Re: Paquetes no main

1999-04-06 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 05 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 14:52:57 +0200, Santiago Vila contaba:

 ¿Que opciones habria que pasar a dpkg, para que me de los paquetes
 instalados, de las secciones contrib y non-free?
 Con dpkg -l no se puede hacer esta seleccion.

A mí sí me funciona:

 Él se refiere a todos los contrib y non-free  ;-)

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
PGP Public key at

Re: Acentos, eñes y demás zarandajas...

1999-04-06 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Mon, Apr 05, 1999,
Javier Ramirez...

 export LC_MESSAGES=es_ES
 export LANG=es_ES
 export LESSCHARSET=latin1
 export LC_CTYPE=es_ES.ISO8859-1
 export MM_CHARSET=ISO-8859-1
 Así consigo utilizar acentos(*), eñes y demás zarandajas con
 el vi,  pero no así con  el joe.  ¿Qué tengo  que hacer para
 poderlos utilizar con joe(**)?

Como te han dicho en las news, mira el parámetro `-asis' en el
`/etc/joe/joerc'. Yo empecé  con Joe,  pero después  de probar
Vim... ;-)

La única variable que tengo definida en el `profile' es LANG:

export LANG=es_ES.ISO-8859-1

y me funcionan acentos, ñ, diéresis y circunfejo (en Vim y Joe):

ñÑ çÇ


äëïöü ÄËÏÖÜ äëïöü ÂÊÎÔÛ
Todo parece ir  bien, excepto la A  mayúscula con circunflejo,

Supongo que será la  fuente que utilizo. Del `/etc/TextConfig'

Option LoadFont

FontProg /usr/bin/setfont

FontPath /usr/share/consolefonts

FontSelect lat1u-16   8x16 9x16 8x15 9x15 
FontSelect lat1u-14   8x14 9x14 8x13 9x13
FontSelect lat1u-12   8x12 9x12 8x11 9x11
FontSelect lat1u-10   8x10 9x11 8x9  9x9 
FontSelect lat1u-08   8x8  9x8  8x7  9x7
FontSelect Cyr_a8x32  8x32 9x32 8x31 9x31

FontProg /usr/bin/setfont -u lat1u.uni

DefaultMode 80x40x9

Ese doble `FontProg' me estraña...

¿ Hay alguna forma de saber con certeza que fuente tienes ?

`setfont'  no te  lo dice,  aunque parece  que en  mi caso  es
`lat1u', ¿no?

Bueno, para mí está bien. Si alguien quiere recomendar alguna otra.

Ya puestos quiero comentar un problema que quizás tenga alguna
relación con ésto. En Xwindow también me funcionan los acentos
y demás, y  en la Xterm las teclas inicio  y fin, así como
en el editor  Joe. Pero en Vim estas dos  teclas no, devuelven
'F+return'  y 'H+return',  respectivamente. Las teclas  de
función algo similar, cuando en modo texto funcionan.

En las  News me  comentarom que  Vim no  leia el  `termcap', o
algo  así  (perdí  el  post,  y  ponerse  a  hacer  un  strace
ahora... O:-). Si  alguien  sabe  que hay  que  trastear  para
arreglar esto, me sería de gran ayuda que lo comentase.

En el `/etc/vimrc', tengo añadidas al final unas líneas:

Teclas Home y End (modo comando)
map ESCOH 0
map ESCOF $
Teclas Home y End (modo inserción)
map! ESCOH ESC0i
map! ESCOF ESC$i

La  verdad no  se  que  hacen ahí. Si  las  comento (tal  como
aparece),  en modo  texto siguen  funcionando home  y end,
pero arranco las X y el Vim en la Xterm sigue igual...


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-
 -=-=-  Computadora de 1992   -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario] Software Foundation  Documentación en Castellano

Algo raro con la memoria

1999-04-06 Thread Hernan Mauricio Velasquez Nino
Hola a todos

Tal vez recuerden que algun tiempo les consulte como instalar debian en un
computador pentium dual (dos procesadores).

Recibi sus respuestas y estoy muy agradecido, esta maquina esta que vuela.

Ahora hay algo que me preocupa.  Esta maquina que les cuento viene con 128
megas en ram, pero cuando corro top me dice que solo hay 64 megas.  Es
mas, cuando inicio el sistema y le doy dmesg, me sale:

Memory: 64268k/66556k available (932k kernel code, 416k reserved, 896k
data, 44k init)

Que es un mensaje del kernel que compile.  Es que acaso este kernel no ve
mas de 64 megas en ram?  o habra que hacer algun procedimiento raro para
que vea los 128 megas que tiene la maquina ?

Les agradezco cualquier ayuda.

Hernan Mauricio Velasquez
Ingenieria de Sistemas y Computacion
Universidad de los Andes
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia


1999-04-06 Thread Javier López
Hola a todos.

Tengo una máquina instalada con debian 2.1 en la que utilizo xdm para
conectarme desde estaciones X Window. La máquina no tiene ni pantalla ni
teclado, por lo que me resulta completamente inutil el proceso que xdm
lanza para controlar el display :0. ¿Alguien sabe como hacer que este
proceso no se lanze?


Re: AWE64 pnp

1999-04-06 Thread Javier López

Miguel Angel Velando wrote:

 Hola a  todos,

 Soy nuevo  en Linux y estoy tratando de  reemplazar  mi
 W95. No he tenido mayores inconvenientes con la  instalacion
 las  X, WordPerfect8, Netscape 4.08,  etc
 pero no consigo hacer funcionar la placa de  sonido
 Soundblaster  AWE64 PnP. Alguien ha tenido alguna experiencia
 con  este modelo?

 Desde  ya,  gracias

 Miguel  Velando

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Yo tengo el mismo modelo de tarjeta, y siguiendo el AWE-HOWTO no tuve ningún 
problema para
configurarla. Aparte de la configuración del PNP es exactamente igual que si 
tuvieras una AWE
El único problema que hay es que el pnpdump no detecta los tres puertos del 
EMU8000, pero eso
lo tienes explicado en el HOWTO.

Un saludo

Re: Algo raro con la memoria

1999-04-06 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Hernan Mauricio Velasquez Nino wrote:

 Que es un mensaje del kernel que compile.  Es que acaso este kernel no ve
 mas de 64 megas en ram?  o habra que hacer algun procedimiento raro para

Seguramente necesitas pasarle el parámetro mem=128M al arrancar (en la lista
de parámetros de ese kernel, en /etc/lilo.conf). Podría quedar de la
siguiente manera:


El problema también se solucionaría instalando un kernel más moderno, pero
sin duda esta opción es más rápida :-))


RE: Paquetes no main

1999-04-06 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 A mí sí me funciona:

  Él se refiere a todos los contrib y non-free  ;-)

Si, eso es. He ejecutado

grep -B 1 -A 9 'Section: contrib' /var/lib/dpkg/available | lpr

y ya tengo lo que me hacia falta, salen unos bloquecitos con la seccion, el
paquete, descripcion y alguna otra cosa. Lo que pasa, es que tambien salen
cosas correspondientes a paquetes que ya no estan instalados. ¿Existe alguna
forma de purgar estos datos?


Re: Acentos, eñes y demás zarandajas...

1999-04-06 Thread drequena

 y tampoco veo ninguna mayúscula con circumflejo (ÂÊÎÔÛ) ... aunque como
 hablo francés ... sin embargo, otros: ß (eszet alemana) ¢ (céntimo
 de poco en uso) ¥ (yen) ... POR CIERTO, ¿sabe alguien cómo, si se puede,
 implementar el símbolo del euro?

Usando una fuente ISO-8859-15 que lo incluye y es practicamente igual a la
ISO-8859-1 al menos en lo referente a laos caracteres españoles. Tendras
que modificar tambien el mapa de teclado de la consola y de Xwindow. Hay un
paquete con fuentes y los mapas en:

Fuente: PC-Actual, p.242.

David Requena

Re: Quitar xdm del arranque

1999-04-06 Thread Agustín Martín
Hue-Bond wrote:
  En  Debian el  xdm  no  se controla,  así  sino  en el  archivo
  /etc/X11/config, tal y como salió en otro mensaje.

Creo que con el xdm de la 2.1 ya no es así:

del /usr/doc/xfree86-common/README.debian

 Upgraders from earlier versions of the X packages should be aware that the
 /etc/X11/config file is no longer used; its functions are now handled by
 /etc/X11/Xserver.options in this package, /etc/X11/xdm/xdm.options in the xdm
 package, and /etc/X11/xfs/xfs.options in the xfs package.  Furthermore, the
 nature of /etc/X11/Xresources has changed; it is now a directory containing
 package-specific resource files instead of a single file.

Este parece ser el método actual para ello:
Del /usr/doc/xdm/README.debian:

 If one does not wish to run a local X server at all, the following line should
 be commented out of /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers:
 :0 local /usr/bin/X11/X vt7


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Log de inicio

1999-04-06 Thread Addex

Bueno esta es la primeracuestion que planteo 
a la lista,
me gustaria poder registrar en un log todos los 
que se producen justo al arrancar linux para poder 
tranquilamente mas tarde "hacer fotos a la pantalla 
no es
una opcion". ¿Alguna idea?


Directorio mqueue

1999-04-06 Thread Vázquez, Gustavo
Tengo un problemita. A veces (soslo un par de veces y con cierto usuario)
sucede el siguiente error:

sendmail[38608]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(user): The chdir system call failed,
chdir(/var/spool/mqueue): The file access permissions do not allow the
specified action.

Obviamente el mail se pierde.

Los permisos del directorio son drwxrwx---

Desde ya, gracias.


Re: Log de inicio

1999-04-06 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Addex escribió:
 me gustaria poder registrar en un log todos los mensajes
que se producen justo al arrancar linux para poder leerlos
tranquilamente mas tarde

  dmesg |more
o si quieres mas información todavia (estando como root)
  more /var/log/messages


Re: Servidor X para i740

1999-04-06 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On lun, abr 05, 1999 at 07:43:53 +0200, Ángel Carrasco wrote:
 Utilizo la debian 2.1 con el kernel 2.0.36 y las xfree86 3.3.2. He instalado 
 una tarjeta gráfica Intel 740 y tengo el siguiente problema. No aparece por 
 ninguna parte. Entonces, decidi bajarme los nuevos xservers, pero las webs de 
 Xfree, X y X11 estan organizadas de forma que nosotros los novatos tengamos 
 problemas para saber que bajar etc. Ruego si alguien ha tenido un problema 
 similiar tenga a bien comentarme posibles soluciones o donde podría bajarme 
 el fichero mejor etc.
 Gracias anticipadas.

