -s update ; apt-get -s dist-upgrade
to see what will apt do if You Upgrade Your  system completly
no matter no real work done, if You find it will work ok just
delete the -s and try
apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade
packages upgrading/installation is similar:
apt-get -s update package ; apt-get -s install package
apt-get update package ; apt-get install package
You have eventually change the entries in:
to Your needs.
If using apt to upgrade hamm to slink after the dist-upgrade run
You must:
install the packages:
xterm and xmodmap and also the xfont-upgrades You need, this is
not done automatically via apt-get, because the X-Package was 
splitting in several parts and apt can't know this nor can't get
see this in Your package-list.
After that the system still runs fine,


Re: Can't locate module net-pf-5

1999-01-07 Thread Peter Berlau
On Thu, Jan 07, 1999 at 11:35:08PM +1100, Shao Zhang wrote:
 Hello All,
   On boot up, I got the above message.
   I only had two lines in my /etc/modules:
   So how do I avoid this message? What is the use of this module
This is for the appletalk ; You can add a line like

alias net-pf-5 off  # DDP / appletalk

to Your `/etc/conf.modules'
and the message gone away ,   ;)


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