Re: iteration order for Object

2011-03-11 Thread Claus Reinke
I believe it is very very important that the ECMAScript standard specify that when a new Object is created, iteration traverses properties in the order they are added, regardless of whether the properties are numeric or not. Some users might prefer 'in the order of keys'. That is

Re: iteration order for Object

2011-03-12 Thread Claus Reinke
I believe it is very very important that the ECMAScript standard specify that when a new Object is created, iteration traverses properties in the order they are added, regardless of whether the properties are numeric or not. Some users might prefer 'in the order of keys'. That is

Re: iteration order for Object

2011-03-13 Thread Claus Reinke
The little issue I see in returning 1) index properties in ascending order 2) all other properties in addition order is that there is a bit of information lost in the process: overall property addition order (index properties included). .. Music album in which one title is a number. I lose the

Re: iteration order for Object

2011-03-14 Thread Claus Reinke
A spec workaround would be to stop converting numeric keys to Strings, ie, 1 and '1' would be different keys. Then number keys could behave as Array indices, while String keys would behave as other properties. Interesting idea, but I think it would be to big of a break from ES5, ES in general

A couple of questions regarding let, hoisting and block scope

2011-03-21 Thread Claus Reinke
I was looking forward to a Javascript with block scope at last, but on looking through the proposals, I have some questions: 1. hoisting vs recursive function definitions Hoisting isn't nice in general, and from the no use before declaration in [1], it seems that let bindings won't be

Re: Infix Operators (Re: March 22/23 notes)

2011-03-25 Thread Claus Reinke
It strikes me as odd to see specific infix operators hardcoded in the language spec. .. I'd be interested to learn whether user-defined infix operators have been considered, to keep the language-level specification limited but general, while allowing late specification of details in library

Re: Infix Operators (Re: March 22/23 notes)

2011-03-25 Thread Claus Reinke
Hi Dave, Interesting idea; I'd never considered lifting some of these good syntax ideas from Haskell before. thanks. Yes, I've often noticed that people equate Haskell language design with its advanced type system ideas, while the much more stable ideas (such as reducing syntactic noise) in

Inner functions and outer 'this' (Re: That hash symbol)

2011-03-26 Thread Claus Reinke
We spent time yesterday at the TC39 meeting not only on shorter syntax but exactly how to support better |this| handling for several distinct use-cases: inner functions that want the outer |this|, callbacks that want a certain |this|, and object methods that want the receiver when called as

Re: Inner functions and outer 'this' (Re: That hash symbol)

2011-03-26 Thread Claus Reinke
The idea is simply that (lexically scoped) variables usually are bound to the next enclosing binding of the same name, while protected (lexically scoped) variables are bound to the next _outer_ enclosing binding of the same name (each protection key skips one level of binding, lexically). To

Re: Inner functions and outer 'this' (Re: That hash symbol)

2011-03-27 Thread Claus Reinke
function f() {} // target this binding (function () { function f() { // skip this binding The line directly above introduces two bindings in two scopes. Did you mean that both of them are skipped, or just one? This made me feel as if I was missing something, so I went back to the ES spec:

Re: Inner functions and outer 'this' (Re: That hash symbol)

2011-03-27 Thread Claus Reinke
Further, how would this interact with eval introducing (or in some systems even removing) lexical bindings? Disclaimer 1: the Berkling-style systems I'm familiar with did not support eval, so I cannot argue from experience here Disclaimer 2: the reason for this was that unlimited

Re: Inner functions and outer 'this' (Re: That hash symbol)

2011-03-28 Thread Claus Reinke
I am really astonished to hear protection keys being thought of as brittle under transformation: that is just the opposite of what they are about! Executive summary: - de Bruijn indices are a good assembly language of binding constructs, suitable for automatic transformation,

Re: Inner functions and outer 'this' (Re: That hash symbol)

2011-03-29 Thread Claus Reinke
I am really astonished to hear protection keys being thought of as brittle under transformation: that is just the opposite of what they are about! Sorry to astonish you. :) No problem!-) I was just afraid of the idea being misunderstood or being associated with fear-inducing phrasing,