Instala el servidor X XBF_i740 (no GNU pero si freeware) de Red Hat Software
que encontrarás en:
De ese directorio tienes que bajar los siguientes ficheros:

Saludos y suerte.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

RE: Las qt 1.42 no van [SOLUCIONADO]

1999-04-06 Thread Ricardo Villalba

Tampoco puedo compilarlo, también salen errores con el símbolo __eh_pc.
Por supuesto he instalado la libstdc++2.9 (y una actualización de
libstdc++2.8), y no he tenido ningún problema de dependencias al instalar
los paquetes.

A veces uno descubre la solución 5 minutos de haber hecho la pregunta...

He instalado la nueva versión del compilador de c++ (que curiosamente se
llama g++) y el libstdc++2.9-dev y ya por fin puedo compilarlo.

Ricardo Villalba

No me funciona el KDE 1.1

1999-04-06 Thread Ricardo Villalba
El otro día instalé el KDE 1.1 que iba en la pc actual del mes pasado. Las
qt 1.42 la saqué de potato.
Parecía que toda iba bien, pero resulta que unos cuantos programas (kdehelp,
kedit) no funcionan: símbolo no definido en o algo así.

¿Cómo se soluciona?
¿Vale con actualizar el kdelibs2g o hay que actualizar todo el KDE (que es
lo que me temo)?

Ricardo Villalba

Re: Log de inicio

1999-04-06 Thread Andres Herrera

On Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 12:47:22PM +0100, Addex wrote:
 Bueno esta es la primera cuestion que planteo a la lista, me gustaria
 poder registrar en un log todos los mensajes que se producen justo al
 arrancar linux para poder leerlos tranquilamente mas tarde hacer fotos a
 la pantalla no es una opcion. ¿Alguna idea?

dmesg te da esa informacion, asi que redirecciona la salida a un fichero y
listos :)

POWERED BY Linux. Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.2.5 - User reg. 66054
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Antequera (Malaga) - Spain
 Grupo LIMA (Asociacion de Usuarios de Linux de Malaga)

Re: AWE64 pnp

1999-04-06 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 05 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 14:49:11 -0300, Miguel Angel Velando 

pero no consigo hacer funcionar la placa de  sonido
Soundblaster  AWE64 PnP. Alguien ha tenido alguna experiencia
con  este modelo?


(READPORT 0x020b)

(CONFIGURE CTL00c5/85552926 (LD 0
 (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
 (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 1))
 (DMA 1 (CHANNEL 5))
 (IO 0 (BASE 0x0220))
 (IO 1 (BASE 0x0330))
 (IO 2 (BASE 0x0388))
 (ACT Y)

(CONFIGURE CTL00c5/85552926 (LD 1
 (IO 0 (BASE 0x0200))
 (ACT Y)

(CONFIGURE CTL00c5/85552926 (LD 2
 (IO 0 (BASE 0x0620))
# Ahora lo copio del SoundBlaster-AWE-miniHOWTO,
# ya que las cosas concuerdan con güindonz
 (IO 1 (BASE 0x0A20))
 (IO 2 (BASE 0x0E20))
 (ACT Y)



# Bla bla bla
# Cambios by /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/AWE32:
alias char-major-14 sb
alias sound sb
alias midi awe_wave
post-install awe_wave /usr/bin/sfxload /usr/lib/awe/sfbank/synthgm.sbk
options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330

 Ejecutar como root:

# isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
# update-modules
# modprobe sound

 Y a  ver qué  tal. Ah!,  el sonido ha  de estar  compilado como
 módulo y el kernel  (2.2.5 en mi caso) ha de  tener el soporte para
 PnP activado. Yo lo puse con el  2.0.34 y sólo he tenido un pequeño
 contratiempo en el cambio a 2.2.x, tan pequeño que ni lo recuerdo.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
PGP Public key at

Re: Suck en Debian

1999-04-06 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 06 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 19:05:11 +0200, Han Solo contaba:

Resulta que el script /usr/lib/suck/, que es el
encargado de bajar y subier las news en RedHat, en Debian no existe. En
ese fichero es donde se dice de que servidor de los marcados en
newsfeeds se tiene que bajar las news. Lo mas parcido que he encontrado
es el /etc/suck/get-news.conf, pero no he conseguido que funcione.

 En  Debian  es /usr/sbin/get-news,  que  es  un enlace  a  otro
 archivo (si no  me equivoco). Algunas variables que se  usan en ese
 script se toman del get-news.conf. El mío es:

server: localhost
sedcmd: /^NNTP-Posting-Host:\|^Xref:/d

 Por  supuesto, haz  todas  estas cosas  como  usuario news.  Si
 tienes dudas de haber tocado algo como root, con esto se arregla:

# chown -R /etc/news/* /etc/suck/* /var/lib/news/* /var/lib/suck/*

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
PGP Public key at

Acentos... :-(

1999-04-06 Thread Adriano Freitas

Ola' pessoal, entrei na lista debian-user-portuguese ha' pouco tempo e
gostaria de saber como anda a acentuacao para o XWindows, quais os
metodos hoje existentes e qualquer documentacao a respeito disso.

Quando eu estava usando o kernel 2.0.xx, eu usava um daemon chamado
diacrd (acho), so' que quando eu comecei a usar o kernel esse
programa deixou de funcionar devido ao novo codigo de acesso do teclado
no kernel da serie 2.1. Pros: todos os programas funcionavam. Contras: o
acento cirunflexo costumava falhar (?)

Um outro metodo que eu cheguei a experimentar foi o da substituicao da
libX11 por uma compilada com suporte a acentuacao, so' que mesmo assim,
nao eram todos os programas que aceitavam acentos.

Bom, qualquer ajuda nessa area sera' muito bem vinda


Acentuação no 2.1?

1999-04-06 Thread jclaudio
Estranhamente não estou conseguindo acentuar no 2.1.
Usava o 2.0 e acentuava corretamente em todos os programas no x e no
console(exceto staroffice e seu ~ til.
Uso como solução para acentuar a troca de fontes para lat1u-16.psf.
Troca do arquivo defalut map para um do arnaldo carvalho de
e alguma mudança nos arquivos profile, inputrc, Xsession e Compose.
Tudo está descrito em
No X tudo funciona bem, exceto pelo xterm. No console quando digito por
exemplo ' (acento agudo) e a (letra A) deveria aparecer á (A acentuado).
Mas não aparece. No seu lugar aparece o código da letra, (eu acho) /341
Isso acontece para todas as letras que tento acentuar.
Alguém sabe onde pode está o erro?
Conferi tudinho, mas não encontrei diferença do que fiz no 2.0.
Será algum package que não instalei?
A propósito o 2.1 slink está muito bom.

Re: SB 128 PCI w/2.1 kernel

1999-04-06 Thread Randy Edwards
  as far as i know the SB 128 PCI is based on the chip es1371
  so i would try CONFIG_SOUND_ES1371=y instead.

   Thanks Helmut, but no, there's two different varieties of the SB 128 PCI
according to the driver readme.  You identify them with a 'lspci -n' command;
according to the output I'm using the right one.

   But since I've tried about everything else I can think of, perhaps I ought
to give the other a try. :-)

 Regards,| Why would anyone want to run an operating
 .   | system that is open source and is developed
 Randy   | by hundreds of hackers worldwide? Find out
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | why at

Re: where is Pine?

1999-04-06 Thread Pollywog

On 06-Apr-99 Ed Cogburn wrote:
 Pollywog wrote:
 Which package contains Pine?  I thought I had it installed but I can't find
  and I can't find a pine deb.

oic.  Well, I did not need it that much, I just recall that in another distro,
it was installed by default and I used it when KDE or my regular mailer had



[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: email threat

1999-04-06 Thread thomas lakofski
On 5 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[ESR wrote:]

  Damn straight I took it personally.  And if you ever again behave like
  that kind of disruptive asshole in public, insult me, and jeopardize
  the interests of our entire tribe, I'll take it just as personally --
  and I will find a way to make you regret it.  Watch your step.

I think that most people in the Linux community will find this behaviour
objectionable in the extreme.  If ESR wanted to rally people round in his
defense ('understand my job', etc.), he's just taken one of his many
firearms and shot himself in the foot.

It's fairly obvious who is 'behav[ing] like [a] disruptive asshole,' and
'jeopardiz[ing] the interests of our entire tribe.'


please forgive my abrupt ending hre - but my conection is  
xtrememleyyhiclmelyey  BAD hiccuppy etc must sign off - 
EF D8 33 68 B3 E3 E9 D2  C1 3E 51 22 8A AA 7B 98 umbra (!)

Re: email threat

1999-04-06 Thread Vincent Murphy
On Mon, Apr 05, 1999 at 10:48:42PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Today I received the following threat in e-mail from Eric Raymond. The message

 is this for-real?


Re: Double-Vision when increasing bbp

1999-04-06 Thread Kent West
Kent West wrote:

 Up til now I've been living with a DefaultColorDepth of 8 in my
 X Windows. (I figured I had plenty of other stuff to learn about Linux
 first.) Now when I try to change it to 15 or 16 or 32 and restart X I
 get  double- or triple- or worse- vision. It's sort of like the vertical
 hold on a television is set improperly, only I not only get a
 mis-aligned image (upwards and downwards usually), I also get two
 images, one on top of the other, separated by about 3/4 of the height of
 the monitor. I've tried tinkering with xvidtune, but that doesn't help
 at all. I've tried resetting my X settings with XF86Config, but again,
 no good. It happens at 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768. I'm tried using
 the XF86_SVGA server and the XFCom_SVGA server that's part of vmware. My
 card is a 2MB (I believe) STB Nitro 64 (Cirrus GD5446-HC-A).

 I suspect it's something in the modeline, but I've tried to read some of
 the docs on modelines and came away fairly well confused. So, can anyone
 point me in the right direction, either with a solution or where to look
 for the solution, especially in English, not techno-speak. Thanks!

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

It's gotten worse; I changed back to 8 bbp and I still have double-vision. I've 
creating a new XF86Config file from scratch using both xf86config and XF86Setup 
using sane defaults and tried using various Cirrus options (such as linear and
no_accell); it's really nasty. Oh, BTW, I found out it's a 1MB card instead 
of 2MB.

Re: Setting the time and date is ?broken?

