Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Hover over point - Display name

2010-04-15 Thread geojoe
It turns out the layer I'm using for hover is a WMS layer and the features property is NULL. How do I use hover with a WMS layer? Joe -- View this message in context: Sent from the OpenLayers Dev mailing list archive

[OpenLayers-Dev] Hover over point - Display name

2010-04-13 Thread geojoe
I would like to hover over one of my layers and display the feature site_name next to the feature like a label. I would also like to have this control active all of the time - while pan, identify, zoomIn, ... are active. Using the control below the overFeature code is never reached. Help, Joe

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Hover over point - Display name

2010-04-13 Thread geojoe
I haven't been able to get a variation of that code working either. When I try to create report var report = function(e) ... I get a is null js error. But layers have been added that is how it set userLayer. --- With my old code I get multiple js errors when I move

[OpenLayers-Dev] Layer Type (POINT, MULTIPOINT, ..., LINE, POLY)?

2009-12-16 Thread geojoe
How can I determine the layer feature type (POINT, MULTIPOINT, ...) if I have the layer. thelayer = document.getElementById('idSelect').options[document.getElementById('idSelect').selectedIndex].value Joe -- View this message in context:

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Layer Type (POINT, MULTIPOINT, ..., LINE, POLY)?

2009-12-16 Thread geojoe
I'm fairly new to this stuff and I still don't know how to get the feature type given the layer. theLayer.feature.geometry.CLASS_NAME javascript ERROR feature is undefined theLayer.features.geometry.CLASS_NAME javascript ERROR features is undefined Thanks, Joe -- View this

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Layer Type (POINT, MULTIPOINT, ..., LINE, POLY)?

2009-12-16 Thread geojoe
I'm still at a loss.     thelayer = document.getElementById('idSelect').options[document.getElementById('idSelect').selectedIndex].value;     for (var lyr=0; lyr lt; map.layers.length; ++lyr){         var layer = map.layers[lyr];         if({         var

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Layer Type (POINT, MULTIPOINT, ..., LINE, POLY)?

2009-12-16 Thread geojoe
It turns out the layers are WMS. Is there any way to get the type (POINT, ) -- View this message in context: Sent from the OpenLayers Dev mailing list archive at

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] Add Vector attributes

2009-11-17 Thread geojoe
What I really need to know is how to is (1, 2, and 4): 1. Select features from a (PostgreSQL) layer where ownerID = myID 2. Draw the result set as a vector layer with a siteID attribute. 3. Add and enable a drag drop control. 4. After a feature is moved 'onComplete', update the

[OpenLayers-Dev] Add Vector attributes

2009-11-16 Thread geojoe
I want to select database entries from a table with a fliter and create a vector layer with two additional attributes (ownerID, siteID). I haven't got a clue how to do this. How do I add additional attributes to the vector? var mySiteVectors = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(My Sites,

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] OpenLayers map.AfterDraw event

2009-11-09 Thread geojoe
Being very new to OpenLayers I finally figured out how to add a control button to the map. I still have to figure out how to get the indices of the layers using the layer names rather than hard coding them. //Refresh Map control var refreshcon = new OpenLayers.Control.Button({title: Refreshes

Re: [OpenLayers-Dev] new OpenLayers map viewer with custom components I´d like to share

2009-11-07 Thread geojoe
I have two or three database point layers that would like to refresh with a custom refresh map control like I saw on your link. (only refresh it by when clicking in a custom dmaUpdateMap Control.) Could you share the code for creating this control in the map init() function? Thanks, Joe

[OpenLayers-Dev] OpenLayers map.AfterDraw event

2009-11-05 Thread geojoe
I would like to save the map extent to cookies so I can use it on a page refresh. Is there an AfterDraw event and if not how do I create it so it will fire the function below? function saveMapExtentCookies() { var bounds = map.getExtent(); var date = new Date(); var