Hoisting leads to (unwanted?) shadowing (Re: Inner functions and outer 'this')

2011-04-01 Thread Claus Reinke
[about protection keys:] .. I just don't see the general problem (if it is even a problem) as one that is important enough to try to fix in the language since it is probably rare and it can be avoided by careful naming. The problem of variable shadowing happens to be more acute in

Flattening syntactic tail nests (paren-free, continued)

2011-04-03 Thread Claus Reinke
[this has grown a bit long, because in addition to concrete suggestions, it discusses the design problems leading up to these suggestions and includes an extended example; I hope that makes for an easier read overall, but you might want to allocate a few minutes to read it in one go] Summary:

value proxies, fundamental traps for binary operators, precedence

2011-04-08 Thread Claus Reinke
I finally got a first look at the 'Virtual Values for Language Extension' paper referred to in the value proxies strawman [1], and suddenly find value proxies more interesting. Somehow the term proxy never suggested to me that this would allow for user-defined infix operators - perhaps a wiki

Re: Flattening syntactic tail nests (paren-free, continued)

2011-04-08 Thread Claus Reinke
In my previous post, I suggested tail nests as a profitable target for reducing reducing parens and braces that distract from common code patterns. I made two concrete suggestions, to make both braces around function bodies and parens around function applications optional. The combination of

regarding Tennent's Language Design based on Semantic Principles

2011-04-09 Thread Claus Reinke
[since I was lucky enough to be near a good university library some 15 years ago, and have a long-standing interest in language design, I'll try to respond to questions from the other thread here; the hope is to turn those principles from an obstacle to a tool in Ecmascript design] As a

'this' is more complicated than I thought (PropertyReferences break equivalences)

2011-04-11 Thread Claus Reinke
Like most Javascript programmers, I have tended to follow a simple rule for functions using 'this': eta-expand method selections, use .bind, or get into trouble. Then I got curious about how method calls determine what object to pass as 'this': a method is a function selected from an object,

Re: 'this' is more complicated than I thought (PropertyReferencesbreak equivalences)

2011-04-13 Thread Claus Reinke
The behavior of References isn't as arbitrary or different from other languages as it might seem. It's really a way to specify l-values. Not arbitrary, but different, and quite drastically so (as far as usage is concerned). Your remarks helped me to pin down the difference (and eliminated two

Re: 'this' is more complicated than I thought (PropertyReferences break equivalences)

2011-04-13 Thread Claus Reinke
Like most Javascript programmers, I have tended to follow a simple rule for functions using 'this': eta-expand method selections, use .bind, or get into trouble. That is unnecessary, inefficient, and adds clutter. The problem with rules-of-thumb is that most people only have two of those;-) I

Re: value proxies, fundamental traps for binary operators, precedence

2011-04-13 Thread Claus Reinke
finding relevant information on the wiki isn't straightforward for newcomers. Good point, operators in particular need some navigational help. I'll do something about it. Thanks. Btw, other things I've been looking for are timeline, process, committee information, and software information

Re: Existential operator

2011-04-14 Thread Claus Reinke
As an aside: In previous discussions, I've seen these patterns somewhere (possibly on jsmentors): ( ( obj || {} ).prop1 || {} ).prop2 try { return obj.prop1.prop2; } catch(e) { return undefined; } The first doesn't handle errors, the second might handle too many (the second is also a

Re: Existential operator

2011-04-14 Thread Claus Reinke
Dynamic binding is bad, mmmkay? ;) Seriously, it's not an efficiency thing. Dynamic scope is easy to write but hard to predict. JS is lexically/statically scoped almost everywhere, except for with, eval, and the global object. Strict mode solves with and eval. Isn't there another culprit

Re: Existential operator

2011-04-16 Thread Claus Reinke
I'd argue that the things that are wrong with dynamic scope in the Lisp sense (usage #1) are just as wrong with non-static scope (usage #2). Dynamic scope in Lisp was anti-modular because the meaning of a variable could be affected by any code throughout the arbitrary control flow of the

can const functions be variable?