1999-04-06 Thread thomas lakofski
On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Richard Black wrote:

 which _seems_ to work.  But when I reboot, the time and date are
 incorrect.  I have also tried using date with similar lack of success.
 Two things that I have noticed is that hwclock is slow and hwclock
 --show doesn't return anything.

is it quite an old pc?  you might need a new battery on your motherboard,
the little lithium cr2032 one which supplies power to the rtc and nvram
when it's switched off.  if the battery goes, it has trouble storing the
time.  it's not completely consistent with the behaviour you're describing
though, but it's worth checking.


please forgive my abrupt ending hre - but my conection is  
xtrememleyyhiclmelyey  BAD hiccuppy etc must sign off - 
EF D8 33 68 B3 E3 E9 D2  C1 3E 51 22 8A AA 7B 98 umbra (!)

Unidentified subject!

1999-04-06 Thread Jeff Rose

Re: email threat

1999-04-06 Thread homega

 Today I received the following threat in e-mail from Eric Raymond. The message
 was copied to the Silicon Valley Linux User's Group officers, who you may
 consult regarding its authenticity. The police have been notified.
 Because I know that Eric is a firearms enthusiast, for my own protection,
 I feel the best strategy is for me to publicize the threat widely.

Forgive my ignorance here (and my curiousity) but just ... who is Eric
Raymond, and who are you (or what you've done/said) so that he threatens you?


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Re: email threat

1999-04-06 Thread bruce
 Forgive my ignorance here (and my curiousity) but just ... who is Eric
 Raymond, and who are you (or what you've done/said) so that he threatens you?

I'm tempted to say he's just a nut, but he's the head of the Open Source
Initiative. What annoyed him is that I cricicized the Apple license. The full
text of the threatening email can be found at .



Re: Potato and egcs

1999-04-06 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Sun, Apr 04, 1999 at 09:13:47PM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
 On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Stephen Pitts wrote:
  First, don't complain. One of the listed goals for potato on 
  debian-devel (you do read that, don't you? potato is a DEVELOPERS RELEASE)
I was under the impression that there are illegal constructs in 2.0 that
GCC likes but EGCS hates, and that these problems were fixed in the 2.1 
tree some time ago. The whole GCC/EGCS thing is mostly political, IMHO, as 
many agree that EGCS is the superior compiler. There was a big thread on -devel
discussing whether glibc2.1 was pulled because it doesn't compile with GCC 2.8.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Wall and chatscripts broken

1999-04-06 Thread wb4mle
I have potato-current with kernel 2.2.5. Wall quit a while ago which
stopped the echo ip-up script line. Now something (perhaps ppp
update) has stopped the report connect from sending the data to the
current screen. Any idea what may get this working again? Hate to use
a 16k4 when I get 49-50k most of time. Thanks..
Eddie Seymour, WB4MLE
PGP KEYS D/H 0xB65DC61A   RSA 0x935801A9

Re: vim/ctags problem: Java keywords not highlighted

1999-04-06 Thread Jonathan Hayward
 - What are TERM and COLORTERM set to?  I use rxvt and have
   TERM set to xterm-color and COLORTERM set to rxvt.  I don't
   know what the appropriate values are for xterm.

Setting TERM to rxvt (xterm-color wasn't recognized) and putting a
syntax on .vimrc, together, provide coloring.  Thanks.


Re: email threat

1999-04-06 Thread John Hasler
bruce writes:
 Because I know that Eric is a firearms enthusiast, for my own protection,
 I feel the best strategy is for me to publicize the threat widely.

And quotes:
 Damn straight I took it personally.  And if you ever again behave like
 that kind of disruptive asshole in public, insult me, and jeopardize
 the interests of our entire tribe, I'll take it just as personally --
 and I will find a way to make you regret it.  Watch your step.

While this is certainly objectionable, it is not a threat of violence.
Notifying the police is totally unjustified.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: email threat

1999-04-06 Thread Rick Macdonald
On 5 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Forgive my ignorance here (and my curiousity) but just ... who is Eric
  Raymond, and who are you (or what you've done/said) so that he threatens 
 I'm tempted to say he's just a nut, but he's the head of the Open Source
 Initiative. What annoyed him is that I cricicized the Apple license. The full
 text of the threatening email can be found at .

Is the quote below what pissed him off? He does say that you singled him
out whereas the decision, he says, was made by the entire board of 5

I gather that there's more to it all. Eric is right that the entire board
isn't mentioned as having made the decision, but on the other hand, I
think it's worded quite politely and sincerely. 

Bruce's open letter stated: 

We also regret to note that that Eric Raymond, with the best of
intentions, jumped a little too fast to embrace the APSL in his enthusiasm
to welcome Apple to our community. He placed the Open Source designation
on a license that wasn't quite ready for that. We invite Eric and other
members of the Free Software community to join us in requesting the few
simple changes to the APSL that we have outlined in this letter. 


RE: Loading packages from zip drive

1999-04-06 Thread Chris Reay
I posted this message on 23 March, and received replies from Helmut
Metzdorf, Santiago Vila Doncel, Bruce Sass, and ANShevin. Thank you for you
help, all of which was useful.

This is how I solved the problem. 

1. Throw away the Infomagic CD.
2. Download the base distribution from the Debian ftp site, as per Debian
installation guide.
3. Copy downloaded files from zip drive to dos partition.
4. Install base system from hard disk, as per Debian installation guide.
5. Download required packages from ftp site.
6. Install packages using dpkg -i
7. Repeat 5  6 for required packages not originally downloaded (d'oh).

The result is a simple, small installation with which I am very happy. I
recommend Debian for those who require a small, simple console-based
installation due to memory and disk-space limitations (or who believe in
function over form).

Well done, and thanks for the help.


 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Reay 
 Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 1999 15:10
 To:   ''
 Subject:  Loading packages from zip drive
 I have an old-ish Toshiba laptop (486, 200 mb, no CD) onto which I have
 loaded the Debian v2.0 base system from the dos partition. I now want to
 add a few console editing, development (mostly Python and C), and utility
 packages; to this end I've copied the relevant binary-i package
 directories (and packages) from an Infomagic CDR (11/98 ish) as well as
 the files Package and Package.gz onto an Iomega zip drive, which I have
 mounted. I run through dselect and select the zip directory, select the
 packages I want, resolve (i trust) dependency issues and set it going. The
 process appears to be collecting information about the packages but
 doesn't get very far at all, and after a while finds too many errors ...
 and returns to the dselect menu without installing the packages. I've
 looked through the installation, faq, and tutorial documents, but haven't
 found anything helpful on the topic. Does anybody know the solution?
 Chris Reay

Re: email threat

1999-04-06 Thread Ian Keith Setford

Bruce, if you are actually in fear for your life the police are the right
forum for this.  It appears that you are trying to once again publicly
defame Eric in front of the Linux community.  This message is about
embarrassment and character assassination hid beneath a patina of fear.

Regardless of what your differences are with Eric this message should not
have been posted to this list.


On 5 Apr 1999, John Hasler wrote:

 bruce writes:
  Because I know that Eric is a firearms enthusiast, for my own protection,
  I feel the best strategy is for me to publicize the threat widely.
 And quotes:
  Damn straight I took it personally.  And if you ever again behave like
  that kind of disruptive asshole in public, insult me, and jeopardize
  the interests of our entire tribe, I'll take it just as personally --
  and I will find a way to make you regret it.  Watch your step.
 While this is certainly objectionable, it is not a threat of violence.
 Notifying the police is totally unjustified.
 John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
 Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
 Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


PGP = F2 92 50 E3 CD D7 A2 D9  C4 CE 08 A6 98 E0 0F 58

Re: X thinks my screen is larger than it actually is

1999-04-06 Thread Shao Zhang
edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config, set Virtual 1024 768

if you are using 1024x768

Marcus Claren wrote:

 I've got a very annoying problem. My X server seems to
 think that my screen is bigger than it actually is.
 I'm using wmaker, and when a program window drops out
 of the desktop I can usually maximize it and make it
 fit the desktop perfectly. So wmaker knows the size
 of my screen, I think. But when I'm running certain
 programs, like games (Xsoldier, Xworm) which seem
 to have a preset window - size their windowborders
 are vanishing outside the desktoparea and there's
 no way for me to resize them. Other programs that I'm
 experiencing the same with are Rosegarden, a music program
 and Blender.

 Some guy at irc told me that this could be due to
 that I've set my virtual res too high in the XF86Config-
 file, but he couldn't explain to me exactly how to
 change this.

 Anyway, please help me as this makes working with
 some programs impossible.


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Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: SiS6326 chip and XFree86

1999-04-06 Thread Shao Zhang
The SVGA server in slink does not support this chip. You can just download the 
from XFree86 website, and manually link it to /usr/X11R6/bin/X.

Then edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config.

You will need to set the following options on:

Option sw_cursor
Option no_bitblt
Option no_imageblt
Option noaccel

Good luck.
Antonio Ullan wrote:

 Paul Lowe wrote:

  Antonio Ullán wrote:
   My PC is running slink. I just have installed a SiS6326 AGP video card
   and I don't
   know how can I to configure X-Window. I have intented with XF86_SVGA
   server but only I get 320x200 resolution and Ctrl-Alt-+, Ctrl-Alt--
   dont't work.
   Can somebody help me?.
   Thanks. Best regards.
  Edit /usr/X11/lib/X11/XF86Config
  Paul Lowe

 Hello Paul:
 I have intented that my video-car work editing XF86Config file but
 I haven't get it. I think that XFree86 3.3.2 ( currently installed in
 slink) don't support SiS6326 chip or not in the usual way (editing
 XF86Config, run XF86Setup,...). I'd like to know if somebody have this
 video chip runing in slink and  It is
 working fine. In this case,  how can I do it ?.
 Antonio Ullán de Celis

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Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Smail and diald

1999-04-06 Thread Felipe Alvarez Harnecker
Hi, I'm using diald and very happy with it. But a want to tell smail
to deliver outgoing mail every 1h, i've tried to run smail -db -q1h
but that makes no diference, every time I send a message smail try to
deliver it and diald does it job.

What can i do


Felipe Alvarez Harnecker.  QlSoftware.

Tel. 098746017



1999-04-06 Thread v . polasek


I would like to run xisp without logging in as root.  Right now when I run
it as a regular user, xisp gives me an error message:

/usr/sbin/pppd: using the name option requires root privilege.

Some more facts:

1. I am running Debian 2.1

2. My ISP is using CHAP authentication.

3. I can dial out as a regular user using pon/poff (i.e. I have the
standard permissions on pppd and I am a member of the dial-out group)

4. I can dial out using xisp as a root user without any problems.

If there is anyone who may know a solution to my problem, I would
appreciate to read about it.

