Re: Mezcla de codificación de texto

2010-07-14 Thread Alberto Luaces
Javier Argentina writes: La pregunta Nº 1 es: ¿hay alguna forma, o existe algún editor, capaz de autodetectar estas variaciones, para poder usar sólo una herramienta de edición de texto? Es horrible en el apuro, cuando estoy trabajando en conjunto con alguien, abrir por error un UTF-16 con

Re: Mezcla de codificación de texto

2010-07-14 Thread Alberto Luaces
Javier Argentina writes: Puedes, en lugar de transformar la búsqueda, transformar los ficheros con iconv. Si no pudieses hacerlo por alguna razón, podrías hacerte un script que hiciese unos temporales en los cuales hacer la búsqueda :-) Lo de Emacs, lo veré. La conversión, está bárbara y

Re: Mezcla de codificación de texto

2010-07-14 Thread Alberto Luaces
Javier Argentina writes: El día 14 de julio de 2010 11:43, Alberto Luaces escribió: No es por fastidiar con lo del Emacs :-) , pero si el equipo remoto tiene una shell, lo puedes hacer directamente con el modo tramp y el comando find-grep. Desde Emacs: C-x d /usua

Re: - FNMT, Firefox y java

2010-07-14 Thread Alberto Luaces
AngelD writes: ¿Alguien ha conseguido hacer funcionar esta página con los certificados?, ¿es posible hacerlo funcionar en la actualidad con una distribución medianamente moderna?, y por último, ¿le es posible a algún usuario normal realizar estas tareas sin supervisión?. ¿Puedes indicar

Re: OT: Core i3

2010-07-27 Thread Alberto Luaces
Jorge Toro writes: Cordial saludo a todos, tengo algo de inquietud con el funcionamiento de Linux en un Core i3, he leído algunos post pero no he encontrado algo concreto con el funcionamiento de Linux en este.  Si alguien a instalado Linux satisfactoriamente en un Core i3, me sería de

Re: Problemas con Servidor de Pantallas despues de Actu alización.

2010-09-23 Thread Alberto Luaces
Gonzalo Rivero writes: El día 22 de septiembre de 2010 13:53, Goku. escribió: 2010/9/22 Gonzalo Rivero El 22 de septiembre de 2010 00:54, Goku. escribió: 2010/9/19 Gonzalo Rivero El dom, 19-09-2010

Re: ssh

2010-10-05 Thread Alberto Luaces
Paradix ;) writes: Hola lista por caprichos y avatares de esta vida necesito acceder con un cliente ssh (putty) a un pc con linux a la cual no tengo acceso fisico, con ssh resuelvo parte de los problemas pero es que necesito hacer una pincha en el escritorio lo que conlleva forzozamente

Re: Desactivar NetworkManager en Squeeze

2010-10-15 Thread Alberto Luaces
Camaleón writes: El Thu, 14 Oct 2010 21:09:04 +0200, Javier Barroso escribió: 2010/10/14 Camaleón: (...) He consultado la documentación y la wiki pero no he visto ningún tip que indique cómo hacerlo y antes de quitar el servicio a lo bruto, pregunto :-) ¿Debería funcionar update-rc.d

Re: Caché de vídeos en Flash desde Iceweasel (era: Descargar vídeo de conferencia.)

2010-10-26 Thread Alberto Luaces
Camaleón writes: Por otra parte, en Debian he notado que el directorio /tmp se mantiene muy limpio, supongo que habrá alguna rutina que se encargue de eliminar su contenido al iniciar el sistema porque casi siempre está vacío (llevo unos cuantos meses con lenny y no he tenido que borrar


2010-11-01 Thread Alberto Luaces
David Francos (XayOn) writes: On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 03:16:29PM -0600, rantis cares wrote: Que tal amigos listeros: Vaya que he estado trabajando bastante con scripts, me gusta hacerlo para ver la potencia de nuestro amado linux. Hace tiempo que uso wget para descargar

Re: ¿DRM en el modulo AGP de Intel?

2011-01-14 Thread Alberto Luaces
Altair Linux writes: Buenas, compilando el nuevo kernel me he tropezado con esto: Linux agpgart interface v0.103 [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810 [drm:i915_init] *ERROR* drm/i915 can't work without intel_agp module! La ultima linea es la unica visible al arrancar el kernel 2.6.37. El

Re: Errores en la instalacion de controlador radeon

2011-01-27 Thread Alberto Luaces
Bruno Mendoza writes: No he encontrado ninguna linea haciendo referencia al controlador radeon pero si a las resoluciones soportadas. Lo revisaré con detenimiento a ver que logro sacar por mi mismo. Porque no está usando el controlador radeon, sino el vesa, según el registro. -- Alberto

Re: OT.- Perl conversión de archivos.