2011-04-17 Thread Claus Reinke
Short version: Javascript closures bind their free variables by reference; what does that mean for const functions? Consider extreme cases like this (is this currently permitted?) var real_f; const f() { return real_f(); } This make me wonder what it means for a function to be

Should ES begin to standardise pragmas?

2011-04-17 Thread Claus Reinke
Pragmas (ignorable source hints to an implementation) have become fairly wide-spread in Javascript, but their look and usage differs widely, and with an increasing number of tools defining their own pragma conventions, it is only a matter of time before they start stepping on each others toes.

Automatic Semicolon Insertion: value vs cost; predictability and control; alternatives

2011-04-17 Thread Claus Reinke
The idea of ASI seems to be to reduce syntactic clutter, possibly making programs more readable, which is a laudable goal. But if the reduction in symbol noise comes at the cost of a rise in complexity of error-prone interpretation, that actually reduces readability. And few things frustrate

Re: can const functions be variable?

2011-04-18 Thread Claus Reinke
Javascript closures bind their free variables by reference; what does that mean for const functions? .. var real_f; const f() { return real_f(); } I Claus, I'm not sure why this isn't obvious in the current spec. Please let me know what needs to be modified so that it becomes

Re: Automatic Semicolon Insertion: value vs cost; predictability and control; alternatives

2011-04-18 Thread Claus Reinke
- there is no rule-of-thumb understanding (programmers have to look up or memorize all restricted productions, Here is a quibble: there is a rule, or set of rules .. Not quite as bad as you wrote. Sorry, I didn't notice that my attempted summary could be read as dramatizing the issue!-) The

Re: Flattening syntactic tail nests (paren-free, continued)

2011-04-18 Thread Claus Reinke
Hi Dave, thanks for your reply. I was beginning to fear that these suggestions had been missed. Let me start directly with your main point, because it biases the detailed evaluation: * making nested callbacks better via all of the above I think this is a deeper problem that can't be solved

LexicalEnvironment and VariableEnvironment in ECMA-262

2011-04-22 Thread Claus Reinke
FWIW: I've written down my understanding of the differences between LexicalEnvironment and VariableEnvironment in ECMA-262: Thanks, another surprising detail. The standard disallows FunctionDeclaration as statement,

wiki feed - recent changes: extraneous html encoding in links?

2011-04-27 Thread Claus Reinke
The ecmascript wiki feed for recent changes appears to HTML encode its links, which causes the wiki to fall back to display pages, rather than diffs. For instance;do=diffamp;1303930654 should be

FYI: Yield: Mainstream Delimited Continuations in TPDC2011

2011-04-28 Thread Claus Reinke
relating to Claus Roshan P. James and Amr Sabry. Yield: Mainstream Delimited Continuations In Theory and Practice of Delimited Continuations, TPDC 2011. Abstract: Many mainstream

Re: arrow syntax unnecessary and the idea that function is too long

2011-05-07 Thread Claus Reinke
Consider this: w = (x)-y || z That code is not obvious at all. Which of these would it be? 1: w = function (x) { return y } || z 2: w = function (x) { return y || z } It seems to me that there must be some sort of delineation around the function start and end. But such delineation does

Re: arrow syntax unnecessary and the idea that function is too long

2011-05-09 Thread Claus Reinke
function bodies extend as far as possible ** I see. So, a function body would be just like an if-block or loop body. One full statement, or a block. There is precedent for that in the rest of the language. So, then, this case: x = function () y; z would be: x = function () { return y

Re: Function Syntax

2011-05-11 Thread Claus Reinke
ECMAScript has a large set of problems. I think that the fact that 'function' has eight letters is at the bottom of the priority list. - fixing ECMAScript's oddities would be worth a language revision, even without adding anything new - ECMAScript's oddities have been deployed, resulting in