Thank you for any help,

Vaclav Polasek

Re: ip-up for each user?

1999-04-06 Thread Robbie Huffman
On Mon, Apr 05, 1999 at 02:14:37PM -0500, John Hasler wrote:
 I'm assuming that you have multiple users dialing into a single provider
 account.  Change 'pon' from
   /usr/sbin/pppd call ${1:-provider}
   /usr/sbin/pppd call ${1:-provider} ipparam $USER
 and have the behavior of the scripts in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d depend on the
 value of $6 .

Ahhh...that's something I was missing. The manpage explains it nicely.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention!


Re: Setting the time and date is ?broken?

1999-04-06 Thread Robbie Huffman
On Mon, Apr 05, 1999 at 04:01:22PM -0400, Richard Black wrote:
 hwclock --systohc

I use the netdate command, which has been working really well from me.
Run it periodically, or else from ip-up.


Re: email threat

1999-04-06 Thread Ed Slocomb
 Regardless of what your differences are with Eric this message should not
 have been posted to this list.

May I politely suggest that you reconsider that?  

Eric should not have written the letter to begin with.  An apology to Bruce is 
long overdue.  Every one of Bruce's criticisms of the APSL has been general, 
civil, and focused on the issues at hand.  Eric's rebuttals and articles have 
been almost entirely ad-hominim, vituperative, and unrelated to the APSL.

This is ugly, yes, but Eric should realize by now that he can not assume that 
his communications with Bruce will remain private, especially if they contain 
threats made in the name of our entire tribe.  Read the full text of the 
letter.  The most ominous part of it is the quote at the end.  Let's all hope, 
for the sake of civil discourse, that it was auto-generated.  If it was, then 
Eric needs to prune his .sig/fortune file, and we can drop this and move on.

Full text of message:


Re: ip-up for each user?

1999-04-06 Thread Robbie Huffman
On Mon, Apr 05, 1999 at 10:19:13PM +0100, Oliver Elphick wrote:
 This is in /etc/diald/ip-up:
 # Set the time and date
 ntpdate  -s -t 5 
 # Get mail
 # Run the mail queue
 I presume you could do the same in /etc/ppp/ip-up/something.
 fetchmail won't allow 2 copies of itself to run, so you don't need to
 worry about that.

So how does fetchmail know who to run as? I'm supposing as the user who
called pppd, right? If that's the case, then my problem can be solved
simply. Otherwise more hacking will be necessary.


Video Card Recommendation

1999-04-06 Thread Marouf
I've been asked at work to recommend a good PCI / AGP video card for a new 
linux machine they are going to set up. What seems to be working good for you 
guys. (Something less than a $120)

-Nick M.

TELEPHONE / Fax# 765-973-2895
Voice Mail + Fax   # 1-800-792-0279  pin # : 765-973-2923  

**God made pot.  Man made beer.  Who do you trust?
The Irish Times.  Washington, D.C.
**Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings,  they did it by 
killing all those who opposed them.
** I will find humor in my everyday life by looking for people I can laugh at.
**I'm not into working out.  My philosophy: No pain, no pain.
**Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm. 
**Tragedy is when I cut my finger,
comedy is when you fall in an open sewer and die. -Mel Brooks

Re: email threat

1999-04-06 Thread John Hasler
Ed Slocomb writes:
 The most ominous part of it is the quote at the end.  Let's
 all hope, for the sake of civil discourse, that it was auto-generated.

It almost certainly was.  Eric has some sort of random sig generator.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

email threat withdrawn

1999-04-06 Thread bruce
Eric says he only meant to threaten me with defamation of character, not
with any kind of violence. Thus, I think I'll just let this issue drop now.



Re: ip-up for each user?

1999-04-06 Thread John Hasler
Robbie Huffman writes:
 So how does fetchmail know who to run as? I'm supposing as the user who
 called pppd, right?

It will run as root, because that is what pppd runs as.

 Otherwise more hacking will be necessary.

The conventional thing to do is to have root's .forward push the incoming
mail through procmail or mailagent.  I do it slightly differently.  I have
a user named 'postman' that exists just to receive mail.  In ip-up.d I have

su -c fetchmail -v  postman

which runs fetchmail as postman.  postman's .forward pushes the mail
through mailagent, using rules that are conveniently located in postman's
home directory, which is named 'postoffice'.   This nicely centralizes all
the incoming mail stuff without cluttering root's home, and reduces the
number of daemons running as root.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: xisp

1999-04-06 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 vp == v polasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

vp I would like to run xisp without logging in as root.  Right now
vp when I run it as a regular user, xisp gives me an error message:

vp /usr/sbin/pppd: using the name option requires root privilege.

Do you have the xisp package from 2.1, or do you use an older version?

Check with dpkg -l xisp
It should be 2.5p4-1

If you are using an older version (I suspect so), then upgrade. pppd
2.3.5 (as included in slink) got stricter about the allowed usage of
parameters for unprivileged users.

If I am wrong with my guess, please run 
find /etc/ppp -type f | xargs grep name 
as root, so that I can see where this parameter comes from.

Martin, xisp maintainer

RE: xisp

1999-04-06 Thread Christian Dysthe

I had the same problem. The dirty way is to change overnership for
usr/sbin/pppd. Or you could add yourself to the group that allows using pppd,
think it is dialout or pppusers.

On 06-Apr-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to run xisp without logging in as root.  Right now when I run
 it as a regular user, xisp gives me an error message:
 /usr/sbin/pppd: using the name option requires root privilege.
 Some more facts:
 1. I am running Debian 2.1
 2. My ISP is using CHAP authentication.
 3. I can dial out as a regular user using pon/poff (i.e. I have the
 standard permissions on pppd and I am a member of the dial-out group)
 4. I can dial out using xisp as a root user without any problems.
 If there is anyone who may know a solution to my problem, I would
 appreciate to read about it.
 Thank you for any help,
 Vaclav Polasek
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Date: 05-Apr-99
Time: 21:22:00
This message was sent by XFmail
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

tar'd to disk instead of tape (oops!)

1999-04-06 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

I've really done it this time.  I blithely took scsi device 2 as sdb,
and tarred onto it. 

I started e2fsck,, and went through about a dozen inode messages until
it occurred to me that I had another disk of the same size, and
it.  I then used dd to copy the partition, which occupied the entire 
disk, to a partition occupieing the other entire disk.  It didn't
occur to me until later that i should have used the raw device rather 
than the raw partition. :(  Although the drives were allegedly
identical, it it seems that the second drive was 29 sectors shorter
than the first.

anywaty, i then used e2fsck with -b 32 -y, which cycled endlessly,
constantly repeating pass 1.  I then ran without options, it whirred
and cliekced, piling up tons of disconnected inodes, which it 
put into lost  found.  Wne it finished, lost  found was empty.

I realize that I should have massive data loss.  However, out of
a 4.3Gb disk that was 82% full, there's only a few dozen files
of a few k each that interest us; the rest were working files, 
executables, etc.  Given that most of the backup didn't occur, the
odds are that most of these files didn't get overwritten.  Even 
what we can't recover isn't all that tragic; it just means running the
printouts through scanners and ocr, then redoing a few days debugging

I've included the output from findsuper on the duplicate; I don't
think the figures from the regular drive would be much use now.


 Failed on 1 at 253612032
   thisoff block fs_blk_sz  blksz grp last_mount
 3276832   4441941 00 Mon Apr  5 09:22:11 1999
  70542336 68889 2103468201 1759438759 41364 Fri Jan 26 23:19:21 2035
  93068288 90887 2085742898 1834283209 49090 Wed Aug  7 17:13:58 1912
  95640064 93398 1763500689 329171834 17113 Fri Oct 10 21:05:32 1941
 117034496114291 -87009902 -347064767 57957 Tue Jun 13 05:46:39 2017
 166290944162393 1306527259 604719139 33411 Sat Aug 29 01:30:32 1964
 179143168174944 -327635930 -1467886487 42937 Sat Apr 25 14:07:41 2015
 186867712182488 -75259569 2121245472 45379 Sat Dec 29 09:28:56 1951
 216113664211048 1852694661 -654581429 61187 Thu Apr  7 09:49:28 1927
 251589632245693 145204368 -939878495 41665 Sun Apr  4 00:14:57 1993
 265401344259181 -190504428 1677915522 48625 Sat Mar 19 03:39:02 2022
 282657792276033 875197117 -1934238222 4149 Mon Jan  4 19:11:45 1904
 292817408285954 378024781 1208487680 22116 Tue Jul 24 07:48:16 1951
 329708032321980 -1823127876 1848999221 32191 Mon Aug 11 11:37:51 1924
 389791744380656 -764311314 1952055445 43942 Fri Oct 14 06:34:41 1994
 391110656381944 1733758230 1123863472 51711 Tue Oct 20 05:58:01 1953
 406274048396752 -185133627 1351311034 7486 Fri Aug 25 10:05:38 2000
 421885440411997 -101847879 -1829524471 59253 Sun Nov  5 21:57:00 1961
 436240384426016   4441941 0   52 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 444628992434208   4441941 0   53 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 453017600442400   4441941 0   54 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 461406208450592   4441941 0   55 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 468973056457981 1770252023 -1560904054 49134 Fri Jun  4 06:58:18 1993
 469794816458784   4441941 0   56 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 473007104461921 -2109166101 -545795645 6715 Wed Jan 30 15:59:02 1924
 474386944463268 115148376 145844255 56501 Thu Jul  8 15:06:09 1909
 478183424466976   4441941 0   57 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 486572032475168   4441941 0   58 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 494960640483360   4441941 0   59 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 499316224487613 -404734525 1351884894 15755 Mon Oct 28 11:35:16 1929
 503349248491552   4441941 0   60 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 511737856499744   4441941 0   61 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 520126464507936   4441941 0   62 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 528515072516128   4441941 0   63 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 536903680524320   4441941 0   64 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 545292288532512   4441941 0   65 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 553680896540704   4441941 0   66 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 562069504548896   4441941 0   67 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 570458112557088   4441941 0   68 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 578846720565280   4441941 0   69 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 587235328573472   4441941 0   70 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 592175616578296 -978668065 1128990946 16248 Sun Mar 18 07:01:36 1945
 595623936581664   4441941 0   71 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 604012544589856   4441941 0   72 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 605957632591755 728941966 1937227755 10465 Wed Aug 18 12:26:11 1976
 612401152598048   4441941 0   73 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 620789760606240   4441941 0   74 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 629178368614432   4441941 0   75 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998
 637566976622624   4441941 0   76 Thu Sep 24 04:18:11 1998

Re: New install: net unreachable

1999-04-06 Thread Brant Wells

Have you checked to make sure that the latptop PCMCIA packages are installed?