2011-01-27 Thread Alberto Luaces
fernando sainz writes: El día 27 de enero de 2011 17:32, Carlos Agustín L. Avila escribió: Hola a todos. Solicito de su valiosa ayuda con un script en Perl, el cual debe de cambiar la codificación latin1 a utf8 de n cantidad de archivos.

Re: OT.- Perl conversión de archivos.

2011-01-27 Thread Alberto Luaces
Hector Colina writes: El 27/01/11 12:02, Carlos Agustín L. Avila escribió: Hola a todos. Solicito de su valiosa ayuda con un script en Perl, el cual debe de cambiar la codificación latin1 a utf8 de n cantidad de archivos. opendir(DIR,/home/becerro/NetBeansProjects/Prontuario/vigente); my

Re: OT.- Perl conversión de archivos.

2011-01-27 Thread Alberto Luaces
Carlos Agustín L. Avila writes: El día 27 de enero de 2011 10:46, Alberto Luaces escribió: fernando sainz writes: El día 27 de enero de 2011 17:32, Carlos Agustín L. Avila escribió: Hola a todos. Solicito de su valiosa ayuda con un script en Perl, el

Re: [OT] Archivos (ficheros) de configuracion en un sistema de control de versiones

2011-02-03 Thread Alberto Luaces
Tienes el paquete «etckeeper», que está pensado exactamente para eso: -- Alberto -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Hola Mundo en Kernel - Ayuda !!

2011-02-03 Thread Alberto Luaces
Cristian Prado writes: Hola a todos Estoy empezando a estudiar linux y queria hacer mi primer driver vacio basandome en un tutorial que anda por alli: Esto va en el archivo nada.c #define MODULE #include linux/module.h NO puedo pasar la compilacion : gcc -I/usr/src/linux/include -O

Re: Ayuda Tarjeta Nvidia

2011-02-11 Thread Alberto Luaces
Robinson Guevara writes: necesito ayuda para instalar La tarjeta NVIDIA GeForce Go 6200 ya e seguido instrucciones de varias paginas pero aun no me funciona. 1-( 2-( En Squeeze ya no es necesario compilar el

Re: Clonación/migracion de disco

2011-04-08 Thread Alberto Luaces
Alonso Caballero Quezada / ReYDeS writes: Saludos: Tal lo menciona el asunto, necesito pasar un sistema desde un disco de inferior capacidad a otro de mayor, me gustaria si alguien que ya lo ha hecho me podria dar algunas consideraciones... aun estoy en el dilema si clono el disco tal cual

Re: Procesos defunct y como evitarlos

2011-07-05 Thread Alberto Luaces
jmramirez (mas_ke_na) writes: Justo ayer lei un post [1] sobre algo parecido que lo mismo te puede valer, basicamente es poner en tu script la llamada a este con el nombre del proceso. Creo que es un apaño que te puede valer, aunque lo suyo seria saber porque se queda zombie e intentar

Re: problema squid iptables

2011-11-04 Thread Alberto Luaces
Orlando Nuñez writes: Una pequeña duda que diferencia existe entre echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward y echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward Tengo esa curiosidad Ninguna. Ambas escriben el texto «1» en el pseudofichero ip_forward. La diferencia estriba en la protección que tienen

Re: SUPER OT - Codificación de Caracteres en Thunderbird / Icedove

2011-11-11 Thread Alberto Luaces
Jawifi writes: Buen día, tengo un problema que entiendo que muy off topic en esta lista, lo aviso para que no me reten de entrada, pero me pasa en Debian por eso les consulto. El tema es que en Icedove y Thunderbird (instalé los dos para probar) no logro que se vean bien los correos que

Re: Depurar aplicacion desde entorno grafico.