Suggestion: Getting a handle on ASI usage

2011-05-11 Thread Claus Reinke
Background assumptions: Fixing ASI, as desirable as that may be, is not going to happen soon. Neither is the transition going to be quick if/when a better alternative emerges, as existing ASI usage patterns need to be supported. However, these usage patterns are currently not

Re: Function Syntax

2011-05-12 Thread Claus Reinke
ECMAScript has a large set of problems. .. - fixing ECMAScript's oddities would be worth a language revision, even without adding anything new This is a mistake. The Web does not permit stop the world and fix all known bugs. Neither users nor competing browser or server-side software

Re: Function Syntax

2011-05-12 Thread Claus Reinke
7:06 PM To: Claus Reinke Cc: Douglas Crockford; Subject: Re: Function Syntax On May 12, 2011, at 7:42 AM, Claus Reinke wrote: ECMAScript has a large set of problems. .. - fixing ECMAScript's oddities would be worth a language

Re: arrow syntax unnecessary and the idea that function is too long

2011-05-19 Thread Claus Reinke
Ok, final and most delicate part of the mission here: allow (v) - {k: v} and even - {} to return objects, not make useless block statements. .. Thanks to Doug for pushing on this idea. I believe that it is sound (still to be formalized and tested mechanically) in a bottom-up parser. The

Re: arrow syntax unnecessary and the idea that function is too long

2011-05-20 Thread Claus Reinke
The top-down approach by default is to parse a cover grammar until an unambiguous decision point is reached, then depending on the decision, rewrite the AST (e.g., to make a labeled statement in a block instead of an object initializer). A somewhat less intrusive way to disambiguate

Re: arrow syntax unnecessary and the idea that function is too long

2011-05-20 Thread Claus Reinke
For a presumed-done area, there has been a lot of activity in parser research recently, partially fueled by IDEs and DSLs (model-driven development with good generated tool support). For grammar spec purposes, it might be interesting to look at self-applications of these techniques (IDEs for

Modules first or second class (Re: I noted some open issues on Classes with Trait Composition)

2011-05-20 Thread Claus Reinke
I think modules are a construct that evaluates to an object is the wrong way to think about them. Syntactic modules are a second-class construct that is not an expression. You can reflect on modules at runtime, and that reflection is provided as an object, but that's because almost all

Re: arrow syntax unnecessary and the idea that function is too long

2011-05-22 Thread Claus Reinke
Because the LabelledStatement changes in restrict labels to prefix only LabelUsingStatements. I was addressing the backward incompatibility here: ES1-5 allow useless labels. You seemed to think that incompatibility was

Re: Modules first or second class (Re: I noted some open issues on Classes with Trait Composition)

2011-05-22 Thread Claus Reinke
:// [2] Functions, Frames, and Interactions - completing a lambda-calculus-based purely functional language with respect to programming-in-the-large and interactions with runtime environments, Claus Reinke, 1998 http

Re: Short Functions

2011-05-22 Thread Claus Reinke
the other is a much more radical change to the way the language works, which I'm not altogether convinced is a good or useful thing. It's essential to the control abstraction programmability. Take a look at the examples. .. Return from a block in JS today returns from the enclosing function.

Control structure proxies (aka monads, cps, and their relatives)

2011-05-23 Thread Claus Reinke
This is just a last-minute plea, given that the proposal freeze is apparently imminent: could the committee please reserve a slot for solving the readable monadic coding in Javascript issue - it needs no semantic changes, only syntax, and combining technical aspects of existing proposal might

Re: paren-free call expressions

2011-05-26 Thread Claus Reinke
ECMAScript doesn't curry its function declarations. A function does take all its arguments at once (and not as a tuple value), and since we can even supply too few or too many arguments when calling a function, trying to mimic SML will only bring pain. I thought so, too, for a long time. But

ES parsing tools (Re: Short Functions)