Just checking,


Chris Brown wrote:

 Please help, this is a newbie being stupid question

 I've done several slink installs that have worked fine.

 I'm trying to install it on my laptop now and am having problems
 with the system once its installed. Basically everything seems
 fine but I can't use the network (3c589 pcmcia ethernet). I can ping
 the machine's own address but pings anywhere else result with ping
 declaring not allowed...

 My ifconfig and route table look fine. I know the driver and network
 is okay because the entire system was nfs installed initially! This
 problem occurs when I reboot after completing the entire install

 I suspect that I've (unknowingly) installed some sort of ip security
 program that is not allowing network access, I see things in the boot
 log like ip paranoia deamon... and others that I don't understand. I
 used the custom package selection of dinstall. I've carefully done
 the process twice with the same results.

 As a newbie, I have no idea how to search the OS to find the
 offending software if that's the problem.

 Besides any suggestions on what might be causing this problem, can
 someone please let me know how I'd (efficiently) go about tracking
 down offending software in general?



  Join;  See;,,

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Re: email threat

1999-04-06 Thread MallarJ
I have two things to say about this, or maybe three:

1) Am I the only one that is tired of hearing about the bickering between 
these two? and on a Debian-user list? and on a public mailing list? 

2) If the authorities have been notified - fine, leave us out of it.

3) Don't make judgements until you know the whole story (and, no, I don't).  
A clip here, a snippet there, an you can make anyone believe anything you 
want them to.


In a message dated Mon, 5 Apr 1999  7:16:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, thomas 
lakofski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 5 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ESR wrote:]
   Damn straight I took it personally.  And if you ever again behave like
   that kind of disruptive asshole in public, insult me, and jeopardize
   the interests of our entire tribe, I'll take it just as personally --
   and I will find a way to make you regret it.  Watch your step.
 I think that most people in the Linux community will find this behaviour
 objectionable in the extreme.  If ESR wanted to rally people round in his
 defense ('understand my job', etc.), he's just taken one of his many
 firearms and shot himself in the foot.
 It's fairly obvious who is 'behav[ing] like [a] disruptive asshole,' and
 'jeopardiz[ing] the interests of our entire tribe.'

Re: vmware/kernel

1999-04-06 Thread Brant Wells

You are running Kernel v2.2.5, right?

Did you install VMWare before or after you installed 2.2.5?

I've got the same problem on a different scale, but VMWare installs and runs... 
yours install at all?

Go a head and tell it to install VMWare onto your computer.

As for the Ncurses Libs, just download the newest ones off of


Kelvin wrote:

 while doing a make menuconfig

 i get :
 There seems to be a problem with the lxdialog companion
 utility which is
 built prior to running Menuconfig.  Usually this is an
 indicator that you
 have upgraded/downgraded your ncurses libraries and did not
 remove the
 old ncurses header file(s) in /usr/include or

 It is VERY important that you have only one set of ncurses
 header files
 and that those files are properly version matched to the
 ncurses libraries
 installed on your machine.

 You may also need to rebuild lxdialog.  This can be done by
 moving to
 the /usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog directory and issuing
 make clean all command.

 can anyone help please?

 and also for vmware while a ./
 i get :
 Whoa, something is wrong with the system include files on
 your machine!
 The file linux/version.h is for a 2.2.1 Linux system but
 you are
 running a 2.2.5 kernel.  This will not work for building
 the VMware
 device drivers; you must have include files that match the
 version of
 your operating system.

 Any help would be appreciated


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What DO you lose with Linux

1999-04-06 Thread Brant Wells
Howdy all...

I saw a message in this thread pass by a couple of days ago...  It was
talking about some software called VMWare.  Http://

Anyone that has a PC with Linux  Win 9x/NT installed needs to see this
site.  I've downloaded the software for Linux (still in the first beta
stages), but it works,and works well.  It allows you to run Linux  Win
9x/NT on the same PC at the same time!

I've got a Pentium 200 MMX system, with 48 megs of ram... Linux runs the
Vmware program, that runs NT 4.0... While under VMWare, NT runs a little
slower, but it is still VERY usable.  I reccommend this program to
anyone who has Linux  Win on the same machine, and a fast computer (A
Pentium II 233/266 w/32 megs of ram would be nice).

See Ya,

Re: What DO you lose with Linux

1999-04-06 Thread Shao Zhang

Is there a deb?

Brant Wells wrote:

 Howdy all...

 I saw a message in this thread pass by a couple of days ago...  It was
 talking about some software called VMWare.  Http://

 Anyone that has a PC with Linux  Win 9x/NT installed needs to see this
 site.  I've downloaded the software for Linux (still in the first beta
 stages), but it works,and works well.  It allows you to run Linux  Win
 9x/NT on the same PC at the same time!

 I've got a Pentium 200 MMX system, with 48 megs of ram... Linux runs the
 Vmware program, that runs NT 4.0... While under VMWare, NT runs a little
 slower, but it is still VERY usable.  I reccommend this program to
 anyone who has Linux  Win on the same machine, and a fast computer (A
 Pentium II 233/266 w/32 megs of ram would be nice).

 See Ya,

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Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: Video Card Recommendation

1999-04-06 Thread Andrei Ivanov
I got S3 DX/Virge  with 4Mb memory. Works very well with hamm, never had
problems with setting up X on it (SVGA server.) Costs $30-50, depending
upon the vendor.


1999-04-06 Thread Shao Zhang

Sorry, please ignore my last message. I just find out that vmware is

not free.


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

pppd problems

1999-04-06 Thread Chris Mayes
Hello, all.  I have been struggling valiantly to get a user to connect to
an ISP using wvdial, but so far, no dice.  Here's the deal: everything
works very nicely for the root, but it's been an awful struggle to get a
user to that oh-so-desirable state.  I added a user to the dialout group,
modified the permissions on all of the files in a reasonable manner, but I
have been unable to get the pppd to play nicely with the user.  Currently,
this is the error I get:

Apr  5 22:13:37 cmayes pppd[3037]: Failed to reopen /dev/ttyS1: Function
not implemented

Now, I have modified the permissions on my modem a number of times, but
the pppd used to reply:

Apr  5 19:41:29 cmayes pppd[1824]: Failed to reopen /dev/ttyS1: Permission

I hadn't changed the permissions on the device when it decided to be nice.
Here are the current permissions:

crw-rw   1 root dialout4,  65 Apr  5 22:22 /dev/ttyS1

Since root has the same permissions, it seemed reasonable that they would
work for a user (though root can get around such things...)  

I have been discussing this problem for most of the day today, and Avery
thinks that it's a convoluted permissions problem.  I don't know the
diffrerence between setuid and setgid, but neither one seem to work for
me.  Here are the current permissions on the pppd, which work for root,
but not for a user:

-rwsr-xr--   1 root dialout113724 Mar 23 06:22 /usr/sbin/pppd

It looks like the permissions that Avery suggested, but they do not work.

I also blew away the default options file and have started from scratch.
Currently, it contains:

local (per Avery's suggestion).

I have the New pppd set to yes in my wvdial.conf file.  If it helps, the
/etc/ppp/peers/wvdial contains:

name wvdial

Finally, the pppd kept demanding a .ppprc file, so I essentially copied
the options file and put it there.  I also tried leaving it blank, but it
had the same error.  Is this a problem with the program itself, or am I
missing something in the configuration?  Here are my stats:

Debian 2.1 (mix of stable and unstable), pppd version 2.3.6, kernel 2.0.36
(stock), Celeron 333a, 128 MB RAM...  If you need more info, I can
accomodate.  Thanks!


Version: 3.1
GCS/CC/MC d- s+:+ a-- C++ US P L++ E W++ N- o? K? w O M- V- PS++ PE+ Y+
PGP- t+ 5 X+ R tv+ b++ DI+ D- G e+(++) h--- r++ z+ 

Ethics Violation

1999-04-06 Thread Jesse Gilman

I apologize to XFree86, as a group and to
the members thereof, for my confusion of them with
the Open Group, in my previous post.  Branden
Robinson brought my mistake to my attention, and
promptly.  Let me thank him for this. I have
become familiar with Branden's name as a result of
seeing it many times as the developer or
co-developer of X-based software within the Debian
community, in other words, software that we all

where is my kernel source?

1999-04-06 Thread Marlon Urias
After going through pppconfig (after a fresh install of Debian 2.1) I
tried pon and got a error message about my kernel not supporting ppp.
So I head on over to /usr/src/linux to run make xconfig but alas, /usr/src
only has a dir named linux-x.y.z.headers (or something close). I was under
the impression that /usr/src/linux always existed. How can I reconfigure
my kernel under these circumstances? Do I need to download the source? Am
I looking in the right place? Help. Thank you.  marlon

XFmail - Anyone know anything?

1999-04-06 Thread Christian Dysthe

does anyone know what is going on with XFmail (or not is going on!)? The
mailing list is dead. The page hasn't been updated in a while.

XFmail is the only GUI email client I have been able to find that (sort of)
comes close to what I was used to work with under Windows, it has multiple
account support etc. 

I know many Linux users love mutt and other ncursed software, but Linux
really needs serious GUI based email software. If XFmail is out of the loop I
truly do not know where to look for email software for Linux. I have looked at
some commercial solutions as well, but no, XFmail is still as close as I seem to
be a able to get. I am therefore interested in what is going on.

Does anyone know? 


Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Date: 05-Apr-99
Time: 23:21:32
This message was sent by XFmail
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Re: ip-up for each user?

1999-04-06 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  5 Apr, John Hasler wrote about Re: ip-up for each user?
 Robbie Huffman writes:
 So how does fetchmail know who to run as? I'm supposing as the user who
 called pppd, right?
 It will run as root, because that is what pppd runs as.
 Otherwise more hacking will be necessary.
 The conventional thing to do is to have root's .forward push the incoming
 mail through procmail or mailagent.  I do it slightly differently.  I have
 a user named 'postman' that exists just to receive mail.  In ip-up.d I have
 su -c fetchmail -v  postman
 which runs fetchmail as postman.  postman's .forward pushes the mail
 through mailagent, using rules that are conveniently located in postman's
 home directory, which is named 'postoffice'.   This nicely centralizes all
 the incoming mail stuff without cluttering root's home, and reduces the
 number of daemons running as root.