2011-12-14 Thread Alberto Luaces
Hector Garcia writes: El día 13 de diciembre de 2011 12:59, Carlos Zuniga escribió: 2011/12/13 Hector Garcia Buenas tardes a todos. Hace algún tiempo, alguien publico en la lista un método, o paquete que permite depurar los mensajes que produce

Re: fordwardear una ip externa a una interna por medio de debian

2012-02-28 Thread Alberto Luaces
El Ale... writes: Gente buenas tardes, molesto una vez mas tengo un debian squezee instalado y a el entro de forma remota por una cuestion de seguridad para dar soporte a equipos dentro de la red del debian. Este consta de dos placas de red una (LAN) y otra (WAN), algunos compaeros de aqui me

Re: Bajar paquete y dependencias

2012-04-16 Thread Alberto Luaces
Marcos Russo writes: Bunenos dias mi nombre es Marcos Pablo y tengo la siguiente duda : Quiero bajar un paquete y sus dependencias por ejemplo apt-get -d mc pero esto solo me baja el paquete mc, no sus dependencias. Como haria para que me baje tanto el paquete como sus dependencias. Es

Re: ¿Linux, para diseño web y diseño grafico?

2012-09-12 Thread Alberto Luaces
Antonio writes: El 11/09/2012 19:31, jEsuSdA 8) escribió: Re: ¿Linux, para diseño web y diseño grafico? El 07/09/12 18:23, Altair Linux escribió: [...] De verdad, de verdad, de verdad, que espero no haberte aburrido y que esta información te sea útil a ti y a cuantos quieren emprender el

Re: Matlab Debian Wheezy

2012-10-24 Thread Alberto Luaces
Tan sólo para añadir alguna cosa más: Odair Augusto Trujillo Orozco writes: El 23 de octubre de 2012 05:06, Darío escribió: Si te refieres a Octave si, con synaptic busca octave, veras que hay muchos añadidos para el mismo aparte de el progrma base. Sí o desde consola aptitude search

Re: libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386

2012-12-04 Thread Alberto Luaces
Gonzalo, creo que tu problema estriba en que has pensado en que tienes que instalar ambas versiones del driver, y no es así. Baja el paquete de 32bit, y mira sus dependencias explícitas. En mi caso, tengo instalado el wine de i386, que también necesita OpenGL, y los paquetes que hay instalados

Re: libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386

2012-12-05 Thread Alberto Luaces
Camaleón writes: El Mon, 03 Dec 2012 18:49:09 -0300, Gonzalo Rivero escribió: es que quiero hacer andar el google-earth. Sucede que el supuesto paquete para amd64 que hay en el sitio de google... es de 32 bit, y no tiene cargadas las dependencias de 32 bit (o al menos en mi caso no se quejó

Re: libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386

2012-12-05 Thread Alberto Luaces
Camaleón writes: El Wed, 05 Dec 2012 09:50:44 +0100, Alberto Luaces escribió: Camaleón writes: El Mon, 03 Dec 2012 18:49:09 -0300, Gonzalo Rivero escribió: es que quiero hacer andar el google-earth. Sucede que el supuesto paquete para amd64 que hay en el sitio de google... es de 32 bit

Re: libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386

2012-12-05 Thread Alberto Luaces
Camaleón writes: El Wed, 05 Dec 2012 17:42:29 +0100, Alberto Luaces escribió: Camaleón writes: El Wed, 05 Dec 2012 09:50:44 +0100, Alberto Luaces escribió: (...) [...] Pues eso hay que informarlo, digo, si se genera algún conflicto al instalarlo. Ciertamente no he prestado

Re: libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386

2012-12-05 Thread Alberto Luaces
Camaleón writes: El Wed, 05 Dec 2012 18:00:04 +0100, Alberto Luaces escribió: Camaleón writes: Pues eso hay que informarlo, digo, si se genera algún conflicto al instalarlo. Ciertamente no he prestado atención; sabía que llegaría este día. Simplemente le di a actualizar, y cuando la

Re: libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386

2012-12-07 Thread Alberto Luaces
Camaleón writes: El Wed, 05 Dec 2012 18:30:25 +0100, Alberto Luaces escribió: Camaleón writes: (...) Ciertamente no he prestado atención; sabía que llegaría este día. Simplemente le di a actualizar, y cuando la resolución automática determinó que había que eliminarlos, lo hice sin dudar

Re: libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386

2012-12-07 Thread Alberto Luaces
Camaleón writes: Me pregunto de dónde viene este invento del multiarch ¿se trata de alguna recomendación o estándar global para todas las distribuciones de linux o es una iniciativa de Debian/Ubuntu? :-? De momento parece que es sólo de Debian y Ubuntu. En todo caso, la transición está

