[e-gold-list] Re: OSGold

2001-03-21 Thread LaMarr Dell
I found the OSGold site refreshingly simple, and easy to use. I guess it appeals to me because I don't like my life cluttered up with legal mumbo jumbo as I try to brush my teeth (or perform any other mundane tasks) ... I don't NEED to know all of the details of WHY or HOW my car radio works

[e-gold-list] Re: Gary vs. Eric

2001-03-17 Thread LaMarr Dell
Today we have seen some interesting statements, back and forth, between these two fine folks ... It has pretty much died down now, and HAS gone far enough. I would like to COPY here, for everyones enjoyment, a CURRENT report on how some folks lives are here in the "good 'ol U.S. of A.". This

[e-gold-list] RE: Electric Money

2001-02-24 Thread LaMarr Dell
Since we have had a couple of books recommended .. I would like to recommend another to you. Cryptonomicon, authored by Neal Stephenson, Avon Books Inc., 1999 It is "science fiction" but when you look at the bio of the author and see when he wrote the story and then READ it you will have an

[e-gold-list] Re: Inquiring Minds

2001-02-19 Thread LaMarr Dell
quote: I am much more willing to believe Omnipay than Costa Gold during this "No, you didn't" - "Yes, I did" escapade. Omnipay has stuck by their user agreement and I have seen nothing to say otherwise. end quote Be truthful, "Viking", you haven't seen diddely from OmniPay

[e-gold-list] RE: Inquiring Minds

2001-02-19 Thread LaMarr Dell
Okay, "jammer99" here's a question for YOU ... Do YOU think that "scam" sites, "ponzi" sites, and other versions of "game" sites are the ONLY sites that have problems with egold/OmniPay/escrowgods ? you stated: quote: What are Ponzi schemes, a good or a service? (I'm guessing "service," but

[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-17 Thread LaMarr Dell
Hi, would some one please MAKE SURE that the person who uses the pseudonym "Viking Coder" takes a look at this web url, below ? This "Coder" person (who won't reveal identity) makes quick judgements as to whether (or not) a site is "legal" .. or, in "its" (don't know if "he" or "she") opinion

[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread LaMarr Dell
E-god is U.S. based .. but it doesn't feel safe tucking the gold away on IT'S shores, it sent it away to Nevis .. have you ever wondered "why" ? E-god is NOT a "foreign individual" (IBC, Ltd, etc) it is a U.S. Corporation .. so WHY the Nevis move ? Would that move put the gold OUT of the reach

[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread LaMarr Dell
quote: All Costa Gold has to do is file a lawsuit against GSR. Of course, they would have to identify themselves to a court to do that, and I don't think they will. Of course, they could wait 10 years, until the statute of limitations for fraud expires, and THEN sue to resolve this. Craig end

[e-gold-list] RE: inquiring minds

2001-02-16 Thread LaMarr Dell
quote: they made IMHO a very smart decision. Omnipay/GSR, NOT e-gold ltd., put the $1 million worth of e-gold into an escrow account end quote** e-gold, OmniPay, GSR .. same thing .. "egold" for short. We ALL know, at least by now we all SHOULD know, that they are ALL the same

[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore

2001-02-13 Thread LaMarr Dell
Let me see if I understand this correctly ... "e-gold" WANTs to become an INTERNATIONAL "money" ... right ? "e-gold" WELCOMES international CORPORATIONS to do business using their services ... right ? "e-gold" requires the foreign corporation to GIVE UP its "rights" in order to CONTINUE to use

[e-gold-list] Re: there you go Michael Moore

2001-02-11 Thread LaMarr Dell
quote I can think of no better way of reaching them than an advert ON THE SPEND CONFIRM MECHANISM. Yes, you have identified the absolutely perfect, premier advertising medium for reaching e-gold users. It ought to command premium prices if they would only sell it like capitalists. CCS end

[e-gold-list] Re: Euro!

2001-02-10 Thread LaMarr Dell
Most of the "players" on the e-gold team would LIKE to see egold used more extensively throughout our world. Many of you wish that major corporations would start using e-gold, perhaps, even, for payroll purposes. But, the corporations see e-gold, perhaps, as "too risky". How so? Well, how

[e-gold-list] Re: Siamese Twins

2001-01-29 Thread LaMarr Dell
Egold is a VERY good idea .. an "international currency" .. really fantastic ! ! It's NOT hard to have an account, not TOO difficult to fund and transactions are instant (if the egold site is "up"). Now there is even a debit card available (to access your egold) and we have DigiGold .. BUT ..

[e-gold-list] Costa and the price of gold

2001-01-28 Thread LaMarr Dell
It seems that some of the posters to this list have a very narrow view about "questionable activities". While you are looking at the other fellow and judging HIM, someone may be judging YOU .. by your words. We must all remember that this world encompasses many nations .. egold can be used in

[e-gold-list] re: Costagold

2001-01-28 Thread LaMarr Dell
quote- I am not trying to be a wise acre. Since you are unhappy with things, I am asking how YOU would set them up differently. How do you separate customers that make you money form the ones that cost you money? Is this separation fair, ethical, legal, profitable?? How do you deal with each