I missed the first post by Robbie but wouldn't it just be easier to use
a fetchmailrc that explicitly defines the relation of isp usernames to
local user names?  I have fetchmail start when ppp comes up with the
following script which is provided in the /usr/doc/fetchmail package.


test -r /etc/fetchmailrc  \
fetchmail --syslog --invisible --fetchmailrc /etc/fetchmailrc

and my /etc/fetchmailrc is modified

set daemon 120
poll popserver.isp1 with timeout 60:
user isp1-username there has password isp1-passwd is local-name 

poll popserer.isp2 with protocol pop3 timeout 60:
user ips2-username there has password isp2-passwd is local-name 

postconnect exim -q

This is all run by root and fetchmail passes it directly to exim via
smtp and it is immediatly dropped in my mailbox by exim. No middle man

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: where is Pine?

1999-04-06 Thread Paul Nathan Puri

don't worry about license issues I already dealt with them...

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 Which package contains Pine?  I thought I had it installed but I can't find it
  and I can't find a pine deb.
 [PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: where is my kernel source?

1999-04-06 Thread ktb
Marlon Urias wrote:
 After going through pppconfig (after a fresh install of Debian 2.1) I
 tried pon and got a error message about my kernel not supporting ppp.
 So I head on over to /usr/src/linux to run make xconfig but alas, /usr/src
 only has a dir named linux-x.y.z.headers (or something close). I was under
 the impression that /usr/src/linux always existed. How can I reconfigure
 my kernel under these circumstances? Do I need to download the source? Am
 I looking in the right place? Help. Thank you.  marlon

My Slink had no /usr/src/linux.  /usr/src contained
'kernel-headers-2.0.36/' and 'kernel-source-2.0.36/'  I just moved to
the kernel-source-2.0.36/ directory and compiled the kernel.  I later
unpacked the 2.2.1 kernel expecting it to create a 'linux' directory
with link like in Hamm.  It didn't.  I moved to the 2.2.1 source
directory compiled and am now capable of booting two different linux
kernels.  I have no idea if this is the correct way or what, it just

Re: ipchains

1999-04-06 Thread Paul Nathan Puri

in the mini howto section there is an IPMASQUERADE document.  Then, in the
regular howto section there is a document on IPCHAINS. 

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 Is there a HOWTO that explains the use of IPCHAINS and how to do IP Masq with
 IPCHAINS?  I am still using a 2.0.x kernel and I need to get ready to upgrade.
 [PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]
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boot failed due to superblock error and FAT BREAD Failure

1999-04-06 Thread J. Lee

I browsed the recent posts and didn't quite find an answer for my
problem. Can anyone help me out? Thanks.

My hardrive is partitioned into four parts, namely
/dev/hda1 MSDOS
/dev/hda2 NTFS
/dev/hda3 linux swap
/dev/hda4 linux
I can boot from the floppy disk but has problem in booting from hard
Error message is:
Partition check:
  hda: hda1 hda2 hda5 hda3 hda4
attempt to access beyond end of device
03:07: rw=0, want=2, limit=0
ext2-fs: unable to read superblock
attempt to access beyond end of device
03:07: rw=0, want=2, limit=0
minix-fs: unable to read superblock
attempt to access beyond end of device
03:07: rw=0, want=1, limit=0
FAT bread failed
attempt to access beyond end of device
03:07: rw=0, want=33, limit=0
isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev 03:07 iso_blknum 16 block 32
kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs on 03:07

It is appreciate if anyone can give me some suggestions on fix it.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: netscape plugins

1999-04-06 Thread Gary Singleton


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There are alot of plugins available for netscape,
 but most don't specifically 
 mention they are for linux - in fact, one of them I
 tried gave me an .exe. 
 file to run to install.
 Well, obviously, this won't work with Linux... so,
 which plugins work for 
 Linux, is there a repository for them?  
 Also, I've seen mention of netscape-wrapper - what's
 this for?  is it related?
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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Re: where is my kernel source?

1999-04-06 Thread Marlon Urias

On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, ktb wrote:

 Marlon Urias wrote:
  After going through pppconfig (after a fresh install of Debian 2.1) I
  tried pon and got a error message about my kernel not supporting ppp.
  So I head on over to /usr/src/linux to run make xconfig but alas, /usr/src
  only has a dir named linux-x.y.z.headers (or something close). I was under
  the impression that /usr/src/linux always existed. How can I reconfigure
  my kernel under these circumstances? Do I need to download the source? Am
  I looking in the right place? Help. Thank you.  marlon
 My Slink had no /usr/src/linux.  /usr/src contained
 'kernel-headers-2.0.36/' and 'kernel-source-2.0.36/'  

My /usr/src/ only contains kernel-headers-2.0.36, this isn't the weird
thing about my installation either. I guess I'll try looking in the cd.

I just moved to
 the kernel-source-2.0.36/ directory and compiled the kernel.  I later
 unpacked the 2.2.1 kernel expecting it to create a 'linux' directory
 with link like in Hamm.  It didn't.  I moved to the 2.2.1 source
 directory compiled and am now capable of booting two different linux
 kernels.  I have no idea if this is the correct way or what, it just
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1999-04-06 Thread Shao Zhang

When I run xmcd, I got the following msg:

Fatal: Xmcd configuration error
Cannot open configuration file:

I read the man page and it says:

CD-ROM drive ;  e.g.,  /usr/lib/X11/xmcd/config/rcd0).   A
   configuration program XMCDLIB/config/ is provided
   to make maintaining these configuration file  easy  (Note:

The problem is that I don't have a in that dir. And I have no

idea what format the config file is. So how do I deal with this??




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Why no asWedit .deb package?

1999-04-06 Thread Gary Singleton
I only ask because they have one on their site @  I downloaded it but haven't installed.  I'm
afraid it will trash my dpkg database or something like that.  Does
anyone know of any problems with their .deb?

Thanks, G.S.

Get your free address at

Re: boot failed due to superblock error and FAT BREAD Failure

1999-04-06 Thread Shao Zhang

What is the filesystem type for your linux native partition? It should be 83.
I guess you have set your harddisk to 81(minix/Linux). If you have done that,
setting the file system id back to 83 will not help. You will have to delete the
partition and and
repartition the harddisk. At least, that is my experence.

You can do a little testing yourself. Boot your system up using a floopy, then 
out your
/etc/mtab, the type displayed there could be minix/Linux. That is why you are 
that error.
If the type is ext2, then it might be a physical harddisk problem.

Hope this helps.

J. Lee wrote:


 I browsed the recent posts and didn't quite find an answer for my
 problem. Can anyone help me out? Thanks.

 My hardrive is partitioned into four parts, namely
 /dev/hda1 MSDOS
 /dev/hda2 NTFS
 /dev/hda3 linux swap
 /dev/hda4 linux
 I can boot from the floppy disk but has problem in booting from hard
 Error message is:
 Partition check:
   hda: hda1 hda2 hda5 hda3 hda4
 attempt to access beyond end of device
 03:07: rw=0, want=2, limit=0
 ext2-fs: unable to read superblock
 attempt to access beyond end of device
 03:07: rw=0, want=2, limit=0
 minix-fs: unable to read superblock
 attempt to access beyond end of device
 03:07: rw=0, want=1, limit=0
 FAT bread failed
 attempt to access beyond end of device
 03:07: rw=0, want=33, limit=0
 isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev 03:07 iso_blknum 16 block 32
 kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs on 03:07

 It is appreciate if anyone can give me some suggestions on fix it.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

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Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Netscape and *.png files

1999-04-06 Thread Christopher Swingley

I'm having trouble getting Netscape to read portable network graphic
(*.png) files.  I've tried Navigator 4.08 and 4.51 via the
netscape4 package and in both cases netscape simply quits with a
Bus error when I try to open a *.png file in the browser.  I've
got libpng0g and libpng2 installed, and *.png files work fine with
the Gimp 1.0.3 and ImageMagick.


| Christopher S. Swingley| 108 O'Neill Building --x7092 |
| Programmer / Analyst   | 940 Sheep Creek Rd   -- 479-9729 |
| IARC - Frontier| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (email)   |
| University of Alaska Fairbanks |  |
| Fairbanks, AK  99775   |~cswingle   (web) |

.rpm -- .deb conversion

1999-04-06 Thread Fethi A. Okyar

I did this once before, I copied the file


from my old installation CD and used a tool to
either convert that .rpm package directly to
.deb format, or had used an intermediate step, I 
can't remember...

Surely somebody knows how to do this ?? thank you

Fethi Okyar
Research Assistant
Computational Solid Mechanics 
MMAE Department, IIT
Chicago, IL 60616-3793


Re: Why no asWedit .deb package?

1999-04-06 Thread ktb
Gary Singleton wrote:
 I only ask because they have one on their site @  I downloaded it but haven't installed.  I'm
 afraid it will trash my dpkg database or something like that.  Does
 anyone know of any problems with their .deb?
 Thanks, G.S.

I used it under Hamm a little.  I didn't use dpkg to install it.  I just
followed their directions.  I didn't have any problems with it other
than I didn't really like it.  I just wanted to code by hand and view
the web site I created, with all links working, with a click of a
button.  I figured out how to do that in xemacs before I did with
asWedit.  With asWedit I could only view one page at a time unless I
changed all the file names or something. Then I could view the whole web

Re: Why no asWedit .deb package?

1999-04-06 Thread Bruce Sass
You can always use dpkg-deb to have a look at a package,
without touching the dpkg DB. 

dpkg-deb --help

- Bruce

On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Gary Singleton wrote:

 I only ask because they have one on their site @  I downloaded it but haven't installed.  I'm
 afraid it will trash my dpkg database or something like that.  Does
 anyone know of any problems with their .deb?

Re: xmcd

1999-04-06 Thread surak
The Debian xmcd package comes with a program called xmcdconfig. Try running
that program to configure xmcd.

Hope that helps,

Alan Liu

 When I run xmcd, I got the following msg:
 Fatal: Xmcd configuration error
 Cannot open configuration file:
 I read the man page and it says:
 CD-ROM drive ;  e.g.,  /usr/lib/X11/xmcd/config/rcd0).   A
configuration program XMCDLIB/config/ is provided
to make maintaining these configuration file  easy  (Note:
 The problem is that I don't have a in that dir. And I have no
 idea what format the config file is. So how do I deal with this??