Re: Caída repentina del rendimiento de la battería tras actualización

2013-02-22 Thread Alberto Luaces
jEsuSdA 8) writes: Si hay alguien que tenga alguna sugerencia o experiencia que consideren interesante compartir, os estaré agradecido. ;) Sí: el programa «powertop» analiza el consumo de energía e incluso proporciona algunas directrices para tratar de disminuirlo. -- Alberto -- To

Re: Recomendación para acceder remotamente al Entorno X de mi PC (por internet)

2013-09-10 Thread Alberto Luaces
El Tue, 10 Sep 2013 10:34:43 -0300, ciracusa escribió: Reitero, la idea es poder, desde la comodidad de mi hogar, leer mensajes viejos (ya bajados vía pop3) en la PC de mi Oficina. xpra ( en el linux, y winswitch ( para el otro ordenador, que puede

Re: OT. sustitutos para NX

2013-09-30 Thread Alberto Luaces
carlopmart writes: Llegados a este punto: ¿alguien sabe si existe alguna alternativa real a NX de nomachine? Empiezo a creer que no. xpra ( Es como ssh -X pero acelerado (compresión h.264 entre otras), y puedes desconectarte y volverte a conectar al servidor, preservando las

Re: Mandar comando ejecutado a segundo plano mientras se está ejecutando

2014-02-06 Thread Alberto Luaces
Maykel Franco writes: Si cierro la terminal, se va a cancelar el comando que esté ejecutándose en ese momento. Para eso es el «screen» que te han recomendado, o el «tmux». -- Alberto -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of unsubscribe.

Re: Hacer un tar por red

2014-06-18 Thread Alberto Luaces
Juan Guil writes: Hola Tengo un FS donde tengo un directorio bastante grande, necesitaria hacer un tar y despues pasarlo por ftp. El problema que se me presenta, es que el FS no tiene espacio suficiente para hacer el tar. Se que se puede redirigir el tar de forma que el mismo tar se hace

Re: programa para LINUX para poner marcas de agua

2014-07-22 Thread Alberto Luaces
Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena writes: Buen día: ¿pueden ayudarme? Conocen algún programa bueno para LINUX que pueda poner marcas de agua (un texto sobre un foto) en forma automática a un grupo de fotos. Lo que quiero hacer es poner un texto Ph - Egis - 2014 a un grupo

Re: difficulty downloading packages, is having a problem?

2012-07-20 Thread Alberto Luaces
Andrei POPESCU writes: On Jo, 19 iul 12, 22:20:28, Britton Kerin wrote: Hi everyone, I keep trying to download a big pile of packages and most of them keep failing. Internet is working and I can ping things, but most of the packages always fail. I'm wondering if is

Re: Suspend to RAM fails in Debian Wheezy 64 bits

2012-07-20 Thread Alberto Luaces
Gaël DONVAL writes: Le jeudi 19 juillet 2012 à 17:21 +, Camaleón a écrit : [...] 3) DE Typical Gnome 3.4 install. I'm having the same problem with nvidia drivers, but KDE4. -- Alberto -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of unsubscribe.

Re: [Solved] Re: Suspend to RAM fails in Debian Wheezy 64 bits

2012-07-24 Thread Alberto Luaces
Camaleón writes: On Fri, 20 Jul 2012 18:34:35 +0200, Gaël DONVAL wrote: Le vendredi 20 juillet 2012 à 17:45 +0200, Gaël DONVAL a écrit : 3) DE Typical Gnome 3.4 install. I'm having the same problem with nvidia drivers, but KDE4. I guess Nvidia is once again the one to blame …

Re: [Solved] Re: Suspend to RAM fails in Debian Wheezy 64 bits

2012-07-24 Thread Alberto Luaces
Seems it could be addressed in the 304.22-1 version from experimental: - Fixed a bug that could cause G8x, G9x, and GT2xx GPUs to display a black screen or corruption after waking up from suspend. (Closes: #679577) It's working fine so far. -- Alberto -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

Re: Getting nVidia to work

2012-07-31 Thread Alberto Luaces
Mark Panen writes: Could some please point me to step by step instruction on installing a nVidia driver for a GTS250? IIRC: 1. Make a backup copy of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then remove the original file. 2. Install nvidia-glx package. 3. Stop X server, unload any older nvidia modules

Re: Unable to run skype on amd64

2012-09-27 Thread Alberto Luaces
Just to complete José Luis' answer, this is the output of the computer where I did not yet enabled multiarch: $ LANG=C aptitude show skype | grep Depends -A 2 Depends: lib32stdc++6 (= 4.1.1-21), lib32asound2 ( 1.0.14), ia32-libs, libc6-i386 (= 2.7-1), lib32gcc1 (=