2011-05-28 Thread Claus Reinke
Mark and Tom used Ometa for -- slo-o-o-o-w. OMeta does do memoization, but it's still slow ;-) I'm curious: what level of slow are we talking about here? A basic memoing top-down parser for PEG-style grammars with good

Re: ES parsing tools (Re: Short Functions)

2011-05-29 Thread Claus Reinke
tl;dr: - JS-based PEG + ANTLR as a route for ES grammar experiments - would like to know about route viability and alternative routes If OMeta's should really be slower than similar parsers, and the grammar-optimizing side is covered by the authors, perhaps there is room for old-fashioned

Re: ES parsing tools (Re: Short Functions)

2011-06-01 Thread Claus Reinke
Hi Kam, I've been experimenting with pegjs - which generates a parser based on the ecma-262 5th edition grammar. yes, pegjs [1] and jsparse [2] were the alternatives I had been looking at. pegjs is probably a bit ahead when you just want to use the parse result; I chose to build on jsparse

Re: ES parsing tools (Re: Short Functions)

2011-06-01 Thread Claus Reinke
Hi Tom, I just wanted to provide a bit more context on our Ometa experiment: our goal was to build an executable parser whose definition was as close as possible to the BNF in the ES5 spec, which worked out fairly well. The main purpose of the tool was to be able to quickly experiment with

Re: ES parsing tools (Re: Short Functions)

2011-06-09 Thread Claus Reinke
list, but if there are any particular improvements/fixes that would help you or others here, knowing about them would influence my priorities. Thanks for your interest, Claus From: Claus Reinke To: Kam Kasravi Cc: es

Proposal: paren-free function calls and definitions

2011-06-19 Thread Claus Reinke
Dear all, following the recent suggestion here that github might be a more suitable forum for kick-starting proposals than this list, I've put together a proposal draft on simple paren-free function calls and definitions: You can find

Re: imperative vs functional APIs or: how to work with constant objects?

2011-06-23 Thread Claus Reinke
Javascript data structure operations: some of the APIs are imperative, some are functional, some are mixed. Having functional equivalents to all imperative data structure operations is necessary to support expression-oriented programming over constant data structures. imperative here refers to

Re: block-lambda revival

2011-06-29 Thread Claus Reinke
I guess the summary would be: I don't think Tennent's principle of abstraction can be meaningfully applied to control flow when your abstraction can survive the control flow that created it. The success of such an abstraction for building control flow abstractions in Smalltalk is a good

Re: JavaScript parser API

2011-07-06 Thread Claus Reinke
the AST API strawman .. It hasn't really been championed so far. I was concentrating on other proposals for So it was just timing, not behind-the-scenes disagreements. Ok. - it does not support generic traversals, so it definitely needs a pre-implemented traversal, sorting

Re: JavaScript parser API

2011-07-06 Thread Claus Reinke
I don't think we have any consensus within TC39 WRT whether such an API should be part of some future version Ecma-262. Personally, this sounds like library functionality that in the future might manifest as a module. I think we need to draw a line at adding very many more such libraries

feature-based and compartment-based language versioning (was: JavaScript parser API)

2011-07-07 Thread Claus Reinke
The discussion of parser APIs had a side-thread on language versioning which I'd like to raise separately, for those not following the parser discussions. I include the relevant context, then continue the thread below. But there are also tough questions about what the parser should do with

JS control-structure abstractions, using tailnest flattening and tailcall optimization

2011-07-08 Thread Claus Reinke
Dear all, we have seen examples of how to define control-structure abstractions via block-lambdas (and Smalltalk blocks), including non-local returns out of user-defined loops. I'd like to provide an example of how to do something like this with JS, using only the proposed syntactic sugar for

Re: using Private name objects for declarative property definition.

2011-07-11 Thread Claus Reinke
How about rest and spread, or de-structuring? We are going to use non-eval detectability as a ECMAScript extension design criteria then maybe we do need a less ad-hoc scheme for feature detection. It wouldn't have to be all that grand... Even less grand ones such as the DOM's

Re: using Private name objects for declarative property definition.