Re: .rpm -- .deb conversion

1999-04-06 Thread Alan Tam

check out
for full details


Fethi A. Okyar wrote:

 I did this once before, I copied the file


 from my old installation CD and used a tool to
 either convert that .rpm package directly to
 ..deb format, or had used an intermediate step, I
 can't remember...

 Surely somebody knows how to do this ?? thank you

 Fethi Okyar
 Research Assistant
 Computational Solid Mechanics
 MMAE Department, IIT
 Chicago, IL 60616-3793


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Re: XF86Setup

1999-04-06 Thread Burt Model
On Mon, 05 Apr 1999 08:49:00 +0200, you wrote:

I installed 2.1 , therefore I used 2.0, I did not upgrade.
then I wanted to install  the X window system with XF86Setup ,as
root,and I know what to choose and the entire procedure goes well but
there is something not good.At the end after the last done and okay
I get the message: -X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: can't connect errno=111

This is from the faq. Hope it helps:

Q.E14- I get an error _X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect:
errno = 111. What does it mean?

Whenever the XFree86 Xserver crashes, dies, ceases to exist or is
inaccessible for any reason, you will see this error message. It is a
message from an X-client (=any program running on your XFree86
Xserver, for example the window manager) telling you that it tried to
connect to your Xserver, but failed to do some for some reason. 

Quoting only this message in a bug report is therefore utterly
useless. Look in the server output for the real reason why the server
died. Normally you should see the real error message (=why the server
stopped working) a few lines before the error 111 message.  

If you still can't make head or tails of all those messages, make sure
to quote the FULL server output in your bug report. It is impossible
to provide you with any help, if you just mention the error 111, as
so many people do. 

Obtaining the full server output is normally accomplished by
redirecting both standard output and standard error to a file while
starting the server. On some systems this is done by default. 


1999-04-06 Thread atras

We thought that this information can be to him of utility.

Avoid the elevated costs of the central telephone offices. Call from his
own telephone by half of the amount that now this paying. Without quotas of
any type, gratuitous subscription.

For more information it asks for but information to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
indicating the origin country. To put in the subject  more information . or 
send an
email with his name/country.  PLEASE VISIT:

Warm greetings

Re: where is my kernel source?

1999-04-06 Thread Paul Dubbell
Marlon Urias wrote:
 On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, ktb wrote:
  Marlon Urias wrote:
   After going through pppconfig (after a fresh install of Debian 2.1) I
   tried pon and got a error message about my kernel not supporting ppp.
   So I head on over to /usr/src/linux to run make xconfig but alas, /usr/src
   only has a dir named linux-x.y.z.headers (or something close). I was under
   the impression that /usr/src/linux always existed. How can I reconfigure
   my kernel under these circumstances? Do I need to download the source? Am
   I looking in the right place? Help. Thank you.  marlon
  My Slink had no /usr/src/linux.  /usr/src contained
  'kernel-headers-2.0.36/' and 'kernel-source-2.0.36/'
 My /usr/src/ only contains kernel-headers-2.0.36, this isn't the weird
 thing about my installation either. I guess I'll try looking in the cd.

the trick is that kernel-source 2.2.1 is on offical cd #2. but you don't
have to recompile your kernel to get ppp to work just make sure that
your /etc/modules file has the modules serial ppp slhc slip in it.
Maybe this is overkill, but this is always how I've done it.


The impossible may be possible...but why?

Re: Debian 2.0 and Iomega ZIP 100 //

1999-04-06 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 06 Apr 1999q, Darius Quenum wrote:
 Hi Anthony,
 I tried to install an Iomega ZIP 100 on parallel port of my computer but it
 doesn' work. My computer is a Pentium 120 running Linux Debian 2.0. When I
 use the command : insmod ppa, I get this error message :
 get the message init_module: Device or resource busy.
 Can you help me?
 Darius Quenum

There's a conflict between the printer and the drive. Get the latest kernel
(2.2.5) and you'll be able to use the printer and Iomega simultaneously;
indeed, you don't even have to have modules. I'm using it like this at the
moment. And you can have the printer plugged into the port at the back of
the drive; all very nice! :-)


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.1
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: Debian 2.0 and Iomega ZIP 100 //

1999-04-06 Thread Alec Smith
The other thing you can do if you arn't ready for 2.2.x yet is to unload
the lp module.

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Anthony Campbell wrote:

 On 06 Apr 1999q, Darius Quenum wrote:
  Hi Anthony,
  I tried to install an Iomega ZIP 100 on parallel port of my computer but it
  doesn' work. My computer is a Pentium 120 running Linux Debian 2.0. When I
  use the command : insmod ppa, I get this error message :
  get the message init_module: Device or resource busy.
  Can you help me?
  Darius Quenum
 There's a conflict between the printer and the drive. Get the latest kernel
 (2.2.5) and you'll be able to use the printer and Iomega simultaneously;
 indeed, you don't even have to have modules. I'm using it like this at the
 moment. And you can have the printer plugged into the port at the back of
 the drive; all very nice! :-)
 Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.1
 Book Reviews:
 The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
 Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Discussion with Pine developers Debian Issues

1999-04-06 Thread Brock Rozen
** NOTE: The Pine developers wanted to give me a new message to quote/post
publicly -- after waiting for a month for this message, and having
requested it numerous times, I've decided to go through anyhow **


I've been in touch with the Pine developers at U Washington (U Dub)
recently, and it seems they're willing to put in some effort to allow Pine
to run on Debian Linux out-of-the-box. What they're not willing to do is
implement wider changes, but simply the minimum necessary to get it to

While some might say, Well, we'll need to distribute changes to the
source like we do now anyhow. (which is correct) -- it at least means
that there's less to do whenever a new Pine is released and that people
aren't reliant upon the Debian people to release an upgraded version, but
rather they can compile it themselves.

Comments? Thoughts?

Director of Technical Services  (410)358-9800
Project Genesis 

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 08:53:21 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
From: Terry Gray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Pine Support [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Change of Pine folder methods in 4.10 -- PROBLEM

We are attempting to work something out with a fellow who claims to be the
Pine maintainer for Debian... but so far his only intent has been to try
to get UW to give up change control on redistributed copies of Pine, so I
don't know whether he is actually interested in trying to solve the

Certainly we are... indeed one of the options I outlined that keeps
getting ignored is to work with us to try to identify the *minimum* set of
changes needed to run on Debian for possible inclusion in our

As Mike said, this probably won't happen in the very short term, but we
really are interested in trying to make Pine more readily available to the
Debian community, even in spite of the presumptuous demands to change our
licensing policies we keep getting from certain parts of it.


On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Brock Rozen wrote:

 On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Michael Seibel wrote:
   Another question, while I've got you on the line. ;-) Is there any plans
   on incorporating a Debian Linux port into the main release? I know that
   the main release doesn't compile perfectly. If you want, I can put you in
   touch with the Debian Linux maintainer of Pine.
  Probably not in the short term.  We reviewed their diffs quite awhile back
  after they asked to be able to redistribute, and while there's nothing of
  immeditate technical difficulty, we're not prepared to support or directly
  recommend the setgid environment they chose for email client use. does leave a sticky situation for Debian users. There's no
 possibility of including their changes only for a build that done
 specifically for Debian? What about a possible change of license that
 allows them to redistribute (with permission) a modified version only to
 make it work. Right now, for instance, I can't compile the
 released-sources on a Debian system.

New Mail not being notified

1999-04-06 Thread Anthony Campbell
Since upgrading from mutt to slink I find that I am no longer notified that
new mail has arrived. Presumably this is something in /etc/smail/config
that has changed; does anyone know what it is?


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.1
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: ip-down does not stop ip-up's run-parts on disconnect

1999-04-06 Thread John Leget
Thanx for the help ,

but ;0).

Right pppd doesnt go down if ip-up doesnt which wont unless run-parts does
which wont unless
all scripts in ip-up.d do. And indeed ip-down then does not appear to launch
catch 22

( or so i thought ).

(ok im a newby so it may not be the best way but it seems to work here, and it 
like a clean solution to my problem )

Detach ip-up from the script launching process by changing
run-parts /etc/ppp/ip-up.d   to  run-parts /etc/ppp/ip-up.d 
And now pppd stops and runs ip-down and everything dies . R.I.P. when i run

now i had allready fixed my ip-up.d scripts to check if ppp0 is up anyway 
using (
re your suggestion )
ifconfig | grep ppp0   , ;0) so they just exit themselves if run-parts 

Anyway with the above change ip-down now runs and i can kill ip-up.d 
scripts from
ip-down.d scripts.

Thanx for your help ;0)

John Hasler wrote:

 John Leget writes:
  Hmm no help here then im running 2.2.5-ac3, potato, and i see its up to
  version 2.3.7-2.

 I installed 2.3.6 from unstable.

  I dont think that alone is the problem run-parts ( invoked in both
  ip-up and ip-down ) does of itself not exit until all the scripts it is
  trying to run finish.

 ip-up does not exit until run-parts exits.  2.3.6 won't start ip-down until
 ip-up exits (or so the documentation says).

 Try adding something like this at the top of ip-down:

 while pidof run-parts
 sleep 1
 sleep 1

 Or, if you don't care if the ip-up stuff gets interrupted and you can be
 sure that run-parts won't be running for any other reason,

 killall run-parts

 John Hasler
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, WI

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

poff wont poff

1999-04-06 Thread John Leget

Running kernel 2.2.5-ac3 , potato ( unstable ). poff version 0.9.4

poff myisp refuses to poff  - kill my connection, and it  reports the
/usr/bin/poff  i could not find a pppd process for provider 'myisp' .
none stopped
but poff by itself does work.

Now i have checked my processes running  and indeed there was an entry
 /usr/sbin/pppd call myisp listed.
not a big problem i modified my downscript to just use poff but it
seems something isnt doing
what was expected.


Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-06 Thread John Galt

Okay, I guess this is a good thing, but what about when the permission is
given already?  And what about when the holding area is unavailable,
such as with ISPs that give you enough server space to hold your
configuration files and not much more?  If these problems ahve a simplish
solution, I guess I have my answer.

On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, George Bonser wrote:

 On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Gary Singleton wrote:
  --- John Galt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What's the accepted method of sending a file to a
   person that MUST not
   get into unfriendly hands, but needs to get between
   users that have no
   access to the other's machine, due to dynamic PPP
   and hostile ISPs, then?
 Look at the Linux package sendfile and the preliminary draft of the RFC
 for the saft profocol.
 The way it works is this:
 I send a file to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 That machine collects the file and puts it in a configurable holding
 area. Then the recipient is notified that a file is waiting for them and
 they can choose to accept or reject the file. If it is rejected, it is
 deleted. If accepted, it is placed in the user's directory.
 George Bonser
 Support The THING --
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Sacred cows make the best burgers

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!!!