Re: rdiff-backup code quality

2012-10-05 Thread Alberto Luaces
Celejar writes: A long-time, reasonably happy rsnapshot user, I decided to give rdiff-backup a whirl, in part due to its recent endorsements on this list, and promptly ran into this: rant

Re: Running 32bit OpenGL program with amd64

2012-10-09 Thread Alberto Luaces
lee writes: Francesco Pietra writes: Hello: I would like to continue to use a 32bit graphical program based on OpenGL. It worked well on i386, requiring (from libmotif3). Is it conceivable to simply add (taken from my dismissed i388 PC) to ia32-libs? If you're

Re: Running 32bit OpenGL program with amd64

2012-10-11 Thread Alberto Luaces
lee writes: Alberto Luaces writes: lee writes: Francesco Pietra writes: Hello: I would like to continue to use a 32bit graphical program based on OpenGL. It worked well on i386, requiring (from libmotif3). Is it conceivable to simply add (taken from my dismissed

Re: dhclient

2012-05-01 Thread Alberto Luaces
Bonno Bloksma writes: Hi, I have a server with several NICs, most of them have fixes addresses. One has an address assigned via DHCP as is it the cable internet connection. I now have a problem with that connection and want to reconnect by forcing a DHCP renewal, but... how? As on this

Re: networking thru C language

2012-05-02 Thread Alberto Luaces
abdelkader belahcene writes: Hi, I am new to  networking  via C language I want to implemente   a command of nmap this one ( or another , any one just to see how it works) nmap -O -v This is pretty complicated for a begginer in networking; however, I'd suggest to compile

Re: QT

2012-05-15 Thread Alberto Luaces
Peter O'Doherty writes: Hi list, I recently installed a fresh Squeeze and have just discovered that I need qt-4.7 (Squeeze has 4.6.3). Is there safe way to upgrade to a more recent qt version without breaking my current system? I am not completely sure, but I think it could work. You can

Re: The question of Wheezy

2012-06-05 Thread Alberto Luaces
Парфенович Никита writes: Hello! Sorry for my English. Could you tell me how do I install Debian Wheezy? Does anyone else what that means, except for installation of Squeeze, and upgrade to Wheezy? Is there a setup CD, which can set it Wheezy? Thank you! If you want to install Wheezy, you

Re: Steam on Debian

2013-02-01 Thread Alberto Luaces
Mark Allums writes: Thanks for your reply. I am a bit skeptical that many distributions will be officially supported. Certainly Ubuntu and direct derivatives, possibly Debian and direct derivatives, probably Fedora and some other RPM-based distros such as OpenSuSE. Slackware, Arch, and

Re: Disk performance deteriated to unbearable levels

2011-11-09 Thread Alberto Luaces
Miles Fidelman writes: Stan Hoeppner wrote: On 11/9/2011 1:34 AM, Bob Proulx wrote: Miles Fidelman wrote: try smartctl -A /dev/sda that will give you a much longer list of statistics collected by the drive the one I always look at first is the absolute value of raw read errors - if

Re: Usenet news - server required

2011-11-09 Thread Alberto Luaces
Sian Mountbatten writes: I have succeeded in setting gnus-select-method to getting news, but I have not seen anything about how to get my mail. Can you tell me how to setup gnus to read mail? Here ( you have some hints to get your mail with POP or

Re: Usenet news - server required

2011-11-09 Thread Alberto Luaces
Alberto Luaces writes: Sian Mountbatten writes: I have succeeded in setting gnus-select-method to getting news, but I have not seen anything about how to get my mail. Can you tell me how to setup gnus to read mail? Here ( you have some hints to get

Re: emacs RMAIL -- help needed

2011-11-11 Thread Alberto Luaces
Sian Mountbatten writes: Harry Putnam writes: Sian Mountbatten writes: Having loaded gnus into emacs23, in the group buffer I keyed ^ and got a list of servers. Two entries caught my attention: {nnimap:Opera} (denied) {}

Re: emacs load-path

2011-12-02 Thread Alberto Luaces
Nicolas Bercher writes: Something is driving me crazy as it seems to be so trivial. I have a bunch of .el files I'd like emacs to load on startup (emacs-22, Lenny). I saved them to ~/.emacs.d/elisp/: $ ls -l ~/.emacs.d/elisp/ total 8 -rwxr-xr-x 1 nbercher nbercher 496 déc 2 10:23