2011-07-12 Thread Claus Reinke
I think there is a (usually unstated) desire to also test for features that may also start to show up as extensions to ES5 level implementations. For example, generators in Firefox. You can't depend upon modules in such situations. For me, the issue is that ES engines tend to

Re: An experiment using an object literal based class definitionpattern

2011-08-09 Thread Claus Reinke
.. the key extensions I used in the collections experiment are: .. * the | operator -- defines the [[Prototype]] of a literal * the .{ operator -- extends the LHS object with properties from an object literal How do these two relate to (non-destructive) object extension operators [1]?

Re: An experiment using an object literal based class definitionpattern

2011-08-09 Thread Claus Reinke
The name resolution rules we agreed to permit mutually recursive functions without hoisting (or you could view those rules as hoisting everything): let f1 = function() {f2()}; let f2 = function() {f1()}; f1(); //happily recurs until it it runs out of stack Sorry, I seem to have missed that

Re: IDE support?

2011-09-12 Thread Claus Reinke
I'm hopeful that type inference combined with class syntax and an (eventual) traits system will get us there, so that you can use structural type tests for enforcement and that the IDE can get the benefit of hints through inference. Improved, statically checkable, types would also help mitigate

Re: IDE support?

2011-09-13 Thread Claus Reinke
There are some half dozen or more papers on Javascript type inference or static analysis (hmm, is there a central wiki or bibliography where we could record and collect such JS-related references? should I post here what I've found so far?). For as far as you haven't already, I'd love to see

Re: IDE support?

2011-09-13 Thread Claus Reinke
Improved, statically checkable, types would also help mitigate Javascript's silent failures (silently breaking code when trying to refactor, fixing bugs, or adding features). Unless the type system is fairly advanced, type safety only expresses a thin veneer of invariants, but coverage is total,

Re: IDE support?

2011-09-16 Thread Claus Reinke
On the subjects of code navigation and DoctorJS as a basis for tools: - Jump to the definition of a method/function. .. - Find all invocations of a method/function. .. I'm in the process of adding scoped tags support to DoctorJS, so that in Vim you can also navigate to local definitions and

Re: Function.create

2011-09-25 Thread Claus Reinke
It's different when you have syntax: - var o = {}; var a2 = o | [1, 2, 3]; - Here, the array syntax literal guarantees (since ES5, not in ES3!) that a native array is going to be built. Same goes for function(){} or any object created with reliable syntax, so the parser can both safely

Re: Sep 27 meeting notes

2011-09-30 Thread Claus Reinke
class Point { var x = 0; var y = 0; distance(other) { return Math.sqrt(x * other.x + y * other.y); } } it is very tempting to think that var x and var y are in scope. Would the following analogy with modules help? Think of 'this' as - the export object of the constructor method

Re: On I got 99 problems and JavaScript syntax ain't one (was: OnIncremental Updates)

2011-10-05 Thread Claus Reinke
Just walk the object graph starting from the root object and let the set of all reachable symbols be A. Load jQuery Walk the object graph again letting the set of all reachable symbols be B. The public API of jQuery is then (B - A). That's works fine under 2 conditions: 1. You're willing to

Re: On I got 99 problems and JavaScript syntax ain't one

2011-10-06 Thread Claus Reinke
You mean by deprecate what, exactly? Web JS is full of var. Making any attempt to migrate a big hunk of it to ES6 require replacing all 'var' with 'let' is a huge tax, since scoping works differently. Ok, how about saying if you use 'let' in a function or at top level, you can no longer use

JS tools (was: Harmony transpilers)

2011-10-11 Thread Claus Reinke
There is a lot of abandon-ware in open source, .. Too true. And, for JS tools, a development I've been watching with increasing concern (development fragmentation coupled with scarce developer resources leading to project starvation). It is perhaps a necessary learning experience that new JS

Some spec usability issues (navigation, source, common practices)