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-06 Thread John Galt

SNEAKERNET just because YOU can't configure procmail?  I'd say that your
failure to configure procmail is YOUR problem, not one to be visited on
the internet at large.  I've sneakernetted files of a size that would
make you blanch in my day, but I see no reason to do this as a matter of
protocol, not when there exists a simple method to do so, regardless of
whether or not you like the method.

On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On Sun, 4 Apr 1999 13:06:47 -0600 (MDT), John Galt wrote:
 What's the accepted method of sending a file to a person that MUST not get
 into unfriendly hands, but needs to get between users that have no access to
 the other's machine, due to dynamic PPP and hostile ISPs, then? This method
 should be as easy and as transportable as POPmail, not involve other servers
 in any way save routing, be able to be used internationally, and ensure
 delivery to only the intended person.  Give up? Well so do I.  Solve this
 problem before you beef about how large attachments to email is evil.
 Why?  The percentage of people who have that problem are so small it
 really is their problem.  They can switch ISPs, they can go over their IT
 department's head and get stuff done, but it is THEIR problem.  If they
 don't like it, too bad.
 And to answer your question, a ZIP disk and next day air works wonders.
 - -- 
  Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
  ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
 Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Sacred cows make the best burgers

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!!!

Re: Exim delaying delivery of mail?--SOLVED

1999-04-06 Thread Curt Daugaard
This fixed it.  My thanks to Greg Norris.

On Mon, Apr 05, 1999 at 05:39:00PM -0500, Gregory T. Norris wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 05, 1999 at 05:21:41PM -0500, Curt Daugaard wrote:
  I recently uninstalled procmail and started using exim's built-in filter
  capability.  The weird thing is, it often delays some of my mail.
  For example, just now fetchmail indicated it had retrieved 111 messages.
  But when I went into my mail I had less than 15 in all directories in which
  I receive mail.  Sometime later the mail will show up, but until it does,
  it doesn't appear in the spool file or in any other mail directory I've
  ever used.
  Can anyone help me figure out what's going on?
  Thanks in advance.
 Add smtp_accept_queue_per_connection = 0 to /etc/exim.conf, in the
 MAIN CONFIGURATION SETTINGS section.  This should force exim to
 deliver each message as it arrives.


Curt Daugaard
(Please remove .NOSPAM from the above when responding)

Re: pppd problems

1999-04-06 Thread John Hasler
Chris writes:
 I added a user to the dialout group,
 modified the permissions on all of the files in a reasonable manner,

The pppd files are in the 'dip' group.  Did you change them?

 Now, I have modified the permissions on my modem a number of times, but
 the pppd used to reply:

Since pppd runs as root, the modem permissions don't matter.

 Finally, the pppd kept demanding a .ppprc file,...

That's weird.

 Is this a problem with the program itself, or am I missing something in
 the configuration?

I'm also using pppd-2.3.6 and I can run pon as a user with no trouble and
no .ppprc.

Have you tried setting up ppp with pppconfig and using pon and poff?  I
know you want to use wvdial, but that might give you some diagnostic

I don't understand why Avery wants you to use 'local'.  That turns off use
of the modem control lines.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Debian install on blank HD

1999-04-06 Thread John Galt

write the disk1_4's to floppy, make a rescue disk and a drivers disk, and
try to install from floppy and apt-get needed packages from
is what I'd do in your situation.  YMMV

On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Mike Glass wrote:

 Hi. I'd like to install Debian 2.0 on the hard drive of my 386DX-40, which 
has been wiped clean. I can't boot from the CD-Rom, and am having some
major problems getting it to work. Any suggestions?

Sacred cows make the best burgers

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!!!

Re: /dev/isdnctrl Operation not supported....

1999-04-06 Thread Stefan Hornburg
Ries van Twisk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm buzy installing my Telis ISDN card on my Linux box.
 Currently i'm running Debian with a 2.0.34 kernel
 When I do
   isdnctrl addif ippp0
 I get a 'operation not supported by device' message back.
 I have tryed lots and lots of things but still no luck. 
 Does anybody have a clue?

First ensure that the appropriate module is loaded.


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Come to the land of real computing where penguins and their friends
spread the word of Open Source which crushes windows instantly.

Re: where is Pine?

1999-04-06 Thread Jeremy
On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Pollywog wrote:

 Which package contains Pine?  I thought I had it installed but I can't find it
  and I can't find a pine deb.

Binaries are available from

pgp key : 

Re: boot failed due to superblock error and FAT BREAD Failure

1999-04-06 Thread Jor-el

I think the message is saying that you have partitioned /dev/hda
so that /dev/hda7 ends on a block that lies beyond the end of the hard
disk. Things should probably work out correctly if you repartition your
hard disk to fix this error.


On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, J. Lee wrote:

 I browsed the recent posts and didn't quite find an answer for my
 problem. Can anyone help me out? Thanks.
 My hardrive is partitioned into four parts, namely
 /dev/hda1 MSDOS
 /dev/hda2 NTFS
 /dev/hda3 linux swap
 /dev/hda4 linux
 I can boot from the floppy disk but has problem in booting from hard
 Error message is:
 Partition check:
   hda: hda1 hda2 hda5 hda3 hda4
 attempt to access beyond end of device
 03:07: rw=0, want=2, limit=0
 ext2-fs: unable to read superblock
 attempt to access beyond end of device
 03:07: rw=0, want=2, limit=0
 minix-fs: unable to read superblock
 attempt to access beyond end of device
 03:07: rw=0, want=1, limit=0
 FAT bread failed
 attempt to access beyond end of device
 03:07: rw=0, want=33, limit=0
 isofs_read_super: bread failed, dev 03:07 iso_blknum 16 block 32
 kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount root fs on 03:07
 It is appreciate if anyone can give me some suggestions on fix it.
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How does Debian compare to SUSE?

1999-04-06 Thread Franz Kaufmann
I wonder how Debian would compare to Suse, as I have been using Suse all
along, but recently discovered that the number of packages shipped with
debian was much greater.

Many thanks in advance,

Re: email threat

1999-04-06 Thread Kenneth Scharf

I'm tempted to say he's just a nut, but he's the head of the Open
Initiative. What annoyed him is that I cricicized the Apple license.
The full
text of the threatening email can be found at .

I hope you two can work out your differences before someone posts the
full text of this on slash-dot or someother public linux place.  This
sounds like just the kind of thing that Bill Gates would like to get
his hand on.

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: New install: net unreachable

1999-04-06 Thread Chris Brown
Brant  others.   getting desperate here, please help!

To answer your question, I'm not sure *EXACTLY* how to check if the 
PCMCIA packages are installed, but I believe the answer is yes.

If I look at top, I can see cardmgr running. If I insert/remove the 
3c589 I hear the tell-tale hot-swap beeps, and when the system boots 
or the card is inserted, the network active light comes on on the 
adapter at the appropiate times.

Also, a ping of the machine's own address completes properly in a 
millisecond or two. If I remove the card, pinging its own address 
returns the message network is unreachable. Pings to any other 
address with the card in result in:
 ping: sendto: operation not permitted
 ping: wrote 207..  64 chars, ret=-1

I had a linux_guru_friend stop by last night to look at the problem, 
he looked at some low level tcpip functionality and saw that arp 
requests were being received by the laptop, but is wasn't sending 
anything out on the network. After mucking with it for a few hours he 
thought he would try a re-install from the rescue disks. same 
result! We successfully installed debian via nfs over the *EXACT* 
same network and interface, then on rebooting the network doesn't 
work and ping returns operation not allowed

Any suggestions please !!

On  5 Apr 99 at 22:42, Brant Wells wrote:
 Have you checked to make sure that the latptop PCMCIA packages are
 Just checking,
 Chris Brown wrote:
  Please help, this is a newbie being stupid question
  I've done several slink installs that have worked fine.
  I'm trying to install it on my laptop now and am having problems
  with the system once its installed. Basically everything seems
  fine but I can't use the network (3c589 pcmcia ethernet). I can ping
  the machine's own address but pings anywhere else result with ping
  declaring not allowed...
  My ifconfig and route table look fine. I know the driver and network
  is okay because the entire system was nfs installed initially! This
  problem occurs when I reboot after completing the entire install
  I suspect that I've (unknowingly) installed some sort of ip security
  program that is not allowing network access, I see things in the boot
  log like ip paranoia deamon... and others that I don't understand. I
  used the custom package selection of dinstall. I've carefully done
  the process twice with the same results.
  As a newbie, I have no idea how to search the OS to find the
  offending software if that's the problem.
  Besides any suggestions on what might be causing this problem, can
  someone please let me know how I'd (efficiently) go about tracking
  down offending software in general?


 Join;  See;,,

Re: poff wont poff

1999-04-06 Thread ktb
John Leget wrote:
 Running kernel 2.2.5-ac3 , potato ( unstable ). poff version 0.9.4
 poff myisp refuses to poff  - kill my connection, and it  reports the
 /usr/bin/poff  i could not find a pppd process for provider 'myisp' .
 none stopped
 but poff by itself does work.
 Now i have checked my processes running  and indeed there was an entry
  /usr/sbin/pppd call myisp listed.
 not a big problem i modified my downscript to just use poff but it
 seems something isnt doing
 what was expected.

I have two numbers that I use to access my isp, I use pon and Pon
provider2 to access the 56K and 33.x lines. To bring either connection
down I simply use poff I think this is normal.  

X busted after 2.0 - 2.1 upgrade

1999-04-06 Thread Raymond A. Ingles

 I upgraded (at least, with CD 1) from 2.0 - 2.1 last night, and
everything seemed to be fine. I quit dselect, fired up X, and while
running X, looked at some notes I had made preparing for the upgrade.

 I purged xbase, since it's been claimed that it's no longer needed.
Everything still ran fine. I powered things off for the night and went to
bed. I got up this morning, powered up, logged on, and then:

$ startx
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 2
giving up.
xinit:  No such file or directory (errno 2):  unable to connect to X
xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.

 What the heck? Did I jump the gun on removing xbase? Any idea what's up,
or how to find what's up?


 Ray Ingles   (248) 377-7735   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Two rules for success in life:
   1. Don't tell people everything you know.

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