Re: emacs load-path

2011-12-02 Thread Alberto Luaces
Nicolas Bercher writes: Jude DaShiell a écrit : First make sure they'll load after running emacs and hitting meta-x and keying in the file names. Then read the original .el files for instructions. I expect you'll find code in them starting with (require that needs to be inserted in your

Re: qemu KVM: can't boot a qemu machine with liveCD (system rescue)

2012-01-03 Thread Alberto Luaces
Ekkard Gerlach writes: How can I boot a qemu machine with liveCD (system rescue)? I think you can try: kvm -cdrom /dev/sr0 *without* mounting the CD before. Make sure you are root or in the ‘cdrom’ group. -- Alberto -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with

Re: System doesn't start X on first boot

2012-01-05 Thread Alberto Luaces
George writes: When I boot my computer, most of the time I get a command line without X starting. I have to sudo reboot, wait for the system to reboot and then I get the correct X environment (I'm using awesome window manager but I also have kde installed). Any suggestions to troubleshoot

Re: System doesn't start X on first boot

2012-01-05 Thread Alberto Luaces
George writes: On 1/5/12, Alberto Luaces wrote: George writes: When I boot my computer, most of the time I get a command line without X starting. I have to sudo reboot, wait for the system to reboot and then I get the correct X environment (I'm using awesome window manager

Re: Kaffeine and Amarok don't play any sounds and crash

2012-01-17 Thread Alberto Luaces
Grześ Andruszkiewicz writes: Hi, I am running (up to date) Debian Testing and recently I have issues with Amarok, Kaffeine and all Xine based players - they fail to play any sound. Often these apps crash on exit (I am not sure if its related). Since the last amarok update, I also have lost

Re: Kaffeine and Amarok don't play any sounds and crash

2012-01-17 Thread Alberto Luaces
Alberto Luaces writes: Grześ Andruszkiewicz writes: Hi, I am running (up to date) Debian Testing and recently I have issues with Amarok, Kaffeine and all Xine based players - they fail to play any sound. Often these apps crash on exit (I am not sure if its related). Since the last

Re: Kaffeine and Amarok don't play any sounds and crash

2012-01-18 Thread Alberto Luaces
Christopher Judd writes: On Tuesday 17 January 2012 12:03:59 Alberto Luaces wrote: Alberto Luaces writes: Grześ Andruszkiewicz writes: Hi, I am running (up to date) Debian Testing and recently I have issues with Amarok, Kaffeine and all Xine based players - they fail to play any

Re: Nvidia Geforce GT 520

2012-01-25 Thread Alberto Luaces
richard writes: If you want to install it the debian way read this:- If you want to install the nvidia way read this lifted from:- Debian - NVIDIA drivers quick and easy tutorial about how to install NVIDIA drivers as simply as possible. Hi

Re: Blank screen at boot with kernel 3.1

2012-01-25 Thread Alberto Luaces
Rémi Moyen writes: OK, so now I get what I think should be a working up-to-date testing system. Rebooting on the 2.6.32 kernel works again perfectly. But rebooting on the 3.1 kernel starts to boot (it prints at least the waiting for udev to be populated message) and then all I get is a blank

Re: Reproducible hard reboot on make -j4

2011-09-08 Thread Alberto Luaces
Mathieu Malaterre writes: Hi, I am experiencing hard(soft?)-reboot every time I am doing parallel compilation (eg. make -j4) on my laptop. I am starring at the log but I do not see anything obvious. Does anyone knows how to prepare a good bug report in this case ? * Check temperatures

Re: Reproducible hard reboot on make -j4

2011-09-08 Thread Alberto Luaces
lina writes: On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 5:44 PM, Alberto Luaces wrote: Mathieu Malaterre writes: Hi,   I am experiencing hard(soft?)-reboot every time I am doing parallel compilation (eg. make -j4) on my laptop. I am starring at the log but I do not see anything obvious. Does

Re: how to control fan speed?

2012-02-20 Thread Alberto Luaces
David Roguin writes: Hi, I feel my notebook is heating up more than usual, what I do is manually write those commands # echo 1 /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_manual # echo 4000 /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_output Is there a package that controls the fan speed

Re: how to control fan speed?

2012-02-20 Thread Alberto Luaces
David Roguin writes: On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Alberto Luaces wrote: David Roguin writes: Hi, I feel my notebook is heating up more than usual, what I do is manually write those commands # echo 1 /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_manual # echo 4000 /sys/devices/platform

Re: how to control fan speed?