2011-10-11 Thread Claus Reinke
As a detour from controversial language design issues, I was wondering about opportunities to improve the ES spec usability: - source availability: could the sources please be made available, preferably in easily processed form, on github? For draft standards, that would allow tracking

Re: Feedback request: a ES spec. organization experiment

2011-10-12 Thread Claus Reinke
Have you considered moving the spec drafting to a revision controlled system, such as git? Michael Smith maintains an annotated and hyperlinked version of ES5.1 here A system like this would certainly make your maintenance tasks easier, in addition to facilitating a

Re: Feedback request: a ES spec. organization experiment

2011-10-12 Thread Claus Reinke
[sorry for the incomplete message earlier - keyboard glitch] Have you considered moving the spec drafting to a revision controlled system, such as git? Michael Smith maintains an annotated and hyperlinked version of ES5.1 here A system like this would certainly make your

Re: Re: Grawlix

2011-10-13 Thread Claus Reinke
But I am doubtful that that lightness results in better productivity. Typing is not where we spend the bulk of our time. Good language designs tend to have light syntax (but not all light syntax languages have good designs). The reasons have more to do with reading, and mostly with thinking

Re: More thoughts on Allen's class definition pattern

2011-10-31 Thread Claus Reinke
The only thing I find off the mark is the typography of |. In light of this, and of the anti-grawlix reaction among many people, could we revisit an infix operator used in restricted productions with [no LineTerminator here] on the left of the operator contextual keyword? Am I the only one

Re: Loyal Opposition to Const, Private, Freeze, Non-Configurable, Non-Writable...

2011-11-03 Thread Claus Reinke
I'm not just talking about implementors, either. Some users will want to know d.m isn't going to change. They may not want to know that it's b.m, mind you -- they simply won't want that c.m assignment to be legal, or else if they do support such a thing, they don't want it to affect d's

Re: Lecture series on SES and capability-based security by Mark Miller

2011-11-04 Thread Claus Reinke
In .. an ES5/strict environment in which all primordial built-in objects are transitively frozen, .. function makeTable() { var array = []; return Object.freeze({ add: function(v) { array.push(v); }, store: function(i, v) { array[i] = v; }, get: function(i) {

Re: Lecture series on SES and capability-based security by Mark Miller

2011-11-04 Thread Claus Reinke
// dynamic language Object.freeze = function(obj){return obj}; You imply that this is not intended, so I can show it without spoiling the fun. I was surprised that this works. Since the primordials are already frozen, this assignment fails. Yes. It just re-emphasizes the need to be the

Re: An array destructing specification choice

2011-11-05 Thread Claus Reinke
In the following declaration, what should be the value of z? let [z,y,z] = {0:0, 1:1, length: 2, 2:2}; and there I was, thinking I understood more than half of JS.. Since this was new to me, I referred to the spec. Here strikeis my reading/strike are my readings: The rhs is an Object, but

Re: Are some es-discuss submissions automatically blocked?

2011-11-08 Thread Claus Reinke
We use Google Postini in concert with Mailman. Postini needs to be told sometimes. If you don't see mail get through, mail about it. /be While that has helped usually, in this particular case my email to es-discuss-owner (19.10.2011) also disappeared without

Re: for own(...) loop (spin-off from Re:, hasOwnProperty(), and inheritance)

2011-11-08 Thread Claus Reinke
for own (i in o) { body } What happened to @iter.keys and 'for (key of keys) {}'? Claus ___ es-discuss mailing

Re: supporting ES upgrading with a programming pattern repo?