2012-02-21 Thread Alberto Luaces
David Roguin writes: On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Alberto Luaces wrote: David Roguin writes: On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Alberto Luaces wrote: David Roguin writes: Hi, I feel my notebook is heating up more than usual, what I do is manually write those commands # echo 1 /sys

Re: how to control fan speed?

2012-02-21 Thread Alberto Luaces
Alberto Luaces writes: David Roguin writes: On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Alberto Luaces wrote: David Roguin writes: On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Alberto Luaces wrote: David Roguin writes: Hi, I feel my notebook is heating up more than usual, what I do is manually write those

Re: Compiling non-Debian package (amaya) OpenGL libraries required

2012-03-06 Thread Alberto Luaces
Sian Mountbatten writes: Hi All! Does anybody know which package provides OpenGL libraries for development? I am using the siduction distribution which is based on Debian sid. Look for (as is, without trailing numbers) under your usr/. It could have been installed as a result of

Re: i wish to generate a Debian package from source written in c++ with makefile already prepared

2012-03-21 Thread Alberto Luaces
Gershon Celniker writes: i wish to generate a Debian package from source written in c++ with makefile already ready, so i used dh_make and prepared all the needed configuration file, all but rules file - this one is a bit tricky, because i cant find a way to execute the make command at the

Re: learning automake, etc. and being minimalistic

2012-04-12 Thread Alberto Luaces
songbird writes: in the years of tinkering on linux i've never really dug into a lot of things, much preferring to hope packages work out of the box and if they don't give up and go find something else to do (there's always something else to do :) ). [...] ok, i've used a small

Re: evolution mail

2012-04-25 Thread Alberto Luaces
John Gennard writes: Is there a way to delete evolution without deleting gnome. There is a specific article on this very subject: -- Alberto -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject

Re: Threading (was: QCAD Pro in Squeeze)

2011-06-21 Thread Alberto Luaces
Camaleón writes: But at least you did not reply to a digest. Sure. I'd say digests are for reading more than replying. In addition, there are some MUAs that can extract individual messages from digests. Emacs gnus does this. -- Alberto -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

Re: Question about the new kernel with PAE (Wheezy) - Report

2011-06-22 Thread Alberto Luaces
Dom writes: Now here's the thing. I did the install, got the warning from the meta-package (linux-image-2.6-686), and the kernel installed - as you said. I then rebooted and... it works fine. It happened to me too! -- Alberto -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

Re: Threading (was: QCAD Pro in Squeeze)

2011-06-22 Thread Alberto Luaces
Eduardo M KALINOWSKI writes: On Ter, 21 Jun 2011, Alberto Luaces wrote: Camaleón writes: But at least you did not reply to a digest. Sure. I'd say digests are for reading more than replying. In addition, there are some MUAs that can extract individual messages from digests. Emacs gnus

Re: Question about the new kernel with PAE (Wheezy) - Report

2011-06-22 Thread Alberto Luaces
Camaleón writes: On Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:16:02 +0200, Alberto Luaces wrote: Dom writes: Now here's the thing. I did the install, got the warning from the meta-package (linux-image-2.6-686), and the kernel installed - as you said. I then rebooted and... it works fine. It happened to me

Re: updating gnome

2011-06-23 Thread Alberto Luaces
Kristoffer Gustafsson writes: HI. I'm running squeeze and want to upgrade the gnome desktop to the latest version. How do I do that? It seems there are bad news: -- Alberto -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email

Re: updating gnome

2011-06-23 Thread Alberto Luaces
Alberto Luaces writes: Kristoffer Gustafsson writes: HI. I'm running squeeze and want to upgrade the gnome desktop to the latest version. How do I do that? It seems there are bad news: Kristoffer

Re: aptitude GUI shows strange messages

2011-07-07 Thread Alberto Luaces
Sven Joachim writes: I'm not sure if anyone is looking at aptitude's bugs these days, though. Where is the development gone, then? I ask just in case there is a new big thing to be aware of when handling packages. -- Alberto -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

Re: aptitude GUI shows strange messages

2011-07-07 Thread Alberto Luaces
Sven Joachim writes: On 2011-07-07 13:51 +0200, Alberto Luaces wrote: Sven Joachim writes: I'm not sure if anyone is looking at aptitude's bugs these days, though. Where is the development gone, then? I don't know the details, but Daniel seems to be a bit overworked (busy with real

Re: OT: emacs + psgml + console = NFG

2010-12-24 Thread Alberto Luaces
Eric d'Alibut writes: I need to maintain some docbook-website sites on remote hosts to which I have only console access via ssh (no X). But even on local hosts, running emacs in the console (with '-nw') gives bad results with psgml. I can get to the 'Markup' menu via the keyboard, but if I

Re: [OT] Build a single binary deb from source which produces many

2011-01-19 Thread Alberto Luaces
Tixy writes: As per the Debian FAQ [1] I am building packages from source using: dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b However, some source packages produce multiple binary packages, is there a way of just rebuilding the specific binary package I'm interested in? (I've tried this out in man

Re: Peut-on jouer à counter strike sous DEBIAN

2011-02-28 Thread Alberto Luaces
alex.padoly@laposte.netwrites: Bonjour à tous, Dans l'affirmatif, quels sont les paquets à installer? Je vous remercie. Install the wine package. Then run CS installer with it. You can play using wine also. -- Alberto -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

Re: autotools troubles on Squeeze

2010-08-21 Thread Alberto Luaces
Jerome BENOIT writes: Hello List, it appeared that the line AX_CFLAGS_GCC_OPTION(-std=c99) in my files now confuses autoconf. More precisely, the equal `=` causes the confusion. Any idea how to to fix it ? Try quoting it: AX_CFLAGS_GCC_OPTION([-std=c99]) -- Alberto

Re: help needed with gdal (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library)

2010-08-30 Thread Alberto Luaces
Bernard writes: Hi to Everyone ! I only have very basic knowledge on this subject, but I need to convert satellite image files (from Google Maps for instance) to the ECW format, so that I can use them with a special program that I have just installed into my GPS navigator. I have

Re: Help with Sun Ultra45

2010-09-09 Thread Alberto Luaces
Ben George writes: HI My name is Ben.T.George.I am working as Linux system administrator in Kuwait. i got a Sun Ultra45 mechine(Sparc) client want to install LInux Oracle.. if there any Debian available for that hardware.? You'll find all that information at the Debian webpage

Re: passwd strength (cmd line)

2010-09-10 Thread Alberto Luaces
Farkas, Illes writes: Hi, Do you happen to know of a simple command-line utility checking the strength of a password that the user enters (by typing)? There are detailed forms online, for example this one: http:// But this works with plain http, not https, so why

Re: How to get rid of the websites' ads/flash ads, without loosing their (flash) content?

2010-09-10 Thread Alberto Luaces
Merciadri Luca writes: I'm running stable -- Alberto -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact Archive:

Re: How to get rid of the websites' ads/flash ads, without loosing their (flash) content?

2010-09-10 Thread Alberto Luaces
Merciadri Luca writes: Alberto Luaces wrote: Merciadri Luca writes: I'm running stable Thanks. Works like a charm. I was not aware that one was able to install a naviguator's add-on by using aptitude/apt-get ! Yes, it's

Problems probing a LVM device with GRUB2

2010-09-16 Thread Alberto Luaces
Hello, I'm trying to install GRUB2 to a disk that has an ext2/3 filesystem into a LVM partition. I can even start the system from GRUB2 and a boot disk, so it should work. The problem is that `grub-install' displays `no such disk' errors. I have tracked it down to `grub-probe': $ ls

KDE IM and GTalk SSL certificate

2013-09-11 Thread Alberto Luaces
Hi, since yesterday I cannot connect to my gtalk account from KDE IM, since the contacts program says that the SSL certificate is not valid. Any clue about that? Thanks, -- Alberto -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble?

Re: Help -- GPG error

2013-10-29 Thread Alberto Luaces
writes: W: GPG error: wheezy/updates Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 8B48AD6246925553 Try to update first the package debian-archive-keyring. The new version might contain the signatures for

Re: Problems probing a LVM device with GRUB2

2010-09-17 Thread Alberto Luaces
Hi Tom, thanks for the guidance, see below: Tom H writes: On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 6:02 AM, Alberto Luaces wrote: I'm trying to install GRUB2 to a disk that has an ext2/3 filesystem into a LVM partition. I can even start the system from GRUB2 and a boot disk, so it should work. The problem

Re: May I have a document about manually preparing a Debian system?

2010-09-24 Thread Alberto Luaces
Magicloud Magiclouds writes: Anyway, I have tried a few things and things seem smooth till I cannot `svn co svn+ssh://`. With svn+ssh, I was asked for a password, which I have absolutely no idea. Without +ssh, svn just hung there. I do not know what happened.

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