2011-11-11 Thread Claus Reinke
To keep this thread from getting off-track: I am talking about patterns as a common ground between spec writers and JS.current coders. Focusing on patterns now would help to get JS coders involved in checking current proposals for consistency/edge cases, instead of leaving that burden

Re: An array destructing specification choice

2011-11-12 Thread Claus Reinke
Embedded spreads is already in the ES6 draft for both array literals and argument lists. I'm not at all sure that embedded rests in destructurings are such a good idea. Just to start with, what does this mean: [a,b,...r,c,d = [1,2,3] .. This sort of destructuring is not real pattern

Re: An array destructing specification choice

2011-11-12 Thread Claus Reinke
This sort of destructuring is not real pattern matching. .. I think this is the important point. Many of us who like destructuring are still being mislead by the name, and by our experience with proper pattern matching constructs. You just used a different term, pattern matching, than

Re: motivating | as structure representation, not operator

2011-11-19 Thread Claus Reinke
If I may, two suggestions: For longer posts, an executive summary with the main points might make sense (not sure if I’m always doing this, but I should). And if you can, a greater “column width” for your hard line breaks would be nice, too. I checked in Emacs where I’m happy with the column

modules, @std, selectively hiding/renaming imports

2011-11-20 Thread Claus Reinke
[btw: still gives me url-encoded links; I thought that was meant to be fixed by a wiki upgrade?] From the early drafts of a standard library it appears we are headed for an

Re: modules, @std, selectively hiding/renaming imports

2011-11-25 Thread Claus Reinke
From the early drafts of a standard library it appears we are headed for an import name clash between Object.keys and @iter.keys - they cannot both be available as plain keys. Object is not a module, so there's no clash. Lots of

Re: Alternative syntax for |

2011-11-25 Thread Claus Reinke
Recently Claus Reinke proposed some alternative that I think feels is so much more natural and simpler than | or beget: .. .. re-interpretation deleted .. Ahem;-) Glad to see my proposal noticed, but what I really suggested, in motivating | as structure representation, not operator https

Re: ES6 doesn't need opt-in

2012-01-05 Thread Claus Reinke
Considering all that, I can't help feeling that having a separate mode is cleaner, simpler, and easier to use. I think it also has more potential for providing a robust foundation for future evolution of the language. This last point -language evolution- is something that Haskellers have quite

Re: ES6 doesn't need opt-in

2012-01-07 Thread Claus Reinke
if current construct is in ES6-only, abort current compilation and restart from beginning, starting in State ES6 Basically using any ES6 features makes it an ES6 program. Using any ES5-only feature makes it an ES5 program. Combining ES5-only and ES6 features results in an invalid

Re: ES6 opt-in, reloaded

2012-01-17 Thread Claus Reinke
So I'd have to write use version 6; module {...} instead of just module {...} even though there's no backward compatibility issue? That's just mean! :-| Why? Assuming that modules work out, they will be in ES7,8,.. as well. So, 'module' isn't sufficient to identify ES6. At best,

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Claus Reinke
But notice that throughout this, no one advancing a proposal advocated freezing by default. JS developers use function objects as mutable objects. Not just to set .prototype, also to decorate with ad-hoc and meta-data properties. Freezing is not wanted by default. Another example: when

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Claus Reinke
I think use fn; (real pragma syntax), with the low-precedence assignment-expression fn (params) assign-expr production, wins. What do you think? Having fn would be sweet. For many kinds of pragmas, it would be great if one could configure these per project (or per directory). Then one could

Re: block scope + direct non-strict eval

2012-01-31 Thread Claus Reinke
I bet the mode was what got Sam's attention (mine too) in your classic mode. We are not making hard mode walls or version opt-in. No engine will have a mode enum that must be advanced (implicitly or explicitly) and checked in order to tell what to do in unversioned script. Or so we think!

Re: block scope + direct non-strict eval

2012-02-01 Thread Claus Reinke
Btw, how does versioning work across eval? If I have a function body with an eval in it, will the body/eval run as in ES5 or as in ES6? Will that change if the body or the eval contain ES6 features? Will ES5/ES6 scripts be able to eval ES6/ES5 code? On this very thread we are hashing out how

Re: block scope + direct non-strict eval

2012-02-02 Thread Claus Reinke
Okay, that wasn't clear to me from the meeting notes. In general, I've completely lost track of what ES6 is going to look like: too many variations and re-designs in the mailing list threads, no way for me to distinguish member preferences from committee agreements. As the wiki no longer seems to

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